Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1881, Page 7, Image 7

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9IU r-arnnarn , bet. Oth and 10th 6tre t * .
One copy lje r , In usance ( p trtd ) . 510.00
monthi " . 0.0
montha " . 8.00
LCANO Omaha No. 2 through puswnKtr , 1
. tn. No. I , Oakland passeiiKtr , S:30ft. in.
Arrive Omixln No. 1 , throu h tywaonsor , 2:5 :
No , 3 , O.-vklan IvvMcnRor , D:80 : y. in.
C. , R. & Q. 6 a. m. SMO f. m.
C. h X. W.j fl . m. 3:40 : \ < . in.
a , II. I. ft I1. . On. m. fl : < i p. m.
K. 0. . St. .1. A 0. 11. , liiwes at 9. it ) . < i il flSO :
p. in. Arrhesa1. 9t. I.ouljnt 0:301 : * . rn. and 6:5 :
p. m ,
WMT o HOtnimiaw. '
B. & M. InNcti ; , ThMiieh KTjirei % 8:3S a. m
IJ. & M. Lincoln Freight , 7:00 : p. rd.
U r KxpreM , 12trvin. : .
O. ft U. V. fet Unoolu , 10.K ) ft. ra.
O. A U. V. far ( X'cuol * . D : < 0 n. in.
V. P. Irel-tlit No. 6 , 6SO : n. tn.
0. P. freight No. 0 , 8:15 : a. in.
U. P. IrolRht No. 7 , 0:10 : p. -emigrant. .
U. P. froftht No. 11 8:20 : p. m.
C. B. ft O. . MX ) n. ir , . 7:25 : p m.
a & K. W.,8:4G : B. in. 7:2S : p. m.
0. K. I. & P. , DM8 n. ni. .05 p. m.
K. C. , St. Joe fcO a , 7 : 0o. ni.-0 : p. m
W. . < < t. U& P. , IcMcxktS . m. ami 3:10 : p
m. Arrive * lit St. I.ouh nt 0:10 : n. m. and 7:3 :
p. m.
0. & n. V. from Mncoln 12:12 : p. m.
U. P. Exprcsw 3:25 : p. m.
B i II. In Noli. , Through Exprcw 4:16 : p. m
B. & 31. Lincoln Freight 8:35 : u m
U. P. Freight No. 10-1:40 : p. m.
No. 0 4:25 : p. m. Krolgrant.
No , 8 10:50 : p. m.
No 12 11:35 : ix. tn.
O. & H. V. mUod , r. 4:35 : p. to.
Hebtsstuk Division of tno Ut. Paul i Rloux City
No. 3 leaves Omali * 3:3(1 : ( a. ra.
No. 4 Iio8 Ouml.all.30 p. nt
No. 1 arrives at Out ihaat ( > :30 : p.m.
No. 3 arrives at Omaha nt 10:50 : o. ni.
cou.M-ii. num.
Leave Omaha at 8:00 : , 0:00 and 11:00 a. m.
1:00 2.00 , 3:00 , 4:00 : , 6:00 : ftticl 0:00 : p. in.
Ixsaxo Council IllulTjat 8:2B : , 0:25 : , 11:25 a. m.
1:25 , 2:25 : , 8:25 : , 4:25 : C:25 and 0:25 p. m.
Bunttaya The ilummy lca\cs Omftha at 9.00
and 11:00 : a. ra.2.00 ; , 4:00 : nnd 0:00 p. m. Lca\cs
Council lllufls at 0:25 : and 11:26 tv. m. ; 2:26 : , 4:2i :
and 6:20 : p. m. _
Opening and Closing of Mall * .
MUTE. orxu. CLO * .
a. in. p. ra. a. tu. p. m
Chicago N. W . 11.00 0:30 4:30 : 2:40 :
Chlcxgo , It. I. & l' : lfl .ll:00 : 8:00 : 4SO : 2:40 :
Chlcaco , B. & Q . 11:00 : 8:00 : 4:30 : 2:40 :
12:30 : 4:80 : 2:4(1 : (
9loux City ami 1'ndfle. . 11:00 : 4:30 :
Union Pacific. . . . . . 6:00 : 11:40 :
Omaha&R.V . 4.00 11:40
B.&M. InNob . 4:00 : 8:10 : 6SO :
Omaha * Northwestern. 4:30 : 7:30
Local ranils ( or State of Iowa Icuvo but once n
d y , viz : 4:30 : a , m.
A Lincoln Mail la also opened at 10:30 a. m.
OlEco own Sundtt\ from 12 in. to 1 p. m.
