Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1881, Page 3, Image 3
V THii OMAHA DAILY BEE : JFRlDAY OCTOBER 1.4 1881 GEN. BPRNSIPE. A "Wnr Corroipondont'd Rocolloo- tiowi of the Dond Rhode Is land Senator- New Toik Trlbuno. Mr. Nathaniel Paige , formerly a .journalist and war correspondent , now n Washington lawyer , jjavo a Tribune report sumo interesting rciniiiiscoticos of Gen. Uurnsido : "I was ono of The Tribune's correspondents - respondents with the Army of tlio Potomac , " said Sir. Paige , "and was with Uurnflido in all the battles ho fought in Virginia. Ho was an excellent - collent corps commander , bravo ns n lion , energetic , intensely patriotic , and exceedingly careful of the lives and comfort of his men. Aa the chief of a great army , ho was out ot place , aud no mnn know it better than him- eolf. Ho was ono of thu few leading generals of the war who never sought advuncometit. I was with him at Warienton when the news came that ho had been appointed to supersede McClolhtn in thu command of thu Army of the Potomac. Ho said very earnestly thnt ho was not competent for the place , and instead of being elated by hU great promotion soeinuu filled with anxiety. Ho attributed his npp'iintniunt to the good will oi the soldiers of thu , and ho was probably rijjht there. Among Mo- Clollan's corps commanders lie was the most popular with the olliccrn and rnon. No other appointment would have pleased thu army an well at the time. time.Gen. Gen. Ihirneido'ti fatal attack on Leo at Frudoricksburif was a movement planned by himself , but it was ap proved by a majoiity of the members of the council of war , to whom ho submitted it. Franklin , I believe , was the only general who strongly opposed it. When it was adopted , Franklin proposed that ho bo allowed to cross the river wiih his troops about ton miles bulow the town and thus make a diversion to dr.vvroffa , portion of Leo's forces from their strong position on the hills back of Fredcrickaburg. This was assented to , but tlio crossing was effected too late to bo of much use as a flank movement , and Leo , no doubt , understood that the main at tack would come upon hid front and acted accordingly in the disposition of his forces. "Burnsidewas eager to make a crand Napoleonic stioke , and believed that bya brilliant charge ho could break and shatter the enemy's army. The war afforded few moro Bplendid spectacles than thu ahelling of Fredcricksbur'f by our batteries on the Fnlmouth hills , thu placing of the pontoon bridges , the crossing ot our troops and the charge on thu stone walls back of the town , but thu movement was a fearful mili tary blunder because the chances were -all against dislodging and routing a powerful army having all the advant age of position nnd tiring from breastworks upon our unprotect ed rcjimenta. After the defeat and rutreat of the army across the river 1 was sitting late at night in .an old house , in Falmouth , writing my account of the battle by the light of a tallow candle , when , to my sur prise , I saw Gen. Uurnsido on tor the room , flu looked like a man stunned and dazed. Oblivious of my presence ho throw himself upon a big old- fashioned bed , which , beside the table on which I was writing , was the only piece of 'furniture in the room , and exclaimed : 'My God , what have I done1 What a dreadful calamity ! What a tcrriblo sacrifice of life for no good. ' For Homo minutes he continued to groan and lament thu disaster in . broken ejacu lations. After a while ho became calmer and seemed to gradually real- izu where ho was. Suddenly ho roao from the bed and walked out of the room without noticing mo. I never mentioned to him hid at tango noctur nal visit to my quarters , andof course , said nothing to my correspondence. Ho wus no do'ubt half-crazed by grief ever tha defeat at tbo time , but by the next morning ho Irid regained hifi Holdiory dignity and odm. ; "Ho took upon hiiimrlf