THE OMAHA DAILY JBEE : WEDNESDAY OCTOBEK 19 , 1881 The Omaha Bee PublMiod every morning , except Sundaj Dia only Monday morning divlly. TKltMS IJV MAIL- v ivr. 810.00 I Three Month$3.C Months. . . 5.00 Ono . . l.C THE WKKKLY BEE , pullMiedoi ery Wednesday. TIKUMS roar TAID- Ono Year. $2.00 I ThrcoMontlw. . C BUMnntha. . . . 1.00 One " . .2 COUKKSPONDKNCK All Commimi cations rotating to Nowd nnd Kditorlal nial ten should bo addrowed to tlio Kmron o BUSINESS LETTKItS-All Btwlne * Letter * nnd Remittance/I / uliould bo ad dressed to TUB OMAHA punttsiiiNff COM PANT , OHAHA. Drnftfl , Checks and P < M otfico Onlem to bo inado ynyablo to tin order of the Company. OMAHA PUBLISHING 00 , , Prop'rt E. K03EWATER , Editor , dwln Davis , MannRcr of Citj Circulation * John II. Pierce If In Chnrro of the Mall CtrcuAtlon of THK DAILY BKK. A. II. Fitch , correspondentnndsoHcltor. JUST now the British Into is worao than its bark. PAIIM is the present city of refuge of cvory discreet Irish Innd leaguer. THE Yorktown celebration is nn imposing nftnir imposing on Undo Sam's commissary department. SINCE Foxhall's latest victory the Englishmen nro giving Americans credit for possessing good "horae sense. " * A SPEEDY completion of the Tenth street grading will save the city a largo amount of profanity. Mr. Watson B. Smith should pay his respects to the "closing" of Tenth street. A.v exchange remarks that a cold day somewhat diminishoi Iowa's re publican majority. It lias to be an unusually cold day in Iowa when a democrat holds public oflicc. ri is about to bo opened up to civilization by a rail road , articles of incorporation for which ivoro filed last -week. The road is to run from a point in Atchison county , Missouri , opposite Brownvillo , Nebraska , through Atchison and Nod * nway counties to Burlington Junction , Missouri. The capital stock of the company is placed at 8000 000. THE political Vennor of the Denver Tribune has this to say about the po litical probabilities for Colorado and the region west of the Great Muddy : "Do you BOO that candidate over there ? _ Ho is standing atill. Ho is a tlbniocratfc'caudidate. If ho were n republican ho would bo running. Democratic candidates arc not real candidates. They can not run. They do not oven walk. When you nro very tired and want to rest you ought to become a democratic candidate. IK addition to the Field fundwhoso , interest is alone available , Mrs. Garfield - field has been presented with $46,000 in cash , the cift of Mr. Robert L. Stuart , Mr. Robert Lenox Kennedy and Miss Kennedy , of Now York , each of whom donated $15,000. The money has boon deposited to her credit in the Bank of Commerce , cf Now York , and notice has been sent her that she can draw it nt any timo. Financial trouble has boon most thoughtfully averted from the w idow and children of President Garfield by the people of a nation which ho served so well. * llKfuiLicAN8 may como and poli ticians may go , but American inven tion goes on forever. During the past year the patent ofllco granted 13,084 patents for designs and certificates of registration nnd labels. The number of applications for patents during the first niuo months of the year amounted to 20,503 , nn increase uf 1,900 over the same period lust year. The receipts of the ollico are stated to exceed those of last year by $05,477.20. The patent oftico is ono of the few bureaus of the government which is self-sus taining because welt managed , STOCK subscriptions to branches of the Union Pacific seem to bo some thing of a farce. In the suit recently pending before Judge Savage Mr. Thomas L. Kimball testified that on the day designated for the opening of subscription books at his ofllco for the Utah & Northern road ho was travel ing with Bidnoy Dillon in Colorado ; that , BO far as ho know , there were 110 subscriptions offered at his ofllco on that day , but that , as they were truv- Doling together , Mr. Dillon made an allotment of the five hundred shares of the now company , assigning to Messrs. Kimball and Popploton , of Omaha , and Samuel Word , T. . Hamilton and George W. Irwin , of Montana , ono flharo oaoli , and to him aelf the balance , as president of the Union Pacific Messrs. Vining and Durnhain , who htivo boon mentioned as incorporatora , not being assigned any Block. Upon Mr. Kimball'a return turn to Omaha , on the 12th of Sop totnber. ho niado out a formal aub < ascription list in accordance with Mr. Dillon's allotment , 4- CONGRESSIONAL GAMBLER ! Ono