Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1881, Page 2, Image 2

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Small Associations Alarmed at
the Influx of Foreign
JProbnblo ElToot an Local Comjmnlo
> . V , Time * .
The influx of foreign fire iiiMinuico
cnpitc.1 to this country ic increasing * o
rapidly and assuming uncli largo \ > ra
portions thnt the oft'iccra of many
IOCA ! companies have bccoino greatly
xorcised lest their interests bu stn
wusly impaired by iwv nntl pmvcrfu
tii ah. Already the email mm wiak
companies find it a most difliciill tak
to compete successfully for business n
the linitod field to which their opera
tibns are confined. Some of them
tnoro -Booing tlun others , pcrceivci
Iho drift of Iho-foreigii tnanagoro n
timotn partially nvort thojmpc'.tdiiir ,
danger by cxtcttding their IKMJS to BUte * * & adopting the agency
ayrtcm , which hitherto was operated
only by companies with
Among those vhich took tlnasjtep are
* " ' BOTcial of the oldest companion in thu
xity : companies which for 30 year
sand over-doomed it the JieiiM1 of folly
to ta.ko a rii U outside the Motropohtni
district or write a policy for miuni thai
$2,500. It is , however , the opinion o
some of the most experienced under
writers tlmt uvon tlna precautiwn wil
not save snail companies .frum the in
ovilablo eonaequonccfl wf compctitioi
-with largo and powerful organization ' ! )
During the lost eighteen months HI'X
foreign ininnmco comnnnicH bofian am
are nowfloing business in thm country
And th < nu hnvo assoUand a working
capital -of $2,312,847 , hero. At the
present time the managero of three
other foreign companion are propurinj
the .necessary forms of.application for
authority to join their < brothrcn in tin
jaco for risks. These am the City o
London Fire Insurnnoo Company , the
Alliance Fire and Life Insurance Com
nany of London , and the Nationa
Fire Insurance Company of Ireland
The City of Londen was organize *
iu 'Fobruury last with a subscriber ;
capital of 1,100,000 , , of which
100,000 has been paid in cash. A
Times reporter had an interview with
its manager. L. 0. Phillips , and its
.chairman , Alderman Knight , both of
whom are now in the city. Mr.
Phillips claims that hu has carefully
watched < ho progresw of the insurance !
business in America , for years , and the
result ; of hia scrutiny leads him to believe -
liovo that with ordinarily judicious
manngunent fair profits can with
ilmojt certainty ba realized. In Eng
land and other European countries
wliuro it is safe to do business the
business h overdone , and consiq'ioiitly
insurance capitalists turn to America ,
where they expect to earn reasonable
profits on their mvestnuntj. The
Alliance Fire and Llfo uf Lo.idon ,
whoso secretary , Robert Lewis , is also
lioro for the purjtosp of establishing
an American branch in one of the old-
, st institutions m | ho world. Jt
commenced business iu 1821 ,
and has a capital of 5,000-
000. Mr. Lewis's reason for
coming hero is somewhat similar to
that oxpioBBud by Mr. Phillips Hu
nays h'ia company is known to bo ono
of tlio most conservative , and hence
' the local organizations need not fear
, that'il ' | busiudis will bo cpntfuo'od on
other than recognized businots piinpi-
pies. Ho docs not believe in wild
competition , nor ahull hu permit the
1 undercutting of rates or any practice
, that is not regarded by the profession
as entirely legitimate , The National
Assurance association of Ireland ,
whoso aecretnry , Harold Knglobaoh , is
now in this city , claims to have assets
amounting to 500,000. Mr. Englo-
bach is prospecting with the view of
establishing a branch office also , and
cxpcctu to be able to decide shortly
where and by whom his company will
bo represented. The three other com
panies which contemplate establishing
branches on this aide of the Atlantic
at an early day are thu Caledonia Fire
Insurance company , of Scotland ; the
Manchester Fire Insurance compbny ,
of Manchester , England , and tnu
London & Northwestern Fire Insur
ants company , of England.
