Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 11, 1881, Image 8

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Tuesday Morning , Oct 11.
Fntterson Mills coiil.
Frederick landing Hnttcr.
Donne. Itcllnhlo Hnttcr ,
Owl Cigars nt Kuhn's Drue Store.
Qtilna lUndollne Powder nt Kuhn
Th ° Lion continues to roar for Moore
Slaniei < id Saddlery.
For TINE Commercial Job Prlntlni
M At Tit * HKR Job rooms.
Smokp Stnrilon & Storm * , finet
Cigar , nt Kulm'n Drug Store only.
Kuril Furs nt Airs. IlabormnnV , 101
between Cnpitol n\cnuc and Davenport.
I'urs repaired and iiinile nvct In tli
latest styles nt Mr * . Hnbcrmnn'H.
Ntsht School attho linthbun Huclnes
Nix. Slostimbizcd gentlctncn passed un
dur the mnglstcrinl oyc if .Intlge llcncki
this ninrnlng.
MM. Mary O'Brien to-day awore on
A warrant ngninit Mary Stimdon forgrani
larceny in uteallng , s\n she claims , $10 o
bcr money.
Who pay * the highest price for Seconc
Hnnd Furniture ? Abrahamii & Lewis
1121 Douglas street. ncp0-2w
Lost-- Hunch of kcy . Finder wll
please leave them nt the delivery windov
nt tin ; posloffice nnd receive reward ,
HATS ! HATH 1 HATH ! Latest styles
largeit stock in the city nt Henry U
It kilter V , 1322 Farnhnm i-trecl.
There will bu n npccinl meeting of th (
JJrick-layerH union to-day.
llcv. II. 11. Tyler nttcn.lcd religion *
Hcrvices In six different place * yesterdny ,
nnd delivered nn address nt each place.
Coroner Jacobs received n telegram
thtj afternoon that n man had been nir
over and killed at Charles Sidingnn theli.
& M. railroad. The coroner nt once left
for the Bpot. There were nu particular ! ) ,
The two noldcn ! who had n initumlcr-
Htanding' in regard to n watch fettled thcii
differences to-day. The one who stole the
wntch wns dntnk nt the time nnd thu other
forgave him. *
A reception will be giicn to lluv. ,7.
\V. Stewart , nt the parsonage of the First
M. K. Chuich , on Wednfifdnyovcning , Oct.
12th , from 8 to 10 o'clock . The friend * of
the church niu cordially invited ,
liKMovvu. The OinnhiiFnuicr , Hen
ry O , Itichtcr removed .from Jfith street
opposite the Punlollicu to 1 . ' ! - ' -
xtivut in 1'ollnck'n old ntuncl , north hide ,
between llth ! nnd lllh stiects.
The meeting ut the Christian uhinuh
continues to grow in interest , Hev. Mr.
Tyler will preach every afternoon ntlt
o'clock nnil every evening nt 7 : ' < 0 during
the week. The people nro invited ,
Sunday morning n fire wnn dlncnv
crcd by n pedestrian in the new grnin ole-
vatnrnt Fromont. Hut for the prompt ac
tion of citizcm in the vicinity the elevator
would have been commuted. AH It wan
the fire .won Boon extinguished.
One hundred nnd fifty-nine beautiful
residence loin , located on Hamilton Htrcct ,
Jmlf wny between the turn table of the
red street car line nnd the waterworks
reservoir and addition , nnd juut west of
thu convent of the Sinters Poor Claire in
Shinn's addition. Prices range from $75
to SUO each , and will bo Bold on easy
tonni to those who will improve. lcmin'
real estate agency , Fifteenth and Douglim
. "Tho Kovoro House I ouuci Bluffs
\ is the beat second-class hotel in the
Feat. " aucrl7-lm
'Mm. A. llordcn returned homo from her
ttin to thu cant last night accompanied by
her mother.
f. F. Cootn , the contractor for the now
court hout-c , accompanied by IIH ! wife , IH
among the guesU at the Wlthnell ,
Frank K. Drake , formerly In Mr.
( Joblo'g ollico In thin city lint now general
agent nt Kansas City for the U. 1' . , IH in
DennU Cunningham , who wont with the
Omaha party to view the Veiled Prophets ,
Hocurcd a big bonanza wlillo there which
will bo announced to the public In a day or
The folio wing niu on the rcuintcr lit the
Grclghton : It. J. M. ItoynohU and wife ,
Fullerton , Nob. Hon. , T. U. Bailer , Her
man , Neb. C. G. Stanley , Hooper , Neb ,
J. W. Clark , Dekamali , Nob. J. H.
Cajdon , Ord , Nob. M. Maxwell , St.
ItQUit , Mtf.
Never too Ijate to Mead ,
Thos. J , Arilen , William street , Hunt
Buffalo , writeiii "ifour Si-Hint ! HLOHSOM
ha * worked on me upleudld. I hud no np-
jictitc ; need tocv ( > badly runt got up In
the imirniin ; unrefrcshed ; my breath WOH
very olfenMve nnJ I Buffered from ucveru
hcachache : tinco using your Spring Illos-
nom nil these symptoms hnvo vatitnliwl ,
and i feel qnlto well. " Price fiO centH ,
trial buttles 10 cents. lOeodlw
A triil package of "BUCK-DRAUGHT"
trfti of charge. " "
At 0. P. Ono < ! tQin' ,
H. Spigle , the enterprising dealer
in new und second-hand furniture and
staves , 1203 Douglas street , has just
received from thu shop ono of the
handsomest delivery wagons that wo
have seen on our street * . Ho has
also purchased a splendid team of
large , dark bay homes. The now rig
makes a good show , Mr. Spiglo has
a very largo stock of heating stoves
and all kinds of furniture , that ho is
Helling very cheap ; , UHO a large stock
of ranges nnd cooking stoves , which
he purchased at sheriff's ualo and is
selling at 25 per cent , discount. Ho
extends to nil nn invitation to call and
satisfy themselves.
