t I UJLVOULOJilfiK 15 1881. BEE. JJAI.LY . Saturday MorninR , Oct 15. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICICET KLKCTION TUESDAY , MOVKMni'.lt BtH For Sheriff , DAVID N. M1LLKK. For Treasurer , * JOHX RUSH. For Clerk , JOHN 1JAUMKR. For Comml'islonor , . r. KNIGHT , For Jut Re , A. M. C11ADW1CK. For Stmcyor , ' OK011GK SMITH. 14l'or Sui > eilntencknt of Instruction , J J. J. POINTS. } For Coroner , JOHS'O. JACOBS. Vor Iho nccomodaUon of our np'town | > trons nrrnngcincnUliMo bcoii nmtlo will IMholm & ] : rck ! on , jowclors , opposite tbo pout office , ulicro ftd\crtl cincnt nd : rHcr fortlio city tlelivcry of Tin : H will bo recclvwl. Advcrttfecnicnts for the ovcnlnRinust 1)0 handed tn before liSOy in. , ! or the morning edition before 8:30 : , , . , n noit23-U LOOALi BREVITIES. to-nfght. I'attcrHon ells coal. Frederick Iciuliiir ! Ilnttcr. -Uosne. llcllttblo Hatter. I'lno pocket knives at Ktihn'i ) . Owl C5sarn nt Kuhn's Dm Store. Night School at the Business College. Th * Lion contlnueH to roar tor Moore's Hfctnc * nd Saddlery. For TINB OomnierclM Jnb Printing , II t Tnic BCE Job roomii. moke Starlton A Storm * , finest Cigar , nt Kuhn's Drug Store only. Iloya' Wnrm School Cflpft , nil klndn , cheap , at Frederick's ; JargcRt stock. octH-Gt Nobby Derby nnd Cloth Hat * for Kcntx , Homethlng now , nt Frederick's , the Ilnttcr. oct2w-t&8 * HATS ! HATH ! IlAral-l-ntcsf style * , 'argest stock in the city at Henry O. Hlchtcr's , 1322 Famhnni otrcet. ' in-f.B-ni-&e. There were fourteen poaches attacked to the cait-boiinJ U. 1 * . train yesterday tf- I ! > n tcrnoon. Lit the children connected witli fho Cas street Hewing uchool remember that it meets to-day nt a o'clock. The C.IBO of Fred Sohrccder for keep ing his barber nhop open on iSundayn was lhms9cd ! In the police court ycstesday. A colored man , John I ewis , acted as foreman of n jury in a civil case being tried in thediatrictcourt yesterday. S veral members of the Chalk club wcro on the jury. Judge IJenekB last night ] united Hob- ort Tl'Ogden and Miss E1U ) Vroth in the bouda of matrimony. The event was cele brated bofiliinrly at Fourteenth nnd Web- .sterjttrects last night. : "A rare chance" for Romobody to step into a good paying business. The htock and fixtures of the Michigan tobacco store 1417 Douglas btrcet for nalo cheap. Kn- qniro ou the premise ! ) . * Tli meetingH at the Chriitlon church ntill contiruo , noiwlthstanding the rain. Stove * have been. l"t up and thn room will Ixs Mftde comfortable. Kov. Tyler will continue to preach nftotnoon and evening until null week. One hundred and fifty-nine beautiful residence lots , located on Hamilton ttreet , half way between the turn tnblo of the red street car line nnd the waterworks rewnoirand addition , end just west of th < Jcontent of the SisUsw 1'oor Claire in ShlunV o.ldition. I'ricv'arango from $75 to $110 each , and will bo Hold qn easy term * to those who will improve. Hernia' 1 rVal estate agency , Fifteenth nnd ftougluH atrcoU. _ No 1ienl-.ichc : or back-nchf for Indies ' drink "WINE OF CARDUI. " At 0. K. Goodman HeToolc the Toain : OlViccr Kuapivr atrcatod last night 3) . B. llouck , who was recently cm ployed by the aooioty for the Proven- -tioh of Cruelty to Aninmla , for un hitching nnd driving oil'n fivruior'a wagon , Tlio owner mot him on Douijliui and Thirteenth streets nnd liold him until the nrrivnl of the ofliccr. lr 800 J ndieiMIoso at Kurtz's. : ' JILANKKTM lil.ANKKTH , BLANKBTH. Our first arrival tliroo hundred pairs fbloiikoti. Wo have taken care ( that'wo will not"riin out of stock ai wo did lost seaspii , nnd buying them in such quantities , tro have obtained very low figures. .Blankets from 82.25 to $22.00,1 A full line of the beautiful Cali fornia blankets wo Hold BO many of last aoason , and nt still lower figures in 101 , JUi 121 nnd 131. 'Andn , very great barguinint $0.f > G worth $8.00 , Tina is a really peed blanket , wo have only have one bale of thia and cannot obtain more. ' , A. GltUIUKflilArUC & Co. FLANNELH , FLANNKL.H , The largest Block wo have over car ried , and cheaper than lost year. All Wool Plain , Medicated , Shaker , Nary Blue , Grey and White , and n full line of FuiicK'H , comprising Matt let so add Itoyal Standard Twilled Suitings in ovoiy shade. Wo uru happy tlii season in offering the largest Block , licit assortment , and lowest prices Wo liavo over offered. OCtl3-3t A. OltUlRKHllANK & Co. See Child's Hoods ut Kutz's. ATKLNKON' to-day and to-ni'jht. ATKI. HUN'B to-day nnd to-ni'jht. t , _ _ _ _ , it tj 600 Cloaks nt Kurtz's. , > * ' . . , . Double Headers. Lyrnn Society's ball has been pout pontd until October IGth , on nccouni of the b.id weather ; . octlU-2t Do your sliopping ut Kurfz'e A HORRIBLE DEATH , JJorris DPO Thrown Prom His Buygy nnd Instantly Killed , Caused Lyn.