Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 08, 1881, Page 5, Image 5

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NEW YORK , October 7.
Tlio money market was le s Hrlngeit
to-d y and clo ed nt 1i ( ? 5 per cent. The
highest into p.dd was 1-32 per cent am
Kxchange closed firmer at I 'J\t ' \ > I 811
Governments closed tinner ; currenc ;
< Vs , 1 30 bid : I's coupons , 1 15J bid ; IJ'sdo
1122 bid ; 5'ncontinued , llllj bid : Undo
Pacific railroad bonds closed as follows
Union lst , 1 ltiJ ( l 101 ; Union land grant *
1 13l(8il ( 15 ; finking fund.s , 1 22Ju 1 23
Ceutr.iK 1 1 ll ( < f 1 15J.
{ * The stock market to-day was active am
irregular , thu tone changing frequently
from firmness to depression nnd vice \on > a
During tlio morning a strong tuna lire
v.iiled and lliero was an ailvance of l.J ti
t.J par cent in p. , P. , C. le 1. and the St
IjQtifa & San Francisco shares. Towards
1 o'closk , however , there were more he.ivj
Hales to realise and part of tlio adv.ilicc
was lost Liter on there was another
period of strength and some advance ii
price * , but towards the close , notwilh <
standing the fact that money w.n liuuini ,
nt the lowest mtcs of the day , and tin
closing fluctuations and closing quotation
were generally nt or near the lowest poln
of tlio day.
The followhu' are the closing bids ;
' ' ' ' * * "
Preferred' . . ! Illf M LS AW . . ! 3iJ (
C 15 & g 151 Mich Cent 87'
Cedar Falls. . . . 21 Mo Pac K3
C C & IC V.H T P & W prefd. 32
Central Pacific. ( Ill Northern Pa. . . 37
O St L k NO. . 78 preferred 77 ;
OC ( J ti 1. . . . Oregon Nav . 15 J
C& A 127.J 37s
. sis Rock Island , , . 133
T'rio . , -13 Stl' 10SIJ-
K&W . 13 Prcferrid . . . 121
AdanmK.xp. . . 138 San Francisco. II
Farg < . ,130 , do prof erred , 70
American K\II ! IO do. Istpfd. . 108 }
U. S . O'J ! , NY C 137
1K& W . 13" Pacific Mail. . . '
Ill Central. . . . 12t i' T.-x Pac. ' '
rf. k St. J. . . . 100 47 ;
Preferred. . . , 113. ' . do jifd 88
K&T . 48" WTJTel 83 ?
Following are the eloslug quotations ol
mining stock * : it the New York mining
exchange :
Union Con 13 S LNo2t 3. . .T55
SLNol&4. . 78 Wiltshire 7U
Oriental AcAI. . 77
ClllcAflii , October 7.
The demand for monuy to-dir wan oil
a liberal .scale and all classes of borrowers
were in attendance. Kates wcro firm at ( i
@ 78 per cent. Eastern exchange be
tween city bank-i was a trifle firmer at SOc
® $ L 00 discount p-r 81,000. The clearings
of the associated banks wcro $9,000 000.
A lar e amount of money was ordered
from and lor warded to thu grain and live
Htock districts.
\ \
Omaha Wholesale Market.
Friiiay Evening , October 7. f
Very few change1) are noted in the mar
kets to-day. Grain is fluctuating consid *
erably. AVheat closed 3.c } lower than yes'
P ) tcrday. Barley declined 2c. Rye 2c
I ) .lower. Corn declined O'/c. / Oats ijc higher ,
I ) / / Provisions steady.
\vf Salt Lake potatoes aio arriving and are
\ + - bringing 25c per bushel more than natives.
[ ( I emons declined 50c per box.
No other changes of consequence have
been repoit-il.
Local Uraln Healings.
WHEAT. Cash No. 2,1 21 ; cash
No. . * , 1 00 \ : rejected S'ic.
BARLEY. Cash No 2 , 97c ; No. 3 ,
RYE. Cash , 95c.
COKN. Cash No. 2 , SOc.
OATS. Cash. 3GJo.
Cattle Good shipping , § 1 00 ; fat COWB
and heifers. 82 75@3 00.
Hogs Mixed packing , SO 00@G 45.
Sheep Slaughtering in demand at 83 00
@ 3 75 per 100 Ibs gros.
FLOUR Spring wheat , ntraight grade' ,
$325@375 ; patent , S3 75@450 ; winter
wheat straight grade § 3 85@4 25 ; patent ,
84 50@4 111) ) ; graham rye , $2 4'i ; Wheat ,
1 RYE FLOUR 83 25.
MILLSTUFFS Bran , per cwt. OOc ;
screenings , per cwt. 70@80c ; Bhorts , per
cwt 1.80 ; chopped feed , per cwt. 1 20 ; meal
„ bolted , vellow. 1 40 : white. SI 75.
\VPOTATOES 100@1 10 ; Salt Lakes ,
iTvtr/3\1 85.
SWEET POTATOES-Very nctivo at
5@0c per pound.
POULTRY Live chickens per dozen ,
$2 50 ® 2 75.
per do/.en.
WILD GEKSK 50Sj4 ( 00.
WILD DUOKS-1 502 00.
EGGS 17@l8c.
BUTTER Choice ncarceat20@25poor ; ,
no market : creamery , 30c.
APPLES Good , sound , very scarce
nt SI 00@4 50 per bbl.
HONEY California white clover in
comb , 24@25c.
LKMOXS Steady ; 'per bo < , S10 00
@ 10 OJ. Finsst Messina oranges ? 8 00
J'KACHES-Sl 10@l 20 per basket.
@ 400.
VEGETABLES All kinds bring good
prices and scarce.
BEKSWAX Yellow , 18@20c.
ONIONS-1 5"100 perbushel.
CAU1J AGE-SI 50@1 75 per dozen.
Qrocera Lltt.
COFPEK. IHo , tair. 13jc : Rio , good ,
14c ; Rio , prime to 'choice , fUc ; Old gov't
Ja\a ; 2028ic } , Mocha , 28ic" ; Arbuckle's ,
TEAS , Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ;
Choice , C0@75c ; Tinierial | , good , 40@45c ;
Choice , 00@75c ; Young Jlyson , good , 3G@
50c ; choice , 05c@l 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf ,
K 35c : Japan , choice , 00@75c ; Oolong , good ,
3T10 ; Oolong , choice , 40@55 ; Souchong ,
good. 3540c : choice. 35(245e. ( !
