Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1881, Image 1

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For Sale By
No. 1 , New house , 7 rooms , on Cuming street *
nenrSattndcr * , 81200.
No. 1 ! . 2-Ht , ry house , 0 room * , well , datcmaiid
* * - > arii , Web tcr , near ! BthStitit$2fiOO.
No. 3 , HOII O of 10 rooms , on Ilarney , near
Oth htrtet , utoiio foundation , S4000.
No. 4 , l-ar o house of 11 romin , on Webster
street , ncir C'rc ! hton Collejc , S35UO.
No. 0 , Il'uioof Troonu , on Cast , near 17th
street , 8 tMX ) .
No. 7 , House of 8 rooms , 3 lots , on 17th strict ,
near Ir.anl , 81' 00. *
No S , House of D room ? , on Cnss , near llth ,
-22xlS2 fee. lot , S1300.
No. 0 , Houaa of 3 rooms , kitchen , etc. , or
OIM , nrar 13th t cet , $ 00.
No. 10. llou'o of 3 rooms with lot 22x132 feet ,
on Cain , near 14th street , 9000.
No. 11 , House of d rooms , on IGth street , near
Doujrl v , 44\60 feet 1st , S1000.
No. 12 , llonpcof 0 room' , lirlck founilatloi ) , on
Ilarno > , neari'tli street , 51000
No 13 , 1 ktory new house of (1 ( rooms , lirick
foumlailon , oil tit. .Murj'a atunue , near convent ,
51WK ) .
No. 14 , House of C room ( t'ml sinnnicrLIti hen ,
on 20th street , near dark , 82003.
No. IS , House of 8 rooms , on Slionuan lueime
( ICth street ) , near Nicholas , S2260.
No. Itt , 1 j-story house of 1 rooms , cellar ,
stable , etc , , on Davenport , near 22il street , 81600.
No. 17 , 2-Btory brick houto of (1 ( rooms , near
cnJ of re < l street tar turn table , # 'iW.
No. IB , House and 1' lots , 4 tilotlis west of High
School , ? 2WO.
No. 10 , ilouso and Slots on rood to park , near
hold St. ilarj * a u > cnue. $3500.
No. 20 , Ilouso Mill llj lota ncirllojicaH'e , South
Omaha. 42SOO. '
No. 91 , Ilouso and lot on Davonprt : street ,
near IGtli utrLut , 855(10.
No. 22 , 2 st. ry house and 1 t 32\60 feet , on
Jtavenjxirt , near 12th street , 81300. , Hou o of 4 rooms and 2 lota on 17th
street , n car Izard , * 1 200 ,
No. 26 , House und 4 lot "n 10th ttroct , i car
D.odsc , 5050. /
No. W , House and J lot on 10th street , near
Cap tel avoil'jo , $1450.
No. 27 , 2 houses and lot on Jackson , near 13th
street , W300.
No. 29 , 6 houses and 1 lot on California , near
J 3th street , SiOOO.
No. 31) , -story brick house of 4 rooms with
'lot ' 60x2U ) feet. onShtrman avenue (16th street ) ,
near Izard , $3000.
No. 31 , 1 ] story house and 33x60 foot , on 13th
atroctt , near Howard street , 82000.
No 32 , L-story house of 0 rooms nnd two lots
on Maion , near 10th street , 83000.
No sr , Larpo ; house fttl full lot on Capitol
avenue , near 13th tticct , 82dlX > .
No. 3D , 2 tlireu story brick housoi with lot 44x
213 feet , on Chicago , near 18th treet , SiOOO each.
No. 37 , Houjoof 7 rooms with li lot , on Paul
btreet , near Ibth street , g27tO.
No 3J , House and lot on 18th street , near
Shenmn , S1850.
No. 39 , House of 5 rooms lth44\CO feet lot ,
on Ibth street , near California , $2500
No. 42 , Home of 8 rooms H Ith lot 150x100 feet ,
on Coburn , near Colfasti cot , $3500.
No. 13. Houio and 2 lots ou Chicago , near 20th
street , CT5JJ.
No. 45 , Ijir u lionwj of 7 rooms , closets pantry ,
well nnd iNtcrn , on 18th , near Clark street , S3500.
X No. 4(1 , I ir o house with full block , near new
shot tow ur. * iKX ) .
No. 4" , lioifu of 9 ro uns with J lot.on Pacific ,
near llth street S3JOO.
No. 40 , liritlc house of 11 rooms , well , c'atern ,
pros throng out the house , k'ood barn , etc. , ou
Farnham , near 17th strict , $0000.
No fO , Houauof Or.vim" , cellar , well , etc. , on
10th , near I'aul street , MI.
No. M , house ( if U rooim and cellar , lot 33\132 ,
off St. Mary's uvonuc , near convent ,
No. 65 , Kour lieu IH and 8Svl20 feet , on Daven-
ixirt , new 10th xtrect , * 5IXX ) .
