Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 12, 1881, Page 2, Image 2

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' Political Rumors The Nov
Stamp-Tax The Now
Ohiof Justice.
Railroads nd l WIIRO American
Correspondents in Mexico-
Cit.l of MeMco Correi | vndciici ! of the St. l.ouli
Inasmuch as Mexico is a land in
which u man in ollico never resign. '
( though he often dies ) , itix Imrd U
utidoratand why the press of this cilj
ohbuld have ontortaincd Iho runiot
tlmt Sr. Laudoro , the secretary of thu
treasury , was goiii ; } to resign. Such
u iiniuir undur : itiy circumstances
wt > uld 1)3 absurd , hut it ii Btill
moro absurd when the only
ground for his resignation is alleged
to bo liis conviction of fail
ure in passing nn unpopular tax law ,
knnirn ns thu law of the 4th of Au
gust. Stamp taxes ahvnya have been ,
and alw.iys ought to ho , unpopular ,
and any minister who invents n now
ono ought io bo no lit to prison. Hut
it will not do to judge Mexico l > y the
stimlardH of other countries , nnd Sr.
Laudoro's now stamp Jaw wan not
worno than a great deal tlmt wo put
np nith under our now abandoned internal -
ternal rovcnuo system.
In fact , Mexico , in point of taxa
tion , is about in the cxpcrimonnl
atago , wliich wo , in the United States ,
have juflt passed through Her tariff
is as multifarious , compile ktod , voxn-
tioua and self defeating as ours was ,
4ind her stamp tax , which is next to
her tariff as a source of revenue , is
t woithy of our wosrt efforts in that dl-
I'cction. Itoforu
'everything that w.xa north a dollar
had to have a stump on it. If you
bought ti suit of clothes for $50 thci
bill was § 50.01. Tlio railroad faro to
Vera Cruz was 810.01 , and your bag
gage check nt n 1-cont stamp on it.
Even documents issued by govern
ment officers had stamps on them ,
which had to bo canceled in
the most formal manner. Thoru woio
some stamps as high HB $1 , but the
I ccnb stamp wan the prevailing nui-
fliutco. By way of exception , a ticket
'to ' a theater or bull fight wan only DO
cents , and the gravity with which the
ticket seller , would hund out 1 cent in
'change with each ticket won quite
Bullicicnt compensation for the loss of
revenue to the government.
The stamp system nnd tlio tax on
liueincsstraiuactiona of \ percent had
gone about ns far ns any one could
wish , but in the estimate for an in
creased royonuo there had to bo some
new taxation , and the government
very unwisely extended its petty
taxes. The 1 cent slump passed
over the dollar line , .anil the i
per cent tax on snips was extended
to the smaller retail traders which
had 1)001' previously exempt.
The law won tin to effect August 4 ,
, jind , of'course , everybody was mad.
\T5yorybody lia'd rouaon to bo mad , nd
- if 'tho ministers defended on popular
.support , Signor Landoro would hnvo
.a very good pretext for resigning.
But a cabinet hero is no moro amend-
ablp to public sentiment than in the
' , United States , and it is safe to eay
Hint the ( secretary of the treasury
Tt would bo very foolish in him to
do HO. Ono of his laws is an un
doubted mistake , but this is the only
point on which liin administration of
the treasury has not been highly satis
factory. Ho is looked on as u man of
unquestioned , integrity , ' ho has a
great deal of that Mexican patri
otism " which much resembles the "loy
alty" by which wo used to sot so much
store , and when ho took ollico , ho
took it with the understanding that
ho was to devote himself for four
years to the task of equalizing the
budget of the country. If ho succeeds ,
ho will have rendered his country the
greatest service since the achievement
of its indoponJonco.
Among the changes which are not
rumors'is the announcement that , on
the completion of Yallarta'H term of
Dih'ce as Vice President mid Chief Justice -
tico of tho' Supreme Court , the posi
tion will bo tilled by
at present Senator from Tabasco.