Without including the deposits
which the MX last mimed coinpuiiin
will bo obliged to make with the m-
Hurunca department bofor. * obtiilniiig
pennission to do business , or including
the assets of foreign companion vihobu
business Is solely confined to Califor
nia , the aggregate assets of thuso now
operating in this vicinity amount to
over § 50,000,000. Tills Hum docs not ,
of'course , ombr.tco the total assets of
the various companies ; it is merely
their total assets in the United States.
Including the deposits the nix now
coiners ur6 bound to make , thu funds
' of foreign companies in this country
may bo Hot f.irtii us follows :
Total aiiiietg (21 ( foreign compa
nies ) In United Sttttea. t WO.000,000
DehoilU ( II nuw companies ) in
Uiiltfd State * 1,800,000
Total , . , $51,800,000
Thu toW asset of all the Now York
stock fire insurance ) companies exceed
thUsum ty over $2,300,000 , while the
total atsotsof all American companies
doing business in this state moru than
double it.
The manager of ono of the oldest
and largest of the foreign companies.
( ho requested his nalno to bo withhold
lest his niotiVo miuht bo miscon
strued , ) being nsked if ho could assign
, a reason for the coming hither of no
iiiany foreign companion said ; "WV1I ,
it coitainly cannot be on account of
the profits wo are making. Oir ) com-
IMiny has been established hero forever
over n quarter of a century , and with
all the preatiitu and oxpotiunco we
, Luvo gained during that time we failed
to realize anything Hko a fair profit
last year. My own opinion is that
competition . keen in England , and
there are so many companies there to
the Bnuaro inch that BOIIIU of them
should got out and look for business
oUuwheru , or bu squeezed to death. "
Q. What are the prospects for the
foreign companies vvhouo advent is
announced ? A. Ono or two of the
test of those will undoubtedly obtain
8omu good business , but it will bo at
un enormous expense.
Q.-AE to the others ? A.-Well ,
fur my part I should moat decidedly
prefer they bad remained away , for
the business would not only coat them
enormously , but should they fail to
obtain it and be obliged to withdraw ,
the tUndinsr of all or nearly ail the
- foreign companies
would ho seriously affected.
other reason be-
sidis Uuimio you assign whythuio
comi anli-s should venture to oxtoiul
their lines to this side nl the present
time ? A. Yof , and Rome of the local
nnnngors may bnmo themselves for It
few aao several of the
Up to a years
foreign companies with branch oflicca
iu this city and a few of the largo local
comi nnies reinsured pirt of their rista
incompanies which weio not represent
ed hot o. For instance , this company
would take ft line of Sf > 0,000 , and while
held lUi'lf responsible to the innuied
for that nm'tint , 11 would irinsure ,
perhaps , inio-half of it in iv company
which a * not directly represent d
here. Thin compi'ili-H '
to meet thu I equipments of their larg
est customers and at the same time pro
tect thunmulvoH. The manageis of n
fiiw local companion bucatnu jenlou * ) _ c > f
thisnyMum-ntNl , urging oil the Lcgis-
liitnio thnt it woikeu nu injustice In
ilium , suocccxlcd in having n law csii-
acted prohibiting thu reiiisuranco trt
New York risks in compniiie notwi-
thoiiiickl to do business in thin
State. The law cut off a large
nlico of business from cv ml
English companieH , and * omo > f
thcm-iwrnediiitoly conclndod to come
hero < * nd gut the busincjn directly
thonWlvuH. The firsl comiwiny to
txkn tliis was the old riw nix , of Lon
don. Then , again , when this form of
prohibition uai found unavailing , thu
Hanio gentlemen proceeded agnin to
Alb my and had another law passed
irrohibiting foreign companies whoso
capital stock wim not paid up in full
the custom in England of the majority
of companies in i/i have only a poition
. f thu subscribed capital paid in
from doinir business in this state. on lie tine nii uttmctod the atten
tion of EngliHh managers , who natur
ally boian * to think that there must bo
a big honanxa in the business hero ,
or else there would not bo mich great
precautions taken to prevent foreign
ers from having a nlico of it , In thn
meanwhile , during the session of 1880 ,
a law was passed enabling foreign
companies whoso capital was paid up
to tnu extent of & > 00,000 to come
hare and do bnsinesn. No sooner had
the news of this enactment reached
the cars of English managers than
they began to turn 'their ' attention
westward , .So , you see , that if Amer
ican managers grumble and groan now
because of the influx of foreign 111-
Huranco , they may in great measure
blame their legislative committees.