No. CO , Hou'otif 9 or 10 rooms , on 'California ,
ru r21fct btreet , SS'OO.
No. 57 , HOUEO of 0 rooms , summer kitchen ,
cellar , cistern , well , good barn , etc. , near St.
Mary's avenue and 21st htrcct , $3000.
No , 53 , New house of 7 rooms , good bam , on
Webster , near 22d street , S2500.
No , 50 , Four houses with J lot , on I2th street ,
.neurCoss 82500.
No. 0) , Housa of 3 rooms on Davenport , near
23rd street , WOO.
No. 61 , House of 9 or 10 rooms , on Hurt street ,
nuar 22nd strict , $5003.
No. U2 , House of 4 rooms , 1 etory , porch , cel
lar , cistern and well , on Harnoy , near 21st street ,
H750. . , .
No. B3 , House of 4 ron" , closets. Imsement
nnd collar , near White Load Works , S1COO.
> o 04 , CuiMlnn'onlca > edlotonIodL'e6trcct ,
near post olllcu , Btoro below and T..OIUS auovu ,
No. 05 , Slots with burn and other Improve-
jnent * . near street ear turn table , fciOOO.
No. 67 , New hou e ol 0 rooms on 17th , near
Cumlnir fctruct , 310GO.
No US ) , Urge flno house of 12 looms , every-
thins complete , a-i ISth , near Chicago , ifOOOO.
No. 70 , House on 18th street , near Davenport ,
ttoro bolowanJ rooms above , barn , etc. , 81600.
No 71 , HOUHI of 8 room * , flno cellar , all Com
plcte , on California , near Slut , * 7000.
No. 72 , Ilrlck hou e , 10 or 11 rooms , on Daven
port , nuar 16Ui 8HKO. ;
No. 73 , IJ-storv house , 0 rooms , collar , w.Il
and cl.tern , on Jackson , near IStli , 81M > 0. '
No. 74 , Ilrlck hon-e with 2 lota , fruit trees ,
etc. , on 10th , near Capitol avenue , 815,000.
No. 76 , Houie of 4 rooiiH , basement , lot 17JX (
132 feet , on llm cy , near 7th , $ ( J75.
No. 70 , 1 J-storv house , Si room ) , on Cogs street ,
near 10th street , 81600.
No. 77 , 2-story boubo , 11 rooms , closcta , fur ,
race , fruit tree * ) , barn , etc. , on Funhani , new
Ka'.IU ' , 21oUwlth new fcouse , well , cistern ,
etc. , about ono mllu vsoat of l > oet ofbco , (1600.
No. " 91 , Ilouto and lot near end of icd street
cir turn table , on Baundcrs street , $000. ,
No. W , lloue of 1 rooms , hall , cellar , pantry ,
rood well , etc. , 81300.
No 81 , 2 houac * with D rooms , and other with
fl rooms , on Chicago , ne 12th utroet , 3000.
No. 82 , 1) ) story house , 6 rooms , i closets , well
anil 100 barrel datum good barn , on fierce Ht. ,
near 0th ( near new government corrall ) , flbOO.
No , 83 , 2-story house , 9 rooms , coiUhod , peed
well , cUtcru , on J lot , on Capitol avcnuo , ma
No. 8i , 2-story houw , 8 rooms , 4 below and <
above , 3 clOMt'i , co'lar ' , well and cfitem , with 0
Jicr a ground , on gauiidomstrt-ct , nv r Uarntiks ,
No 85. 2 etoren , houio on leasoil } lot , Icaso
run a jiawfrpm April l t , IbSl , on lUciilc St.
nmr U I' , depot , * 00.
No. Ml. Hoiua , 16 roonw , well , cistern , itc.
near IBthaniimrney streets , iMOO.
No. a ; , 2 utory IUIUHO , 3 roama , vtoll nltti 40
loot ol uatur. ulth t acrtnolvroiind , on BaunJeru
Btrwot , near . S. llnrAcks , iOOO.
Eeal Estate Exchange
15th and Douglas Street ,
Republicans and Democrats Ar
rayed A aiust Eaoli Other ,
The Opposing Bides Massing
Their forces for the
Final Contest.
The Conference Committeoa
Meet bujb Pail to Agr < e
on a Compromise.
The Domoorjatio Caucus Con
cludes toITry to Elect a
President pro tern.
The Secretaryship Will RO Over
Until the December
Senators Anthony and Allison
Bay the Session Will be
a Brief One.
Rumors Current That the Cabi
net Meeting Tuesday WiH
be the Jliast One.
Arrival of Senator Davii The Ball
"Will bo Started Rolling To-day.
atlonal Associated 1'riiss.
The democratic caucus remained In
ession but fifteen minutes. Tile dom-
cratio members coming on are com-
nittcd by the action of their caucuses
> insisting on the election of a prrsi-
ont pro torn : IB soon as the senate is
onvoned. The republicans declined
o'confor on that basis , and nothing
us done.