SUGARS. Cut loaf , HJc ; Crushed ,
v ? "f -i-T 4 Granulated lie ; Powdered. HJc
Fiuo jxiwdered , 1-Jc ; Standard Coffee A.
lOJc ; New York Confectioner's Standaid
A , lOic ; Good A , lO c ; Prairie Extra C ,
SYRUPS. Sugar house , bbh , 48c : haf !
bin , 50c ; kegs , 4A gallons , $2 30 ; choice
table syrup , 50cj half bbls , 53o ; kegs , S2 50.
SPICES.-Peppef , 20 ; Allspice , 20c ;
Cloves , 45c ; Nutmegs , § 1 00 : Cassia , 2oc ;
Mace SI 00.
SODA. Dwight's tb papers , S3 00 ; De-
. land do , 83 00 ; Church's , $3 00 ; Keg soda ,
STARCH. Pearl , 4c : Silver Glow , 8J
(382c ! ; Corn Starch , 8J@9c ; Excelsior
Gloss. 0c ; Corn. 7Jc.
SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 05 ; Ash-
ton , in Hacks , 3 50 ; bbh dairy 00 , 5s , 3 45 ;
bbls dairy , 100 , 3s. 305.
DKIKD FJlUITS-ClioIca halve * ,
CIIEESE-Fuli Cream , 15c ; Part
Skim , lljc.
1 85 ; three hoop palls , 2 10 ; No , I tubs ,
8 00 ; No. 2 tubs , . 8 00 ; No. 3 tubs. 7 00 ,
pioneer washtaardx , 1 85 ; Double Crown ;
I'M' GIolxi Washboard,250 ; WcllbuckctH ,
Ihaln , and 5 ply , 20J@21i ; Colored carpet
/ chain , per lb , 20 ;
LEAD Bar , 81 05.
MATOHKS Per caddie , 85c ; round
cases , 87.35 ; Minare cases , $1.00 ,
PROVJ8IONrS-Ureakfa t bacon , 14 *
sholce lard , 13Jo ; dried beef , lie ; nhould-
crs , canva cil 9o ; liatni , canvasswl I4u ;
bacon , side * 13 o
NKW PICK fjiS- : > tedium , In bnnvN ,
$ ! ) 00 ; do In 1ml f bbl , 5 00 ; nmftll , in bbl- ,
1100 ; do , In half bbN. fi 0 ! Khcrklni , in
bbls 12 00 ; do , iu halt bbl , 7 00.
VINUGAH l'nro npplo extra , Ific ;
iitiro apjilc. 13c : ] 'nif lni ; pure apple , toe.
HOMINY Now , SI SO per bbl
KHANS Medium , hand picked $3 fiO
per bu hcl.
UO1M < ; Skil , 1 Such and larger , O c ; 3
Inaii. ! )3c ) ! 1 Inch , lOJc.
SOAL'S-Klrk'it Savon Imperial , .T ( .Oj
Kh-U's satinet. ,1 TO ; Klik'i otandant , n fiOj
Kirk' * white Ku < t ! an , ft . ' 0 : Kii-k's Kutocjv ,
225lvlrk' l'niirioiuecii ( , (100 ( fnkcs ) ,
10 ; Khh > mnsnnlin CO.
OAN'DLKS IJoxc' , 40 Ibs 10 ot , 8s
liteslxwi HM. , 10 07. , ( > s He ; boxes -11
nets H or. . Ss , lHJc ; half boxes SO M ts
U o8s IHc.
LYH American , 3-10 ; Greenwich , ! V1
Western , 2 7fi : North Star , 2 ) ; Juwi
lye , -1 ( Wj Jcwc-11 lye , 27ft.
POTASH I'cnmylvnula cansI doss.
In ca e , 3 3'j llabbitt's Hall , 2 do * . In IM-.O
1 0 : Anclior Hall 2 doz In case , I < V ) .
MKIiD KHKD Ked clover , cholci.
new , Sl5 00 IKT bushel ! mammoth olovvr
new. S7 00 ( white clover , new. 31 1 00
nl.alfi clover , new , S12fiO ; nl/ike , ne\\
Sl.tOO. Timothy , ooil , new , S.1 00
blue grass extra clean , SI < iO ; blue grass
clean , SI ! ! . * > ; orohard gmss $ i f > 0 : n > ( l tup
clioicc , 1 Oil ; millet , common or MiVour !
SOc ; millet , German , $100 to 81 lo !
Hungarian. 80o.
HKUGKSKUU Onago orange , I to f
bushels , S5 00 : osagc ornngo , 10 bu heln in
over , Si T)0 ; honey locnxt , tier lb. , 3"c ; per
100 Ibs. $25 00.
FISI I Family white full , ! lb hf bbN
83 CO ; No , 1 white full , HO lb hf bbls , I ! HO
No. 1 white fish , in 10 Hi kits , 1 00 ; fnmilj
10 lb kits 7f > c ; New Holland herring , pe
keg , 1 20 ; Kus.sian sardines , 75c ; Colui"
bi.i river salmon , per lOOlbs , S 00 ; Geoiye's
Hank codlnh , Gc ; Gen. boneless cudtlih
SJc ; boncleai fi'h , 4Jc.
MACKKHKL llalfbblsmoisiiiackcre ]
100 Ibs , S12 fiO ; hfWil No. 1 ex shore do
100 Ibs , 0 00 ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100
Ibs , 3 S3 ; mo-i mackerel , 12 lb kitn , 2 2Ti
No. 1 ex Hhorc , 12 lb do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore ,
12 lb do , 1 00 ; fat family , 10 lb do , 75c.
CANNKD GOODS Oysters , 2 U
( Field's ) , per case , SI 20 ; do 1 It. ( Field's )
per case , 2 50 ; do 2 lb ( Standard ) , per case
31H ) ; do 1 lb ( standard ) , jier case , 2-10 ; d (
2 11) ( slock ) , ] > er case , 2 7o ; do 1 Hi ( slack )
per case , 200. Onions , 380. Salmon , !
Hi , per dozen , 1 05 ; do 2 lb , per dozen
2 50. Sardines , small i'sh , imported , _ ono
quarter lx > xes jier box , HJc ; American ,
quarter IMJXCS per box , llcj'do half bove.Sj
per bov , 21Jc. Lobsters , 1 lb per ilo/.en ,
180. Tomatoes , 230 ; do 3 lb per
case , 3 10 ; Corn , 2 It ) ( Mountain
per case , 3 70 ; soaked corn , 2 10 ; d <
2 lb ( Yarmouth ) , per cane , 3 75
string beans , per ca o , 2 00 ; Lima beans
per case. 2 10. Succotash per case. 2 20.
