Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 12, 1881, Page 7, Image 7

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010nrnhnm ( , bet < Oth nnd 10th Street * !
One cony lyoar , lnxhMicop ( ttpnld ) JIO.X )
months " B.O
month ) 3.00
Leave Omaha No. 2 through pvwcngcr , 11
. m , No. 4 , OaV land p-OKscnjcer , 8:80 : rt. in.
Atrlvo Omaha No. 1 , through pMiongor , 2:50 :
m. No , 3OMilJtid , passenger , 5:30 : | i. m ,
0. , 11. 4 Q , 5 .1 , in. S'40 p. m.
C. & N. W. , 0 n. in. 3 : 0 1tn. .
0. , H. I , & P. , 0 ft. in. 8:40 : p. in.
K , C. , St. J , 4 C. II. , Ifiues at 8 . m. A"d CSO :
p.m. ArrltcsatSt. Loulsnt 0:30 : n. in , anil iA2 :
ji. m ,
D. & JI. In Noli. , Through IXprcss , 6:35 . m.
13. & M. Lincoln Freight. 7.00 p. m.
U V Kxprosi , 12:16 1' . in.
O. & H. V. fortlnsoln , 10.20 a. m.
0. A H. V. for OtcooU. 0:10 : ft. in.
U. P. freight No. 6 , 6:80 : a. m.
IT. P. freight No. B , 8:15 : n. in.
U. P. freight No. 7 , 0:10 : p. in , emigrant.
U. 1 * . frofc-ht No. 11 8:25 : j > . In.
C. B. & 0. , 6:00 : n. in. 7:25 : p tn.
O. * N.V. . , 0:46 : a. Hi. 7:20 p. m.
C. H. I. & 1',0:45 : a. iu. :05 : p. in.
K. C. , St. Joe fc 0 V. , 7:40 : n. m. 6JS : p. m.
W. . 8 * . L. & I1. , lcacunts n. in. anil 3MO p.
m. Arrhcs at St. Louis ntOIO : n. in. ami 7iO : :
p. in.
0 , ft II. V. from Lincoln-IE : ! ! ! p. in.
U. P. KxpK"M i-b : p. in.
B It SI. In Nob. , Through r.xprosi 1:15 : p. m.
U. & M. Lincoln rrcl&ht 8:3S : n in.
U. P. Freight No. 10-1:40 : p. in.
No. 0 4:25 : p. in. Emigrant.
No. 8 KWiO p. ra ,
No ' 12 11:35 : a. in.
0. & H. V. mlxeJ , or. 4:35 : p. in.
NOR til.
Nebraska DIUslon o ( tno St. Paul & Sioux City
No. 2 loaves * S:30 : n. m.
No. 4 loaM * Omal.nll.30 p. in
.S'o. 1 arrUcfl nt Oi.uhaat 5:30 : p. in.
No. 8 arrl\c at Ouiahant 10:50 n. in.
Leaxo Omaha at 8:00 , 0.00 and 11:00 : a.m. ;
1:00 : 2:00 : , 3:00 : , 4:00 : , 6.00 ami 0:00 p. m.
Lcatc Council UlulJaat 8:2,1 : , 0:25 , 11:25 : a.m. ;
1:25 : , 2:25 : , 3:25 : , 4:26 : 6:26 : and 8:26 : p. m.
Sundajs Thu dummy leaves Omaha at D.-OO
and 11:00 : n. m. ; 2:00 : , 4:00 : and 6:00 : p. m. Loiwos
Council UluHs at 0:26 : and 11:26 : a. m. ; 2:25 : , 4:25
and 6:25 : p. m. _
Opening and Closlnrof Mall * .
a. tu. p. m. a. m. p. in.
Chicago &N.W . 11.00 0:30 4SO : 2:40 :
Chicago , U. I. & Pacinc.ll:00 0:00 4:30 : 2:40 :
Chicago , 1J. & Q . 11:00 : 8:00 4:30 : 2:40 :
Wabash . . . . 12:30 : 4:30 : 2:40 :
Sioux City and Pacific. . 11:00 : 4:50 :
Cnlon Pacific. . . . .7 . 6:00 : 11:40 :
OmahailtV . 4:00 : 11:40 :
B.&M. IllNol . 4:00 : 8:40 5:30 :
Omaha & Northwestern. 4:30 : 7:30
Local malls ( or State of Iowa leave but once a
< Uy , vU : 4:30 : a.m.
A Lincoln Hall li also opened at 10:30 : a. m.
Office open Sunday a front 12 in. to 1 p. m.
