Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1881, Page 8, Image 8

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BE !
Friday Morning , Oot. 7.
For Sheriff ,
Vat Treasurer ,
For Clerk ,
" ( ' .TOHN BAUMr.U. W' V
v , ' i i f '
Tor Commissioner ,
. r. KNiaiiT ,
For Judge ,
For Surveyor ,
botlnntnictinn ,
For Coroner ,
For the nccomodntlon of our up-low
pntrons arrangements have been mode wit
Edholm & Erickson , jowclern , opposite tli
pout office , whcro advertisement * nn
crdere for the city delivery of THK BE
will 1)0 received. Advertisements for'tli
evening must bo handed In before 1:30 ]
to. , tor th'o morning edition before 8
p. ml 8i I i > cptS3.U
Pnttcrion nnlln coat.
Doano , Itcllablo Hatter.
Frederick leading Hatter.
Owl Cigars at Kulm'n lm Stoi-c.
Qulna llnmlolinc Powder at Knhn'
Smoke Starltnn & Storniit , ilnct
Cigar , at Kulm' Drug Store only.
Night School rvt Ilathbun Ihtnlno
Collcue. A. , ,
Th Lk > n continues to roar for Moore
Harne * ad Saddlery.
For nu Oommerclal Job Prlntlnf
II at TBX BEB Job rooms.
Who payii the lilKhest price for Socon
Hand Fnrnltiirot JtAbrahams & Lowli
1121 Douglas street * ! < ( ecp0-2w
Mostof , thoflclio vinltod St. Tjpul
from Omaha to BCD the * Veiled ProphctH
proccHalon haxe returned homo ,
t t *
IScincmber the nalo of' ' ncntH fo
] { cmenyl mornlnff nt TCd >
helm & KrickBcn's. "
Loil Lunch of key . Finder wil !
jilcftio leave thcnj , attho , , delivery , , window
at the pofttoffico andf rccc\ reward.
y. .
Circus any.
Colder weather in predicted by tholo (
ciil Heors. ' . : . ti , < i < .
A gooelly part of one block on Tcntl
xtrcet is being curbed.
The meeting at. the Christian churcl
ntill continues with unnlmtcd in to rest. ,
Thrcoflrunkt and'ono diflturbanco 'ol '
the peace the latter by a boy at TIIK IK ! >
office nro among the matter * to > bo con-
nidcred by Ills Honor this moriiing- ,
Secure your seats for Nip And Tuck
and ovoid the rush to-motrow. They play
Friday and Saturday with nnmtinoe. It
lithe most laughable comedy yon ever
The great Barnuin and London show
will exhibit In Omaha , to-day. They
present this vcar the greatest combination
-of attractions over gathered under one
tent , and if they meet with the same auc-
cess in Omaha they have in other clticp ,
they will draw the largest crowd ever
brought to thlx city.
One hundred and fifty-nine beautiful
rcHidcnco lots , located on Hamilton street ,
half way between the turn table of the
red street car line and the waterworks
reservoir and addition , and just went of
the convent of the Sinters Poor Clalio In
Shinn's addition. Prices tango from 875
to 9110 each , nnd will bo hold on coxy
terms to those who will improve. Bemls'
real catata agency , Fifteenth and Douglax
Terrible D Me , 4
A young man named Hmnuol Miihan
awallowod "nearly two ounces of spiritk
of ammonia yesterday afternoon in n
saloon on Thirteenth street. Ilo had
Joon "indulging"-'soinowlmt
) foradny
or two nnd desired to counteract thu
oifocU of the liquor. Dr. ( Jlwdwiek
wan called nnd used nil posaiblo reme
dies. Late last night it was thought
that most of thu nimnonin had been
expelled from the unfortunate * man'n
Mtofnoch , and ho may Burvivo ,
Cooinbajund Brown , nrreated on a
charge .of practicing a confidence gunu
on twff'foreignors , were examined yes.
turday afternoon. Coomlm wni re.
leased , but Brown woa couvictud and
Hontoncod to thirty < layn in jail.
\ Set Back 42 Year * .
"I WIIB troubled for many yoara
with Kidney Complaint , Gravel , &c. ;
iiiy blood became tljn ; I WAS dull and
iniictivo ; could hardly crawl about ;
was nn old , wont out man all over ;
could got nothing to help mo , until 1
got Hop Bitters , and now I am a boy
ugain. My blood and kidneys are all
Tight , and I am as active as a man of
30 , although I am 72 , and I bavo no
doubt it will do as well for others of
my ago. It is worth a trial. " ( Fath
er. ) Sunday Mercury , ootl-15 ,
"WINEOFCARDUI" four times a
day makes a happy household.
' AtO. F. Goodman
J. B. Smith , a carpenter , was found
dead in his bed at the Hudson River
house /'bii Harnoy street , yesterday
_ morning. The coroner WHS sum
moned and empannolod u jury , who
found that the deceased cawu to his
death from .heart disease , to which ho
was subject. Considerable ) money
was found sowed in his shirt at the
lime ho wa * discovered. The hurittl
-will be delayed until ' relatives can be
heard from. _
Bargains in cloaks ut KcDonnld's.
McDonald's dolmans ,
Sweet potatoes Bo per pound at Buf.
Ah !
Hats gt W Cent Store. septSleodlm
Knlakaiift Pays His Sec
'ond Visit to Omaha.
How He Was Entertaiho
While Horo.
Shotch. ot the Ornnd Tonr Whlc
Ho Hai'AJmcMtt OoMtiloted.
