Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 15, 1881, Page 3, Image 3

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, 'i . . . _ . -
Nowcato , the Historical Criuii-
ntvl Landmark , to bo Do-
null Suporfluons-Efll-
( cncy of tlio Whipping-Pout.
London Cor. Xcw York 1 > tircss.
Gradually the ancient l.Midmniks uf
London are passing away , and among
liioso which will , in nil probability ,
remain buta short tiiuo longer , is the
prison of Nuwtato. ( Fr'emiontly con
demned as uimnitiry , b.ully nrranicd ;
and unfit for the purpose to which ii
was put , Nowgato lias continued to
lrtnd until at last the oommissionors
of prisons Imvo reported against its
retention ) nnd it only remains for the
homo secretary to confirm their do-
cinion. According to nresclit arrange
nicnta tliero will bo no now jail on the
sitd of the one now waiting to bo
pulled down. Clcrfcomrcll nrison will
become the central lock-up foi1 Lon
don malefactors ; the courts of law
which compose what is known as the
Old Uailoy will bo enlarged so as to
cover the upaco now occupied by tin
prison , and no more trace wijl bo
left of Newgate than there is ol
Tyburn truo. A hideous and un-
siyhtly objoctfjs that which will thus
disappear. Dlnck with smoke , ' though
not n century old until next , it
defaces a great thoroughfare , and in
fuses n gloom into nil who pass by it ?
grimy portals. It never hud nny pro-
tontiona to architectural beauty
Dance , \wlio built it 1732 , had but one
idejiJ Tf\to years' previous Jiad seen
the , ! Gordon riots , .and the great , fire
which followed ; thu traditions of crim
inals at the time when the architect called in were principally records
of jail-breaking , and Mr. l3.\nco de
clared that he would erect an cditice
fld ( strong that no ono inside would gel
out , and no ono outside should got iii.
How far ho succeeded , time has
shown. The dismal buildim ; stands
aa stoutly as 'pvor , 8ecuro 'against dynamite
namito conspiracies and gunpowder
plots ; and.wcre outer solidity nil that
wad required in a jail , it Anight , con'-
flnuo to datkon Newgate street for
many year - to come. JJut thesa are
days when t .o health oMiardoncd ami
habitual criminals is looked after , and
when ; pestilence must neb threaten
oveii 'tho criminal ; nnd'tho result is
that tli6 narrow cells , 'dark passages
and dull yards will soon be swcpl
away and prisonorH will know the in
terior of them no moio.
Nowcato is one of the most appall
ingly interesting Htructurcs in the
country. If it H not exactly the samu
jail as that which Ilarnaby lludgo
stormed and in which Fa in spent his
last nichr , if Dr. Dodd tenanted the
predoceasor of the present nriaon nnd
read the sermon , which Dr. Johnson
composed for him" in a chapel which
has never haen pulled , down , still the
scanos which have been witnessed in
the dungeon now1 threatened with re
moval nro thrilling enough for moru
than passing interest. 11 o it W.IB that
ThistletTood oxcJUiniod , "I shall soon
know the last grand ficcret"hcro ; Gov.
Wall , after eluding justice for twenty
years , \v.w handed for whipping a sol
dier to pieces nt Goreo ; Imro Fauntle-
roy , dressed in black coat and
trousers , wilh silk stockings nnd
dress shoes , made his lust bow to the
public , and received a bow in return ,
having just previously confadcd to a
bosom fiiend the secret of whcro tu
buy the best G'nracoa ; nnd here ; in
later days , the pirates , of the Flowery
land were hanged in one long ghastly
row. If it were not that thu site up
on which thu.dic.vdfu ! place stands is
wanted for other purposes it might
almost be left ns a public museum. It
boasts .many a curiosity. * In n yard
known ' , as the oJU' the
sido'of the wall iliu long black up
rights ami cross-pieces of the gullow
upon which criminal after ciin'iinal
has swung. Thoroi 'is also' a black
triangle lilted with Inopsfortho hands ,
the ankles tnid the knees of malefactors
tors huntenced to bo > whipped a lior
riblo object , which seiit many an un
comfortable thrill Ihrnugh a
Ol'llliVIII11. : .
