THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; MONDAY , FINANCE AND FINANCIAL. . NKW YORK , October 15. MONKT. Events of the week in financial circles were quite important. Money loaned at 1-32 per cent , per diem , and interest enrly In the week was at 6 per cent. , and toward - ward the clo o there was considerable bus iness at 4@fi per cent , , with exceptional transactions at lower rates. Foreign ex A change was weak and lower during the greatest part of the week , but toward the close strengthened up somewhat , and rates wcro advanced J per cent , for each class. Government bonds wcro weak and lower on early dealings , but afterwards recov ered. Hallway and miscellaneous speculations , after nn carlv depression , caused chiefly by the stringency in money , became strong and prices advanced on almost the entire list under a brisk buying movement. In the general list there was an advance of 1 to 5 percent. , but in some instances the im provement was still more marked. The improvement in the market generally was cau cd by the increased case in money late in the week. There wore frequent reac tions In prices toward the close undcrsnlcs to realize , but the highest figures of the week in a number of stocks were made to day. Money was easy throughout the day , and closed at 5 per cent. The rate at no time exceeded G per cent , Exchange closed firm at 4 80(3)4 ( ) 84. OOVERNMKNrs. Governments closed firm. Currency C's 130 bid 4'e coupons 115J bid 4Vs coupons i 113 bid C's ' continued 1 OOj bid B's continued 09j RAILHOAD BONDH. Pacific railroad bonds closed as follows : Unionists 11G110J Union land grants 113 @ 114j Sinking funds , bid 1 20 Centrals 114J@116 STOCKS. The market , aiter an early decline i to 1 per cent. , became strong and bouyant , and under an active buying movement prices advanced sharply. The advance ranged from i to 3J per cent. , and was most marked in Denver & Hio Grande , Central Pacific , Michigan Central , Kansas & Texas , St. Paul & Omaha , Texas Pacific , Wabash and Western Union. During.tho afternoon the market continued strong and prices further advanced until near the close , there was a reaction of it to J to Ii per cent. The closing quotations , however , were j to 2J per cent above those of yesterday. The principal dealings were in Texas Pacific , Denver & Hio Grande , Delaware & Lackawana , Lake Shore , Michigan Central , New York t entral , Milwaukee & St. Paul , Western Union , Kansas & Texas , and Central Pacific. The following are the closing quotation * : ' Cedar Falls. . . . 23 Omaha 41J A&TH 51 Preferred. . . . 102 ? Preferred. . . . 90 N&C 138 Central Pa 02J Oregon Nav. . . . 158 C& A 128 Northwestern . .124 CCC&I 93i pfd. . . . .134 CB&QI 155J PD. &E. 4lJ OC&IC 2W Pacific Mail. . . 51 Preferred. . . . 114 ? Northern 'Pa. . 381 Ill Cent 1302 Preferred . . . 781 IB& W 43 ? Rock Island. . . . 134 DL& W 124J StPaul 109 D&KG 85 Preferred. . . . 120 K&T 411 San Francisco. . 44 LS llOl Preferred. . . . 701 Erie 45 1st preferred..100 Preferred . . 881 StPM &M..102i Lake Erie &W 46J StP&Duluth. 30 Adams Exp. 138 Prelerred. . . . 78 Mich Cent . ' 89 Tex Pae 533 H & T TD& B 22 MLS&W. 49J Union Pacific..119 H. St > . Joe. 972 Wab sh . . . . 49J MoPao 15 ? Preferred. . . . 90i N. J.O ' . . . .OSl W U 801 MINING STOCKS. Following are the , closing quotations of mining stocks at the New York mining exchange : Chrysolite G43 Bull Domingo. . 72 Robinson 1333 California 93 Alice GOO Imperial 19 Sierra Nov..1550 Iron Silver..210 Oriental & M85 Standard 2200 Leadville Con. 145 CHICAGO HONBr UARKET. CHICAGO , October 14 , To-day the banks reported the demand for money sharp , and sufficient to absorb the supply of loanable funds , and rates \ were from G to 7 per cent. Eastern exchange - change between city banks was rathtr weak at SOc discount per 91,000. The clearings ot the associated banks were $9,100,000. Orders for currency were fair. Omaha Wholesale Market- OFVIOE or THE OMAHA BKP ) Saturday Evening , October 15. J Tfiere is a good me cantile demand for eastern exchange , and has been all the week , the counter rates being firm. Nothing specially new was developed in the dry goods market. Prices continue exceedingly firm , and in standard cotton productions there is a tendency to higher prices. Business continues satisfact rily Active. Jobber * of groceries reported a fine inovomtnt at sustained prices. Sugars were firm , as well almost all other goods In the list , though the prevalent teeliug is rather less buoyant than a tortnii'ht ago. Pried fruits are still in active request. Currants , prunes , Valencia raisins and ap ples are exceedingly firm ; in fact there ii po weakness anywhere. Rye Unsteady and closed 2c lower than last week. Corn Declined 2c at the elevators , but has brought from 50 to 5Sc on the streets all week. Oats also sold by the wagon lot to local Dealers at 40@GOc. Cheese remains quiet and about steady , Poultry in good supply and unchanged. Eggs strong and higher , and in good in quiry. Foreign fruits and nuts without change. 