J'eas , common , per case , 2 00 : peas , choice ,
per case , -I 50. lilac.kberries , 2lb , ,
280 ; strawberries , 2 lb , per case , 3 00
raspberries 2 lb , per c.ise , 2 75 ( < ' ? 3 00.
Damsons , 2 lb , per ca = c , 2 45. Ua'rtlett
pears per case , 3 Oo@'l 00. Whortleber
ries per case , 2 SO. Kgg plums , 2 lt > per
o e , 3 25 ; do , choice , 2 lb , per case , 4 50.
do 3 lb , case , G 00@0 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 lb , per
case.325 ; do pie , 0 lb , per dozen , 3 50.
RICE Carolina , 8@8Jc ; Louisiana ,
PEANUTS Koasted , choice , red Ten
nessee , ! ) c per jb ; fancy white , lOc per lb ;
'v white Virginia , lOJc.
Dry Goods.
7c ; Continental C , do , 8c ; Crescent LL
Gic ; Crescent C 7jc ; Crescent U Tto
Crescent A 8c , Granitevillo I.L Gje ; In
dian Head 7jc ; Lawrence LIG c ; Ports
mouth P , do , 4\c ; Utica C fijcVintlirop
L , do , 7jc ; ; Wachusetta 7.c.
Gc ; Auburn A 4-4 8Jc ; Dallardvalo 4-4
Gjc ; Dairy Cloth 5Jc ; Kainnont 4-4 G\c ;
Fruit 4-4 Hoi Lonsdalei4
- 10J ; e l-4,81c ; - -
9\c ; New York Mills 4-4 13c ; 1'ocasbctt C
4-4 8\c. \ Wamsutta. 4-4 13c.
PRINTS. Allen's fancy , G\c ; Ameri.
can do , OJc ; Aniold'ri do , 7c ; Atncrican
dofclerhn ! ; solid colomGc.ConestogadoG. c
Cochico robe , T\i ; Freeman robe , Go ;
Dunnell do , 7c ; Eddvstpno do (5c ( ;
Harmony , 5Jc ; HartelG\c \ ; Knickerbocker ,
Me ; Gloucester do , ( ifc ; Hamilton , G..f ?
Hamilton do , 7c ; Marlboro do , 5-Jc ; Soutli-
[ ) ridge do. 5jc : ; Spragno do , 5Jc ; Simp
son's solid black , OJc : Simpson's mouniing ,
7c. Southbridgo do , Gjc ; llcgatta do , 5c ;
Pacific do 7c ; bpraguo do , OJc ,
Manchester , 7c ; Pacific , 7c ; Sraguo ] ;
Gjc ; Southbridge.Glc ; Myatic , OJc ; Merri-
mack sliirting , Gc ; Washington oil colorn ,
CAMBRICS Gamer , 5c ; Harmony B ,
ic ; Hooksett , 5c ; Keystone Glove Finish ,
He " ; Washington , 5c.
"CORSKT JEANS Androscoggin sat-
kcen , SJo : Ijockwoml do. Uo ; Naumkeag
do. , Sic : Kockport , 7Ac
TIOKING-Amoskeag- . C. A. , 17ic ;
Albany S. A. X. , 17c ; Cordls A C. K. ,
17Jc ; Coixlis , 13. 15. , Ujc ; Conestoga , K.G. ,
RedStripelUle ; Coiicstoga , C. C. A. , fan
cy , 14c ; Conestoga , 1,0. C. A. , 14c ; Cones-
, bga , 4-4 , Gold AIu Ific ; Conestoga ,
L7ic ; Easton , 15. , 'JJc ; Hamilton , D. , IU " ;
Hamilton regular , 13 c ; Hamilton H" ,
HJc ; Omegasuperior extra , 27c ; Omega
medal , 25c ; Omega A CA , fancy stripe ,
18c ; Omega A 4-4 , Ific ; Omega A J , 13 ;
Pearl lliver , IGJc ; Shetucket , S. , lOAc ;
Shetuckct , S. S. . 12c ;
OIL CLOTH 5-4 wood , S3 00 ; RA
'ancy marble , § 300 ; 0-4 white marble ,
S2 S3 ; G 4 wood , S3 CO : G-4 fancy marble ,
§ 4 00 : 6-4 white marble , S3 85 ; 5-4 mo-
sale , S3 00 : G-4 mosaic , S4 00.
DENINS Amoskeag bluo/nnd brown ,
LGc ; Beaver Creek , A. A. , blue / and brown ,
14 Jc ; Beaver Creek , B. 15. blue and brown.
[ 3jc ; Beaver Creek , C. C. , blue and
jrown , 12c ; Everett D. IX , blue and
jrown , 15 } ; Haymakers blue and brown ,
OJc ; Otis , A. X. A. , blue , 15c ; Otis B. B.
ilue , 14 ; Otis C. C. , blue , 13c ; Pearl
[ liver blue and brown , 15Ac.
DUCKS Arlington stripe. 18" ; Boston
checks , 13Jc ; Boston XX drab. 12tc ; Bos.
.on XXXTjro. , 13Jc ; Boston XXX drnb ,
3Jc ; JJo ton O. H.bro. , lOJc ; Boston XX ,
) ro. , 12Jc ; Bismarck stripy , 17ic ; Boston
stripes , 13lc ; Dundee Btrijws , 18e ; Fall
Uiver , Hie ; Hamden O. 0. , lOic ; Lion
LJIup , 15k.
STimfES American , lOo ; Amoskeag ,
.lie ; Dexter A. , 14c ; Mechanics. 8c ;
Omega , lie ; Otis B.B. , lOc ; Pittsfield , 7c ;
Uncasville , 0@IJc. !
COri'ONADlJS Angora , D. , V T. , 25c ; .
A. Y. A , , 2Gc : Bell , 18cBridgewater ; , 19c ;
3apitol , ISc ; Charter Oak , 18c ; E\erett ,
iea\-y , 20c : Everett , medium , 15c ; Farm
er's 22\c \ ; Lewiston 10 oz. , 25c ; New York
mills checks 18 ; New 'York mills proof ,
22\c \ ; Wlcklow , ISJc ; Union PaclHc , 18c ;
Whittcnd n , D. & T. , SOc ; York , light
weleht. 12ic.
SHEETINGS Androncoggin,0 i brown
23c ; do 10-4 do , 2Gc ; Pepperell's 9-4 brown , (
! 5c ; do 10-4 do , 27Jc ; Alexandria , II )
ncli , bleached , 13e ; Androseoggin 9-t ,
Reached. 2Go ; do 10-1 , bleached , 20o ;
. 'opperell , ! ) - > , bleached , 25c ; do 10- 1
Reached , 27Jc.
