THE OMAHA. DAILY BEBi FRIDAY , OOTOBRR 7 , 1881 TI1 _ DAILY BEE. MAHA PUDLI3HINQ CO , , PROPRIETORS 010 t-arnhnm , bet. Oth nnd 10th Street * . TERMS OF SUnSCRIPTION One copy 1 year , In advance ( postpaid ) 110.00 n months " . . . .go 8 months " " . . . . 3.00 RAILWAY TIME TABLE. X * CARD CHICAGO , ST. TAtt , , UMMJlrOUa A.SD OMAHA nAILROAP. I/tare Omaha No. 2 through pmwcnscr , 11 . m. No , 4. Oakland pnwonfrcr , 8:30o. : in. Arrive Omaha No. 1 , through pxwcnRcr , 3:50 : m. No , 3 , Oakland ( o-iscnj r , 5:30 : p. tn , LSAV1KO OUAIU IIJ1T OR BOCtU BOUND. 0. , B. ft O. 6 a. m. 8:40 : p. ni. C. St N , W. , 0 a. m. 3:40 : p. in. O. , R , I. ft P. . 6 a. iu. 3:40 : p. m. K. 0. , St J. & 0. U. , 8 a in. C:30 : p. m. Arrive St Lculi at 8:25 : a. m. and 7:45 a. m. , WIST OR ROCTItWMTa. 0 , ft M , In Neb. , Through Express , 8:35 a. m. B. ft M. Lincoln FrelKht-7.-00 p. m. U P Express , 12:16 : p. m. O. ft R. V. for llnioln , 10:20 : , tn. O. A R. V. for Otceola , 0:40 : a. m. V. P. freight No. 6 , 6:30 : a. m. U. P. frolRht No. 9 , 8:15 : a. m. u. P. freight No. T , 6:10 : p. m. emigrant , U. P. frelrtit No. 11 8:25 p. m. IRMVINO FROM 1UT AKD tOUTO. 0. B. ft Q. , 6:00 : a. m. 7:21 : p m. O. ft N. W. , 9:45 : a. in. 7:26 : p. m. O. R. I. & P..9:45 : n. m. 05 p. m. K. C. , EC Joe & 0 D. , 7:40 a , m.:45 : p. m. W. , St L. ft P. , IOS& a , m. 4:25 : p. m. ARRIVING rROM TUI WEST AND BOUTUWMT. O. ft R. V. from Lincoln 12:12 p. m. U. P. Express 3:25 : p. m. B ft M.ln Neb. , Through Express 4:15 : p. m , D. ft U. Lincoln Freight 8:3S : a m. U. P. Freight No. 10-1:40 : p. m. No. 0 4:25 : p. m. Emigrant No. 8 10:50 : p. m. No 12 11:35 : a. m. O. & K. V. mixed , ar. 4:35 : I" , m. HORtll. Nebraska Division ot tno St. Paul ft Sioux City Itoad. No. 2 leaves Omaha 8:30 : a. m. No. 4 lca\os Omaha 1.30 p. in No. 1 arrltca at Omaha at 5:30 : p. m. No. 8 arrives at Omaha at 10DO : a. ui. DUKMT TRAINS BSrwUKN OWAI1A AND CODKCIb BLUFFS. Leave Omaha at 8:00 : , 0:00 : nnd 11:00 a. m. ; 1:00 2:00 : , 8 : < x > , 4:00 : , 6:00 : and 0:00 : p. m. Lca\o Council Bluff a at 8:25 : , 0:25 : , 11:26 a.m. ; 1:25 : , 2:25 : , 8:25 : , 4:251:25 : and 0:25 : p. m. Sundays The dummy Icatcs Omaha at 0:00 : and 11:00a. : m. ; 2:00 : , 4:00 : and 6:00 p. m. Leaves Council Bluffs at 0:25 : and 11:25 : a. m. ; 2:26 : , 4:26 : and 5:25 : p. m. Opening and Closing ; of Mails. orw. cwst a. m. p. m ft. m. p. m. ChlcagoftN. W 11.00 9:30 : 4:30 2:40 : Chicago , II. I. ft Pacific. 11:00 : 0.00 4:30 2:40 : Chicago , II. ft Q. . . . . .11:00 : 9:00 : 4:30 : 2:40 : Wabash 12:30 : 4:30 : 2:40 : Sioux City and Pacific. . 11:00 4:30 : Union Pacific 6:00 : 11:40 : OmahaftltV 40 11:40 a & II. In Neb 4:00 8:40 : 6:30 : Omaha & Northwestern. 4:30 : 7:30 Local malls for State of Iowa leave but once a day , viz:4:30a.m. : A Lincoln Mall IK alto opened at 10:30 : a. m. Office open Sundays from 12 m. to 1 p. m. TITOS. F HALL P. M. Business Directory Abstract and Real hstate. JOI1N L. McCAOUE , opposite Post Office. W. R. BARTLE1T S17 South J3th Stroot. ' Architect * . DUFKENE & UENDEISSOHN , ARCIIITEOTS Room H Crclghton Block. A. T. LARGE Jr. , Room 2. Ciclehton Block. Boots and tihoes. JAMES DsVINK & CO. , Flno Boots and Shoes. A good assortment ol r home work on linnJ , corner lith and Haruey. TOOS. EIUCKSON , S K. cor. 16th and Doughs. JOHN FOUTUNATUS , 60S 10th street , manufactures to order good \vork Kt ( air prices. , Rcpalrtni ; done. Bed Springs. J. F. LAIUUMEU Manufacturer. 