6 TUB OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY OCTOBER T , 1881. ati COUNCIL BLUFFS. Inciflonts From Iowa's ' Westen Oity , The Corn Crop Said to bo a Great Success , NOWH Note * Picked "Dp Here tint , There- NO FAILURE. THI : cony cnor A OIIEAT suass. The corn growers of lown have certainly causa to rejoice and fcol exceedingly coodingly glad , for , notwithstanding nil \ro have heard ninco the seed was covered , has been tlint there is a fniluro of the lown corn crop. This has never happened and never will. The crop may fail in Illinois , Kansas and everywhere clso , but the state of Jowa will always bo found in the mnr- fcct-placo with her cribs full and miming over. Not only will wo have n larpo crop this year , but one of the best quality over raised in this stato. EVOH now , without n par ? ticlo of frost , the corn is almost lniru enough for the pickuis.Vo ha\o liad a remarkable season for ripening grain of all kinds , and wo vonlmothc remark there has not been n year fern n long time that the farmers in this imit of the state Imvo gai acred so largo 5 quantity of first quality cereals us they have mid will this. There is no doubt thnt corn , especially Iowa corn , will fetch n higher price than usual , oven after navigation closes. But wo doubt if it will pay to hold it anyjongor. ' Wo understand that it has already dropped in the Chicago market eight or ton cents. This certainly will prove an auspicious year for farmers. Thohigh price of corn will help them pay oil their mortgages , and a good many will send the plow into the soil next spring with a lighter heart. KKXTUOK lit' 'I'iMno. Old Kcntuck alias "Uad , wtho nig- Her , " got into trouble last evening. lie imbibed too freely from the gin and migar bowl. His tongue g t. loose ami ho was unable to , control it. . Ho was arrested by Oflic'er Barhyte after a fierce struggle , and with the s assistance of CUBIC. Thor > two , vby putting clamps on the coon , managed to got mm where they wanted him , up to the calaboose. HOW ON AHTlt ? A countryman living somuwhoro in the vicinity of Keg Crook , not only took in the circus yesterday but something f thing clap that passed to his head after tor the ciicus performance was over at night. His horacs did the best they could under the circumstances but somehow when they got in the vicini ty of the Deaf and Dumb asylum they turned to the right , and when the beer had evaporated sufliciontly to relieve the brain and the man became rational ho looked' ahead of hint and then backed up and down , and then ex claimed "Annio ! Hallo ! I say , wife ! How on arth como so much water in this yard ? " The team had brought up at Carr Lake. SAID HE COULD'HT. The following correspondence has passed between the mayor of Council -bluffs and thu king of the Sandwich Islands : Our mayor to the king : "Will you favor our city with a car riage drive ? I will moot you at depot with carriage. 'N. J. ' W. 11. "Vaughan , Mayor. " The king to our inayor : "His majesty's thanks for the kind invitation received , but is sorry ho cannot accept. Kulaktiua , by Col. .Tudd. " HK'M * OKT ON. Wo understand that the Colonel , since the convention , has notified Sap , Baldwin and EVUIIH that if they will rosin the mare's rump in good nlmpo , BO that there will bo no danger 1 of slipping , and will promise not to crowd him ho will call around that way and get 6n. A HAD DEATH. AVe regret to announce the sudden death of Carl Yonkorman , which oc curred at his father's residence on East Pieroo street , , Wednesday evening. Carl