It was upon this instrument , in fact ,
that the lir.-t expeiiincnt was ever
made , in moclcni days as to thu eflic.icy
of tho'whip in rcstniininu'j tlie brutal ;
upoij"ithlso , wlion the failihg arm of
Culcruft wi\s tried and found wanting ,
stalwart warders from1 Hclluway were
li8t invited to try their skill , and ruf-
liau.s convictedi of robbery with vio-i
lenco learnt the force of the "rogula-
tion'cat1'1 ! Iif'fhia ' p'rnim 'arc morc-
ovor'eondemnud 'culln , in wliich many
a sliumied , dospairing'nhm and womin
has passed the last fortnight of life ,
deploring the mistakes and' ' misdeeds
whiuli had loud , up to incarceration
ami the galluws : liero is a
HtiangcookinguUapel whuio over and
over again "comlunmed sermons" have
been preiicliuJ ; and , lastly , theru nro
in Him coriidpr , of ( itto prison , the
gr\v < )3 of those wh6 , having been
bunged iu accordance with law , have
been buried within thonrccinctu of the
of .tho jail , in ctriot obaervnnco'of ' thu
letter of tho'scntencu. All these and
many 'moro ' objecW of interest an )
there to show iu Nowsr.ito , but wilh
the jail they , must pnsn away. The
historical uyves may go , like those
which i encircled the wrists of Dick
Turpin , to the museum at York , or
with the triangle and plaster casU of
the hanged may bo treasured amongst
- the city archives. They need not bo
destroyed , for they possets moro than
a passing value ; they toll the tale of
erimo during a century.
' Newgato itself goes because it is a
thing of the past and does not belong
at all to thu ago in which wo live.
Uotl the , prison , Us calendar , and
"moral reflections , " are out of all
place at a time when the , prevention
of crlmo , 'rather ' than retnliiation and
rovonij'p , aio the object of the law ,
Great 'imprwpmonta have no doubt
taken plncu iu , Nuwgata HJIICU it was
erected by Mr , Uaiico. It was in 1817
that Mip.Kiy firi.t gavJ her attoijliou
to tho'conditmu of tlio ftiiualo priRon-
era incnrooratod vilih'\n \ i jfw.dls , and
paBSt-d'thoj ' greater pail of her tim ?
amongst thu wrotuhod en ntures "wliom
accident and uiiiiio iiidcoiilnifd tlierc ,
A very Ht.ujutur | on nnd'vntt chunyo
j were to bo beou in the management < f
tho. jail , ' .which contimi-jd to bo well
looked after till 183G when one
Inoro n belter system of supcrvMo
nnd 1ho separation of hnrdom'd crim
itmls front debtors were rccominctmtid
The. yeir 1813 witnessed yet olln ;
alterations , and so the prison Vtontoi
improving , now wards being built , th
women being wholly separated fron
the men , while fuither etups wcr
token to mi'ct the growing demands o
the scientific fnnilation. Two year
ago Newgate came under now control
p.issing out of the hands of the civi
mandates. Then the < iuostion yor
properly arose whether in Olerkenwcl
the criminnlfl who nre sent to nm
from the Old Dniloy could not b
better provided for. This qtioiy hn
it seems been answered ill the ath'rma
tive , und a vciy short time will claps
before the black walls and doors ant
dismal cells u ill be pulled down , nm
Newgate and its associations an
broken up forever.
A Theatrical Personage "VVlio Ii
Oftener Hoard ThaiiSoou.
K w York SunHny Times.
The promptor'a dutiesinro by no
means unimportant ones ; they commence
menco with the r > of thu piece
when he distributes their parts to the
various people. At rehearsals1 while
the stage manager is directing , he i
kept buay writing out parts for tin
ch.ingcH of scene to guide the stage
c.vrpcntois. lists of the propoiticn re
quired for the property man , schedules
of the fui nituru and tapestries to bo
borrowed , andof the wnrdrpbo requir
ed for the supernumeraries. AH re
gard the duties I'rom which ho derives
his name , if any ono fancies they nro
easy to perform , he had better try
It is a great deal moro dillieul
to stand in thu wings with a plny-hoo !
in your hands and follow what is being
ing said than it is to do it from tlu
front of the house. Thu promptei
must follow the piece line for line ,
If an actor baits in hi * speech for a
moment ho must throw him the
word he knows the forgetful Thea
plan is groping for. If an actrcs
looks nupealiogly at the entrance , he
knows she is stuck , and it is hie duty
to help her out
Some actors boast that they neve :
stick. No matter if they have total
ly forgotten their lines they 'nai
somotlndg , ' aa they phrase it , and .
have never seen the difference noYci
by the audience yet. Once , while . '
was making the rounds of the golden
Pacific coatit , twenty ycais or so n o ,
T went to HCO a performance of "Mae
both , " by the company of n friend o
miiiu iu San Francisco. Jt was n
tough company n band of rcgulatioi
old time barn-stormers , and the fel
low who played Macbeth was HO far
gone in the dreamy vacancy of whisk ]
that he "gagged" his part moro thai
once in his iirst scene. Finally , it
the middle of his second , ho was also
dead lost. Ho hesitated , but onlj
for a moment. Then he threw hu
atms around Laby Macboth's waist ,
and , drawing her to him , cooly said
"Let us retire , dearest chuck , and coi
this matter over in a moro sequester
ed pot , far from the busy haunts o
nier. Hero the walls and doois are
spies , and our every word is cchocc :
far and near. Come , then , let's away
False heart must hide , you know ,
what false heart dare not show. "
They made their exit in a roar of np
plauso , and 1 thought , "There's a man
who has no use for a prompter , sure
enough. " ,
Alt actors arc not like him , however.