'arbilic , 60c ; Acid , Tartaric , 55ci Balsam
vopabla , per lb , 70o ; Hark , S.iKsafras , per
b , 12oj Calomel , per lb , 70c ; Cinchoniiila ,
> or ot , 80o ; Chlomfonn , per lb , 90c ;
Dover's iHiwtiera , per lb , 81 40 ; Epaom
alts , per lb , 3Jc ; Glycerine , pure , per lb ,
4c ; Lead , Acetate , per lb , 22c ; Car
Mm oil , 110 ° , per gallon , IHc ; do 150 ° ,
) ergal. 13)c ) ; Oil , Castor , N ( > . 1 , per gal ,
PI 30 ; Oil , Castor , No.3.per gal,81 20 ; Oil ,
Olive , per gul , SI 50 ; Oil , Origanum , 50o
) nium , 5M 50 ; Quinine , 82 10 : P. A W. & 1 { .
cH.i > uroz , $225 ; Potassium , Iodide , per lb ;
i2 , 50 ; Salacin , per oz , 35c ; Sulphate of
ilorphinc , per oz , S3 G5 ; .Sulphur flour ,
er li > , 4c ; Htrvclmlne. t > cr o81 60c.
Horses and Mules.
The market is brisk and all grades are
ellingwell at a wllght advance in piices.
. 'he demand for good horses cvtx'wU the
upply connlderably , Prices range a * fol.
owa :
Fine single driver * , $150. toJKW.j Extra
Iraft horses , $175. to 225. ; Common draftier
ior es. 8100. to 150 , : Extra farm hontoi ,
110. to 125. ; ComniDii tu good farm hones ,
SlK ) . to tflUO. ; ICxtrn plugs 500. to 7I > .
Common plugo , $20. to S40.
MUL1W. 15 to 15J haiulo ( extnx ) , 6125
to 150. : 14J to 15 handv S100. to 140.
14 to HJ hands S7f > . to 100. ; 13J to 1
h.uuls $00. to 75
Clears and Tobnccoj ,
CIGAltS.--Seeds S15.00 : Conneotlent
S2VOO : MlxeilS3.'i.OO : Seed Havana0.00
Clear Havana , $75.00.
TOBACCO PLUG. - - Golden Uulc
"t lb. noc ) SpotU-d Faun , Glc ; Our Uope
C2c ; Star , poniuls - ' " > , butts l > lc ) ; Hors
Shoe , pounds 21 lb , butts < " ' 8c : Purity , 2
lb. butts Mi' ! ( iiiwn Bee , 2111) , buttA3c
G.ltEdge , poniuN , 21 lb , butts " > 7 ( Aimj
and Navy , p'ounds , olc ; Bullion , pound
fic ! Lorlllunl's Climax , jHiumls , GOo.
FINK OUT In paik-llanl to P.oat
7 ; Golden Thread , 70o ; Fountain , 7Se
Favorite , G5c ; 1'ocky MounUln , .V
Fancy , 50o : Daisy , l.'o. In tin foil
Catlins O. S. , 2 07. packages S lb boxes ,
j > cr lb G"e : Un-illanl s 'I'igcr , 1'iOc.
SMOKING All grades-Common , 251 (
3c. : ( Granul.ited lllackwells Durham ,
o/.4c ( ! ; Dukes Durham , lit or , 4.V : Seal o
North Carolina , 111 07 , li ( ; Seal of Nebras
ka , Hi in , 38c ; l < ouelack , 4 or , linen bag *
per lli , 81.35 ; Marblirgs' 1'uck , 2 oz , til
foil , 55c ; Dog Tail. G5c.
l-'ENCING No. 1 , 12 to 20 ft , $20 00
No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , ! ! 00 : plieeting die e < l
No. 1 , 18 00 : No. 2 , 111 00 ; common boards
dres > ed , 20 00.
FRAMING 10 ft. and under , per M
20 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 22 00 ; 22 ft. 22 00
24 ft. 25 Ou.
FINlSHING-No. 1. finish 11 , 1J a
2 inch , $50 00 No. 1 finish 1 inch SM5 00
No. 2. finish 1J , 11 nnd 2 inch. SI500 : No
2 finish , 1 Inch , § 10 00 ; No , 3 tiimh , linoli
$3500 ; O. ( ! . b.ittons per 100 feet ] hi.
SI 00 ; well curbing , S2200) rough J and
inch hattun * tier 100 feet 111' . , 50c.
STOOIC BOARDS A stock , S40 00 ; '
$35 00 : C. S30 00 : common stock , 622 50
FLOORING No. 1 , $10 00 ; No. 2
$35 00 ; No , 3 , § 22 00 ; yellow pine , No. 1
SIDING No. 1 , $21 00 ; No. 2 , $2200
No. 3 , 81800.
SHIP LAP Plain , $22 00 ; O. G. No. 1
$32 00 ; No. 2 , 822 00.
OElfjING $21 OOKS37 00.
shingles $3 85 , No. 2 , $2 50 ; No. 3 , 5'J 00
Lath , $3 50.
Building Material ,
LIME Per barrel , SI ar ; bulk pcrbu. ,
35c. Cement , bbl , $2 50. Iowa plaster
bbl , $2 50. Hair per bu. 35c. Tartci
felt 100 Ibs S3 50. Straw board , $4 00.
PAPER St > aw paper , 3Vc ; rng paper ,
4c ; dry goods uaper , 7c ; manda paper , lOc ]
news paper , 8c.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 512
Morris Run Blo-sburg , $12 ; Whitebreast
lump , SO ; Whitebreast nut , SO ; Iowa
lump , $0 : Iowa nut Sli ; Rock Spring * , $8
Anthracite , all size. , 812 50.
Hides , hur > , Etc.
HIDES Green butcher's hide , 7greer
cured hides , 8c ; green salt , pvrl cnri
hides , 8@Sic ; thy flint , sound , 13@14c ; dry
calf and kip , 12@13c ; dry halt hides , sound ,
ll@12c ; greoti calf. wt. 8 to 15 Ibs. , 10@llu
green calf , wt , under 8 Ibs , per skin , 5
Ejrecn pelts SI 00@115 ; green lamb ski
110@125 ; damaged'hides , two-thiitl ,
? ; ut scored and ono gnib , classed two-
tl irds rale , ) branded hides 10 per cent. oft" .
Coon skins , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , 30c ; No. 3 ,
20 , ; No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , 50c ; No. 2 ,
30c ; No. 3 , IDc ; No. 4 , 5c. Fox , No. 1 ,
GOc ; No. 2 , 25c. Skunk , No. 1 , black ,
> "ic ; short stri | > e , 40c ; narrow stripe 25c ;
Lircad stripe , lOc. Tallow , 7.