1 Green apples in good demand and finii at quotations. The market for live stock is entirely neglected. In cattle there is absolutely no business doing save a small butcher trade. The leading produce markets were very Irregular ; wheat closed at 2c higher than Iwt week's closing quotation , but has fluctuated during the week , Flour showed continued activity. The firmness in all winter wheat brands wat well sustained , with probability of an ad vance in some grades the first of the week , Spring wheat flour was very scarce , the demand being largely In excess of the BUJ > . ply. Other mill stuff * were steady and firm at slightly advanced pricoi , Liquors were generally firm. We noti an advance for California spirit ) . Local Uraln Oe lmg , WHEAT , Cash No. 2,1 18J ; c&sl No. S , 1 03J ; rejected 83Jo. BAULKY. Cash No B , 9S ! No. 3 , 72c. 72c.HYE.Cft HYE.-Cft h. 9lc. COIlN.-CMli No. 2 , 47o , OATS.-Cash , 34 Jo. Livestock. AT OMAHA STOCK TARDS , , , , . - . - yjGJn& | SI 00 ; fat cows \ml holfen. $2 7o@3 00. 1 Hogs-Mixed packing , $ G 00@G 4 , * ) . i 'icep Slaughtering In demand at $3 00 .gjp. ' } per 100 Ibs grosi. Provisions. FLOt , TR APHIS' ' wheat , straight grade , eT25 < 3m V patent , S3 75@4 50 ; wintol * S ; * ' Ill rauo HI Qt4 O- . i L wheat KtraliIll > WewcJllAi ; patent , J4 504 90 ; < ? rfthll O'i 92 " 5 ; Wheat , 13 00. . - , . , „ - RYKFLOUL T MlLLSTUFFt. TlraL. ! jcreenlngs , per t V wc > ewt 1.00 ; chopped fet 'J , L. bolted , yellow. 1 40 ; w hito-1 . _ . I'OTATOKS In ca\ Iotg' a ° ° @l ° JJ Salt Lakes , 1 251 a ? . „ , SWEHT POTATOKS. Jer > sey , 5o per lb. , very actlvt ot ° @G ° l > er pound. , POULTUY Live chickens 'er llozcn $2 r > 0@2 75. ' . . . _ rilAIUIE OIIIOKKNS-521 ° @ 3 ° ° per doren , WILD GKESB 2 7B@3 50. WILD DUCKS-1 C02 00. KGHS-18@20c. BUTTER Choice scarce at 20@30'poor , no market : creamery , 30@35c. APPLES G owl. sound , cry scarce at $4 r.04 7fi per bbl. HONEY California white clover in comb , 24@2dC. LEMONS Steady ; per bnx , tlOOOj Finest Meitlua oranges $8 00 repacked. PEAOHES-51 35 per banket. CALIFORNIA PKAUS-Perbox , $350 ( $400. BKESWAX Yellow , 18@20c. ONIONS 1 B0@l GO pcrlmshol. CAIJ11AGE 3100@200per dozen , as to quality , CUANBKRKIES-Per bbl. , 58 00 ® 850. 850.CELERY CELERY Per doz. , GOc. Qrocera Llit. COFFEE. llio , tair. laic : Rio , good , 14c ; Rio , prime to choice , 14 Jo ; Old gov't Java ; ' . ! G23Jc } , Mocha , 28c ; Arbucklo's , 17Je. 17Je.TI3AS. TI3AS. Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ; Choice , G0@75c ; Imperial , good , 40@45c ; Choice , tiO75c ; Young Hyson , good , SG@ SOc ; choice , 65c@31 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf , S5c ; Japan , choice , G0@75c ; Oolong , eOiiA , S5@40 ; Oolong , choice , 40@55 ; Souchong , good. 3540c ; choice. 35 < 5)45c. ) SUGARS. Cut loaf , lljc : Crushed , Lljc ; Granulated , lie ; Powdered , lljo Fine powdered , 113c ; Standard Coffee A. lOic ; New York Confectioner's Standard A , lOJc ; Good A , lOgc ; Prairie Exrra C , 9Sc. 9Sc.SYRUPS. . Sugar house , bbls 50c ; haf bh , 52c ; kegs , 44 gallons , ? 2 50 ; choice table syrup , 50c ; half bbls , 53o ; kcg , $2 50. SPICES. Pepper , 20 ; Allspice , iOc ; Cloves , 45c ; Nutmeg , 8109 : Cassia , 25c ; Mace ? 100. SODA. Dwight's lb papers , $3 00 ; De- land do , $3 00 ; Church's , 53 00 ; Keg ioda , STARCH. Pearl , 4Jc ; Silver Glos , 81 ® SSc ; Corn Starch , 8J@9c ; Excelsior Gloss. 7c ; Corn. 7ic. SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 95 ; Ash- ton , in sacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy CO , 5s , 3 45 ; bis dairy , 100. 3a. 3C5. DRIED FRUITS Choice halves , > eaches , new crop , lOc ; E vaporated A pple * , lb boxes , 133@14c ; Michigan , 8lc ; New Tork apples , 8Jc ; Prunes , old , 7Jc ; new , lc ; Currants , 7@7Jc ; Blackberries , new , CHEESE Full Cream , 15c ; Part Skim. lljc. WOODENWARE Two hoop paib , 9 j ; three honi > pails , 2 20 ; No. 1 tubs , 50 ; No. 2 tuts , . 8 50 ; No. 3 tubi , 7 50 ; ) ioneer washboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown , 2,90 ; Wellbucketx , 323. LEAD Bar , 81 C3. MATCHES Per caddie , 90c ; round ases , 87.G3 ; snitiare cases , $5.10. PROVISIONS Breakfast bacon , 14j. hoice lard , 13Jc ( dried beef , 14Jc ; should- rs , canvassed 9c ; hams , canvassed 14o ; tacon , sides 13 c NEW PIOlCLES-Medium , In barrel , $9 50 ; do in half bbls , 5 25 ; ' smalls , in bW . .150 ; do , in half bbli , G75 ; gherkins , in bbls , 13 00 ; do , in half bbls , 7 00. VINEGAR Pure apple extra , 16c ; mre apple , 13c ; Trussing pure apple , 16c , HOMINY-New , 80 00 per bbl. BEANS-Medium , hand picked ? 375 ier bushel , i ROPE Sisal , J inch and larger , 91c ; } nch.9Jciinch ; , SOAPS-Kirk ' Savon Imperial , SCO ; Kirk's satinet. 