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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1881)
FHEOMAI DAILY iELEVENTH jf YEAR OMAHA , FRJ DAY MOKNING- , OCTOBER 7 , 1881 , NO. 91 K I 1 124 < ' -vt Vi ( < ; ( * * , , . . . * * - * * - He ouses LOTS For Sale BV ' BEMIS , FIFTEENTH AND DOUGLAS SIS , , No. 1 , Few house , 7 rooms , en Cumlng street' near Saundere , 81200. No. 2. 2-story house , 0 room , well , cistern and barn , Webster , near 15th street , $2600. . * * No. 3 , House of 10 rooms , on Harncy , near 9th street , etonn foundation , $1000. J No. 4'lJartro'houso of 11 rooms , on Webster ( street , near Crclghton College , ? 3500. No. G , HMISO of 7 rooms , on Cass , near 17th Street , SJOOO. No. 7 , House of S rooms , 3 lots , on 17thstreet , near Izard. S3 00. " No 3 , Iiouso of 5 rooms on Cass , near 14th , 22.U32.feet lot , 81300. L , ' " u , No. 3 , Houso'of 3 rooms , kitchen , etc. , or Cass , m-ar 13th st cct , SsOO. No. 10 , House of 3 rooms nlth.tot 22x132 feet , on Cast , twar 14th street , § 900. No. 11 , House of G rooms , on ICth street , near DouglaK , 44x00 feet lot , ( HOOO. No. 12 , House of 0 rooms , lirlclc foundation , on Harncy , near 27th sticct , $1000. No 13 , 1 story now house of U rooms , bricl ; foundation , off tit. Mary'n aycnuc , near cement , No. 14 , House of 5 rooms and summer UtHtcn , on 20th street , ncarclark , $2500. No. 16 , House of 8 rooms , on Sherman avenue ( ICth street ) , near Nicholas , $2250. No. Ill , 1 j-story house of 4 rooms , collar , stable , etc. , on Daionuort , near 22dstreet , $1500. No. 17 , 2-ntory brick house of 0 rooms , near vnd of red street car turn table , $2350. No. 18. House and 2 lots , 4 blocks west of High School , 2500. No. 19 , House and 3 lots on road to park , near head St. Mary's atcnue. $3500. No,20 , Housoand HlotsntarHascall'sSouth Omaha , $2500. No. 21 , HOUHO and lot on Duvenpjrt street , near ICtlfstreet , $5500. No. 22 , 2-story iiouso and 1-t 32MM feet , on Davenport , near 12th street , 1300. No. 23 , House of 4 rooms and 2 lot son 17th Htreet , near Izard , $1200 , No. 2S , House and J lot on 10th street , . Dodge , $650. No. 20 , House and ) lot on 10th street , near Capitol avenue , $1450. t N * . 27 , 2 houses and lot on Jackson , near 18th fstrecfc , $4300. . * - - No. to , 6 houses and 1 lot on California , near - 13th etrcot , $5000. No. 30 , l-story brick house of 4 rooms ulth lot 60x200 feet , on Sherman avenue ( ICth street ) , near Izard , $3000. No. 31 , IJ-story house and 33xGO feet , on 13th strectt , near Howard strict , $2000 , No. 32 , 1-story house of 0 rooms and two lots on Mason , near 15th street. $3000. No. 35 , Largo house and full lot on Capitol avenue , near 13th street , $2300. No. SO , 2 three-story brick liousoi with lot 44x 132 feet , on Chicago , near 18th street , $5000 each. r > o. 37 , House of 7 rooms with Ij lot , on I'aul street , near 18th street , 2750. No. 33 , Home and lot on ISth street , near Sherman , $1850. No. 39 , HousuofO rooms \Uth 44x G feet lot , on ISth street , near California , $2.100 No. 42 , Iiouso of 8 rooms with lot 150x150 feet , on Coburn. near Colfax street , ij3500. No. 43 , House and 2 lots on Chicago , near 20th street , $7jJJ. No , 45 , Largo house of 7 rooms , closets pantry , well and i-iiturnon ISthnearClark street , 3500. No. 40 , Lat'c hound with full block , near now shot tower , $2000. No. 47 , HOLISU of 0 rooms \vith J lot , on Pat-Ilk1 , near llth street. $3000. No , 49 , Urick house of II rooms , well , c'stcrn , gas throughout the house , good barn , etc. , on Farnham , near 17th street , .X'.OOi ) . No , to , House of 0 rooms , cellar , well , etc. , on 10th , near I'aul rtrutt , HMUO. No. 53 , House of U rooms and ccllarlot33\132 , . off St. Mary's avenue , near convent , 81509. ' No. 55 , Four homes andSS\120feet , on Davenport - ' , . port , near lUth street , ftiOOO. c No. 50 , House of 0 or 10 rooms , on 'California , ECr21st street , $5500. / . . No. 57 , Iiouso of 0 rooms , summer kitchen , lr \w. Cellar , cistern , well , good barn , etc. , near St. i f . Jlary s a > enuo and 21st street , $3000. ( ' > . . No. 58 , Now house of 7 rooms , good barn , on . ' * Webster , near 22d strtet. $2500. ' , No. 59 , Konr houses witlil lot , on 12th street , near Cass $2500. No. 00 , House of 3rooms on Davenport , near . 23rd street , $900. 8. No. 61 , House of 9 or 10 rooms , on Hurt street , , Jieur 22nd struct , $5000 , . No. 02 , House of 4 rooms , 1 story , porch , eel- > . lar , cistern and well , on Harncy , near21st street , * . S1730 , No , 03 , House of 4 rooms , closets , basement and collar , near White Lead Worl.e , $1000. Me. 04 , llulldlni ; on leaned lot , en Uod''o street , near post olllee , store below and ruoms above , No. 05 , Slots with barn and other Improve ments , near street car turn table , $2000. No. Or , Nowhou'oof 0 rooms on 17th , near Cimnnft street , $1000. No. 09 , Largo line Iiouso of 12 rooms , every thing complete , on 18th , near Chicago , . 