THE OMAHA DAILY BtiE TUESDAY , OCTOBER 4 1881. THE DAILY BEE. Tuesday Morning , Ootobor 4. For the occomodatlon of our mvtown patrons arrangcmcntsbave been made with Edholm & Krickson , jewelers , opposite the pout office , Nvhcro advertisement * nnd enters for the city delivery of Tun DEK will bo received. Advertisement1) for the evening must be handed In before 1:30 p. . , Jor the morning edition before 8:30 : p. TO. * cpt23-U _ LOOAL BREVITIES. Paltcnon Belli coal. Donne. Reliable Ilntter , Frederick Leading Hatter. Smoke SUrlton k Storm * , finest Cigar , at Kulm's Drug Store only. Soda Water , bettor than ever , nt SAXC'S. SAXC'S.Thd Lion continues to roar for Mooro'a g&rneind Saddlery. For riNB Commercial Job Printing , all nt Tine BKK Job room * . The Glee chili metis this ct en- ing nt Ho no"s music store. The state convention of the Christian church convenes hi Lincoln thin afternoon. Who pnys the highest price for Second Hand Furniture ! Abrahams fit Lewi * , 1121 lo Rliw atrcet. ncpl2w William Cutler threatened to eternally paralyze John Hogers. William will ap pear before Jinlgc Beneke to-tiny. Lost Bunch of key * . Finder will please leave them at the delivery window at the jKmtoffice nnd receive rcwnnl , octn-tf Cabbage is retailing in t.o ! city at the very high Tale of twenty-five cent * n head , nml Is not very good oven nt that price. Five men went over the hill to the countyjnllyBatcnlay. Three were charged with Intoxication nnd two with disorderly conduct. Mnj. James 1 * . Martin , asmirtunt adju tant general U. S. A. , succeeds Col. Wil liams as adjutant general of the depart- jment-of the Matte. J. F. Cootd , of Detroit , to whom was given the contract for building the new court house'telegraphs that he 5s ready to accept at once. A number of bad boys are in the liabit of throwing stones nt the A. M. K. church , Eighteenth nnd Webster streets , during the services. They nro warned to be on the lookout for the police. The meeting at the Christian church is daily growing in interest. The house is crowded nightly to henr the plain , instruc tive preaching of Itcv. U. B. Tyler , lie will preach every night this week. Chas. Hnnley , for about thirteen ears past in the olficc of the Kansas City & St. .Too road nt Council BluHs , was thrown out of employment by the recent incorporation of thnt road with the C , , B. & Q. On Saturday night he conned to work for the K. 0. k St. Joe , nnd this morning he accepted precisely the saino position under the Union Pacific com pany. Ono hundred and fifty-nine beautiful residence lots , located on Hamilton ttrcct , half way between the turn table of the red street car line and the waterworks reservoir and addition , and just west of the convent of the Sisters Poor Claire In Shinn'a addition. Prices range from $76 to S1CO each , nnd will bo Bold on easy terms to those who will improve. Bemls' real estate agency , Fifteenth and Douglas trcets. Iiook Oat for Sudden Change * of weather , and guard against them by usinq ; Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Curo. octScodlw PERSONAL. Mrs. M. Donayan has gene on a visit to licr old homo in St. Louis. MM. Donavan lias for some time past been in poor health nnd the attending physician prescribing n change of air she concluded to pay n visit to her friends of other days. Dr. H. S. Lowrcy , a prominent dentist from Scnccaville , Ohio , is in the city , n guest of his uncle , Capt. Win. H. Ijains , clerk of the district court , The doctor will probably decide to locate in this city , Lecture- Father Damon will lecture in the Church of the Holy Family tomorrow row evening , taking for a subject , "Somo of the Popular Objections to the Catholic Church. " This subject cannot bo otherwise than instructive and entertaining to an audionco. The Traveler's Supply Box , a useful contrivance for excursions ( ilshing expeditions poditions and travelers in general , consists of four pint bottles of "Con rad's Budwoisor , n tumbler and cork- screw. Ask for thorn at your hotel or grocor. oct3m&o Fresh Venison just received at Har ris & Fisher's. Opening Ball- Central hall , on Fourteenth street , between Douglas and Dodge streets , is to bo formerly opened upon its completion by a ball given by the Irish-American band , Thursday even ing , October 13. The band nro n worthy organization , and this ball will doubtless bo an enjoyable nll'air. "WINE OF OARDUI" makes rosy ciireks nnd clear complexions , AtC. F. Goodman Fresh Venison just received at liar- Tie & Fithor'a. Ph. Best Brewing Co. , Milwaukee Export Boer. J. E. ULAKK , octS-101 Agent , Omaha. FTOBOi Venison just'rocoivod nt Har ris & Fisher's. Frcah Oyetora and Game served in the latent styles at J. E. Bradloy'o llcslaurant. corner Sixteenth ant "Webster. Hubormann for immense stock. Dozior. Weyl & Co.'a. crackers al ways on hand ut J , I. Nichola' . ocUI-3t PIAM'B "KXTUA" W. W. ' KI.OWI , eywlto linnt ota fyr AKV I-UJU-OKB , atyl svmuouYor ivumiv , WM , FLKIII.NO & Co. . Ag'ta , THE CATHOLIC MISSION , A Very