Raw actors are tlu * prompter's horor.
The debutant * is another. Shu wil
forget every line the moment shu
strikes the singe , nnd bo NO norvoup ,
moreover , that she will not buyable to those the prompter rends t
her. 1 remember ono young liuly
who thought she had a mission to
play Juliet , She made her appear
ance , supported by a country company
and lost every line as n& Wo
prompted her through her tirst scene
somehow. Wht-n the balcony scene
was on , her mother syood on the lad
der boliind her , reading her .speeches ,
word for word , which she repented
But the old lady was a heavy weigh ) ,
and the step ladder was no longer in
the flower uf youth ; so , iu the middle
of the farewell , itg.ivo way. The olii
lady was tumbled forward against the
ricketiy staging of the balcony , and
it fell ngaiimt the sot piece that mask
ed it fiom the audience.
So Juliet , mother , balcony , and all
toppled down onllomco , and by the
time ho watt extricated from the wreck
he was as mouinful a lover as the
play makes him out to be.
There is a rigid rule in the theatre
against anyone lounging in the prom
pter's corner but the ladiea of the
company hare a charming fashion ol
violating it. They ate continually
.slipping in to thu forbidden apace to
get a glimpse nt their linea in the
prompt boojc. They have their parts
to consult , but theru is a fascination
about the pronqitoi's volume that is
irresistible. AB its owner , however ,
is usually on oed toims with nil tlio
fair mi'inbcrs of ( ho compiny , he
don't object ; unless putting bin arm
around Uio w.u'st of one , or chucking
mother under the chin in a
w.iy can bo construed into an obji'O-
lion. There is ah occasion upoji which
the prompter is an object of almost
at much interest ns whop hu has Ins
huok iu his hand , and the people on
thn stiigo are listening for him. That
is when he pouts a certain nuticj on
thu call-boaid.
Thu call-board is a species of bul
letins like flm one mii-d to chalk ucortu
on in old fashioned billiaid saloons.
it is nuspcndcd in the gri-un room.
On itJirejKiated thoealla tiMvhearsalH ,
the casia of pieces to bo'rfliear.iod ,
uid the wnokly notices that sa'aiiea
will bo paid on such and such a day.
Then ho is siitrouuded by an in
terested group who ask him moro
questions in a breath than ho could
mswcr in an hour. Somu of the
male mcmborn of the comptny try to
bribe thu information out of his fav-
ot ilo half und half. Uut ho takes nil
ho gotfl and { jives up nothing , lie
"eels bis ad vantage uud keeps it. In
Tact , I never mot a prompter yet who
did not consider hiniHt'lf a far more
mporlnnt member of the company
khan the leading man.
"Ho may loom up big and showy , "
says the prompter , "and raiio'cain
uiiung the women , but whuru would
10 bo without moI , want to know ?
fn a holtsir. . Yen , tir , and a mighty
jadholc , too , ninny's the time , "
The prompter's life i * as laborious
aa it h useful. Ilia remuneration ii
, .
not of the ninat liberal sort , niul t <
ofco it out ho itocMho copying of pixrl
for the itoW iocifl nt lioiiio. General
ly ho is \viilu\vur , with n diuighto
who assists him , nnd whom lie
up to bo Creator nctrc
than' H.ichuli Bho KOCH iitlo the tlivntr
AS n child , nnd grows uj > sivt united will
Ha ummluriU views of life and it )
liiyh-llovor romniicu till ho ninrric ;
the tngo lover nnd Imi nil the llctioi
worried nnil biutun out of her.
] ) y the tune shu aols married him
work , ago , ntul liulf-iuuMmlf hnvi
got into the i > rompter' nycs nnd voici
nnd mnko him tinrclinblo. Slit
does her bunt poor thing , to help liin
along , but hur husband ncotfs hoi
salary ns well us his own t < > aid in tin
elaboration and Biistoiitntion of hi :
sham elegance , nnd the little she can
do is done nt the expense of lu
Btomnoh nnd bnck. Finally when ho
flfiuuso discovert ! wlmtsho is nhout hi
puts an end oven to thin poor npolojj ;
for aid. "I'm not going to have in ; ,
money wasted on that old soak , " ho
nays. "If I nvor catch you giving
him nny again , I'll mnkohim siiuir
for it. " .
Virginia Poetry.