Business Directory.
Abitract ar d Real tttate.
JOHN L. McCAGUE , opposite Post Office.
W. R. BAnTLETT S17 South ISth Street
Architect ! .
Room li Crclghtou Block.
A , T. LARGE Jr. . Room 2. Ciclzhton Block.
Boots and Shoes.
Fine Boots and Shoes. A Kood aeaortment o
home work on hand corner 12th and Harney.
TBOS. ERICKSON , B E. cor. 10th and Douglas.
COS loth street , manufactures to order good worb
at fair prices. Repairing done.
Bed Springs.
J. F. LARRIMEll Manufacturer. 1617 Donplasrt.
Books , News and Stationery.
J. 1. TOUEIIAUF 1015 Farnham Street.
Butter and EEC * .
McSHANE&SCHROEDER , the oldeet B. and E.
boose in Nebnuika est4hll hed 1876 Omaha.
southwest corner lOthand Dodce.
Best Board for the Monoy.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Heala at all Hours.
Board by the Day , Week or Month.
Good Terms for Cosh.
FumUhfld Knnms Supplied.
Carriages anc < Road Wagona.
WM SNYDER , 14th and Harney Streets.
jewellers. v
JOHN BAUMER 1314 Farnham Street.
H. BETTHOLD , Raffs and Metal.
Lumbtr , Lime and Cement.
FOSTER & GRAY corner tfth and Douglaa 8ts.
Lamps and Ulasswara.
J. BONNER 1809 lloozUs St. Good Variety.
Merchant Tailors.
One of our most popular Merchant Tailors Is re.
celvlng- the latest UeoiL-ns for Spring and Summer
Goods for gentlemen e wear. Etyllnh , durable ,
and cricea low as ever 216 ISth bet. Douir.&Farn.
MRS. 0. X RINGER , Wholesale and Retail , Fan
cy Goods tn great variety , Zephyrs , Card Boards ,
lloelcry , Gloves , Corsets , &c. Cheapest House In
thoWeat , Purchasers save SO per cent. Order
bv Mall. 116 Fifteenth Street.
JOHN WEARNE & SONS , cor. 14th & Ja < kson sti
r-lour and Feed ,
OMAHA CITT MILLS , 8th and Farnham 6ts. ,
WeUhans Uros. , proprletars.
Z. STEVENS , Slst between Cumlng and lur
T. A. MoSHANE , Corn. 53d and Cumlng Btreeta
Hardwaie , Iron and Steel.
, OLAN & LANOWORTHY , Wholesale. 110 an-
112 16th strict
A HOWES corner Ifltn and California
Harriei * . Saddles , &c.
B. WEIS1 20 13th St. bet KarriHarnrv
ANFIELD HOUSE , Go ? , Canfleld.Otb & Farnham
WORAN HOUSi : , P H , Cary , 013 Farnham Bt.
SLAVEN'S HOTEL. F. Slarcn , 10th St.
Southern Hotel , Guk. Hamcl Oth ALeaicnwortb
Iron Fencing.
The Western Cornice Works , Aeente for the
Champion Iron Fence Ac. , haye on hand all klndK
of Fancy Iron Fences , Greetings , Flnoalit , lUllliitrs.
et > < . 1310 Dodge Ktree. ) )1S
Clothing Bought.
0 .SHAW will pay highest Cash price for second
band clothlnp. Corner 10th and Farnliatn.
DR. PAUL , Williams' Clock , Cor. I6th & Oo.lge.
Drugs , Paints and Oils.
Flno "anc ( loodi , Cor , 16th hnd
Pouilii trccts
W , J. WIHTEHOUf E , Wholcsalo& Retail , l th et.
1,0. FIELD , 022 North Side Cumlng Street.
PARR , Druvglit , Win and Howard Streets.
Dry Goods Notions , Etc.
JOHN H , F , LEtlMANN & CO. ,
New Tork Dry Goods Eiore , 1310 and 1812 Fani *
biro itrnot.
L. 0. Enevold alee boots and shoes 7th & Padfln.
A F. OR083 , New and Second Hand Furniture
od Stares , 1114 DouzUa. Uljfbcdt ca&h price
old for second hand trooas.
BONNKR 1809 Dootda st. Fine iroodi , &c.
Pawnbroker * .
BOBENFKLD , 10th St. , bet far , & lUr ,
A. Donoehuo , t lMit , oil flower * ,
etc , N. W. cor. feth an 1 DouHu trots.
