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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1881)
r / A ' , ti , , . " C P ' Ff.iii . ir - -4 % "v -w , OMAHA DAILY BEE ELEVENTH tEAR OMAHA , TUESDAY MORNING , OCTOBER 18 , 1881 , NO. 100 124 T For Sale B * ' ' * i'A\ FIFTEENTH AHD JOUQLIS SIS , QA 5"S "fe" w j | * * T n . ffli Xo. 1 , Kc houie , 7 rooms , on Cumlngr itrcet' itr Baundera , $1200. No. 2. 2 story house , 9 room" , ! ! , clitcrnand Urn , Webeter.rieur 16th ttreet , tUXO. f No. 3 , HooM'ot 10 < rooms ; on Harnoy , uur 6th ( trect , toiM < foundation , S4000. n i' Ko. 4 , Tanto houM of .11 roAint , on WebtUr itrcct , near Creiuhton Cell e , R600. No. 6 , Uoiug of 7 rooms , on Cans , near 17th ! street , 81000 ; , , , . No. 7,1 House ot 8 rooms , 3 lob , on Kthitrett , near Iran ) , ftSi 00. % d , No 8 , House of 6 rooms , on Caw , nc r Hth , 22xlt2 feet lot , $1300. No. 0 , House ol 3 rooms , kitchen , etc. , oi" Can , near 13th gt cct , 8300. . No. 10 , Home of Sroonu with lot 2x132 feet , ' on Casa , near Hth itrcet , $900. . , No. 11 , House of 0 rooms , on 10th vtrcct , near Douglu , 44x66 feet lot , $4000. No. ISrHoouof 0 room ) , brick foundation , on Harnej , near 27th trcct , $1000 No 13. litorynrw house of. 6 rooms , lirick foundation , on St. Stor/a n cnue , near content , 51600. < No. 14 , House of S rooms and summer Kiti hen , on 20th street , near tlarlc , 82MM. No. IS , House of 8 rooms , on Sherman avenue (16th street ) , near Nicholas , 22EO. No. 16 , 1 J-itoiy hoiino of 4 rooms , cellar , stable , etc , , on Da\em > ort , near 22d street. (1500. No. 17 , Story brick house ot 0 rooms , near en J of red street car turn table , $2360 , , No. 18 , House and S lots , 4 blocks w est of High School , J2EOO. No. 10 , House and 3 loU on road to park , near head St. Mary's ayenue. 3500. No. 20 , Houio and 11 } lots neu Uascall's , South Omaha , § 2600. - . ' No. 21 , House and lot on Dmenp rt street , near 16th'str et , 86&00. No. 22 , 2 story house and lit 32x06 feet , on Davenport.nearISthstreet,81300. - , . No , 23 , iHOUM of 4 rooms and Sjlota.on 17th street , near Itard.'SISOO. No. M , House and'J ' lot on 10th ttreet , near Podge , # SH > . " - No. tar House anil 1 let on 10th street , near Capitol a\enue , H50. N * . 27 , 2 houses and lot on Jackson , near 13th street , 94300. . . > . No. a ) , Bhouncs and Hot on California , near 13th street , 5000. No. 30. 11-story brick house of 4 rooms with lot 60x200feet , onShtrioan avenue (10th street ) , near Izani , $3000. No. 31 , l-stoiy house and 33x86 feet , on ISth street t , near Howard street , * # 00. i No. 32 , _ story house ot tt rooms ami two lots on Mason , near 15th street. $3000. ] i No. S5 , Large house and full lot on Capitol atomic , near 13thstreet , $2300. No. 30 , 2 three story brick houses IU lot 44x 213 feet , on Chicago , near ISth struct , &SWO each. 11 > o. 37. House of 7 rooms v , itli 1J lot Paul Itrctt , war 18th street , $2760 , ' ' I No. SS , House and lot on 18th nt-root , near Sherman , t850. i , j i ) t < i / No. 39 , House of D rooms with. 44x96 feet lot , /o / 18th street , near California , $ ! ! iOO ' No. 42 , " House of 8 rooms with lotUOxlBO feet , J on Co-burn , near Col fax street , $3BOO. / No. 4 ! ! . House and 2 lota on Chicago , near SOth street , K6JJ. . * No. 45 , Lnrtfo hoUBOol 7 roonis'olasct pantry , ell and clsttrn , on 18th , near Clark Htreet , $3XX ! ) , No. 40 , Larco liouto with full block , near new ehott ow er , 62000. > \ T < No. 47 House of 0 rotas uith J lot , on Pacific , ncullth street. 3000. Ne. 40 , flrkk liousootf 11 rooms , well , o'stern , KM UirougLout the house , good barn , etc. , on Karnrmm , near 17th street , 0000 , No. to , House nf 0 rooms , cellar , well , etc. . on 190i , near Paul street , $3900. ' 3lo. 63 , House of 0 rooms andccllarlot33xl3i : , off fit. Mary's avenue , pear convent , $1600. Ko. 6 , Four housesondBSxlSU feet , on Ia\en- l ort , near 10th street , $5000. . 4. No. 60. Houte of 0 or 10 rooms , on California , ntr 21st street , $5500. No. 67 , House of 0 .rooms , summer kitchen , cdlar. cistern , well , good 4arn , etc , , near Kt , Mar-'a a\enne and SUt street , 3000. . I No. 68 , Now house of 7 rooms'good l rn , on Webster , near 22d street. 925OO. No. 69 , Four house * HUM Jtot , oil 12th street , ixsart'oss 82500. ' * . No. 00 , IlouseofSroomson Davenport , near Ktrd street , 900. Ko. 81 , House of 0 r 10 rooms ; on Burt street , i > car 22nd street , 8&000. No. 62 , House of 4 rooms , 1 story , porch , eel' lar , cistern and nell , on Haroe , near21ststreet , C13EO. No. 63 , House of 4 rooms , closets , basement and cellar , near White Lead forks , 91600 , Ha. C4.tlulldln ? onieased lot , en Dodate street , near post olnce , store lielow and r ems above , bOO. No. CD , Slots with barn and other Improve ments , near street car turn table. 