Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1881, Image 1

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    fa on A * , r THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , , .
V II < J C ' 1
1781 YORKTOWN 1881
The Oontonnial Celebration Oom-
. memorating Oornwallis' '
Imposing Ceremonies Partici
pated in by American and
Foreign Dignitaries ,
The Corner Stone of the Monument
ment Laid With Masonic
Honors ,
A Grand Illumination and Mag
nificent Pyrotechnic Dis
play in the Evening : .
The Harbor Filled 'With War and.
Other VcMsoln Scenoi at the
Military Camp.
National Auociatcd Press.
YOKKTOWN , Va. , October 18. - The
day opened with the weather sultrj'
and cloudy. The steamer "Excelsior , "
with the congressional commission ,
the "Tollapoosa .with David Davis ana
party and the "Dispatch" with Presi
dent A rthur und parly , all arrived
shortly after 0 o'clock this morning.
A great crowd was on the wharves to
receive them. All the naval vessels
manned their yards and fired salutes
on the arrival of the president. Gen.
Hancock and sUftwero the first to greet
president's party and bid thorn wel
come to the historical spot. The
Yorktown commissioner is not very
enthusiastic over tho" prospects of the
celebration. Beyond the visiting mili
tary and civic organizations , not over
5.000 people had arrived up to 10
o'clock to-day. The harbor is filled
with sailing crafts of every descrip
tion , all gaily decorated. To-day's
ceremonies will bo devoted to the
laying of the cornerstone of the Yorktown -
town monument by the Masonic or
ganizations present.
YORKTOWN , Va. , October 18. The
program for the reception of the presi
dent was changed this morning. The
presidential party did not proceed di
rectly to Yorktown , but went first to
Hampton lloads to join the French
and German guests , with whom they
are expected to arrive thia evening.
When this fact became known the
Masons proceeded with the ceremonies -
nies of laying the corner stone of the
Yorktown monument. Beneath this
atone was placed a massive copper box '
containing documents and publications
bearing npon the event , a Bible and a
copy of all the newspapers published in
Virginia. A silver plate was on the box ,
suitably inscribed. Thoceremonies were
in charge of the grand lodga of Vir
ginia. The procession included , be
sides the Virginia lodges , many lodges
of Philadelphia. The stands around
the monument were filled with specta
tors. The assemblage was called to
order by Senator Johnson , chairman
of the commission. Rev. Robert
Nelson uttered prayer , which was r'ol- music. Governor Holliday
delivered an address of welcome , after
which the corner stone was laid , the
operation being directed by Grand
Master Coles. Theceremonios were very
impressive. At Lafayette hall , near
by. where the French andy German
guests and the president's party are to
bo received bv General Hancock and
the officers of the army and navy ,
there was a formal reception this
\ morning , a great many ladies being
present. The third New Hampshire
regiment , of Concord , landed amid
considerable enthusiasm. Largo crowds
thronged the dusty roads leading to
the camp , and the booth * ) und the side
shows done a thriving business. At 11
o'clock the people began assembling in
the vicinity of the monument , where
preparations for the second and main
corner-stone laying were being made ,
but the ceremonies were delayed
in | consequence of the non-ar
rival of the president. The crowd was
entertained by the concerts of the
Third artillery band and the North
Carolina State band. The day is ex
cessively hot and dusty. The walls of
the interior are covered with decora
tions of flags , md evergreens , the ;
whole making a beautiful appearance. >
Out at the camp , three miles from
hero , the soldiers have passed a quiet ,
hot and dusty day. There will be
concerts by the different bands this i
evening , and to-night there will be a
pyrotechnic display and a concert and
hop at Lafayette hall.
On land to-day the scenes hayo
been animated nnd to-night are pic
turesque. All is lifo and excitement ,
and the water is equally lively. Look .
ing out on the vast fleet , with twink
ling lights , and now and then to hoar
the shrill notes of the boatswrins'
whistles and the sharp tinging of the
ships' bolls , ono is reminded of the
days of the late war , in which Yorktown -
town and' its land nnd nnvnl forces
played such nn Important part. Out
nt the camp'matt era were interesting
to-day. Guard mounts and drills and
other "incidents of camy "lifo drew
many toward that section during , the
All is novr silent iirthu tented city.
