Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 06, 1881, Page 2, Image 2

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A Bit of History Showing How
tlio Town Has Drown From
Its Infancy ,
In Spite of Serious Sot-Backs
it Continues to Grow
Steadily ,
Improvements GoliiR on nnd More
Contomplatcil-Otlior Iii-
toroatiiiR Items.
Correspondence of The Ilcc :
OAKDALK , Nob.October. ) . On the
S ; 0. it P. II. 11. , between Norfolk it
Neligh , lies the town of Oakdalo.
In the year 18"2 the town was laid
out by 3. N. Taylor , Col. . ) . II. Noto-
ware nnd three others. In the spring
of 73 the first house was erected. In
August of the fame year the
Jargo mill now running was com
menced , and about the same time a
long-headed gentleman , with lots of
energy , pluck nnd money , by the
iiatno of 11. G. King , purchased one-
half the town site , put a bundled men
at work on the mill and completed it
in short order.
The county seat had already been
located here.
The year of 73 saw a boom for
. Oakdalo that made everything lively.
J.n 74 a paper was brought from Wes
Point , the citizens buying it from Mi
C. D Waldo and hauling it up h
wagons. They built a house o
office and installed M. 8. Bartlett n
editor , and then presented him , with
out any consideration whatever with a
controlling interest in the entire prop
This proved to bo a slight mistake
for the man , even after they had pilot
the county trensurorahip into his over
flowing and grasping hand , sold himself -
self and took the paper , its press ,
material and even the house ( all a
which had boon furnished by the citi
zens of Oakdalo ) to an opposition town
that was trying to get the county lent ,
the consideration being a re-election
to the treasurers ] ! ! ] ) and five hundred
dollars in cash.
, Well , a few days after the removal
of the printing oflice , Oakdalo's court
house was burned to the ground. It
was supposed that this was an un
healthy location for the tricky editor ,
nnd yet , on the night of the fire , ho
arrived in Oakdalo at 12 o'clock from
ISoligh and nt 2 o'clock the court
house wan in flames. ' The smell oi
kerosene showed that the building
had boon duly and truly prepared. A
man by the name of Charles Mc-
Guirc , living opposite the court house ,
Bworo that n man who looked like
Bartlett was soon by linn running
from the building when the flames
were breaking out. This statement
was not deemed sufficient , and do-
tcctivos failed to complete the chain
of circumstantial evidence , However ,
the blow to Oakdalo was n stunner ,
and the county suffered by not h'aving
any means of discovering how much of
its funds wore in the hands of its com
mercial treasurer. A few years of tor ,
the town of Bartlott's second love
failed to endorse him and , in fact ,
kicked him out of town. He then
wont to Norfolk and is now publishing
The West Point Republican ;
but the county records were
left unburned through some hurry
of removal and it was not long before
a default for a heavy amount was
discovered and this shortage Mr. Bartlett
lott is paying at the present time , and
it is shrewdly suspected that a certain
congressman has gone his .security for
the payment ef the entire sum.
The county Boat in spite of
all the efforts , including treachery ,
arson and wholesale bribery
to secure its removal , still re
mains at Oakdalo and its hold is get
ting stronger every year because the
people of this town are mon who make
friends , and the farmers , as n whole ,
stand by thorn.
In this newspaper matter I may
have stated matters pretty strongly ,
but Mr. Bartlett must not blarno mo
lor I do not know him personally , and
have no ill will , as ho lias novcr written -
ton or done anything against mo , and
ho must hold responsible for this part
of my letter the business mon of Oixk-
dale , who have assisted mo in prepar
ing my correspondence.
Owing to the drawbacks above
enumerated this town was comparative
ly dead until the iall of 170 when the
.railroad made its debut.
The Pun and Plow , a very able and
epioy paper was started in 1870 by
Mr , I. N. Taylor and his partner ,
Mr. E. P. McCormiclf. The clip
pings from their paper were read by
every western nun , and when the
railroad boom struck Oakdalo everyone
ono knew something of the resources
of the town , and BO the growth of
Oakdalo was then rapid and sub-
IB a clayey loam in the eastern part of
Antelope county , and in the western
part it is n sandy loam with some
white sand areas.
