Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1881, Image 1

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For Sale By
Ko. 1 , Vowhoule , 7 rooms , on Cumins street'
near Siitinilcn * , Jim' ( . '
Mo. S. 2 story hcm c , 0 roomi , veil , ristorti nnd
bAra , Webster , iiiairlfith street , S2GOO. <
_ Ko. S , llouso of 10.roon\j , on Hamcy , near
Oth street , Rtonn foundation , $4000.
No. 4 , Lnrg house of 11 rooms , oti WelMer
street , near CrclRhton College , f3. > ( X ) .
'No. 0 , Ilcueo of 7 rooms , on Cmw , near JJtu1
I sheet , JWK- J
No. T , House ot S roon.B , 3 lot" , on ITtlistrcc
near Irani , Si 00. .
No a. Homo of C rooms , on Cass , near lit !
22x132 fcot lot , 81300.
No. 9 , House of 3 room ) , Kitchen , etc. , o
Os , near 13th st oct , ? 500.
No. 10 , House of S rooms with lot 22\132 tec
on Cass , near Uth street , 8900.
Ko. 11 , House ot 0 rooms , on 10th street , nca
DoiiRlas , ilxUO ftct lot , $1000.
No. 14 , HoiiKoof 0 rooini. brick foinnl.-xtlon , o
Harnev , inar itli htrcct , $1000
No 13 , 1 etor now liouse of fl rnomi , lilc )
fnunJtllou , off at. JI irs'ii atcnuv , ntnr ooiuin
No. 14 , House of 5 room ? -mil summer Litihci
on : oth htrcut , near elark , ? ir > 00.
No. IS House of S rooms , on Mierman avenu
(16th street ) , near Nicholas , fcjJSO.
.Ko. Id , 1 j-ntory house of 4 rooms , cellar
stable , etc , , on Davemicrt , near 2ilBtrect , 81OX )
No. 17 , 2-ntory brltk house of 8 rooms , nca
end of red street car turn table , s350.
No. 18 , House and 2 lots , 4 blocks west of Illgl
School , $2500.
No. 10 , Ifouso and 3 lots on road to park , nea
head St. Jlnrj'H a\cnuc , 8250U.
Ko. 20 , House and 11 J lots ncarllascaU's , South
Oinalm , $2fiOO.
No. 21 , House nnd lot on Daienp rt strict
near IGth strut , $5500.
No. 22 , 2 stcry house and 1 t 32x60 feet , oi
Davenport , near 12tli street , ? 1300.
No. 23 , House of 4 rooms and 2 lots on lith
-street , near Izard , 81200.
No. 26 , llouso und J lot on 10th fired , lea
Dodffo , jy.10. .
No. 2(1 , House anil i lot on 10th btreet , nea
Cop tel aenuo , 14W ) .
' No. 27 , 2 houses and lot on Jackson , near 13tl
street , 44300.
Jfo. 9 , 6 houses and .1 lot ou California , nca
ttth street , 85000.
No. 30 , 1 J-story brick house of 4 rooms will
lot < X > x2GO feet , ou ahtrmnn avenue (16th ( street )
near Izard , 3000.
No. 31 , ljtoryhou. . o and 33x06 feet , on 1311
treett , near Hoard street , $2000.
No.82atorylion oie rooms and two lota
on Maion.ncar Ibth street. $3000.
HA untie , near 13th fttcct , $2300 ,
Ko. 30 , 2 three ntory briek houiioi n Itli Iot44x
213 feet , on Chlcaffo. near 18th street , $3000 evh
No. 37 , House of 7 rooms with 1J lot I'au
etrcet , near ISth street , $ . ! 7 0.
r No. 33 , House and lot on 18th street , near
Sherman , 81850. " -
No. 30 , House of B rooms Hh 44x08 feet lot
on 18th street , near California , $ -/fiOO
No. 12 , Ilouoof 8 rooms with lotlMMHOfect
on Coburn , near Colfix street , * 3500.
No. 41. House and 2 lota on Chicago , near 20tl
Btreet , 87BW.
No. 45 , Largo house of 7 rooms , cloacts pantry ,
well and cistern , on IStli , near Clark street , $3500
No. 4(1 , Lar u houbu uith full block , near new
shot tow or , $2000.
Ko. 47 .Hou'e of 9 roims with J lot.on Pnclflc ,
mearllthxtreet 83000.
Ko. 19 , lirlclc house ot 11 rooms , veil , c'stcrn ,
jras throust.out the hou e , ( rood barn , etc. , on
Kariihamncar 17th Htrttt , iOOOO.
No ! 0 , House ol 0 rooms , ( ellar , v.ell , etc. , on
10th , near Taul fctrett , $ . ) OOU.
No. f.i , llouso of U rooms nnd ccllirlot33\132 ,
Off St. llarr'saxenuo , near coin cut , $1503.
Ko. D5 , Four houses ndS8xl20 feU , on D.en -
.ixjrt , near 10th street , { 5000.
No 50 , Hou'e of 0 or 10 room , on 'California ,
ncir 21st i-trcet , $5500.
Ko. 57 , House of 6 rooms , Hummer kitchen ,
cellar , cistern , well , grod barn , etc. , near St.
Mary's atenue and 2lst street , $3000.
No , 63 , New house of 7 rooms , good barn , on
Webster , near 22d strict , $2500.
