Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 15, 1881, Image 1
lVX < L. ' / / I U v OK * \ lOllNlNG , OCTOBER 15 , iSSI , NO. 98 GUITEAU ARRAIGNED. Tho/Assassin ; Brought -Bofor "Judgo Box Yesterday Morning. ,3- Monday , the 7th.of November fotho Trial lo Coin- mence. Thfe TSdfch of October the : Da ; for the Argument Of the FJ 3 | Qu tlbP of Juris- di otion. ArBatoh , of Nomiatvtiona Con i * > v r-/- firmed by the Senate _ J _ _ _ Yoatord&y. The French and German Viai tora Presented to the Sen- 9r"tf ate Yesterday. Probability That a Secretary 0f xwtn " * I P Will be Elected at Vi . . . . _ ' . .m. Thaa Session. Comment of tha Now York Prewi OH J > avi ' Qeetlon to the ProtU f denoy.Pro Tem. National Associated Proa &P AKRAIONINO Till ! ASSASSIN. WASHINOTOH , D. O.1 , October 14. Guiteau was arrignod this morning Ho was taken from the jail to cour in tho.Blttck Maria without , any nlis turbance. After'the indictment hat b skcd to bo allowe < to make a statoinunt , but Judge Cox Baid Hfwould bo' out of 'ploco. Gin term's counsel then entered a plea o not guilty. ' District Attorney Cork hill asked that the trial bu sot 'dowt fornextMonday. Mr. Scovillo , counse for defonso.8aid B fair.irial coulll mo bo had ifit , occurred next week. He should-neod al leasi thirty days to . nccessary-witnesaes for tlie defense. Ho elaimed , the right to get the same number of witnesses for- the dufeusr that the government had , (44) ( ) , and that the state should pay for thorn. He wanted a number of witnesses in the 'first place to prove Guitoau's insanity. He expected to provo by exports and long life acquaintances that the defendant V was of an imtano lineage and was irresponsible at the time of the act al leged. He also expected to provo by Dra. Hammond , , Sim's and others that the wound alleged to have boon in- wan not necessarily fatal , but made BO by malpractice. Ho also desired time to get counsel to as eist him. Colonel /jorkhill argued that the c-inrtTiad no HghTto promise to pay the expenses of any experts or other witnesses than to pr6ve the alleged insanity. Ho said the gov ernment was willing to attord all. just righto for the defense , but had no right to order summoned wit nesses beyond a radius of one hun dred miles. The district attorney said ho desired the court to definitely de termine the day of the trial and make it as soon us possible. Hu also asked that tlio question of jurisdiction bo argued before the day of trial. Then followed a long discussion of what was tailed by the dufenso a legal right of a penniless defense to have witnesses biimmonod. Justice Cox said hu fully appreciated the cir cumstances of thu defense , and ho thought that tlr ; time most , convenient for all partio3 would bo on Monday , the 7th of November , and that day was fixed. It was decided that the question ol jurisdiction should bo argued October 30th. George Scovillo , attorney for Gui tcau , his brother-in-law , then asked for'timo to obtain proof of insanity. Ho presented afliduritH , , in which he gavu the linu of tlio defense which ho said would lbo. mainly two , insanity and modioal malpractice , ' , lfi'hoAlatter jWas unexpected and made somewhat of a sensation. Ho desired , thirty days delay and an opportunity to call the same number nf witnesses as the government On the question of in- canity ho proposed .to call among otherd tlio following witnessesFrench Uromloy and FrancisScovillo should toitify that Fivthor Guitenu , 'tho father of the prisoner , was H monomaniac on the subject of religion Homo yous ; Eyorcttl'ox , Do ver Mius. , who saw the shooting und heard Guitoiu use words which show ed uniristnblu insanity. On the sub ject cf malpractice ho proposed to bunimon Urn. Hammond and Sims- of Now Yoik , and Drs. Andrew and Gnnn , of Chicago. Mr. Scovillo , on behalf of Gniteau , plodded with thu , xc > urt for moru limo and for money 'or expemu'Q under the federal statute to obtuin testimony. His linu of de fense , hpivuvor , IH to ho somewhat dif ferent from what has bcon expected mid from what in fact ho has himself stated heretofore. * He had said be fore , for instance , that hu should only plead insanity , but now ho indi cates that ho shall also attempt to defeat on the ground of malpractice. Ho also proposes to test the question of jurisdiction. Mr. Kcovillo'ntdppcd this plea to hold a conforunco with Guiteau. Thu latter talked with him 'iu ' u most rational may'ner , District Attorney rkliilJ opposed thu delay asked for by Gui- teau's counsel and mid the -Jaw was voiy liberal with persons charged with erimo , so liberal