Hero nnd there sentries pace , to nnd
fro , hnltng } each passer-by and pre l
serving strict discipline.Tho whole
forms a great picture , nnd though '
there are' more , or less jipcon- I
gruities to nut ; up twitlf , all pj > oaf
good nntifred , nnd no ono cnrcs to * f
create n disturbance. Strict police ?
regulations are enforced. Details i '
from the police department at Richmond
mend , Norfolk and Washington aroon
duty , stationed on the shore and on
board the steamers nt ) vhurvea .Many .
distinguished people were anio'ng the
arrivals to-day , the president and
cabinet , senators nnd members of con '
gress , the French nnd Gorman guests ,
Ilov. Ajox Stewart , formerly a member f
of President Fihnoro's cabinet , being
his secretary of thointorior.andothors
To-day's events included the laying of
'the corner stone of the monument
the reception of distinguished
guesls , concorls by various bnndo ,
n pyrotechnic display , nnd a
grand - ball to-night. The corner
stone laying , owing to the delay in the
landing of the president nnd party ,
did not bpgin until 1 p. m. The pres
ident -was on board the Dispatch ,
which lay for some time in the harbor.
Admiral Wymnn and Gen. W. S.
Hancock visited him on board imme
diately after his arrival. This ex
change of courtesies occurred amid
the roar of guns from the war vessels ,
the crows of which manned the yards
in handsome style , the whistles o'f pri
vate steamers blow shrilly nnd the
crowds along thoahoro cheered lustily.
The president , Judge David Davis
and others landed in boats without
nny display nnd proceeded on foot to
the grand stand , where the mon
ument , was. A very Inrgo assemblage ,
mostly masons , wore there to rccoivo
the party. The stone laying was very
impressive , opening with a formal ad
dress by Senator Johnson , of Vir
ginia , chairman of the centennial con
vention , and was concluded with vo
cal nnd instrumental music , the sing
of the "Star "
ing Spangled Banner"
and several hymns " ' ' 'composed for the
occasion being rendered with grand
effect. Gov. Hnlliilay's address of
welcome was hearty nnd well timed ,
and replete with grjjteful sentiments
for the interest shown in the
event nil 'over the world. Most
Worshipful Priton > Skipwith Coles ,
grand master of Masons of Virginia ,
manipulated the silver and jeweled
trowel in jaying tliof corner stone.
The procession , which included , besides -
sides the Virginia lodges , many com-
nmndories of Knights Templar of
Philadelphia and .all . the grand mas
ters of the thirteen states , were under
command of Most Worshipful' Robert
T. Withers , P. G. M. , grand
marshal. The procession formed in
an open field , a mile away from the
monumental site , .and though the road
was dusly and rugged the march was
excellent. Beneath the cornerstone
was placed a copper box with a silver
plate on the lid inscribed as follows :
The corner stone of the monument
to commemorate tlia surrender of
Lord Cornwallis and the forces under
his command to the American and
French troops at Yorktown , Va. ,
October 15) ) , 1781 , was laid , on the in
vitation of the congressional commis
sion , by the grand' lodge of F. & A.
M. , of Virginia , on the occasion of
the celebration of the one hundredth
anniversary of that ovent. ,
The cf ntents of the box are as fol
lows : _ , ' '
One copy ' of the t Holy Bible , a cop
per coin of the United States , 1783 ,
United States , French and Canadian
bank notes , a Virginia treasury note
of 1802 , various specimens of confed-
'orato money , a copy of the program
of the celebration , a photograph of
the confederate flag , Yorktown cen
tennialmedal , program of the corner
stone ceremonies , a Virginia journal's
publication referring to the center
nial , a copy of the Yorktowri - centennial
nial association , a leaf from the bible
on which George Washington was
sworn as'a Mason , aii electrotype copy
of the charter ofthe grand lodge of
Virginia , a list of the members of the
Yorktown centennial commission , a
copy of the music sung by the centen
nial chorus and the Masonic apron
worn by the late Rev. A. A. Baldwin.
The ceremonies were concluded about
2:30 : o'clock when the president nnd
Secretary Hunt were escorted to
Lafayette hall where an informal re
ception was held. The hall was gor
geously decorated with flags nnd evergreens -
greens and flowers. Tno reception
was nn informal though quite a bril
liant affair , the wives and daughters
of congressmen and army and navy
officers attending. The president and
Secretaries Blaine and Hunt were in
full evening dress and foreign guests
in their gay uniforms so striking when
compared with the uniforms of the
The French and Gorman visitors ,
iccompanied by Secretary Blaine , ar
rived about 2 p. m. They steamed
into the harbor with French , German
ind American fla s flying gaily. When
ihey came to anchor the foreigners
fired an admiral's salute of twenty
mo guns and dipped the American
lag , which was returned by a similar
laluto on board the flagship. The
Franklin's batteries and the batteries
m shore also fired salutes. The dis-
inguishod foreign guests wore visited
y many prominent officials on board
heir vessels. They disembarked and
same1 on shore this afternoon. The
iroworks and illuminations lasted till
late hour.