\VAsli-out on Twelfth Street , jrorris Dee , for twenty-seven years a well known nwl rcipcctcd ros * idantof Omalmnml its vicinity mot an unlimoly niul hnrriblo denth last night at 70 : ! o'clock. Ilo liad boon intlto city ntlunding to Bomo busi ness nnd nt 7 o'clock utntted for hia Iiomo , nliich is about nix miles from Omaha , near the U. P. railroad , in hia buggy. Ho drove down Twelfth street. After descending the steep hill near JDIICB street , one of thn buggy wheels entered n rut , tipping the buggy nnd IhiowhiK him out on his head. Ilin full had been obflurvod by a number of pornoiiB living near by and ho was carried into tlio house of J. A. Lina- linn. Medical aid wan immediately sent for , but before thu arrival of Dr. Ayers ho had breathed his lout. His nknll was not fractured , nor wn hia neck broken , hut ( loath iasuppoRcd'to have resulted from contusion cf the brain. Vie.ir Uonornl Kicrdon WIVH also called , but nn Dee was uncoiiBcious ho could not rccoivo IUH confession. A jury consisting of J. A. Linahan Juliui Nig , Jerry Loonoy , P. J. Annstrong , Win. Hart and Michael Orjuly , was einpannoled by Coroner Jacobs , who rendered n verdict of accidental death. A carriage was sent to lib home , with n messenger to carry the Bad noiva to his wife. Ita ; orriblo effect can bo imagined. In * stead of the arrival of her beloved lusband , on opening the door ho met the umvelcomed messenger , who im- inrted the terrible imformalion that 10 A\as no more. Nuarly crazy with grief , aho entered the carriage , nccom- > aniod by her daughter , nnd waa rapidly driven lo town. The horrora of that diamal drive iced not bo related. On his arrival Mor is Dee was placed in n wagon and tak- m to her homo. A Bei : reporter visited ho house about 11 o'clock and parsed vcr the road which Dee had BO lately raveled. Up to his knees in mud , 10 sunk ixt every stop and going down ho steep hill , where the accident oc- urrod , hud hard 'work to keep hia cot. cot.Morris Morris Dee is a brother of Jerry ) eo , who a few years since wag street ommissionor of Omaha. He has jcon for th < 5 past few ycara n farmer ) f Sarpy councy and owned eonsidor- xblo ( property. Ho leaves a wife and hroo 'rown children. How' * the Baby. ' "Hnw'H the bal > y t" " IHa croup IH bet- cr thi.i uinrnlng , tlmnk you. V'oave ( , itut Bonio of Thoinns' Electric oil an you ulvised , doctor , uliJnluill give hitn name nore in nit hour or KO. " Next any the lector prunmmccd the youngatcr cured. Acting Assistant Surgeon , John E. Summers , jr. , U. 8. A. , will report to ho commanding ollicer 'Fort Sidney , tfeb. , not later than the 18th hint. , to iccompany the escort to thu Cheyenne Indians , en route to thu Ping liidgo Aponcy ; , Dakotu , and upon coinplo- ion of this duty ho will report in per son to the commanding nllleor , Vml McKiunoy . T. , forduty. Ijeavo ot ub.sunce for one month , on surgeon's certificate of d inability , is granted Second Lieutenant II. W. Wheeler , Fifth cavalry. The following named unlisted men , now ut Fort Omaha , Nob. , will pro ceed torojoin their respective alalioin , viz : Sergeant Jeremiah Mack , com pany A , Ninth infantry , and Corporal Frank G. French , troop A , Third cav alry , Fort McKinney , Wyo. ; Corporal Eden N. Daily , company 0 , nnd Pri- vato'iL.r D ; itlacknrood , company D , Ninth infantry , Fort Omaha , Neb. ; Private Charles 13. HonncHy , troop A , Fifth Cavalry , and Sorgennfc Thoudore Brehrn , cbinpany K , Fourth , infantry" , Fort Laramie , Wyo.j Private Charleo Stevens , company li , Fourth iufnutry , ivnd first Borgoant Cluirlcs Taylor , troop 1) , Third ciwalry , ort , Sandoru , Wyoming ; Sorgcunt Charles Hardiii ) , ' , troop M , Fifth cavalry , Fort Robin son , Neb. ; Corporal Thomas Sever- son , , company I , Fourth infantry , nnd Private Otto Drodoraon , troop F , Third cavalry , Fort D. A. Russell , Wyoming. Tlio quartermaster's department will furnish the necessary transporta tion , and the subsistence department commutation of rations for the jour- noyg , it bciti ; , ' impracticable to fu- nish the soldiora with cooked rations , us provided in general orders No. CO , series of 1878 , adjutant general's of- Jloo. _ _ Smoke Double Hoadora , Double Header * the beat nickc cigar in Omaha. Mrs , 11. L. O'Ueilloy takes great pleosuro in. announcing her uuooiutioi with the nckmivvledged leading Milli nery Establishment , ATKINSON CO S , nnd solicits iho patronage o ! her many frirndi. ( W | / nnd ta-niyht. Smjtho itStulljuttornojB , removed to No. 12 Crciqhtnn Illock.ri ' ' tf i John A. Crel liton li confmod lo hn ! 