82000. No. 07 , Nctv houal a room * on 17th , near Cumin ? street , 81000. No. 09 , Larjfo fltn house of 12 rooms , e\ery- thln complete , on 18Ui , near Chicago , tflXMQ. No. 70 , Homo on 18th strict , near tmvenport , tore below and roomsabo e , bam , etc. , 81LOO. No. 71 , House of 8 rooms , line cellar , all com pitta , on California , near 21st , CJOOO. No. 72 , Lrlck liouia , 10 or 11 rosma , on Da cn porti carl5tli $50CO. No. 73 , li-atory house , 0 rooms , cellar , w 1 and cistern , on Jackson , near 12th. 41800. No. 74 , Ilrlck house uith 2 lot * , fruit trees , etc , on 16th , near Capitol avenue , 115,000. No. 76 , House of 4 roout , basement , lot 17i * 132 feet , on llaicy , near 7th , M76. No , 7811-itory house , Broonii , on Coas street , near 16th street , WMO. No , 77tory home , U rooms , closets , f ur > race , fruit tree * , barn , etc , on farnoan * , near Ibth ttreet , (8000. No. 78 , i lot * with new house , well , cislern , i-.about one mileuettof port ofBos , (1600. No. 79) ) , House and lot near end of ltd street csr turn Ublc , on Haundera street , 8000. No. bO , Home of 4 rooms , ball , cellar , pantry , good rell , etc. , * 1300. > No , 81 , 2 houses with 0 rooms , and other with 6 rooms , on Chicago , near 12th strict , S3000. No. 82 , 1)story ) home , 6 rooms , 4 closets , well and 100 barrel cistern good barn , on Pierce fit. , . No , 84 , 2 story house , 8 rooms , 4 below and I above , 3 lionets , ceUar , well and cittern , with fi acris ground , on Saunders street , near Uarruks , . No. 65 , 2 stores , house on leased } lot , lease runs 2j cars from April 1st , 1881 , on I'acltlc St. , near U. i' . depot , m > . No. SO. House , IS rooms , well , cistern , etc. , near IStu and llarney strecU , tWWi No , U7 , 2 story house , a rooms , well with 10 fret of water , with 6 acresotirround , on Saunden tmt , near U. B. Uarracks , SOOO. GEO. F. BEMIS' Real Estate Excliauge 15th and Douglas Street. ACROSS THE ATLANTIC. Strenuous Efforts Still Hade to Suppress the Land Leapo in Ireland. Arrest Yefcterdayt ' rider the tl < fca - ' " Coercion Act , of the Secre tary of the League. . , f " f . / > . ' ! * U . . " ' ' ' \ I"Y J * - - ' Brutal Policemen , Wild With . .Liquor. Patrol the Streets , . * ' Abusing Citizens and -Ill-Treat ing Women DisEraoeful n * n/u" * - " Scenes.- ihe-Tunia Insurgonta-Defeaiea in an Engagement With rf * PrenchTroop | , The Prussian Government Vig- - * ofooaly 'Profeeoutmcr the J Qr kt Destruction is ft * ' ' . " * - * * I a / J & w N f r c M vn * ; j.WAPFAtRS IN mEL.uro.t * N tlon l AaeocUted Prow. -H MOBS IK LIMERICK. rDcuLiwf October 17. The" excite ment in Limerick atUl continbea at fever , heat. The 'jails-are ' sikrouridod by mobs , who havd.all day been fol lowing1 thO'different ' prisdncravto thc courts and back , in crdcr to * applaud those belonging to the land Icaspio. The magistrates have condemned from the bench the condu.ctl of the I mobs , and have proclaimed that-tho'inilitary and police have both been , ordered henceforth to carry fire-arms loaded with ball-cartridges.- " MOKE AURE8T8 UNDER THE COERCION ACT. - ' m DUBLIN , October 17. More arrests have been madoi under the coercion act , and the intention of the govern ment to utterly suppress -the "land league becomes daily more apparent. Mr. . Fonor , secretary of thai land league , and Mr. Girara O'Toole have been arrested at Fulton , county Car- low. , * t ' DUBLIN , October 17. The people should be warned against the exaggcrJ- . atedreporU ; of the outburst ofipubl" fary-in-Tmrious quarters of Ireland I r garding the recent arreutir The.ldya of organized resistance ma.y bo * 'dis missed at "once. Even unorganized mobs are not dangerous. , The impor tance of the affairs here 'on Saturday and Sunday nights is not ascribable to the violence of the crowd , but to the brutality. 