6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY OCTOBER L 1881. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Yesterday's Events ill Iowa' Western Metropolis , Continuation of tbo Unitoc States Court. Several Interesting Cases Trioc Yesterday. Fen email , Fiok-Upi txnil nnd Qon oral Items of Interest- Vauglmn , Chapman & Co. , liavi been squat on again by quito n re Bpcctablo majority. Bring out your Herdic coaches , ring the bolls , wo arc coining to the front as a first-class city. No more shall wo bo in the dark ns to where , oh where , do out little thousands go. The mayor car bo elected attain , if ho gets vote.- enough , and then ho will have more power than is vested in him now. i'at Lacy is mad , but Judge James is right after him with the ghost of city orders discounted 20 per cent. The business men are on top at the pres ent time. Council Bluffs will bo a city of the first class and the first city in the state. Judge Lewis' docket this term dis closes forty-three cases for defrauding Uncle Sam out of his revenue and sir cases for passing counterfeit money. The case of the United States vs. J. D. Walter , on charge of defrauding the revenue , was tried by jury. The prisoner was found guilty and fined $100 nnd costs. The case of the United States vs. Samuel Prescott , for defrauding the revenue , was tried by jury. Verdict , guilty. Ho was sentenced to Fort Madison pcnitiary for the term of two years and six months. The case of the United States vs. George Morris was called and the defendant - fondant admitted to bail in $1,000. The celebrated damage suit against the 0. , B' & Q. railroad company that has been dragging its weary length before Judge Love in tha United States court tor several days , was concluded about fifteen minutes of ten yesterday forenoon. The jury came in at 4:30 : o'clock with a $50 ver dict for plaintiff. This cose grow out of an accident that occurred some time ago at Hillsdale , a station on the line of the road east of Glonwood. A construction train was coming west. On one of the fiat cars was loaded what is called a switch rod. It ap pears there were stakes or other at tachments to prevent , under certain circumstances , the rod sliding off. At the time of the accident ono of the employes of the road , Wells Hanson , was seated on the fiat car next to the rear oj the ono which was load ed , with the switch rod in question. It seems that at this point in the road there is a descending grade for some distance , and that the train jolted the iron rod of the car , and it struck against the leg of Hanson and broke It. Hanson brought suit against the company for. 910,000 damages. The judge's charge was quito lengthy. Tlio following well-known attorneys ap peared on behalf of the rail road company : Hon. H , H. Trutn- bull , Hon. M. Blithe general solicitor for the company , and McPhcrson , attorney - tornoy general of the state. The de fendant , Hanson , was represented by J. W. Botholomow , of Dos Moines , assisted by Sapp and Lyman , of this city. city.Judgo Lease reached the criminal cases yesterday. A jury was called and quito a number were disposed of by consent. The case of the United States vs. "William R. Smith for passing coun terfeit money , was called in court yesterday. Smith retracted his nlea of not guilty and pleaded guilty. The court sentenced him to imprisonment for the term of four years at Fort Madison. ONE WHEKE THE WOODBINE TWINETU. M , M. Miller , recently in the cm- -ploy of the Chicago & Northwestern railroad company unceremoniously skipped the town Friday morning leaving a wife and child in doubt as to his whereabouts. Ho stated to ono of his co-employes that the marriage boll of late hadn't rung just to suit him. Ho was employed as a switchman in the yard and waa considered sober and industrious , The following communications have rocnntly passed between "W. H. Mo- ginncss and some of his comrades : COUNCIL BUJWH , September 27. To W , H. Mcginness , Hazolldoll , . Iowa : Wo , your soldier friends and com rades , respectfully ask you to withdraw your nanio as an independent candid ate for sheriff