1) . II , 1'Iillllpi Mn the city ft finest at tliB Crolghtnn h < nu , , T. S. Slicpnnl , inAtiager of the 111 ; ; Four , Is nt the Cteiglitoti houc. C. K. Forbe * , of St. I'.inl , Neb , , H ntay- Ing at tlio Crclgliton lioti < e , A. Abbott , a well known lawyer of Lin coln , It nt tlic frcighton house. Judge Ilennclt , of Suit Like City , DMR > cd through OniEiliiv for tlio caftt yesterday. Win. JJabbltt , nf Nebnwkn City , Nob. , Is In the city a finest nt the Creiqliton house. J. Perkins , of Weeping Water , Neb. , Imnaklng the Crofghton homo liU bend- quarters. Afro. M. Donovan has rotunioil from her trip to St. I/Jills , looking much Improved tn health. Bishop O'Connor goo to I'lntUmunth on Sunday to confer tlu Bicruncnt of con firmation. Chief Uallignn , cf the fire department , In home ngaln after liin viilt to H. . Lottln niul Chicago. Judge HomnrHalcoinb , ofSchuylor , was In tlio city attending the Democratic con- veiitiorijrhurKldy night. H. O. Stripe has left the clcrk'x offlco of tlio U. 8. circuit court nnd will dcvoto lilniKclf to Hhort-hnnd work. N. S. Ilownnl , n lawyer of Lincoln , Neb. , it In the city attending court mid in nying at the Crclgliton IIOUPC. Major .Stovcnx , of the United States nrniy , wivt ono ( if the pavcngcrH on the cost bound U. I1 , train yesterday after noon. .T. 1' . ( .ireenv.vilt , representing Clarka Broi. , Now Vork , in in the city visiting lilH old friend , Con. C. 11. Frederick , the hatter. Mother NelJcrkorn , mother tmperior of the wcRteni province , returned to Chicago last evening after it short \foit to the .Sin. tors of the Sacred Jivnrt here. M. A. HnrtigAn , of Plattflinonth , who ircsldcd nt the dcmocratio state conven tion last night , wni an interested observer ) f the district court proceedings ycflterday Virtnc Aobnowledged. Mrs , Trn Miilholland , Albany , X. Y. , writes : "For poveral yoant I have suffered from oft-recurringbUioui hcadachci , con- Rtlpation , ilyni > flwii | and complaints pecu liar to my sex. akice using your HUIIDOUK IlXOI ) UlTTEIlH I am entirely relieved. " 1'rico $1 , trial itlio 10 ccntn. , lOeodlw Blabop O'Conhor' * Jonrnoj- . The Right Rev. .Bishop O'Connor returned recently from visiting the missions at Rollins , Evanstown , Laramie - mio City , Cheyenne , Sidney , North Plntto , Plumb Creek , Kearney , Grand Island , Central Ciiy , Columbus , Sterns' Prairie , St. "Bernards and a Polish congicgation in Plattn county. Ho found the missions all in a prosperous condition , and during his trip con firmed ! ) GO meinberH. At Larnmie and Columbus lie visited hospitals which nro under his care. Sunday Binhop O'Connor leaves for Plntta- inoifth. The followini ; wcok ho will visit Jncksotij the oldest nnd moat prosporoua mission in Nebraska. Ar rangements have been mode for the organization near Duncan of another Polish congregation. There nro about 100 Poliah families living near there , and the mission is expected to provo a aucccsa. An Attempted ! SkootiBK. Last night about 10 o'clock ' resi dents of Twelfth street were startled by the Bound of n pistol shot in Sam Gardner's Huloon. It appears that his wife had boon drinking , and while un der the inlluenco of liquor lie had some words with her. In a frenzy of drunken f wratlituho drew a revolver which aho Iind concealed about her person , and mining it at him , pulled the trigtror. Gardner , as aoon OH lie Haw the re volver , sprang nt hot and grabbed her arm , changing her aim , The bullet paused between his arm nnd body , go ing through his nhiit. Gardner reFused Fused to complain ngainst her nnd aho was not arrested. A Tongh Bod. Laat nightr"whilo , crossing Hartley and Twelfth streets , a BEE reporter nearly fell over a man lying in the gutter. The mud covered his loqs and arms , while his head , resting on a rock , woo ubout covered with it. An effort wuu made to pull him out , but as ho offered oa much resistance oa possible , ho was allowed tolay where ho was. A telephone incsnago was aont to the jail , and it is probable that tlio oflicer * arrested him. KLGUTTER'S MAMMOTH OJvOTIlINfl HOUSE , TICK MOST ItKLUllU : lUr.UL : HOIMK IN Tim HTATK. First premiums awarded utthu stain f.draof 1880 and 1881. OUll HTOUK IH COMl'LBTi : IN KVKHY DK- 1MU1MBMT. UKLiAnu ; anoDH. HKLIAIILIKJUOD.S. Men'u auita and overcoats. HATH , 1500THAND AND ANDSltOKtf SltOKtf llKLJADUi 1'IUCCH. Men'o gloves. [ . X , ' Fui nisliini ; goods , Trunk * , * ' V VttllHbs > ( " , > - ' and tine jj "Nrokwenr , Cardigan jaokoti in grout variotiua. IJOY'H ANP CIIILDUKJJ'H ( Jnons JltLIAllLi : Pi ( \V9 \ sroglw jfoUJ&nUJfor th'i ? Calii ( * fornia WoohiiiRIil ! , and kectalwiiyu on hhiid a ohoioo a a ntmont of Call- fin nia underwear , blanket * , gloves und banket jinod duckings Reliable Mammoth Clothing House. 1001 Farnlmm cur , 10th atrtuta. 