Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 08, 1881, Image 8

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Satuday Morning , Pot 8.
For Sheriff ,
For Treasurer ,
For Clerk ,
For Commissioner ,
For Judge ,
For Surveyor ,
For Supciintcndentof In truction ,
For Coroner ,
For the accomodation of our tip-town
patrons arrangements have been made with
Edholm & Krlckson , Jeweler * , opposite the
post office , where mlvcrttBcmentu nnc
crders for the city delivery of TIIK Br.r
will bo received. Advertisement for the
evening must bo handed in before 1:30 p.
rn. , for the morning edition before 8:30
.ml pcpt23-tt
Patterson sells coal.
Doane. Reliable Hatter.
Frederick Leading Hatter.
Ovrl Cigars at Kuhn'n DniR Store.
Qtiina Bandoline Powder nt Kulin
Th ° Lion continues to roar ( or Moore's
3arnCKnd Saddlery.
For FINE Commercial Job Printing
Ml at THE BEE Job room * .
Smoke Stariton ct Storms ,
Cigar , at Kuhn's Drug Store only.
The u ual number of loud-mouthed
fakers weronlti acted to the city by the
circus yesterday.
Nip nnd Tttck to-night at tlio Arad
finyof MUHIC. Alto matinee und e\cn
ing performance to-morrow.
Who pays the highest price for Second
Hand Furniture ? Abrahams & Lewis
1121 Douglaa street. nepl9-2w
Remember the Kale of Heats for
Itemcnyl opens to-morrow morning at I'M-
helm & . Hrickscn'g.
Lost Bunch of koyH. Finder will
please leave them at the delivery window
at tlio poi toflice nnd nccivc reward.
( Jeo. Lake wilt Hticcecd H. H. Hiitrm-
way % 3 deputy clerk iu the district court
on Monday next. Mr. Hathaway goe-s
into the employ of the Union Pacific.
Secure your seats for Nip nnd Tuck
and avoid the rush to-morrow. They play
Friday and Saturday with a matinee. It
is the moat laughable comedy you ever
Ono hundred ami fifty-nine beautiful
residence lota , located on Hamilton xtrcet ,
'half way between the turn table of the
red ( street car line and the waterworks
reservoir and addition , and just west of
the convent'of the Sistera Poor Claire in
Shinn'H addition. Prices range from 875
to Sit 0 each , and will be cold on cany
term * to thoao who will impiovc. Bomis' '
real estate agency , Fifteenth and Douglas
' . _ Frank P. Ireland , of Nebraska City , is
iu town.
A. E. Wells , of Oakland , wiw in th
city yesterday.
J. A. Bowcn , of Lincoln , is at the
rcighton house.
A. II. Church , fcf the North Platte No-
broalcnn , is in the city. '
, II. II. Platte nnd wife , of 1'npillton ,
visitwl Omahi yesterday.
Pierce Eustace , gencrul ticket agent f
the ] ; . & M. company , went cast yesterday.
Vfm. A. Taxton has returned from lin-
* ne , where his son is nt school , nnd ru-
ports Mauler "Will as progressing rapidly
in bis Htudiea.
Among the registries nt the Withnell
Homo nre the following : Goo. A , Brooks ,
JSazilo Mills ; L. C. Burr , Lincoln ; 11. AV.
Vickory , Green River ; Dr. Hart and If.
P. Hait , Geneva ; J. C. Blackburn , Fre
mont ; D. B , D s Molncs , Ia.
At the Metropolitan : Ueo. W. Kckcr
and J. S. Freer , of Grand Island ; C. Arm
strong , of Button ; John D. Gutter , of
Sioux City ; E. E. Perrine , of Wisnor ; W.
II. Somcrti , of Beatrice ; Mius Jessie
Jamox , of Beatrice ; M , S , Adams mid
wife , of Pilgar.
The Sherman county delegation to Lin
coin returned from that city yea.
terday , and will remain in Omaha
a day or no b fore returning
home. They nre Wood Smith , of Loup
City ; O. B. Willard. of Iho Sherman
County Timea ; M. A. Hantley , of Loup
City , and William Dvnscho'.cr , of Limp
City. They report Sherman as the gu-at
.grain county of the state.
Tekamah and Blair were largely repre
sented at the Creighton Houao yesterday.
The following are from Blair : Mra , Hem-
gate , Mrs. E , Cook , Mra. House , llichard
O'Hunion and family , J , W. Hoggs , M .
W. J. Cook , Mrs , C. JJ. Herman ; from
Tekamah : Mrs. C , Ast r , MUt Mollle
Astor , Frank McT eati , Mia Maud Pratt ,
Mrs. J. Latta , W. W. Bardwoll , L. Jos.
eph and wife , J. L. Frank and slater , L.
H P. O. A. .
Dr. Q , L. Miller waa appointed by
the Nebraska S. P. C. A. last night
as delegate to the fifth annual conven
tion of the American Humane society
to bo hold in Boulon , October 10th
und 20th. The services of the local
agent were dispensed with , owing to
lackoffundu to pay him. Acoinmitteo ,
consisting of Messrs. John T. Bell , J.
