Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 08, 1881, Page 6, Image 6
Tl , 5 V THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY OCTOBER 8 , 1831 , COUNCIL BLUFFS. General Ooourrenoes Over the Way , A Remark of Barman's Fat Girl. Spnolnl Election Prolmblo in tlio Neat Future SPECIAL ELECTION. OSK , IT AITKAHS , MUST I1K < 'AM.KIt AT ONCK. The question of what kind of n city government wo nro to lm\o for Coun cil Binds has IIPCII finally settled , and wo have no doubt when we get to run ning under our now charter no ono will bo found who will not say it is for the best. Thoio is another impor taut question naked : Would it bo best to have a new election immediately Men who ask this question believe it would bo the better plan to wait until our regular election in tliu spring , nnd give the fol lowing among the many reasons : that should the city council determine upon calling nn election nt the present time they would bo obliged to f < ivo ton days notice. After the election it would take about thirty days before the old government was out nnd the new ono in. There would only bo about ninety days that the now mayor and council would servo before there would bo nnother election called again. There is no citizen who would want the ofllce bad enough to make the race for ninety days. Tho'codp ( section 438) ) provides that if a majority of the votes cast at the election bo in | fuvor of the abandonment , the council HJmll immediately call a special election , and that from and after the election And qualification of such ofliccrn the former charter of such city shall bo considered abandoned. So it would seem that an abandonmon of the old charter is not effected until the officers under the now charter are elected nnd qualified , nnd that our present city government will bo in operation until thcxo officers nro elected and qualified , That the time between the election and the qualification of the now offi cers elected is covered by the special charter to all intents and purposes. When the proposition to make the change has licen received by the people ple , and they have voted in the alllrmativo , the work has ( inly boon commenced. That -the Rimph fact wo hnvo decided to abandon the old charter by a majority of the votes cant.does not work an abandondonment until wo have ta ken the other steps , elected our now oflicorsand * have them qualifyfor their duties. So there seems to bo no al ternative but to proceed now to the calling of a special election immedi ately. There may bo something in the shortness of the terms those whom woelect will bo called upon to serve , yet as our first city government in to lie selected from our best citixons , without regard to party nHliations ( > In order that wo may get started .right , die time between now and our annual spring election can be em ployed in goiting the machinery of the now city in running order , whereas if wo wait until spring it will bo the first of Juno before wo got down to business under the now regime. THE FAT GIRL'S REMARK WITH THE rilOIlAlltUTV THAT HHK MAY DE CO1IRCUT. While our City Attornor ] Holmes was examining the little fat girl at Burn urn's side show , she would have it that he had no senBO , nnd judging from the resolution he offered beforu the city council declining the vole to abandon our city charter as illegal on the ground that the polls were not closed in compliance with Mayor Vaughnn'a uroeliuimtion , at (5 ( o'clock , but instead at 4 , it may bo tiuc. There may bu some scnso in such a resolution , but theio is no law. The otatuto provides that on city election days the polls shall be closed at 4 o'clock , and the mayor's proclamation lias no moro to do with it than Mr. Holmes' or Mr. Judaon'a would. Mayor Vaughan , in his proc lamation , intended to fix the hour in accordance with the code. Thinking it read 1(0 o'clock , " and finding his mistake on election day ho wont to each precinct nnd or dered them closed at \ o'clock. As to any mistake in the wording of the ballots thrown by some of the voters , ao long a there was enough to con vey the intent of the elector it is sufli- cient under the law. There is no use , gentlemen. You can't escape living in a city of