all the blaine for the disaster in thu most nvinly fashion , not Keeking to shield himsjlf bt'hind the decision of thu council of war , and ho promptly asked to bu relieved from the command of the army. "J3urnside was ono of the mostkind- hcartud of men. Hotas as courteous to the private soldiers 113 to thoofficors , returning their salutes nnd often stop ping to chat with them aa ho walked through the camps or rode past a regiment - imont resting on a march. Men liked to servo under him , because of his careful attention to thoporsonal walfaro of hit troops , commissary supplies , doctoring , hospital service , and thu like , und of his kindly manner toward all subordinates. Ho could not be called a strict disciplinarian , but ho kept his command in good military trim. His men marched well and fought wi-ll , and were no doubt all the better soldiers for thcirhearty liking for their chief. "Burnsido was a tall , well-made , soldierly man , not as stout in those days as in recent yearn , and hud u line etutoly presence , whether on foot oren on horHoback. The top wf his head waa quite- bald , ho were a mustache and heavy side whiskers. During the war , and for a time afterward , both in the army and in civil lifo , his style of called "Burn- Tbeard was universally - "aide whiskers , ' and this term has not yet wholly fallen into disuse. For t > generation in England Wellington gave a name to top boots ; ao in this H country McClcllan'n name attaches tea ! f a saddle , and BuriiHtdo'b to a certain fltylu of whiskers. " ImportA&t TidinBM firom Iho Roar. " Dtmer Ttlbuno , The Governor's guard had a mid time at Boulder. Tlioir maneuvers were pronounced tlio finest ever wit nessed in thnt suburb , nnd acclama tions of admiration and encourage- luunt greeted ihohoroio bovj 'on ' civoiy hand , Although Governor I'itkin waa present , ho detailed Adjutant- General Stevenson to command hu put cohort. Mounted upon a fiery char'or , nttired in rcgiinuntals that would hive struck terror t6 thu tnar- row of thu most obdurate fee and ivioldint ; u aabro that wna shiner and slmrpor than the bust Toledo bl.ido that over existed , thu valorouu adjutant-general loomed up at thu iJoitlder fair , tlio u'liiiiiuHtra- tion of the women folks and thu envy of tlioyiulo creatures , During thu ciaiiuy < % > H. Ituwurur , nil incident transpired whicli marred the Itnrmonji of the occnston. Tha general lint ordered right oblique inarcli in tli direction oftho cattle pens , literal ) ; producing the wildest cotistcrnnttoi among n lot of craven stccra tlicro'n confinud , when , lo , a courier astride n bay uolding lleckod with foam cam < dualling up. "How now , Leiitullus ? ' duinnnaed the nurprised gcnornl "Important tidings from the rear , ' rotiliud tlrucmuiur , piloandtreml > ling "well , wall , " cried the general , im patiently , "tell mo them at oncn ore retreat bo too lata. " "May" please your gr.ico , " continuc ( the courier , ' 'tho commissariat linn b ; r. atrango blunder nt-glnctud to brinj with the baggage train the supply o bottled boor you ordered ! " This np palling intelligence struck the Genera like thu hind heel of a nuilu. ilo dropped his aabro. loaned over the poirimul of his fladdlo nnd wept like : child , The dreadful MOWS soon Rprem among the ranks and for n brief spcl nnnrcliy seemed imminent. Patriot 13111 , howuvnr , soon triumphed in the bosom of the burcaved chior. Ho driec his cyo3 , regained his cutlass nnd badi 1m warriors forgot , if they could , thei sorrow and deport thumaolvcs ns mar tinl spirits Hhould. A moro romnrku bio exhibition of fortitude was never witnosflod and the citzons of Boulder rownrdud it with rounds of hearty ap plause. DEATH'S SHADOW. How the Asinosln Guitonn Schomoi to Mnrdor the President- I'rom the ARHassln'd Autlblogrni > hy. After I had made up _ ' my mind i < remove Garfleld , the idea when * shouM remove him pressed me , and . ' was somewhat confused