Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 12, 1881, Page 8, Image 8

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"Wednesday Morning , Oot 1J
For Sheriff ,
I'or Tre.wjrer ,
Tor Cleric ,
For ComrnSsdlonor ,
11. 1KNIGHT. .
- For Judge ,
, For Surveyor ,
Vat Sutwrlntenctcntof Instruction ,
I'or Coroner ,
For llio ftccoinodritlon of our up-lowi
pntrons arrmigcmcnts hnvo been mtulo will
Edholm it Krlckfton , jowolcrs , opposite tli
pout oflicc , where advertisements MM
orders for the city delivery of TIIK UK
will Ixi received. AiherUncmcnla for 111
evening must bo handed In before l-.UOji
in. , lor the morning edition hcforo 8:5 :
1 > . m M > t > t2.t-tt
Fnttomon wlls oonl ,
Frederick leading HiUtcr.
Doano. Itclinblc Hnltcr.
Fine pocket knives nl rCiihnV ,
Owl Cigars at Ktilm'u Drue Store.
Th ° Lion continues to roar lor Moore"
HarncA nd Saddlery.
For FINE Comniorcittl Job Printing
11 at Til ic 13tK Job rooms.
Smoke Stariton it Storms , fines
Cigar , at Kuhn's Drug Store only ,
Nifiht School ut the Kntlilmn Hunincf
The third cocinl party < il the Omalu
Ccniral Club taken place Wcdnewiaycvcn.
ing next at Standard hnll ,
Who pays the highest price for Second
Hand Furniture ? Abrahams & Low ! * ,
1121 Doiih'liui street Rcpl-Snr ! )
Lost Hunch of keys. Finder will
plca o leave them nt the delivery window
at ( hi ! postoflico and receive reward.
HATS ! HATH 1 HATH I latest style' ,
largest Block in tha city nt Henry ( ! .
JlichterV , 1322 Fnrnhain direct.
Sc\ernl pcrsonH have taken member-
uliipvilh the Cluistian clnnch slnuo Kev.
Tyler began liin meetings.
A gentleman was picked up e.irly yesler-
day morning who was sweetly slumbering
on a sidewalk. He pnid Judge J'uncko & 1
and costn for his bed.
Schroeder , the barber , anil liii assist
ant were arrested ngaiu for keeping bin
placu open n Sunday. This is the second ,
time Schrociler'n him been nrrcated.
The hewing school imdcrthoauxpiucs of
Trinity Guild , and Miss Nellie Selmllor ,
AH principal , opem next Saturday at 2 p.
m. . ut the COXH street school house.
City Kngineer Ilosawatvr expects to
' begin work on the nowcrs by to-day.
The starting point will bo the connecting
link between Ninth nnd'Ihlrtcenth streets.
Tha fire nt 3 o'clock a. m. yesterday wua
caused by the burning of HOMIO rags in a
nhed on Sixteenth street between Webster
and Hurt. About $15 wortli of damage
wan ( lone.
Tko county commJKKlonerx huvc de
rided that the powder house west of Quca-
ley's heap factory in the mmthwest part of
the city is wnsrifo and have ordered ltn re
moval within sixty days.
UKMOVAL The Omaha Furrier , Hun.
ly 0. Itichtcr removed from Ifith utreot
opposite the 1'o.itotllco to ii22 Farnlmm
Htrcct in I'ollack'n old ntand , north hide ,
between Kith and 14th
A Hat Btrcct car track is being laid on
Farnlmm street between To-nth nnil Fifteenth -
teonth street ? . Thin in the initiatory step
in the llaiificom park line. During the
winter the extra truck will bo lined instead
of twitches ,
LOST Ladien' gold chain and locVctj
amethyst stone on one side locket , lady'.i
mid gcnUcman'd picture in the locket , ] < ont
between Catholic Library rooms nnil 10th
and JackHon ttroeUi , A liberal reward
will bo paid for its return to this olllcc.
Franz JiHcpli'lfnrtinnn had$20 tolcn
from him in liin boarding house. Ho had
hod the fortnight to keep the number uf
the bill and traced it to a fellow boarder
and Olllcor McUtino followed the mnn up
and arrested him. Yesterday TIartman'with
drew the complaint on tliu return uf the
A man driving a team attached to it
loaded wagon , had a narrow escape yester
day afternoon. Ho was uomcwhat under
tlia Sntlucnco of llrjuor ana fell from the
neat in front of the wheels. AH ho fell the
wagon wheel entered ft rut and the IIONCH
wore unable to haul it nut. Had it not
lit-cn for thin hula the mau certainly
would have been run oyer ,
About 1:80 o'clock this morning Alox.
Bluck discovered that Hlll'ii butcher shop ,
at 414 South Thirteenth street , won on
fire and sent in an alarm from box coven.
The Ore % vm In the first story , back of the
xhop , and wan cxtinguiahctl , with a Ions of
about $200. The building was owned by
Pat Manning , the lilacktuillh. About
twenty per onu roomed over the chop.
One hundred and fifty-ulno beautiful
residence lot * , located on Hamilton Hroct ,
half way betxrcen the turu table uf the
red Direct car line trA the waterworks
reservoir and addition , and Jutt went uf
the convent of the Sinters Poor Claire In
Bhlnn'n addition. Price * raugo from 75
to 81(0 each , and will be bold on cany
tenni to those whu will Improve. IJcniU'
real cutato agency , FifUonth and Doughs
utrcctu. . , , , . , , . . . -
Formerly bcore would not la-op fur
any length of time , but "Ciinuil'a
BudweiHor' may b' > lujd down with
impunity fur almost uny lentil cif
tuuo , without letting ilH many oud
IScnnty , health , and liiippiiiciufor Jnilli.- *
At 0. V ,
Pat. O. Hawes Sends in a Lif
of His Debtors.
The Sidewalk Committee Bu ;
ing Up o Lumber Yard.