There is to bo an election , but n nom
ination by tlio Government la equiva
lent to the nomination of u Demo
cratic State Convention in Missouri.
Romero Rubio ia suid to bo Iho best
lawyer in Mexico , and to hnvo the
largest income from his practice of
any member of the bar. Ho was
minister of foreign affairs under Lor-
do , nnd when Lardo left the country
Romero Rubio wont with him and
lived for KOIIIO time in Now York. Di
az , however , thought that so capable
: i man could servo his country better
in ollico at homo than in the discon
tent of a self-imposed cxilo , and ho
was induced to ruturn. Tlio ad
ministrations of Diaz and Gon-
y.ale have had no moro judicious ad
visor than Senator Romero Rubio , and
his elevation to thoHoeond ollico in the
republic ia a deserved recognition of
hia unquestioned ability. To us it
scorns a little bit nut of the way that
i the judicial department of the govern
ment should overlap the executive in
this way , but they seem to gut along
very well heru on that pliin. The
lias closed its subeeripfion books with
; , 93,000,000 of cfipilal aubscrfbrd. I
am not informed as to the amount of
credit Vfhich will bo floated on the
basis of cosh , but understand that
Ijioy propose to issue two dollars
in paper for every dollar of itx assets.
The other band , tho'Muxicaii National ,
tbiiks ) nbout fhroo dollars to ono dollar
lar ia a aafo thing in banking , nnd
'thuro is a grayo discussion in the paper -
' per * ns to what ia nafo banking.
The whole business of banking in
the hands of Mexicans ia a pure ox-
iierimcnt , < md it is impossible to toll
now it ii going to pan out. If there
in any itucli thing Impending as wild
cat inflation , epectilation and
.atod vajuca jljo baiks | arc going tijgu'l
I I , / : ? ? .4fMIl ! ! ' . ? lw , . ' '
trfgijn witypfc 'lfopn but $10.000 [
. ) { 000'onili.OOafOOOjiimM ; : not to ho rt
ilungerouu ntSution' of the currency
Mexico , ami thero'ought' to hu enough
now bubiiuisa here to nso that amount
< liscounls
and to circulate it in the ordinary
transactions of trade.
In Sonora n bank has been start'oc
\xith a capital of § 100,000 , with Mr ,
Robert ll. Syinon , of iho Moxicni
Cential road , nttho head of it.
In spite nf the rainy season the
work of
is going on with great activity. The
Mexican Central is pushing on id
nay to Qucrctaro , and work on the
1'acilic nmnch is going on nt sov
crnl point simultanooiisly , At it.
Inat report { ho road had in its employ
15,000 men , and in nny other coun
try such n force would construct ttvu
or tlircH ! miles n day , I should judge
judge thought that the peon was not
as efficient as the Irishmen , from the
circumstance that his pay is BO much
less. At Querotnro , where ! l,000
puonn are employed , the pay has been
L'J reals or 111 J conti1 , but the company
liai recently cut it down to - reals or
25 cents. Tliero was n good deal of
kicking nnd complaint , but the com
pany linds no difficulty in getting all
: ho labor it wants nt rote.
Poor ns such pay looks , * \i cents a
day with steady employment t * a gixl-
lend to theao poor people who are
mlf starving in the in the interior
of the country. My hiiWr was talk-
ng to mo this morning : u ho sh.ired
no , and ho told mo that ho WAS from
/ac.itoc.18 , where they were misernblj'
. " " ho s.iid ' 'in
> oor. "Why , senor , ,
ny town , although they sell tortillas
nt twelve for n clnvo ( cents \ ) , there
re many who ate suffering for want
) f food. Wo want to see the Amor-
can railroad come that way because
hem wo expect to got good work and
vagcs. " 1'akn them nil around it is
onbtful whether the day laborer in
Mexico averages n real or bit six days
n the week.
SonBonnMo Hints-
rnm ( lanloncr'a Monthly.
It is now established beyond nil
[ iicstion that u tree or shrub taken
ut of iv poor soil will not boar trans-
) lnnting ns ono that has boon well fed.
