I'llU OMAHA DAILY J3EB : TUESDAY OCTOBER 11 , 1881 THE RIOT AT PITKIN- Particulars of the Mob "Whlol Hurtled tlio Dnncc-Houso ol1 BriRK . ( iunnkon Newt Demount. A shooting epidemic scums Id have triketl possession of the people of Gun iiison county. Gumiiaon load oil'ant AV.IS quickly -followed liy llttby , trwii uml Uiesk'd Untie , and now I'itkii coinus to the front. Tliu particular of u shooting alliiir wln'cli took placi thcro recentlytwcfo luurncd yestcrdaj from pailies jnst arrived from that placu , and weio as follows' It Huums that n man named Charley Uriggs has hccn running a danco-lisill in 1'itkin for aomo timu. The place Jms been the terror of all good citi zens of the town , nH it waa made n rendezvous for the very worst charac ters in town. Men liavo been in veigled into the place and , after getting - ting tilled with liquor , have been robbed and beaten almost to death , after which the proprietor would pitch them out doora. 15etween2 and 3 o'clock last Sunday morning : i miner named Walter Kelly , an old-timer in the Snn Juan country , entered the hall. He hul in his pos- .session at the time about ten tlullurj in cash and one hundred and forty del- lars in chocks. An hour or two later lie was sot upon by one "Tex" and beaten. After this the proprietor , Hriggs , took a hand in and al.so gave him a beating , and then throw him out doors minus his cash , checks and coat. -Kelly was cut and bruised in a most brutal manner. In the morning Kelly sought Mar shal F. T. Nisluy and requested his as sistance in recovering thu money and coat. The Marshal wont with him to the ( Uuico hall and saw Briggs , but the latter denied knowing anything about Kelly or Ilia atlaira. Since the shoot ing , however , a woman named Addio Uurnett , who has been living with liriggs , says she saw "Tex" attack Kelly first and then Briggs picked tip the roa t and. wont through the pock ets , after which ho pitched Kelly out of doora and his coat after him. Kelly appeared on the streets on Sunday with his face and body cut and bruised in a most shocking man ner. A lur.o number of minors came to town , and as many of them were friends of Kelly they determined to assist him in the recovery of his prop erty. A party of them wont to the dance hall about ! ) o'clock Sunday night and demanded , that Briggs pro duce the checks or refund tlio amount in money. This ho refused to do and some angry u'ords followed. At this -Urigg tried to thaw his gun , when two shots were lircd at him. One of these entered the arm near the shoulder and passed out at the back near the point of the shoulder blade. The other struck him in the abdomen and , passing through , lodged just un der the skin near the back-bone. After being shot ho escaped through the rear door , and climbed the moun tain to Armstrong gulch , a distance of seven miles , where ho took refuge in the cabin of a miner named Ike Barrett. Barrett at once started to town to notify the oflicors and summon a phy sician. Dr. Vance , the Mayor of tlio town attended the wounded man , and extracted the ball from his back , but expressed the opinion that ho could not live. Ho was alive , however , when parties left there yesterday morning , though his death was looked for at any moment. AH soon as the shots were heard a crowd numbering fully two hundred or more quickly gathered , and the olliccrs wore unable to determine how largo the original party was or just who were in it. After Briggs escaped the crowd sot fire to the building , but the flames were extinguished by the Marshal. A second attempt was made by tlio imb , and this time , the ofliccrs being held back by the crowd , the place was soon reduced to a heap of ashes. Briggs is given a very hard name by residents of the town , and , while all regret the act of lawlessness that took place , none will bo sorry that both Briggi and his place have met the fate they so long and so justly merited. Later reports