P THE OMAHA DAILY BEEi THURSDAY , OCTOBER 13 , 1881 TIIEDA1LYBEE _ _ MAHA PUBLISHING CO. , PROPRIETORS BIO r-Arnnam , bet. Oth and IQIb Strecti. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION Onocopy Ijcar , In ikdiniicodiMtrAld ) flO.i months " * .0 monUn " ' 3.CO RAILWAY TIME TABLE. * n CARD cineoo , RT. r.u't , , mivsttrous AN OMAHA HAH ROAD. Ixa > o Omnhv- . 2 through pwonjfer , 1 . tn , > io. I , CHUaml | Yi < * cii ir , & ; 30n.m , Arri o Onnh.iNo. . 1 , tlirouuh unMcngcr , S:5 : m. No , 3 , O.Uihml | ncTiKt.T , fi : > U ) ) > > in. LIAVIMd OHAItA IA T OR HOlnlt XCiUNO. 0. , n. b ( j. 5 a. in. 3:40 : p. m. C. ft N. W. , B ft. 111. 3:40 : IL tn. U. , 11. T. & I' . , 0 a. in. 3tO : v. ni , K. 0. , 8' . J. k C. 11. , Ii 1XC3 at H D. m. nnd (1:00 : p. m. Atth 03 at St. Ixjuli nt ! IO ft. ni. nnJ Bd : j > . ui. WIMT OR I D. & U. In Neb. , Through Express , 8J5 : a. m. H. ft M. Lincoln Krelirht , 7:00 p. m. U P KxnrcM , 12:16 : ti.m. 0. & R. V. for I iticoln , 10.20 n. in. O. .t H. V. for Ojceoli , 0:10 : n. m. U. P. treUht No. S , 6:30 : a. In. H. P. freight No. 0 , b:15 : a. in. IT. P. frutsht No. 7 , 6:10 : p. in. emigrant. U. I . trcU'ht No. 11 SSS : p. in. ARR1VRO FROM EAST AND fOlTH , G. II. ft Q , 6:00 : a. ra. 7:25 : p ni. C. & N. W. , 0:45 : a. m. 7:25 : p. m. C. R , I. & I' . , 9:45 : ft. in. 0 05 p. m. X. C. , St. Joe It 0 11. , 7:40 : a. iu.-0:4B : p. m. W. , St. I , . & P. , toiuiatS a. in. and 3:10 : p. m. Arrlu < at St. LouU nt 0:40 : a. in. nnd 7 : 0 p. in. inmvixa FROM TUB srsr AND souiimnit , O. b R. V. ( torn Lincoln 12:11 : ! p. m. U. 1' . Kxpri" 3 25 p. m. B & M. In Nub. , Tliioush Express 1:16 : p. W. B. 6 M. Untold t'rotjhl S.35 la. U. P. Freight So. 10-1:40 p. m. No. 0 4:2A : p. m. Kmlgrant , No. 8 10:50 : p. m. No 1'J 11:35 a , m. O. & It. V. in tied , ar. 4:35 : p. m. NORTH. H braakaDlvisonot ! tnc St. Paul &RouxCity ! K ad. No. 2 lca\cs OnmliA 8:30 : a. ni. No , 4 leaves Omal a'1.30 ' p. ni No. 1 arriveat Oi.uhaat 6 : ! 0 p. m. No. 3 arrives at dnalia at 10:50 : a. ID. DCTtXT TRAINS BXrWKKN OMAHA AKD OODNClL BLUrrs. ttn\ Omaha at 8.00 , 0.00 and 11:00 : n. m. 1XK ) 2:00 , 3-00 , 4 > 00 , 6:00 and 0 00 p. m. Lcato Council llluflaat ti:25 , 0.25 , 11:25 a. m , 1:25 , 2:25 : , 3:25 : , 4:251:25 : and 6.26 p. m. Sunrfas The dummy leaves Omaha at 9.0C and 11:00n. : m. ; 2 00 , 4:00 : and 0:00p. m. Leases Council UluDH at 9.16 and 11:26 : a. m. ; 2:2C : , 4:2E : and C:25 p. m. Opening and doting of Mails. lOUIX OPKM. CLOSK. a. m. p. m. a. in. p. m Ohlcizo ft N. W 11.00 0:80 4:30 : 2:40 : rmiaiso , R. I. & 1'acinc.11:00 : 0:00 4:30 : 2:40 : Chicago , U. & CJ 11:00 0:00 : 4:30 : 2:40 : Wabash 12:30 4:30 : 2:40 : Blou-t City and Pacific. . 11:00 4:30 : Onion Pacific 6:00 : 11:40 : OmahaftR.V 4.00 11:40 : B.&M. InNcl 4:00 8:40 5:30 : Omaha & Northwestern. 4:30 : 7:30 Local mails for State ot Ion a lca > o but once a day , viz : 4:30a , nu A Lincoln Mall U also opened at 10:30 : a. m. Office open Sunda > 8 from 12 ni. to 1 p. m. THOS. F HALL P. U. Business Directory. Abstract and Real batata , JOHN L. MoCAOUE , opposite Post OfDce. W. R. DARTLETT 817 South 13th Street. Architect * . DUFKENE & MENDELSSOHN. ARCHITECTS Hooiu 14. Crdghton Block. A. T. LARGE Jr. , Hoorn 2. Cielchton Block. DOOM and Shoes. JAMES DEVINE & CO. , Flno Boots and Shoes. A peed assortment o homo nork on hand , corner 12th and Harncy. XBOS. EKICKSON , S. E. cor. 16th and Douglia. JOHN FORTUNATUS , 605 10th street , manufactures to order good work at fair prices. Repairing done. Bed Spring * . I. . I RRIMER Manufacturer. JB17 Dourtsust. Books , New * and Stationery. J. I. FRCEIIAUF 1016 Farnham Street. Butter and Eggs. HoSHANE & 8CI1ROEDER , the oldest B. and E. house in Nebraska established 1876 Omaha. CENTRAL RESTAURANT , MRS. A. RYAN , touthwest corner lethand Bodgo. Best Board ( or the Monty. