Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 08, 1881, Image 7

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010 harntiam , bet. Oth and 10th Streets.
One copy lycar , In adtnncotp'Mpald(10.00 )
0 month * " > fi.O
3 mouths " " . . . . 3.00
Leave Onmha No. S ! through passcnucr , 11
. m. No. 4 , Oakland pasfcngcr , 8SOa. : m.
ArrUo Omixha No. 1 , through imwenKer , 250 ;
m. No , 3 , Oakland paxsonKcr , 6:30 p , in ,
C. , U. & Q. 6 a. m. 3:10 : p. m.
C , A N. W. , 0 a. in. 3:40 : p. in.
C. , II. I. A I1. . Oa. m. 3:40 : p. m.
K. 0. . Sf. J. i C. II. , lenxcs at S . m. a-il fiSO :
p. m. Arrho a' St. t/oiihnt 0JOn. : in , nnd t > : ! > l
p. in.
WMI ou somnvwre.
B , j : M , In Ncl > . , Through Kxprvss , RS6 : a. m.
B. A ; M. Lincoln Freljht. ( 7:00 : f. in.
U I1 E pre"i , 12:15 : p. in.
O. ft U. V. for Unjoin , 10:20 a. m.
O , > b It. V , for Os.uoh ( , 0:40 : a , in.
U. 1' . freight No. 6 , 6:30 : a. m.
U. P. freight Xo. 0 , 8:16 : a. in.
H. P. freight No. 7 , 0:10 : it. m , emigrant ,
U. P. frcfrht No. 11 8:25 : p. in.
a n. & 0. , : ( X > a. in. 7:25 p m.
C. & N. W , , U(5 : a. tit. 7:25 : p. in.
C. R. I , fc P. , 0:46 : a. m. 9:06 : p. m.
K. C. , St. Joe & 13 11. , 7:10 a. m.-V ( IK H. m.
W. , St. 1 , . & P. , loan-tat 8 a. in. nnd 3:40 : p.
m. Arrives at fct. I.ouU r.t 0:10 : a , in. nnd 7 : 0
1 > . tu.
0. & U. V. from Llnoln 12:1S : p. ro.
U. P. Express 3:25 : p. m.
n & M. In Nch. , Throiijh Express 1:16 : p. m.
U. & M. Llneoln Freight b:35 : a m.
U. P. Frelcht NO. 10-1HO p. in.
No , ( V 4:25 : p. m , Emigrant ,
No. 8 10:50 : p. in.
No 12 11:36 : n. in.
O. < fe U. V. inlvrd , ar. 4:35 : p. m.
Ntbraeka , Division of tno St. Paul & Sioux City
'No. 2 leaves Omaha 8:80 : a. in.
No. 4 Icatcs Omaha 1.30 p. in
.So. 1 arrives nt Onmhn at 6:30 : p. m.
No. 3 arrhcs at Omaha at 10:50 : a. in.
COUNUI. nu'rts.
Leave Omaha nt 8:00 : , 0:00 : and 11:00 : a. m. ;
10 2:00 : , 3.00 , 4:00 : , 6:00 : nnd 0:00 : p. m.
Leaio Council llluflaat 8:26 , 0:25 : , 11:25 : a. in. ;
1:25 , 2:26 : , : t:23 : , 4:25 : 6:25 : nnd C:25 : p. m :
Sundays Tlio dummy leaves Omaha at 9:00
and 11:00 : a. in. ; 2:00 : , 4:00 : and 6:00 it. in. Loaves
Council UluOs at 9:25 : and 11:25 : a. ui. ; 2:26 : , 4:26 :
and 6:25 p. m.
Opening and doting of Mails.
a. m. p. m , a. ro. p. m.
Chicago & X. W 11.00 0:30 : 4:50 : 2:40 :
Chicago , R. I. & Pacillc.ll:00 : 8:00 : 4:30 2:40 :
Chicago , U. Si 1 } 11:00 : 9:00 4:30 : 2:40 :
Wabash 12:30 : 4:30 : 2:40 :
BtoiiK City mid Paclllu. . 11:00 : 4:30 :
Union Paelllc 5:00 : 11:40 :
3malm&R. V 4.JO 11:40 :
B. &M. InXeli 4:00 : 8:40 : 6:30 :
Omaha A' Northwestern. 4:30 : 7:30 :
Local mails for Statoof Iowa lease but once a
< L y , viz:4:30a.m. :
A Lincoln Mall Is also opened nt 10:30 a. m.
Office open Sundays from 12 m. to 1 p. m.
Business Directory.