She Don't p\it \ your arm nromiil my m-elc
You'll ruiiinlo nil mv tufllcx.
lie Then lot mo hiiM yon without force ,
Ami thus n\ofil nil mmlllr * .
She There i * no nwcctiipis in n kl !
Unless bv force 'tis taken.
He I know It. There ! Oil , this is llin )
Tlilt styl of osculation.
She My lullles you Imvo rumilcl. | lo > c
.And 1'iit ' mo in n tlustcr.
He Hh , never mind ; I'll lix it , dim- ,
For 1 in a Itemljuster.
Tim recent Michigan lircs deatroyct
twelve church udilicv * .
The Mormon nii < iiiuiaries lm\uiccentl >
gained TOO comertR inSchleswis-Holslein
A Rccoml Metliotliit Kcniiicnicivl confer
cnceh to be held in the United States it
188" .
A Srt-cilhh DaptUt church IIM been or
ganUcd mid recognized nt Worcester
Tt is reported that the Univernaljsts ol
Xew } 'ntland have now 170 less churchcii
than in 1830.
flic 80,000 Methodists in Iowa , it ii
ntnted , are building churches at the rate o
otic ex cry fortnight.
The First Haptist rhiirch of Richmond
Va. , has t > 00 members nnd last year r. i ei
830,000 for religious purpose * . ,
The next general council of the nllianci
of Presbyterian churches throughout the
world will bo hrld at IK'lfast , in June
1884. The committee of arrangement is
already nt work.
The corner-stone of nMennonttoChurch. . ,
to cost about $7,000 , has been laid in Phil
ailclphia. There nre naid to be 10,000 i > eo
plo of this faithinPe ncylvmiiiv , and about
10,000 in tlio United States.
Twche Presbyterian churches in the
United States icturu 1,000 munibsrs nm
over , and Mi churches more Hum 500 mem
hew. lr. ) Cuyler's nnd Dr. Tidiniu'e'i
churches in Brooklyn lead the U"t.
1'nglish speaking Uoinan Catholic * have
increased from 0.000,000 to 12,000,000 dur
ing the last eighty year * , the inciease o :
KngHsh speaking I'totcBtants dining tlio
wimo time being fnim 15,000,000 to 74,000-
The Lutheran churches of Ohio of tli
Syiiculical Confcrenco nro considering
whether they tsliall adhere to that body 01
follow the .Joint Synod in its withdrawal.
The churches nt Logan nnd I'nmeroylhavc
decided to go with the .Joint Synod , nni
their 1'astors , not sharing their views , have
Two weeks ago the last of the hitch cele
brations in Holy Trinity church , Toronto ,
took place , and henceforth the 7 o'clock col
ebrntion on Sunday with high ritual anc
\cstments will'bo abolished. The rector ,
the Kev. W. Stewart Darling , has retired ,
leaving the church in charge of the assist
ant rector. At tlio conclusion of the ner-
\ ice last Sunday evening the organist am
moat of the members ol the choir resigned.
If Adam had had a game of "Fifteen1
placed in his hand at an early perioi
i > f his existence , the wh Jo course ol
history might have been materially al
tered for the better , and if 'Wlionsnct'H ' ' , in
digestion , hick headache or dyrtiwpnia wore
unknown , Siiriug Hlofwom would not ; bo
needed. Pjico f > 0 cents trial buttles 1C
cents. lOeoillw
Taking it by Telephone.
It costs § 20 to sccuro ; i front scat
when 1'atti singH , but thu onor olic
uid ontcrprisiri ! , ' iminagors of J'nris
theaters Imvo hit upon a Huhomo by
which puoplu whocnnnnt iillbrd to pay
Hitch fiiiiiy prices c.ui catch BiiatchuB
of the priinnu donna' * songs at a
cheaper rate. Telephone linea nro
utilize ? ! for this jim-pose , nnd station *
established whcro n live minutes
listen can bo secured fur a franc and a
! mlf. Many patronized the now sys
tem , and' ' express UioniHelves as wel ;
with what they 'hoar. '
Impnleticy of mind , limb , or func
tion , nervous weakness Huxual cbillty ,
etc. , cured by "Wells' Health llcnewer ,
81. At all druggists. Depot , U. P.
Goodman , Omaha. (3) ( )
Baoklln'a Arnlcn Salvo.