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Heals at all noun. Board by the Day , Wcolc or Month. Good Terms ( or Cadi , Fumlshwl R/vmis Supplied. Uarrlages and Road Waeon * . WM SNYDKIt , 14th and Harnoy Streets. Jeweller * . JOHN BAUMER 1314 Farnham Street. Junk. H. BET.THOLD , Ruga and Metal. Lumbar , Lime and Cement. \ FOSTER & GRAY corner 8th and Douglas Sts. Lamps and Glassware. J. BONNER 1309 Douzlas St. Good Vnrloty. Merchant Tailors. O. A. UNDQUEST , Oneol oar most popular Merchant Tailors Is re ceiving the latest designs ( or Spring and Summer Goods ( or gentlemen acar. . Styllth , durable , and prices law as over 216 13th bet. Dou&Farn. Millinery. MRS. 0. A. RINGER , Wholesale and Retail , Fan cy Goods In great \arlcty , Zcpi ) > rs , Card lioattls , Ilosiory , Gloves , Corsets , &c. Cheapest IIOUBO In the West. Purchasers sa\o 30 per cent. Order by Mall. 116 Fifteenth Street. foundry. JOHN WEARNE & SONS , cor. 14th & Jac kson tt * Hour and Feed. OMAHA CITY MILLS , Bth and Farnham SU. , Wclahanu Bros. , proprietors. Urocer * . Z. STEVENS , 21st between Cumlng ami Irar T. A. McBIIANE , Corn. 3d and Cumin ? Utrecta. Hardwaie , Iron and Steel , OLAN & LANQWOUTHY , Wholesale , 110 tnf 112 Uth etrcct A. HOLMES 'corner mh and OalKornla. Harnesi. Saddle * , &c. B. WEI8T 2018th St. net Farnllarnev. . Hotel * . ANPIELD HOUSE , Geo. CanflcId.Oth & Farnham DORAN HOUSE , P. H. Cary. 913 Faniham lit. 1 SLAVEN'8 HOTEL. F. Slaien , 10th St. Southern Hotel , Qui. Ilaracl Oth & Lcaen orth Iron Fencing. The Western Comlcc Works , Agents ( or the Champion Iron Fcnco Ac , , have on hand all kinds ot Fancy Iron Fences , Crcutlngs , Flnoals , et > \ 1310 Dodiro ttree. Clothing Bought. O .SHAW will pay highest Cash prlco ( or second hand clothlnir. Corner } 0th and 1'arnhor > . Dentist * . DR. PAUL , Wllllama' Block , Cor. Uth & Dolge. Drug. * , Paint * and Oils. KUUN & CO. Pharmacists , Flno "ano Uoods , Cor. 16th lnd Douzin btrocta W , J. WHITEHOUf E , Wholctalefc Retail , 10th t. 1.0. FIELD , 2022 KorUl 6ldo Cumlng BUcct. . PARR , Druggist. lOtn and Howard btrcets. Dry Qooris Notions , Etc. JOHN H. F. LKyllANN & CO. , New York Dry Goods Ssore , 1310 and 1812 F rn. him itrtct L. C. Enosfolcl also boots and shoes 7th & Piclflu. Mirulture. A r. GROSS , New and Second Hand Furniture nd Stolen , 1114 Douglas. Higboet cash price aid ( or second hand froogi. BONNER 1300 Doucla at. Fine good * , &c. Pawnbroker * . BOBKNFELD , 10U > St. , bet. far. & liar. Florlit. A. Donachtio , plant * , cutfiowew , lloo ! boqact * etc. . N. W. cor. Ifith anJ DouplM strcctA. Olvll Engineer * nnd Survtyore , ANnnr.\v KOSKWATKR , crciRhton Town Snticjj , Undo Knd Sencrajo Syitorus a Uommlttlon Merclmnt * . JOHN 0 , WIL LI3.J4H Doiljto Street. D 1) ) IIKKMKU. Fortletftlli ment In IKUv indVicVh. . OlRArt And Tohncco , WEST & FIUTSClir.H. m nuficturcrs of \\holcsnlo Dcnlen In Totiae ) . ISOMV W. > ' . LOHENZFuV niniitilutuixr 61410th strut. Cornice Works. Western Cornlco A > orks , Manufacturer * Iron Cornice , Tin. Iron Mnl Shto Koofllnjr. Onlcre ( rom any locality promptly oxccutetl In the be t maiulcr. Factorj and Ofllcc 1310 l\x\go Street. 0\liixnlrcil Iron Cornices , Window Oiiw , etc. , unnututuml and ] > ut tip In any patt ol the mnntrvt T. SINHOMI IflTlilrtrentli utrcct 0rockery. } . nONNEH 1309 IVttigla ) Btroct. Good lino. Clothing and Kurnlthlnc Goods. OKO. It , FKTF.n.SOX. Also Hats , CA ( , lloot" , Shoe * , Notions and Cutlery , SOI S. 10th street. Fcnco Work * . OMAHA PENCE CO. OUST , FUIESfcCO. , ISlSIUrncyHt. , Improio- e < l lee lioxen , Iron ami Woo < l Fences , Ofllco Ualliiiss , Counters ol Tina ami Walnut , RotrlRorntors , Cnnfleld't Patent. C. F. GOODMAN llth St. bet. Fnrn. & Harnov. Show Case Manufactory. , 0. J. WILDE , Manufacturer and Dealer In all kinds ot Show Cases , UprUht Cases , & . , 1317 Casa St. FRANK L. OEUIIAIID. proprietor Omaha Show Cajo iiMiittlutoo'i 818 South 16th utrcct , bctuccn Iicaienviorth and Jiarvy. All ( foods warranted nrst-tlius. Cloves ana Tinware , A. DURMESTElt , Dealer In Stores and Tlnnarc , and Manufacturer of Tin Roofs and all kinds of liullillng Work , Odd FcllouB1 Block. J. BONNEU. ISOSDouclasBt. Good and Cheap. Seeds. J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Seed Drills and Cultivators , Odd Kcllowa Hall. Physicians nnJ Surgeons. W. S. Ollins , M. D. , Itsom No 4 , Crelghton Block , IBth Street. P. S. LEISENR1NQ , M. D. Masonic Block. C. U HART , M. 1) , , Eje and Enr , opp. postoHlco DR. L. B ORADDY. Oculist and Aurist. S. W lEth and Farnham Et Photogrnpners. OEO. HEYN. PKOP. Grand Central Gallery , 212 Sixteenth. Street. near Masonic Hall. Flrst-clasa Work and Prompt- ncsa guaranteep Plumbing , Qas and Steam Fitting. P. > V. TARPY & CO. . 