Tan thounnnd dollnrn Imvo beou subscribed -
scribed hy the pcimlo of .lied JlltilT to lie-
cur o n wuulen mill.
The Masons and Odd Fellows of San
Dli'tfo have combined forced , nnd will erect
t line ImiMtiif , ' , to cost $25,000 ur 830,000 ,
'or htillit , t'to.
A pair of nvjiriciouB celestials In San
b'rmicisco were taUon In to the extent of
Sli.OOOliy r"Hvo nhnrperi with two gold-
washed " 1 ulliun brickM. "
Two yoi advcnturcn ) , iigcJ renpcc
tlyely Dif-lit . .i (1 thirteen yearc , left ilic
mrenUl homes nt Los Jianos , Fresno
county , the other day , anil started out to
eo the world Their outfit consisted of
wo horses , a pistol and a dog.
The contract for building a new court
icmso for San Meteo county , at Itedwood
3ity , has ueen let to Jacob Leczen , of San
Joee , for 812,7CO. The supervisera have
lao taken hteuH to purclmso the toll-road
> twtfen San M tco and Half-Moon 13av
at h fair * valuation. ' n
Mammoth City , with the country about ,
had 3.000 inlmbltantH la July. lb7'J. It
iow Im * not ten. The buildings have
icen burned , or moved nw..y to Bishop
3reck , whore I her arc Home ranches.
? ho bu mill , with the Mammoth mine ,
old at sheriff1 ! ! mile for 820,000. It cost
500,000 ,
Chnteau county's taxable .wealth IH (1-
Baled hay is selling at 835 per ton and
rough lumber at 815 | cr M ut Butte.
There were thirty-seven quartz 'ocationn
made la Madison county in September ,
A surveylnaparty Is running a line down
ho Min'ouri rlvrr fr m Bcilfnrd to Bentou ,
n the interest of the Utah Ic Northern.
Silver How county pays her nKscssor ono
mill on the dollar for hln oftlcial competit
ion , giving him a salary of nearly $ -1,500.
The railroad track has cm sed O'Fallon
creek and IH now seventeen mile * from
. 'owder river , with bridgcH completed
even mile * beyond.
The electric light Question Is being agt.
ated in Helena. Sixty.tlght individuals
mil lit ins have signified their readiness to
ako ono of the lights ,
The elcctrio light towers in Deiuor are
not a success.
There are 105 pupils enrolled In tlie
Cvanston public school.
The recent fair of tlm Colorado Industrial
association cleared 81,500.
The Ainert'mnnument nt Sherman iu now
about thirty feet in height.
A com puny of Chicago capitalist * * will
> ere for ir Jrvvln , C'ol.
The Jue ! burg cut-oil is completed , and
rains are now running over it ,
Ikying iron on the main line of the Den.
vcr k N w Orlcuns railroad has begun.
Tlio Colorairo high line ditch , now being
constructed , will render aralilo 800,000
ucreq ( if notv wosto lauds ,
Th returning Utcs are reported as nay.
ng tlmt they "d n't lilco thu new jcnorvn-
ion ; whitu men heap damn lie , "
The projected PrcBbytcrlan church at
Cheyeiuinu will be 50x85 feet in diinm.
blons , built of bilok , nnd costing SIL',000.
The Kir ) Grand company lit , Kukoino hm
received for the mouth of September fur
frelghU 810,817.21 aud foriiasnuiigcr trailio
ilune , 1,51D.CO ,
ere from thn Crown Point
1'urlc , away $80to tlio ton ,
The Chrycnni Leader printing cstab-
I hnient litt > * been wjldtoa stock company
or 5(1,000. (
Harry Solirlmsor , ( if Choyuiine had his
cnllar bono lirokni while running , In the
Iclnlty of Fort Stcelp.