from Pitkin state that the mob was led by a prominent law yer , politician and editor ; and that the liquor was removed from the < laneo hall before the building was tired , and afterwards drunk by the mob. When they became intoxicated threats were made against the oflico of another editor , and also against the person of a prominent attorney. These latter being notified , made prepara tions to repel any attack that might bo made , but nothing was done by the mob. Special police wore sworn in yesterday , as it is thought there may be trouble yet. It is now said that the identity of the men who shot Briggs is doJinitoly known , and , as soon as the hitter's dying statement can bo taken , the party will bo placed under arrest. What the outcome will be remains to bo seen. Western Miuioal Criticism. Thu editor of a mining camp news paper went to Denver to hear Emma Abbot sing , and in a lengthy review of the opera. Bays : "as a singer she can just wallop the hose oit anything that over wagged a jaw on the boards. From her clear , bird-like upper notes oho would counter away down on the baaa racket and then cushion back tea a sort of 'spiritual treble which made every man in the audience imagine every hair on his head was the golden airing of n celestial hard over which angelic fingers wenrfswceping in the inspiring old tune of 'Sally put the kettle on. ' Hero she would rest awhile , trilling like an enchanted bird , and thenhop in among the upper notes again with a git-up-and-git vivacity that jingled the glass pendants on the chandeliers and elicited a whoop of pleasure- from every galoot in the mob. Jn the last act she inado a neat play mid worked in that famous kiss of hers on Castle. Ho had her in his arms , witli her head lying on Ida shoulder and her eyes shooting rod-hot etroaks of galvanized love right into his. All at once her lips began to twitch coaxmglyandgot into position , and when ho tumbled to her racket ho drawcd her up easy like , shut his eyes , and then her ripu , luscious lips glued themselves to his and a thrill of pleasure nabbed hold of him and shook him till the audience could al most Jiciir his toe-nails grind agaiiint his boots. Then oho shut her eyes and pushed harder mid oh , Molu.v Hoses ! the amack that followed started the stitching in every masct line heart in thu house. She' * thoroughbred right from the star and the fellow takes in her kisses i moro to bo omicdthan the haughties monarch that over squatted down o a golden-plated throne.1' John Muir nm nu Eccentric Student Oconomo ecO > IO t/oenl. Twenty years ago there were bii few students at the University of Wi cousin. But among those now stu dents were many \\holmvo since mad a name in their various lines of work Among them came a queer genius now Violin Muir , the naturalist Where ho c.uno from I do not know Ho was of Scotch pat outage , .studious industriaus , inclined to have but fev companions , yet social ; was a lover o quiet fun and long rambles in tin country , and , like many ol licit } wh < had their way to make , cooked hi frugal meals in his room. In all thcsi things , ho was not singular ; his re miirkablo trait was Ins love for praeti cal mechanics and invention. lie seemed to iiued few tools ; at axe , saw , jack-knife and gimlet wen his chief weapons , while almos anything served as mater al. Ilii clock served as a centre about whicl several of his most interesting ma chines clustered. This waa in tin fjrin of u hcythu and snath , huiiL' it an old , gnarled burr-oak grub , when Father Time is supposed to have lofl it. The scythe WHS split lengthwise and in the opening thus formed , WAI a trnin of wheels constituting tin works. The motor was a heavy stone concealed under the roots and moss from which the clock rose on tin table. The year , month , day , hour minute and second were indicated bj index arrows on the various papei dials. The pendulum was also an ar row with a heavy copper