Alerino unwashed , light , 14@lGc ; heavy ,
L3@15c ; modimn unwashed , light , 18@20c ;
: nb-washed , choice , 32c ; fair , oOc ; dingy
xnd w. , 28c ; burry , black and cotted wools
2@Gc less
SHOT. Shot , $1.75 ; Buck ehot , $2.00
Dricntal Powder , kegs , SG.40 ; do. , half
< egs , S3.48"do. ; , quarter kegs , $1.87 ; Blast
ing , kecs , $3.35 : Fuse , uer 100 feet GOo.
Heavy Hardware List.
Iron , rates , S3 20 ; plow steel , cast , 74c ;
cast tool do. 15(5,20' ( ' wagon spokpa , cet.
2 25@3 00 ; hubs , per set , 1 25 ; felloes , sawed
dry. 140 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; axles ,
each , 75c ; square nuts , per lb , 7@llc ;
washers , perlli. 8@18c ; uvets , perlb , lie ;
: oil chum , per lb , 6@l2c ; malleable , 8c ;
ron wedges , Gc ; crowbars , Gc ; harrow
teeth , 4c ; horseshoes , per keg , 5 00 ; spring
steel. 7@8c.
NAILS 10 to 20d. 3 50 ; 8 to 10 , 3 65 ;
id , 3 90 ; 4d , 4 15 ; 3d , common , 4 IX ) : 3d ,
hie , G 40 ; clinch , all RUCH , 5 15 ; Gd , cosing ,
4 05 ; 8d casing , 4 4U.10d casing , 4 15 ; 10d
inish , 4 G5 ; Sd finish , 4 90 ; Gd finish , C 15 ;
lalf kegs , lOc extra.
Paints Oils and Varnishes.
PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha
? . P. , 7c ; white lead , O. P. & C. Co.pure ,
iu ; Marseilles green , 1 to 5 tb cans , 20c ;
/ranch zinc , green seal , 12c ; French zinc ,
red heal , lie ; French zinc , In varnish asst ,
JOc ; French zince , in oil asst , 15c ; Raw
ind burnt umber , 1 lb cans 12c ; raw nnd
) iirnt Sienna , 13c : vandyke brown , 13 , ;
elined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , l'"c ;
"ory black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian
jluc , SOc ; ultramarine blue , ISc ; chrome
; r'een , L. M. & D. , 14c ; blind and shutter
[ reeivL. M. & D. , 14c ; Paris green , 18c ;
"diiin red , 15c ; Venetian red , 9c ; Tuscan
vit , 22c ; American Vermiliod , I. &P. , I8c ;
. hromu yellow , L. , M. , O. & D. Oi , 18c ;
vellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , 10 ; patent
Iryer , Gc ; graining colors : liglit oak. dark
> a < , walnut , chestnut and ash 12c.
Dr ° alnts
White lead , Gjc ; French rinc , lOc ; Paris
vhiteing 2Jc ; whiting gilders , lie ;
v\biting com ] , lie ; lampblack German-
.own . , 14c ; lampblack , ordinary , 8c ; Prus
sian blue , 45c ; ultramarine , 18c ; Vandyke ,
jrown , So ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber-raw ,
c ; ionna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4u
? aris green genuine , 35c ; Paris green com'l
25c ; chrome green , N. Y. ' 20c ; chroni-
; reen K. , 12c ; vennillion , Eng. , 70c ; ver-
nillion , America , 18c ; Indian red , lOo ,
TlllLUl n JlllllUtltl. wJU , lVlil > , ll IfJIIWII ,
panish brciwn. 2\o ; Prince's mineral
VARNISHES Barrels per gallon.
Miniituri- , extra , $1 10 ; furniture , No. 1 ,
31 ; furniture , U , 85c ; coach , extra , 81 40 ;
Jiiach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Damar , $1 50 ; Japan.
Oc ; asplmltum , 70c ; ahelluc , 83 CO ; haitl
II finish. SI 30.
OILS-110 * carbon perfjallon , 11 in ; 150'
.eadlight , i > cr gallon , 12'/c / ; 175' headlight
lion , IG c ; crystalline , per gallon , -Oc
X.V.X , per gallon , 1 HUc , JMo. 3 , 1 0 > ; sweet
lergaljoii , 85c ; dpcrm , W. B. , per gallon ,
' 35 ; fishW.B. ! , ) > er gallon , GOc ; neatsfoot
xtra , per gallon , 75c , No. 1 , G5 ; lumberi ,
atlng , r.ero , per gallon , SOc , Hummer , 15o
olden machine , > o. 1 , per gallon , 35c.No.
, 28o ; sperm , nigna' ' , per gallon , 80c ; tur"
icntine , per gallon. Glc ; naptha , 71 deg ,
er gallon 20a , G3 dcg , 20c ,
Liquor ,
ALCOHOL 187 proof , ? 2 .V per
vs-ino gallon , extra California spirits ,
87 pioof at 1 "I ! | > er proof gallon
riple refined mihits , 187 proof , $1 21 ; per
.roof . gal re-distilled whiskies , S100@l 50 ;
ino blended , $1 50(52 ( 50 ; Kentucky bom *
HiiiK , $2007 00 ; Kentucky and Pennsyl.
vnnla ryes , 82 00@7 00.
BRANDIES Imported , 80 00@10 00 ;
lomestic 1 40@4 00.
( SINS Imiwted , 4 50@G 00 : doincxllo ,
RUMS-Iinjorted , 4 50@G 00 ; New
Jnaland. 2 00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 50@3 50j
75@4 00.
CHAMPAONiS : Importeil per cae ,
0 00@3i 00 ; American , per case , 12 OOtj/ !
800 ,
OLARETS Per case , 4 50@1G 00.
WINES Rhlnewine , tier case , G 08@0
K' ' Catawba , per case 4 00(37 ( 00.
Grand Jauotlou Market-
JuNC-no.v , la , , October 7.
Eggs 13o.
Butt r-13c.
( hnc.vno , October 7.
On change the inarntls were unsettled
and lower ; the receipt * of qraln were 10-
C.OO bu hels by canal , and 018 cir loads by
rail , embracingllU of wheat , 015 of corn ,
81 of oats , HI of rye and 41 of barliy.
Flour- Quiet and steady andfaiily held :
stock lluht ; common to choice western
stock ! 50G'li7'i ) doMlnneota.'V2. ' ' > ( < ' < 775 :
p. tfiits 750 050 ; winter brands ( JAOCo
8 2.- ) .