1517 Dom-Ioast. Books. News and Stationery. J. I. FKUEHAUF 1015 Farnham Street. Butter and Eggs. McSHANK & SCHKOEDEll , the oldest B. and E. house In Nebraska ostablbhed 1376 Omaha. | ' CttNTHAL 1 KESTAUHANT , MRS. A. RYAN , touthwcst corner IBthand Dodife. Beit lioapl for the Money. Satisfaction Outntntocd. If cab at all Hours. Board by the Jay , Week or Month. Good Terms for Cash. Furnished Unnmg Supplied. Carriages and Ruad Wagons. WM SNYDEU , 14tli and Harney Streets. Jewellers. JOHN BAUMEll 1314 Farnham Street. Junk , H. UEniHOLD , Ilizs and Metal. Lumber , tlmo and Cement. FOSTER & GRAY comer tith and Douglas BU. Lamps and Glassware. J. BONNER 1309 Uouslas St. Good Variety. Merchant Tailors , G. A. LINDQUEST , One of our moat popular Merchant Tailors is re- celvlii- ' the latest designs for Spring and Summer Goods for gentlemen's wear. Stylish , durable , and prices low as ever 216 13th bet. Douir.A : Farn. Millinery. MRS. 0. A. KINGER , Wholesale and Retail , Fancy - cy Goods In great rantty , Zephyrs , Card Boards , Hosiery , Glares , Cornets , Ac. Cheapest House In the West. Purchasers save 80 per c Dt. Order by Mall. 116 Fifteenth Street l-oundry , JOHN WEARNE & SONS. cor. Hth & Ja < teen sts Hour and Feed. OMAHA CITY MILLS , 8th and Farnham Stt. , Wclshana Bros. , proprietors. Grocers , B. STEVEKS , 21t between Cuming and Irar T. A. MoSHANE , Corn. 23d and Cuming Streets. Hardwaie , Iron and Steel. OLAN & LANOWORTHY , Wliolowilo , 110 and 112 Ifith btr < ct A HOLMES corner Ifith and rollfornla. Harness. Saadles , &c , B. WEIST 20 IBth Bt. bet KarnHuniV. . Hotels. ANFIELTHOUSEGeo.CanncIdOth&Farnliiin ! DOI'.AN HOUSE , I' . H. Cary , 013 Farnham lit. - = T SLAVEN'S HOTEL. 1' . Sla > cn , lOtli St Boutliern Hotel , Clus. Hamtl Oth & Lcatunuorth Iron Fencins. The Western Conilco Worlis , Agcn 8 for the Champion Iron 1'cncc &c. , ha\o nn hntid all kln < ls o ( Fancy Iron Kcncon , Crestlngs , Flntah , UalllnRfi , cto. 1310 lode ( Btroe. aplif Clothing Bought. C IIAW will i y lilglic t Cash price for eccond hand clothln/ . Corner 10th and Vanmam. Dentlits. i OR. PAUL , Williams' Block , Cor. Htb & Dodge. 4t Drugs , Paints and Oils , 4t KUIIN & CO. t Pharmacljls , Fine Vane UoodJ , Cor. 16th l.nd Doueln ttrcvU Vf , J. WHITEIIOUf K , Wholcsato& Retail , 16th s . 0. C. FIELD , 2022 North Sldo Cumlntf Btrtct M. PARR , DrussUt , lOtn and Honurd Street * . yOlf. . Dry Qoods Nntloni , Etc. Bit JOHN H. F. lEllMANN & CO. , . f New York Dry Goods Store , 1310 and 1312 Farn. 6k him t tr et . C. 0. EnewoM also booU and shoos Ttli A PadftV. . Miruiture. A P. GROSS , New and Second Hand Furniture nd Sloven , 1114 touclu. Highctt cash price aid for kccond liana sows. BONNER 1309 Dnuyl * it. Flno eonAt , &c. Planing Mill. A , JlOYKIl , manufacturer of sath , doori , bllndi , moldliiK > , now eli , biliutcrs , hand rails , lurnlfching croll wniiiif , &c , cor DCH'JJO and ( lth tr eti. Pawnbrokers. J nOSENFKLD , 10th St , bet. far. Florist. A , Donkghuc , tilnnU , tut rowers , owls , boqueti etc , N.V. . cor. idth nni DouclM streets. Olvll Engineer * and Surveyor * . ANDREW noSKWATKR , Crcljliton Block , Town 8tmc ) , Grade mJ Seweraca 8 } items a Specialty. Oommlttlon Merchants. JOHN O. WIL U3.1IH Dodge Stioct. D B. BEEMF.R. For details tee largo advertise ment In IMIlv and Weekly. Olgars and Tobacco. WEST & -KH1TSC11KII. manufacturcre of Clgarn , and Wliolcsalo Dealers In Tolmccos. 1305 DouclM , W. F. LOHKNZGX lainufncturcr M4 lOUi street Oornlco Works. Western Cornlco Works , Manufaettiren Iron Cornice , Tin , Iron nnd Hlato Rootling , Onlers from any locality Jiromptl } ' oxrcutnl In the best manner. Factor- and Ofl'.co ' 1310 Dodge Street Oat\anlrod Iron Cornices , Window CBJW , etc. , manufactured and put up In any part ot the country. T. 8INIIOLU 116 Thirteenth itrwt Crockery , J. BONNElt lS09Dou iMitrcct , Good line. Clothing and Furnlihlng Qoods. OEO. II. PETEKSON. Also Hats , Caps , Hoots , Shoes , Notions and Cutlery , 801 S , 10th street. Fence Works. OMAHA FKNCE CO. GUST , FRIES & CO. , 1213 Hamoy St. , Improve- ed Ice Boxes , Iron and Wood Fences , Office Ratllnn , Counters of Pine and Walnut. Refrigerators , Oanfleld's Patent. 0. F. GOODMAN llth St bet. Farn. & lUtney. Show Case Manufactory. ) 0. J. WILDrX Manufacturer and Dealer In all kinds ol Show Cases , Upright Cases , A „ 1317 Cats St FRANK I. . GERHARD , proprietor Omaha Show Case manufactory , SIS South ICtli street , jttwwti Ixsxx CUM orth and Marcy. All goods warranted flrnt-cUss. Btoves ana Tinware. A. UUKilESTKU , Dealer In Sloven and Tinware , and Manufacturer of Tin Roofs and all kinds ot Building Work , Odd Fellows' Block. J , BONNER. 