Abstract and Real tstate.
JOHN L. McCAQUE , opposlto Post Office.
W. R. DAIITLETT 317 South 13th Street.
Room Crclghton Block.
A. T. LARGE Jr. . Room 2. Ciclehton Block.
Boots and tihoes.
Fine Boots and Shoes. A good assortment ol
homo work on hand , corner 12th and Hartley.
TUOS. ERICKSON , S. E. cor. 10th and Douglas.
60S 10th street , manufactures to order good work
at fair prices. Repairing done.
Bed Springs.
J. F. LARRIMER Manufacturer. 1B17 DouplasBt.
Books , News and Qtatlonery.
J. I. FRUEIIAIJF 101D Farnham Street.
Butter and Eggs.
MoSHANE & SCHROEDER , the oldest B. and E.
bouso In Nebraska eatalillnhcxl 1876 Omaha.
lOUthwcjt corner 16thand Dodge.
Beit Board for the Money.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Ueala at all Hours.
Board by the Day , Week or Month.
Good Terms for Cash.
Furnlshfl Ttmmg Supplied.
Carriages and Road Wagoni.
WM 8NYDER , 14th and Harney Streets.
t JOHN BAU1IER 1814 Farnham Street.
X Junk.
H. BEP.THOLD , Racs anil Metal.
Lumber , Llmo and Cement.
FOSTER & GRAY corner 6th and Douglas Sta.
Lamps and Glassware.
J. BONNER 1309 Dowlas St. Good Variety.
Merchant Tailors.
One of our most popular Merchant Tailors Is re
ceiving the latest designs for Spring and Summer
Goods for gentlemen a wear. StylUli , durable ,
and prices low as over .216 13th bet. DouK.&Farn.
MRS. C. A. RINGER , Wholesale and RUall , Fan
cy Goods In great variety , Zephyrs , Card Hoards ,
Hosiery , Gloves , Corsets , ic. Cheapest House in
the West. Purchasers save'SO per cent. Order
by Mall. 116 Fifteenth Street.
JOHN WEARNE & SONS , cor. 14th & Jarkson sta
Hour and Feed.
"OMAHA CITY MILLS , Sth and Farnh > m 8t8. ,
Wolshans Bros. , proprietor.
Z. STEVENS , ! l > t between Cumlng and Irar
T. A. McSHANE , Corn. 23d and Cumlng btrecta.
Hardwaie , Iron and Steel.
OLAN & LANQWORTUY , AYholesale , HO and
112 loth street
A. HOLMES corner IRUi and California.
Harness. Bandies , &c.
B. WEI8T 2013th St. bet Farn. & llarney.
' - ANFIELD HOUSE , Geo. Canflcld,9th k Farnhnm
" DORAN HOUSE , P. H. Cary , 913 FamhamHt.
SLAVEN'S HOTEL. F. Slav en , 10th St.
Southern Hotel , Gus. Hamel Oth & Lcavenworth
Iron Fencing.
Tlio Western Cornice Works , Agents for the
Champion Iron Fcnco &c. , have nn hand all klruls
of Fancy Iron Fences , Crostlngs , Fincals , Italllngs ,
et.1310 Dodge stree. apl ?
Clothing Bought.
C 11 AW " 111 pay highest Cash price for eccoml
band clothlntr. Comer 10th and Tarnham.
DR. PAUL , Williams' Plock , Cor. IMh & Do.lgo. .
Drugs , Paints and Oils.
PbarmacUti , Fine Vane Uoods , Cor. 16th I.nd
Doueln ktreeU
W , J. WHITEIIOUf E , Wholesale & Retail , 16th Bt.
C.C. FIELD , 2022 north Side Cumlng Street.
I , PARR , Drutrglst , 10th and Howard StrocU.
Dry Goods Notions , Etc. '
JOHN If. F. LKllMANN & CO. ,
New York Dry Goods Store , 1810 aud 1312 Farn.
him street.
t. 0. Enowotd also boots and hoe 7th & Paellli ! .
A F. OHOSS , New and Second Hind Furniture
nd Storca , 11H DoiUIM. Hlghctt cub price
aid ( or second liana traoos.
BONNER 1309 DoueU et. Floe good ) , &c.
0 R03KXFKLI ) , lOtb St. , bet , far. & Har ,
Plnnlnc Mill.
A. MOYKU , in niif ct rer of M h , tloorn , Wlml ,
inoltlinc , new 11 , lnlu tf rs , h\t l rall , furnishing
croll Mvvlnjr , At1 , tor Ihx'go wul fllh Hr ct * .