21612th St. , bet. Farnham and Douglas. Work promptly attended to. D. F1TZPATRICK. H09 Douslas Street. Palnttnc nn Paper anting. A. ROSTERS. Ill Dodpo Street. Shoo Stores. Phillip IJHJ , 1S20 Farnham st. bet ISth & Hth , Second Hand Store. PERKINS & LEAR. 1410 Douglas St. . New am , Second Hand Furniture , House Furnishing Goods , tc. , bourht and sold on narrow marrlns. tialoons. HENRY HAUFMANN , a the nuw brick block on Doujrlis Stroct , hat just opened n most elegant lieei Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 everyday. Caledonia " J FALCONER. 670 ICth Street. Undertakers. CHAS. RIEWE , 101S Farnham bet. 10th & Hid P. PEMNEH , SO J Tenth street , between Farn ham and Hanicr. Does itood and cheap work. 09 Cent Stores. P. 0. BACKUS. 1206 Farnham St. . Fancy Ooodi To Nervous Sufferers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific It Is a poartlv o cure ( or Spermatoi rhca , Scmina YookncBs , Impotaricy , anu all diseases resulting rom Sell-Abuse , OH Mental Anxiety , Losai Mcmon" , 1'aina In the Back or Side , and diseases - ent ( rco to all. Write ( or them and got ( ull par leulars. Price , Sneciflc , 11.00 per package , or six pack ges ( or $5.00. Address all orders to U. SIMSON MEDICINE CO. Nos. 104 and 106 Main St. Buffalo , N. Y. Sold In Omaha by 0. F. Goodman , J. W. Boll , / . K Inn , nnd all druimlstseverywhere. KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA 53 . c cr 2 is s - S2 CQ ccz - o3J -3J BIT T E E S ILER & CO. , 3ole Manufaoturera. OM A.HA. PAPER WAREHOUSE. GRAHAM PAPER 60. 217 and 210 North Main St. , St. Louu , WHOLKfliLS PKALIM IM OOK , I DADPRC J WRITING/ EWS , f rMrtlfO 1 WRAPPING ENVELOPES , CARD DOARD AND Drinters Stock. tVCvth paid ( or Rags and Paper Stock , Sera ron and MetaK Paper Stock Warehouses 1220 to 1237 , North UetekaLand Agency DAVIS & SNYDER , 505 Farnham St. , . . < Omaha , Nebraska 9100 , 'aro.ully icloctcJ land In Eastern Nobraakatoi Ale. Urcat Ilargalna In luiprotod ( aruii , itud maba city property , . F. DAVIS1 WEB3TKR 8NVDER Lat Land Com'r U. P , " . M AQENT8 WANTED FOR IMtuHT BKLLINO DOOK or TIIK Ao > I Sedations of Success UU3INKS3 AND SOCIAL FORUS. Tb Uwi ol trade , legal ( oruu , how to Irani. ct budncsa , taluablo tables , nodal etlquett arllaracntnry imago , how to conduct public busl. eta ; In ( act ft l > a complete Outdo to Bucceaj ( or I eaten. A family nuuetilty. Addreu lorclr. ular * and ( peclal tenni ANCHOR PUBLI8JIINU 0. , BLLouli. Jlo. BAVARIAN BEER BIBBERS. A Country With A Boor Shop for Every Oun Hundred Fooplo. Munich tetter In SprlngtUld HcpuHlo.-Mi. Thu little kingdom of Wtirtoinbor has 1,1)00,000 ) inlubitnnts nml is not co largo us tliu state of Massachusetts liy JiOO sciimro miles , yut I find thut the published rrcoids show tlmt there jvoru 7. "P8 broworks , largo nml small , in nctivo operation within tliu l\inij- doni during tlio pist year , nnd in tliu U\oho months It5,17l ! > , t)00 ) pounds of limit were browed. Gnu of the gical atiti important industries of Ucinmny is thu nmnlifnctuio of beet sugar , and t\vn years AUO the government icturns showed that Ihcro wcro J121) ) manufactories ongasjed in lliin on- toipriso. If thcro uvc 7M8 browu- rios in Wmlcmbeig , what must bo tlio number in thuliolo umpire , and what must bo the vast amount of cap ital nud liibor oiuployod in the manu facture of boor ns compared \vitli tlio iiiHiiufncturo of sugar ! In Wurtom- borg tborrt are 11)-80 ) boor shops or places \vhcro lcer is sold by the glass , This would tnako on nn average a bcor shop for about nvory 100 of the inhabitants , mail , woman and child , including babies of the tendorcst ago. The different towns and cities show a variety of figures in making up this goncr.il nveiage , souio going us high nHl'JOand I'M , nnd others falling blunt of 100. In Canstall , for in- stitnco , u suburb of Stuttgart , of 25- 000 inluvbitunts , there is a beer shop shop for every 84 people. Wurtembcig is not notud for the good quality of its bcor , which is considered of un infotior class , and it may reasonably bo pre sumed that a very small pot contact ) of it is sold outside thu borders of tlio kingdom. On the contrary , thu Bavarian bo ore the beers made nt Munich , nt 1'ilsonor nnd in some parts of Prussia which have a high rep utation are in great demand , nnd nro imported into "Wurtembori * in im mense quantities , wbcro they are drunk almost exclusively nt nearly nil the better class beer shops. When wo consider the fnct that nil or nearly nil ) f the beer mndo in Wurtomberg is consumed by \Vurtomburgora , to- trether with the vast importations from outside of the kingdom , wo begin to realize the fact that tlio Germans , judg ing by the example ' of thu Wnrtomber gors , love beer and' drink a great den of it. By the statistics. I BCO that las year one brewery in Stuttgart maun factored 880,1180 gallons of beers , which would make 29,300 barrels of 30 gallons eacli. And yet I nm told by tlio Germans that if I wish to see rea * beer-drinking I must go to Bavaria that the Bavarians mo noted for their love of bcor and for the quantities tlia they can and do consume ; that tin Wurtembergers nre but mere childror as yet in thu practice. The accounts that one constantly bears nt remarkable feats in beer drinking , seem many of them ineredi bio. Old men and young , whili gathered around the social beer-table relate- their experience nnd the qiian tity of bcor they have swallowed nt one sitting , or in one day , or in one evening , with as much pride as nil eli : hunter would ichearao his achieve mcnts in the forest or thu jungle They are as proud of the capacity o their stomachs as a prize-lighter o his muscle. The papers hero recently chronicled thu death of an old mar of 80 in Tubingen , who had often been known to drink 100 mugs of beer holding half a litre each ii one day. As a litre , reduced to En glish measure , is a quart and a hall pint , it will bo seen that ho drank almost sixteen gallons. A beer shop in Munich , in the im mediate vicinity of n churcl with n clock in the boll-tower , be came celebrated and got up a largo run ot custom by a famous beer drink.- or who drew crowds of people at the middle of the day to witness his per formance. Placing twelve mugs of beer on a table in front of him as the clock commenced striking twelve , he would swallow the. contents of n mug at each stroke of thu clock until the twelve mugs wore emptied. A Heid elberg student thought nothing of placing to'his lips a tankard tilled to the brim with two litres of beer nnd swallowing thn whole without stopping to take breath. Another student , who had had his cheek laid ouon in n sword duel , called for a glass of beer and drank it through the bloody opening of the sword-cut without wincing and as coolly ns if ho hnd swnllonc'l it through his mouth. The students in the university towns have what is known as "beer duels. " They nro n species of mock-trials in which two of their numbci aieaccused of imaginary crimes or misdomcanois , nnd go through the farce of n trial before - fore a mock judge and jury , each elo quently defended bj his own counsel. The judge sums up the case in an elaborate and scholarly speech nnd the jury , after retiring to a Hide-room , whom they drink an indeiinito amount of beer , biing in the verdict that both of the accused nro guilty , nnd that they must suiter the penalty by Bwal lowing