6f the police. ' floJtoll ! the truth _ there was' hardly a mem ber of 'the 'specialforce 'engaged who w asjK > trnbr6 | or lea ? drurik > { .One police mwi said this morning that the members had nothing to cat and but little sleep since Saturday .morning , but were able to get drinks at-several public houses , Tlio result was that they were" wild /vfith / liquor. JVell knWii citizens/ / ' newspaper reporters , telegraph messengers , and even womuii suffered from 'the outrageous con flict of the police. It was stated that shooting occurred all over the city uid th&tmany people were killed. It now turns out' that only one person wes ' vx5utided with'buclKhot. ' DUKLIN , October 17. The execu tive oflicors of the land - league have removed their headquarters to Liver pool ; whore Mr. " O'Connor""will con tinue the business , r "Thirty arrests have boon .tmadb of parties who took part in tlio riot at Limorick'ycaberday. There * ro 'about twenty-three persons in 'the hospitals at Limerick. OTHER.JEOREXQN AXVAIRK. AFTKR NIHILISTS. BKHLIN , October 17. AltSiough it ia denied that any fresh measures were1 proposed at Dantzig againet nihiliam there ore signs thos einco that meet ing the revolutionists have been more sharply looked after than before. The Prussian authorities have shown their activity in the matter by the recent arrest of a nt iberof Hussion nihilists .and their incarceration. WILL 1EAVK FOK LONDON , October 17. . The Turkish commissioner * will leave for Egypt on Thursday. THE INStmOENTB DEKEAO'KI ) , PAHIS , OcU ber 17. The news from Aaric * tUa morning .are sensa tional but somewhat confused. It is tolerably certain that the exact truth concerning the condition of aflairs there ia not suffered to corae over the wires. Dispatches this morning , however - over , say that the Tunis insurgents , who wereattackuig General Sebastian's column were defeated , after sb : hour's fighting. Their lots in estimated at 800 killed and wounded. Ait Bey repulsed the insurgents. DESTKUCI1VK HUKBICANE. LONDON , October 17. Dispatches from Germany state that the hurri cane on Friday wrought great de struction on the Elba and Wiser riven. TUB EIUB UOAIi. LONDON. October 17. The Railway NOWH publishes a loiter from James McHcnry to the London committee of tlui Erie raihoad stockholders re specting the enormous turns remitted to the Erie adininiatration in Ameri ca , aud which , it U claimed , have not been natinfactorily accounted for. Air , MoHonry accompanies the letter witli documents claiming to furnish evi dence of the colossal misappropriation of the money , and asserting that thu men who were the most active in con- nection with the London committee in pushing the foreclosures ngains the Erie rood , growing ' out o t'leir connection with the Texas Pacific construction company am' their escape from post responsibilities , was coincident with the insolvency o ! the Erie corporation. Mr. McHonry declares that the committee is respon sible in KB turn for having kept per sons connected with the Texas Pacific railway in the control of the position of trust which they had , and with hav ing supported the most corrupt rail way administration in America , ATOIVEnSAJlV OP TUB II ATTtP. OF MRMI6 3r.nUN , October 17. The oxtcn siyoj preparations which the consorva lives of Berlin have been making for ROiho time past for the celebration ol thu anniversary of the battle of Lion- sic have been completed. The day is also the anniversary of the German crown prince. It is intended to keep the day the same way as the conservatives vatives kept -jnniversary of Sedan. The poorer adherents of the parly will bo entertained prat is at the thea ter , concerts or other places of amuse ments. There is no attampt to con ceal the fact that the object of this generosity is to carry favor with the .populace with a view to benefit the conservatives at the polls , hut it ap pears unlikely. The result will bo to influence the forthcoming elections in Berlin. Hqw the imperial elections will go generally , * , throughoutkPrussia and other states of Germany it ia quito impossible fo predict. ' L Term Supreme Court * dlipkteh ta > Tiil llu. t * -l'ti ' c6 r ; Nobrf October' 17. The following order haa boon tiled in the office'of the' clerk of the supreme u court this day : i Jt is hereby ordered that _ a special term of the supreme court , bo held at tlio capital , in the City or Lincoln , commencing on Wednesday , the Oth day of November , 1881 , at 3 o'clock ' p. m. of said day , for the purpose of filing opinions , disposing of unfinished business before the court , and the hearing of such original casca aa maybe bo proscribed. SAMUEL MAXWELL , GEO. B. LAKE , Judges Supreme Court. TROUBLE IN THE NATION. Certain Persona .Warned to " * Leave the Indian Ter ritory. f ' . ROCK , Ark. , October 17 , ' Excitement oxiate in the Indian country 'caused lotterVsoht try , by-threatening to prominent reuidonta , warningthem to leave their homes under the penalty of assassination. cEver since the" two railroads , which Jiow cross the terri tory Were constructed , ( here has been trouble , from