No. M , Four houses with J lot , on 12th street ,
near Cass * 2.'iOO.
No. 00 , House of 3 roan s on Daonport , near
2Jrd street , 900.
No. 01 , IJouso of 9 or 10 rooms , on Hurt street ,
Dear 22nd street , SSC/OJ.
No. 02 , House of 4 roomi , 1 story , porch , rel-
tor , cUtirn and well , on Hanicy , near 21st street ,
No. 03 , House ol 4 roiun , closets , basement
nd cellar , near White Uad Works , $1600.
No. 04 , llulldliv on leased lot , en Uodec street ,
near post office , store below and r-onis abet o ,
1EOO.Ko. . CS , Slots with barn and other Improve
ments , near street car turn table , 82000.
No. 07 , Ncwhou'oo ! 0 rooms on 17th , near
Cumin ; ; Btreet , $1000.
No. Oi , iMgo line house of 12 rooms , i-vcry-
thJnj ; complete , ou 18th , ncarChlcano , flXXW.
Ko. 70 , House on 18th street , near Oa\eniortl |
ttoro below and rooms above , barn , etc. , SltOO.
Ko 71 , House of 8 rooms , flno icllur , all com
plcte , on California , near 21st , $7000. in
No. 72 , Brick house , 10 or U rooms , on Davcn
port , near 16th $5000.
Ko. 73 , IJ-story house , 0 rooms , cellar , w.l
and cUern , on Jackson , near 12th , 41BOO.
No. 74 , lirlck homo with 2 lot * , fruit trees ,
etc. , on Kith , near Capitol lucnue , $16,000 ,
Ko. 76 , House of 4 rooms , basement , lot 17Jx ty
132 fett , on Slaicy , near 7th , iC76 ,
Ko. 7(1 , li-storvhousu , Broom * , on Cass street ,
near 10th street , $4500.
Ko. 77 , 2 story house , 11 rooms , closet * , fur.
naeo , fruit trees , bam , etc. , on 1'nrnhain , ntar
18th street , $ 000.
Ko. 78 , iloUwlth new house , well , cistern ,
etc. , about one mile u out of post office , $1000.
No , 70J , House and lot near end ot icd street
ear turn table , on Saunders street , 8000.
No. to. House of 4 rooms , hall , cellar , pantry ,
treed well , etc. , $1300.
No. 81 , Z houses with 0 rooms , and other with
6 rooms , on Chicago , near 12th street , 43000.
No. fa2. IJ-story house , 0 rooms , 4 closets , well
ami 100-narrol cistern good barn , on Fierce St. ,
utar 20th ( near now goMrnmcnt corrall ) , $1800.
No , 83 , 2-etory house , 0 rooniH , coal shed , good
well , cittern , on J lot , on Capitol avenue , nca
12th , 2 00.
No. bl , 2-etory houte , 8 rooms , 4 below and 4
above , 3 closets , ce'Iar ' , well and cistern , with 5
cr B K'rounJ , on Saundcrs street , near Barracks ,
' .No 85 , 2 stores , hoitsn on Icaicd } lot , leaio
nms 2 jears from April Ut , 18J1 , on IVclilo Si. ,
nwarU I1 , depot , 8600 ,
Ko. SO , House , ID room' , veil , cittern , etc. ,
near If , til and llarnoy itriets , 9JOOO.
No. 87 , 2 story house , 3 rooms , well with 40
( oct of water , with fi acruot rnund , on Satindcru
itrcit , near U. H. UiuracLa , t2000.
Eeal Estate Exchange
15th and Douglas Street ,
fc. U * * . v w ' ti
A Republican legislature Elected
in Ohio ,
Poster's Majority for Governor
Will Roaoa Nearly
Sherman Elected Governor of
Iowa by Over 65,000
* * "
Several Democratic Strong
holds in Iowa Carried by
the Republicans.
The Legislature Republican by
Largely Increased ,
Majorities. -
An Untuually Light Vote Polled
in Iowa.
Vtitloiut AssoclntcJ '
October 12. At 1 a.
m.-returns nro very meagre , but
enough to indicate that Poster's ma-
; ority ia not far fiom 15,000 and the
emaindor' of Iho republican state
tiekot nbout the same. In Hamilton
sounty the cotint'will' bo in progress
ill daylight but.thoro is little scratch-
ng on tin Mtito ; tticKot , and Foster's
_ my will probably roach 1,200. A
nVor.itic judge Jam ! ono. or two can
didates are probably elected through
republican scratching. It looks as if
the legislature will bo republican , but
may depend on Hamilton county ,
which is utill very uncertain.
CINCINNATI , October 12 , 1:35 : a. m.
The interest at 1 a. m. centers in
the legislature. There is a strong
probability that itwill bo republicans.
The sciatching is ho general that ihu
demmnatic candidates may be elected
from Hamilton county and thereby
fjivo ono br.uich to the dt'inocr.its.
Unless , however , they can pincnre
both houses it will lie impossible to
upset tie present districting of the
state for congressman which is con
sidered by both parties a very im
portant matter. .
COLUMJIUS , O. , October 12. At
12:20 : a. in. democrats concede Fosters
election by 8,000 , Vwhilo the ropubli-
calls claim it by 16)000. ) The legisla-
turo is in doubt and depending on the
result in Hamilton county , which may
not bo determined until to-morrow.
Four hundred and thirty-three wards
and precincts give a not doniocaaic ,
gain of 01D. Every indication is that
the close counties are republican for
the legislature.