of the greatest scandals i Washington is the well known cornice tion of .1 number of congressmen wit ! private stock gambling schemes. Dm ing the last session of congress tli capital stock ticker wa M close ! ; BC umed ns nt the brokers' offices , am the lobbiesbccnmo at times a Wnl street stock exchange on nsmallo scale. Prominent members of tin sctinto nnd house of representative were known to bo heavily intercstcc in the stock of railroads which sough favorable legislation from congrcs nnd their interest was maintained Ir frequent pointers from the railront lobby. The paid agents of the Toxai Pacific nnd Southern Pacific roadi were welcome visitors to the rooms ol scnalorj nnd assisted in laying oul plans of the campaign ( o bo cnrrict out in the committee room. Ono ol the boldest schemes of this class was the attempt to open the Indian terri < lory , which was manipulated by the attorney of Jay Gould in the intcrcstc of his southwestern system ol railroads. Itvs estimated that the sum at stuko to bo made by n favorable vote of Congress on the proposition aggregated nearly $30- 000,000. To secure this end the spirit of speculation among senators and representatives was fostered by liberal pointers on stock and brilliant pictures of the results of the rise which would surely follow the open ing of the lands for settlement. This nicely worked up plan failed owing to the strong and determined fight inado on it by men who could not bo in fluenced. But the public were amazed to discover how much strength in Congress could bo mjstorcd to the support of such a rotten echomo. But it ts not alone in stocks of railroads - roads appealing for public aid that members of congress are dabbling. Pear of anti-monopoly legislation has wrought the railroads to sco the neccs- lity of inducing members to interest hemselvcs in the affairs of the cor- ( orations in order to prevent the pas- ngo of any bill restricting their ox- ortions. At the time of an important oto in last spring's session if the fioimto barely moro than quorum was present , owing to asud- en flurry on Wall street , which ailed senators post-haste to New Tork to attend to their private busi- cas. This state of affairs is a dis- roco to'tho country. If the fountain cad of our national legislation is oor- pted , what hope can there bo for the assago and enforcement of laws so oeded by the producing classes of tire Duntry. Self-interest will always rove paramount to the in- irosts of constituencies , and a muter or representative * with his ockots filled with watered railroad ; ock is Jiardly likely to use his influ- tico'and vote to diminish' the illegal ( actions of the corporations. What .required of the > votcra of the nation to use their oflbrU'first in bringing invard , despite packed conventions , to true sentiment of the people on 10 question of the hour and next by 'fusing to support any man as a can- iduto for congress or senatorial lions - : s known to bo u stock gambler. THE WHEAT SURPLUS. The foreign demand for American heat largely regulates the price of : iis great food product in our coun- ry. For a number of years past , ith our constantly increasing acreage , re have found ourselves at the close f each season's harvest with a largo urplus over the amount required for omcatio consumption. In California nd on the Pacific coast last year this urplus amounted 18,000,000 bushels , nd frpm the other w-heat-growing tatos to a much larger amount. The robnble demand for our surplus rhoat from Europe on this account ocoiuos of great moment in any cal- ulation as to the state of the graii unrkcts , and reports from foreign reps are therefore watched for with uterest at our great grain centers/1 Early in the harvest the cable ro- lorted that the promise of heavy reps throughout Europe was good , nd that the great wheat-growing ro- ; ion of the Danube would bo able to upply most of the foreign dc- Hand lor grain. Uccont ad- ices , however , prove these loports o have been in a larao way unfound- d. The latent dispatches announce hat the wheat crop in Algeria is "in , deplorable condition. " The crops n Germany and Hungary , though letter than for some years past , will lo little moro than supply the local lomand. The state department at Vashington has received information > f "a deficit in the wheat crop df fauico of 58,000,000 bushels which oust bo supplied largely from the Jnitcd State- . " According to another lispatch the crop in the Danubian irovinces is far from what