Civil EnRlncert And Surveyors ,
Town Surtcjs , Onvlo and Sewcmge S } items
3fcli | > lty.
Commission Merchants.
JOHN 0. WHi MS.UU IX > | RO Slicot.
D B , BKKMKR. For dctnlls nee larxo ad > ttllta
inllv nndccKVv. .
Olgars nnd Tobacco.
WF.ST ft nilTSCHEH. manufactuMMo ! Cigars
ixnd Who1eilo PonlfM ( a Tonaico < . 1305 Uongla *
W. V.LOIU'A'ZKN linnufarturct 81410thttrcc
Cornice Works ,
Western Cornlco Work * , Uanuhchutn Ire
Cornice , Tin , Iron nnd State Hooding. Orders
from any locality promptly executed In the bos
nnnncr. Factory and 1310 Dodga Street.
Iron Cornlcw. Window Cnps , etc
mimihctured ami put up In any part of th
country. T. SINIIOI.H 4luTliltli' < mth utrcrt
J. BONNEtt 1309 Doueim street. Good lino.
Clothing and Furnishing Qoods.
OEO. It. I'CTERSON , Also IUt , CUM , Hoots
Show , Notions and Cutlery , 80-1 H. 10th Mrcct.
Fence Works.
OUST , FRIES ft CO. , 1213 Ilarney St. , Impro\
cd Ice Boxen , Iron find \Voo > d Fences , OBlc
lUllliiCT. Counters of Pine ami Walnut.
Refrigerators , Canfield's Patent ,
C. F. GOODMAN llth St. l > et. Knrn. ft Hatncy
Show Case Manufactory. )
0. J. WILDB ,
Manufacturer and Denier in all kinds of Sho\
Ca n , Uptight Caacs , A' . , 1317 Cx-a St.
'FIIAKK I. . GERHARD , proprietor Om h
Show Cane luinulactory , dlS South 10th ttrcui
between Lciucnworth and Marcy. All good
warranted llrst-claii.
Stove * and Tinware.
Dealer In Stoves and Tinware , and Manufacture
of Tin Hoofs and all kind * of Building Work
Odd Fellows' Block.
J. BONNER. 130U Douelaa St. Good and Cheap
J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Seed Drills an
CultUatore , Odd Felloe's Hall.
Physicians nn1 Surgeons.
W. S. GIBBS , M. D. , lUoin No 4 , Crclghto
Block , 16th Street.
P. S. LEISENR1NO , Jf. D.'Masonic Block.
C. L. HART , M. 1) . , E } r and Ear , opp. postoffii
Oculist and Aurist. S. W 16th and Farnham Bt
Grand Central Gallery ,
212 Sixteenth Street.
near Masonic Hall. First-class Work and Piomp
ncm guarantdcn
Plumbing , Qas and Steam Fitting.
P. W. TARPY fc CO. . 21612th St , bet Farnham
and Douglas. Worn promptly attended to.
D. FITZi'ATRICK , 1409 Douglas Street.
Painting nn Paper onglng.
1ENRY A. KOSTKRS. 141 Dodge Street ,
Shoe ocores.
Phillip Lang , 1320 Farnnam Bt. bet 13th & 14th
Second Hand Store.
PERKINS & LEAR , 1416 Douglas St. . New am
Second Hand Furniture , House Furnishing Goodi
etc. , bought and Bold on narrow margins.
In the nvw brick block on Douglas Street , has
just opened a most elegant Beat Hall.
Hot Lunch from 10 to 12
e\ cry day.
" Caledonia " J FALCONER. 679 10th Street.
CHAS. RIEWK , 101X Farnham bet 10th & lltd
dO Cent Stores.
P. O. BACKUS. 1205 Farnham St. . Fancv Ooodi
To Nervous Sufferers
Dr. J. B. 'Simpson's Specific
It la a pogitnecure ( or Spe.rmatoirhoa , Semlna
( Veoltness. ImpotancyJ and all diseases resulting
Irovrf Self-Abuse , as Mental Anxiety , Lossi
Memory , Pains in the Back or Side , and diseases
- that lead to
Insanity and
_ early gra\e
The Specific
Medicine [ 3
being oscd
with wonder
ful success.
Pamphlet *
tent free to all. Write for them and get full par
Price , Specific , fl.OO per package , or ilx pock
iges for So.OO. Address all orders to
Nos. 104 and 100 Main St Buffalo , N. Y.
Sold In Omaha by C. F. Goodman , J. W. Bell ,
I. K. Isb , and all drugglstseverywhere.
| 3 jtf : & ?