H. Lovott , P , L. Porino und 0. H ,
Dewey , was appointed to arrange for
an anniversary meeting of the society.
Mrs. J. D. Payntor , proprietress of
the Occidental hotel , had her pocketbook -
book picked while looking ut the ani
mals at the Barnum ahow ycatcrday
afternoon. She discovered the low
too bto to catch the thief. Her losa
win about ton dollaiu.
And None But Irish Need
At the Democratic Ward Prf
While n grout mnny people were
thinking yesterday of the circtn and
other visiting attractions , n quiet per
formance was going on at the demo
cratic ward primaries which became -
came pretty interesting by even
ing. No one knows , and for
the lifo of him no democrat
can toll , what the contest wax for.
Still , while the "faithful" concede
that they don't expect oven a commis
sioner on their ticket to bo elected ,
they buckled on the armor in three or
four wards and each faction fought
tootli and nail for the supremacy of
its Hpecial delegates. The result was
somewhat of a surprise , as well ns at
undoubted defeat , for the more con
servatlvo nnd , perhaps it may bo said ,
respectable portion of the city domoc
racy. It bccamo evident when the
votes were counted that the favorite
sentiment of the lamented Buck Fan-
shaw , "No Irish need apply , " had been
emphatically ruvemed and that the
"adopted sons" from the Emerald
Mo had everything pretty much their
own way.
Especially was this the instance in
the third wiird. Along in the early
portion of the day the voting was
rather tame and inclined toward the
ticket supposed to bo in favor til
Ogdou for county judge , Hnrtnmti
for treasurer , etc. But after dinner
Pat Ford who headed the opposition
ticket took up another hole in his belt ,
and hts forces commenced to como
to the front. The fight vvaxod iuri
OUB and when the polls closed a long
line of anxious voters with thrir tickett
in their hands were still outside.
Tlio count shownd a total vote
of nearly 850 with a majority for the
Ford delegation of about HO. The
third wnrd will vote in the convention
to-day solidly for O'Kuefo for sheriff ,
O'Connor ' for judge , and probably
McQavock for treasurer. ,
In the first and second ward there
was not much contest , . but the
result it * about the tunic. Tito fotilth
ward was a "corkor" for the Anilrow
JnckHonitos. Chris Ilarhnan looked
glum , and Harry Duel was HO much
astonished nt the result that he couldn't
say a word. A ticket headed by Char
ley Brown , supporting O'Connor for
judge , O'Kcofo for sherifF and Mc-
Gavock for treasurer , mudoa nuccenHful
run am wulkedaway with thePrichard
ticket by over thirty majority.
The Fifth ward did about the
sarao thing , and the Sixth -ward is
the only one in which the soim of the
land of the shamrock scum to have
taken a back seat.
As far us the city delegates are con
cerned , O'Koefe ' , candidate for sher
iff , McOavock , candidate for treas
urer , , and O'Connor , candidate for
Judge , seem to have the majority.
On the reHt of the ticket there are
about as many splits as there are del-
gates. Ghrw Hartman is a prominent
candidate for the nomination for
treasurer , and straws point strongly
toward a chautfo in the convention in
his favor. Ho made no canvass what
ever , nor any endeavors to aocuro delegates
egatos yesterday , \ \ hat the nomina
tions will bo no man can tell , for , in
the language of the lamented Daniel
S. Dickinson , the war senator from
the Empire State. "If anything bo
beyond tha forcordttmtion of God it is
the verdict of a petit jury and the ac
tion of a county convention. "
Or What Did Smith Do With
HB Money ?
The sudden death of J. 11. Smith ,
a carpenter , at the Hudson llu-or
house , woa announced in yesterday's
BKK. At the examination of iho Itody
Coroner Jacobs found about an hun
dred dollara sowed up in a pockot'of
the shirt worn by the deceased. It
was learned at the hotel that Smith
had relatives somewhere in Missouri ,
and the coroner has been making the
best endeavors to find their address.
Last evening Mr. O. Q. Decker , who
lives on Tenth street in this city ,
called at the coroner's oilico and ta
ted that ho had known Smith iuti
matoly for five or six months , the hitter
tor boarding at Decker's house.
Some time in Angus' . Decker states
that Smith announced his intention of
going west , to look uftor lands , mm
went away. About September first
ho returned and said ho was going to
Council Bluffs to woik fora short
tune. Iu about a week ho appeared
again , and us Mrs. Decker was quite
ill , went to the Hudson llivrr
house and secured board. At Una
time Decker states that Smith hud
91,400 in his uossesnion , with which
ho was intending to pay u mortgage on
about 700 acres of land ho owned in
Miflsouri. Decker is convinced that
Smith did not send the money to that
ntate , as the buaiaoss could not have
been arranged without the deceased
man's presence.
When Smith went to the Hudson
.River house ho gave Mrs. Green 850
to keep for him , which ho afterwards
took. The inoimy ho would have
earned from that tune until his death ,
over his expenses , would have made
up about the amount found on his
person. The $1,400 is therefore un
accounted for. Smith was u very
careful and temperate man , but had
on especial aversion to banks or de
positories and carried the amount
mentioned about with him all of the
time. Decker thinks lie is the only
person in whom Smith confided the
secret of life' having the money , and
thinks that it must bo etill among
some of the dead man's effects , or in
some safe to which lie may have had
Tun democratic agony begins this
afternoon in Douglas county ,
Ono pinno for rout. Inquire at Kd
helm & Euckson'
That Displayed by a Couple o
Tholr Grant Formality in. Search
ing a Prisoner.
