Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1881, Page 3, Image 3

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    Ttllfl OMAHA DAILY BEE : AVEDNESDA.Y ( XT01JI3R o , 1881
The Attrnctiona of the Palla at
This Tiino of the Year.
The Usual Number of Brides nnil
Groonis-Soino Historical
. Points.
Corresponleneeof thodlolic-Dcmomt.
NIAO.UU FAU.S , September 28.
lly grace of the brides uiul grooms
nml the everlasting excursionists
Niagara runs its season for more than
half of the year , and , though it oncis
was n watcriim place 1x11(1 suinmcr
resort , as such places nro understood ,
the citixcns of the place now sadly as
sure you that that has all raiio by.
Since it is nil the fault of their own
| grasping policy , * nd onojneed coiumis-
"erato thuhi. The can&ninnl your
* marked "tho beginning' the excursion -
sion era , and each season since has
seen thousands moro taking n look at
the falls by train loads , personally
conducted p.vrties , nnd holders of thu
yard long tickets that the r.ulro.wh
sell to vacation travelers. The hotel
keepers , the citizens , and the hack-
men despise and speak scornfully of
the excursionists , and the glib ven
dors'of the local curiosities nnd souv
enirs lament over the lost trade. The
excursionists spend no money'hero
they say , a contr.uliotion on the very
face ot it , when there is a tuxor n toll ,
a fee or n fare at every point.
' The project of a. National park is
one that has been considerably ngita-
ted by the oulsido public lately , but
without receivin- ; great favor or im
petus from thu inhabitants of the vil
lage. To have the state cpndcbn the
land 'along Iho banks of the river ,
buy it at appraisers' valuation anil
keep it free to all the world as a Na
tional park , like the Yellowstone or
the Yosemite , is so plainly what
ought to bo done that there is great
danger of its never being accomplished.
The < irst suggestion in the matter
camolfrom Mr. Walter , of the Lon
don Times , during his visit hero in
1870. Ho proposed to have the
Canadian and United States govern
ments take measures to preserve
and protect the falls by means of n
park along both banks of the river
above nnd below the falls. Lord Duf-
ferin , while governor , general , was
warmly interested in the scheme , 'and '
it was hoped that before ho loft some
thing would really bo accomplished by
the Canada sido. On our own side it
once wont so far as to have a commit
tee of the state legislature examine
and return an illustrated' hand
somely bound report , but a veto from
Governor Cornell ended the matter at
that time. Outside enthusiasts are
now trying to revive interest in the
plan , and a great deal is being said
and written. The Canadians have no
need to make such haste , for their
aide of the river is free to the hum
blest to take a look at the great cata
ract , a public road running along the
edge of tno bank ; but on the United
States border there is every kind of
an abomination. For an example of
the fee and admission system , there is
nothing in Europe to half approach
Niagar.1 Falls. Municipal law has
taken hold of the hackmn vigorously ,
and so broken their spirits that car
riage hire at Niagara is cheaper than
any place else in the country , and
only the greenest and most unwary of
the tourists over has.any trouble On
this side they gravely warn you
against the Canadian drivers , and
claim that the sad reputation of the
Niagara hackmcn came from their im
positions. While on the Canadian
side they say that their drivers are all
seed , and that the United States pro
tects nnd fosters the bad ones.
who bought the islands in the river
nnd the point of land at the cd e of
the fall , on this sideprepared an in
heritance for his children more cer
tain than Government bonds , and for
V II " N- years the money has been rolling into
X their collors. Any one who wants to
get oven the half-view that this bank
of the river commands must either go
into prospect Park or cross to ( . { oat
Island , nnd , by the tax laid on , the
descendants of Col. Porter thrive. All
the year round there are tourists in
town , and as they must pay to go up
stairs and down inclined planes and to
look at the water , these people are
hardly desirous of selling their land to
the State and cutting short so fine an
income. It is a sad commentary on
our public system , but any one knows
that if the State over empowers a com
mission to condemn , buy and lay out
this land along the river that there
will be lobbying , robbery , steals , rings ,
and iniquity on as colossal n scale as
the Falls themselves. It is not pro
posed to drive away the factories and
industrieH of the place by taking up
the river banks , but to divert n stream
from the main channel above the rapids -
, ids and taking it inland half a mile to
provide water power for nil who want
it. The screen of trees will then shut
out all such unsightly features and
leave the Falls with the surroundings
that they naturally hud before paper
pulp nnd Hour mills set up their tin-
sightliness. The work can not be done
too quickly now , since the Onoula
Community has moved itself to
Niagara Falls to conduct its business
i of canning and preserving fruits at a
place that oilers such advantages in
the way of water power and railroad
communication. With n factory do-
ii ling this Hide of the river , they prop -
p ese establish' ! ) ! ! ; another one on the
Canada side , that they may supply the
trade of the Provinces without the
burden of the Custom IIouso demands.