A. rtonnchuc , plants , nit flowtrs , w ls , boquetl
tile. N. W , cor. Iflth nn 1 Dondw street * .
Civil Engineers and Surveyort.
ANDHKW H09KWATKII , CrcU'hlon Mock ,
Town Kurvcjd , Gnuloftml Howonvfo Sjstcnu a
Uommlttlon Merchants.
JOHN O. Wit. LI9.W4 Dotleo Stirtt.
D n , IIKKMKR. For ilctnlls sec hrtfoadvertise ,
mcnt lirlkillr Mid
Cigar * nhd Tobacco.
WKST A FIUTbCliKK , manufacturers ol Clears ,
Mid Wholesale Dealers In TOIMCVOI , 1SOA Vouil.i .
\V. F. UillENZKX timnuf.'ictiirer MtlOthstrcit.
Cnrnlca Work * .
Western Cornice Works. Maiinftcturcnt Iron
Cornice , Tin , Iron nnil Hlalo Koofllnp , Orders
Irom any locality promi'tlr executed In I ho lust
mMinrr. Factory and Ollico 1310 Doilfto Street ,
( lalvanlml Iron Cornier * . Whitlow Caxi | , etc. ,
nianufnctured mill put tip In nny jmt ot thu
country. T. 8INHUM > llB Thirteenth utreet
J. nO.NNKIl ISOilUouelMBtri'ct. Ooodtlno.
Clothing and Furnlililng Good * .
OEO. II. I'KTKIISOX. Also Huts , Onus , Hoots ,
Shovft , Notions and Cutlery , bOI S. 10th street.
Fence Works.
OUST , FRIKS&CO. , 1213HivnicySt. , Improve-
oil Ice Iloxcs , Iron nnd Wood Fences , Olfico
Kallines , Counter * o ( 1'lno nnd Walnut.
Rctrlgaraton , Canflold's Patent ,
C. F. GOODMAN Hth St. Let. Farn. A llnrnov.
Showcase Manufactory. )
0. J. WITiDn ,
Manufacturer nnd Dealer In all VI mis of Show
Cases , Upright Cases , ii' . . 1317 Casa St.
FRANK L. GEUIIAUD , proprlcto- Omaha
Show Case manufactory , 818 South IGtli street ,
between Lcavenvvorth and Marey , All goods
ttnrrnntcd ( Int-class.
Stove * ana Tinware.
Dealer In Stoves and Tinware , and Manufacturer
of Tin Roofs and all kind ! of BuilJlng Worlc ,
0,1.1 Fellows' Block.
J. UONNER. 1309 Douglas St. Good and Cheap.
Seed * .
J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Seed Drllla'and
Cultivators , Odd Feltows llall.
Phslclans an J Surgeoni.
W. 8. GIBBS , M. D. , Ksora No 4 , Crclghton
Block , IBth Street.
1 * . 8. LKISKNIUNO , ii. D. Masonic Block.
C. L. HART , M. D. , Eye and Ear , opp. postofflto
Oculist and Aurist. S. W 16th and Farnham Sta
Grand Central Oallcrv ,
212 Sixteenth Street ,
near Masonic Hall. Fim-clasa Work and Prompt'
Plumbing , Oas and Steam Fitting.
P. W. TARl'Y k CO. . 210 12th St. , bet. Farnham
and Douglas. VYorx promptly attended to.
D. FITZI'ATRICK , 1409 Douglas Street.
Painting nn Paper tinging.
HENRY A. KOSTKItS , 141 Jodgo Street
Shoe Scores.
Phillip Lang , 1320 Farnnam sL bet. 13th & 14th.
Second Hand Store ,
PERKINS & LEAK. 1410 Douglas St. , New and
Second Hand Furniture , House Furnishing Ooodn ,
lie. , bought anil eold on narrow margins.
In the n w brick block on Douglas Street , has
just opened a most elegant BCCJ Hall ,
Hot Lunch from 10 to 12
ov cry day.
" Caledonia " J FALCONER. 670 10th Street.
CHAS. 11IEWE , 101 * Farnham bet. 10th & lltd.
P. PEMNER , 303J Tenth street , between Farn-
ham and Hartley. Docs irood and cheap work.
09 Uent Stores.
P. O. BACKUS , 1205 Farnham St. , Pancv Oooiln
To Nervous Sufferers
Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific
Iti \ a positive cure for Spcrmatoi rhca , Scmlna
SVeoknces , Impotancy , and all diseases resulting
from Self-Ahuso , iw Mental Anxiety , Losa *
Memory , Pains In the Back or Side , and diseased ,
- that Jcal to
Insanity and
The Specific
Medicine Is
beinc used
with wonderful -
ful success.