1S09 Doualas St Good and Cheap. Seeds , J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Seed Drills and Cultivators , Odd Fellows Hall. Physicians anj Surgeons. W , 8. GIBBS , M. D. , Rttin No 4 , Crelghton Block , 16th Street. 1 > . S. LEISENR1NG , U. D. Masonio Block. C. L. IIAUT , M. D. , E > e and Ear , opp. postofflco DR. L. B. GRADDY , Oculist and Aurltt. 8. W 16th and Farnham Sts Photographers , GEO. HEYN. PROP. Grand Central Gallcrv , 212 Sixteenth Street. near Masonic Hall. First-class Work and Prompt ness guarantee ! ' Plumbing , Qas and Steam Fitting. P. W. TARPY & CO. . 21012th St , bet Farnham and Douglas. Won : promptly attended to. D. KITZPATRICK , 1400 Douglas Street. Painting nn Paper anglng. HENRY A. KOSTHRS. 141 Dodge Street Shoe Stores , Phillip Lane. 1320 Farnham st bet 13th & 14th. Second Hand Store. PERKINS & LEAR. 1418 Douglas St. . New and Second Hand Furniture , House Furnishing Goods , ic. , bourhtand sold on narrow uianrins. tialoons , HENRY KAUFMANN , n the now brick block on Douglas Stroct , hag just opened a most elegant lieu Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 e\ cry day. 1 Caledonia " J FALCONER , 670 Iflth Street. * Undertakers , CHAS. RIEWE , 10W Farnham bet. 10th & lltd. P. * PEMNEU , 303J Tenth street , between Farn. lAm and Harncy. Docs 1'ood and cheap work. 09 Cent Stores , . P. 0. BACKUS. 120K Farnham St. . Fancv Good * TO Nervous Sufferers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Or. J. B. Simpson's Specific It Is a positive cure for Spermatoirhca , Scmlna \YcoUiic8s , linpotancy , nnd all discuses resulting from Sclf-Abuec , an Mental Anxiety , Lossi Memory , Palm in the Back or Side , . and disease * - ( hat j yj to Consumption Insanity and early gn e ho Sspcciflc ' Medleino is bcliii ; used with wonder ful bUCCCS8. , - _ . Pamphlets sent Irce to all. Write for them and get full par ticulars. Price , Specific , 81.00 per package , or six pack- igos for So.OO. Address all ordcra to B. 8IMSON MEDICINE CO. Nos. 10J and 100 Main St. Buffalo , N. Y. Bold In Omaha by C. F. Goodman , J. W. Boll , ) , K Isb , and all druirgUtscYcrywhcro. KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA gi - * 1 1 p rn -3 i i § gI oa ca 3 - O I T T E E S ILER & CO. . Sole Manufacturers. OMAHA , es-oc : PAPER WAREHOUSE , GRAHAMTAPER GO. 217 and 219 North Main St , St Louts , WHOLimtK PKALK.Uj IN a \ PAPERS isa ENVELOPES , CAUD BOARD AND Printers Stock. f&'Cash ( aid for Rags and Paper Stock , Sera Iron and Metals. Paper Stock Warehouse * 1229 to 1237 , North n ProfW , , J , An dor's ' Select Danc ing Academy , A. Hospe , Jr. Hall , 1510 Dodge St. Chat for gentlemen eoiniiicncln ; Tuesday u\on- Ing , Oct. 4 , Ulam for ladles romnicncmi ; Tliurii- ( ( ycicnln ) , ' , Oct. 0. Terms liberal. The can method * 1 lia\o for tcaehln the Wftlu , Olldj , tc. , I can Kiiarantcu pcrfict Batlsfactlon o lioUrs. 1'nr tenim , &r. , call at A. Hotnv , Jr. , addrcsn 1110 Capitol A\o , hUdlin If eteskaLani Agency DAVIS & SNYDER , ICOC Fnrnham St. , . . . Omaha. Nebrask * 3tOO , Care.ullr acloctod land In E&itcm Noliroska for alo. ( Jrcat llar ln ) In luipro\ci | ( arms , and Omitw city property. 0. K. DAVJ&1 WKB3TEII BNYDER. Lite LanJ Corn'r U. P. tt. - , " . u tf A BABY MERMAID. WoudorftU Haul Made by a Cnmclen Fisherman. How it wnji Captnrod and What It i , Philadelphia T ' Say , mister , huv yea got tlmt ore in huro ? " inquired seasnrphit ciuitiously quired n Jersey farmer , ns ho poked n frowsy head through the doorway of Urookcr's liquor store , Second and Fodornl streets , Uiumlcn , at noon yes terday. "Yes sir n-alk in " , ; , replied Urookor. " ] ! o this it ( " asked tlio farmer , as ho stood and pointed a sun-burned liand lownrd n lively young Florida alligator in n glass box. "Xot exactly ; only ft second cousin or BO , There's the tiling you eauioto