Aceneralinuiid-'upis now being made
n the North 1'nrk , and a liner lot of beef
cattle wyru ne or newi anywhere than is
being collected ,
Tl > o dlggliifiii on Douglas crock , with
lyilraulla power , \vlll j > au out WO to 950
> er day to the man. Kt on with n couiinon
tun from ten to fifty ccnti In gold can l > o
vashed to the pan ,
The lands nlong the course of the
i'owdi-r and Tunguv rivers have been taken
ip by actual tettleriiaud new farm houees
are bringing up Iu every direction. Fully
five thousand nettlersw \ \ gene Into Crook
amlJomuon counties this nvason.
Dcadwood has 150 ! pupils attending the
mbllo icluxils.
The silver mines at Galena nro attract-
"g K aeral attention.
A ranchman living In Ciutcr county has
iroduc d MK ) galloiis of oorghuru nyrup
from toi ftcrc of cano , which ( .ell * n jjy
in Dcwlwoml at 81 a pallon.
Lrnd City clnlm-i to \ \ \ \ 6 one nf' fa iC3i
public school buildings In the 1111
The public fdiooli if Deftdj- / i Ojwn
with tlio names of hum jUpi ! ,
enrolled ,
It h reported that richer rtre ) IM ] ) Ccn
found In tlio 1'cnobscot f | no tnAn wn ,
c cr before seen In Hit 1 III or niiy other
country , f
In two shift" , ccvetity .fiv , feet aftt.t , , | n
tlio Hcngal Tiger mine , | fmind rn which
la estimated willlcld. hundreds of thoii-
wild * of tons. _ _ _
orCOON. .
The roadway o * . tlio Orecwi railway nnd
navlgfttlwi coiiiijyuiy Into J.a t IVirtlund I *
completed nnd Xll linmU are dinrhnrged ,
Thcincdlc'f./dop.artnieiit of Willttnettn
imlvcwlly 1'.vi biinglit the lot of the old
IVutland Ac ulcmy , and will urcct a mil-
nlilv btilltljng.
tin tlm iiifht of tlio M instant nn cm-
Huiknrwul riality feel Img and fifteen feet
Wgli , uear Ilotxi river , llfty inilci cant of
I'ortUnd. ua\o way and fell with terrible
force again t thcdHcllingof IiyninnHmith ,
iuutiicli A family nf nine persons won
hUcping , nnd knocked it down the liil *
A firtroo 150 feet Ions' fell upon nil
crushed the house , demolishing every artlc
of fiirnlturo. Although all the occiipan
were bruised , not one was nerimnly in
hired. Th i > sc.ipo froindc.ithwasinirnci :
_ _ _ _ _ _
7he sliiiuncnt nf bullion from mines
the vicinity of I'rutnirf Is constantly hi
creating In quantity.
Sugnr cano can bo successfully raiicc
in thu valleys. A Kpcolmen stnlk from enfield
field inca-surcd fourteen and u half fee
from root to tassel ,
A rich strike has been mode in tlio Allc
mine on Mineral hill. An a say of the ore
gnvn a return nf 1,8-10.81 uuncrn In silvr
to the ton , tin : iwn.-iy valuu of which
32,387 75.
A vigilnnco cotnmittco has bom organ
Izcd at Tombrttono to clear out the cattli
and hnrHO thieves , who have been plunder
ing the people in all directions within
radius of fifty miles of that city.
Jiernnlllb , N. M , , bonits the larger
1 rep raiser in the territory , Don JOHI
L , 1'erca , whoso llockc sum up over 30,000
Fifty head out of a drove' of 3.,0 horsci
werodowno i while fording Snaku river ,
at the uioiith nf thu Grand Kolide , Wash
Inglun territory , a fowilayn since.
Bcrnalillo Is a nourishing town In Xcw
Mexico , with ft 1 \e net nf men In It , They
are interested in securing the completion
of the Dcmvr k lllo Grandu railroad.
A comparatively now strike , and
ve ry rich one , too , wan made rccentlv on
Warm Spring cicek , just nbove Kcllj
gulch , Idaho. Thuy are olTcrt-d $30OOC
for their Gal-na liiuf.