The valloya of Taylor , St. Glair ,
IVCB , Bazillo and the Elkhorn , all lo
cated in'tho eastern portion of thocoun-
ty , are among the most productive
com und grass lands in the state.
The government land is all taken up
lut tlioro are some 05,000 acrea of
B. & M. lando in the eastern half of
the county ; thcso are as yet , unoc2u >
pied , and are not in the market , but
it it hoped they soon will bo ,
thereby opening up a very valuable
tract of country to the actual settler ,
[ t : and thus vastly increasing the wealth
and population of this part of the
county ,
Wheat was nearly a failure , not
averaging over eight bushels , which is
a terrible fulling off for thin strip of
the state , as it has always been
W > t deemed a first-class wheat section ; but
the corn crop i * immense , and it runs
from fifty to oven a hundred bushels
to the acre , and sells for 50 cents a
bushel , December delivery. Over half
of the ground ia in com. Mr. A.
Olcbl&ger hai raised about ton thou-
jand biuheb this year , and others will
iicnily equal his magnificent showing ,
About 500 head nro fed in the Oak.
dale yards , and the county is full of
them ,
The Klkhorn furnishes plenty of it ,
but the best is the Cedar creek water
power. Thia stream is but nine miles
long and is fed by never-failing and
voluminous springs.
There nro seven unimproved mill
sites upon the course of Oils stream ,
each with at least a twelve foot fall ,
The onu nt Onkdalo is susceptible of n
twenty-four foot fall and eighteen is
now used. The flouring mill driven
by it has three run of burrhs. Mr.
O. P. Hurford , formerly of Omaha , is
the proprietor of this mill nnd ho
turns out n hundred sacks of flour
every twenty-four hours.
Another mill will bo erected next
spring , the ground having boon se
cured , and there nro chances for still
two more mills -within two miles of
the center of the town. So says Mr.
Ligram , n mill engineer of note , who
has surveyed the , around.
A paper mill and n flax mill would
pay n lio.ivy per contago to the in
vestors. The flax product of this vi
cinity has already bocoiro an import
ant factor in the crop returns nnd is
more profitable by far than small grain.
The straw , buy nnd refuse for the
paper mill can bo gathered
hero for n song and the product is
now paying freight from eastern fac
tories and this item of freight would
nlono give a line profit to the inunu
A creamery , a first-class banking in
stitution , onu or two capitalists and u
good hotel.
A sugar mill , in the opinion of
Louisiana sugar maker now residing
hero , could bo established with great
profit as the soil ban shown admirable
adaptation for raising the amber cane
nnd the sugar boot.
Any ono desiring information in re
gard to those matters , or about lots ,
lands or other local matters can bo
fully informed by addressing that
most energetic and public spirited
gentleman , Mr. I. N. Tnylor , the
loading real estate dealer of Oakdalo.
A few moro anti-monopoly office
holders are wanted in Northern Ne
braska. G. 0 , Palmer , republican
nominee for county judge , is "sound
on the goose , " but the judge is an ex
ception to the general average of noini-
The present nnd coming years will
bo marked as exceeding nil others in
the importance and extent of the en
terprises inaugurated. The town and
surrounding country baa donated in
lands and money about 87,000 , to en
dow an academy under the auspi
ces of the Presbyterian chinch.
The committee of the Presbytery in
now hero to view the grounds and ar
range details.
The Methodists have just built a
fair church edifice. The Episcopa
lians have raised $1,000 nnd a preach
er nnd will have a church built this
fall. The pastor , Mr. Elldridgc , ia
: mu of the right kind of men , judging
from the way ho goes to work. Yes
terday ho arrived and to-day ho is
"solid'1 ' with everyone in town.
The Presbyterians have just organ
ized , with forty members , nnd will1
build next spring. . '
The Palmer puiKSig , on ono of the
best corners in town , hns boon re
fitted and is now" the "dry goods
nnd clothingiBtoro par pxcllenco. Mr.