1)000 , No. 70 , Iiouso on 13th xtruct , mar uavenjwrt , store below an J rooms nlo\ , barn , etc. , $1M)0. ) No. 71 > Houxo of H room , line cellar , all com plute , on California , near 21st , 97000. No. 72 , Hrkk house , 10 or 11 rooms , on Daven port , near 15th. $5000. No. " 3 , IJ-story house , 0 moms , cellar , w.ll and chtern , on Jackson , near 12th , lbOO. No. 74 , llrlik hoH-o ilh 2 lulu , fruit trees , etc , on ICth , near Capitol mcnue , $1.V > 00. No. 75 , House of 4 rooms , basement , lot 17i\ 132 feet , on Matey , near 7th , $076. No. 70 , li-itory house , Sroonx , on Caw street , near ICth street , # 4500. No , 77 , 2-story house , 11 rooms , closets , fur- naeo , fnilt trees , barn , etc. , on ririihaui , near 18th street , $ sOOO. 8' No. 78 , 2 lots with new tome , well , cistern , etc. , about ono milo v\o < f.of ] > est otice , $1000 , No , 70J , House and lot near end of led street car turn table , on Saundern street , $ < > 00 , No. BO , House of 4 rooms , hall , cellar , pantry , Kood well , etc. , J1300. No. 81 , 2 houses with 0 rooms , and other with 0 rooms , on Chicago , near 12th street , $3000. No. 82 , 1 } story house , 0 rooms , 4 closets , well and 100-barrol cUtora good barn , on Fierce St. , near 20th ( near now government corrall ) , $1MX ) . \a No. 83 , 2-story house , 8 roonw , coalthcd , good wall , cUtcrn , on 4 lot , * n Capitol nvenue , nea ) Jfo. 84 , z'-story house , 8 rooms , 1 below nnd 4 above , 3 closets , co'lar ' , well and cistern , ulth 5 acr H ground , on Saundcrsstreet , near llarraiks , 6 500. No. 85 , 2 stores , homo on leased } - lot , k-aso runs 2 years from April 1st , IbSl , on I'aclrtu at. , near U. I' , dejiot , $ i > 0 , No. 80 , Iiouso , 1C room ) , veil , cistern , etc. , near ICth and Harncy streets , 03000. No , 87 , 2 tory house , 3 rooms , well with 40 feet of water , with 6 acres of ground , on Saundcrc street , near U. S , Un'rai'ks , 1-iOOO , " is GEO. P. BEMIS' Heal Estate Exchange : 16th and Douglas Street , NEBRASKA'S CONVENTION i S ' ' ' 1 * . : ' Proceedings of tlio Republican Convention at Lincoln. . Maxwell Nominated Supreme JudgoUy'an Ovorwlfelm- ing Majority. - , . , . , ' L. B' , Fifleld and Isaa'o Pow ers Nominated aa Regents ' ' , the l The Committee on Resolutions ' - Llulogize tlie Late 4681 * , ident , Aadi Express Pull Confidence s 'in tho'Ability of Prea-vl ident Arthur. , " , * * Tho.StateCentral Committee Re organized A Itist of lt ww * Members. V ' Special Disjiakli toTnr. BKK. ' ) > LINCOLN- , October 0 The republi canstato convention remained in ses sion until 2 o'clock this morning. A Very spirited contest lasting over ono hour was fought between the sup porters and opponents of .IjudsfoMox- ' twell , ovortio ] 'motion made . by ! John M. Thurston to yoto for Hupromo judge by secret ballot instead of voting ing viva voce by the call of , counties. ThurstoiL's motion was finally voted down by a decided majority.fc * A little after midnight a votu was taken on supreme judge , resulting as follows : Samuel Maxwell , 2y3i ; 0. J. Dillworth , 8Gi ; O. V. Howett , 3 ! > ; Uriah Bruner , 15. The Douglaa del egation voted 15 for Dillworth and 8 scattering. The convention then pro ceeded to nominate two regents of Iho university. L. B , Fitiold was nomi nated from the fifth judicial district and Isaac Powers , of Dakota county , was nominated from the sixth judicial district for the placet now held by Re gent Wm. Adair. A now state central committee was selected , with J. AV. Dawes as chair man. Paul Vanderwort and C. B. Yost were selected to represent Doug las county. Datus Brooks tlu > u re produced his long-winded T yglaa countjresolutions , - which were voted through hastily without debate and the convention adjourned sine die. The following is THE I-LATFOUM : The republicans of Nebraska declare their continued devotion to the prin ciples of the national republican party , as expressed in the Chicago platform , and as further defined in thu letter * of acceptance of its candi dates for president and vice president. In the untimely death of our late president , James Abram Garfield , at the meridian of his life , wo deplore the loss to the nation of a gifted and accomplished man , a tried and trusted Rarty leader , and a broad-minded and progressive statesman. Ho was a man of the people , and his experience and wisdom in public affairs pre-eminently qualified him both to maintain