Business Directory ,
Abstract arid Real tstate.
JOHN L. JIcCAOUE , opposite Post Office.
W. R. BARTLETT 317 South ISth Street
Architect ! .
Room 14. Crclghton Block.
A. T. LARGE Jr. . Room 2. Cietehton Block.
Boot * and Shoes.
JAME3 DuVlNE & CO. , .
Fine Boots and Shoes. A good assortment ol
homo work on hand , corner 12th and Harney.
THOS. ERICKSON , S. E. cor. 16th and Douglas.
COS 10th street , manufactures to order good work
at fair prices. Repairing done.
Bed Springs.
J. F. LAIUUMEE Manufacturer. 1517 Dourlaiet.
Dooks , News and Stationery.
J. I. FRUEHAUF 1016 Farnham Street.
Butter and Eggs.
UcSITANE & SCHROEDI'.R. the oldest B. anil E.
'house In Nebraska cstalilixbnd 1875 Omahx
acuthwest corner IBthand Dodge.
Best Board for the Monoy.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Meals at all Hours.
Board by the Day , Week or Month.
Good Terms for Cash.
Furnlahri' llnnms > ipplicd.
Carriages and Road Wagons.
WM SNTDER , 14 th and Ilarney Streets.
jewellers. :
JOHN BAUSIER 1314 Karnhara Street.
Junk ,
H. BKJITHOLD , Kaifa and MctM.
Lumber , Lime And Cement ,
FOSTER & OKY corner tith and Douglas Sts.
Lamps and Ulassware.
J. BONNER 1300 Dowlas Rt. GLood Variety.
Merchant Tailors.
One of our moat popular Merchant Tailors Is re
ceiving the latest designs for Spring and Summer
Goods for gentlemen n near. Stylish , durable ,
and prices low aa ever 216 13th bet. Douc.&Fani.
Millinery ,
MRS. C. A. RINGER , Wholesale and Retail , Fan
cy Ooodg In great variety , Zcplijru , Card Boards ,
Hosiery , Globes , Corset * , ic. Cheapest House In
the West. Purchasers sa > o SO per cent. Order
by Mall. 116 Fifteenth Street.
JOHN WEARNE & SONS , cor. 14th & Jackson > t
Hour and Feed.
-OMAHA CITY MILLS , 8th and Farnham 8ta. ,
Welahans Bros. , proprietors.
Urocer * .
Z. STEVENS , 21st lUwocn Cumlng and Irar
T. A. McSIIANE , Corn. 23d and Cumlnjr HtreoU.
Hardwaie , Iron and Steel , S
OLAN , V LANQWORTHY , Wholesale , 110 and
12 16th street
A. HOLMES corner 1 nth and CallfornU
Harneu. Saddles , &c.
B. WEIST 80 ISth St. bet Karri , k lUrnev.
Hotels ,
AKFIELD HOUSE , Ooo. Canflcld,9Ui & Famh u
DORAN HOUSE , P. H. Cary , 015 rnniham St.
SLAVEN'S HOTEL. I * . SIa > eti , JOth&t.
Southern Hotel , Otis. Hanirl Dth it Umtnwortli
Iron Fencing.
The Western Cornlro Works , Agontt for the
Champion Iron Fence lie. , h onn hand all klmls
cf Fancy Iron Fcncco , Crotln , Flueala. llalllni , ' " ,
otv1310 Dodiro stree. apl ? In
Clothing Bought ,
0 3HAW will pay hlghoat Caih price for second
hand clothJnc. Corner 10th and Farnham.
DR. PAUL , Williams' Block , Cor. Uth & Dodge.
Drugs , Paints and Oils. '
Flno Vuno Goods , Cor. Uth i.nJ Cs
Douzin ktrccts sal
Ol '
W , J. WIIITEHOUf K , Wholesale J : ItcUII , 10th st. OlO.
1.0. FIELD , 2022 MorUi Side CiimlnK Strict.
PAIUl. Druggist , lOtn and Howard Streets.
Dry Qoort * Notions , Etc.
JOHN1 ! ! . F. IKtlMANN & CO. , ad
New York Dry Goods Store , 1310 and 1312 Farm hai
1 btro trsct- haTt i
L. 0. Enewolil also booU and how 7th It PaclAo. TtMl
, huruiture. near
< A F. GROSS , Now and Second Hand Furniture arba
. lid Etorta , 1114 Tfquiru * . Highest caeh price
" aid for Btcond , hana ei > o . ar
BONNEU 1300 tMum t. Flo gootlt , Ac. en
of I
KOSENFELP , 10th St. , btt. tu , & JUr. Dl :
A. Donaghns , plint , cut flowers , seeds , boquotl
etc. N , W. cor. idth anl Uouclas streets.