President Arthur will probably
eave hero for Washington to-morrow
light. It is rumored that trouble IMS
irison between the French and Ger-
nun visitors , growing out of the for-
ner's jealousy of the attentions
hewn the latter. The parties sepa-
.itod after leaving Hampton lloads '
his morning. The Frenchmen came
ip on their own * man-of-war nnd the
Hermann came on the City of Cathkill.
Hr. Blaine nnd the congressional '
ommission nro very much worried - ,
ivor the reported feud ; and stopshnvo
leen taken to restore harmony. All J !
ho French visitors and Germans have
icon invited to attend the reception
n board the Excelsior to-morrow , for
ho purpose of making peace. If
ainod hero very hard to-night , and
iloWj a small , gulo , causing n sudden
crmiimtion of the tire-works.
Where Are the Balloonists ? ?
'atlonal Associated Prcsa
CiuqAoorOctobqr 18 , . Cpneidorablo
pprehenstoius now toll fortljesafety n
Prof. King and Signal Officer Hash-
ger , the icroimuta who wont up in the
'A. J. " '
Nutring"'last Thursday after-1
oon. Mr. Atwood , who managed
lie undulatii.g , says they were not
ropared for n long voyage. In the
ray of. fpod they took ' nqthipg with "
liem except tiyo roast'chickens [ , six
iim sandwiches , four slices of bread nt
'itli butter , ono piece of piu , six ntrtj
mall slices of cake , two sticks tote
celery , three bunches of to
rapes , ' three peaches , two oranges , dc
lirco apples' , ono gallon of water and so
nine pickles. Mr. llaelmgun first or- ciTl
erjd two gallons of water , but { iftor- Tl
wnrds concluded thnt ono would bo
sufficient. A dispatch was received
nt the signnl serviceoflico yesterday ,
nnd nn answer given. Its contents
could not bo rovcalod. The govern
ment claims to hnvo no interest in the
case , only na it concerns one of its
employes , nnd the signal service people
plo think thnt , though Professor King
should keep purposely silent , Hash-
ngon would communicate with his su
CHICAOO , October 18. The Daily
News has organized n search expedi
tion for the lost balloon which nsccnd-
ed from here Inst Thursday. A ape
dal this evening from John J. Flynn ,
chief of the expcdition at Mcrrillan ,
Wisconsin , stated that the balloon
was trncad to seven miles northwest
of Melrose , Jackson county , nnd there
all traces were lost. At the latter
place the balloonist ! ) threw out
anchors touched the water in the
mill dam wltoro the balloon was less
than ROO feet high. People heard in
distinctly Professor King nsk the
nnmo of the town , nnd ho throw over
n package of letters which ho nskod
the people to mail for him. They
said the package foil , but they could
not find it afterwards. The balloon
then shot upward with fearful veloci
ty and disnppenrcd beyond the bluffs.
National Associated 1'roso ,
DEOATUR , Ala. , October 18. James
Chancellor , of Shelby count'/ , was
killed to-day by his brother-in-law ,
Win. Logan , in a dispute about sonic
cotton they wore handling. Logan
also attempted the lifo of his father-
in-law. Some time previous to this
ho had killed two men , ono at Lafay
ette , Ala , nnd ono in Toxas. Ho
made his escape.
MuRFREE neRO , Tcnii. , October 18.
At Fostorvillo station , on the Nnsh-
villo and Chattanooga road yesterday
evening , Thos. Wnlls , n section hand
on the railroad , Was stabbed nnd in
stantly killed by his cousin nnd
brother-in-law , J. B. Ballard , also nn
employe on the road. Walls for some
cause had been separated from his
wife , n sister of Ballard , for about n
week and had been drinking consider
ably , accusing the Ballard boy of being
'nstrumental in the separation and
threatening their lives.
CHICAGO , October 18. A special to
ihc Daily Herald from Metropolis ,
111. , says a bloody fight occurred Inst
night on the Pnducah nnd St. Louis
jacket , Fannie Tatum , lying thoro.
The mate of the boat was terribly
stabbed , two negroes killed and four
jumped into the river nnd were
CHICAGO , October 18. The police
of the south side station made the
startling discovery this morning that a
gang of juvenile burglars , comprising
sons of some of the best families of the
south aide , have been making numer
ous depredations in that vicinity dur-
ng the past two months. Six of them
vero arrested , together with the junk
dealer to whom they disposed of the
proceeds of their robberies
STEUBENVILLE , Ohio , October 18.
Charles Brown , alias "Crummy Jim , " n
hard case , well known all over the
country , was shot dead in a quarrel in
the house of Joshua Winn Inst eve
LITTLE ROCK , October 18. Gov.