the first class. The edict has gene forth and tfie less trouble you put the people to the moro skin you will have left on your bodies when you go out of of lice. The best thing you can do is to throw such chaffy resolutions to the winds and meet like men , count the vote , find the expressed wishes of the electors and declare it. Then call tlio election and as many of you who wish to remain in the council enter the field and make the fight. HUBl'KNDINO THE HULK. Alderman Dawson Phillips , and St. Alderman Andy Graham got in to an express team in front of Eiao- inon'a store on Broadway , and the hones were HO embarrassed when they found so many noted citizens be hind them that they kicked and twisted and turned ; finally the off homo got his loft hind log over the polo. The twentieth rule was ens pendod und they dumped the distin guished cargo into the sheet. HUANI > ZNOAMI'MKNT I. O. O , If. AT 1)KH MOINKH , DEH MOJNES , Io , , October 5 , 1881. To TUB Oui FKLLOWH OF IOWA : The annual session of the grand encampment campmont and grand lodge will beheld hold in this city , October 18th , tc 20th inst. The following named railroads have kindly consented tp return brothow attending the above named grand todies for the amounts named below : B. 0. R. & N. Q. K. ono-thiid faro from West Liberty and Cedar Rapids. 0. H. I. A-P. 11. R. one-third faro from Des Mnincs , 0.r N. AV. 11. R. one-third faro from DCS Moincs. 0. H. it Q. R. R. one-third faro from DCS Moincs. 0. . M it St. P. 11. R. ono-third faro from Uritt , Cedar llapids , Daven port and Mason City. Central H. H. of Iowa , ono-third fare from Orinnoll. 0.St. P. , M. .tO. H. U. one-fifth faio from Sioux City. D. , M. & Ft. D. R. U. ono cent per milo from Des Moines. D. M. , N. W. 11. Y. ono cent per mile. 111. Central H. H. ono-third faio from Ft. Dodge. M. & St. Louis R. II. ono'-fourth faro from Ft. Dodge. S. 0. & P. II. R. one-fourth faio from Mo. Valley. As Odd Fellows wo should feel grateful to the abnvo named roads for the liberal reduction in faro in return ing to our homes. The uniformed patrmichs of the state contemplate having a grand pa- rndo nnd review on Wednesday the ltli ! ) , and a ball in the evening in lion or of the occasion.Vo expect n larger or attendance than ever before. Sec retaiios will confer a favor on the committee and thu members of the order at largo by rending this notice in open lodge for two consecutive meetings. .T. K. POWKIIS , T. P. TllBVNOlt , W. T. HOI.MKS , . Railroad Committee , AN UTTEHLY UTTEU .TOKK. Ono of our western girls is creating quite a sensation down at Yassar college - logo getting off jokes on the other young ladies. As there are some fif teen or twenty there from Council Bluffs , the following may bo of some intuiest : "Oh , girls , I heard just the best thing to day. It was too funny. I can't remember how it came about , but ono oi ° the girls said to Piof. Mitchell oh , dear , I can't ' loincmlior just what she said , but Prof. Mitchell's uiHwor was just too funny forany use ; t forgot just exactly uhat ho said , but it was too good for anything. " no OUOUNK rou JT. The case of the state of Iowa vs. \Viii. WykoM' , transferred from Jus tice Francis i to Justieo Ab bott's : court , wan railed before hi honor yesterday afternoon , and there not being suflicient evidence to sus tain either charge against the young man , ho was discharged. It will be remembered that this is the case wherein Wykoll * was arrested on the charge of an assault made upon a couple of w onion with a dangerous weapon. The woinuii declared that he fired a pistol at them. It turns out however that ho was filing ( as stated in TUB BKB ) at almost anything but these women. HXKAK THIEVKS. Yesterday morning the family of Wells Cook was astonished to find that fliiouk thieves had entered their house on Eighth streeland ( stolen Mr. Cook's fold watchand chain , Mrs. Cook's gold spectacles and some money. Thu valises of his two sons weie also taken from the house , car ried to thu barn and their contents overhauled. The thieves captured two revolvers nnd a few old gold coins preserved simply as koop-sakos. The circus manager had p.ud Mr. Cook $300 for grain , fctc. that day and no