Later returns allow that the repub
lican candidates for -Iho .legislature
have been elected in Muskegum coun
ty and in Van "Wort. The democrats
oven. fojuv.Jhat.j .sror
Tfrahklm cotinly. Uut few remain at
the democratic headquarters. A
string bund has just been sent ever to
serenade them from the republican
CINCINNATI , O. , October 12. The of
counting of tlio vote in this city still
goc.s on and will not bo finished in
most precincts till late this attcrnoon.
Enough is known to give a majority all
of between 1,500 and 2,000 for Poster foi
and the whole state ticket. The dem an
ocrats elect three common pleas ok
judges and possibly four ; also the wli
probate judge and county treasurer. io
The candidates for the
legislature run eri
BO eloso that it is impossible yet to vie
tell how the delegation will stand. folI
COI.UMIIVH , October J2. Chairman
Nash , of the republican state com of'
mittee has just said that Poster's ma
jority will not be less than 15,000. A
republican house of representatives is
assured without Hamilton county con
sidered and ho has hopes of the sen
ate. He says t'ao republicans have
gained representatives in the follow
ing democratic counties : dormant ,
Henry , Yinton and " Vayno and have me
carried the following republican coun
ties that wore regarded doubtful : Del
aware , Erie , Hard in , Knox , Madison ,
Muskingum , Portage , Jtoss and Sciotn. Dr pn
COLUJIDUS , 0. , October 12. Chair for
man Nash , of tlio republican state lat
committee , says the legislature will
stand : Senate republicans , 20 ; demo
crats , 13. House republicans , GO ;
democrats , 3G. This made up on the
theory that the democrats have ono G
senator in Hamilton and one repre kii
sentative. Nei 's defeat is also allowed tic
this count. The republicans gained
republicans in Tuscarawas and HtC
Paulding , the Defiance district , and tid
alao carried the doubtful county of toi
William. Jefferson ia the only coun hii
lost. Returns from foity-Hoven Gc
counties fihow that the republican Gcm
majority will nearly roach 20,000. th
CINCINNATI , O. , October 12. All if
the voting precincts have not yet boon ifCi
heard from , but from the returns it m pi
evident that the republican atato
ticket has a majority of 2,500. The
republicans have elected their entire
legislative ticket with the exception of
Harlan , colored. The democrats have
elected three out of five judges of the
common pleas court and the remainder -
dor of thu county ticket.
DKS MOINE.S , October 12. KotuniH
from yesterday's election are very
much delayed , The otato campaign
on the part of the republicans and
democrats IIUH not been prosecuted
with spirit , which accounts for the of
very light voto. There has been n
strong fight made in this city and
county on local mattcru , but the
straight republican ticket has been
elected unless possibly fjiorepieHcnta-
live may go to the democrats , when the
full roturna are in. The fact that the
fisht has been nninly local has caused to
all the ticket to bu scratched to an use
unprecedented extent and full ro-
turim will bo very much delayed.
Up to an early hour thin morning ro-
poita had been received from a portion
of thirtV'oIqhl counties , some ot then
nearly in full. Thcto returns give
Sherman , republican , for governor
5,871) ) majority over Kinno , democrat.
Last ytar the same counties gave ( tar *
Hold 8,081 , majority. The same relative -
tivo vote ever the ntato will give Sherman
tie a majority of between CO,000 and
05,000 ; ever the democrata and A ma
jority of 35,000ovcr , all. The reports in
dicatoa republican majority ofOOintho
legialaturo. The scnatn will bo more
strongly republican than in 1870 , aa
there ia a gain of ono in Dubuque and
ono in Leo and possible on in Kco
kuk. There have been fewer ropub
licnn losses on account of Ihu prohib
itory amnndmont than were expected
and Homo of the prohibition loiacs on
the republican aide in Cass county run
closer to other causes than that.
DusMoiNiw , " October 12. Returns
from all portions of the Htato show
that , the vote polled yesterday was un
usually light. There soeniR to have
boon a propovtionalo falling oil'of
jtrongth among the three parties.
The ; grconbaekora , contrary to expec
tations , holding their own. In
Dubuque county the light can
te tered on candidates for sen
at . J. 1C. Graves , republican ,
carried the county by about 1,000
majority. The republican legislative
ticki < t in Leo county is also elected.
Those are both democratic strong-
iclds. Incomplete returns indicate
; hat the Htato has gene republican by
about 40,000 majority over the demo
cratic and 20,000 to 2i > ,000 over nil.
The republican majority in the legisla
ture ; mil range from DO to 100 on the
J oint ballot. Altogether it was a
clean < swoop exceeding expectations.
DKS MOINKS , Ia. , October 12. Th
city complete gives Sherman 1,054 ,
ivinno , ! )02 ) , Clark 200 , a republican
najority ever all of 840. In Polk' '
county the republican majority is
ibout 1,000. with the entire ticket
elected , Lee county , usually de.ino-
cr tic , olccied the whole republican
DKS MOI.NKS , Ia. , October 12. lie-
urns from 7 of the Oi > comities In
ho state somewhat change previous
estimates of the result of t.o ! election
ind show a falling oft"of tlio green-
) ack vote and indicate that it will \
Irop below a total of 25,000. The
epublican tiekct gains oteadily and
ho majority will undoubtedly reach
ipwards of 50,000. The democrats
lavolost members of the legislature
n democratic cities and have gained
few straggling members in unoi-
looted portions of the ntato. But
.hoir total representation will bo ro-
alloiial Associated Ptee-i.