Churchill has commuted the sentence
of Isiah Jones , who was to hang at
Star City , October 21 , to twenty-one
years irt the penitentiary. Jones killed
aman in Lincoln county some eighteen
months ngo and was tried , convicced
and sentenced at the last term of the
circuit court of this county.
National Reform Conference.
National Associated Press. '
NEW YORK , October 18. The na
tional reform conference began a two
days' session in the Central Methodist
Episcopal church ; The object is the
consideration of political methods for
the suppression of the liquor traflic. !
The meeting was called to order by
temporary choirmnn , Rev. Dr. Pull
man , of New York. An organization
was effected by the election of the fol
lowing officers : President , Jlov. D.
A. pushing , of Bradford , Pn. ; vice
presidents , Mrs. McClelland Brown ,
of Pittsburc ; Bollva Lockwood , of '
the District of Columbia ; R. A. Wil
son , of Chicago , nnd Joseph Boj-nrdus ,
of Now York ; secretary , Rev. A.
Park Benjamin , of Newark , N. J. ;
assistant secretary , Elizabeth Boynton
Herbert , of Chicago. .
Snow Storm-
National Associated J'rcus.
MONTUHAL , October 18. A very
'icavy snow stoiin set in yesterday
iftornoon and continued with unnbat-
jil fury until this morning. In Victo-
ia , at Grand Falls , it was nearly a
'oot deep. In an interview with
v'ennor to-night , the Canadian
veathor prophet , conversing on
ho above , said : , "Tho cold
veathor nnd gales , with snow
alls experienced recently pn'
ho1 lake's , wost'of gulf i of St. Law- '
eiico , Labrador coast and Great
Jritain , bear' out almost literally Vny
jrcdictions during the period botwoun
he 15th and 120th of the
'tw * .uvi M * V * MWtJ ) LJ * bJiU prosontj
noutJi , although I" thought Now alan . .
oundland would slmroit'to a greater 'tu
ixtent. This prediction was based on 'tuTl
theory of " " Tl
ny "jveathor relationships"
recurring chvle0. Other ptorms ca >
vill follow in rapid succession in tie } an
lanid sections. , hi
: Heavy Rains in Mexico' thTi
rational Associated i'rcw. , '
CITY or MEXICO , October 18. - Ti
" TiAl
"horo have boqn very "heavy rains in Al
ho iiprtjiorn part of Mexico for the of
last few days. Ma/.ottcm is Simu som
lated , Much idamago has been done m
property in that city and ill Mon-
oroy. Many familiori have boon ron-
lered homeless inboth cities. Sub- Id
criptioiiH have been opened in this ,
ity for the relief of the sufferers , o\\ \
"ho rainy soatou'is finished. , 'I
Still Being Practiced Upon the
People of Ireland ,
A Boign of Terror IbavjRuratod
by the Government in the
Streets of Dublin.
Forstor Escorted Prom His
Residence to Dublin Castle
by Mounted Pollco. .
* *
The League Issues Manifesto
Advising the Peopl&Up PayNe
No Rent. \
MUcollnneons Now * Froifi Berond
the Son.
National AfsocInteJ Prod * .
NEW YOUK , October 18.-ho fol
lowing cable has been received from
Miss Anna Parnoll : > ,
October 18. To Patrick Fo d , editor
of The Irish Worid : Bayonet and bul
let work is going on all over Ireland.
There is terrorism and bloodshed on
every hand , nnd new outratcff on un
armed people are reported ojery min
ute. A young girl Tvns deljuoratoly
shot in her own parlor by a umttablo
in Limoiick yesterday. Tlu - govern
ment has established a reign bf terror
in the streets of Dublin. , S crot information -
formation has boon receive 1 by us
thnt the govoanment is trying to ere-
ate an opportunity to let. loose six
thousand troops on the cituons.
Special powers hnvo Tiecn given
the officers of the military , pow
ers and orders that have novnr
boon expected in bloodthirstincss in
the annals of criminals against hu
manity. Thousands of more arrests
are expected , though already the jails
are overflowing. The land league
has proclaimed " 'No rent" as the or
der of the day. Wo nppeal confi
dently to our brethren in America for
the widows and orphans , for the
homeless and starving , and for the
wounded victims of British bullets. "
( Signed ) ANNA PAUNELL ,
Secretary of the Ladies' land league in
America. ! '
LIMERICK , October 18. Mngistrates
have ordered nil public houses to close
their doors from 6 o'clock this even
ing until until to-morrow morning , as
there are apprehensions of a riot.
DUBLIN , October 18. An escort of
mounted police accompnvvX'i , ' * Mr.
Forster to-day on his way from his.
residence ; to Dublin castle.