a certain number of glasses of bcor nndnota small number either in n prescribed upacu of time , nnd that the one who fails in finishing his quota first Hindi pay for all thu beer drunk by the party during the evening , or nftornoon , ns it may bo. The real "spoit" now commences , A table is cleared , the "culprits" in standing position nre placed opposite each jther , and thu required number of phases of bcor planed on the table between them. The judges and jury , their fellow-students , nnd n large number of outsideis gather around in i circle nnd watch the beoi-duel with ns much interest IIH they would i dog or a cock-fight. The signal is * ivo n and the contestants spring for the glasses , which they empty one ifter another in rnpid Hiiccuxaion. Long practice , which moat of the stu- louts have had , enables them to do raliant work. Glafis after glaqs dis- ippenrs with an astonishing rapidity. liaeh student has his party of friends > r backers , who cheer and shout and incourago him on us if ho wore neck uul neck with his competitor in n boat -aco. It is seldom that both finish heir quotas , though one is sure to iomo out ahead of the other. iVhun one occasionally finishes the lumber of glasses assigned him , hu is itiro to call for ono , two or three [ lasses or more na extras , which ho wallows just to allow that his uppo- ito still remains unimpaired , Of lourso , the victor receives the plaud- ts of thu assemblage and is borne in triumph to an improvised throne , eon fiiating of n chair or atool placed 01 a beor-tnblo at the cud of the hall where they crown him with ft wrcntl of laurel , give him cheer nflor cheer nnd address him as their patron saint. The incidents nnd anecdotes con neoted with student lifo in Germany nro without end nnd would fill yol nine ? . Beer drinking boats , knie ] nnd duels nro more in vostlo , tuon fsishioimblo nnd more p-Uronizcd thin haul study , and it has been ob.ioiv. ' by thosojwhu hayo watched and stud , iiul student lifo closely that nineteen- twentieth * of the young men who ou ter Gorman universities oomo out de moralized. CHAULliY HOWfcETT. Something Aliout < lie Victim of the Ulnominuton I'.loonili Ktnn rniitisnpli. On yeslerd.iya renortcrof The Tan- higraph accidentally learned of nu old schoolmate nnd acquaintance of Char ley Hewlett , HID man who died by the lope on Saturday night. This was an intelligent young gentleman named Silvary , who is a student nt the UVs- liiynu this term , and last year attended the tioimal pchool. His homo in Clar ence , Iowa. j\lr. \ Silvary for the first time lir.d a suspicion of the identity of the utran- " ! cl man \\liou hu lead his history in Thu Pantagraph , as telegraphed from Jacksonville. As soon ns pOsajblo ho hastened to tliu undcrtnkcrfa. The moment ho looked upon the pale face ho exclaimed : "It's Charley llowlctt , my old schoolmate. " Last evening Mr. Silvary said to a reporter : Though I passed under ( the elm tree Satmday night nnd took n pretty good look at him us ho swung , I didn't rccognizo him , and I do not wonder tlmt I did not. " Ho uddod : "Howlott nnd I were schoolmates nt the agricultural college nt Ames , Iowa , during the summer of 1878. Ho camu from Mt. Pleasant , nnd though ho was somewhat older than I , 1 became pretty well acquaint ed with him. " "Was theio anything peculiar about him ? " 'Yes. Hu was known ns n very bright , intelligent and 'sharp * fellow , full of mischief , and forever doing something out of thu way. Ho Has about L'O years old. I remember that , for ho looked very young , nnd people , observing his brightness , often naked about his age. " "Thou he uns nn unusual student ? " "Yes , sir ; quite so. No matter how much devilment ho was into , ho always hnd his lessons. I was in the botany nnd zoology classes with him , nnd bo was nlwajs ready to recite. Ho had a peculiarly quick and com prehensive mind. Hu saw into and understood n thing at once. And he had n queer faculty of obtaining in formation from every