" 7 " Iff rr-r * i.uAP j m M TT r f
S 5
ca _
aa T1
ILER & CO. ,
3olo Manufacturers. OM A.HA.
217 and 210 North Main St. , St. Louu ,
NEWS , f iMrCnO iwitAppiNa
Printers Stock.
jarCagh paid for Rags and Paper Stock , Srra
ron and MetaU.
Paper Stock IVaruhousea U29 to 1237 , North
WraskaLand Agency
60S Farnham St. , . . . Omaha , Nebraska
Care.ullj1 selected land In Kaslorn Notnukafor
ule. Gnat llariialiis lu luprovcd faniu ) , and
Omaha city property.
Latu Inil roin'r U. P. " - tf
Prof , W , J , Antler's Select Danc
ing Academy ,
A. Hoipe , Jr. Hall , ICIO Dodge St.
Claiu for Kintlemcn commencing Tuesday een -
) jf , Oct. ? , Claim ( or UJles coniincncMiir Thura-
ar eveningOct. . 0. Tcnns liberal. The eai
mcthodi I bate lor teaching the Waltr , Ollds ,
x , , I can guarantee perfect tatlifactlon c
cholare. For ttrni * , kf. , call at A. llo rx ) , Jr. ,
raddrcmlllOCopllol Avu. 17dlm
HO. W. tKllMlt. A. 0 , CAlinUL
Attorneys -at-Law ,
s w con. 15TH k uouor.As HTS. ,
Jy 21'tl OMAIJA ,
Son on' FluldnR-'Wlioro th
Uerun nrn I'ontulTheir. .
Mnrlcct Vnluc.
"No , " nn expert Slid to a reporter
in answer to a question , "finding
pearls in fresh wnter is _ nothing nuw ,
hut somehow the business host re
ceived a boom , and I should say that
there wore probably ti\o OK three him-
dred persons upending a part of their
time collecting ( hum. They nro found
from Tixaa to Ohio. St. Clair
county , 111. , and Huthorford
county , Tcuu. , are peed places
for them , l.ut the largest , was found
near Salem , N. .1 , , a number of years
ago , Tt was about nn inch across and
it sold in 1'aiis tor $ L')00. ) Most of
them are vury small and cell in lots
for small sums , but ono largo onujjayn
for the timo. Along the "Ohio liver
all the boatmen nnd tiahuriucn nro in
thu business , especially boys. They
wadu along thu flits and scoop up thu
unios with their hand * , whilu others
Imvo regular arrangements for haul
ing them up by thu quantity. The
best are perfectly round and whilu ,
with rich orient. The next sliupu is
the pear. Some nro perfect all but
ono sidoj nnd this can bo concealed in
the setting.
"Small pearls for nso in onyx need
not bo peifeet , ns they nru half hid
den in the setting , so thu imperfect
ones have a value as well. The bust
pearls , the round ones , are these
tound in the mnntlo of thu animal.
You sou , the puarl , either in fresh oc
pnlt water , is merely the result of thu
animal's attempt to protect itself. "
"Have attempts been made to forcu
the growth of pearls ? "
"Yes. The great naturalist Ltu-
iiiuus thought he had discovered a plan
to cause peails to grow , which was to
imitate the parasites already men
tioned. The pear mussels wore taken
from the wnter and the shells bored ,
then placed back and left for four or
fivp years. Thu Swedish government
paid him § 1,800 for thu idea , but it
did not prove a success. The Chinese
have done well with the pearl oyster.
They sprinkle sand over the beds
when the oyatera or mussels are open ,
and also put littlu images in the shells
that soon become coated with n pearly
luster. Tliesn can be seen at thu
Central Park museum. In Japan n
similar plan is adopted with the unio
hyria. "
"Is it possible to make spurious
pearls ? "
"It would bo hard to deceive a
dealer , but they are made so skillfull ;
that it is extremely difficult to tel
thorn. For years a bogus pearl man
ufactory was carried on at Muruno , i
little town near Venice. The form
were made of glass , while the ii ides
eoncu or orient was produced D ]
quicksilver ; but they were chief
ly used as beads for the peas
antry. Finally , the French took
up the business , a d noticin ;
the richness of fishes' scales , thtj
used them to produce the luster , am
with great success. The dneo and thu
roach weru the fishes used. In Italy
the smelt is taken from thu Tiber , am
its scales yield an extremely rich secretion -
crotion of mucus that can bo used for
the purpose ; but to the eye accus
tpmcd to the real pearl these imita
tions nro so much dross , and I can
hardly better express the difference
than to say that the spurious ones
seem dead nnd devoid of the bhul
and eparklu that is the beauty of the
real pearl. Tliu latter needs no artistic
adornment to set it oil * . Held in thu
hand and subjected to the closest
scrutiny it appears best. "
Ono Night at Chicago-
Seven o'clock p. in. on the Nortl
Night , Bombro-hued night , hac
stretched for her long , gaunt arm ant'
: oyered the earth that was lately su
bright and joyous with a black inantlo
: hat seemed , in contrast with the
laughing , sun-gitacd earth ol
two hours before , as if the
wedding dress of a fair young bridu
! md been replaced by the hideous pall
that ono sees covering thu collius ol
tlioso who huvo loft UH forever.