Yesterday noon a couple of men wcr
noticed swinging up Farnham stree
at a rapid guit. Between them wan
young , heavy set fellow who neomei
to bo in custody. His two corn pan
ions were evidently detectives , am
the crowd parted in awe
struck wonder to let them go through
The men made their way to the cit ;
jail , and thuro they hustled the pris
oner about , apparently afraid ho woul
get the drop on them or lot somothiiij
fall. Finally they jammed him
against the corner of the door , whicl
they decided wan a good place to
search him. Then the lieavy-so
detective drew back end suddenly
made a dive for the prisoner's head
His hat came off , disclosing a cloaeb
cropped head of hair. "Ha , " Bait
the lynx-eyed official with a. chuckle
"thought it was you , Haint bin
long from the 'pen' have you ? " Thci
ho looked around for applause. Ho
didn't got any. Then he grabbed the
prisoner by the coat. "Ha , " sai (
he , with a longer respiratioi
than before , "now suit. Hain
wore "om inor'n three days. '
So ho wont on hunting in the mosl
impossible and out of the way places. .
Ho resurrected a revolver , a few
hankcrchiefH and a bunch of tooth
picks. These latter ho separatee
carefully to see that no silk dresses
were concealed among them. Then
ho continued again. Finally ho
paused. "What's that ? " ho inquired
fooling tho' prisoner's puntuloor
pocket. "Money , " said that gentle
man , nponking for the first time ; ant
with that the man who never sleeps
hauled forth a-roll of bills. Then the
lynx-eyed men had a consultation.
The heavy man then suddenly asked
"How much sliver's there ? " "Sev
enty dollani , " was the prompt reply.
By thii time they had investigator
the young follow from head tc :
foot , made him poke out his tongue
to its full length and executed a care
ful examination of the c.ivity of hit
cars. "Not half satisfied yet , " said
the big man , giving his primmer a
final twist. "Lot's file him down
ataiw , an' search him again. " And sc
the much abused youngster was
"fired" and the process gone
over again. The big man , who was
doing the detective act , is a city man.
The young man was arrested" princi
pally on suspicion. Ho had probably
boon pocket picking buttho ridiculous
way in which his clothing was exam
ined would causa the redoubtable
Lecocq to turn over in his coifin could
ho have seen it. An old leather pocketbook -
otbook was found upon the young
man. It contained § 2.80 in money
and a key , besides a bill for goods
bought of John H. Lehman ,
Farnham street.
Dr. Chambers Poisoned in the
Examination of a Deceased
Dr. S. J. Chambers , tha veterinary
surgeon , is the victim at present of a
very nerious blood poisoning. Yea-
tordpy afternoon ho was suddenly
called into the country to attend a
hpreo fluid to bo sick with the new
disease animals called "
among "pink
eye. " When the doctor arrived at the
farm house ho found that the animal
had died , and in the interest of scinco
ho determined to make a post mortem
examination of the dead animal.
The doctor had a slight wound on
oiio of his fingers and in opening the
body got a little serum orjdcscasod
blood onto it. In a few minutes the
wound commenced to itch and the
doctor gave it a thorough washing and
applied lunar costic to it , think
ing that it would effectually re
move all the poison. This morn
ing , however , it commenced pain
ing quite severely , and swelled
to an alarming extent. The doctor
had it examined by Drs. Conkling ,
Mercer and Ayres who eay that it was
a case of blood poisoning. Dr. Cham
bers us soon as ho has the time w ill
make a minute examination of some
animal alllictod with this disease and
yivo the result publicity for the benefit
fit of horsemen.
Nip Had Xnok.
A good sized audience greeted Harry
Webber last night at the Academy of
Music in hm comedy-drama of Nip
and Tuck. Considering the canvas-
covered attraction elsewhere , the at-
; cndouco was very flattering. Webber
las Btronuthcned his party and is him
self funnier und bettor than over. Ho
carries four parts during the piny in a
way that cannot but excite admira-
ion. The character of the drama is
especially suited to the most ludicrous
situations , and still at times the most
iinotional and tragic scones. Fovr
bettor troupes have visited Omaha.
, _ - - , , , . . , . _ _ *
f a T - | - | - | - | | n-L
Lively Oirona-
Last evening as a young man who ia
employed in a government position in
his city , was walking down Fourteen
th street on his way homo a lady stop-
pect to the front door of a house and
asked the man for protection against
drunken follow who had taken possession -
session of her promises. While the
character of the woman islet
lot above reproach the young
nan thought it would only bo an act
> f gallantry to offer the lady his aid
n the elimination of the objection-
iblo person , BO ho walked into the
The rough commenced ubuning him
and finally made a pass , after the man-
ier > f Muldoon , at the clerk , who
jnickly annihilated the rough , Ho
iut him out of the house , iccoived
ho thanks of the lady , andpiocueded :
on his way homo. i
The Big Barnum Show Com
nnd Qono Again.