We are now making for current
season a handsome bonnet nt the uni
form price of FIVE DOU.AKH. Wo in
tend to make u specialty of a five dollar
lar hp.t or bonnet , Wo have both
hats nnd bonnets aa low as ONI : DOL-
LA.H , but the five dollar goods are bet
ter bargains.
Ono piano for rent. Inquire nt Ed-
1 - ' '
Erickson'a ,
O i''i '
. \J 4 * , < l * + .
A Severe Local Tussle For It
It ia Bequeathed by MIB. Erie
oni to Her Mother ,
But In Now Being Glniinod By tli
Judge Chadwick in the county com
yesterday began hearing testimony i :
a habons corpus case in which Di
Ot'o Frisoni is endeavoring to obtnii
possession of his child , n beautiful git
of nbotit iour years of ago. The child"
grandmother , Frisoni's mother-in
law , claims possession of the child am
declares thnt the mother resigned i
entirely to her care on her death bed
The plaintirt'in thocaso. Otto Frisoni
is the son of .lulius Frisoni , who
prior to his death , was profe.ssor o
matomy nt thu university of Tubingii
nnd xrna considered nno o
the most eminent physicians of tin
kingdom of Wurttcnbcrg as well ns i
medical atithrily. Ho wns prcsenti-i
with tllo gold medal of science pvc :
many competitors. Otto Prison
came to America in 1800 nnd locatet
in Now York where ho practiced hii
profession an votmnry surgeon , It
I87i' ( ho came to Omaha lie mo
Miss Pohlman in March of 1874 ant
wart married to her in January ot 1875 ,
Their married HCo for a year was ver )
mppy nt the end of whicl
: imo Frisoni wont to Ocr
nnny. On his return to thii
country ho brought several thousntu
dollars , with which he purchased nine
ino residence. This his mother-in
aw , it is said , desired to place in tin
lame of the daughter. Frisoni ro
'used to do HO an ho thought hiniHoll
capable of looking after his own
troperty. On his second visit to
Germany , nis wifo's rolativcE
t is nHsertcd started the stoi\
hat ho had another wife
n Germany. No credence was
[ iron this idle rumor , how
ever , but , ns thu story goes , it
nis used as n pretext to create trou-
) lo in his family. In his defense Dr.
< Yitioni has mibpfenncd about twenty
> f the leading Oormnna of thu city.
) r. Pnul Grossmann , who has been
cquuintuti with him for iiiiinj ycnra ,
peaks of him very highly. lr" Fri-
oui was to have left tor Germany to-
ay , whore ho intended placing his
liild in the cnro of his mother ,
vho w said to bo n woman
f considerable wealth nnd many ac-
In the proceedings yesterday Chas.
t. Uedieic nnd llomor Stull nppeared
or Frisoni nnd John INf. Thurstonnnd
I. J. Burham for Mrn. Pohlman.
\hn. \ Jatikowsky , I'Vispni'H ' Hister-in-
aw , testified that Frisoni and his
ifo had not lived happily together
uring the last year of her life , nnd
aid that she was present when the
nether asked Mrs. Pohlman
o take charge of thu in-
ant. Mrs , Dorr , another
istor-in-law toHtiltod that the last
'oara of Mrs. Frisoni's lifo was uu-
mppy. In eroKS'Oxamining the wit-
ess Mr. Ilodiek asked n question
'Inch ' waa objected to by Messrs.
lurnham nnd Thurston. WJiilo they
ivero nrguing the point Mrs. Dorr in-
istod on mmwering und stretched over
n her chair so as to see llodick be-
lind the defendant's lawyers' back ,
ind at ono time four person i wore
alking at once. The case was post-
> oned until 0 n. m , to-day.
Mr. Frederick Doyle , n hotel-keener
t Fortieth nnd Market streets , Phila-
elphin , Pa. , snyH ho ho hits been n
ullbrer from rlumnmtism for eight
'ears. Last September n year it grow
rorao , nnd ho took his bed. Ho doc-
urcd nnd uaud nil sorts of modioino
ithout relief. A friend rocommond-
d St. Jacobs' Oil. I bought n bottle
f it , says Mr. D. , and upon the first
pplieatum it relieved my pain. I
copt on using the oil till spring , nnd
have no trouble with rheumatism
The Romcnyi Concert-
The Ilemenyi concert last evening
row a largo audience to tin Acade-
ly. llononyi , the unique , was , of
ourae , the magnet , but his support-
ng nrtista must bo croditcd with con-
iderablo drawing power. Both the
oculists exhibited excellent voices
liat of the soprano , Miss Cassandra
fcison , being by far the best schooled
f the two. Her dinging of the lively
Schubert barcasollo was marked by
efmed expression. Mr. Rose , the
uiritone , suflerod frcun lioarsoncs { and
ms n somewhat laclmdnisical , over-
entimental stylo. It is n pleasure to
lontion the really artitttio treatment
ill the pinna accompaniments received
t the hands of Mr. H.V. . A. Bonlo.
Jo important nu adjunct to a concert
oo often is left unappreciated Himply
> ocauso , in the very nature of things ,
t is unobtrusive.