his party's ascendancy and to conduct the interests of the nation in an assured career of triumph , until every issue raised by rebels , by ropudiationists , and by cormptionists in the public service should bo .settled right , and forever . settled in the supremacy of the nation , in the Ireedom of the citizen , in the relief of the people from undue burdens of tax ation , in the permanent establishment of a popular currency , in the settle ment of the Indian ( juostion on a ba sis of absolute security to the people of the west , and in a governmental administration , honest and economical in all its departments and conducted with business eflicisncy in all its branches. We rejoice in the noble personal character which our , lament ed chief hns left aa a heritage to this people , and in an example so whole sale for the edification and emulation of the youth of our land. Wo rejoice in his example of temperance in all thimpt-of fidelity to all domestic and social obligations ; of nnuiicctod court esy and dignity of demeanor , and of unchallenged oflicial integrity. To the aged mother bereft , to the wid owed wife and her fatherless children , we tender our deopoit sympathies , hi uul for them wo bespeak tlio con hiVI solations of the divine love , tl nd a nation's and people's at . tyinpathy , protection und support. To Chester A. Arthur , elected vice- tii president of the United States by the te ianio suffrages that made James A. an Sarfield president , nnd chosen to bo the nation's chief executive in wioh a xmtingoney as that which has arisen , wo tender our friendly consideration fein citizens of the stnto , and as repub in licans wo pledge to President Arthur su ur hearty support under the onibar- aHsin circinnstaiiues which , through 10 fault or procurement of his , have ittended hid accession to the chair of mi itato. It is our conviction tliat in SCi 3en. Arthur , now our constitutional th president , this nation lias a chief jxecutivo equal to the unwelcome iccesaity which in the Providence of "iod has buea laid upon himVo mvo conlideuco in ChcHtor A. Arthur a citizen' of pure patriotism , of Miiincnt abilitius , of sound political iducation , of varied accoinplisluncntH , ind of unstained life , and u ropuhli- nope an in whom there is no guile , Wo peen mtcrtain thu expectation that ho will en irovo to be a statesman capable of tit jovoniiiiir the people wisely and well , titW ( tnd a leader under whoso loyal tjuidso anco the party of the people will know no such word as fail. Wo commend President Arthur's inaugural utter ances , that "nil , the noble aspirations of myt lamented predecessor which found oipiTMi'ons in his life , the measures levied and suggested by him to correct abuses and enforce economy * * * will bo gavnored in the hearts of the pooploj" and wo received with satisfaction the assurance from hia lips that it will bo President Ar thur B "earnest endeavor to profit , and to see that the nation shall profit , , by this example and sacrifice. In President Arthur's further utterance that the president must , under the constitution "answer for the , just ox- crciso of the discretion it permits , and the duties it imposes , " wo rccogjitoo a clear expression of the same princi ple of executive independence and ro- Bpoustbility which the , late president 'nfaintnincd with the approbation of the people and with the endorsement of the republican party. In Gen. Arthur's letter of acceptance ho vindicated the personal rights of the citi/cns in political af fairs , alike with his duty as a public oflicial. Ho demanded business qual ifications with integrity in public of fice. Ho advocated measures of pub lic relief for industries and classes overburdened with taxation. Ho fav ored national works of internal im provement. In terms most explicit , moat earnest ; and most emphatic ho set forth the duties of this govern ment to "protect all Amcricancttizcns everywhere in the enjoyment of their civil and political righto. " In these and other declarations of that able and statesmanlike letter , wo recognize the true gospel of republicanism. Wu therefore bespeak and wo ex pect' ' the utmost measures of suc cess for the administration thus pledged to a tpublie policy , alike economical , humane , patriotic just and pure' Wo dothis to the end that the national republican party may continue united in the work of reconstructing the nation saved by its counsel ' aiid ita arms. * tWoidtfJhis to the'end that the democratic party may never , a ain. dominate in a gov ernment , which it souglil to overthrow. That party'in ' every southern state and in most of the northern , states , has re pudiated sacred obligations relating to nationality , to freedom , to