DUBLIN , October 18. It is rumored
that the Irish privy council lias de
cided to issue a proclamation warning
all law-abiding persons not to appear
upon the streets after dusk without a
permit on pain of arrest ,
A manifesto issued by the land
league and approved nt the meeting
held in thb city this evening advises
people to pny no rent or taxes until
the policy and tyranny of coercion has
been withdrawn.
DUBLIN , October 18. The nn-
nouncomrnt of the issuance of n proc
lamation by the privy cou.icil is now
The commissioness of police have
issued a notice warning the people
ugninst riotous assembling ,
A m'ob again held the streets for
several hours this evening , and
\yrocked a number of shoph. The po
lice finally dispersed the riators and
juiot was restored.
LONDON , October 18. Mr. Healy
ms been interviewed and thitikfl that
the efl'ect of the arrests will be to
itrengthen the league. Ho is of the
ipinion that there will bo a general
cfusal to pay rents "So long as Mr.
Darnell is in jail , " said Mr. Healy ,
'it is for the English people to say
vhothcr they will have their foreign
'clations hampered or imperiled by
mving to maintain 50,000 troops in
Ireland in time of pence. Dealing :
vith the country as if it wore in n ;
tate of Hoigo , the number of soldiers
n the event of any complications
.rising would liuvo to be mpro than
loubloJ. Mr. Gladstone uaid that it
vua not with the people of Ireland
hat they wore at iesue. lie will 'now )
ind that ho was mistaken , and that
reland and the league are the same ,
ho government have gone to workin
very pretty way to secure a fair'tritvl
or their land act. Why , the lenguo
rns obtaining a' fair trial for it. 1
rote a book myself to explain it to
lie people.- wonder if it is for f ry-
liing in that the warrant has boon is-
nod against mo "
ntlonnl Associated I'reiw.
N , October 18. The reports
iout Mr. Gladstone's recovery from
is recent indisposition were prenm- ta
ire and .evidently made for oflbct. ' taJn
ho truth is , that Mr. Gladstone's Bt ; <
ndition tbiUsy is decidedly worst1 , ch
id tjiu explanation npw giycn | s that
is sufferings are caused by n soru A
iroat. ,
A dispatch from Cairo says that the ill
urkish commissioners left Cairo for
lexandrja to day , after taking leave
the khedivo. The sultan hos'pro- ' Na
ntod'tho kliodiv'o'with'mi ord r of
terit. en
LONDON ; October 18MV. . J , R. wi
eciiio , through hisVgont , Mr. Bath- frc
ito , has authorized''an oH'er tb the fol
rncra of JJundor' 'to run'af TOCO b - at ;
that horse and J'oxhiill , weights ru
for years , for $5,000. Should this
offer bo accepted the race will bo run
this fall , nnd in thnt event Foxhnll
will not start in the Cambridgeshire
the 25th instntlt.
The hotting this evening on the
race for the Cambridgeshire stakes
was ! ) to 2 neainxt Incendiary , 10 to 1
ngainst Hotreat , 100 to 7 against Don
Inilano , 100 to 8 nirninst Foxhnll and
100 to 8 against Glitters ,
Sr. PETKHSHUHO , October 18. An
nnponnl uknao liar been promulgated
granting Count Wnlujotrs request to
bo relieved from the residency of the
committee of ministers nnd other com
mittees on the ground of ill health.
Count \Yalujuir\\ill remain n member
of the council of the empire , nnd will
retain the rank of secretary of state.
M. Doreutem , n member of the privy
council nnd sccrotnry of state , 1m
been appointed president of the com
mittee of minister ! ) .
Terrible Floods AMocintitl 1'rvx ) .
CHICAGO , October 18. A special
from Quii < cy nxys the situation in con
sequence of the continued rains and
the liiirh water is becoming very
nlarmiug. Great dnmngo has'alroady
been done nnd even honvier losses are
threatened and are probable for the
reason that the river is not likely to
fall for several weeks to come , Dis
patches from Wisconsin and Min
nesota say n perfect deluge provnils
there , nun falling constantly in abso
lute sheets and the rivers and streams
all being out of their banks. There
is also danger that the levees north and
south of Qnincy will bo partially
washed away , as they are threatened
no seriously that steps hnvo already
been taken to strengthen thorn at va
rious places where the water is ci cop
ing through the embankment. The
commissioners of the Sny levee sent
to Quiucy for 2,500 , feet of lumber , to
bo put into the dangerous places at
once , breaks being probable near the
head of the levee. If these occur the
damage by an overflow of a very ex
tensive tract of country will bo enor
At Kookuk the risn in the past
twenty-four hours has been over eight
inches , and the river is still creeping
up. If the wet weather continues , ay
it now promises to do , the probabili
ties are that the great Hood of 1851
will bo exceeded. The water at this
point stretches over n wide area in the
bottoms below the city , where are
located shops , lumber yards and man
ufacturing interests. Much damage
will bo done. Work of all kinds is
At Hannibal the Mississippi river is
within 18 inches of the high water
mark of last summer , when the Sny
Jovoo broke. It has been raining for
a week past , and although there is no
rain now falling there are indications
that the storm is not over. Trains on
the Kcokuk and St ; Louis , railroad
nro entirely abandoned nbovo Quincy ,
and at places the track is covered with
The Mississippi river at Burlington
, is within 18 inches of the high water
mark of June , 1880 , which nt that
time was considered the highest since
1851. It has been on the rise for iho
past three weeks , some days going
as high as two feet a day. Work in
most of the mills has boon suspended.