King Knlaknua in in town. One
again Onmlm throws open her ho
pitnblb doors to thu son of.lcstln
from the Sandwich Islands. The yis
has been expected for nome time , i
thin city was ftoloctcd ns or
of the few ntopping placi
inj th6 trnna-continciitnl toil
TlioHo who have noror had. the goo
fouutio to gnico upon ono [ tliroug
jvlioaO veins pulsate the Ijloinl royi
mny now hnvo , tlio opportunity <
seeing a real live king.
Jit WIIH not generally known ut win
hour tlio king would arriyo yestordaj
nndnfl a consequence lliero were * bt
comparntively feu * people about ill
. ' * * .
, ftTi , j
depot. However , sovcml rcmoine
tlibro for nn hour or more waiting hi
arrival. t <
It' ' was after i2 o'clock when' * tli
private car of Mr. .Perkins , of thS 0 ,
H.nfc Q. , was sidotrackcd nt the Unio
Pacific depot. When the train stoj
pod lion , J. M. Woolworth and Hi
DavUnport , of the C. , B. & Q
appeared at the entrance
Mr. Woolworth alighted - i
make arrangcmout for the disposal "
bin gac.sts , while the remaining members
bers of the party turned the lowe
end of the depot and started up th
front platforjn. * * „ . . , $ b
Tho. party consisted of KingKalo
kaua Col ] Judd ; ono of his. four min
laiera ot 'state } Major McFarland
first chamberlain , and ' Mist ) Genii
SVoOlw6rth. ' *
Knlakaua is of medium hcighfj.ifiie
inclined to bo portly. His face ii
full and round. Ho wears a sot o
tioayy blackThiuttoh chops , \siluskors
with ; a , mustache ! ' His. complexion i ;
very dark brown. Ho was neatly am
'aimionnbly drcnsod and cxhibttcc
bulllittlo 'jewelryiv'whito' ' ' Panami
liat was the only thing about him tha
ookod nt all odd.
In company vwith lus'two ininiston
nnd Mian Woolworth , King Kalakatu
entered Judge Woolworth's private
carriage and were driven to that gen
; lomen'a residence on St. Mary'e
tvvcnuo :
A sketch of the travels of King Kal-
ikaua who pays his second visit tc
Omaha to-day , may not bo uuintorest-
ng to readers of TIIK BP.E.
Kintt Kalakaua ( David ) , who recent-
y arrived in this country on the waj
lomu from Europe , was born at Houo-
ulu in 1830. Ho is descended from
ho ancient kings of tbo island of Ha-
trail , and was educated at the royal
chool of his native city an establish
ment said to bo thoroughly English
hroughout. In 1BGO ho paid a visit
o California , and in 1874 to Now
fork , where ho was so struck with
ho enterprise and growing greatness
hat ho then and thmo formed the
esolution to nuilco the grand tour
ipon which ho started on the 20th of
ast January , and which ho intends to
jring to a dona toward the end of the
ircsont month of October. When his
athor , Lunulilo , died , in 1874 , ho
ras elected king by the legislature ,
hirty-m'no voles having been given
or him against mx for hm rival , the
lowager Qifoon Emma. A riot in
aver of the queen took pluco upon
lie occasion , but owing to the mtcr-
oronco of an Aiorican and an Eng >
ish vessel of war , tlien lying in the
mrbor , it waa speedily quelled , and
Calakaua placed securely upon the
Ills Majesty ; * who is supposed tobo ,
raveling incognito , has /been iiccom
tanied during his present tour by At-
orney General William N. Armstrong ,
f the Hawaiian Islands , wlfo ( ravels
vith him as ono of his four Min in tors
t State , by Colonel Judd , his first
Jhamborlain , and by Major MaoFar-
ami and many domestics. His first
iuit was to San Francisco , whcro ho
ras entertained most sumptuously , an
10 has boon at the courtn of the vaiv
us countries on his prbgratmme. Ho
text wont to Sacramento nnd thence
o Japan where ho waa the guest of
ho Emperor , and wn entertain-
d by the Mikado nnd prices
f the royal blood. Having
ttainod the thirty-third degree of
Hiisonry , the fraternity tendered him
ball nt Yokohama ; hut the massacre
f the Emperor oE Jlusam occurring
t the time , the idea of giving the
estival was abandoned. Ho next
iiited China , but in cotuoijuonco of
> ad weather did not qo to Pekin.
Ithough met at Tion Tsiii by Li
Jung Ohung , the first citizen in the
mpiio , Ho visited Hong Kong ,
lowover , where ho wtis entertained in
ho narno of the Queen of England ,
> y the governor of the colony. After
his ho proceeded to Siam , where
10 beeanut the guest of the
[ ovornur , and * visited many places
f interest under the most distiu-
juishod guidance. Wo next find him
vith Sir Frederick WuJit , the English
jovornor , and afterwards at Calcutta.
< Vom this hitter -place lie proceeded
o Benares , , the saored city < of India ,
md thence to Bombay , wlu-ro ho vi -
ted the Silent To er vvhero the
Bodies of the dead > \cro once exposed
.o bo devoured by vultuies. From
Jombay ho sailed for Egypt , whore
ho khedive took him in u royal cariq
Dairo , and where lie saw the pyramids
ud various other objects of interest.