financial lionor , and to honest economical ad ministration. To these supreme ob ligations this people , through the re publican party , stands forever pledged , and wo look with confidence to Presi dent Arthur as with confidence , wo looked to President Gariield for an ad ministration which shall rssure the continued success of the republican party in its high and chosen mission. Wo demand for the assassin of our late president a speedy trial , in which technicalities shall not' bo suffered to overrule justice and the -public safety , and that condign punishment bo visit ed on him for his causeless and cruel act , and fte call upon the congress of tho'Uriited States to enact a law mak ing any violent assault on the person of the president or vice-president an : ict of treason , punishable with death. The reorganized state central com mittee is us follows : First district Amos E. GanU , Falls City. Second J. L. Carson , Brownville , Third James S. Dow , Tecumsoh. Fourth A. P. Grout , Syracuse. Fifth R. B. Windham , Platts- mouth. Sixth C. E. Yost and Paul Vun- dorvoort , Omaha Seventh D. E. Beadle. Eighth W. E. Peebles , Tokama. Ninth S. B. Colson , Fremont. Tenth J. A. Erhardt , Stanton. Eleventh J. H. Felber , Cedar. Tivolfth- . D. Matthews , O'JSeil City.Thirteenth Thirteenth M. Whitmoycr , ColumB bun. Fourteenth Abel Hill , DaxidCity. Fifteenth John Steen , \Vahoo. Sixteenth R. O. Phillips , Lincoln , and C. W. Pierce , Waverly. Seventeenth T. L. Crawford. Eighteenth W. T. Scott , York. Nineteenth Jas. W. 'Price , Fair mont. Twontieth-A. W. Baltzloy , Crete. Twenty-first Watson Pickerell. Twenty-second Jos. B. McDowell , Fairbury. Twenty-third S. W. Switzer , [ Blooniington. Twenty-fourth John D. Hayes , Harvard. Twenty-fifth A. W. Ageo , An- rora. Twenty-sixth 0. B Willard , Loup City. Twenty-seventh Robott Kennedy. : Tweilty-eighth A. S. Winton , Bastings. ; Twenty-ninth-B. O. Iledlund. Thirtieth-G. S. Bishop , Indianola. Thirty-first R. J. Wymon. , FIRES. National Associated I'rcsa. WELUSVJUK , 0. , October ii. Four lundred and fifty nimora at Salom- Ht illu , who have been on u strike for 01 ho : past week , have returned to work 01P an advance of ten cents. P GIIAYKON , Ky. , October ( J. A por- til ion of the Moans tunnel caved in yes feAT erday , killing ton convict laborers foP nd injuring five , P > AT SIONTKEAL. O tr MONTREAL , September 0. Twenty- OS our families were burned out this OSW W ) Horning at Hochelagu , an eastern fo uburb ot this city. Loss about 112,000 ; insurance , ? 2,000. 8i AT I'ULABKI , N. Y. 1 1il PULAHKI , N. Y. , October 0. The ( il lost serious fire that over yisitod thin ilE action broke out hero at 4 o'clock ilE Ins morning. The ontim business E ortion of thu town is ruined and the IBS exceeds § 200,000. ve pu > CASUALTIES. or hn atloml AsupcUtod I'rcsa. WENT AHHOIIK. th WARHINHTON , October 0. The Big. fai ul corps station at Capo Hatteran re- in orU that an unknown three master raft came aahoro near lifo saving sta- 0 < ion No. 18 this morning. Seven men 0A lost. Further particulars as as possible. lie WASHINGTON , No Obange in the Cabinet ; Prok bio at Prasont. A Protracted Session of the * t Sena'oGotisiddred Probable. 4 . 1 The Indiofemont- Against QuU toauNotYot Prepared. 1 His Arraign moot Will Not take Place Before Monday. , T " * A Report on the Condition ol' ' , French Crop * . THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. National AMO < mtcd Cress. ritESlDENT AtlTIIUIt. President Arthur mil remain at thq residence of Senator Jones until after the extra session of thu eoimto nd- journs , after which , if the weather ] will permit , ho will go to the Soldier's Homo until the white IIOU.HD is ron ovated. CAIHNKT MEETINGS. Cabinet inouthurs will be held on Tuesdays and Fridays hereafter. UECEI'TION DAYS. Humbert * of congress nnd distill' ' guistiud persons will be received by the president on Mondays , Wednes days nnd Thursdays. Heads of dn : partmcnh will ho received between 1 and 2 p. m. daily except Saturday , when tlio president will receive no ono. All executive clerical work will bo done at the white house as usual. NO CABINET CHANGES AT rilESBNT. WASHINGTON , October 0. It is sotni-ollioially stated hero this evening that there will bo no cabinet changes at all unless somu unexpected resigna. . tiou occurs. The session of the sen nte next week will havn no executive' business before it other than the fill ing of a few existing vacancies , I'ASTOltS TO PAY THEIR HKSl'EI'TH. The pastoro of the churches of thin city will pay their respects to President - ' dent Arthur in a body to-morrow af ternoon. THK ONLY mravivons. Secretary of the Interior Kirkwood' ' and Gun.'Peter A. Bacon , of this city , ' are