point. His study-desk was provided with r spring trap-door , under which movct a rack upon which his books wore sei up separately on their backs. Ho ar < ranged his study hours for each les 3011 , and connected the machinery o liis desk to the clock , so that at tin appointed moment the trap dooi opened , dropped the book into iti rack , moved this along , threw up tin next book and closed the trap undci It. His bed was a machine utterly destructive to the "little more sloop' of the sluggard. It was hung on ; [ ttvot and supported at such a hei hl ; hat when turned up it stood nearlj perpendicularly , foot down. The fool ivaa held up by a lover , Beside the bed was tlio lamp stand , on which the fluid lump , then in use , was placed at night. To this bed the clock was connected and then set foi ising. In the morning the machine ; ook oft" Utr > extinguisher , struck a natch , lighted the Imnp , and then withdrew the lovar , letting the bed down and bringing its occupant out m his feet. Ihuv.c known him t < i satisfy the curiosity of visitors by jutting them into the bed wrong end .o . , and so bring thorn out head down. .n summer time lie connected this icd to the east winuow by a linen lircad. A sun-glass was so adjusted as to burn oil' this thread when thn sun came to the right position. Judge Griswold and myself roomed > pposite him and he arranged signals > y which wo were often coiled in to ic > ) a bit of fun , in . .particular , with lis 'loafor chair. " As soon as the lupposcd loafer , but real victim , caned back , he pressed a concealed spring , which fired an old pistol , di rectly under the seat. The wonder ful leaps of the victims were worth seeing. Nor did John forget the la dies , who sometimes came to see his nachincs. Out of a riisin , a huge , vicious-looking black pidcr was made , which vns so suspended as to drop ust before the fair visitor when she vaa well seated in his best chair. It vas delicious to hoar them scream. John Muir taught school near Madi son one winter , where lih clock built his tire for him every morning. It only remains to say tlmt he now has the reputation of knowing moro of YoHuinitu Valley and the Nevada mountains than any other man living. Electricity and Wire Foiicev Hon. C. F. Cliirkson ; From reading your valuable paper I see that a now dilliculty has arisen in the use of wire for fencing purposes. It appears that many cattle in dili'uront portions of the State have been killed by light ning , and that in numerous instances the wire fence seems to bo to blame. There can be no doubt that a discharge of lightening in the neighborhood of a wire fence would frequently- result in at least a portion of the discharge following the fence wire , and in Homo cases it might follow it u great distance produce serious efl'ectH on a heid of cattle-near the fence. I see that it has boon nlruady suggested as a remedy to run a wire-frequently from the wires to the earth. If properly done , this would remedy the evil. But the fact is that few people have a nrojmr notion of what a "ground wire is in an elco trical Hcnsc. Such a wire simply run into dry earth a few inches would seldom answer. A good "ground wire" should go to permanently moist earth and then have considerable surface , moro than that of the wire in contact with earth. Few people , I take it , would bo likely to take such pains. 