Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 06, 1881, Page 7, Image 7

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010 harnham , bet. Oth and 10th Street * .
One copy lycar , In advance ( pjttjnld ) 810. JO
8 months " . . . . g.o
8 months " " . . . . 3.00
MR CAIIII cmc.tao , ST. ma , MinNr-Arous AND
I/ta\e Onnha No. S through pa * onger , 11
. m , No. 4 , Oakland | iaR fnKerj:30a. ! m ,
Arrive Oirmna No. 1 , through pas engcr , 2:50 :
m. No , 3 , 0-ikland pawriKcr , 6.30 p. in.
0. , 1) ) . ft O. fi a. m. 3:40 : p. rn.
C. & N. W. , 0 a. m. 3:40 : p. m.
C , R. I. ti P. ( 0 a. in _ 3:40 : p. m.
K. C. , St. J. k C. B. , 8 a m. G:30 : p. m. Arrive
St. Louis at 6:25 : a. m. and 7:46 : a. m.
on souriiwKsw.
H. & M , In Neb. , Through Express , 8:38 : B. tn.
II. & M. Lincoln Freight. 7:00 : p. m.
U P Exprc-w , 12:15 p. hi.
O. A R. V. for Unjoin , 10:20 : a. m.
O. A R , Vi tor Oscoola , 0:10 : a. tn.
U. P. freight No. 6 , 6:30 : a. in.
U. P , freight No. 0 , 8:15 : a. in.
U. P. freight No. 7 , 0:10 : p. in. emigrant.
U. P. freight No. U 8:26 : p. m.
C. B. & O. , 6:00 : a. m. 7:26 : p m.
0. & N. W. , 0:45 : a. in. 7:28 : p. in.
C. It. 1.&P.P:46 : a. in. 0.05 p. m.
K. C. , St. Joe & 0 R , 7:40 : a. m.-0:46 : p. m.
W. , St. L. & P. , 10 : a. m. 4:25 : p. in.
O. & R. V. from Lincoln 12:1) : ) ! p. m.
U. P. Express 3:25 : p. m.
U & M. In Neb. , ThruitiiH Express ( :15 p , in.
B. & M. Lincoln lYoyht 8:35 : a in.
U. P. FrcIght'Ka 10-1UO p. in.
No. 0 4:26 : p ni. Emigrant.
No. & 10'tiO p. in.
No 12-11:35 : a. in.
O. & II. V. mixed , r. 4:35 : p. m.
Nebraska DiUslon of tno St. Paul & Sioux City
No. 2 leaves Omaha 8:30 : a. m.
No. 4 leiucs Omaha 1.30 p. m
Mo. 1 nrrlxcaot Omaha at 6:30 : p. m.
No. 3 orrh ca at Omaha at 10:50 : a. m.
LOA\O Omahiat 8:00 : , fl.OO and 11:00 : a , m , ;
10 2:00 : , 3:00 : , 4:00 : , 6:00nnd : 0X0 p. tn.
Lome Con i.ell Muffs at 8:2.5 : , 0:25 : , 11:26 : a. in. ;
1:25 : , 2:25 , 3:25 , 4:25 : 6:25 : and 0:25 : p. m.
Sunriaj-s Thu ilumniy leaves' Omalta at 0:00 :
and 1\:00 : a. in. ; 2:00 : , 4:00 : and 6:00 : p. m , Lcaos
Council Bluffs at 9:25 and 11:25 : a. m. ; 2:25 : , 4:25 :
nd 5:25 : p. m.
Opening and Clotlng of Malli.
a. m. p. m. a. m. p. m.
Chicago &N. W 11.00 0:30 : 4SO : 2:40 :
Chicago , 1U I. & Pacific. 11:00 : 0:00 : 4:30 2:40 :
Chicago , B. & 0 11:00 : 0:00 : 4:30 : 2:40 :
Wabash. 12:30 : 4:30 : 2:40 :
Bloux City and Pacific. . 11:00 : 4:30 :
Union Paclllc 6.00 11:40 :
Draalia K. V 4:00 : 11:40 :
B. &M. InNcb 4:00 8:40 : 6:30 :
Omaha fc NorthwesUrn. 4:30 : 7:30 :
Local malls for Htato of Ion a leave but once n
day , viz i 4:30 : n , m.
A Lincoln Mall la also opened at 10:30 : a. m.
Office open Sundays from 12 m. to 1 p. m.
Business Directory.
Abstract and Real Estate.
JOHN L. JIcCAGUK , opposite Post Office.
W. R. BAKTLETT 317 South 13th Street.
Room Crclghton Block.
A. T. IiARQB Jr. . Room 2 , Cielchton Block.
Boots and Shoes.
Fine Boota and Shoes. A Rood assortment ol
homo work on hand , corner 12th and Harney.
TOOS. ERICKSON , S. E. cor. ICth and Douglas.