'sent ' free to all. Write lor them and get full par
Price , Specific , 81.00 per package , or lx pack
ages for $6.00. Address all orders to
Noi. 101 and 100 Main St. BuOalo , N. Y.
Sold In Omaha by C. F. Goodman , J. W. Boll ,
} . K Ish , and all druifglstsevcrywliere.
ILER & CO. ,
Sole Manufacturers.
217 and 210 North Main St. , St. Louis ,
Printers Stock.
tyCash paid for lUgs and Paper Stock , Sera
Iron and Metals.
Paper Stock Warehouses 1220 to 1237 , North
ProfW , , J , An tier's Select Danc
ing Academy ,
A , Hospe , Jr. Hall , 1010 Dodge Bt.
Class lor gentlemen commencing Tuesday evenIng >
Ing , Oct. 4 , Clam for ladles conimcncinir Thuri-
dayeicnln , Oct , 0. Tcnin liberal. The eon
methodi 1 have for teaching the W' .ltz , Gilds ,
&c. . I can L'liaraiitcu perfect satisfaction c
ucholard. For tcrum , &c , , c ll at A. Ilounc , Jr. ,
oruddruia 111(1 Capitol Ave. Hl7dlm
NetoaskaLand Agency
1505 Farnham 8t . Omaha. Nebraska
Care.ully ( elected land In Eastern Nebraska for
sale , Orcat liarfalns In Improved farmi , and
Omaha city property.
Late Land Com'r U. P. U. . . tl
The Qny Conilnntor.
Ho wni ft pny cotidnctor !
In 111 * uniform mi licnt
11 ? vvould coiiHnctor Indy f.iro
With plcnswe to a * cnt.
utopj'o.l wjion lil
llc'd never stcii un tliurx :
And lie would first collect his
And then collect hU fare * .
HeM tltnow ] \ wntch nnd watch hU titiic ,
And II hU train xvat late.
Then hiv 9 surly nnd would | iunch
Jlis ticket * niuf his [ uU.
While \vhlwingliy nt
Tat lnni cs Inncs aim p.uki
llo'.l tlht , nnd like hi * engine , leave
lU'hl nd n train of sparks.
UN c.u-lmd t-.inied him until
An accident Itefel ;
His carried then hi * fear nwhlle
Hut ho could not get \\cll ,
Tit mind hi * train he'd t aiued hN wind
.So vell that when ha died ,
Thu company allowed hUKh
To ha\e u doad'head ridj.
I ln\c tlio jilayfiil little liunh
' I lovu him limited or matt ;
1 Invo the feathcicd sonpiler , to ,
I think htm hcst on timat.
1 love the full that swim the < ca
1'resli from the frying-pan ;
1 love the letiied oyster , too
I'll cat him when 1 can ,
I love ( ho tmtl , 1 love the ( Nil ,
1 al olovo the hoast ;
Oh. Lri\o niu al I want to e\t ,
I'll ha\u n gr n 1 love feast.
-.lolin Kelly.
lliintinien's ja.keta continue popular for
young ladle * .
Moito antique hid * f.iir to bo very fash
ionable this season.
Feather fans with toi toso ! shell sticks
nro to bo much ut-cd.
Some of the new beaded
arc seventy- five dollars per yard.
Plush stripes ou woolen Rood * are among
novcltiea in trimming fabrics.
Opaque pearl and Oriental jet ievvehy if )
woni with btcel gray silks for half mourn-
Wide bands of fur-like plush , with white
hairs interspersed , are shown for cloak
Spotted velvets in small % ures , ring ,
crescent- , polka dots , etc. , make effective
jackets for wear with silk skirt' .
Women barbers are multiplying. If
they have pretty mugs they will , no doubt ,
keep their ciutomei.s in hot water all the
time. !
Coral-red silk , trimmed with white lace ,
will be in high \ogue this winter for c\en-
inj ; dro set , particularly for blondes with
very fair hair.
The affection of lovely woman Jor jroodle
dot's extends through all classci of society ,
fjueon Victoria is having made a model of
her favorite dog Flora.
A Michigan woman haw gene to Kngland
to bring back thrco bundled servant girN.
So England is to rule us , after all
years of independence.
There is a Young Ladies' Cornet Hand
in Cairo , Michigan , and it has a * < ked to be
permitted to compete at a band tourna
ment to be held shortly in London , Out.