Deciding to Adjourn for TV
Woolen Thin Time
Messrs. 'faufmnmi ' , JIcGnvocl
llertnim find Ilornborgor did not pi
in nn nppc.irauco nl the council nice
ing last evening.
The mnyor appointed Chan , V
Knno special policeman without pr
nt the central school , 10. L. Dody :
the north school , Chns , Henderson i
the cast nshool , Julius Wagner nt tl
nouth Bchool , Sainuol Dunialu nt tl
C.ass struct fldiool , and J. C. Chriatmi
son at lha weal Hchool. The nclio
waa approved.
The mayor approved thoordinniu
to r gulnto tlio s.ilu of Rpirituoua nn
vinous liqnorn. In tlmt connuctin
ho stated that while ho did not ; > )
prove of ninny of the provisions of tli
Slocuinb law , still lie tlionght it tl
duty of the oxccutivo oflicors of a
inunicipalitk'H to KCU thut the law
The mayor approved the nppronrit
tion ordinance ) for Sentember , nnd tli
ordinance to amend ordinance 2"7 |
City Attorney Mandcr.son , haviii
looked up the records , decided tin
the old pout house ground helongH t
the city.
Mary \V. flaylord wanted her luxe
on lot 2 , Capitol addition , to bo re
ilucud from&lOOOloS200 , same as las
vcar. Tlio matter was referred to tli
iommittue on finance ,
Thoa. Gibson uikcd that an ordoi
1)0 passed , prohibiting thu throwinj
> f aninmls into the river. Ho
'erred to the committee on police.
A committee of North Omaha citi
: cns pruaontnd a resolution passed a
i meeting in regard to the dispositioi
if sewer uonds. The matter was ro
erred to the city engineer.
McSliano it Schroeder and tin
Ihicago Lumber company petitionei
nr the filling np of 1111 alloy iica :
'hirtccnth and Leavenwoith streets
latins ; they would boar most of tin
xpeimo. It waa referred to the com
utteo on streets and grades.
A petition against the removal olio
lie city scales was filed.
A 'petition from citizens in regnrc
) placing eight iiro hydrants at pointi
long Park avenue was referred to tin
ummittco on sowers.
City Engineer llosowator advisot
mt oak coverings bo ] > laced on cross
ig on Tunth struct between Farnliun
lid the depot. About 8,000 feet ol
lie lumber would bo required to dc
lis and thu coats would bo $125. Tin
tatter was referred to the committee
11 nt roots and grades.
Ex-Judge llawos' accounts won
, tely audited and it suenin thcrovu ;
balance dno the city. Hixwcs sondi
> the council the following list ol
ersonii who promised but , us lu
aims , Hover pujd their flncs ; Smith ,
hirteenth and Howard , S7.fiO ; Cun
ingham , 8H ; Williams , 55.80 ; Gresh
in , 83.80 ; Frank Itobnrts , § 5.80 ;
[ and Sargent , $3 ; NellieUoss , &l
illio Stophuim , $ H ; Nellie Forxytho
U ; Nellie Joiie , $3 ; Clara , Mnson , 33
[ ollio Keriuin , $3 ; Lillie Kaufman ,
3 ; Lottio Floyd , $3 ; Conv Smith , ? 3
. II. Darby , § 3,80 , and Frank JJul
on , $4 , The mutter was placed 01
City Engineer Kosowutor submittet
is approval of the sidewalks con
.ructod by Frank Gardner.
John IJnrbach ollered the city § 1,181
> r lot 5 in block 11. It was referred
> the ccmmittcu on public property ,
Clias. Gardiner gob the con t IMC t for
uildinc ; sidewalks.
Jnmea Fox's ' proposal to curb anil
iittoc Ilarney utruut fiom Eighth t
'ifteunth was referred to thu commit
jo on s'reuti ana grades.
Thu contract of John II. Gruen foi
urbini ? , guttering and grading Dodgi
troot , with Prod Krug as surety , wai
\V. S. Street's bond for furnishinj.
ard coid WUK also approved.
The city clorlc was authorized ti
dvortiso for a week for bid * to con
truct sidewalks along Farnham strcu
liathavo not already been built.
Thu city engineer was instructed t <
roparo an ordinance lixing the gradi
f Twonty-fourth street from Farn
am to Dodge.
The committee on sidewalks am
ridges was authorized to buy JO,00 (
Dot of pine lumber for eross-wuH
Gutters on Dodge botweonFifteontl
ml Sixteenth streets , and on Six
couth street to the bridge aru to bi
leared ,
Tlio street commissioner was in
tructed to place n small culvert acrosi
lixtconth street , south side of Grace. .
Gas lamps uro to bo placed at Four
uonth and C.iss , Fourteenth nnd Fif
uontli and California , and Fourtcentl
nd Fifteenth and \Vobster and a1
' \mrtconth and Cajiitol avenue ,
Motz Uro.'s bill lor 830.31 was al
-The committed on police reported ii
aver of maintaining the present ha ;
iiaHtet on Fourteenth street betwuui
uirnlmm and Ilarnoy.
Krod. Dfllono reported that the ad
iitional room to the city jailer's of
ice would cost $75 and thu onclosun
or dour at Hnr.Hcom park $30.
A hydiant will bojilacod at Eightl
.nd Capitol avenuo. Two hydrant ;
rill bo placed at the Willow Spring' )
TliO'Cuuncil call attention to tin
act that then ) is a hay market 01
Chicago street between Fifteenth urn
Sixteenth strcetB.
Council then adjourned for twc
I fool Hkp adding my testimonial
ays Mrs. 0 , Whipplo , ! il Croghai
treet , Detroit , Mich , , to the von '
uanv in favor of St. Jacob's Oil.
an nay ( hut it Ins done wonders foi
no. For six yoais I had Hufl'uisd bo
end all oxpr-jusion with sciiitio rliou
iiatism and tried every known rome
iy , but nil to no t nrposo. At hist :
aw in The Frco Piots an advertiwu
uent of the article and tried it , foul
ng it would bo like all others ooi
ur nothing. Hut thank God and the
ian thut makua the remedy , I an
fell and free- from j ain.
