Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 15, 1881, Page 5, Image 5
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , OCTOBER 15. IS 1 FINANCE AND COMMERCE , FINANCIAL. NEW YOUR , October 11 , 310NKT. The money market today was casj and closed at 3 per cent. Exchange steady atI 70J@4 83J. oovr.iiNMK.vrs. , Governments" firmer. Currency G's 1,10 bi < ! V coupon * . . . . T i ir.J . bh1 4iseoupoiii ! , . , . . . . . . , , . lilt bkl Gr continued 1 003 bid 5 a continued . " . . . , . . . ( 098 kvuno.M no.NDi. Pacific rnilrond bonds closed an follows : Unionist * 11 < 5J@117 Union land grants 113 @ 1111 Sinking funds , bid 1 JR > Centr.ila 1 14j@l Irt STOCKS. Tlio stock market was nctivobnt irregu lar , and prices alternate up and down through the day. In early dealings there WHH a decline of i@l per cent. , but lowanl nddilay a ttronger tone set in , and prices advanced i j-er cent. During the after noon part of this ndvanco was lout , and iu case of elevated shares there was A marked decline in early dealings. The general market was f vcrish , with frequent slight fluctuations closing . } to'l per cent , higher than onyestcrday. The follojvlnc are the chvnm ; bids : Following are the closing quotations of mining stocks at the Now York mining exchange : Miner Bov18 Iron'Silver..115 Martin White . 20 G Mountain..500 Con. Va 255 State L NOB 2&3 395 Cent Arizona. .25 ! ) Oriental & M. . 85 Hiberuia f32 SilverClff. . . . . 320 CHICAGO MONEf JMBKET. CHICAGO , October 14. The supply of loanable funds h good and in excess jif all legitin-at requirements. The offerings of paper were on a liberal scale and rates were firm at 0@7 per cent. Eastern exchange between city banks wag weak' at 3100 ducount per 81,000. The dealings of the associated banki were S9J500.000. Orders for currency were lance. Omalm 'Wholesale Market- OFFICE of THK OMAHA BKE , ) Friday Evening , October 14. f Wheat advanced lc to-day ; bailey de clined 2c ; rye declined 2c ; corn advanced lc ; oats advanced IJc. , Provisions Quiet and unchanged. In liquors weiioteja" ilihadvancV for California hpirits. In drugs we note an advance of 2c for glycerne. , ' V , , . _ Tobaccos Flnu.J .Block'weH'si'Durliairi slightly advanced. ' ' Local Uraln Dealings. * WHEAT. Cash No. 2 ? I 151 ; caah No. Sl 02 * : rejected 92Jc.- . BAHLEY. Cash No 2 , 911c ; No. 3 , 71c. 71c.IIYE. . Cash , Olc. COUN. Cash No. 2 , 40 c. OATS. Cash. 34r. Livestock. AT OMAHA STOCK YAniH. Cattle Good shipping , SS 00 ; fat cows * nd heifers. § 2 75@3 00 , Hogs Mixed lucking , SO 00@G 41 Sheep Slunjlitorlnsln donuiml at $3 00 i3 75 per 100 Iba gross. Provlilons. FLOUR Spring wheat , utraight grade , 5325@375 ; patent , S3 75@t50 ; winter wheat Btraight grade S3 83@4 25 ; patent , S4 504 93 ; gwlum rye , $2 75 ; Wheat , 83 00. KYE FLOUR 83 25. MILLSTUFF3 Bran , per cwt. OOc ; screenings , per cwt. SOc ; shorts , per cwt 1.00 ; chopped feed , per owt. 1 20 ; meal bolted , yellow. 1 40 : white. SI 75. POTATOES 100@1 10 ; Salt Lakes , 1 25@1 a" . SWEET POTATOES-Genuinn Jcr- Hoy,5o per lb. , very active at 5@Gc per pound. POULTRY Live chickens per dozen , 82 50@2 75. PRAIRIE CHICKENS ? 2 50@3 00 per dozen. WILD GEESE 2 753 50. WILD DUCK8-1 50@2 00. EGGS 18@20c. BUTTER Choice scarceat20@30poor ; , no market ; creamery , 30@35c. APPLES Good , sound , very scarce at SI 2.5@4 75 per bbl. HONKVr-Callfjrnia white clover In comb , 2425b. LEMONS Steady ; per box , S1000 ; Finest Mexaina oranges S3 00 repacked. PEACHES SI 10@l 20 per basket. CALIFORNIA PEARS Per box , S350 (2)400. ) BEESWAX Yellow , 18@20c. ONIONS 1 & < t@l 00 per bushel. CABBAGE 91 092 00 per dozen , as to quality. . CRANBERRIES-Per bbl. , 38 00 ® CO. CO.CELKRY CELKRY Per doz , , OOc. Qrocers List. COFFEE. lllo , lair. 13jci Rio , ( . ' ( MM ! 14c ; Rio , prime to choice , 14sc ; Old k'ov't , Ta\a ; 20J@2SJc , "Mocha , 28 c ; Arbucklu'g , TEAS. Gunpowder , good , 45r..rxi Choice , C0@75c ; Imperial , good , 40@45c ; Choice , fXXu)75c ) ; Young Hynon , good , 3tJ@ 50c ; choice , 05c@31 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf , 35c ; Japan , choice , C0@75o ; Oolong , gojd , 35@40 ; Oolong , choice , 40(5)55 ( ; Souchong ' , , good ; 35al40c ( ; choice. 3545c , SUGARS. Cut loaf , llic : Cnwhod , lljc ; Granulated , lie ; Powdered , 11 Jo Fine powdered , 119c ; Standard Coffee A. lOJc ; New York Confectioner's Standard A , lOJc ; Good A , 103o ; Prairie Extra C , SYRUPS.-Sugar house , bbK COc : half fa ] * , 52c ; kegg , 4i gallon * , 82 50 ; choice table syrup , COc ; half bbla , 53c ; ke , S2 CO. 8PIOES.