Feather loqnes and turbans are put upon
the maiket in immense qimntitios this fall ,
but they are n local _ fashion , anil most un
becoming with their flat shapesiiiul bright ,
shiny sinface.
Xct kerchiefs with new designs of ver
micelli lace arc pretty and becoming.
There are many fichus "imported of Lan-
guedoc net wrought on the edges and there
fore not requiring trimming lace for a
It may not be pleasant to young hvdie' ,
who wear patches of black court plaster
on their faces for style , to know that f-ov-
en-eighths of the men they meet think
they do it to hide a pimple or n mole , yet
sue h ia the fact.
Elegant plush goods having nn extreme
ly Jong and heavy pile and Hhowintr broad
hti ipes of catin of ft deeper or contrasting
color , brightened by small flower brocades
woven in clusters , are among the most expensive -
pensive dress accessories of the reason.
Ombre-striped mull squares are the new
est kerchiefs _ for general weur. These
come in light drab brown , pale
gray , and olive greeu strides , and are
pretty with black or dark-colored dresses.
White-dotted mull is used for more dressy
kerchiefs and fichus and is edged with the
heavy Tunis lace.
The handsomest evening fans are of
white ostrich plumes with amber or dark
tortoise-shell sticks. One full plume forms
each told of the fan , which is immense
when extended. Other fans are of green
impion feathers , with the t
sticks showing in alternate rows with the
feathers and heavily tipped with the soft
tiny ) ilumes ,
An exquisite pluso evening hat has iv
crown of seal brown and a wide brim of
peach blossom , the trimmings being three
long pink plumes which cover the brim
almost entirely , while a brown partridge
with outspread wings and bright-eyed
lirad is sel where the ends of the plumes
meet in front of hat. '
Hats of felt will probably supersede
those of long plush. They are in daik
and light cloth colors , trimmed with
ostrich illumes and bands of repped plush
in the shade of the hat. The now pokes
have Jdgh narrow crowns in the htylo of
the pointed crown seen on Mother Goose's
hat in the pictures of nursery rhymes.
Often the plush trimmings of hats and
bonnets are wound in and out through
slits that are cut in the felt.
Straight linen bands are the newest col
lars ; these recvere , stylish and simple ,
and are not universally becoming , but are
very pretty with simpla dark dieshcs when
fastened bv a slender silver brooch , or else
by a gold or jeweled collar-button. ] ) ark
navy Blue and the paler jKircelain blue
pcrcde collars are made in the same way ;
both polka dots and stripes of white aio
on these colored collars. The culfn to
match are "quare , and fastened by linked
sleeve-buttons ,
Plushes show many novelties. Among
them are terrs , cordo and nhuded t-tripes in
new colorings and combinations. The
inoxt striking and original of the recent
designs in plush , however , consist * of
small fan or oval-shaped leaves , shaded in
'different tintx , and overlaying each other
exactly like thu pleasant-feather fans
which were bo fashionable two yearn ago.
The effect is very much the tmme , and ,
used as n trimming , it in dillicult to tell af.
ft dUtancu whether it is produced by feath
ers , embroidery , oru richly piled fabric.
The finest fur-lined cloaks nre of the
dolman hhapc , and are fifty inches long.
They are made of brocaded silk , satin
infivcllietix and Hutin do Lyon , lined with
whole siiuirrel and trimmed with fieal ,
otter , black fox , or Itustlan chinchilla.
What were known as pointed" furn are
less ined than formerly. Natuial beaver
is used more for nets capo or collar and
iiiulf. They are specially suited for wear
with mastic-coloied beaver-cloth coats and
felt hats of the same shudc , tiimmed with
feathers and satin t < > match , nnd faced
with coral red or crimson phuh ,
The new thing in furs in a long narrow
collar , Hliiped for the neck , but extending
in narrow tabs to the top of a helled wai t
a modification of the old-fashioned vie.
torlne. It is made of black fox , heal ,
grebe , Itussian chinchilla , otter and natu
ral I eaver the most fanhlonablo furs of
the season , The Mnall capo or straight
pelerine I * mode in beaver , fox and seal ,
and is a very stylish addition to a walking
suit of cloth or velvet. The long-hail cd
fur * are not In vogue just now ; only those
that are fine , shoit and finooth or very
soft and close , an beaver and Hussion
Mr. .Irtferson and Mr * . John Drew are
placing in Cincinnati thi * week.
Tlwinin ICcono began an engagement at
Honloy'i Theatre , Chicago , thU week.
Withelmj continues to meet with great
iitroec. * in Australia , where ho li filv im ;
concert" .