one. In talking to him ono could not help being 'drawn out. ' unless on his guard. " ' Wns lie a fmo debater1' "Quito fair. He wns a ready taker and quite fluent'but not very sound in lib views. Ho was great on writ ing poety nnd mukingpnrodies. Now nnd then the whole building the students sleep in tlio building there would bo flooded with printed poems taking somebody or thing , and ho was always at the bottom of the job. Ho would , at table , put haira in the butter and do things of tlmt kind , and then his tricks wouldappcarin rhyme. " l'Ho was generally in mischief then ? " "Scarcely over out of it , at least ho got blamed for it all. Ho used to or ganize counnils nnd ha/.e now students and scarotho wits out of them. " "Was ho profnno ? " "Not usually , but if ho thought ho could torment any ono who disliked sweat ing , ho would swear like a pirate. I remember once when ho surprised the whole college. At a rohgioun meeting ho arose nnd offered up a very fair orayor. Some ono offered him n dime , nnd dared him to do it. Ho was a reckless , independent , fuarlcsH sort of a chap , and generally feared , though I never disliked him. Hu used to run away and go to town , and do nbotit as ho pleased. " "How did it hnppon hu left school ? " "Well , ono time when wp had run away , the proctor , suspecting there wasjpomothini | { wrong , broke into his trunk and found th& constitution and by-lavs of a secret society that seemed to bo intended to oppoho the faculty and tear things up generally. The president called Howlutt up when ho came back , and nsked him if this meant the organization of such n soci ety , when Charlie quickly replied : 'Yej , sir. ' Ho was expelled nt once. " "Did ho leave then ? " "No , sir. Ho wont to Ames and hired a lawyer , and began to make it BO warm that ho was reinstated. But in two wecliH more ho was finally ex pelled , nnd for good. Ho was ordered to leave the college , and replied 'ho would gi > where ho d d pleased' ' At last thu proctor put a pistol in his pocket , collared him , and k-d him to town nnd shipped Him. On the road ho resisted , when the proctor threat ened him with a sound licking , and ho gave up. Tlio faculty was in moral fear of him. " "What wns his appearance then ? " "Ho wns a nice looking boy nnd dressed ne.ttly but plainly. Ho was well built and fairly muscled , but not very strong. Ho wns overbearing uith all who would submit to it. " "Do you know whether ho was af flicted with tits then ? " "I never heard of Ijis having thorn , uul I don't believu that he had them. He was a healthy follow , I think. " "You noticed how his hair stood up when ho was hanging and as ho lay in ; ho cnnkot ; do you icmembcr how lie iombod his hair when n student ? " "Yes , veiy well. Ho combed it tigh upon ono mdc and brushed it nick on the other , so that it in quite ikely that hw hair had acquired the Dibit of standing erect in parts. " "Do you know anything of his lifo linco ho left Ames ? " "No , hir ; nothing. I never saw lim from that day until hu swung to .hat ropu , and I never heard of him intil 1 saw liin iianio , Chailoy How- utt , in that dispatch in The 1'unta- > rnph , I suppose from thut that ho ins been leading a bad lifo ever ainco. I know ho was recklena nnd bad , nnd r nm scarcely auprisod nt his awful ate. " DKOfJNKOKMAN- InipoU-ncy uf inltul , limb , or time- .ton , IHTVUUH woakntwH , t > uxiiol tljllity , jte. , cuicd by "Welln1 llculth Kenower , > 1. At .all dniBfc tK. JJepot , ( J. ] ' . j'oucliiwn , Oir.ulm. (3) ( ) "To Ho or Not to Bo ? " A clisclmrgcd soldier rucont'y nr- rived in Sun Francisco friundlos's and ponniloss. Too pntuil lo beg find ion lioncat to Bli-nl , lioduciiknl talnydown lifo'8 load of miseries nnd in ing I o with tlio visionnrios nristicrncy of the un known. lut ! nd\orsity usjnin liloskod his jmthwny to jtcnco , untl the prompt application of a pump wned liin over- lundod stomach. Too lunjo hoartud and , libural to tlcccivu the pulilicj ho hadpropnicd the follow Ini ; not