was a young man with many good qualities , possessed inoro than ordinary musical talent , and was respected by all who know him. He died of that dread ( disease"UhatThas beonjdoing its work of death in'.our city of Into typhoid.pnou'nioma. JTho blowwas a sad 'one | lor''his fond parents - > rents to hear , and they have the sympathy - * pathy of tlio community' in their be reavement. The funeral will take place this afternoon , from the family residence on East Pierce street. All friends of the deceased and the family sire invited to attend. THE IILUKP IN II1UKK. II , 11. Barroy has secured for his firm in Detroit the contract to furnish the iron work for thu Omiiha court house. The heavy wind last Friday cut the limb oil'u tree standing in the front yard of G. W. Holland's rc.sidonuu/on / Haiti street , that was eighteen inches in diameter , and itJis not much of a blow cither. All those wishing relics of n dyna mite explosion had better secure them nt once. There will not bo another opportunity , as the railroads won't transport any moro dynamite. The city , notwithstanding the inclement - clement weather , was ciowded yester day. A circus will fetch 'cm oory time. time.The The beautiful building greeted on , Main street by J. JUuullor , of nitiBlo fame , is nearly completed , and will soon bo ready for occupancy. Nearly 400 emigrants fioin the cmnt took the Union I'aciDo at this point for the far west on Wednesday.4 The city council meets to-night , and wo shall know when our mayor , proposes to call the extra flection un- uler .the code. This must bo dona within thiity days. The question is , whom shall wu nominate ? Wu under&tand tliuru is , talk in democratic circles of putting Jlobert Formal in the field. r Thuro is no doubt that ( ho Vauglmn men will want him to run indupi > nd > ontly.unleMi the democrats take him t y Outnoit inayoj'jvill be obliged to tlovoto the most of his time to the duties of tlio ofl'tco. The coloicd citizens of Council Bluffs aio preparing to band loggthut as nn independent organization in politics , and are bound that their rights shall bo respected by the party. 0. L. Davis , conductor of the Nortlnvcstein dining car , has been transferred to the other end of the road. road.C. C. W. Dresser has boon put in Mr. Davis' place as conductor of the Northwestern dining cor on this end of the road. Mrs. Patton , wife of Doctor Patton , is lying dangerously ill at her resi dence on North Main street , Miss Annie Louisa Carey , the great singer , never misses going to a circus , as will bo seen | > y the following article - clo that appears in The Portland ( Maine ) Globdi "When Itanium's circus was hero in Juno the driver of i grocery wagon was hailed by three ladies on Fierf street Vho re quested him to carry them up to the show grounds. Ho told them if thoyicould stow themselves n thu team Iio-would carry them up. Two of them sat on thu scat and the ) thur one took up her position on an inverted basket in the center of the ; cam. The trio 'enjoyed the ride very nuch , the lady on tlio baaket fru- qucntly exclaiming , "what a jolly ark. " Arriving nt the tent they of- crcd their charioteer a ticket , but he vaa1obllgodrfo decline. List week ho received three tickets to the Carey soncort with the compliments of the ady who sat on thu basket Miss Jaroy. Col. Doniphan. a leading altorney of St. Joe , is iii Council Blulls , on a isit to the family of Deputy Marshal toy.Hon. Hon. WjjHiun Erwin , of Cheyenne , s in Council Bluffs oil it visit tq one if our prominent stock dealers , Goo. Cculino. Gen. WilHon , of Phil. Sheridan's tall' , arrived in this city over the Jnion Pacific Wednesday night , and mmodiatoly took the North westerner or Chicago. A circus in a circus and Foropaugh ms gi\en the best one tlnis far this cason. Col. Chapman , Representative J. C. Morgan , The * Omaha Herald's ' hoop tender , ClurkJ and Dr. Cook vbro furnished ( ho' bcstT scats in the ircusj ulso , J. , 0. Adams , who thinks Imt ho is the biggest political frog liaftjjimps abound this county. 