F. H , Green , thu senior partner of $
the house , speaks very highly of this
section and , although ho came but re
cently from Wisconsin , ono of the
boat agricultural states in the union ,
yet ho is more than satisfied with his
now homo.
There are "surface" indications that ,
toll of a "true fissure vein" with "well "
defined wall rocks" and Aucrhoy , the
geological sharp , having made an as B
say of the eroppings , finds the "but
ton" to indicate any amount of car
bon to the ton. Oakdalo will consequently m
quently bo bored right away , and if
the borers don't strike a carboniferous diw
deposit they may find gold , iron or a w
deficit in tlioir bank account.
The writer returns thanks to Messrs.
Taylor , King , Hunlington and D. A. la
Holmes for constant and enorgotio
efforts to make his stay in Oakdalo
both pleasant and profitable.
Dr , Lewis , a young medical grad
uate , who owns a tine drug store ,
"bound up my wounds , " poured ar
nica on my bruises and did all that \
medical skill could do to relieve me
from the unpleasant recollections that
hover around that interview I had B
with the Stanton 03 clone.
For business review see advertising
columns. KANOKU.
New * from Battle Creek.
Correspondence of The Uoo.
BATTI.K CUBEK , Neb. , October 3. -
I had the pleasure of n between-
train-stop at Battle Crook , n small ,
but healthy town just vest of Nor
The leading spirit of the village is
Mr. A. Truesdell , whoso eleva
tors hero und nt Wsnur ,
Norfolk , Oakdalu and Fremont
have made him well known along the
Elkhorn valley. Besides grain , ho
handles ilour , coal and salt.
Mr. S. H. Fletcher , of the Battle
Creek hotel , assisted mo in my work
here , ns did also n live young attor ly
ney , whoso name I cannot now recall.
There was also n druggist whose name
I have forgot toil , but his place und
his manners indicated the thorough
business man nnd the gentleman.
Battle Creek will no doubt make n
good town in time.
Noting the Effect * .
11. Htbbi , of UulTalo , N , Y. , writes :
"Hearing your JiuanooK Utx > OD Lirmtti
favorably spoken of , I wan Induced to
watch their effects , mil find that In
chronic diseases of the bloml , Kvur und
kidney * your bittern Imvo been Blanally
marked with Bucceas. I Imvo used them
inytelt with best results for torpidity of
the liver ; and in the case of a friend of
mlnu nuirerliitf from dropsy , the ulfect was
marvelous. " Trice $1.00 , trial nizo 10
cents. . uctSeodlw
Exataiaatioa of Teacher *
I will bo tircitmt nt my ofllca In Cre it
block on the flmtB.iturd yol each month to x. -
aiuliic uch atmllcanU as iaay dolru to loach
In the public Hhools In Uoujrla * county. Quar
terly examination flntt Saturday In February ,
May , Aufiut and November. en
County Hupt. PuWlo Justrnrtlon
ndSi4cim > tf
The Connomnrn Colony'
The Chicago Times says : Ilov.
Father Nugent , of Liverpool , who was
mainly instrumental last year in bring
ing to this country some 'JOO impover
ished peasantH from tlio vest nf
Ii eland , is slopping nt thu Grand Pacl
fie on his way homo. In view of tlio
reports sent to thoTimeisoiiiu months
of tlio Hulferings imdiirod 1 > y tlio
Contiomara emigrants , anil of their
general slnftlessness anil inability to
eopo with the rigors of a westc-in
winter , a luporter called on tlio
leveveiul gentleman , and ashed him to
throw Homo light upon tlicjnnltor.
Lot mo tell you lirst , said the zeal
ous clergyman , of the condition of
those unfortunate people previous to
their departure for tlio new uoild.
Mr.V. . 0'Hiien , of .the Freeinan'fl
Journal , of Dublin , wrote from the
Connoiiiam distilct as follows : "It
will be minder , reckless , wholesale
murder , if the government delays any
longer to interfere in di tricts liku
this. Nine-tentlm of the population
of the whole fteacoast parishes aio on
the brink of starvation. They feed
on lottcn , dwnifodpotatoes , and stum-
bio over miles of Blimp-pointed , rocks
in their baio feet , to beg n niiser.iblo
pittance of Indian meal for their whin
ing children. " The remainder of the
article is in the same tone. Visiting
the scenes of sufl'enng described , 1
determined to rescue at least n small
portion of the people from famine ,
and to that end collected 1,500 in
the city of London.