If Adam hod had a game nf "Fifteen
placed in bin hand at an citrly perioi
of his existence , the wh lo course o
history might hu\e been materially nl
tered for the better , and if biliousness in
digestion , Mck licaduchcor dyspepsia were
unknown , Suring liloinnni would not be
needed. I'lieo 50 centH , trial boUlcH 10
cunti. lOcodlw
Tbn Tiller * of the Soil Wrestling
'With the Issues of the Hour-
The atuto fjningo of California clos
cd its annual session at Santa Rosa on
Sulnrday , the 7th. Although thu
strict ruleof nccrucy unjoined upon
mombera docs not allow thu principal
part of their work to bo disclosed , it
can bo assorted that thu ofl'ccts of this
confoiunco wilt bu felt throughout the
Btuto Hiid in the cntiro whuat-produo
iny region of this couut. The Grangers
are dotorminud to moro cllcctivcly con
tend for nnd unforco their rights and
dumand jimtico and ftiir-doaling in
wluituVor rulatca to tlto handling , mar
keting , transportation and exportation
of whcut.
The platform and rcBolntions unun
imously adopted are subat.intially nn
follows : 1. Enforcement of the lawa
against pooling and combinations to
control the market. 2. Equitably
taxation and retrenchment in nil gov
ernment mattorp. 3. No discrimina
tion on the public highways for or
agaiiiBt any ono. 4. Laws to protect
the people against corporations. 0.
The public lands are for the people ,
nnd should bo held for actual HCttle-
mont. G. L.IWS should re'strict cor
porations and protect the IIIUBSOS. 7.
Laws against bribery and corruption
n public ofliccs should bo unforced.
1. Transportation companies should bo
lorcod to ohargo on thu basis of cost
unl risk instead of what traffic will
jour. 0. Li' favor of national postal
telegraph. 10. Land monopoly pre
vents settlement , and monopoly land
owners should bo taxed the mime OH
{ loinustead Kettlera. 11. Favoring 11011
partisanship in grange matters. 12.
Every man to bu required to use hia
property so as to injure no others ,
whether in farming or mining. 13.
The Orange mukes no war on corpora
tions , but against thuir aggression.
14. The government is bound to regulate -
late railroads and telegraphs it char
ters in behalf It thu people. ID. There
should bo no dominant or privileged
classes' '
Fifiy-ninp granges -ro represented ,
nnd ono-third of tlioso present are
1 tdics. On the call of counties all ex
cept ono reported that matters weru
butter than last year. Thu next an
nual meeting of the atuto grange is to
bo hold at Stock ton , thu first Tuesday
in October , 1882.
Bo7Bo7k 42 Years.
"I was troubled for many years
with Kidney Complaint , Gravel , &c , ;
my blood bucamo thin ; I was dull and
inactive ; could hardly crawl about ;
was an old , worn out man all over ;
could got nothing to help mo , until I
ot Hop I3jttorsj and now I am n boy
again. My bhjod and kidneys nro all
right , and I urn us active as u man of
30 , nlthouuh I am 72 , and I bavo no
doubt it will do ns well for others of
my ago. It is worth a trial.Fath (
or. ) Sunday Mercury. ncll-15.
For the Conitruetlon of Sidewalks.
ilul prpitotalit will be rreolvwl by the un <
ilTimioii until'IMosJay , Ootoliur llth , 1881 , 12
o'clock noon , fortlio'ronttrui't'.on of nntl rcjulr-
liiffof vMonalki In Iroutof nnd adjoining tlio
( oilowliuileacrlbeU | uvml o , toit :
tot * 6 , 0 , 7 , blo > .I ( 2 < W. north iitlo of Chcttiuit
street .
l.ota S3 , 25 , 21 , Hurhach'n Hrat wiaition , west
Hutu of BhtTiiian avcniio.
I .tn 4. X. hlock l.\ i : . V , Smith' * addition.
l it 1. hlock 14 , K. V. Hnilth'ii addition , south
stcluOraco bin ct ,
IxiUI.lO. blocl. IS , B V. Biiiltli'i adilltlon.
loiith tlilo ( Irnue * trcct. '
" " ' 'Jl , llortach'n flrtt kdilltloncant tUIo
I.ot 6 , 7 , H , Mock 1081 , north ildo Irard
street ,
LoU 4 , 6 , block S , ea t > ldo Sixth ttrctt.