us too often to defeat - feat the ends nf jualicu. Ho demand- nd that a day for immediate trial be iixv < h Jud e Cox tuxjd that a prompt tr lJwajH3s oiliUj ) , tinil JixX-d , lhe diy of trial fur NoVombur 7. At'12:3ti : o'clock thu licuriii' ' was concluded uiitl th l J niftruJial ' alwuled , ' 'I'tas 'otr giiijiy. " OfliuJra gathered nbouv Guiteau nnd'jcar'culy f.islohed' . ills llruid'Ciiffs.find the prisoner was take : ftoni tint etntit room. Tlioro had boone no attempt to do violence , and lit fears of the poor wretch woru ground l&.i. Air. Scoville intinntnd tlmt h still hoped to have the ns.iiataiic-j i Oeii. IV F. Butler , from wlioin ho In not heard from yet. Failing in thnl tha only luilp piomisi'd was from ] ) T. Jftirrifck , wlu ) will 111x110 the ques lion of jurisdiction , Mat.shal llunr sajs Guitcau win convoyed safe ) , b.vcldto jail. He grew much calnio as ho s.iw tlmt no pcrsunnl violenc was intended by any one. Onth way to the jail hu niid hu thought h duscuvod a fair trial , and that I would not bo possible for him to gc ready before .lanmuy at thu sooncsl It is looked upon its n great eredi to the law-loving people of the Dis trict of Columbia that Guitcau wi\ hi ought from jail , arraigned and l turned to confinement without tin M being made on him. . In faot , it account of the hour Holoutcd being th same as sot for the paradu honor of the French vimoia vcrj few people know of the urmngomen and the couit room wns not mor crowded than usual. The only ap ] iriich to a ion was made by middles aged white man. During th proceedings ho approached suvora men and asked for a pistol. Atnon those asked was a detective wh murchcd him oil' to police hcadquar tors. IIu was evidently drunk SENATE PROCEEDINGS. WAHHINOTON , October 14. Th chair laid buforo the senate a com munication from the 'department o justice in answer to the losolution c May Oth , last , inclosing the list of ol ficoru buruo on thu rolls of the deMr ! ment not secured to bo coniirmeU b , thu Bonate. Messrs. Logan and Pondletpiu ar pointed a connnitteo to notify th president of the election of Davis a president pro torn , reported that tha , bad performed that duty' Mr. . .La mar called up his resolution inqnirifl wliat Had been done to * protect tti righta of American citizeun in regat ( to the Panama canal. Adopted. On motion of Mr. Edmunds the judiciary committee was instructed t investigate the llubcllo , oxtraditiot caSo. 3Tr. Sherman ofrored f pnd askci present consideration of a rowlntioi directing Iho secretary of the troasurj to transmit to thu senate a copy of th report of the investigation into" the alfuir of the treasury department nni had read a telu-jram from a Washing ton ccrreHpondont who intimated tha sundry sums had boon found to bnv boon used to further Secretary Slier man's ' candidacy for tlio presidency and that the report had boon suppress ed ai the rcqtiost of Mr. jShormim The senator said the writer waa very much mistaken in supposing thit ; h had requested or desired thu supproa sion. Ifo wanted to 'havo publisliec any report or any information any way referred to the transaction of the treasury under his. udmiuiatra tion. He was equally anxious to iinvu the icport in qugstjoti published Secretary. VVindom had not though pi ope r to publish the report lost il might do injustice to a valuable elli cer. Ho ( Sherman ) did not doub but that Mr. Windom would afTon' my ollicor whoso name wan in thia ro- > ort an opportunity for explanation. Ho desired thu resolution adopted. Senator Edmunds said that in the operations of 'tho ' treasury department and all other departments reports wore made oveiy week that ought not .o bu madu public. Such publication night unable guilty parties to escape , > r might bp injurious to thopublicsor- vioo in various ways not necessary to enumerate. He was disposed to doub : , ho propriety of adopting the resolution To fult justified in asking that it li over until they could cirefully con sider tlio subject. Probably in this case no harm would comu from the idopiion of the resolution but as precedent it might prove injudicious. The resolution was laid ever and , on motion of Ediiiiinda , the nenuto at 12:30'p. : ' m. wont into exesutivo ses sion , The president sent in another batch if nominations , mostly postmasters , vhose appointments were nuido by iis4 predecessor , and the name ot Cap- Sin JlHValkerto bo cbiofsl > uro u of- icor in the , navy department and W J. Hanson to bo United States mar hal. WASUINQTON , October 14. The enato , in oxcculjvo session , to-day confirniiid the following nominations ; Wallop Blainc , of Maine , third usais- ant secretary of state ; Mark L. 3rcwor , of Michigin , consul genural t Berlin ; United Slates consuls : Ddiuund Johnson , of New Joreuy , at . 