Ycstenhy opened a cloudless skj
upon the delight of the small boy ant
secret pleasure of many a child o
larger growth-circus day , "Early ii
the morning the hugo tents of P. T
Barnutn's great consolidated show
could been seen on west Farnam strec
and at 11 o'clock the street pagcan
burnt forth in all its glittering display
The parade was an especially fine
ono nnd in mnny respects sur
passed that of any proviou
show. Barnum lias had bai
luck in endeavoring to ge
to the Gateway City for several sea
nous , and this year his train aulFerci
an accident at Tuma City , Ja. , whicl
caused the loss of much property am
many valuable animals. But the show
succeeded in getting hero this Urn
and , had it not been for the im
passahility of the roads , th
spacious tout would probabli
have been incapable of containing the
As it Avas , there was an attendant
of five thouiund at the afternoon performance
formanco and u still larger audience
last evening. Both performance ! * were
exceptionally good. In the "grain
spectacular pageant" as it is torniui
which begins the , the curi
ositk'3 of the meiiaycrio were ox
hihtted in a procession nround tin
throe rintfs. Gen. Tom Thumb am
LuTina Wairon Thumb were presontct
to the audience. They mot a numboi
of old friends and the little genera
seemud in his happiest inoud. He is
getting very corpulent , and also quite
mild , while his little better half holds
her own remarkably well. The pro
rain abounded in novel and picas
ing features. Madame Dock-
rill , Melville , and Dutton all
appeared in equestrian nc.'s. The
linuco-Uoinan wrestling and Boissil
Brothers' horizontal bar performances
wore' especially fino. Miss Maggie
Clare and Mile. Buslii'll were attrac
tive features , the former being .ai
especially intrepid Hying ring
performer. The double trap-
27,0 acts of Hawley and
Buislay combined great skill
with daring. Both men were savet
probably fatal falls by the safety nets
itretchcd beneath them , as each SUH
Gained a tumble.
Ono especial feature of the show
s the splendid herd of elephants ,
twenty in number , all under charge ol
3oorgo Arstingstall. The "baby" is
; hero and also ono interesting female
elephant , which is very carefully
The "old man , " as the renownedP.
T. Barnum is culled by his employes ,
is not with the show , but keeps a
sharp telegraphic watch -upon its
progieas , and everything in the line
of management is in the best of hands.
The "Great Moral Show" is well
worth attending , and even going fai
o see.
Mrs. Hall's Alleged Adventure
Last Night.
Officer Casper heard loud tdiriuks
'or police near Eightcent and Dodge
streets last night about 9:30 : o'clock ,
and hastening to the spot , discovered
i party of throe women mixed up con-
'uacdly in a struggle. Ono of the women
; ave her name as Mrs. Hall , and said
she lived on Eighteenth street be-
; wcon Harney and Howard. She
said she was on her way homo with
about $40 in her possession when she
discovered two women following her.
The next thing she ki.ow she got
sounding thump on the back of the
lead. While ono pair of female
ingors began to claw Mra. Hall's
or another pair sought the breast
locket of her reticule , in which re
> osed the glossy greenbacks. About
his time Mrs. Hall concluded to
scream , and she lot forth a stunning
var-whoop that net Officer Casper's
eeth on edge. The two ether wo-
non , Annie Morrissey and Mollie
tornan , were arrested and
aken to the station , 'where
> ho story of Mrs. Hall secmedso wild-
y incoherent that they were discharg
ed. Another woman named Hattie
Cobles , who knew that Mrs. Hall had
he money , was also arrested , There
are several peculiar featuics to the
coso and the city marshal IB making
an investigation of the alfuir before a
warrant ia issued. It may bo said that
it least two of the women were eliylit-
y intoxicated at the timo.
Card of Thanks.
The fumil v of the late Wm. L.
Villiums wish to express their sincere
hanks to all for kindness received
luring the late tticknoss of their child ,
nd to all who attended the funeral ,
'ho beautiful flowers douatod by
leighbora and friends as a token
f their love were greatly ap-
ircciatod , and will not soon be for-
; otton. Wo are thankful also for the
urviccH of Rev. Mr. Ingram iu the
bsonco of Rov. Mr. W. J. Ilaraha
rom the city. Morning papers please
It WM Loaded.
City Jailer McClure was handling
n old revolver yesterday for the
urposo of cleaning it. The weapon
md not been used for a long time and
10 shells it contained were thought
x ) bo empty. AB it happened they
ere not , for while McOluro was
orking the tripgsr the hammer fell ,
ui iui ; an explosion. The ball on-
erod the index linger of the jailor's
1'ht hand , making a painful but not
angerous wound
Ask druggists for "Kouch on ItaU" I *
luarH out ratx , mice , bcd-butf * , roachw ,
eruiin , ( lies , auta , iuaecU. 1B pvr box.
That is the Condition of St
Joseph's Hospital.
Admiaalon Denied Dully to the
About ton days since the committee
appointed to solicit subscriptions for
the addition to St. Joseph's hospita
met at Judge Woolworth's office. A
that mooting it was decided to bogii
at once to obtain the money required.