00510th street , manufactures to order good work
t fair prices. Repairing done.
Bed Springs.
J. F. LARRIMER Manufacturer. 1517 Dowlas Bt.
Books , News and fjtntlonery.
J. I. FRUEIIAUF 1015 Farnham Street.
Butter and Eggs ,
HcSHANE & SCIIROEDER , the oldest B. and E.
bouao In Nebraska cstahlUhcd 1875 Omaha.
. MK3. A. RYAN ,
toutbweat corner IBthand Dodge.
Ucit Board for the Money.
Satisfaction Guaranteed ,
Waals at all Hours.
Board by the Day , Week or Month.
Good Terms for Cash ,
Fnrnlshml llnnmB Supplied.
( Jarrlages and Road Wagoni.
WM SNYDER , 14th and Harnoy Streets.
JOHN BAUMER 1314 Farnhim Street.
. BEP.TIIOU ) , Ram and llstal.
Lumbar , Lime and Cement.
FOSTER & GRAY corner tith and Douglas Sts.
Lamps and Glassware.
J. BOKNER 1309 DasKlas St. Good Variety.
Merchant Tailor * . J.
One of our most popular Merchant Tailors la receiving
ceiving- the latest designs for Spring nnd Summer
Goods for gentlemen 8 wear. StylUh , durable ,
and prices low as ever 215 13th bet. Douv.&Faru.
MRS. C. A. RINGER , Wholesale nnd Retail , Fan-
cr a./od In great \arlrty , Zephyrs , Card Hoards ,
Hosiery , Olovci , Corsets , &c. Cheapest House in
thoWcac. Purchasers eave 0 per cent.Order
by Mall. 115 Fifteenth Street.
houndry ,
JOHN WEARNE & SONS , cor. 14th & Jwksonsts
Hour and Feed.
OMAHA CITY MILLS , 8th and Farnhnm 8ts. ,
Z. STEVENS , 21st between Curnlrig and Ixar
T. A. McSHANE , Corn. 23d and Cumlng Street *
Hardwaie , Iron and Steel.
OLAN & LANGWORTHY , Wholesale , 110 nd
112 16th street
A. HOLMES corner Iflth and California.
Harness , Saddles , Etc.
B. WEI8T 2013th St. bet Farm * Harnev.
Hotel * .
ANFIELD HOUSE , Oei. Canfldd,9th & Farnham
DORAN HOUSE , P. II. Cary , 018 Famham St.
SLAVEN'S HOTEL , F , Blaven , 10th St.
Southern Hotel , dus , Hamcl Oth & Leavcnworth
Iron Fencing.
The Western Cornice Works , Agcnti for the
Champion Iron Fence &c. , have on hand all kinds
of Fancy Iron Fences , Cresting , Fiuoals , Ralllngfi ,
eto. 1310 Dodire strec. apl ?
Clothing Bought.
O .SHAW will pay highest Cash price for second
band clothlnr. Corner 10t' and Farnham.
Dentists. In
DR. PAUL , Williams' Block , Cor , Uth & Dodge. 8
Drugs , Paint * and Oils.
KUUN & CO. ,
Pharmacists , Fine Vunc Uoods , Cor , 16th l.nd
DOUEIII ktrects
W. J. WHITEIIOUf K , Wholesale & Retail , 10th Bt , Cli
C.C. FIELD , 2022 North Side Cumlng Street. da In ,
tl. I'AHR , Dnnrglut , 10th and Howard Strccta. dami
ice :
Dry Qoorti Notion * , Etc. or
New York Dry Ooodi Store , 1310 nd 1312 F rn.
him itrtct 11
ti. 0. Enewold also boob and ulioci TthAFtclfli'
A F. GROSS. New tnd Second lUnd Furniture
nd Stove * , 11H DOUKIM. lllghcot cub price 161
kid for second luuia rooai.
BONNEH 1800 DoiwU it. Fine coodi , ic.
Planing Mill. On
A. UOYEIt , nunulacturer of aub , doori , blind * ,
inoldlnK" , newel ) , bilutten , hand nlli , ( urnl hln 0.
croll WHlnjAc , cor DOC'K * ked 9thitr cU. 1
Pawnbroker * .
J nOSEXKF.LD , 1 10th St. , bet. fur , A \ \ \ \ .
A , Dontghne , plants , cut flower * , nxxls , boqucts
etc. N.V. . cor. inth anl Vouclvi street * .
Civil Engineers and Surveyors ,
ANPRKW ROSKWATKR , Cnlirhlon niock ,
Town Surveys , Grntloniid Sewerage Systrmi a
Commlsilon Merchant * ,
JOHN 0.Vttj 1,18,1414 Dotltro Street.
0 II. Fontctnllj wo hrgo feltcrtbc-
tncnt In IHIlv ami Weekly.