'iclon ; Alrx Jourdan , of Penrsyl- 'ariiii , at Algiers ; Arthur H. Harrifoii , if Now Jersey , at Santandor ; Win- iuld iScott Bird , of Al.ilnnu , ut La- gurvra ; Henry L. Lisar , of Maryland , , t Port Stanley , Futhoiland Island ; Jen P , Davis , of MiSBiichusutts , to bu loputy fourth auditor of the treasury ; Jacob Ela , of New Hampshire , to bo ixth auditor of the treasury ; 0. P Jlark , of IMiodo Islund , to bu first leputy commiuaionur of pensions ; Cal vin B. Wulkor , of Indiana , to bo opnty comniiHsioner of pension ; lonry Cox , of California , to bo pan- ion agent at San Francisco ; Robert ) . Foster , of Indium , to bo marshal or district of Indiana. Postiniatora jyman N , Yates , Kalamazoo , Miph.j John L. Hurrirton , Decatur , Midi. ; liclmrd D. Willis , Dowington , TH.J Tulton 0. Iluynolds , Roynoldsville , 'a. ; Edward Ileud , Eric , Pa. ; Jacob lloo , Jilnihnrot , 111. ; John Otto , Mt. Jlomons , Mich , ; Luvi J. Kimball , Norway , Mich. ; Jinnus N. Crocker , lued City , Mich. ; Truman D. Slaritfs , hakapoof Minn. ; Georgu F. Witter , Irutid lii'pidx , Mich , ; Linzull Willis , V rry , Ia. ; Hull Andorton , Linudster , fV' . t { ' TJio doora were opened at two p. m. ml u recesi of an hour taken to await lo cpmjiig of thu French und urnmn itiitor , After recess 'tho suimtii went ito uxocutlvo ucBsipn , and after con- ' idoring'iho question of final adjourn- ' 1 1 10 " * I input without reaching a decision , at" jburncd at 4 p. m.mtil to- TJIE.TJIKASUUY WAhiitNwTON , October Id. Tt \ * re ported on good authority t6- < lay tha Senator John Shonna\ij \ who \l\ta been much annoyed by the po'rsisten reports that c-x-Scnalor > Conklin would bo given Iho treasury pottfolit by President Arthur for the cxpros purpose of punishing the cx-socrotarj for conduct in tomoviim Gon. iVrthu from the New Yoik collectorship b ; expiating alleged abuses on th treasury department , will mnko strong personal dnmniid himself form investigation , This treasury iiylit i ( now gutting serious and nuportan rovel.uioiiH iiro promised. * THK KW VOKK I'UKS ? OX DAVIS hLtC T10X. Concerning thu election of Davic Davis The 'limes pas : It ia was i sensible escape from wlnt bndo fair to bo an cinbaiTusaiin ; position. The Tribune tays : It in u desurvot rebuke of thu indecent usuipation o the cliair by Uaj-ard's election throug the exclusion of tlneo republican sun fftors. Tlio Herald don't notice it. The Sun says : , D.ivis is on his owi hook in politics. The World ridicules it and gays i waa unconstitutional. MISCELLANEOUS. National AMoclntctl rnus. ItRCKlTION 0 FKKNCH AND OKIIMAN VlSlTOKS. WABHiNOToy , October 14. Th weather is delightful for the rcccptioi of the French and Gorman guests The military and civic escort formoc at noon under Col. Webster. Sucre tary Elaine , assisted by Assistant Secretary rotary Hill and Walker Blaine held n reception at tlio star department until I o'clock .At the present writing the guests ar in readiness at the Arlington. Th procession moves to the ca'pitol at L p. m. It consists of a dozen com panics of the military , the marines the artillery , the iiro departmon and civ c societies. Penney ! v.mia avenue is tastefully decor ated with American Hags am the French and German colors. President ident Artliur receives the guests ' the rotundaof'tho capital , after whicl 'they will bo rc-coived by thu senate A reception nf the public will follov those ceremonies. Great prepaiation arc making for an illumination ant fireworks. The uay was given up in a grca modsuro to the entertainment of th French and German visitors of th nation. The departments were al closed at noon and business generally suspended. The city that a tihor' time ago was draped in inourning to day was respondent with colors o : America , France and Germany. The lirst feature of the entertainment waa the reception at the ntate department , where each' visitor was presented to Secretary Bluine by Jt'rench or Ger man mini.stera. Ho in turn presenter them toother roembenO.f the cabinet , iiv'wliioh dutylio was assisted by Sec rctaries Hitt and Blainc. A genera * interchange of : oinplimontn followed The proccfsion to the capitol w s no : ; rand but very pretty anil appropriate. A great crowd was as sembled in front of thu capitol lent , before thd procession reached , thai point. At 2:45 : p , m. thu visitors un- tored the rotunda and were roi-oivud with much enthusiasm