Many Cattle-
The C. . 11 , it Q , railroad is nlwo ;
tip to something out of the ordinal
line , and on Monday it "nindo a co
nor" in the cnltlo tr.insportatia
business. During the day the roa
shipped into Chicago thirty 'trains <
slock , containing inoro cattla thn
worn over shipped bpforo by any 01 :
railroad in ono day in tlii.i country-
0)82 ) head. When it is considcrc
that the average dally receipts at tli
Chicago stock yards from all poini
nrn scarcely more than this numbe
the magnitude of the cattle businui
on Monday may bo nppreciiti : ; <
About one-third of these cattle Wei
through thin city on Saturday an
Sunday. Another third had bee
previously shipped and stored in tli
yardx , and the remainder went froi
Company C. Qoos Out of Bs
At : i mi'oting of Co. C. , nation ;
guard , held at their armory last nlghl
the following was passed :
Whereas , Since the organization <
this company , for the period of tw
years , its existence has been sustninc
through thu dl'orlH of its ollicers an
certain individniil members , aided b
inany generous and patriotic privat
citi/.ons , and
\VIIKKKAS : In the natural course o
events the membersliii > has bucomi
diminished by causes beyond conttol
without being able to oll'or sulliciun
inducements to recruit the cumpan ;
10 a standard , and
WIIKUBAH : No inonoys appropriate !
; o irovide for expenses of the Nation
11 Guard of Nebraska have been nmdi
ivailablo for the use of this company
md no consideration or provision hai
jcon ollurcd for the dinciplino or g v
jrnmont of the company beyond tin
aw kissed at the last session of UK
egismture creating the Nationa
juinl ! : , nnd
Whereas , Certain indebtedness hai
iccrucd for rent of armory , cortaii
urns expended by the nilicors for nee
ussary expenses and accounts out
landing against the company ; there
ore ,
JtcHolvud , That all property of th <
com puny bo disposed of to moot it *
jutstaiuliug liabilities.
KpHolved , That J. W. King , Firsi
jiouteiiant commaiuling be ruucstoc |
o apply for honorable- discharge of the
ndividunl niembow.
Resolved , Tli it ( ho membons of thii
ompany liereby express the highest
ospect and regard for the soldierlj
ualilication and manly qualities o !
. W. King , 1st lieutenant , an <
eknowledjio the indefatigable am
ntiriiiL' ciForts of Lieutenant Kiiif
nd Crngur , Iwte captain , to maintaii
he existence of the company.
llcsolvcd , That these rcsolutioiw bi
orwardod through the colonel of tin
egiment to the adjutant general am
hut a "copy bo given the press fo :
Never too Late to Mond-
Tlios. .T. Ariion , William street , Ua t
UilTaln , wiitcs : "VTour SriiiNO JLOSHOJ !
ins worked on mo splendid. I had no ap
mtitu ; used to vlecp botlly nml set < ip
ho iiioviiiiif ; unrefrcshed ; my breath wa
'try offcnsivo and 1 sulTcred from seven
bvachachc ; since mint ; your Spring Bios
orn all thee nymptomo have vanished
nd I fuel qnito well. " Trice f.O cents
rial bottles 10 cents. lOcodlw
Deprodntomi Beware {
A Ihief secured admittance to Tin
Jir. ; oflicolonclay night through tin
rent door , which \\t\a carelessly lef
inlocked by an employe. Ho sue
ceedcd in disarranging a numbe
f papers in thu counting-room ,
omo of which he curried oif. Nom
f these are of any use to anybody ox
opt this ollice. Some of these papcit
ruro found yvaturdayon Soutl
'cnth street. Considerublo oxpensi
ms been gonu to in littini : up an in
'nrnid iiinchino for the Hjieciul bcncli
) f such nucturral visitors. Any o
licso gentry contonlatiig [ ) ) aiiothei
uch c.Ul might bear" this in mind n :
his machine nuvcr makes the mutaki
if blowing up thu wrong man.
Sot Baolc 42 Years.
"T was troubled for many yean
vith Kidney Complaint , Gravel , Ac.
ny blood became thin ; I was dull am
nactive ; could hardly crawl about
vaa an old , worn out man all over
could get nothing to help , mo , until . '
; ot Hop Hitters , and now I am a boj
igain. My blood and kidneys are al
right , and I am us active as a man o
10 , although I nm 712 , and I bavo IK
loubt it will do as well for others o
ny ago. It is worth a trial. " ( Path
ur , ) Sunday Mercury. octl-15.
O'Ooutior'N Visit.
A letter was received ycatyrduy fron
tfuw York , by M. Donovan , whicl
envoys the information that T. P. .
VCoiuior sailed from Cork on tin
City of Urussols on last Wednesday
md may bo expected tt
and in Now York by tin
1th 5nit. Mr. ' O'Connor doei
lot come here to lecture for his mvi
ndividtial jirolit but "will lectnro freer
or tlio land hwjue , " as Mr. 1'arnol
mts it. An ell'ort will bo miulo tc
{ ot Mr. O'Connor to como to Omalu
mil lecture. Immediately upon hii
irrival in Now York dutos will b (
ixod for his lecture tour and buyout
loubt Inn many admirora will have t
uhanco of listening to him in thin city ,
As a rule wo do not rocommeiu
> : > tent mvdicines , but when wo knov
> f ono that really is a public bonefac
or , and docs positively euro , then wi
consider it our duty to impart that in <
ormation to all. Electric bitten an
rnly n most valuable medicine , ant
vill surely euro Dilliousnoss , Fevei
ind Ague , Slounch , Liver and Lidnoj
compluintB , oven whcro all others rcm
udies fail. Wo know whereof wt
peak , and can freely recommi-nd tc
all. [ Ex. Sold at 50 cents a bottle ,
lahit McMahon. ( ! )
Furniture , Redding , Mirrors and
everything pertaining to the furni
uro and upholstery trado. Has tin
> tnt stock in Omaha and makes tin
owoat prices. SeptlOtf
Friaoni Finally Awarded Pos
session of His Child.