It is a dream of the millennium , al
. , Sr most , to think of Niagara as it should
bo , nnd the prospect is one no beauti
ful that it is more than likely never to
bo reached in this world , that thinks
more of water power and tourists' foes
than ot the bunutics of nature and sub
lime scenery.
Old Father Honnepin is the visitor
that one most envies , nnd that simple
old Jesuit whom the Indians led here
in 1078 , saw the fuln ! in a light that
no later day can approach , Neither
from photographs , pictures , books or
the mouths of 10,000 tourists had ho
obtained any idea of the great cata
ract , and instead ot visiting it as pjo
pie do nowadays , to decide whether
"Tt looks like its pictures , " ho had all
the freshness and surprise of some
thing now and overwhelming , lie hud
it all his own way with his savage
guides ; could wander nt will and tell
what stories ho chooao vhon ho re-
urncd. since no one know enough to
contradict him. No hackmnu or sou
venir-sellers lurked in his pathway ,
nnd there were no natives with rub-
bor.auits to tempt him to go in under
.ho falls , and have the bronth pound *
cd out of him by the fury of the do-
comling waters. A right royal time
Father llennepin must havohnd hero ,
listening to Indian traditions , nnd go
ing nnny to tell people that the falls
were six or seven hundred feet high.
The simple aborigines had their story
that the cataract claimed its
about that many red men in their
bark canoes being swept into the rap-
'ds and carried over. The white man
has increased the number of victims ,
nnd each year there are nt least half
n dozen who fall in , or , weary of life ,
leap into the destroying current nnd
go down that f cm fill plunge. Sui
cides have chosen it as their jumping.
on" place for several years , and Iho
hack-drivers are prolilic of thrilling
talcs and tiagic stories. At every few
uteps they rein in to indicate the spot
whuro n gentleman or lady took the
fearful plunge , nnd tell ot the men
caught on stones and logs nnd kept
for dajs , while the people mu
up nnd down the banks at their
wits' ends in their attempts to rescue
them. Uncomfortable as it might bo
to bo ! : on the verge of the
fall , the horrors of the oihutiou might
bo augmented to nervous person by a
few thousand people lining the banks
nnd watching nun like a rat in n trap ,
speculating upon his chances , nnd
uniting to see him go whiiling down
that white sheet of foam. There is
one story nt whoso end every one fools
disappointed. By daylight nnd nt
night , when the electriciniiH turn their
dazzling rays over the r.ipids , there is
visible n huge sign on the end of a log ,
bidding the public take the "Erie
Railroad. " Jt is n matter of specula
tion on first sight as to how that great
board , with its white lettering on n
black ground , nnd the little fluttering
Hags over got out in the middle of the
river , and unless the waters them
selves should finally sweep it nwny ,
lightning' strike or some one open
upon it with a howitzer from the bank ,
there seems no way to remove the ob
noxious advertisement. It was put
there in the winter time by some men
who crept out over the rough blocks
of nn ice gorge , nailed it down and
had barely reached the Tshoro when
the ice began to move ; just nfow min
utes too late as every one thinks on
seeing their incflaconble handiwork.