by the senators and others ) who had bucn admitted. I ) 10 staii way to thu dome was illlcc w ith persons \vlio had go no tlioro to jot a good viTtw of the scene. The visitors funned 11 hcnii-cirolo round ; heHotilli side of the lull , the Fronoh oa the west and the Germans on thu side of the door leading to thu mil of tlio house. After thin was lone Secrotaiy liluino wont to the irosidt'iit'fl loom in the H en a to wing uul .soon roturncd , obcort- ing Picflident Arthur , to uvprosonted AL Outiey , French min- bter , nho , in u short address aiidiblo cross the hall , presented Jiis several countrymen , briefly reciting th'o man ioc iu which each uoro1 connected , vith the incidents nf Yorktown. The lerman , jiiinistor , .Baron Y9n" S ser , who had , boon accompanie Secietaiy AVindoin , Mas nbxt pre- smilo'd , and , 'tho ' name ceremony was gunu through with. General Sherman and staff were introduced to the 'viat ors by Secretary Lincoln , and [ the ndgcs of ' the supreme oqurt . by \ttornoy General MadVoagh ! The iiirty wuro then escorted to thu HOII ltd ebamber. thu senate havjng roassoiublod after thu visitors had been resented to the presidont. TJio yis tors wore ncatod , and whun order had K'en restored , liayurd rose and said iu begged lo.iv * o apprise the scinito of the presence in the chamber of curtain distinguished ollicm-H and citi zens ot our BI'&UT republic , Franco , and a IHO of certain diatin uishedofliceru andcitieiHof ; : the empire of Germany , fho hau cnmo hero for tliu mapoao of oining with the people of the United states in celebrating thu nnd culminating victory of thu allied innies one hundred years a o. flu aietv ho poku the suntiniont of every American senator when hu Hiid they were most welcome hero , Uu would novo that for the purposa of paying hat respect which all felt for visitors -hat a rocuss of half an hour bo taken. 'ho motion WUB agreed to and there was a general introduction of the vis- ton to the president pro turn and tlio ouators individually. The visitors Irovo direct from thu capitol to tlo ) Arlington and after dinner to the do- nrtiiient of ntuto , from whoso win- ow they witnessed n grand display of reworks on < ho Wnshington monu- lent grounds. Parts of the city were luimnatod by electric lights during 1 10 evening. To-morrow thu guests will make a trip to Mt. Vurnon and lie national fair grounds. UK flEciiirrAuvsiiii' OF TUB HKNATK. WAHHINOTON , OctobiT 14 , It now oonis probable that the question of lectingn secretary of the soimto willet ot bo raised at this sea ion. The ro iublicnnn dcsiro to coinpluto the or - anizatpn ( an ru willing hat. the nwbrata'ehould hiivo'tho'Bocrotory - ship but they are unwilling to vote for the present domoora'io eandidnt It. . Wn hiiiRtnn. A prominent I publican , said to-night thnt if the ( lemocnxti did not soon uithdr.xw Washington's naino nml tnggoat nil- olhor thd majority thoiiisolu\i would juitnp A man they could xotofor. This will possibly bo done ou Monday. from which day an adjournment will bo taken to Friday. 8TAII KOCTK CASKS I'OSTrONKI ) . After thu adjournment of the Gul- tcnu out ! AH nrcuinoit ) was mule by Col. luiwrooll in dcfcino of S. D. Brown , in thu stnr route em > , Fuilhcr procoudings wt'iM postponed until next wosk , > r NOMINATION ? TOW ! RP.NT IS. President Arthur " will to mot row sund to thu Boilnto nll.jhu nominations he will nuke just no\r.p ConfodorMo Boniln- National AMOilatnt 1'rcia NK\VYoitKOotobcr | fffai liaol ,1. Tiloai'n advertised to-day his wish to buy $1,000,000 of confederate bonds , and cxpnwod a williilc-ness to pay for them ut the rate of one-quarter of ono per cotit , Arepoitorsaw Mr. Mosca at his otlico on Wall street On the clinir at the oflico were piles of $1,000 , § 100 and $50 confederate bondo , Mio most of them with A single coupon cut oil' . Ono of the sotie&i.boru witness that the principal * would bo paid at the scat of the confedomto government , on the 1st of September , 1881 Mr. Moses said : "I am buying tlioao bonds mid paying $250 per 55 1 , 000 for them. I Invo al ready purchased niora ( Kan § 1,000- 000 worth and advertised for $1,000- 000 more. I am b\iying. thorn in ac cordance with orders 'from corres pondents abroad , butdn't ( care to say whole these correspondents are nor do I know what thoyvlntciid to do with thorn or how they hope to roal- i/o on them. Personally ; ! would not give A cent for all / > you could bring mo , but I am simply acting as agent. " > * J "Do you think it would be worth while to hold the bonds in the hope of a raise. " "No , I do not , for I * , understand