Civil Engineers nnd Surveyori.
ANDREW KOSKWATKR , Crctghton Dlock ,
rown Siinc ) * , Grade and Sencrago Sjstems a
Specialty. _ _ _ --JT _ _ _
Uommlsslon Merchants.
JOHN 0. Wit , LIS.UU Dodge Street.
0 n. HKKMKIl , For details BOO IURO ad\crtldfl-
mfnt In DnilVaml Wreklv.
Clear * and Tobacco.
WEST ft riUTSCIEU. ! mir.uf.uturcrs of Cgnn ( ,
nd Wholpwle Oealers In Totwxni , 1SOS Donel-n.
W. F. LOIIJ JZUN liinnufactiircT 61110th etreU.
Oornlco Works ,
Wosftrh Cornlco WorVs , Jlannlicturers Iron
Cornliu , Tin , Iron ami Hhto Hooninir. Orilcrx
from nny locality promptly c.vrciitcd In the best
manner , t'aitorj and Oll'cr 1310 bodge Street.
Oattanlmt lion Cornices , Window GUN , etc. ,
mntmfnitiircd and put up In nny mtt of the
country. T. 81N1IOI.D 416 Thirteenth street
Orockery ,
J. HONNKR 1309 loum strict. Good line.
Ctothlnc and Hurnlililug Goods.
OKO. II. VKTKUSON. Also Hat * , Caps , Booto ,
Shoes , Notions and Cutlery , SOI S. 10th street.
Fence Workt ,
OUST , FUIKSi CO. , 1213 Ilarney St. , Impro <
cd Ice lioxcs , Iron and \\'oo ! Fence ? , Oluc
? , Counters of I'lno anil Walnut
Refrigerators , Canflold's Patent.
C. P. GOODMAN lllh St. hot , Karn. & Harno'
Show Cats Manufactory. )
Manufacturer nml Ucnlcr in nil kinds ol She
CaecD , Upright Coses , a . . 1317 Cass St.
FRANK L. OKIlHAItn , proprietor Omih
Show Case manufactory , 818 South 10th ( true
between LoA\cii ortli and llnrcy. All K ° ° <
warranted flrst-class.
Stove * mia Tinware.
Dealer In Stoves and Tinware , and Manufacture
of Tin Hoofs nnd all kinds of Uulldlnff Worl
Odd Felloni * Block.
J , BONNER. 1309 Douglas St. Good and Chcnt
Seed * .
J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Seed Drills an
Cultivators , Odd Kcllous Hall.
Physicians nnl Surceons ,
W. S. Glims , 21. D. , lliom No 4 , Crdghto
Block , 16th Street.
i * . B. IEISINUING : , a. D. Masonic Block.
C. L. HART , M. D. , Kje and Ear , opp. postofllc
DU. I < . B. GKADDY ,
Oculist nnd Aurist. S. W ICtli nnd Fnnihim St
Grand Central Gallery ,
212 Sixteenth Street ,
near Masonic Hall , firat-clasaWork and Prompt
ness guarantee ! !
Plumbing , Gat and Steam Fitting.
P. W. TARPY & CO. . 21012th St. , bet. Farnham
and Douglas. Work promptly attcmlcd to.
D. FITZPAT1UCK , 1400 Doutfaa Street.
Palntlne an Paper
IENRY A. KOSTKRS , 141 Dodge Street
Shoe Stores.
Phillip Lang , 1320 Famnam st. hot ISth & 14th
Second Hand Store.
PERKINS & LEAR. 1416 Douglas St. . New ano
Second Hand Furniture. House Furnishing Goods
le. , boutrht and sold on narrow niartrina.
In the new brick block on Donplag Straet , baa
just opened a most elegant Ileri Hall.
Hot Lunch from 10 to 12
e\ cry day.
" Caledonia " J FALCONER. 070 ICth Street.
CHAS. KIEWE , 101S Farnham bet. 10th & lltd
P. PEMNER , 303 } ' Tenth street , between Farn
ham and Hamcy. Docs good and cheap work.
G9 Cent Stores.