.tolin S. Clark , the great comedian , will
be nt the Opera llonso In Cleveland , Octo
ber "J-l , for ono \veolt.
Kdvvin lloot'i reappeared nt Month' *
tla-atre , Now York , on Monday , mid Sl -
not' 1 ! c- < i nmdo hi * debut in ISoslon on the
Fame night.
Cftiididus the tenor , hai renewed linen-
Kagemcnt with the Frankfort Often * Hou o
for another yt-ar.
The Pnri * Opern Cotniqito hn * roopeii d
with Offenbach1 * latest uticra "I.e. * Dente *
' " shows f do-
d'llolfmaini , which no tigm -
creed popularity.
Maggie Mitchell's lonif engagement at
Cincinnati ha * moved that hoi popularity
i * as gieat as ever. She produced hei new
play , "The Little Savni'n. "
It N reported that tlm famous pi.inUt
Mmlama rinphlo Mouter , whou perform-
ance. * created irvnt. ; cntliiiinsin in London
lust vpring , has signed mi engagement to
come to this country next year.
'forty '
niner , and Mrs MclCeo ISankin IM Car
rot , the waif.
Madame Mntoma , the famous ISmim-
hlldo at Uayrcnth in ISfl ! , will coino to
thl * country uc.\t spring to sing in the dif
ferent May festivals under Mr. TImnu * .
The engagement is n very impoitant one.
for Madame Mnterim rmks nt the head of
German prime donue , being especially ah-
inlrablc in her performance of Wagner's
The soldiers and peasants in "Midiae *
.Strogolf" at the Philadelphia Academy of
MUMU weie u-ceiving 2. " > cents n night and
weto dissatisfied with the pay. Tlioy
struck for an incrcso to n dollar dining thu
acts of a pe formancc , supposing that the
play could not bo completed without them ;
but the manager lot them go. nnd hastily
put their costumes on a hundred boys nnd
men obtained from the gallery.
Virginia Miuini U the greates nctrcsn in
Italy that nieam in the world. She is
Sarah Ucrnhanlt , .Taimuscliek , mid Lotta
in one. She has all the fascination and
passionate pathos of the "great Sarah , " all
t o power and grandeur of .lanaimchck ,
ana all the puckihncss of Lotta. This
remarkable woman wiv-i n pupil of S lviui ,
and is now in the z.-uith of her career.
Mr. Max Strakes > ch's Italian opera company -
pany , with Madame < 5erster at the head ,
will begin its season in New Orleans in
December. The company comprises the
following artists : Mine. ( Jeroter , Mile.
Marie I/eslino , Mile. Von Arnheim ,
soprano ; Mile. PrahMni , contralto ; Signori
Gianini , Lazzarini nnd Pc'rngini , tcnori ; Crapiani and Mr. Sweet , baritones ;
Signori Mancini and Carhoni , basai. Mr.
Itehrens and Signori do Xovcllis will bo
the conductors , and Mr. Theodore 1 label-
man stage manager. After the Now Or
leans season the company will travel
tluough the United States.
The Kochcster Kxpie s hays : "There is
apreacher in Klinira whopreachcs hisown
sermons. " This is iirohiibly the reason ho
doesn't receive a call to some city pulpit
at a big salary.
An Aikansas man went to church last
Sunday for the first time in his life. Tlio
minister announced through the local
paper that ho would discourse on "Lott
Sheep , " and the man hoped to gain some
Infoimalion regarding n stray ram of his.
A little boy in a Sunday school put n
poser to his teacher. The lady was tell
ing her class how Ond punished tlic Kgyp-
tians by causing the first-born of each
household to bo slain. The little boy list
ened attentively. At the proper interval
be mildly inquired : "What would God
have donu hail there been twiimt"
"Brethren , " f.aid the Leadville clergy
man , as lie bieathle-fly entered the pulpit
twenty minutes late , " 1 know I am be
hind time. But here is my excuce : I had
a Hush royal and Deacon York had four
queens' , anil though he bet low I knew he'd
put his entire pile in , and I couldn't bear
to break up such a good thing by
him. So 1 stayed and scooped his pile.
Can you pardon me for the delay ? " And
the congregation shouted "Aye ! and gave
tin cp cheers for the preacher , and then the
services were begun.
Some men jump too soon nt'conclusions.
