Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 08, 1881, Page 2, Image 2
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATUJIDAY OCTOBER 8 , 1881. O'NEILL CITY. , > ' "Banger" Visits That Lively Burg and Tells What Ho Saw There , A'Ti-osporous Oity With Lots ' of Euto'rpriBiug ' and Sue- coaaftil Business Mou. Some of tlio Itaprovcmcntu Going On Polltrcs Odd * nutl End * . / Corre ) vmkncc of The lice. O'NKILL Cirv , Ki : . , Oololior o. After leaving Noligh your corrcsjinnd- ' nt Imil a long indbiilighl ride towards < thc nortlnvost , The trr.ins here nro mixed ( freight passunger ) BO that the tiiuo iimdo blow enough to nllovv nil tlio taking of Iho wayaido notes. For the first fo'\v miles the corn was like n young grove nnd the yield must bo inimonso , then liny stacks thickened nnd lioithu bucnmc scarce. Oillespie , Antelope nnd Ford , youn utation towns , trcro passed and ( hei caino the wild prairie. The blufla thatlhcrcloforo lined th TJlkhoni Valley were levclc < into nn almost imXjrcoptibli | lope , the grass grow shor iho black top soil covered aatrjttuin o coarse sand mid cattle were found ii corrals that hold hundreds of them Ford , Hart and Inman'a Grove , vil . lagca that sprung , up at the snort o the iron horse , wcro loft behind , nm in the midst of n cold misty rain vn Joft the train , for wo had arrived l O'NEH.L CITY. It is on a high plateau a hundroi yards north of'tho box cur depot ilia , in now sen-ing it purpose until the line two-story depot can bo finished. There are no sidewalks in O'Neill nnd thuru is no hack , so througl the sluih wo tramped. Tlioro is m mud hero , and there never is any ; tin soil is not of that kind. . The hotel wu crowded to its utmost capacity ; foi O'Neill , although itJias three hotek in still in need of more. In the morn ing n survey of the land was made am tlio prospect was mixed , everyone wai in a hurry. The directs wocu fillei with people attired in ovoy ) way that circumstances would allow. Thu cow boy , with jingling spurs , leathdr breeches and broad-brimmed , gold- bordered , white hat , the government mule Skinner trailed five yards of whip , nnd the hone st farmer will -patched overalls , and the business - man with the customary suit of nuu- tral hue , made up iho picture. Women nnd children wore not numorouH , the houses were scattering and madu no 'architectural pretontions. The sur rounding plains were largely untamcc by the plow , and mentally I said , "Hanger , old boy , you have broughi your pigs to n bad market. " About this time I mot the original author o rthis settlement , Mrl Patrick Fahy formerly of Lincoln , and hewelcoinei | | ' -tho representative of TUB BBK with that hearty good will characteristic of the true Irish gentleman. Then ] called on the court house olllcials am : found them busy with their respective ivo duties , and calculating uf.on then chuticjB in the democratic convention which was duo that afternoon. "II yo are a republican paper , faith but yo are sound 071 the monopoly goosu , and iho wronus of ould Ireland , and that is inoro than I can say for Duo Miller and the dirty lUpublican , and if yo'll put my name on yo'r list I'll pay you for a year , and I guess you'll find TUB HHK has many a friend in the city of O'Neill. " Thus the overture opened nnd the 3riah heart and hand , and purse was open too and from morning 'till night I heard nothing but woids of praise and encouragement from thcso noble pioneer Irishmen. HUCCKS.H. There is not , it is claimed , any Irish colony in the United States that 1ms mot with so few discouragements or thav lias prospered so well from the very outset. True it