P. 0. BACKUS , 120S Faniham St. , Fancy Good
To Nervous Sufferers
Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific
It Is a postu | ocure for Spcrmatoirhca , Semlna
WeoknosB , Impotancy , and all diseases resulting
from Self-Abuse , as Mental Anxiety , Lossi
Mimory , Pains In thu Back or SIde , and diseases
that load to
Insanity and
early gra\o
The Specific
Medicine. Is
being used
with wonder
ful miccoss.
mil free to all. Wrtto for them and gut full par
Price , Specific , $1.00 per package , or six pack ,
igua for 85.00. Addrcan all ordcra to
Nos. 101 and 100 Main St BuRalo , N. T.
Bold In Omaha by U. F. Goodman , J. W. Bell ,
I. K Ish , and all druglstao\erywhere.
ted .
t = J
ILER & CO. ,
3ole ManufaotAirora. OM 'VHA. '
17 and 218 North Main St. , Ht. Louis ,
tooK , i DADCDC jwniTmof
Printers Stock. j
/yCash paid for IUa | and Paper Stock , Sera
rori and Jletuis.
Paper Stock Warehouses 1229 to 1237 , North
MraskaLand Agency
305 Farnham 8t . Omaha , Nebraska
are.ully selected land In Kamtern Nebraska for
le. ureat Ilargalng in improved farms , and
'uiaha city property.
Late lAnd Com'r U. P , . . tf
I'rofvHsor Fisher , ( from St. Ixxilt ) Danrlrm Ac-
diiinr , Standard Hall , cor , Fifteenth and I urn- ,
am , Tuesday eicnlnn , Beptcmbcr ( Itli.
Glauses for Ladk * and Oenttcuicncoinmcncln
uwday tvcnluK September ( Uth ; cUuwiiiM for
lutes and Matter * , commencing Saturday after'
eon at i o'clock. ClosKLH for Families , will be
rrangcd to suit the honorable jutrona. Al o
allit dancing can l > o taught.
Tcrmi liberaland | 'rfv < : atl faJlon to schnl.
nKiimntreJ , l'rl otcn | tructlnn < wll V > Klt.
at thu iMncIni ; Acadvmv o Jut ( ho olileiivO
the | atrons. '
I'rhnto ordcri may be left at Mm
' '
Abney Olms Ahlstrom 1'clor
Atlair W S AhUtrand S
Alictuittliy Clm < 4 Ahninnson John
Alilstrniul E l Andemm Andrew
Ahninnson ,1 A Ayer J B
Armstrong G i ) Anderson 0
Aiulurson N P Anderson L M
Amleiflon I.nia Atkins U
Agciistcin Ootlib Anderson Andrew
Abrumoh Daniel Anderson 11 W
Aiitlorsnii Dlo Anderson ( ) P
Allen Franklin Anderson 1 F
Anderson K V Anderson 13 ( )
AntlnH flco Arvedson .Joint
Andoraoii N T Austin Samuel
Amlunon 0 Altlmuso Gerard
Armor \V 15 Anvil lUchard
UrnnU.lo1in ( Chaa
Itnitcr Chna Bohlevor Joe
Hurko Ouatnvo Bell ,1 T
Ituitolson C Iturgdotf Henry
Jlirkctt C 1 Jtiuns.lilin
linmtlcs Clina Boll John W
Dnllard Thoa Bird Chas
Urawloi Mielmol Boyer Peter
] 3oic8on Philip II Boicscn Peter < )
Ujorklniul Alfred Banks J W
Uurr Diinicl Hislivj- John
Bonn Jolin DnrRstrom Ang
Hrnugor ChrU Bohno August
I31nuk D 0 Bndwell F P
Uodwoll B F Bernnek John
Uuteli Fritx
Buuliler Michael Bar/.cl Sohn
Burry Jlichiiul Bendlmnsor TV
Bermnnnn Ch.ia BcrginanIax ] \
Balliml FV Bnck P INI
Bhick Joseph Bonn Gee
Bruoker G F Bitush Jiirob
Jlnnka Tlios Buck J
nriidley Frnnk Burke Oliver P
Beta M Bolilman Gen
Blond 0 N Brady John
Brown W II Duch.tnnan A G
Black DJ ) Beekman Joseph
Bell Adam A Blumborg Angus
Barbcan Joseph Berginist 'U I1
Bird H Bryan John
Benson John L Bindcrup Julius
Brcnncn Frank Bohn John B
Buigstrom S .1 Berggron August.