111 DEOPfe , It is Announced that baldness cin bo cureilliy RVin maftlng , but thn abortion U urnernlly rcgiulitl ns incro balderdash. "Sntbrettc "How li the nrcltlcl wiy in hold tlie hand ? " Why , MI thnltho oll.er dde cin't aeo what card * you've got Bo - ton 1'oit. A Vienna ImtniAl contains thU ndvcr- tlwtncnt ! "Wanted A. rofVmor , to coinu t icc n week to tlio homo of A noble f tn * fly , In tinier to icform tlio pronunciation of parrot. " The water of the Hudson rhor at Poimlikeepkliha ? bein pronounced unft for dtlnklng , lint the people p.av no nnro attention to this fact than if it wan ixn- notinccd that It wai unfit for firewood. The Clilnoo government h fjolng to build some rnllrnmU , and eon will b In the land the voice of thu Celestial brakeman - man , "Hoop-peel Ynng-tze-kian junction ! Tlnince Htoiiiico ten minutes cntee and llnk ! c. We don't want to Interfere In President Atthur'A cabinet making , but If ho wants .1 good imn to ntnnd nt tlio front door nnd tnub the fimt year coiigrcsstnen wo think we niiglit run down to Now York and talk wiMi him. A huso painter recently wanted to ioln the tire department but as it took him over tiftren minutes to climbn ladder , nnd then he hullo go down ngaln for Home- thi g ho had forgot , they didn't employ him. Boston 1'oit. Tlie Courier-Journal aystlint a Russian wont tCinlng through thu telephone rcuks nil Ihu furniture in the room. TnN Is jhe lit > t intinintion wo have received tlintlvo . - tue'xy whi-ky Is now put up in glasi jnrs iilhtf.-ul of white oak kcgn. "How did you llkn IJunipo ) " "It'H too Hnlentlld for nytblng ! " was the reply. "And were you kick ? " "Yen. awfully sick. " "And w B your husband good to you ? " "Oh , ho wa-i too good lor nny thing ? Jtut as KOOII ns ho found 1 was HC ! ; ho went and drank Halt water so as to bo pea- sick In unison with me. nnd I'm not his ( iccond wife , cither ! " "You innko mo think , " John WilliamR daM , dropping uponimola beside a nrcty girl lnnt Sunday evening , "ot n bank wild . " "Do I " wherein the rliynie grows. > she murmured. "It'ii o niccl But that'll pa'HBtepin the hall , and nnlesH you cnn drop out of the front window before I cease Kpcaklng you'll have a wild time with him , my own , for ho loveii you not. " His descent was rapid. A dry goods clerk , who had a most out landish wuy of walking , had logo t > a din- tant part of the store to find some goods which a party of femenine customer de sired to sec. "Walk tiiis way. ladies , " lie called , as he swuvg hinuelf off. "But vo can't walk that way , " cried a pert 11113 ; "We never learned tliat style , you know. " The clerk Is now drilling his tibia in the motions of it now gait. Mother Shlpton's year : "This has been ayear of wonderful cvciits"obscrved Mrs. Marrowfat to her neighbor , leaning over the railing that K < > parated the trout court yi'rd.s of the two IIOUSCH. "Truly remark- nble , " chimed in Mrs. Vhcnix. "Wo ha\e had Htortns nnd droughtti , nnd comets nnd liren and earthquakes nnd ns ; u.sinati.n , and such like until I am dazed. " "Indeed wo hnvc , " added MM. MuVrowfat , "and Mr. M , hasn't been t- > bed with hiq boots on since the first ot January. " Brooklyn Certain Knowledge. Wo know whereof wo aflirm when wp any that Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure has performed moro won- Jerful cures than nny medicine over Drought before the American public. lOeodlw Ron ! Estnto Transfers. The following are all the transfers recorded nt the County Clerk's oflico Saturday and Monday , ns reported 'or this p.ipur by John L. McCaguo , [ leal Estate Agent and Conveyancer : Nehummh Melton and wife to John tlass , w i of sw | , section IS , town 1C , range 12 east , w. d. , 8304. Thomas Gibson to Catherine Finlay- ion , parcel in lots 8 and 9 , Cupital add. , w. d. , $550. John I. Kodick and wife to Henry A. Kostcr , parcel in lot 10 , Burtlett'a add. , w. d. , 400. David Cook 6 and wife to Katharina Trott ; lots ill and 12 , block 400 , in Grandviuw add. , w. d. , $145.00. S. it. and Esther Frost to H el Ion Gwinn , ei lot 0 , in block 13 , E. V. Smith's add. , q. c. d. , $200.00. Ceo. 1 * . Bumis and wife to Richard ilmldcr , lot 15 , block (1 ( , Shinn'u add. , w. d. , S47S.OO. Eunice Gates to E. W. Morgan , parcels in sections 10 and 18 , town 10 , range 1 ! east , d. , $200.00. Forty yen rs' trial tin proven " BLACK- the bc t liver mtdicino in th'j world. AtCV 1Oooilmiii. . One Hundred Slncers "Wonted. Mr. James McGranahan , who is to conduct the singing in the Whittle and MoGranalian ovangolic.U meetings , sends word that ho would like to meet ono hundred or ninro singers nt the Presbyterian church Saturday oyonins ; at 7:30 : , at which time he deshes to organize a strong choir. Mr , * , Me- ' Gninnhan assists in this part of the woik and will bo present. All who sing nnd aio interested in tjicso meet- ides am urged t * ' " ' ] ' " p'resiint. Bring "Gospel nymnsH ; 2 and 3. "Tlio Kavdro xiouao ounci liluffs in thu best second-class hotel in the vest. " autfl7lm 8tr.in.efH , v'itit KUrts''B Store. Sweet nnnlu cider at liufTett'H. 