is that standing in O'Neill one would think that ho was surrounded by a wild uncultivated dis trict , but if he goes half a mile northeast - east , where the top of the slope is reached , ho will find in front of bun miles of as Duo cottage and grove dot ted prairie us iho eye could wish to be hold , and the waving corn with ita golden oars beckons to the mil lions beyond the sea , and the breezes tell that the land in free. 1IU8INEHS. Every store was crowded nnd every clerk and the proprietors busy in furn ishing the people and taking in the money , [ > Carpenters ripped nnd rapped with saw and hammer and ono house that had no oxiatcnco outside iho lumber yard was finished nnd ocoupiiid' ' in tun hours from the time that I saw1 the : first corner brick laid. And yet in spitu of all this ovenonu was ready to snatch a few valuable moments , enough at least i < i subscribe for Tins * BEI : ( speak seine words of kindly wel- ' co'mo and wish bucccsi to iho paper , and whu'ii night camu and work ceased , liccausa there was no one that wo lnul not called on , I wan astonished to Ibid that iho rough and unpretentious frontier town had given a larger re- .turn in null dollars than I had over 'before rocbivud for oiio day's subset ip- i ion work , Who says that an Iiixh- roan in ungrateful/ / Who wiys that lie is prejudiced ? Who says tliut ho is 'bigoted ? Who BIIVH that ho doc * not read ? If Dr. Miller or any oilier apologist for aristocrats , nionopo- 'lists and oppressors nays or intinmU'H such filings , t < is reception of THE BKB stan'ds us a ref utation complete and ample. Tin ; KKK was an advocaco for the rights uf Ireland , hcnco Irishmen were not un grateful , but remomborndit withthoir 'patronage. Tut ; Hun is n republican " newspaper , but the .dciuocratio Irishmen - It" men could patrbnizij it , it boingun prejudiced' TUK Iki : is owned and edited by those wluj differ in religious ' belief from the Irishmen , but ) being \ without bigotry , they subscribeUo - ing a reading people , almost every ) Jieiiul of family subscribed for TUK BK , knotting as ( hey did that it was tl.Oir friend nnd the best paper in K'jbrnika. The Republican , being a monopoly organ , has absolutely nn friends in O'Ntill ; nnd the Herald , lioina a ( symp.Uhii'.ur with iho Inmlotl aristocracy that oppresses Ireland , is in tlfo same boat , and botli papor. < can now disconlinuo thd few copies they liiivo horctoforo sent t O'Neill. To Irishmen who would find n congenial - genial homo where jiuoplo think thu name thoughts , worship nt the sninu sininu , turn ndhcto to thu same cus- toniij 1 sny go lo O'Neill and ctet rich , in hundreds nro now doing. The hind is fertile , the puttiros sire boulidlu , the iiir i jmrts , the givcrnniunt is free , ami Iho peoplu are the best that the Celtic race can boait , I would not Imvo the reader ihink that all tlio peophi of Holt county or < / O'Neill ire of ono nationality. On ihccontniry it is claimed that a ma jority of thu people in this county arc not Irish , and many business men of O'Neill arc Ainciiunnr or Germans , All nio woleomi ! , heartily wel come , whether they uoino singly itr in coloniuH , To OHM and all the right hand in extended from Holt , n county larger than the Stntu of Ithode Island , nnd ono that inaysoine day support n donsur population i'itOini.HH. ( A creamery w on the tnpin. A branch of tlio U. P. llailway from Al bion is reaching towards O'Noill and will gratp it uro long. The Chicago , Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad is graded twelve miles and right of way secured lo Niobrarn. Tlireo thoiisaml dollars were raised the other day in a