on that. J know that it would not do to go to the White HOURO and attempt it , because thcro wcro too many of his employe ! about , and I looked around for Hovern' days to try and got n good chance al him , and one Sunday , ( the Sunday be fore ho wont to Long Branch ) I wen ! to his church in the morning. It it a small frame building , and I stood there at the door a moment. I was a little late ; the services had progressed - grossed about one-third. I noticed the uresident sitting by nn open win- dew about three feet from the ground , and I thought to myself , "That would bo a good chance to get him. " I in tended to shoot him through the back of the head and lot the ball pass through thu coil ing , in order that no one else should bo injured. And there could not possibly bo a bottnr place to remove a man than at his devotions. I had my revolver in my possession when I first wont to the church , hav ing purchased it about ton days before thu president's going to Long Branch. This was the Sunday prior to his leav ing LoneBranch ; on Saturday. During that whole week I read the papers carefully. I thought it all ever in de tail. I thought just what a tremendous deus cxcitoment it would create , and I kept thinking about it all the week. I made up my mind that the next Sunday I would certainly shoot him if ho was in church and I got a good clmnco-at him. Thursday of the same week I noticed in the paper that he was going to Long Branch , and on the following Saturday ho did go to the Branch for Mrs. Garfield's health. I went to the depot all prepared to re move him. * I had the revolver with me. I had all my papers nicely pro- pared. I spoke to a man about a car riage to takomo , as I toldlnm over near the congressional cemetery. He said that he would take mo over for $2 , nnd ho seemed to be a very clover fel low and glad to got the job. I got to the depot about 9 o'clock and waited there until the premdont'H white house carringo drove up. About 05 : the president and his carriage and ser vants and friends came np. lie got out of his carriage. I stood in iho ladies' room , about the middle f the room , watching , him. Mrs. Garfield got out and they walked into the ladies' room , and 'the pres ence of Mw. GarGcld deterred me from firing on him. I was all renily ; my mind was all [ inado up ; I had alt my papers with mo ; I hud nil -the nr- rangenienln made to shoot him and to jump into a carriage nnd drive ever to the jail. Mrs. Garfuld looked so thin , and she clung so tenderly to the predident'H arm , that I did not have thu heart to fire on him. He pacscd right through thu la dies' reception room , through the main entrance , nnd took the cars. I waited n few moments. I went outside the depot and walked up town to the Kifc'gs house and Arling ton nnd the park. I think that I went to the park nnd sat there for an hour or two thinking about it , and I wont to my lunch as usual , and after my lunch I went to the libi.ary of the treasury department and read the papers as usual , and I think I stayed I hero until 3 o'clock on Saturday , and then went out. 1 do not remember whore I was particularly'I ; think I went to the Riggs , the Arlington or the'pjirk. That was after J left the library. _ Never too Iiato to Mond- The ? . J. Arden. William street , East Buffalo , writes : "Your Hrnmu KLOHSOM lias worked on me oplcndld. I hod no up- [ lotite ; uxed to Bleep badly nnd get up in iho morning unrefreslied ; my breath wax very ofTenttive anil 1 Buffered from xovere heachache ; nlnco UHing your Spring JMon- horn nil them symptom * have vanished , and I feel qnito well. " 1'rice M ) centti , trial bottle * 10 centa. lOeodlw The Maine Mining Boom- The Lnrntnio Boomerang , Bays thnt "tho Maine Mining Journal , pub lished at Bangor , Majne , comes to ua asking an exchange , and wo exchange. Probably the mining boom in Maine this summer is about the hottest it over has been. An old prospector up