see hanginc up there on the wall. " "Well , fcl bo swashed if that , don't look just like Jenkins' now baby over to the village. Taint n child , is it1 ? "When told thai it was a inonnaid fresh from the dophts of the Atlantic the countryman's eyes stood out. on his check bones , and he gazed around at the crowd with a bewildered stare. "A mermaid ! Vcll , well. I've ' hcern tell of such things ; an' my dar ter what works over to the eolotu-l's used to read out of picture books'bout mecrmaids ncomon' their hair in the ocean , but 1 never si-od one afore , " and the old man's curiosity and won derment knew no bounds. WHAT 111 : WOMHUIKI ) AT. The object in question , described by many as n mermaid , from its roscm- bianco to the human family , hung by a string on the wall , and was being in spected by a crowd of the curious. It was about two foot and a half in length , and so many points of resem blance to a now-born child did it have that many persons manifested little reluctance - luctance in pronouncing it a genuine baby mormaid. Its body , with the exception of the foot and tail and t.ho location of the arms , was in appear ance the same as that of n child , and might bo described as a revised ver sion of a skinned monkey. Tho.head ran to a peak at the top , and was seton on n short neck and well-deflned shoulders. The eyes were sunken , and wore covered , in lieu of eyelids , withgrisly scales. The nose was quite prominent and ended in the mouth , the lips of which wcroof a hard , grisly flesh , and fringed with eight teeth on the inside four upper and four lower. The tongue bore an almost perfect resemblance - semblance to the human tongue , and back of it could bo aeon two email ton sils. The breast and abdomen wcro remarkably similar to these of man , the ribs being well formed , but aoout forty in number. The imns extended to the hips , and terminated in five fin- gel's , with claw-like nails , the joints being at the point of connection with the bodj. The logs wore long , term inating in tins , and bore resemblance to these of a baby. At the end of the backbone a well-defined tail , five inches in length , protruded , ending vertically in two small fins. Slr.uiijo to say there was not the sign of a scale , a Heft , fleshy ikin covering the entire body , which was destitute of liair. The weight of the creature was about nix pounds. _ HOW IT WAS CAUC.UT. "I was fishing for iloundcrs or weakiish about seven miles ofTErigun- tine beach in company with n yacht ing party , " said James Garrison Jr. , of Caindon to a reporter , "and wJicn I got tired of the sport I changed the bait and threw the line in another direction. Pretty soon I felt a strong jerk and I thought I had a good-si/.cd lish. I pulled in the line rapidly , thinking I had on a flounder , but you could have floored mo with a feather when I hauled that tiling on deck. The captain yelled out : 'Shiver my top-gallants , Garrison , but you've cauuht a mermaid. ' I sat down and looked at the thing Hopping around , and almost expected tt to walk up and speak to me. I took the hook out of its mouth and put it in a pail of water , but it lived only two hours. Why , I felt as though I were killing a human being when I pulled the barb out of its flesh. It looked so much like a dying child that the captain , who is a trifle suporstious , wanted to talk to it , and felt so sorry that ho almost blubbered like a girl. I brought it up to Cainden , intending to pre serve it in alcohol , butBrookor wanted it , and I guess he'll preserve it. " The creature was brought to this city yesterday afternoon for preserva tion. 11 _ is the intention of the own ers to plauo it on exhibition in sumo museum. Dr. 0. 