WASHINGTON , October 8. Af tor
lie adjournment of the republican
aucus its chairman , Senator Anthony ,
uririshcd the following to the press as
10 presentation of tlio case from a
epublicnn stand point : "Bothrepub-
can and democratic senators met at
1 o'clock this morning , Senators An-
tiony and Pendlcton presiding. li
aving been understood that soverul
emocratic senators had manifested a
illingnosa to confer with the ropub-
.cans , the latter Appointed a commit-
no , consisting of Senators Edmunds ,
herman , Allison , McMillan and Lo
an to confer witlrsF'sirmlar ' commit-
ee of democrats upon the or-
anizatiou of the senate. This
pns commuicatcd 'to the demo-
rats , whereupon the latter ap-
ointed Fendloton , Plight Garland ,
Davis and Yoorhees. The committees
met and the republicans wore inform-
d that before receiving notice of a
cairo for a conference the democrats
ad determined that under existing
ircumstanccs the democrats would
lecc a president pro tern of the son-
to and that the democratic committee
ere not authorized to confer with the
epublicans on the subject. As this
ecision covered the most important
oint upon which the conference was
csircd , the republican conferees
ithdrew , and upon their report of
ho facts the republican caucus ud-
ournod to moot at 10 o'clock a. m.
londay. "
It has been well known that , as a
esult of iufoimal conversations with
romii'ent senators of both parties
oth caucuses wore called to meet at
lie same hour Saturday for the ex-
ress purpose ot consultation. Anide
rom the action related in the forego-
the republicans unanimously
greed to cast their voteo for Senator
Anthony for president pro tern. Var-
ous mattotH were discussed , but no
tlior definite action was taken. Later
Ilia evening it was learned that tlio
opublicans had determined to enter a
retest against the action of the
omocrats in refusing a confor-
nco on the subject of thu
residency pro tern , No extended
libustoring is expected but there will
ortainly be one or moro republican
peukora when the matter comes be-
ore the senate. Prye , of Maine , is
allied of as the principal speaker ,
'he object seems to bo particularly
or the party to go on record as pro-
csting against alleged arbitrary soiz-
urn by thu democrats of only a chance ,
or a possible succession to the presi-
loncy which , the republicans claim ,
ightfully belong to themselves. As
ar as can bo learned the Republicans
0'0t no further than the dis-
ussiou of the question of the
residency pro torn. The matter
ofiSecrotary is loft for Monday's
caucus. The understanding is that
ho democralH will make no move to
wards completing the reorganization.
L'ho republicans may call for another
conference towards the adjustment of
ho rest of the senate , but much will
depend on how the protest against the
irst name offered is received. Ac
cording to the democrats no attempt
will bo made to interfere with the reg
ular swearing in of three now repub
lican senators-elect , unless the republicans
licans decide to filibuster against thu
election of Bayard. In that cane
Warner Miller's .case will probably
o thrown into the committee on priv
ileges and elections.
That the republicans dp not now
intend to prolong the session is uvi
dent. Senator Anthony and Allisoi
both said to-night that they cxpocto (
the session would not last a week
The object of the meeting Monda ;
morning is to BOO ull democrats or a
least enough to elect u president pr
Senator Fair is not expected thi
session. Ho hus paired with Scnuto
IMatt , of Connecticut. All olhora ar
expected to be hero in their seats. I
is probable that the democrats will
not take any stops in regard to the
election of a secretary before Decem
ber , unless a movement in that di
rection is inaugurated by the republi
cans , but nllow Qhi f Clerk Khnb : : to
perform tliounctions / of that ollico.
Members of the cabinet not al
ready here are expected to-morrow
morning. The first cabinet moot ing
with the president occuts at Senator
Jones' residence Tuesday.
Humor lias it that this will bo the
last assemblage of President Gar-
fiold's cabinet ; that Secretary Windpm
at least will ask that his resignation
> o accepted forthwith. Other do-
> arlurcs nro not improbable. Noth-
ng is heard to-day about ConkJing's
trobablo accession to the treasury
Portfolio , though it is generally ad-
nittcd that sonio ono must be chosen
or the place soon. Secretary Win-
dom said this evening that his plans
or the future wore too in definite for
urn to say anything about them.
These who ought to know bust seem
o think that the cabinet slate will do-
) end somewhat on the issue of the
opublican protest agiiinst Senator
{ ajanl's election to thu presidency
ire torn , of the senate. This is
bought not impossible though highly
mprobablo. It is thought that some
morgency may yet bring David Davis
o the front for the presidency. At
uiy rat a there is sure to bo consider
able debate before the president is
Speeches may bo expected from
Senators Edmunds , Curloton and
" 'rye ' at least. If the republican pro-
cst is too strong the democrats may
raise nn objection to Mr. Miller's
wearing in and this will add to the
omplications. The program , as ar-
angod Saturday , remains un-
THE FIH.ST DAY'S ruooiuiM.