Olgnri nnd Tobacco ,
WEST A FltlTSCHKR. manufacturers of svs ,
* nd Wholesale Dmlcr * III TOIKVCCO . lSOM > ouila .
IV. V. LOIIKNKEN nmmifaiturrr 414 HMistrcU.
Oornlce Work * ,
Western Oorntco Works , Manufacturers Iron
Cornice , Tin , Iron Mul Slate Kooning. Orders
trom any locality promptly executed In the l > cst
manner. Factory ami Oillce 1310 Dodge Street.
GahanlzcU Iron Cornlue. Wlnilow Uaiw , etc. ,
manufactured niul put up In any part ot the
country. T. SINIIUM ) 410 Thirteenth street
Crockery ,
J , BONNEU 1S09 Douglas utrcct. Good line.
Clothing and Kurnlihlnc Qoodi.
( IKO. II. PKTEUSOX. Also Hats , Caps , Roots.
Shoes , Notion * and Cutlery , SOI S. 10th street.
Fence Works.
OUST , FfUF-S&CO. , ISlSHarnpySt. , Impro\o-
ed Ice Uoxc" , Iron and Wood Fences , Olflco
Kalllnes , Counter * of Pine and Walnut.
Refrigerators , Canfleld'i Patent ,
C. F. GOODMAN llth St. bet. Fnrn. & Hamey.
Show Case Manufactory.l
0. J. WILDE ,
Manufacturer and Dealer In all kinds of Show
Cases , Upright Coses , a . , 1317 Cass St.
FRANK I. . ORRHARD , proprietor Omaha
Show Case linmifactory , SIS South 10th strc t ,
between Loaon worth and Marey. All goods
warranted flrat-claiu.
Stove * ana Tinware.
Dealer In Btoi ca and Tinware , and Manufacturer
ot Tin Roofs and all kluJs ot Building Worli ,
Odd Fellows' Block , '
J. liONNEH. 1309 DoueUs St. Good and Cheap.
Seed * .
J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Seed Drills and
Cultivators , Odd Fellow Hall.
Physicians an 1 Surgeons.
W. S. GIBBS , II. D. , Bjom No 4 , Crolghlon
Block , 16th Street.
P. S. LEISENRINO , tf. D. Masonic Block.
0. t , . IIAUT , M. D. , Kye and Ear , opp. postoffibe
Oculist and Aurlst. S. W 16th aud Farnharo Sta
Photographer * .
Grand Central Gallery ,
212 Sixteenth Street.
near Masonic Hall. Fiist-class Work and Prompt
ness guarantccn
Plumbing , Gas and Steam Fitting.
P. W. TAKPy&C0..21012thSt , bet Faruham
and Douglas. Worn promptly attended to.
D. FITZPATRICK. 1409 Douglas Street.
\ Painting nn Paper tinging.
HENllY A. KOSTKKS. 141 Dodge Street.
Shoo Stores.
Phillip Lanjr , 1320 Farnham Bt , bet. ISth & 14th.
, Second Hand Store.
PERKINS & LEAH. 1410 Doughs St. . New nd
Second Hand Furniture , House Furnishing floods ,
&c. , bouchtnnd sold on narrow umr.'ins.
In the niw brick block on Douglug Street , has
just opened a most elegant Hcc4 Hall.
Hot Lunch from 10 to 12
e\ cry day.
" Caledonia " J FALCONER. 679 16th Street.
Undertaker * .
CHAS. KIEWE , 101 % Famham bet. 10th & Iltd.
P. PEMNER , 3031 Tenth street , between Farn-
ham and Hartley. Docs coed and cheap work.
00 Dent Store * ,
P. O. BACKUS , 1206 Farnham St. . Fancy Goods
To Nervous Sufferers
Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific
It Is a posjtuocurc for Spermatoirhca , Semlna
Weokness. Impotancy , and all 'diseases resulting
from Self-Abuse , an Mental Anxiety , Loss
Memory , Palna In the Back or Side , and diseases
[ that lead to
Insanity and
The Specific "
Medicine Is
being used
with wonder si
ful success. sitl
sent free to all. Write for thorn and get full par
Price , Specific , $1.00 per package , or six pack.
tire ) for 86.00. Addrcu all orders to
Nos. lOi and 100 Main St. Buffalo , N. Y.
Sold In Omaha by C. F. Goodman , J. W. Bell ,
. K hh , and all druggistsoverywhcrc.
. ,
ti :
Sole Manufacturers , OMAHA. VI
S07.X.OX7X8 Hi.
. inw
S17 and 210 North Main St. , St. Louis , w
DlllliUI IN 'il '
1 PAPERS 'ilajj it
Ht (
Printers Stock. til
tSrCath paid for Rags and Paper Stock , Sera til
ron and Metals.