Wheat No , 2 ml winter , quiet ml
cnsicr , nominally 1 38 : No , 3 red winter ,
1 21 ; No. 2 spring active nt irroguh
pHees lluetuatioiH' bi'ing ripiil both or
Ihn up and down tuin. There was ,
ctrmi.1 ? pli-ssure to sell during .1 good shatx
of the session , and muter liberal olferhi' , '
a mateiially lowtr range was e-itabllshn
and the market opened nbout i'@lo ' pc
bushel lower and ruled wrak , am aftc
omo fluutuatliins declined an additioua
IjCflJo per lm hel , then rallied IJfrilh. '
HuctuaUd and closed alxmt 4c lower bu
October , 4u lower for seller Nnvcmbe
and 3j'c low er for December on tl.c regula
hoard , and on the call at 1.17 for Octobei
1 3'l ! ' for November ; 1 IOZ for December
No. 3 spring 1 21.
Corn C ! really unsettled and price
ruled weak and lower and subject to fie
qucnt fluctuations within moderate range
offerings : llboial ; shipping demand inmUr
ale ; freiyhU v > ere steadier and this as
slsted ! u weakening thu market ; the mar
ket linally closed al > out4c lower for Octn
her , 3jc lower for November ; and 3jc low
cr for December , on the regular board
and on the call nt ( ! 2 ( for October : Ii
for November : Glij for December ; 70j | fn
May : i ejected , at 01 .
Oats -Weak and mucttled ; N'o. 2 close
at 4liic for October ; 4lie | for November
15\ \ for December ; 41) fur May.
Rye-Dull and lower ; No. 2 , 1 08 f o
October ! 111 for Novomber.
Barley Inactive ; No. 2 , nominally 1 Oi
for October ; 1 12 lor November.
for October ; "ll 82J@11 & " > for November
11 70 for the year ; 12 30@12 37i for Jan
B'ulk Meats Tame ; short ril < fl 47JGil
958 for No\ ember ; 9 57i@l ! GO for .lami
ary.Whiky Unchanged at 1 19.
Receipts Flour , 14,722 bbls. , wheat
51,100 bu ; com , 388,902 bn ; oats , 45,378
bu ; rye , 8,255 bn ; barley , 41,400 bu.
ShipmenU- Flour , 19,070 bbls. , wheat
22,797 bn ; com , 125,801 bn. ! oats , Ii2,2t !
bu ; rye , 8,931 bu : barley , 14,592 bu.
St , Louia Produce-
ST. LOUIH , October 7.
Flour Unchanged.
Wheat Unsettled and lower ; No. L
red , 1 47 ? for cash ; 1 48g for October
1 BU November ; 1 5o for December
1 58fc for January.
Corn Unsett ed and lower ; liBJc for
cash ; G5ijc for October ; 07 ? for Novcm
her ; G9& for December ; 71 1 fur January
76g for May.
Oats Lower ; 4 SJc for ca h ; 40ic for
October ; 47c for November ; 48i for DC
cember ; 49 Jc for January.
Rye Lower 1 10A.
Barley Quiet ; cfmice to fancy , 1 00 ®
1 15.
Lead Firm (525. (
Butter Unchanged.
Eggs Unchanged.
Pork 19 00.
Lard-11 75.
Receipts Flour , 9,000 bbls ; wheat. G5-
000 bu ; corn , 37,000 bu ; oats , 40,000 bu ;
rye , 9,000 bu ; barley , 15,000 bu.
Shipments Flinir , 9,000 bbls ; wheat ,
M,000 bu ; corn , 172,000 bu ; oats , none
jn ; rye , none ; barley , none.
Now YorJi Produce.
NKW YOHK , October 7.
Flour Dull and 10@15c lower ; No.
4 35 ( < ? 5 25 ; shipping extras , G 30(5,0 ( 70.
1 40 ( < 31 42 ; No. 2 red October , 1 514 ®
1 52
( ) ats Ifmljc lower and dull , closing
stronger ; No. 1 white , .Wc ; No. 2 do.niVftt
riic ( ; No. 1 mixed , 48ic ; No. 2 do , 47J@
48J : No 2mi.\ed , October , 474 < t.
Rye Easi r and quiet at 1 05@t 11.
Pork Dull and weak ; spot and mess
19 75.
Lard Weak an- ' unsettled ; 17 c lower ;
2 17i for cash ; 12 21-i for October.
Beef and Cut Meats Unchanged.
Cincinnati Produce.
CINCINNATI , October 7.
Mess Pork Jobbing , 20 50@22 50.
Lard Quiet ; current make , 12 00.
Bulk Meats Quiet ; new cleir sides ,
picked , 101(5 ( 1075.
Bacon Quiet ; clear siden , packo-J , 11 75
© It 85.
Flour Finn ; family , 700@825.
Wheat Easier ; No. 2 red , 1 47.
Corn Easier : No. 2 mixed , 70c.
Oats Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 47c.
llye-Firm ; No. 2 , fall , 1 1GJ.
Barley Less active ; No. 2 , fall , 1 IB
@ 1 20.
Whisky Firm at 1 15.
Pcorlo. Produce.
PKOKIA , October ? .
Corn Dull and higher ; high mixed ,
> 7@07ic ; mixed. 07 , G7ic.
Oats-Dull ; No. 2 white , 4CJ@17c.
live Active and easier ; No. 2. 1 10J@
High Wines-Steady at 117.
Receipts Wheat , 450 bu ; corn , 48,050
m ; oats , 31j550 bn ; rye , 10,225 bu ; barley ,
,000 bu ; high wines , none.
Shipments Wheat , 1,000 ; corn , 35.500
in ; oats , 30,750 bu ; rye , 5,000 bu ; bur-
ey , nine ; hi-h wines , none.
' * "
Pblladolpliia Produce.
I'llH.ADKMMlIA , October 7.
Wheat Firm ; 1 48@150 for caih and
Jctober ; 1 30J | for November.
Corn Hirm72l ( )74o ) for cahh and Octo-
icr ; 75jj ( i7Go for November.
Oats Firm ; 52@5'2ic for cash and
li&r ( > 2JLa for October ,
Uye ( Juiet ; 1 07 for caul ) ,
Liverpool Produce.
LiVEiirooL , October 7.
Flour American 10s 9d ( il38 ( id.
Wheat Winter , 10 9dfujll 4d ; spiing ,
0 < 2d@10d Sd ; white , llh@lls M ; club ,
l @llH 7d.
Corn-On 3d.
Pork-80 * .
Laid 01 H , I
Baltimore Produce ,
BAI.TIMOUL' , October 7
Floii. Slow.
Wheat No. 2 red winter tinner ;
1 49 } ( < jl 50 for cah and October ; $1 5L'J@
5I { "for November. ,
Coin- Mixed wenlcrn dull ami easy at
Uu for cash and October.