doubt that the thieves wore cognizant of the fact. Fortunately Mr. Cook had the money in wthu bank beyond their reach. .IUIIY In the United States court the case of thu MeCormick harvesting niachino company vs. Allen itllyn the jury , xftur being out nil night , came into court yesterday afternoon and the Foreman reported that they were 1111- ililo to agivu. Jud' o Lwvo thereupon discharged them. run IILUITH IN muir. : After the circus , what next/ / Why , the llerdicsl You ace what thnso free tickets and liigh backed chairs dil ? Wagon loads of partly decomposed apples are being Hold on our streets. Hon. 11. F. Montgomery arrived in Council Bluffs yesterday from the west. west.Tho The Light Guards of thin city moot to-night at their armory on Pearl street .1. S. Ration , on the C'reston On- /otto , was ii ' Council Bluffs Thursday on business. The little fat girl in the side show would have it that our city attoinoy lias no Bouse. Mr. Keith , editor of the Duiiison Itullutin , was in Council Bluffs yosler- dny on business , Yesterday was a good day for a cir cus. The weather wiis just right , but the ground was a little soft. Our good-natured Attornoy-Clunor- al MePnersoii and wife were at the Ogden yesterday , enrout home. Dr. Green has a case , a boy with a liolo near his lume , and the doctor keeps it as secret as a sheep in a mule's oar. oar.For For a circus day there was the least drutikonnoaa on our atreots Thursday over observed by the oldest inhabi tant. Farley , U. S. S. , from Oregon , passed through Council Bluffs yesterday - day , onrouto to Washington , to bo in attendance upon the extra session of congress. A gentleman who took in Baruutn'a remarked that there was only ono new thing in the entire outfit and that was the giant. Miss Hattie Baiighan , daughter of Charles Baughan , left Council Binds yesterday for Deposit , N. Y. , where she goes to school , A long train of emigrants passed through Council Bluffs yesterday , bound west. They appeared to bo of moro than ordinary intelligence. Cappy & Burtlett hnvo the contract for building the now Rock Island round house. The building will beef of brick and contain twelve stalls. Bo far as wo can learn there was not a single accident on our streets circus day. People with teams were a little more careful about securing them. IJTho funeral of Curl Yunlicrm n wrs argely attended yesterday af rnuon. The procession , headed by the baud , marched down Broadway to Bryant street , thence to Washington avenge , thonuo to Oakland avenue and to Fnirviow ccmetnry , King Knlakiu has really been iu tlio Bluffs , Ho did not call at the BEE ofllco , but kept right on for Oma ha. He does not touch nt first-class cities Misi Emma Blodgctt , daughter of Judge Blodgott of Chicago , who has been visiting Mrs. J , L. Htowatt , left Council Bluffs Wednesday evening for her homo. The Hordic * will begin to make regular trips on regular routes very soon. There has been considerable expended upon the enterprise and it won't do to havu them remain idle. Council Bluffs is stuffed with all kinds of God's creature * , nnd now wo learn that a stuffed wlinlo in leading the way. This shows the advantage of being n first-class city. That whale won't visit any second-class towns. Quito an altercation took place in the dressing room , during the circus entertainment , between the two wrestlers , ono claiming that the other choked him altogether too much in earnest during the performance in the ring. Conundium as put by Charley : If ex-Aldermnn A. C. Graham estab lished and graded three miles of a driveway through the timber in Fair- mount Park for a little over $800 , how on "arth" could it require the urn of 82,000 , to grade one-fouith mile of driveway over the prairie to the trotting park. Now , don't all an swer at oiiJo ; it might create confu sion. RELIGIOUS. I'rotciitant preaching l permitted in o\or .10,000 townships of t'rancv. The Kpincoimliun CluirclifH of L'emiHyl vnniu have 'l , IB.'t communi'iif ; mctnbcrg , The Mormon missionaries have recently gained .100 con vert H In .Sclik'Nwix-Holsteln , Tlio LTntverpallsts of Xew lowland liavu 370 fewer churches now than they had hi 18M ) . The next Vnn.J'reHbytcriun council