Bariutt Edmund Boin Albert
Brown Ed Dailctt Joseph
Benson B
Conoycr Chan M Christopherson J
Callahan .1 B Casey Thos
Callahan E B Callnhan Jns
Callahan H P Casey Chriatophei
Corey S D Cooper Ed 0
Callilmn 11 H Collins Timothy
Christiansen Jac Christiansen Lars
Christiansen Jim Christiansen Jno-2
Column A M Convalin Fr
Christiansen Andr Cowleshaw 11 L
Cndy E H Camm Thos
Clark W E Connors Pat
Connors Michael Crowley W
Carrier C S Cook M D
Cleburn W Cuer J P
Cumnrings Win Corrignn Timothy
Christiansen JacobCopps Henry
Clark Jas T Chri.stmiisuu M
Collins Dan Collins C W
Clark A B Cunningham Auto
Dan Casslus Abrahuiu
Clark W E Collin Chas M
Clark M Coulter Jcromo
Colcnmn L II [ Connor E
Connor John Cmniuings Robt
Cunimings A H ChalHs J. F
Corrydon TimothyCrecloy Chas
Connors .las Cunningham M
Corrikan Jns Castlun Andrew
CinninjjsV A Cuir Win C
Cutler Frank Case L H
Grimier Jaa Cogan Domenick
Cunningham S L Doll Win
Daemon Alpx Davis Jas
Dclor S A D.ivis J S
Davis C M D.irrow G M
Decker Oliver G Darrow 11 H
Dillon Rcdnion Dinncen John
Doyle Jas Doheny Lawrence
Dennis J U Danks M O
DolanJR Dinan Michael
Dinan Dan Davidson Chas
Dorflingor Chas DeckerhofT John A
Daley Hugh Davidson John E
Donabuo D F Dickey John A
Dollawitro F 11 Dumpert Vulonti'o
Duncan 0 W Dougherty T J
Eden A C Erlling E 0
Blgnttef Morris Eppuruon S C
Eveaon Gee England ChnH
Elircnit'ort Henry Engstrom Albert
Edward M G E-latrom John
Enowald Jas C Ewing Jna P
Egger Joseph Estello L T
Edwards Jos . Ellis John
Erath Wm Elgin Dnn
Eslinger M rlin E-jan Edward
EyelHiidFerdinandEnowaldLawr'cu E
Ekland Aug
Flachdcn Gee D Farror L P
Fogarty John Foley Timothy
ti'lanery Peter Frost John
Portunatus John Ford John
Fitzgerald John Foley P D
FHnn John Frick Andrew
Fox Stephen Foley Mich
Fair James P Frey Lason
Foster Win Freeman Andr
Fuller FC Fisher J C
Fitzpatrick Win Fiala Vaclav
Frederickson M Fnrness Edgar
Forgborg Chaa Fell Albert
'ogarty D F Fuigua F L
.i'ishor Bcrnaid Foley Michael
Freso E J French E R
Sran'GeoB Graff J H
joodman C F Green John II
3rapp Wm Gillo Fred
jjaelo Herman Gihhiy Frank
"Jilmoro Henry P Gannon D
TM J M Guthmd John
3rooms Gee Green W E
jrot3 A F Go.ldard S M
Jranipa Joe Grady Mich
jrubaugh Wm Galligan JJ \
lillmoru Ellin Goodman G E
3enslor Andr Gutxscho Henry
robs Fred Gorman John
tin n A Gould W II
joodyear Ezra Graber Andr
3rocox Tlios Gartland Francis
Grocox Hiehard
jro.sman Julius Green Lowra
ii-iob August Grim Albert
Jrindlo W B Gnndorson Peter
jetxschmann A GotxHchmatm G II
jet/.schmann 1'
lonry J A Hon/.a John W
ansen Mark llickstein Fritic
loller John Heller Joe
latiBon Bertram Husted C 0
Iimscii M Hewer Peter
laiiHoii' Julius JlaiiHun Gee
lansen Hnns Honscn JOIIH
lealy John Hazolton John
ranting Win Harmon Paul
farmrtn A J Harmon L A
larmnn Eug6no 1. i Harmon A H
lirt Michael Heffcrn Peter
Icnriucmn ) H Hofl'man Gee '
InnsuijSvOT JJumel Gust
Jumpcrt Frank Hogan John '
Chun Harmon Wm
GeoJolin Hobun A J
Icnri J U )
Ilibbard Win B Helm Chas
llaarmann G H HHIISOII Olof
llcolan I'M llockilrnssor J
Hackett A'ntony Hanson Pctor
llamnnn W F HamannF H
Ilngan Put Horttnmtml ) J
llnnscn Christ HallonbcckWni
Hansen Itasmus Henklny WM
Hobble 110 Hollonbock Fran
Hansen Jens HnnrnmimO F
Helm John Helm Cln istian
Hanson Chris F Hnnsun Chtis
Hedin Chas Herman Albert
Holvig Chns Heinohoy Pat
Hvnderson Jas Hansen Jess
Hughes P W Hormish J B
llensen Ford Hoover D.xvid
HalpuUt Otto Hicks Gee N
Haysll P Hnitman Jacob
Hogcnseii John Iloyso Wm
Ilomeliua Chas Huys Thos
llerlika ! Jacob Havvll John
Hm ? Peter Hnrnov 0 W
Hunt G .1 Hoist S M
Holland Thos HonninjAoii H
Hanson Win Haii nn Moris
In lehnrtBE Her Ell
Johnston M JohsonTA 1
Johnson Mgntis Tonkin * F A
Jonkinson 11 G Joi'gonson S
Johnson John Jensen H 11
Jetportvn Laurilx Jensen 11 H
Juhnson S P Johnson Andrew- .