AT.BANY , C'ctobor 12. In the domo-
ratic convention to-day a permanent
rganization wsis effected by the clec-
ion of EraatiiH Biooks , of Richmond ,
lormancnt chairman. Both the Tam- (
nany hall and Irving hall delegations
wero' excluded from participation in
ho.convention , and returned [ to Now
'ork to-day without bolting. Every
movement in the conventionshowed I.1
the ) inlluenro "of Samuel J.
, . fiin
voro all strong Tildcn man. in
The : platform is made up almost on-
iroly of retrospects bearing on the
Ti.hi . gubernatorial term of 1874-70 ,
ho reforms and tax reduction , of Eomu
f the advice to the democrats to in- vo
tituto some reform ? , of the advice to
lave thorn carried to Wanliington , and
if censure of the republicans for the a
alleged fraud of 187 < 3 , which , the plat go
form says , was repeated in other forms ab
and defrauded Hancock out of his
election. The republicans see in the 001 tli
whole proceedings a prospect that Til-
don : will seek the nomination for gov fui
ernor at next's election with a . .
view to the presidency in 1884. Tho'
followinglicket was nominated : th
Secretary I ' of State Wm. Purcell ,
Rochester. iv
Comptroller Goo. H. Lapham , of
Yale county.
Attorney-General Roswcll A. Par- Nal
mentor , of Troy.
State Treasurer Robert A. Max
well , of Geneasee. lai
State Engineer Thoa. Evorshod. lioi
All the nominees are strong Tildon
men. ill
UOSTON , Mass. , October 12. The rai
prohibitory statocommittee nominated lai
. John lilackmor , of Springfield , PaQi
lieutenant-governor in place of thu Qi
late Timothy C. Earl , of Worcester. do
lu junction Refonod. SOI
National Aiioclatt-d 1'rew. po
iNDiANAi'OLis , October 12. ( Jeorgo Lc
Gould , son of Jay Gould , the railroul
king , was to-day refused an injunc
tion in the United States court to A
ro.itr.iiti certain p.irtio.s from voting
Block at the Ohio & Mississippi elec
tion at Cincinnati in the Garrutt in- a
torcflt which , ho alleged , is hold by
him and should bo voted in the
Gould interest. The application waa
made : to Judge Gresham , who ruled
that the injunction should bo granted ,
at all , in the United States court at
Cincinnati , where the election takes
placa , and the company has its otlice ,
Indication * .
National AfwocUUxl 1'riw.n.
WAHIHNOTON , October lit. For the
upper lake region : Partly cloudy §
weather and ram. followed bycloaring
weather , northerly winds , and station (
barometer. For upper Missouri
valley : Fair weather , preceded by
occasional rain and wind , higher 1 tv
remoter and lower tompurature. to
Marquis of lioruo ,
National Aooociatotl "
CHICAOO , October 12. The Marquis
Lome , govei nor-goneral of Canada ,
with bin Hiiite , arrived hero to-day
fiom Winnipeg en route to Montreal.
AVm. T. Filloy , Esq. , of Pittafiold ,
asH. , attorney at law and assistant
judge police court and county com
missioner , says that ho wax restored
perfect health and activity by the .1
of St. Jacobs Oil. I To had suf
fered with rheumatism for yearn intensely -
tensely , but by the recent UHO of the of
remedy ho waa , 113 staled , completely of
That of the OM Him of Wash-
ibgton , Butti&Br & Sons ,
of Philaflfllgliia ,
A $15,000 Drafc Discloses the
True State of
Capture of a Defaulting Bail-
road Treasurer in
An Indiana Murderer Pursued
and Killed
Rntncd by Bpeealatloii ,
I'liiLADXtrniA , October 12. Tlio
announcement this morning of the
failure of the almost llfsturio linn of
Washington , Butcher & Suns , carried
with it the most intense am prise.
The immediate cauao of the disaster ,
which , as far as can .bo le.irned , in
volves , § 1,000.000 , JW § > draft from
Chicago for the comparatively beg-
qarly Bum of JJlCfOOO. Bo much was
told inquirers , t "aijnfc. the addi
tional fact' that ? lho | losers were
almost solely Philadelphia banks. The
firm haa an lumorntilo 'record of ono
hundred and twenty years standing.
Representatives of the linn said this
morning ; "It is the Chicago otlico that
ovcrwoiglied us.Forr mouths there
has been continuous nnd heavy drafts
to carry tlio speculative accounts in
that oflico , which was managed
by P. Darlington. % That ollico
wns started to o { > the pro
vision purchasing for the1 Philadelphia
and Antwerp houses ; f Om that it do-
\olopcd into u brokerage , in which
many firms hero and ebowhoro hau
accounts. Our embaratituuntti have
arisen from the failure of customers
to make good their contracts with us.