Toledo Proanoo
TOLEDO , October 7.
AN.ieat Weak ; No 2 red , 1471 f r
ash ; 1 18J for November ; 152i for Da-
ember ; 1 fit for Januarv ,
Corn Weak ; No. 2 , Glo ! for November ;
3u for May.
OaU Nothing doing.
Cleveland Marbot ,
CLKVKLA.N-J ) , October , 7.
Peliolfinn Quiet ; standard white ,
10 ; test , Jo _
E9 t Liberty Live Stool/ ,
EAHTLlliKlUT , Pa. , October 7.
Caltlo Nothing doing ; receipts , 073 ;
iHiivnU , 510 ,
Hogs Firm ; receipts , 2rJ00 ! ; nlilpiiicnts.
,800 ; Philadelphia * , 7 00 7 35 ; beat
Yorkern , ( I/X ) © ) ! 00.
Sheep Fair and unchanged ; receipts ,
,800 ; fchipnivntH , 2,000 ,
Clucnfjo JLlvnStoolc.
riitPAoo. October 7.
\ Cattle - ItrcclptA , 0,000 : ritipment * ,
< > ,000 ; demand * cry good nnd former rates
fully maintained ; the shrinkage In prices
last week has been fully rvx'.dlifd ; no r.x
trahea\y cattle exports ; sales nt 0 f > 0rt (
0 7" ! good to choice shipping. 5 OOC < ? ,0 20
common to fnlr , t 20 ( < i,5 ibntchcm ) :
2 40 < 5f3 75 : stockers and feeders , 2 'Mu
3 4lj ) extra Te < jan , 3 20jj3 ( 75 ; hall breeds
ami natives , 3 70,4 CO.
SheepHecelpts , 1,500 ; nhipmont * , 1,100
stiong nud highrrt wminon to fnlr ntn"
we lcrn. 300nl ( 00 ; good to choice , fcnrci
rnd wanted , quotable- 4 50@5 00 ,
lire ? * litwlpts , 25,000 ; fthipuients ,
17.000 ; opened \\enk nnd ruling dull ,
closed lOo lower : mixed packing , 000 ( < J
Ii 1)0 ; light , 0 30 ( < ' ,0 00chin'eiheavy ; , 080G'
720 ; culls nud gra sers 3 50i ,0 60 ; qiul-
itycry fair ,
BuiFnlo Live Stock.
EAHT HcfrAt. ! ) , October 7.
Hogs -I.-mer ; teeelpts , M cars ; ship
ments , ( H Ciiis ; Yorkers , SO I0hti ( 05 ; gooi
tnedluiii weights , , * 0 70@i ( 1)0 ) : choice
ho.wy , SO ( .K7 ) 10.
Now York Dry Goodn.
NKW You K. October" .
The jobbing trade wnn ratliir m at a ac
tive to-day. lliuiiuMs has been tuodcntto
with the I'omnd.ssjon houses. Account *
from th west and Routhwest are , in most
cases Mitisfactivry nnd jobbers nt nearly all
dlstiibutlng points are reported to hi ) do
ing unusually good business. Cotton
[ > ods have been steady though moderate
demand at first hnnds ami a somewhat
fleer distribution was made by loading
jobbers. Many most desirable plain and
colored cottons are heavily Hold to arrive
mul jobbers nre prcsithtg in their dcmauN
for further shipments. The tone of the
market continues linn and agents ad
vanced the following goods : Drown cotton
riscoggin , 71 , IHc ; do 81 , 2.c ! ; do 91 , 25o ;
do 101 , 27ic ; bleached cotton and io eog-
gin , lit. life ; do 74 , ' . ' 20 ; do 81 , 25c : do 91 ,
2"ic : bleached jeans and p"pperell tl ad
vanced ic per yard ,
Wtl.MI.SflTOX , October 0.
Spirits Turpentine -Firm.
I1UOH. . llroKora In M Itnllroad
Tlvhcto , Onialin , Ned. , offer Ticket * to the Kiat ,
until liirtlicr notice , nt tliu lollow Inp unhcnrtl ol
Low Hates ;
Clilcnco , I2 ; Hound Trip , fil.CO. Tlicna
limited Urst-lIliiH'riclcetd ninl ( rnoil ( or return
through thojrur , mill \ln thu Old llcllnblo Chi-
C&KO , liurlli-Htoii . Vulnry Uailroad. Also , ono
NEW YOltK , 1st elw. 810 00.
IIOSTON , ilu SC 00.
riiii.ADEU'HtA , < i nun.
WASIMNuTOX , On H' 00.
For particuUr . write or Roillrcot to 110IIIIIK
1UIOS. , DonliTs In llciluritl Hatu Kuilrcvvl unJ
Strain hlp Tickets , bOD Tenth St. , Omuhn , Ncli.
UciueinlHT tlio uloee Three Doors North o
Union l' cllo ! lUIlroad Depot , tout Sldo ol Tenth
Omaha , AtlKMiMt 1 , 1831 , au2.r.Jw4m
, to reirc ciit
UIIAMIIEKS' Ulctloniry of Uni
versal KnowlcdK'c. Complete Cyclopaidliv o !
Kvcry Day Want * .
This U the Most Uncful and Compact Lltcrnrj
Aclilcvciiicnt of tlio A e. It haH no too'iK'dt
Wo want competent Solicitors. No pi'thll
need apply Circulnre , pUini , ' full ilosrlptlon ,
sent on application. J. II. CHAMIlhltH ,
bt. Louie , ilo. , Chicago , III. , Atlanta , Qa
Reading and Elocution
Voice Training , Private Lesions and
SOU Cosa Street , between 20th nil J 21st.
United States Depository.
Cor. 13th and Farnam Sts.
OrganUcd aa a National Bank Auirust 20,1B03.
H a Ai ! Kouvrzx , President.
ADQU8TD8 KOI'NTZK , Vice Prosldont.
U. W. YATKS , Cashier.
A. J. 1'orrLBTON , Attorney.
JOUH A. CnnianniN. .
F. II. DAVIS , Aest. Guhlor.
Tht bank rcoclvcs dcpoilta without tiKord to
lusucatlmo cortincates bearlni ; Interest.
Draws itrufta on San Francisco nnd | > rliicljnal
cltica ol the United States , alee I onilon , Dublin
Edinburgh nnd tlio prlncijul cltlui o' thu contl
ncnt of Europe.
Bella paBSCtiKcr tlekeU for einlraiita | by the In
nan line innvldtf
The Oldest Established
Caldwell , Hamilton & Co , ,
Iluslncos tnnBrcted same an that of an Inter-
wratod Dank.