The Cnxo Compromised by tli
The Frisoni Iiabcas corpus case wr
concluded before Judge Chadnick lai
evening ,
After hearing the testimony (
Mrs. Pohlinan , Dr. Frisoni himsc
was called to the stand. Ho said li
had married Miss I'oltlnmn on .Uin
! , 1875. Ilia wife ilicd Nov. 2 ]
1870 , They had two children , onn (
Whom died when a mero'baby. Tli
second child , Teresa , for the posse :
sion of whom the proceeding wr
instituted , was born Juno 1 , 187 !
She was the second child born. As
whole hit wedded lifo had not been
happy onu. Soon after his marring
ho wag obliged to go to German ;
owing to the ileath of liisgrnndfathui
In about three months ho rcturnci
there again on business. Up to tint
time his wedded lifo had been
nut. Upon his return fiom Ihe seconi
trip ho noticed a decided coolness ii
the demeanor of his wife and was no
long in discovering that it was duo t <
the report that he had another wife ii
Germany. Of course thcro was m
truth in this rumor. Kvery time hi
vtifo saw her relatives , inoro especinll ;
lier mother , she came back homo will
seine story or another. She wouh
novnr give any names but alwayi
laid that some ono saw hin
in this saloon or with tha
[ icrson and so on. Six dayi
after the birth of the second child hii
wife hadsi ncda 81,000imutgageam
she scorned to bu in very good condi
.ion then. He did not remember hov
uuch money he had left nt home , bin
uost of what he took with him tc
Chicago he lost in 'business transac-
ions. He had never been fortunate
n such matters. Upon his return lu
irovided for his wife ns usual.
Vhout five weeks before thu second
shild was born his wife went to his
nolhcr's house and thcro remained
tntil after thu event. Ho wont to
< co her every day. After the child
vas born ho wont to see his wife , bul
bund the whole house locked up. Ht
: ould not get in. Soon after that he
saw from llio opposite side of the
jtreet one of his brothers-in-law go up
o the home , when lie was at once ud-
uitlud. Then ho went there anil
otuid his molhor-in-l.iw , who had a
tistol with which she said she wanted
0 kill Frisoni. In 1870' ho built n
louse for his wife , which was never
ipvor occupied. Ho had been sick
liinnolf and nobody had come to see
dm. On this occasion his wife had
> remised to go with iiiiu'tho follow-
ng day , and they had had
1 long talk. His relatives
allccd her over. IIo visited the house
tgain and took the child in his left
inn. With his right ho held back hit
vifo while he csc.iped , but didn't
righten her. "Ho passed 1 err , who
jecincd much frightened , and was seer
iftorward arrested by request of Dorr.
. { ajhcr than have his wife in court , hi
mid u line for disturbing the
icaco. In August , 187H ,
livorco proceedings were bemn
> y his wife , but these ho induced , hoi
i < > withdraw and then sent her to Gur
uany. After her return and for tin
'ollowing ' thirteen months which preceded -
coded her death they spent the hap <
nest period of their married life. Ht
iad been with his wife up to 0 o'clock
on the night she died and then Icfl
icr because liu was worn out and could
lot stop in her mother's house.
His wife died nt 10:30. : Ho had
iiirecd her dining her last Illness , not-
vithhtanding rumors to thu contrary.
lie had inado arrangements for tin :
'unural. Standing < iver the dead bodj
10 had Mid 'to old Mrs. Pohlman ;
'Let us forget and forgive , " and she
iad promised to do so. Never : if-
er tlmt time W.IA the child
illovved to go to his hoiisi' .
[ lo had frequently sent to his mother-
it-law's house to bu allowed to see tht
: hild on holidays , such as Christmas ,
mt still she never camo. As for the
ihargu that ho had thrown a glass of
> ccr in his wife's face , it was ridicn-
oils. He liked his beer too much
or that. Ho may have flirted a ftiw
Iropa at her in a playful way
nit that was all. Thodoctorconcludcd
lis testimony by Haying that his
uother-in-law was not a prupi-r cng-
odian fur his child lu cause , while she
vould dress her in silks and velvets ,
iho would not educate her.
The motion waa nude by Mr.
L'hurstoit yesterday to dismiss thu
MHO , in thu pl.iintiirhad made no un
conditional dumand for the child.
\ftur ari/uing thocusu Mr. Rodick for
Krcwmi agreed thut the cast ) should bo
lismissud at Fresoni's cxpunsu , pro-
ided Unit , the child \s\s : given ititn
lis poaswKion. Mrs. Poldman agreed
o do thm liefuro 10 o'clock ' to-day ,
Jntil thu in done the court will with-
lold its opinion.
"Thu Jtevero ilonso ounci Dlull't
s ( ho bust eecond-chiBs hotel in the
vest. " uui17-lm
uonsmuptiuii , Coughs and Cnldt
\stlim.i , IJronchitis , etc. , ia given
iway in trial bottles free of cost t ,
ho alllielcd. If you have a bad
jough , cold , diflicultv of breathing ,
loarsencss or any auection of the
hi-oat pr lungs by all means give this
wonderful remedy n trial. As you
aluu your existence you cannot
iflbrd to lot thia opportunity pass ,
Wo could not utl'ord , and would not
? ivo tjiis remedy nway unless wt
{ now it would accomplish what we
: hiim for it. Thousands of honelcs :
uses have already been complete } }
mod by it. There is no medicine in
ho world that will euro ono half the
.vill . cure. For side by
0) ) Jan A MqMAiioN , Omaha.