few hours aa a part of thnninount to be invested inn Catholic church that will bo erected at once. once.Tlio freightfor Ft. Niobrara nnd the Tied Cloud Agency is now shipped via. O'Neill , nnd after leaving the rail it is hauled in wagons to its destination , XIIK IIBMOCIIATIC CO.VVKNTION was held while I waa in town. Every precinct in the county was represent ed. After preliminary business Mr. J. Sullivan was unanimously nomi nated for the oflico of county commis sioner. Ho is the present chairman of the board. Mr. M , 1) , Long was then nominated without a dissenting voice for the oflico of county treas urer. Mr. Uasivoll was honored with the clerkship ; Mr. Hodgkiim With the county nnporinicndcnuy , nnd Mr. Esteps with ilia county survoyorship. T. II. Van Valkenburg was made n candidate for county judge , and Jas. Crowley put in nomination for sheriff. The following resolutions were .the ) introduced : James A. Garliold thin union uf state has suffered a IOBS which seems nlmo.s irreparable. A great nnd good man a faithful public Hcrvant , and ono fre < from Hcctional bias , ha.s been removec to that bourne ' 'front ' whence no traveler returns. " IJo it further Resolved 2 , That the democrat ! ' party of Holt county in eonvetitioi assembled sincerely sympathize wit ] the family of our late illimtrioim prcsi deni , statesman and citizen in the ! sore nllliction , I3e it Itosolvcd U. That the Holt count ; Record bo requested to publish thos' resolutions as tlie Hontiment of thi democratic party of Holt county tii cqnvci iou assembled. Theap resolutions were adopted b , a rising vote every jiuui standin ; solemnly for seine seconds as if odor ing up n prayer for the repose of tlu noble general's KOII ! . It was a seen that 1 never before witnessed in a political gathering. Both the republican and democratic tickets are said to bo exceptional ! ; good , and while I hope tlio ropnblicai ticket will Win , still it in scarcely to b expected , and the names given nbovo are probably the names of the future Holt county officials , and judging the men by a very brief view of their ex terior I Hiirmise that Holt county wil not be in bad hands. I cannot close thin letter withnnl letnrning thanks to Mr. Fahy , who si nobly twisted me , and may his farm , his colony , his town and his real estate business flourish as well as I winli them to. When next I visit O'Neill 1 shall write a short history of the town anil surrounding colonies. OlIIW AN1J KNDS. T. 0 , Fritz is a now comer ; hmnow llouring mill on tlio Elkliorn river has four run of burrhs , and ho also runs a general merchandise store. ChonoyjAdams & Co.of Nolighhavo put up a nice building and Htarted mother bank here. Broimau & McCafl'crty , have re centlyniudo u big addition to their liardwaro store , enlarging it one-half , ind have added furniture to their stock. . Patrick Hagorty , the postmaster Mid general dealer , has so far held . the postolllce , although he is a dcmo- ; jrnt , and the postellice is a plum that > many would like to pick ; however , if . the people's will has weight at Wash ington , Pat will continue to handle the mails. So , at least , your eorres- 6udent is informed. ' For business review see advertising jolumiiH. HANQKU. 