-Pepper , 20 ; Allgilco , 20c ; Cloves , 45e ; Nutmesrn , $1 M : Cassia , 25c : Mace $100. SODA. Dwlght's lb paper * , W OOj Do- land do , $300 ; Church's , $3 00 ; Keg no-la , L Pearl , 4ic ; Silver Glo8 , 8\ \ @ 8jc | ; Corn Starch , 8 @l > cj ExceUior Glow , 7c ; Corn , 71c. a VLT. Dray luadj , per bbl , 1 05 ; Adi- ton , in ack , 3 50 ; bbU dairy CO , na , 'i 45 ; bbls dairy. 100,30 , 3U5 , DRIED FR.UITS-ChoIco halved , peachen , new crop. lOo ; Evaiwrated A ppl , B lb boxeH , 1314c | Michigan , 8'c ; New Yerk apples , 8ic ; Prunttx , old , 7 cj new , Bio ; Currant * , 7@7ic ; Blackberriw , new , lee , CHKKSK-Full Cream , l.rK : ; 1'ail Skim , 1 He. WOODKNWAUK Two lidbj. jmllc , I 0j ; thrco hooii pails 2 'JO ; No. I tub- , fl 50 ; No. 2 lub , . 8 f > ; No. 3 tu1i , 7 50 i > ioncx > r wAnhlKiixrd * , 1 & > ! Double Crown. JjKAT-Kar , 31 to. MATCH KS 1'er mAAlf , 5Kc ) ; rotim cft e . 87.01 ! nimro cve , $ o,10. IMIOVISIONS UroaWwit bacon , 1-U iholcolanl , ISlc : dried beef , lljo ; tlimtld ers , canvARsctl Do ; hams , canva ed Uo bacon , fMea 13Ui JJKW l'IOKLKa- m , In barrel. $0 50j do in half bbl ? , 5 25 : HinalU , in l.W.s 1150 ; ilo , In h.Mf libK 07o : L-horklnt , ii bbN , < 13 CO ; do , in half bbl.7 0(5. ( ; VINEGAll Pure apjilo extra , Tfic titiro npiilo. 13cj lnn lnt [ pure apple , lOo , HOMINY Now , $3 7A per bbl. IJKANS Medium , hand picked $ .1.7r 11OPU Slwl , J inch mid larger , 0 0 ; 3 inch. ! ) Vc ! i inch , lOJc. SUAl'S Kirk'H Savon Iniiprial | , 3 GO lCirk' katinet. 3 GO ; KirkV Htandanl , I ! 50 KlrU * < white llussian , 13 50 : Kirk's Hutoca , 2 23 : Kirlc's 1'rairio Queen , (100 ( cakes ) , I ! 10 : Kirk'a magnolia , 4 80. C'ANDljKS Unxos , 40 lb , 10 or , 8s , IGcjlmxes Ibs. , 10 oz. , On. Kic. IjYK , 3 10 : Greenwich , 310 Western , 2 75 : North Star , 2 50 ; Lewis lye , t liO ; Jowcll lye , 275. POTASH 1'cnmylvaula can < , 4 doz. , In cn c , 3 3" ) ; llabbltt'i Hall , 2 doz. in , I ! K ) ; Anchor Hall 2 doz in case , 1 50. FIKI.T ) SKKD Ked clover , choice new , $0 00 per bushel ; mammoth clovei new , S7 00 ; white clover , new. S14 00 ul alf'i clover , new , S1250 ; ixlsikc' , npu , 31300. Timothy , ' "d. nuwi St 00 blue grass , extra clean , SI 50j blue c ule.iu , 81 25 ; orchard jfrass , S2 50 ; red top , choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri , 80c ; millet , German , $1 00 to SI 25 Hungarian. SOc. HKOGKSKKl ) 0 ase orancc , 1 to f bushels SS 00 : osajfe oranso , 10 bushelH ere oor , 64 fXj ) honey locust , per lb , , 35c ; jiei 100 Ibs. , $25 00. FISH Family white fish , 90 lb hf bbl < s S3 75 ; No , 1 white fisli , 00 lb hf bbK Ii 30 No. 1 white fish , in 10 lb kits , 1 00 ; famllj 10 lb kits , 75c ; New Holland herring , pet keif , 1 33 ; Ilimiah sardines , 75c : Colup- . lni river Balmon , | > er lOOlbs , 8 00 ; Gcor'o'J liank codfish , Co ; Gen. boneless cod huh S c ; bonolcs * ft ill , 4c. MACKKIIEL Italfbblsmcainmckcrel lOOlbs , ? 1250 ; hfbbl No. 1 ex f-lioro do 100 Ibx , 0 00 ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100 Ibs , 3 83 ; mesa mackerel , 12 lb kits , 2 25 No. 1 ex shore , 12 lb do , 1 50 ; No , 1 shore , 12 lb do. 1 00 : ' fat familvi'10 lb do. 75c. ! CANNED GOODS Oyster * , 2 11 ( Field's ) , per case , $4 20 ; do 1 lb ( Field's ) , per case , 2 50 : do 2 lb ( Standard ) , jwr cose , lb , per dozen , 1 C0@l 70 ; do 2 lb , per dozen 2 55. Sardines , small 1'sh , imported , one quarter boxes per box , 145o ; American , quarter boxes per box , lie ; do half boxe * , per box , 21JC. Lobsters , 1 lb per dozen , 180. Tomatoes , 230 ; do 3 lb per case , 3 10 ; Corn , 2 lb ( Mountain ] per case , 3 70 ; soaked corn , 2 10 ; do 2 lb { Yarmouth ) , ] ) er ca e , 375 ; string beans , per cat < e , 2 25 ; Lima beaux per case , 2 20 , Succotash per case , 2 25 , J'cas , common , per case , 2 00 ; peas , choice , per case , 4 50. Blackberries , 2 lb , perc.ise , 280 ; strawberries , 2 lb , per case , 275 : i.Tspberries , 2 lb , per case , 2 75o ( > 3 00. Damsoiip , 2 H > , per case , 2 45. Uartlctt pears per case , 3 Oo@4 00. Whortleber ries per case , 2 SO. Egs plums , 2 lb per , 3 50 ; do , choice , 2 lb , per case. 4 50. f Jrcen gaaes,2 lb per case , 3 50 : do choice , " lb per caje,4 50. Pine Apples , 2 H > , per case , 4 00@5 75. Peaches 2 lb per case. 3 10 : do 3 lb , case , 0 00@(5 ( 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 lb , jrer o.ise,38" > ; do pie , 0 lb , per dozen , 3 50. IUCE