\ Itiil package of "BLACK-DRAUGHT"
tv of eharge. "
' At 0. F ( loiMfiuiii'a.
Organs , iianosl etc. , at the lowest
[ trices , at Edholm & Erick on'ti.
_ . ,
IMl'OHTKI ) XLOWr.ltlKCl 1IU1.1W ,
Very choice varieties , at Evan's Seed
Store. uitlO-2t !
"VVINEOFCARDUI" for Ladies only.
At 0 , F , Goodman
for n Director.
J3. O. Mills , ono of the directors i
the Chicago it Northwestern railrom
and family , who ] > a.sscd cast from Sr
Francisco a few weeks ago to No
York , arrived in this city ycstc
day on the return trip. Tliey occi
pied a special car. During the nigl
the tr.iln on the Northwcstei
road , to which Mr. Mills' ci
waa attached , had a narro
esciqio from a fearful accident. Whi !
passing along a high embankment , i
a passenger reported , the condncti
noticed an unusual jolting of tli
front cars , and immediately rang th
train to a stop. Jpon oxaminatio
it WO.H seen that a rail had bccotn
moved and two cars had already lol
the track nnd were running on tli
tica very close to the ends. If th
train had run an hundrc
feet further it would doubtlcs
have gonu down the onibiinkmcn !
The vigilance of the conductor and th
promptness of the engineer probabl
prevented a great dUantur. The ra
had probably been moved from il
place by a heavy freight train , and .1
attempt at causing a wreck is su ;
Mr . Atkitfiin hns returned from Nci
.John .J. Hull , of folder , Nat the C'roili ;
.nn house.
Kd. Maurcr rttmticd last night from
; rh > tn St. Loul.s ,
MM. C. A. Hammer , of York , is agues
xt the Crcijhton house.
J. A. Abbott , of Lincoln , i-i In town
stayins at the Crcigton hou o.
.I.1. ! ' . H. Kinkaid , of I'icrrt1) . T. , i
v suebt at the Crcightou house.
Dr. Frisoni , accompanied by tilts fninil ;
if Mr. Schnxlcr , leaves for O'ermany in ;
cw days.
Mine host , Herman Lcpin , of Lcdin'i
lotel , nt HaBtiiiKs , i.s in tlio city , stoppinj
it the Metropolitan ,
Chief Engineer lllickcnsdcrfer , of th
Jnion Pacific road , went west yesterday
in a tour of inspection.
Guy Ilailon , of Xorth 1'latte , armed ii
hi.s city yesterday. He will soon inaki
Imaha his permanent home.
Dr. 11. V , Pierce , of the liulfido Medi
al Dispensary , passed through this citj
c&tenlay on hit ) way home from a traiiH
ontint'iital trii. |
Uhas. H. Hcndn'cVs has recci\cd ai
mtograph letter from Kinina Abbott be
auso of his favorable critiipio of her ] ) L-r
ornunco while here.
Among the "stronger * in a htrangc
ind , " but hospitably cared for at tin
Vithnell , are .rosluui S. Williams , wifi
nd two daughters , from New Zealand.
The Withnell Imiuo register contain'
he following nanms of readers of Tin
5Ki : : M. II. Karle , Orand Island ; U. A. .
vctchum. Yankton , 1) . T. ; L. F. Taylor ,
Jncoln ; Alrr , . Krickxon , Stramsburg.
William Hood , of the extensive cigai
Manufacturing firm in liinghamton , Ncv
Tork , known as Goo. A. Kent & Co. , ii
nthocity. ITo has a broad Hinilo for hi
nany old friends from the 1'arlur City.
J. S. Halbcrt went east yesterday
'Jack" stated that Chieagi was his ilestin
itiun , but hi.s knowing friends look wise
md hint that he mi nerf the great centra
nctropolis of Amurica by about fortj
The following are among those register
d at the Metropolitan : A. J. Wright ,
'ecutn'ch ; George Gulp , Lincoln ; Mrs ,
) . W , Itobinwn nnd son , lUoomington ; li ,
) ill , Sterling ; Dr. Klwood , N rth Uend :
sV. . Holcomb , Liberty , M- .
1) . J. O'Donahue , of llrockvillc ,
) nt , ! m come to tins city wtl !
ho intention of remaining here
icrmanently. He has just retmued will :
lis wife from a Kuropcan trip and enter
nto thu employ of a prominent dry good * of this city ,
Sir Sidney Waterloo and family , con-
idtim ; of his wife , daughter , non and HS <
er , passed through the city yesterilaj
fternoou in n Hpccial tar for the vast
L'hey are on their return from a trip to tin
east , and will proceed directly to England ,
ir Sidney was formerly lord mayor oi
Virtue Acknowledged-
Mrs. Ira Mulholland , Albany , N . Y. ,
writes ; "For several yeaw 1 have ufereii (
rein oft-recurring bilioiu headaches , coir
tipation , dyxpcpsi t and complaints peon ,
r to my , ex. Since lining your HiillDOCK
il.ooi ) DiTTKliH I am entirely reliuvcd.1' '
'rieo § 1 , triul ai.u lOcents. lOeodlw
Scooped of Hi * Cash-
A railroad mnn named Will ian :
jawlcss was robbed of about $ -10 hi
uoney and part of his clothing in ,1
L'welfth street saloon last night. The
liiovuB have not been caught as yet ,
( though thu victim knows who the )
What's In a Name !
i'i' - Yorlf Hjililt vt thu Tlnicrt.