Of Uenionyi there is little to say
hat has not beun said by critics
> vor thu length and breadth of the
and. His tirst number , a fantasia
ound on melodies from Meyerbeer's
'HuguonotH , " began with n slow ,
'Ccitation-liko prelude and eadunzas ,
oading into the woll-know oriu ,
'Nobil Signor , " which was played
with exquisite grace and tenderness ,
'hen followed ono of the florid molo-
ies of the opera , ornamented by
uporbly executed harmonic pacsages ,
nd the number closed with the
larch , which wn given with electric
fleet. Three most onthuaiastio re-
alia followed , to which the artiet re-
ponded only with bows , all that
liould hijvo boon expected from ono
vho certainly had thu lion's share of
lie program to carry ,
lis second number , the Hungarian
lolodies , WM a fascinating piece of
vork , but not comparable to the lust
lumber , and , indeed , few violinists
mvo over oauglit the spirit of the Pa-
luiini musia an llemonyl docs. The
rcnmy endnnto was rendered with
( ( twitching delicacy of execution and
ho cnpriccio fairly dazzled the uudi-
nco with its during brilliancy , and
arned llomonyi an hunerntiva eu-
ere , to which lie rcipondod with n
ather grotesque melange of popular
fi ,
A > . . - * I ) V . -
Omnlm Modionl ColleRo-
The Omaha Mcdicnl College wr
formally opened last night , Th
opening nddress wns delivered bj' 1
0. Cowin , lecturer on medical jurii
prudence. The ntteiidnnco was fnii
Thu college building is admimbl
ndnplcd for the purpose for which i
is intended , the nmphithcntru boin
so arranged that nil students will h
nblo to BOO operations performed 01
thu operating tnblo. When completes
the addition to St. Joseph's hospitn
will bo under the charge of the stall
Until then the sisters will nttcnd pn
tiotitit nt Dr. Mercer's hospital.
Significance of the Foitiva !
Among the Jews.
The linrvcnt homo festival of tin
Hebrews , which is now being held
if > commonly called by them Sukkos
which means booths , nnd is so tennei
because when the Jews were resident !
of Palestine they dwelt in huts 01
booths during thu whole feast , whicl
continued for eight days , thu first nnd
last of which are observed n.
important holidays , whcrcns the
intervening period is less rcgardnd ,
The concluding day of the festival if
known ns Shcmini Awiroth , nnd tin
orthodox congregations continue the
holiday ono day longer , colebrntiiii }
the Simchas Thorn , which means "re'
joicing of the laxv , " thus called bc <
cause the nnnual rending of the scrip
tural roll is completed upon that day ,
nnd rejoicing und festivities follow.
The festivnl wns brought by the
iHKielitea from Palestine , whore they
were generally engaged in agricultural
pursuits , The fnrmers of every ngc
nnd country celebrate thu ingathering
of thoircrops in Homo peculiar manner ,
and the ancient historians commend
the mode ndoptcdr by the Jews ns din.
tinguishcd from the barbaric practices
of thu Grecians nnd llomnns upon
their feasts of Cores nnd Bacchus.
Upon this autumnal nnnivor.iary ,
thu .Jews from all over the countries
In which they live , congregated nt
Jerusalem , their capital city , Idinciint !
witli them the choicest pluntrt that
were cultivated , namely : Lulnfs ,
branches of palm trees , Hadas.sin ,
boughs of myrtle trees , and Arvos ,
willows of the brook. With these
; hey marched nround the altar of the
idly tcmplo , uniting in Honga nnd
[ uaycrs.
So vast wnn the multitude which
gathered within the gates of the city ,
lint the citizens could not adbrd their
rural visitor. ! indoor accommodations ,
nnd hence n necessity was presented
'or the erection of booths nnd tenth in
, ho fields and gardens surrounding
, hu holy city , and thus the festival
wns spent for an entire week , when
ho rich nnd poor commingled togcth-
L r , beneath the expansive roof of
icaven , and shared alike the pleasures
of the happy season.
it was quite 'general until within
ho last decade , for individuals to
jrcct for their families , a sukko , or
) ooth , in which they ate nnd lived
luring the holiday , and many syna
gogues erected them for the edification
if their members. Among the very
onsurvittivo Hebrews , the booth is ,
ip to this dny , annually built. Those
.lassos employ the _ last ni ht of the
cast in reading in t'hobookof Deuteronomy
enemy , Psalms , And * other eanct-
1'icd works , and upon the ad
ditional day which they ob-
H'rvo , the last section of thn ecroll
s recital , immediately followed by the
rending of the first section. The per
sons called upon to ofliciato in these
capacities nro called respectively
; hosnn hornk ( bridegroom of the
aw ) , and chosnn bereisish ( brido-
51-00111 of the beginning ) ; these nro
ligh officers in the oldjschool of Ju
daism nud thu persons chosen to fill
Jioin ordinarily invite the menibera
of the congregation to celebrnto the
occasion with a banquet in recogni-
ion of the honor. The temples have
ibnndoned these forms , and instead
of building n tiukko , the members
idorn their houses of worship with
the iinent productions that bless their
lew h3m ° > not forgetting , however ,
, o include the Luluf and Earog an
memontocs of the past.
linjiotency of mind , limb , or vital func
tion , nervous wcakneRH , Buximl debility ,
otc. , curoil by "Wells' Health licnewor. "
SI. At nil druggists. Depot , C. F.
Uooilmun , Omaha , (3) ( )
"WINEOFCARDUI" four times a
day innki'H u happy household.
At C. F. Rocdman
& Wells , M22 DougliiH , in-
vile thu peorilo to their closing out
enlo of Boots nnd Shoes before removing -
moving to Boyd'a now 'opera houso.
Ono piano lor rent. Inquire at Kd-
liolm & Kriokson'
Bootn and Shot's cheap for every
body , nt Baswitz & Wells' , 1422 Doug
las street. oct7-Ut
Furniture , Bedding , Mirrors and
everything pertaining to the furni
ture and upholstery trade. Has the
best stock in Omaha and makes the
lowest prices. SoptlStf
Organs , pianos , etc. , at the lowest
pricea , ut Edholm & Eriokson'e.