perhaps the only two men now living hero who turned out in the pro cession which welcomed the formerly distinguished French visitor , Gun. Lafayette , to Wnshingtoif , on tlio 13th1 day of October , 1824. They were , then school mates , about 11 years of ; ago , in the seminary , the pupils of winch school participated in the cere monies of that brilliant day in the , early , annals oftho , > foderaltraotropAl : " > and they both expect to' join in the welcome to our French visitors next week. THK EXTRA SESSION , Though the extra session of the senate is near , members come in slow ly. The latest arrivals include Sena tors Lamb , Plumb , Best and Pendlo- ton. Senator Beck will arrive to morrow nnd Senator Vor- hecs on Saturday. The dem ocrats will hold a consultation at the residence of Senator Pendle- tui to-morrow night to decide where nnd when the .caucus shall bo hold As the time for the assembling of th senate draws near the prospect th ; the session will bo protracted grow more probable. Tlio senators of hot parties say that 'thoy will adhcr closely to their rights and bo vort guarded in tactics , HO that ono part } shall have no undue advantage eve the other. The senators conerallj seek harmony and have been inform cd that such is the desire of the president idont and will endeavor to como t terms of amicability , but will not giv countenance to scheming or unreason able propositions. THE rilESIUENOY Of THE SKNATB. Senator Harris , of Tennessee , say Senator Bay.trd is entitled to th presidency , of the sonata in conso- ijuehco of seniority , but he would rui or the position if his friends insiHtet m it. GUITEAU , National Associated I'rcsa. THE INDICTMENT NOT VKT IlKADY. WASHINGTON , October . Dintrici Attorney Corkhill stated this mcniinj lmt the Guitcau indictment wonh tot be given to the grand jury unti o-momnv and that the arraignmonl rvould not probably take place before Vlonduy , or until CouiiHel Scoville ro- urnu from Now York. MISCELLANEOUS. THK niUNOH HAKVKST. WAHHINOT.ON , October 0. The itato department issue.s the following in the French harvests of 1881 to-day ; 'Minister Morton , under date of 'ariH , September l.'J , 1881 , reports on ho condition of the French harvester or the current year saying : "From comprehensive enumeration of the irineipal pointu and facts from four five French agricultural journals , ho figures from which do not diller ssontially from those brought for ward in the oflicial documontH , the ollo\ving approximations are reached : lye , in Oil departments 8 very good , good , 13 fairly good , 14 ordinary , indifferent mid 1 bad. Barley , in departments 1U very good , 18 ft oed , 17 fairly good , 15 ordinary , 4 . iad and 1 very bad , Oats , in 77 do- ; lartmonts 0 very good , 21 good , 17 ) airly good , 24 ordinary , 8 bad and 1 cry bad. Mai/.e , 23 producing do- urtmontS'-7 good , 4 fairly good , (5 ( ( rdiiwry , and 0 bad. The AJgfliinu ui'veata are : Wheat , ordinary in the roviuco of Constantine and bud in lioso of Algeria and Onui , Oats , lirly good iitOotiHtautiiiouiulordiimry Algeria , Muizo bad in Onui. larley , ordinary in Algiores ; bad in lonsUnlino , and very bad in Oran. good harvest varies from one Imn- if rod toono hundred and fifteen million ectolotros mid moduratu one seven- ty-six millions , This early in the lonaoii the figures are necessarily prox- imnto estimatiiiB , yet it clearly ap pears that this year s harvest will bo lomowhnt inferior to last year's , but considerably in advance of those of 1877,1878 or 1870 , probably oigh't or nine million hcctolotrcs loss than 1880. From the above nome idea can bo formed of what the French markets - kots will bo for homo consumption aid the possible exports. i lit Rogartl to the President. XkilonM AieocUtoJ 1'roM. 1 CHIKAOO , Oct. IK A Washington special nays : It is stated by a person in a position to know , that Airs. Garfield - field has requested Dr. Boynton to withhold the statement which ho had prepared relative to the autopsy and the general treatment of the Into pre.s- idontVi coso at aho was flatixllod that jho president's wound was mortal and she did not desire to have the contro versy further prolonged. It is learned from a source equally entitled to credit that some of these who were near to the president during his entire illness , beside Boynton , weru nearly ready with a statement similnr to that which it was supposed that Dr. Boyn ton hadiucontemplation. A gentleman who has the means of knowing what this statement would bo says that it would , among other things , and probably will contain , the following : That from August 12 , the president had imperfect command of hi ? men tal faculties , and that ho had only lu ck' ' intervals. Ho