Successful Course of Lectures Last Week. The Iloman Cixtholio mission in Holy Family church virtually closed Inst evening with the papal bonccllc- tion , the fulfillment , of the jubilee , nnd the obtninmont of a nlonary fn- dulgonco by those who complied with the requirements of the mission. During the ten days of the mission , there were five services a. day , at most of which instruction had boon given by llov. Dr. Damon or some of his col leagues. All the services were largely attended , and many conversions were made in the timo. llov. Fr. Shaflbl , pastor of the church , is ono of the most energetic , indefatigabloj workers , observed in a variety of situations. Ilcv. Fr. Damen , now of Chicago , is a native of Belgium , nnd is about 70 years of nco , and has been on the mis sion over 30 years , doing missionary work in nil parts of North America. Father Damon has a rich , po\yorful attuned voice , excellent enunciation and modulation , mid is frequently quite dramatic in his descriptions and relation of anecdotes and incidents. The most marked lectures of his mis sion were , "Penance" on Tuesday evening , "The Catholic church the only church of Christ , " on Friday evening ; "Transubstantiation , " or tlio Catholic doctrine of the real presence of Christ , in the sacrament of the nltar , on Sundy evening , nnd "Purgatory , " or the middle stnto for nouls , on Monday morning ; nnd the profession of faith , and renewal of Baptismal vows , last evening. The evening lectures were so packed , that largo congregations listened outside the open windows. Father Damon will lecture , this evening , in the rock church , Seven teenth nnd Izard streets , for the benefit - fit of that edifice , which is consider ably in dobt. His subject is n living ono : "Tho popular Objections to ( ho Roman Catholic church. " Objections nro bandied on all hands , by Protest ant and infidel ; and thoRov.Father will endeavor to refute the principal ones. This is decidedly his raciest lecture , full of anecdotes , experiences and irgumonts. It will bo highly ontor- : aining and instructive. It will irovc , wo are told by these who icard it in Chicago , to bo amusing , resoarchful and pleasing. There will not bo a word said that the most fas tidious non-Catholic ca.n take umbrage at. All are cordially invited. Tick ets can bo had at Mrs. MacDonagh's , 1412 Douglas street , nt fifty cents. The proceeds are to go to the church fund , to help pay its dobt. Caught in Shafting- Fred Shrinrock. the oldest em ployee nt the Glcncoo mills , 2212 [ ird street , was caught in the shaft- lit ; nt that institution yesterday nf- ; ornoon and whirled about consider ably before ho could bo rescued. His right forearm was broken in two pla ces and tno skin of his right nnd loft sides badly bruisod. Ho is nointer - tally injured and will rocovor. "Th&'Kovoro ' House Councl Bluffs is the best second-class hotel in the west. " augl7-lm DISTRICT COURT. The Opening of the October Term. The October term of the district court opened yesterday with a very full calendar. Judge Savage is pre siding. The only business of moment during the day was the swearing nnd instructing of the grand jury , This jury 1ms several matters of importance before them besides numerous rumor ed Slocumb violations. They contin ued in session yesterday until 4 o'clock nnd then adjourned until this morn- inir without making any report. The following are the grand jurymen : A. R. Dufrono , W. R. Hart- lott , Thomas J. Staloy , Thos. Me- Oormick , Elijah Allen. Samuel E. Rogers , P. 0. ( > ' . Krngskow , Adolph Siefkin , Olios. Krugg , Gco. Thrall , Dnvid IS. Hume , Can Qrandpro , Her man Gbisoko , Lewis Thomas , J. 8 , Woods and James Stephonson. Goo. Tlicall was selected as foreman , A number of interesting civil suits are to bo tried. Several arguments were hoard yesterday on motions , but no cases were opened. Ministerial Association Matter * . At n meeting of the Ministerial as sociation , hold nt the First M. E. church October a , the following was unanimously adopted. Wo , ns n body , have boon pained to BOO the Sabbath breaking and the non- enforcement of the laws of the state in tlijn city by our city olllcinls. Wo have , however , been pleased to BOO the perceptible change for the past five Sabbaths by the closing of many places of business on Sunday , nnd would ask that places of business of all kinds bo closed horonftor on that day in accordance with the law of this state. Wo ask it for the moral ollgct upon the young and also upon the cit izens of this city. Resolved , That wo , as a body , thank the committee appointed by the tem perance society for their efforts in securing - curing the enforcement of the Sunday law , and also for their work in the temperance causa. Resolved , That wo declare our pro test against the liquor tralllo and believe - liovo the law known as the Slocumb law should bo strictly enforced by the city authorities , Resolved , That our secretary , Rev , J. W. Shank , bo requested to have thcso resolutions published in each ol the daily papers , , , Tlio Gods Help these who liolpthoniBolves , " and nature - turo invariably helps these who take Warner's Safe Kidney mid Liver Curo. f _ _ J--lw Child's Death. Alittlo dtuiL'litdr of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. 