'or instance , if five years ago two
for/way spruces were planted , both of
lie same ago and in soil both just
like , but ono should receive no nmn-
ro every year , the chances of success
n removal will bo yory much in favor
f the well fed tree. Numbers of
rocs with good roots nnd well planted
lie after removal , simply from n
voakoned constitution brought nbout
> y poor living. It has always boon
mucrstood in this country that a
ransplantod tree in wafer for being
pruned , but the pruning genernlly
consisted of shortening in nil the
branches , strong an well ns weak.
But it is now found thattho tree should
not bo shortened in , but merely thin
ned out. Alt the weaker branches
should bo cut out nnd the strong ones
left. It is not possible to pound the
earth too tight about n transplanted
It should bo romomborcd that trees
die in winter from drying out. There-
lore , give the roots all the chances
possible to heal and growj before cold ,
drying winds and frosts appear. Ono
of the best of thesu chances is to plant
.early , l lant as early as possible after
tlio fall rains come. It makes little
difference whether the yellowed leaves
have all fallen or not.
In floriculture cxpprirenco is teach
ing us many new things. As to lily
culture , we find them loss liable to
disease nnd to dying out when they
are planted deep. Lilies Hhonld be
sot six inches beneath the surface.
Tlio autumn is the proper time for
planting lilies us well us moat other
hardy bulbs.
There is leas enjoyment in summer
than in spring ( lowers. After the to
tal absence of floral beauty during
winter , the soring blossoms nro doubly
welcome , and then tlio season of the
yenr renders them enjoyable beyond
anything that thu heats of summer
will allow. From now until Novem
ber the hardy flower roots will ho
sought for amongst the most interest
ing of spring flowers. Unless very
well acquainted with the varieties of
hyacinths and other bulbs , it is best
to leave the selection of thu kinds to
the dealer. The host manure for nil
kinds of bulbs is rotten cow manure.
Half-rotten stable nmnuro or rank
matter of any kind is not good. Very
rich garden soil , without manure , is
better tjian to have thm matter fresh.
Attention should bo given at this
season to the flower beds by noting
what has done well in your locality us
a summer-blooming plant , as no time
should bo lost in procuring a stock
for next year. The host way to propagate -
agate nil common kinds of bedding
plants is to tuko a frame or hand gloss
nnd set it on a bed of very sandy neil
made in n shady place in the open air.
The sand should bo fine nnd sharp ,
nnd there is , perhaps , nothing bettor
than river sand for this purpose. The
glass may ho whitewashed o * u > ' ' -
side , so as to ntford additional security
against injury from thorn's rays.
Into this bed of sand cnltinus of half-
ripened wood of the desirable plants
may bo set nnd after putting in slight
ly watered , Even very rnio pliinla
often do bettor this way than when
nndor treatment in n regular propagat
ing honsit. In making cuttings it in
best to cut the shoot just after n bud ;
they root bettor nnd are so likely to
rot off nnd docny. A cutling of nbout
three eyes is long enough for most
strong growing tiiingo , such ns gera
niums , fuchsiax , ute.
Sii'nll growing thinya , ofcouwo ,
will tuko moro buds to the one cut
ting , From one to thrco inches is ,
however , long enough for moat cut-
tinga , They should bo inserted nbont
one-third of their way nndor sand ,
which latter tthould bo pressed firmly
against the row of cuttings with n flat
piece of board not , however , hard
enough to force the particles of sand
into the youn- ' and tender hark , which
is often the first atop to decay. For
n. few cuttings they may bo inserted
with a dibble , but where many nro to
bo put in it saves time to muik a line
on the Band with a rule or straight
edge , nnd then cut down a face into
tlio Band , say ono or two inches doop.
when the cuttinga am bo sot avninst
the fuco like box-edging. All ama
teurs should practice the art of prop
agating plants. There is nothing
connected with gardening moro inter-
osting. * . _
, o.