The money to carry thono contracts
was remitted hence - < lo the Chi-
co oflico and the * inability to
get funds , to settle the $15,000 draft
simply precipitated matters. The recent -
cent decline in Riuin , ' of , wlu'ch we
carried largo quantities for customers ,
drained not only our bank accounts
but strained our credit until it yield
ed. Wo have not had tune to make
up our accounts but tliq ft losers , tlio
b.uiks , will not lese monvjhan 15 or
20 per cent of their claims. If wo
had time to convert ourasjcta we could
pay dollar for dollar. " |
OUKIAGO , October 12.Mr. . Henry
P. Darlington , the manager of the ,
Chicago branch of the linn of Wash
ington , Butcher & Sons , this morning
informed a representative [ of the National
' Ll " " ' "
tional Associated Press - - - -
firntliayo S , 00 /113iu. , " ,
mon < bu'sfnesH their trades wi this ni'ar-
komr have been very light and so fully
margined that they would bo dosed
out without loss. His advicca from
tin Philadelphia agency have boon
very mcagro , simply conoiatint ;
a telegram received late
last evening to the effect that
$ ir > ,00T , ( draft drawn by him had
gone to protest at Philadelphia , and E
that the liabilities of tho. firm were
about § 1,000,000 and the assets S800-
000. Not knowing the intentions of
tlio , firm , ho cannot wvy what stop ?
will bo token. ' There are auflicient
funds at the Chicago agency to clear
the firm at this and western points ,
and ho presumes it will bo devoted to
that ; purpose. All outstanding trades
will i ! bo closed at once.
National As-iocUtcxl 1'rcjw.
MONTKKAL , October 12. The Scot- jY j
laud yard detective agency has noti an
fied Detective Fnhoy , ofthe Domin in
ion deteclivo agency , that John Rob tin
inson , the defaulting treasurer of the bo
Chicago , Lake Shore & Michigan to
railway , who escaped through Maty- vit
land to Now York , where ho took 17
passage to ( Europe on the steamer to
Quebec , has been arrested and will bo
detained for extradition. An olliccr
from Montreal has gone to Chicago to ud
aecuro the nocosnary extradition pa Tl
pers , and will proceed with thorn to 2K
London and secure the prisoner.
NKW ALIIA.NV , Ind. , October 1JJ. of
remarkable tragedy occurred in
Lawrence county , Indiana , yesterday.
Basel McLano shot and instantly killed
stock trader named Jno. Arnold.
The murderer was puraued by thir
teen young men , who shot at random
thiongh the closed door of a house in
which MuLano wa concealed and of
wounded him so that ho died.
Weed' * RemlstUoenoes-
National Auoclttcd I'rcw ,
CIIIOAOO , October 12. A Now York
special says ; Mr. Thurlow Weed waa
aakcd to-day if ho agreed with the ro-
urt thib morning that Gen. W. T.
herman wrote a letter to a friend in
Ohio , Baying that the statement of Inn
Weed's ) intervention with President
Lincoln and Secretary Cameron to
bring Gen. Sherman back into the
military service in 1800 waa all IIOWB
him , and that he cannot remember
that ho oversaw Weed till long after
the war waa over.
Mr. Weed said : "You , that is very
truo. Tn tlio litter part of ] SCO , or
early in 1HK1,1 consulted * with Gun.
Wiijfidd Scott ami General Taylor ,
brother of President Taylor. Gen.
Taylor stated to mo that eoinp of the ly
beat men wo had woiu on retirement.
Ono was Gen. Sherman , who wai at )
that time president of n college in
Louisiana. Another was McOlollan ,
chief engineer of a railroad in Illin
ois. I reported tlni to President
Lincoln and Mr. Cameron , and both
those gentlemen ( Jen. Taylor Hpoko
were brought into tin ) army. I
knew . neither . . of thorn
i i f\ j
afterwards , Col , Taylor ,
of ( .fcOiinectlcut , was also brought in
dh dA tin ? Itm ? . Gen. Taylor spoke very
liighly o'.f Sherman , saying that ho
could rctt vr great service to the
country. " ,
"What ( , " " Scott opinion of
the gentlonifii reU' ° rt to' '
Gen. Scott , who n'-w then too old to
taki- command of tliO nrmios , waa
asked who was eo.'nnclc t to .bu his
successor , lie replied tltK't it was
dillicult tonnswor Iwcnuno both I o
iml Johnson hud jinno over JO the
confederates. Mr. Lincoln 51 at.ivo ,
would corroborate nil that I liiwo
Western Union Stockholder *
X'Mlonil Arwclikloil 1'rrm. .