the third Is tn be held In Itclfitst in the MIIU- iner of 1881 , The autojjinphYif Mnrtln Luther was re cently Hold for SIM ) ; thnt of Mul.inctlion for ? , ifi , nnd that of Voltaire for S2 , ! )0. The Old or General Baptist denomina tion of lUiocle Inland , n body of twelve - liureliCH nndnboutltOOinemberH ! , recently livid itt two hundred nnd eleventh nnnf. vcrsary nt Coventry. Six ycaw njjn the New York Swedish Lutheran confuicnco had only two : luirclici. Now it poiieises mteen , and lias appointed a traveling miiMonniy for the xtnto of Connecticut. > The liaptixta ofKliocle ] 1imil held their two hundred and eleventh anniversary luccting on September 7 nt Coventry , They reported ' ' /nir interest and general tteailincHu" in their cliurchcH , but no special - ial revivals. The Tunkcn , or Dunkardi , in their recent - cent meeting in Ohio , IMUMOU reHolutioiiH n iiinst Hinulay-Bclioohi , high nchool levival meeting , paid ministry , mwsion- xry plitUH or boarda , money Holiciting or ) e0'f'in ; , ' , and instrumental muftic. The Hcventh church congous of the L'loteatant Episcopal church in the United Statco w ill lu held in the city of Pro\i- dcncc , 11. I , , comimmcinj , ' on Tuesday , Oc tober 2fi , 18K1. Tlio Itiuht Kov. Thomas it. Clark , 1) . D. , LL. I ) . , bWiop of the diocese , will preMae. The "II ickBito" Quakers , or , as they call theniflelvcH , the "Society of Friend * , " 1m vo imt closed their yearly mooting for 1881. Tlcfcsnlon8 ate hold in alternate years in Jiichinonil and WnynesUlle , O. The de nomination in-small but wealthy and in fluential. ThoSnn Francisco Knlloclw , fathers and hon , lm\e withdrawn from the Baptist district and utato conventions of Cali fornia , _ mid hereafter will lie connected only with "independent" churchcx. Bap- tins everywhere hull this fctep with great pleasure , UH the Kallochs have been a load to cany. The Seventh-Day Adcnti ts are doing nn uctivo uvunyeliHtic work iuesteui Ninth Cmollnn nml .Eastern Tennessee , anil the churches in that region aie looking anxiously foruiml to the time when they can ho organized into n confeifnce. Thu ugeiitH of thu ( lenoniimton ! lire also biry in ( jjuor i.v and Alubainu. New York's dally praj-cr ineotiu ' on Kiitoii Htrcct in twenty-four yvaiii old. It is attended chiefly by old Indict ) and gen tlemen of leisure ami is shorn of nuut of that vivacity vhich for years made it fam ous thioii'hout ( tlio world. A few peivor.s nro in regular attendance who have kept up the habit fiom the very beginning. I'liiladeljihia has tlio largent Presbyte rian constituency , 27,3 Hi ; Now Yoik next with 18,105. and Brooklyn with U.liVJ. Chicago IIUH lil > U , ami no other city in the Union reaches up to 5,000. Newark has 5,705 ; Cincinnati , 3.8W1 ; Han J''ranclco , H.7H8 ; PitUlmrK , ! 1.777j Pvocheutvr , 3GS.rij Cleveland , : t.iT : ( J ; Ualtiniuiv , IJ/iVJ. It is said of the Scandinavian Lutherans iu thin country thut Ihougli they litnally loii'o ' here veiy i > oor they have organised nliout 1,1100 liUthcrnn eoiiKretjatloiis and elected iner 1'JOO lionses of worship , established - tablished four largo colleges and live the- oluyicul hvminaries , besidva numerous fchoolK nnd academies , in which 2.X ) pupiln nr > propnriujj for the ministry , with MHMO 100 ministers ( mostly educated in schools ) alieady in the xcrvioe , and all without aid from any but their own pee ple. Thii in certainly a Rood EDUCATIONAL NOTES. \Vllllmns college in prosperous. It him now the largest fieslunun closa that has over entered In the history of the college , ami ncecU nothing but alargoroi.dowineiit. Hwarthmore college Is to ho rebuilt im mediately , nnd meanwhile the sessions of the college are to bo resinned In the Chest nut Grove houbo , at Media. The Immr- nnce.1 on the burned building aggregate $130,0 0. A Canadian educational authority thinks that tha dangers of "cn.mmlng" might bo obviated of the Uachcrti would give suffi cient time to explaining the next day'w lesion ami inttructing pupils how to pro- eccil. eccil.The The fre hmau clotH nt the Unhenitv of Pennsylvania JUH 101 members it hail about Wliut year. The Whnrton school of finance and economy opens Its firit term with