Accounts kept In currency or gold subject to
iplit check without iiotlcn.
Cartificatca of deposit xsued payable In three ,
Ix and twelve months , jearlng Interest , or on
Ionian J without Interest.
Athancea made to cnntomcn on apjiroted socu-
Itlca at niarkot ratou of Interest.
Buy and oell gold , bills of exchange , govern
ment , state , county and city bonds.
Draw Bight ilnftn on England , Ireland , Scot-
and , and all i rt of EuroK | > .
Sell European pa-wigo tickets.
aucldt _
Corn Slicllcrs ,
Horse Powers ,
Wlnd Mills , Cultivators
& Corn Stalk Cutlers.
Marseilles M'ft ' Co ,
_ UirscffloUCill9Cfl.IU
IQ 28-wly
Bend for out
New Illustra
ted Price-List
No. SO , for
tor of 1881. Frootoanyndilresi. Con
tains full dcscrliition of all tltulx of goods
for personal and family use , Wo deal
directly with tlio consumer , and Kcll all
Koods in miy quantity nt iihotctulc prices.
You can buy better and cheaper than at
227 and 229 Wiibash Avcnue'hicfltoJll. ;
Hptclil tttiutlou iUtu tocollciUlom In Ilntlcr
count i "U-iiio diu
NELIOH HOUQC , W. D. MOULTON , ' West Point , Neb.
DORCHESTER HOTEL , A. S. KINKLE , Dorclictter , Neb.
QAGE HOUSE , A. R. CAGE , Republican City ,
PACIFIC HOTEL , 8. J. PORTER , Fairmont , Neb
E8TES HOUSE , N. T tSTES , Grand liland , Neb.
U. P. HOTCL , 8. F. tlERRY. Gibbon , Neb.
COMMERCIAL HOUSE , F. W. WILMS , Kearney , Neb ,
HOLLAND HOUSE , CEO. D. HOLLAND , Red Cloud , Neb. '
PACIFIC HOTEL , W. P. RENSHAW , Beatrice , Neb.
SUMMIT HOUSE. 6WAN & DECKER , Creiton , la.
PARK HOTEL , W. J. CARVIN , Corning , la.
DURKE'8 HOTEL , E. n. DURKE. . Carroll , la.
CHENEY'S UNION HOTEL , CHENEY DR08. . Mo , Valley June. , In.
CENTRAL HOUSE , 8. P. ANDERSON , Malvern , In.
[ S. C. & T. 11. 11. , Northern Xobrnska. ]
Carl Uobon G roc of nnd Quuunswaru
J. Iliin'man * Co Ounoral Dc.ilera
Wink & llnusur Hardware nnd Implements
l'L. . Gregory Drugs nnd Juwclry
O. H. Mnrtiu Drugs , Livery nnd Feed .Stnblo
G. W. Itapp Furnituru
W. 0. Galloway Noligh Mills
I. A. llarr Agricultural ImpluniontB
N. .Burr Agricultural Implement ! *
Thoniaa 0. Day Attornoy-at-Law
W. U. Lambert Receiver U. S. Land Otlico
E. S. Butlor. Iterator U. S. Land Ollico
Jiidson Graves Npligh Advocate
H. K. Boocham Ncligh Republican
Col. Mend Commercial Hotel
0. .lurking Atlantic House
Jlronnan Jv MeCaHerty Hardware , Furniture and ItnpleinentH
John McCaiin llnrdwnro and Agricultural Implement
Patrick Hugorly Gonural Store , Pontmnster
B. J. Ciipw ell General Sf ere
J. G. Pitt/ " . General Store
Ed. llcrshisur Dnig.s nud Modicints
0. II , ShultA IIunicBa Afnker
J. C. Stnoot Barber
M. E. Tiernoy Blackatnith a id Wagon Maker
John Mcllrido Lumber , Lime iind Coal
E. Evans v Comniercinl Hotel
T. F. Mallory City Hotel
R. T. Cooper Cooper's Dining Hall
Cheney , Adanm it Co Hankers
Patrick Fidiy Heal Estate
JJ. Miller Contractor and Builder
Jnmcfl Connnlly SheritF Holt County
M. FlaiiiiiKan County Commissioner
. H. MoGrath ' Deputy Sheriff
Snnford Purkor . ' Clerk Holt County
M. t ) . Long . Deputy Treasurer
L. Warren Surveyor , Real Eiitato Ayi-nt and Attorney ivt Law
W. D. MathowH. . . ' The Fnmticr ( Weekly )
Smith itGenron. . * Holt County lleoord ( Weekly )
T. II Van Ynlkonbuit ; Carjiuntor and Contractor
W. 0. TowtiHond ComniiBsionor Holt County
the Oldest Wholesale and
Retail Jewelry House in
Omaha. Visitors can here
find allnovelties in Silver
Ware , Clocks , Rich and
Stylish Jewelry , uhe La
test , Most Artistic , and
Choicest Selections in
Precious Stones , and all
descriptions of Fine
Watches at as Low Pri
ces as is compatible with
honorable dealers. Call
and see our Elegant New
Store , Tower Building ,
corner llth and Farn-
ham Streets
General Agents for the
Finest and Best Pianos and
Organs manufactured.
Our prices are as Low as
any Eastern Manufacturer
and Dealer.
Pianos and Organs sold
for cash or installments at
Bottom Prices.
A SPLENDID stock of
Steinway Pianos , Enabe
Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi
anos , and other makes.
Also Clough & Warreu ,
Sterling , Imperial , Smith
American Organs , &c. Do
not fail to see us before pur
Received Direct from Boston and lew York ,
"Boston Store , "
Wo are now showing the most beautiful Assortment of medium
and low priced Trimmed Hats over brought to Omaha , all correct
Styles and most artistically trimmed , prices ranging from $1,00
to $15.00 each ,
t bargains in Ostrich Tips , Plumes , Fancy Winga ,
? 1 ushes , Velvets , Satins , &c. , in all the new Colon *
ind Shades
Wo have nlsM nuroliusod tlio entire Millinery Stock of Monsra. A. Cruicki
liank & Co. , ( at n largo discount ) , who have been compelled to give up this
( ranch of their business for want of room.
Wo now offer thin innKiiificuut Stock of Rich Miilinory at about half the
Millinera for Ruch Goods ,
> rico iiskud by up-toivn
Pho ladiuH are invited to call and bo convinced that it pays to trade at tlio
Opening daily in all departments ,
Store Open Every Evening till 9 O'clock
P. G , IMLAH , Manager ,
_ Leader of Popular Prices.
1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET.
Tlio only exclusive wholesale house in this line in the west ,