the shores of the Anuticookytangle- lloop mountains has just struck oxhiclo of fresh water clams and free milling bull-heads , with traces of decomposed codfish. The Journal is a good paper and wo are tickled to ( jet it. " TRUE TO HER TRUST. Too much cannot be said of the wor faithful wife and mother , con stantly watching nnd caring for her tlenr ones , never neglecting a single July in their bolmlf. When they nro issailud by disease , nnd the system should have a thorough cleansing , the stomach and bowels regulated , blood purified , nwlurial poison exterminated , iho must know that Klcctrio Bitters ire thu only sure remedy. They nr the best and purest medicine in the world , and only cost filty cents. Sold by Ish * Mclltthoii. (2) ( ) "WEED AND SHERMAN , Characteristic Epiitlo From Olc Toonnmoh. The following- letter hns been received coived from General Sherman by 1 M. Dalscll : llKAiiquAttTKiia U , S. AKMY , 1 WASUINUTON , D. 0. , October 8. J lion. J. M. Daltcll , CnMnrll , O. DCAH DAW.iau AH you rcquesl in your letter ot October 4 , I rolun herewith the letter of Thurlow Weed whicli you ought of course , to pro serve. How Sir. Weed was instru mental in bringing mo back to th military service in 1800 I am , o course , unable to say , but his statement mont with reference to his interven tion with President Lincoln nnc Secretary Cameron is nil news to me I can not recall ever having mot will or soon him till long after thn war was over. I have great respect for tin old gentleman , but am reminded o Iho infirmity of ago , by his laying down my route from Atlanta to llich mend nnthrouirh the states of Tennessee see , Arkanaax , Mississippi and the Carolinaa. That surely would have boon n swing around the circle. ' . nm aiiro 1 appreciate the partiality o friends , mien as Thurlow Weed am others , but am moro and more con vinced each day that this world wil moveon In its usual orbit ; that mat is n moro atom , of little intluonce that each year and each epoch create ! its own agents ; that the great men o 1770 were not suited to 18112 ; tha these ajiain fell short in 18(0 ( , those it 1801. Each epoch calls for now agents , and should the yenr 1900 ail for new men the Grants , Shermans nnd Shoridans will fail ns signally as did the St. Clairs nnd Hulls of 1812 and the Wools and Worths of 1840. As long as our country is in the ascendant scale men will arise equal to any occasion , but when thu time cornea for a decline then no personal effort will avail or succeed. Ohio has succeeded Virginia. Now look out tioxt for Ion a nnd California. You Bcem to bo gathering data of the past ; boUei the present aud the future. Al ways wishing you all honor and sue cess in the career of your choice , I am , with respect , your friend , W. T. SllEllMAN. ] > KCI.IX OF MAN- Impotency of mind , limb , or func- iion , nervous weakness. cxunl obilily , etc. , cured by "Wells' Health Itenewer , SI. At all druggists. Depot , C. F. Joodmnn , Omnhn. (3) ( ) An Interesting Event. Spcciil to thu Chicago Tillmno. PiTTsuuwi , Pa. , October 10. An event of conuider.ible importance to ho local irpn trade came elf to-day. L'lio largest steam hammer in the Jnited States , recently placed in poai- ion in the Black Diamond steel works of Park Brothers it Co. , was operated his afternoon for the tirst time , ex cept a brief trial on Saturday to see that nil the machinery was nworkingorder. The hammer weighs oventeen tons , while the anyil-bloek mder it weighs ICO tona. With a full lead of steam it will strike n blow of linety tons , but , us this tremendous weight is not always necessary in ham mering , it can be made to strike as light is desired. It has a thirty-eight-inch cylinder nnd nine-foot stroke. The .est was watched with great interest. The ponderous blows niado the earth haku for a radiousof nearly 200yards. 