A southern Methodiat mlnister'vvritci to III'H
paper that a good woman on Ills circuit
who every year gives one-tenth of the in
crease of her poultry yard to the Lord ,
has never lost n fowl by gapes or cholera ;
and he thinks other coops may be protect
ed in the same pious way. Itut the edi
tor , honcht man. says that bin wife choflo
out a missionary hen fiom her Hock , and
that hen has proved the poorest layer and
setter in the yard , The Methodist broth
er ought to neo that _ the rule will work
both ways and that it in not wise to call
every cuincidenco a miracle wrought by
A story in told in Mich'can about one of
the members of the Detroit conference
which is too peed to jjtep , He wn spend
ing a day in the country , and was invited
to dine. They hud chicken for dinner , of
course , n.uch to the grief of u little boy in
the household , who had lost his favorite
hen to provide thofeast. After dinner pray
er was pn posed , and while the preacher
was praying a poor little lonesome chicken
came running under the house , crying for
its absent motncr. The little boy could
rest ain.himself no longer. He put his
mouth down to a hola in the floor and
shouted ; 'I'eepy , liceny. I didn't kill your
mother. They killed her for that big
preacher's dinner. ' The 'amen' wan Haiti
very suddenly. "
Mr . Imorotia Rudolph Oorflold.
Cleveland Louder ,
This sketch is presented with the
hope of inciting many young girls
having no dowry of lands or of pold
to the same earnest purpose and he
roic endeavor.
Miss Rudolph was a farmer's daugh
ter , and according to President U. A.
HiiiBdulo , "One of tlio memorable
hundred and two students
attending the Eclectic Institute at
Hiram , O , , during its first term , her
name appearing in its earliest cata
logue , and in each ono thereafter un
til 185 l-fi5 , covering a period of live
years. She was a good student and
obtained an excellent education , She
loft Hiram to enter the publio school"
of Cleveland , where she contininid to
teach until her marriage. "
Andrew Freest ) , founder of the
Cleveland high school , and the first
superintendent of instructioa hero ,
thus takes up the thread of our he-
loved lady's history.
"Among many applications for po
sitions , ono eamo from a friend in
Hiram , saying : 'There h a remarka-
blu gill hero at school by the name of
Lucrotia Jludolph. I think she would
like a situation as teacher in Cleve
land , hut she is too modt-nt to venture
a personal application. Can you
write mi encouraging wordf My reply -
ply was in substance : 'Tell her to
coniu , ' immiiux the day regularly sot
for examination of candidates ,
"There were as many , perhaps , as
fifteen or twenty who appeared on the
fixed day. Papers wore distributed
and the work of questioning and an
swer proceeded.
"I had forgotten all about the Hiram -
ram young lady , hut in passing around
among tlio writers I observed n sheet
of : ui3Au-ra laid astdo which 1 took up
and road , nnd was struck with the
correct ness of the replies all tin- way
"This pnpiT was Luerotia llu-
"Tho examining coimnitti'o granted
hum ccriiliiMto nt ( ho highest grade.
She was assiijnod in Brownell sttvei
school , in ono of tlio primary depart-
tiiont.s , and from the outset wns it mto-
ci'ss , although 1 very well recollect
that she wn-Tso distrustful of her own
abilities that 1 was obliged io go
around quite nfh'ti for a week
or hvn speaking words of eucour.xgo.
mi'iit , to assure her that slunvnsilohii ;
well. At length she gained eonfi.
dunce , and in a month or BO wo rated
her excellence so high that 1 was
proud to take visitors into sue her de
"Sho was a quiet , modest litllo
body ; hud much refinement , and al
ways spoke to her pupils in wcnk of
the greatent kindueKs. They all loved
her dearly. Ihtrini ; the winter of
1830 I saw her in a book sioro. She
was with the general , .lust
tlio same sxveet face the snine
expression of intelligence nnd
modest way of speaking ; had much to
s.iy of her children , and iried io give
mo a history of each , how she had
iKht them , etc.
" ( lentT.xl Ourficld said ( o mo : 'Sho
is teaching them Latin in precisely
the sumo way 1 taught her when shu
went to school to me , which she thinks
is about right. ' "
Mr. Froeso continues : "I toll you ,
Anne llatliavVay , .Mrs. Gartichl is a
superior woman ; fewknow her. When
she was here in her girlhood teaching
in Urownell street school , she was , in
tellectually and by culture , equal to
the very best lady imttiuctor in the
High School at that time , and only
persons of extraordinary ability wore
then there. "
It is obvious to all thai , : m farm
er's daughter , student , teacher and
wife of a poor man laboring in his
profession. Mrs. ( iartield possessed
and practiced these ( raits that make
a noble woman.
She was in an eminent degree-
companion to her husband , sharing
his love of knowledge
Together they rend , their minds ad
vancing equally.