was nticipatod. All the indications are hat our country will bo called upon o supply the deficit for all Europe , nd that both Franco and England annot look elsewhere than to our m country for relief , Under these circumstances the mount of our grain surplus ia oicit- ig much discussion. The census bu- aau has published its estimateswhich ave been/supplemented by the colloc- ion of etatistics by Bradstrcet'a. The itcst information , and probably the lost reliable , comes from the Grain Jietiew , which contained the followin interesting summaries : For September the agricultural dc parlmont has a preliminary estimator "wheat crop when harvested , " whic riTori's ( ' nn clement of values in th final estimate of yield nnd qualitj The condition nt harvest this year i given for the whole co"ntr nt 70 per cent. , against 00 last ycm nnd 02 in 1870. Now England avoi ages 97 , nnd makes severe complaint of too ninch rain at hnircst. Net Jersey and Pennsylvania com plain of drouth , but n n whole this section dues no fall much below last year. The stales from Maryland southward al report some decrease in yield fron drought , but speak of superior quali ty. Tennessee nnd Kentucky eacl report an average equal to last year but the crop of last year was von short in these states. North of tin Ohio river , the great whoat-growin { section of the United States , the average erago is very Ion , Ohio reporting 21 per cent , loss , Michigan 27 , In dinnn 'K ) , Illinois 40. Wisconsir alone of these States reports equate to last year. West of the Mississippi river , Iowa makes return of only 45 per cent , against 70 of last year , Thoio seems to bo a panic in this state and the probability in that the dis couraging figures are an exaggeration , Missouri reports 30 per cent less thai 1880 , and Kansas , as l st year , rcportf severe damage from drouth. California reports 12 per cent loss than 1880. It will bo scon from thcsa statistic ! that anything like an exact estimate is impossible , but enough can be learned to show that our croj is a short one. The shipments made ao far this year are * much below those of last and bear out this view. The increased price rrhich wheat is bringing in the market will bring the aggregate sum obtained by our farmers for their crop nearly , if not quite , up to the figures of last year , while in many of the western states whore the acreage has been largely increased the sum total will greatly exceed that of last year. THE TTTES. Hon. Otto Mears , ono of the com missioners oppointcd by the interior iopartmcnt to supervise the removal sf the Ute Indians from Colorado to the White Eiver agency , in Utah , was n Denver last Saturday on his way lotnq from the Utah agency , [ n an interview with a Tribune oporter , Mr. Mcars furnished ; omo interesting information. c6n- lorning the present condition of ho Uncompaghrc Utcs. These In- lians are all away from the Uintah goncy and express themselves satis- led with their lot. They are perfectly peaceable and riondly , and while they hate being .riven from the homo of their child iood to new fields , they are willing to ubmit to the orders of thd Great Bather at Washington. In their now genoy the Indians will bo , bettor off han in their old ono , as the couutry a bettor adapted lor hunting and razing than anywhere in Colorado , lie Indians number in all 1,458 , Deluding men , women and chil- ren , and they have 10,000 head of lieop and goats and 8,000 ponies , and f course it will take several months Dr them to got entirely settled and vorything moved away from the Un- ompahgro , but by spring there willet ot bo a Ute Indian in Colorado. The loving of the Indians from Colorado , Ir. Moars thinks , is a sad mistake , nd one which will injure Colorado lore than was at first sup- osed. During each year moro ian $2,000,000 of money is ipcndod on them by the ovornmont in paying thorn their an- uitics , putting up buildings , etc. , all f which has heretofore been cx- ondcd in Colorado , Hereafter it OCB to Utah nnd that territory will bo oncfittod thereby. The now agency is situated on the Vhito river , about 175 miles ortheast of Salt Lake City , and iot far from Fort Bridnor , and here have been erected a wareroom , 5x150 foot , a largo black- mith shop , carpenter shop , agency luildings , medical house and doctor's cmdonco , four employe's houses , cor als , etc. , for the purposes of putting ho horses and sheep. Next year sov- ral now houses will be erected at the goncy , which will give them bettor uartun than they had in Colorado. WHEK congress voted $50,000 for a rionumontto commemorate the BUT- under of Gen. Cornwnllis and the 3riti h army at Yorktown , there was 10 thought of converting the corner tone of that monument into nn urn o preserve the relics of the defunct onfodcracy of Jeff Davis. It seems , lowovor , that the parties to whom the longressional commission delegated ho honor to lay the foundation of this listoric monument have desecrated it > y depositing in the corner Btono a ew worthless confcdorato'bank notes ( , nd bonds and a photograph of the obel flag. Every loyal American vill regard the intrusion of mementoes if the civil war among the relics of ho American revolution ot 1770-81 as .n attempt to canonize the leaders if the slaveholders' rebellion , It s a covert attempt to place reff , Davis on a level with George iVashington and his compatriots. No ncidont of the rebellion was moro liigracclul and humiliating to this ( tpublio than the bloody conflict bo- ween citizens of this union on the tistoria ground that was made forever acred by the glorioua triumph of American freemen over their Britis oppressors. The attempt to imtnoi taliro the confederacy through th Yorktown monument is repugnant t the patriotic spirit that animated it founders and nn indecent uxhibitio of incorrigible disloyalty. Now that the city has ample fir protection from the fire hydrants , iti in order to ro-locato the steam fir engines' that are now massed under tin wooden sheds on upper Fanilmn street. Tjioso fire engines are nccdoi in the suburbs where the fire hydrant are far npart , HAIIPKU'H MVOAZINE for November concluding the sixty-third volume , ii a number of rnre excellence. It open : ! th a very interesting article , by W , . Ridcinpr , entitled "In Cornwal with an Umbrella. " Mr. Roinharl illustrates it with quaint pictures , uf the people and the conntry. W.W , Thonms , jr. , contributes n graphic nc count of two weeks' recreation nml sport in the woods of C.inndn , beauti < fully illustratod- Wo nro reminded agaln'of the York' town Centennial , now near at hand , by Mr. Howard Pylo's strong poem , "Tilthman'a ; ride from Yorktown to Philadelphia , " with two striking illus trations from the author's drawings. In the scci nd installment of hie "Journalistic London , " Joseph Hat- ton describes The London Times building , and gives a history of that paper , with an interesting account of ; ho careers of the late Mr. Do- ano and his successor , Mr. Chonery , as editors. Ono of the most enter taining things in the article io the bi ographical a Icetch of Henry Labou- chore , the editor of Truth. The arti cle is profusely illustrated with sketches and portraits. A very interesting chnpfer in the Honcor history of Ohio is contributed > y Alfred Mathews , under the title of 'Ohio's First Capital , " referring to yhillicothe. The settlement of Chil- icotho was made by Virginians , as the Marietta was by New England- era. The early history of the settlo- nont , which was sot on foot by Na- haniol Mosaic ( afterward governor of he stated , is full of curious situations nd incidents. The article is illus- rated by pnrtraits of Massio , Tiffin , Vorthington and Allen all residents f Chillicotho , and all governors of > io state ; and by sketches of old his toric missions , etc. John Harrington gives an enter taining abstract of Paul Du Chaillu's travels in Scandinavia , as recently published in 'iTho Land of the Mid night Sun , " illustrated- with fourteen wood engravings from that work. Thomas Hughes contributed an in teresting sketch of the late Dean Stanley , recounting scenes in the Inttcr's life witnessed by the author of the article. A full pajo and very im pressive portrait of Dean Stanley is : > ivcn in the number. The serial novels "Anno , " by Constance Fenimoro Woolson , and ind "A Laodicean , " by Thomas Snrdy , are continued. John A. Dillon contributes jtn im portant find timely article , with illus- .ratiotm , on "Tohuantopec , and the Bads Ship Railway. " Short stories' are contributed by John Eaten Cooke and Virginia W. Johnson , and poems by Lucy Larcom Cnd Adelaide Cilloy Waldron. The ; ditorial departments are full , as isual , of entertaining and useful mat ; er ; and the prospectus for the muga : ino for the coming year shows that ho forthcoming volumes will bo even nero interesting and beautiful than ho volume just concluded rich as ho latter has been in literary and irtistic treasures. Silver in Enropo and America. Jtilcago Tribune. Ex-Senator Thurman , who returned rein Europe a few daya ago , reports hat ho had reason to believe that the ate International Monetary Confor- tnco has had the effect it was design- id to have in bringing the chief na- ions of the world nearer than over to ho adoption of the doublp standard. 