TJio best snlvo in the world for outs ,
bruises sores , ulcers , salt t rheuin ,
fever sores , tester , chnppccl' hands ,
chillblains , corns : xnd nil Icindu of
skin eruptions. This enlvu is guar-
unioud to give perfect tutisfnctiou in
every case or money refunded. Prices ,
Hoc per box. For Biilo by u
IHH it MuMAiroN , Oinnlm ,
It liiifi been estimated that thu mili-
ary mid Masons nt Yoilto\vn \ w
iiimbci'at the lowest calculation 25-
100. The Baltimore Stnto cays : "It
s tafo to say that the sncctntorH who
> rtlon < 7' iicitlicr to the military nor thu
diisons will number thrco times as
nniiy as thu aggregate of tlioso or-
g.inization. The papora of the north
and wi'Bt liavo been talking a great
about Yorktowu , and everybody is in
ho notion of coining , A hundred
housand ii a small estimnto.
Sot Baolc 42 Year * .
"I Was troubled for many years
with Kidney Complaint , Gravel , < Src. :
ny blood became thin ; I was dull ami
nactivoj cpuld hardly crawl about ;
was an old , worn out man all qvcr ;
Quid gut nothing to help mo , until 1
got Hop Bitten ) , and IIQW 1 am a boy
iguiu , My blood and kidnoya ere all
itht ; , and I am ns nctivu na a man of
; 0 , although 1 am 72 , nnd I bavo no
loubt it will do as well for othora of
ny ago. It is worth a trial.Path. ( .
cf , ) Sunday lurcury. octl-J5.
0 . K. ? URKkOM. / , o. IIVHI
Clarkson & . Hunt ,
" * to Hldwnli & Ituut ,
- AT - LAW
8 , HthfitrcM Oin ) i > Neb
Pnln In n MemlnR. H ili- \ c
Whcncttrtlio toneii bit-unmli refill r ,
Tniraut'sSoltzor Aporiont.
It will KX O mirth pnln nut ihiiwr. XMun
Konn'tl i en la n outraged ) > > ' the liimtcn thit tin
Ii m o to arrj , tliroturii tlio hcitUcwnrni ol hi
ehll ntn , that ulio openly rowl < . mul iilinlthti
frarfiilly. Don't nralcct tlic nroiwr tnatnit-n
non the\M | items llwtmnH-it. Itctoit to tin
a | > ctluit. mid | { ct well | H-cdil > - .
_ .lally tod.
For Yon ,
Wlioso comploxton fooirnys
Genie hnmlllnliiJR inincrlcc-
tlon , . xvhoso mirror tclla you
that you nro Tanned , Sullotv
nud flisllgureil in count cunnco ,
or Imvo Eruptions , Redness ,
Itonglmess or iun\liolosomo
tints of complexion sny
USD Hngnn's Magnolia Ilnlm.
It is n delicate , Iinnnl nnd
delightful nrticlc , producing
the most natural und cntruuc *
ing tints , tlto nrlillcialily of
which no observer can detect ,
and which soon becomes per
manent if tlio MiiL-uoliu Bulm
Is judiciously used.
If Tou ro tunnl lit you rim
t man of If *
tir tcUlnco\
your ilutlwi nltclit utk , toi Tf
tUimlautiand u o
Hop Bitters. I M < - . UM > Hop B.
lfyonwoyounir nd . . uffcrlnit from ny I. .
dlimllon or'ill fll > 11 Ion i It jrou am m r-
rkd or fliiKlc , om or I
puoriiciiUIrliuiirut h | . Inir on ft bed of * lrk >
UCM , niy on , Hor' Bltturii. .
WTiocrcryotUny , Thcuianntaiono. ]
wheneTcr you frclj minllr " from tame
tint your yftni '
m-cils clcniislnir , ton- Sj&SSSJ
Init or itlDraiatlniri |
wltboutnloT/Ml by a timely MM'of
tnko Hop HopBlttor *
D. I. O.
plaint , taiuiiio
nnd Irrcabbv
of the itoiriarA , ble for
HOP on r o
Ixncrlf. blood , drunLcnneia
UaruTncrvett uneot opium ,
You will 6c totmocu , or
cun-JKyouuM oarcotlca.
Hop Dlttora
lfjrcn ro lm- Foldbydra ? .
) ti. Kndtur
wonk nnd
lownjitrlteJ.try rtly NEVER Circular.
tti it may HOP rJITTtBS
save your
FAIL ' ' .
B'1'0 10.
, ,
life. It has
Btwccl hun Dotbttttr , ! t. T ,
drcdo. r nt % Ont ,
West for dcintr tha niott direct , qulckcut , me
Mfoi-t line coiinrctlnfr the irroat MctropollH , CHI.