Just now there is n lull in
but of course there nro n few hero ,
since Niagara would not bo Niagara
without the turtle doves cooing to the
the thunders of its waters. In Juno ,
in early , lonfy June , the place over
runs with thorn , and oven a few weeks
later , in October , there is a rustle of
now gowns nround the town , nnd n
strolling through the wild seclusion of
the islands Hint makes a veritable nr-
cadia of the whole region. The rose-
colored lights lingers always on the
falls for tho-o people , and the hack-
men in their exuberance only ask for
such prey , a little indifferent to the
great sights and willing to be photo
graphed against the backgrounds of
the falls. It is amusing to watch the
different kinds come into the hotel
dining-rooms ; old brides and young
brides ; plain and modest little brides
blushing and conscious in ( their now
honors and new clothes ; and spirited ,
independent young women , who lUunt
their line plumage .and leave all the
agonies ot the situation to the poor
groom. The plain gold rings have not
lost their shine when they get here ,
but struggling against their first im
pulse to enter , arm-in-arm , theytryto
saunter down the dining-room ns in-
ditlereiitly as if they had always done
so. They never deceive the keen , un
sparing uye of the public , but the
pompous old head waiter has a tender
spot in his heart , or in his palm , for
them , and sometimes puts a pairnway
oil' in a corner by themselves with their
backs to the loom. Thoroisnswuetbride
hero now , a quiet , pretty little thing ,
with chestnut hair brushed smoothly
as satin beside her oars , nnd her little
gtay dress as severely simple us a
Quaker's gown. The groom is an
awfully young man , with palp side
whiskers , blue eyes and the air and
carriage of a young minister , and the
two wandering together through the
leafy paths of the island or occupying
a very small part of the long benches ,
are n picture of a poet's song. The
middle-aged , sandy-haired groom ,
with a bald head nnd solid frame , is
anything but such n companion piece
to the fresh young thing with n
feather turban and brand now diamond
mend ear-rings , who taken her dinner
beside him , and fumbles with her now
gold ring when she puts her gloves on.
The electric light is playing havoc
with what have been the romantic
places of the banks on summer nights ,
and the wicked electricians turn the
blinding ilood of their lights on all
the lovers' 'retreats in their range.
Down by the Cataract house there ion
covered pavilion , anchored or built in
the midst of the roaring rapids , where
there is a liiu view of tlio rushing
waters , that seem ready to whirl the
whole thing away at a moment's no-
ticu , and where the din ot the waters
drownds every other sound and diz/.ics
thu senses. From time immemorial
the pavilion has been the rightful fief
of the brides and grooms and lovers ,
who fled the garish lights and unsym-
pathizing eyes of the dancers and
idlers in the parlors , and went to the
river Bide. This summer
has been put on the high porch over
looking the rapids , and the wizard
who manages it , after turning the
light on the water , the bridges , the
islands and the further Canadian
shore , will suddenly whisk the whole
force of the ray down upon the little
pavilion with startling results. He
watches his chances and pounces down
upon them nt critical moments , and
some day the brides and grooms will
rise ill wrath and pitch the electrician
nnd his machine into the water , and
the verdict of a sympathizing public
will bo tha * . it served him right. The
olectrio light has destroyed all the Hfir
ry sentiments about the falls , nnd thu
poor , pale moon casts not n fceblo ray
compared to the dozens of carbon candies -
dies that blaze upon the waters. JJy
night the whole front of the mighty
waters is n rippling , foamy sheet of
silver , and the "American Fall , " as
by a subtle distinction they call the
one that is not on the Canadian bor
der , is illumiimtcd clear across , Wa
of ruby melt into emcral , and nro
lost in n llonting mist of amber , and
in thu , deep blnckners of the river
streaks of foam catch the tinted
lights. Into the horseshoe fall , with
its do nso spray-cloud rising on high ,
the lights can hnrdly penetmto , and
there is only n wavering cloud of
bright mist hovering alonv the edge
of that terrible cataract , The horse
shoe is no longer a horseshoe , the
wear of that fearful cuirent having cut
it in sharply to n right nnd almost an
acute angle , nnd the inner part is
hardly to bo seen through the thick
spray that rolls up from the gulf. It
is a perfect scene of enchantment
when the sun's last liuit ] has faded
and the lamps nnd the Brush machines
begin their work. Whole twinkling
lines of light along the bank nnd on
that spider's thread of n bridge that
ipani the fearful gulf , make a sufii-
iont illumination , and with thu falls ,
brilliantly wHto , nnd a light , with
rose , ruby'nmberators , the semicircle -
clo is complete. The dinnndpurpctu-
nl tliuudor , thu roar that seems nlwaya
nearer nud louder and more
pottering , and the sweet , strong
fragrnticj of fresh water in the air , ,
take hold of ono too powerfully fo '
any of the harsher scenes of daylight
to destroy , and the Falls by night are
as one would always prefer to remem
ber them , artificial und mechnnicid us
thu aids are , and until the National
Park is realized , the night is butter
than the day. lit ] HA HAH.