13. Gross , of Camdcn , says that the animal is the young male of the sharp-nosed ray. This species , ho declares , is very common on these coasts , though the young are rarely seen. The pectoral fins , which are largo and fleshy , nro tied on the back in suck a peculiar way ns to give color to the inonnaid legend. Brother Gardner ou "Stuff. " Detroit I'rco I'ress. "Do uddnr Sunday afternoon , " said tliei old man as ho g.ivo a tug at his shirk collar , " 1 stopped to look over a collection of stutr on do street. was a heap oh ole clmira , two ole stoves , two or free loungcH , a broken bedstead , two ole irwttrassos , an' I doan' know what else. Do stuff spread ober a quarter of a aura iii ground , an' yet do hull pile wami't wtilF 15 cunts. I turned from do yard to do world aroun' mo an1 ] fouu' de name result. Dar am heaps ob people spread obor a vast 'mount ob territory who tire but rubbish to do res' ob de world. Doy occupy groun * dat am wanted for bettor use. Dey consume time , an' food , uu' room which ho longs to hotter men , Do man wid his ImndH in his pockets is rubbish for good men to xtumblo obur. Do man who nilii on a dry goods box am an ash heap in life's highway. 1)o drunkard am an alley full ob blind ditches. Take du world as you fin' it , and 0110- Imlf ob do puoplu in it oeoiii to have comu along jist to fill up an' keep do weeds down.Vo doan1 want any rubbinh in din club , Wo doan' want members tn h ld de chairs down.Vo doan' want members mmply to ( ill up wid. Undo D.ivu Crime was axin' mete to present his name , an' I had to smile. Ho begun lifo fifty year ago wid a dog an' wheelbarrow an1 he's nobbor BUOII de day dat he had two dogs an' a wheelbarrow. Hi stood an' stood , an1 sob an' sot , an he's had no mo * to do IN id rnnnin' d < uorld dan a unto post. Trustee Hani back wor also sayin' dat lio'd like < < jino us , You'vo all seen him. lit sticks both hands down in his pocket ; an1 walks wid his hod down an' his back humped up. Ho unla an1 sleep ; an' moves about , but IIO'H a hitehin post. Ho keorful whom you recom mend , an' bo twice ns kecrful whom you woto in , No man who cwrrii-s hands in his pockets kin keep pace wid do world. " LEMON AND ORANGE MARKET High Price * Paid for Xomcm Late ly-Cnu o of the Advance' How York Tribune. There is a great Hcarcity of lemons in the market at present ; tlio price has been steadily advancing for some weeks , until now it is from $10 to 811 fiO n box. Gnu of thu loading auctioneers , who deals in lemons and orange * , said Saturday : "Tlio lemon market is the moat tickle in the world. Upon the most careful esti mate of the trade of previous years , ono can make no calculation for suci'odintf year. I have benn in the business for twenty-five years , yet I cannot do it. Ono reason for this is that the trade does not de pend upon sailing vessels , as of old , when ono know just how many lemons would bo shipped , and ono could make arrangements to hold them for a month. The cable has done away with all that ; lemons cannot bo hold , there is a continual shipping , and no end to it. Consequently they have to 110 disposed of immediately , and by auction. Every box of lemons , and of oranges , too , that comes hero is sold at auction. This makes the market very fickle and liable to suddnn fluc tuations. " I ho heaviest bulk of lemons is re ceived between December 1 and May L. During that time this year the rates wcnTvcry low , pi ices being from ? 1.50 to § 2 a box. All dealers lost money and nil were discouraged. The extreme hot weather in the west , the .inusual hot weather here , and the 'oeling that there wax no USD storing onions for an advance , owing to thu conditions I first mentioned , led to , he present state of affairs. Lemons went up to $ f , then to 88 and § 10. 