ilo then wont to Alessandria nud over
the Mediterranean to Naples , whore he
was wceiviid by the king and queen
rf Italy. Fiom Naples ho proceeded
to Homo , whcro he had an intcrvic
with the pope ; nnd from Homo ho R <
forth for Kngland , where ho bccnui
the gUL" t of Queen Victoria and tli
Prince of Wales. The next point Of h
iourney was Brussels , where ho P :
changed visits with King Lcopoh
and tliun wo find him at Berlin , whci
ho was received by Piinco Willian
the pmperor being nbiuit , Froi
here ho went to Yienna , wheic liu wi
entertained by Win. Walter Phelpi
the American minister , atid rm
several distinguished Ainer
5can gentlomon. To th
succcudod Parm , wheic , in tl ;
absence of the president of the Fronc
republic , ho wan mot by the miniate
of foreign nflliirft , atid wnn ontertnine
by HI. do Lcssops. From Paris li
journeyed to Madrid , nmt thence t
Lisbon , whcro ho wAH ontoriaincd b
the king of Portugal. From Lisbo
ho rotiirnefl t ) > Paris , where ho n
nnincd ibr n fortniqlit , seeing nil thu
mis to bo seen. Thc'h , hastening t
London once more , lie irmtlo a visit t
Scotland , ttnd sailed on the 13th in
slant for America.
Although Knlaktuiii Bpenkn Engli's
Jlucntly' , he * ( Idea not , tindei
stand af' ' kinglo word c
French. Hu wears Iho Europea
costume wiih a familiarity and tfrnc
the most facile , nnd comporln him'sel '
in nil rcspcclB like nn , .Amtjrican gen
tleman. Although well proportione
he is bulow the tniddlo height , and hn
asligh ( > tendcn6y to boi'puleiicy. .Ill
comnldxion is dark brown , hia lnii
black ns night , his forehead largo , : in
his eyes ilntk , brilliant ilnil plcrcinji
Hifl nose in aquiline , and his lip
curved and nomowhat hcnsualj whil
his whole aprlcnranco bcHpcakB frank
IICKH and good nature.
Yesterday the king and party dinoi
nt Hon. J. M. Woolworth'sj and ii
the evening n very pleasant mfonnn
reception was extended his majcst ;
by Mr. and Mrs. Woolworth , t !
which only unmarried young ladie
and gentlemen from the city uoro in
vitcd. The Hpacious parlors of tin
pnlaiial residence wore thrown open
and by nine o'clock they were fille (
with n select nnd fashionable com
pany. The king was highly pleased will
the heartiness and informality of thi
reception , and' seemed to greatly en
joy himself. During the evening i
sumptuous repast was served. An or
chestra iii the hall of the main en
trunco discoursed excellent mimic , t <
which the party danced- until a late
liour. Several line vocal production !
were rendotpd by talent from the
company , which enhanced the enjoy
incut of the occasion ,
t 'His majesty and party go westward
to-tlay at noon , occupying a special
Pullman car. Ho will proceed direcl
to San Francisco and arrive home at
an early date.
A Boy Killed at Ilor/a Distillery
A fatal accident occurred in the
yard of ho Willow Springs Distillery
'CHterday afternoon. James P. Wind-
ng , n boy eight years old , wns homily
ily crushed by backing cars. Tht
ad wns a son of Chris. Winding , who
has charge of the distillery yards. He
wns sent by his father to their homo ,
i short distance nway , on an errand.
leturninff , the littled fellow , while
crossing n side track in the yard , was
cnockod down by a backing car and
run over. His head and body were
crushed into a shapeless mass.
Mr. Winding AN as within a few steps
} f his uon when the fatality occurred ,
jut could not reach him in time to
natch him from under the wheels.
Coroner Jacobs was summoned nnd
mpanelod a jury , who viewed the re-
Thu following were the jury : A. D.
tfofris , F. Kloppner , A. , ) . Hnbou ,
2. Kuony , Peter A. Hnnson , G. P.
irmstrong. They rendered n verdict
lint the fivtnlHy wns purely accidental
nd ascribed no blnino to tiny one.
Cnt in the Head.
Jacob Koinor foreman of the Her-
Id preH ? room , wns arrested lost night
n a charge oi striking Oco. Gibson ,
yho is employed on an evening pa-
> or in this city , on the head with a
vronch , inflicting u scalp wound
bout two inches long and exposing
ho skull. Dr. Morrinm dressed the
ut. Gibson claimed that his arms
vore held by lleiner's brother while
10 struck him.
Eatir * Batlsfaotloa Rendered
Such is substantially the report of
3. T. Worland , Esq. , Coiicordin , Ky. ,
rho writes : I have boon Boiling tit ,
acob's Oil for some time , unef find
tiat it gives entire satisfaction , In
ovoral can' * of rheumatism under
ly observation the euro waa complete.
District Conrt Case .
There WUH n verdict in the case of
lilliird vs. Burley , on trial in the eliu-
rict court to-day. It was for the
laintiff and amounted to about five
undrod dollars.
The case of Mrs. Goodrich vs. the
ity of Omnha wns then called. This
s an appoalfrom the award of arbitrn-
ors. Mra. Goodrich brought n suit
ir damages for injuries sustained and
10 arbitratoiH merely awarded twon-
y-llvo dollars ,
The suit brought by Jacob
ichroiner against Gen. Estabrook for
onting n house for the purposes of
institution was dismissed yeiterelay
n Judge Boneko's court at the in-
lance of the prosecutor. Schroiner
ilso jiaid the cost in the cuso.
fi triil pncknge of "BUCK-DRAUGHT"
n > u nf charge ,
At 0. F eJfxxlimn'i.
Miss Mollie Managuo wishes to in-
onu his customers that she has moved
o noi-thwcst of Twelfth on Dodge ,
201 and will do dressmukiiiK in fumi *
leu as usunl.
Ulsters received Uiii morning nt
, Organs , pianos , the lowest
prices , at Edhohn & Efickson's.
/ Oct. U-tf
The Marquia of Lorno Pnsst
Through Omaha.