Carolina , * 8@84c ; Louisiana , 7J ' PKANUTS Roasted , choice , red , Ten nessee , 9c per lb ; fancy white , lOc per _ lb ; ra'V white Virginia raw , lOc ; roasted , llic. ' Dry Goods. BROWN COTTONS. Buckeye L L 7c ; Continental C , do , Sc ; Orescent LL OiC ; ! Crescent G 7Jo ; Crescent B 7c ; Crescent A Sc ; Grauitevillo LL Cjc ; In dian Head 7ic ; Lawrence LL , Gjo ; Ports mouth P , do , 4lc ; Utica C 5c ; Winthrop L , do , 72c : Wachiisetts 7Jc. BLKAOHED-COTTONS : Altoona 3-4 Cc ; Auburn A 4-4 SJc ; Ballardyale 4-4 O c ; Dairy Cloth 5Jc ; Fnlrmonfc" 4-4 Bid " ; Fruit Ho Lonsdalo 4"-4 4-410J ; e4-1.SAct - 9Jc ; New Yoik Mills 4-4 13c ; Poeassett C 4-4 8Hc. Wamsutta , 4-4 13c. PRINTS. Allen's fancy , Ojc ; Ameri can do , G'.e ' ; Arnold's do , 7c ; American doGcBerlin , solid colorsGc.ConcstotjadoGJc Cochico robe , 7c ; Freeman robe , Cc ; Dunnell do , 7c ; .Eddvhtope do Cc ; Harmony , CJc ; HnrtelGlc ; Knickerbocker , 6\c ; Gloucester do , GJC ; Hamilton , Clc ? Hamilton do , 7c ; Marlboro do , 5Vc ; South- bridge do. 5 c : Spraprue do , 5 c ; Simp- non'rt Holid black , G c ; Simpson's mourning , 7c. Southbridge do , Glc ; Regatta do , 5Jc ; Pacific do 7c ; Sprngue do , Gjc , Manchester , 7c ; Pacific , 7c ; Sprague ; Cc ; Southbridge , Gtc ; Mystic , GJc ; Merri- maclc shirting , Oo ; Washington oil colors , DC. DC.CAMBRICS Garner , 5c ; Harmony B , 5c ; Ifooksctt , 5c ; Keystone Glove Finish , 5lc ; Wa hington , fie. CORSET JEANS Androscoggin sat- teen , 8Jo : Lockwood do. Or ; Naumkeag do. , glc ; ltockiort , 74o TICKING / ' * - * Albany S. , 17icCordii. . . . . . . . _ . . . - , RedStripo.lUJc ; Conestoga , C. G. A. , fan cy , 14o ; ConeKtoga. JC. O. A , , 14c ; Cones , toga , 4-4 , Gold Mo IGc ; Conestoga , 17ic ; Easto'n , B. , 9.Jc'Hamilton ; , I ) . , 11A ; Haniilton regular , 13 c ; Hamilton U. , lljc ; Omega'rtiperlor extra , 27c ; Omega medal , 25c ; Omega A CA , fancy stripe , ISc ; Omega A 4-4 , ! GciOmega ; A J , 13 ; Pearl River , IGJc : Sbetucket , S. , lOlo ; Shetucket , S. S. , TJo ; OIL CLOTH-5.4 wood , $300 ; M fancy marble , 83 00 ; 5-4 white marble , $2 85 ; U 4 wood , $3 GO ; G-4 fancy marble , ? 4 00 ; G-4 whitu marble , S3 85 ; 0-4 mo- eialc , 3 00 : G.J mosaic , 84 00. DENINS Amoskcag blue and brown , IGc ; Beaver Creek , A. A. , blue and brown , 1 tic ; Beaver Creek , B. B.bluo and brown. IS c ; Be.ivcr Creek , C. 0. , blue and brown , 12Jc ; Everett D. D. , blue and brown , 15J ; Haymakers blue and brown , ! ) ic0ti ; , A. X. A. , blue , 15c ; Otis B. B. blue , 14 ; Otis O. C , , blue , 13c } Pearl River blue and brown , 15Jc. DUCKS Arlington stripe , 18i ; Boston oheckM. ] 3Jo ; JJoston XX drab , 12Ac ; Boa. ton XXX bro. , 13c ; Benton XXX drab , Itiver , ll c ; Hamden O. 0. , lOic ; JAon Bht . I5.\c. STRIPES American , lOc ; Amoskeatf , llic ; Dexter A. , 14c ; McchanicH , 8c ; Omega , lie ; OtNi.B,10c ; Pittahold , 7c ; Unuasville , 0@9Jc. COrrONADES Angora , D. & T. , 25c ; A. Y. A. , 20o ; Bell , IScjBiIdgewater , 19c ; Capitol , 18c ; Charter Oak , 18c ; E\erett , lieavy , 20c : Everett , medium , 15c ; Farni- at' * 22Jc ; LewUton 10 nz. , 25c ; NewYo.k mills eheck 18 ; Now York milk proof , 22\c ; Wicklow,18ic ; Union Pacific , 18c ; Whittend n , D. & T. , SOc ; York , light xvvluht liJ c. SHEETINGS AndroscogRin.O-lbrown 23o ; do 10-4 do , 2Gc ; PepjMsrell'B D-4 broivn , U5c : do 10-4 do , 27Jo ; Alexandria , 4i ( Inch , bleached , 13o ; Androiwoggin 9-4 , bleached , 2Gc ; do 10-4. bleaclied , 29c ; I'upirerull , 9-1 , bleached , 25c ; do 10-4 U cached , 27Jc. ' Drupi. DRUGS AND OHBMIOAI S. Acid Darbolio , COc ; Acid , Tartarlc , C5o : Balxam Uopabia , per lb , 70c ; Bark , SaHnafraa , per lb , 12o ; Calomel , j > er lb , 70c ; Clnchoiiiilla , iftr or. , 760 ; Chloroform , per lb. 80c ; Dover's jxiwders , iwr lb , $1 40 ; Epsom ( alts , per lb , 3Jc ; Glycerine , pure , j > er lb , J4c ; l ead , Acetate , perlb , 22c ; Car lionoil.llO0 , tier gallon , lUcj dol50o , iiergal , 13jo'Oil ; , CA"tor , No. 1 , iwrKal , ! 40 ; Oil , Ciutor , No.3.ter gal.8180 ; Oil , ttlive , per gal , 81 CO ; Oil , Origanum , 50o Opium , gl 50 ; Quinine , S200P. ; & W. 4R. ! : B , , | > eroz , S2 00 ; PotaAtduin , Iodide , per lb ; K , CO ; Salacm , per oz , 35c : Sulphate of Morphine , per oz , 83 65 ; Sulphur flour , per Iu , 4c ; Strychnine , per oz , 91 50c , Honei And Mult * . Tlio market I * brt k and all grades art llincvoll at a ( light advance in n iecn , The demand for Rood hursea t-vccods tht supply considerably. Prices range as fol < lows : Fine sinslo drivcrc , 81 W. to POO. ; Extra draft horses Sl"5. to 225. { Common dr " : her cs. $100. to 150. : Extra farm hordes , $110. to 125. ; Common togtxxl farm horses S'.H ' ) . to SIOO. ; Kxtri * phigK , 5-W to 75.1 Common pluir < , 820. to $10. MULiS. : 15 to 15i harnU ( extra ) , $12. " . to 150. ; Hi to 15 hands , 8100. to 140. ! 