'J. Brown diodycstcrdaynftnrnoon , after a briet illnuss , The funeral oc curs tO'ihorrow from the parents' residence on Sherman nvonuo. Snrlond Accident. Sunday morning while Slcpi.'on J. , the five year old son of Michael Monny , was playing with n mule in n yard adjoining l is father's residence on South Thirteenth street ho met with a serious accident. It ficoins that as notgcnornlly expected of these of his kind ho was n gentle fellow. There won not as much kick about him as usually falls to the lot of a defeated candidate in a nominating convention. So it was that little Stephen Meany played with him fre quently and , in fact , oftentimes rode him around the yard. Yesterday ho was acting the part of jockey , when the mule suddenly halted nnd the Ir was violently thrown to the groi\nd. IIo was picked up iinmeJinUj. ly , carried into the hou o Mu\ medical aid summoned. Do jtors 1'oa- body nnd Chadwiok were Vioon in nt- tendance , and on oxair.'mntion found that the boy's ' right cellar bono ami right arm wcro fractured , The broken bones were set , and the little sufferer mndo as comfortable as possible under the circumstances. At last accounts ho was doing well. DUE WEST. Col. Chase's Trip to Howard and Sherman Counties. Ono of THK BKE reporters inter viewed Col. Chase yesterday in regard to the crops in Howard and Sherman counties , Nebraska , two hundred miles west from hero , from which re gion ho has just returned , The colonel says that the corn and potato crops are especially good in all that country. In Grcoloy and Valley counties , also , the crops tire very good , At St. Pau' ' , ° Howard county , last Friday , ono hundred and seventy-five wagon loads of wheat were sold in the streets at $1.10 per bushel. On the same day eighteen wagon loads of potatoes , all bronght into St. Paul , froniGrooloy county , were Rold there to the agent of an Omaha firm at 80 contu per bushel. When it is known that two hundred bushels of potatoes can bo raised on ono acre , this is a good income when land sells at five dollars per acre , and the best land in the west at that. The colonel says that St. Paul is growing finely , it being the county Boat of Howard county and that it al ready has from GOO to 1,000 people. He also said that on Saturday lie rode in a top buggy behind a pair of bron chos from the livery stable of Flem ing fc Pass , St. Paul , to Loup City , Sherman county , thirty-six miles , and returned to St. Paul by midnight , being - ing a round trip of seventy-two miles all without the least worry of the team , the driver said. The country between thcso two points , the colonel describes asf'sploiidid. " Sot- tiers or timber claims are numerous , and the whole route shows rapid de velopment and first-class farming en terprise1. The roads are of ton lined with young trees. Loup City , the county scat of Sherman county , is thriving , and for bho reason that Sherman county is gladdened by plentiful crops. The colonel thinks Sherman county is bound tobccoino wealthy soon. Now HOSB Carriage * Chiot Galligan loft for St. Louis last evening. Ho contemplates pur chasing three now hose carts , which will now become especially useful. Possibly , before another year , Omaha may have her glittering hose carriages for dress parade. DON'T DIE IN THK HOUSE. Ask druggists for "Rough on UatK. " It. clears out rats , jnicc , bed-bugs , leaches , vermin , files , ants , IrwectH. 15c per box. "BLAOK-DKAUGHT" cures clyspep- sin , indigestion and heartburn. _ _ At C. F. Goodman. On the Shoot. A difficulty arose yesterday among the Withnoll house help which might have ended in a tragedy. A colored waiter named Samuel Matthews , an noyed ono of the girls until she throw a cupful of dish-water at him , Ho became intensely enraged and pulled a revolver on her. Ono of the other waiters struck Matthews' arm down as ho was cocking the pistol , when the latter dropped it and ran. Ho was pursued and captured near the U. P. bridge , after an exciting chase. Ho will DO arraigned this morning. St. JoiopVi Hotpltnl- This charitable institution contin ues crowded to the utmost extent. Applications for admission are neces sarily refused every day. Three pa tients were turned away yqstorday forenoon. A man died at the hos pital yesterday of typhoid fever , The aistora of charily are worked day and night , and their force has been re duced two by sickness. Ono sister is quite dangerously ill with typhoid fever , and another ono is prostrated by 1-honmatism. There are at pres ent twenty-four patients , which makes 102 eared for since January 1. TRUE TO HER TRUST. Too much cannot bo said of the oyor faithful wife and mother , con stantly watching and caring for her dear ones , never neglecting a single duty in