JJow was it that you brought thorn
over hero in Juno instead of earlier
in the Kpring ? ho was asked. The
time of departure depended upon the
arrangements that 1 could best make
with tlio steamship companies , lint
even during the trying winter out
west their condition was in every re
spect better than it had been at home.
Not one person died of cold or hun
ger , and if some suffered for a while ,
it wan duo to their ignorance of the
climate. True , if they had gone out
in the spring , they could have planted
crops , and would IIIIYO been better
AH they come from the seacoast of
Ireland , were they not ignorant of
fanning ? Yes , to a great extent. But
they Jknow at least how to use n spade ,
and will soon become good farmers.
Many of them went to work in the
towns , where they are earning good
wages at dilforent kinds of labor.
lather Nugent proceeded to say
that there are thirty-five girls at pres
ent in St. 1'anl who cam an average
of § 12 ( i month each. Their labor
brings them a total of over 85,000 in
u year. Not one of them could make
over $30 a year in the old country.
I go back to England , said the
philanthropist , in conclusion not only
satisfied with the condition of these
people , but convinced that the west
oilers a wide and remunerative Meld
for the skilled labor of thousands of
Irish workingmen , who , in the over
crowded labor markets of their native
land , are actually unable to earn their
bread. Whole too many are strug
gling for the same crust , Homo must
Asked whether ho intended to bring
out more colonists , Father Nugent re
plied : I will tell the workingmen of
England of the advantages ottered to
them in St. Paul , Omaha , and other
places ; nnd I have no doubt many \
masons , mechanics , and other skilled
laborertiiwill luiatuu to a field Avhero
therewill bo work "and food for all.
In regard to the emigration clause
of the land bill , ho said that an effort
would bn made to divert the grant of
$200,000 from Manitoba to Minnesota
or Nebraska. It was not beyond the
spirit of the bill , ho thought , to deal
with the Catholic Colonization society ,
and to offer Irish immigrants means of
transportation to the fur west. Father
Nugent appeared sanguine that the
English government would bo as like
ly to encourage emigration to the fruit
ful ' fields of the West us to the great
Canadian wilderness called Manitoba.
HB seemed to forget that millions of
British money Imvo been invested in
the Manitoba railroad scheme , which
must surely fall through unless the
tide of emigration be turned in that
direction. The reverend gentleman
will : leave for England , Monday , Ho
has a parish in London , and ho states
that his connection with the Conno-
inarn matter originated simply in phi
Sot Back 42 Years.
"I was troubled for many years
with Kidney Complaint , Gravel , itc , ;
my blood became thin ; I was dull and
inactive ; could hardly crawl about ;
was an old , worn out man all over ;
could got nothing to help mo , until 1
got < Hop Bitters , and now I nta a boy
again. My blood and kidneys are all
right , and I am as active us a man of
90 , although I am 72 , and I bavo no
doubt it will do as well for others of
my ago. It is worth u trial. " ( Fath
er. ) Sunday Moi'cury. octl-15.
For the speedy euro o Consump
tion and all diseases that lead to it ,
such ns stubborn coughs , neglected
Colds , Bronchitis , Hay Fever , Asth
ma , pain in the side and chest , dry
hacking cough , tickling in the throat
Hoarseness , Sere Throat , and all 0
chronio or lingering diseases of the
throat and lungs , Dr. King Now Dis
covery lias no equal and has established ot
or itself n world-wido reputation.
Many leading physicians recommend
and UBO itin their practice , The form
ula from which it is prepared is high
recommended by all medical jour
nals. The clergy and the press have
complimented it in the most glowing
terms , Go to your druggist and got u
trial bottle free of cost , or n regular
size for 81.00. For Snlo by
dG ( ( Tmr & MnMAi nv Omaha. .