ShiKoftlio Fathers Vinitotl on the
Physician * My tint cn > fnlmt < tn'iit cannot -
not bo orncicntod ; we dcnv it "in Into. " If
yon go through a tluntmifli coiutu of Hun-
DOCK JJl.oon llTTii ) : ( , your blood will not
ns IPHI-O M you c.m wNn. Price 81.00 , triul
sio 10 cent" . _ 'Jodlw
Wlint English EnRlnoors Think
About His Proposml Ship
Rnilway-His Visit
to Europe.
X. Y. Tribune.
Capt. Eads talked with n Tribune
reporter last evening nt the Fifth
Avenue- hotel about his plans and his
visit to Europe. "I have only just
returned form England , " ho said ,
"whore I have boon for about six
weeks. T had the pleasure of inept-
ing many of the prominent English
ciuincers , nnd"was also present nt the
jubilee meeting of the Society for the
Promotion of Science , which was hold
at York. At that mooting they in
sisted that I should tell them about
the Mississippi jetties and the pro
posed ship railway. I was not prepared -
pared for such on honor , but I never
theless talked about half an hour on
each subject. "
"Was the proposed ship railway
across the isthmus criticised adverse
ly by the English engineers ? "
"On the contrary , it was approved.
I did not meet ono man who thought
the scheme was visionary. "
"Did you 50 to England to seek
foreign capital ? "
"Not at all. ATy purpose was to
study the mode of taking ships out of
water at Liverpool. "
"Did you receive any oilers of fi
nancial assistance "
"Three very prominent men came
to mo and said that they would guar-
an'.eo that , if the shares w.oro ottered
to the English public , all the money
necessary would bo subscribed within
a week. 1 told them that I could not
enter into any negotiations because I
had made a proposition to the United
Status government , nnd that until the
matter was definitely decided I was
not at liborly to do anything toward
securing foreign capital. I refused
their overtures for another reason ,
and that was because I did not want n
monopoly created. "
"In what condition is that scheme
ut present ? ' "
"Tho Mexican government has
made largo concessions , that has done
everything toward furthering the plan
that has been required. During the
summer the government has relieved
mo of considerable expense by send
ing out some of its most prominent
surveyors , who ( made considerable
progress in the pioliniinary surveys ;
so that all wo are waiting for now ii
the decision' of our congress on my
proposition. "
"What are thu terms you oll'orod ? "
"In brief , that our government
should guarantee two-thirds of the in
terest money nt 0 per cent. That is
all. No bonus and no principal.
For fostering the scheme in its infan
cy our government has the po\yor to
make rates , and to place the tariff for
Mexico and the United States low
er than for any other country.
"If the bill should pass how soon
would you begin work ? '
"Within three months. "
"And how soon would the ship
railway be completed ? "
"Within four years.1'
"Do you feel encouraged as to your
ultinmted success ) "
"Yes. The ship railway will bo
built. If our government refuses my
oiler , I shall go to England , either to
the government or to private individ
uals , because I am thoroughly con
vinced that the idea is practical. It
has received such approval from the pro.minont cnginecis. "
"Weio you present at opening of
the Liverpool docks1' ?
"Yet ; while in Liverpool I was the
guest of the engsneer of the docks.
They were opened by the prince nnd
princess of Wales , both of whom
upoko to me in the most feeling mnn-
ner about thu attempt on the life of
the president , and said very earnestly
that they hoped ho would recover. "
Buoklln'i Arnica Salve.
The best salvo in the world for outs ,
bruises , sores , ulcers , salt rheum ,
fuvor sores , totter , chapped hands ,
chillblaiim , corns nnd all kinds ol
akin eruptions. This salvo is guar
anteed to give perfect satisfaction in
every case or money refunded. Price ,
25c per box. For sale by
JKII , t McMAiio.v , Omaha.