't will require several days to perfect- y adjust the hammer so that a blow of my required weight may bo given with exactness and nicety. The Black Dia- nond works are now operating twon- y-six hammers , which weigh from 200 ip to seventeen tons. Thu bis ; lammer IB for forging steamboat uhafts nd other heavy work , whicli is now lone iu the East or Europe. Bogus Certificates. It is no vile drugged stuff , pretond- ng to bo made of wonderful foreign oots , barks , &o , and puffed up by eng bogus certificates of pretended miraculous cures , but a simple , pure , iffectivo medicine , made of well ; n own valuable remedies , that fur- lishes its own certificates by its cures. Vo refer to Hop Bitters , the purest nd best of medicines. Republican. octl-15 Proposals ior Sewer Bonds- Scaled proposal * will ho received until ) ctober Ifflth , 1881 , at 12 , noon , by the 'ity Clerk of Omuhn , county of Douglas , tutu of Nebraska , and will , at that hour , o opened for the jmichako of $50,000.00 f the fsirae of § 100,000.00 of Sewer inndn , Vint Serieu , of the City of Omaha , Said bondH are dated September Iht , 1881 , re in HUHIS oi § 1,000.00 each , bear intercut rora their date at the rate of xix per ecu- um per annum , payable at tlio olllcu of Countzo IJroa. , New York , suini-nnnuiilly , ipon coupons attached ; uaid lioniln nro aimed under the Charter power of said Ity ufter election duly held authorizing liuir isine for the completion of Sewern lartly constructed , and for the construe- ion of. additional Hewers. The ST.0,000.00 low offered nro the finit sold r > f ruid ] iond. . ! Id will lie aildrunHcd to 'tho undcrufcuud , nd must Htatu tli3 full name nnd adilru'n f the didder , the amount of eaid lioniU eslred , und the price proposed to bo paid. The right in reberycd to reject miv and 11 bldn. J. J. L. O. JKWKTT , vept'J9-30t. City Clerk , PROPOSALS For Grading Sixteenth Street. Scaled proposals Hill bo ud by the UN- crslKiieJ until FrWav , October 2lnt ; 1891 , 12 o'clocknoon , tor tlio graiUm ; o ( Mhtcvntli truot from Furulmm to llowaru streets , a pro le of which ran Ins neon at tlio ofllco of thu Ity engineer. Did * * lull eut-cllythu prlcoiwr ublc j rd for Mich cnulliiK and sl o Ute wncn ucli work li ll bu coinplotcd , mid accompaiilud > y the name of nroiwstxl surltv under tlio usual ondltloua. llldnt ) bo opened nlthit meeting of the council next outcni'dlng after October 21 , 881. Tlio city councJ rencrvcs tha rl.'ht to to. ect any and all bids. Knvcloju-ii containing natdnrop'bAlithall lie marked , "I'ropopahi for Kra < iln-.ilitw4ith atrcot"and dcllvi red to the mdcrmKncd not later than the tlmo above pcclfled. J. J. U C. JKWKT r , City Clerk. OKAIU , October 7tb , 1B1I , Ocjdiw 0 . K. OL1XKBOM. I. O. UUKT Clarkson & . Hunt , Bucceu n In UlchardB to Hunt , ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW 8 ! MlhBtrp Om h VMi BOGGS & HILL , REAL ESTATE BROKERS No. 150 ! ) Furahaiu Street , Nor h IJo ouu Orand Central Hotel , John G5. Jacobs , ( Formerly of Qbhk Jacoba , ) UNDERTAKER. No. HIT Farnham 8t , Old Bland of Jacob GU torOsden oy TtlvtcrapbtiollciM p27 > lv SELTZER Pnln . \VIietitn cr tlio towels hccumo trrrtfnlir , t'aS el tzor Aperient , It will mro much ) nln nud lUnsrer. nomctl i o l i > o outraged by the bunion thul nho l mi o to curry * tliroiifrn the hcfdlcwnt M ot hci chll rcn , th t ulio ojicnly rebeli , ami | iunUhct tearfully. Don't neclcct ilio proper tn.itmeiit when thonmtom ] lint ftporar , Itrrart to the apcrit-nt , mid net vtcll i > codlly. BOLD 11Y AU. imUOOlSTS. For You , Whoso complexion botrnys BOIIIO humiliating Imncrlcc- tlonvhoso mirror tells you that yon nro Tanned , Sallow and disfigured in countenance , or have Eruptions , lledncss , Itonglmcss or unwholosonio tints of complexion , wo Bay use llngan'S Magnolia Unlin. Itisndollcnto , hnnnlofwand ( Iclightful nrticlo , producing thu most natural und eutrouc * Ing tints , the nrtlUciullty of which 110 observer can detect , nnd which soon becomes per manent if the llaguolia