3 GO ; Kirk's standard , 3 CO ; Kirk's white Russian , 5 50 : Kirk's Eutoca , 2 25 : Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes ) , 3 (0 ; Kirk's magnolia , 4 80. CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , Id oz , 8s , ! Gcboxes ; 40 Ibs. , 1C oz. , 6s , IGc. LYE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 340 : Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lewis' ye , 4 GO ; Jewell lye , 275 ? POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 doz. , n case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in cose , 1 90 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz in case , 1 50. FIELD SEED Red clover , choice new , fG 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover new. $7 00 ; white clover , now , $14 00 al alfa clover , now , $12 50 ; alnike , new , J1300. Timothy , good , new , $3 00 ; > lue grass , extra clean , 31 50 ; blue grasu , clean , 81 25 ; orchard grass , $2 50 : red top , choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri , 80c ; millet , German , 8100 to $125 ; Hungarian , SOc. HEDGESEED Osage orange , 1 to 5 > ushels , $3 00 ; ( wage orange , 10 uushels or over , 84 50 ; honey locutt , per lb. , 35c ; per 100 Ibs. . 825.00. FISH Family white fish , 90 lb hf bbln , ? 3 75 ; No. 1 white fish , 90 lb hf bbls , G 30 ; STo , 1 white fish , in 10 lb kits , 1 00 ; family 10 lb kits , 75c ; New Holland herring , per ccg , 1 35 ; Russian sardines , 75c ; Coluf- jia river salmon , per 100 Ibs , 8 00 ; Geoive'h jank codfish , Oc ; Gen. boneless codfish ; iic ; boncleas fish , 4c. ! { MACKEREL Half bbls messmackerel , 100 Ibs , 812 50 ; hfbbl No. lex nhore do , 100 Ibs , G 00 ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100 bs , 3 85 ; menu mackerel , 12 lb kits , 2 23 ; No. 1 ex shore , 12 lb do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore , 12 lb do. 1 00 ; fat family , 10 lb do , 75o. CANNED GOODS Oysters , 2 lb Field's ) , per case , SI 20 ; do 1 lb ( Field's ) , > er case , 2 50 : do 2 lb ( Standard ) , per cose , 90 ; do 1 lb ( standard ) , per cose , 2 50 ; dc 2 lb ( Black ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 1 lb ( slack ) , > or cane , 200. Onions , 380. Salmon , 1 tb , per dozen , 1 G0@l 70 ; do 2 lb , per dozen 'J 55. Sardines , mmill i'sh ' , Imported , one quarter boxes per box , 14Jc ; American , quarter boxes per box. , lie ; do half boxets l > cr box , 21 ic. Lobsters , 1 lb per dozen , 1 80. Tomatoes , 2 30 ; do 3 lb per cose , 310 ; Corn , 2 lb ( Mountain per cose , 3 70 ; soaked com , 2 10 ; do 2 lb ( Yarmouth ) , per ca e , 375 Hiring beans , per case , i 23 ; Lima beans per case , 2 20. Succotash per case , 2 25. Peas , common , per case , 2 00 ; peas , choice , per case , 4 50. Blackberries , 2 Ib , per cane 280 ; strawberries , 2 lb , per case , 275- raspberries. 2 lb , per case. 275aWOO ( Damsons , 2 lb , per case , 2 45. Bartlctt pears per case , 3 Oo@4 00. Whortleber rica per cose , 2 80. Egg plums , 2 lb l > or , 3 50-do. ; choice , 2 lb , per case. 4 50 Grnun gages,2 lb per case , 3 50 : do choice , ' lb iier case,4 50 , Pine Apples , 2 lb , per case 4 00@5 75. Peaches , 2 lb per case , 3 10 do 3 lit , case , G 00@G 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 lb , pel ooHe,38ri ; do pie , G lb , per dozen , 3 50. RICE-CBrolina.8@84o ; Louisiana , 71 @ 8Ac. PEANUTS-Roasted , choice , red Ten ncssee , 9c per lb ; fancy white , lOo per lb raw white Virginia raw , 10c ; roaatod 11 Ic. Dry Qoodi. BROWN COTTONS. Buckeye L I 7c ; Continental O , do , 8c ; Crescent LI GJc ; CreHctmt 0 7io ; Crescent B 7Jc Crescent A Be ; Granitoville LL Cjc ; In dian Head 7c ; Lawrence LL , Gjc ; Ports mouth P , do , 4ic ; Utica C 51c ; Winthrop L , do. 73c : Wachusetts 7c. BLBAOHBD COTTONS-Altoona 3 1 Go ; Auburn . A 4.4 8Jc : Bulard\ao ! ! 4- - ' _ . , _ 4-4 8io. Wamsutto , 4-i 13c. PRINTS. Allen's funcy , GJcj Ameri CAD do , CJc ; Arnold's do , 7c ; American aoGcBcrlfn , ; solid coloniGc.ConeslogndoCJ Cochico robe , 7c ; Frccmnn rolie , Gc Dunnell do , 7c ; Kdih-slono do Gc Harmony , 5c ; ll rtil,6ic ; Knickorbockor Gic ; Gloucester do , Gfcj Hamilton , CJc Hamilton do , 7c ; tIvrlbor do , BJc ; Sontli bridge do , fi'ic- Sprague do , fijc ; Simp- son's solid black , CJc ; Simpson's mourning , mack shirting , Go ; Washington "oft colors , CAMimrCS-Gamor , fie ; Harmony H , 5c ; Hookjctt , fie ; Keystone Glo\e Finish , BJc ; Wa hlngtnn , f > c. COKSKT JEANS-Andro coggln sat- won , 8jo ! Ijockwooil do. l > cj Naumke.\g do. , Scj } lUckport , "Jo TICKIXp-Amoskeog- . 0. A. , 17 cj lbany 8. A. X. . 17Jc ; IJordls A O. fi. , l < ic : Coixllo , H. 15. , DJc ; Concstoga , R.C. , HedStripolGic ; Concstoga , C. 0. A. , fancy - cy , 14c , ConestogR. jC. C. A. , He ; Conci- toeft , 4-4 , Gold Mo Ific ; ConcRtoga , 17c ; Kaston , B. , DJc ; Hamilton , D. , lljj llanilton regular. 13Jc [ Hamilton H. , Jljo ; Omcgawporior extra , .To ; Omega ucdal , 25c ; Omega A CA , fancy strliro , I8c ; Omega A 4-4 , IGc ; Omega A j , 13 ; I'earl River , ICJc : Shetucket , S. , 10k ; Shetuckct , S. S. , rJc ; OIL CLOTH M wood , $3 00 ; M ancy marble , 83 00 ; 5-4 white marble , T2 85 ; 0 4 wood , ? 3 CO : 6-4 fancy marble , \ 00 ; 0-4 white marble , S3 85 ; 5-4 mo- ato. * 3 00 ; 0-4 mosaic , 84 00. Uk'NINS Amoakeair blue and broAvn , Gc ; Braver Creek , A. A. , blue and brown , 45c ; IJt'aver Creek , B. H.bluo and brown. 3Jc ; lin.'iver Creek , C. C. , M o and irown , 12U < ; Everett D. D. , blue and irown , 15S ; HaymnkerB bine and brown , IJc ; Otis , A. X. A. , blue , ir > c ; Otis B. B. tlue , 14 ; Otis C. C. , Mne , 13c ; Pearl liver blue and brown , 15e. . DUCKS Arlington utripc. 