Johnson Potcr Justus W C
Jaeobson Jacob Johnson N
Johnson Jhon A JOIIHOII Jens
Johnson T \ Johnson J A 2
Jon.son Nih Johnson B
Johnson J A 1 Jenny L M
Johnson Chas Johnson ,1 W
Johnson S P JOIIHOJI J 11
Johnson Christ Johnson Robert
Jensen Anton Johnson Andrew i.
Johnson Nile Johnson A S
Johnson Bengt Johnson Douglas
Johnson Frank Johnson A
Jess Clans Johnson A L
Joshson Enot Jones Chas F
JoshsMii laasc Jones D P
Jolcn Yaeleavo Jackson Henry C
Jones A L Johmon Aurthur
Johnson T A 2 Jensen Jacob
Jackson James Janu'son Henry
Kcmpf Aug Koiscr AUR
Kearney Jus Kearney Martin
Kaaech F J King C H
Knoll John Kroissman Ed
Kiuifmrn Chas Kount/.e Herman
Kent Josiah Kimkill Thos L
Koppors Mieh Kill Peter
Kuemmcll Fred Kustner Thos
Kelley Pat Klindt Christ
Kane John Konnolly John 1
Kollnor A F Kemmerliin ! B
F laa Fredk Kirk Cornohns
Kpmniont Anton Knupp Mich
Kirk land John Kidder M : 0
Kissono llich Kuca Albert
Kucora V Kniuso Fi-od
Koster Henry A Krebs Ernst
Kast Simon Kirklaud W J
Kearney Frank Keck John
Konnolly John-2 Knapp F 0
Koster Chas ] \I \ Krause Theodore
Kane M ! Krumel Gee
Kaplan Fr Koyus G H
Kaufman Henry Knodoll Henry
Krczk Joe Kolcham Lewis
Kollcy W A Kroulick Jos
Laeoy JII Lewis E D
Len/ Max Larson Peter 1
Lindsey John " .Lavin Mich
Lago Henry Larson Hans
Lucas H 11 Larson Nols 1
Lai son Ole Lindburg Fr
L'iraoii S J Linaholm L
Lind John Long Ebon lv
Lictdema i Barney Loronzen W F
Lackstrom John Lnrnoti Christian
Larson Anton Xowis WE
L-irson Lars Larson A G
Livermore S B Larson Peter 2
[ /arson Abraham Larson L 0
Larson Nils P Larson G P
Larson Lola 2 Larson John
Lindell Gustavo Lp'inmo Chas
Linahan Thos Linlmit Herman
uambertsonJW ILambertmin Peter
Logan B F Lewis E D
Laing Robert Lowery T J
liinalian J A Loncproy Lewis T
LarHon E LaMnstcr M F
Joyejoy H M ! Leary P J
Lioining llerbeit Livingston B F
' igo Peter R Lappm T
andonborger Fr Laibel Leonard
jumioux Luwis LiiChapcl ] ) Alex
judwiek Gcoigo Lathrop N T
tlangon Lawrence Moyora 11 M !