Kx-Governor Bowie , of M iirylnnd ,
ho owner of the famous race horji
'Oiickmoro , " while pleasantly chat-
ing with the managing partner of n
icavy advertising firm in Baltimore ,
ras somewhat surprised by the qucs-
ion addressed to him , whether In
vould be willing to grant the priyi-
ego of re-christening his favorite
torso for the sum of $5,000. Thu of-
ur , certainly n tempting one , wrn
ourtcouely and thankfully declined ,
t is hardly necessary to suggest that
f the proposition hud been accepted ,
he great "Crickmoro" would for the
utuiu add now and brighter lustra tc
he fame and popularity of St. Jacobs
Kdmund 0. Ellis , junior member ol
ho late linn of Irwiu & Ellis , died
\Ionilay \ night aftoraprotracted illnus !
itbia residence 1U5 Webster street ,
lie cause of M r. Ellis' death was con-
umption and his demise had not beet :
mcxpi'cted by his friends. He WHS
hirty-four years of ago and leaves u
vifo and live children. 11U funeral
akes place to-morrow ,
JLLl.S Monday , October 10 , l-Idumnd 0.
Kills , agudill ye.iw.
Frieudi ) Invited tn attend the funeral
Vedueitday , 3 p. in. , from the raidtnce ,
015 Wclwtor street.
Crying Necessity for Mor
Boom There.
To Oio lil
OMAHA , October 11. - It is in fact
crying necessity to havean additio
built to the present St. Josephs hoi
pital. J'nticnts are daily refused at
nultanco on account the lack of teen
As soon as ono patient leaves the hoi
pilal thorn are a half a dozen applicr
lions , and of these live must bo n
fused. Is it , therefore , too much t
ask thu citizens of Omaha , espci
ially those who aio blessed wit
temporal prosperity , to com
at once to the relief t
poor and sultering humanity ? Th
sisters ore daily exerting every ncrv
to the utmost to nlleviato the pains c
the poor sullerers , but they can no
receive more than the present nn
sufliciont capacities allow. Therefore
come forward not only with word
of charity and philanthropy , but wit
liberal contributions for the now addi
tton. Show lhat you mean what yoi
say ; bo charitable not only in won
but in deeds. Do not postpone thi :
nohle act of charity longer , but sot t <
work. Make the excavations for eel
lars and foundations , and raise tin
structure aa soon as possible. Lethe
the sullerers have room. CII.MILKS.
"WINEOFCARDUI" four times i
day makes a happy household.
AtC. P. Gocilmr.n
NOTIOK Ad\crtlscment To Loan , For Salt
LoMt , Found. Wants , Hoarding , fcc. , will be ir
sorted In tliena columns once for TEN CENT
> cr line ; each nubsequciit Insertion , FIVECENT
wr line. The lint Inncrtlon noicr lesa tha :
/I ONRY TO LOAN Call at Lrtw Ollico of r
M L. ThoiuM ItoomS. Crelirhton lilotk.
loan at from 8 to 10 per ceil )
. on Rood real citatefcccurity , b1
m. HAAC F.DWAKDS , noa Fnrnhain st.
1'0 LOAN At 8 per centln
tcrust In smnt of 82rx)0 ) nm
jp ard , fora toSyoars , on llnti'law city mu
arm property. fiKJiis llui. E.IIATK and LOAI
\OKNOT. 16th nnct Douslss St .
X ANTKD : itiutton by a t'lrt i-i n binall fam
> I lly. liiiiu 10 IiitUllLiiK'u : Ollitf , 303 S
1th St. -Jib-Ill-
'ANTED New mllihcjws , l.llllcneld'aRara
W togaDalrj" . 2gM4'
10 oarpentcrs Apply to White
WANTED Druu' more , cor. lllth and Califorul :
5t. Si.T. ML'KI'IIY. 223 IS'
VIT'ANTEI ) K\pL-icm-rd se.1ln trf < 'J. NOIII
\ V lother need apply. Call nt No. lljlfi IJoii ;
an St. , bet. ICtli and 17th bts. 21la
' ANTED ICO to 200 lo.ids of dirt near lil
W' anil St. Mary'fc aMnue. : ICtiinilro at llei
Mice. 22M tf
Ufa > ouiix'S U ( drl a MtuMloi
WANTED ainily lor general housework
\pply at or adJrci H. Meier , 2uOjS. lath gt
v _ 2ST-tt
E\icrlonc-cd | ( tervant girl for en
WANTED urk ; tmall family. ISIS Web
cr St. 227-12
ANTED 03od cook at S. W. corner Ifltl
W and Ilarnoy Sta.nyvt $4 per w'cck.
Olrl for si-neral housework. Cal
WANTFD It. U. lunn & Co. , 210 South 1 1 >
tri-et , 220-tf
ANTED Well rccommendod girl , at Hud. .
W _ Itivi-r House _ , 1310 Hartley St. 222 11'
Printer. A permanent sitmtloi ;
WANTED p.u to | ho r. ht man. Address ,
rhu Pilot , Ulalr. 107-10
ANTED-A goodhoiue irlrl , No. 1 ! > 1D Web.
W BterSt. 213-11
W ANTKD- Situation by a > ou jr mill in
eture. ( luiulro Intelligence oificu , 303 lltli
truet. 214-11'
WANTED A jjood cook. WaRei * 25pu
mnnth. Apply at 2WS Umt M. , botneci ;
Oth and 21st. 191-tf
Ifoto 200 Innlbof dirt near 2IrJ !
WANT1IO . M.uv'n uvcnuo. Emiilrt | < at Itu ;
- at 10SO North ICtli street ,
WANTED-Ohl . Drown. MHS. J.M. COt'NS-
IAN. lOJ-tf
- A vouplv oed rylludcr press
WANTED- llnd tteudy tmplo ) ii.cnt at
hi * olllcc. 27-tI
Kuniicctahlo employment hyhus-
WANTED u ifu. AddretH P. P. C , , Ilea Of-
' c. _ 077-tf
WANTKD nuod eu-ond jjlrl at 1818 Chicago
htrcet. 41-tI
lA'ANTKOHousekeeper , 1101 Farn'iam St. ,
\ \ upstairs. 30-tf
ANCED-Ulrl at 2001 DodKo struct.