their behalf. When they uro assailed by disease , and the system should have n thorough cleansing , the stomach and bowolu regulated , blood purified , malarial poison exterminated , she must know that Elcctrio Bitters are the o'nly sure romody. They ar the bust nnd purest medicine in the world , and only cost iiity cents. Sold by Ish v MoMnhon. ( ) ) Take " " "BLACK-DRAUGHT" - and you will ucvtir IHJ bilious. _ At 0. P. Oonilnnu's. Snmsliod. C. Speclii , the oornico man , and a 2,200 pound machine drop on his ( in- gors yesterday , Amputation was not necessary , BED-BUGS , ROAOHKS , Rats , mice , ants , flics vermin , mo- Bnuitoes , insects , etc. , cleared out by "Ryugh on Ratu. " 15c boxes at druggists. (5) ( ) "PINK-EYE , " ft is Thought to Be Only Malarial Complaint Jpfc } has rrvcoiveil aercrrj letters - tors regarding tl-.o prevailing disease among horses which is known as pink-oyo. " Several horses in this city Irnvo. Qn affected , and a few in Counc ! ; ( uiur8 , have died. The veterinarians nscribo it to the rjrolonrje < l summer and lack ol frost , which conditions nro affect ing humans ns well ns horses. Dr. Bond , of the Chicago veterinary hos pital , told n Times reporter that out of the many cases which ho had treated only two had proved fatal. In fact , ho said there was no reason why any of thorn should prove fatal if the horses were given the needed rest during the bau wcathor ? and attention was paid to their feeding. Ho had mado.many cures simply by changing the fodder judiciously when the ani mals showed that such a change wno needed. The fatal cases wore thoss where the animals had been kept at work for several days alter the symp toms bccamo aggravated. The doctor said tlmt ho had about fifty cases on hand nt present , but that they wore all doing well. The disease was quite prevalent , and lie thought alightly on the increase , but ho had only heard of a few deaths , nnd these where the ani mals had boon neglected. There was no cause for alarm in regard to "pink-oyo , " as it is called. This disnso had not made its nppoaraiico in Chicago , and if it did it was as easily cured as the present com plaint. The impression has gene out that this disease was "pink-eye , " but this was n mistake. It was a very simple malarial complaint , nnd ho only found blindness to nccampany it in the cases of animals lodged in dark and unventilated underground stables. The fumes of ammonia arising from the manure nnd urine aggravated the inflammation of the eyes which accom panies the present disease , and for n short time the horses are de prived of their sight , which , however - ever , is restored to thorn with their health. Several veterinary surgeons were also seen who attached more importance to the disease than Dr. Dond , and who seemed to im press upon horse-owners the impor tance of bringing their animals to the doctor immediately. Each had his own nostrum , the ingredients of which ho jealously guarded from newspaper curiosity. They reported n number of deaths which the reporter was unable - able to prove and said that they wore caused the disease known " by as "pink- oyo. " They all seemed to decry the patent medicines used by their colleagues , nnd there was much about the whole matter which would lead ono t J attach some truth to the rumor that they are in collusion with thu teamsters in the recent rise in the price of transportation. That the disease exists to a considerable ex tent there is no doubt , but that it' generally proves fatal is misleading. Balm in Giload. There ia a balm in Gilcad to heal each gap ing wound ; In THOMAS' ELKCTUIO OIL , the remedy is found , For internal and for outward use , you may freely apply it ; For all pain and inflammation , you should not fail to try it. It only costs a trifle , 'tis worth' its weight in gold , And by every dealer in the land this rein- ody ii i o'.d. _ THE WEATHER. KB .Peculiarities During the Past Month. The monthly report of L. M. Doy , the signal service oflicor nt this point , indicates that the prevailing wind for September was fron\ the fcouth. The grentcst velocity of the wind wna on the 20th , when it was forty-two miles an hour and prevailed from the south. The overage daily velocity was about 10.miles. . The number of clear days during the month was twelve ; the number of cloudy days nine. Rain foil on fourteen days. During the storm of the 28th and 20th about 5J inches of rain fell. The highest temperature indicated was on the 4th , when the thormomotcr showed nearly ninety-nino degrees. The lowest temperature was on the IGth , when the mercury dropped to thirty-six. The mean temperature was about sixty-six degrees. This is the highest average with ono exception since 1873. In that year it showed 00 C degrees ; in 1874 , 03 ; in 187D , 02.9 ; in 1870 , 00 ; in 1877 , CO.O ; in 1878 , C4.3 ; in 1879 , 02.9 ; in 1880 , 03.0. The nvorngo rainfall has boon much larger than in any September since 1873. Last mouth about 8.i ! ! ( inches full , while in the same month in 1874 , 7.18 