There is nothing now to indicate
iiut there will bo a Ion ? session. The
enato will bo called to order at noon .
> y the chief clerk , and Senator Pen4
Ipton will make a speech in uomin- J
ting Senator Bayard for the presi-
.oncy pro tern. Senator Edmunds :
rill also speak in nominating Senator
mthony tor the same position and
thor speeches may follow. It is
ossiblo that the first day will bo do-
otod to speeches , though it is not
tow intended to carry the debate to
nything like filibustering. Once
tie president is chosen and nothing
ut accident can prevent Bayard's be-
ip ; the man. Next in order will bo
fie swearing in of the republican sen-
tors , unless tbo democrats insist on
boosing a secretary first. This qucs-
ion they have not yet decided. The
robabilities are that they will make
10 effect to complete the organization
jut let thu chief clerk act aa secretary
n the interim by virtue of.succession.
Marquis D. IBaurank , of California ,
i looking up as a republican candi-
, ate for secretary of the senate. Pos-
ibly the republicans may propose to
lect a secretary. In that case tjjo
oinocrata will elect thcir-man unless
) avis votes with the republicins. of
Uuch a proposition , of courHo , will not
oino from < the republican side until
lie new men are sworn in. It may
o definitely stated that thejo is no
resent intention on the part of the
umocrats to object to the swearing in
f any now senators-elect. If tlwo
natters progress smoothly it isthought
liat thu business of the session can
o concluded next week.
Senator David Davis arrived to-day
nd has boon called on by a score of
omocratic senators this evening.
tloui ! Associated Pieu.
NKW YOUK , October 8. The first
race , three-quarters of a mile , was
von by Bonnie Lizzie , Checkmate
econd , Sir Hugh third , Time , 1:18.
Thu second race , three-quarters of
milo , was won by Ita.iku , MucDufF
ocoml , Yorkshire third. Time , 1:10. :
The third race , milo and a half , was
won by Shark. Time , 2:42J. :
The fourth race , mile and throo- '
[ uartors , was won by Forida , and a
load heat between Monitor and Ed-
vin for second place. Time , ! ? :14.
The fifth race , milo and a quarter ,
was won by Wudfiold , Gov. Hampton
econd. Time , 2:11 : ; } .
The sixth race , a steeple chase , was
von by Bertha , Day Star second.
NEW YOIIK , October 8. At the
American Athletic club games at thu
? ole grounds to-day , L. E. Myers
> eat the best time ever made in the
forld in a 1,000 yards run by a pro-
cssional or amateur. Ho ran u half
nile in 1 minute 503-5Bcconds , which
H also the best over made by an
amateur , and 1,000 yards in 2 minute
and 111 seconds.
In the 220 yard hurdle race H. M.
Jtono made the best time on record
n this country. Time 27A seconds. ' '
In the two milo bicycle race W.
smith beat all previous American
records by ISA seconds. Time , 0 min
utes 8i seconds.
Indication ! )
National AamclnteU I'rcw.
WAHHINOTON , October 10 , 1 a. in.
For the lake region ; Fair weather ,
north winds , higher banmiutcr , lower -
or temperature. For thu upper
Mississippi valley : Partly cloudy
weather and wind t-liiftin < , < jo north
westhigher barometer , stationary or
lower temperature. For thu lower
Missouri valley : Fair weather , north *
erly winds , higher barometer und
lower temperature .
Ph Best Brewing Co. , Milwaukee
Export Boor. .7 , E , BLAKI : ,
out3-10t Agent , Oinuhu ,
Gniteau to bo Brought Before tlio
Oranfl Jury To-flay ,
The Assassin Growing Moro
Nervous OB the Time for His
Trial Draws Near ,
A Senpation Created by the
Discovery of F raud in
tbo Pension Offloo. .
Futhor Developments Batur-
day in the Obristianey
Divorce Suit.
Coukliug Calls on tho-Prosidont
and Has a Two Houra'
Talk. . '
1- . :
Ho Deniei the Rumor Tbnt&o Hai
Been. Offered tfcii rref-
ary Portofollo
. * .
National Auoclattxl 1'rcss.
Ouitoau will probably Ug Uroughi
before the grand jury { it pHud on
Monday. As ihe liino draws' near for
him to k-nvo his cull ho i ? " said to bo
growing inoro and morojiervons. Hn
will bo taken to the cb ur in ' prison
vim und probably before aunrwo.
Mrs. Christiancy , intho , 'divorce
case against her husband hero .to-day ,
testified that while residing in Lan
sing , Mich1 , on one occasion her hus
band struck her and ? * knocked her
down. In Peru , in the month of Au
gust , 1879 , while living , at tlio lega
tion , ho struck her several times , ami
on ono occasion pushed htfr out of the
liouso ' and shut the door against her.