14-2t GlTARLIiS SIIIVERICK. Fun iiu.v , Bedding , Miirora and uverytlnni ; pertaining to the furni ture and upholstery tradi\ HOB the lu'at stock in Omaha and makes the lowest prices. Septl3tf Swuot potatoes , tomatoes , turnips , cubtugo , watermelons , pumpkins , crab apples nt BuflVitt'a 14-2t M. A. KVKTZ , Crcighton Block. BPKOIAtfPALL NOTICE. HOSIERY. Open to-day 100 doz. Ladies' and Chil dren's Hose nt very low pricca. LADIES' AND OHILDRENS' UN- DEUWEAR. Ohild'a Merino Vests. Liidies1 Merino Vests , Ladies' Flanel Skirts. WOOL GOODS. Ohild'a School Hoods. Ladies' Knit Hopda , , V Child's Knit Sacnuea , The iincst aseortmcnt of hand knit 'Wuulon u\cr oik-red in Onmliu. > DOLMANS , The Ladies arc ( specially invited to BUG our uhinco aulcctiuna of these Goods at very low price * . KWIITZ'S Store , Oreighton Block. ) n i.J , IF. ; . i ' ' . 4 < l "Western Crlcltot National Aiwociatc < l I'teis. ST. 7xUis , October 11. A meeting w.ti held in lliii city last n it'll t for tht purpose of forming n vtcnturn cricket league. There wcro WpicauntntircR present from the Mound City and Loionopolio clubs. Ohicaju wa rop- reoontod by members of the Chicago cricket lub , and Toledo , Ohio , by incinbera of thcMnunico Vnllty cluu The c'u iesof Itiino , Cincitumti , Colum- bill , Ohio , Springfield , Mo. , Knntm City , Detroit , Alilwauker , Lamar , Iowa , . nnd Rugby , Tennessee , were represented by delegates or letter. The Hireling was called to fcrdor with Dr. E. J. Ogden in the clmir nnd C.'ipt 0. W. Bulmirs olllciating as secretary. It wmt decid ed to form n. regular western ci ickot Icnui-o , to bo known by that nnmonnd lo ombr.ico the cities above mined. It was also decided to fonn n regular organization , wlioso ollieura nhould remain - main in place until the next meeting nf the association in March next. Thcsu nmnycnients beintr decided upon an flection of oflicors took place with the following rrsult : I'losidont , E. J. Ogden , of Chicago ; firal vico- prcsidunt , C. W. Bollnire , of St. Louis ; secoi.d vice resident , A. W. Powell , of Kansas City ; Hecrut.iry nnd treasu rer , G. S. Mendo , of Ructno. Tlie Rev. T. D. Phillips , C. W. Jkllnira and G. M. Forator were nppoiuted a cuinuiitteo tn dr.ift n constitution and by-laws , While the next place of meeting was not decided upon , it will luke pluco during thu month of March. TUo Hannibal Poiaonlnc Cn.no , National A-wixlateil 1'rens. CIIICAOO , October 14. A front Hannibal , Mo. , Biiyu : The cornn cr'a inquest in the Wcsifull poisnning trngedy has developed a remarkable Htnto of facts. The witnesses exam ined include nil tin. so poisoned with the exception of Mrs. Westfall , who died from the e fleet B of the drug. The negro cook , at first suspected of the crime , w.-yi Bonmingly herself poisoned by eating the oatmeal which contained the arsenic and there I'M no evidence tending to criminate her or any living servant about the Weatfall hous'j. Ono witness testified to hear ing Mrs. Westfnll say a few weeks n o that aho did not care if she nnd her baby wore dead. She was but thirty- Hovcn years old nnd the second wife of Wealfall. The theojy that Bho poisonrd tin ) outmeal docs not seem rc.iaoimblo and is to a certain e.xtohl disproved by the testimony. l..i . . . Frightful Explosion. National AbsoUated Press CINCINNATI , October 14. A Brad ford ( P.i. ) special saya : A terrible and mysterious nitro glycerine explo sion occurred lust night. A heavy discharge as of artillery was heard , followed by jx long rumbling echo which seemed to shako the houses in the city. The nitro glycerine maga zine belon inc ; to the Roberts torpedo company , in Lonely Ravine , two and a half miles from the city , nnd contain ing 000 pounds of nitro glycerine , had exploded. The earth for rod ? m every direction was torn up t.s if by an earth quake. Hugo treea were ciit Jlown small parts of ilcsh and shreds of gar ments were picked up. Farther than this nothing has been found. The in dications nro that the niagnzino was being robbed by moonlight era , who caused the dynamite to explode. It is certain at least that two rnen were blown to atoms. ! ' . . < t Xiabor Troubles- National Associated I'rcaa. DETROIT , October 14. The coopers at the big Michigan double stave bar rel factory at Charlotte struck this morning for an advance of two cents per barrel. They were all paid off and new ' hands engaged at the old fingers. The strikers made- threats which have noK been executed. In addition to the Big Rapids company ot state militia which is already at the scene of the mill employes strike at Muskocon the government IWorder- od the Lansing company to go there by the First train , and the Kalamazoo nnd Grand Haven companies i\oro also ordered to bo in readiness to go at a moments notice. Trouble is expected and perhaps bloodshed. Koliomo Consumed- National Asaoclatud I'roHa. DKNVKII , Ostober 14. A dispatch froni Kokomo , Col. , Bays : The ex plosion of a lamp in the Summit hoUBO last night caused a fire which spread with terrific rapidity , consum ing eighty houses. The fireuas aided by the explosion of several small pow der magazines. Only nbont twenty houses rumain in the place * . Thn loss is estimated nt ยง 400,000 ; insurance ( light. A great deal of Buffering will result from the fire , na those burned out aio now entirely destitute. BKLLK CKNTBU , 0. , October 14. - Wylio it Kennedy's Haw and pl.