Oct. 3-tf
Good butter at F oining'a.
Good fresh butter at Fleming's.
Ono piano for rent. Inquire at Ed
helm & Erickson's ,
No fancy prices ut Hubcnuann'a.
Shog o , Shogo , Shogo , at J , I.
J. I. Nichol's sulls the celebrated
31u > xo Hour ,
No old \Vorngoodsnro ofl'oreil
for snlo nt Edholm & Erickson's , op.
posito P. O.
1 i i i i
Tallin PUBLIC. Try our "Hud-
weisor Beer" against nil other Bottle
Dcur in the market and decide for
yourHolf. O. Conrad & Co. m&o
PromNorth Omaha on Acooun
of the Sewer Bonds.
At n in MS meeting held in Kngin
House No. 1 , composed of citizen
from the Fouitli , Fifth nnd Sixt
wnrds , St. A. D. Ualcombowns chose
president nnd ] 'rof. 0 , 11. Ilnthbui
nccrctnry. On tnkiny the chair tli
president snid that ho had noticed tli
call , but was ignorant of its purporl
Jon. Redman wns called and stutc
that ho nt one , hud made the c.ill n
ho boliovcd n inovo wns on foot to defraud
fraud the North Omnlm pcoplo out u
the lion's share of the bonds voted M
the spring election to scwe
the city. Win. Anderson w.xnled t
know upon wluit grounds ho hni
drawn thin conclusion. Mr. llcdma
said that Engineer Hose water had tel
liini that the plan of sewerage hm
jccn changed , which would give tli
central portion of the city $10,000
ind the remainder would bo equnll ;
lividud between the two crocks
Councilman Dailoy from the Fiftl
"iird said that tlioro were two sys
ems of sewerage before the pcoplo
one known as tho'Phillips , the otho
ns the "Waring. The Phillips plan tin
lurtnkes to use the north nnd sontl
) mnhn creeks for main sewers whicl
shall bo tapped to receive the drain
nio of the central portion of the city
i'ho "Waring plan only contemplate !
indorgroiiiiil to exclusion of sur
nco ( hiiiniigc nnd is only calculated
o servo the portion of thu
city. The two crcoka thnt hnvo beoi
in oj'o-sore t < > the people in theii
vicinity are not considered. Coun
oilman I3akur , from the Sixth , gave ;
cumploto history of the sowerngt
jiicstion from first to Hi
showed concluHively that iho present
condition of North Omaha creek is n
jnrrici' ngninst the inllux of popula-
.ion in the northern portion of the
ity. Ho Hiiid when the voting of
ho bonds was t.ilkcd of , he had ntat-
d in the council chamber that it
vould be impossible to carry them il
oino guniiitiieo was neb made
o the northern portion of the eity
hat they would receive at least hall
of the amount voted. lie had recciv-
d this guarantee in the slinpu of nn
rdinnnce. Later developments had
iscloacd the fact , that some plan tower <
ewer the central portion was an im-
ncdiato necessity , and accordinir tc ;
ho report , of the city engineer the
Vnring plnn is the most ptucticul and
oust expensive. Mr. Rathbun said
list when the bond question wua bo-
ore the pcoplo , ho liud voted nnd
worked for its pnsaago on the ntrcngth
f the guarantee mentioned by Mr ,
Jnkor ; that while ho felt thnt the
HJO,000 rightly belonged to the north
reek , ho was willing , ns an individual ,
crying the hst interests of the city ,
o relinquish the $20,000 , nnd pre-
entcd the following resolution to in-
.Diligently dispose of the remainder :
Resolved , "Thnt it is the BCIISO of
lis mooting that the SUO.OOO appro-
> riated for sewering Korth Omaha
reek , be immediately used in con
ducting nn open sewer from the
.ver to Fifteenth street , nnd n-cover-
d sewer from thence Avest , by the
most practical route. "
This resolution wan passed. A
notion was carried that the chair np-
> oint n connuitteo of five to rnom-
nali/.o the council , as to the acnti-
lents oxprcsscd in the resolution.
'ho following gentlemen were np-
lointcd on the committee : R. N.
Vithnell , Prof. Oeo. R. Rnthbnn.
/in. Anderson , John Lee , Sr , nnd
31ark Woodman.
Eighty-six dollars were realized by
10 Bohemian ball on Saturday night ,
'his will bo added to other money nl-
oady collected and 1500 floriim sent on
o Prague to aid in rebuilding the
rational theatre in that city. Thu
Bohemians of this city hove sent GOO
ariiis altogether to Bohemia.
Bonnty , health , nnd hippncK3 : ! for ladies
AtJC..K. Ooodeiun.
Our now .seasonable goods arc ncar-
y nil received. Wo hnvo determined
, o give our customers a Grand Jubilee
n Low prices and real intrinsic value ,
nd wo hereby give positive notice
: iat wo will certainly undersell ovory-
) ody in Omaha in many of the choice
mrgains we shall offer. Wo have
> ought u larger and more complete
lock than ever.
"Wo shall offer a good assortment of
csirablo and serviceable goods at
rom 8c to lOc. The uro cheaper
lum prints.
At IDo wo offer n bargain that can-
lot be matched elsewhere ut less than
At 25o a heavy , double width Suit-
ig north . ' ! 7 o ut wholesale prices ,
ust the thing for warm , serviceable
ress ,
Also , nil wool Momio cloth , flnn-
ols nnd serges in all the now shades.
At 7Jo ALL WOOL double width
cashinora in all the now nnd dosirnblo
hades were never sold for less than
Oo to G5o.
Better goods wo shall otler ut oqual-
y extremely low prices.
Underwear must bo seen to bo up-
Ladies' underwear , white , nt 35c to
< 1.7B ; in scarlet , 81.25 to 81.75.