Paper Stock Warehouse ! 1229 to 1237 , North
ref , W , J , Ander's Select Danew
ing Academy ,
A. Hospe.'Jr. Hall , ICIO Dodge St. Hi
lUM for gentlemen commencing Tuesday oventh
: , Oct. 4. Class for ladles wmimencinir Tliursii
' ; ) Oct. 0. Terms liberal. _ Iho cas ' "
ict ho J i 1 line for twliliifc' the Wr.Hz , ( lllds ,
. , I can K'lirautco perfect KxtUlactlon c Wl
chotar * . Kor tcrnm , kv. , call at A. Iloniiu , Jr. ,
addrcm 11 10 Capitol A e. 17dlm th
JeteskaLand Agency KO 111
SOS F rnh m Bt. , . . , Omaha , Nebra U
400,000 j.araas jj
are-ully ( elected land In Eastern Nebraska foi tn
Ue. Great Bargain * In Improved farm * , and ,
imaha city property. l > t
' "
UteUndCom'rU.P.B , . . " u tl be
Agent Tiffany's Apaches.
New York Times.
] f the Aiizotm outluvnk is m-nrly
ended , aud if the grc.iter pait of these
\\lio took patt in it have returned to
jlio agency , ns the dispatches declare
it will now not lie amiss for the gov
crnmuiit to investigate promptly nnd
thoroughly its origin , i''or ' thu old
notion that Indiaif wars are duo solely
to thu satanio instincts of the wvvagos ,
who cannot control their desire to
murder somebody , and who according
ly battle , as a once famous poem
phrased it "For the joy they have to
see the uhitu man fall , " has received
a sovuro blow from closer study of the
aborigines , Anil greater facilities in
j finding out their views und purposes.
It has"been learned that in yearly
every instance our hostilities with thu
Indian tribes have resulted from the
bad conduct of thu whites , and that
even in these instances whuru the red
men were not justified , according to
our ideas , * in resorting to war as n
remedy to redress alleged grievances ,
they were justified according to their
own. At last , in the Apaches of thu
southwest it really seemed that we had
found a family of Indians who killed
settlers from i > uru duviltry , such was
their plundering und blood thirsty
nature' Yet uven our warn with the
Apaches have nearly all been traced to
some arbitrary , faithless , fraudulent ,
or simply blundering act , which at
least furnished the occasion and excuse
for an outbreak.
A few weeks before the recent stam-
pcdo of the White Mountain Indians
I ill'uny warned thu military authori
ties tlint thu medicinu men of this
tribe weru brewing trouble by repre
senting to the Indians that their dis
sensions , which had resulted in the
death of many warriors , sprang from
thu evil influence of thu whites , and
that thuy were preaching a crusade
against thu settlements. Having
found that this report of the agent
was in a measure true , the military
authorities proceeded to arrest one of [
the medicine men , in order to check
the trouble at once. Thu result is
well known , but it is now hecoming
clear that the whole of thu difficulty
was not told. It is true that thu im
mediate act of treachery committed by
the enlisted scouts in firing on their
whitu comrades could be accounted for
by their ruverenco for the medicinu !
man as a boini of supernatural power ,
whom it would lie perilous and even
sacriligioiiH to seize , still more to kill.
It wus unfortunate , as matters turned
out , that thu scouts had to he taken
on this duty , but all campaigning. ? : ) so
largely dependent on the Indian
scouts for success that reliance upon
them becomes habitual.
Uut it is reasonable to presume that C
thu medicine men themselves , in
preaching a crusade against thuwhites ,
were only shrewdly responding to a
sentiment of dissatisfaction that
already existed in other words , that
the tribe had either grievances or what
they supix'sed to bo such. Gen. Ord , ?