Balm ac. No Changing Cars BKTWIDI OMAHA & CHICAGO , Tiers direct connection arc made with Through BLEEIMNO OAlt LINKS ( or "EW YORK. BOSTON , PHILADELPHIA. HALTIMORK , WA8IIINOTON AND ALL HASTERN The Short Line via. Peoria Eor INDIANAl'OLia , CINCINNATI , LOUIS- ILLE , and all | x > lnta lt\ the C-'IFI./lL . rr 'J- . rnn BIU.T UNI For ST. LOUIS , 'hero direct connections are made in the Union Depot with tbo ThroUL'h SlocpliiK Car Lines for ALL POINTS SS5 O XT " 37 3SC . MEW MOINES THE FAVOKITE ROUTE FOB Rock Island. The uncq\Dlcd InJiiccmcnts olJcrul by this line o troiclciu anil tourlnts aru na follows : The celebrated PULLMAN ( Ill-wheel ) PALACE LKKPINO CARS run only on this line a , U. Q. PALACE . RAWING ROOM CAUS , with orton'u Rccllnlni ; Chain. No extra charge ( or cats In Reclining Chairs. The ( among 0. , n. & . Pulaco DlnliiK Can. QorKfoiu Smoking1 Can .ted with elegant hUrti-hackcd ' rattan revolving hairs , ( or the oxcHiBho use o ( 'Qiat-clius pasaen * cm. Steel Track and superior equipment combined 1th their gacat through car arnngemcnt , makca ila , abo\o all others , the ( atorito route to the Jist , Houth and Southeast. Try It , and you u 111 find trarcllng a Iu ury In- vad ot a discomfort. Through tlckcta \ lo this celebrated line ( or vale t all oltfc In thu United State * and Canada. All Information about ratca of ( are , Stooping ar accommodations , Time Tables , etc. , will bo hoerlully glveu by applying to / KKOEVAli LOWELL , General Posa-inner Avent , Chicago. T. J. POTTEB , ( litnenl Manacor Chlouto. CRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. FRADE MARK.Tl0tl'llTIIADB - MARK KiiKllnh n ni > my. An un failing euro ( < r Sumliial Wcakncni' , Sicirniikfor- | rhea , Inijiot- ency , Hint u'l ' o AFTER TAKIHO. u ; us I.U H of Memory , l.iiucraal Uuiai. Udo , I'uln In the 111' k , InnifsH of VMon , Pro atura Old Airo , and many other Dl-titm that ad to Iniunlty or Consuuiptlon and a I'rcina. uroOm\e. tJTl'tM partlculan In our pimnhlet , wlilth u diflra to uund ( rcu by mull to uvery ono , STiio Specific Medicine IK sold by nil druggists t } 1 | > er package , or U | > ackaKv i ( or W , or will o Hint ( rea by mall rn receipt of the money , by ddrisslnir TJIEORAY JlUDICINK CO. , Iluffilo , N. V. For fl.ilo by C , F Goodman. ocTnio-tod * COIU'OijATION NOTIOK. 1. Notice l > hereby Kit un that U. Hurr , K. D. 'an O u rt and I ) P. ( lurrlm\o lncorx | > raUd : icnuvlt en under the namu o ( the "Omaha Int. lenient Comjiaiiy. " 2. Tlio nrl cl | > al plan of transacting the bind- eu of talil Incoriwratlon u Oniulin , Neb , 3. The nature of thabutlnuuodold incorpor- lion is thu > dlu of general fann tlai-hlncry , Dug. leu and Wagonn. 4. The amount e ( capital stock au'horlicd In 60 , 000 , (0 of which f , MO 00 inunt Ixi HUlmcrl od uiu ono halt ol iiaU labt mentioned Minn bo paid n before eald iximpany nlmll commenui builneiw , iald stock to bo dlIdcd Into shuruK ol J100 acti. l > , Ihc Idu'hcHt amount of InJcIjtcilnenu "hit -an bo liicurrulbyuildlncorporatlonlituo tlilrdu I the i-apltul Block paid In , and there khall ho no ndlvtdual liability on the part ot tlio block hola > M thereof. 0. Tlio affairs of mid corporation are to bacon- nctdl by a prciddcnt , fvcretary and treaiuror , ho * hall count I tu to a board ol dlrcctorx. 7. tUldcnrp ration fhall commenced ! tlio I3th ay of hcpttmlicr , 1881 , and shall terminate on he Ut cay ot iitptuiubvr. A. I ) , IBM. 1) , Dunn , K. 1) VAN COI-IIT. 1) . P , IHr.K Omaha , Nib , , Oct. 3 , 1C81 , o'J ev mon 41 VHCN HUH ) , ( .miHIUXD BYRON REED & . CO. Eeal Estate Agency IN NKIlllAHJCAl Keep a complete abstract ot tltlo ta all Heal Ututulo OioaiuttnJ IJoutla * county , uuyU tf ot ttting tlin moat direct , qnlckrat , wW Oftfcut line ennntctlnir Iho prrat Metropollii , CHI CAOO , and the KABTRRI , S'oRTii4UstRRi , floirrr and 8otTll-E4iirRRK LINIW , which terminals the \\lth KANDAII CITT , I.HAVRNWORTII , ATCIIIHON