Wfrkiww . whereof , wo , ufjlrm x.yhon
wp Buy that Warner a fc > afoKjdioy ! and
fyy.or Ouro uiJ pur/oriiiv ( < l juoro won-
deiful cim-H than uny medicine over
brought befoiu the American public.
A Splendid Ride by Moonlight
Pine Scenery Along the
"Big Muddy. "
Nomnlm a Good Frult-Growlnfi
County-A Fnitt Cnnuiup ;
Factory Nootlod.
Correspondence of The Ucc.
NKMAIIA , Neb , , October 10. A
Sabbath day's journey on the Uur-
lington A' Missouri btought ns at the
Missouri river's side near Nebraska
City , moving south.
Itvi > s la to in the day when wo
toadied this place , and the moon was
round and bright. The w.irm and
guntlo winds fanned the weary trav
eler , and filled my. very soul with
hope nnd joy nl every respiration ns
I g.uod into- the river and saw the
soft rays of light from the moon re
flected , paving n gilded path across
her placid bosom , which scorned as
though it hid boon put out expressly
for my honelit. For thu time I for
got all earthly can's and my mind
drifted nway across the beautiful wa
ters toxvara that celestial abode , and ns
thechnriot rolledalong I fancied that wo
were soon to traverse thnt beautiful
road nnd onlor the golden gatcn , nnd
wondered what there might be forme to
do when I had laid away thcso weary
eyes foruvor. Could I see the beauties
< if Heaven then ? Can wo sco the
the beauty of earth now ?
How many times wo meet sights
that nro so glorious in themselves that
no pen can describe thorn and yet we
do not seem to see them. Nature is
beauty , everything is lovely , if wo al
low ourselves to seo.
The scenery along the "Big Muddy"
is beautiful'if ono can look at it with
out , associating former hnowledgo of
her trctvchcrousncss , nnd particularly
so along the line of the 1J. & M.
For the present the train stops at
Nomahn City , but the track ia laid
some distance farther , and will soon
connect with the Denver line nt or
near Tnblo Rock.
The people of Nemaha hnvo the
promise of a now railroad bridge
across the river by the 13. & M. olli-
cials , who propose to connect their
road with the C. , 13. & Q. at Vnliscn ,
Iowa , making a direct line from
Cnicngo to Denver , via Nemaha City.
"How far is it up town"Ienquired
of n by-stander as I got off the
" 'Bout half mile. "
"Any 'bus ? " I askud.
"No. "
"Any free lunch counter ? "
"No. "
Soliloquy : There is nothing for
mo to do bore ; guess I will quit and
hire out for n pony express.
By the timu I had expressed my
grips across the bottom and
up a stoop flight of thirty-six ;
high stops and then tb townI
abandoned this idea , and after refresh
ing thu inner man with a hot meal ,
( craekors and popper sauce ) , I resolved
that some day I would go to Italy and
do a little sketching , but on more
deliberate reflections I decided to stay
in Nebraska a while , for it's most as
nice ; besides , it is % long and sloppy walk
for n newspaper man.
I hnvo been very much interested of
Into in the letters of your spe
cial correspondent from northern Ne
braska , but I would not have his
readers entertain the idea 'that ' No-
briiska was all north of the Platte
river not for four dollars.
I have not neon anyone out hero
"cultivating the contented atoor" but
they do cultivate the Hoil and in a
most scientific manner , which in my
estimation is much moro profitable ,
besides they hnvo horses to drive in
this section and the contented steer is
allowed to run almost wild until
wanted for ninrkct.
Nomaha is most beautifully located
onahigh tableoverlooking thovnlley of
the rivers and ia backed by the most
romantic stretch of country I hnvo
neon in the state. There are some
five or six business houses , well
stocked with goods and the
proprietor enjoy themselves ns bus
iness men , Moro stores nro to
bo put up. Among thorn will
bo n brick drug tttoro by Mr.
J. .1. Bender , as soon as material can
bo had , and every ono in this section
knows thnt if J. does it , it will bo an
ornament to the town.