Niw : YOUK , October 12. Tlio an
mat meeting of thu stockholders ol
he Weatern Union telegraph company
iccnrred to-day. Tlxj following board
of directors was elected : Nijrvin
Grconu , Thomas T. Eckert , D. Mor
gan , John Van Homo , Augustus
{ uholl , Iliurisun Durket * , Jay Gould ,
lusnoll S.vsjo , Alotixo U , Cornell. S.U. |
Dillon , Oynis W. Field , Edward Sanford -
ford , J.uni'H 11 , H.xrkor , Moses Taylor ,
Ilobi-rt Lenox Kennedy , Hugh
J. Jowitt , J. Piuiropout Morgan ,
Fred. L. Ames , Edwin D. Worcester ,
Win D. Bishop , 0. P. H 4iitiiigton ,
Get ( ) . B. Roberts , Salmon G. Simmons ,
S.imuel ' Slonn , Kr.istus Willon , AHUM
( i. Stone , Gooryo Gould , Oluuncoy
M. Dopuw , Ja'nu'M W. Cleiuiouman.
The follow ing is the bnsiiicna record : Surplus July 1 , 1880 ,
§ 103,255. It. The ro venues , expenses
and profita of the yeac ending Juno
IJO , 1881 , worn as follows : Revenue ,
3LI,0U,80 ( ) , ( > .01 ; fxjtontics , includ
ing leaned linen , rentala
and tuxes , S8 ,4L > 0,1S5.7I , ( ! ; not
profit ? , So.OlO.GJO.'Jli . ; total , SO.OI.'J-
! > . " > .i % , from which were applied : For
ividends , ? ; ) ,7J'2,0.'M25 : ; for interest
n boudt > , l'2"'tr 5. il ; for sinkint ;
and , 840,005.5 : ! ; total , 8tL 00,0'JI 21 ;
nrphis ot not revenue for the year
ver dividondH , intercHt mid Buildup
und appropriations wuaSl , ! 10,540. 01 ;
or now propi-rty there vaa uppropri-
ted fov the oust ruction of new linea
ml erection of additional when ,
SI , 0(1,057.01 ; for teleuiMph Htocka
ud proportitH , SoT'J Bl.HN ; total ,
171,054,220 ; aurplu.s July 1 , 1881 ,
Sl'J7,22ft7 ( > ; total , § 3OKJ.085.-
< > All of tin ) uxccutivo
flicew of thu company
voro ro-elccli'd , viDr. : . Norvin
j'rconc , president ; M tiSHW. J. J. Eck
ert , M o.gan , Vail llorne , Scholl and
Durkoe , vice presidentti : Gen. Eckert
was elected vice president and gen
eral manaijjr. The executive com
mittee uonsista of the first named
persons in the list of directors.
The Officers Elected for the
Ebsuing Term. of
Hpccial dUjutci to TIIR llr.R.
LINCOLN , October 12. The grand
lodge Knights of , 'Pythias adjourned
at 5:30 : o'clock this evening until Oc-
"tooer , i t > iTliotollowiiig h a Hat of Y
the grand oilfcers elected for the en
suing term : Grand chancellor , Hi F.
Downs , Lincoln ; grand vice chancel
lor , J. G. Jones , Tecumseh ; grand
prelate , WI E. Copeland , Lincoln ; _
grand keeper of rociirda and scats , E. n
, Prunch , Omaha ; grand master of '
exchequer , J. Rosentino , Omaha ; bo
fraud master of arms , L. C. Dunn , cy
Lincoln ; grand inner guard , John
Tower , West Point ; grand outer ria
guard , D. M. Stall , Bennett ; t'rand > din
lecturer , J. O. Goss , Omaha ; supreme
representative , J. J. Monoll , Omaha.
Qrntu and Provision Ratoik.
National AflHOilatol I'rciu.
October 12 , aio
CJIIUAOV : -Althougli !
the open r.ito on grain is 1 ? & cents per
hundred pounds from Chicago to mnv of
York ( witii the usual diliurencoH of two
and throe < rents less to Philadelphia
and B.dtimoru , yet it is generally HOI
understood that largo contracts are ehi
being made at 10 cents from Chicago wi
New York on Hour rates. The pro
vision ratro were well maintained at
A contHpur 100 pounds fromCliicago
" cat
"New York for some wookH.poAt but
yeaterdiLy they dropped down to 15
conta , for New York , 1 ! ) cents to. Phil-
udolphiu and 1'J centa to Baltimore.
The rates on bulk meat alao dropped anm
to 5 ccnta per hundred pounds and
are now generally quoted at 5 cents
above thu . The '
provision niton. oll'uct Bl
thin will bo a largo increase in pro
vision and bulk KO
nicat ahinmunts.
thr Dominion. is
National Auocwtotl I'rom.
OTTAWA , Out. , October 12. llov. tb
Father Nugent to-day interviewed tbS
Sir John Mucdonald and the minister S
agriculture on thu subjsct of Irish or
immigration. The ministers expressed orNi
thoniBulvi'H favorublo toward granting
land to Irish settlors. in
The Canadian parliament will moot inGi
for the dispatch of business the BOO Gi
end week of January. in
It is tninored in political circles that bu
Pope , minister of agriculture , will bo cc
apiiointed to the Montreal customs ccBl
colloctorHhip to muke room in the Do Blmi
minion cabinet for Sir Alexander at
The Dominion government han relieved - in
lioved Murray & Co. of the contract
for building the Wolland c-inal aquo-
duct. The job in worth § 500,000.
Goliiir for Drain Gamblers
National Amo ! 1'rvtm ,
Oololiar 12. Judyo
in the criminal court Uii
nior.iiiit. , created a decided ponaatiim cus
charging the grand jury particu
larly to apply the laun on the Hlatnti : of
look rujrarding gambling in giiiin
optioiiH siiid the "cornering" of grain.
llo ruli-H that this ( mtablmhing of lio-
titi ins valued has grown to mich onor-
nioiiH inojioitioim aa to bu called tr
the attention of the court" , The
ulmvgu ix altogether out of the tegular
order , and falls like a thunderbolt il
the board of trade
J ' ,
A Short Session of the Senat
Held Yesterday ,
The President Sends in n Lnrg
Number of Nomiuationa
to the Senate.
The Republican Caucus Nomi
natott Dfvrid Davis for the
ProaldoncyPro Tom.
A Short Session of the Cabl
not Held Yesterday
Guituna Not Yet Arraigned
But Will .Probably bo Dur
ing this WoQlc.