The Marquis of Lome , govorni
Kcnoral of Canada and Her Majesty
Dominions in North America , nr
suite , passed through Omaha ycstc
day on his return from an oxtendc
tour through the northwest. Tl
party , with servants , numbered si :
teen. Beside the Marquis of Lorr
there were Col. Dewinlon , prival
secretary to his 'excellency ; Mii
Chator , A. D. C ; 'Cnpt. Bagot , Ai I
O.j llov.D. McGregor , of Edinbuq
Scotland ; Sidney Hall , of The Lot
doh Graphic ; E. II. Austin , <
The London Times , and Dr. Cullc
Sowoll , of Quebec. The party wei
in the Pullman car "St. Nicholas ,
which was sent out from Chicago t
Dillon , Montana , to meet , his.cxco
lorioy , under charge of G. J. Carper
top , ono of ( ho governor general
The parly all showed the wcnthc
bronxo from their trip , but wor
healthy nnd hearty. Tlmy have ha
an extended , nnd , in some respects
n laborious tour. It waa his excel
lency'a intention lo make n thoroug !
examination of the queen's north
western dominions , and lie full
carried it out. They Icl
Quebec July 18th , and proceeded di
rect to Winnipeg , making most of th
journey from Fonda to that point ii
canoes. From Winnipeg they wen
through the grrator portion of th
nbrthwostorn territory. Their journey
noy tooK them to Ft. Ellis , Qu Ap
pello , Carllon , Prince Albert's sotllo
mcnt , BattlolioM , nnd lo Calgury
Calgary is anticipated as the poin
where the now Canada Pacific roai
will continence to ascend the Rocki
At Fort Shnw the party were mos
cpurtoously received and trnnsporta
tion furnished them to Dil
Ion. This journey occupied live
3nys , the party traveling bi
light wagons and four-horso iteams
Their trip from the terminus of tin
railroad until it was again niotwa
over 1,300 miles in length. Durinj
the trip , until the United States territory
ritory was reached , the company wen
escorted by the North western mountoe
The governor general had a numbei
> f interviews on his journey .with the
[ ndian tribes , whoso chiefs assembled
o greet him and hold councils.
p soriouH mishap occurred on the
rip and all of the party returnee :
feeling well. They expressed the
greatest admiration for the western
country of the United States.
Hero the party divided. His excel
oncy , private secretary , Col. Dewin
on , nnd Maj. Chater return to Win.
nopog , via Sioux City. Tffe remaindei
of the party go east by way of Chi
cago. The governor general goes
direct to Ottawa from Wmnopeg , and
will probably arrive homo in a fen
Tke Rink t Sort of General.
Jacob Smith , Clinton ntreet , Buffalo
says ho has used 'Spring Blossom in hU
amily as a general medicine for cases ol
ndlgestion , biliousncw , bowel and kidney
complaints and disorders arising from im
purities of the blood. Ho speaks highly
of 1U efficacy. Price CO cents , trial bottles
Ocentu. eodlw
"The Kevoro House I ounci iJlutfi
s the best second-class hotel in the
vest. " auar7-lm
C. C. McNish , Evj. , of Wwaer , is in the
Mrs. P. J. Nicholls went to Kansas
Uity last oveniii } , ' .
County Treasurer White , of Burt conn-
y , is in the city.
Miner Bruce nf Brighton , ii in the city
n bin uay homo ,
Nathan Shelton , of the wnterwotks , has
bturncd from St , Lenin.
JlrK. John O'Brien left for n visit at St.
MM * ycstenlay afternoon.
H. M. Uttloy , Esq. , an attorney nt l w
n 0'iVcill City , is in town.
lion. Uriah Bruner , ' of West Point , a
elevate to the republican convention , is in
io city.
lion , Simon Kwitznr , receiver of the
Jnited States land olfico at Bloomington ,
s in the city.
Tohn L. MeanR , mayor of Grand
gland , is in Omnha , He h registered at
10 Creighton.
Mrs. C. E. Yost and Miss Carrie Mil-
nrd went east yesterday. They will \ieit
n Detroit a xhort time.
Amoi E. tioult , an attorney of 1'olls
Ity , Nvb. , la in the city on a visit te his
rother , T. Fulton (3nult.
Col. Prank Ifaulon , delegate from Yal-
uy precinct of this county to the ntato
tmvcntlnn , biw re tinned home.
lr , Graddy has 'onutuNashvilleTom , ,
o get married. lie will rcturnwl next
'hurmlay accompunied by his wifu.
A. , uncr , eummliwary of the Wa-
a h dining car line , camu in yejtenl.iy on
tour of inspection. Ho expressed him-
elf as greatly satUlled with the rraugo-
lentn of this end of the lino.
In a special car from the C , , B. it Q.
oad , which was attached to the North-
vesteni train , bound east yesterday a/1 croon
eon , was John Walters , proprietor of the
< ondon Times , Ho was accompanied by
is family. They arrived from Sioux City
esterday momln ? .
At the WUhnoll houw : J. M. Timelier ,
'ort Niobrara ) T , J , Plckett , Ashland ;
I. H. Tobin , Sidney ; John A. Krhardt ,
tantouj L. 0. Burr , Lincoln ; W , Wil-
ciny , Nebraska City ; Church Howe ,
Towiuillo ; , M , Schmidt , Cheyenne ; Dr.
Vm. H , Archer , U.S.A. ; 0. If. Bab.
ock , Beatrice.
Among other arrivals the following are
ound ii'i'lstorcd at Orelghton houeo : 0 , S.