3arflold' Never-Dylnc Example. froin addmu ot Clurlci UaiXciizlv ot Diuiluii ( Iowa ) llminrlal. Man proposes but God disposes. Men die and are buried , but the ox- nnplo ot their lives , the grand truths hey illustrate in their being tire ini- nortnl and eternal ; iniirble monti- ' uonts crumble and magnificent paint- ngs fade ; forms of goveriimunt change ; nountains even disappear ; deserts nnd ivera change ; but the eternal truth ipou whose altar n grand life has been itlered a sacrifice changes not ; through ountless ago * has mankind worship- if daumliuH courage , sublime fidelity , Baseless devotion to truth nnd right , ucli as wore possessed by thu dead nan of to-day ; these luvo boon wor- liijneu : in one form or another since he morning Kiarn first Hang together , ind will fervent hunt. As this great looplo grows grc-ntor mid more nunio- OIIH , and morepoweiful , brighter and till inoio bright will shine Uarliohbt xamplu , and still more brilliant be u ho hale that surrounds his name ; till gicatcHt and more profound the uelancholy interest that attaches to tomb. His memory , like tlio prin- f iples for which ho died , shall be ini- nortulj for I'heso nlmll mirvlvo the cmjilro of decay , hen time IH o'or and WuiKU huvu iiamcd wuy ; joU In the tluul the pet lulled heart nmy bo , f ut tlmt wlik-li warmed It unco cnu jy die. run FAP.AI.UNE. f _ JPnrlfiinn Tuvoution to On mil DonutjCtrnn. . the Hnys of the Moon. New VoiV 8rM. ' 'f\io \ latest freak of faihion is the paraluno. Visitors nt the "French uehclicst during the latit sunnticr were fnirjiriscd at seeing many ladies , while wandering in little groups , on ( he flnuns innlei' the moonlight , cArrying their parasols , not rolled up and used as walking-eaiR" ) , but i-\Unded ] over their heads as though to protect them from the rays'of thu nioon Great ttiis the Hiniirije to learn tlint they were not leally jxinwpln , but paralunus , The'patahtne , UK'its name indicates , performs a mini ] ir ofllcj to that of the pirnsiil the ono guards ayainst the HUH , the other/ against the moon. Tlio inventors of ( he parnluiic assert that the ulfeut of the moon's ' rays on the complexion is very dele'uiions. Tito plumpest faojs. they say , will grow thin , and the ueltcate prnch bloom of the cheek will palo and bceomo yellow when long subjected to the action of thu moon's r.iys. Nut alone will tlio face it is said , but it will also be come dry and shriveled , * The only device to prevent this is , of course , the p.iraluiii ) . Thu parnlune resembles the common parasol , except that it is covered with a thin , tr.inspaioiit silk gaune , of thu color best suited to the wearer's com plexion. Those most commonly used are pink , ns the color lends n soft tint to the complexion , which loses its natural color under the palo liuht of the moon. 1 ho framework is'light , as a wind bus not the same fatal ell'ect on the gau/e as on u solid silk web. Thu handles are lipht and delicately carved. The casings are generally made of silk , nimilar in color to that of the paralime. They were high- priced last season , as but very few , were nude. Dealers in fancy goods in this city have not as yet heard of thiu latest invention. Two or three of the lead ing importers had read about the article in tlio Frenchpapers , but their agents on the other bide had not sent them any in their invoices , and it was the general opinion that the fashion had not as yet taken so firm a hold on the French world as to warrant its introduction in America. A member of u linil.of importer * told n World reporter yesterday that ho had recent ly returned from Pans , where ho had been making purchases for the fall trade. His attention had been called to an article about the p.irulune in ono of the Parisian fashion journals , and ho bad examined it with great min uteness. He had not purchased any , as ho considered it rather early to ex pend nionoy for next summer's stock uf goods. Ho said : "I expect they will bo in great do inaml during tlio next season in France , but it will probably take an other