18-s ; Bo ton licckn , lUc ! ; Boston XX tlrab. I'.Ucj Bos ton XXX bro. , 13Jc ; Boston XXX drab , 31c ; Boston O. H.bro , , lOJc ; BonUra XX , > ro. , 12lc ; BiMiarck Btriix17Jc ; Boston tripe * , ] 3ic ; Dundee itriiwis ISc ; F ll liver , lljc ; llamden O. O. , lOJc ; Lion ilun , ir > jo. STRIPES American , lOc ; Amoskeag , IJc : Dexler A. . 14c ; Mt-clmnlcti. 8c ; Omega , lie ; Otii B. B. , 10c ; Pittsnold , 7c ; Uncasvllle , 9@9ic. COTl'ONADES Angora. D. & T , , 25c ; A. Y. A. , 26o ; Bell , 18c ; Brldgowator , 19c ; Capitol , 18c ; Charter Oak , 18o ; E\erett , icavy , 20c : Everett , medium , 15c ; Farm er's 22ic ; Lewiston 10 oz. , 25c ; New Yo.k mills checks 18 ; Now York mills proof , 22ic ; Wlcklow , 18jc ; Union Pacific , 18c ; Whittend. n , D. & T. , SOc ; York , light weight , 12Jc. SHEETINGS Andro8pogRin,0--J brown 23o ; do 10-4 do , 2Gc ; lVpp6relr 9-4 brown , ! 5c ; do 10-4 do , 27 c ; Uexaudria , 40 nch , blcarhrd , 13c ; Androscoggin 9-4 , iloachetl. ,2Cc , ; do 10-4 , bleached , 29c : eppcrelli ! ) , bleached , 25c ; do 10-4 ileauhed , 2"ic. Drup-t. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Aeid Carbolic , 50c ; Acid , Tartaric , 55o : Balsam Jopabia , per lb , 70c ; Bark , Sassafras , per b , 12o ; Calomel , per lb , 70c ; Cinchonldio , > er or. , 75c ; Chloroform , per lb. 90c ; lover's powders , per lb , 81 40 ; Epsom salts , per lb , 3Jc ; Glycerine , pure , per lb , 4c ; Lead , Acetate. * pcrlb , 22c ; Car ion oil , 110 ° , per gallon , lljc ; do 150 ° , > ergal,131c ; Oil , Castor , No. 1. per gal , fel 40 ; Oil , Castor , No.3 , per gal.Sl 30 ; Oil , Olive , per gal , 81 50 ; Oil , Origanum , 50e Opium , 84 50 ; Quinine , S200P. ; & W. &R. tS.peroz,8200 ; Potassium , Iodide , per lb ; > 2 , 50 ; Snlacm , per oz , 33p ; Sulphate of kloruhino , per oz , 83 65 ; Sulphur flour , ier lb , 4c ; Strychnine , ner oz , 81 50c. Horses And Muei. | The market is brisk and all grades are selling well at a slight advance in pi ices. L'ho demand for good horses exceeds the lupply considerably. Prices range as fol- OIVH : Fine single drivers , 8150. to 300. ; Extra draft horses , 8175. to 225. ; Common dra't lorses , 8100. to 150. : Extra fann horses , S110. to 125. ; Common to good farm horses > 90. to 8100. ; Extra plugs , $00. to 75. ; Common plugs , 820. to 840. MULES. 15 to 15J hands ( extra ) , 8125. to 150. ; 144 to 15 hands , 8100. to 140. : 14 to 14J nands , 875. to 100. ; 13 } to 14 lands , 860. to 75 Hldet , hurt , Etc. HIDES Green butcher's hide , 71 ; green nired hides. 8Jc ; green salt , part cured nides , 8@stc ; dry Hint , sound , 13@14c ; dry calf and kip , 12@13c ; dry salt hides.sounu , ll@12c ; green calf. wt. 8 to 15 Ibs. . 10@llc ; green calf , wt. under 8 llw , per skin , f > 0c ; green pelts , $100@115 ; green lamb skint ) , 5110125 ; damaged hides , two-third rate , [ cut scored and one grub , classed two- linls rate branded hides 10 eent. off. , ) per . . . . . . _ . . . * - - .l-f -VT. E VT O > A. XT " 1 GOc ; No. 2 , 25c. Skunk , No. 1 , black , 55c ; short stripe , 40oi- narrow stripe 25c ; broad stripe , 10o. Tallow , 5J. | Wool. Merino unwashed , light , 14@lGc ; heavy , 13@lfic ; medium unwashed , light , 18@20c ; tub-washed , choice , 32c : fair , SOc ; dingy and w. , 28c ; burry , black and cottod woofc 2Gc less Lumber. FENCING No. 1 , 12 to 20 ft , $20 00 ; No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , 19 00 ; sheeting dressed , No. 1 , 18 00 ; No. 2 , 1C 00 ; common boards , dressed. 20 00. FRAMING 1C ft. and under , per M , 20 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 22 00 ; 22 ft. 22 00 ; 24ft. 2500. FINISHING No. 1. finish 11 , 11 and 2 inch , 850 00 No. 1 finish 1 inch 845 00 ; No. 2. finish IJ , IJ and 2 inch , 84500 : No. 2 finish , 1 inch , 840 00-No , 3 finish , 1 inch , 83500 ; O. G. battens per 100 feet lin. , SI 00 ; well curbing , $2200 ; rough J and 2 Inch battens per 100 feet lin. . 50c , STOCK BOARDS A stock , $40 00 ; B 835 00 ; C. 830 00 ; common stock , 822 60. FLOORING No. 1 , 840 00 ; No. 2 , $ A00 ; No , 3 , $22 00 ; yellow pine , No. 1 , S4000. SIDING No. 1 , 82100 ; No. 2 , $2200 ; No. 3. 818 00. SHIP LAP-Plain , 822 00 ; O. G. No. 1 , S32 00 ; NIL 2 , 822 00. CEILING 821 00S ( > 837 00. LATH AND SHINGLES A starrest ) nUim-lcH , $3 65 , No. 2 , 82 50 ; No. 3 , 82 00. Lath , 83 60. Building Material. LIME Per barrel , 81 35 ; bulk porbu. , 350. Cement , bbl , 82 50. Iowa plaster , bbl , 82 50. Hair per bu , 35c. Taned felt 100 llw. S3 50. Straw board. 84 00. PAPER St aw paper , 3c ; rag paper , 4c ; dry goods paper , 7omanlla ; paper , lOc ; news paper , 80 COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 812 ; Morris Run Bloxsburg , 812 ; Whitebreast lump , 80 ; Whitebreast nut , SG ; Iowa lump , 80 ; Iowa nut 80 ; Rock Springs , 88 Anthracite , all RZOH. | 812 50 , Heavy Hardware Llit. Iron , ratex , 83 30 ; plow steel , cait , 7ic cast tool do. 15(5i'JO wagon npokex , > .et 2 25@3 00 ; hubs , per set , 1 2j ; felloe * , gawoi dry , 140 ; tongues , each , 70@8.'kX } xi < w each , 75c ; mature nuts , per lb , TtgLlo washers , per 11) . 