a class of eight niciubera. There are 3U students in tlio dejiartments of art , bdenco and Ciunce. A novel art college for women has been established near Wlmblciion , Kngland , by Mian ISennctt , n lady well-known for the gratuitous Instruction nho haa been in the habit of giving in art needlework. The courno of study is tlirough and coinpro- heuslvu ami the feet are moderate. The students will have the opportunity of get ting remuncratho employment if ncede < J. It ia patifvins ; to that the school authorities in many American cities are becoming intero teil in the ( mention of the clfect of our educational nytem of Iliu Kchool children. It is worth while to mnko the imiuiry in regard to this matter n national one Through the bo.inl of health nml the Medical hociety oi each city , fuels might bo gathered nml tabu. latetl which could not full to bo of value to tlio bchools. That the public tehooh tn the pro | ) er- oiw went are driving with a dangerous upeed , in the opinion of Tlio .lournnl of 1. ducat Ion. It udv i&ca the schools at once to begin tlio JiecCRSftry work of clucVIng up In xelocity. wcedinjr out coilmcs of otmly , relieving the intensity of examination , ami ccnding to not on tlio i\ iumptionttlmt the avcrngo child cnn cndiiro the strain of tlio average harxMicnded ndult pioneer. "Tho west is now cjtcited , " * ny thi critic , "with tlifr fond dcluMnn that it will out strip tin- world in puWI < M < chool training , bee n o It is bending the prodigious en- eigy that hut mode it ( 'rent > " Industry , in wnr , and In dtalesmr.nsliip , to the pro duction of Jiuch n generation of youthful prodigies as no country Imi jet seen. lint the project will break down , from the nitnple renvm that n child is n child , nnd cannot 1 * shot into maturity byfft cmirro of utiuly nnd n monthly examination. " The least natlsfnctoty j > .trt of the educa tional cyntem of thu i'rovinco of Ontario is that dcxoied to secondary instruction. Only a niiml ! portion of the whole pounla- tlon enter the high ncliools nud the col- leginto tnxtitutcs , and thonewho nro not in a | K ltion to ncnd their children to th e Instltutlims object to heating any share of the cost. At a contention of the high school tcaclicra recently held , It wn pni. IKised tlmt tlir collegiate institutes should lie brn.idcncd by Including girls ns well as boy * , and by rccognlrlutr other RtutllcH an well as Latin nnd CJreck It was proims- ed , nlxn , that n minimum feu of nbotit " > a yi-arnhould be cstablhlicd in nil the hiali tchooln , providetl ftotnu nrr imemcnt bo mndo to meet the cano of those towns whoso public nclioola contain no fifth and otxth cla se . The ( Jovcrnmcut ( jrant except the fixed sum of iMOOto each school is now dhided on the ba is of the aver- nvo attendance of ordinary nud interme diate pupils About two-thirds of nil tlio high schools in the Province give tuition frco to all comcM. CONNU13IALITIES. It la again rumored that Lotti will HOOII be married. Tlie wealthy widow , whom 1'rosldint Arthur tvlll wed next winter according to Jennie .Tune in Mrs. Marshall O < Itobuts. John 1 * . Houoll nml Sinan Howcll were married nt 1'adncah , Ky. , last week , the Kov. William Howe 11 ollieiattiiff. How ell that do. Count Kleiner IJatthyany has shocked the upper ten thousand in Kiris liv an nouncing his betrothal to Mile. Kmllie Loimt , u pretty circus rider. The wedding of Mr. Jny Stone , official stenographer of the war department , to Miss Ida ] ! . Barber , of Washington in an nounced to take place next Wednesday evening. In Germany , last year , out of 1,000 L'lrls jnarrlcd , 103 were 2 ( > years old , 103 were ' . ' 7 , nnd 10J were 28. These.