_ _ , _ Q70-tl
ilfANTF.D-Fundln ; hrldirn uud school bouds.
VV H. T. Clark , Ik-lluvue. 20-tf
neil IIENT Onoortwol.irjro plcaunt front
[ chamber roniiH , furiil'hul or iinlurnUlud , ,
ithont board , to ladlui. or irvnllenaii and wife.
115C ilforniii St. , hot. 21tt Ja 22d. 213 15
) KHiNT-A lart'u ftoro Inquire of N.
L Shclton , 10iar.iriiliamSt. U3S-13
UiOllUCNT Suit of room , nicely ( urninhed
Niiitiblu for four gentlemen. Abe oiu Mingle
jom for two. Northwist lamer SOth nd Dav-
upon Bta. ' . ' 3tf
[ 71011 IIKNT-Plauui , SJ and S5 per ino-ith , at
l } 818 10th i.trit. . 2JO-tf
[ 7IOII HENT A new hou c , corner 10th and
[ Webster , Apply on prtml-id. " 17-11
fTIOH HENT A line new Broom houw ! . D.
I ; Cookc , Ibtliuml UaNcnwortliStn. 218.19'
HENT foianriemeii , with ( -ood ruftr-
euro , room ami boaid ( or thu winter In a pn-
ate family. Call at 1012 Can * St. 100-tf
UK.NT HO-JHH at touthwiet corner ISth
EJ10K 1 , , frf.near lino. 177-li *
, KENT Nicely t 'rnUhcd front alcove
} room ; also a Hiiuller room , law inlwn ; brick
oiue. CawSt ,4iloor we t of 2 thHt. 1M tl
neil nKNT New house , South 17th
L1 trcet. J , L , WELSHANS ' , at Union Kiev-
I7IOH HVNT-Jmt ttnUhcdtwo flret-cloM two-
L' story brl-k housed , S and 0 roomn , stahlo
nd cemented ixillars ; $10 mouthy In advance ,
V.M. IlL'BIIMAN , ( j. U. eomer 15th and Douf
as 8U. _ P23 tl _
KENT S lurnlthed room * o\cr Jlej ,
FOK * KichaiiL-eN , b' , ccr. ItUh and DO.IKI
irrrt * .
SALB-A team of Urpc mulu. L. 0 O.
FOH . , 1112 H. 13tliM. U >
HALE A email lunikf and ] lot w ti Koo
well mid table , on 2Ctb , near tfhum na\tn
iN ISO * Prlr * , tUO. 2U-14'
71 OH HAI.IJ Chean , lioive , biir.-y and I arncfu.
I Kiuiulu- No. > , Crclghto'i Mock , 21-14
71011 H VLK Tlirio-iprlii ; ; bugiry wfKO" . In-
. ; qulro N. \ Vuoriur Jone und ISth Sti.
KII13 nuntUlnKlongllsU ol IIOUHW , lot.
B tinJi &tid ( anna for solo Call and ittt
nOUSALIi-Stock uml flxlmi-s ol tnllliiifry ,
1. notion Mid hnlr toro , ( loins a tfood bininpw ,
locntlon rcntrnl ; utoto mid 0 clliiif ( lOjjitlicr ,
rent chcAii. I u Isli to rctlrs from but-lncwi. AU-
< lrM A. It , Post Olllre , Omaha. 137-13
I OIl SAI.D-- l > cautlnl ( roldcnco pro ] < crty erf
J.1 " 0 acres utth coinmcxlioui hnuse. Ij 'ht
ncrcf of orfh.iril nnl r i-icv.-iril , txioatlon
Only two nnd n Imlf tulles ' from jxwt ollico.
( Tiunt JOHN h. llet'AOLK , 0) ) > p. I' . O. 70 U
B 203-tf SALb.ESTAnilOOK k COP.
FOH SAU5 A nnull Milno. II. W. l > aj-ne k
Son > mike. lu perfect omlcr. tnqolrc nt II.
. Clark & Co. Sfi-tf
ITIOIt BALK Lento and furniture ol a first cl < n
JL' hotolln ft ts n of 1300 InhnblUnU , In ftntu
of Nclir.vt ) ; * ; h a 24 Vrd ; the tr.'vxcllncnicn e re
port. Inquire at UK ! ! office. iH-t
IllimKI.I.AS And I'arMois repaired by M
TT SOITUTT llth .nd Fonmin t . 7K > ff
I.IOH aAlib 1 Mint il - a mlilntt ornnn. very
JL' ilipiip ; ncAllriiew. Inquire Mlltou 1'ozcrs
tt. Son , 14th nnd Farnham St. _ W-tl ) _
MAIrMaV ) ) ot UouRliktand Ktiriiy coun *
EOK * . A. liUSKWATKU , UTOKAtnhnin trt-ct
SAL1J Four norm of hurt nwir water-
I' works reservoir , at"o two cottaRca mi Cniiltol
Mill. Add. A.NlIlUW.liLVINS.lHOO DOURO | Ht.
SALRrinu stock farm -of 400 uc h-
gootl lioucc , cattle shod , orchard &c. , wltn-
In can- roach ol railroad. 1'rli-f , $4fOO , prat
time nt % . JOHN L. McCAOUB , Oii. | , Pert
onu c. _ ron.ti
AND LAM ) licniis rcnti tiou-js ,
HOUSK3 , liotcls , tarnota , IiintU , ollict-s
rooms , etc , See l t i > n c
TTIOIt SAl K < iood lionio with lour rooiun and
JL' half lot , No. SHIS Dodeu betwion 20Ui aud
27tli ft root. Good nell and sliado trcva ; house In
Rood condition. Inniilrc on
rpVKiN'UP-nitcmlier llth. ly ( thu imdor-
.1. cloned , Ihlninvr on tlio .Inil o llritfpt'a farm.