CAOU , nnd the HABf ims , NORTII-KABTIIUS , Snuru
and SdiTii-EAHrniiN LIKKI , which tcnninata there ,
CoVNCik Ili.urra and OJAIIA , the COUMMRCIAI
Cumxa from which nullato
that ponrtratoi the Continent from tlia Mtaourl
III i cr to tlio 1'ivclflc Slope. Thu
CIFIO UAILAVAY owning tricn Into
niiioa , or wlileli , liy lit own road , rt'.v-hcM the
lolnM above named. No TBANBrxiui BY CAUBIAQX
N ( > MIKtINO CONNFCTIO.VSl No llllclllllll , ' III 111
vcntllnU'd or unclean ran , as every ims nn ir l
carried In roomy , clean and vontllAtud
upon Fa t Kxiirci ) Trains.
DAY CARH of unrivaled ma nlflcanco , PUI.LWAN
P.M.ACK Hi.r.Kma CAKM. nnd ourounuorld-fvnoun CAIU , iinon hlchincalaaro8cnc < l ot tin *
nnrpasscd oxcellentc. nt tbo low rate of HKVKMI.
XINII CKVTH KACII , with ample time for lioalthful
Through Can between Chlcairo , I'corla , Jill
waukco ami Jliniouri Hl > er J'olntu : and COM ran
ncctlona at all polutd of Intersection with othur
roada. .
Wo ticket ( do not forget this ) directly to een
place nl Importance In Kansas , Nubronka , Dlael
llllidyycnilni ; , Utah , Idaho , Nevada , California ,
Oregon ; Washington Territory , Colorado , Arltom
and New Jlexloo. - .
Aa liberal arrangement ! regarding I-IIRKW as
any other Hue , and ntu of faro always a l ow M
coDipctlton , who furnish but a tltlio of thu com
Vos and tactile ol njxirUrpen free.
AiVKUbO , maiw and foldcni at all principal
office * In tha united SUtoi and Canadt.
U. It. CABMJ , E. ST. JOHN ,
Vice I'ros't & Ocn. ( Ion. Tkt and 1'anVr Ai ;
Manaicir , Chlcairo
Sioux City & Pacific
Kims u Sollil Trwln 'Jhrouch from
Council Blufld to St. Paul
Without Clmrrgo Time , Only 17 Hours ,
IT ia
D vLvra on BISM AKCK ,
and 11 poInU to Northern low * . UlnnoxoU and
Dakota. Thin line l ctiulpped with the traprovotl
VentlDjjhouw Autoniailo Alr-braVe iid Millei
'latfomi Coupler anJ UuOet ; aod for
K unsurpftMHl. rullmati Palace Btotplnc C.vr
un throiiKli W THOUTCIIAKOK Leticon Hun
an City and Ht. 1'anl , tla Council Uluffn anil
Sioux City.
Trulnn Icai u Union Tucmc Trantfer at Coun
cil Iluir , at I'M p. in. daily on airltal of Kaimait
C'Hy. Bt. Jowph and Council JIlulT * train fiom
hub'outh. ArrivlncntKlouxClty 11:35 : p .
and at tlio New Union Depot at Ht. 1'nul nt 1230
teen ,
5 ? ° IUmtinti < .rln iakln ttiu KlouxClty llcutc
oucct ikllirmifrh 7 rain. Tlie Hiorlot l.liiu ,
lie ( julikuuTliiiv ami a Coiufortatlo KUu In thv
rhrough am , butnicn
iTJTJKOIIiat ) ourTli-UU road la ( ) l ( ) /juux / [
Cly am ) I'ailllu Hall oud.1'
Hihurlnttiidimt. Ucn'l ram. Atrtnt.
I' . Ii ItOlllNHO.N , A 't I'un'l l'a . . A t ,
lllwourl Valley , Ion a.
Special UtimUou yUcii tocolloctloiui In Ilutltr
No Changing Cars
Where direct connrctlou ro innrto lth Throutli
suii'iNa : CAU LINKS for
The Short Line via. Peoria
VILLK , mi.l . nil jxilnta Iu the
' -vrm-
Whcro direct connection * rn nmdo in the Union
Depot Kith t tin Through SlrcpInK Cat
Rock Island.
The unoqtnlcd InihiccracnU offered by thli line
to trot elrra uid tourlttn are M follows :
The crlobratcd I'UM.MAN ( IB-wheel ) PALACE
SLEEPING CAIlfl nm only an thl * Una U , 11.
llorton't llocllnlng OhiUra. No xtm chniyO for
Beats lit neclliiliaClmirri. . The fnnioui 0. , n. A
Q. PaUre Dinlntr Cum , Gorxrouii Smoking Can
titled with elegant blch-baclml ralUn revolvInK
chain , tor tbo exclutut uxiof flret-claM passen-
yen.Btcol Track and mpcrlor equipment comblrel
with tliclr gicat through cur amMgcmcnt , iiuVn
this , altovo all othcra , the ( iiorlto route totuc
E { , South and Southcut. >
Try it , and you wlli find tra\ cling a luxury In
( lead of a dlsooiulort.