1 have a suggestion which would in al most all cases remedy the matter. Let an iron fencepost be used instead of a wooden one , say , every one or two hundred yards. Iron fence-posts can now.be had , I think , in the mar ket. Such a .post should go down twenty inches or two feet in the earth. It will present probably A square foot of surface to the earth , and in most cases would make a good "ground. " I will say that in u very dry time even such a post would carry away every diachargo of lightening , but , , fortu nately thunder storms are not com mon in a dry time. I do not think a violent ] discharge would pass many such posts , and it scorns to mo to present the most practicable solution of the dilliculty. These iron posts should b < used especially in wet places , and near the stock-yards where the field fence joins the stock-yard fence several should be placed and driven down well into the ground. Arery respectfully yours , MACOMIIKU. AMI * , Sept. 20 , 1881. How's tlio "Ifow'n the haliy V" " IIU croup to bet ter this morntnir , tlmnk you , Wo gnyc : Win Homo of Thomas' Klectriu oil an you udvincil , doctor , nnJ nliall Ivo him xumt moro I u ii n hour or M. " Next day tin doctor pronouiiced the youngHtvr cut til , Swindled 1 > 7 bplrltimllstn. New York Spcclitto thoOlolic-Dcinocrftt , Mis. ( 'phalli , widow of 1'rof. Thoa I'pham , of Howdoin college , came t this city to live about four years ago She was then well advanced in years and had become a convert to tin doctiino of spiritualism. Atnoiij persons of thu same faith witi whom she bccamo acquainted was Miss Mary A. Ward , an initnarriet woman , of middle-ago , whose fathei nt that time was a physician , practic ing in Newark , N. J , Miss Ware won Mrs. Upluim's confidence , am learned that the old lady was ownct of bank stocks worth about $1-1,000. In April , 1878 , she introduced toMrs. Upham the llov. John A. Lansing , a spiritualist brother , who had been a Methodist cloriryman in Massa chusetts. Mrs. Uphiim was much im pressed by the conversation and bear ing of the minister , and her admira tion of him was increased by tht praino of Miss Ward. Mr. Lansing Lold Mrs. Upham that ho was inter ested in the Jacques Cologne Manu facturing company and was making a 31 eat deal of moneyout of it , although lie had not allowed his name to be published in connection with the business. He said ho hiid in vested the property of many widows and orphans in the bus'Messso ' Lhat they are able to realize handsome sums. At this suggestion Mrs. Up- mm gave Lansing In trust the ยง 14- JOO in bank stocks which she owned. She took in exchange a receipt signed liy both Miss Ward and Mr. Lansing , she was promised that she would re ceive an annual profit of 1C per cent , to bo paid monthly. For several months she re ceived the installments promised ; then she was told that there had been an unexpected failure ol the concern and payments ceased , Mrs. Upham mi ployed a man named Williams to look after her interests , but Williams did nothing for her. She trusted to the power of spiritualism for many months , but her lost money did not return. It was not until about six weeks ago that she made a stop in the right direction by consulting a reputable lawyer , Her counsel immediately secured the as sistance of District Attorney Kollins and Police Inspector Byrnes. Both officials interested themselves in the case. The district attorney secured : he indictment of Lansing and Miss Ward , and gave the inspector warrants 'or their arrest. Inspector Byrnes earned that Miss Ward had been reaching at Ocean Grove .during the summer , and that she had afterward Cone to the homo of her father at \Vaverly , N. J. He also learned hat Latisiiu. was preaching in Srookline , Mass. Ho procured 'rom Governor Cornell the necessary requisition papers early in ; ho present week , and on Wednesday 10 took measures to arrest both swind- ers. Detective llichard O'Connor vas sent to Broodlino and Detective lichard Fields was sent to Waverly. Selective Fields arrested Miss WarJ at her father's house on Thursday , and brought her to this city the same wening. She was locked up at po- ice headquarters all night. To-day she was taken before the district at- orney and hold for trial. A Pearl itreet merchant became her bondsman n $25,000. Before she left the dis- , rict attorney's oOice the papeis in a civil suit for 825,000 were served on icr by Mrs. Upham's counsel. Detec- ivo O'Connor returned from Brookline to-night , bringing Lansing