- were the most favored matrimonial ages , and them \vero more women married tit : V > tliin : ntl'J. Minn Anniu Caroline I'nuldiug , a daughter of the late Admiral P.uilding , and granddaughter of John I'auldins ; , who nidca in the capture of Major Andre , the British Bpy , was married in New Vork last week to .Mr. Itobert C. Kay , of the United Ht.ites na\y ( tin. I'laMcd , of Maine , got m > caily in tliu morning to he maided , If liis wife can just hold him down to that custom Iroin tliu iftjut it may .uert many : i matii- moni.d Miiabhlu | when tliu lining MIH pro claims that it i.i time to get up and start : i lire for breakfast. The man-logo of Mi n M. Abcll , the daughter of Mr. A. 8. Abell , proprietor of The Hal imore Sun , nd Col. L. Victor 1'augliman , editor and proprietor of The JPrcildlck Citizen , was solemnised on TucHday. at tliu Chinch of St. MnryV , in llhltlniore couniv. Kansas City Mail : Wedding bells had been Hounded nnd the guests weio ns'eni- bled at the residence of MM. Jlarrison , < m Chnrlotto treet , near Independence juo- nue , to witness the ceremony which waste to have made William Harriott nnd Miss Mary L. Noilshir man nnd wife , but the HcenHp had been overlooked and a btay of tha ) ) roceedingH was sadly neces-ary. The nearly-n-huabaiul was bewildered and ponted out to procure the furgotten permit , nnd Misa Nolfsliir in agitation diKnppc.ited from the honsu. S mo of tlie guests HMight her lioanling houhc , nt the coiner of Sixth nnd Cheiry xtreets , while others , little expecting to find , pursued her to the river. A very fortunate thought was this as thcie , on the banks of the dark river , was found the lady , deckuil in licr trn'.el- imj garment * , her \ell n plaything of the wind So deep was her pain niul dU n. pointmont , fchu liad tied from her friends , t-eekiiif ? to drown her sorrow nnd end the life into which , in a happy moment , dis appointment had too boldly stalked , in the treacherous stream wli'ch goes sweep ing on to the ocean with its untold mjs- teries. PEPPERMINT DROPS. 1'ink-eye is as , general ninoni , ' St Louis hop-OS an rcd-no 6 among St. Louis men. "VtH , sir"said Mr. Onllagher , "it wivs funny enough to make a donkey lnnali. 1 laughed till I cried. " .loaquin Miller find * "refinement aiming Itoiton bootblarkH. " JIo has piubably heen nble to stand 'cm oil for shine * . It is announced that baldness can bo cured by wkin grafting , but the assertion is gout-rally regarded . H mere balderdash. Monnonism has some redeeming fea tures. .For instance it doesn't throw the burden of supporting n , husband on ono vomun , The time when n boy begins to think his mother doesn't know enough to tolcct hid clothing for him , in n dangerous period in his history. The mayor of Frankfort , Ky. , has made himself nearly nx unpopular at. Gnitean in that locality. He tried to prevent n circus performance , The inhabitants tame near lynching i\ tailor who cndea\oicd tn introduce the new "tylo of tight coat sleeve * in Dead- wood. They regarded it us a direct blow at the poker industry. The New Ilcvcn IScuhUr given the fol lowing excellent directions as how to tell ; i good onion ; 'Mllio your hunt girl toratone raw , nnd then call upon her. If the onion 'a good your stay will be shoit. " The Chicago Inter-Ocean confidently no- sens tUat "pigs will be pigs this year. " Pcrmum v lie feared that they would bo liorscg nnd con * , or turkey gobblers , will be gratified at this official announcement. Coaiolatioa- Fond fiiemiH tried vainly to cheer her , To stop up the tears that fast fell ; And ho claspexl her daughter still nearer , And In agony uttered farewell ! The groom with hi * bride had departed , To journey far off in strange lands , And the mother cries out , broken-hearted , "Well , I'm glad that girl's off my hands 1" Iowa Cradle Song , A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. For the speedy cure of Consump tion and all diseases that lead to it. such as stubborn coughs , neglected Colds , Bronchitis , Hay Fever , Asth ma , painin the side and chest , dry hacking cough , tickling in the throat Hoarsonosa , Sere Throat , and all chronic or lingering diseases of the throat and lungs , Dr. King Now Dis covery has no equal and hasestablished or itself a world-wide reputation. Many loading physicians recommend and use itin their practice. The form ula from which it is prepared is highly - ly recommended by all medical jour nals. The clergy and the press have complimented it in the most glowing terms. Go to your druggist and got a trini bottle free of cost , or a regular aho for § 1.00. For Sab by do ( IBH & MnMtiwv Omaha. "WINEOFCARDUI" four times a day make * u happy household. AtO , V. - S. P. MORSE & CO 1319 Farnham