Farms lying near the river have suf-
ferrcd to a considerable oxtent'watcr
being two and three feet deep in some
fields , destroying much corn that was
shocked and hay in stacks , besides
many loads of cut wood piled on the
river bank. Ono farmer has lost 100
tons of hay.
At Dubuque the people nio confi
dent that nnotliur flood IH coming and
are greatly excited. All the river
point is under water and the mills and
factories are flooded. At least 1,000
employes are idle. Poor families liv
ing on the fluts are drowned out and
arc living in freight cars near the
round housoof the river roads.
GENESKO , 111. , October 18. It has
rained almost continuously for ten
dayu , the streams are rapidly swelling
ind the lowlands are beginning to resemble -
somblo lakes. On the Merodcsia bottoms
toms several hundred tons of hay
ivoro destroyed by water. Corn in the
Hold has commenced to sprout nnd
jrow. -
National Associated 1'rcu.
NEWARK , N. J. , October 18 , The
onsecrition of Right Rev. Wm. Wig-
or , as bishop of Newark , as HUCCOS-
lon to Archbishop Corrigan , now eo-
idjutntor to his eminence Cardinal
tlcCloskoy , took placp to-day in St.
Patrick's cathedral , this city.
MADISON , WiX , October 18. Gov.
Smith , Gen. D.ivid Atwood and Su-
orintendcnt Whitford , having con-
cnted to act as managers of the Gnr-
ield mnnumcnt fund for Wisconsin ,
8suod circulars to-day appointing nil
aunty nnd cityfcohool superintendents
o net as sub-maniigors , they being
mpowerod to appoint school teachers
hroughout the Htnto to net in thu col-
action of the fund , All sums , no
natter how small , will bo recuived.but >
lioso pureons who subscribe 81 00 or
pward will receive a beautiful cer-
Ificnto ns inombcrd of the Gnrfiold
lonumont fund. lion , Richard
lunther , state treasurer , has been np-
ointfHl treasurer of the fund.
Ciui'AaoOctober , 18. Israel Lewis ,
ged 9 yours , won poisoned by the mis-
iko of n drug clerk nninod Win.
acobson , who put up morphine in- .
cnd of calomel in n prescription. The
did died this morning.
SAN FiiANCiht'o , Ootobor 18 , Louis
FoLauu retires f | oin the Nevada bank ,
nines C. Flood taking thu position of
resident nnd 0. B. North coming'inns
new director in place of MoLane.
Arizona and the Ajiaokoi-
itlonal AbBOclatod Vriw
S\N FitANfiht'O , October 18 Gen-
al Kelton lenorU that Arizona is as 11
uo from hostiluH a it usually is and ;
ill bo until the Chirichuas return
om Mexico , Cliiof Goorgn with
lUrtoon warriors has been heard from
Kaglo Crook. IIo escaped nftor n
inning fight.
Probability That Secretary Win-
flora's Successor Will bo Ap
pointed Within a Week.
Conference of Prominent Green-
backers in Now York Yoa-
Thnt Pixrty to Wage n War
Against Railroads and Notional -
tional Banks.
Rumors That Colliding Will
Pick Out Arthur's Cabinet
For Him.
A Row in the Virginia Roadjinter
nnd Republican Convention.
National Anwdatcnl Prow.
NEW YORK , October 18. The Tnm-
miiny hall and county democrats both
hold conventions thin afternoon nnd
evening. Tammany had made nomi
nation , nnd later waited for n report
on the conference between it nnd Ir
ving hnll. The two halls , Irving nnd
Tammany , had agreed to divide the
olllccs. The Tammany convention
mot in Fourteenth street wigwnm.
The chairmen stated what had not
been known before , whirl ) was thnt
the supreme court had this afternoon
decided that the ollleo of surrogntu
would bo vacant the Itlst this year in
stead of 188'2 , and that it would bo
necessary to choose a candidate.