-ming mill burned lust night. Loss 5,000 ; insurance $1,000 ; incendiary. The National CHKUJIO , October 14 , Tlie Daily NOWH' Hpeciul from Spartn , WIH. , pays Prof. King's balloun passed pvur that tov\n nt U o'clock this moniing 'in rv northwesterly direction nt the rate uf twenty milts hour , at. nn altitude of about half a mile. It is probable that n landing will be made nt Minneapolis or St. Paul this evening , ns thu pro fessor is aiixioim to visit the scene of his Into failure. _ Coast Now * National Atiodatcd I'rww. SAN FIIANCIKUO , October 14. Tlio Calfornirt planing mills were destroyed by iho this afternoon nnd half of each block on the north aide of Howard , between Main and Stuart streets. Tlio premises were occupied mainly by lumber dealers and workers in wood. A strong northwest wind was blowing and it was feared for BOIUO I line that the department would not control the ( l.imea. _ _ THE EVENT OF THE SEASON 1 Tnu GUAND SEMI-ANNCAL MILLINKUV DlHl'tAY oi' ATKINSON & > Cp'8 ' , The ackiiow'ttlged Uiulimj milliners , iho FlItsTPllUllIUMHoiTHK of the BtntO Of Nebraska , will on Thursday , Friday and Saturday of thit week display to the public their" most magnificent stock , replete with all the latest novel ties known to the trade. All most cordially invited. No cards. ATKINSON'H to-day and to-nihi. I i i * ' . ; . ' > - i i .j , A If i , i C . \pturo of Yonnc Highwayman. CAHMNVIU.B , Ills. , October It. The n bbera who captnrrd ? 8,000 , from E. Perrinp. were ciptured at Lttahliuld last tiiKht. Tliey had been drinking and w bile under thu influence of whiskey , ono of thu party gave away their secret nnd tluy , vcre nil nrrcstfd. The money was recovered. They rcfuncd to give their names ntul were entire Ktmnguis. All of them wcro comparatively young men nntl wcro novices in the business. WORTHY OF PRAISE. An n rule wo do not rccommen 1 patent ni''dieiiH'B , but when wo know of ono Hint roilly is a public benefac tor , nnd does positively cure , then wo consider it our duty to impart that in formation to all. Electric bitten are % truly a most vnluablo medicitio. nnd will surely cure Billiotmioss , Fiiver and Ague , Stomach , Liver and Lulnoy complaints , oven wheio all others rem edies fail. We know whereof wo speak , nnd cnn freely recommend to nil. [ Ex. Sold nt DO cents a bottle. lab it McMnhon. (4) ( ) Fancy Oooda at Kurtz's. SPECIAL NOTICES. AiUuttUtiiiciit To Lowi , Lo t. Found , WnntK. lloartltnc , He. , nill bain < trtcd In these cotumni once for TKN CENTS ptr lineeach ; nubsciiucnt Insertion , F1VUCENTS pur lino. The tirst Inncrtlou never Icon than TWKNTY-riVK CENTS TO LOAN MONEY. TO.NEY TO LOAN Call nt I. w Ullli-o ol D. M L. Thorn v Rooms. Crclirltton lllock. To loan at from 8 to 10 p r cent. on ( food rcnl cstotcsBCiulty , by Ull. ISAAC KUWAUIM 1109 Farnhain ht. 1 > LOAN At 8 per ccntln- terust In sunn ot 2,600 and , . , A\-mU , for 3 to Syoars. on first-clous city and ( arm property. BICMIS Kn L ESTATI and LOAN AOXSCT. fcth and Douuhs Sin. * HELP WANTED. WAVTKD Man nnd wife , a ( jotxl place for tlm winter for the rljrht pnrtl&i. Apply Bee olllcc , or addreis I1. O. Box 17 , City. 2Ni-tf WANTKb-A boy 14 to 10 yearn of * KO to jro to tlio country to It-am thu ilruif business. Must bo alilc to epcak Kr lltli and Oeniian. Ap- l > ly to C. F. Roadman , 1110 Farnhain St. L'57-l" A clrl to ilo general liousewnrk. WANTKD to Mrs. Tonnr , 2itli St. , 2nd door south of Farnlmni. 2M-1C' An pxptriynced K'rl ' for funeral WANTED , o t side 20th St. , bet. Uh cage niul Cuss. 2CO tf WANTED A K'rl ' for general housework to go about hundrvd miles we t. K\- ICIIKCB luld and twenty to thirty'ilollari a nonth. Apply nt City Hotel. 250.14' WANTED OIHco boy at thu linmct Uouee. 20M7 * WANTED A cottagu lionsufnrnslicd ! or un- furiilihed ) in a uooJ location ; mmt lie ( ithln a feu-minutes walk of the "Boston Store , " ( jlO 10th St. Addron , Cottage , Bco olllce. TT7 ANTED A reliable man to sell sjicclaltles VV on Installment ) ' ; stead } emploMiient , good . J21S. lOthSt. a M7 * WASTED Mtuatlon by > ounirelrl todo cn- cral lionscw ork. Applvnt the Scnndina- lan Hotel , llth St. 2SM4f - - of rooms for light IIOIIRC- WANTED--Suit a umall cottage. Address , II. \ . , this olhi.0. " 252-16' "TJT ANTK" ' A good tinner. Steady employ- VV mcnt guaranteed Iho jear through ; the 2M-19 Urand Inland. ! ) Sceral glrli to learn dreas niak- WANT t" > horn email wagt-j will he given , Mm. W. B. Wood , 210 16th St. , Masonic ISIoek. 