Street. > < 20 PIECES BESTIALITY 48-INCH BLACK CASHMERE $1.00. This quality usually sells everywhere at $1.50. No Samples Mailed ; order what you want , we guar antee Satisfaction. Great Kid Glove Sale ! Best Quality Fisk , Clark and Flags Gloves , 3-But- | ton , 75 cents. Best Quality Fisk , Clark and Flagg Gloves , 4-But- V ton , $ I.CO. BETTER COLORS ! WIDER GOODS I Satin and Gros Grain , all Nos. , 9 to 40 , 10 cents. S. IP. DVCOIiSE &c CO. , ' p * 1319 Farnham Street. The leading Scientists ot to-day n rce that muxt diseases are caused diaanlcral kklncjs or liter. If , therefore , tho'kUincvaaiul liter aru Kept In | > erf.ct ( orclir , perfect IIL.Ith ! , w 111 i < e the result. 'ihU truth liaionly liceii known i short time and for.\c.trs neoplo sufTcred great n 'oiij \\ithout being ahlo to find relief. 'Iho tlluotory ot Waincr'sJ-aft Kldiu < \ and I.lvcr CmomarKin a new era I ) the treatment ot tlitso troulilui. Miulu from a slinplu troplial leaf of rare uilue , It LfintnliH Just the clcmcnU niirMaiy to nourish , nnd hit Igroratu lioth of tlicsu great organs , and s-ifcly restore and keen them in ordir. Itlsa Poalttvo Remedy for all the dlseatca that canso pains In tlio loner part of the limly for Torpid Ihn Hyulaclics Jaundko Dizziness Grat el Foitr ABUO Liverniul L'rlnary Ort'ans. It la ail ckcollcnt andsifu remedy lor females ( Inriiij ; rreirnanry. It 111 control Jlcnstruatlon atid IB In 'alualilo for Lcucorrhuxi or Knlllng of the Womb. As a lllooil Purifier It I * iincaiialeil , for It cures the organs til it nnUa the lilood. This remedy , \\lilihliijiloMcmKrn\onaer , Is ] > ut up In the LAKOCST blXEl ) IIOTII.K of any mcillc.Ino upon the mirkct , nnd Is iiold liy Drus- Klsts and all ilenlers nt SI.25 tier bottle. Tor Dinhotca , cnnulre for WAUNKit'S SAKK DIA- I1CTES VUttk. Hlsnl'OSI IVKIlcmcdy. H. r ( . WARNER & CO. , Rochester , N. Y. Sins of the Fathnm Visitotl on tlio Children- Physicians soy that dcrofulous ta'nt cannot - not be crncicatcil ; e deny it "in toto. " If yon ( , ' 0 through ft thorough course of l.un- DOCK DI.OOD IJITTKIH , your blood will get us pin e as you wisli. 1'rico $1.00 , trial bUu 10 cents. ' 'odlw FREE OF COST. Dn. Ki.vo's NKW Discovniiv for Consumption , Coughs nnd Colds Asthma , Bronchitis , etc. , is given utviiy in trial bottlus frco of cost to tlio nlllictcd. If you have n bud cough , cold , dilliculty of breathiii' , ' , lioarauncss or any affection of tlio throat or lungs by nil incuns give this wonderful remedy n trial. AB you value your existence you cannot afford to lot this opportunity pass. yo could not afford , und would not give this remedy away unless wo knpwi would uccompliali what wo claim' for it. Thousands of hopeless cases have already been completely cured by it. There is no medicine in the world that will euro ono half the canes that Dn. KI.VO'H NKW Dihcovr.uv will cure. For snlo by G ) Lsn it McMAiio.v , Omaha. Worthy el Prane. As R rule wo do not recommend p.i- tent medicines , but when wo know of one that really is a. public benefactor , and does positively cure , than wo con sider it our duty to impart that information mation to nil. Electiio bitters uro truly n most valuable medicine , and will Biitely euro IHliousnoss , Fever and Ague , Stomach , Liver nnd Lidney complaints , even where nil other rem edies fail.Vo know whereof wo inoak. nnd can freely recommend to all. [ Ex. Sold at CO cents n bottle Ish & MoMahon , (4) ( ) "BLACK-DRAUGHT" cures costlve ucaa und bick-lkadacuc. DEWEY & STONE , FURNITURE ! ORCHARD & BEAN , J.B. FRENCH & CO , O A R P ETSI G R O C E RSI JElSIE'JEIXtZlflr STAR STOVE POLISH S id" AXt ) 5 = BEAUBRUMMEL BOOT BLACKING MANUFACTURED BY CHARLES MCDONALD 1401 NOW OFFERING FOR ONE MONTH ONLY DECIDED BARGAINS Ladies' ' Suits , Cloaks , Ulsters , Circularsjtc. 200 Handsome Suits , at $5.00 ; 30O Stylish [ Suits , $1O.OO ; 76 Black Silk Suits , $17.00. Wo have several lots of staple goods whiuh will bo offered at SEVENTY-FIVE GENTS ON THE DOLLAR. All ladies should avail themselves of this great Bale of ] CORSETS AND UNDERWEAR , "LINEN AND 'MOHAIR ' ULSTERS , . SILK AND LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS , LAWN SUITS AND SACQUES. ' CHARLES MCDONALD.