that the market on the .ether side is weaker. I do not know'h'ow they are quoted , but on Tuesday I ; received a dispatch that the nmrkob vwas giving way , and yesterday F received another dispatch that the bonds , wiero selling slowly. " < f "Where arc these boijjls coining from ? " "From all parts of the uoith ; , I sent circulars to ull banW in the south , offering to biij bonds at $250 per $1 ,000 , and Kavjj received Boino from most ovcryono ; The First National bank of Memphis ! out a dis patch this morning saying That they had forwarded $250,000 r.torjtft of bonds. The reporter made ftithVr in quiries among other brokprkand was told that there wore savoralSq engaged in buying tS and j that the quotations , y"tho last natndd price. CRIME- . National As oc ! t l Prcw. TKIPLK MURDKUEU HUNG. Ga. , October 14. Frank Hudson , the triple murderer of the Leo family in Terrell county , was hanged at 1 o'clock to-day. He con fessed the erimo and said hu had no iccomplicea. Ho slept well last night. enjoyed a hearty breakfast this morn ing and was very cool about the hanging LOUISIANA MUllDKi : . October 1-1. A fighl occ nrted in Concordat parish yester day botwoim Hobort Achloy and Israo ! about family afiairs , Roburl knocked Israel down with his list and an ho was gutting up caught him by eacli arm and held him while hits nan Georgu shot him twice , once in the icck and once in the stomach , ono ol ; lie thrco allots musing him. llobcrl u. now in jail , bjit George has- nol yet bcon arrested. Dotson died in itaiitly. BETWKKN KAUM IIA.VDH. iiiiK , Ga. , October 14.A big ight occurred on Colonell HcDonald'a arm in Russell coiirity Just nightlbo- -wfceu S.lm and Adam Buchanan and Austin Watts , in which thb latter was itabbod to dcatli'liy the fofmor. " The nurdorom are in jail. CHICAGO , October 14. This oven- ng the crow of the propeller Colorado , ying at the King ntroot bridge , hoard hu cries of Homebody in thu water. They throw a rope and pulled a man > ut of the river. Ho wan covered with jloodfrom a bullet wound in the breast. To wuu Guruian and eunld not apeak English , but it was Hubiequontly earned that his name , wan John CuiBur , a young grocery clurk from ) etroit , Ho ntated that ho had juut rrived and about dark hu asked a trangar to direct him to a boarding IOUHO. The stranger led him around mtil they reached the dock , when 10 pulled a revolver and demanded CaworV ) money. Upon refusal the trangcr shot and robbed him and hrow him in the river , whoncu hu was escuod by a Hnilor later on , OH utatod. vaiser was taken to the hospital and wilfdio. WJFK-MUJtDKllF.n IIUNO. UociiKSTBtt , N. Y. . October 14. A inpntoU from Northvillo mys that Sdward Earl waa hanged at Sauorvillo ] ji-day but thoru are no particulnrn of lie execution , Ho loft a written con- cssion which ia in this city fully ac- snorf lodging his or ! mo and giving ro- ) cngo as his only motive ; ho giveu'tho .ill dcUila of how hu went to Goo , trown'a place with whom Ins wife was iying February 19ih , and found liiu wife in the birn and though olio drop. > od on her knees and bcirgcd for her iff ho etabboj ) ) or , liitl was about orty yoara old and nn one knows - his listory. , Pluralltr- Citloml A oc ! tcJ J'rcu. CO UMBUB , October 1-t. Ucturna roni jkl | the countieaj/i / ho.stito ijivo 'oster'a wlurality of ' . ' THE AGITATOR'S ' ARREST , A Torrent of Mlpatioii Aroused by Gladstono's Latest Outrage , A Dose of Dungeon Dooidcd Upon to Allay the Suffer ings or Ireland , And to Secure Success by Dis play of Force of a Deemed - od Policy , The Mighty Influence of the Loftguo Proveuta Riot nnd Bloodshed Words of Chner From America AtMOatcil l'n * . UNIWIl TKH COBKC10K ACT. , October 14. Ah extra ed ition of The Gar.stto prorlaims all that part of Ireland , not before included , under thu coeixion act , except Dcrry and ether parts of Ulster. The ex citement about the secretary's ollico and detective headquarters indicates further action. Further ordorn for the transfer of troop * have boon made. DILLON'S HPKKmi. Dillon at a league meeting last night shid , "GUdstonu comes to us like a Mohammed soldier , the land bill in ono hand the word in the othor. The truth is UK-BO people hate it. Thu feeling of every , man with Irish bjood in liifv veins is to take vengeance with the weapon first ( it hand for ho qutragu which g\vea \ the English eo'mrtchjoy , but wo must bocn\itious uuulirm and continue the policy which thu national convention advised. Wo have autcd within thu lavf. Wo are not strong enough to face England beyond the law. If the pov'er'nnient Biippiess the land league it wiil be faca to facu with thti Iihh pnople , and I trust the people will rise equal to thu occasion. 