A Bir. : reporter accompanied Dr
Paul GroHsmann to the hospital the
following Sunday in order to obtaii
information regarding its facil
ities at present and also to see how i
was conducted. On the dnvo out Dr.
Grossman dwelt at length on the fact
that the hospital was much too smal
for a city of this size. Ho said , "Fri
day I vas compelled to turn away
three patients whom I found on the
doorstop. They had typhus-malaria
fever. I gave them mcdcino then am
said I would do so as long as the }
could como or send for it , but that as
all beds were tull it was impossible to
take them in. The beds are frequent
ly spoken for in advance and patients
await anxiouily the discharge ol
ono in order that thej
may be taken in. " Wo hud now
reached the building and wore shown
iu to the office by n pleasant-faced nil-
tor. From thwro wo passed to the
first ward. It wua a room 22.\22 with
eight beds , all occupied. This room
is for surgical CRHUH moro uHpucia
and is under the charge of Dr. Neville.
The beds are about 2i feet wide and
U foot long , placed around the walls ,
leaving as much room in the canter as
possible. The next ward was a room
i.5\25 , and contained 11 beds all
occupied. Up stairs is the female
ward , u room about 2\20 ( ) , and
containing 10 beds. On this floor
ire several looms for private patients.
The other halt'of the lower lloor is
taken up by the kitchen and drug
store , and various other rooms. The
lioHpital is under the charge of twelve
sisters , two of whom are confined to
bed sick. Considering the efficient
management of this institution nnd
thp fact that uh"erein are daily denied
admittance , it scorns as though the
committee should vigorously push for-
waid their work.
And George Higgins the Ruler.
On the corner of Dodge and Six
lecnth streets ia the business resting
) lace of George Higgins. Everybody
iiiows George , but latelely he has
Dt-como terribly proud , just because
lie has the finest apartments
in the West ; u far as decorations are
concerned. At a large expense George
secured the services of Frank Skiff ,
the celebrated scenic artist from Her
Majesty's theatre in London , and
Frank's artistic finger has transformed
the house of Higgins' into a" palace.
Around the side walls are dark colored
borders. In the ceiling center of the
room nre diamond quarters , support
3d on the north and { south by "East-
lako" designs , * which give way at
each cornet for representations
jf the season. The artist
Skiff has fairly outdone him
self in his paintinga on the higher
walls. So true is lip to nature that
while the spectator is slavering amid
; ho bare trees of his ' snowy w inter
iconcs , ho needs a friend near by to
ead him to the spring representation.
Behind the bar the ar-
: ist , Skill' , hp made classic
woik. A mountainous country is rep
resented. The telegraph coles are
clinging to the hill-side , and birds are
lying hither and thither , apparently
inwilling to trust themselves on the
Yva.y that the mountain sides
afford. Away down in the valley
s the null and skiff has
gene so far as v to run this
nill by water. Whether the "aqua"
s painted or not cannot bo ascor-
ained , but leaving all jokes aside
jeorgo Higgins has the finest saloon
n Omaha ut the present writing , and
it the opening to-morrow night overy-
) cdy wants to bo present.
Circus Day Arrests.
The somewhat unusual ciowd upon
ho streets yesterday afternoon dizzied
ho heads of several individuals , and
as a consequence only cots could bo
obtained at Hotel do McClurc , lost
ivening. Six drunks and three light ? ,
ogother with ono case of concealed
weapons , will grace his honor's docket
hi * morning.
Professor Seager , of Queen Esther
amu , is organizing musical conven-
ions and chorus classes in fifty cities
ind towns of the state , with a view of
lolding a great state musical festival
text May in this city and Lincoln.
The full chorus will number twothou-
and voices. A preliminary "conven-
ion will bo hold in this city two
weeks hence. Three hundred voices
will bo called for.
„ _ .
Th * Right Sort of General-
Jacob Smith , Clinton fitreet , Buffalo
aye he has used Spring lilcwuom in hi
nuiily UH a general medicine for eases of
ndigeution , billouaneua , bowel and kidney
omplalntg ftiidnllsordorM ar ! lng from im-
uritlcH of the blood. He upeaka highly
if Itu efficacy. Prlco CO centa , trial bottlou
0 cents. codlw
Balm in Gilead ;
'here Is a halm ( n Glluad to heal each gap
ing wound ;
n THOUAH' KLKCTIUO Ou. , the remedy is
found ,
'or Internal and for outward use , you may
freely apply it ;
' 'or all pain ami inflammation , you should
not fall to try It.
t only coats a trltle , 'tin worth Its weight
In gold , '
Jid by every dealer in the land this rum-
I'dy In told.
A trill package of BLACK-DRAUGHT"
rcn of charge , "
At 0. P nnmlmtn'i.
Sweet potatoes Co per pound at Buf-
ott's. oO-2t
Novelties just received at Mo-
) onald's ,
Booklin'fl Arnica Snlve.
The best salvo in the world for outs ,
biuiscs , sores , ulcers , salt ihoum ,
foyer sore * , totter , chapped hands ,
chillblains. corns and all kinds of
skin eruptions. Tliis salvo is guar
anteed to give perfect satisfaction in
every case or money refunded , Price ,
25c per box. For sale by
IN ii it McMAiioN , Omaha.