8@18c ; rivets , ] > er lb , lie cell chain , per lb , ( ! @ 12c ; malleable , ' 8c iron wedges , Gc ; crowbars , Go ; harrow teeth , 4c ; horseshoes , per keg , 5 00 ; spring eteol. 7f5)8o. ) NAILS 10 to 20d. 3 50 ; 8 to 10 , 3 C5 Cd , 3 90 ; 4d. 4 15 ; 3d , common , 4 DO ; 3d fine. G 40 ; clinch , all Bizet ) , n 15 ; Gd , casing 4 65 : Sd casing , 4 4 < ) ; lOd casing , 4 15 ; lot finish , 4 G5 ; 8d finish , 4 90 ; Cd finish , 515 half kegs , lOo extra. SHOT. Shot , 81.85 ; Buck shot , | 2.10 Oriental Powder , kegs , $0.40 ; do. , lial kegs , 83.48Mo. ; , quarter kegs , 81.88 ; Blast ing , ke s. | 3.3oi Fuse , ner 100 feet DOa. Palntt Dili iind Varnlihei. PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omah P , P. , 7c ; whit * lead , 0. P , & 0. C < i.pure Gc ; Marseilles green , 1 to 5 lb cans , 20c French zinc , green seal. 12c ; French zinc red seal , He ; French zlno , in varnish assc 'Me : French zince , In oil as t , 15c ; Kav and burnt umber , 1 lb cans 12c : raw am burnt Sienna , 13c : Vandyke brown , 13. lefincd lampblack , 12c ; coach black , l"c i ory black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussia : blue , SOc ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrom green , L. M. d D. , 14c ; blind and shutte green , L , M , It U.t lie ; Paris greet ) , 18o I"ill n red , 15ci Venetian rwl , 9c ; Tiuca rui , 22c ; American VermlllcxJ , I , &p. , I8c chrome yellow , L. , M. , 0. & D. O. , 18c yellow ochre , &c ; golden ochre , iGj paten ilryer , Gc | graining colors ) light oak , dari oa c , walnut , chestnut and twb 12c. Or ° lnt White loud , GJc ) French line. lOc ) Parl whitclnc 2Jc ; whiting pildcrt , ljc vhltlng comTl , lie ; lampblack German town , 14c ) lampblack , ordinary , Sc ; Prus stun blue , 45c ; ultramarine , 18c ; Vandyke brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw Ic ; sienna , burnt , 4c | vlonna , raw , 4c ? Atlf ( Krefill Bonwlno , 35c ; Paris green com' irc ; chroin * green , N. Y. CCK-j chrom- green K. , 12c ; vtrmilllon , Eng , , "Oo ; vermillion - million , America , 18c ; Indian red. lOo , rose pink , 14c ; Venetian read , CVok.ion'n 'Wot Venetian red Am. , lc ; red lend , 74c ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20o : chrome yel low , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ; ochre , l'rcnch , 2Jc ; ochre , American , ljc ; Winter's mineral. 2Jc | Ichigh brown. 2Jc : Spanish brown. 2jc ; Prince * mineral 3c ; VARNISHES-BarrcU per pallon. Puniiture , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , ? 1 ; furniture , U. 85c ; conch , extra , 8140 ; 3onch , No. 1 , Si 20 ; Damar , 81 60 ; Japan. 70c ; a.sphnltum , 70c ; Miollnc , 8350 ; hard oil finWi , * l 30 01 US-110'carbon pcrgallon llic150 * lli.i.i - . _ n n.1 _ . Iff. ' , I llli ; 'ailon , i'0. " > No. l75o ' , No. 2 , OOc ; cnntiir , XXX. pr gallon , 1 SOc , No. 3 , 1 Wj swrct < er gallon , 85c : jerm , W. Jl. , per gnllon , f 3."i ; fil hW.B. , nor gallon , GOcjnrntjifovt1 \tra , per gallon , 75c , No. 1 , G5 ; lunibf rij ) entlnf , per gallon , G4c ; naptha , er gallon 20t > . G3 dcu , 20c. Liquor. ALCOHOL 187 proof. $2 ' 35 per tine gallon , extra California spirits , 87 proof al 1 30 per proof gallm rlploreSntnl nrrfrits , 187 proof , 81 2 1 ; p r iroof gal rc-dintnieii whiskies , 81 00@1 HO ; ino blendpd , 81 50a)2 ( ) CO ; Kentucky bout- on , 82CO@700Kntncky and Pcnnnyl- ania rve * . S2 00(37 ( 00. BRANDIES IrapoHed , ? G 00@1GOO ; omestlc 1 404 Oft GINS Imported , 50@0 00 ; domestic , ROMS Imported , 4 60@G 00 ; Now England. 2 80@4 00 ; dinmwtic , 1 50@3 50 ; PEACH AND AFFLE BRANDY 75@4 00. CHAMPAGNES Imported per cose , 6 0034 00 ; American , per caie , 1200 ® 800 , 'if CLARETS Per caser 4 60@1G 00. WINES Khlnowine , per case , Ii 0 @ ? 0 ( X ) Catawba. per caxa 4 04(2)7 ) 00. OljE ri and Tobnecoi. CIGARS. Seeds , 815.00 ; Connecticut , 25.00 ; Mixed , 835.00 ; SeoitHa\nna , 850.00 ; Clear Havana , 875.00. TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Rule , 4 lb , GOc ; Spotted Fawn. 61c ; Our Rope , i2c ; Star , poundft. 24 lb , bntts , GOc ; Horse hoc , pounds , 2 < l tb , butts , SOc ; Purity , 24 ) . butts , 52c ; Queen Bee , 91 lb , butts. 53c ! Gilt Edge , pounds , 24 lb , butts , 57 ; Army nd Navy , pounds , 54c ; Bullion , ] > ound , 8c ; Iworillanl's Climax , pounds , COc. FINE CUT In palls. Hnnl to Beat , I'D ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , SOc ; ' "avorito , ( > 5c ; Rocky Mountain , 55o ; 'ancy , 50c ; Daisy , 45c. In tin foil Catlins 0. S. , 2 oz packages , 5 1U boxes , er lb G5c ; Lorillard's Tiger , ( Wo. SMOKING All grades Common , 25 to 3c. Granubtted Blackwells Durham , 1C 7.51c ; Dukes Durham , 16 or , 45c ; Seal of Tortli Carolina , 10 oz , 40 ; Seal of Neb ran- ca , 10 oz , 3Sc ; Lone Jack , 4 oz , linen bagtt , perlb , 81.35 ; Marburgs7 Puck , 2 oz , tin oil , 55c ; Dog Tail. G5c. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Council Blnffi Market. COUNCIL BLUFFS , October 1C. Flour Manufactured by Crystal and City Mills. 