of Pottuwattamio county , Iowa. Ourjroasons therefore are as follows : Wju , the undersigned , irero for you firatmst 'and all the time in assisting and trying to got you the nomination , and you were de feated in the convention against our express wishes. . HwLpur wishes boon consulted , as tl y' kould have boon , you would to-day bo the soldier nonii- noo'of the republican party for sheriff. Hoping you will consult our wishes , wo remain your friends and comrades. ( Signed ) , John Lindt , , Ilobert Boocroft , ' "t \ A. Austin , 0. H. Harrison , < ' . Goo. B. Niles , W. H. Campbell , J. P. Williams , f ' * ' Eugano Casey , Louis Sovereign. * ' THE JtEi'LY. HAZEC.DCLI. , September 28,1881 , Mr , John Lindt and others Gentlemen : Your letter of the 27tli instant was handed to mo this morning by a friuiid , and its con. tents have boon carefully , and I think honestly considered. In allowing my immo to bo published as an independ ent candidate for sheriff of Pottuwat- omio county , I will nay that it was through the urgent untrcatioa of my many warm and personal friends that I did so ; and now that my soldier friends and comrades request my with drawal from the canvass , I will do BO , with the understanding , however , that it is under protest and contrary to my rctil Bonso of duty to my friends IUN tlio coed of the party in future. ( Signed ) W. II. MnoiNNnss. Miss Lmua Cole loft this inoriiin to Attend the mcdic.il school at low ; City. City.J. J. M. Cnmpboll , Sioux City , is ii Council Binds on business. Congressman . P. Itipburn \ vain in Council lllufla on business bofori tlio U. S. court. Smith McPhorsonj attornoy-gcn oral , arrived in Council Blull's yesterday day , just in time , as the coutrt hat reached the criminal caucs. 3Iiss Morgan , ono of Frocdmnn'i young lady clerks , is confined by ill ness nt her residence on Washingtot .avenue. Miss Smith , daughter of Smith tin senior member of the firm of Smith A Norton , is lying quite ill at her fath er's residence on Washington avenue A. T. Flickongor nnd wife lefi Council Bluffs on a brief visit to thcii friends and relatives at Independence ; Iowa , AV. S. Amcnt , of the firm of Ainciil it Sims , lias gene to Dunlap , IFnrri < son county , on business connected with their law firm. Judge J. Qt Day , of the S. J. court , was in the city yesterday. Big Bill Bates , check clerk down at ttio transfer , finding that it was cost ing him too much for shoo leather , made a vow that ho would save up some money and buy a horse , and aet up a temporary vehicle , The day ar rived for him to make the purchase , but being a little short to buy a real horse ho took what ho had purchased a genuine jack asa with anti-monopoly proclivities , con sequently ho was ashamed to have a railroad check clerk through the main Hlrocts to the dcpel } and when Bill wanted to take that way the j. a. wanted to take the other , so they had it for awhile. Finally Bill gave in uid now they can begin any morning , taking a back street for the transfer. Jccasionally Bill calls for his friend , Dharloy Proctor , and when they meet it Charley'shouse , and are fairly un- ! or way , headed for the transfer , ho i , a. laughs as his whillllc-trco voula break. Ride down , boys , nnd ubscribo for TJIK BEE. Wo will hrow in a copy for the j. a. free ; ratis. The Right Sort of General. Jacob Smith , Clinton street , Buffalo iyn ho has used Spring Ulos iu in his jrnily as a general mcdtcinfc for cases of idlgestlon , biliousness , bowel and kidney omplaints and disorder ) ) arising front ini- uritles of tlio blood. Ho speaks highly f its efficacy. Trice CO cents , trial bottles 0 cento. cojlw FOUR MILLIONAIRES , low Senator Gordon and His As- oolatcs Got Rich A Railroad - road Scheme- 'cw Orleans Plcnjninc. For the term in the United States anato. beginning March 4 , 1870 , the ncumbont , chosen by the people of loorgia , through their hearts and Icg- ilators , was a man who had been rounded in battle eight times. Ho ommandod a wing of Gen. Leo's rmy at the close of the war. Ho was captain , a major , a lieutonant- olonol , a colonel , a brigadier-general , major general , and a corps com- landor. Ho was a member of the ational democratic convention in 8G8 from Georgia , and also in 1872 , nd a presidential elector for the state t largo in 1808 , and also in 1872. lo took'his seat in the United States onata March 4 , 1873 , and his second orm would not have expired till wolyo years from that date , and no lan living is authorized to say that is third term would have ended bo- ore March 4 , 1891. Senator Gordon found that the leeds of his family were greater than ho calls of his ambition , andho throw way almost a whole term in the sen se , and a marvelous popularity in Joorgia. When people asked the oason , ho said ho had to make moro lonoy , and ho thought ho could make HG.OOO a year. That man is now a millionaire. Ho ins not only made himself a million- ire ; ho has also made his two broth- rs millionairosand ho has made Gov. 'olquitt ' , of Georgia , a millionaire , 'hoy are four millionaires now. Gordon has organized the Georgia 'acifio railroad and sold it to tlio lichmond & Danville Extension corn- any ( that isto the Pennsylvania poo- lowho own the road from Richmond 0 Atlanta ) for $700,000 cash and a ortain amount of stock. Besides this , lie presidency of the Georgia Pacific omains in Gen. Gordon's hands , and lie cosh lias been paid , and the Gor- ons and Colquitt own § 1,000,000 In lie Richmond andDanvillo Extension ompany , and will have two and ono- alf times that amount of stock in the loorgia Pacific. Gon. Gordon will amain president of the Georgia Pa- tfic. Maj , E. C. Gordon is president f two roads belonging to the company 1 Mississippi , the charters of which xtcnd from Birmingham , Ala. , to ho Mississippi river. Mr. W. S. lordon is b director in the Richmond ; Danville extension company , and is Iso raising a company to build a rail- aad in Florida. The Louisville & Nashville road , at bout the time of Gordon's rcsignu- Ion , was * beginning to got a foothold i Georgia , where it has now intrench- d itself on the Western & Atlantic rom Chattanooga to Atlanta , the ioorgia from Atlanta to Augusta , and lie Central from Atlanta to Savannah 9 thoroughly that it will need all the owore of the powerful Georgia rail- uad commissioners to hold it in hock. Just then , however , it was ot very strong in Georgia , and was mtching every point with jealous yes. Seeing an opportunity to secure Fie services of n popular Georgia jwyor , it eagerly retained Gordon as no of its counsel. In order to hold lie entrance to Atlanta it bought the leorgia Western charter from Atlanta a Birmingham. After its great vie- urios in Georgia it did not need oith- r Gordon or the Georgia Western , nd it gave Gordon the Great Western barter , probably to got rid of him , 'his was Gordon's nest egg. The three Gordons and their gover- or now sot themselves to raise a coin- any to build from Atlanta to the lississippi river. They obtained con- itionully over 100,000 acres of coal Jiids , granted on condition the road rus finished. These lands were worth couple of millions , but of course they will not bo worth a < Georgia Pacific until the road Ha con pletou. They also secure valunbl charters in Mississippi nnd tlio rig ] of way for over n hundred miles. With this stock in trade , the rci was easy. The Richmond t D.invill Extension company will build thread road as soon as possible nnd turn i over to the Georgia Pacific railroa company , which , like many anot'ic name of railroads in the south , wi mean the Pennsylvania railroadTh road is sure to bo built , and it will b of very great service to Atlanta Birmingham , Columbus and th other places through which it wi ! pass on its way to the Mississippi The wealth of the three Gordons nm Gov. Colquitt cannot fairly bo esti mated to-day at less than n millioi apiece. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bogus CorUflontcn. It is no vile drugged stuff , protand ing td bo made of wonderful foreigi roots , barks , &c , and puffed up b ; long bogus Certificated or prctcndei miraculous cures , but a simple , pure effective medicine , made of wol known valuable remedies , that fur nishes its own certificates by its cures Wo refer to Hop Bitters , the piiros and best of medicines. ' Republican , octl-li ) Business 'College ' , THE GREAT WESTERN QCO. n. RATHQUN , Principal. Creighton Block , OMAHA , . . NEDHASKA XarScnJ for Clrcul r. nov,2ktvvt ! 