'Charley Eaughan saya that politics hould bo loft out of the question , nd the people should start our first- lass city with a first-class government rom the mayor to street supervisor. No woman could mine- her baby in- ido the tout yesterday w'thout ' pay- ng an extra quarter for the privilege , jut a good , many "nursed" just the nmo. Corn No. 2 was fetching yesterday 53 cents ; wheat , $1.25 ; butter , 25o ; lotatoos , $1.10 ; eggs , 20c ; oweot po- atocs , 4c ; hay , $6 ; wood , soft $4.50 , mrd , $ ) , _ _ _ Balm in Oilead. 'hero Is n Valm in Gllcad to henl oacligap- Ing wound ; n THOMAS' ELKCI mo On , , the remedy is found , ' 'or Internal and for outward use. you may freely apply It ; for all pain and Inflammation , you should not fall to try it. t only costs a trifle , 'tis worth Its weight in gold , And by every dealer In the land this rem edy i i ! d. A Wonderful Dandle Team * few York Herald. During the past few years there has ) coii u rivalry among wealthy gentle men as to who could secure the fast- st trotting team , the same as there vas Bomo twenty years ago , which > rought out Mr. .Robert Bonnur's earn Lady Palmer and Elatbush Maid , vhich on May 10 , 1802 , trotted a nile over the Fashion Course , driven > y Mr. Bonnur , in 2:20 : , and thrco lays afterward trotted two lulled in 501j ; , the Hucond quarter of the second milo being hotted in thirty- lireo seconds. This fast tiino re- nainod at the top of the record 111 til two years ago , -when Mr. W. II. Vandeibilt drove Lady Mac and Small Hopes a milo over thu IHeotwood Park in 2:215 : , which contin ued the best until last week , when Mr. John Shophard's team , Blondin and Mill Boy , trotted a milo to a road wagon in 2:22 : over tlio Beacon Park rack. Mr. T. C. Eastman's team rotted at Flnotwood Park on thu saino lay in 224. ; Mr. Foster Dowoy's team , Boston and W , H. , inado/omu very lino' displays during last wjo'ok at , ho Kama placo. But it remained for tfr. Frank Work's team , Edwafd and 3iek Swivello'r ) to wipe out all' pre vious records' ' Tliis they did on L'uoaduy aftornpon. 27th ult. , at i'lootwood park in tnu urcsonco of a argo number of the members of the 3cntlomon'a Driving Association. r. Work had n but of $1000 that lia team would boat 2.25 , the tiial to jo made on Tuesday , John E. Tur- icr had driven the team n week ago n 2.25 ; but this was supposed to uwu been n' ntoto chance > crformanco under favoiablo cir-/ lumstanccs and would not bo ikc-ly to bo done again , mid hcnco the natch for $1,000 and the tii.il of ycs- urdav nftotnoon. Turner not being at land Dun Mace was selected to dnvo ho icam. After a littlu jogging and ,01110 , apuudinu to got the hang of the .earn , Dun catno up for the word and t was given , and he dashed away at u clipping pace , which ho kept up all the way , the horses work- illniculy and trotting as onu lorao. They came homo without a skip or break in the unprecedented imo of two minutes and nineteen seconds ends and n half , two seconds and a mlf faster than thu fastest time ever undo. The first