Kelly placed in nomination Dolnno
C. Calvin , the .present surro
gate , in a eulogistic speech. Calvin
was nominated without a ballot , John
11. Ilarnett , with the endorsement of
the bar association watt nominated for
judge of the marine court , Dr. Phillip
Morkcl for coroner , and J. K. Sloviu
and Ferdinand Levi for alderinon-at-
largo. ItcHolutiuns were passed con
demning the state convention.
The county democracy met at
Cooper Institute , sat five hours and
decided to nominate a full ticket , an
follows : District attorney , John
McKcon ; surrogate , Charles Jackson j
judges of the marino court , Robert
Van Wyck nnd Adolph A. . Sawyer ;
coroner , Dr. Louis Schullx , nnd a full
ticket of nlderhion. The convention
puHsod resolutions of sympathy with
the Gnrliold family nnd condemning
the nrrcst of Parnell.
ALEXANDRIA , Vn. , October 18.
The convention of readjustcra nnd re
publicans , hold hero to-day , came
near resulting in , a row. Two widi-
tdates , tiurko and Corbel , had' been
'nominated by separate conventions ,
for the house of delegated nnd thia
convention was for the sake of consol
idating on one or the other. Some of
the delegates got into a .fight during
the convention and the chairman ni-
signed in disgust. An objection woa
made to Burke as ho was under in
dictment fcr assault with intent to
kill. Corbel was finally elected by n
close vote The district interested In
largely democratic.
NEW YORK , October 18. Genera
James Weaver , lost year's candidat
on the national greenback labor purl ;
ticket , arrived thin morning nnd held
n conference nt the Albcmarlo hotc
with several grconbaokcrs as to th
manner of carrying on the campaigi
in the eastern and middle states ,
General Weaver said the campaign
was begun for n four-years fight in Al
abnma , Georgia , Mississippi und Ar
kansas in the south , and in Iowafrom
which state ho was a member of con
gress , Minnesota nnd Illinois , in the
west , nnd would continue in the middle
and eastern states. Much intorcsl
was excited by a rumor that Weaver
was to moot with Senator Jones ,
of Nevndn , his poiHonnl friend : w wuli
as the friend of President Arthur.
Senator Jones said ho had no appoint
ment with Weaver. Ho might or
might not meet him. Weaver says
ho will carry on the campaign in tin.
states on the , cry against national
banks , railroad and oil monopolies.
A friend of J/JIIOH says that Conkling
is in nbsobuto control \Ymihington ,
not no dictator , but an a friend of Ar
thur , and hm power will be shown
within a month , That before Unit time
Arthur will have a full cabinet of hit
awn and ask no outside advice ; that
tint cnbinofr will not bo dictated by
Conkling , but will bo with hm sugges
tion or endornement. The same gen
tleman HIIVS ilnit Carr will probably bo
jiidorsodby | stalwart influence for sue
otary ot state , but Huuto.i , for trcai
irei-j will probably bo sacrificed , and
wssibly the candidate for the court of
ippoala will also bo sacrificed ,
jocauso , in the face of country
imposition , ho cannot be saved
xco.t by strong stalwart
nfluunco , The stalwarts usu OH an [
iigumonl for such sacrifice of those
iflicuH Unit they do not think they
hould bo asked to save u bitter oppo-
lent like Ifuated , representing mil-
oad interests , while in the und the
vhola victory would bo credited to
ho Jiulf'brcods , who would say ; "We
old you so , nil against Conkling nnd
( att ; " and as for ifio finish , the can-
liduto for the court of appeals , that
hey have a right io sacrifice , if dosirn-
io. as it is of no particulnr import-
WAHIUNOTON , October 18. Secro'
nry Windom stntod to-day that ho
upposed his miccurnor in the treasury
opivrtmimt would bo appointed with-
a week , In leply to u question ho
iid that oven if ho wun desirous of
laying in the cabinet , or if President
irthur desired him to stay , ho was
ot euro ho could hold his present po-
ition after ho was elected United
itnto * senator , if , indued , hiu term
would begin ns soon ns the election
occurred , and that the secretaryship
would then be vacant Unless filled be-
A United States senator from Min-
nrsota will probably bo elected next
Tuesday. Secretary Windom snys ho
has no idea who li'it successor will bo.
In thin connection it is stated thnt the
president , being desirous to retain
Jnmca ill the cabinet awhile , nnd nt
thu same time desires to give the
treasury to n Now York man , will
probably nppoint n secretary of the
tre.isury pro ioin. , nnd Treasurer Gil-
tillnn's nnmo i mentioned for this po
sition. Secretary Windom states tnnt
if the sonrto does not mnko a public
report f the treasury investigation
cotmnittco ho mny possibly decide to
hnvo it printed before ho leaves the
treasury. The retention of Postmns-
tor-Jenoral James , even temporarily
in the cabinet , ia novr understood to
menu the removal of Assistant Post-
master-Geticml Tynor , for Iho simple
re.iaon that Tynor has not seemed
anxious to co-operate with the post
master-general in stamping out the
star route frauds. Tyner has not yet
returned to the city , but hin success
or's nnmo is expected to bo sent to the
senate on Saturday.