Up a broad avenue , on each side ol
which stood 'Stately mansions , from
which camu the gleam of the mellow
'aslight and the ruddy blaze of the
plowing grata lire as it leaped bravely
up the chimney and roared and
crackled away as though in boisterous
flee ut its own efforts to make every
thing seem bright and cheery , a
young man , stout of limb and hand-
loino of face , walked with a quick ,
inn tread that betokened nu active
mtura and a cold , cold nos ,
Pausing in front of ono of the most
residences of which the
thoroughfare could boast , he neconded
the steps , rung I ho bell , and in an in-
stunt had pressed closely in his bosom
t fair yuuni ; girl whoso eyes , as they
ooked into his , spake volumes , illu-
ninod as they wcro by the tender ra-
dianca of a love that lived
donu for him , and would
jura as with n bright and
unwavering ilumo whether its posies
or sat lightly on his Icueo ur thought
if him as ha wandered ulono and un-
rotected amid the trackless wastes of
jr. Louis.
"i thought I nhoukl find you "at
ionic , my sweet , " said George W.
Simpson as he stooped and kiesed the
oay lips held up tu him with n warm ,
linging kiss that sounded liku a man
nan pulling the valvu out of a broken
jump ,
A flight shudder passed over AFyr-
lu'fl fr.une. George had unconscious-
y put , his cold noi in her oil'cyo. .
"You're shrinking'fiQin mc arliiig , "
10 said in low suppressed tones , for
10 had noticed the movement , slight
bought it wan.
"I ain't , neither , " responded Myr-
Heaven help hershohad ; been edit-
ated at Yiwsnr.
* * * * *
The clock had struck cloven , Myr-
lu nnd George were standing in the
lallway , her arms twined nhout him in
lie ecstacy of a first love.
"And you will love mu always ,
Seorgo , " Myrtle said softly ,
"Yea , my precious one , forever and
vor. "
"And when shall wo bo married ? "
nine in low , dulcet tones from the
ill , nn her head nestled confidingly
bovo his liver-pad.
Now wna George W. Simpson's
ong-for opportunity. Two years bo-
ere Myrtle had laughed a merry ,
eartlcss laugh when ho had stinted
iniuulf in a pie ut u picnic. Draw
ing himself up proudly ho siid ,
u lemon-like tmilo lit ted over his clear *
cut. Sixteenth ward feature :
"Yes , 1 will marry you , Myrtlo. "
"Hut when ? " pleaded the girl.
"When the Fire Momotinl ISuild-
ing is completed , " ho answered , and.
with a hollow , mockim ? lauuh , ho lied
into the darknosK , leaving IHT in tliu
fiont hall , nlonu nnd dcsohtte. [ From
"Ono Night in Chicago , " by Murat
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Haw tlin Mlntiitr Mllllnnniro Ml -
cil n Superb Solituiro-
Cor. Clnclimtl iniiilrcr. : |
The handsomest diamond rint ; Krwl
to bo worn by any ono nn the stai-u
sparkles on thu littlunito hin : < l ( if n
lather niugiitllciint but very j.ri-tty
perfoimer , known us "Stella , " < if thu
8ohk-nu troupe When that highly
refined nnd u-sthetic eompanjulajed
in Denver , sumo ono introduced t'hu
panicularstnr to Governor Tabor , who
is a generous patron of music.
During a brief conversation vith
her thu mnguato was smmouutl on
business by n messenger. As heith -
drjw ho , it ispiesumod unconu'iously ,
remarked that ho would finish his call
Hoiiui other time. "Oh no , you won't , "
said the jaunty performer ; "you uill
get HO nbjorbetl in thieo great biy
mines nnd political things that you'll
forget nil nbout poor littlu mo. "
The direct slur on frubnrnalorial
gnl nutry was equal to n clullengo. At
any rate , thu governor pledged himself
to return. "Ah , I don't bolievu any
of you wicked western men without
aomu other gimr.intoo than your
word , "said
Adding , "Leave mo something valua
ble enough to insure your return. "
Now , the governor of Colorado has
many bags of gold , but ho does not
carry them in Inn pockets , and the
only ornament of cost ho woru was a
magnificent diamond ring , thu one
liuitu solitaire , valued nt $10,000 ,
shining out like an electric light.