the fact that both of these roads at once began working to have ' the territory 'opened to 'white ac'ttlomentby congressional legislation. The project waV bitterly opposed by most of the Indians , thought ; i small numbc advocated the scheme. The latter were practically ostracised , and regarded as L traitors to their race and country. .Not a few loft the na tion entirely. ThoJ attempt of Jay Gould and.the J3t. Louis & San Fran cisco road lo secure < the right of way for now roads through some of the nation , uti'd tlio announcement of an other attempted invasion ' by Payne , has aroused every darment passion and promis rte lead to a lengthy war. Threatening letters hvo been ad dressed to a number of persona resid ing in tlw Clierokeo nation , whoaio inudo specially obnoxious , which read as follows : " Siii : The committee of safety , consisting of ; lopil citizens of the Cherokee nation , have had you under surveillance for sorno time , and have decided that you are an enemy to < ouv government , our peopk , and our interests , in that you nave advocated spetionizing , and Imvo worked in the interest of raifamd cor porations , and have helped our ene mies by giving aid and cont/ort to E. C. Boudinot , by inviting him t > - address dress the people Em favor of such pro jects. Wo arc determined to top such treasonable projects , and as you Itaw forfeited all right to ur protec tion * nd respect , you arc hereby ordered - dorod to leave ihis counbry , wifh all your fl'cct , wilfliin sixty day , an 'you ' har forfeited all right to .a contnon property and a common pro- tcotioii by yorr treasonable acts. If you remain Inugor it uvll be at the risk of your life. You are likewise rtcpiired to connider this warniiiR as confidential and you are expected to leave in the niuxicribed tune , without giving reason. ( Signed ) CQMMITTEK OF HAJHTY. Itttfl understood that Ckiof D. W. Buakyhead disclaims all connection with tlio matter or any kMawludgo of the committee of eutoty. Those who have been warned , will , it is stated , remain , and will appeal to Uie secre tary of the interior for protection. NEW YOUK , October 17 , Tkero ia In the aub-treasury 91,800,000 in un claimed money orders , the accumula tion of seventeen yearn for Uio entire United States , the aub-treasury being the national money-order clearing liouso. The most of the failures to : ollect are duo to misdirections , < tc. Postmaster General Juines dcsiren Jioso facts to bo known , bolioving'if they were that much of the amounts would bo reclaimed , The Balloonist * . fotlonkl Associated frou CHICAGO , October 17. No intolli- 'cnco has yet boon received from thu jallonistH. The wife of Prof. Kintf is itthe Palmer house and bohevca her msband safo. It is now believed that ho aeronauts have landed in northern Wisconsin , far from a telegraph sta tion. . WASHINGTON. The Senate Holds a Short Session Yesterday and Adjourns Until Friday , Several Now 'Appointments Made m the Senate Com- xnittoea The Senate Seoroitwyehip to be Lot Alone Until After the Yorktown Celebration , Guit'oau's. CounselWants ; .the jit m * Government to JjP y Ex penses of the , Defense. The Fretidont and faiVMbMt , Army Offioon and Senator * ) Lvave ForYorktow- ' 'SENATE PROCEEDINGS. National Associated Prett. l * WASUINOTOV , , , Oot'o'bor"t'lV. A\f tcr the reading of the journal Mr. Pru- don ; ? pnvato , secretary to"Uhe presi dent , delivered ' a' few uairhporiant nominations. > * * < Mr. Sherman called lip liia resolu tion directing the secretary of the trcasiiry to transmit to * the sonata a copy of the report of liia investigation of the treasury department v On'motiouof ' Mr. Farky.sita con sideration was postponed until Friday. Mr. Teller asked tobe ruliovcd from further service on the committee on privileges and elections. The re quest was refused. - * The chair announced the following appointments on the committees : Foreign Relations Aldrioh in place of Burnsido. J Finance Aid rich in place of Plntt. . . Commerce Millet in place ' of Conk- hug. - Military Affairs Hawley in place of Burnsido. Judiciary Miller in place of Conk- ling.Postofflces Postofflces and Postroads Miller in place ot Platt. > Education and Labor Aldrich in placoof Burnsido. Engrossed Bills Miller in place of Gonkling , , " "Transportation to the Seaboard Lapham in place of Platt. Privileges and Elections Lapham inplacoof Toller. The gentlemen named take their places at the foot of the committee// At 12512'p. m. the'senate , on mo tion of In alls , Jwcnt ' { ntj > ezocutiyc BeBsionrSnSpfeiurhing- 1:20v ad journed until Friday. JfbMINATIONS. * _ The president sent the following nomlnatii ns to the senate to-day : Attorney General Frank M. Stciul- man , of the District of Columbia , to bo United States attonioy for Mon tana territory. * -Postmasters Oliver P. Temple , Knoxvillo/Tenn ; Archibald F. Coon , David City , Neb. ; Geo. A. S eel , Portland , Oregon , 'r Interior Department WUliani H. Bailey , of Now Mexico , to bo receiver 6f public monoys'at Santa Fo , Nj'Mlj Edward N. Oottroll , of Michigan , to bo-'tecolver of public moneys at De troit ; Charles H. Guild , of Nebraska , receiver of public moneys al Miles City , Montana ; Max Frost , ol Now Mexico , to bo register of the land olh'cu at Santa Fu , Now Mexico ; Alex. Mogqt , of Wisconsin , to bo register of the land Eati Claire , Wisconsin ; John Coomll , of Mnnesoto , to Ito regislor ot the land ollice ni Grooktiton , Minnesota ; Charles W. Pierce , of Nebraska , register of lunc ofliou at Lincoln , Nebraska ; Geo. W. Wilkinson , of Nebraska , to boagem for the Indians on the Omaha and Winnelwgo agency , Nebraska. CAPITA ! , CUULINGS , t HONUS PUllL'HARBI ) . The government to-day ptirchasec 2,00t,000 ) wortfo of bond * in Now > 'ork ; 911,090,060 were oftYred. MICttlflAN'H DELBOATION TO VORKTOWV Tlw governor -of Michigan and staSi together with the tate troqpa accompanying tkvni , were received -by the ipcosidpnt , ibeforo their departatn for Wosliington this morning. Tlu reoeution tookjulaco at Sauator Jouca KUOOIICU on Oajiitol Hill. UOWQATB'H CASE. 'Kto voiiiiBul for Captain Howgato this morning fired a motion to < UB ! thottnchnifiirt of his property in the 7.zl montioue , and raked n L < mr next Wodneaday on > fie following grounda ; B < : caano it is not tvuo ru charged tliat tlwj defendant evaded the OH of the ordinary proccM by witlxtra wing from the district > ar ii any other manner wlmteocver. l3o cause it is not true that JwiAiift the Dis tr'tiL-ot Columbia August -S3 , IBM , or auyx > thor time iintending &t diapoao o : soue of his re l state in the distric or lehowlierc. Because tie saita n wliicb the wriU are uaued wore no brought bv au ililcer of tiio Uaritot State * having authority to constitatc or proccuto ilia tame , liecauso rthi aQiaarUs upon wltich the writs of at tachments were iMuedaro ddoctiv-ovn lortga and substance and illegally i&su wl. The luuring was grunted. TUB DEMOOKATICt CAUCb'ft The ilemocraiic caucus this morning wan thinly attended. After Uio dia- cussion of the question of the secre taryship for a short time tlio matter was postponed nutil after the Ybrk- town celebration. TUB AK AHHIN'H - Scovillo , counsel for Guitoau , before the criminal court to-day to ask the court to decide the question about the government paying the ox- pensosfor the defense. Judge Cox said ho had Joarned'that he was unau thorized to permit the subpuma of witnesses under such circumttanccu and ndviecd Scoville to make aOldavit if lie would take advantage ot the fund. WINIWM TO IIKMAIN IN WAHHINUtOX. WASIHNOTON , October 17 Secre tary Windoin is the only cabinet olH cor who will remain in Washington during the Yorktown celebration. IN IlONOtl OF JURTIOB CUFrORti. A nicotine of the bar of the supreme court was held to-day to take official recount tion of the death of Jttstico Chflbrd. Vice President Davis pro aided and made a fitting speech as did also Philin Phlllins. Montgomery , Blair , It. T. Moortck. and Assistant District Attorney Iliddla. < T OKI' rOHORKTOWX. . Tlio national capital has almost lit erally boon transferred to Yorktown. Following the departure of the French and Gorman guests and ofii- ccrs of the state department came the departure of the president , cabinet , and aon < kto , so that to-night Secretary Windom is the only executive 6fllcor here , and scarcely a congroesmah is to bo soon. The Dispatch left soon after 3 p. in. On it were President Ar thur , Private Secretary Brown , Sec-1 rotary Hunt and wife , and Mr. Davis with his wife. At 4 p. m. the excur sion started with n roat body of son- ntoraandguboniatonal visitors aboard. The Tallanoosn's passengers includes Yico President Davis , Senators Bay ard , Morgan. Williams , and Scrgoant- at-arms Bright , and Congrcssmcn'D6- ' sondorf. Thomas , Wnshburn ana Roosevelt , and ox-Senators Wallace , McDonald , Randolph , Rov. Dr. Newman - man , and son of Hon. Hamilton Fish. Army officers , including Generals Sherman , Moigs , Drum , Parks , Sack- ott , Hatch and Pee , Colonels Tourto- lotto. . Bacon , Dodge , Morrow , Tidbal , and Surgeon Morris embarked on the steamer Speedwell at the navy yard at 3:30 : p. m. Col. Corbin , Capt. Reriiy , it the navy , and Maj. Clark and Capt. Moosemnn , of the revenue marine service , loft at 2:30 : on the revenue steamer Ewing. A number of regiments and independent com panies from the north arrived here to day and left by rail. Before dark this exodus had been completed and the scene of public interest transferred to Yorktown. Gov. John G : Long , ac companied by a full staff , represent ing the state of Massachusetts , under escoit of the First corps of cadets , will arrive in the morning. At the depot they will bo received by Col onels Webster and Moore and other ollicors , by whom they will bo es corted to the boat , by which they eave for Yorktown at noon. TO HK MADE PUBI.IO. It is reported that the now no torious though yet mysterious treasu ry investigation will bo made public In a few days. WILL BE OBJECTED TO. It is reported here that Commis sioner of Pensions Dudley will be ob jected to in the1 senate. Ex-Senator McDonald alleges that when United States marshal of Indiana' Dudley prostituted his oflico for political pur poses ; that ho exceeded his legal au thority in the election of dep"- uty marshals , and that these deputies wore nothing but political workers , and were appointed for that purpose. Dudley's friends claim that ho will bo confirmed without opposition. DISKNDOIIF I > ENIES. Representative Disondorf denies that he has gene over to Mahono. and says the newspaper reports and rumors to that oftect uoro unauthor ized and without foundation. NEIIHABKA'H HF.NATOH. Senator Van Wyck has been sud denly called away to Nobiaska City by the illncEs of liia oldest daughter , with diphtheria , Mrs. Van Wyok , who was in attendance upon her fath er , Colonel Broadhoad , who is in _ a Very critical condition , accompanied the senator. AFTER THE FIRE. Scenes and Incidents in Ko- komo Succeeding the Re cent Disaster. The Leadville Herald has the fol lowing iu regard to the after events o the Kokomo conflagration : It was about half-pant ( i o'clfwk ii j the evening , and most of the boar 4. ors ki the Summit house , which a considered 4 ho principal hotel of. Uio plaoo , and owned na run by Mr. J. M. ILongwolI , hrwl lininhcdL the ! r even ing repast , when an tuuiHunj sound wan hoard in the lamp-worn , which , it appears , was a tort of larga'clonot oft' from the dining-room. Several of the guests Bitting MI tlio ofllJco at once proceeded in the direction 'of ' tboiioise and discovered that a coal-oil lamp hud exploded , Mid was tlum in flames. Quo of ( lie help jttUche'd1 to the htol t onoe clowwi the t door , and with tlio Mmstaiaou of tbo coat which : he hod on his buck endeavored to ox- < tingui h the (5m. ( Other articles of woaritig appareU voro brought into requisition , us the oil liad apread and iwas rwnniug in Ifcrco flameH in every dtroctiou. He had nearly succeeded when Boiiio imivortuimt individual .kaocked in ( ho door and dashed bucket Mater on a- small stream of oi thaf. was binding itn way toward a can Mod with koioseuv. That bucket o walordul Uio workrnot of putting the ftre oui , but of setting tire to tlio cat of il and the walls of the room , The young man who liad so gallantly urn coolly endeavored to extinguish the flames at once fooud the quart ois to < close , and having ilia hands burnoc and his luir singed , beat a hasty re- troat. troat.With With an unputuu like this the fiery element gained such headway that it was impoAsiblo to stop it , nd in loss than h'vo minutes the whole liotol was a burning ma s. TJio iironriotor lied vith the re t , without liaviiig time to ako the moijoy from his cash drawer. A strong wind from the north was blowing , and as soon as the Humps eachocj the putoido they were carridd o the adjoining buildings up the AH Kit TIIK flKK. When the terrible work of devasta tion had been completed the scene wa intensely grand. Where 1ml twb hours bcforo prosperous business houses had sloud now only high heaps of rod hot coals simmered and burned , occasionally fnnticd into a hlnzo by the fitful winds Doth sides of Ton Mile avenue for a distance of two lonp squares , which in teality constituted the town , had not an upright timber remaining , \\\\\o ] \ \ in the center of the thoroughfare men and women stood gathered together in little group , bemoaning moaning their misfortunesandrockon ing their losses. Men who but a few hours bcforo liad felt comfortable in thu possession of a few thousand del Inrs , now stood looking Into the ashes of thuir property , homeless and pn- nilcs.i , knotting not whither to turn to obtain a night'H lodging or a men ] in the morning. The lurid gl.tro add ed considerably to this snd