Jolllnn , S . Paul ; W. W.Lattn and family ,
V. W. McKonny and family 'and ] ( . B ,
) loy , Tckamah ; 0. C. Itoblnion , Kd. F.
hlnn , St. P ul ; A. SI. liobbhw , H. M.
iriner , Onl ; ] - < d. A. Fry , Niobrnru ; Jtob-
rt Kyle , Lincoln.
Ph Best Brewing Co. , Milwaukoa
Jxport Boor. J. . BLAKE ,
oct3-10t A'gont , Omalia.
The Lnnil Xiengnors.
Considering the inclement wcath
( hero waa n good attendance nt tl
land league meeting in C k's lu
last evening. Chas. llanloy , seer
Uiry , reported 303 picnic ticket yet
bo Accounted for. Of this numb
300 had been sent to M. 0. OrifTi
president of the Council * Blul
league. Altogether 8550 wor !
had been sold exclusive i
what the ladies hnvo yet to rcpor
Gen. O'Brien , J. Donohoo , Pat Fen
John Rush and Thos. Swift , wci
selected to audit the picnic nccoiin
nnd the treasurer accounts for the pa
thrco months. A report will bo sul
tnittcd at the meeting of the ladic
league on Sunday afternoon ; Tl
total amount of money will be sent I
tha headquarters in Dublin. Or
hundred copies of "Tho Rights <
Americans Abroad , " were receive
from Iho Irish World in pamphlet fori
by Iho treasurer and wilt bo dtatril
utcd. A communication was rca
from Mr. Collins , Of Boston , Mn s ,
stating that ono or more inomocrs <
thu 1'omo Icaguo mny bo expected i
America thVcdming winter. The e <
rotary was instructed ( o corrcapon
with Patrick Ford , editor of the Iris
World , to nsccrtnin when Mr. O'Coii
nor , 'M. P. , may corno to Omaha t
deliver1 n lecture.
RoRnlat Army Matter-
Lieut. Gce > . B. D.wis , Ctli cnvalrj
is given a month's leave of absence
Thos. Wilson , commissary of subsistence
once , is off of duty for twcnty-on
Hospital Steward William B. Ceiyle
of Fort Omaha , is transferee ! to Foi
Robinson , while Hospital Stewar
Thomas N. Gunn changes from tlui
post to the onu at this point.
Private John McDonald , Co. G
Hh infantry , is transferred from Foi
Omnha to Fort Fotterman.
' A general court martial is appoint
oil to convene nt Fort Douglaa , Oct
10th. The detail for the court i
Maj. Orlando H. Moore , Oth in
fantry ; Maj. Samuel M. Horton
medical department , U. S. A.
Capt. Thomas Britton , 6th infantry
Lieut. Chn'rles G. Penney , R. Q. M.
flth infantry ; Lieut. 'David L. Craft
Oth infantry ; Lieut. Thomas G. Town
send , Cth infantry ; Lieut. John J
Shaw , Cth infantry , and Lieut
Richard E. Thompson , adjutant 01,1
infantry , judge advocate.
'Real Estate Tranvfem-
The following transfers were re
corded nt the county clerk's offici
September 20th , as reported fo :
this paper by John L. McCoguo , rea
estate agent and conveyancer :
Daviel Cook and wife to Mar ]
Ijams , lots 2,3 and part lot 0 , in blocl
9 , Kuntz & Ruth's addition , w. d.
John E. Hall to Byron and Lewii
Reed , ' lot 09 , Hartman'H addition , w.
Thomas Brran and wife to Geo. W ,
Corles o .V s. o. J sec. 32 , tp. 5 , range
10 east , nT c. d. $39 GO.
Gee * P. Bemis to Union Pacifi <
railway company , lot 3 , block 226
Omalia , w. d. $375.
Naomo Davenport et al. to Ellor
DoLand , lot 229 , town of I'loronco ,
w. d. 810.
Moses Ballan and wife .to Josepl
Barker , lot 4 , block 20Gi , Omaha , w ,
Aug. Kountzo et nl. to C. H. Fred
erick , part lot 1G , block 5 , Kountzo &
Ruth's addition , w. d. $950.
Martha M. Ish to Frederick B.
Lowe , lotl , block 51 , Omaha , w. d.
John I. Redick and wife tei Fred.
Stroitz , lot 1 , block 39 , Credit Fon-
: ior addition , ei. o , d. $100.
C. 0. House ! and wife to Martha
M. Ish , lot 1 , block ol , Omahn , q. u.
; ! . $50.
Albert M. Henry to S. E. Locke ,
lot G , block 1 , Henry & Sholton's ud-
: lition , w d. $1,350.
Wilson Reynolds to Peter Banz , sw
[ section 11 , town. 10 , range 11 east ,
nr. d. 81,500.
Two Senator * .
Two United States senators from
Dregon , Senators Farley and Slater ,
occupied sections in onu of the Pull-
nan cars in train No. 4 , from the
test yesterday afternoon. Both son-
itors are on their way to Washington
, u attend the called session. They
ire find looking men and able repru-
lontativcs of a growing state.
Keeling of Y. MO. . literary
The members ot thu V. M. C. A.
Literary Society nro hereby notified
md reminded there will be n meeting
> f snmu ut Y. M. 0. A. rooms on Fri-
lay evening nt 7:30 : p. m ,
Secretary. President.
Undoubtedly the best shirt in the
[ Jnilod States is manufactured at the
Jiimlw Shirt Factory. The superior
ly of material nnel workmanship ,
: ombinod with their great improve
ments that is , reinforced fronts , re
inforced backs and reinforced sleeves
make their shirts the most dura-
bio and best fitting garment of the
kind over manufactured at the mod-
jrato price of $1.10. Every shirt of
) ur make is guaranteed first class , and
A'O will refund the money if found
Wo make a specialty of all wool
Shaker and Canton flannel , also die-
noio underwear , made up with a view
to comfort , warmth and durability.