108. R. CLARKBOM , J , 0 , 11CXT Clarkson & Hunt , Success' * fn nichartls & Hunt , ATTORNEYS-AT- SI I4l 8trivt Om h > NMi ORDINANCE NO. 480. An ordinance establishing the grade o ( ! 0th street from St. Mnry'd avenue south .it the Union Pacific railroad track. Be it ordained by the city council of the : ity of Omnha , SECTION 1. The grade of 20th street from it , Mary's avenuu south to the Union 'acifio railroad track shall boas follows : Jodnning with the cant and west curbi if 20th street at their intersection with tbo oittb curb of St. Mary's avenue at an cle- ati'm of 120 feet nnd 123 feet respectively A established , thence south on mid curb inos by uniform ascent to a point on eaicl iiirb duo west of a point 157 feet south of lie southeast corner of 20th street and St. H ry'H avenue to an elevation of 127 feet , hence south by uniform ascent to an ele- 'ation of 103 feet on the north curb of jeavenworth street , thence to an elevation if 100 fuet at tbo south curb of Jeavonwortli street , thence south to a loint 22" feet south of tbo south line of [ jcavcnworth street to nn elevation of 170 cet on the cast and 172 feet on tlio weak mrb of Twentieth street ; thence south 76 cct to an elevation of 1C ! ) feet on the cast , nd 171 feet on the west curb of Twentieth trcct ; thence south to a common elevation f 141.G feet nt the north curb of Mason trcet ; thence to an elevation of 139 feet t the south curb of Mason street ; thence 0 an elevation of 120 feet at a point 250 cct south of the south line of Mason trect ; thence to an elevation of OS feet at lie north curb of 1'icrco street ; thence to n elevation of JO feet at the south curb ; hence to an elevation of 83 feet at point 50 feet south of the fouth line of Pierce treet ; thence south 800 feet to an eleva- ion of 70 feet ; thence to an elevation of j feet at the railroad track. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect nd bo in force from and after its passage. SAU'L A. HEHJIAK , Prest. City Council , pro tern. Attest : J. J. L. C. JEWETT , City Clerk. Passed September 20,1881. Approved September 27,1881. ap302t J. E. Bovu.iMnyor. ropoiala forPnrobaie of City Lot , Sealed proposals will be received by the ndersigned until 12 o'clock noon , Tnura- ay , October ( ith , 1881 , for the purchase of -ot 5 , in Block lH. ! " Bids to take into onsideration existing , leases. Envelopes ontainliiK said proposals shall bo marked Proposals for purchase of lot. " The Ight is reserved to reject any and all bids , J. J. L. 0. JEWETT , . sept20-l City Clerk. AOrENTS WANTED FOR CREATIVE SCIENCE and Sexual Philosophy. roluwiy 1 iluitrttcd , 1 be mcit Importint and ! tboolc published. Every Umlly want * It. xtrxordlnary inducements offered Acentd. Address Ao * rsTuBMBiiiNO Uo. . St. Loula. Ho CARPET HOUSE J. B. DETWILER , 1313 Farnham St. , OMAHA , NEB. Body Bruucli. 11.25 to 81.76 ; Tapestry Urui- : ! , 81.1G to 81.85 ; S-ply Curpct , J1.28 to $1.40 ; o t 2-ply Ingrain , 1.CO to 81.16 ; Cheap 8-ply iffreln , 40o to < J6c. tattings , Oil Cloth and Widow Shades at Lowest Market Prices , argest Stock and Lowest Prices , Samples furnished at yard-ra Dexter L. Thomas , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW (0. W. WANK. A. C. CAUniLb DOANE & CAMPBELL , Xttorneys-at-Law , 8 W COR. 1DT1I t DOUQI'AS STS. , jygl'tt OMAllAj Examination of Toaohori- 1 will bo jirctcnt at my olllco in Crclghton lock on tbo tint Saturday of each month ta x. nine uch niMillcaiUH ta m y ilcslro to tvnch i tlio public ( cliaoli In Uouulu county. Quar- irly cxanilnatton nrtt Saturday in February , ay , Augutt and No > tmber. J , J I'OINTH , County Suiit. Public Instruction Augtl-Utandg.itennal PROBATE NOTICE. tata ot Nebraska , DaugluCounty , HI : , t a County Court , held t the County Court Room , In and ( or said County , on thu lUt ! day of September , A. 0. 