1 U4 , 6 , bloik. sa , taut si Jo Credit Fancier
IUS , 4 , block 202J , ordcmt rcpilroJ. 17lh.
lAtsl , H , Movk . 11 , wMtklde 8o tnth' trctt '
Alioon loti e > sldo Sixteenth utruet , be-
Iwetn north line of Horluch's r t addition and
Clark utreut , u-it M feet III front of l a c
rhoin | vtt' rcsldcnco.
° JE
OVilM , October flML ' ' 'dcl.
Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago ,
i7flcioc/o , Soranoss of the Chest ,
Gotii , Quinsy , Sere Throat , Swoll-
inqs and Sprains , Burns and
Scalds , General Bodily
Pains ,
Tooth , Ear and Headache , Frostei
Foot and Ears , and all other
Pains and Achos.
tft rnpintHnn en * tlh qn l BT. JACOII Oil
u a tafe , ure , ulntplt ud tlitap Exttrat
UtmrJf. A trial rntalli but the comptrmllrrlj
trtJIne ourtfij-of uD Onf , nd erirjr ono iuff r
lM with pain cn tiie cbep tnJ potltlre ere
flUcUlmi. J *
Cirectloni In Eltren riK * * * ' '
&CO. ,
| | f CELEBRATED | | X
jA'r * O\ *
f * _ STOMACH _ *
DiminUlted Vigor-
la reimbursed In pri-at measure to those t rouhlcxl
ilthucak kldnel l > y a Judicious use of Hostel-
ot'g Htomach Ditto. ' 'vlilch luvloratcn nml
( llmulatca , without uclilnif tlio urinary or-
MUH , In i-orijiinctlon with its Influence upoi
hem , It cocrectt ncMlty , lniprn\u.i .ppotlto , nnd
> In cicryav condncho to heal h nnd nerve
eiwso. Another nmrki-d qmllty U Ita control
ixcr feyer .ml O4uo , nnd UK owcr of procritlni ;
t. Korukuliyall Dm ? tst nnd Utalcm gen-
H p rnest
For'Sale by
621 South TVnth St.
Uenl on WoKOnt , Buraiui , Iteoiwrs , Threshers
nJ II111 Machinery. It l WVAIUXBLB TO MUM.
ns AM > TiAwsTun * . It cnrca Hcratehoa nnd til
liula of loreo on Honci nJ Stock , ta wull u on
icu.OLARK & WISE , Manuf's ,
305 Illinois Street , Chicago
CVflKNI ) VOH I'lllOKS. la 24linha
Geo. P. Bern is
I6th and Dodge BU. , Ornahm , Neb. ,
This utoncy nooa BTWOTlYft brokontRO huslness ,
'oni ' not epocuUte , and therefore nny barp\ln
n It * book * ro Insured to Ita iiotron , Initoid
1 Iwlnir voblileil no ) > v thn nventf i
) R , L. B. GRADDY ,
Oculist and Aurist ,
tforcuntt all JUputoUl * I'liyilcUni of Onuho.
tJTOmce , Corner 10th d Farnham Sti. ,
maha. Neb nJ6iucU !
Mr . .T. J. Uobfttwm , 1'lttibnr , I'd , , wrltci : " 1
win oiiflcrlnL' from gciierol ctibllity , hatit of up-
jittltc , constipation , etc. , * o thut fife was a liur'
ilcn ; nfttrnlntr llunloik IHoo.1 Hlttcn 1 fi It bet
ter than for } cars. 1 eaimot liraiso juurlllttcn
too much.