-of run-
Oculist and Aurist ,
Ilcftrouce * all llojmtatjlo I'li'ynlclaim ot Omaha
T Office , Corner 16th and Fnrnh m 8ti. ,
Omaha , Neb
It loc t < > .H e 8c
\\liciiot cr tlio Ixmfli Mcumo Irrrjruhr , M c
Tarrant'sSoltEor Aporiont ,
It will sato " Kh jn' ' " , lu"1 Buffer. Nature
noincll i rs l fo oulrnjfcU li.r tlic Imnlcn tint Jic
i nift c to vrr ) , tliroiipn the hccill ( > 4 nc4 nt her
hlin en , that she oiwnly nutl , ami ] nml hr
ftnttitllv. Don't neiflttt Hit proper triitmem
whontlic > inptonMilr t t > .Mir llesurtto tin.
aperient , ntitl K < t well up"- ' " ' *
For You
Whoso complexion betrays
fionio liuniiltoHiig imreiTec-
lion , whoso mirror tells you
that yon nro Vanned , Hallow
und disfigured in eomilonuneo ,
or have Krunlions , llediicss ,
lloiighncss or nmvholosomo
tints of complexion , YO say
nso Hagan's Magnolia IJnlm.
Itisiuliilicato , linrmlcsaantl
delightful article , producing
the most natural mm enlnuic-
ing tints , the artificiality o !
which no observer can detect ,
and which soon becomes per
manent if the Magnolia Balm
Is judiciously used.
If jminroamiuil 'ifyc--- '
of U'u .
ofliuslnew.wcftV ninn -
MiedbythBrtralnof tfmtclllnBOTfrnnL
Tour .lutles nTold lilulil woik , to rvf-
rtlnml nf nnd uie torcl > n > lnnery > nna
Hop Bittero. vtfit , u o Hop D.
mffcrlno from any ! "
tlon i u you niv mar *
iroiiiiir , ulrerliir ( front
Ins , uii a lx-J of kick
news nly on Hopj Ditto ra.
illo nB-
Whoever you ore. Then An < ii
Icel nunllyrrom
whenever you ,
fonuiif Kldnov
needs tlmt your cIcniwInB.ton- : . ( llsrafu tliat imitlit
itlinulatliiff , M iiuulifenpraTciitiC
Inn or
wlthout * fiupfc f B \ij k tlmoly usool
tnlo Hop HopDIttero
n TeyontJ/ | / .
twain , ktdntvf D. I. O.
oriirCiwriicnm-l ,
. In nn absolute
plaint , ilBcawl. nil IrrealKtn
of tboflomiirhil lila euro fur
froTrlt , blood.l ( Irunkennoas
use of opium ,
You will o tobncco , or
cnredlfjrounro narcotic * .
Hop Blttors
If are ( Imply
you irlili. Sim ) for
k anil1
lowni'lrlted.try ply won NEVER CUcuUr.
iti It may
onvo your FAIL B'PQ 10. ,
llfo. It has
onvecJ hun If. T )
drede. A Toronto , Onl.
Foundations of Success
The laws of tnulo. lo al forms , how to trans-
_ , ct business , \aluaulu taMc3 , social etiquette
parllumontarv usagu , hou to conduct public Imsl-
ntss ; In fact It IB a loinplcto CluMo to Sueccu for
all casos. A family nuu-wlty. Address for cir
culars and nnccJal terms ANCHOR I'UUI.IKlllXU
CO. . St.LniiH Mo.
No Gnangmg Cars
OMAHA & CHICAGO , direct connection * are tnailo with Through
The Short Line via. Peoria
VILI.R , ami nil point ) In the
Where direct connection ! ! are niactu in the Union
Depot with tlm Tlirou.-h tiloeplnj ; Cu
Lines for ALL I'OINTH
EC g > IT TP EE .
Rock Island.
The uncqtaled Inducements ofTcral by this lint
to travelers nnd tourlita are ag follows :
The celebrated PULLMAN (10-whcel ( ) t'ALAOE
BLKKPINQ CARS run only on tills Una 0. , 1) .
1 lor ton' * Reclining Chain , No extra charge for
icaUIn Reclining Chain. Thu famous C. , 1) . t
Q. I'ulaco Dining Can. Gorgeous Smoking Cart
fitted with elegant high-backed rattan revolving
chain , for the oxcluefio unoof flnt-tlias paimeri-
gers.Stool Track and niporlor equipment combine * !
with their gieat through car arrangement , make *
thl . aim call others , the ( aiorlto route tothi
Kant , South and Southcaiit.