inches fell. In September of last year only 2.19 inches fell aivd in the same month of the previous year , 1.43. California' * Now Senator , A special hotel car , with the letters P. P. curiously entwined on the out side , was attached to the Union IV cifio train from the west yesterday. It proved to bo Pullman's private cur , which contained California's junior United States senator , Mr. Miller , and his family of six persons. The car was attached , on the other side of the river , to the east bound C. , 13. it Q. train , in which it was safely con voyed to Chicago. Undoubtedly the best shirt in the United States is manufactured at the Omaha Shirt Factory. The superior ity of material and workmanship , combined with their great improve ments -that is , reinforced fronts , reinforced - inforcod backs nnd ruinforcod sleeves mnko their shirts the most dura ble nnd best fitting garment of the kind over manufactured at the mod erate price of § 1.10. Every shirt of our mnko is guaranteed first class , and wo will refund the money if found necessary. Wo make a specialty of nil wool Shaker nnd Canton flannel , also cho- mois underwear , made up with n view to comfort , warmth ami durability , To-inyalids anil wenk-lungod persons ' wo oiler special inducements in the 'manner these goods are made for their protection. PH. GorniEiMKii , 1207 Fnrnlnim Stroot. .rriuiRitiR for their Reception. At the Ministerial association meet ing , held this morning , the appended program was arranged in anticipation of the nrrivnl of Whittle nnd McGran- ahan , the revivalists ; Saturday evening , union meeting al the Y. M , C. A. , conducted by Rov. J. \V , Shank ; Sunday , ' . ) n. in. , union meeting nt Y. M. C. A , ; Sunday , 4 p. m. , instead of Gospel meeting at Y , M. C , A. , union meeting at Conproga- tional church ; Monday , 7:45 : , union meeting at First M. E. church , conducted by Rev , J. W. Slow- art ; Tuesday. 7:45. : union mooting , probably at First M. E. church ; Wednesday evening , regular services ; Thursday , 7:45 : , union meet ing nt Eighteenth utrcctM. E. church , conducted by Rov. J. W. Shank. The devotional committco will doubt- m&s arrange for daily morning or noon Iccotingn to commence in a few days. QUESTIONING THE EEOORDS , Attachment Suits Commenced Against Irwin & Two attachment suits were com menced yesterday by O'Urien and liartlott in behalf of W. J. Broatch and Lawrence Duggnn against Irwin Ellis , the hardware dealers , whoso assignment in behalf of preferred creditors was recently published. The suits are begun to break the assign ment and compel the equitable division of Uio property of the firm anioni ; the creditors. The complaints arc based upon the allegations that the assignment and the mortgages which preceded it were fraudulent and made for the purpose of cheating lawful creditors. In the petition accompanying Dug- gan's complaint it is alleged that EOV- oral mortgages were executed to va ripus parties , among whom Jennie Dickinson , a confidential clerk , and the attorneys of Irwin & Ellis figure prominently , which aggregate in amount more than $10,000. It is al leged that this amount rnoro than covers all of the property of the mortgagors. Five minutes after the mortgages were tiled in the clerk's oftico an assignment is alleged to have boon filed , made to A. E. Coggshall. It is charged that this assiqneo is an itinerant traveling man , wholly irre sponsible and worthless ; that Cogg- shall's ' name is signed by ono of Ir win it Ellis' attorneys , to whom no power of attorney had over been giv en ; that the said assignee , Coggshall , never gave a bond and cannot give ono of the proper amount ; and that the assignment was never exe cuted by Tnvin & Ellis and is consequently quently null and void. These allegations are likewise sot Forth in the other petition in the complaint by Broatch. Duggan's claim is something over $300 , which lie alleges to bo duo him for cartage and payment of freight bills. Ono of the parties to whom a mort gage was given said last evening that the indebtedness was a just ono and that it had been secured in part by both Irwin & Ellis' personal notes. A trial of the attachment suits is lia ble to introduce some nicy testimony in court , and will attract considerable interest. Worthy ot Praise. , As a rule wo'do ' not recommend pa tent medicines , but when we know of ono that really is a public benefactor , and does positively euro , than wo con sider it our duty to impart that information mation to all. Electric bitters are truly a most valuable medicine , and will surely euro Biliousness , Fever and Ague , Stomach , Liver and Lidnoy complaints , oven where all other rem edies fail. Wo know whereof we speak , and can freely recommend to all. [ Ex. Sold at 60 cents a bottle Ish & McMahon. (4) ( ) Ono organ for sale or rent cheap at Edholm & Erickson's. Oct. 3-tf WillisiYatcs bought two or three car loads of Hour before the rise , and is soiling it at low figures. DIED BAILEY Frank A. Bailey , son of Anthony Bailey , aged five years and eight months. Funeral at" p. in. to-morrow from his father's home , Eighteenth street near Baumann'iJ brewery. BUOWN October 2nd , 1881 , Lewis Peck Brown , youngeat son of J. J. Brown and JCura Brown , a ed two yearn , nine months and four days. Funeral October 4 , 1881 , at 10 o'clock a. in , A WONDERFUL/DISCOVERY. For the speedy euro ot Consump tion and all diseases that lead to it , such aa stubborn coughs , neglected Colds , Bronchitis , Hay Fever , Asth ma , pain in the side and chest , dry Imcking cough , tickling in thu throat Hoarseness , Sere Throat , and all chronic or lingering diseases of the throat and lungs , Dr. King Now Dis covery has no equal and has established or itself iv world-wide reputation. Many loading physicians recommend and use itinthoir practice. The form ula from which it is prepared is high ly recommended by all medical jour nals. The clergy and the press have complimented it in the most glowing terms. Go to your druggist and get a kriai bottle free of cost , or a regular sine for 81.00. For Sale by d(5 ( ( IHH & MoMAiioy , Omaha. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE Advertisement To Loan , For Sale , Lott , Found , Wants , BoarJInir , tc. , will be Ill- sorted lu these columns once for TEN CENTS per line ; each itibscqueiit Insertion , FIVE CENTS per lino. The Drat Insertion never less than TWENTY-FIVE CENTS TO LOAN MONEY. TO LOAN-Call at Law Otllce ol D. MONEY Room 8. Crglirhton Block. C\ A A A To loan at from 8 to 10 per cent. < y < ) \ > . \l\\l on good real e latcseeurlty. by lilt , ISAAC' EDWARDS , 1109 Farnham bt. 1) LOAN At 8 per cent In- . . . . . tcrixt In Biimiof Si.&OO and upviardu , for 8 to 5 yoaru , on tlnt-vlans city and farm prom-ity , DKMU llKAL E TAri and LOAN AOK.VCT , IKth and Doiulci 8t . HELP WANTED , - | icriaut girl for gen eral housework ; imall family , 181 : ) Woh. first. i SPEUIAL NOTKJES-'ooiitmuod iV Jnt-3 | ! * lt accountant In a railroad ofllcc , ft . .enallon M book-keeper to em. T , 3f , ? v fltnt" : ls competent and reliable. Host of , oily furnished. Addro-a Itook- KtSfcr , llco office. ICO-tf W 'AN1KD A competent ilrv ( roodi talesman ftt 40S 13th St. , near Hafncy. 101-4 A eood cook nnd a lionso jrlrl , I WANTED n mall prhato family. The rook mint b ft good laundrcsA. Apph at Wlthnol House room 76. 168- * t'urnlihed room * and board In WANTED rrlvato family- for itcntkman. wile am ono child. Address W. K , . , Care Booofllcc. - finaha House B second cook chambermaid and laundress. 1C3-3 WANTED-GliI at 10SO North 10th Hrcot opposite J. J , Ire n. MIIS. J. M. COUN8 MAN. 104-U V\rANTED-Oood cook at rc tnurant , No. 41 YV 10th St. , b t. llarncy nnd Howard SU ICS-tf WANTI.D A younff man about 16 yearn o RZO to do general store work. FUANK J UAMClli. JSO-tf WANTED-Situatlon In a prhato family as cook or hoiiiO'Keeper , by a widow lady o considerable c\pcrlencu. Address , M. E. C. llcoolllco. 110-3 * WANTED-A reliable man to attend/to lionet , etc. Apply toOco. A.lloiKlaiu foot of Douglass street , or at northwest wrno of Slvtccnth tiiil St. Mv's oAcnue. U5-1 ANTED A dlsh-vcashcr at the Kmmc | House. 140-3 . Three experienced men In i WANTED. and clothing store. Good al arypildaml permanent cmploj mcnt. SIus speak EttglMi nnd German Apply by Ictte and photograph , dating ngo , uhcthcr marrlci or single , also hero last employed and lio\\ Ions. Wolbach Ilros. , Grand Island , Neb , Sept. 132-7 " \T ANTED Gentlemen and ladles toswon VY dollnrby btivinghlKh linulo at Bootsam Shoes of W. L. Kldd , Jacobs' biock , IMh St Don't jou forget It. l'jy-4 WANTED A trusty ) ounp man ; state waifts required. Address " 84 , " licoolllce. 120-t WANTED A thoroughly experienced girl to do general housework. To such gooi waf s will bo paid. Apply between 2 and 4 o'clock p. m. , 2408 Dodge tit. 12l-tf - , ono flut-class cent and WANTED-Tallors ono email jobmakcr ; work plenty. Stcadv employment for good men. Wares high ant cost of llIng moderate. Dcmer bill of pnccs paid. Address Immediately , Jchn Kalrd , Her chant Tailor , Laramie City , Wyoming Tcr. 125-4 WANTED By a , competent dress-maker to uork In families by day or ucck ; can fur- nlshaflrxt-cUss inachlnr. Call or address on Monday , Oct. 2nd. at 1724 Webster street , be twcen 17th and 18th. 129-5 * WANTED-E\ery ono In the city to buj Boot * and Shoes of W. L. Kidd , Jacobs block , 15th street. Hcst grade of goods made bj best manufacturers In United States. Prices low cr than cer seen In Omaha before. 122-4 WANTED Situation by a young man of fa lly , as clerk or book-keeper. Has had si cral years c.\ 09 clerk In hotel. Cm glic flret-closa reference. Address S. Ii , . The Uco olllce. OS-tf WANTED A couple good cylinder press feeders. Can find steady employment at this ofllcc. 27-tf CarpentSH to build 25 cottages o WANTED . I100GS & 1HLL. 47-2 " \TTANTED Manufacturing concern wants a VV business man In Omaha and in every city [ not already taken ) . A few hundred dollars no- . esjary to pay for good * on dclhcry after orders tiavo been secured tor the same ; $ t&0 per month profit guaranteed. Tno most searching Investl- -ation solicited. A. S. ARNOLD & CO. , 1293 Uroadwaj , New York. se21Bt Good sccon.1 girl at ISIS Chicago WANTED street. 