Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1881, Page 6, Image 6

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Timely Topics to People Over the
Big Bridge ,
A Cnao of Refined Brutality by
Policemen ,
Pr & ? > ; terlnn Church ColaTiratio
and Other Topics-
Considerable excitement wns ere
atod on Broadway yesterday nftor
noon. A boy , who gave his nnnio as
Ucardon , nutl claiming to hail fron
Boston , was pulled in on a dispatcl
received by Chief Field , to bo on tlio
look-out for a young man of light
complexion , black hair , etc. The
boy's hair wns brown instead of black ,
and otherwise did not como up to the
atoudard. Ho had a tooth very pioni
inontly filled with gold , which would
havt ! easily iclontilicd him , yotno mention -
tion ws made of this fact. Well , ho waa
taken to headquarters. Cliiuf Field
and Olllcor Morse examined the de
scription , also llio boy , and they could
not reconcile the two. They tnon requested
quested the boy to identify hiinaelf ,
Ho taVo ; thorn a iinino and the street
and number in Chicago where ho had
been employed. Not satisfied with'
the boy's statement , they loft him in
charge of Oflicer Barhylo while they
went down to the ofllco to acnd word
of inquiry to Chicago. Mr. Bnrhyto
kept his eye 'on the boy ,
and having entered into conversation -
vorsation with him , ho invited
Doardon into the calabooso where ho
could toik to him privately. ( No BOOH-
ur had they reached the room than
the boy , aeeing ihu back door wide
upon , shoved iJarhyle to ono nido and
Hindu hin escape , soiling the wall , ilo
wont towarda Prince street , thence
up Glendale over Bierdaloy's fence
and otisconcod himself in a clump of
bushes behind tlio outhouse. Of
course Bnrhyto gave the nlann and
any otiu would have supposed tint the
Alt. Pleasant asylum had been opened
and ita contents poured into our city.
After a littlu chase OUicor Brooks and
Jcsso Walters came upon the young
man who had n revolver in his hand
to defend himsalf if no ml be. Brooks :
drew his and demanded thu youth to
surrender. "Whathavo I done/ / " said
( ho boy. "Nuvui mind , " said Brooks ;
"got over the fence or I will put a bill
through your heart. " Thinking tlmt
tint orjr.ii ! would be mmniwhat nll'ecbd
in that event , the boy got over the
fenco. Jesse Walter * grabbed the (
ruvolvor outof bin hand injd tho/
had him. Soon Bnrh.ito appeared on
tlio Kcenu , and a crowd pitched on un
til the boy became frantic , and buing
possessed with ji litt'o moro mind tlrin
JSarhyto and "Brooks hud been in thu
habit of finding in their coffee , they
had nlHiut nil they could do with thu
assistance of of a huge club to knock
the boy n'inost Ken.tolem and get him
into close confinemont. Alter ho'got
the two in the back room ho again
tried to whip thorn , but Brooks' club
appeared on the scene , and with sov-
.oral blown upon the head , Brooks got
him in r. condition so that Barhyto
could pound him without any danger.
Wo shall no doubt hear to-day what
crimu tlio boy lias committed.
The quarter centennial of the Pres
byterian church was celubrnted
Wednesday evening in their edifice in
this city. The church wns crowded
and hundred ! ) were nnunblo to procure
we its , - notwithstanding thuweather
was anythiuit but inviting. Promptly
af the hour thu notes -of the organ
werOjjtouclied nnd n beautiful overture
was played by J. W. Ellis , the piece
being ' 'The Glory of the Lord. " The
pastor thuu offered tm appropriate
prayer which touched thu hearts of thi >
older members of thu society. After
prayer n hymn wns aaug , when Rev.
Mr. Clolnnd stepped to the desk nnd
with much emotion read thu following
very interesting epUtlo received by
him nnd writtui by the first pastor of
thu church ut this point. The house
was ui still us thu gravu , from which it
nocmiid almost the words were ema
nating , when wo realize they
were penned by the first pastor the
Presbyterian people hero employed to.
'preach Tlio following ia the letter :
NKW YOUK CITV , October JI. Rov.
T. H. Cloland , D. D. : My Dear
\ Brother : YOUIB of Semptember 29 ,
sent to Tom's River , N. J. , nnd forwarded -
warded to mu hero in Now York ,
where 1 mn now living , is just ro
ccivud. I am afr.ud tlmt the hasty
letter which I shall have to write , will
hardly reach you by the 12th.
I should be very much pleased to bo
with you ut the 25th anniversary ol
your church und to look in the faces
of your dear people once mote , but it
is not convenient for mo jso to do.