Afterwards she returned rjjjth her hus
band's son. Hu struck 'her again and
iut both out of doors. Hftjtheu called
"or his son to come back'&nd. told him
if howent away. with witness it
must bo forever. Thu eon answered
that it would bo forever and kept on
and escorted her to n hotel where she
remained over itight. The next day
ho sent to her to come badk , Mm mes
senger saying ho was in * very sick ,
dohroua and almost dyini condition.
Shu wont back to the legation and
instead of being nick she ifound her
husband quietly sitting in the room
in his right mind. Hti became very
kind to her and remained Q tilf next
Monday. Then ho camel-1 , her and
used all sorts of uolonce < ) Bald ho
told an untruth when hiaixY he * ' i"'as
Boiry for the numncr in which ho had
treated her. He also assaulted her at
the legation ono month later. She
refused to live with him after that.
WASHINGTON , October 8. The visit
ex-Senator Colliding at this time :
and the fact that ho was closct'cd for
two hours with the president , has re
ived the old rumor of the probability
his being tendered and of his ac-
pting the treasury portfolio. Conk-
ng woo approached to-nfglit and
iiid : "I came to sue the president ; I
uvo not seen him smco ho became
resident until to-day. Wo had a
onverBution on various subjects and
don't know when I shall see him
.gain. I had thought I could call on
iui with an much Hifoty as any other
f his friends , but it seems that'tho
outlomen of the press are cxorcisod
ver it. I assure you , you have no
eason to bo and [ I wish you a vary
oed evening. "
WAHHINOTON , October 8. Stund-
rd silver dollars to the amount of
005,997 were distributed during the
voek ending Saturday us against
023,093 , for thu corresponding wook.
f 1880.
The report that President C.irfiuld.
made requent before ho cliod that
'resident Arthur should appoint Col. .
lockwoll quartet master-general of thu
rmy is denied by Kockwell'a friends.
Second Assistant Postuwstor Oun-
ral Elmer heard un urgument by Col.
Cohort Ingorsoll yestordiiy in favor o
ortain contruetors in Wyoining and
Colorado whouu mail routes it in in-
ended to discontinue. Elmer luid !
doptod the rule of notyfying con-
raetors when a discontinuiuice of u.
outo was anticipated and of allowing
lioso interested to turnisd'arpuuient
vithin ten days why , in their opiuiou ,
hero should be no discontinuance. .
WAHHINOTON , October 1 > The al-
teged discovery of frauds in the pon-
lion oflico created a decided sensation
lioro. Officials liorp are exceedingly
non-committal. Commissioner Dud-
i-y while admitting that uonifctlmig is
wrong refused tlio details. He says :
'I cannot believe that there is a ring in
ho oflieo and I am trying to cluoo up
all avcnuo of approach by which frauds
night bo committed , All so far that
uia been s.dd . lias been based on ono
c.180 , that of Black , which is only 11
well defined CMO. Wo think that
through that case wo may discover
others of a Minilai nature , but ot
course it would be improper to talk ,
about BusneV.lcd cases until thoroughly
investigated. " c
HUM' .
WAHIUNOTON , October 0. Presi
dent Arthur remained lit homo to-day
with the single exception of attend
ing diviiio services at St. John's
eliurch thii morning. Ifo was accom
panied by Senator Jones , of Novudii.
Hu occupied the old residential pew
in tlio center of the church , In tlui
iibionco of thu rector , Dr. Leonard ,
the Bcrmon was preached by Dr. Potter -
tor , but luul no special significance.
CilltJAHO , October 0. This is the
tunth anniversary of Chicago's great
conflagration , by which tiio bettor
part of the city was swept away.
CINCINNATI , October' ) . TlioUnited
States association of charcoal iron
workers Avoro in session Saturday dis
cussing subjects bf interest to tlio
business. Tlio delegates visited tlio
exposition and zoological gardens and
last evening had a banquet at tlio
Highland house.
SYCAMOHK , 111. , October 0. The
trial of Rev. II. W. Thonms before
the Methodist conference was con
tinued yesterday. The Chicago in
vestigation of a'fo weeks since was
repeated and Thomas' case goes over
tn Monday. The matter of the
chargta of lying preferred by Dr.
Thomas against Dr. Parkhurat wns re
ferred to a committee.
CiiiCAdo , October ! ) . II' . P. Smith.
of Worcester , Mass. , w.m attacked
\\itliinsniityyestorilny and commit
ted iiiieide.
AIniNts : , Octobers ) . There are
several canes of Texas fever amoiiK
cattle in Audubon county , taken from
Cherokee c.ittlo sent there to feed.
Pink-eye bus broken out among thu
horses hero. Several cases fatal.
Cmc.vdo , October H. Dr. Wayland
Heret. late of Urooklyn , preached his
lirst Heriiion to-day , on lussuminu the
pastoratu of the First Baptist church
in this city , made vacant by vho resig
nation of Dr. LanniurSigatronK.