A. G , TROUP ,
And Notary Public.
Premier's Block , Opposite Post Office.
Professor FUIier , ( from Bt. Louli ) Danrlnir Ac-
ham , Tuendky venltig , 8citcinbor ) Bth ,
L'laies for lAdles and Qeiitlcmcn conimciiclnir of
TueiKlay uenlnif BcpUmbor Bth ! clauoss for
Jllincs and Matters , commencing Saturday after-
. .
" " ' ' h.4twrv w
ctuuiim nill uo
arronKwl to milt the honorable mtrons. * Also all
ballet dancing can b taujjht ,
Tfrnu liberal , and porfeui sutlifutlan to schol-
rs irujrinteed. I'rhatolnitrucllomwll "wirtt.
Bttlm DancliijT Academy oi at the ruldeiico
oftlio iiatroni.
1'tUkto orJcrj nitr be left atJIai eyer&
Creit German
All other Fains
_ _ ACHES.
No Pr ( [ . r tjn | on rtU c < | utlt dr. Itcofs OIL u
a ( uric , 8URE , xiuric and cnrxr Kxternil Kemcdy.
A trial entalli liul thtconipiratlnly IrlHInR outlay of
M UxMT9 , anil everyone lulhrlng wilt [ lu cm livt
cheap aDii tioiltivt f roof of ill clalmfl.
Iliiltttnnrr. 3frf. , V.B.A.
Diminished Vigor-
la rslmbxireoJ In great measure to these trouMcd
Mltli weak lildnevs , by a judicious use of Hoatet-
to 't > Stomach llltto s , Mhlch linltroratcs and
stimulates without c\cttnir ! the urinary or-
Knin. Ill i onjunction with Its influence upon
them , It correct ) ac'dlty ' , liuproics ipjictltc , ixnd
lain every \vav conducho to health and nerve
repose. Another marked quality in itg control
o\cr fever and asnc , nnd Its power of preventing
It. For MI'C by all Drujf ists and Dealers ( " ' "
JIcn ' aMllty , to represent
allAMDRItS' Dlction o' ° ' Uni-
en&Knoxvlcdyo. . Complete Cyclopaedia of
Every Day Won t .
This is th lq .t Useful and Comract I.ltcrnrj'
AchlovcuicnT jitlio AK . It has no coirpctltorn.
Wo want competent Solicitors. ? > o pcddUrs
need apply Circulars , | ; tviiir | full lc < rlptlon ,
sent on appllcat.on. J. If. Clf AMBKHS.
bt. Louis , Aio. , ClilcoRO , 111. , AtlanLt. Ok
Axle Grease
Used on Wagons , Burgles , Jleapcn , Thresher *
Mid Hill Machinery , It IB INVALUABLK TO rAnx <
IHS iisn TKAUSTKRS. It cures Scratches and all
kinds oltorco on Horeca and Stock , an well as on
men.OLAEK & WISE , Manuf B ,
305 Illinois Street , Chicago.
J5TRKND FOR PIUCES. jo 24-8m.b
HOUI1IE BROS , . Brokers in all Railroad
Tickets , Omaha , Neb. , Oder Tickets to tlio East ,
until further notice , at the following unheard of
Low Hates ;
Chicago , 912 ; Round Trip , $34.00 , These are
limited First-Class Tickets and t'ooj for return
through the year , and t la the Old UUlablo Chi-
C0f0 ( , UurlliiKton & Quliivy Railroad. Also , ono
NEW YORK. 1st chBJ" . f 19 00.
BOSTON , do 2600.
I'HILAUKLI'HIA. da 1000.
VASIIINuTO.V , do 1000.
Far particulars , wrlto or go direct to IIOBDIK
nilOS. , Dealers in Iluduccd Hate Ilullroad and
Stcamthlp Tickets , SO ! ) Tenth fit , , Omaha , Neb.