When I visited council Bluff * nt first
I had not much expectation of net
tling there , but God who sits on high
and rules over ull was directing my
steps. I reached Council Bluffs on
Friday and learnt there were two
? churches in ( own , a Methodist and a
i Congregational , Rev. Mr. Rice , the
pastor of thu latter invited me to
preach for him the next Sabbath
morning. I did BO. On the afternoon
of the samu day I wont over
tu Bellevue , preached there for
Brother Hamilton , and nfter preach
ing organized thu Presbyterian church
there. On Monday I returned to
Council Bluffs. Mr. Boyora and n
few otbois urged mo very ntuoh it.
stay in Council Blulfa. I told them
I would und then went back to Ken
tucky for my wife. About a montl
after ( hat timo.1 moved to the Bluffs
with my brothor-in-Jnw nnd his wife.
2\lr , James Rue started it school nnd
1 commenced to preach flrdt and for
tome time up in nn uttia floor in Jack-
' ( ton's building. Shortly after .that
Rev. Mr. Rfeu leftthu Bluffs nnd wu
hired his church building ; a .small
brick church on thu enure. Our con
gregations from thu "first , were gooi
and onp wnya woru prospered. Wo
if . \t , & t-J'V
were much favored by liaving aucl
mon to commence with ni Uoycra
lluo , Officer , I'liscy , Hnldwln nnt
stnno others , nil good nnd Iruo ; nnt
the wives of those good broihroi
wiio ivoro full of energy and zeal.V >
were young then nnd full of lifi
and big with hones. Aa nil illiift
tnition of the zeal of the puoplo wo
had n festival soon nfter I commoncct
preacliing nnd cleared about $000
The next morning nftor the fcstivnl I
went to the hull where it wns held.
Seine of the brethren were there a
said to mo : Now , Mi * . Ilnncock , it'n a
good iimo to commence the aubHciij )
ticm for the church building , nnd du
ao thuti nnd thcro , nnd in a fuw dayn
wo had § 7,000 aubscribcd toward the
now church.V'o wont to work iv
once , bought the lot , commenced thu
building , got the walla nbovo thubano
niunt windows , then the financial crisis
of 1857 came on no that wo had t <
suopcnd our building.
"Ill regard to the particulars of the
organization I Imvo not the datoH nnt
iros with mo , you hnvo them in t i
church book. Soon nftor wo com
nienccd our acrvicus in Council JMuUM
n celebrated infidel lecturer from the
east came to loctnro on itifidulity. IIu
had ] nr u hand billa posted nil ovoi
to vn inviting the people to come
and hoar bun. lip nlso gave
patticular invitation to the
clergy to como nnd hear him.
Brother Goodfollow , the Mothodisl
mituHtcr , urged mo to go with him to
tin- lecture , so tlmt wo might bo ready
to answer him. I told him no , I would
not go. God would titko care of bin
own cauao. As wo were p.iR.singnloni ;
thu otreut n cow ntood in tlio corner
covered with nuow. On licr back was
n blackbird trying to got aonio wnrmth
from the cow by scratching away the
Biow | , but the cow took no' notiro of
the bird. I druw Itrother Goodfollovv's '
nttention to it nnd said , "Now thin
infidul lecturer won't nll'ect the church
or the course of God more than that
bird atlucts that cow ; " neither did ho.
Our cauiu ) continued to prosper ; God
continued to blc UB. I havp been
rejoiced to lonrn from the tninistciH
of thu aqsotubly cvury yuar tlmt God
IniH bhtjttud nnd'jiroHperod your Jabor
during your long pastorate , both
spiritual and ( 'Hiuncially. With much
love to youiHulf nnd your dear puoplc ,
I remain your brother in Chrint. !
Following thu reading of the above
came a very interesting address by ono
of the former pastors of the church ,
Rev. Mr. McCandlish. IIu upoko
briefly of , the pwt .history of the
church and society. At the conclu-
nion of Mr. McUaiullish'n nnd
i beautiful ffong entitled "My Love's
a Hover , " by Miss Blanche Oliver , W
If. M. I'usoy , whom everybody in mid
out of the church know , was intnl-
ducud , and in n very pleasing nnd in-
terustingmannorspoke quite at length ,
going back into Mormon history , and
remarking that they were n people
hat did not believe in proselyting ,
hence totio | .of our churches received
any of that /tilth. Ho spoke of
making cills with bin pastor nnd
another do icon the 1st of Juno , 1803.
That it waa customary then
the churchoito make Now Yoar'u callu
upon the diH'erent members. M'r.
Pitney gave n full nnd detailed history
nf the church organization down to
tlio present time. At thu coneltmton
uf Air. Pusuy'a remarks , Mr. 'Ellis
rendered n beautiful piece , which
elicited u very hearty applnuso front
the outire audience. A letter from'
T. J' Hereford , addressed to Dr. E , I.
Woodbury , un old member of the
church , who ieside.1 ut thu present
time nt Grand Island , Nebraska , was
read und it aontiments received by
the nudienco with enthusiasm , Thu
ladies of thu chuieh furnished refresh
ments in ubundanco. A contribution
tvas tnkun and.the Hum of $02.C ( ) real
ized , to bu applied to the woman's
fund. Everybody who attended ex
pressed iliL'insL-lve.H not only pleased ,
bub delighted.