Through tlckcUlo thl ? colcbnvtwl line tor salt
at All olllcci ) In the United BUtM nnd CanruU.
All inforumtlon ntiout rate * ol faro , Klecplng
Car occominoilntlons , Time Tatiha , etc. , will !
cheerfully gh on by opplylin ; to
Oencnvl r uwnircr Aiji-nt , Chicago.
_ Onnrril Uannctr
1880. SHOfrrjJNE. 1880 ,
St , Joe & Council Bluffs
Direct Line to ST. LOUIS
Prom Omaha and tbe West.
Ho lhango ot curs between Oniahu nnd at. i/iiil ,
and but ona bctwocn OMAHA and
Daily Passenger Trains
Thli entire Una 19 oqutpped with Pullman' *
Palace Slocplnj Cam , 1'alaco bay Coachoa , Miller1) )
Safety Flatfonn and Coupler , and the oulobratw :
Wratlnghouio Airbrake.
* T8ce that jour tlckot read * VIA nANHAB
rood , \la 8t. Joseph anil St. lanlt.
Tlckcta for eala at alt coupon utatlons In thi
Wcet. J. K , UAUNAKD ,
A * 0. DAWF.S , Oun. bupt. , St. Jouepti , Ma ,
a en. I'iM. and Ttukct ARt. , tit. Jowph , Ilo.
Aiur liORUKN , Ticket AKunt ,
1020 Karijhmii Mtrcct ,
A. D. BlRNAun. OciK'rnl A i-'iit ,
Geo. P. Bemis
ISth anil Dodge Bts. , Omaha , Nob.
THIi OKcnc } docs HtiiiCTr.yn l > roccmtru ! ImMnosn ,
Dors not * i > oailato , ami Iliorcforo niiy Imrgntru
on Ita booka nrr liiiure.l . tu Itrt pntroim , lnntoul
ot Imliii ; tmlililril nn In Ilinn/cnt *
ForGratlliiR Sixteenth Gtrect.
I uropoxilH u 111 tin rfcolreil liytliunn
until Friday , October -JUt , 1881,12
u'clorr , nonii , tor tliu railing " ' Sixteenth
utiKt from I'm iilum to llounru vlruUii , n 11 ro
ll Id of ulilcli ran lie nocn at tlio ulllco of the
illy viulneir , Illils h ll vpitlfy tlio | irlcuior |
uiliirjuril for Btiih itriulln , and itlcoit'itu uficn
Mich uorU Khali liu completed , ami iucoinianlud |
! < } thu name ol proposed mititv uiulur tliu usual
lonilliliiii' ) . Ulil < to l/o ojicntil at thu nn'otiu ?
nl I ho council HL'xVmKuo ! < llijtf artur Ottoliur 21 ,
1BS1. fho illy ciitinu 1 rexoricx thu rlnlit to ru-
lei't nny ami alt hUId. ) .iitc'lojt' uintalnliii ;
mlil Jiroji a\t \ Miall bu umrkril , "l'roi > OFAlii fur
Krawiij ; rtlxtn'nth ntrttt"ninl ilcllvircil to the
umlcrmtnuxl nut Liter tlmn tlio time above
Hiicillldl. J. J. L C. JKWKTf ,
City Clerk.
OnAIIA. 0. tobor 7lh. ISSl. OcTdZw
PropuNiilti lor Sowar Bonds.
Sutiled iimpnHrili nill liu received until
October 2'Jtli , 1KHI , at 1- , noon , by the
pity Clerk of Omiihn , county of Dmigjni ,
-itato of Nebrntltn , uiul will , at llmt liour ,
liu UIIOIIIM ! for tliti ptaulim-u of J.W.OOO.OO
of tlio i"imu of 100,000.00 of Sowei
ItoiiiU , l''iriL Si'iio < , of thu City of Oniiihn.
S.vM LcimlHniuilaleil Siiitvniwr | 1st , 18S1 ,
ire in hiiiiiH or 81,000.00 eneli ,
froiiitlirir ; ilaU * nt tliu rate of nix \ > < ir cen
tum | ii.'r utinuui , iiayiiblu nt tliy ollico of
Kount/0 ] ! KH. , < u v York , M'liii-anriuiilly ,
iiion oonioim | Kttnclicil ; H.'iid | ; OIIIH aio
iKimeil under tlio ( 'haiter power ( if Biil
city after ( ' lection duly lielil iiiitliorhln
tlieir IHHUO For the coniiilvtion of Sewern
[ wrtly cuD tiuctcil. and for the coimtriic-
tion of additional Hcwor/ < . The ? .riOX)0.00 ( )
low offered aru tlio firnt Hold of tsaid iioiuls ;
liidi will l > u addie Hcd to tlio undcreiKticil ,
and must Hutu tlis full nnuio and nddrc
> f thu didder , the amount of mild liondH
'ired , and the prlcu prooic | : < l to he jinid.