with him. lie minister arrived at police head quarters about 10 o'clock ' , and was ocked up. Ho will be taken to the district attorney's oflico to-morrow. The following is a portion of the Ict- er which Lansing wrote to Mrs. ( Jp- mm in January , 187 ! ) , in answer to icr request for the return of her jonds. "I cannot meet with your demands o-night. The plans and arrango- ncnts were all made in God and I can ) idy move as He commands. Can you lot follow the word of God as it came o you first ? You know the word to jo of God now as you did then follow t as you did then. The pape n are all drawn in God , and are at his dis- losal. Yours in Christ Jesus the jord God. Amen. " ( Signed ) J. H. LASHING. " Bogus CortHlc.itcs. It is no vile drugged stuff , protcJid- ng to bo made of wonderful foreign oots , barks , Ac , and pulled up by eng bogus certificates of pretended miraculous cures , but a simple , pure , jffeetivo medicine , made of well cnoivn valuable remedies , that fur- lishes its own certificates by its cures. \ro refer to Hop Bitters , the purest nd best of medicines. Republican. octl-15 An Expensive Magazine- -aramta lioomciiui ; , ' . "Would you like to buy that Har- ler's Magazine ? " asked the soft-voiced ind timid peanut on the east bound Jnion Pacific train the other day to a niddlc-aged passenger who was look- ngoverthoOctoborllarper'H and read- ng Judge Goodwin's article on the \Ionnon \ situation. "No , " said the middlo-aged party. 'It is my own magazine and therefoio do not care to buy it. " "Excuse mo , " said the poor , little Tightened jmanuttcr , while the tears ame into his eyes. "I fear you want o client a poor orphan boy out of his > ooks. Please pay me , sir , or let me mvo the magazine back again. Ah , ir , you would not rob mo of my oods. " "No , " said the stern stranger. "I , o not wish to rob you of your book , ny boy , but I bought thin on the Utah Northern road and paid for it. When wont into the eating house forbreak- ast , the train butcher took it out of ny seat and sold it to ire oguin in the ftornoon. "I was in the middle of an article when wo got to the dinner station , so turned down the leaf and left it again in my seat. I had to buy it mco more. Now the magazine has : est mo 82 , and you want mo to give t to you so you can sell it through srebraska , no doubt. No , my poor ittlo orphan lad , you may go and leak your head for an hour or two and jatlio your tear-beditnmed eyes , but I annot give up my $2 magazine. "Peddlo out your bead moccasins made by the hostile Indians of Chi cago. Sell out your little stock of his eating apples at $27 per barrel , with wo prizu worms in oa h and every op- tie , but do notdisturb me while 1 read ny expensive periodicals. " 1 will not bother you while you sell your fancy mi.xod candies thn have been runmm ; back and fort over the road since ' ( > ! ' . 1 will not interfere torforo with you while you sell you Indian curiosities made in Connect ] cut. Go ahead and make all th money you can , but give me a chatici to peruse this article without the regular gular assessment. " Then the 'nirt ' mul grieved orplmi boy went to ( ho sleeping-car conduct o' ' and asked who that sarcastic old cusi over yonder might bo , and the con ditctor "aid it was the Marquis o Lome. And it was too. Btiohlin'n Arnica Salvo. The best salvo in the world for outs , bruises , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , totter , chapped hands , chillblains , corns and all kinds of skin eruptions. This salvo is guar. mtocd to give perfect satisfaction in every case or money refunded. Price , -5c per box. For sale by Tsit \ - MoMAilox , Omaha. SELTZER Fnhi in.binding- lontoi d ! o.w. Whenever thu limels bveuino lrrt'iil r , i o Tarnvut'sSultzor Aporicmt , t " 111 K\\a much IIAII | ami ( Utitri'r. Xaturo rouirtl ct l no otitnujed li.v tlio bunion tli.1t Mio < inn to carry , tlironiu the liecillp < .iici of lii-r Ml iron , that