To th& 1'JUor of Tlir. Ili-.K.
-uuuauii. BLUFFS , October lit. It is !
said by those who know that on Tues
day last John W. Chapman , with n
number of his Honpnriel gang , mule
n bitter personal fight at the pulls in
this city against Eli Clayton , n candi
date for representntiro on the repub
lican ticket. Not only did he
Mr. Clayton , but hu used his influimcu
to elect Mr. Mmg.ui , Mr. Clayton's
competitor on thu democratic ticket.
Air. Morgan is probably elected by n
small majotity , nnd Mr. Clayton
charge his defeat to thu efforts of this
man Chapman nnd his gang. When
it is remembered ( hat Chapman is thu
editor nnd principal owner of The
Xonpariul , mi alleged republican
morning newspaper , nnd that
for nearly fifteen years past
he has been kept in
the best of official positions by the re
publican party , it may HUUIII very
s'.raujjo to many that hu should so
boliu his Imid professions of "loyalty
to principle" by using every tluvico
ami trick known to him to defeat u
regular lepublican legislative cindid-
ate. This , too , when thu legislature
is to be chosen this fall elects a Uni
ted States senator , redistricts the state
into coin > rc39ioiml dmttietH , is charged
with other equally a * important pub
lic matters. Tell it nnt 'in Fairliuld ;
publish it not in Aftou. But to those
who know ( his nun Chapman his ac
tion on Tuesday i not ut ull surpris
ing. It is but in keeping with thu
man's oouise , nnd since hu hai been
u resident of 'i'ottuwattnmid county ,
Nearly fifteen years ago he came here ,
and so grout weru his neces
sities that , it it said , hu
offered to canvass thu county for the
democrats for tun dollars n day. Fil
ing in this , thu republicans picked him
up almost a pauper , furnished him
employment , and aooti had him in
stalled iito | a comfortable oillco. Then
it wns the unprutoful wretch began to
display his real nature. In 1809 hu
wns a cundidntu for appointment by
President Grant for superintendent
of Indian affairs , headquarters nt
Omaha. For snmu reason hu waa not
appointed and hu denounced thu republican -
publican parly nnd President Grant
in meat bitter terms. To quiet him
hu wns appointed assistant superin
tendent of internal revenue. This
office ho held until elected treasurer
of Pottawnttumio county. Shortly
nfter his term of office expired lie wns
furnished money by thu city to go to
Washington nnd labor in thu interest
of thu city in curtain local mutters
connected with the terminus of thoU
U , P. road. Ho spent all his time in
working for an appointment us U. 8 ,
mnrshnl. To the Into Judge Cnlol
Bitldwin , who wat at the time it
Washington on business connectct
with his duties as member of the
"Geneva court of claims , " wns ho in
dabtcd for generous nssistanco ii
scurinf { the appointment. To-d'ij
ho is using the patronage of his office
nnd of his newspaper , to defeat the
widow of Judge Baldwin , who is
candidate for re.tpDointmout ns post-
ttmtrcts of this city.
What h beautiful record is that o !
this man Chapman ! Moro in detail if
not necessary nt the prcscn ; , nnt
yet how wo could n "talo
unfold , " if so disposed. Treachery
ery such as his to the party
to which ho owes ao much brings to
mind forcibly the words of that other
deformity , the Duke of Gloucester ,
when ho says ,
11 Since I cannot prove a lover ,
I am determined to prove ft villain , "
This morning this political Janus
published an editorial in his paper la
menting the defeat of Mr. Clayton , in
which ho says : It is but duo to Mr.
Clayton to state that ho has served on
the board of auuorvisors for several
years past , nnd the demands made
upon him , in thai capacity for county
bridges by tl o various localities , weru
more than the funds provided for that
purpose could meet , und on this ac
count his name waa scratched from the
ticket , nnd by republicans who should
scratch their heads in shame for the
wrung thuu perpetrated upon them
selves , their ticket nnd their princi
Ho should have nddcd at the close
of his editorial
' 'And tlnw I clothe mygclf In nn'ied vil
With ( Hid old ends stolen forth of holy
wiit ,
And Nccin n saint when moot I play tlio
duvil. "
The truth is that nearly the whole
opposition to Mr. Clayton originated
with tin's man Chapman , solely because -
cause Mr. Clayton , while .1 member of
the board of supervisors , used his best
u.nlo'jvora to prevent Mr. Chapman
from plundering the county treasury.
And if Mr Chapmnn wants the par
ticulars they will bu promptly forth
coming. Sufficient unto thu day , etc.
A weak , vain nnd treacherous man ,
never known to stnnd by n friend ; u
politician only for plunder , isn't it
about time that no was road out of
the party ? * *
Council Bluffs. October 1.1,1881.