14 to 141 "and * , $75. to 100. ; Kto U llMldR , $ CiO. t ( > 75 Hldei , r-urs , Etc. HIDES CIreeii Imtclirr'x lildf , 7ircer ! ( cured hliles , SJcj crcon K-ilt , prrt CUIXM ! hide * , Sffsic ; dry Hint , found , li ; ( Mc ; drv calf nnd Kip , lL'nl.'ic ( ) ; dry Kilt hides , sound , ll@12c ! crccn calf. wU S to 15 lli . , 10 1 lc : Brecn will , wt , itiulcr 8 Ib-i , per skin , 50q green jielti , SI CO1 15 ; green himb kin < , SI 10(0)125 ( ) : damaged hides , two-thifd rnc , ( cut Heotx'il and one grub , chi ed two1 U { ( \\s \ rale , ) branded hiile 10 pir tent. olT , Toiin Mkiui , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , ! ! 0u ; No. II , 20. ; NV 4 , lOu. Mink , Xo. 1 , . ' o ; No. 2 , 30c ; No. 3 , 15c : No. 4 , 5c. Kux , NO. 1 , ( We ; No. 2,25c. Skunk , No. 1 , bhvck , ILV ; s'lioit stiil > c , 40n * narrow stripu 2.V ] bnind * trii > e , lOc. Tallow , 5A. , Wool. Merino unwashed , light , ! 4@lCo : heavy , lS15c : medium unwashed , light , 18'JOc ; tub-washed , choice , H2ci fair , JtOc : uingv and w , , 28c ; burry , black and colted wool- 20c less Lumber. FENCING No. 1 , 12 to 20 ft , S20 00 No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , Ill 00 : Kbueting droned , No. 1 , 18 00 ; No. 2 , 10 00 ; common hoaid-i , dressed. 20 00. El ! A.MING 10 ft. ami tinder , per M , 20 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 22 00 ; 22 ft. 22 00 21 ft. 2500. 33500 ; 0. G. battous per 100 feet liu. , SI 00 : well cuibing , 82200 ; rou h i and ' . inch buttons per 100 feet lit' . , 50c. STOCK HOAIIDS A slock , 1000 : S35 00 ; 0 , S30 00 ; common stock , S22 50 , FLOORING No. 1 , § 40 00 ; No. 2 , ? & ) 00 ; No , 3 , 522 00 ; yellow pine , No. 1 , S1000. SIDING No. 1 , $2100 ; No. 2 , $ ' . ' 200 ; No. 3. $18 00. SHIP LAP Plain , § 22 00j 0. G. No. 3 , $32 00 ; No. 2 , S22 00. CEILING 524 00(3S37 ( ! 00. -LATH AND SHINGLES A btirbest ( ) hlilmjleB. S3 80 , No. 2 , $2 50 ; Noj 3 , § 2 00. Latli , S3 50. ' , Building Material. LIME Per barrel , S'l 35 ; bulk pcr.bu. , 35c. Cement , bbl , $2 50. lowu piaster , bbl , S2 50. Hair per bu , 35c. Tarred felf 100 11 , S3 50. Straw board , S4 00. PAPER St'aw paper , 3Jcj ( rag paper , ic ; dry goods uaper , 7c ; m.imla paper , lOc ; news paper. So COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 812 | Morria Run Blo sburg , § 12 ; Whitebreast lum ) ) , SO ; Whitebreast nut , SG ; Iowa liiini ) , SO : Iowa nut SG ; Rock Springs , $8 ; Anthracite'all me. ' , S12 50. Heavy Hardware LUt , Iron , rates , $3 30 ; plow steel , cast , 7ic ) cast tool do. ISfeLt ) wagon spoke * , s-ct , 2 25@3 00 ; hubs , per set , 125 ; felloes , hawed dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; axles , each , 75c ; siuaro nuts' , piir lb , 7@lcj w.Mhers , per lb. 8@lSc ; nvets , pcrlb , lie ; coil chain , per lb , G@12c ; malleable , Sc ; inii wedges , lie ; crowbars , Go ; harrow teeth , 4c ; horseshoes , per keg , 5 00 ; spring steel. 7SlSc ( : j NAILS 10 to 20d. 3 50 ; 8 to 10 , 3 a' . ; Cd , 3 00 ; 4d , 4 15 ; 3d , common , 4 DO ; 3d , fine , G 40 ; clinch , all tires , 5 15 ; ( id , casing , 4 G5 ; Sd casing , 4 4 ; lOd casing , 4 15 ; lOd finish , 4 ( i * > ; Sd fini-h , 4 t'O ' ; Gd finish , 5 15 ; half kegs , lOc extra. SHOT. Shot , 51.85 ; Buck shot , 32.10 ; Oriental Powder , kegs , SG.40 ; do. , half keg * , S3.4S"do. ; , quarter kegs , S1.S8 ; IMast- imt , ketfs. S3.35 : Fuse , uer 100 feet 50c. Paints Oils and Varnishes : PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha P. P. , 7c ; whfto lead , O. P. & C. Co.pme , Oc ; M'urseille's green , 1 to 5 11 > cans , 20c ; French zinc , preen seal. 12c ; French zinc , red heal , lie ; French zinc , In varnish iwsi ; _ 0ci French zuico , in oil oust , 15c ; iRaw and liurnt umber , 1 lb cans 12c : raw" and burnv Sienna , 13c : Vandyke brown , 13 , ; i clined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , l''c ; i"ory black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian blue , 30c ; ultramarine blue , ISc ; chrome green , L. M. & IX , 14c ; Wind and shutter green , L. M. & D. , 14c ; Paris green. ISc ; I"'ilian red , 15c , : Venetian red , lc ) ; Tuscan ivii , 22c ; Amciican Vermiliod , I. &P. , IKc ; chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D. O. , 18c ; yellow ochre , Oc ; golden ochre , 1C ; patent Jrycr , Gc ; graining colors : light oak. dark o.i < , walnut , che.stnut and ash 12c. Dr Dalnts White lead , GJc ; French 7inc , lOc ; Paris whiteing 2Jc ; whiting gilders , IJc ; \ \ biting coml , lc ; lampblack Gennan- town , 14c ; lampblack , oruinary , Sc ; J'rus- sian blue , 45c ; ultramarine , 18c ; vivndyke , lirown , 8c ; imiberj bumt , 4c ; umber , raw , lc ; sienna , burnt , 4c ; hicnna , raw , 4o Paris green genuine , 35e ; Paris green com'l 25c ; cliromo green , N. Y. ' 20c ; clirom- jreen K. , 12c ; ycrmillion , Eiig. , 70c ; xer- million , America , 18c ; Indian red , lOc , rose pink , 14cvenotlan ; , read , Cookson'x IJVench , 2 c ; ochre , American , IJc ; Winter's mineral , UJc ; lehigh brown , 2Jo : Kiinnlsh brown. Z\c \ ; Prince's mineral 3c ; VARNISHES Barrels per gallon. Furniture , extra , SI 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , SI ; furniture , U , 85c ; coach , extra , SI 40 ; Coach , No. 1 , 8120 ; Damar , $1 50 : Japan. 70c ; nsplialtum , 70c ; shellac. 8350 ; hard oil finish. SI 30 OILS-llOVarbon pergallon , lljn ; 150 * i.eadlight , per gallon , 12'fc ; 175' headlight ] > ergallon , IGic ; crystoline , per gallon , 20o linseed , THW , per gallon. Olc Linseed , boil ed , per gallon , G7c ; lard , winter btr'd , per gallon , 1 0. ) No , 1 , 75c , No. 2 , ( iOc ; castor , XXX. per gallon , 1 SOc , No. 3 , 105 ; Mveot per gallon , 8T c ; upcnn , W. B. , per gallon , $ ' 35 ; fiish , W.B. , per gallon , GOc ; npatufoot extra , per gallon , 75c. No. 1 , G5 ; lumber ! , eating , zero , per gallon , ! 30u , Mimmer , 15c Kolden machine. No. 1 , per gallon , 35c , No. 2 , 28o ; sperm , signal , per gallon , SOc ; ttir" pentino , per gallon. Gle ; nnptlio , 74 de'j , | er gallon 203 , G3 deif , 20c. Liquor , ALCOHOL 187 proot. 52 35 per wino gallon , extra California spirits , 187 proof at 130 tier proof gallon triple refitu < l spirits. 187 proof , SI 24 ; per iiroof gal re-distilled whiskies , 8100@1 50 ; Jitio i blended , SI 502 50 ; Kentucky hour- boni , S200@7 00 ; Kentucky and Pennsyl vania rvea , S2 00@7 00. BllA'NDIES Imported , § 0 00@1GOO ; domestic 1 40@4 00. GINS-Imported , 4 50@G 00 ; domestic , 1 40ffi3 00. RUMS Imiwrted , 4 50@G 00 ; New England. 2 00$4 ( 00 ; domestic , 1 C0@3 50 ; PEACH AND APPLE BRANDY- ,175ffi400. CHAMPAGNES Imported per cane , 20 00@31 00 ; A mcrlcau , per case , 12 00 © 18 00 , ii OLARETS-Per cane , 4 CO@1C 00. WINES RhlnewJne , per1 case , 0 06@ZO 00 Cotawba. per cose 400(3700. Cigar * and Tobaccoi , OIGARS. Seeds. S15.00 ; Connecticut , 820,00 ; Mixetl,83.r.00 ; Seed Havana , $50.00 ; Clear Havana , 875.00. TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Rule , 24 lb , GOo : Spotted Fawn. Olu ; Our Rope , 02e ; Stir , jiounds , 21 lb , butt * , GOc ; Howe Shoe , ] Kundg , 24 lb , butts , OOc ; Purity , 24 lb. butts , 52c ; Queen Bee , 21 lb , butts. 53cS Gilt Edge , pounds , 21 lb , butts , 67 ; Army mid Navy , jMmmls , 51c ; Bullion , ixmmU , r < 8c : T/irillard's Climax. ix > unds , GOo , FINE CUT In palls. Hani to Beat , 75a ; Golden Thread , 70o ; Fountain , 80o ; Favorite , (15ci ( Rocky Mountain , 55c ; Fancy , COc ; Daisy , 45o. In tin foil Catlinx 0. H. , 2 nt packages , 5 lb boxes , | * r lb 05c ; Ixirillard's Tiger , COc. SMOKING All grades Common , 25 to D3o. Granulated lilackwelb Durham , 1C oz 51c ; Dukes Durham , 10 oz , 45c ; Seal of North Carolina. 10 oz , 4G ; Heal of Nebrpt- ka , 1G oz , 38c ; Ixuie Jack. 4 oz. linen bags , ' peril ) . 81.35 ; Marburgu'Puck , 2 of , tui foil , C5cj Dog Tall , 05c. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH Council Bluff * Mnrlcot. COUNCIL ltLvrv.H , October 11. Vlour Manufactured by Crystal am City Milk 3 75 4 50 : Knn as and Mis sour ! Hour , 3 f > 0@4 25 ; graham , 3 75 ; ryi Hour , 3 40. Bran ami Short * 17 00 per ton. Chop Corn 22 50 ptr ton. Wheat--No. 2 , $1 'JO ; No. 3 , 105 ; rejected jocted , 85. Com No. 2 , 50 , ix'lecto'i ' 48. Oal Ko. 2 , JOcj rejected , 35c. Burley No. 2 , tKle ; No. 9 , 75c. t Hay 5 50 i 000. Wood-5 00fn7 00. Live llugs 5 00@5 25. , 1 "t 1 Cattlo-Sblpp mj , 400n-00 ; milch cows ! )0 ) OOWliri OJ p r head ; Imtclicri txk : , 2 75@3 00. * ' Shccj.t'OOM 00. G Hides-r.c ; G S hide ? , ! ? o. WiHil 15 ® 5. Butter i5o. ! KgRL'Oc. . Potatoes- OOJijl 'JO ; sweet , 'Ifcitfic. ( liilons1 25Lil ( 40. Grand Jtniotton Mnrkot- OUAND Juscrio.v , la. , October 14. Eggs 14 c. Butter 13c. OUiongo irrottaom CIIICAIIO. October M. On 'Clmtu'e the n nrkt-tn were higliu under Hpcciilative iullu noTho receipt ! of grain were 17,000 bu. , of barley b ) lake ; G,000 bu , , of corn by canal , am 8,000 limds of all grades of grain b > mil , t'lnbr.icing 115 of wheat. 