ulio n ] > oiily rebels , iitul | > imlihcH carfiilly. Itou't nevlvct the proper triMniont \-non the symptom * llntaprnvtr. Itcsoit to the n | > erlent. mill K' tell speedily. SOLO BY AIL lWUaC.ISTS lWUaC.ISTStally coil. For You , Madam , Wlioso complexion botrnys some humiliating imperfec tion , whose mirror tells yon thnt you are Tanned , Sallow and disfigured in countenance , or hnvo Eruptions , lledness , Roughness or unwholesome tints of complexion , wo say use Hagan's Magnolia Balm. It is adolicato , harmless and delightful article , producing thu most natural and entranc ing tints , the artificiality of which no observer can detect * and which soon becomes per manent if the Magnolia Calm Is judiciously used. GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. TRADE MARK , Thp ClrcatTRADE MARK oiiy. An tin. falling euro for Seminal Weakliest ) , Kpurmator- rhca , Imnot- ency , and all BEFORETAKIHO/eequeneo" o1AFTER TAIINB. > ell-AliUBc ; an Loss of Memory , UnUenal Lnaai- uilc , 1'aln in the Hack , Dimness of Vision , I'ro nature Old AKC , i nd mnny other Di > eisrs tlmt cad to Insanity or Consumption and a 1'mim- uro Oiavo. jtJTTnll particulars tn our immnhlct , uhlch n ilcslro to tend frco by mall to c\ cry one. tfS-I'liu Bpeclflc Medicine Is Hold by nil drn lsts t 81 per package , or 0 ii.iikn cs for $ ! > , or ulll > o tent freu by nmll on receipt of the money , by ddiesulntTill ! OKAY MKDICINE CO. , liuffaln , N. V. Tor Mlo by C. P Goodman. ocTino rod mmS mSiM No Changing Cars Vhore direct connection > are made with Through BLKKl'INO CAlt L1NIJ3 ( or E\V Y < JIUC , I108TON , PHILADELPHIA , BALTIMORE , WASHINGTON J AND ALL EASTKUN HIE ! ) . The Short Line via , Peoria Eor INDIANAPOLIS , CINCINNATI , LOUIS. ILLE , and all poInU In the TIIR RUT UNI For ST. LOUIS , Wnoro direct connections aru made in the Union Depot with the Through Sleeping Car Line * ( or ALL POINTS SOTCTT3EC. HEW LIMEADES MOINES TUB KAVOH1TE KOUTE FOB Rock Island. The uneqvaled Inducement offered by thli line o travelers and tourliU uru as ( ollowi : The celebrated PULLMAN (16-wheel ( ) PALACE LEEI'INU OAKS run only on this line 0. , I ) . & Q. PALACE MtAWINQ KOOM OAKS , with lorkm's Uodlnlnif Chain. No extra charge ( or deals In IletllnliiK Chain. The ( amoiu U. , 11. A ; . Palace Dining Car * . Oorgeoua BmoklnK Can tted with dopant hl > { h-bavked rattan tevoMng hairs , ( or the exclusive use ol flnrt-cUuia pawet ) . en. en.Btcel Track and superior equipment combined with their giciA through car arrangement , niakoa fill , above all others , the ( avorlto routu to the Coat , Houth and Bouthuaat. Try It , and you will tlnil traveling a luxury In- tcail of a illncomtort. TliroiiKh ticket ) \lo thli celebrated line ( or alu t all olliccu In tlio United HLatM and Canwla. All Information about rate * of ( arc , Hlcoplnu Car acoouiinodatlons , Tims Tablet , etc. , will tw hecrlully glreii by njijilylnh' to PEItCKVAL LOWELL , General Patutonirer Aitcnt , Chicago , T. J. POTTEU , _ nuncnl Manaycr Rhlcagn. W. J. CONNELL , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , Ofricn I'ront Itooiim ( up toln ) In Hanitoom'i new hrlilc building , N , W. ooruvr fltocuth tit arulum Btn-Ui. ( nr IICIIIR the ino t direct , , line coiinottlnir the Kreat XietropolK CHI OAlt ( ) , mul ( he KAnitRv , NORTII KA TKRX , Sotm anil Sovrii-KAWtRN I.IMU , which tcnnlnato there with KANSAS CUT , I.KAVRxwontit , Airinsox JowriL IIUTM and OMAHA , the COMMHRCIAI > NTRRS from which nditte EVEnY LINE OF ROAD .hut ponotmtM thoCantlnont ( rom the Mliwmr Uvcrtolhol'nrlflcSloiio. Tlio OH10AGO HOCK. ISLAND * PA- OTFIO RAILWAY the only line ( rom Chlc.iRO owning truofc Intc { Minn ? , or which , by lt own road , rcachr * the xilnt * Mioi o nanicil , No TRANernRH IIT CARRIAUK ! 