"At present thu democrntsaro claim
ing the election of Mr. Morgan to the
legislature. Wo hope this is not true.
Tt would bo a source of profound re
gret to have Mr. Clayton defeated ,
nnd tro certainly discredit nny rumor
to that effect.1 Nonpariol.
Jlow long does thu colonel over thq
way think that hu can hoodwink thu
people of Pottawatomio county. If
you wuro no desirous of electing Clay
ton , nnd deem thu election of Mor
gan H-.ich ft calamity , why in God's
mime didn't you vote and cast the iu-
fluoncu of your paper in Mr. Clayton's
favor ? Wo do not ngreo with you
that the election of Mr. Morgan
would bu a calamity. Wo believe , if
elected , ho will look out for the
best interests of the county , and if ho
in elected he owes it in n great meas
ure tthu Nonuariol and its influence.
Wo are plumed to note that the ball
for the benefit of Joseph Spauldtng
was well attended , although the occasion
sion WHS n sad ono for" the Grand
Army btiya. Prof. Glenn's band
furnished music , consisting of Glenn ,
Adolph nnd Rosa. Wo understand
that Leonard Everett , son of Hon.
Horace Everett , tendered the usu of
the hull free ot charge.
Thu following wore the receipts ut
the Union ntock yards yesterday : 20
cant Swain Bros , G cars Hodgmnn &
Scribnor , Hears Til lit eon & Bro. , 13
cars J. Tillitson , 8 cars Ililf , 12 caw
W. it D. II. Snydu' , 14 cars S.
Boyde , 10 cars G. S. Sharp. Total ,
> 2 Thu following wotp the fchip-
mcnti : 1 > 1 cars of Croighton &
Raphell , 21 cars Paxton , 2
CUM Nobles , 22 cars Concords.
Oh , pub up your stova pipe and
don't swear HO much ubout it. Some
men think that it stove pipe won't
hnug together unless evuiy joint is se-
muntcd with un oath.
There is something besides thu rain
thai helped the democracy.
Who niiled4Clayton ? I , says Chap
man , with my little mor-gun.
T. M. Gault and daughter nro nt the
Ogdon. Mr. Gault is in the city
looking nftur hh war hotnu interests.
Thy receipts nt the Union Stock
y.irds Wednesday were us follows :
twenty-one cara of Paxton , twunty-
flvo of Concords ; sixty-four cars wuro
shipped from tlio yards. Forty-two
wont CHHV over tbo Rock Island und
thu balance over the 0. t B. & Q.
Supervisor-elect Underwood whs in
Council Blufij yesterday slinking
hands with both parties.
D. W. Church , of St. Joe , was nt
the Ogdun yesterday.
Our sheriff , Perry Reel , has found
u boarder who likes to live in thu
county jail. Hu says that ho doesn't
think that Buffalo Bill Benedict wants
to got away ,
Who over saw a man undertake to
mix coffins and boots together before
Scott appeared on the scone.
The poetry was fine but the music
well it hai served i a purpose wo
presume ,
Mr. Koil. of the firm of Liudor &
Koil , is building a fine brick residence
on Seventh avenue.
Wagner & Holland's horses hnvo all
recovered from thu attack of the pink-
S. II. Broadwoll , Logan , wns in
Iowa's metropolis yesferdny.
0. H. Titus of Orcston , R. E. Hil-
li nnd Miss Lizzie March , of Dunlap ,
were in Council BluITi yesterday at
thu Ogdun.
Ex-Senator Geo. G , Wright , of Dos
Moiues , wns nt the Ogden ytstorday.
By the tmtWnliinfy Hurdock lias been
cntmiileml uwml , anil its luxurian erowth ,
unpleasant Kiaoll. etc. . has rendered It , to
thobo "not knowing IU virtues , it nuisance ,
und yet the root lion Ion * achuowl-
cilRcd by savant * us inont Invaluable ns n
diuretic , aperient and blood purllior , .Our-
dock Blood Hitter * embody nil UH RiiO'l
iiualltliM , Prlcti 51.00 , trial uUo 10 cuita ,
SUto of Ne-braitkft , DouclM Ootmt > - :
At a County Court , held at the County Court
lloom , to and for Mid County , Sept.