Mots ; Fred Mnrkol J E
Horiclo Gee 0 Murphy Wm
Vlaloney James Morlord J H
Mitchell Benj Morford A T
klorford 0 W Moran Cornelius
Maruubtt David Morford Win N
Metcalf J M Mullen Michael
Horford J S Miehelscn Peter
Worrison J W Malone Thos
Hulcahy U 0 Mulcahy W II
Hadsen Potcr Madson B F
Hellurs D C Martin Peter
Hathiasen Aug F Mnllon M
klathiascn Hans MafeH Chas
Vlanror Eugene Monroe J W
Uooro Wm B 1 Mathiasen John
Morrison Wm Mntson John
tfadsen Peter Morton John
Moon "VV R Mattson P D
Jooro W B-2 Murphy 'J1
Murray J H Miller-John
tfarrili Charles Mnthiason Kol
Mack 0 H Motxger John
klillor Alfred Mathiasi-n W C
iloyei'd Lewis K MathiuH 13 R
ilorrin B Mnhonoy M. J
Tariin FC ] \IuiHtney \ Frank
ilills James Morciipt Robert.
ilnssiun Andrew Massion Alfred
ilet/.a Potcr , . ] \Iurphy \ JamcH
ilulvohil Jerry I\lufclundui \ J P
ilnllun Henry Moore E 0
\Iund8chonck P Martin John
thinning Michael Michael Joseph
Hulviliill John MoiitiiL' Joseph
ManleyThos Mooru S D
Murphy Patrick Mulander Chits
Minoyiio John McCaity Put
Mollu h Win McNeil Put
McCormick Jaa MeCaity Clias
Mclntyro ChaH M cGovern Jolin
McOavock A McDonald R
McCuflry Pat McCowun L II
Mclntyro David MoArdlu John
SlcMituia G W MoKeonu II J
Mcllugh Jus McCarty Martin
MoEvoy Patrick McCluliiluSumuul
McCormick P H MuGuade Jamen
McNumnm Tlios McAuloy John
McKcoDAI MeKillip David
Norton JumcH Norlandor Wm
Vowhouso Frank Nelson John
clBon N C-1 Nelson 8wan
STolflim Paul NoOlIHIl TllOH
STolHon Ole Nelson Peter
NTUHOH ) JtuRinna Nelson 0 R
kelson N F Never Wm
S'olsgu Win NoviiBok James
S'olBOU Korcn Nelson N C-2
Sroll John Nelson L F '
s'ovotny Friink
rSullivnn Ed oison
taiulnfl J' ' " WiNatnu
lson Nulnon O'Urieu John
Onell Chailcs Obcrg Oscar
Olson Swan Ohman (1
Olson Huns Olsen O
Olson Pctor 2 Olson John 1
Olson Olof Olson John 2
Olson Ole Olson Chas
Ohon Hnns C Ohman Frnnk
O'Brien Goo M jr Owens P B
O'Coenors J J O'Bryno Patrick
O'Domiell Patrick Oman Jncob
Olson Nols2
Pinch Chns Peterson N 0
Peters W T Pjorrou M F
Pjorron J T Padock H G
Porter James R Peterson Goo H
Peterson James W Pries Ilolit
PiiiKcnschum F Pivonkft F
Point1 v Gustavo Petersen N 1
PninovH 10 Polio F 0
Peterson F M Pearson John 1
Peterson Edw Person Andrew
Peterson Jens Peterson Robt
Power John Peterson Christ
Prochnskn Jos Porter A L
Pllinging Will Pllaiging Wm F
Porter W W Preston Win
Pearson A F Pet.'i-aon James
Peterson Peter Pugiu'r Martin
Piluty Joe Petersen Ole
Pet/ John Pendeison ,1 H
Pcaison John-- ! ! Poti'won N 2
Peterson Bartol Paulson N
Patterson E G Peterson N P
Peterson A F Peterson Jones
Power W A Polow A D
Penoyer Wm Priolmrd Joseph
Pivoka Ynclnii Philbiick E E ,
Poll * A R Popa James
Peterson N-2
Quau Edw Quinlan Patrick
( juick Martin ( ni&tgard A J
Quinn Jas Quinn
( jiiinu Peter
Reitmeyor Goo Rnjtorn Frank
liusmussen R Uansmussen Chns
Rotors H E Kosengren O F
Rosicky John sr Itosicky John It
Roddis Edw Roe J P
RJIUI Peter Roe John P
Rcdington Miku Robinson Siman
RobertNon HA Robins John E
Robins Joseph Robling Michael
Ryan John Reed Robt A
Roche 1C B Rogers ( lee
RichardBon G W Rasmuison Christ
Ryan John RobiiiRon Dm
Reed Ed Rush D 0
Reed John N Hoed T W
Reese Wm Rheum S J
Iteineku Ernst Robin Inane
Itcgan John Roc.s John
Hugo Alex RosoJ 0
Ross Stephen Riley Thoa
Iteichstein Louis Roonoy M
Swacinu John Stonbori. E M
Soaton John S Seaton John H
iogolko Wm Slaven Felix
St. Felix Henry Schofth Chas B
Shi Hi Ernest Sno\ydon Wm P
Spronl Mich Sundblad Chas
Stit Henry S Salhohn Chan
Slavon Mich Stigor Wm 11
schlioben Aug Swickard A F
Smith JE Sch roodcr Fred
{ { iimn Hiohards Stubendorf F
Schweikert Fr Schwoibald Rob
Sorcnsen Nils Swacina Jacob
Stout ES Spettle Martin
Stein Paul F Spruguo l''red M
ItophonHon W HCSchouby Hans
ihanahan DeniA * Sehinker John
> inison ] F W Schweur Lewis
strein Wm iSchindler Chaa
Scholpp A Seller John
Sobroun Fr Schneider Adam
Slianahan Pat Sulluy Thos
SchultJacoo Schon H
Sinith J P Smouk Chns
Sincere Henry Swaiison Gns
swunsoii Nels Sherlock J E
Smith Justin 0 Sore iisoti Jacob
Sparrow Chaa A Sul/er Christ
Shaw Gee W Shields W H
Stebbins 0 S Schmidt Jos
Scott Jess Hpaulding W H
sehhiLchtor J SmyloyJ B
Overling Julius Str.ingland John
Miierch J J Stopp Gus
Simons Chaa D Smith L E
Stoet/.ol W E Simpson Jas
3hopardson D D Slephonson H M !