when the outbreak occurred , suggested -
that probably Agent Tiffany had been
forcing religious observances on the
Apaches , and that lie had sought to
get rid of thu medicine man as a pre
liminary ; but of this there is thus far
im'proof. ' Gen. Crook suspected that
an attempt had been made by the In
dian ofliec to forcu thu Whitu moun
tain band out of their hilly country
down upon the low , sandy , and dry
reservation about San Carlos. Hu [
said that at a former time thu moun
tain part of the reservation was cut oft'
and the hill Indians were nearly oil in :
duced to come down to the plains , but Hi
subsequently refused to stay. Still , 01y
there is no evidence that this had any y
thing to do with the outbreak. A
third supposition , equally at random ,
has been that the Indians weru angered reI
I [
gered at the completion of the rail al
road , from which the medicine men
feared s ecdyscttlcment by the whites
and the ruin of the Indians. A / :
fourth allegation , and one as little sat-
isfactoryas the others , is that the Ari
zona people have nought to , get posscs-
sion of the San Carlos reservation , as b" ;
the Colorado people did of the Ute
But tlio transnctions of Agimt T if- bc
funy in rr unl to the reHCrration coal so
lands furnish thu beat attustud .set of ill
facto to nccount for the dissatisfaction
of tlio IndiiiiiH. Soinu time Binco a hi
valuable conl deposit \vus discovcrud bt
on the Indian rt'nervution. Last
Spring Mr. Orockor of the Southoni
Paciiio Railroad sunt an expert , it ia F
aid , to exainino thcHO conl lands , it
whoso report was HO fnvorablo that to
lu'gotiaiioiiH for their purclmso wore at
mice bt-giiii through Agent Tiffany. It pr
nvt'iTod by George nnd Benito. who ,
with forty of the AVliito Moiuituin
band , rccontlj' sturcndured , ( hat ninny
rif the ehiefH did not wich to Hell the
lands , while others tltought the price ch
too Hiuull , and that Agent Tiffany , by vc
fcpivaenting that the Great Fiithm-
needed the land and would ovonttinlly
Drot it , induced them to touch tlio pun DC
while their ( signatures wt-ro severally
tttjched to an ngreement of sale mi
f all the coal lands
on fho as
reservation. AVhen this agrceineiit nil
iyns wont to Wnshington for rftti- on
lication , Sucrutniy Kirk wood disap- ab
iroved it as being a private tninsao-
ion to secure a part of n public reser
vation , The Indians , who had been hii
elitctant find auspicious from the out
let , were then informed that they
ould not bo paid the price agreed
ipon , because the bargain had not foi
icon ratified at Washington. Accord- hit
4 to the utory now told by the chiefs Al
vho have returned to the agency , this of f
ipparent duplicity on the jmitof the ofwa
igont made the Jndians eoncerned in str
very aifgry , nnd it is'easy to under- loc
and that the chinfs , rememberini ; ly
hat they had Hi'unud awny a jiart of
heir lands and yet had not received wa
heir money , may have believed the bei
vhnlu Hchcmu a trip d ) cheat them , UK
Whether this transaction was the nK
enl or the whole cause of the discon-
ent which caused the putl > reak it
bo left for the government to
ind out ; but it is clearly possible that Is
ho medicine men may have used for ig
heir own purposes of prophecy and sm
ulf-aggnindi/.einent the incident to
rhich had so mortified and angered all uii
ho chiefs- ; and , further , that Tiffany , git
mowing the real source of the trouble , lu
ought to chuck it by arresting tlio an
iiodicino iiiun , Of course , all this on
nust bo largely lut yet a matter of coi
onjccturo ; out the promptness with rig
rliich the returning hostile chiefs com- wa
iluined of this grievance to Gen. Can- "I' |
hews that this is probably the true fur
rack on which an investigation should sla
icgin. Ho far an this individual trans- ma
etion is concerned , while Tiffany has aft
con charged , in public rumor , with litt ;
having a pccuniniy interest in proeui
ing this tnuisfur of thu coal land , an
wiiilo \\ould ho credulous to suppo *
that ho would take no much trouble
and risk his own place , im-roly to b
obliging , still it in conceivable that h
may have acted from thu paidunahl
motive of wi.iliing to utilize a mud
neclud fuel for the railroad instead t
leaving it whcro nobody could prof !
by it. Hut tho.strangeness i > f his pn
posal caused Secretary Kiikwood t
send inspector * to find out how thing
were going on at the S.tu Carl s Agen
cy. They found iiTcg ularitii's cnougl
mixing of private with ollifinl pm
jitrty anil nccoimtH and one inspce
tor , who recommended _ the agent's ro
nioviil , reported tlint Tillaiij WHH "i
good man for the outside IUHIIIOSH af
fail's connected with thoagciuy , buthe
seriously lucks the executive nbilitj
nnd business capacity to iiiiiungo the
iifl'air.i of his agency , taking it ai i
wholo. " Jt may bo surmised , there
fore , , conceding all the o\il ( mil :
( if the Apaches , the White Moiinluii
outbreak found its occasion , and it.s
incentive , at , in ollicial miamnn-
ngement or bliindora
A Frontier Incident.
[ < artiinc ! Itoumcrani .
Calamity is the name of a man win
lives j at the gold-camp of Cummins
City. ( Ho has another name , but no
body RCCUIS to know what it is. It has
Imen torn oil' the the 'ivrappor .some
way , and so the buy called him Ca
Liist spring ho had a liltlo domestic
trouble , and his wife Hindu complaints
that Calamity had wont out an old
long-handled shovel on heY , trying to
convince her about some obstumo tho-
oiy of his.
The testimony seemed rather against
Calamity , and the minera told him
that as HOOII as the } * got over thu rush
11 little and had the leisure , they would
have to hang him.
Ono evening after the work of the
lay was done and the boys hail eaten
their suppers , ono of them suggested
that it would be a good time to hang
Calamity. So they got things in.shape
ind wont down to the Big Laramie
Calamity was with them. They jrot
things rt'ady ' for the exercises to begin ,
ind then asked the victim if ho had
Uirthiii ! { to say. Ho looscnt'd ' thoropo
iround his neck a little with ono hand
> that ho could Hpealc with more freo-
hiiii , and , holding his pantaloons on
tvith the other , ho said :
"ttentlomeii of the conremiim , I
call you to witness that this publio do
inonstr.ition toward me is entirely un
sought on my part. I have neve :
ourtcd notoriety.