It. OlbH , nf nnfTalo , W. Y. , rlt < - : "Your
Ilurdock Itlu tlltlirs. In LhronicdUcancnof the
lilooit Ihcr fi. . I klilncVn , IIMC been Minalh
initliC'J with dlcec'd. IliA\o ti c'l tlum nijfiff
nlthbe tre < iiiU < i , for torpidity of IholUer Mid In
rn c of a friend of niltio nufftrliiK from d
the effect wo nmrtulous , "
llrucoTurner , Rochester , N. Y.J rtcs"T ! : hue
be < n subject to tcrloui disorder of the kldnc } * ,
nnd nnMiIo to nttcnd to bti'liirsi ; llimlock Illood
Jlltten rclicic-1 mo before InUn bottle wo * iwd ,
I feel confident that they nlll entirely itiro inc. "
> : . A'eiilth Hull , UliiRhampton , N. Y. , write * :
"I mtrteral wltlin dull pain through inv ell
luii ? and idiotildir. Ix > t my spirit * , npictlto ]
and color , and could Kith clliiicnlt } keep nu nil
iliy. Took ) our Hurdock Ulood II' ' tiers ns ill.
retted , nnd hn e fe'.t no pain elncu Urtt vcel > af
ter mlng thttn. "
Mr. Noah Thtcn , Elmlriv , N. Y. , wrlten : "About
fourj ears aye I had an attack of bilious fever , nnd
nc\cr fully rccoicrcd. My ill rstho organs
were enkcncd , nnd I would nccompletely pros
trated for dnj . Alter uoln t o bottlc of > our
ilurdock Dlood Hitters tbc Imprmcincnt wa HO
il Iblothnt I unvantonUhnl.
01 } earn of n c , do a fair nnd rcMonnblo
C. Ilhckot Itoblnpon , proprietor of The Canada
Presbyterian , Toronto. Ont. , writes : "Korjears
I Ritffcrud creitlj from clt-reourrlnc headache. I
lined jour Ilurdock Illood Hitters with happlcnt
n-sultt , and I now find injuclf In better health
tlutn for } cars pant. "
Mm. Wallace. Buffalo , .V. Y , writes : Iha > o
used Ilurdock Illood Hitters let nervous nnd bil
lions headaches , nnd ran recommend It to anvonc
requiring n , euro for billlousniau. "
Mrs. Im Mutlholtand , Albany , N. Ycrites :
"Korfeivral years 1 hiuo Buffered from oft-rticur-
rlnp bllllous headaches , d vpepsln , and com-
plalnto i > ecullar to my cx. Since u lngi our
Ilurdock Blood Bitten I am cntlreh relict ed.
Price. CI.OO par Dottle ; Trial Bottle * 10 Ctt
FOSTER , MILBOT , & Co , , Props ,
Sold at wholesale b y It > h & McMahon nnd C. P
Toodman. je 27 cod-mo
1422 Douerlaa St. . 5th.
Before removing
their new
Will sell their stock of
At Greatly Reduced Prices.
Established 11 Years ,
Araetv Itepresetitod
vtlso Fire and Llfo ajfcntfl
I 1 wanted. 0. T. TAYLUIl 2 CO.
[ yhoute ami furniture U insured with
0. T. TAYLOU & CO. ,
Cor 14th anil Uuuflas.
On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. ,
Wall Paper and Window Shades.
1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb.
Double Strength White Lime
C. IKT. I > IE
Lumber , Lath , Shingles ,
Thirteenth and California Streets , OMAHA , - - - NEB.
We desire to call the special attention ot the trade to out4
elegant lines ( at BOTTOM PRICES ) of Underwear , Cardigan
Jackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Overshirts , Overalls
Hosiery , &c. , now open. Wholesale only.
Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts.
IE1. O.
1213 Farnham Si. } Omaha , Neb.
Commissson Merchants ,
1121 Parnham St. , Omaha , Neb.
Consignments made us w 111 receive prompt attention. References : State Bank , Omaha ; TlaM
& Co. , Baltimore ; Peck & Banahcr Chlcaco ; M.Vcrk & Co. , Cincinnati.
1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET.
The only exclusive wholesale house in this line in the ( vest.
rhe Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska
Jy 18-me
Max Meyer & Go.
GunSjAmmunition.Sporting Goods
MAX MEYER & CO. Omaha , Ne
nxr i
[ ladies' ' Slits , Cloaks , Isters , Circulars , Etc.
500 Handsome Suits , at $5 00 ; 300 Stylish tSuito , SIO.OO ;
76 Black Silk Suite , $17.00.
Wo have sovorol lots of staple goods which will bo offered at
All ladies should avail themselves of this great sale of *
" * * '