Itemcmber thu place Three boors North of
Union I'ailliu Railroad Depot , East Sldo of Tenth
Omaha , August 1,1831 an25dawlui
State of Ncliraika , DauulasCounty , si *
At a County Court , held at the County Court
liooin , In and for tald County , on the 'JHt day
o ( SeptemlMT , A. U. 1BH1. Present , A. M.
CUAMVICK , CountvJuclso.
In the matter of the adoption of Jennie K.
Colvcr , a minor.
On reading and filing the petition of Amos
and Mary Colyrr , pro ) inir time thilr Bald child h
may bo adopted by Kdward and Mary K , Steward
and that tluyoluntanly and freely i he up the
cubtojy aid care of bald child , an aUo the peti E
tion of Kdward and Mary E. Steward showing
that they uliih to adopt the Bald child.
OKprKKD , That October lith , A. 1) . 1881 , at
o'clock a. in. is assigned for hearing said peti
tion , when all IH.TMJMS Interested In said matter
iiuy appear at a County Court to bo livid , In and
said Comity , and khow iau o uhy the prayer
petitioner should not bo granted ; and that no-
tlcuol pendency of thc ld petition and the hearing
thereof , bo git en to all persons tntcrcnted In laid
matter , by publishing a copy of this order In Tux
OKAIIA DAILY DUE , a newspaper printed In eald
County , far three succaulio UCCKH , prior to taU
day of hearing. A. M. CHADWICK ,
( A true copy ] County Judge.
Proposals iar Sewer Boadi-
Sealed | > ro | > onaln will bo received until
October MHh , 1881 , at 1'- , noon , by the
City Clerk of Onialm , county of Dou la * .
.State of Ncbniskft. nml will , at that hour ,
opened fur tlio pmchano of 850,000.00
the ISMIO of $100.000.00 of Sewer
llomU , First Scrieg , of the City of Oinnlm.
Said bomld ait ) dated September 1st , 1881 ,
are in muni "t $1,000.00 each , bear interest
from their date at the rate of nix per cen
tum per annum , payable at the oiHco of
Kouutze Dim , Now York , semt-anmmlly ,
upon coupons attached ; eatd bond * are
issued under the Charter iwwor of said
city after election duly held authorizing
their isauu for the completion of Sewers
partly couxtrnctcd , and for the construe-
tion of additional Hewen. The
now ottered aio the first sold of euid Honda ,
lilds will bo addrejicd to the undenianed ,
and must utato ths full name and addreaa
the didder , the amount of said llonds
desired , und the price proposed to bo paid.
The light is reserved to reject any and
bids. J. J. L. O. JKWKTT ,
City Clerk.
C. F. Manderson ,
'i F rohUB fit , OnuJi * N
MM. .T. O. lloljcrtion , Mttibiinr. I'a. , rltcs :
wa < imrfcrlnz from Rcncrnl clelilliiv.ant of up *
pctlto , ionstii llnn , etc. , no that Ufa u as n bur
den ; riftcr tiring Ilunlock Dloo.1 Illttcn I felt l > ct-
tcr than for year * . I camlet prnlio jour Hitters
too iniKli. "
K. fllbln , of fluflalo , N. Y. , writes : "Vour
Itimlock Illood llltttrs , In Uironlc illtcascnof thu
bloCHt Ihcr and Miliifxft , } u\\e been d nallv
marked with Miccc's. lha\o ttsol Ilicm injsolf
\\lthbeitrcKiiltii , ( or torpidity nf tlio Ihcr Mullii
( wool n friend of inliio suffering from diupsy ,
the cITctt MM man clous. "
BnicoTurner , Itochrstcr , Jf , Y.lnrltei"t : have
been Mitijcit to Fcrlom disorder of the Kldnojs ,
and lumlilo to ntteiid to bimlnesi ; llnnlook lllooi !
Itltltri rulloMtl mo Iwfoio half nbnttlo os usc < l ,
1 fcvl confident that they ulll entirely euro inc. "
Asciilth Hall , nijiifhampton , N. Y. , Vritei :
"I sulfcred with a dull p.iln through niv clt
lunir nnd shoulder. la < < t my spirit * , apiictito
nnd color , nnd could uith dltliculty keep up all
ilny , Took iour Murdoch Illoml Hitters M < ! !