Gentlemen's underwear ; whitefrom
Oo to $2.20 ; do scarlet.
Boys' underwear , gray and scarlet ,
Children's garments , all sizes , very
ow.Bod comforts , blankets , flannel ,
nssimcrcH , cloaks and dolmans , knit
oodx , gloves , Jioaiory , all , ALL , ALL
tt prices far below lliQso drcamod of
> y the most economical.
All goods said at Edholm & Erick-
on's are warranted as represented.
Vhen your friends como to Omnlui
ring them in and show them the
ending Jewelry Store of the west.
10,000 ladies wanted to BOO Ring-
r's wonderful baruains in trimmed
uid untrimmud Huts and Bonnets ,
Plumuu uiid tips half price.
Ri.vumi's Oi'UNiNa or MIU.INGUY.
Relief For the Dottltnto-
At n meeting nt the bonrd of tr.\d
lant evening President IJoyd nppoin
od H. 0. Clark G. W. Liningcr nn
W , J. Broatch ns n committee to tnk
charge of nnd solicit subscription
from the people -Omaha in bclm'
of Iho towns of Madison anil Stnntor
Neb , , recently devastated by n cj
clone. About ? 'U)0 ) was subsc ibod a
the meeting , nnd the committee wi
wnit oil our citix.ena to-day and tc
morrow to Hocurc their contributions
A letter was received ) > y II. ( J
Clark from Hon. Louis Ley , Stantoii
in answer to n tolcgrnm , stating thn
sevornl fnmilics were nlmost if no
qnito dcstitttto nnd needed means t
robnild nnd to cnro for themsolvc
thnnigh the coming winter. Honls
ay tliat they have estimated wlin
will bo required nmong these truly dc
serving to bo about.lOpO in buifdinj
nmtorinl , § 500 in ropnira , furniture
etc. Others that nro able to rebuilt
will do HO without n.ssistnnce. It i
thought advisable to divide th
amount raised by Omaha equally bo
twccn Madison nnd Slanton.
That Smith Had Over On <
Thousand Dollar ? .
T..tlic IMItor of Tint UKR.
OMAHA , October 8. I tind n stnto'
nont in to-day's papers in ' rognrd t (
the effects left by the 'into J. R ,
Smith which I wish to eorre-st. I dit
lot say I thought 1 know J. R. Smitl :
) ottcr than any one else , nnd thnt he
ind boarded nt my house for five 01
six months , but that I could not give
ho dates until I got homo. I did say
hat .1. R. Smith had $1,400 about hit
icreon , among his effects or upon do-
losit , and still think so. On May
Jo , 187 ! > , I find J. R. Smith's name
interod on my books as working un-
lor mo Ho continued to do so until
, ho hist of September or the first of
) otobcr of the snmo year. Ho worked
n this city for Edward Rosowatot
rom May 25 to July 2. During this
ime and until ho left the city he
boarded with mo. I know ho had this
imount of money. Six weeks ago
nst Monday ho returned to this city
nd wanted to board with mo , but my
vifo was'just recovering from a spell
) f sieUness nnd wo couldn't receive
liui. lie told me ho had the money to
lay oil'tho balance on his place. Ho
laid ho had had steady work while
away. I did not say 1 thought his
nonoy was locl'ed up in some safe ,
tut do think there in that amount of
nonoy somewhere that did belong to
' . R. Smith. I do not believe ho
vould have told mo anything but the
ruth. P. G. DECKF.H.
Hnnawriy Team-
Rather an exciting runaway oecured
n Dodge street , near Sixteenth , thi.s
noming. A farmer's team bccamo
Tightened nt a piece ot paper blowing
n the street nnd started to run. "When
oar the postoflico they turned square
round broakirg the polo. The wa-
on ran on the sidewalk and stopped
hilo the horses continued down Fif-
eenth street. Several buggies were
n front of the Central stable and it
wns singular that they were not dam
ped as the horses dashed among
Virtue Acknowledged.
Mrs. Ira Mulhollantl , Albany , N. Y. .
mtes : "Pur several years I hiivo suffered
rom oft-recurring biliotu headaches , con-
Jpation , dyspoiiai i and complaints pecn-
nr to my BOX. Binco using your BuitnouK
ILOOI > BitTKiiH I am entirely reliEved. "
Price 81 , trial size IQconts. lOeodlw
Fathers and Sons and 3ons-in-
Law Mixed Up In It.
A young man named Daniel Buck-
vis had a trilling misunderstanding
with his brother-in-law , August
vaiscr , at the residence ot the latter
ear Boyd's ' packing house late last
ight. Kainer , it seemo , had n
nsnndciHtanding with the father
f Buckovis nnd WAH about to pound
lim when the young man interfered ,
'his morning young Buckovis awoke
n the calaboose with a largo sized
tain in his head and a paralyzed optic
irhicli ho vainly tried to manipulate ,
lis jaw was altogether out of kclter
nd his spinal column was stiffened up
> o that lie could scarcely turn his
load with both hands. The young
lan had evidently been in a row. Ho
xplaincd thnt ho had tried to prevent
labor from hurting his father , That
; mitluman then turned his attention
to the youngster , and in the Bcuflla
which ensued the latter freely con
fessed that ho got the worst of it.
To complicate matters Oflicor Black
appeared on the scene and Buckovis
was carted to the police station. To
add a still further complication Kaixor
this morning aworo out a warrant for
iiHsuult against both father and son ,
and taking it altogether it may bo re
marked thnt Buckovis has got himself
into n scrape.
Consumption , Coughs and Colds
Asthma , Bronchitis , etc. , is given
uway in trial bottles free of cost to
the afflicted. If you have a bad
cough , cold , difficulty of breathing ,
hoarseness or any affection of the
throat or lungs by all moans give this
wonderful remedy a trial. As you
value your existence you cannot
afford to let this opportunity pass.