44-tf J-ANTED-HoUbekecjcr , 1100 Farnham St. , up stain. 30-tf WWANIUD Girl at 2001 Dodge street. WANIUD . 070-tf Respectable employment by hus band and wife. Address P. P. C , , Bee Of fice. 077-tf WANTED To rent , by a newly married counlc before Nov. 1st , a small cottage , centrally located. Address Hot m 14 , Cretghton Block. DiU-tf Funding bridge and school bond WANTED Clark , BcUoMie. 26-tf FOR RENT HOUSES AND LAND. RENT A brick house , comer llth and FOR . Enquire Gco. II. Peterson , near U. P. depot. E102-W FOR RENT House 3 rooms , closet and pan try. two blocks south of bt. Mary's a\cnue on Twcnty-tnlid street ; $10 per month. Van Dorn. 16a 3 * FOR KENT To gentlemen : A finely fnrnUhed room wltn board at 1720 Cass street. Kn- luirc at the Inusc or Y. M. C. A. rooms. 145-3 * RENT Ono larto furnished room suita ble for four men or for two , close to the khops. Al o one suitable fora man and wife , or ; wo gentlemen. Apply at this olllce. 143-4 * FOR WENT Nicely furnished front alcove room ; also a smaller room , low prices ; brick house. Cess St. , f > doors west of 20th St. 154 tf FOR RENT Furnished room , with or without board. Call with reference , C07J N. 17th street. 142-3 * FOR RENT A pleasant furnished room on Farnham ctreet , between Sixteenth and tic > cntcenth , at No. 309. 16U-3 * RENT--Two nicely furnished rooms , Bit rOlt ting and bedroom. 41714th St. . bet. Chi < eugo and Cass. 141-3 * rf > R RENT New 4-room house , South 17lh street. J. L. WELSIIANS , at Union Kiev * , tor. 115-tf EOR KENT Tno nlce'y furnished rooms. 120 _ I'arkwlld ayeuue , Sjuth _ Omaha. 117- _ FOl ! REfJT A house of 8 rooms and barn , In good locality , at ? 35 per month. The house elegantly furnished. Furniture can bo bought , iheaji. Inquire of ii. Elguttcr , S.V. . Cor. 10th and Farnliain SU. 103 5 * FOR HIIN'T A store In good locality , tutd for grocery store for eight year ; suitable for any Kind of business. Inquire N. E. corner 13th and Dodjo. MRS. HIUEKE , 03 tf RKNT J uit flnUhcd two first-class two- FOR ttorybrl-k house * , Sand 0 rooms , stable and cemented collars ; $10 mouthy In advance. U'.ll. BUSHMAN , S. E. corner 16th and Doug las jits. FOR KENT 2 furnished rooms over ilcj- chanU * EicbanuN. | E. ccr. 16th and Dodge l recta. 2S9-II FOR RBNT-Onu room with board , 1808 Call fornla street. 735-tl FOR BALE. Oil SALE-Dwelllng house and Ihe acres of E land , with orchard and Unovanl , within H nllci of rlty limits , In a favorite and rising local , tv. Also five acres adjoining the aboio. These lands are bounded by publh road , are In excellent condition , and well sheltered by grown timber. Will bo sold In one lot If wish ed. 1'ilie moderate. JNO. L. McCAGUE , Ilcal latate Agent , opiK)3lte pout olllce , Omaha , lij4 * TjlOR SALE-Stock and llxtursa of millinery , r notion and lulr ttore , doing a good bulncsj. ocatlon central ; ktore and dwelling together , rent iheaii , I wish torctlro from business. Ad ! drcfs A. B. , Post OIllcc , Omaha. 137.13 E6R SALE A Blx-hor c pOAcr engine with eight-hone boiler , almost new. Kmiiilru at Dolan A Langworth ) ' , Nos. 110 and 112 14th tnct , Omaha. 1 ° 7.6 T > E IS has rattling long lists of house * , loU , lands and farms for sale Call and gel OU HALE-Cheap , A No. 1 riding pony In JJ good condition. J , | | . LINAHAN1. 705 8 2th bt. 143.0' 17011.SALE A beautiful etldcnco proiwrty of O.1 ' . ' 0 acrei with commodious home , if-ht acrosof orthard amUlnejard , Location tightly. Only two and n half mile * from post office. Bargain - gain ! JOHN L. MiOAO UE , Opp. ' . 0. 79 tf . -l nrst class cnl.lntt fiwan. very ] } cheap : nearly new. Inqnlro Milton & Son , 14th nnd Farnham St. _ R SATPVoiir acreof land nwiratcr works rcocnolr , al ot n coltAgps on CApito- ill. Add.ANDRE\\IlhVINS.lSOO | DoilRl' St > nicK It SAl.h. > 203-tf SAl.h.ESTAnHOOK ft COB. 8A' < E A tnull engine , H. W. Pnyno FOR ' mike. In perfect osder. Inquire of II. O. Clerk & Co. SO-tf TTIOKSALB Lease and furniture of trst-clws | X1 hotel In town ol 1300 Inhabitant * , In state of Nobrukaj has 34 bctta ; the tr \ cling mnn > ro sort. Inquire ft ! DEB office. SlS-tf SALE Fine stock farm of 400 acres FOIt house , cattle shod , orchard &c. , * ith In M y reach of railroad. I'rlco , t < 600 , par time at 6 % . JOHN L. JIcCAOUK , Opn. Post Olllc * . fiM-tt AND UANI ) Itcrou rents houses , HOUSES , hotels , farrr ots , lands , oftlccs roomsetc , Beoltt r"g * T OHSALE flood house with four rooms and- Jj hall lot , No. 2018 Dodge between SBtli and 27th street. Good nvll and shade trees ; hou o In jrood condition. Inquire on premises , S21-U . And 1-rxrason repaired by II. UiinnEM.AS and Famam its. "SOtf NEW CITY MAl'S.250. See 1st page. MISCELLANEOUS. - the llth day of Al rii < t. 1SS1 , NOTIcn-On > a Green , left iny Vied and board , and I uHl not ho rc'iionslhlo ( ordolts of her con traction. LOUIS H. UllKEN. 