scone , and the roportn of giant caps and car tridges at intervals of half a minute forced ono back to the old war times , whin a village sacked and plundered had been burned by'a retreating foe \\hosQ outposts were still within shooting range ot the pursuers. The gray dawn of morning only intensified the pitiable nupno , for then the tires , lost theft brightness , and little be sides the charred timbers remained. TltB STORKS 1'LUNllimr.n OK VALUAllCKS. \Vhilo the fire was in progress the occupant * of dwellings in the lower otid of towinaidod their less fortunate neighbors to secure their goods and chattels and place them in spots of ap parent safety. Very little was saved , however , for tlio Humes overtook them BO nipiuly that many of the goods they removed were finally consumed. During this interval away from their own domiciles , the thieves and pil lagers were equally hard at work. Houses were broken into and robbed of the most valuable contents. Sa loons were plundered of barrels of whisky , wines , beer and thousands of cignrs. Some of the thieves oven wont so far as go to the miming nhops and in the pres ence of the woikors , appropriate arti cles of value to their own use. In thin way a handsome gold watch be longing to Mr. 'Winkloman Mas taken. Ono follow went into Stainsby , Fort & Colby's hardware store and insisted upon obtaining a "fort-five double action , " and when requested to carry ouc two buckets full of pistols , re fused until ho could make a selection to suit him. Hu then walked off with the two bucket H. A lawyer from Rc- cone , in a manner somewhat similar , appropriated two pistols , and it is un derstood that upon being accused of the crime ho returned ono of the weapons. Thousands of dollars worth of goods were stolen , and some of the businessmen mon of the town had. a movement on foot yesterday by which a committee wan to MBpoct the ouoea not de- > strayed , and "also the residence * at Reoeno , to regain stolen property. It waa also whispered that the man's life would bo the penalty in whoso possession the goods were found. Al though the result might be considered sovcio , yet the ends would doubtless justify the moans , as a being who would steal under such circumstances is not fit to live in.a . decent community. 'Barrels of barrels of drinkables woio taken to the surrounding hills , and the inebriate and the dobauehees who wore so plentiful nftek.1 the fire showed how the liquor had been dis posed of. For a while they nuvdo night hideous with their oaths and * blasphemy , and moro closely resembled bled devils than human beings. Tl only wonder is that some lives w < not sacrificed by the drunken men. Of courao this class did not 10 sent the mon interested in the , f many of whom were mortified &ti justed at their behavior. Irvine Hall Dem orai Natloiml AstociiiUil FrcM. NKW YOUK , Octo'j0r ' 17.- ing'httll democrats nssombl vcntion this aft jjjoon fo pose of nonv Ung coui The sub-corr mjtteo i > J thr committee ( reported tlmt1 , the conf 'A " B ' Mil luul agreed t/ , | "H. Joseph TMcKecn . t' jnioy oad dioula Jia , o tJO ! tmv of thei rf the inarii court OKU ttrv ala on oan at large Tl report WJD. iiccypt id and McKcc nominated uaian'.nu ju ly. A ' 0roole' - OJ LBANH , Octohor 17. Tl death of ( nqneral Louis Alfred Wil which ci irred Sunday morninir ha been oxpjctcd for Boino time. H was a inoi nhor of a prominent Creel family , ai id had been prominent ii Htato aflai ro for sovorul yoau. Ho wo 38 years old , and the cause of hi death was consumption. Hia funora took place thm afternoon from tin sfcuto In Readineaa t York- tewa * . , VUlooal AMooUtod fro * YOKK.'OWN , Vo.f October 17. The iiwuttgers of tlio centennial celobra- lion ro on the alert and full of busi- n -ss. AH of the folding tonta are in posit ! ( n and fitted up for occupation. The Bwud atand , from which the in. vltod KUC U are to view the colohm- Vi"'rT ? ' on > l''eto(1 ' ' iia afternoon , All of thostalo troops Jmvoroproscnta ! live orgaiiizatU-ns in now , camp ox- cent Michigan mid Pwnsyfvania. iheso latter are oxpoctcd to-morro ' - * moniing. The Thir'd Now York Jnf the , celebrated Ninth Massachusetts aniiycd this morning and created the jfrontwt enthusiasm , being the irgest , body of troops yet io nrnvo. Govonior Oullom , ol w Btafalso , , .i - , ' moniing The railway compaioa , having completed a buinch track to this point , many of the visitora will ainvo duoot by rail. The French and Gorman guests are expected to noirow afternoon , accompanied " - " * b CJ i l .ll IJii4 UV Socactary i of State Ulaino , To-duv being the anniversary of