50l ! ol corn , 1 IS of oats , 15 of rye and 40 of bar' ' ley.Klour Klour ( Juict and quotations noiniiiallj uucb.iiigcd. liujcrs holding elf foi a more settled condition ol grain markets coimiion to choice woytt'in spring , 4 50ii ( G "ii ; do. Minnesota , 52 , " > ( > 7 75 ; patenU , 7f.0il)50j ( ! ) winter I rands , G 50 < W8 00 ; iji Hour , G 00fi7i ( 25. Wlieat Xo. 2 spring was net he and the feeling ( level ped was Htrottier. ; per.i1 tor * were without their usual foreign ill' U'lligeuce on account of the utorm inter fering with thu uoiking of the wires , wet and stormy weather : iUo nmy have had some elTvcc in strengthening the feeling , The demand on speculative account win nctivo ivith "shorts" ( juito free buyers , 'Market opened in ( > Jc higher , and quickly advanced an additional j@lc , then fell oil l@So per bu. , but again ruled utrongGi and advanced sharply ; prices impro\m > { 2lj@3o nbo\o inside il/urw. receded about jc , llnctuated and finally closcil nbiuit'jo higher for celler October ; 2Jo higher for seller November , and 2jc ) higher for seller December on regular board and on call at 1 SG ? < Bj1 WSJ for October ; 1 3liJ for No vember ; I liCf ! for December ; No. 3 spring , 1 ll @l 20 ; i ejected , nominal. Corn Demand was fairly actlvo anil the ma kct ruled steadier thun for several days past ; olTerincs were fair , shipping du' nrnnd moder.xte and I rices were $ ( g.\c \ h gher nt the opening , and further ml- van cd 86ilc , then declined J@c | , and later again ndlied , advancing ife'ljc , nnd ruled compar tivclystoi y. The market finally closed about Jo higher for October ; ic higner for No\ember ; lc higher for December on regular board and on call at GOJo for October ; Glo for November ; ( 28&G2 c for December ; G8J@G8Jc for May ; luj-cted , in wood demanii at 5c. ( ! Uats tjuiet and lower , little doinio. ; . 2 closcil on call at 43c for October and November ; -ISjJq for December ; 47c for Afay. Rye Very weak and little or nothi g done ; No. 2 , nominally , 1 05 } for October ; 1 07 lor November ; 1 07'j1 for December. Barley Steady and htronger ; No. 2 , 1 Oo for October ; 1 03\1 Oli lor Novem ber. ber.Pork Pork Steady at advance of 15@20e ; mess closed at 17 CO f t Octtiber ; 170 for November ; 17 15 for the year ; 1875 for January Lard Firm an1 higher , inrpi'ry active ; elated at 11 72 } f r November ; 12 20 for January : 12 27A for Febnmry. Bulk Meats-fFairly acllvo , short ribs"8 02J for November ; 915 for January ; 920 for Feb uary. > ' - , Whisky-Steady tit 118. 118.Rco'ts. . Shi'pm'ts Flour. . . , , . , 13,105 1G.G51 Wlfcat . - . ' GI.4'Jt 30.GG8 Ctttrt.ri''Jr. . 3L4.109 220,057 O.its : . - . > . * 71,003 32.487 Rye ? . : : ' . $ 17457 ,3i8Q ( Barley.-7. . . . . . . C8.393 27,272 Chicago Xitve biooh. OinoAOO. October 14. Cattle Receipts , 6,400 , ; ihipimmts , 4,500 ; very sathfactory trade'to tlio tolling interests , values ruling strong and the murkct active ; no cxt a cattlu nlTering ; hales choice 1,350@1,450 pound cattle , ( i 705K7 00 ; good to choice New York cat tle , 550 ( < ? GOO ; common to fair , 4 10@ 5 20 ; butchers , steady at 2 20 ( ,375 for cows , 200@300for bulls i.nd 3 50 ® J 00 for steers ; stockers and feeder * , 2 75a ( ) 1 30 ; dairy cows , 7 00@7 10 ; range cattle lirm : ilirongh Texons , 2 U0@3 DO ; half- brcedw , 3 75@4 10 ; Americans , 4 00@5 ! 00. Hln.'c ) ) Receipts , 1,500 ; market active lint weuk on common to fair nativiH and tcrri'ory ilieep , which sold at 3 00@3 75 ; i-ood to choice 90120 pound mut ons In s-oad request ut 4 10@5 001 lamb , 3 80 ® 1 25 per hundred , or 1 50@3 00 pcrliead. H > JH Receipts , 18,000 ; shipments , " .700 ; a weak slow market at full lOu dc- :1 no on common and lean ; rough hogs be ing in liberal supply nnd not wanted and were exceedingly dull ; mixed packing , " 80@G 45 ; poor to medium roimh H uif , selling in cur lots at 4 25(5)5 ( ) ( .0 ; choice lieavy shipping , G G0@7 25 ; with a few PhiladolphiuB at 7 35 ; Ugh ; hogs , 590 G 15 ; culls nnd graraers , 3 00@4 75. St. Loali ProdnoA- ST. Ixims. October 14. Flour-Unchanged ; XXX. G I0@0 GO ; family. G 40U 00 ; choice to fancy. 