Twelve now houses were built this
summer ono of them n brick and moro
would have boon done if carpenters
were to bo had.
Nomaha county is an old settled ono
for Nebraska , nnd the first settlers
did not forgot to plant some fruit
trees , which have mnco become of
good qizo and ago nnd have proven
iruit growing in this section a finan
cial success. In many places largo
orchards have boon put out nnd a
fruit canning factory at Nemaha city
is the best thing I can advocate.
I was shown the nicest specimens of
poaches both in size nnd quality that
1 have eeon in the west , growing in
the yards of Nenmha , and grapes , oh ,
my ! Apples are quite abund
ant , but not a full crop
this year. In riding along the
wagon road to Urownvillo , 1 saw nomu
largo orchards growing that looked
very much like my old homo in the
woild'a renowned fruit growing coun
try ; the fields were fenced and hedges
nnd windbrakcs marked the lines of
proprietorship. Some big corn m now
rondy to bo gathorodjiuuljthcro is some
thnt ia not big enough yet , but I ex
pect it will bo by another year if thoM
M inter is not too haul.
Wo paused the farm of
Mr. 0. M. Kaulfmnn , who
has utilised the most rough and broken
places about him by planting all kinds
of fruit tree * ) there , thus giving them
natural shelter from Iho atonim , Mr.
K. has a line residence nnd everything
along the roud shows marked improve
ments on his place ns well as the other
farmers. The creeku are bordered
with a native growth of timber , among
it may bo found the oakf jitokory , mil-
plo , cottonwood , ash nnd haxlobruah
from the Mutter I picked BOMIO nl6o
UyjuuiMi lj * fteiunhit , F Jparn
unit tlio Uiwn ndxv HO
prosperous Ima doubled in aizo within
two yuan , and if who should become
tlio half way house between Chicago
andiDcnvcT on the railroad , nnd the
halfway house for the Missouii river
bargpllinc , she would be nuito likely
to liold her big sisters level. She now
has HU n young city requires to inako
her grow , nnd that is enterprise und n
prosperous country for miles around
that continues to Iced her.
See advertising columns for busi
ness directory. llovim.
How' * the
"How'K the baby ? " " IHs croup is let
ter this morning , tliank you. Wo xaxo
him HOIIIC of ThmnoV Klectrio nil ns you
adxlsccl , doctor , nnd tliall gi\o him Homo
moro In MI hour or so. " Is'evt day the
doctor pronounced the yoimgntcr cured ,
Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago ,
ffacfocho. Soreness of the Ghost ,
Gout , Quinsy , Sere Throat , Swell
ings and Sprains , Burns and
5 , Scalds , General Bodily
Pains ,
Tooth , Ear and Headache , Frosted
feet and Ears , and alt other
Pains and Aches.
1ft reparation on rarth tquali ST. JACOII OIL
M a tnfeturr , ttntplf and cheap External
tme < ] j. A trial entails but tlie comparatively
tiUIng outlay of CO Ontn. and er rjr or.s auffer-
U ( with pain can bare cheap and poiltlr * erocf
tf % clalmi. fJ. .
Dlrtcttoni In El r n linguae * * f
Diminishnd Vigor.
In reimbursed In great measure to thoia troubled
xxltlixu'ak klilnuxii , l > y a Jiulloioiu ueo of Hostel-
a > 'd Stomach Hitter xthlch Imljroratei and
Ktlmulutceltlioiit xcltln tlio urinary or-
raiH. In con junction ulth IU Intliiciiie upo'i
Item , It correct ) acidity , Improves jppetltv , nnd
s In cncry vav eoncliu'Uu to health and ncrxu
reposo. Another marked quality U UK eontrol
over fexcr uiul a ue , nnd ltn poncr of proxcntln
t. Kor sa'e by all Unu.lsts nnd Dialers gen-
Foundations of Success
The laxx tot trade. Icjr&l forma , how to trans
act buslncni , xnlunblc tables , Boehl etiquette
larllamrntixry vsago , how to conduct public busi
ness ; In fact ft ia a complete Uuldo to Suecesj for
all cases. A family necessity ; Add r can for cir
culars and spoclM torrou ANG1IOK PUBLISHING
:0. . Ht.r/nuU. Mo
rADCICI n Amenta u anted for Ufo of
LmtlrlCLU Proldciit Oartleld. A torn-
ilete , faithful history from cradle ti gtnxe , by
lie eminent bloxrapotr , Col. Couwell. Hooks
all ready for delivery. An elegantly Illustrated
xolump , Kmlorscd edition. Liberal terms.