To invalids and weak-lungod persons
Are oft'er special inducements in the
manner these goods are made for
Jioir protection.
1207 Faniham Street.
No 1icad-ncho or buck-ache for ladies
ivho drink "WINE OF OARDUI. "
At 0. F. OooJinan.
On nnd after this dnto ourFnmham
street stoio will open at 7:30 : n. m.
uul close promptly at 8 o'clock p. m ,
jxcept Saturduy , In connection with
; he above wo feel that the very low
irices which wo have established and
nninUincd in Onmlm will bu sufficient
nducumunt to our patrons to make
heir purchase during thu above. L.
[ \ Worse & Co ,
Sweet potatoes 5o per pound nt Bu
fott'a- oG-2t
Novelties just received nt M <
NOTICE-Advcrtlscnunt To Loan , Vet Sat
toil , round , Wants , Doardlns , fcc. , will be I ;
rt d In those column ! once for TEX CRN !
per line ; each subsequent Insertion , FIVECEN1
per line. The Brut Insertion never lew th
MONEY TO LOAN-Call t lav Office of I
L. Thotniui Room 8. Cielchton Block.
To loan at from 8 to 10per ccn
on Rood renl culatesccurlty , I
UK , tiUAC EDWAHDS , 1109 farnham St.
LOAN At a per contli
. tcrrat In umsof 2,600 an
upward , f or 3 to t > yoan. on flrst-dus city an
farm prowrty. BKMIS foul KSTATI and LOA
AnxxcT. Uth and Doualti at * .
WANTii > A peed cook , Waircs * 2i IK
month. Apply at 2003 Bui t St. , bcUcc
20thand21sl. * 101-tf
WANTElt-A dining room girl , on | Uth St
bet. Farnliaiu and Douglas , No. 517.
WANTEO-llO to 200 loads of dirt near
n ml St. liar j 'a lucnue. Emiulro at Itc
olHc-c. '
Man ( b take earo of hoiloi nnil A
ircncril uork about the house , Dr. t
( Irossman , Opera Hoiisa 1'hanmey.
.ANTED-Flrst-closs birlicr at Wright ,
( Hay's chop. Address dloux City Iowa.
w ANTED Dining room slrl and kitchen gil
at 1'aciflc House. 109-8 *
ANTED-Uood took , 1806 Chlcnso St.
A jounir man ulth references a
WANTED In store. AddrcM "A. B. C" Oman
I'ost Offlce. 107 0
WANTED A situation M hoTper In a first
clas < hotel or boarding house , by a jouni
man Can nlvc good reference. Cull oraddrcs
B , , Doran lloutc. 187-7 *
"ANTED A good octhc boj. Enquire i
Be ) office. 188-tt
ANTED Girl at the French Coflco House
w 10th tit. 181-tf
\TTANTED Couple furnished rooms. In pri
T T vote family preferred. Address A. W.
lioofllce. ! S2- *
2 or 3 rooms for Hjjlit house
WANTED . Address A. W. , IJcc olHcc.183fc
183-fc *
By gentleman with wife two nice
. . unfurnished rooms with Doaru. Address
S. , this oinco. ITS S"
\\TANTEn-Board and room , ( orhato famllj
Tf preferred ) by a } oun married couple ,
within six blocks of post office. Addict II. , Bee
ottice. 109-0"
Two or1 three rooms , or a small
WANTED for light house-kcepltip ; . Address
R. U. Ferguson , Omaha , Neb. 170-7"
/ ANTED A dlsh-wabhcr at She Emmet
House. HQ-8
E.ericnccil scn-aut girl for RCII-
WANTED w ork ; small family. 1813 Web-
ter St. 167-fl
WANTED By an accountant In a railroad
ofllco , a situation as book-keener to em
ploy hise\cnlngs ; Is competent and reliable.
Best of city rcfercnccsfurnfshcd. Address Book
keeper , Bee olllcc. 160-tf
\irANWD GUI at 1080 North 10th utrcot ,
V V opposite 3. J , Brown. MUS. J. II. COUN8-
MAN. 104-tt
TTTANTED A young man about j5 years of
VV < W > to do general store work. FIIANK J.
UAMQE. 139-tf
'ANTED. Thrco experienced men In a
drj- ( roods and rlothlng store. Good 'al
ary paid and permanent employment. Must
speak English and Oerman. Applyby letter
and phototmph , stating1 afje , whether married
or single , also where last employed and how
lone. Wolbach Bros. , Grand Island , Neb ,
Sept. 132-7
WANTED A thoroughly experienced girl to
do general housework. To such good
wages will bo paid. Apii'between 2 and 4
o'clock p. m. , 2400 Dodge bC ISl-tl
\T17 ANTED Situation by ayoung man of fain-
Y V lli' , as clerk or book-keeper. Has hod sev
eral years as clerk In hotel. Can give
Unit-class reference. Address S. B. , The Bee
- - '
A couple good ryllndcr press
WANTED . Can find ttiady cmtiloi mcnt at
this olfico. 27-tf
Respcctalilo cmplojmcnt byliua-
WANTED u lie. Addrcsa 1' . 1 * . U , , Bco Of-
Bee. _ 077-tf
"ITJTANTED Manulacturincr concern wants a
YV business man In Omaha and in cry city
[ notalrcady taken ) . A few hundred dollars no-
ccswry to pay for gnodi on dclli ery after orders
have been secured for the name ; 8160 per month
prollt guaranteed. Tno most scaramng 1m rstl-
imtlon solicited. A. S. ARNOLD & CO. , IW3
liroidwa > , New Tf ork. peilOt
1TTANTUD Good ticcond girl at 1818 Chicago
\TrANTED-Housokeofcr , 1100 Fani'jaiU St. ,
W upstair ) . MMf
\TrANTED-airl'at2fl01 ? bed o street.