Try It , and jou will Hnd trot cling a luxury lu-
etcau ol a discomfort.
Through tickets \lo thli celebrated line for ( alt
at all ofllcei * In tha United SUUi and Canada.
All Information aliout rate * of faro , Bleeping
Cat accoiiunodatlonu , 1 line Tables , ( .to. , will be
cheerfully given by appljlng to
General iwan ur Aicint , Chicago.
fJnierJl Manaccr Chicago
1'rofcsnor r'iihcr , ( from Bt. lxul ) Danrlng Ac
ademy , Standard llall , cor Fifteenth and Kuril-
ham , Tucbday ( itcnlng , September Olh.
, September ( ill. ;
JIl 8cti iid Masters , voiniiicticlng iiiturd y alter-
noon at 4 o'clock. Claei for r'ninlllov , will bu
arranged to milt tlio houorablo iwtrouu. Albo
ballet dancing can bo taught.
Term * liberal ) and pi rice' ' satisfaction to ncliol.
am guaranteed. l'jhaloln tructlon wll > oglr <
en at thu Dancing Academy or at thu nmlJuiHti
of the | tron .
Pr\ate ! orders may bo loft atMoi lleycrA
West for titling the most direct , qtilckrut , and
* ifit line roiinectlnir Iho crc t Melroiiolk , CIII
C.\r,0 , nml tlie KAIURUV , NonTH-KAmut , Sot'Til
nml Honit-DAsTKRS I. ISM , which trmilntto there ,
CRN runs from which rndlftto
th\t penetntcs the Continent from the Mleaourl
Hit er to the I'aclflC S10) ) > o. Tha
In the only line from Chicago oniilnir track Into
KIM. x , orMoh , bits own raid , r richer the
ittlntiatmia named , No THAVMKM r CAKnuait' '
No visMv ) co.\M"CtlON I No huddllnc In III-
Miit\lnt ! \ < Hlor unclcnn rnr , ni oven p-iwoiigcr In
carried In roomy , ctcr.ii r.nd MititlUif. !
f mirltivUtl
1'At.Acr SturriNO OAIII , and euro ii tild-fa'iiou'\oC ns , niioii wlilch ineiNnri'i-orntl of un-
fiiri .tye < l c\allcnrc , nt the low rule ol SRV ! >
FISH C'KNT.1 IIAUI , nllli amiito tluv for licilthfnl
cnjoj incut ,
Through Cnr. lieteeii Chlcneo , Pcorln , Mil
n.iukci und Missouri Rl\cr I'olntsnnd clo con
nectloiH ut nil polnU of Intersection \Utti other
Wo ticket ( do not forget this ) direct l > to o crv
iilica ol liiiMrlanra | In Knnw. Xetira < Un , Illnck
III1U , W\omlng , Utah , Idaho , Kinndrt , California ,
Ore-eon , Wnohltiulou Territory , Colorado , Arizona
and New Me\on. !
As HKml nrraneeinctits rcgnrdmit baegaco wi
any otlitr line , Mid rnton of faro nlHnii i > A cvv ivj
ooiupctltoni , who furnish but it tilliu ol thu LOIII-
fort.Dogs and tackle of t ] < orUiucn free.
Ticket ) , nifttMaiid folders at all principal
olllcci In the United States and OuiatU.
II. It. CAllLi : , B. ST. JOHN ,
Vlca PrcVt & Ren. Gen. Tkt and I'axVr AS'
II annvi r.ChlcAiro Cnlcnco.
1880. SHORTJ.INE. 1880.
St , Joe < fc Council Bluffs
Direct Line to ST. LOUIS
Prom Omnliaand the West.
No change ol cars between Omahnnml BN LOUS ! ,
and hut ono between OMAHA tnd
Daily PassengerTrains
Thin entire line Is equipped with Pullmim't
Palace Sleeping Core , IMJaco Day CoichcH , Sliller'B
S.kfcty Platform nnd Coupler , and tha celebrated
WcstlnghousQ Alr-bnka.
/KTSeo that jour tlclict reails VIA nANSAS
road , via St. Joseph anil St. Louis.