Another ' "OratuV Appears at
the Jail for the Purpose
Now Ft nm the Nn-
tionol Capital.
National .liractatcd Trotui.
WAHIKNOTON , October I ! ? . Senator
oil'orcd n resolution calling on
liu secretary of sUto for copius of all
wporH ] in tl\u exposition cwe : nt Now
Jrlcans , and at the suggestion of Kd-
uunda amended it to call upon thu
iroiidont ) if compatible with iiiblic
ntorcst. Laid over.
Kdniunda ] called up liiH < rcHolution to
continue the conumttucti and'r uftur n
short debate , withdraw it.
ju Prudin j , privnto Hocrolnry , entered
ho chamber at .112:15 : p. m. uiul do-
ivercd n ineuBRgo from the president ,
mil also a loin ; list of nominations.
I'ho message , which wni road , was
niuruly tr.insinittin u report from the
secretary of state , transmitting nro -
wrt ] of the piocctidings of the intcr-
mtionnl health congress hohlin Wimh-
ngton last March.
The aoniito then , on mot ion. of Ed-
nunds ; , wont into executive acs.iion.
The doors opened' at J":40 : , and wi
notion of Anthony the aonatu , , as n
nark of respect to the lain Sonattw
3urnaidus , at 12:45 : p. in. adjourned.
WASHINOTON , October 12.- The
senate in executive suasion received ia
nominations from the president which
wcro laid oyor to await the action of
lie Ronnto in relation to the formation
committees. of
The following were uinong the nmn-
inationK sent to the Honato to-day :
Noah 0. McFarland , of Kansas , coia-
misnioner o the general , land pttlco ; .
Oharloa II. Hawood , -Jllhwia , for
if i . i * * - f1. 'Jlalt
inattis inspector ; jnti2 ! > f ( jj , jffyt\ , . * .J
fornia. to be pension agent at San
Francisco ; A. 0. Phillip , of Arkansas , .
FrHi | receiver of public moneys at f
Harrison , Ark. ; Geo. H , Spencer , of
Minnesota , to bo Indian ngent at
tin Croiv Creek a oncy , Dakota ; , Jas.
MuLaughlin , of Dakota , to bo Indiui
agent at .Standing Rock agency , Do * an
kota ; J. W. Craumie , of Dakota , to
Indian agent at Dovil's Lake agon *
, D.ikota ; Augustus Brosina , of
Peiinsylvani i , to bo Indian agent at
Nemahaai'oiicy , Nebraska ; John Har A
, of the District of Columbia , In
dian agent at Lemhi agency , Idaho.
Postmasters 0. D. Aust n , Butler ,
Mo. Nearly all are appointments
made by Garliold.
The democratic cancuH waH i
sion for about an hour and did noth-
ing. It adjourned subject to the call |
the chairman. ,
The president atill keeps clone couiir
! in regard to his intituled cubim-t
ehangea Several of the cabinet were
with him to-day but the removal qiiuu-
tion was not touched on. The mat
ters considered were department va
cancies recently filled nnd to bo filled.
There will be a largo- batch of nomir
nations sent to tlio nenato to
morrow , principally of postmasters
and oflicora of the interior depart
ment It in now thought that
tin president \till not nominate
tin uuccfHsor of either Secretary
Blaine or Hunt for some daya aa these
gentlemen are to escort and entertain
the French visitors at .Ycrlrtown. it
expected thut the nomination of the
now secretary of the interior and at
torney-general will como to-morrow ,
though they may not. The last goa-
' i that ex-Senator Boutwoll , of
ehusotta ia to be
, attorney-gen
eral and that cx-Gov , Morgan , of )
New York , has at hia disposal the acceptance
coptanco of the treasury portfolio. . It u
rumored that ox-Senator Colliding
in Now York to prevail on
Gov. Morgan to accept. The clunices
the cabinet , it ia further mid , will
deferred altogether on such tic-
coptanco or declination. . Secretary
Blaino'a friends now say hu will re
main in the cabinet until December
least. It ia not improbable that
Postmaster-General Jamua will remain o
] the cabinet until the star route
prosecutions are cleared. An Indiana
delegate now in the city ia Raid to bo
pushing Judge Gresham and John C ,
Now for cabinet portfolum.
IIAVIH NOMINAII : ! ) roitTiti : teA
The di-cmiou of the lopulican cau S
to oiler a resolution for thu elec r
tion of D.ivid Davis to the preuidenu ) Ii
thu HOimio ha.4 caused the
kind of a rulllo among K't. qci
Thy democrats rccogni/io the fact thu ci
the opposition r/ould not have tnkei 11ti
Bijuh uatep if they were not mux > o ti
thu game. A ntory was atailed to I )
day that the nomination IUIB made ii hP1
tlio republican caucus uithout knowl P1O1
edge as to whether Dvto would eon O1
ueiit but Inter it was Jciunud tin
the senator from llliuos had nothing
to ay and it had been taken fur
granted. He would before Imvo noth
ing to say when the vote was taken on
hiaelection. KUbrli to interview liim
hnvo been fruitless but oven demo-
crata admit his capturu by the enemy ,
though are not quito so sure that re
publicans will bo rcndy to take n vote
tO'inorron. The republican idea does
not Hocin to bo so much that D.xvis at
n man or partisan is bolter suited
for the vice jircsidency than
Mr. U.ayard , but that if ho
received the position at their JiamU
ho will no doubt feel constrained to
abstain from voting when necessary to
the accomplishment of their desires in
regard to further organization.