\\re could not afford , and would not
give this remedy away unless we
knew it would accomplish what we
claim for it. Thousands of hopeless
cases have already been completely
cured by it. Tlioro is no medicine in
the world that will euro one half the
coses that Du. KING'H NKW DiscoVXIIY
will cure. For solo by
C ) IHU & MoMAHOM , Omaha.
PIIKLFSOn Oct. Oth. Apt'Io I'hclps.
daughter of Mr. uml Mm. 1'hclpj ; aged
IH nioutha.
Funeral to-morrow nt - o'clock p. in.
f rom residence , Ifith xtreet between Dmt
nnd Wuliater.
"WINEOFCARDUI" for Ladies only.
At 0,1' . Ooodmaa
Y. M. CA. . Election.
The annual mooting of the V. ft
C. A. was held last night and the fn
lowing otlicora were elected for th
ensuing year : P. C. llimebaug , prei
idont ; S. L. McCnguo , vico-prcsidonl
C. 1) . Reynolds , secretary ; E , I
Ware , treasurer. The following is th
bonrd of directors : .1. C. Donisc , A
Q. Chnrlton , Jns. Nichols , Thos
Orowcox , N. W. Merrill , Dr. 1' . S
Lcieonring , M. A. Larson , W. II
Smith , S. W. Hell nnd II. J. Darrcll
AH a rtilo we do not recommoir
patent medicines , but when wo kno\
of one that really is n public boncfae
tor , nnd does positively cure , then w
consider it our duty to impart thnt in
formation to all. Electric bitten nr
truly a most valuable medicine , niu
will surely cure Billiousnoss , Fcvc
nnd Ague , Stomach , Liver nnd Lidiw
complaints , oven whcio nil others rcni
edic.s fail. We know whereof w
speak , nnd can freely recommend tc
nil. [ Ex. Sold at fiO cents a bottle
Ish.t McMnhon. (4) ( )
The respectable drug stores , hotels ,
restaurants , and places of public re
sorts all over our country keep "Con
rad's ' Budweiner Beer. " nuto
NOTlCE-Advortlsemcnt To Loin , For Sale
Lost , Foutid , Wants , lloarillng , &c. , will bo Inserted
sorted In thcco columns once lor TEN CENT !
per line ; each subsequent Insertion , FIVECENT !
per lino. The Unit Insertion never leu thai
ONEy TO LOAN-Call nt Law Ollicc oJ D. .
L. Thonm RooinS , Creli'hton lilock.
Q iAC \ ( \ f ° 'oatl ' at'rom 8to 10 pirccnt
* " '
< JPtH"HM' on good real cutatcsocurlty , bv
Kit. ISAAC EDWAUDS. 1100 Farnlmn St.
QjO'Trt nnrtTO LOAN At S per ccntln.
I > < 4tJv/ ' UUvterest In sums of $2f > 00 and
upwards , lor 3 to A yaars , on lint-class city anil
farm property. Burns KKAU ESTATK and LOAN
AnnvcY. tfith and Domic * Sts.
WANTED rAptrtcneed ncnant girl for gen
eral housework ; small family. ISIS Well-
tcr St. 227-12
'ANTED Man to take care of horses and
other work. Appl > 1110 Farnham St.
ANTKD ( lood i-ook at S.V. . corner 18th
w ami liarnvy Sts. Vfnyia S4 IHT week.
-\\TKD-Oirl Inr lUlit liotisinork. in- :
qnlru at Caff stieut tchool , 225-10
\\J ANT U Girl for i ncra ! lioiisowork. Call
V > at ollliu It. G. L linn > t Co.'ITi South 11 li
htntt. -jju tf
WANTED Wrll rceoninicndo.l jjlrl , at IIu.l-
on llhrr House , lillO llarnov St. Zii 11'
WANTED Bnar tern at I'aulrir llnute ; prlco
tt 21 per week for lioaid nnd lod.'lnt , ' .
Suparate looms. 221-10"
ANTKD Printer. A porinaneut situation
nnd peed pay to iho rijrht man. Aildn
The Pilot , Blair. 107-10
A small olhcc , good light ; on or
WANTED St. Address 0. , Bco ntrlio.
Furnished room and lioard. by a
WANTED married eastern couplu. I'rhate
r.imilv prefercil. Address II , , Ilco otilce. 212-10 *
W ANTKD A good house t'lrl , No. 1010 Web-
stcrSt. 21S-11
W ANTKD Situation liy n > oun limn In
Htoru. Inquire IntelligenceolHeo , itftl llth
itroct. 214-11' '
Good conk at } . AV. corner liar-
WANTED ICtli at. Wa ci SI | wr week.
- ) laily , lo do
WAN1ED-8ltuatlonlJVouiiir Good v.-ash-
crand Ironer. Apply at 411 bth andlloward Sts.
WANTED A ( rood cook. Wajjes S25per
mouth. Apply at 2UOS Uuit St. , Iictuecu
20th and 21su lUl-tf
\TtTANTEO 110 to 200 loads of dirt near 2JrJ
W and St. Mary's mcime. Knquiro at liuo
- - at Iho French CoHco House ,
IQIh St. 181-tf
UlnliiK' room girl and Kitchen girl
nt I'nciflc Houtc. l\ \ > 5-8\
\XrANTEl 01il at 10SO North 10th Ftrect ,
VV oppoituJ. J. Brown. MH3. J. JI.COUKS-
MAN. > 164-tf
A young min about 15 yiara of
WANTED do general store work. FltANK J.