Notion the Effect * .
U , ( Jlbb-i , ol Buffalo , N. Y. , writes :
"Hearing jour Bunnoc-K BI.OOD ) > ITTKIIS
favorably upoken of , I was induced to
watch their clfccts , Mid find that in
chronic clisc.wt of the Mood , liver and
kidneys your bitturs hav o been signally
marked with HUCCCM. I have used them
myself with best results for torpidity of
the liver ; and in the case of n friend of
mine suffering from dropsy , the effect was
marvelous. " Pricu $1.00 , trial sire 10
cents. octScodlw
Hotrular meeting of the Mt. Cavalry
Commnndory to-night.
NOTICE Aihcrtlicracnt To Loan , For Sale
fxnt , Found , Wants. Hoarding , < tc. , will be In
scrtcJ In these columns once for TEN CENTS
per line ; each subsequent Insertion , KIVECKNTS
per Hoe. The first Insertion never lens than
ONEY TO IOAN-Call at U > w Oflleo of D
M0 L. 1 Thoinii lloom S. Crelditon Illock.
S"A A Alt To loan at from U to 10ptr < cnt
uU.wlMJ on ( rood real cstntencciirlty , bj
UU. ISAAC KUWAItns , IIOO Farnham .St.
i AA/VT ° LOAN At 8 per contln
.UUU tcrext In sums of 82,500 and
upwards , ( or 3 to 6 ya&rs , on llrst-el&ag city ant
farm property. UKMIS HSAL ESTATB ami LOAM
AIIKNCT , inth anil Douirlcn Sin ,
Iniiiiwllatul } , n mill cook and twc
W bojs. Kiiillro ( | at CatiflcM HOUHU , 1US.S *
WANnD-Sltuatlonbv : > ouiiK lady , to do
lion-cwork tn prl > ate family. Good unsli-
crand Irontr. Applv at 4118th andlloward Sts.
Conltlon as city Bilcsman forsomo
WANTED house in Omaha , by a Kcntte-
lull well acquainted with all the ilcalets 111 iarl-
omlinia of gooJn. Addrcm Q. , llcoollkn.
1 ANTED A smirt , ncth o olllce boy. The
W Dro.lstrea Co. 109 8
W ANT1JD Dlnlns room Rlrl and kitchen girl
at I'nciflc House. 1U5-7 *
7ANTK A peed cook. Wages 825 per
V month. Ai > ply at 2UOS Bint at. , bctueen
> * i. llU-tf
ANTKD-A dlnltiR room girl , on | llth St. ,
W bet. Karnlniu and Doii lin , No. filT.
' . - IMltnSOOliKiiltofilirt near 2.rd !
WANTl'.O- Man'g IIMIIUC. Emiilru | at lloo
offlce. 193 tf
W - - bnrljcr it Wright
Ilav'aelioii. Address aioux City loui. ;
WANTED Ablluittonas helper in a flrst-
clasn hotel or hoarding house , by a .voting
man. Can srlve peed reference. Call or address
t. , Doran House. 187-7'
W ANTED A good octlvo boy Enquire at
Ho 3 olMcc.
'AM'ED Girl aftho Trench Coffee House ,
10th St. 181-tf
By gtntleman with wife two nice
WANTED rooms with board. Addruu
S. , thlsollicu.
Tno or three roonn , or a fcinall
WANTED for light hoiine-kccplng. Address
U. E , Ferguson , Omaha , Neb. 170-7 *
7 ANTED A dieh-wather nt the Emmet
w House. 140 8 *
By an accountant in atatlroad
WANTED a situation as book-keeper to em-
> loy his evenings ; Is competent and- , reliable ,
lest of city rcfcrinccsfurnijhed. Addrurslkxik-
keeper , Bee office.J lOfl-tf
GUI at 10St North 10th street ,
MAN. . 104-tf
" \T7"ANTED A young man about , .15 years of
VV ago to do general store work. FRANK J.
RAMOE. lS9-tf
ANTED. Three experienced men iu u
w dry goods and clothing store , liood sal
ry paiiI and permanent employment. Must
peak English and Gentian Apply bj letter
nd photograph , stating age , whither married
r single , alsa where last tinplo.vcd nnd how
onn' . U'olhach Bros. , Grand Island , Neb ,
Sept. 132-7
WANTED Situation bv a'joung man of fam
ily , as clerk or book-keeper , Has hid sev
ral years e\ us clerk in hotil. Can gho
rut-class rcftreiico Address S. B. , The Ueo
like. 9S-U
WANTED A couple gooit PJ Under j > rcss
fccdirx. Can find ttcady einjiloj n.crit at
hU offlce. 27-tf
Rcspcctatilo emplojincnt by hus
band and w ifu. Address P. P. U. , Dee Of-
ce. B77-tf
Manufacturing concern wants a
WANTED man in Omaha and in ever } city
not already taken ) . A few hundred dollars no-
essary to pay for gootfa on ilell\crj.after orders
tav i > been secured tor the same ; 8160 per month
roflt guaranteed. Tno most searching investi
gation solicited. A.S. ARNOLD & CO. , 1293
iroadivaj , Now York. so210t
\ltrANTED-Good seconU girl at 1818 Chicago
W street. 44 tf
T""ANTED Housekeeper , 1109 Farn'iam St. ,
" upstairs. 30 tf
w 1AN1ED Girl at 2COI Dodge street.