The impulsive millionaire throw his
jewel into her lap and made his oxit.
Then thu smart Stella , without loss of
time , packed hur little portmanteau ,
skipped on a train bound for Chicago ,
'When the governor called to redeem
his pledge the nuws of her departuru
was broken to him by a colored
Governor Tabor is gifted with ti
shrewd head and a good licnrt. Jt
was the latter that enabled him to put
thn former to such go.od use. Three
years ago ho was keeping n little
grocery storo. Ono day
came to him. They had not a cent
and weru trying their luck nt mining.
They inked him to give them credit
and promised him one-third of their
lind m return. Ho had not much f.iilh
in their luck , but they were BO woo
liegonu ami dust ! tutu that ho agiccd to
the bargain.
The men lived on scanty fare , but
slowly their bill increased until it
reached thu sum of $2 ! ) JtO. Thu
, 'rucor felt that $ . ' (0 ( indebtedness must
eloso the account in justice to his f.iin
ly , but on the very day thu amount
wuii renchud the two men etruukthu
mine that afterward ivns known as thu
"Littlo Pittsburg. " Tubur received
§ 1,000,000 ns his shnro , and then
loughl out thu ohcw : who had loss
fnith in the resources of the jnjiib.
After making nn imluenso amount of
money out of the mine , ho was iu-
duwnlby two sharpers to buy another ,
which provtd to bo "sailed. " The
sharpers who palmed it off on him
ceased to Biuile/when , nothing daunt
ed by the discovery of the sham , their
victim begun operations that brought
; o light H valuable vein , nnd made
After this everything thai Governor
Tabor undertook proved successful ,
and , as ho is willing to spend hit
money freply for the public benefit ,
hq maintains his popularity. ' Hu oc
cupies nn elegant suit of apartments
at the Windsor hotel , and his wife , a
handsome residence which hu had
built for lur and which is surrounded
with beautifully laid-out grounds.
Shu has an ullowanca of § 12,000 a
year for dross , and both of them
seemed to find the arrangement natis-
The Flatbead Indiaus and Garfield.
liutto ( Montana ) Letter to Philadelphia Fran.
The Flathcad Indians live in the
beautiful valley of Hitler Root , thu
garden spot of Montana , and there for
many years have occupied their fertile ,
fruit-producing prairies in spitu of the
machinations of prospectors and
Indian agents. A year or two ago Gun.
UnrjU'ltl was sent out by congress as
the lepruseiitativo of the government
in thu difficulties between thu settlers
and thu F utheiids , which at the timu
of his visit seemed to have crystalled.
Congressman Garh'uld camu through
Bntto and Helena , and crossing thu
Hitter Itnot mountains , which tthut in
the .fairest valley in thu northwest ,
camu iimong thu disaffected Indians in
council on thu banks of the beautiful
Flathund ! nko. To-day a prospoutor
who has just returned from the shores
of thu lake reports thu wholu tribe in
mourning. Gnrilold's heart wont , out
to them in the day of their great
trouble , when thu effort was buing
made to drive them out of their here
ditary Edoit ; to-day their hearts go out
in HOITOW to hi.s memory , nnd hu will
live in thuir recollection henceforth , as
hu has donu sineu his visit , thu kind
est luprcftuntativo of their Gieat
Fathur over seen among thu red men ,
It is actually true that the Flntheads
know of his death and mourn him ,
Said ono vury old chief to tin pros
pector already mentioned UH ho left
thu valluy last Friday : "Flatheud go
now. Great Fathur dead. No more
homo for red men. " His words will
doubtless provo true , ninco the whitu
population of Montana with ono no
coid envy thu FJnthoads thuir beauti
ful valley , and tried the best to induce
Gun. Garfield , when arbitinting thu
matter , to removu thu Fluthends from
the territory ,
i Arnica Salve.
The best salvo in the world for outs ,
bruises , sores , ulcers , salt rheum ,
fever sores , totter , chapped hands ,
chillulains , corns and all kinds of
akin eruptions. This salvo is guar l
anteed to give perfect satisfaction in
iwory case or money refunded. Price ,
25o par box , For sale by
IHII & MuMAiiow ; Omaha.