( cited , tuul lm\o fc.t no | uxin since llreteck \ nf
tcr lining them , "
Mr. Noah Katci , Elmlro , N. Y. , writes : "About
four > cam n o I had an attack of I > lllou4fe\crnml
nc\or fully My tllffntlte orjfans
were weakened , and \\ould bo comjilctely pros
trated for ilayK. Alter u ln t o bottles of jour
Burdock Ilood ! Hitters the Improvement wat so
tldlilo thnt I wan a tonlhed. I can liow. though
01 jenrs of nye , ilea fair nnd reasonable daj's
C. Dlackct Hohlnson , proprietor of Tlio Canada
Presbyterian , Toronto. Out. , wrltti : "For jearn
I sulTercd prcntly from oft-recurring headache. I
u * l jour Hnrdock Illood Hitters with happiest
results , nnd I no\v find injsclf In better health
than for } cars past. "
Mrs. Wallace. Hiiffilo , N. 1" , write * ' 'Iha\o
used llunlock Illood Hlttcri let nortous nnd bll-
llous licailaclicf , nnd can iccommcml it to anjone
a cure for bllllousncss. "
Mrs. Ira Miillholland , Albany , N. V , writes :
"For ocral years 1 liac GiilTcred from oft-recur-
rlntr billions headaches , djspcmln , and com-
rilalnts peuullnr to my POX. Smioilng jour
llurdock Illood Ultters I nm entirely relict ed. "
Price , 81.00 per Bottle ; Trial Bottles 10 Cts
FOSTER , MILBUEK. . & Co , , Props ,
Sold at wholesale by Jsh & McMahon nndC. F.
Good man. je 27 coil-mo
1422 Douglas St. ,
Before removing to
their new
Will sell their stock of
At Greatly Reduced Prices.
Established 11 Years ,
Asscti Represented
82 , OOOOOO.O.
Acthe ilro and Life ajrcnU
wanted. .0. r.TAYLOH&c-O.
lth & Douglas St.
ily house and furniture la Insured with
O. T. TAYLOR & CO. ,
Cor 14th and Dowlas ,
On River .Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. ,
Wall Paper and Window Shades.
1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb. >
Double Strength White Lime
O. 338" .
Lumber , Lath , Shingles ,
Thirteenth and California Streets , OMAHA , - - - NEB.
"We desire to call the special attention ot the trade to ouv
elegant lines ( at BOTTOM PRICES ) of Underwear , Cardigan
Jackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Overshirts , Overalls
Hosiery , &c , , now open. Wholesale only.
Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts.
The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska
Jv 18-me
' - O.
1213 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb.
1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET.
OXUC./ & . 3XTB3
Tlio only exclusive wholesale house in this line in the west. .
Commissson Merchants ,
1121 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb.
Consignments made us will receho iirompt attention. Inferences : State Bank , Omaha ; Piatt
& Co. , Baltimore ; I'ctk & Batwher , Chicago ; II. Werk & Co. , Cincinnati.
Received Direct from Boston and flew Tori ,
" " H
Store , ' iH
We are now showing the most beautiful Assortment of medium
and low priced Trimmed Hats ever brought to Omaha , all correct
Styles anfl most artistically trimmed , prices ranging from $1,00
$15,00 eaoh ,
Also great bargains in Ostrich Tips , Plumes , Fancy Wiuge ,
Flowers , Plushes , Velvets , Satins , &c. , in all the new Colors
and Shades ,
Wo have also purchased the entire Millinery Slock of Messrs. A. Cruiok- W
ihank & Co. , ( ( it a largo discount ) , who Imvo been compelled to give up this 6 1
jninch of their business for want of room.
Wo now offer this masnificeut Stock of Rich Miilinory at about half the
irice asked by up-town Milliners for such Goods.
The ladies are invited to call and bo convinced that it pays to trade at the I
Opening daily in nil departments. /
Store Open Every Evening till 9 O'clock.
P. G. IMLAH , Manager
, ps , 1
Leader of Popular Prices. uv