The right Is runeryod to reject any nnd
all bidx. J. J. L. 0. JKWKTT ,
| itiK-30t. ) City Clerk.
I. Notica In I crcby KUcn that I ) . Ilurr , K. n.
Van ( ) nrt and II I' , iiiirrhavc Ineorriorattd
huuiuelviMundur thoimraoaf the "Omahu Im-
ilcmcnt C'oni | > any. "
1. Tlio iirlnilpal plan of tranmctlnif tha bull-
nuns of tu\d \ Ii vorpi'ratlon u Oinuba , Kub ,
H , The nature of tliu biulnwn of mid Incorpor
ation U HIM 'ilo ol general farm Machinery , UIIK-
gltx ami Wagon .
4 , Tha am unt r.f rapllal Hock nu'horUcxl ' In
Mi.OOO (0 of which ? VIO.OO ( lim.t he uulmcri' | ' < d
anil mm half of al I l * t inontlonu J uuiii bo jmld
n licfuru wild uiinpiny tball comtncmolnmiju * * ,
wild tock to bndivided Into flmrcii nt iflOOiath ,
C. 'I lie lil.'liott atiiaiint of In J'Wcilnt3i tint
an bo liK'urrudbyiiildliiiorporutlpriliitwo tlilnU
) | thn i ipltal stoiK jiiild In , and theiv eliull bu no
mlltldtial llitljllltj on the partol tbuetoikholi-
tu tl.eri.of ,
(1. ( Tlicalf nriof mMoor | > oratoiinru | loburon.
litlrd by a piW.iluit , rgcrvtuiy and tru.murcr ,
vtlia tlmll cfilmitiltu u lioar I ol dlrecturii.
1. Hildeiirj ) ration nhall oiinnii'iicnoiitlinljth
ycf Hi-ptembtr , IHtl , and * lull terminate on
bu lit uuyuf biptvmbvr , A. I ) , law ,
D , lltlKIt.
K. 1 VAJ , Coi'iir.
I ) . I' . IH'uu
Jlinnhn. Keb , Oct. S , jugl. o1 ev rnon 4t
Edward W Sime al ,
f roiJcyonfi Any rc oiiatilo question that tlw
J * ij all wins tlio ben nia.l tot jcm to InkosJion trftvellns In cither ilitfcdlon brtwn'i. .
vltlcago anil all of Iho Principal PolnJs tn tlio West , North ; mf Nor1)iwet )
/arofiills / rxmnlnoi IhN Map. The I'rliieipril cities of tlio WMtnn.1 . .XnrtliwMt urn JUnllonS
V.H.yil ! ! ( llk.Jt < l tbK'i'Kli ' Italiw " "iho clnso cnuuectloua wltlj thu tra ! us of all
d pl t ?
The Imperial Palace Dining Cars.
VII.IIlll.IN. by ( ill Coupon Ticket Agcuta I
acinomlcr ; to nsk for Tickets via this road , bo sure tlioy rchd over It , and take none other ,
UAltyi2f UL'GUlTT.CIcu'lllauat'cr.Ohlcano. , . W. 11. 8TBNSBTTGcu' rass , Apont , CUIca t
IIAUIIY P. DURL , Ticket AfFtit 0. & N. W. Railway , 14th and Fajnham itreota.
D. K. K1MHALI. , AwlftontTicket Airent U. ft N. W. hallway , 14th and Farnbam ilrMt *
J. HKLL , Ticket A cnt O. & N. W. Itallway , U. P. U. IU Depot.
BAUKST. CLARK Oeneral Arent.
Announcement !
A large and varied stock of .Sta
ple arid Fancy
You will Save MONEY by buying
your DRY GOODS of
GOD N. ICtli Street , 2d door north of Cal K Side.
Special Attention
Is Once More Called to the.Fact that
Rank foremost in the West in Asso rtment and
Prices of
Furnishing Goods ' , ,
Hats and Caps.
Wo are propnrcd to'inoot the demands of the trade in ro : ird to Lutost1 Style * t
and I'attornu. Finn Merchant Tailoring in Connection
M , HELLMAN , & CO , ,
300'to 31213th St. , Corner Farnham
It always gives satisfaction , because it makes a
superior article of Bread , and is the Cheapest - -
est Flour in the market. Every sack
warranted to run alike or
money refunded.
W. M. YATES , Cash Grocer. .
Max MEYER & CO. ,
vcraBCOx.in0jei.3uaE ]
Tobacco froin 25c. per pound upwards.
Pipes from 25c. per dozen upwards.
Cigars from $15.00 per 1,000 upwards ,