Tickets for e&lo at alt coupon s tit Ion n In the
Weut J. I' . HARNAUD ,
A' C. DA WES , Oon. Bupt. , St. Jo ci > h , SIol
Gen. 1'asa. and Ticket Agt. , St. Joseph , Mo Q
I AMDT HOHDIIN , Tickut Agent ,
10iM Knniham street.
A. 11. BAUSIHI . ( Tcncral Agent ,
Sioux Bilyj ! Pacific
St. Paul &NSioiix City'7"
and all points In Northern 'Iowa. ' Minnesota and
Dakota. This line U equipped w th the lmpro\
Wcatlnghousa Automallo Air-brake snd lllllci
Platform CoiinleJ and BulTcr ; and for
Is unsurpassed. Elegant Drawing Room n
Sleeping Cam , owned and controllc'i by the com
iwny , run through WITHOUT CHANGE between
Union Paclflo Transfer ucpot at Ccunll U\u2f \ ,
and St. Paul.
Trains Icavo Union Paclflo Transfer depot a
Council lilulfa ut 6:15 : p. in , , reaching Sioux Cltj
at 10.20 „ in. ami M. Paul at 11:05 : a. m. making
Returning , lenvo St. Paul ut RSO : p. in. , .rrrh Ing
i Sioux City 4:4fia. : m. , nnd Union I'ticilicTmnn
! i depot , Council Dlulfii , at 0:60 : n. m. Heat
at your tltkcti road \ lu "a. C. & P. R. R. '
K. C. HILLS , biiperintendcnt ,
T. E. ROniNbON , lllboourl Valley , In ,
A st. Get Past , Aecnt.
J. II. O'UR'i AN , Pas u'cr ( , Agent.
niuu il lldirfi * . fnu ,
Oes Moines , Iowa.
Manufacturers of GA8H , DOORS , OLINDC ,
Rreat reduction in Hank Counters , 1'hnu fur-
nUhednnd word fnrnlnhc'l In all liindx of harder
or neil ooil. CountorH flnlihcd In oil when de
sired , bliehlngof all l.lnil.s fnrnUhul and put
Into building rtad > for paint on xhort notice.
Our workmen are the best mechanic * that can bo
procured , Sa\uiii < iiuy by ghlng us your con.
11 acts.
Blairs , Newels and Balusters.
Our foreman In thin dcinitmcnt wna formerly
with 1'rost Jliuiufactnrlng Co , 'Chicago ,
Ills , and ha-i done HOIIIU of thu flne > t Htalr Aorlc
In the Northwiat
Orders by mall prompt ! ) attended to , tW "m
Sealed proposals for the Construction of
Rental proposal * will ho rrculral by the under.
Hljfiud until Piptciulicr 23 , 1SS1 , nt 12 o'tlotl ;
noon , for the c.on trnulonof blilunulKH In ( rant
of nnd adjoining tliu following tkscnlicd pro-
mlecu , to-vi It :
Lot. llloi.k. Addition , JtLinarks.
3 hO
1-2-34 4 Kountzo&llnth'd
- -
. . .
7 4
. " "
10-1M2.I3 }
N if' ! ft 4 171 ihMa1 : t
N22ftl 1" ' . SfcliluJacUon
2 a-1 -Ml Onl. n paired
1 LOO w ldol.i t
WJof7 71 nnHuCap.A ; .
HJof-1 IIorliach'4 unHlicniian A.
NMftB KounUu'H2 < l unldolOnt
. 4 II II
] 0
H CO ft 11 ' ' " "
' ' " "
* u u
\VJ8 131 ' ' n Mdo Harncj-
2 Capitol nuldotarnham
Aleonll that pail of the cant ulileof 10th street , the tioith ulilo of Co tellar r-.nd Houth
line olhlock ono (1) ( In South Omaha wldltlon.
Also all that [ art on the iait ) vide of lOtli Htictt ,
lttwecn thu voutli line of Charlci ktrtcot ant )
r.orth line of otiu (1) ( ) In bonth Omaha ad.
dltlon. J. J.-U C.JEWiriT ,
22-Ot _ _ UltvCkrV. _
fiUtu of Nebraska , Doiiiilaa County d" !