A lnniulo' n\ttlowttli''Donions"
EiuU with Death.
81.1xi\ili Ilcnubllcttn ,
At about 8IO : ! o'clock Sunday von
ing a largu br.iv\ny m.ui with slinro ( |
shouldiw nnd heavy limbs , with his
hnir standnii ; on cud , his oyea stnriilg
out of his hind , nml w th Inigo bends
of sweat clingliiK to his reddened face ,
ruslied hcmlloni ; into the Chestnut
street station , nnd jut eavcd himself
fromfnlling on the floor by grasping
thu milimr. Hu shivered all over and
his oyus darted to ono side or another
with n terrible wildness. Ho gaspid
out , "Savo uiol"
Ofllcers lUlliot looked al the terri
fied human being but n single instant
when hu discovered that thu mail was
sulluiiiit , ' from delirium tremeiis. Hu
n ked the creature what was thu mat *
tor , nnd in accents thick the man
gasped out thnt four men were follow
ing him mi'l shooting nt him \\itli
pmkols. Ho bcHceched thu polieo to
svv him from his pursuers. They
were right behind him , pointing their
pistols nt him , the triggers were just
falling on thu cartridges.
TI1K MAX WllKKUill AI101IT ,
but hu could foci that they were behind
hind him again. Hu was token back
to ono of the culls and locked in. Hi
still shivered nnd hu clung to th
great oaken barn ot thu cell I on a
uiously , nnd pressed his grunt flaming
qycn nnd facu through the opening
between. The uuisuers wuro wit ) :
liim in the cell , Ho shouted am
screamed for help , but nouo came ,
Hu quitted down lor n timu nnd wa
still. At nbout 2 o'clock in tin
morning the man who gave his nnm
ns William Iln.ig became furious
once moro. Ho stood nt the rear oml
of his cull ns if to escapu something or
the outside before the door. Then
with n loud scream , ho dashed will
Ilia head down nt the oaken bars. IL
struck them smiaru'y and fell , but go
up again nnd ( lid it several times be
fore Officer JUlIiutt nnd Tumkcj
jciirritt could rcich him. They bon
him to the tloor and
and his Icga with thu strongest bonds
they had , but hu bro'.ro thu ropes am"
again began to make himself a bnttur
ng ram to force the iron and oakun
jiu-s fixnn their places. Then hu took
i strong leathern thong from 'around '
lis waist , a thong with which ho
< opt his pantaloons from falling.
This hu plnccd around his neck ,
crossed it , nnd catching an end in
each hand tugged with might and
tmin to choke himself. IIu partially
succeeded , but he spluttered nnd etam-
uered and llilliut and Scarritt rushud
U and caught him. Ho was uncon-
icious , but they gave him whiskuynud
lu revived. 'Jheu thuy tied his legs
ind placed the Imndcnllsou him. Hu
ay on hit back in thu cell trying
mtil .in ambulance , which hnd been
sent for , ulrivcd. Ho was "put in tin
ambulance- huriiod out to thu city
There he remained during thu dnv
mtil tivo o'clock yesterday afternoon ,
lo had been raging nnd foaming in
lis cell during thii day , but nt about
, hat timu it wan uuusunlly
piict in the cell. An at
tendant passed that cell , Hong
was hanging with his logs stretched
out on thu lloor and his hands hang
ng by his sidu. Ho had torn up his
clothes and made a nooso. Ho tied
ma end to ono of thu bars just a few
"ce from the floor. Thu olhnr end
was around his neck. Ho had only
, o stand upright and full and bo choker
to death.
Hong's residence is not known ,
neither is it known where ho camti
'roin. lie appeared to bu about 45
, 'ears old and , ns has boon stated bo
'ore , a man of herculean frame.
Years of Suffering ; .
Mr * . li.inih.Tt , corner Pratt and iRroad-
way , Buffalo , WOH for twelve years Buf-
fcrcr from rhcuiiintiuin , and after trying
every known remedy without avail , was
entirely cuied by Thorn. s' Kclectrio Oil ,
Consumption , Coughs and Colds
Asthma , Bronchitis , etc. , is given
away in trial bottles free of cost to
thu afflicted. If you have a 'bad
cough , cold , difficulty of breathing ,
hoarseness or any affection of the
throat or lungs by all moans give this
wonderful remedy a trial , As you
value your existence you cannot
afford to let this opportunity nass.