the aeiidiuff of the flag of truce by Lord Corn , walls to General Washington , that event preliminary to the surrender was celebrated by a grand national centennial celebration GRIME AND CASUALTY. An Unsuccessful Attempt Made to Burn the Canard Steamer Bothnia A Soldier Murdered at Colum- " bu ° , O , Yesterday , by a , Gang of Rowdies. Lynching of the Murderer of V' ' ! Colored Woman in Alabama - . ' ' ' " bama Yesterday. < . ' < " An Insane Mother a Ky. , Outs Her Throat. Golliiion off Two Freight Tralai on the Northwestern Road Yes terday , i 01UMB. ' National Associated 1'mn. 1 A SOLDIKIt MVUTH-IIKI ) . ' COLUMDCS , O. , October 17. Tho' body of Clms. P. McGrnil , a soldier at the barracks , was found at Eighth and Naghton streets at 1 o'clock thin morning. Death resulted from a blow inflicted by'a ' sling-shot. Ho was 30 years old , from Yazoo , Miss. , and en tered at St. Louis lost Sat urdayi There is n saloon near the locality and ganp of rondios frequenting it arc suspec cd. No light nan been thrown on t ) " ' affair to this hour. I * * ' TO BURN A CUNAKD STEAM NEW YORK , October If. 'I /KIC. has been considerable e.xciti . among the steamship oflicers > Cunard line regarding the su jment attempt to burn the Bothnia , the ing at her dock in thin city , , pots were found yesterday now ly- with an inflammable time Her car- phosphorus , which burst i saturated when taken up. They made of off thu vesHcl on to the d oto f nines sumod. Kettles contui * f thrown rua were found on thu v .ook and con- /'aing / phosplu ) . COLOBEl ) MDltDKUH DKCATUB Ala. C , , A 1VKCHKD. Huasoll county , near John Redd ( colored ) Jctober 17. Jn orod woman nanv , Scale , lost night , choking her. Ho /murdered a col. body a quarter of d Mary Ellis by in an old well it then carried her deputy sheriff , a mile and threw it ft field. Jra Doles house , todder , A coaled fcaptured Redd in a by cov here he , ho foddur. had been cong - ml hundred < g himself up ith HPiedtbody of iove- iurrounded the jail /night and took Scale out a aim. MOTHJClt. , . .Hr.Ky October ir.-MiK. Uajid , Co years of ago , who * n insane asylum a few years a left in charge of her two and year-old grand child this after- 'i-7i n Bfie P nwj excited at 6 httlo offensq committed by the m and struck him'on the head rtturing the skull. She then seized Ul'.veraI ? verega.shes from .1 . CASUALTIES. National Associated Prcus. to ItAUUOAl ) COLUHION. jre CiiKMao , October 17 Two frei ht --Jims collided to day on the Norh " iwn pro- western road at Carfiold , nearly kill" , mgaman named Livorkojoskio and dis- - severely cutting the hc.itt of ftnothor man. KILLKD IIV AN KNOINK. Jsland ! railroad : ' " ' cinP' ' y t the Rock Trv- shonn , was horribly con- mangled and killecf to-duy on that iiir- road by being struck by an onginu. ora. , OTKA\M1UP < JAW r3BD. nice NEW YOKK , Octoben 17.-The tof nit- toamslnp . Cmcent City , whilb on the , - diy.dock m the EA t rivcrr It tliiH " "PJ" * ' . Imln. . b . dry wrtcked capsized waa badly damaged , but the extent hoUIy cannot bo ascertained , u righted. John Hant Batllr' ) ; was kiU r injured internally. RaiiuDwMBe ( he Wheat Crop , national Associated Trew. he OHIO.IOO , 111 , ' October 17A IK special from St. P.'ml The ays ; heavv IKnd nifa- throughout the no , U wesf fo almost continuous Billco the Jato lo harvest have caueod a deep and y in ing fooling of concern for the safety and condition of ! us the wheat crop The- late ia harvest and the alovenlymWoX il of farming in the newer part of Uie wheat area make 10 the crop and Northern f peculiarly Husceptiblo to injury exoewwo. molsturo. The f e the gram in barns is almost unknown On many farms it is threshed d' from the field , and even where , is practiced it is done with little roforenoe ? o fron , heavy rains. The long-contin uod wet weather SSS hreshmgon the one absolutely and oPn thQ.otl.or . saturates the exposed grain ? Muainir.proutinff , heating and gS doterioraiioii of the qualfty ' of all the grain with actual 'destruction or a considerable quantity. DBTKOJT , Mich. , Octobot 17. A Bpooial train loft Jackson this after. iioon with the Michigan delegation to the Yorktown centennial , comprising six companies of state troopb in com. maud of General Withington , u ma- jontyof the state legislature , Governor - or ' Jerome and staff and various state oHicialaaiid newspaper men. Tlio V . U o' b' ° Ca 1 > y W0y ° f WashnB' ! I'KOVIU'UNCK , n. I , , October 17.- Thiee companies of militia of Now Hampshire , escorting Governor Boll andBtaflto Yorktown , reached hero o-day and will go by steamer dfrocfc rorn here.