1 think no ono could give the precise cason for this first jump in prices. Then everybody said : 'Thoyro all crazy and will all got stuck , ' but no onu wan 'stuck. ' " The price went straight ahead , until now it in $11.CO > cr box for first-class lemons. The vest is taking a great many , und thu Sicily crop is over. "The next crop will bo the Malaga , which is duo this week. So far as we can toll , the market ia in good condi- ion for tlio crop. But the present > riees will not hold , as the Malaga onion is inferior to the Sicily , being mid and green and of thicker skin ; t will tide us over , however , until thu new Sicily lemon comes in in De cember. The Malaga will probably sell at § 5 a i ox. " "What are the prospects for the low Sicily crop ? " "Thu quality is good and promises well. When the now crop arrives thu uarkct will bo 'relieved ' , but it is ini- )03Eiblo to say anything , of its eflect > n prices. " i "Havo dealers madu largo profits in ; ho present rise ? " "Immense profits have boon made within the last fifty days , but not by American dealers. Italian exporters on the other side have madu tlio money. The business , in fact , is changing very much , and going into ; ho hands of Italian exporters. " ' 'Another reason for the present scarcity is that people forget how rapidly the country is growing and ; hey don't give sufficiently largo orders. Where U0,000 boxe.s lasted a nonth in olden times they now hist only a week or less. I don't expect , such a state of things as this in ten , 'earw again , yet it may comu in two. L'o show how money is lost and made n the trade , I knew of an Italian firm that lost $10,000 early in the year md made $50,000 in the risu in price. " Of oranges the dcalersoid : "Agood narkut is expected , as the weather was poor last winter in NorthernFlor- dn and Louisiana. Owing to this STe\v Orleans merchants have gone to Southern Florida to Kucnru thu defi ciency ; liunce wu expect high prices 'or Florida oranges andgood prices for Jamaicas and "Vuluncias from Spain. The Florida oranges owing to thu con- , inued planting ot trees , will in tiniu seriously interfere with thu foreign , rude. In five years they will uu much cheaper , and in thu early months ) f thu year especially will compote 'avorubly with foreign oranges , Thu irico to-day for the. beat , oranges is ? 2 CO u box. " A BEAUTY'S BLUNDER [ low a Bluo-Blooded 'Bollo Com- mittoil Social Suicide- \Vtiltu Sulphur Cor. of ttio New Orleans Tlmm. An individual in a dress cou nriiu- nated with a Bparsu array ofhnm l > ut- ons and a star and n uinglu strijiu ivross his cull's was suuoping and cir cling about thu room in the lust of thu luwfltup walt/.ua , and natuiallyattruct- ud attention. Ho was introduced to ) iio blue blooded youngludy , who stifly nformed him that she was not danu- ng that evening imd froze up his fur- her utturanccB with an icy ataro. As 10 left dliu turned with celestial iru in tur countenance and cuid : "Ilowdaru thuy introduce a I'ull- nun car conductor to me ! Thu im- iiideiicu ! Think of mo dancing with liml" "My dear , ignorant , landluhhorly ass from the interior , " said the eon- ulaud recipient of thu angry burst , 'don't you know ho is a master of ho United States navy , thu greatest social HH'oll that breathes , always ex cepting that most magnificent and god-liku creature , a lieutenant of inn- inus ? " "I don't believe it , " she said , crim- Honing. "Where's his nnord and his ; old lacu and trimmings. Hu has lorrowcd tlmt coat from his waiter md sowed thu buttons on thu tuil of t himself , or ulsoho in n conductor. 1 knowhu is a fraud wliun I BCU him walk. " Argument wa powerless to con. vince the youn woman that aho had committed social suicide and com- nittcd the biggust blunder of thu sea son or that thu modestly ornamented coat was really what the oflicuis cull ho "social" uniform , und not thu gorgeous garmunt of full dreas. Incidents of tLn Monrnltig 1 Now Yorlt. If there can bo such a point us ln\ ury in Ki-icf , Now York attained it in its display of iiiilt/nin of mourning , Probably $100.000 would noi cover the expenditures for Wnclc ami white cloth nsod in the decorations. The public buildings and n large number of private houses rciunin draped. The proposal to give the goods to the poor of this cily and the sullerors by the Michigan lire hus not mot with the response it deserves. Some of the big dry-jjoods housvx Iwvo taken down the oloths and returned it to thuir stock. Tliuro was