Wo could not afford , nnd would not
give this remedy away unless wo
Know it would accomplish what wo
claim for it. Thousands of hopeless
cases have already boon completely
cm ed by it. There is no medicine in
the world that will euro ono half thu
coses that Dn. KINO'S ' NKW DISCOVKKY
will euro. For sale by
(5) ( ) TSH A. MC-MAIION , Omaha.
The leadlne Sclentittt of to-day a reu that
mohtdlauaseinrv cnumd liy dU'irdirml kldnc > (
nr llur. If , tlicn-lnrv , thu KldnuvN anil liter are
ki'jit In jicrfuct old r , jicifrct lualtlit"etlic ! ! !
rcniilt. Thin truth lianonlylu'cn known a thurt
tlmo and for ) carj m > 0 | > lu mfTcrtd itri'ut a ( , ' ny
uithont lieinjf Hlilu to llnd relief , Tliudlico\cry
ol Wamer'H tula Kldn-.v am ! Il\er CnrutimrkHa
n new era In thu treatment ol thcitu trouble * ,
Made from a simple troj Ual kuf of rnrunuu. \ . It
Lontalnt Just the i k'uitnla necomary to nourlxh
nndlntlKontnlioUiof thc o Kriat orping. and
it-ifily rcihtore anil keen them In onlir. Itlita
Poilllvo Remedy fur all thu dltiutica that cun o
| mltm In the lower | iart of thu liodynr ( Torpid
Liter HtadaihfH Jaundlru ll lnuw Uravcl
FvorAfiiu Mt ur and Urinary Organ * .
It In un excellent and n.ifo ri'inujy lor feinalu
luring I'rrL'iiancy. It ulll omtrol ikintriiatlon
iiid In In 'aluablu lor I.uucorrliaa or I'tMiiig of
thu Womb ,
An a Ulood Purifier It In tiiinnualcd. for It cun
, liu orKan * that make thu blood.
Thin remedy , which has done KIICM wonder' , In
lt up In the LAUUKfiT HI/HI ) llOTrLK of any
nodUliie iiiion the inarktt , and U Hold by lrni-
d U and all dvalern at l.26 per liottfu. For
DlalMte , eniiulrc lor WAHNKn'S BAKK DIA-
IICTEH CUHB. It In a i'OHl i J VK Iti-midy.
H. H. WARNER & CO. , Rocheiter , N. Y.
Manufacturing Company.
Finest Silver Plated Spoons and Ms ,
The only aiulf Itionnl plato that
originnl llrm of )
is giving for in-
llogors llros.
f\tnnco \ a Dingle
All our Spoons ,
Perks nnd plated Spoon n
U I 'I !
mi Knives plated triple thiokuosaof
with the greatest ' V 'vVf
1 w | 1'Inte o ly o
of cnro , Each
the s u c t i o s
lot being hung
on a scale while where expo d
being plated , to to wear , thereby
insure n full deposit -
making n tnnglu
posit of silver on
plated Spoon
them ,
wear as long as
" \Vo would call
n triple plntod
especial ntton-
tioii to
our sec-
Rlvnl. Orient TtanocL
All OrJrrs In thn Wv t nhouldhn.\ddrc scd to
A. B.
Wholesale Jeweler ,
OMAHA , 1 . . . .
B. Betwiler's
The Largest Stock and MostCoiT )
plete Assortment in ; t
The West : ' r
We Keep Everything in the Line of Carpets , Oil
cloths , Matting , Window-shades , Fixtures
and Lace Curtains.
* , '
i , "
* ! t
1313 Farnham St. , Omaha.
Received Direct from Boston and lew York ,
"Boston Store , "
Wo are now showing the most beautiful Assortment of medium
and low priced Trimmed Hats ever brought to Omaha , all oorreot
Styles and most artistically trimmed , prioos ranging from $1,00
to $15,00 each ,
Also great bargains in Ostrich Tips , Plumes , Fancy Winga ,
PJowora , Plushes , Velvets , Satins , &o. , in all the new Colors
and Shades.
Wo huvo aho purchased the onliro Millinery Stock of , Mossra. A. Cruick-
shank , V ; Co. , ( nt a. lurgo diacoiinl ) , wlio liavo boon compelled to yive up thia
branch of tJioir buninouu for want of room.
Wo now oiler thw nmf'iiificcut Stock of llioh Miilinory at about half the
price ftskod by up-tovvn Alillincra for suoh Goods , '
rho Indies nro invited to call and bo convincnd that it pyya to trade ut tliu
Oponiiif , ' dnily in all dopartmonts.
Store Open Every Evening till 0 O'clock *
P. G , IIVILAH , Manager , V
Leader of Popular Prices.