often found it ditli- cnlt to complete sentences and his mind would wander , toward the end of nearly every attempt at ascntenco. Many of the sayings attributed to him were either misunderstood or were not correctly reported from the sick chamber. The noble saying "Is it worth while to continue this strug gle longer" is said to have orioinatod in the president's wanderings , when ho wiiHiOvidently going over his work as a member of the electoral commis sion. "Is it worth while to go into .thin Florida business fur ther. - AUTUMN"SPORTS. . THE TURF. National Associated Presi. JEUOME 1'AUK KACEH. JKROMHPAIIK , N. J. , October 0. /The / autumn meeting of the American jockey club was continued to-day , the weather being line and the track ex cellent. The first roco , a two-year- old , soiling allowances , thrce-quartprs of a mile , was won by Godiva , Blend- licim second , St. Mungo Colt third. Time , 1:20. : The second race , a handicap sweep- itakcs , all ages , a mile and three fur longs , was won by Checkmate , Hugh second , Wildmoor third. Time , 2:27j. : , The third race , a handicap awcep- es , all ages , two miles dnd a qutir- W 'Won byTW&jhtar , Bly Dance econd , Bolla third. Time ; 4:07 : $ . The fourth race , all ages , selling al lowances , a milo and one-eighth , was won by Sweet Homo , Governor Hampton , second. Time , 2.00 , The fifth race , a handicap steeple chase , all ages , short course , was won by Trouble , Frank Short second. Time , 2:27. : THE DIAMOND. ( IAHKS I'LAYKO YK8TKRDAY , ALHANY , October 0. Treys , 11 ; Dotroits , 3. BOSTON , October (5. ( Boston , 8 ; Providence , 4. THE OAR. KOSrf TO no INTO TllAlNINd ST. JOHN , N. B. , October . Wai- loco HUBS will leuvo hero -Monday next for i Portland , Maine , where ho will train 1 with Kennedy for the race with llanlan , HOBS is now awaiting a re ply ] as to the place of the race. Ho will challenge the winner of The Lon don Sportmaii'n cup. Gould and GnrrottBoth Loft. National Aanuulutwl l'rca-i. CniuACio , October 0. Judge Drum- moiid has announced the appointment of John M. Douglas , of this city , formerly president of the Illinois Central road , as receiver of the Ohio & Mississippi railroad , vice John King , Jr. , resigned. The appoint ment of Air. Douglas cannot fail to give general satisfaction , although it may not altogether suit either of the contenting parties , the Baltimore. & Ohio and the Wubash. Mr , Douglas is nobody's ina.n , and will run the road to the best interest of its Htock- holdois , regardless of the designs of either Garrett or Gould. Minnesota Dcmacrnti. AswcntcU ' - . Rational 1'i-uun. ST. PAUL , October ( . The Minnesota seta state democratic convention was called to order by P , H. Kelly , chair man of the state committee. The following nominations weru made : Per governor , Gon. II. W. Johnson ; ioutunant governor , E , P. Burninn ; tuditor , I , Lehmko ; for secretary of state , A. J. Litmborton ; for treasurer , John F , CoHsoll ; for attorney general , Quo. N. Huxtur ; for railroad commis- m'onor , B. L. Cool ; ; forclerkof the mi- promo court , J. J. Borntou. The will volition readopted the national Democratiu platform of 1880. Wicked Omaha , National Associated I'russ , OmoAQo , October C. Jlov. 8 , Do- ivitt Talmagp , spoke at the noonday lirayer mealing jo-day and said : "Ho- A. lemption docs not coino horizontally , comoH perpendicularly and from .ho throne of God. " JIo related how hrco wuywatd boys of Now York had uen returned to the homes they had luueried by the influence of prayer. to Jno young man particularly who liad ono nstniy in thu wicked city of Jmuhii was savort by jrayor. Tal- nngo created ( [ iiito n sensation. , The Iiidlau War. rational Associated I'russ , SAN FUANCIHCO , Oct. 0 The only eports from thu Arizona Indian war ro that the troops are still in pursuit the Indians , who are throwing iway everything which will impede heir flight. THE ASSASSIN. An Extract from His Autobiog raphy as Written by Himself , An Illiterate , Rambling State ment of Hio Application for Office Intended to Carry Out l l Idea of Insanity. Judge Druinmond Appoints a Receiver for the O. & M. Road. Mtuoollanoons Now * Noted from nil Over tlio Country. GtJITEAtrS AUTOBIOGRAPHY A. KTATKMK.NT 1NTKNDE1) TO UAKUY OUT TIIK I11BA OK INSANITY , Niw YOUK , October 0. The Her- aid this morning prints over a pngo of Quit can's autobiography. It is an illiterate r.xmbling and evidently in tended to convey the idea that the author in insane. Thu following is an extract : "During the time that I was pressing my application for the con sulship I called at the white house several times. I handed my card to the door-keeper and ho would take it into the house. The reply came back