VV _ > QTOtfj ;
\ \TrANTED-t\iiidlnL- and Mliool bonds.
W U.T. Clark , Belloue. ' 20-tf
KENT To gentleman with good rtftr-
POU . room and board for the u inter Inn pri-
, ate family. Call at 1012 Cass St. 100-tf
KENT Rooms at northeast corner IBIh
FOIt hard 8t. 17T-12" <
FOIt .BENT A disir&bly located iottao of
tU rooms. furnUhed or unfurnlshtd. K. K ,
inydcn , Oni hi ; Mitioiml Bank , lbO-7
KENT KurnUhtd rooms for gentleman ,
FOR /arnliaui St. , bet. 10th and 17th.
Oft KENT A brick house , corner llth and
F Pacific. Euiulro | Oeo. U. 1'ctortion , near U.
; ' . depot.
hE.NT-NI Iy frrnished front a1co\o
room ; uUo a nmIU > r room , low prices ; briuk
louse , uawi fct , B doora west of 20th bt. 154 tf
fiWK RENT New 4-room hou e , South 17lh
L1 Btrctt. J. L , VVELSIIANS , at Union Elo\a-
< T. 115-tf
KH.NT Ju t Unlshcdtwo flnt-claso two-
story brl'-k houses , 8 and 0 rooms , stable
Liitt cemented cellars ; 8)0 mouthy In ad * anco.
V.JI. BUSUUAN , S. K. corner 1Mb and Doug
RENT S furnished room * oior ilai-
FOR ' Ejth nitN , K , ccr. IBlli and Dodge
| KU ) BENT-Ono room with board , 1808 Coll-
1 fornla street. 735-tf
8ALE I mined lately , small house , pleat-
antly located , at bargalu If sold at onco.
ipply on priming tt corner Utn and Davenport.
17U-S *
T7IOR SALE At a bargain , famll > hone suit-
L' able for family or dulhcry wagon , Ixrjulro
114 Da\cn | > oit ht 17J 10
JTIOH SALE Stock and fixtures of millinery ,
[ } notion and hair itore , doing good bumnoM ,
ocatloii central ; store und dwelling together ,
cut cheap. I wWi torctlrofrombusliuiu. Ad-
\ rvA. . B , Post Oltlce , Om&lia. 1U7-13
17011 KALE A licautlful oldenca proiierty of
I ? 20 acres with conmiodioiiii hoUte. Eight
xrcs of on hard and t liioynrd. Location sightly.
) nly t o and a half miles from post otllca , Jiar *
rainl J011N U McUAG U K. Opp. I' . U. 70 tf
r > EUS ! has rattling long lists of houses , loU
P lauds aud ( arm * for sala Cell and get
nOH SALE-Cheap , A No. 1 riding pony In
| } good condition. J , M. UNAUANTrOi 8
Sthbt , 143-0 *
[ TIOirSATfc 1 Orst-tlass cabinet orgaii7"\c7y
I ? cheap : nearly new. Inquire Hilton Kogen
P Son , llth am ) rnrnhnni ft. < nr
T710K SAMl Map' ol DotisUh mill Sirp } ' conn *
JL1 tie * . A. ttOHKWATEK.lfiMFarnham street
Il SAt.E Four ncrcs o ( land near waterworks -
works reservoir , ftl'o two cotlnRca on Capitol
( ill. Add. AMHll.\ViIhVINS.M300 ! DonglM 81.
MS tf
> niCK FOU SALfc.
> 203-tf ESTABUOOK & COF.
SALE-A small eti&lri < fc R W. Paj-he <
EOU ' . In perfect osdcr. Inquire oltl.
U. Clark & Co. SO-tf
TJWU SALE Lease and lurtntiiro ot a flrtt clam
JJ hotel In a town of 1 00 Inhabitant * , In Ktate
ol Nebraska ; KM 24 beds ; the traveling met. re
tort. Inquire atUEEqfElco. Hi-it
TJ10K BALE Fine Mock fsrm of 400 ncns-
D peed liotiso , cnttlo shed , orchard ft * . , ftlth-
In cdiy reach ot railroad. Trice , f 500. palt
time at 0 % . JOHN Iw UcOAQUE , Oprvl'6 t
HOUSES AND LANU Bcrau rents houxco ,
( tores , hotels , fartr ota , Until , offices
rooms , etc , Sco let pg
171011 SALE Good house with four rooms and.
JP hiilf lot , No. 201S Dodifo between 2fltU Mid
27th itrcct. Good well And shada trees ; house ID'
good condition. Inquire on premises. CXMf
TTMBRBLLA8 AndTarasots' repaired hyU
U 8CHUTT llth ami Famwn its. 7SOU
B EMIS1 NEW cm MAPa.feSe So.elst pajo.