much taste exhibited iu the displays. Pictures of the lalo president were to bo seen everywhere , and often they wcro accompanied by appropriate legends , The outward emblems of in ward grief were not numerous on Fifth avenue , but in the humblest tenements of the city they were to bo scon in profusion , and seine of them seemed to have been made at thu sac- rilico of a black garment. You Leo , a Chinese laundrymiin iu Ludlow street , had an engraving of the Into president tucked up in front of his hop surrounded with cnipe. Below it isjthe following inscription , written by Yeo Leo himself : "The enemy shoot him and dead ho were v nice inivti , The Ami-riwvn peo- ; ) le very sorry and pain on him. Now ivory house linng up the black thijig 'iinural for him. Good man the peo- lie obey him the name very fame for- ver. Und man will bo burn of firo. " An uptown florist had the presi- lout's pietiire framed in flowers of the uost beautiful and varied kind , with dove resting upon the lop of the rrame. Beneath were these lines : 'From scenes llku this C'oV.uuliU'd CMf Hp I'hnt nmkcs her hundred nt homo , rexcrcd txbruiul. riiice.s and loidt are but the breath of An lniiii-t mini's thu nohlc t work nt God. " No oxpcnso soumed s ] > : ired in thu utlay upon some buildings. Many voru draped with good merino , and a ew with thick blaulc cloth. In thu [ rail windows , also , they saw mmij- anciful arrangements of scores of 'ards of black velvet , whitu satin and 'i-ipr. In one such window thu light- y-clad lij uru of a trying imgul swung n midair , while next "to it a vhito silk shaft , shaped like a monument , boru the martyr's lame. More prodigal still vas the outlay that produced four > rcadths of white und black ostrich ciitherH enclosing a steel engraving ot ho lute preside ! ! ) . Clumsy hands vorkecl tit tliu city hall for four days o drapu it , but made such poor work if it that Imro Kiralfy was sent for nd told to proceed without reference o expense to make the decorations ipon the building worthy of the city. Tin ; city hall is a long , low white narblo building , thu center of which H higher than tlio wings at cither idu. The space between thcso wings s partially filled by broad steps , sur- uouted by a portico , formed of six- con columns , supporting a balcony. 'he viouof ( hi ) facadu from any tandpoint presents at' least two sides > f onu of the wings , onu side of the ither and nearly all of thu control or uain part of the structure. Thu. vindows are numerous and aru separated by single columns. The of- uct of thu work may bo imagined whun it is known that the .decorator las covered the ontiru front with ilauk , leaving only the whitu marble viiidow-framus and tjiu windows them selves exposed. By tacking light strips of wood wherovur l-o intended to nail he cloth , ho baa managed to plauo thu tiaturial flat against thu stonu. Tlio vholc of tlio first story s thus rendered black , with thu white arches over the windows and ; ho white capitals and bnses of the lumerous columns to relieve it. Un der each window is a black festoon and over the windows the wholu cor- n'co is but half covered with cloth. iiut thu chief pains have been taken with thu grand entrance , and huro so nuch work has been done that the smaller details pass unnoticed. The 'rout of every stop in the stair case in covered with a band of black , and black is skillfully worked in with he basu of each column , the columns , heinselvps being all black , with fus- OOIIB HO arranged between thorn that ) ho effect of a canopy is produced. Dho balcony is hung with black , .re- ioycd by shields containing white itripes , and all over the artist bus milt a smaller canopy of eight black columns , in front of which is a largo > ainting of the hi to president , and on he top of all a broken ohaft artisti cally draped. Behind all this , and eeen through it all , thu marble seems 'ar ' whitur than before. Above these lucofatiotis the gilt eagles 'in two carved coats of arms hold broad