They loved their friends , nnd in
spired direction in all whom they
knew ; their refined intellectual home
circle wn.s : \ center of culture , and
comradeship in Ohio , and in the
Nation's Capitol after General ( ? ar-
ileld entered upon thu life of states
In old time it has been said "School
teachers bccomo poor housekeepers. "
That saying is eil'ectimlly disproved
by the well ordered and lovely homes
ot these of our number who are now
wives of merchants , professional , and
other business men of Cleveland.
No mistress presides more gracefully -
fully than these , and wo know to a
certainty that their larders are full ,
side-boards radiant with well-kept sil
ver , and their nurseries nnd drawing-
rooms marvelously cared for. The
names of these should bo reserved for
the records of coming years.
Mrs. Giirfiuld is eminent ; her life
in a great measure thu people claim.
The reason her husband and herself
are so much beloved is because they
are of the people , hencewo will let
her Bpoak for the rest of us in a let
ter written to her husband tun years
ago , intended for ho eye but Ifis.
Happily , for the women of Cleveland -
land thu good Hinsdalo has set it
atioat :
"I am glad to toll that , out of all
the toil and disappointments of the
summer just ended , I have risen up to
u victory ; that the silence of thought
since you have been away has won for
my npirit a. triumph. 1 read some
thing lilco this the other day : 'There
is no healthy though without labor ,
and thought makes the lahorer happy. '
Perhaps this is the way I have been
able to climb up higher. It came tome
mo one morning when I was mak
ing bread. I said to nrynolf , 'Hero 1
am , compelled by an inevitable neces
sity to make our bread this summer.
Why not consider it a pleasant occu
pation , and make it so by trying toseu
what perfect bread I can make ? ' It
seemed likj an inspiration , and iho
whole of hfu gnnfr brighter. Tlio
very sunshine .seemed flowing down
through the spirit into the
white loaves ; nnd now 1 ho-
liovo my table is furn
ished with better bread than ever
before ; and thin truth , old as crea
tion , seems just now to have become
fully mine , that I need not bo the
shirking slave to toil , but Ill's rt-gal
master , making whatever I d yield
mo its best fruits. You have been
king of your work so long that nia 1 bo
you will laugh at mo for having lived
so long withot my crown , but I am
too glad to have found it at all to ho
entirely disconcerted oven by your
"Tho wrongly educated woman
Chinks her duties a disgrace , and fretii
under them , or shirks them if she can.
She sees man triumphantly nursuiiig
his vocation , and thinks it is the kind
he docs which makes him grand and
renowned whereas it is not the kind
of work at all , hut the way in winch
and the spirit with which ho does it , "
Wo are glad that the four hundred
teachers of Cleveland public schools
were permitted on the memorable
Monday to make the bed of ( lowers
whereon our hero rests , The perfume
of tuberose , jessamine , arbor vita1 ,
nnd buds of white roses hut faintly
typify the wealth of love wo bestow
upon thu great teacher , and his wife ,
who went out from us years agono.
Cleveland , October ! ' .
Sot Back 42 Years.
"I was troubled for many years
with Kidney Complaint , Gravel , Are. ;
my blood became- thin ; I was dull and
inactive ; could hardly crawl about ;
wua nn old , worn out man all over ;
could get nothing to help mo , until 1
got Hop Bitters , nnd now I am a hey
again. My blood nnd kidneys are all
right , and I am us active as a man of
'M , although I am 7- , and T have no
doubt it will do as well for others of
my ago. it is wotth a trial , " ( Fath
er , ) Sunday Mercury. octl-15 ,
Jacob ir.'ftlo m'er,1 \ ? % , N. Y- .
writes "Your Thomas'
: Kclectiio Oil
cured u badly swelled neck and HOIO threaten
on my ton in foity-eiglit hours. Ono ap
plication also removed thu pain from a
very nore toe. My wife's foot wan also
much inflamed so much so tlut ulyi cbiild
not walk about the house ; shu applied the
oil , and In twenty-four hours wax entirely
cured. " eodlw
While our Work is better , our Prices arn Lower
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I received all of the SIX FIRST PREMIUM
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1 CH
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Motto has nlwnys been nnd nlwnya will bo : "First to gnin auporior fnciH
tius nnd then mlvortiso thu fnct not before no wild ndvortisoinonts.
Seine unprincipled dealers buing in tlio hubit of copying my
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The Reliable Jeweler , Omaha , Neb. ,
Sign of the Striking Town Clock.
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Fall and Winter
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