quarter was trotted n .13\ seconds , the half milu in 1:07 : } . J'ho top wagon to which the horses rotted uoighud 105 pounds. Worthy or Pralio. As a rule wo do not recommend pa- ojit medicines , but when wo know of mo that really is a public benefactor , and does positively euro , than wo con sider it our duty to impart that jnfor- nation to all. Eloctiio bittern arc ruly a most valuable medicine , and \vill surely cuio Biliousness , Fever mil Ague , Stomach. Liver and Lidnoy complaints , uven whuro all other rom- odics fail. Wo know whereof wo sneak , and can freely recommend to all. [ Ex , Sold at 50 cents a bottle Ish & McMuhou. (4) ( ) Preserving VnRotnblci In Winter W. J ) . I'hllljrlcK In J < e Illinium ) Farmer , To ktcp beets , carrots and turnips from wilting it is n good plan to pill them up in hant'U uilh heads , or t ( pile them in ( ho cellar about lour feet deep and cover the pile with a lit'lo straw or coarse litter , to present evap oration. If the cellar is kept cold they will not sprotit and grow ; bul this is not nlwajs easy to do , ns milt ] weather approaches in spring , nt which season a good pit keeps the roots in hotter order than any cellar can do. To keep squashes well \ory differ ent condition * are essential. Tlio squash in a tropical plant , and will not endure cold weather ; oven an apu iiroaeh to tlio.frco/.ing point below 40' injures them for keeping , and if the temperature can bo kupt uniformly abovu 50' from tlio time they are lini' vested it will bo nil thu hotter ; free circulation of air is ctsuntial also , especially when they are first gathered , and for several weeks afterward. A cellar with n furnace in it , where the temperature is above CO' ' , will keep thorn well. But u cellar without n fire is too damp and cold , and they will not-koop long in it , One of the best placi it > ; bo found in most houses for kcoMtpttaqiiashcn' is a closet against UW'Mmlhln chimney. Th'oy nucd looking ovcif evory/ two weeks to pick quiche > < ApucleU ones } ihoy * keep pretty well till spring if carefully \vacnc\li ( 'The hard-shelled squashes , like thu Hubbnrd nml Marblchoad. keep very much bettor than the tur ban and marrow varieties , which aio mostly used in autumn for pins , etc. Tomatoes picked quito green , just before frost endangers their ( 'estruc- tion , atid spread out upon benches of n greenhouse , or under the glass of a hot bed , will i Spoil after several days exposure to the warm of the sun , and prove very accuptablo after the frost ban destroyed thu vines. String beans may bo easily dried by spreading them on a roof or other con venient plnce , and furnish an excellent winter dish ; they need only to bo soaked , and cooked as if fleshly picked. This method is not goneially tno\\ and practised as it should bu. 3tiing beans mo a delicate dish in uid-winter , and well worth thu slight trouble of saving them. Lima beans , ihellcd and dried , make most excol- unt.stu\\od beans in thu winter sea- ion , so much bettor than otdinary pua ! ) cnnn tllnt onu would bo quitu sur- [ > rine < l at the dilfuicnco who had never bufoio tiicd it. BORUS Cortlflontos. It is no vile drugged stuff , pretend ing to bo made of wonderful foreign roots , barks , &c , and puffed up by long bogus certificates of pretended miraculous cures , but a simple , pure , 3il'cctivo medicine , made of well known valuable remedies , that fur nishes its own certificates by its cures. Wo refer to Hop Bitters , the purest uid best of medicines. Republican. octl-15 THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS FOB MAN A1TD BEAST. For moro thnn a third of a century tlio Mexican Muttniigljlnlnicnt has boon known tomlllloiiH nil over tlio world us liu | only mifu reliance for tlio roller of incidental mid tiiiln. It Is u medicine iiliov ) > tlc < ) ami piiilso Iho belt ot Its kind. For every foua urvzturuul ] > u'ji tlio Muntnn I.lnlincnt \ltlioiitim cminl. It peiietrnU * Ilimh und iiiiitelc to ( lie \tiy iiunn ninkliiR the ccnllnu- nlii'o of ] itln : und Inlhuninatlon Impo - Hllilc. UN I'lVcrtiuifdM Iluniiiti rlcsli mid tint Hiiilo crcnlion uru vqtuilly wonilui- fill , Tliu Aloxltnn I.lnlniiMit la needed liy nnmobmly In ovuiy lioiiHi' . K\eiy dnbiiiins nu\-uit tlin nKl > ' ' .V r l > ntiful Kiald or limn Hiibilncd , ot rlirmiiiitlc niurtyrs iu- hloiod , < ir.il iiilualilti liniso or ox icil by thu liculina iiouer vrUlcli Bpoortlly ctu-os nucli aliments of in HUMAN KMiSll as Itiiciiiuntliiii , Stvclllnf { , fltllT aluti , Coiitrnctcil AIuHclo , Itnriu lid Hraldn , C'i > tit IlrulMvii nml prnliii , I nlaiiouii III ten nml UIIKI. htlfTiici , Lauienei * . OliI are * , IIlccr , Fraitbltci.Cllllblalm. lore nilpplei ! Caked llreast. and udced etcry fonu of external UU- nic. It licnl * ivltliaut cori. For tlio IlllUTU CltKATION It euros Nprnlui , Strimiy. til Iff Jnlii ( , auiiilcri Ilnrnei * norc , Ifoof I U- ieiFoot Itot , ttaruw > Vorm. Ncnli , follow Iluritt Scrntclirn , AVIinl- lli , 8 | > nvlii ( Thruuli , ItliiKlmnr , Hd Nores , I'ull lvll , ntm upon he Nluhl niul eveiy otlur nllinuiit o ivlilrh tlio otciipniiu at ( lie t bl uixl Ntoclc Yaiil are llulile. Tlui niexlrau ? Iu t ii ( J.liiliuciit Iwiiys emeu und nu\er dlsupiioluta ; lull I la , luwltlvely , THE BEST OF ALL FOB MAN OB BEAST. Toiorrc l > onilciiil with l rtiesln WANTHD to inirLhaiilni ; seurul c-nr Ioatl < ol > otatowi , creaniory butter , cliok-o cluiry butter , 1'loaio tut thin out to tint m , .Net ) . o. > Si\U rr.AKKX Ul1 Hayhorio of medium size , bhoil J on nil Itrt ami nbouttU . at 0110- mlf inllooit ol tlio Deaf an J Dumb Ah\luiii. > ciS\\.t JOHN BTUIIK.N. AOUNTS WANTED TOR OVR NKW HOOK BIBLE FOR THE YOUNG , " l > clnp tlio Story ot the Scriptures , by lloi Aloxauikr CiuoV , D. 1) . , In bhimlt ) ixnd attraitht 0)H'uas ( or olil nntl jountf. Vroluscly Illuitm- eil , niaKhin a moat InttrcBtlnjund lmiriuhc ) jouth g Instructor , i\cry : latent 111 tocura thU n ork , Trciu hern , ) oil tJiould ilrculato It. 1'Htf 13 00 , Uiiul ( or riniilaraitli extra limit , J U. CIIA1I11LK3 & CO. bt Loult Ma. AGENTS WANTED POH CREATIVE SOIEKOE aud Sexual PhiloBophy. i'roluMiy Illustrated , ' 'hciaot lni | > ortint anil Kit book ( lUblUlicO , Kvcry limlly winU U SxtrwrUluiry nulucomciit * uffsrod A/tnt . AJJrcM Aaiim'1'UBi.iiuiiia Lo. , St. Louli , Mo n The leading BclentnU ot to-tiny ngroo , tlnl most illecH < are , nvuiicil by riltorilcrotl orlhbr. If , therefore , ( ho kklnoftnim Ihcr nn Kept In perfect ordtr , | > ctfcct licnlth ulllU'tln result. Tlili truth ban only li < nknonn o ihorl time anil for } tars | ice ( > lo Midcrtxl crcnt ngonj without licliiK nllo ( o llnd rclltf , Tlio illicotcrj of Warner's bale Kldru ) ami I.l\cr Cure nmrk t n new era In the treatment ol these trouble * > tftilo ( rout n tlmplo trortlcnl leaf of rara value , li contftlns Jut Iho clcmcntd ncctusary to nourkl am ) lnIsomto lioth ot tlicxo gttnt orgnni , ntu wifely rcntore and kccii them In nrilvr. It Is r Poilllve Remedy for all tlio dlfcwd that rnii < lalni In tlio lower jiartof thu liotly tot Tor ) < ! ( l.l\ci Hcndftchts Jailiidlca Dizznc ! s-0ra o - raterABUO