3.Q says that , while the discussion of > imotullisni was able on both sides , ho arguments in favor of fixing a ra- io of values were much stronger than hose which opposed this course , and hat n very decided change of opinion s noticeable in England. In this re- ipoct Mr. Thurman's observations igreo with those of Mr. Evarts , and hero is no doubt that the chances for in early agreement upon a ratio of alues between gold and silver and in international recognition of both notals as legal-tender money are very nuch better than over before. There is one significant , circum- itnnccs about the status of silver in his country which should not be over- ookcd. Ever since Mr. Shonnnn > urrendored the Treasury portfolio the iompl.iinta about the unpopularity of , ho silver dollar have ceased. In Mr. Sherman's time the impression was tveii out on every possible occasion hat silver could not be forced into cir- iiilntion. Mr. Sherman , when See- otary of the Treasury , represented hat he was constantly making hcrcu- cnn efforts to put out silver , but that ho American people wouldn't have it. tie sought to convoy the impression hat there was ravenous demand for cold , but that silver waa avoided as something dangerous. Mr.Yindom ins had no such complaints to make , lo has not paused to discuss the sil- or question , and hence it has turniah- : d no complications. The govern- nent vaults nro not reported as filling ip with fiilvor , and , indeed , are not ivcr-crowdcd with silver ; though , if hat were the case , there could bo no afer or more substantial guarantee of pccio payments. As a matter of act , jhoro is more silver in circula- ion in proportion to the extent of oinago than there is of gold. For ho second quarter of the present year ho United States Treasurer has ro- lorted that out of $91,000 000 of stand- , rd silver over $28,000,000 is in cir- ulation in coin and over $39,000,000 in the of cortiti- n circulation shapeof - ates. Thin leaves only 624,000,000 iwnod by the government , part of vhich is in coin and part in cortifl- atcs. Three years ngo there was oss than $8,000,000 , of standard ail- 'or in circulation , and now there is nore than $07,000,000 in the hands of he people. This showing dpea not > ear out Mr. Sherman's croaking nor ndicmto that thero'is any ground for maintaining that silver ia unpopular The future mission of silver as necessary nnd coordinate part of th money system of the world is bccom ing more and more assured with ever ] year. Mr. Livollnyo hna shown thn the entire gold product of the i\orl < outside the American mines is no much more than 850,000,000 per nn nurn , or aix cents per inhabitant The United States not only retains nl the gold which the American mine ; yield , but takes from Europe nion than the annual product of the rest o the world. How long can the commercial morcial nations of Europe stand tin's How long before England and Ger many will bo forced to confess thai silver money is necessary to them ? Th < American exports have tcmporarilj decreased , and the Banks of England nnd Germany have materially in croancd the rate of discount ; never thelcsH , the drain of gold from } " , roao to this conntry continues. The rohnbitntion ol silver ns money in al ! the markets of the world is only re > lief which can bo found for the gold famine which is sure to fol low this course of things , nnd England and Germany will probably be the first to fool the necessity for such n relief. It is possible that an effort will bo made in the next Congress to pass n bill suspending the coinage of silver. It will almost , surely fail. The time hns not como when Huch n measure is necessary to prob-ct the United States from a redundance of silver. So long ns there is less thnn $100,000,000 of legal-tender dilvcr in the country , and nearly three-quarters of that amount ia kept in circulation naturally and without any forcing process , no danger is to bo apprehended from its presence hero while it remains unrec ognized as money in England , Ger many , and ono or two other countries. Suspension of silver coinage would only bo desirable in order to convince the