A couple good ryllndor prcst
WANTED . Can Hint tteady emploj n.cnt at
Lhij olllro. 27-tf
Itcsjiectalile emplojincnt by husband -
WANTED u Ife. Addrcea P. P. C. , Ilco Of-
lee. 077-tf
\TrANTED-Manufacturlnff concern wants n
VY business mau in Omaha and In every city
[ not already taken ) . A few hundred dollars ne-
: csury to p ly for odi on dclti cry after orders
mo been secured lor the tume ; * 1W > per month
: rodt guaranteed. Tno inout eeircluiiK Invcuti-
.oitlon solicited. A. S. ARNOLD & CO. , 1203
Uroadwa ) , New York. 8c21Gt
Coed second girl at 1818 Chicago
WANTED 44-tf
ITC""ANTED IlouseUccccr , 1109 Farn'jam St. ,
YV P stain. BO-tf'
ANIED-UIrl at 2601 Dodge street.
ANTKU-Fundlni ; bridifeand achool lionds.
WANTK1 Clwk.Bvflevue. 26-tf
! KKXT Kurnlfhcdcoltace , f20 a month ;
Pol . I' . U. Hall , 2 10 California St. 20&-tf
HKNT Ono or'.two lame plca < u\nt front
Foil rooms , furnUhed or unfurnUhed ,
A Ithout boaiil , to l&dlei or gttitliu. en and wife.
21U 1&
J7\OH KENT lly Nov. Ut , a ottajo ; of 6 rooina
U w Ithcood stable and out-building. Inquire
in promlBca , 2423 Capitol avenue. 203-10 *
KENT A new house , corner 10th and
Webster , Apply on premise * . 217-11
HKNT A flue new 8 ro"m houso. D.
FOR , 18th and Leavenworth Bt * . 21S-131
KENT To gentlemen , lth icood rcf 7-
FOH , room and board for tlio Inter In a pr ! >
, -ftto family. Call at 1012 Cawi Ht. IW-if
UKNT Uooinn at uouthncst corner ISIh
FOH Itird St. , trrt'tn car lino. 177-U'
hKNT Nlctly fnrnlihw ! front olco o
FOIl ; alto a Hinaller room , low pilcea ; brick
iiouse. CaasSt , , G doora tteat of 20th St. 1M tf
171011 KENT Now 4-room home , South 17th
L1 trix.t. J , L. WKLailA.NH , at Union Klera-
: or. 116-tf
HKNT JuntllnUhed two Brut-claiw two-
FOR brick houson , 8 and 0 room * , tabl
ind cumentixl oellara ; 840monthy lo adtanco ,
tV.M. UUHHMAN , B. K. corner 16th and Douff
as ta. _ _ _ < > ? i' '
OH KENT 2 furnlihed rooms over Alej.
elitnu1 Kutbuise.N. K. ccr. Ittth and Po.lfC
HKNT-One room with board , 1803 Call
FOR street. 735-11
SAIK Clican , horse , tiugyy andharues * .
POU | at No. 8 , Crcightou lilock , 2114
1710H 8ALK Throo-ijirlns bugK wpron. In.
i ) ( | ulro N , W. earner Junta and IStli HtJ.
SOJll *
8A1.K At a bargain , family hoite suit-
17IOK for family or delU cry waxen , Inquire
1111 Ifciunport bt 17310
'I710K SAL ! ! Stotk Mid fixture * ol millinery ,
JU notion and hMr ( tore , ilolnc * ( rood litituitt * ,
locution central ! store rind dwelling together ,
rent cliwip. I wMi torctlrofrombuMnt" * . Au
drey A. 11. , Post Olllce , OmMn. 13713
T71OH SAMi A bc.Mitlfil ; t ldcncc property of
JJ 20 ivcrc * with commodious hou < o. Kljtlit
Heron of orvhird mill Uicjmrd. tioontlnn vtgtitly.
Only two nn < l ft ( mil mill's from post olllce. lUr.
gmnt JOII.V1. . MtCAOLK , Opp. I'.O. 70 tt
KMIS hni ratMlnj ? long lists ol houses , lots
B l&nds aiidarras / for ale Call and Ktt
JIItllF.l.l.AS And rarasou retired by M
IT HCltlTr llthfinil FnniMn t . IfOU
SAljtv 1 Hint cliin minuet oixiui , cry
LilOll 1 ; nearly now. Inimlro Milton Itcwra
& 8on , nth and i'arnhatn St. " > _ * ' _
8AI.E Hum of ItoUKlM Mid Burrty coun.
FOR . A. llOSEWATKUlB20F rnhMu..trcrt
[ JIOIl four ncrrs of tnnd near water-
_ i ; works rc cnolr , also t o cottaucs on Capitol
lilll. Add. ANDUIiW.IlhVlNS..lSOO Douglas St.
848 U
lucic roit
B 203-tr E lTAnitOOK A
HAU : A nuftll engine , D. W , ln > i > e&
Eon ' inaVo. In perfect eider , Inqulm of II.
U. & Co. HO-tf
Oll SALE l.i'Ue and furintnruol a tint c\nv \
hotel in a tannof 1SOD Inhabitants , lu ftato
of Nebraska ; has 24 \ > m\s \ ; the traxrllngmen re
tort. Inquire ftHlKK olflco. ilMf
SALE Pine stock ( arm of 400 acrtt
EOU ( rood IIOHJO , cuttlo ohcd , orchard &e. , withIn -
In cvisy reach ol railroad. 1'rlec , $4C,00 , liait
tlmo at O'JOHN . L. McCAOUK , Opp , i'cft
Olllce. _ IjUI-tf
AND LANl-llciul3 rontn hoUM ,
HOUBKS , hotels , fanr ow , linilit , olllcct
rooms , etc , Sco lot pOKC
"TTIOIlSAt E flood home with four ronm * untl
JL' half lot , No. 61S loUi ! liutnran Siltli and
ilith street. Good well ami sluulo trccn ; liotfe In
good condition. Inquire on prrmtmti. S21.U
_ _
IOSTLadles' golil ihiln nnd locKct ; nmcth.i ht
J stonunn jnoaldv locket , ladv's and gciule.
man's picture In tlu > locKit. "Lopt bctwcon
Catholic I.lhrary rooms nnd 10th and .luck-uu
ht9. A llhcral ronanl will bo paid for Its return
tn thin olllce , 220-12'
C Qr lfWill \ betmrn to any one procur-
tf . .v'"itf u perinincnt jiosltfon In
wholesale house or olfiei ; , by joun ? limn late
from I'lil nu'O. Four vc. rs biHinovs cxpnrlcncv.