- Ncwroundtnn.l . dot * , Uttlo nhlto
TOST-lltacK IIIVB leather collar on. Liberal re
ward will be paid for hlo return lo Mlclnel > Vcck
hah , Uth at , , bet. Harncy nnd Howard , 1UO 0'
HhEPrOH SALl ZCOO fat weather * . Address -
dress Anton Abcl.l'lum Creek , UanEon Co. ,
lb. 185-18'
/ KNTLKM AN T cnty-four ycara of age , hold-
\J ( ' lug responsible ] K > atoii ! ! , rocclviiijr cooil
fcaUry , tolklta eorreDpatidcneo with toiin ; ; Iqdy
not over twenty vcarsof ajjo object matrimony ,
for aJdrua * ciiiiilre | at The llco ulllcu. 1S1-S
fHO HENT A larjfe unfurnlsticd room with
J. bay window nnderanU , within alx bloikn
fuoin 1 * . U. Address C , * . , this olllcc. ViS-if
TNSTIlUCTlO.V-Mrs. Chan. Bruzellno Dramatic
J. IJeodorandTeachir of Elocution puplh re-
cchcd at residence , No. lb'118th St. , iicarUoJsrc.
ieo-7 *
CANVASS For books , you Itnow.
AGENTS cll "Mfo of Prisldcnt Oarfltld , "
Heroes of the I'laltu , " "Itoi-der Outlaws , "
"Uwgof Kuslncss. " 1IA ! WALDItON & CO. ,
St. Louis , Mq , BCZGdawlm *
E111S1 11EAL.ESTATK BOOM. Hue 1st page.
J. man , Greek nnd Latin. Prof. Henry VT
Aleck , 1207 Jnclicon St. OOO-ocS
LALED HAY At A. H. Sander's Feed Storo.
B 1013 HarncyvSt. slO U
pAWi ( AT MRS. B. E. CI.AUKE'3 No. 1 Board
\J Ins ; IIcUK. cor. 13th and Dodge Sts. liuat
In the city MO-tl
B 1st pac. ;
Jj Eliza tells past , present and future In lo\o
nnd all affair ? , bhu rex cats the deepest sccrcUa
the heart. She posscs cs the magnetic powerlj
fi-imi all j our w tehes. Call nt No. 322 comer 16th
and Chicago street. I
rnAKEN UP A red cow. Owner can he the
I same bj pro\ln ; property and paying
FRANCIS BOIUHIxS , Saundara and
i\cr > body In Council Bluffs lo
WANTED TIIR BKK , 20 cents per
lUered by carriers. Office corner liroadway and
Main , up stairs , Council Bluffs. Wi-it
To buy 100 tons 'broom corn.
WANTED address Council Bluffa
Broom Factory , Council Blufb , Iowa. 65S-20U
\TITANTED A qood ; carpenter at once. An-
VV ply Monster & Adams , Council Bluff j ,
Iowa. 6&9-20 *
\TTANTED-Allrst-clasa broom tier. Vayno
YV & Co. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. 660 SO *
: ANTED A boy to do chores at Mjnetcrs
W fishery , Council Bluffy titil-28'
ANTED flood girl for central housework.
w Maria Mj inter , Council Bluffs. 602-U
f TTANTED A situation by a first-claw miller.
VV Had 20 jcara experience. Understands
ild and now processes. Speaks fcnglish and
Jeniian and acquainted with steam and water
wwcrs. Can give the best of reference. Will
umoon trial at any time. Address II. S. , Box
1511 , Council Bluffs , la. KU-28
ITT ANTED B > > a gentleman of experience and
VV business habits , a position with a firm ,
ilthcr as clerk or tj travel. Kucrcmu [ then. 1.
4. W ATKINS , Council Bluffs. 012 29
f ( ALL on or address Potter ft Palmer , 40 South
\J \ 6th street Council Bluffs , Iowa , for rail-
oad tickets cast , west , north and touth. Chicago ,
10.00 Uound trip 810.00 ' Eviry ticket jruor-
ntecd , and tickets bought , sold and exchanged
SALE Old papers 40o per hundred , at
The Bee onicc , Council Blufls. st-27-tf
[ TTANTED Tno experienced book solicitors
VV for Colorado and Utah. Addruu V. 0.
ox 1214 , Council Bluffs. Iowa. 099-21 *
Co Contractors , Builders and
_ Property Owners.
The undeisltfticd having been appointed agent
3t the extenshe iron and niro manufacturing
OUBC.H of E. T. Barnuin , of Detroit , and tbo
tussel Iron Foundry and Works at Toledo ,
Ihio , capacity of CO tons dally , Is prepared to
uruUh estimates and prices for Iron columns ,
: c.&c. . for store fronts , window caps and sills ,
hreshold plates , wrought Iron beams and ( jlrd-
rs , hjdraullc cloators , staple Httlngs , pulleys ,
haftlng , &c. ; also Iron fences , cresting , win-
ow guards , shutters , sUlrs , balconies , settees , ,
halts , fanes , acquarlums , fountains , summer
ouses , lawn , garden and cemetery ornaments ,
ewer stands , graie j.'uards , ic.&c..ln cndlesa
arlety. Catalogues supplied on application.
Manufacturers' Agent , ' 1 Pearl street.
auiflO-lm me Council Bluffs , Iowa'
lONALIHT , 403 Tenth Street , between Farnham
nd Hainey. Will , with tbo aid of guardian
[ ) lrils , obtain for any ono a glance at tha past
ud present , and on certain conditions In the fu >
are. Boots and Shoes imulo to order. Perfect
ktibfactlon ruaranU-cd au20-lin
Absolutely Pure.
Made from Orapo Crexn Tartar. No other
rpatlon makes euth light , flaky hot bread ; ,
ixurious pastn- . Can be eaten by DI speptle
Ithout fear of ihellls rtiultlng from hca\y mdjt
tetltlg food. Bold only In cans , by all U rotors
New Ycrlt.
i ; r