Lhcrand Urlnarj Oryiin , It l nn ovccllcntaml .ifo rcincrty lor fcinalci ilnrlnf ? I'rcnwnpy. It u 111 control Mcnstruttlot mid li In'ftlmblo lor Luucorrhom or I'nlliiiK o : tlio Womb. An n Ulooil Purifier It In unc/pinlcil , for It cure1 tlio ordain tint inakn the hlood. This rcniwly , uhlch hi * done surd wonder1 , 1' put up In the IUC ! T HIXCI ) HOT I'M ! of all ) incJIclilo ii ] > oii the iinrktt , and Is xold \ > \ Vt\\tt- \ ( tints and nil dealers at 91.25 per bottfo. Km Dlftlictcfl , onnulro for WAUNEM'9 SAKK DIA 1IKTES CUltK. It Is n I'OSI I IVE Remedy. H. H. WARNER & 00. , Rochester , N. Y. fo1fl-tlMll-iiat.lv _ Geo. P. Bern is REAL ESTATE AGENCY , 16th and Dodjo 8t . , Omaha , Neb. This agency ( iocs STRICTLY n lirokcrao' liuslnes , Docs not speculate , and therefore any tuirjrilni on UH lxok ore Insured to Its pntrone , instead of bclnir rolibled un liv thn n/ont BOGGS & HILL , REAL ESTATE BROKERS No. 1608 Fanahiun Street , Orricn Nor h slilo out ) . Grand Central Hotel. John G. Jacobs , ( Formerly of Ql h& Jacobs , ) UNDERTAKER. No. 1117 FarnhimSt. , Old Stand ol Jacob Ols. i ri .iv Teleirmph Solicited r'27-lv A. G. TROUP , ATTORNE vAT - LAW B. D. MCLAUGHLIN , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW And Notary Public. Premier's Block , Opposite Post Office. Sioui City & Pacific * ICD St. Paul & Sioux City' ' " ' RAILROADS. HIE OLD RELIABLE SIOUX CITY. HOUTB 1OO UILE3 SHORTER ROUTE 3.OO FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS TO ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS OULUTH ORBISUARCK , nd all points In 'Northern Iowa , Minnesota and > akotx This line U equipped v ( h thp lmpro\ Vcetlnghouse Automatic Air-brake nd Miller 'latform Couolei and Duffer : and ( or SPEED. SAFETY AND COMFORT i unsurpassed. Elegant Drawing Hoom n Bleeping Cars , owned and controlled by the com pany , run through WITHOUT CHANGE between Juion PatlHo Transfer ucpot at Council Bluffj , und St. I'M > 1. Tmins Icaio Union Pacific Tnnifor depot a Council 131utTa at 6:16 p. m. , reaching Sioux C'lt > it 10.20 . , m. and St. Paul at 11:05 : a. ra. maklns ; TEN HOURS IN ADVANCE OF ANYJOTHER ROUTE. Returning , Icavo St. Paul at 8-30 p. in. , arriving t Sioux City 4 45 n. m. , and Union Pacific Trans lilcpot , Council RluOii , at 60 a m. DC r.t jour tlckeU road via "h. C. t P. II. R. ' P. C. HILLS , SuiHrlntenilont , T. E. ROUINbON , Mlswouri Vallay , I . Asst. Uc ) I'aaa. Avcnt. J. If. O'BU AN , Pww" > npt.r Afrcnt. " > uncll llliiT ( . Iow . AI3ENTS WANTED EOK the Fifltcet t-olilnu Book of the A e ! foundations or Success , CU8IKESS AND SOCIAL FORMS. . The laws of trr-do , Ical fomia , how to Ir&nB- U iiurliiesn , valutble tables , social etiquette , ptrlUmcutary u iio , hew to cnnduit public > Ualnrti ; la f .ct it U & complete Ouide to Sue- cos * for all elates. A Umliy uotesalnAddrcos or clrculu * aud sp cUt terms , ANCHOR PUB * J . St Lnulx. Mo Ed\A/ard We Sime al , ATTOBNEY 3 ItO. W. UUANK. A. U , CAMPURLt , DOANE & CAMPBELL , Attorneys-at-Law , B W COR. 1BTH & DOUGLAS STS. , JvSl'lf OMAHA , d.H FLIEGLE J. II Thlclc , No. SIM Uauirlar 0 > - BlackDiamondCoalBo , \v. u I.OOMIB. j. s. NIWII.L : : , 1'IIKJ. hKC. AND'l'HKAa. 1. L. MILLiil : , AUKNT. HARD OR SOFT COAL M car lota or III ntmntitlen to suit imrcliasori ? Ordcn SollUUd. Yard , Foot Farnham and Doug las Sts. , Omuha. _ _ BOpS DexterL.Thoias&Bro , WILL DUY AND BKLL AND ALI , TRAMJACriOM COMJUCTKD TIIKRRWiril. Taxes , Rent Houses , Etc. It VOU WAM TO Bl'T Oil BULL Call at Ofllce , Itooui 8 , Crotxhton HlocV , Omaha. SIBBETT & FULLER , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , / > VID OITY , NEB , B [ > echl attention g\\vn \ to collottlom In Ilutlcr count " 'I mu din 03. R. CUBK80N , i , 0 , HUNT Clarkson & Hunt , Succciwr * | o nlchanlt & Hunt , ATTORNEYS - LAW B ; UtkBtrmt Oin h Nnh P. MO CO 1319 Farnhani Street. Z 20 PIECES BEST QUALITY 48-INCH BLACK CASHMERE $1.00. * This quality usually sells everywhere at $1.50. No Samples Mailed ; order what you want , we guar antee Satisfaction. Great Kid Sale ! Best Quality Fisk , Clark and Flagg Gloves , 3-But- ton , 75 cents. t Best Quality Fisk , Clark and Flagg Gloves , 4-But- ton , $1.00. ' BETTER COLORS ! WIDER GOODS I Satin and Gros Grain , all Nos. , 9 to 40 , 10 cents. S. . ZMIOIRSim & CO. , 1319 Farnham Street. AND STILL THE LION CONTINUES TO Boar for Mo ore ( s ) Harness AND Saddlery. I have adopted the Uon aa a Trade Maik. and all my Roods will bo STAMPED with the LION nml my NAME on the rainc. NO GOODS ARE GENUINE WITHOUT Til > 5 ABOVE STAMl'8 The best material Is used and the most skillcc" workmen are ciniilojeil , and at the lowest cnrb price. An.vonu wishing a prko-llst of good will confer a ( a\or by sendln ) ; for ono. DAVID SMITH MOORE. United States Depository. NationalBank - OF OMAHA. - Cor. 13th and Farnam Sts. OLDEST BANKINQ ESTABLISHMENT IN OMAHA. 8UOCE8SOR3 TO KOUNTZE BROTHERS. ) 186(1. Organized tut tk National Dank Aucust 20 , 1863. CAPITAL AND 1'ROFll 3 OVER 300,000 , orriCEni AKU DIIH-CTOHU : UKRMAN Kouvm , Prc ( lrnt. uHTtis KOJNTZM , Vl < t t'rcaldcnt. H. W. YATKI , Cashier. A. J. I'oiTLnrnn , Attorney. JUMNA. F. II. DAVI3 , Asst. Cashier. Thl bank rocclicn UcposlU without regard to amount * , JoHKutlino certificates bcarlni ; Interest. lrnv ( drafts on San Kranclbco and principal iltltu of the United States , also London , Dublin lUinburgh and the principal cities of the cent ! nent of huropc. Bella | ias9ensir ticket * for emigrant ! by the In man line mavldtf The Oldest EatabUshed BANKING HOUSE IN NEBRASKA. Caldwell , Hamilton & Qo. , X3-A.ZXT1BCE13ECJE1. . transrctod tame as that ol an Incor * wntcJ rank. Acco'ints kept In currency or gold subject to all-lit chick without notice. Certificates of depotlt ssucd pas blo In three , ilx and t ch o months , jearlng intoroat , or on demand without Interest. Alliances made to customer ! on approt ed secu rities at market rates of Interest. Duy and Fell gold , billi of exchange , govern * men ; , state , county and city bomls. Draw ( Ijrnt dnfU on England , Ireland , Scot- and , and all parts of Euroixi. Sell Euro ) > can poiuago tlckita. COLLECTIONS PROMITLV MADR. Hill-lilt BTBON RXED. BYRON REED & . CO. jOLDSKT KDTAULItlllKO Eeal Estate Agency IN NEBRASKA ] Keep complete abitract ol title to all Rial SaUta In Omaha ami Douelu couutv , mart' J. B. Detwiler's CARPET STORE. Jflftf 1 The Largest Stock and Most Comj ? ' \ plete Assortment in ' The West. We Keep Everything in the Line of Carpets , Oil cloths , Matting , Window-shades , Fixtures and Lace Curtains. mart'J. WE HAVE GOODS TO PLEASE EVERYBODY. 1313 Farnham St. , Omaha. Special Attention Is Once More Called to the Fact that 1ME. Bank foremost in the West in Asso rtment and Prices of CLOTHING . FOB MEN'S , BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR. ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF Furnishing Goods Hats and Cap ] Wo are prepared to moot . tlio demands of the trade in regard to Latest , Si j nnd Patterns. Fine Merchant Tailoring in Connection , RESPECTFULLY i i M. HELLMAN & CO1 300 to 31213th St. , Corner