on several occasions : 'Mr. Guitcan , the president BIIVH it will bo impossible for him to sco you to day. ' I under stood by the president's statement that ho would not see mo to-day and that was the statement that ho scut through his door-keeper several times because ho was trying graceful ly to get rid of Walker , the present consul. In ono of iny notes to the president I askrd him directly , "Can 1 have the Paris consulate ) " and the reply as usual came back : "Mr. Guiteau : The president is very busy and i-au't see you to-day. " These interviews occurred several days apart ; sometimes u week apart. They all occurred during the time I was pressing my application for the Paris coiiNulHhip. The cano was pend ing at the time I shot the presi dent , and , as I have before stated , I confidently expected a favorable answer when they got rid of Mr. Walker. I understood by the presi dent's statement that ho could not see me that ho was trying in sumo way to got rid of Wnlker gracefully , and that I should have ii. My not getting the Paris consulship had nothing whatever to do with my shooting thu president. I shot him tmrely as a nolitical necessity under divine presnuro audit' h only'by nerving myself to the utmost that 1 shot anyway. I have none but the best of feeling personally to ward th president. I always thouglr of him and spoke of him Gen. Gurfiold. 1 never ha the slightest idea of removing Mr , Elaine , or any member of the admin ( stratum. My only object wan to remove move Mr. Garfield in his oflicial ca pacity as president of the Unite States , to unite the republican party and to save thu republic from goinj into thu control of rebels and demo cntts. This was the solo idea that induced ducod mo to remove the president I appreciate all the religion and senti ment and honor connected with th removal. I put aside all scntimen : mddid my duty to my God and to th American people. CRIME. National Aisoclntcj IVcsi LYNCHED t'Oll ALLEGED MUKDKK. COLUMIIUH , Ga. , October ( { . Word has been received here that the son o General Dickernon. of Georgia , wan taken from jail at Lccsburg , Sumtor county , and lynched for alleged mur der. At thu flame time a negro pris oner escaped but was recaptured and has given the names of several men implicated , in the affair. General Dickerson is a man of wealth and in fluence. Ho is hunting them dowi : and proposes that the lynchors shall bo punished as murderers. BTIUKINU NEOIIOEH. ATLANTA , Ga. , OctobarO. Tuesday - day last negroes living on the pine lands back of a rieo plantation on thu Carolina side of the river near Sa vannah and who have been working in the rico fields , determined upon a general strike and issued ( heir "fiat that no more work would bo allowed unions the terms they had settled up on were agreed to. The river hands , these who lived in the settlement , on or near the plantations , were perfect ly satisfied and took no part in the strike movement since the strikers determined to make them quit work. Wednesday morning the striken ) attacked the river hands working on the plantation of Woodward Barnwoll and beat , six of them BO badly that they are now confined to their houses. They also attacked the hands coming to the plantation of Mr. Alfred Chisholm mid drove them back and organised a regular reign of terror. The negro women were particularly violent , armed themselves with clubs and en couraged and excited the men. . number of the rioters were arrest- ud , but subsequently paroled. The news of the arrests was communicated by the system known to plantation icgroos , these on ono plaeo warning itheis , and yesterday the claim began gather from all directions. Men brought their guna , of every descrip tion , the women sticks and clubs , and ivith "drum and fife , escorted the mroled negroes to the ollico of the nal jiiHtico , The result of the trial it IUB not been learned. The situation , towovor , from the best information tbtainiiblu , scorns to bo serious. AN OLD UltlMINAfi IIAdOED. LOUIHVILLK , October ( , Ohas. Den- ia , alias French Duboiso , was to-day Uncharged from the Kentucky pom- Icntiary. Ho wan immediately rearrested - arrested by Chicago detectives for being ono of five men who robbed the IIOUBO of .Tallry it Co , , in the latter city of $50,000yorth of goods a few years ago. NS'hilo the gang wore disposing of stolen goods they were approached by Officer Albert Ilace whom they shot dead and then es caped. Dennis , for many years the pal nf .limmie Carroll , is now in the penitentiary .in Canada. All the members of the pnng have served terms of confinement. Iiimt of IhoTnrolvc. National Associated 1'rcM. OonRy , October 0. Business in this territory ia almost entirely , sus pended to-day