247-14 ANTED Two No. 1 brobm-makers. A. W KANDOW. 243-14' 'ANTED Newmlli hcaws , Llttlcfldd's Sara W toga Dairy. Sc4-14 * ICO to SCO load * of dirt near trjd WANTED Murys ftMiimtEniiitlra at Bev office. 2220-tf \ITASTED Bya nnngSwU girl a situation W ill a ptlattt'ainilx lur gtneml hoii e\\ork Apply at or address II. Me ir , 'Jj'J B. 13th St. s 237-W TE ! > Kxpiriutu-cd * njint girl for gen eral liouHuuork ; huiall family. 161S Will- or rit 227-1 1 - > loa < l ofdirt near 2SrJ and St. llarj' aMiine. Eminlro nt lieo otlii-e. IQJ-tt WANTED < V eoaplo goal rj Under prus fieikn. Can find hteady umiloui.ent at hU olTice. 27-tf Ile pettnlilueiiiplojmci.t bj hus band and wife. AddruMi P. 1' . U. , Jko Of- flee. 077-tf "ANT1U1 IIoiiKjlfeLr | , 1103 Farnhani St. , up ttairx. ac-tr WANrEO Girl at 200i Dodge street. 979 tf rANTKH-Fuudlng bridge and achool lionds. II. T. Clark , Bcflo ue. 20-tf RENT-HOUSES AND LAND. HEXT House lth dTooms and cellar at FOU $13 pvriiiDiith , pajablo in adtanca Imiulro 12J1 Norlli liith St. . Vet. I'.iul and Slicnn n. 253-10 I.IOU IlENT-Sult fiirnlshid rooms , suitable I > for m.uinml ulloor tuoUdUs , at6S5 North 17th il. , between California. And Webster. ' ' ' ' . . 254-16' KENT Store and dvrel'lnghouw.conibio. ' POK . Jnqiilru at (00 ( South 10th Ut. 240 Is' - plca ant front ; chamber rcomi , ( iirnhhid or uiifurnlihud , , without loird , to Ivllo * . orgontleann nnd wife. 211fiOllfornla St. , bet. 21U & , 2'2d. 210 15 MOIl KENT A lari-o ttorc Imiuire of N , L Shtllon , 1H13 rnruhoin St. T7IOU ItRNT Suit of room * , nleoly furnished L milt ilile for four gentlemen. Also on 3 single MomforlHO. Northwest tarner SCIh and part hts. POU IlE.NT-l'lanoi , iH and M per month , nt 318 } Cth street. -JJU tf riOK KENT A flue now 8 room liouso , I ) . U Cookv , Ibtliand Ua > uimottliHt . 213-13' KENT ItooinTat panthuent corner 18th roll Iz-ndat , grttn car line. 177-12 * Tnoil hKNT-Mctlv f rnlnhed front lco > o .I ; room ; alw > a nui.ilUr room , low ptlecs ; brkk hous9. Casabt ,6 doors west ol 2'JlhBt. ' 154 tf IIC.ST-Ju.tnnlihedtHO flnt-clau two- Foil lirl"k houeeo , 8 and 0 roomi , italila anil ccmuntcd cellari ; ? (0monthy In advance. W.M. 11US1I.MAN , B. K. corner 16th and Doug. ' bta. 023- _ IOR UENT S furnished roomi oxer HeJ- Ui nt ' Ex < .lMnjuN , E. cor. Ifilb and Dodge BALE. HAI.K A tram of Urge uniltu. L. DUO- rOlt , 1112 8. 13th .St. 235 p5 * i.lOllHAU- umall li uw ) aud j lot nlth good I ? uoll uixl ulublo oi > 20tb , near Slier nun St. , NO 1S07. I'rluo , WJJO. , XJ1-U' EOH HALE Chcart , horsi' , buggy and hnrntsf. Kii'iuliv ' at Mil. B , Crelghtun lilock , 215-H BEMIH > Mi rattling long liita cj taouHxi , lot * lan.la aud farms for tola Call and K'l them. otl HAui : Stool : and nxturea of millinery , notion and hair ftoro , doing A good Imwncm , location ventral ; store nnd dtvellTnir together , rentchsap. I u Uh to retlm f rom budueai. Ad- . 11 , Po t nillie. On alii. 137-13 T710II UALK LiMfl and furniture ol ; fint cl i L1 hotel In town of ISOOlnliatiltanU.'Instaii ) of Nebratka ; ha 24 beds ; tbo traellnt * " " n- ton. Inquire at IlEKolfic * : ' ) I . , it Ml .f.U-J SPEOIALjOTIOES-Ooiiiaauoj [ TJlOll HAI.K A honiltlf il c'ltlcnce property of J. SO ncros with cortimcxlioui hou f. Ulght Heron of on liuhl Mid > ncj arJ. txKntlon * lr1iltj % Only two ninl ihMI mlle * from post office. Ear am ! JOHN ! < . MtOAdU : , O-p. | V. O. TOU tTWItSAl.E Mai * of ttoilfrUii Rtitl PMtiy own- I1 tin. A , KUsKWATKIl,1520K'ariilnnitr ' , 32H I.UM SA'.IV- mrmll en. iii . , II. \ \ . Jj HOII'H tniko. lu iicifsct o-dcr. Inqtilroof li. O. Clark i Co. 38-tf OH SALtw BUICIC _ ESTAnnoK i. COK. 1J1UKAA1.B inmtclan vlnct orjan , U cheap ; neatly new. Inquire Milton & Son , 14th niul Knrnhtm St. "T OIl SAMi Pour acre * of iMid ntar JP worU rcscriolr , nl it\vo cotl ( rc on Capitol IIII1. Add. AN1WKW U .VIX8iSW : > UoUftlaj St. 818 If PIOll SALE Klt.a utock farm of 400 ( vcnu- JL1 good house , cattle nh il , orch nl &c.p with in nwy ri'vh ol railroad. Prlre. f-4MX > , pait time .it X JOHN L. . McCAOUE , 0p. | KS OIHro. J8H-M ANU LANU llcims rents homc , HOITHKS % , hotels , farir oU , Unit * , olllco * rooms , etc , See lot jug ? "ITIOlfSAf K Good liouia with four romns and L1 half lot , No. 2818 Dodge betunon 'Jiltli and 27tli xtrcrt. Uootl ivtll and nha4o trees ; home In oiiJIl'nn. ' tnq.ilro on i > miil > . 'Si-til MISCELLANEOUS. I.OAIU > WANTl' ! ) Two room * connectlnc J ( ulth cnrpctaonh ) n 1th board wanted , for Kititlemin , wife hmlclmil. AddrcM , Home , P. O. bSS-li * rpAKENUP na'AlttVliorso , whlto Mrlpo In I fnco , nlioutlSjeitolcl. MOShS HAWKINS. 