shoots of lihick in festoons , whitu strips of > lnck reach down from ( lie roof be- , weon thu uppermost windows. Wis thorn ever a sad occasion with out its gleam of humor ? Upon a secondhand ond-hand clothing store there was a auglmblu juxtaposition of signs. Bo- nuath thu announcement " \Vo \ are Hulling our untiro stock of suii'inor clothinc off at less than cost , " Was the sign "Wo mourn our loss. " , , , , . , , . . , writrs : ' 'Vour Thomas' J'.olcctiiu Oil cured a badly swelled neclc and nine threaten on my MJII in foity-uifjlit IIIIIII-H. Onu ap plication nlhu removed tlio pain from n \ cry Hiiro tiiu , Sly wife's foot wn nlwi much inll.-uncil BO much BO th it nhu u > uld not wall : about , tlio lmut.ii ; cliu iipjilied thu oil , and in twunty-foiir IIDIIIH wan vntbuly uied , " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t'odlw A WONDKKFULJJ1SCOVKRY. For thu Bpcedy euro ot Coimuniji- ion and ull disuaaes that lead to it , such an stubborn coughs , neglected Jolds , Bronchitis , Hay Fuvur , Asth- na , pain in thu sidu and chest , dry lacking cough , tickling in thu throat lonrsuness , Soru Throat , and all chronic or lingering diseases of thu throat and lungs , Dr , King Nuw Dis covery bus mi equal and him eslablmhod ir itself n world-widu reputation , tinny leading physicians recommend md usu itin their practice. Thu form- iln from which it is ] irt > pared is high- y recommended by all medical jour- mis. Thu clergy ; and thu press have omplimunlod it in the most glowing onns. Cio to your druggist and get a rial bottle freu of coat , or u regular ix.u for $1.00. For SHJ ! by do ( ( JHU tfrMi'IMmriN ' Onmhn. DON'T iTiK IN'TIII : HOI/HI : Ankdni 'lntH for "Jtouuh on ItiiN , " IcaiN out ratK , iiilee , bi-d-bti H , mac vermin , llle , iiiitu , Iniueta , 16upvrbox , \ WM. ROGERS' Manufacturing Company , -MAKKUS OF THE- finest Silver Plated Spoons and Forks. The only tindjj Itional plato that original firm ofl is giving for instance Ilogora Bros. stance n single All our Spoons , Forks n n d plated Spoon n Knives plated triplethicknefisof with the greatest plato only on of cnro. Each the B o c t i o s lot being hung on n ncalo while expo d being plated , to to wear , thereby insure n full do- making a single poait of silver on plated Spoon them. them.Wo wear as long aa Wo would call a triple plated especial attention ono. tion to our sco- Rival. Orient , Tinned. All Onlern In tin Wett liould bo All A. B. . . HUBERMANN , Wholesale Jeweler , OMAHA , NEB. FALL MILLINERY Received Direct from Boston and New York , -AT THE- "Boston Store , " 614-616 SOUTH TENTH STREET. Wo ara now showing tlio most boautiM Assortment-of medium and lowpricBtl Trimmed Hats ever brought to Omaha , all correct Styles and most artistically trimmed , prices ranging from 81,00 to $15,00 each , Also great bargains in Ostrich Tips , Plumes , Fancy Wings , Flowers , Plushes , 'Velvets ' , Satins , &c. , in all the new Colors and Shades. AVe liavo also purchased tbo entire Millinery Stock of Messrs. A. Gruick- shank Co. , ( at a largo discount ) , who have been compelled to give up this branch of ( heir business for want of room. Wo now oiler this magnificcut Stock of Rich Miilinory at about half the price asked by up-town 'Milliners ' for such Goods. , r The ladies are invited to call and bo convinced that it pays to trade at the "J30STQK STORK. " FALL GOODS ! FALL GOODS ! ' . < ' - Opening daily in all departments. . ' " ' ' Store Open Every Evening till 9 O'clock. V-t P. G , IMLAH , Manager , Leader of Popular Prices. Omaha , A Collins Cheyenne , * * Colorado Fall and Winter CLOTHING ! ! LATE AND NOBBY STYLES FOR MEN , BOYS AND CHILDREN. Hats , Gaps , Trunks , Valises. TO IN Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices to Suit al 1316 FARNHAM STREET , NEAU FOURTEENTH , O. H. BALLOU , -DEALER IN- Lath and Shingles , Yard and Office 15th and Cumings Street , two blocki north of ST. PAUL. AND OMAHA DEPOT . , . „ , ' I mli'i > 'ji ii-ia A jyl-ood-'Jm ,