Agcnti toke order * for from 10 to W copies dally.
Outsell * any other book ten toone. ) A cntH nexcr
nado money so fait. The book sells Itwlf. Kx-
icrloneo n6t necewary. Failure unknonn. All
aakolminon90l > rontM. Prlxatu terms frco.
ocCd&wlra 1'ortland , Maine.
The Oreighton and Niotrara
tuna dallv , lonxln ) ; Crulhton | on arrlxal of
rains at 0.30 | > . in. Arrlx o nt Nlolinra , 12 30 a.
m , Jxaxui ; Nlobram. 11UO 11. m. Arrixcn nt
Crolvliton at 0 a. in. . In thno far train. I'arv , ? J.
OctlU'llil UKOItliK liilllV ! : , 1'roprletor ,
S. E. Corner Oth and Howard ,
The plan of Stmllca la tlie Kxnm as tliat inirsued
11 nil mo Academic * ot the hactctl Ic ! rt. UK-
erenio In rellK'lon In no ubatailu to ( lie mlinln-
Ion of } ouni ; ladles. Tvrnn : InchMlni ; Hoard ,
AVntlilnf , Tuition , ami Ii ktrumental Music , ) xir
uu > < bJoii 01 flvo month * , $160. llofcioncca nrure-
Ail ted from all pur on unknown to tlio Iimlltu-
lon. 1'or flirt In r Information uinJy to 'Jliu
llev , lIUlicp o Uinalut , or to Ilia Utdy
HOllIlIK llIlpS. In all llallroid
Ticket * , Omalii , Neb. , otter TliKtttj to the lixnt.
intll further , at the following unheard of
Ohlcaco , I2 ; Ilouncl Trip , 821.00 , 7hc o are
liultcd Kirbt-Clab Tli'kftn Knd uood for return
htaUKh the j ear , and x la the OIJ Itrllalilo Chi-
o , Uurlliujtoii & Qulnvy Itailroad. Also , ono
way to- /
NK\S' VOIlK , Ut cHv , J1000.
° 2CUO.
I'lIlI.ADKI.l'IlIA , d 11) CO.
1'or turtlcutar * , xirltoorKoJI"- IIOI1UIK
IHOtJ. , Di-aloru In Hoduciil llato Railroad and
Utiamihlp 'Jlckctu. bOU Tenth St. , Omaha , Neb.
IteueinYcr the | > laco-Threo DOOM North of
Tnloii 1'otltlc Jlallro J Depot , Eoat BIde of Tenth
Omaha , AujrUit 1,1881 , u2iUxx Ira
I , U M1U.KU ,
u riar lot * or' In niuiitltlej to nulr iiurcha&irt
( ] rU rf ijollcjtul. ,
Tnrd , Foot Farnham and Doug
las Sts. , Omaha.