A. t' . 1831 , Present , A. it. CIlAmVR
County Jnd o ,
In the matter ol the adoption 'f Jennlnlt ml ,
On rvadlnK And filing the petition of At4tnn
amt Oell Curcv , pr ) lnj ; thM thcvmnv of < o
cd to adnjit mm Jcnnla Kyan , and ll.i , * > rt't1 n
and Matcme tot Henry nn < ! Slim litaii iiruitM
olmld child that mid Augustus and Dell < / ' - rt-y
mty be peinilttnl no to do uti't olunlArlly rclln
qulnhlni ; all claim to mid ehlld
Ordered , That October " . { ltd , A. I ) . 1 81 , al
10 o'clock a , m , li ai'ljfnwl ( nrhptirlnif ililctl |
tlon , when all perilous interested In Mid trmttc
may upprnr at a County Court to be held , In fine
for Id County , and chow cnu e why the pmyor
of petitioner unouM not be ( 'rantul , and that no
tlie of nendcney of tnldpeiltlon and the henrln ;
thereof , bo glvi n tnall pcrnons Interested In Mc
matter , by publlnhlnx n copy of thisonlerln Tux
OMAHA WKRKW tins , ft np papcr printed Inwli
County , for trmo succciulte wckn , prior to aU
diyofheirinK A. JI. CIIAOWICK ,
rvinnty Judzo
Htate of Nebraska , DiuirUi County ,
At a i ounty Court , held at the County CVmr
Itoom , In and for mid County , on thnShtdiw
of September , A. 1) 18. ° 1. Prwwnt , A. II
CIIAUAVICK , CountvJudijo.
In the matter of tlio Adoption of Jennie E ,
Colur , n minor.
On rcadini ; and filing the petition of Amen
and Mary C'oljcr , prajlnir that thtlr raid chllt
may b * ailopted by l. < Wrd mid Mary K. Httwnri
and that tlity voluntarily nnd freely i lie up the
cuitojy a U core of K ld child , an nl < nthepetl
t'on ' of I-Mward and tltry K. Steward ehowlnj ;
that they winh to adopt the mid child.
Oitimnro , Tliat October l th , A. 1) . 1881 , at
9 o'clock a. m. Ijaisipned for hearing tald peti
tion , htn all iicrnons Ititcrcntcd In said matter
may appear at a County Court to bo held , In and
for Bald County , and thaw uiuia nhy the prn > er
ot pctltlonerbhoulil not bo Krantt-d ; and tlmt no
tice ol pendency of I herald put Itionnnd the hearing
thereof , ho git en tuall | > enion < lntercbtril in aUl
matter , by pnbll hliiK n copy of this order In Tux
OMAHA Dittr linn , a ncnupnpcr tirltitcil In nalc
County , for three 8ucccsbl\o eckii.iirior to s-iIJ
< Uy ol huarlnv. A. M , CHAUWICK ,
[ A true copy ) County Juiljto
OTltAYKD Kroni blcrt'i ) utatilc , i malm , one
O black marc , color noniewhat laded , clffht or
nine yc.-\r oldweighs about t-lcien hut drcd , had
onaaddloan'l bridle Aroward nlllhopaldfor her
return or Information leading to her rocotpry.
W. K. OATHEY , Kort Calhoun , Neb 7B32t
f ,1011 HA1.E-A frm of rlRhty acre * , In c
JL1 repair. Oool houso. 22x30 , and ell 14x18.
rmall orchard of bearing trctn. Ono mile xouth
ot Unawa City. la. , on H. C. & 1' . It. R. Will gire
time on part If wished. Addre 8 F. M Sears ,
Omaha , Neb. auj < 19-wtf
cr Kept'inbur llth , by the under
aiAKWJ > d , lltlni ; on the Judge Irln'H farm ,
. 0 and n halt mile 14 weft of Omaha , Douglas
bounty , Neh. , one milch cow , supposed to bo
ho yrura old , tie earmarks or draniN , red and
white upccklcxl JAMES Q. HALU.
21Bnqvl3-w5p :
Western Horse and Oattle In-
snranoe Oompany ,
Capital , . . . S10O.OOOOO
[ usureu Ilorscn , ilulc ftnd Cattla against loss by
icolclcnt.dcccufc or tlicft. Agencies In nil toun
ilcn ot the State , fienil tor clicmlara.
P Iron Krayrnny etnlllon tirtmlod
J J. P. on krt shqiiidor , at U. II. Jinortlo'.i , 10
ullcj w-wit of Omaha , on the It. H. Wcst ntc'
uriii. ' scSaw t
T.AKKN Ul' Ilay Iiorse of mnlluiudzo , shod
J. on nil feet anil ntiout elx & ouu-
ialt inllo west o ( the loa [ and Dumb An\lmn.
To Citharlno Rcildc , non-rculdont defendant :
Yon nro hereby notified that o n tlio 2d day of
September , 1831 , John Kcdilo , pUlntKI , filed his
ititttioii in the District Court , nithinandior
) ou Ui County , Nebraska , epilnet you tm < ! c-
cildnnt , thu object anil prayer of tthlch petition
n , to obtain a decree of Uhorco from the bonds
oljmatriniony with you for the following causes ,
o-wlt : 1st , habitual drunkenness ; 2d , extreme
cruelty , and for general relief.
You nro required to nnwcr raid petition on
hoJlth day ot October , 1881.
so7w6t Attorney a for Plaintiff.