Address U. It , , lice olllce. 2KM1'
T > KM1S' RKAbKSl'ATE DOOM _ sec 1st
A'l Mils. U. E. CLAHKB'S No. 1 Ba\rd
CALL Houie , cor. 13th anil Uodgo Hta. llort
In th- city _ _
man , Greek and Lntln. Trot. Henry \V
Meek , 1207 Jackson St _ POO-ocS
HAY-At A. H. Sander's Feed Store ,
1013 Harnoy St.
1st pago.
B ' NHWCITV MArS,25c. Scelrt pa > .o.
SALK SflOO fat wether * . Ad-
dn-vs Anton Alivl.I'lura Creel. , Dan win Co. ,
Xob.TIO KENT A larjr unfurnished room
TIO bay \ \ lmlovvnmleraniki. . within slv t
from 1' . O.AiMrossC. _ _ _ . , this oilier. ItW-M
TKU.F.U AM ) .MEimiM-Mre
POinTXK ) iast , | iri''Ciit anil future In lore
; ind nil nfl.uix. She reiU the dct > pi-st wcretsi
thn I'cntt. She posi we * t bo magnetic ponvril
[ ullill all jour w ishcs. Call at No. U'Ji corner lUtli
iml ChlcaijO street.
AGENTS CANVASS For books , jou know ,
will bell "Life of Frrihlent ( Jarlleld , "
"Heroes of the 1'lalns , " "JJordcr Outlaws"
"Laws of Uusues.s. ! " IltA WALDKON & CO. ,
St. Louis , Mo. sc2tdaului ! *
ANTED K\cr > body In Council llluflB io
to take THE HRE , 20 cents per
llered by carriers. Oltko corner ilroadway and
Main , up stairs , Council llluffs. OG3-II
To huy 100 tons 'broom corn.
WANTED nddrcsn Council liluffa
Broom Factory , Counill Bluffs , low-a ! 653-20U
ANTED A oed carpenter at onco. Ap
w ply M } lister & Adams , Council Bluffs ,
Iowa. OJ9-29-
\TTANTKD A llret-claia broom tier. Mayrui
VV & Co. , Council liiuffs , Iowa. COO SO'
VKTEU A boy to do chores nt llyneters
W n > liery , Council Bluffs , 601-28 *
ANTKD Good girl for general housework.
Maria Mj lifter , Council Bluffs. CU2-tf
\T7"ANTED A situation by a first-das' ) irlller.
> \ Had 20 } oirs experience. Understands
) ld and new t'rocesscs. Speaks Lnmlleh and.
icrnmn and ncrualiitcd | with steam and water
nwtrs. Can lvu the best of reference. Will
romcon tritlat anytime. Address II. S. , liox
1511 , Council Blufta , ja. _ 8-J.28
\T7 ANTED B > a. ccntleman of experience and
VImiincss habits , u ] > ositlon with a llrm ,
; lthtr as clerk or 1 1 trael. . Heicrcnco given. I.
s. WA1KINS , Council Bluffs. 042 20
< n
FOIl SALE Old pnpers 4rc per hundred , at
The Bcu olllce , Council BlullH. s27 tf
IT7ANTED T o cxptrlenced book solicitors
V V for Colorado and Utah. Addrun P. O.
> ox 1214 , Council Bluffs. Iowa. BOO-21 *
Co Contractors , Bnildora and
Property Owmom.
The undeiilgnod having been appointed agent
or the extensive Iron and wlro manufacturing
louses of K. T. liarnum , of Detroit , and the
lusticl Iron Foundry and Works at Toledo ,
) hlo , capacity of CO tons daily , la prepared to
urnlsh esthnates and prices for iron columns ,
tf. , &c , . for store fronts , window caps and tills ,
hresliold plates , w rought Iron * beams and frird-
rs , hydraulic cle\ntors , staple Uttliigs , pulleys ,
liaftlng , &u. ; al o Iron fences , cresting , wm.
low guards , shutters , stairs , balccnies , settooti ,
hails , \asea , acqnariums , fountilns , summer
LOUSCS , lawn , garden and cemcUry ornaments ,
lower stands , grot e guards , &c. , &c. . In cndlem
arltty. Catologuei ) suppllud on application.
HbNKV II. fjAltllY ,
Manufacturers' Agent , 22 Pearl street
Council Blufft , IonV
'JONALIST , 408 Tenth Street , bctweei F rnham
ndllaincy. Will , with the aid of guardian
plrlts , obtain for any onoaclance at the pott
nd present , and on certain conditions in the fu-
nro. Boots and Shoca uiado to order. Perfect
atUfactlon iruarant od nu 6.m |
Absolutely Pure.
Hull ) from Gnp t'rct.u Tartar. No other
nation nxaki'u buuh llgbt , flaky hot brtuuls ,
uxuriotii pastry. Can It Mtrn by Djiptntle
i ItJ-out fear of thn 111 * rciiltlnp from hfA\y Indl
vuttblo food. Hold In caim , by all Urocera
Nou You ,
0 F.I