10 * MinKiso ( M iNPCtio\Hl No huddling In lll < cntllatinl or unclean rare , M c\crv invtieniirr ! carried In room ) ' , clmn mid \cntluiod coaches ' DAT UAKHO ) unrivaled mni nincoiKp , PULLWAN 'AI. VCR Hi.KnriM ) OARK , nml our \\orlil-fdn\oii' \ DixisaCAM , uiwn wlilrh inuvls nro sen c < l of un- iirinwnl oxpi'lli'iicc , nt the low nto ol SRVKNTT- KINR UHirniuiii , wlthMiiplo tlmo ( or hoxlthful njoynicnt , Through CAM between Chlcfijro , Peoria , Mil Miukoonml MNviitrl Itltrr I'olntAinnd clc < o ran u-ctlonsnt all i > olnU ol Intertivctlon with other roadi , WotlcKct ilo not ( orrotthliillrpctly ( ( ) to every ilaixolii ! | > oitaiu-o In KIUHUM. Ncbmnka , Itlack Illtt , Wyniulnv , tltnli. Idaho , Xrtaila , Cnllfornln , Orcwn , wiwliliigton Territory , Colonulo , Arlionn nd Now Mexico. As llbcrnl nrmngcmrnU regarding baggairo ai ny other line , and rnti's of f.iro nlua > H anl ow oo coniictltord | , u ho furnish but a tithe of the cent ort. Dogs and tackle of Kportdrocn ( rce. Tlckctn , mannd ( olden at nil principal lilcca In thn United Stated and iMnivlix. it. H. CAULK , K. ST. JOHN , VlcePrcs't&Ocn. Ocn. Tkt andPafs'rAg Manager , Chluivo Cnlcairo. Men o ( atilllty , to reprcnent UIIAM1IKUS' lilctloniry of Unl- Ktioulcilgo , Complete Cyclopa > d ! of ; i'rv Hay \VanK TliU is the Most Uncdilnnd Coin | ict Literary \ thlocinrnt of the Age. It Ins no co.npctltora. \Vowanteonipctcnt Kolk-ltors. No poildlrrii ecdapplv Circular * , pUinc full ileorlptlon , unt on application. J. K. CllAMllhllS. St. Loulu , Mo , , Clilrngo , 111. , Atlanta , Da _ _ neSm&n d&ulra KANSAS CITY , St , Joe ifeGoimcil Bluffs 18 THU ONLY Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND THE KASf From Omaha and the West. o change of can between Omaha and t . i/iuU , and hut one hctwiHin OMAHA and NEW Y01IK. Daily PassengerTrains BKACIIIXO ALt , EA8THUN AND WESTKIIN CITIES with LESS C11A1IUK.S nnd IN ADVANCE of ALL , OTHER LINES. This cntlro line la equipped with Pullrann't 'alaco BleciiliiR Carn , Pnlaco l > ay Coachen , Mlllor'a afetv Platlonn and Coupler , and the celebrated Wcstiigliou e Alr.brako. fcirhco that > our ticket reads VIA tvANSAS C1TV , ST. .10SEPH & COUNCIL DLUFFS 1U1L road , via St. Joseph and St , Louis. Tickets for Bile at all coupon illations In the West. J. F , BAIINAUD , A * G. DAWES , den. Bupt. , Nt. Joseph , Mo | Ocn. POM. and Ticket Agt. , St Joseph , Mo. ANDT HOKDKN , Ticket Agent , 1020 Faniham Btrcot. A. I ) . DARNAUP General Agent , _ OMAHA. NK Sioux City Js Pacific St. Paul &A"sioux City1-7" RAILROADS. THE OLD IlKLIAULK BIOUX CITYJ UOUTK 3LOO > MILia SlIOHTKIi UOUTB 1OO FKOM COUNCIL BLUFFS 0 ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS flULUTIIORBISMAUCK , nd all point * In Northern Iowa. Mlnneoota and > .i.laU. Thin line In njulppud w h the Improved 'chtlnchoiisc Autainntlc Air-brake < vnd Miller latforui CoiiDlei and ItufTir : and for Sl'KCD , HAFL1T AND OOMFOIIT unfurpifscd. I'.legant Drawing lloom n looping Caru , nwncd anil controlled by tlio com pany , run through W1T OUTCHANOIJ between fnlon 1'aclllc Tranafor uopot at Council Bluffs , nd St. Paul. Trains lc.i\o Union Pacific Transfer depot a oitncll lilutla at 6ir : p. in. , reaching Sioux Clt ) 1 10:20 : . . in. and St. Paul at 11:05 : a. in. making EN I10UUS IN ADVANCE OK ANYOTIIKH ROUTE. Ilcturnlng , liuvvu St. Paul at 8EO : p. m. , arriving i Uloux City < :4T a , in , , and Union Pacific Trans ) idcjiot , Council Illuirn , at IfX : ) a. m. Do at your tlcltuti reid \la "H. C. & P. U. U. ' K. C. HILLS , biiporlntandent , T. R. HOIllNbON , Miwourl Valley , la. A ist. Uei Pa i. Agent. J. H. O'llIU AN , PoHug r Agent. ( louncll llliiffi , Iowa. AQEN T8 WANTEO FOR KABTKST Sui.ti.va HOOKS or niit AOK I foundations of Success 1JUSINKSS AND SOCIAL FOUMU. Thula\iHo ( trade , legal ( onus , how to trans- ct burtlcusiuluufilo tables , noclal otliUtite | urllanicntary UHago , how to conduct public bus ) . iu s ; In f/K-t It In a vomplttu Guldo to Suceeu ( or II COM * . A family Jiuowlty. Addruwi for cir- ularH and rpwlal tcnin ANCIIOK PU11LIKII1NU . Mo. _ _ Agcntx u anted for I.la