European Governments that the United States is in a bettor condition to endure the contraction of mono metallism than they are , ana for the purpose of hastening an agreement up on the double standard as the money of all nations. But this step is not necessary as yet , and it now looks aa though it will never be necessary. The present state of things will prob ably not endure a year longer without bringing England nnd Germany to a sense of their own interest in fixing upon a double standard , which is really much more important to them than it is to the United States , or , in fact , to any nation which uses both gold and silver as legal-tender money. CURRENT COMMENT. STILL Otm MEAT. Hurrah for iTilden in 1884 ! Ho is jur meat a little tough and juicelcss , 3ut still our meat. Philadelphia Press. A SAD T1IOUGIIT. A largo army of Iowa republicans icglocted to vote , but still wo have ibout 50,000 majority. But there is adness in the thought that it might a well have been 100,000 it the boys iad only all turned out. State Reg- s tor. SLIGHT ENCOURAGEMENT. Registration of women voters closed n this city on Saturday. There are 121 names on the list , about half as niny1 as last year. Not much encour- igoment for woman suffragists in Massachusetts , evidently. Boston Pravellor. CHEEKY IMPUDENCE. One of the coolest pieces of nnpu- lonco in the New York democratic ilatform is this : "Wo demand a horough and immediate investigation nto the star route and other frauds ipon the federal treasury , and a vig- IUB prosecution , already too long de- ayccl , of all the participants in these ; rave crimes. " The demand for an mmcdiato investigation ecoms to bo a ittlo late , in view of the fact that iu- estigation has already gone far enough o have several men indicted. N. Y. tribune. POLITICAL , NOTES. s It is rumored that both Secretaries Cunt and Lincoln will accept foreign mis ong. It ia n heavy administration. President .rtbur neighs 215 jiounds , nnd the > ice resident tips the beam at SCO. Mayor Moans , the Mayor King of Cin- inuati. kept his pledgeslin the election , 'he ' police were not n political machine. It ia n great triumph for state rights that Ir , Arthur cannot remove Mr. Hayes rom hia office of road comwlusioner. ourier Journal. It in quite gencrnllv expec'ed that Sec- jtary Kirkwood will be re-elected to his nexpired term in the senate , which he va- itea to enter the cabinet. Timothy 0. Howe is again on the nxlous seat , having lieen ' 'mentioned. " 'ininthy ' ha < 4 learned ere this that many ro mentioned but few are chosen. Justice Ifield haa written to friend' in /ashington that an the supreme court now as a quorum without him ho will not re- irn from Europe until December. John Kelly ii a solid man , physically nd financially ; but it was an unlucky ay for him when he t-'nt the idea into his ead that he was a mutch fur his Uncle amniy. The Young Men'n Republican club of rooklyn hai rcxolved to defeat every can- Idato for office wlo | la not "n self-support- is citizen , of known integrity and busi- UBH capacity. " General Ilobart , for many years n lend- ig democrat of the Badger utntc , has .oppcd . HipjarelviiDon the republican plat- inn. The general lias been holding his 330 for many yearn. Gov. Foster , of Ohio , probably IMS bin fa on the Beat of Senator J'omlluton. He in good reason to believe that the way to will beclcareclforhlm. While ho may note o so fortunate M Garficld , nml receive the Dinitmtiou in caucus by a unanimous vote , 9 is likely to get it without serious oppo- tlon. . . _ PERSONALITIES. Ell Perkins hopes to be cremated when a dies. Lye may bo made out of his ( hen. Ex-Governor Moses/of South Carolina , as in a New York jail when the light ent out. John Kell y calls Mr. Tllden a "veiio- ous anaconda. " It louka as if John had got 'em agin. " Charles O'Connor Is a thin , whtte-lulml ian , but ho In great on speeches , and Is 9ry earnest In hia manner. General Joseph E. Johnson is said to nve a email , but ilntely figure , high fore- eatl. nnd a gentle but dccliled manner. Menottl 0 arlbaldl vitlta military nchoola , inkca speeches and distributes nmUU. lit ) nearly as popular In lUly M his father , lllchard WaUon GlHer , aulsUnt editor f The Century Magazine , will probably fiuccccd to the editorship , made vacant b ; the death of Dr. Holland. The iHscovererof petroleum , Col. Drake died in Pennsylvania , comparntlvel , poor , while hundreds of undertaken ) am coroner * grow wealthy by the fruih