3 75(34 ( 50 : Kansas and Mis- ourl flour , 3 50@4 25 ; graham , 3 75 ; rye lour , 3 40. Bran and Shorts 17 00 per ton. Chop Corn 22 50 per ton. Wheat No. 2 , 81 20 ; No. 3 , 1 05 ; re- ected , 85. Corn No. 2 , 50 , rejecter ! 48. Oats No. 2 , 40c ; rejected , 35c. Barley No. 2 , OOc ; No. 3 , 75c. Hay ff50@GOO. Wood 5 007 00. Live Hogs 5 00@5 25. Cattle Shipping , 4 00@5 OO1 ; milch cows 30 00@45 00 per head ; butchera tock , 2 75@3 00. Sheep 4 00@5 00. G Hides-5c ; G S hides , 8c. Wool 15@ 5. Butter 25c. Eggs 20c. Potatoes 1 00@1 20 ; sweet , 4@5c. Oniona-1 25@1 40. Grand Jnnotlon Mart t- GRAND JUNCTION , Ii * . , October 15. Eggs 14c. , Butter 13c. Chicago Jrrodaoe. CUICAQO , October 1C. On 'Chance the n.arkets wcro again ligher on account of the rain ; a good de- nand from shorts. The receipta of prain were CIS carloads , embracing 73 of wheat , 175 of corn , 85 of oatn , 2G of rye , and 59 of mrley. Fl .ur Very quiet ; little doing ; common to choice western spring , 4 60@ G liO ; do. Minnesota , 520@5 75 ; patents , 7 50@9 15 ; winter flour , G 50@8 25. Wneat No , 2 spring ruled considerably ligher ; the speculative demand was active and a "t < ull" feeling was developed , with iricea advancing sharp from the opening. Market opened about 1 per cent , per bu , ewer , but under a good demand prices were advanced 2Jo tor December , and 3@ * Jio for November above the inside figures , , hvn receded 2jc | for November and 2c for Oeccmber , fluctuated , and finally closed at 1 31 J.for October ; 1 358 for November ; I 37i for December ; No. 3 spring , 1 21. Corn No. 2 , active , and market ruled Htcadier ; prices were advanced l@l.Jo on the whole range , but the improvement was not fully maintained ; shipping demand fair and thi NhipmcntK moderate , owing to 1 hu unfavorable weather for loading ves sels. The markets finally closed at 505e for October ; Glgo for November ; C3jc for December ; C'Jc for May. Date Quiet , but generally improved ; N'o. 2 , 33fj@3l for October and November ; 44o tor December ; 43jo for the year ; 45jo [ for May. Rye In better demand on Hpeculatlvo account , and Ic h'gher ' ; No. 2,1 OC for Oc tober ; 107 for November ; 1 08 for Decem ber. Barley Firmer and better ; offerings light : No. 2 , 103 for October ; 100@1 004 lor November. Pork Easy at lower range ; choice menu , 1725@1730 for November ; 1745@17r > 0 for Decmiber ; 18 57l@18 CO for January ; 18 77i@19 00 for February Lard Easy ; advanced early , lint fell back and cloned at 11 77i@ll 80 for Nov. ember ; 11 t)0@ll ) 95 forDeccmbcr ; 12 15 ® 12 17i for January ; 12 25@12 27i lor Feb. runry. Bulk Meats Active ; short rlba , 8821 @ 8 83 for November ; 9 15@9 17J for Jon uary. uary.Whbkylo lower , at 117. Reo'ts. Shipm'U Flour 1,570 17,00r , Wheat G0.802 23,912 Corn 270,029 278,95 ! Oftta 100,650 47.757 Rye 10,147 3Gir Biirley. . . v . . 3,221 10,195 Chicago I4v0Btook , CUIOAOO , October 1C. Cattle { Receipts , 4.000 , making 43. 000 for the week , the largest on record shipments , 4,000 ; no really fine cattle here market weak and lower on poor stock choice fat , l,3.riO@l,400 pound cattle G 40@G GO ; fair to good 525&0 00 : com luon medium Hhli > jIng ) 4 005 00 ; butch era , cattle 2 30 ® I 00 ; stockera and fcedcm 2 U0@4 20 ; range cattle , 10 to 15c lower through grass Texani , 2 95 ( 3 G5 ; half breed * and natives 3 70@4 G5. A good uitny thin nd common cattle left , Sheep llecclpts. 300 ; ihlpi " " * 1.900 ( rood mnrket for fnir to choica > nutton * al 4 40@5 00 ; common to fnlr , m any wcnl1 and dull at 3 00@4 00. Jf"S" Uccoipt * . 11,000 ; si t | m nU f e > , COO | ( leinand good and market a * ; t * i H troneer rates on all desirable tock | mixed packing , fi 75@C 50 ; choice ' ' VJ' ' J. C0@7 30 ; growers and rough I MK 5 K1 light hogr. , 0 00@0 45. ci | | , 3 ' )3 ) 50. St , Lonli Prodnoo. ST. Louis , October IB Hour Unchanged. Wheat Opened higher but fluctuate " ul cldse < l about l@llo lower than tht ' highest point ; No. 2 red. 1 4r > < 3il I5J fet cash ; 1 . | 8J1 483 for November ; 1 CI { for December ; 1 f > 4 } for January ; No. 3 do , 1 30@1 301 ; No. 1 do , 1 27. Corn I llchtr and unsettled at ( Wj@ . . „ _ tor cash ; 04Jo for November ; dfio for December ; C'.ijo for January ; 74c for May. Oats fllghcr at 44Qtc $ for cash ; 45j@ w.r > 3 for November ) 174(1417 ( for December ; IlKtiMi'io for January. Rye HIc-1-orht 1 OOJ. Barley Unchanged. Lead Dull at 6 00. Ecgs Unchanged Butter Unchanged. Whlsky-Qulct at 115. Provisions Firmer but tnoft quotably higher , only n jobbing trado. Ru-'trt. Shlpm'K Flour 0,000" 7,000 Wheat. . . . . . . . 41,000 22,000 Corn 39,000 40.000 Oat 41,000 4,000 Ityo a.OOO 1,000 Barley 13,000 4,000 Now York JProttnoo Naw YOIIK , Octet n-15 , Flour Quiet but firm ; No. 2. * W ) @ B 00 ; Hiipprflno , 4 80/VUO / ; city intlliraxtra. 