7 00 @ 760. Wheat High r and firm ; No. 2 red , I 43fel 43J for cash ; 147J for Novem ber ; 1 51J for December ; 1 542 for Janu ary ; No. 3 do , 13Unew do , 125J bid. Corn Opened higher and declined , then recovered ; G2J@C3c for Novemlmr ; G0/o / 'or Decembei ; G7J@G9'/c / for January ; T.'tjc for May. ( ) at Better at 43J@438o for cosh ; 14g14Jcfor No\ember ; 45 @IOcfor De cember ; 50(553jo ( [ for May. Rye Hh-iier .1103 105. Barley Unchanged. Lead Dull at 5 00. Evgs Unchanged at 15M18u. Butter Uncbaiigcd ; dairy , 20@28o : croiimery , 30@5o. ! WliUky-Lowi-r at 1 15. Pork Dull at 18 25. Lard Nominal at 11 05. 05.Reo'lri. . Shipm'ts. 'lour 8,000 ( HO Wheat , . , K8.000 2,000 Corn , . . , , ' 31,000 43,000 ) ats , , .25,000 4,000 tyu. . , , ; 3000 Jarloy , , . , , 5,000 Now Yorlt Produoe- NBW YOIIK , October 14. Flour Dull ; No. 2 , 4 00@5 00 ; city uill extra , 735(3775 ( } Minnesota extra , 5 85(5,9 ( TO. Wheat i@ ' c Jiigher and Htronir ; de. nund moderate ; No. 'I rt'd winter , ! . 41J ; No. 2 white , 1 42 ; No. 1 do , 1 4il 47 ; No. 2 Chicago and Milwaukee , 1 38 * No. 2 red , October , 1 48@l 48J ; do No- ember , 1 40 1 511. Com lOlJo higher , cloning scarcely go trong ; demand moderate ; ungraded nixed , Ol@71c ; No. 3 , 08Jc : No. 2 , G9@ 'lc ; iingrailed white , 73c ; No. 2 , October , i'Jffl74o ; do November , liy @ 70lo. Oats Higher for white ; No. 1 white. 64@51Jo ; No. 2 do , 52f)2Jo ; No. 1 nixed , 48e ; No. 2 do , 45J@I8J ; No. 2 nixed October , 45 ? ( 4Ga. Rye iJiill and weak at 1 02 ® 1 07. Barley-Dull. Pork ( Jitlct and dtron ! "not new mews. H ir ( i\V W ; do October , Noyt-mbor nml ) # ccmW , 18 00. Lard--.Stronger and fairly active ; 11 90 or canh , Hi 50 for Noember. . Beef-Dull. Cut MciiU-Dull Wbisky-Nomiiml. Clncinnntt Produce. CINCINNATI , October 14 , Mess Pork - .Tobbiiifr , 19 75@20 00 Lj nl Stmdvs cuimit nmk'c , 11 70 Hulk Moat Steady ; clenr sides , 1050. Bacon Lower : clear sldrs , 1150. Flour Easy ; family , 000 ( < f770. Wheat -Quiet ; No. 3 ml. I 12. I'ornlowers No , 2 mixed , GSo. Oat -lnll ; No. 3mined , 4i5c. Rye Kaiivr ; No. 2 , 1 US. HftrlfV Dull ; Canada spring.l 10 ( 1 16. WhNfcy-Weak all II. Plttsbnrc Oil Mnrltot. PirrtinuRn , October 14. The oil market opened nt Pic , and i'loetl at 9-l5c ; New York sjnit 8Jc ; .huiuary , 7Jc : Antwerp , 19J francs , tihipiscutiyts- trnlay ero5t,738 ; bbls. : chartrrs ywtcr- d , y were 438.098 ; Pittsburg salox , 104,000 bbl . ; Vltlsbuiv exchange stock $141. Philadelphia Prodnoo. PiiiUUKM-liiA , October II. Wheat Steady : 1 I51 4C& forcailiaml lctober ) ; 1 I'fnM 48 for NoM-mbor. Corn Steailv : ( iSJGtWc for u.ish and Octolwr : "Ole for November. OatsSte.ulv:50Jc for cash. Rye Quiet at 1 10. E-\ct Liberty JLivo Staclc. HAST LimciiTV , Pa. , Octolwr 11. Caltle Noth ng do ng ; rvceijits , 1,051 ; shipments , 991. Hogs Actlvo : u-ccIpU , 4,300 ; * htp- mc'its , 2,600 : be < t Yorkers , 0 50@G ( > > ; common mid , ( I OOJiliIII. . Sheep Nothing doing ; rcceiptn , 1,000 : shipments , 00. , Now Yorlt Dry Gamin. NKW YOHK , October 11. Operations on the part of package buy. rrx ) m\i' been mostly on n modcrato scale , but fai in the n ) ; niitu : amount. 'I'ho jobbing iradu li.m not Kbovvn nmrli nnlinn- lion , and pprsorial t-plectlnns were only model\te in untount , but n nliglit inipiiive- iuciit in iinler demand \vus : ii-pontd in Home ijuarters. . . * i - Clovnlnml Mnrhot. : > , October , II , Petiolcum Quift ; Htiiudaril white , 110 e tTc _ Toledo Produce TCII.KIIO , October 11 , \\.icat Dull but lirmor ; No 'J red , 1 42J f'r ( No\ ember ; 1 151 f ° r Decem her ; 1 48'/ / for ilauu.irv. Cora-Quiet ; No. 2 , (12c ( fori cash ; G2J for November ; 70o for May. QaU ( { ulci ; No. 2 , 4.VJc. Buffalo X.ivo Stock. EAST BUKfAU ) , October II. Hogs Firm ; iccclpts , 48 ; shipmentx 12orUi8 ; , 7 < > @ 7 00 ; ' gixnl medium weight , 7 00@7 15 ; choice heavy , 7 25. Baltimore Produce. BALTIMOUK , October 14 Flour- Easier ; family , 7 25@800 ; extra , G 257 00 ; supeiline , 5 OtG 00. Wheat Southern steady at 133(3)140 ( ) ; long lierry , 140@l 53 ; No. 1 rcil winter firm at 144jal { ( ) 45 for cah and October ; 1 47J@1 47J for November. Com White southern ipiiet at 7273c ; yellow , 714@72c ; mixed western dull at < i9@G9.Jo for cash and October , Battoraby'fl Bycono Glory- John Battorsby , fur twenty years the chief of livirg slccluloiiH iu the side dhows , lia.s of luio buL'n miaaod from the iiuiKs of liuiiiiiii curiosilios. The nii on is that from weight of lifty-Huvon pounds liu has rapidly aroxvn to 125 , nnd seoniH bound to ( , 'ut fat. Ilo ia now rtiniiing a lilucksmitli bhop in Philadelphia. ' 'Yes , sir , " ho said to a reporter , with n Bifth , "Otliol- lo's occupution is gone. 1 fcol that fate has bcuu unkind to mu. It is simply frightfu to a man wlio ouco could have a lantern sliinu tliroimh him , And what do yon think was the cause of il ? Nothing hut an accident. Yrs , sir. A miserable horao liru.