Mr.J. O. ItotxirUon , ritWjtirjr , Pn. , writes : " :
xxai MilTcrinif from jfcucral dcbllltx. xx-nnt of np
petite , con ti | > atlon , etc. , < o Hint me xx.-n n bur
ilcn ; niter tnlnjr llnnlcxk IMooil IlittcM I Mt lict
tur than fortar * . I cannot praise jour Hitter
too Hindi. "
It.Olblx. of Jlnffalo , N. V. , writes ; "Voni
llunlotk Illci Ulttcrs , In Llironlcill c.iienof tin
blood lUer ( . . .J klilnexs , linxo been PlKnnllx
mirki'd \\lthHticcc-.R. llmo U ed tliiin injnoli
\ \ ltd bct remits , for lorplilltv of the liter i nil li
iMoof a friend of inlnu tuncrlng from droi y ,
the iflcttiii monilous. "
Ilrare Turner , Uotlieitrr , N . Y.JvirltM : " " ! 1m c
been Mihjcct to Bcrlonx ( Unorder of the Milne } *
nnil im.iblu tontttiiil to liU'lm. " : Ilunlotk Illnoi
ISItUrH u Ilex id mo before half nliottloxianused
I feel confident the ) ulll entirely uiro IMU. "
Afcnlth Hall , Hlngliampton , X. Y. , xxrltc * ;
"I suffered xOth n dull pain through inv cfl
hint ; and shouMir , Ixist my pnlrlts , npiwtltt
and color , nnd could with ( lltllculty Keep up nil
day. Took jour II unlock Dined Hitters ai dl <
reeled , mid hixxo fc t no pain since first xxcck at
ter minx them. "
Mr. Xoah Hates , KImlrix , N. Y. , writes : "Abotil
fourearn'M Ihulannttark of bilious fox cr.nml
ncxcr fully rcioured. My ili/estlxu orsan
\icro ucitkinrd , and I xxoilld bo complete ) } pros'
tinted fordajn. After iHnj ? two bottles of ) GUI Iilood Hitters the Improvement xxas so
\ Ulblo that.l wni nstonUhcd. I inn now. tliouirh
( II jcais of nga , do n fair and rcastonahle day's
C. I'.lackct Iloblnson , proprietor of The Canada
I'rusbjtcrlan , Toronto. Out.rltot ; "Korxcnr
J buttered preatly from oftrcuirrliiheadacfic. . ]
used ) our Iliirduuk Dlooil Hitters xxith happiest
nmlts , and I now ( Ind uiacll In better hcaltl : for ) cars | inst. "
Mrs. Wnlhcc , IJuITalo , X. Y , writes : "Ihaxe
med Ilurdock lilood Hitters for ncivoiit anil bll <
liotH headaches , mid ran reconiiiiend It to an ) one
requiring a cure for bllliouancus. "
Mr . Ira Mtillhollnnd , Albany , N. Y , writes :
" Kor nixcm ! ) oars 1 hnx o Buffered from oft-reciir'
HUB billions bnndaehen , djspeiisla , nnd com
plaints peculiar to in ) sex. Since mine join
Ilurdock Wood Hitters I am entirely rclluxcu. "
Price , SI.OO per Bottle ; Trial Bottles 10 Cts
, . , , ,
Sold nt wholesale by Itih & McMnhon and C. F.
Goodman. Jo 27 eoil-roo
Prof , W , J , Anfler's Select Danc
ing Academy ,
A. Hospe , Jr. Hall , 1510 Dodge St.
Class for gentlemen commencing Tuesday oxen-
lii ! , Oct. 4. Class for ladles coiuincncinir Thurs
day evening , Oct. 0. Tcrmn liberal. The cos
method t 1 haxo for teaililn the Wr.ltz , Gilds ,
fee. , I can ( , 'Uixnxntco pcrfctt satisfaction c
scholars. Kor teriiiH , lir. , call at A. Hospe , Jr. ,
or qJdru 3 lllfi Capitol Ax p. HlTdlm
Geo. P. Bern is
ISth and Dodge 8U. , Omaha , Nob.
This agency iloca BTP.iCTLTa hrokerao butlncu.
DOCK not ( peculate , unit therefore any bargains
on lt books arc Insured to Its patrons , Inatoad
of liolnif ifnhlileil nn liv tlip ni-rnt * <
Fortlio Construction of Sidewalks.