7iJ5f i)7 ) 7fi ; common'to cholco uxtr.v 6 50 CiiH 75. Wheat l@2o hlfillcr , ferrrlch and > un settled ; ilmimnd moifcrtito ; No. 2 nd win. tor , 1501@1519 ; No. 1 mixxl Bteadf at 1 49 } ; No. 2 wl.ite . , 1Hit No. 1 do , 1 fGJ @ 1 < 8 ; No. 2 Chicago- and Mllwauhw , 13"140lt No. 2 ml , ' . Oc < 4 > l > er. 1 501. Corn Opened & ® lethiRher , but closal with the advance neariV > Innt ; ungraded1 mixed , ( i ® 71ic ; No. 3 , ' ( l ic : No. 2 do/ 7D @nc ; No. 2. OetoHer , 70G570Jo ; d < Novembtr , 71J@723c. OMn A shade strimgcT'lhti less nctivc ; ; No. 1 white , 65c ; No. 2J ilo , 5U(5)53c- ) No. 1 mixeil , 47c ; No. 2 do , 45j$47j ; tnikod > wontcrn , 45W48o. ( Rye Steady ami quiet * I OG1 07 for st U > . Bariov A nlmdo fiiine n four-rowi'd sto , 100 ; No. 2 Canada , 1110. Pork Dull , with ICHH ttroncth ; spot new IHC89 , 38 ( V WIS H7J ; dt > Novemoer and'Dtcembor ' , 1800@1S 50. ' Lard1 Dull , weak and lower ; 12 05 for cash , I'i'SOj for October , 12 87J for Novem ber. ber.Beef Beef and cut meats unchanged. Whisky-Nominal. Toledo JE > roano TOLKIK ) , Ofttolicr 15. \\.leat-Stcndy ; No 3 rwh , 142J for ejected ; 1 44 for November1 1 474 f ° r December ; 1 50J for .Tanuarv. Corn Htcndy ; high mixed , ZOc ; No. 2 , lie for November ; C5o for December ; > 3c for the year ; 7Uo for May. Data Notningdol . Peoria Prodaoo. PKOUIA , October 15. Wheat Receipts very light. Corn A little firmer. No. 2. white , 8J ; low mixcdNo.lGO > ihigh ; mixed , G44 ; nixed ; , Gfi ; No. 3 , G4c. Oats Quito firmer ; 453 offered for No. 2 vhite ; No. 2 white , 45Jc ; light mixed , 4Jc ; rejected , 45c. Rye Steady and a shade ( inner ; No. 2 , 108 ; rejected , 81 07. Barley Finn but inactive : No. 3. 9lo. Kcc'ta Ship'n Vhent. . . . * none. Corn 71,400 10,500 OatB 14,200 24,375 lye 4,225 2.500 iarloy 5,000) ) none UghWiM none C39 Cincinnati Produce. CINCINNATI , October U3. Mess Pork Jobbing , 19 75@20.00) Lard Quiet ; current make , 11 82J. Bulk Meats Steady ; cteir hidca , , II50. Flour Easy ; family , G U08 00 , . Wheat Dull ; No. 2 red , 1 43. Corn Strong : No. 2 mixed , 48c. Oats Dull ; No. 2 mixed , 40ic. Rye Firm ; No. 2,115. Barley Dull ; fall , 11C. Whisky Weak at 113. Liverpool Prodnoo. JjiVEiiroor , , October 15. Flour American , 10 * lid@13n Wheat Winter , 10a Gd@lla 2d ; white , O fflllHlld ; ipring , 9s ld@10a fld ; club , 11s 2d@lln 7d. Corn On. Pork 80s. Lard GOrt Gd. En it Liberty Xilvo Stoolc. KAHT LIIIKIITV , Pa. , October 15. Cattle Noth ng do ng ; receipts , 193 ; hlpmentp , 935 , Hogs Dull ; receipts. l WO ; ship- nontH , 3,900 ; PhiladclphiaH , fi 90@7 15 5 > cst Yorkers , C 40(2(0 ( ( 55 ; common to ftir , 00@G 25. Sheep Slaw and unchanged. Baltimore Prodnoo. BALTIMOUK , October 15 Flour Quiet. Wheat No. 2 red winter , irregular at idi for cash and October ; 1 481 48J or November. " Com Yellow , steady ; 72c ; mixed went- rn dull at 70@70o for cash ; 70@70Jc or October , PittsbuTR Oil Market. PiTTHUUiio , October 15. The nil market opened at 9 > &c , closing At 44bid. . Shipmenta yesterday , 59,820 ) bls , ; chnrtero yeBtenlay , 3'2 , 00 hbln. Oil City sales yohtcrday , 554,000 bblx. Iow York rotincd , Die ; Antwerp refined , 191 francs. Philadelphia Frodnoe. PaiLADEU'iiiA , October 1C. Wheat EftHior ; 1 4C@148 for cash and October ; 1 49 (5)1 ( ) 50 for November. Corn Lower ; G8i@70o for cosh and October ; 70J@71J for November. Oats Steady ; fMGfM for caiih and Oc- ober ; C0))5l ) ) | for November , Rye Quiet at 110. Flood NotoH. National Auoclatcd 1'ren KKOKUIC , Iowa , October 10. The iflsifnippi contiuuus to rise slowly and Hiiruly , making thu outlook at this point rather serious. The water lias jntorod the Diamond Joe packet depot - pot , in id work has boon suspended at the Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific shops , the Kookuk & St. Loum shops and AIcGavio's mill , on account of thu floods. The Keokuk & St. Louis line track between this city and Canton , is covered at intervals with water from two inches to a foot deep , and passun gory are being transferred by boat. OHIIKOHIIvis. . , October 10. A telegram from Now London this after noon brings the news of the breaking away of the Post Lake dam , forty miles abovoShawano , which augments thu fears of a grout ( loud. ST. PAUL , Minn. , October 10 , Re porla from the rivers in Wisconsin nro to the effect that the flood is unbind ing , At the same time the effect of the late storm has not yet bcun felt , and furthur trouble is anticipated. Along the Minnesota in this state the flood lias swept away moat of the liny that was stored on the low lands , and the farmers are suffering for want ol fodder for their stock. DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS. HOTELS. PROPRIETORS. TOW If8 OITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK , DlAlr , Neb. ARAPAHOE HOUSE , L , OLUTE , Ar p hos , , , CENTRAL HOUSE , JOHN COOPER , Oakdnle , Neb , COMMERCIAL. HOTEL , WM. CLEMMON8 , Sew rd , Neb , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , E. EVANS , O'Neill , Neb. NELIQH HOUSE , W. D. MOULTON , Wett Point , Neb DOnOHESTEn HOTEL , A. 8. KlNKLE , Dorcheiter , Neb , OOMMERCIAL HOTEL , ' J. 0. MEAD , Nellgh , Neb. QAQB HOUSE , A. R. OAQE , Republican Oily , DENVER HOUSE OAIUNSA WILLIAMS , Halting * , Neb. GANDERS HOUSE , CHA8. E. McNISH , Friend , Neb , WOODWARD HOUSE , WAP.EN WOODWARD , Exeter , Neb. PACIFIC HOTEL , 8. J. PORTER , Mlrmont , Neb E8TEB HOUSE , N. T tBTES , Grand liland , N b. U. P. HOTEL , a F. DERRY , Olbbon , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , F. W. WILM8 , Kearney , Neb , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , T. M. 8TONE , Orleant , Neb. HOLLAND HOUSE , QEO. B. HOLLAND Red Cloud , Neb. WILDER HOURE' THOMPSON REED , Wllber , Neb B LUE VALLEY HOUSE , R. DAVIS , Da Witt , Neb IU 'Y.VOLDS HOUSE , Z. 0. ROOKHOLD , Wymore , Neb. CO MMEROIAL HOUSE , A. O. OAARPER , Hardy , Neb. WEt.'TERN HOUSE , E. FUNKHOU8ER , Chetter , Neb. pAol FIO HOTEL , W. P. REN8HAW , Deatrlce , Neb. BUM * 'IT ' HOUSE , 8WAN & DECKER , Creiton , la. COMM EROIAL HOTEL , WM. LUTTON , Vllllica. la. PARK I OTEL , W. J. CARVIN , Cornlnc , la. BURKE1 * HOTEL , E. R. DURKE , ' Carroll , la. CHENEY1 8 UNION HOTEL , CHENEY BROS. , Mo. Valley Juno. , IB , NEOLA Hi 'TEL , F , BIEVERTZ , Neola , la. CENTRAL HOUSE , 8. P. ANDERSON , Malvcrn , la. EMERSON I IOUSE , A. L. SHELDON , Emerton , la. [ 1) ) . & M. 31. U. Central Nebraska. ] t , . R. jBtjhick . . Coal , Flmir and Stone lliuulfiiB Jonos. , , . , . i > < . , . .Thon > trphbrod Stock L Dicrsi . , , . . . General Mcrchadiao 3. T. Holt it Co . Dry Gooda , Groceries , Shoes' , Half and Notions loohncn Uros . , , . Gonornl Merchandise and Grain . T. Roberta & Bro , . Groceries and Qiiccnswaro . E. Bowers. . . . . . . Groceries and Queenswaro Ihna. .Uruoo . . . . . . . . . . Groceries and t jmronswaro > tto FJioibnoh' . . . , . - . . . .Dry Goods , Notions , Hats and FurnishingGooda osoy icntt\ . * . Millinery and Dressmaking Irs. 0. CT , ( Hark. . . . . . . , . . Millinery and Notions Hschof & Zinunorar. . . . . . . Hardware , Stoves and ! Tinware ' . Blodgot * . . . . . . . . . , . . . Hardware , Stover and' Tinware ackaon & Sill . Wind Mills , Pumps , Brass mid Rubier Goods f. N. Einilton . , , . . Agricutural rnrplomenta U K , Dunlwugh. . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . IDrnps , B oks , &o 'ohn Kribbter. . . . . . . . . . lurmture , Undortakini ; and' ' Sowing1 Machines Iclntyro & Scoloy . . , . . . Real Estate and Loans B. & M. Lands V : T. Olmstind. , - . . . . . . Abstracts , Collections amMloaRlfstato ' . E. Sander.- . , , . . . . .1 . Real Estato-ond Inmirnnco fin. Glemmovs. . . . . . . .i . . . . Commercial Hotel Ir * R. McClsllan . . . Parlf Hotel I. M. Lonrneit. , , , , . , . . . . . . .J . . . ' . . Commissioner of Svtward county ' L Donncgan. . , . . .i. . . . . . . . Commissioner of Siward county i. O < Johns , . v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . ' ' . . . . . Tronsuror of Howard cannty harJes Van.Pclt. , . _ . - . - . . > , , , Postmaster i. II. MuiiBon. . . . , . , . . . - . Station Agent 13. \ M. HI R. . U. Woodward , M. IX . . - ( . , . . Physician and Surgaon > . G. Reynolds , M. D. . . . . . . - . , . Physician aad Surgeon I. W. Wain . . . , . , Dentist bhn N. Edwards . . . . . . . . . . . . . Attorney , Collections and Loans 'homasiWolfo. ' . . - . . . . , . . . . . . . . .Suward Rcporlo- ( Weekly ) I. H. Botzer. . Blado-Wookly ( ) . Qi Birdrow. . . . . . . . . : Blacksmithintf and Wnnmmakin 'rank Isanl . . . . . . . Wagons and Carriages Valtor Tobin . . . . „ . BlacRamithing I. Atkins . . . . . . . . . - . Harness , Sa idlesSc I. Morris . _ . _ . Harness and Bnddlss V D. Givens . . . Photographer ' . Unitt1. . Moat-Market Icddler & Allcrtoii' . . . . . . . . Meat Market and GraiaDealer . M. Motohur. . . . - . - . i . Meat Market , Flour and Vcrotablm ' . Brick : . Billiard Hall nmllSfclooa fzTTfp.'wnfrftftft 3DX3ECiZCTM749 ! (13. ( & M. R. R. , Eastern Nebraska. ) Jt.t&Ow o.\i % / JL : CiXLJEI. . > . E. Douglas & Co\ . . , , , . . ' . . . . . . . . Grain \ Scotiold . Manager Chicago > 1 "kumb r Co V. H. Hoover. . Clerk ofxCourt and licul Estate ) . C. 'Dwvol . . - . , . . . . . .Hrocer V. A. Pbllack . < ; . . . k . Rbtirod } . B. Moore . Publishnr Granger } . W. Eairbrothor. . Publisher . AdvartUor MAX MEYER & BRO. , the Oldest Wholesale and Retail Jewelry House in Omaha. Visitors can here findallnoveltieain Silver Ware , Clocks , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , the La test , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in Precious Stones , and all descriptions of Fine Watches at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers. Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , jorner llth and Farn- lam Streets MAX MEYER & BRO. SHE LEADINS MUSIC HC-USE - IK TUB WEST I General. Agents : fos the Finest and Best Piiinoi and Organs manufactured ) Our prices are an Low as any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. Pianos * and Organs , sold for cash or. installments at Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID stock of Steinway Pianos ' , Knabe Pianos , Vose & Son's ' Pi anos , and other makes. Also Glough & Warreu. Sterling , , Imperial ; , Smith American Organs , &o. Do not fail to see us baforepnr- chasin ? . J. A. WAKEFIELD , W1IOLE3ALE AND KETAIL DEALKIt IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , CEMENr 3QTO. HTATB AQENl FOIl MILWAUKEE CEMJfNl'COMPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , OMAHA , NEB O. H. BALLOU , -DEALER IN Lath and Shingles , Yard and Office 15th and Cumings Street , two block * north of ST. PAUL AND OMAHA DEPOT yl-ood-Oin. 1.