1S2-4' J NSTRIJOTIOX-Mn.Cli'ui. Ilru7cllniDramatic J Itcadcrnnil Tcnclvr of Elocution pupils re- cencdnt residence , Xo. 651 ! 18th St. , mar Dodge. i.m.T CANVASS Tor book , > ou know , AGENTS sell "I.lfo of President Oirllcld , " "Heroes of the I'lalna , " "Hordcr Outlaws , " "Una of Dusllicss. " 1KA W\IjDKOX & CO. , St. I.oula , Mo. Fc2fxUwIui * lloan pony. 3 whlto ICKS , bald face. STltAYED thu head stall of n bridle and n rope around her neck. Liberal rcnnrd will DO pild for her return to C. Knutson , Chicago , between 24th and 25th Sti. On Sunday night , September 2Jth , STOLEN wagon and harnu9 < from Jacob Smart lour miles south of Dorchester , Neb. Descrip tion : one light dun timro , ono dark dun nme with black nunoaml tall , medium height , hen\y built , In good flesh. Harness nearly new , ua oii nearly new Whitewater male now axle In hind wheel. A liberal reward will bo pnd for prop erty , nnd reward Increased for capture of thief. Addrcsi JAKE HMAUT , In care SUrotflcc , Dorchester , Neb. 110-3 B KM1S * HEAL ESTATE BOOM. bee Ibt page. INSTRUCTIONS In Frcnch.tOcr PRIVATE Greek and Latin. Prof. Henry W Meek , 1207 Jackson St. 000-oc8 ALEli HAY At A. II. Sander's Feed Store , B 1013 llarncy St. alO-tf TnURNISHED ROOMS-Ueasonablo rates at Jj 1717 Cumlngs , bet. 17thand ISth street ? . S1ALL AT MRS. B. E. CLARKE'S No. 1 Board Ing IIcut9 , cor , 13th and Dodge bts. Bcdt In thcltv filO-H > EMIS' REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. S > 1st paje. T OKTUNE TELLER AND MEDIUM ilrs Jj Eliza tells past , present and future In lo\o ind all alTairs. She rc\ cats the deepest secrets } iliolicart. She possesses the magnetic powcrSi fulfill all your wishes. Call at.Vo. 322 corner IGth and Chicago street. T1AKEN UP A red cow. Owner can ho the I same by protin ; ? property and paying charges. FRANCIS IIOIJIIUNS , Saundcrs and Grace St ? . au24-cv wcd5t COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL . NOTICES. Kerj body In Council lllulfs lo WANTED THE HUB , 2(1 ( cents per week , do- ivcrcd by carriers. Olhcu comer iiroailway and Main , up btalrj , Council Bluffs. CtK-tf To buy 100 tons 'broom corn. WANTED address Council Bin IT J Broom Factory , Council Bluffs , Iowa. CJ3-29tf WANTED A good carpenter at onco. Ap ply Mynstcr & Adams , Council Bluffs , Iowa. 059-29 * A first-class broom tier. Mayne WANTED Council Bluffs , Iowa. MX ) SO" W ANTED A boy to do chores nt Mjnstera Hshery , Council BluI ( . 001-28 * Good girl for general housework. WANTED Mynster , CouncilBluffs. 002-tf "ITTANTED A situation by a first-class miller. W Had 20 jcirs experience. Understands old and new processes. Speaks Kngllsh and German and acquainted with steam and water ) owcrs. Can gi\o the best of reference. Will como on trial at any time. Address U.S. , Box 1511. Council Bluffs , la. ? 'iL- WANTED ! ! * > a gentleman of experience and business habiU , a position with a firm , cither as clerk or to tnu el. Reference glen. . I. L. WATKINS , Council Bluffs. 042 29 r < ALL on or address Potter * Palmer , 40 South kOth street Council Bluffs , Iowa , for rail- oad tickets cast , west , north and south. Chicago 10.00 Round trip $19.00 Every ticket guar anteed , and tickets bought , sold and exchanged _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ auifl7-ln FOR SALE Old papers 40c per hundnd , at The Bee ofllcc , Council Blulls. bc-27-lf Two experienced book solicitors WANTED and Utah. Addresi P. 0. IPX 1214. Council Bluffs. Iowa. 1)00-21 ) * To Contractors , Builders and Property Owners. Thd undersigned having been appointed agent or the extensile Iron andwlro manufacturing louses of E. T. Barnum , of Detroit , and the ( ussol Iron Foundry and Works at Toledo , ) hlo , capacity of 60 tons dolly , is prepared to urnlsh estimates and prices for iron columns , : e. , &e.t for store fronts , window caps and sills , hreshold plates , wrought iron beams and gird- rs , hydraulic elevators , etaplo tittlngs , < pulleys , halting , &c. ; also Iron fences , cresting , win- ow guards , ehuttcrs , stairs , balconies , settees , : halis , vases , acquarlums , fountains , summer louses , lawn , garden and cemetery ornaments , ewer stands , grave guards , < tc. , &u. . In endless aricty. Catalogues supplied on application. HtiNRY II. BARRY , Manufacturers' Agent , 22 Pearl street oiiirlO-lm me Council BlulTa. Iowt < EDWARD KUEHL , IAGISTER OF PALMYSTERY AND CONDI ; T10NALIST , 498 Tenth StreetlieUeon Farnham nd Homey. Will , with the aid of guardian pints , obtain for any ono a glance at the past .nd present , and on certain conditions In the fu > uro. Boots and Shoes made to order. Perfect atlsfactlon guaranteed. au20-lin "Vs 7- 8 Absolutely Pure. Made from Crape Crevn Tartar. No other rpatlon makes such light , flaky hot bread * . uL'rlo.u ? Partfy- pan he ratcn by Dvfix-ptlo "mV feat0 | " ! elll > " "Ul'ti'lf ' ' from heavy ndl cstlble food. Sold only In cans , bv all Uroccra ROYAL IIARlN-n.I'OW'DKIl CO