of Proldcnt OarlklJ. A com- Ictu , faithful history from crndlo li gr vo , by he eminent blogrjpoer , Col. Connell. Itooki 11 ready ( or dulncry , An vlqrjntly Illtutratul olumu. llndnrii'il rdltlon. Liberal termi. AgcntH tal > e orders ( or ( r in 'JO to CO copies djlly , luthclU any other liook leu to > > no. AgoiitH never ladu money na ( ant , Tim book telln Itwjlf. Kx. wrli lira not notfiwary. Failure unknown , AH imkolmmcuiieprofltH. PrUato tcrinnfrco. GEOllOB STINSON & CO. , ocOd&wlin Portland , Maino. HAWKBYB PLAININB MILL 00 , Des Moines , Iowa , Monufncturen of 8A8H. DOORS , BLINDS , DRAOKETS , MOUL01NQB , AO. Ortat rixluctlon In Hank Counter * , Plani fur * Idled , and word furnUhe/l In nil kind * of hard r toft wood , Counter * llnhhiid In oil when do- I red. Shelving o ( ullklmN ( urnlnlivd and put nto building ready ( or paint on short notlra ) ur workmen are the bent mcchanlci thatutn bit irocured. ba\o money by ( jiving ut ) our con > ractH. Stalrt , Newels And Daluitert , Our foreman In lliN derailment was formerly will ) Front Manufacturing Co , 'Chicago , Us , and han done ooiue of the finest KUIr * urli nthe Northwest Orders liy mall ( iromptly attended to , > 29 3m ACADEMY OF THU SACRED HEART OMAHA , NKI5. S , B. Corner Oth and Howard , Tlio plan of fitudlcn I * tlio tame at tlmt nnll the Ae .dimli.Ho ( the Huuid Hurl. 1 > I ( erunto In religion In no ohntatlu to the a < lmU ttonof ) oung ladled , Ttrnm : Including Ituanl Washing , Tuition and Ii utrumontul Munle , pci tw > lon uf fi > u iiioiitlin , SIM ) . HefitrenciH uru ru milrvd from all i > er ons unknown to thu Inmltu ion. Tor furtlier lufoniutlnii apply to Tin light llev , Illshop u Uuiali % or to thu I-iid ] HujH.rlor ; ' , THIS AND MAP > eyonrt nnjrcasoimlilo question M CHICAGO v& -WESTERN RY 1 iy nil o < > Ai Mm rJH road for jrm to < nHn when iravelltiR In oillipf rlltoctioii ' Chicago ; nd all of the Principal Points In the West , North and Northwest. < , .wiiillyrjamlirlii , | < < V'np. TJio iTiiiohml ( Mtlcior ttir > W tnml NoriliKpolsnroHtfttloni- oi > Udirorxil. Ui tlirotifih lialiii muku close enuiiocUoui with tliotrjimiUllrullh""is | t M\/Y37 755 . * * * ' * THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , otelffi ! ! ; * * * * * The Imperial Palace Dining Cars. Itcmembcr to ask for Tickets via thUroatl.bosuro they read over It , and take none other. KVI.X Uimuirr , Ceii'i Jlau.iRcr , OlilcaRO. i W. II. bTJSNSKTT , Ocu'l Toss. Agent , Clilcauo IIAUIIY P. iniKL. Ticket Affcnt.O. & N. W. lUIUvny. llth and Fiunham etrooti. D. K. IUMI1AU. , Awlitftiit Ticket Afcnt 0. & N. W. HMlMny , lUhJinJ Fuuharn itroetl J. BKI.L. Ticket Agent ( J. A N. W. llallwny , U. 1' . B. K. Doiwt. BAMKS T. GLA11K General Audit. Announcement ! A large and varied stock of Sta ple and Fancy DRY GOODS AT EIF1EEN PER CENT , I /I * i THAN DOWN TOWN STORES. You will Save MONEY by buying your DRY GOODS of GUILD & McINNIS , COS N. IGth Strcot , fd ! door north of Gal orn E Side. CHARLES MCDONALD NOW OFFERING FOR ONE MONTH ONLY DECIDED BARGAINS - 3CKT - J Ladies' ' Suits , Cloaks , Ulsters , Circulars , Etc. 20O Handsome Suits , at $5.00 ; 300 Stylish [ Suite , $1O.OO ; 75 Black Silk Suits , $17.OO. Wo have Bovoral lots of otaplo gooda which will bo offered at SEVENTY-FIVE GENTS ON THE DOLLAR. All ladiea should nvail thoraaolvoa of this great ualo o OORSETS AND UNDERWEAR , TJNEN AND 'MOHAIR ' ULSTERS , SILK AND LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS , LAWN SUITS AND SAOQUES. CHARLES MCDONALD. WM. F. STOETZEL , Dealer in Hardware , Cooking Stoves Stove Eepairer , Job Worker and ffianuf acturer ff , fff TTTTaoCXMTDEI OX * O-AJBOTS. Tenth and Jacksc" QfcOmaha. . Neb Buy the PATENT PROCESS MINNESOTA FLOUR. [ t 'always gives satisfaction , because it makes a superior article of Bread , aud is the Cheap est Flour in the market , Every sack warranted to run alike or money refunded , W. M. YATES , Cash. Grocer. ; .