o to onligliioii niitnliind M to the causes of his t\l < iii ( , ' oil' , luul piniiod it to a cuu- spiotious gAiinciit , nnd thus uiuloarcd hnnaolf to the nous gnthoring ( r.xter- nity : To tlio public icclurall ) , but to tlio cnromr ptrtlcuMrly : Having conuludod thnl "not to bo is the solution of the "qiic liou" in s far na J aln coucei ued T propone t rush unbiddi'il into the nccrot chambc of death , Ihtt for the fear tlmt HOIII innocent IICTSOU inijjht Ho under sus picion \\ould have died and made n sign , Hnd 1 n history I uould rolnt it , but T nm too iimiynilicant to liav ono. Tlio only good thing that 1 cm say for mysolHis that I was a , soldie of thu union during thu war , and wa hurt a littlo. As may bo in fin re from my i.ithor shaky chiroqrnphy am slightly nuvurons , but the norxotis IIOR.H ia in nowise owing to fo.\r n death , for I nm notnt all aftnid of the aristocracy of the air'1 Colouu higorsoll in the finest gontlcnmn ii the world , and the bustfiiond to poor sufloring humanity. The u-st is Silcnuo ! OI1AHLKS AUMSTltOXO. SAN FiiAM-isro , Octobur L' , 1881. Ycnrs of Siifloriiii ; . , ] \I- \ , < . Dantliiil , I'onicrVintt unit Hrcind \Vi\y , ItulTaln , VMIH roc U\oh u > vni-H n HII ! k rur from rliouiniti iii , inul nftt-i- trying u\cry known vtincity witlinut avail , \\a entitcly cuicil by Tlionus' 1'uleetric Oil. IQeodIw Bnoklln'n Arnica Snlvo. Tlio best salvo in tliu world for onto bruises , sore-s , ulcers , salt * rhouni fever sores , totter , chapped hands chillblains , cornn and all kinds oi akin eruptions. This salvo ia guar intoed to give purfcut satisfaction ii : uvory case tir money refunded. Price , 25c per bos. For sale by IKK MoMAitoN , Omaha. PIONEER LAND AGENCY M. EATHBTJlSr F. . , Cambridge , Neb , 1,000,000 acres co > eminent land open to Homo- trails. 1'ro cmptlons nnd TlmlxT claims. JO ( liolco lmpro\cil claims fir nnlo or cxcliaiiKD. 'MO > ( the bust deeded fanim In Southuuttcrn Ncbnu ta with timber and water for rale. A ( uw choice took ratline * with ( onced llddn , tlinhcr , hay am vatvr , lor sale , chonp. Correepondenco Hollcttcd nmriO : tf AUKN1U VVAN1K1 * ECU the Kaatcet hclllim UiioV of the Ael ) foundations oi' Success. BUS1MKS3 AND SOL'IAL KOHW3 Tlio l ws ol trade , leijal fonns , how to 'rano ' nt business , valiuiilo tiihlon , eodal etiquette , iMllivmcntary UBae , liuw to conduct public > u lne:3 ; In f.it It Is a complete Oaido to Stic csa for all cla cs. A. fAictly UOCUBB ! y. Ad < lron orclrcnlarauud siwcbl terms. 4NCI10II FUB MHHtNO CJ.i. Rt tKiilld. Mn Prof , W , J , An dor's. ' . SQleot Danc ing Aoaflemy , A. Hoipe , Jr. Hall , 1610. Dodge St. 31aB tor gentlemen commencing TuiHilay e Dg , Oct , 4. ClnM ( or laillut lonimrncinu Tlmrs. luyntcnlng , Oit. 0. Ttrnn liberal. The HH ncthodi 1 ha > o for tradilng the Wr.Hr , fllids tc. . I can guarantee ] iorcct snttatactlon < rhoUra. For tornm , ic. , call at A , Uo | ) u , Jr. ) raddress 1110Capitol Mo. slTdlm Geo. P. Bemis REAL ESTATE AGENCY , 16th and Dodge Sts. , Omaha , Neb. ' This agency noes BTiucrLVa hrokcrogo butlncss. ) ooa not f jwculatu , and thcrctoro any bargain * n Its books nre Insured to Its patroui , I belntr itlililnil un hv thn af ent * JAMES A. GARFIELD An flcn'ant lltho rapli cngrnUng ol rrcsldent larllelil , l < i Mack and tint , ( or HO c'cntnj also a Inoly flnUhcd lithograph engraving ( or vS lentn. "huHU intturen are troiu thu latent photograjih i ( the l'renident , anil are tliu ( Incut jildiiru ) to ie had. Mnllid on a roller to any lufdrcxa , jmst rue. on rtulpt ot prlcu. blzu ot picturci 10x24 C. A. 11001II. I * . O. Box 200 , llll aulee , WR Pottage nlaiiii > s ruceUnl. vu2Su t ru. w. UUAMM. A. r. DOANE & CAMPBELL , ttorneys-at-Law , S W COR. 1OTH & DOUGLAS BIS. , IvZl'K OMAHA. I'llOBATB NOTICE. tate of Ncbranka , DouglaK County , us : , t u County Court , laid at the County Court Uooin , In and ( or wild County , Augunt lt , A , 1) . IbOl. Present , HOWARD U. Bill HI , County Jiidgo , In thomatttrof thottatoo ( Joseph II. Ncl- on , deceased ; On reading and tiling the , ctltion ot Martha , Nelson , iiru > Ing tlial the Instrument , pur- ortinz to bo ft < iuy ! authenticated copy oi the i t will and tc tani.iit ot said decuaxed , and ol ho probate thereof , by the Circuit Court ol 'ountaln County , State of Indiana , and thin day led In tills Court , may bo allowed and marled , fl thu Uu > t will and tottajiicnt of nald Joseph II , kliioii , dciiciu * ! , In and lor thu HUto ol Nero - ro ka. Ordered , That Augu t 27th , A. D. 1881 , at 10 'dock a. in , , IxamilgnuiKor hearing al < l | > tltlon , 'hen all ptrHonn Inlen-sted In wild mutter may ppearat a County Court to bo held , In and tor ild County , and ihow eauxu by thu prnjer ol olltioncrthoutd not Im gMtituI ; anil that notlcu I the pundcncy otnald ( Rtltlon an.l the Inuring licreol , bo gltun to all jerHOHH Interentiil In wild mtter , bv publlulling a copy of thli onlcrlnTiiK MA 111VKC.KIV UXK , a neniiia ) | > er i > rlntiid In said ounty , ( ortlircu tmccctulvo wiekn' , prior to uald lay o > hearing , ( A true topy.J IIOWAltD II. SMITH , inW3t Comity Jlld O. rniw Brio , > , XWIIRKID BYRON REED & CO , leal Estate Agency IK NEBRASKA ! Keep a compkto abatract ot title to alt Rial OnmliMiiHl IloiiylaH county. inavtl ttackDiamondCoalCo , ' . H LOOMI8 , J. 8. NEWKI.L , I'llft ) . KKC. XMlTKKAH. I. U AIILLKII , AQX.NT. HARD OR SOFT COAL i tar Iot4 or In quantltlen to null purcbaucn Ord.r Hollclted. fard , Foot Farnham and Doug las Sts , , Omaha. ep3t ( Business ? HE GREAT WESTERN QEO , R. RATH BUN , Principal. Oreighton Block , UAHA , . . . NEI1RA8KA. l rSend lot Circul i , bor.SOilbwII TO ALL \V1IO HAVK TO IJE 1U3PATHKD , TO ] ) K DONE OR While our Work is better , our Prices are Lower than all others. I received all of the SIX FIRST PREMIUM offered for Competition in our line Over All Competitors. For the Best Watch Work , For the Best Jewelry , ( own make. ) For the Best Engraving , For the Best Diamonds ( own importation ) FOR THE BEST DISPLAYED , ETC. 17nvinj lately onlnrgud my workshops nnd putting in now . .ml improved ma clunory , 1 liopo to still morp improve the nuality and finish of our ork nnd fill ordura with inoro pronitnoaa | than la usual. O TJTIOIT I My Motto has always boon and nlvrnys will bo : "First to gain superior facili ties nnd then mlvortiso the fact not before no wild ndvortisomonts. Soiho unprincipled dealers being in the habit of copying my nnnouncomenta , I would beg you , the reader of this , to dnur it line between mieh copied ndvortiaements and thoao of Youis very truly , A. B. HUBERMANN , The Reliable Jeweler , Omaha , Neb. , Sign of the Striking Town Clock. FALL MILLINERY Received Direct froi Boston and New York , AT THE 614-616 SOUTH TENTH STREET. Wo are now showing the mosfc beautiful Assortment of medium and low priced Trimmed Hats over brought to Omaha , all correct Styles and most artistically trimmed , prices ranging from 81,00 f ° to $15,00 each , Also great bargains in Ostrich Tips , Plumea , Fancy Wings , Flowers , Plushes , Velvets , Satins , o. , in all the new Colors and Shades , Wo have ulso purchased the entire Millinery Stock of Messrs. A. Cruick- sliiink & Co. , ( at a Inrgo discount , ) , who have been compelled to give up thi * branch of their buaineau for want of room. We now ofl'cr thin iniiKiiiiicout Stock of Tlicli Millinery at about half the price naked by up-town Milliners for such Goods. The ladies are invited to call nnd bo convinced that it pays to trade at tlia "BOSTON STOHE. " FALL GOODS ! FALL GOODS ! Opening daily in all departments. ' Store Open Every Evening till 9 O'clock P. G. IMLAH , Manager , K Leader of Popular Prices. J. B. Detwiier's CARPET STORE. The Largest Stock and Most Com plete Assortment in The West. a * ' Keep Everything in the Line of Carpets , Oil cloths , Matting , Window-shades , Fixtures and Lace Curtains. , , HAVE GOODS TO PLEASE EVBYBGDY. | XCX1ZMC3E13MCB3 S2CXTJEtOEa OE'JT. Ck. XI 1313 Farnham St. , Omaha * i .