1'AllNBU.Vi MOTH Kit. NKW VOHK , October 14. A ru- porter of The" " Sun , who wont to the Now York hotel t < > BOO Mrs. Pra- null , the mother , was sent tlio follow ing note : DEAU Sin : I regret extremely that I , having boon very ill for some dayn , fool additionally too much indisposed to see you. 1' trust to The Sun to show more statesman-like breath and impartiality in , discussing the great Irish , question in its latest phase than Bomq.of itsNaw&irk contemporaries have shoMflBUi&vditoie to be , Vnui l lEMig ( 1 > .1 II i , , . . , . . . . . - MnpftTrtlur' ' rctttertt'hlpw yol given. "An iti'dignation meeting pi land leaguers was held at Brev'oorl hall last night. A resolution express ing sympathy for Mrs. Parnoll was passed. The Tammany committee on organization passed a resolution ol sympathy for Parnoll and wishing for his speedy luleasu , that ho may con tinue his invaluable elforU in behall of.tliu oppressed people of his native land. COM3IKSTH OK THK NKW VOUK 1'llK.I.S. NKW YoitK , October 14. Concern ing P.iniull'h arrest , TltoHciahl says : "Itas to bo ii'grettud that Gladstone should have felt the necessity of ar resting a inembur of parliament and tlitiH excite sympathy for a movement whichhas deigned to war upon prop- city : m an expedient to niisn money. " The Tribune cays : "Thn imprison- montof so popular nn agitator under such circumstances may bu fraught with momentous consequences. Glad stone hot ) taken an enor mous risk in making the arrest. Parnoll is far , more powerful than O'Coniioll ab his best , and the arrest looks like a desperate choice between abandoning the land act out right nnd confessing the absolute fail ure of the crown iin managing Irish all'airs and arresting the great ob structionist to secure thu success in a fair trial of a doubtful policy Thu World Buys ; "liu | arrest can surprise no ono but Puniull himself. Purnoll and his friends permitted Davitt and ether patriots to bo cist into dungeons without mi attempt to liberate them , and ho V-onld not ex pect Irishmen to spend thuir bloud ami treasure to liberate him. " The Sun BI H : The arrcxt of I'm null and cjiiiignnioiit to jiil is an net which right minded mun on both sides of the Mhintie cannot fail to con demn. It can do him no liatm , will not check but inteiihify the operations of thu land K'uquo and must bo con sidered a Uupliirnblu blunder. Thorn ' is no shadow ( if foundation for either chargu in the wuinint. lie had provi d himself equal to thu minmluiu iu po litical strategy , hud liuld bin country men back trnin violence nd hud counsolud a fair trial of the land net. The nrreet of Parnell ( urnishud .thu most impressive illuitration of Par- null'd intluoncu and sagacity und thu ministry derive no credit by silencing thuir chief political opponent tby thu argument of the juil. The Times Hiys : TJio coursu of the British gowornment in making thu nr rest is nut adequately expressed. IIis condition waH not eeditious and im > partial men must rogatd the urrcst us )0i f.xliaordinaiy procui'dingi I' vi- deftly the British govoriinniiit it in u condition bordering on ajunio. Par- nel ) dd ( iiotnxcitu ueditjop , did liot advise resistance to law , nml was ur- rcKted merely in antiuipiiton ) of what hu might Buy at Kildurc. Irulimd n/lghUii / wull bu at oncu deulurud uiii dor military contiol if arrtu'.s ' ju that country are to bu madu in mich an itrihitury inaiinuj. Tlio govurnmuiit in n I rumor of ) apprehension arrests u lilM'ocliniukor nnd u'ltjm him in juil. NKW YOUK , October 14.-Mr * . Purnell. thu mother ( if thu Irish ugU tutor , was aeon thin afternoon at tlio New York hotel. Bponkiini in icfor- uncu to her * on'n anost , slio said : ' ) wi\i nit greatly surprised , but Hi6 manner in which it was done It a ills- grace tn the lCni > lsh ! govenimnnt. Hi lind iiotnorhns bo over committed anj any overt not by which ho could faitly arrested. Forator , chii'f secretary ol Irvland , whohns more power to-day than the lord , is simply a tool in the hands of Mr. Gladstone. It is pretty certain that my son will bo kept in confinement for the next six or nine months , so as to destroy his power , 1 may leave for Ireland next week , If well enoiiqli , im I wish to bo near my .son in his confinement , that ia , if theuuthoriticH will allow mo to see him. " I rcgud the arrest of my von an the climax of Gladstone rule , llo fnuiid Purnoll could not bo intim idated by thu impmoitmoiit of D.iyitt , Dillon and