"Plugging along in comparative ob
icurity is good enough for me. This
is the lirst time I ever _ addressed ai
uulionce. That is why I am embar
rassed and ill at case. t
"You have brought mo hero t <
liang mo because I .seemed harsh am
evero with my wifo. You hav
L-ntoreil the hallowed presenoa of mj %
liome-lifo assumed the prerogative o
diverting my household discipline.
"Jt is well. I do not care to live <
long as my authority is
Vou have already changed my stibmis
live wife to an arrogant and .self (
reliant woman.
"I have always been kilul an
thoughtful to her. When she had t (
jo into to gulch in the winter afto
lirewood , my coat shielded her froi
the fttorm while I Rat alone in th
abin through the long hours. I couli
name other instances of iinseltishncs
in my part , but I will not take
pour time.
'SDeath , with its wide waste
iternnl calm and its shoreless sea o
est , is a glad relief to ano. I go , bu
leave in your midst a skittish urn
tblo-bodied widow who will innk
loniu howl. I bequeath her to thi
amp. She is yours , gentlemen. Sli
sail I have to give , but , in giving he
o you , 1 feel that my untimely deatl
vill always bo looked upon in thi
nlcli as a dire calamity.
"Tho day will cpiuo when you wil [
opk back upon this awful night am
vish that I was alive flgain , but it wile
o too lato. I will bo far awny.
oul will bo in a land whcro domesti'
nfelicity and cold foot can never enter
"Bury me at * hoi foot of Vinegai i
till , where the sago-hen nnd the ftiw.i
nimble-bee may gambol o'er my lowrj
rive. "
When Calamity had finished , an im
iromptu caucus was called , and , whei
was adjourned , Calamity went homo
his cabin to surprise his wife. She
luaii't fully recovered from the sur .
iriso as wo go to press.
Ask druggists for "Hough on latn. " I
lears out rats , mice , bed'bngi ) , roaches ,
cnniti , illcK , untn , iiiMecU. IDcpcrbux. '
The Farmer's Hired Man.
ctrolt Krco I'rcaa. '
"I'm kinder lookin' around tin
larket for a hired man , " he exclaimed
he stopped at one of thu stands anil y i
ibbled at an onion , "I kinder need
no , but yet L kinder hope 1 shan't bo hip
ble to find him. "
"How's that ? "
"Wall , there ain't no profit in a p
irud muii no more. No , sir , he's no
nod any longer. "
"What's the reason ? "
"Oli a dozen reasons , First and lei
jremost , times have changed , and the
ired men have changed with 'em. f
hl'sir , it makes me Had when I think Mf
the hired men we had before thu bt
ar givat big fullers with tlio
.riiiigth of an ox and thu vim of a J < *
icomotivu. I didn't have to holler nSv
lun H oul to git one of 'em out of Svs
ml at V o'clock in , thu morning , and it s
as all I could do to coax 'em to go to , '
uil ut 10 o'clock at night. I'm afraid 1C
lut we shan't ' never see no more hired Ic
tun wuth keojjin' uround for their at )
Bard , DO
"That's sad. " f
"It's end , and more , too , Now , ns
said , I want a hired man. I'm will-
to pay § 11 or 812 a month for a
uart one' Some farmuis want a man iio
work all day und all night , but that
n't me. 1 have never naked one to 10
out of bed before U o'clock never. 1. . )
alltiB give of jir
my man three-quartern
hour at noon , unless thu hogs git wliri
itor _ cattle break in , or a shower is ri
lining up , After a man has worked I'll
ght along for nine hours his system ut
ants at least half an hour to brace at
in , They don't quit woik on some lie
rms till 8 o'clock , but I'm no such
avo-driver , At half-past 7 I toll my
an to knock off , All he him to do f
tur that is to feed thu stock , cut a by
tlu wood , mow some grass fur the A\
horses , milk four eow , fill up thu wa
ter-trough , stait a smudge in the
smoke-house , and pull a few weeds in
the garden. I noxor hired a man who
didn't grow fat on my work , and they
nllus li-ft mo feeling tliat they hadn't '
half earned their wages. "
llo stopped long unnnifli to wipe a
tonr from ins eye , and tiion wont on :
"And mm look at the hired man of
to-day 1 Ho wears white shirts and
collars. llo won't eat with a knifo.
Ho wants napkins when ho cats , and
if wo don't liang up a clean towel once
a week ho wipes on his Imndkorehor.