, Rov. Father Mortimer O'Connor ,
S Ireland , lectured lust night in Me-
Cormick'H hall ou the iiesent condi
tion of Ireland and raised some 6-100
Fur the amuliuratiou of thu condition
of Ireland. Ho beliovei his country
will pie long gain h > : r freedom of soil
a d independent government. a
Barker it McLood , bArristers of lliis
city woru arrested in Cincinnati in
Mistake for bank robbess. It is likely
hey will HUO the Cincinnati authorit-
cs for damages.
ST. JOHN , N. B. , October 9. Sir
Henry Mauie , the now governor of
Mow Foimdlaiid , anivi'd ( v-day from
by the Hteamship. Nova
MONTHKAL , ( Int. , October I ) .
Jickson , gcnunil mauaijer of the
jrandTiunk railroad , arrived to-day
n the steamer Circassian.
The Democrats , Alliance and
reenbackers of Seward
County in Convention.
A Coalition Formed Botwera th 20
Hpcelal Dispatch taTiiK Hr.i.
Neb. , October ! > : The
democrats , alliance and groenbackoru
iekl their county conventions in this
city yesterday. An attempt was made
o form a coalition of all thrco parties , as
jut the democratic overtures wore re-
looted ! by the greenback and alliance
delegates. The democrats tht-iMiom-
inatad a full ticket , as follows : Joseph
Dupin for clerk , Jas. Brinkonhoil for kin
treasurer , II. C. I'ago for county
judgor Oscar O. B.irrickon for commissioner on
missioner , John Brown for shorifi' , mo
Stecnhoffbr for superintendent of pub cell
lic instruction , Goo. Gillcspio for rop- or
rcacntativo to fill vacancy , Dr. Lach-
hart for coroner , E. Jull for surveyor. ligl
After these nominations were made loTj
the alliance and the groenbaokorn A *
wont into joint convention ,
with 120 delegates and with
the almost harmony proceeded to put
the following in the field i\n the antimonopoly -
monopoly ticket of Seward county : . vol
Ed' . A. Keofe for clerk , present in 'boi '
cumbent and a greenbauker ; Samuel am
Matthews , ulliunc'j republican , for
county treasurer ; John D. Hickman
greonbackor , for county judge , Ilnm-
sou Walker , ulliunce republican , for of
sheriff ; F. 0. Simmondsjgrcenbacker ,
for county superintendent ; Al Wil ed'
liams , alliance republicans , for ropro-
Btiiitutivu ; ( ) ncnr IJmiicker , alliance „ „
democrat , for county. commiHoioner ;
E. .lull , alliance republican , for counc' '
ty Biirvoyor ; Dr. ILirvey , ullianco lie- po
publican , for coroimr. The republican -
can convention met October 3 ,
and wii ? entirely controlled by
Lieutenant Governor Cams ,
hence it nominated a straight Jo
monopoly ticket , which hu . caused bu
ihiH combination , of anti-monopoly th
mon , Three tickets are now in the rw
field , and the excitement runs high.
The clmncoftiuro admitted to. bo in fa
vor of the anti-monopoly nomitu'm. i
the republiciui ticket being < ducidudly
elf colon and Uiu democratic forcon lud
; >
by blatant ox-robols wi | > lory in
their tnmaomblo records.
PuoaoUaiii Clil-
Kitloiul A&ioclatotl I'ICM
CJHUAHO , October 'J , Two of the
largest congio atioim tlut huve an-
sombluil in Clnuii o uinco the duy of
the great Moody tuid Sankoy UbiTiiu-
clo , gathurod Iwrday to hoar Huv.
DuWilt Tulmuiju , of Brooklyn , llo
preuuhod in thu inorninu ut tlio Firnt
l'iuilytoriuiil one of thu l ige t in
thu city , which was packed to tlio hint
inch of HUiulmg room und thoumudu
were turned away nnublu to gain ad-
miBuion , Thu HUIIID cnmli occunud
ut Furwoll hull uliuro hu pruivchod u
eoriuon to young mon. rolicomoii
hud to hu eniploynd to keep the crowii
bauk. The sermons woru both ill Mr.
ordiuury yyin ,
Gladstone Makog a Speech on
Free Trade ,
. , _ . _ _
The Forts of Tunis Occupied
by French Troops.
Probability That the French
Ministry Will Resign
Fatal Shooting Scrape at _
Quinoy , 111. , Between Two
Sporting Mon.
An Old Man Near OsaRo City ,
Kan , , Murdered For
His Money.
Orlmof : i Castmltlos and Misoollono-
ou NOWB Notes From All
Over the Country.
N t AiiaoclntcJ I'roni.