of hi discovery. The divorced wlfo of Gttitcau is llvini near the town of Buuider. Col. where Mi marri d n man named Dnnimier. She I said to bo an estimable lady and a de vout member of the hlcthoillut church. Some ono suggest * tint nnltcnu 1 > < branded with the letter "G" on eacl check and then turned loow. The brnm would have to lid put on with the 8 n < blaot- hot iron would never phase tba cheek of his. Mr. Gnmbctta Is reported to have on disqualification for republican leadership nnd that ia n lov o of luxury. The Canlil Times mention * n rumor that ho u UK jxwes'w of a nilvcr bath-tub. Thh lucnl ciliated to make Henry Clay Dcan'a bloo < boil. boil.Annio Annie Dickinson , while on the otngo thli winter , will not hcaitato to wear n fnlsi moustache , even if she has to panto it 01 npdido down. Philadelphia Tclccrraph Annie knows very well that the way for i voting lady to apply n moustache is to pit the ouWdo next to her lip. Iho Shah of Persia lately underwent tin painful operation of havlui ; a tooth ex United. Prayers for hU safe pasaag < through the ordeal Were ottered up In ad vance In the rno < Mme < nnd ho made his will and took an nfTcctionato farewell of all hii vviven. Happily , however , he sunned tin awful event , and lilt fulthful subject ; showed their thankfulness by Rending him in n single day , congratulatory ouerlngi Amounting to not less than 3,000 ducats The Shah thinks of having another tootl pulled shortly. Mirabllo Dlotn. Spring blossom la n BUCCCRB. ] certainly think Its effects are wonderful : nil the dys | eptlo symptoms I complained of have vanished ; my wife ia alao enthusi astic in praise of it : xhe was disfigured by blotches and pimples on her face , and had n continuous headache. Hhe ia all right now , nnd all \insightly erupt ons h v gone. You may refer any doubting parties to mo. H. M. WILUAMSON , "Elk street , Buffalo. " Price , CO cents : bottles , 10 cent * . [ 17-eodlw ] BOB'S ' OPERAHOUSE J. E. BOYD , Proprietor. It. L. MAHSir , Business Manager. GRAND OPENING. Two Nights Only COMMENCING MONDAY , OCTOBER 24 , 1881 , Finest attraction of the day. The great suc cess by a real conipan ) for the Innauguration of the Dncat opera house In the west. First time in this city. The tashions' Famous Fa\- Kites , FAT TEIPLETOI Star Opera Company , n the celebrated , latest and greatest Comic ) porab-ANLlUAN , aa played 201 nighta In > 08ton , 150lnNt - York , and still the reigning UCIC33 , thO MASCOTTE ! Thoio mos nEcra-which Heaven jscnds Are known ns ILiiixittes , my good rlends. Thrice happy ho unto whose homo These lov ing angcla lomo. Sals of scats will commence Thursday morn * us , Octotier 20th at 0 o'clock a. m , , at Wubosh 'ickct office , Corner ot 10th and Farham. PRICES OF TICKET- ) . ? arquetto and Farquettc Circle-reamed , . 81.00 'arquetto Circle adim-a on i 7 Jress Circle , reserved ( > . . . . . . . 1.00 ) ress Circle admission CO 'amlly Circle , nil parts 25 oct 10-m-th-frl-tat mou-tus f * Election Proclamation on Court Home Appropriation. At a session of the board of Countv Commia- lonera of the county ot Douglas In the state of 'o' raska , holden on the 4th daj of October , A. ) . 1881. The following action was taken by the board . Ith with respect to tbn construction of a Couit touso. WIIKRKAB , Owing to the enhanced \nlue OL ihor an I Material it U Impossible to erect a lourt HOHSO suitable for the purpose of sale ounty for the sum designated In the proclama lori for the issue of boi da for the construction ol Court House , submitted to the [ eopleNo\em icr 2nd , 1880 ; and WimaAH , After twice thoroughly advertising ho mutter the lowest responsible bid for the onstructinn of A Court House that would bo flro loaf and suth as to meet the ritcds of the eoun ) - , amountD'a One Hundred and Ninety-eight 'housand ' Uolltn ; and WIIHIKAS , The balance ( f funds necessary to onxtrucl a cultablo Court House can bo supplied rom the ! general revenue of the county wlthoul ny additional levy that now authorized by law , ut the ( junction o ; such appropriation must rut bo submitted to the cicctora of said county ; ticrcforo. It is HF.SOLVKU , That the following proposition bo ml the name U hereby suhmlttul to the quail ed electors of taicl county of Douglas , to-wlt : hlnll the count ) of DoiiLlas be authorized In 10 ) car 1832 , tj appropriate from the kUMMl HCIIUO of Iho said county for that > car out ol ind * not otherwise required for county pur- esc , tbosumof Twenty-fit a Thousand