othor.s. Thuru is little doubt iHUV tlmt other prominelit h'nijiU'M will hi' urreati'd at an early day. 1 liavu not received any pornun al cable from my sou yol , not know ing whether ho in oven permitted to coiiimuniciitu with his mother. Thu land league movement will do in creased tenfold on this sidu of the At latitic , and whothur Purnell is in jail or not ho will have planty of support trs to carry on hia cause. TIIK LAT1' T OUTIIAnr. NKW YOKK , October It ) . The fol lowing has IJCLMI received by The Irish World , this city : To the land leagues of America. The following cable dispatch 1ms jtut boon received by me : LAND LKAOUK HKAIKIVUHTRIIH , U M-KU SAUKVII.LB ST. , DuiiLiN , October 14. J To Mr. Patrick Ford , Editor Irish World , Now York : Joseph P. Quinn , secretary of thu land league and correspondent of The Irish World , was arrested this morn ing. Pretext , "Intimidating the people ple of Ireland not to pay rent. " This arrest has but added to the popu'ar ' wrath. It is evidently ' the deliberate purpose of thugovernment , to niiiash the machinery of this organ ization and drive the people to de struction , but jnan succeeds mnii as fast as dangers open and close. Men of America do not fcnr England' act of armed biutality. It will but recoil upon her. Ono other cable advices inform UH that thu democratic confederation of Great Britain has called for mass meetings in London and elsewhere to denounce tlio government of Gladstone and that tlio radical clubs of England are hold- uiglsosMons to determine their atti- tuduiin the crisis. Wo here in Amer- ira , too , must act. Evoiy city and town in the country must vend forth its voicu nnd indignation ineotingH are hereby callud all ever the land. Lot every laud league But to work and let every friend of hutuinity , of lib erty of spooeh ; and action , join in co operation. ( Signed ) PATUICK 1'piiD. October 14. The following \h | was recived this' evening at , fcotary.'a.olifciJ 'yUi' ? IriHw tioriiiUnd league in thm city : PAUi , * October 14. To 1'Atriok A. Collinu ) lioston : Purnell was arrest ed on n 'trumped up charge. The movement will intensify tenfold on account of it. Wo want the help of every true nationalist , moderate and extreme. Thank God the Irish ruler cannot imprison this whole people or chock this onwiml movement , but thu government is determined upon fur ther arrests if possible , and the sl.iughttir and destruction of unarmed people by goading them to revolt. The people will win for they are firm and resolute. ( Signed ) PATHIOK E AN. AlllllVAI. 01' o'CONNOIt. Niwr : Youtc , October M. Thomas Power O'Connor M. P. , arrived in Now York harbor this evening on board the City of Brimsolii , and wns enthusiastically welcomed by ropro- sontativus of Iiish socioticn and land leagues. ELECTRIC BRIEFS National AHwdatcd 1'rcsi. OTTAWA , Ont. , October 1-1. The Marquis of Lorno arrived this morn ing'nnd ' will , leave Friday next for England. Ni\vtYoKK , October 14. Speaking of the t'rial of Giiitcau to-day Dr.V. . A. Hammond said that ho believed the assassin could not bo hanged for his oflencn , as the surgical treatment of President Garliold was bad. Indications National AiMclaUd I're * ) . WAHHiNfiroN , October 15. For Iho lnku icgioii : Partly cloudy weather and rain , windu , lower barom and liitjlier temperature. For thu upper Miu.iibHippi valley : Partly ulondyeiitlier and aouthuily wimh , owi > r barometi'i1 and wtulionary or liiihur tcnipuraturo. For the Missouri valley : Occasional mini , followed by clearing wu.ithur , winds shifting in lorttiwest , higliur bironiutpr , rising , 'olluwed by fulling tumporaturo. Koivanlnd. l 1'rw.H. Ltrru : HOCK , October M. General Vlana.qor Hox'u , of the Iron Moun- tnin road , madu iv final uottloment of rewards to day for thu capture of thu rain robbers LfcKcrH. Clark , Hall , Limbrigaii ] Milford , Smith and Gar- ison received $1,000 each for thu u.tituro ) of Cox. Mosxra Ulevins and Oollaiiliirlo received pii,5fK ) each for the rapture of Dolany and Monroe , n'ovidod they can prove their Innp- cenro of the charge of robbing the robburH. Chemists have ( 'btubliahud thu Inct that cod'oo mid tu.i contain n vegetable , and chumista Irivu also ust.ib- thu fact that thu "Conmd/u 'iiicr" is the must healthy and mtritioim IxjveKvyo. Auk fur it ut s nnd cooMiig at oven at low H. The now patent $ ud ( Coin parlor a at J , 11 , Eick'a Kith utiisut are tlui ( inc { in the mailcet , A\\ \ \ first class. ' olO-eod'Ht School Iforto at Kurtx'n , TfoE HEWS , John Kelly Makes Ono of His - Onaraotoristic Spoeohos'to' " tlio Tammany Con