Call him at' ] and he gets up at ( > . Ho
wants a whole hour nt noon , and after
supper ho trots off to a singing-school
or sits dtwn to a newspaper. Fifteen
yonts ngo if my lined man was sick for
half a day 1 could dock him. If ho
died I could takeout n month's wage/ / *
for the trouble Ho was glad to git
store orders for his pay , und he would
wash in the rain-barrel nnd wipe on
the clothes-line. There's boon a
change , sir , an awful change , and if a
reaction don't sot in prett'y soon you
will witness the dow ufall of agriculture
in this country. "
"Then you won't hire another ? "
"Wall. I can't just say. Work is
powerfully pressing , but I'm going
slow. Ueforo I hire him T want to
know whether hu's a man who'll pass
his plato for more meat and taters ,
and whether we've got to use starch
in doing up his shirts. The lust man
1 had took me to task for not holding
family prayers twicea day , aud after
I had done so for three months I found
it was only a game of his to beat mo
out of half an honra day. llu thought
ho had a prutty soft thing , and he
looked mightv lonesome when 1 cut
Old Hundred down to two lines aud
got through with the Lord's 1'r.xyer in
forty seconds. "
A Heavy Swell ,
Jacob H. IMnnmor , . f Vltvillo , N. Y- ,
writi-sj "Vour Tlmiium' Krli-etrio Oil
cured iv badly dwelled nock and rnn-u thront
nn my HIU in foity-i-i ht hour * . Ono ap
plication also u-mnved tinpiiu : from n
very nun ) toe. My wifo'n foot wan nlmi
much inflamed NO imicli HII tint HIU iv.uUl
not walk about the lioiw. nho iiiiplivd tlio
jil , and in twcnty-fuur liouw wan entiruly
nircd. " eixllw
Vondarsand Bonutlos of tbo Eloc-
trloal Xiamp In Purls.
'Lilt Uorrc.iroiidoiK-0 London No\f .
The other night I passed three
lours at the Palais do 1'Industrie.
[ y visual nerves woie no more tried
lan if I had been staying on a line
uinmor day under the shade of lime
Lrocs. Two great jots of light diverge
from the round windows above the
jrent doer of the exhibition towards
tlio Arch of Triumph and the Place do
la Concorde. The tree tops on which
lomo of the rays full look as if silver-
id over. The obelisk ot Luxor might
> o pile a of snow , to judge of it from
its whiteness. It is oUO motors from w
the lamp projecting the mass of light
tvliicli appears like the tail of a comet ,
nd is so strong that , standing in
the Place do la Concorde , any one
learned in" Egyptian hieroglyphics
lotild decipher those of the obe
lisk. M. Godell's electoral addresses
ut the corner of the Hue do Boctio
formerly lluo dp 1'Oratoiro ) can bo
read also. Siemens lights are used in
the grand vestibule. They are set oil'
by the artistic beauty of the lusters ,
nnd they very rarely oscillate or go
out. Jamiu's light blink n good deal ,
and Jablochkoffs a little. Blinking
is more or less the defect of all the
arc liuhts. Intellectually onu may
not bo nwaro of this defect , but the
wearincs of the eya soon tolls of it.
Siemens , I think , is the most success
ful manufacturer of lamps made ac
cording to the are system. Wcrdar-
man comes close on his heels ; indeed ,
he treads upon them. The nave is
bright as bright can bo at the noctur
nal exhibition. Anything more ex
quisitely beautiful than the gon-
ural view it is impossible to :
conceive. A lighthouse with a
revolving lamp stands in the middle ,
t has a revolving lamp with red , blue ,
rconpurplo and orange glasses. The
patches of colored light which it pro
jects on the cornice of the nave seem
to march proccssionally around it.
There is a calmness of general effect ,
mildness as of moonbeams , n light
is searching as comes from thu sun at
loon , and a coolness of tint as well as
jf atmosphere. None of the hues in
ild Gobelins tapestries are lost or
liinmcd. Pictures , of which there
iro'all that were purchased by the last
jalon , have been left , in order to test I
.lie value of the different systems of
jlectrio lighting. Flowers appear to
jo in sympathy with Queen Electrici-
y. The tails pal urn and trop-
ual ferns look to peculiar advantugo
vlien she is holding her court at tlio
'nlaw do 1'Industrio at nit'lit. There
a greenhouse of black glass into
vhich no solar ray penetrntim , Klec-
ricily stimulates the vitality of plants
hero and brings them to bloom and
icar flowers. Tlioy are in a thorough-
healthy condition , and do not up-
ear ns if tlu-y ever wanted to go to
leep at night. All the twenty-four
lours they are exposed to the r.iys of
tiong electrical lamps. It would ap-
icar that to some extent the chemical
ction of this light will enable garden-
rs to dispense with manure. ,
The are light generally meets with
USB favor from the publio than the
ystem by incandescence , on nccount
the crudity of its glare nnd the fa-
iguing effect it produces on the eyes , M.