979 tf
\TirANTED Funding bridge aud school bonds.
YV H.T.Clark , Bellevue. 28-tf
RENT To gentlemen , with good refer-
FOR ' , room and board for the winter in a pri-
ate fumtly. Call at 1612 Oa s bt. 100-tf
7OR RENT Rooms at southwest corner 18th
2 and Izrd St. , green ear line. 177-12'
.lull HK.N'r I urnlshcd rooms for gentleman ,
J at3i.9 rarnUaru St. , bet. mil and 17th.
174 U'
rjtOR RENT A brick house , corner llth end
! ] Pacific. Kn < pjlre Cieo. H. Peterson , near U.
' . depot. 102-tf
71OR hUNT Nicely f'inilehed front alcove
J room ; also a smaller room , low prices ; brick
louse. Cess St.,6 , doors west of 20th St. 154 tf
TlOll RENT New 4-room home , South 17th
J street. J. L. WULSHANS , at Union Elav -
tor. 116 tf
ItKNT Jmt finished two Unit-class two-
FOR brhk houses , 8 and D rooms , stable
nd cemented cellars ; $10 monthy In advance.
W.M. 11USIIMAN , H. E. corner 15th Mid Doug
aabts. 023-tf
7\OR RENT 2 furniihed rooam ever 4leJ-
chanu' Exchange.N , E. ccr. Ifith and Dodge
treeU. 289 tf
7IOR RENT-One room with board , IbOS Call-
1 fornla street. 73.VU
011SALG One span heavy draft mules , one
J seven > car old draft home , sorrel color ; onu
ring u a'on , v\ ill i arry thirty hundred ] Kiunds ,
hicago maku ; will bo sold for cash or on time ,
t Solomon's Paint , OH and Window Glass btoiu.
FOR BALK Immediately , small houso. pleas
antly located , u u bargain if sold at oncu.
pply on premiDu LI corner Oth and Davennort.
FOR 8AL11 At a bargain , family hortu suit
able for family or delivery uagon. Inquire
114 Davenport at 17310
710H BALK Stock and fixtures of millinery ,
J notion and hair btoru , doing a good bumness ,
ocatlon central ; sturo nnd duelling together ,
cut ehuap. I u | th to rttlr J from biuinoss. Ad-
rota A. U. , Test Otllcu , Oai&lia. 137-13
"TMI1RELLAB And farasoli repulted by U
J SC1HUTT llth and faruun ta. 7bOtf
7710U SAtiB-A beautiful < * Mtnce proper ! * of
JL' 2(5 ( ftcrM with conimodlouj hou t > . Ki hl
ftircmof on hfirJ nmUine.vnrcl. Iiomtiou sightly.
Only two unit ft halt mllci from pent office. IUr-
JOI1X1. . MfUAOtK , Opp- ' ' TO U
. hrumttllnirlotiK ll ts of hotwc , lot *
BF.MI3 Mid farms for nalo Can and get
I.IOli BALK 1 first cliw tAliintt orpin , Terr
Jj clionpj ncnrlv new. Inquire Milton IlogMt *
t Son , 14th nil 1' St , _ BO-U
I.lJI ps of Uouijlu. and e riy conn-
ties. A , IIOsKWATKU.lMOFirnhamKtrwt ,
171011 SALE Pour ncrcs of land ncnr wolcr-
4 ; works re cMoir , M o two rottucc * on Capitol
filll. Add. ANDIlK\VlDhVlNS.1300 UouclM St.
843 U
B 203-tt SAbtv.ESTABKOOK t cor.
FOR SAljE A small engine , H. W , 1'njticfc.
Son > make. In perfect ovlcr. Inqulrn of It.
U. Cl&rk & Co. 36-tf
" 17011 SALE LcMoanil furmturu of A Brat cbm
J ; hotel In a Uwn of 1800 Inhabitant * , In pUto
of Nebraska ; hut 21 beds ; the tra cling men i re
tort. Inqulio at BEE office. 1H-.I
SALE Flno itocfc farm of 400 ac n-
EOH liouno , cattle shed , orchard &c. , with *
In caay reach of railroad. Price , $4. ' > 00 , jiait
time at B % , JOHN L. UcCAQUE , Om > . ( 'cot
OIIUc. fan-tf
AND LAND llcims rent * tioui-co ,
HOUSES , hotels , tarnota , lindn , offlcxy )
rooms , etc , Sec let page
TJTOKSAIE tiood house with four rooms and
Jj half lot , No. .MIS Uodifo between 20th and
271 h street. Good well and shade trees ; homo In
good condition. Inquire on premises. 221-tf
B K.M1S' NEW CITY UAI'S.ZDo , Sec 1st pajo.