Whether the election of D.ivis is un
dertaken to-morrow or not the republi
cans uill stick to Edmunds' ' resolution
lor the continuation of the last session
Thu democrats in caucus this even
ing decided to odor an nmondmcnb
dispensing with any reorganisation of
the committees except Indian alF.urs ,
peimions , army and navy , | n > stolli cs
Mid foreign or thoao demanded by the
character of executive nomination.- ! .
In regard to any democratic opposi
tion to t ! o proposed D.ivii rc.solvitioiia
Iho democrats propose , according to-
Pondleton , to attempt delay. If they
Imvo captured D.wis they hnru
thingi ( noir own way , and wo
will Hubmit. "IIo will vote
aolidly against his election an a matter
pf courao , " tiaid another sonator. Tt
is understood that ropnblicai ;
nonatprs found thomselvea unable to
vole in favor of the Davis nomination ,
mt there was a round majority andi
the whole vote goea vrttlt it so far nv
now known. Tlio uncertainty of thi
loiat may keep .shot , frmn b < > ing lirod
o morrow. Tim tlismoi-mta atill de
cline1 to olcct a otorotary of
ho Rcnrtto and tlnis far
ho reublicaus ] ) have * foiled to
rcnch * a decision as -whether they
vill ivitempt it. The ohancc.s are
gainatr the election of audt' .in olliccr
his hoeaion. The poncralsontimciifc
f the caucuses of both snips to-day
vas agjiniat ad ournin : OVOB for York-
own or iniythuig clso until thobum-
IC33 of t o session ia comploicd. No-
oto wan talKim on this
ttlonal Associated I'reu.
ville , Guitoau ! counsel , secni'anx
ious to have the nssaesin'H caio- pro
ceed n little. Ho wanta him to pkiul.
Then ho will move for two inontha *
delay for preparation. The district
attorney ia not in BO much of a hurry
for aomo reason , , but the arraignment
promised aomo day this week. The
assassin ia said to bo grow
ing | ugly. Ilia- counsel aaya : "I
tried to obtain from him the names
f. persona for witneases in towns and.
other places that Itw had been for tho-
purpose of finding out hia conduct and
condition of mind before coming ; to
this city. Ho would not give mo-a
single name , and refused to converse
about the case , "
The jailors imports that about 8unT
diiiH y"ri tora5y"wnio ocoVillp witoir ,
the warden's ofilc * with' Guiteau'p &
rather neatly dressed man , about.six '
ct in height , niaclo his appearance
and said ho had been sent to the jail
toaooGuitcau by ono of the lattor'a
fiienda. Warden General Crocker
intorined him that it waa
unseasonable him and ho
could not HCO him. The man rcluo-
tantly left. There ia an impression ,
that the man came to the city for.tho
express purpose of killing tlio prisoner ;
gentleman who law Guiloim in.hia
cell this morninc m\ya ho found liim ,
sitting on his bed reading n bwilfc
The prinoncr'a oyoa were terribly
bitxnlshot , the result of a terrible
hiuh fovcr. Ho expressed himself ud
being afraid that his strength would
not last through tlio trial. The us-
sassin talked rapidly , and incessantly ,
his i | health being the subject of converv-
sation. Ho complained greatly about
An agent of the secret service divia *
on telegraphs the arrnst yesterday at
jutliriu , Ky. , of Newton H. Mcllao , .
Wm. Tindlo and .Tl D. DufTol' fort-
lealing in counterfeit Hilver coin.
One hundred and thirty counterfoil :
ilver dollars were found ! in BulFul'a
KWises.sioii. All ware heavily armed ,
ind resisted de pfratoly.
Owing to the enforced ubsoncu oD
rovornment counsel , further proaocu-
iou in the star rontcra' caio will bo
xistponed until next week. The mo-
ion to quash will probably .aomo uu *
text week.
fatlonMAwiocUtotl I'rctw.
< 20INU flHl Till : P11KM1IUU
DUJILIN , October 12. At the laudi
eaguo meeting hero yesterday Mr >
illon , after denouncing the land act-
uid atigamtizing Mr. Gladatono out
disroputaUo pglicician said' ho ro-
icnted of hit. intention not to. actively
mrticipato in land act uifiiira until tui >
onanta hail on opportunity of uaiug
ho measure.
Mr. Sexton , of the oxccutivo com-
nitteo of the land league , who ia ro-
cuvoriiitf from a serioim illness.ia going
the continent for tlio boncftt of hin.
Fnoifio Gout New
National Associated 1'reM.
SAN FIIANCISCO , October 12. A
lugnuii from Wilcox , A ri oini , says :
report hiw just ronchvd hero thnt-
llruwRtor'a ranch , between Oudar-
Spr ngu mid Foi t Thomas lias been
iuiuneil by Indijiua , Nothing fintUec
lum : been learned.
There has been u hosivy ruu on the
Quintan Saving * bunk of Snn lYau-
cisco on iicoomit of ij statuinpnt pub
lished by Win. Hollis , in an npplipn-
tion for insnlvunuv , that ho twod the
ink 8200,000. The bank olaims to
have suctnity for the inoMoy , ( ind can
pay oil demaiulH for font wcoka with
out injury. Thoio i rv § lDOO,000
m in tlio bank ,