OitKcit Ilu-rr * and OMAIII , the CoiuiiiaAt CR.TIIIR ! ! from which nvdlitte EVERY LINE OF ROAD ! htprnrtr\tc the Continent trora the MUMur Ulver to the IVclflc Slope. The OHIOAOO R001C ISLAND it PA CIFIC RAILWAY Is the only line from Chlcntto owning track Into KMIOM , or which , hy It * own road , reached the i < olntn abe o named. No THANMXM nr CARRIAOI No MISKIMII OOMIXCTIONB I No huddling In 111- tcntllatoil or uncloui cam , M overs' twHHcnpcr l carried In roomy , clean and vontlUUxl voarhra upon Kxpruw Trnltis. DAT CARJI of unrlaled nwgnincence , PCLLUAM TALACR HLMinno CAM. and onr own world ttmoiu DISIMI CAHH , uioti which moats nro sort i > d ot un- nurivvuiM o\ct'l1imcc , nt tlio low rate ol SIVKNTT. Finn CRNTS < cil , wllh ample tlmo ( or healthful cnloj-nifiit. llirotigh Cant between Chicago , Poorla , Mil waukM nnd Mlwouri lll\er I'olnlo ; and close con motion * at nil points of Intersection with other ro.tda. Wo ticket ( do not forget thl ) directly to e\crj plaeo of lmi < ortAnco In KanMui , Notinuka , Illnck Illlll , Wtomlng , UtAh. Idahn , Nevaila , California , Oregon , Wivvhlugton Torrltory , Colorado , AriionR and Now JIoilco. An liberal arrangemcnta rrgardtng baggage M any other line , and ratoj ol fan ahvsjn n i ow M romiwtlton , w ho ( urnUh but a tltho ol tha com fort. fort.Doirs and tackln of ojortntxif n tree. Ticket * , muni and ( olden at all prlnclpftl olllcivi In iho United SUttw Mid Canada. It. R. CAULK , K. ST. JOHN , Vlco 1'ron't A ( Jon. Gen. Tkt aadl'on'rAir ilaniwcr , Chliwro Cnlcairo. Sioux City & Pacific THE SIOOX CITY ROUTE Huns a Solid Train Through from Oonncil Blufla to bt. J'nul Without Change Time , Only 17 Hours. IT IS 1OO MILES TUB SHORTEST ROUTK , COUNCIL BLUFFS TO ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS ouLUTii on IIISUARCK , and nil point * In Northern Iowa , Minnesota and Dakota. This line la v ulpx | > d with the impro\ed Wcstlnghouso Automatli * Alr-brako and Mlllci Platform Connler and liuQcr ; and ( or SPEED. SAFETY AND COMFORT In nvnnriiiui iil. I'nllinin CiHcu SIrcptnc Car run throiiRh W TIIOCT fllA.VOi : l.ctwccn Kan toil Clt > mid St. I'uulh Council 111 nils nnd Sioux City TritliiH Imvu Union Pailfir. Transd-r nt Coun cil niiilln , nt 7tr : ! > p. in. ihlly on nrrhnl of Kansas City , St. JoKt'ph nnd Ooiiiu-ll Ithifli train ( torn the South. Arriving at Sl < mv City 11r : p. in. , und at thoNtw Union llt ] > ut : it St. Pniil at 1 :30 : tioon. , TEN HOUia IN ADVANCE OF ANY OTUEtt ROUTE. In caking the Kloiu City Route jougcta'lhrrugh Train. 7hii Mioric t Line , the ( Julckot Tlmo and a Comfortable RIde In the Through I ars , hetw ecu COUNCIL BLUFFS AND ST. PAUL. ffjTScothat jonrTlckct * riaclla the "Sioux C.ty and Pacific Roll oad. " J. H. IIAlTLrS , J. K. miCHANAN , b'llpi'vliiU'nilont. ( Icn'l Pass. Agent. P. li ROlllNSON , Am'tCiii'l PaiAg't , Mln'ourl Valley , Inwa. J. II. O'BRYAN , Southwestern -Kent , Countll bluff , Io a. 1880. SHORTJ.INEI880. KANSAS CITY , St , Joe & Council Bluffs U Till ONLY Direct Line to ST. LOUIS ANDTHEEASr Prom Omaha and the West. Ho change of cars lictwocn Omaha and bi. iMali , arid hut ono butnccn OMAHA and NI'.VV YORK. asszrno : Daily PassengerTrains KXACIIINd ALI , EASTERN AND WESTEKN CITIES with LESS CHARQKS and IN ADVANCE ol ALL ; OTHER LINES. This entire line Is equipped with I'ullman'f Palace filcciiln Cars , Palace lay Coacho , Miller's Safety Platform and Coupler , and the culohratod WcntlnKhouso Air-brake. jtar.Sco thut your ticket reads VIA nANSAS CITY ; ST. josirn : & COUNCIL BLUFFS iuii. road , via St. Joncnb and tit. Louis. Tlckcta for tale at all couinn stations In the West. J. K UARNARD , A > C. DAWKS , ( Itn. Hunt. , St. JoHoiih , Mo ) Q < m. Paiu. aud Ticket A l. , St. Joseph , Mo. A-Nin IkiKUitN , Ticket A ont , WM Kaniham street. A. D. runiuu. fleueral Auent , OMAIIA.HR DexterL.Tlioinas&Bro , WILL 11UV AND SELL TBANHACTION CO.XNKCTUD IIHRIWnll. Ptiy Taxes , Rent