1313 Farnham 8t. , OMAHA , NEB.
Cody It'niWls , 81.25 to tl.75 ; Tapestry Hnu-
ncle , tl.15 totl.35 ; 3-pl.V Carpet , S1.26 to $1.40 ;
Dent 2-pIy Inmln ; , ( fl.OO to 81.16 ; Uhcap 2-ply
ngraln , 40c to 65c.
Mattings , Oil Cloth and Widow Shades
at Lowest ( Market Prices ,
Largest Stock and Lowest Priced ,
Samples furnished at yard-ra
TllK P.KHr . . - . r ffi 'ClIDUNS
' * -t ' '
MANOPAO- Hi i IN Tin :
" "
Munufactored In Qvo flzm. 4 0 , 8 , 10 ind I
ftllunt. It lias no vD.rliti : . tHuro tie no'sa '
jotjlts norL eull > uml nuiikly. > nd tctJtle
aiKtot an'ini t of i utt r frviuiho milk or
rojin ; Is DHUO frniu he cnt oali uuibcr. 11
nld at lo cr price" than r.ny Pthlr flrat-Jui
hum. Hand lor Uls.rltiUvo circular ai.d prlca
Ut to the
theO AL
Foundations of Success
Thalausof trado. Ictal forms , how to trans
act buiineis , Milualilo Utlui , Boclal ctliiuctto
iirlLimentary usa o , how to conduct public bunl-
ices ; In fact It In a complete Outdo to Succeiu for
all aute * . A family nocuulty. AildrtM for rlr-
nUraand special tiruw ANUllOK I'UIILISIILMI
CO , , Rf.fxinlH. Mn.
An rlcgant lithograph incrnxln ) ; of , President
Ur.lcld , i , black und tint , far U ) cents ; also n
Ine.y flnUhed lltho. ruph en ruN luff for : S cents.
TJieno picturi.8 are from tl o latest photograph
of the Prculdent , and art the finest pictures to
10 had. Mallid on a roller to any adurcs * , post
rca , on receipt of I'rico. ' blzo of iilctnro llx4 ! !
C. A. 1100111 ,
P. 0. Box 500 , MUwaukuc , WIs.
Pontage atampx rucch cd. -
Business College ,
OEO , R , RAFHOUN , Principal.
Oeighton Block ,
ilAHA , . . . NEIWASKA.
l fnrClrcnl T "ov
bclnjt the Story ot the Scripture * , by Her. George
Alexander Crook , D. D. , In drople and attractive
atiKuag * for old and yoanir. Vrof usoly Illustra
ted , making a moot Interesting and linprcwht
outh t Instnictor. Kery parent will secure thli
work. 1'ruKhcni. joiithoiilcl circulate It. Price
D.OO. Send for circulars with extra terms.
J H. CHAMUKliafcOO. Bt. Louli Mo. _
HOltlllK IIHO.S. . Broken In all llallroad
Ticket , Oiuaha , Neb. , offer Ticket * to th fjat.
until further at tha fuliciwlu unheard ol
x > w llaton :
Chlcaco , I2 : ItoundTrlp , t21.00. These are
Imttid First-Class TtckcM and wood for rctiuu
drouth the year , and via the Old'Uellablo Chi-
uijo , Ilurllnirtou it Qulucy lUiIroaJ. AUo , one
av to
NKVV YOUK , Ut Clu * , 910 00 ,
I10STDN. do 2600 ,
1'I1IUI > EM > HIA. do > OfO.
WASIIINnTON , do 1000.
Kor iurtlcular , wrlto or CO dlrcvt to IIOIIDf K
11HOS. , IK-akn In Umlueud Itatu llallroad and
tituauuhlu Tii'kcts , b < W Tenth tit. , Omaha , Neb.
llcmuinber the place Three Itoon North of
Un'ou I'aclHc Itallroad Dcpqt. Kast Uo of Tenth
Auguvt 1 , ian
Special Announcement !
On and after this date our Famham Street store will open
at7BOa. in. and close promptly at S p. m. , excepting Satur
day. We feel that the very low jmccs we have established ana
maintained in Omaha will be sufficient inducement to our
palrons to mate'their purchases during the above hours.
1319 Farnham Street.
nnnno 19 inch Black Satins , 7Cc. Black Brocades
uUUiib. 19 inch Black Sat inn , 85c. ,
19 inch Black Satins , Ofic. Surahs ,
In this department wo are show 19 inch Black Satins , $1.00.
ing the Latest Novelties of the Sea 22 inch Black Satins , $1,00. , Rhadames ,
son.4G 22 inch Black Satins , $2.10. 19 inch all Silk Brocades , $1.5.
4G inch Illuninatod Biogcs. 80c. 22 inch Black Satins , $1.25. 19 inch all Black nnd Colored Bro
40 inch Best Illuminated Bieges , 22 inch Black Satins , Sl.CO. cades $1.50.
LOO. 22 inch Black Satit.s , $1.75. 22 inch nil Silk Brocades , $2.00.