iut nil ingenious way lias been diV
nvered for doing away with this ob-
uction , and at the same time for giv-
ng more power thnn the Edison
iwan lamp would give. The system
the invention of Deuce t Co. , n
ory appropriate name , for the soft-
ess of the light is all that could bo
csirod. The liiglit is produced by
ny nro system in elegant vases BUS-
ended from the coiling , at u height
about eight feet from the floor , nnd
ut of which beautiful plants nro
rowing , made doubly luxurious byte
to powerful fertilizing properties of
light. The light , being thus con-
nnlcd in the midst of the vase , dooa
roach the eye directly , but is re-
noted to a white , tightly-stretched
iroular shoot in the ceiling , from
hich is diffuses a mild and yet pow-
rful light through the whole room ,
hero is a slight JOBS of power by this It
ictliod , but this is amply compon-
ited tor by the softness nnd equal
istribution of the light.
I > ook Out for Suddeu Change *
weather , and guard iwu'nut thorn
using Warner's Hafo Kidney and
Ivor Curo. octSoodlw
P. T , Barnum on the Way ,
WITH 1113 OW.V-
Greatest Show on Earth ,
Omaha , Friday , October 7th.
At ! l and 8 p. in. Doon open one hour sooner for liupcttion of the .MeiURcrlo nnd Museum.
Tlio 5 Feature Show of tlio Period The Seven Giant Wonders :
OHANQ , the Chinese ,
Qlnnt the tnllctt m n
In tlioxvorld ,
The Crlclnnl QeneralTom Thumb and Wife
re Introduce. . ! bv lion 1' . T. Larnum , for
tliotliKt ( line In twenty yearn , and looo
adilitlonal aen atlon ( .
STimosthe Largest Menagerie
Alijnhrrenn the Olobc , with exactly 21 etc-
pliant" , and oicry other department
Inarltifcn , tenplnir , roitllnir , rldlncr and turn
blliiR rontcsm fortlold Midalsand Diamond-
Studdud Jewels.
The Mirgcst , nioit brilliant , and lonecst > trc
proii'HNlon ccr seen , iiallnjf nil others to
notliliiKiirn lth Its icorKcous glory.
100 Chaiiots , Dens , and
Lairs ,
OH'tcrlni ' ; with < Jnld and SUier. No-v Chloan
Mllbary M'anh-obc , made of llncllroadi-loths ,
( 'ulit lace Ih'or.tlti'.el nnd mnlve but.
lion. ( Note No i
New Waterproof PnvllMonj , the Llnrgei
Ever Erected. f3,000 Luxurious Ch.ilrs.
60. ti for 15,000 People , '
Innn\atloii i nn Iniwxntlon looking to the
Jl comfort and rumUbti c/ our patri ni. lie ra.
tlctit only n llttlu longer and jou shall
Sec the Brightest Constella
tion of Exhibitions
Kvcr coiicehcd In thn brain of he who U
thu undisputed
Father of Amusement Triumphs ,
Thoueamts upon thousands of liappy proplt
coining by cheap cvcii'Nlons on CM.T } ' rail
road centering In thu city.
Wndows were sold In New York , nlonR Droadway , for * 0 , * 0 nnd SIO , from which to
view the TRANSCENDtNTLY GORGEOUS PARADE , to be repeated heroin daylight.
Admission only 50 cents. Children under 9 years old ,
lalf price. Reserved Seats extra.
J'ositivcly nit free ticket : yinn to tinyloily.
Uiokots can be purchased the dnys of exhibition at Edholm and'
Erioksou's Jewelry'store , opposite Postoffice , at the
usual slight advance.
At Council Bluffs , THURSDAY , Oct. 0 ; Lincoln , SATIJIIDAY , Oct. 8.
E isr G-R : 7"i INT a-
WTiile our Work is better , our Prices are Lower
than all others.
- -
received all of the SIX FIRST PREMIUM
offered for Competition in our line
Over All Competitors.
Per the Best Watch Work ,
For the Best Jewelry , ( own make. )
For the Best Engraving ,
For the Best Diamonds ( own importation )
laving lately enlarged my workshops nnd putting in now .nd improved ma
chmory , I hope to still more improve the quality and finish of our
ork and ( ill orders with more promptness than is usual.
o .A-Tr-rioicr i
Iy Motto has always boon and always will bo ; "First to gain superior faoill
ties and then advertise the fact not before no wild advertisements.
Some unprincipled dealers being in the habit of copying my
announcements , I would beg you , the reader of this , to
draw u line between nuoli copied advertisements
and those of Yours , very truly ,
The Reliable Jeweler , Omaha , Neb. ,
Sign of the Striking Town Clock.
always gives satisfaction , because it makes a
superior article of Bread , and is the Cheap
est Flour in the market. Every sack
warranted to run alike or '
money refunded. , i
W. M. YATES , Cash Grocer.