Sealed propomlH xv III bo rceelxcil l y tlio im-
ilurA'irncd until 'lucsday , October lit li , ISSl , 12
D'vlock noon , for tliu conntrurtloii of nil rcnlr | >
IIIK of ddovmlkx In trout of nnd adjoining tlie
tolloxtlnv'letcrlbed | irflnl > ri , to-xvlt :
Iot3 r > , 0 , 7 , blovk L 6U , north eulo of Chcutinit
fxU 23 , 2fl , 1 > 7 , lloiljaih'u llrst addition , ot
ildo of Hhcrman atentic.
iMti 4,8 , lilock ) h , K. V , Smith's addition ,
Lot 1. ) > lnk 14 , K. V. Nmlth'i ) addition , bouth
aide draco > tnit ,
LoUl , It ) , liloek Kl , C V. SmUli'd nJdltlon ,
sciilli i Ulu Craro btrci-t ,
hot "I , llor'iach'ii llrrt ncldltlon , cast side
Slicniinti avciiuu ,
I-ot * E , 7 , tf , 1'lix.k llCj ) , north sldo Izard
lilock ' > ' eait fldo SKtli Ktreet.
lx > ta 4 , C , - - ,
LotH 4 , & , MoiU Ui , eiu > t 8lUti Credit Kondcr
JjolsS. 4 , lilocic 202J , ordered rcpalro.1 , 17th.
I/U1 , S , Mock 11 , xvuatbldo iicxunth utrect ,
to bo rqulml ,
Alto on loti x > cxk klilo Kl\teciitli street , lie-
t ecii north line of Horlituh'u tlrnt addition and
Clark atrvtt , except to feet In front ot haau
I ° homiett'd | ) rvslilinro.
J. J. I. . C. JEWCTT ,
OMAHA , October 7 , 1S81. City Clerk.
DCS Moines , Iowa.
Manufacturer ! of BASH. DOORS , BLINDS , '
Great reduction In IluiV Coyntcrs , I'l D fur ;
nUjitdandxord furuUliixl In.all Li | | < lii f hard
Dmolt wood , Coatters | rtiiliticd lirpil lifii ( Je-
ilrcd. Hlichlnifol allklndi , liirnifhwl , Vnil piit
Into building n di or' iialut on , | iort notoo |
D'jr xv are the lien inechalilc'i tlat Un bo
prooutid , ta\uiuonvyli-KMnl-
Lrat . . , ' ( i . j
StAlft , Ntii/eli and,0aliit ( rj. t
OurfortniAii liulil * Jm'tntnii'fit ) > f formerly
ulth Krojt llanufacturiiitf Co , . ICIilcnKO ,
Ilii , anil hat done noniu of thu tliif t Stilr AurU
In the Norllmut
Order * l > ) nutll i > rciui > tly atUndid to. l'iO-3m
On River Bank , Bet , Farnham and Douglas Sts , ,
-AND IIAUH : : ix
Wall Paper and Window Shades.
1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb. oot.n-c-D
Double Strength White Lime
3E"O'R. 23 .1.33 jA.1 ?
Lumber , Lath , Shingles ,
Thirteenth and California Streets , OMAHA , - - - NEB.
We desire to call the special attention ot the trade to ouv
elegant lines ( at BOTTOM PRICES ) of Underwear , Cardigan
Jackets and Scarf's , Buck .Gloves , Overshirts , Overalls
Hosiery , &c. , now open. Wholesale only.
Comer Fourteenth and Dodge Sts.
The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska
jy 13-mo
' . O.
1213 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb.
Coinmissson Merchants.
1121 Parnham St. , Omaha , Neb.
. .
ContlunmcnU made UB will rccelx o prompt attention. I'.cfcrcncca : State Kank , Omaha ; I'iatt
. . . .
& Co. , llaltlmorc ; Peel : & liansher , Chicago ; 11. Wcrk & Co. , Cincinnati.
1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET.
The only exclusive wholesale house in this line in the treat.
GunsAmmunitionSporting Goods
MAX MEYER & CO. Omaha , Ne Ii
Dealer in Hardware ,
Cooking Stoves
Stove Repairer , Wfprker anil Manufacturer
Tenth and Jackso c * - ' Omaha , Neb