TAIIIH , October' ) . The forts of Tu
nis liavo boon occupied by French
troops. Tire thousand men nru on-
oampod at the gates of the city. Yory
little excitement was caused by this
important | event except among thu
Jews in outlying charters who have
been asked permission to carry oil the
old cannon of the forts , whether with
view to concealing them or to- use
them as weapons of defense is neb ap
It remains an open question whether
or , as they certainly intondcd n few
days ago , the present ministers will
resign Ijoforo the opening of the ses
sion or whether , yielding to the force
Of public ] opinion , they will remain in
ollicc until tlio Africa question hiu >
boon fully decided by thu chambers.
In case it would , it SCUIIIB curtain ,
judging from articles in La Ropubli-
qui Franco and' from private conver
sation with frequenters of the palaias-
bourbon , that M. Gambotta will re
fuse to undertake the task of forming
now 1 ministry until a debate has
been hold.
LONDON , October 8. Mr. Glad ,
stone remained at Leeds to-day quite
tired out and exhausted. Ho received ,
however , a number of callers. At a
great mooting lost night more than
20,000 people were present. Mr.
Uladftono said that the course of the
obstructionist * in parlianyzjxt had 1
rendered imperative certain altera
tions in the rules of the house of '
commons. The progress of the French
treaty had mot with no serious difli-
culty. Ho was certain , ho added ,
the no government in England would
ever pledge itself to abolish free trade
Germany or America had. As
long as America adhered" to protection !
British commercial supremacy was as
sured. ,
King Alfonso , * of Spain , mot the
king of Portugal nt Valencia Alcan
tara to-day. This is a fortified town
the loft bank of the Tagus near
Portugal frontier. Both of the
mouarchs , who appeared to be in ex
cellent spirits , then proceeded togeth
to i Cucures , the cupitol of the pro
vince of Kstrenmdurii , whore tomorrow -
row they will witness the great bull
fight. The bull ring at Gacorcs is the V
largest in Spain. |
LONDON , October 0. A dispatch
fpom Durban states that iiflairs in thu' '
Transvaal are moro unsettled than
ovor. Some cf the members of thu
volkHrand , in a closed tutting of that
'body , proposed to run the convention
and defy the British. ,
DUBLIN , October ! ) j Parnell , in
speaking at Woxford to-day , called.
Mr. Gladstone an unrivalled slanderer
Ireland , and the diorta on behalf o3
the Irish , of which the premier boast
' , were evident by , two thousand. ai
evvcl ions since the beginning of the
year by crowding the oountry with
soldiers. ] Ho said that the throats of
Mi Gladstone would bo scattered as tl
chad' before the determination of the
people < to regain their lost land ind
ativo independence.
NEW YORK , October 9. JanvesiW. it
Johnson , of Punnsylvania , was taught
burglari/.ing the room of a guvst iu ,
ho St. JamoaJiotel lust night andiar-
estod. e
KANHAH Oizv , October 9i John n
Morrisaey , an old'amn ' living alone on u
farm luiur Osigu City , Kas. , has siHI
eng boon. suspected of having u largo HIb
imount of money cqucoaled about his HIU
remisoa , and. vas attacked by four
nnnkedniim tbjs evening while , food- lid
ng his stock. They took' l.liaofrom lie
iis pockuta. There is no clue to , the o
identity of tlw robbers , but it is s I'c
osul to bo some of his noluhbors , c
ll. , October 9 , A shwat-
ng serape took place at 1 o'clock ou
Maine street , near the opor.i hou&o ,
xi-duy. John MoDudo , ox-chiuf of
police , liad a grudge against iviudlier
iporlinx man nuiuud Jackson. They
met und MeDadu , who was armed
with a double barrelled shotuun , im-
mcdiatuly fired , the first luul taking
ullcct in ilnckson's jaw , tairiiif" it in
twain. Ifo fired another shot , which
took eIR'et in Jackson's log , Jackson
fell at the fitst shot , but raised on his
knees with u nnvy lovolver and lirud ,
hti iking MoDadu ia thu abdomen , in
flicting iv mortal wound , The affair
iiitunao excitement nnd in uup-
nosed to have originated o or gam
bling ,
nuri'oHr.n MUIIDBH ,
SAN ASTONIO , Tox. , October J ) .
Last night alxnit Rovontcon mill B west
of hero the bodies of two mon were
soon on the track of the International
milroad , but too Into to "top the
train. They woru horribly niangtetl.
Ono was an American and the otlior *
a Mexican. It is supposed that they *
were ( murdered and placed on the track
to liitle thu crime.
NK\V YOIIK. October D. Late last
night John O'Connor , a carpenter ,
cum u homo drunk and shot his wife
in the side , inflicting n mortal wound
from which she died this morning nt
0 ) o'clock. (
Maria Me Ksencr was in n butcher
shop near her residence when aho was
attacked by bar husband , John , from
whom she had been puparatcd several
years , and fatally stabbed in the chest
nnd abdomen.
Soconuo , N. M. , October & . L.