vention , Kentucky to be Represented at the York town Colo- ' / bration. Bradsl roots' Report of Pail urea in the United States and Canada. in Inoroaso of Thirty-4hree ( Over Those of the Pre ceding Wook. Miioollanoons Tclojjraph New * . Untorrlflod Tainmaav. I'rxts. NKW YORK , October 14. Tam many hull hold its convention this af ternoon , mooting at 3 p. m. , and ad- 'journiiii ; at 7:25 : p. m. It nominated John Mc.Monnon for district attorney , nnd appointed a confoionco committee of twenty-four with Irving hall. Kelly callud thu convention to order and in nominating Dugro temporary chair man said that Iho defeat nl Albany was a prcdotermincd arrangement , un just and disreputable in its methods and results. The press misrepresenting as usual , had belied Tammany and claimed fortho'so-calldd unity demo cratic the control of the convention. IIo said the result might have been a split party. Tlmt at onetime time tlio Albany committee on con testing delegations nenrly refused them places on the lloor. That Tam many Imd been bolted by newspaper mm , but that newspaper laws wore no better than other laws. He admitted that the Hall has sometimes made uiitit nominations , but claimed tor it the principles of the JefTersonian de mocracy , and announced a determina tion to sustain the ticket numitod al though nominated by their otiomien. They would bo elected by Tammany votes. BrncUtreot * National Associated 1'ieu. NKW YOUK , October 14. There were repotted to Bradstrcet'a direc tory tlio past week , 1'28 failures throughout the United States and Canada , the largest number for any week since March , and an increase of 33 ever the record for the proceeding wuek. The failures of general traders in tlio south continue on the increase , the result of bad crops and drouth..j > N In Now York city while In ' .Philadelphia "and ' Boeton there Jiavo boon many. Tho-middle- ' , states had S3 failures , an increase of 7 ; New England , 22 , an increase of 1) ) ; southern stated , 27 , van increase of 15 ; woslorh states , 27 , an increase of 7 ; California and the territories , 18 , , an increase of 7) ) Canada and tha provinces , 11 , an increase of 2. Gen eral trade throughout thu United States this fall luxji been pushed with almost unexampled vigor. Going to Yorlctowu. t'row. LOUIHVIUK , Ky. , October 14. Governor Dlucklmrn utarlcd thin morning for Yoiktown accompanied by the oIliceiH of hia stall' and u detachment - tachment of slate mililia , embracing tlio Lexington guards , Howling Groeu Kuarda , Monarch riilcH , of Owcnsboro , McCreary guards of Franklort , Mays- villo guards anil u section of the Louuvillo legation. All the com panies nro newly furnished and will ho iw well equipped iw any other who will attend. In 1 1m encampment OIL York river Kentucky will occupy , position between Michigan and jVer- inont. Tlio Kentucky delegation wont over thu Cheapuako & Ohio road fromt Lexington. Kcrataoliy ProliibltiouUt * . , , Utlon l AuociUuU 1'fvwi. LOUIHVILLK , Ky. , October 14. The 8 1 ut t ) Grand Lodge , Independent Order - . dor Good Templars , adjourned to-day. Immediately after u mass meeting of the fiionds of tcnijmiaiico , represent * ing every part of thu htato , waa lielil to cH'ect an orgnnV-ution to put down the liquor tiaillc. The reaull wua the organization of u prohibition party , the speaker both Iho old pai ties had negluotud the op- lioitunity to do good in this direction. Thucoininittou on oigiiiuzution was empowered to make nominitions for gjvi'innr and other ollieeru ut the uoper'tiino. Wilber Corro | > onJenre of Tlio lice. WIMIK.U. October 14. The town J'H unusually quiut at present. The term of district court ia ever 'or the present. About a dozan Haloonista in thin county were hauled up for violating Slocuinl/H little law , To-morrow will bo the doniocratiu county convention. D. The Poughkcepsio News , wo nee , ncntioim the following by Mr , John iiocmor : Some time ago I Buffered rheumatism in the greatest dogiuo , nnd unable to work for a lon period. [ commenced to nib my fcut with St. Jacob ? Oil. Relief at onco. TJio second day tlio swelling subsided , and after i\\a \ \ usu of two bottles of the Oil , all pain had loft , and I wa < i able to 50 to work , _ _ * , Jail Delivery. HALTIMOIIK , October 14.t Eight uisonvrj in thu Ditltimoio juil at l' uHOII ton named Hurry lirown , liuo iJaiuburg , J , Smith , John Ilailidajr , Jeo. Howard , McGinnii , William Jill and Juhutt Wolf , ull confiuud for iircony , madu Uio'r eucapo to-niglii luring thu temponvry nbaouco iof the * . nilor , " . > . f > < . \ < > i * ' ; i f !