year before American ladies sport their pnraluncs'nt Newport nnd Long Branch. That they will become fashionable at the seaside I doubt , but I have the most eanguino hopes that they will be generally seen on our streets in the near tuturc. The rea son for my thinking so is the general adoption of the electric light in the streets , theatres , hotels , nnd rest.ui- rantH. An interesting scries of articles which appeared in The World a short tune ago spoke of the deleterious effects of that light upon the complexion of some and tlio eyesight of all people. Now the par- alune will be the' very article for use at night when one will have to liyo in a perfect bln/.o of electricity. I shall await advices from Paris in order to see if tlC ( paralunu becomes common in the streets there , and if it does , I shall not have the slightest hesitation in having n case of them sent to mo. They will probably cost a good deal at first , while they are fashionable , and until some 'Imported ones' are manufactured in the Bowery. When they come covered with mosqui to netting and used by the shop-girls , fashionable ladies will probably for got that they were ever invented. Replevin olWlfo. Sajthmw Recently Dell Wright , of Otsego County , married a young daughter of A , M. Randolph. Mho claimed to have been forced into thu marriage' by Mr Wright and his friends , and in less than an hour after the ceremony was per formed the young bride struck out for lier father's house , declaring that she would never live with him. The husband Bought legal advice Yom an attorney nt Gaylord , who ad vised the husband to replevin the way ward wife. Accordingly the two men iroceedtid to a Justice of the Peace , .vhoro Andrew stilled out thu neces sary blanks. The husb.ind niudo oaih .o them , swearing , among other things hat the yOung woman wus of the value f § 1CO , and did not exceed that value , .ho proper goods , chatties and property if Dell Wright , the plaintiff in the suit ; hat she was unlawfully detained from lis possesion by , A. M. Randolph , her 'uther , and that said Dell Wright was hen entitled to the possession of her ; hat the said woman had not been taken or any tax , assessment or line , etc. , according to the usual form for nllida- 1 ils in the replevin of property. Thu Justice issued his \yrit , audit 1Mi vas delivered to the sheriff of the iounty , wio at once proceeded to the ather's house , where ho found the Mi 'chattlo" described in his writ of re- ilovin. Thoollleor commanded Mr. Randolph in the "name of thu County fOtsego , Mich. , by virtue of the of. ice of under Sheriff thereof , to stir- cnder the wife of Doll Wright , " After onmderablo remonstrance on the part do [ ho wife and her father , the olhcer lai ei/.ed "the property named , " nnd duly enMl olive red to Mr , Wiight , twenty miles i h istant from where ho madu the sie/.uro 11.1 l ml received his fees amounting to $18 Vhoroupon Mrs. Wright informed icr better half that she was. freeborn ud half white , and was going home , utl stnited again for her fathers house n foot ; She was recaptured on the vay by the ollicer , but managed again ' csnipo , and finally reached her Fr athers lu.nsu once more. Not con- ented iMili her escape , she has em ployed MCHSI-H , Holtton % t Kendrick , this city , to sue the Under Sheriff , ustico and attorney for $15 , 000 dam- gos. Look Out for Sudden Change * weather , and guard a ainst them using Warner's Safe Kidney nnd Liver Cure , octUeodlw Great German REMEDY rnn U NEURALGIA , SCIATICA LUMBAGO , BACKACHE , CQUT | | illm.HiCij ! : ! ! ! | SORENESS , ill ' or Til r. < ! iliiiiliII ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! : ! < CHEST , SORE THROAT , QUINSY , SWELLINGS SPRAINS , FROSTED FEET AXtl EARS. XJTTXXIWS * xo SCALDS , GENERAL TOOTH , EAR AND HEADACHE , J.1D 7VCKES. rrcpirntlim on tarih | utl < ST. Jjdriiu Oil. t i nir , tiiKE , Bixiir. > nil IIIKII- Internal Jlen.tdv. A trlil cnulli but ll.e coinparitlrcly trining ontlir of fiO CKKts , &nil e\err I > DS mlTerliiR Hitb jaiu can liA\ cliitp am ) poiltlr proof of ll > clllml. U1UKCTIONS l > ElIvVEN I.A > GCAOES. SOLD B1 All DKUOOISTS AND DEALERS IN MEDICINE. A. VOGELER 8. CO. Dimiuisbod Vigor- Is reimbursed In t'rcat mcanuro tothoso troubled uitlicak kldnc.xifj \ a judicioususo of llostct- tci'H Stomach nittc'V , which liulsonvtes and Htlmulntcs without c\clllnir thu urinary cr- K'nns. In conjunction witli its Inllucncc upoi thuin , It coirccti avlillty , improve .ippctltc , and Is In every way coiuluiUo to health and neno rei . Another marked quality Is Its control ocr fei or * ml agiicniid ltn po er of jircvcntl ntf It. Fori > a'uliy all Dmintn and Dealers gen erally. Tin Hour ForuiiARl Tui Bur Siumat THE OVALGHURN TUB BEST OHUHNH AND QUICKKH MOST CON 3 VENIENT OT.IEK UllUUN OlIUUN MANUKAO- IX THE TURKD. M AUK El. HmufuctureJ In fl\otli'fl , < i , B , 10 ind 1 alloni , It Ini uo t tliu. llciuo no nolio loin Ita work oully unil nulcHy. Mid ireta the arircot amuurt of butter ( mmUio ailllc or rcim ; la nnuo Irom the I iwt ash lumber , I t oldnv uloHtr prlco tlun tuy other Unt-iliui bum < , HjniJ lor dlscrlpUvo circular ami price t to the theOVAL iV. J. E. BRADLEY , R , us a ? .A. XT it .A. mar T. Oorner 10th and Webiter8t . in 'mh < Otitcrf and Cams constantly on hand nd inY ger > i l In Iho la u < t tlo. o5d3m Y B. D. MCLAUGHLIN , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW And Notary Public. Frontier * ! Block , Oppoalle Pott Office. n D. S. BENTON. ATTORNEY - AT - LAW 5 ' Do > AB'JAOII BLOCK , on UtbSt * . Omaha Kit 0(1 t Mrt. .1. n , IlolxTt'on , ritt'luire , P.x , 1 wilTirln froiii Kuicml tlcblhlv , nnt of a ] ) i.tlte ( , rnnttliatloii , etc. , M that file mn 1m tlenj niter mlnjf Ilunlock Illooil lllttcn 1 felt In tcr than for 3 nirs. I cannot [ iralso jour Hitter " ll.Olliln , nf KnlTalo , N. Y. , rltcv "Vor IlnnliKk Illood Illtlcr , In Uironlc ( ll'ia-cinf tli hlooil Ilior anil klilnevs , ha\c la-en --ljiinll iii.Trl'cd witlisiKTC" . Ilm c u cil tlitin HIJIC ltlilK trcMMU < , forioiiliit | ] > oflhclluT mill cnA-n ( a ( rluml of inlnu HiiTi.rlg ! | ] from ill ois > the offcct was marvelouo. " lnue ! Turner , llocliMtcr , X. Yivrltc | : ' " IM.CII nulijeit to ncrloiiii dlwmler of the I. anil unable' to attiml to liU'lnc ? * ; llunlock lloo ! Kitten rillcuil mo before hnlfn bottle as usc < I feel lonllJctit that they u 111 entirely uiro inn. " K A-ciilth Hall. niiiBhamjiton , N. Y. , rites "I sulTiri'il wlthn dull | aln tbrouxli inv it lung niul fhoulilcr. Ix > st my upltln , nin-tlt | nnd eotnr , anil could ulth dlniculty l.cqi up a ihy. Took > our llunlnck Illood Uillers ni ill rcited.nnd liaio fu t no | viln jltue first cck a tcr ii Mr. Noah IlateR , ] : hnln > , N. Y. , writes : "Abou foil ry ear * n'o , an attack of lilllnutlc\er , an ni\cr fully rueo\crcd. Mv dlicithc orfin w cro wcakcnol , and I would no completely proi tratid for ilny . After uslns two bottles of jou Ilurdoek Blood Hitters the lnipro\cnicnt ic xi-ildu that \tanstonl I < hcd , I iannouthnu | ; < 01 ( ; years of affc , do a fair and reasonable ih ) ' work , C. ISlackct Itoblnoon , proprietor of The Canad I'risbi tcrian , Toronto. Out. , writes : "Korjcar I siillmil prently from oft-recurring hcadainv. ised j our llurdock Illood Hitters with Impples ifult * , and I now llml myself In Letter healt ) than for } eun past. " Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y , writes : ' ! two used Ilunlock Illood lllttcn for nervous and bit lloun headaches , nnd can rceommcnd it to an J one rciiiiriiiK | a iuru for billlouaniKj. " Mr , Ira Mullholland , Alhanj' , N , Y , writes 'Tor tccral } ears I hno snlTcrixt from oft-reciir rlnir bllllous headaihcs , ( lysK'i ) ) la , and eom plaints peculiar to my sex. .Mncc using jou liurdoik Illood UUtcm I am entirely relict od. " Price , 81.00 per Bottle ; Trial Dottlci 10 Ct * FOSTER MILBUE fe Co , , .Props . , BUFFALO , N. Y. Sold at wholesale by I h & McMahon and C. F. Goodman. jo 27 end-mo Established 11 Years , Assets neproRontcd 882,000,000.0. Attho Fire and I.ifo wanted. C. T. TAYLOR & CO. Uth & Uouiflas St. DON'T IT BURN I My house and furniture is insured with 0. T. TAYLOR & CO. , Oor 14th and Dowlas. 3JE3. BASTOZ & WELLS , 1422 Douelas St. . 5th. Before removing to their new OPERA HOUSE STOBE Will sell their stock of BOOTS1SHOES At Greatly Reduced Prices. WISE'S Axle Grease NEVER GUMS ! Used on Waf-ont , Ilnxific * , lleapcni , Thresher" i tnd Mm Machinery , It is INVALUABLE TO FAIIU RS ANU TiuuBThRS. It cures Scratches and all Kindt of sorco on Horace and Stock , on well an on ' men. OLABK & WISE , Manuf's , 305 Illinois Street , Chicago CV8BND FOR IMUCES. Jo24.fira.b DISEASES or THE EYE & EAR DR. L. B , GRADDY , Oculist and Aurist , LATE CLINICAL ASSISTANT IN ROYAL LONDON OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL. Itcfcrcucca all llcputablo 1'liybldans of Omaha Jtarpmce. Corner 15th and Farnham 8t . , Jmnha , Neb iu2. > mctf BlackiamondCoalCo. . II LOOMIS. J. S. NEWKM ; . I'HKB. I. L. MILiU ! : , AQKNT. v HARD OR SOFT COAL car loU or In quantities to suit purchaser ! Orders Solicited. STard , Foot Farnham and Douglas - las Sts. , Omaha. Geo. P. Bern Is REAL ESTATE AGENCY 16th and Dodge Sts. , Omaha , Neb , , Thli tirency uoei BTiucm * brokerage biulneai. OM not ipofiulate , ana theroloie any b riraln III book ! art- ( inured to IU mtroni , luitctd belli * robblotl UP bv the aycui" i p . g -WHOLESALE- On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts , , icSOmclv WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AND DHALKIt IN Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb. . , , . MARBLE HEAD LIME CO.'S Double Strength White Lime ST. PAUL LUMBER YARD . JLPJLJtJi JLT Lumber , Lath , Shingles , Thirteenth and California Streota , OMAHA , - - - NEB. . 8c'21melm HEADQUARTERS FOR MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. We desire to call the special attention ot the trade to oui1 elegant lines ( at BOTTOM PRICES ) of Underwear , Cardigan * Jackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Overshirts , Overalls Hosiery , &c. , now open. "Wholesale only. SHREVE , JAR VIS & CO. , Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. ISH & McMAHON , N 1406 DOUGLAS STREET , MAHA , NEl5. The Only Exclusive -Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAIL ORDERS. jy 18-mo IB1. O. WHOLESALE GROCER , 1213 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. FEARON & COLE , Commissson Merchants , 1121 Parnham St. , Omaha , Neb. ConBlirnments . mode us will receh o prompt attention. References State , , : Bank Omaha : Platt . & , . Co. Baltimore . ; Feck & Bansher Chicago ; M. Wcrk & Co. , Cincinnati. J. B. Detwiler's The Largest Stock and Most Com plete Assortment in The West. J rf We Keep Everything in the Line of Carpets , cloths , Matting , Window-shades , Fixtures and Lace Curtains. WE HAVE GOODS TO PLEASE EVERYBODY. 1313 Farnhain St. , Omaha.