1010 Chicago St. 202-20' j. M nnuNswiCK * DLAKK co. , Keep Tun eniniiletcRtock of HlllUrJ Tables nml | mi- Haul mcrrhamllso on hand.nt thilrttoro room.DOD South 10th St. , Onmln , Nob. o2-lm' * T OST A nhltaamlhrlndlo bulUloir. will an- J J SH cr to thi name of banco , finder v , 111 bo llnrally rrwarded by itturiilni ; him to MUtou Hoirern , fe Son. 21044 T 1IOCIISTAESHI Will pay the hlitlicst cash . . y _ , . price Jor nccond hand Itllllard nnd Vool H-- " 'V7X 1 Tobies. Call or mldicti EOO South Htli 8t. 012-1 mf * CANVASS For books , jou know , AaCNT sell "Mfo of fr.sldcnt narlleld1 "Heroes of the rialnn , " "Harder Outlaws , " "Lawsof Husinoss. " 11A ! WALDIION& CO. , St. Louln. Mo. ' c2 < Mawlm * KUOMH AN1 > 1IOAHD A pleasant home for the winter for three gentlemen , whcro the ; ran find the comlorti of .home. Itefirtnco ex changed. Ad.lrcfi II. Uoo olllrc. 226-17 B EU1S' REAL.rTATK BOOM. See lit page. AIL AT MU8. I ! . K. OLAKKK'S No. 1 Board \J Ing HCUK , cor. 18th and Dodge yts. Best n tbcitv 510-tf PUIVATE 1NSTUUCTIONS In Frcnch.iUor man , Greek nnd Latin. Frof. Henry W ilcck. 1207 JmAron St 000-oc8 > ALKl > HAY At A. II. Siudor'siFecd Store > 1013 Harney St. ilU-tf EM1SKEAL ESTATE EXCUANQE. 8 B 1st page. EMIB' NEW CITY MAPS.Zfic. Sec 1st page. HEEPrOK SALE SCOO fat wethcH. Ad- dret > 8 Anton Abel , Plum Crick , UauEon Co. , tfeb. 185-W TJ10KTUSE TELLER AND MEDIUil-Mru JL1 Eliza tells past , r-rctent nnd future In lee and all affairs. She rceals the deepest secrets : ) ho heart , bho possesses the magnetic poftcrli fulflll all jour \\ishc9 Call at So. 322 comer 16tli and Cliicruro street. ' I COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. K\ cry body In Council Bluffs lo WANTED UFK , 20 cents ) > cr neck , do hired bj carriers. Otllce comer iiroaiUay iind Jlaln , up stairs , Councll'BluOV. bfi--tf ' TICKirr UPFICB-War In railroad ticket * contlnueH to lioom. Unprecedented ou rates to all eastern iwlnt * . E\cry ticket uaranteed , Orders Hllc < l ny telcphono. From onoto ten dollars S.IUM ! by purchasing tick tin of C. A. 1'otler , successmto Totter & 1'almer , No , 40 South Fifth street , Council Blurts , loun. Oitl3 tf ANTED Boy , with pony , to curry papem. W Inqulro at liXR otllto , Council iHUJTs. ' 'octlS-tf " \\7"ANTED To buy 100 tons 'hroom corn. VV for particular * fuidreM Counrll Blufla Broom Factor ) , Council ] ) hU , Iowa. HM-'JUtf A ( rood rarpcnttr at nncv. Ap ply Mynnter & Adann , , Council Bluff * , o tt. tt.W I ANTED A Urxt-claHH liroom tier. Mivyna W & Co. , Council Bltifft , Iowa. 600 W 'ANTED A boy to do chores ot M ) nstcr W iUhery , Couneil Blufli. Wil-28 * Uootl girl for general housework. WANTED M > nstcr , CouiiUruiufJs. MB-tf TTrANTED-A nltiiatlon Jiy n lrst-class irillcr. VV Hail 20 jcarn experience. Understand * old ami now proee ei. bi > nl > tnglish am' Ucnnan r.ml aciinalntcd with steam and water IIWCM. Can gim the but of rtfercmt' . Will emu on trial at nny time. Address II. S. , Ikuc la. _ WANTED I ! n ccntltnian of experience antf liu-lne-Ti habita position with n firm. lither ox i lerk or 1 1 tnu U. HoarcncJ gl > tn. I. , . WA'IKINS , Council Bluff * . IM2 20 SALE Old iiaiwralPo per hundred , at EOll Dec olllco , Council lIluHa. Bc27-tf "TT7"ANTED Tivo e\pcrionc < U book williitora YV for Colorado nnd Utah. Addnst 1' . O. box 1214. Council BluffH. loun. DOT 21" To Contractor * , BnUdera and Property Ownora. The undoibtgncd haing been appolntod agent or the oxtcii i\o iron nnd wire mannfairuring louses of li. T. Bariium , of Detroit , jxnd the lusnel Iron Foundry and Workg at Toledo , Ohio , capacity of M tonn dally , la prepared to urnUh estimates and prUra for iron ulumn , c.&e , , tor store IronU , window caps nnd tills , hrenhold plaUs , wrought Iron bronw nid gird- : r , hjdraullc eloxntora , etaplo Uttings , pulleya , . Bhaftlng , &U. ; aluo' Iron < ince . cresting , win * daw guards , shutters , stairs , balconictt , cettfcx , chuiis , ta es , acqiinrluins , fountains , mmmcr louse * , lawn , garden and cemetery ornaments , flower stands , grave guard * , AC.I &f. . In ndlei arletj . Catalogues mipplled on Application. ntNKY'n. ' iiAHuy , Mnpufacturera' Agent , 2 % Henri Htrcet. anzlO-lm me Cnuntll Bluffs. Iow l. EDWARD KUEHL , MAO18TER OK PALMYSTERY ANO CONDI ; TlONALIhT , 408 Tenth Htrtttbetwcoi Knrnhnm undllntncy. Will , with the aid of guardian plrlts , obtain for nny one a glance at the pae and pieucnt , and on certain conditions In tlio fu ture. Boots and Shoes nude to order , rrrroci atlfjctlon irunnntml POWDER Absolutely Pure. . Uadu from Orip Crck o Tartar. No oilier arpatlon toake * uch light , flaky hut-briad * . usurious uutry. Can It eaten by Djfpoptlo vrlthout fearol Fho 11U re.ultlnfrom heavy Indl d. Fold o.ly In cans. ball Orocort UOYAL BAKIKO j > oWimn coj New Yolk. 0 K. Qood'naoj , ,