The gr.xnd jury to-day continued
the examination of witnesses in the
Ituwgato case , but are not near the
end. Nellie IJurroll llowgate , the al
leged mistress , will bo examined to
Goo. II. Bothard , who tried to bor
row n pistol to shoot Guitoau last week ,
is still here , nnd says ho is waiting for
another chance.
"You really intend to shoot GUI-
tenu ? " asked n reporter to-day.
"If 1 had had a pistol I should hnvo
shot him as dead as a 'boo.1 "
"How long have you boon horoi"
"Since last May. I kept pretty
traight until about two weeks ngo ,
vlwn I 'wont off,1 you know. "
Bothard has boon "off" over since
; ho day of Guitcau's arraignment , nnd
s looked upon na worth wntching. V
The Evening Critio publishes a
story to the effect that n separation ,
lias been caused between Hon. John
13. Clark , member of com-ross from
the Eleventh district of Missouri , and
his wife , formerly Mrs. J , 0. Weil , a
clerk in the interior department , by
dissipation of the latter. The mar
riage took place less than a year ngo
and for some months wont well. Ite-
ccntly Gen. Clark has had occasion to
reprimand his wife for runuimm ? out
late nt night. Mil or absence continued
niqht nfter night nnd Clark , believing
all was not right , took n detective into
his confidence , who shadowed the
wife , and his labors were , it is said , re
warded by seeing the lady in company
with a male companion , go into n sa
loon. Ho reported his observations
to Clark , who , implored , his ' wifotc ,
cease her downward course , and not.
break up family ties. Shu promised
to obey the command of her husband ,
but did not keep her word , and a few
nights after returned tohor old habits ,
and kept it up , night after night com
ing home in an exhiliarated condition-
General Clark , finding that his ap
peals wore in vain , resolved yesterday
to leave her. In comnany with his ,
Friend , Lieutenant Fink , of the cap-
iol police force , he went yesterday af
ternoon to his residence nnd removed
nil his personal effects to a down town
hotel , whcro ho is now located. Mrs.
Clark still remains in the house in
Grant row. In view of the _ high
standing of the parties the affair has
created an int > ime social sennation.
The Southwestern Pool.
National Atwoclntcd Prcsc.
CUHAOO , October 18. The meeting
of the Southwestern railroad associa
tion , which was to have boon hold in
October J'.ltli has been
this city , post
poned until November 1st , at which
time it is claimed it will surely como
oil' . The meeting is for the purpose
of tryini' to reorganize the present
pooling arrangement on Missouri river
freight business. The pool has been
very to the roads leading
Chicago und St. LouisloMissQuririver
points -St. Joseph , Atchiso , Leaven-
worth and KunmiH City but the
Inrgo amount of new railroad construc
tion and the formation of now coinbi-
natoons during the last two years has
made it impossible to divide the busi
ness satisfactorily under the old agree
ment. The diflicultvH ; nnd eomplica-
tionu nriHinu' from the changed condi
tions of thu rends hayo borught the
pool to the vorgu of dissolution , and
were it not for the fuctthat the south
western roadn fear another raihoad
war , which would no doubt prove dis
astrous to many of them , it would
1''ivo censed to exist long ngo.
Lome's Deputy.
S'Atlonal Asiocl.itcd 1'itir ,
OTTAWA , Out. , October 18. Lord
Lurnu hold a consultation with the
cabinet to-day in regard to the ap
pointment of n deputy during his nb-
lunco in England , Chief Justice Itich-
tiit not holding the nccciuary military
) ower.
Two Late Train *
Thu Rock Island train from Chicago
wns four hours late yestordny nnd do-
nyed the west bound Union Pacific
ruin about two hours. A heavy train
ind blockade of fi eight caused thu de
tention. The train on the K. C. , St.
Too & C , B , road , duo last evening at
i o'clock , did not get in until 11 ,
About fifty miles cast of the transfer
depot ono of the engine's piston roda
jroko und the train had to como in on
ono foot , us it were. Some of the
wssongora were wicked enough to
iwear , and all were generally out of
minor when they arrived in Omaha ,
but it didn't ' IcHson thu delay any.
IMIonaf AuoctAtcU I'teea.
WAMiiNuroN , JD. 0. , October 18.
'or the upper lake , the upper
ippi and lower Missouri valley B : Fair
vonthor , south winds , lower bnrome-
or , higher tcmpernturo.