40 inch Cloth Plaids , § 1.00. 27 inch Black Satins , $2.00. 54.00. - ' /
24 inch Fine Momiu Plaids , Me. Our display of Party Shades in Bro
24 inch Colored All . .Wool Brocades - '
40 inch Black Cashmeres , GOc Omahn.
40 inch Black Cashmeres 90c. Fifty dozen men's unlaundriod
10 inch Colored Satins , ! Mc.
40 inch Block Cashmeres , Best , shirts with full-sized linen bosom , 19 inch Colored Surahs , 95c.
. . linen cuffs and re-enforced front 50o
$1.00. ,
19 inch Black Surahs 75c.
each. . Well worth 75c to $1.00. ,
Thu $1,00 Cashmere is a Special 21 inch all Silk Surahs , § 1.20-2.25.
Bargain , well worth nnd usually sold One hundred dozen Seamless Fancy
for $1.25 ; when gene wo cannot re Striped English half hose , 25c a pair. GLOVE DEPARTMENT.
place them for the money. Worth 60o. .
24 inchiIlluminated Bici/ee , 30c. Wo nro still selling nnd have com
plete lines of the celebrated Fisfc ,
SILKS SATINS &C. VELVETS , PLUSHES , &c. Clark & Flagg kid gloves ; wo nssuro
our customers that there is no finer
19 inch Gros Grain Silks , 50p. 20 inch Black Velvets , No. 1 , $1.25. glove made , nnd wu are nolling them
19 inch Gros Grain Silks , ? pc. , 20 inch Black Velvets , No. 2 , 1.50. 3 Buttons , best kid , 75c.
19 inch Gros Grain Silks , 90c < 20 inch Black Velvets , No. 3 , 2.00. 4 Buttons , best kid , $1.00.
19 inch Gros Grain Silks , $1.00. 20 inch Black Velvets , No. 4 , 2.50. ( > Buttons , best kid , $1.20.
22 inch Cashmere Silks , $1.25. . 20 inch Block Velvets , No. 5 , 2 75.
22 inch Coshmuro Silks , $1.50. 20 inch _ * Black Velvets . , No. . 0 _ , 3.00. _ _ _ Housekeeping Goods.
rf\ 1 ft 1 r *
22 inch Cashmere Silks , $1.00.
Wo show bargains in Napkins that
Full Lines of Gurnet Silks , Cash- cannot bo duplicated.
in ere Alexandra Silks , of which we L'7 in. all Silk Velvets. No. 1. 0.00. ICO dozen full sized 5-8 all buon
are Solo Agents for Omaha , range in 27 in. nil Sill : Velvets , No. 2 0.00. finu Napkins , White , Cream or Rod
Price from $2 00 to $3 50 , nnd nru the 21 inch Colored Plushos , - . ' 5.50. Bordered at $1.50 a dozen , worth
best goods known to the trade , being 21 inch Black Plushes , 3.50. $2.00 , and nil extra larp 3-4 Napkin ,
full 24 inches wide and warranted to 21 inch Black Plushes beat . .
, , 4.00. very finu linen , nt § 2.50 n doron ,
wear without breaking. 21 inch Ombro Plushes , 3.00. usually sold at § 4.00 :
County orders for goods or samples will receive prompt atten-
: ion. We have but one price and. do the largest business west of
Chicago , selling goods very cheap. No one can afford to pass pur
S. ! & ; CO. ,
1319 Farnham Street.
Election Proolamntion on Court
House Appropriation.
At a session of tbo board of Countr Commlg-
lone of the coupty of Douglas In the gtato of
Vu raska , holocn onthc-ltU day of 'October , A.
D. 1SSI.
ThufolUnln ? action WSH taken liy the board
with with respect to tr.c construction of a Couit
WiiKltFAS , OwlnR to the enhanced \nluo of
abor aii'l material it la ImposHlblc to erect a
'outt House nultalilo for the rni-po9o of eald
aunty for the sum designated In the proclaim-
Ion lor the l8 uo of bo Ua for the couitruition of
a Court House , submitted to thu people Novem
ber 2nd | IfWO ; uml
\\jirR-A8 , After t I < ) thoroughly advertising
hu mutter thu lowest ri pon-lblo hid for thu
out t rut t lnii ol A Court Hoii'e tlmt xvou'd ba lire
iroof and fcuth ax to meet the nicda of the coun-
v , amouniH o Ono Hundred and Niuety-ilght
ttiDiisand Dollars ; and
WMXIIXAM , The balance rf fund * nccomry to „
oi tnicl a mltnlilo Ccnrt Hou-o can bo 8upnllc < l
rnin the Kdicrnl revpnuu of the county MUnout
any ndilltlonal levy that now aiitliorl/td by law ,
> ut trio ( luu'tlon oj Huch appropriation nnut
Irst licnut > mlttcd to tbo c.cctorn of tnU county ;
Iirrurore , It in
Ix ! > OLvrD , That the following projioaltlon bo
anil the same Is hereby Bubralttcd to thu ( | iull-
lied clictun of ead | county of Jluuglaii , :
fchall the count ] ol DouL-lns bo uiithorlzccl In
the year 18S2 , t > appropriate from the tcn ral
oenuoof llio HjIJ toutity for that } ear out of
uiuli not oihcrwlso icq Irtd for county pur-
lODtM , the sum of Twenty-lira lhou < and Uollan ,
nri In tliojcar 1BS3 , IrJni the revenue of th tear
oar out of funds not othcrwluo required for
: ount/iiurpOjcs the further nuin of Twont r'lvu
rhoiis.ini Ito'JinD to aid In tliocrcctlou , con
truitlon and completion of a Cou t Ilouto
> uldliii ! ; In tl.o illy of OmMia for county pur-
XfC ! ) .