Mcrdoanx , commonly known as
"Frcnchy , " and Busboy Blark , tire
hardened desperadoes , were lynched
hero Uday for robbing a store and
stealing a homo at Liuiiy. They con-
feasod , and wern chained together and
hanged to a cottomvood tree ,
KANSAS CITY , October 8. Geo. W ,
Freeman , a carpenter of Codav City ,
was killed by an M. , K , & T. train ab
Rogers' landing to-day. The eow-
catalier struck him mid carried hi
lifeless body to the depot at Jefferson.
111. , October ! ) ; J cr
Christian , n minor , was badly injured
last evening by a blast hi the north
shaft of the mine , llis skull WOA-
fractured so-ns to render death almost-
certain. The accident was the result-
of carelessness.
CLINTON , Iowa , October 8. A pas- if
sourer tr.iin , bound from Itouk Ihlaiul ]
to Itacino , rat > into a freight train U
Sutton Junction , 111. , tlirco milos-
east of this city , yesterday. J. . ) .
Flanigan , station agent , and Arthur
Cuddy were killed. Lester Fisk was
hurt internally ] and will dio. L.
Rosenblatt , a traveling man of Beloit ,
Wis. , was badly wounded and H. B.
Sutherland badly crushed. The acci
dent was caused1 by the failure'ofr the
air brakes to work.
SPAIITA , Wis. , October 8. William.
Vivan , o wealtHy farmer , while re-
iturning homo on horseback with a
soy the , cut his arm and bled to death.
tile wan found yesterday. His > left
arm was gnawedofifiby dogs.
QUEBEC , October tte - $ ? * $3
ship Carcoran , one of the 'la\gliat''of
'the- Allen line of steamers , on her
way to Glasgow , vent ushorn twenty
roilea below here to-day. Her fore
compartments- all out of water , .
TugH have gone to-hor assistance. .
The ] Belief Committees Aotingr
Hormoniouely and Supplies-
Being Sent Them.
N&Uonal Amocutcd I'rtM.
Dr.TKOiT , Miah. , Oetohor ! i , > The
Hcorotniy of the l iitoburg , Pa..relief
committee , huviiu ; booh aont into the
Blichignn burnt'district to spy out
the land , publislvea the ' . - re
port . , to-duy : "Lhave returned from a
trip of nearly one hundred miles *
through the burst district with letters
from the Detroit and Port , Huron ,
committees , [ lave met the agents of
both , .finding . , tltcni working , ia perfect
harmony. Llr vo been progentuit thr > .
ilistribution ofitlio supplies , , and have
Been and conversed with tho-
people at tlu > stations- and at- ,
their furniB , and there is : , gouerali
satiafuction with the manner of dis
tribution and unboundedgratitude to-
the donors. TSbo wheat i evorywhcr&-
Uroon above the ground , making their *
hearts tranquil as to the Juturo. Tho-
late cold ni < { iita huvo cauead some dis
tress on account of lack of shelter
und bedding Those dvficioncies ara
now being' speedily made good. , ] j
have found ) "cranks' " and malcon
tents , but. all sunsiblcv people admit
that the relief has bean prompt and ;
oilicient. 'Shirfuct tl : t'pantiiig'tiinc ) <
had already arrived vvJion the iires oc
curred , aud there is. now lurgezr-
acrenge sliown than orur , bo ,
fore ia. the best evidence ,
ofi the efficiency of the conuaittuQi.j
There acu no foiicui , but tlio crop * iot
in no , danger of being destroyedl > y
roving ooitlo. A 'Jttlo wntching and
an abuudanco of reun gnus.will pro
tect tli0 people f r > the pccisont. fhp
extent : , of land under uuprovament
was. not anticipated bymo ami the
moat uatoniahina fnot wn thut ta such
an : arwa of improved landfso much do-
atruotion was pastiblo. Xt is rare to
Hco-uo much good i farming laud in ono
body as exists in this re/jioa. To sum
ujV iny obsorYfttiona load OM to be-
liuve that thcra has fttyun , a-widespread
destruction of. ijropciy , a great lostn
of human liK ) , and a' vast number cJ3
' cojilo requiring relief thrown upon tKa
hurjty ot tha coua ry. The commit
tee , of wlu0h ox-Sonator Baldwin ia
chuirumii , will sorm bo in posseaaJoa
of compete Btmi'jtica which will en
able it to dotpr.fiiiiio to what extent
further contributions will be required. .
The trust so far , has boon faithfully
anil vconumicully administered. Thorn
has been u perfect understanding be-
twoun the agents on the ground , ami
so fur UH 1 could U'imi CUBOS uf
cation and urnun have boon few ,
( Signed ) D. H. AViixuiia ,
Socrotury of the Michigan Uoliel
Committee for the , city of Pittsburg ,
Prt ,
That goiiugantlonmn ) , ! Stove
lie , presides ut , the llifgiiia oponini ;
to-iuyht ,