-uno frightened at onu of lliu ( lummy en- ( lines and throw mo out of n viH on , fnjuritig my Biiitie , Jiips , nnd shoulder. From that diiy I began to pick up in flesh , nnd now I'm no card for oven 11 five cent nido show , " und thu shadow of other days glurud savagely nt his unprofitable legs. Hut Rattorsby m still i Kuiner from the show business. Ilis wife , whom lie wooed and won during ninsouni companionship , is on exhibition us a fat woman. A PIonsnut tV indfnll. Cedar Hapids llcpiililUan. Fiiday morning , Blr. Charles Par- cell icceived voluminous pimrn ] , bear ing lie ivy German Bi-als and post- niarks , wliicli , on liuing opened , proved to bo the papers which enti tled him to the puHscanion of large es tates and properly in Now York City nnd iu Germany , the whole amount ing to 8175,000. Of this property , 875,000 was in Now York and $100- 000 in Germany. Recently married , they resided ut Vinton , and he found employment as a common day laborer , she doing such work as usually falls to the lot of laborers' wives. Some time n go lip hecarno janitor of thu col lege , his wife acting as cook in the boarding department , and they were both engaged in the work of their re spective positions when their good for tune came. But both tire sensible people and their heads do not appear fo be turned by this princely munifi cence of fortune. The proportyeamo to Mr. Pnrcoll by will , ns wo under stand it , from liis fttep-niotlior. Tlio Oreightou and Niobrara Iliinx dallv , IcAUni ? C'rcl liton on arrlral of rulim nt ll'JO | > . i , Arrliuut Molirini , 11 ! SOn. a , lx > atu < Molirara , 1 : 'M ji , in. ArrhcH fit L'roli/litoii at 0 n. in , . In Hmc ttuln. l''arc,92. octlu-liu aCOIIOK JIKUItV , 1'roprldor. PILES ! PILES ! PILES ! A Sure Cure Found at Lastl No Olio Need Suffer ! Amrecurn for UUixl , Illeeillni ; . Itching an-1 [ /luir / 1c'l I'llviUmiibciiidUcotcrcilliy Dr. U'll- l tn , ( mi Ii illun riinuly , ) i.i'c | < l Or , William n A hlnprlu liox 1'iu turid tliu onaiitul euttvf flm iiiliiutiH attir a ) > | ) llii | ; tlili wonderful eoothlni ; inidlclnii , Lotloim , Inttru * noiiln ati'l cltctuarlcu ilo morn liarin than vtw ] , \VIIIain'M [ olhtiiieia abtorlw tha tumor * , allaje tha iit n e Itching , ( lurtliulaaly t night aUr ( m-'t'lnif warm ' " ' " 'll act" " " "I " " 1' ' " . Klvc' * I"1 itantund i > nle8 relief , anil Uprqarril only ( or i'llo. Itchlui ; ot tbu prlutu | iari , and foruoth- nu el o , Tloail wlut the HCIII J. M. Cr.innhcrry of Ctuic- and * av oUut Dr. Wllllani'd Indian Clio ( lint. nont : I have unud Hcotoa of 1'llvi curiH. nml It ftlfonU moplcMU to my that I li.nt > nutr found anything wulch K" U " ' liiiinu Utu and | x.-riiia- luut relief an I'r Wll lam' Indhn Olntinuit Kornala liy lldriii'fl ta or mailed on receipt of > rlce , iOO. iOO.HENBY & CO.PropV . , C'LIVKUNI ) , OHIO , For wlo by C. V , Goodman. < let I Odcod&ueowly John G. Jacobs , ( Formerly of OlihA Jacotw , ) UNDERTAKER. No. ll'.7 Farnrutm St. , Old Btanil of J coli OU B. D. MCLAUGHLIN , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW And Notary Public. Premier's Block , Oppoilte Pott Office , " ; A * * ( B. . & M. U. R. , Ea-stcrn Nobrasku. ) . ] ) . E. Dougliia it Co . Grain and Sco'da F. Bcotiuld. . . . . ' . . . . . ' . . . ' Jlanngor Chicago Lumber Ci > W. II. Hoover ' Olork of Court nnd lleiil Estate D. C. Dovul Grocer W. A. Pollack Retired- G. W. Moore ; Publisher Granger , G. W. Fairbrothnr. Publiuhur Advertiser Omaha , A "DAT A/fTT / Collins Cheyenne , A. JtTUllJiUiLy Colorado Fall and Winter ING'i ' I Ii fc l LATE AND NOBBY STYLES FOR MEN , BOYS AND CHILDREN. \ Hats , Caps , Trunks , Valises. IN TnE'LATESTJSTYLES. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices to Suit al > 1316 FARNHAM STREET , NEAK FOUJITEENTH. J. A. WAKEFIELD WHOLE ULK AND IlhTAIb Bl.'ALEtl IN 'Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , CEMENT nro. tarsTATK AOEIU KOII MILWAUKEE Near Union Pacific Depot. OMAHA , NEB SUPERIOR OTHERS In 'Convenience ' , DURABILITY , ECONOMY AND GENERAL CONSTRUCTION. BUY m BEST ! -SOLD BY Lang & Fotick.