' SALU-2GOO f&t wether * . Ad-
drew Anton Abel , I'luni Creek , Lhiweon Oo. ,
Xul > . 13o-lB *
/ 1 KNTLKM AN Twenty-four j cirn o lig-c , hold
\JC InR renranalble position , ru.rltlna' Rood
.ilarj , hollclUcotKFpotidonce with voim ? lady
not over twenty scare of a c-objcct matrimony ,
horaildrcs * enquire nt The HcaOIUce. lf4-S
F11O HKN'T A larff utifimilshwl room wl h
JL bav-wlndow and Mi-.imU , wllhln tin blockB
from 1' . O. Address C. t. , this olttcc. 1G8-U
- . Chan. Brtizcllns Dramatic
JNSTiiUCTION-Mrs. of Elocution pupils re-
( .eived at rcslduuo , No. 612 13th St. , near Dodijo.
150-7 *
man , Greek nnd Latin. 1'rof. Henry W
.Meek. 1207 Jack-son St OOO-oc.3
B ALE ! ) HAY At A. H. Sander's Feed Store ,
I | , 1013 Harney St. 19-tf
A'i MRS. D. . CLARKE'S No. 1 Board
Ing HCUM , cor. 13th and Dodge Hts.
In > citv f.lO-tf
B 1st pa o.
.L Ellzn tells past , prctcnt and future In lo\e
ind all affairs , bhu ret tuls the deepest nccrctsa
Iho I'cart. She itosais'cs the mapietlc iwwtrii
fuinil nil jour M Ishcs. Call at No. 322 corm r liltii
'PAKEN UP A rod oo . 0\vner can h vc the
J. same bj proxin ? r'ojcrty anil paying
chargis. FRANCIS HOllltLNS , Siundors and
Grace Sts. aii24evccljc
\TTANTED K > crjbod > ill Council Muffs lo
VV to take Tim UKK , 20 ctnts per week , do
Ucrcd by carriers. Olllce comer llroadwayand
Main , up stairs , Council Bluffs. CO'Mf
To buy 100 tona broom com.
WANTED address Council Illufft
Broom Factory , Council RlurTj , Ion a. b58-29tf
A stooil carpenter at once. Ap
ply Mxneter & Adamn , Council Bluffs ,
oa. . 050-29 *
A Hret-clasa broom tier. Mayno
WANTED Council Bluffs , Iowa. COO 20 *
' \TTANTED A boy to do chores at Mynster B
VV fishery , Council Bluff * . Cfll-28 *
" \T7"ANTKD Good girl for gene ral housework.
VV Maria Jlynster , Council Bluffs. 002 U
ANTED-A situation by a first-class nTlller.
Had 0 yoirs experience. Understands
old and new processes. Speaks Lnillsh and
> ( rnmn and acquainted \\Uti steam and water
lowers. C'anjri\c the best of reference. Will
eonieon trial at any time. Address H. d.Box
1511 , Council Itluffa , Ia. 89-28
WANTED-rll aaentloman of txpcrienceond
biuinesa hablti , a pobltion wltli a firm ,
either as clerk or 1 1 trave' . Heierence given. I.
L WA'i KINS , Council Bluff * . 94229
ALL on or address Potter ft Falmtr , 40 South
\J 6th street Council Bluffs , Iowa , for rail-
oad tickets cast , nest , north and south. Chicago
10.00 Round trip 810.00 Evtr > ticket guar-
ntccd , and tickets bought , sold and exchanged
_ augl7-lm
FOR SALE Old papers 4"c per hundred , at
The lice oltlcc , Council Blulls. Rt-27-tf
Two experienced book solicitors
WANTED and Utah. Addrtsi P.O.
box 1214 , Council Bluffs. Iowa. 099-21 *
To Contractors , Builder * and
Property Owrnors.
The undcislgncd hat ing been appointed ajent
or the cxtciibivo iron and u ire manufacturinic
louses of E. T. Barnum , of Detroit , and the
tussel Iron Foundry and Works at Toledo ,
) hlo , capacity of 50 tons daily , is prepared to
urnixh estimates and prices for iron columns ,
EC , , lie. , for store fronts , window caps and wills ,
hreshold plates , urought Iron beams and gird-
rs , hydraulic elevators , staple fittings , pulleys ,
hatting , &c. ; also Iron fences , cresting , win-
on guards , shutters , stairs , liatconlcs , nettce ,
halts , vases , aiqiiariums , fountain ! ) , summer
louses , lawn , garden and cemetery ornaments ,
flower stands , grave guards , tc. , &c. . In endless
ariety. Catalogues supplied on application.
Manufacturers' Agent , 22 Pearl street.
au'10-lm me Council Bluffs , Iowi
TIONALIbT , 488 Tenth Streetbetween Farnbam
nd Hairicy. Will , vtlth the aid of guardian
plrlte , obtain for any ono a glance at the post
nd present , and on certain conditions In the fu-
ure. Boots and Shoes made to order. Perfect
satisfaction guaranteed anM-lm
Absolutely Pure.
Made from Grape Crc&.n Tartar. No other
rpation makes such llgfit , flaky hot breads ,
uxurlous pastry. Can l > t eaten by D > popUo
Ithout fear of the Ills mulling from heavy indl
estlble food. Hold n ly In cane , bv all Groren
New York.
C , F. CooJmu ,