JJ mile * u8tot Oniiihii , DouuLiiCo. , Neb. , on
nllch ixiw , suppo'icd to bu ll\c yean old , with
crop oii'l ' f-llt on left oar , nnl nnd uhlt < lcti.
21li-lioM3Alli JAMfcSO. 1IA K.
AND 110 Alt II A pltniint homo for
ROOMS for tlirco fonth men , wlicro tboj
mi Him the lonilort-i ot n lionie. iUfennco o\
Addrcts H , Hi o olllcu. ' 233-1
Fine lock . Cell s. W cor. 7th and
FOUND St. Pay chaw s. W.V. . 1'Olt-
I'KH 231-IP
Will bujrnon tomiy one jirocur-
1115 a permanent position in
\\hoc nlo IIOIHO or ortice , by j-ounjr man late
'rom i hi ajro. Four\ciM bU'jtnc cx
\ddrets C. U. , llio otlli-e. Zlo-ll *
UEAUEbTATE 1JOOM. Sec Itt page.
A'i JlllS. It. E. CLAKKE'S No. I Hoard
CALL Ilcvti , cor. 13th and UoOga Ht . tlo
n ti" ultv _ MO-H
INSTIIUOTION3 In Frcnch,50cr
PUIVATK Ori'ek anl Latin. Prof. Henry W
ilrek , 1207 Jac'tson St _ 1100-ocs
) HAY At A. II. Sander's Feed Store ,
BALKl . slO-tf
B lac paiju.
MAl'S,20c. ScuHt
SAtK WOO fat Mothers. AdO -
O dre 3 Anton Abi'l , Plum Crock , Danson Co. ,
Scb. IBS-la *
_ ;
KENT A U'lfiirnUhcd room wlih
110 bajvlndott - nnd n-randa. within MX
rom 1' . o. Address U. If. , this ollicc.
F Kllza tells past , | , rc ntand future In loio
nd all affairs. She rc\ caN the deepest secrUsj
ho heart. &he posseswcs tliu in.i iiclic IKJWIT ; )
ulflll all jour wishes. Call nt So. 32i comer Ittn
nd Chic.iso street.
\TTANTBD Kxcrylradv in Council IlluOa lo
W to talio TIIK UKI2' ' > icnt per week , dc
ixercd by carriers. Oiticucor.uT llroadway and
, Ialn , up htalru , Council 1 Hurts. lid-Mf
ITTANTKD To tiuy 100 ton * "broom rom.
VY For particulars addreti Council Hlufld
Irooin Factory , Council lllulls , Iowa. CM-sMrtf
A aood carpenter at onco. Ap
ply Jlynster & , Adauw , Council Illufle ,
. iffl-29 *
"HII. ( -
\\7ANTKD A llr > tclabroom tier. Mayno
Y ? &Co. , Council lluff ! < , lowu. 6
ANTKD Abovto do choreat Mynitrra
W llshtry , Council niufN. wil-is'
[ 17 ANTED Coed girl for senernl hou-tewortt.
VI Maria Mymtcr , Uoumll Itluirs. 002-tf
y\7"ANTED A bltuation hy a llrst-cla * * rrlllor.
Vj Had 20 jora uxpeTiunrv. UndcrittAiids
Id and new proctsj-oa. S | > " , iki4 hir lih and
! erman and ru.iU.iint < > < l with Mcam ami water
owcr ! < . Cun v\\u \ the Injit. of rtfcrcneu. Will
ome nn trial at nnv time. Addrod H. H. , lto <
fill , Council UlullB' la.
WANTED IIsa scntleman of expcrienwtnd
bu-incns habit * , u position with a llrm ,
IthcruM clerk or 1 1 traiel. Uciercnco jrli.'n. I.
* WATK1NS , Council lIlufTs. 012 21)
171011 SALK Old pnptri ICe per buiidrrd , at
J Tlio lieu olllcc , Council Blutls. m-27 tf
iT7"ANTED Two experience J book HO
VV for Colorado and Utah. Addn-i P.O.
o1214 , Council lllulln. lowu. 000-21
Co Contractors , Bniltlera and
Property Owners.
The undeiBlKiiedhaUnKbcenapixiintcd agent
or tha uxtennivo Iron and wiru nianufiuHurlnp
OU3P.H of K. T. Itanium , of Detroit , and thu
lus.icl Iron Foundry and Works at Toledo ,
Ihlo , capacity of M tons dally , U prepared to
urnlsh estimates and pricm for Iron columns ,
: c. , lie. , for Btora front" , window capo and < Ille ,
hrexltold plates , wrought iron IMUIIIH and crird-
re , h > Jraultc elevators , ttaplc tlttb ) , piUIcya ,
hufthi ) ; , &c , ; also Iron fences , crej < tln ; , win-
ow xuards , shuttcru , etalni , balconies , < jtt < iw ,
halts , vases , ociuarlums | , fountains , miuimer
onset ) , law n , garden and cemetery ornaments ,
owersUmlH , ( 'rat o guard * , 4e. , &e..ln iindluw
arlety. Cutalo-ruca auppllud on application.
Manufacturers' Ayent , m Pearl tr t
aiulO-1m mu Council Illuffs , Iowa1
IONALIHT , 493Tcntli Streetbuti F.irnhiun
ndllairey. Will , with the aid of guardian
ilrlls , obtain for any one aelance at thunt
ud | in < Hcnt , and on certain conditions In the fu-
ire. Hoots ami Bhooa madu to order. Perfect
tti fiction puaratitted unid-lm
Absolutely Pure.
Made from Orapu Crt > a Tnrtai , No otlior
nation in kn euch light , ( laky hot bn yjn.
mulou | tnCan \x. \ ejiton by Iy ] H-ptl
lt out ft r ol the 111" roultlmr from IKAVV linlJ
cottblo food. Bold only In rani. , by all Urooon
C F - , . ,