Houses , Etc. a YOU wixr TO HUT OK isxu , Call at OHlce , Iloou 8 , Crvlghton Illock , Omaha. anfi-rl On AMD OPENING ! Profctwnr KUher , ( from Bt. I.ouU ) Danrlni ; Ac ademy , Standard Hall , tor Klltuonth and Faru- liuin , Tiiokdity e\eiilnj ( , Hujittnilicr ( Itli. Claflsos for l > ndli.sand Ocntlenaii commcncln Tuiwlay ucnlnc Septcnilier (111. ; clamciw for MlHscs and Jlanton ) , communcin ; ; Saturd ty after noon at i o'clock. Claiui'4 for families , will he inraiiKcd to Milt the honorable patrons , Also ballet dnnclnK can he taught. Terms llhcral , and ] > crfra satisfaction to ncliol- aru RuaisnUed. rrltatvliiitruitloininll 'MI Kir- en at tha Dancing Academy or at the - < ldunco of thu patron * . Prituto orders may bo left atllo > Jlcycr * Dro'n. . wM-tf BlackDianjondGoaTCo. W. II LOOMI8 , J. B. NEWELL , I'UKK , 8KG. ANDTUKiB , L L. MILLKR , AOXXT. HARD OR SOFT COAL In car loto or In quantltlea to suit purchasers Orders HoIldUd. Yard , Foot Parnham and Doug las Sts. , Omaha. senS-tf - _ _ _ HAWKBYE PLAINING MILL CO , Des Moines , Iowa , Manufacturers of BASH , DOOPO , DLINOS , ODACKCTS , MOULDINQ3 , AO. flroat reduction In Hank ( 'ounti rn , I'linu fur- nlihidand word furnUhft Inall klniln of bard orvoftMOud , Counters flidihud In oil hen < 0- slrtd hlieltlnicof all klndi funilf'wl nd put Into hiilldlnjf n ady for paint on uliort notlro U'ir wnrkmen arc the host mechanic * con lig procured , Ko money by giving us jour con tracts. Otalra , Nowoli and Daluiter * . Our foreman in llil deHHtmciit wrw foimerly with Front Slanufictiirlnj ; Co , 'Chicago , Ills , and hiki dona HOIIIU of thu Uiiv > t titilr luthu Northnott Urdcn by null promptly attended to , ISO Sm Dexter L , Thomas , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW THIS NI7W AND CoftRJ-JCT MAP Vrotu. jcyonrt ftny trasouabto question U vt UIA CHICAGO & , NORTH-WESTERN RT Jfa by nil odih tlio bent toail for you to take wuctt IrftvcllnR In cltlio * rtUoctlon betwcoc " Chicago n.rl all of the Principal Points In Iho West , North and Northwest A rrfnlly exnmlno thli Mnn. Tlic CltJri of the Wwt n < J Northwest nro Stntlona on tii irontl. its tbrouKU ttfttns nwko close coancctlotu with THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTSRN RAIUWAY , The Imperial Pal'ace ' Dining Cairs h or'NortliwMtorOhteoRo. . ' ' lnc Trunk UHPS j . - ! [ , 'lcr n } t f * HV1"1'1 f California Lliu"Wluona , MlnnMota Si Central Dftkota IJn > . 1"- llr ' anktmt J.lno. " "tihlcaco , . , } - < : 'ilt'Ii ' Bt rwil nnd Minneapolis Uno. 1 v r:1I11'llo"'lt" ' ; < l1IHrt ) inibuiuol.lno. ( " "Anwauki-o.Orcc llay iI.akofluporlorji V CamluaS. ° > 0r Wc nt ° B ° y Cwpm Ticket Aguou fa tlio Ualtoii Btatoa tui- . ! Jlctiiembcr to ask for Tickets Tla tills ronil , bssuro they rcnd'srcr It.and take none of bcai. HAKJ'IS UUOmn.Gcu'l Manager , CUtcaKO. . n U. 8TKNSBTT.OCn'l Toss. Ajront , CbJcawv , IIAHRT P. ntlEI , , Ticket Aconl 0. & N. W. lUllw&y , 14th and Funhtm strooU. D. K. KIUnAI.L , AiwlaUnt Ticket ARi n ( C. & N. W. liallway , uth aod Funhun ttriwk J. 11KLL. Ticket Agent 0. & N. W. lUllwuy , U. P. U. H. Depot 8AHK8 T. CLAKK Qoncnil Airent. Announcement ! A large and varied stock of Sta , pie and Fancy DRY GOODS AT FIFTEEN PER CENT THAN DOWN TOWN STORES. You will Save MONEY by buying your DRY GOODS of GUILD & McINNIS , COS N. IGth Street , 2d door north of Cal om E Bido. EDHOLtVl & ERIGsKSON , -OIVK THE IIAROAIN8 IN ALL KINDS OF- JEWELRY , WATCHES , CLOCKS , SILVERWARE SOLID AND PLATED WARE AND DIAMONDS , At Prices that Suit Any Ouatomer Who Redlly Wishes a First- GlaBB Article , STAR TINTED SPECTACLES / 2H CQ f M v& $ &t&ra * ra n Si n CO EDHOLM & ERIOKSON , THE JEWELERS , Opposite the Post Office. 5 , Buy the PATENT PROCESS t OTA FLOUR. It always gives satisfaction , because it makes a superior article of Bread , and is the Cheap est Flour in the market. Every sack warranted to run alike or money refunded , W. M. YATES , Cash Grocer. /