iiitphenE N Stone H M
jsuton Ohna F Slowart Win
strupert Wm Stabell Jos
smith Wm Solden D J
swancina Peter Spethman F A
Shannon W J Stilt A U
Spencer Gee W Strupert Aug
Still Chan Summer Paul
Scott H M" Swobo John A
jwitnson NeN Slmldii F S
Soxion John
I'orkolson Peter Thrano C C
' P M : o Trahor Win
Vaynor Andrew Tultle Juiiics
'rilaty Roland Thomas Michael
'ruyniir John Trir.ernp C
'hoinpson Nels Titui K D
'esir : John Toy Thou
'empleton W A Thomas Ang E
'hoinpson F Thompson John H
'rott Joseph Taylor Joseph
Baylor John G Thoiiiiw E S
'rinnbull Goo 1 Travis John
"aylorChasII Trnvis Aimer
. 'humpaoii W M Turtlu J W
i"racy John Tottemor S
rhompson John Trjicey Wm
L'hompson A
Jmpfcrson Wm Uhtoll'Aug C
/andcrhcck S J Vorpi'rto'i Henry
.rondcrwort Punl 'Vnnotis Jon jr
Aranous Jos sr Vodica Fr
Vnnoy W H Van Unson Ilpnry
Volkmoyor E Vjdica V L
Villis Goo D Whalnn Owen
Voodward 0 Jil \Voodward R S
VobstorL H AV'illcford ' J II
Velota Jus Wiburg Aug
Veig Peter Willing Leopold
Vaguer Fiod Walls John
Viulson Henry D Wagner Julia
Vitt JH Wodell C M
Vood 0 K Willis LA
Viuliugen Punl Willis John N
VtilHtrom John Willis G W
\'aro W D AVileox WS
Vulkor Laurcelot Wulliico R A
Villrodt Christ Welbh Pat
Vilcox W P M'ildo Richard
ViiiHlow L H \VookH N
V'ilkiim ( ieo Weeks L P
Vestman Fred Whitney Gee M
Vcisbroud Gee Winding C J
Vulkor fam B Willir Goo
Vorthington Chas WotsonE P
Vusoba Jos Wells Fred
VillianiH Aug Winthor Max
Vilson H F Wrighter W D
Vntson 0 H Warwick Rob
Vuriier E S Woltia Frank
VugnerJ H Whitesido Ben
Voyhind Pctor
'oung Hans York Gee
iminormnnn G Zullor Muthlits
isson Albert Fell Aug
eskowaky-Anton Zung Wm
cssin Chun
This \H \ to nullify Hint the nbovo i a.
trno list ofi the i'ox'H ' 'H'd.vfotor.s of tliii
Fiut.wnrJ todati' ; , fptybci ) 10 ,
' , K , JU , KTKNJIURU , .
Hojjintrar Firat Wind.
X B. Detwiler's
The Largest Stock and Most Complete -
plete Assortment in
The West.
We Keep Everything in the Line of Carpets , Oil
cloths , Matting , Window-shades t , Fixtures
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1313 Farnham St. , Omaha.
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You will Save MONEY by buying
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C03 N. 10th Sti'cot , 2d door north ol Cul orn E Sido.