Dollars , ml In the > car 18S3 , from the revenue of that car out of funds not otherwise required for aunty purposes the further sum ot Iwcnty-tlvo housind Do'lars to aid In the erection con duction and completion of a Cou > t House ulldlng In the city of Omaha for county pur- oscs. The form In which the abov o proposition ftmll o .ulinilttod shall bo by ballot , upon which illot shall lie printed or written , or party printed r written , the words "For Court House Appro- ilatlon , " or "Aifilnst Court House Approprla- on , " and nil billets cast having thereon the onla "Foi Court HoussAppropriation , " shall bo tcmrd nnd taken to bo In favor of said proposl on , anil nil ballots catt having thereon the orcli "Ak'alntt Coutt House Appropriation. " all bo deemed and taken to bu ainlnst Bald reposition , and It two-thirds of the votei cast t the election henInaftcr provided In tills be- lit bo In fai or of the above proposition , It shall a deemed and taken to bo carried. The said proposition shall be voted upon at 10 general clcctl n to bo hold In the county of ouulan , btato of Nebraska , on the bth day of ovcmbcr , A. D. 1881 , at the follow In t' named lacc.i Omaha I'rettnct No , one , (1) ( ) Felix Slav en's rotcrj ; Tenth street. Onmha I'rctlntt No. two , (2) ( ) at Jerry Ma- DIIOJ'D Kroiuy store. Omaha 1'rccfnct No. three , (3) ( Dr. Hydo'd of- re , tor. Douglas and Twelfth streets. Oiuitm I'rtclntt Kc. four , (4) ) SheiuTa ofllco nirt house. Omaha Precinct No. five , f& ) Holmes' hard- are store , Sixteenth and California streets. Omaha Precinct No. six , ( ft ) Ti'o , 1 Engine oiiso , TwentUth and Iiard streets. Saratoga Precinct-School house near Drue- Ing's. Florence Prsclnct Florence hotel. Union Prtdnct Irvine-ton school houie. JoCfereon Precinct School house m district o.4l. Elkhorn Precinct Klkhorn school houso. I'latU ) Valley Precinct School house at Water- o. Chicago Precinct School hywa at Elkhorn KtlOll. Milliard Precinct lllllard school house. McArdlo 1'reclnct McArdle school house. Douglas Precinct Ilouso of J O , Wllcox. Weit Omaha 1'reclnct School house near tlden'g. And which election will be opened at 8 o'clock the morning-and will continued open until 0 clock In the aftornocu ol the same day , B. P. KNiailT , FIIKD 1)11 HEL , F. W. COKU8S , County Commliwloners. ( BBAL.1 JOIINH. MANCIIrHTEK. County Clerk , octlZ-wSt ITIUYED From Hlert'f nUble Omaha , on ) black mare , color Homewhat faded , el ht erne no yearsoldKcIlu | about cloven hundred , had iNftddlDtnd bridle Arewurd will be paid for her turn or Information leading to her recovery. ' K.CATHKYKortCalhouuNob CHEAP LOTS. A NEW ADDITION ! -TO- Omaha. TM BEST BAEGAINS Ever Offered IN THIS CITY. NO CASH PATIENTS Required of Persons Desir- in to Build. LOTS ON PATIENTS S5TO810 : PER MONTH. Money Advanced -TO- ist Purchasers in Building. V7e Now Offer For Sale S5 Splendid RESIDENCE LOTS , Located on 27th , 28th , 29th ind 30th Streets , between Parnham , Douglas and the pro posed extension of Dodge St. , L2 to 14 Blocks from Court Souse and Post Office , AT PRICES ranging from $300 to $400 which is about Two-Thirds ot ; heir Value , on Small Monthly Payment of $5 to $1O. Parties desiring to'Build and mprove Need Wet Make any Payment for one or two years , mt can use all their Means foi improving. Persons having $100 or $200 if their own , But not Enough 0 Build such a house as they rant , can take a lot and we 7ill Loan them enough to com- > lete their Building.- Those lots are located between the IAIN BUSINESS STREETS of the ity , within 12 minutes walk of th iusinosa Center , peed SiUowalks ox end the Entire Distance on Dodga trcct , and the lots can bo reached by ray of cither Farnham , Douglas or ) edge Streets. They Ho in a part ot ho city that is very llamdly Iinprov- ig and consequently Increasing in ralue , and purchasers may reasonably opo to Double their Money within a tiort time. Some of the most Sightly Location * 1 the city may bo selected from these > ts , especially on 30th Street. Wo will build houses on a Smal lash Payment of 8150 or 8200 , and all house and lot on small monthly ayments. It is expected that these lots'will bo ipidly sold on those liberal torps , nd persons wishing to purchase lould call at our ofiicp and secure leir lots at the earliest moment. fo < are ready to show those lota to al arsons wishing to purchase. BOGGS & HILL , leal Estate Brokers , 14O8 forth Bide of Farnham Street Opp. Grand Central Eotsl , OMAHA NEB ,