The form In which the above proposition clukll
10 riibinitted chall I e by ballot , up-m which
allot Bhallto printed or written , or party pilntod
r written , the worils Tor Court House Appri-
pilatlon , " or "AfCJlnst Court UOUHU Api > r prl -
Ion. " ardall ImlloU com liadnj , ' , thereon the
worrt * "Koi Court HouaoApproprliilon , " ehall bo
cmrd and taken to bo In lavnr of Bald propoul
Ion , and all hallota ca't havliif ; thereon the
vonl * "Asolnet Court Houne Approprlatloii. "
hall bo ilcvand and Ukrn to bu apiliist nald
iroposltlon , and It of tha vote * cast
t thu election hen Inaftcr provided I - thl bo-
laU hu In I.uor ol ' the abaru propntiltlon , It 'ehall '
0 ili'cmcJ tinJ tnk'cn to to carried.
Thu said proposition Pliill bo voted upou at
ho ( 'cncral olictl n to be held In the county of
( Julias , Htate of Ncbrisl.a , on the bth day of
S'o\ ember , A. D. 1881 , at the following named
1 lace *
Ouialirk Precinct Ko. one , (1) ( ) Felix Slarcn'a
rnterylVnlhHtro ; t.
Omiha I'roclnct No. ttto ) (2) ( at Jerry Ma-
lonvy'H Krnccai store.
Omaha Precinct No. three , (3) ) Dr. Hyilo'aof-
Ore , cor , Douuloii and Tw elf ih st recta.
Omaha I'roclnct No. four , ( I ) bhcilfl'g office
Douit house.
Omali * Precinct Ko. flvc , ( K ) Holmes' bird-
ivnr Htore , ttlxiixuth ftnd Cftllfornla ktrutta.
Uiuat a. frcclnct No. nix , ( ) Ko. 1 Engine
louie , THtnttuth anil Irsrd nrvcts.
Bcratogu freclnct School huusu near Orue-
Ing's ,
Horcn Precinct Florence hotel.
t'nliin ' Prednct InlnctoiiKhool houfo.
JcfTcriOQ 1'rvclact School house in district
No. < l.
Klkhorn Precinct Klkhoro Khool house.
I'Uttv Valley Pipduct tkhool home at Water-
oo.Chlago 1'rwlnct School houio at KIkhorn
lailon ,
Milliard Precinct Mlllard school houso.
MoArdlo I'reelnct-McArdlo sfhcol houtc.
Douff as Prvtlnct House of J 0. Wllcox.
We < t Omaha I'rcclnct bchool house near
cMcn's. .
And which election will be opened at 8 o'clock
n the mornlnirand will continued open until 0
'clock In the afttiinocu ot the KAII e day.
B. I' . KNHMIT ,
K1IK1) 1)11 KXKI , ,
K. W. COIU.1S3 ,
Coimtv Coni'nl .lnncni.
County Clerk.
AgcnU anted for Ufo of
I'rv'Mcnt CailldJ. A com-
> KtH , lalthlul history frowcrsdlB f > Kra\e. l > y
lie cuilni'iit bpj'ra.oer | ) , Col. Cvimill. Ilooki
llnady fordelivvry , An clc jntly IlluntMtixt
olutnv. Kmlorud rdltlon. Ulnral tiriun.
take on'ciB If r from ? ) to f.0 copies d illy.
ell * any other bol < ten to one. Ac ntii not er
uiad money fo tut . Thu bonk Kl ! Itself , t'x-
> crlrnc not uccc'Mry. illure unknown. All
nako Immtnw prollli. Private teiint ( ric.
GKouaB sn.Nso.v & OL ,
I'ortluid , Ualue.
. .
- = rr -t. - - *
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
A. L. STRANG , 2O5 Farnam St. , Omaha.
At Mrs. HUBERMANN'S , 10th Street , bot. Capitol Avenue
nnd Davenport. Repairing neatly done aim Purs Y
made to order , olOtjl