At a County Court , held at thu County Court
llooui , In and for ualJ County , Heiit. 'JUrd ,
A. I > . 1BHI. I'ruuit , A. M , CIIAUWICK ;
County .
In the inittir ol the adoption cf Jinnlu Iljun.
On reading and filing the | > ctltlon of Augu tui
ami Doll Carey , prajlng that they may buu'luw >
cd to adopt naid Jennie 11) an , and the potltlmi
and itatimui t of Henry and hlnn R\an iiaruitt
of slid child that said A < uu > tun nnd Dell C ny
mny bo puinltud o to do and loluntarlly rvllu.
iiuUhlng nil claim to paid ihlld
Ordered'Ihat October 'Uml , A. I ) . If81 , at
10 o'clock a , m , Isimlgnod for IitarlnjfsMil pell *
tlon , hen nil personu iiilerestwl In tulil mutter
may appear at County Court to bo held , In and
for s ild County , and Dhow UIUMJ why the prayer
of petitioner uliould not bu granted , and that no-
the oii > cniJi'iicy ot Bald | iotltlon and Uia hearing
thcriKif , bo ghtin to all persons Intcrented Id wild
matter , by publishing a copy of tins order In Tun
OUAIIA WKKKLY UK , newspaper printed In ualJ
( flinty , lor tlirco succeultc we ks , prior to said
d y of hearing A. M. CHAbWiCK ,
Ie28w3t Hnunty Judgt *
' rii v , jtyonA niijrrcMniiiillo ! < iiiostoii ! Hint t'lfv
vs JY Ml c < 1rt 'lift * ) . ro.iil for ynti tnlAkc u-lirti .rnvn'ri ' 'i '
Chicago and all of tlio Principal Points In the West , North and Northwest
, ftrrMHy rMimino tills Anp ! CltlMnf Iho WrMaml > fen f
on this s-'ond. its ihri'iiK'1 ' linlns 'nnko close cuuticcllout ' 1 1 <
" '
Over nil oMN mlnelinl | lilies , rum onrlivny dntlvfrnni t\vo In Uiuronnoro Ffi l > iin J
U r.ilns. U H tliu only iuul : wast ut Cliiu.ii | ; ) lliut uses lltu
The Imperial Palace Dining Cars.
. . . . .
V..111"1"1 ! ' ' I'ui J'uiMniiu 1.1 in * .uim.tuuriTt ujucu ji.iy * JJUNU nupi-nur J * IM
llokeH ox or this are sold liy all Coujioii Tlckot Agcuti in tlio United. Bute * urn !
' .
( 'fl.liUlu' ! ,
Jtcinomlirr to ixik for Tickets via this rondbo sure they rend over It , and take nemo other.
ilAljVI.X UL'aiUn'.Ucu'tMaimKer.OhlcaKO. ' , iOV. II. STlNNETTOeu'ira33.Anont ! ,
IIARIir P. DUKI , . Ticket Agont.O. ft N. W. Railway , Uth nud Fiunham ttrects.
D , K. K1M11AI.I , , AxlHtnnt Ticket Agvnt C. A N. W. lUlluay , Utli.and Karnhain itrctta
J. UKI. ! . , Ticket Agent C , A N. W. Hallway , U. T. H. It. Depot.
.CLARK General Affunt.
< i
, ' ' 1 ! i
II '
Announcement !
A large and varied stock of Sta
ple and Fancy
You will Save MONEY by buying J I
your DRY GOODS of
03 N. 30th Street , 2d door north of Gal miE \ Side.
Manufacturing Company ,
Finest Siver Plated Spoons and Forte ,
The only tuidlj plate tlwfc
original firm of |
is giving for instance
ItogcrB Brow.
stance n single
All our Spoons ,
F o r 1 ; B and plated Spoon a
Knives plutud triple thiolcnessof
with the greatest
pinto only on
of euro. Each
the scctio s
lot being hunj. '
on a scale while where expo d
being plated , to to wear , thereby
insure a full de making a single
posit of silver on
plated Spoon
thorn.Wo t wear as long asa
Wo would call
a triple plated
especial attention
i i i
tion to our sec-
Rlvnl. "Orient Tivnvd.
All Orjeralntio ) Wct nhouliiboAiUrossca to ,
Wholesale Jeweler ,