in honor of Orson Pratt , the last ono of Joseph Smith's original twelve , representing the apostle , "Paul , " in that body. Ho died Monday , aged 70 years , and was buried to-day. Ho was noted as hav ing opposed many of Brigham Young's nefarious nchcmcs. The acini-annual Mormon conference mot to-day and adjourned at once to at tend the funeral , , UTAH'S CAPITAL. Death of Orson Prat" , the Last of the Twelve Apostles. * The Territorial Fair in Fall Blunt The Liquor Fight- Special Corres | > ondcncc to Tim MSB. SALT LAKU CITY , U. T. , October < J. Orson Pratt , probably the best known of the Mormon community next to Brigham Young , died at his residence in Salt Lake City this morn ing. Ho was the ; Paul of the Merman - man faith ; well educated , an unsur passed mathemotician , he has spent the whole of his lifo from early man- lood in spreading the tenets of his 'aith. His writings , which are philo- soppical and argumentative , are uoro copious than those of any other of tlio apostles , to which body ho be longed , being the only ono of the original twelve momborswho were first ordained tby Joseph Smith. As a. missionary , ho has , perhaps , traveled further than any ono ot his co-relig ionists. Ho was ono of the oldest members of the church , having been baptized more than fifty years ago , and was seventy years old on his lost birthday. His fine cut features , hia long , white flowing board , his sonorous ous voice debating upon the the ful fillment of prophecy will long bo missed in the Mormon tabernacle. Fur a number of years IIP has been speaker of the house in the territor ial legislature. His funeral will take pjivcfljt'with. honors , at' the t neiu riiftday thto firm tuj semiannual conference of the church * of whichhe was so prominent a mem ber ! Another death hat caused much regret - grot among the Mormon population. That of one of the younger aons of the Into Mormon president. His name was Fenimens L. Youug. . He had boon acting as a missionary.- in Mexico , wna on his way home , am'/ died at sea last Tuesday. THE TBUIlirOUIAL FA III is now in full blast. The exhibits are most creditable. The showing of blooded i tock , fine fruit nnd vegeta bles nmniicstB how rich Utah is grow ing in these respects. Of mnnufac- Lured goods , wool and leather take the lead. Much enterprise is also shown in thu attempt , to intioduco the silk 'ndustry and thu progress made is very considerable. In boots and shoos , the uhoo do- mrtmont of Zion's Co-oporntivo Mer- : antilo Institution display 142 different cinds , all manufactured by them selves. This business is ono of the argcst , most thrifty and ably managed n the wholeterritory. . In art , also , . Jtah is taking u prominent position , .nd the number of excellent oil paint- ngs on exhibition is a surprise to hose not acquainted with the num- > er and skill of our artists. Most of ho paintings are landscapes , drawn rom the grand scenery of our procipi ous mountains nnd rugged canyons , vhilo Mr. Ottonger delights in his- orical scones , and Mr. Weggleland in ) ortraiti. Altogether , what with the Fair am' ' the approaching conference. Salt Luke is alive with bustle and business and crowded with its country cousins. THK LIOUOH FIOUT. Mitch talk has been occasioned dur ing thu last few days by the destruc tion , by some person ur persons un known , of thu stock and fixtures of MessrH. Aver it Murphy , saloon keepers , who have been leading the fight ugaiiiHt the high price charged by the city authorities for liquor li- oeiisui. During the night some ono entered their place of business , turned on all the taps , broke valuable fittings , mirrors , etc. , but took away nothing. The property wasted is valued at from $3,000 to 84,000. All manner of speculations are rife on thu Hubjuct. Ono rumor ascribes the act to over zealous tompurniico advocates , of whom there are a largo body in the city , and who are much chagrined at the protection nflbrdud the liquor dealers by tlio United States judges , especially Chief Justice Hunter , who they consider ia strangely incoimibt- ont in his rulings in favor of the liquor traflio. Others fancy it is it method of advertising uQoptod by the linn , who undeatand- ing thu tidu of popular feeling , seek to gain sympathy and custom by the wise waste of u fuw gallons of liquor , easily exaggerated into the hundreds. A third partv ascribes the action to the police , who they imagine have done out of revenge , for the loss of tlio eases brought by them before thu su perior courts , At any rate there still remain fur too many places in this city whore nil descriptions and quali ties of alcoholic drinks are dealt out with little or no restraint , owing to the decisions of the courts.