1S1 , 1'rcseiit , A. U. OHAUWICK , CountvJud * . , In tha matter ol the aHontlou ot Jennie E , olycr , a minor , On reading and flllns the petition ol Amos idilary Coljcr. praying that their tald child lay bo adopted by Kdnard and JIary K. Stow rd nd that they \oluntarily and freely vho up the utoJy ana carp ol kald child , aim alia the poti on ot lUlnard and Mary I' , K toward ihowlmr ut they ulbh ta adopt the said ulillJ. OBI > KKKU , That October ItUi , A. D. 1881 , at ocloik a. in. Unsunned tor licarlui ; said iwtl- on , when all irMii i Interoitod In < ald matter my appear at a County Court to bahcld , In and ir > ald Countyand khow uiiuo nhythopra > cr I petitioner nhould not bo grunted ; and that no- cu ol nendcii ey of t hwald petition an J the hearing icrcof , bo irlicn lo all persona Interettcd In ald utter , by publishing a copy ot tliU order In'l'iii siAiiA lUitv llK , a nowuwper printed in Ald ounty , tor three luccowlto vcoki , prior to taU y ol hearing. A. M , C1IAUW1CK , [ A true copy ) County Judfo. ( C. R Manderson , ATTORNEY-AT-A , ' " 't , Omahi.N" The lending Sclcntltti ol to-dny ajreo tha most tllwswcn are cnu'cil uy illsordcrcu kidney or liter. If , therefore , tlio kldncvn ami Ihcr nr Kept In perfect order , perfect licnlth will bo th result. Thli truth tiMonlyliecnkncmn n shot time ami for 3 c.arn people differed went ajron , without liclnjf able to find relief , Thcill co\cr ; of Warner's bafo Kidney and Mvcr Cure mnrku i n now era in the treatment of thc'a trouble * Made from n simple trorlc.il lea ! of rare vnlue , I contains Just the clement ! decenary to nourH ami ImUorato both ot these irrcnt orirui * . aiji safely restore nnd keep them In order , it In Positive Remedy for nil the discuses that enu twins In the loner jnrt of the liody for Torpli Liter Headache * Jaundice Dlrzinct ? Grate KcvcrAtO'O Ui or ami Urinary Organ * . It la an excellent and Kifc remedy for female ilurlnj ; Pregnancy. It will control Jlcnitruatloi nnd Is In 'alu.tbl for Lcucorrhaa or railing. o the Womb ; As n fllooil Purifier It li tin equaled , for it cure the organs that infil > c the blood. This rcmeilv , which hns done oucli wonder. ' , I put up In the I.AIIGUST HIXCD llOTtLK of anj medicine upon the market , nnd ID sold hy Drmr- uhtsnndnll ilcalcn at SI. 25 per bottle , I'o Diabetes , enmilrt for WAH.NT.H'S SAl'K D1A 1JETES CUItl U 18 n POSI 1 1VE Itemcely. H. H. WAITER & CO. , Rocheitcr , N. Y. fclQ.tu-tlmat-ly _ LEGAL NOTICE. To Catharine I'.cdde , non-rciklcut defendant , Yon nru hereby notified that o a the 2d day ol September , IbSl , John Ucildc , plalutllT. filed hli petition In the District Cqjb , uithlnandloi loui.i ] County , Nebraska , against 3011 a < < ilc Icndant.'tho object and praj cr of which petition Is , to obtain a dcerco of ilHorco from the bondi otjniatrlmony with jou for the following causes , to-wlt : 1st , haliltual drunkenness ; Sd , extreme cruelty , nnd for Kencral relief , You nre reiulrc | > l to answer raid petition on the 21tH day of October , 1SS1. DOANE k CAMPBELL. soTtvtit Attorneys for Plaintiff. HAWKEYE PLAINING MILL 00 , , Des Moines , Iowa , Manufacturer * of SASH , DOORS , DLINDS , BRACKETS , MOULDINGS , AC. O rent reduction In Bank Counters , Plans fur- nlihed , and word furnished in all Mud * of harder or soft wood. Counters finished In oil when de sired. Shehln of all kinds furnished , and put Into building ready for paint on short notice Our workmen nre the best mechanics that can lie procured. Sate moBey by giving us your con tracts. Stairs , Newels and Balusters. Our foreman in this department was foraierly ulth Frost Manufacturing Co , fchtcairo , [ Us , and has done sonic of the flnot Stair Aork in the Northwest Orders by mall promptly attended to. 1 20-3m SIcn ° ' ability , to represent CHAMBERS' Dictlonnry of Uni- icreal Knowledge . Complete Cyclopedia of Every Day Wants. This Is the Most Useful and Compact Literary \chlevcinent of the Age. It has no competitors. Wo want competent Solrcltors. No peddlers iced apply Circulars , Divine full dcsriptlon , lent on application. J. II. CHAMBERS , St. Louis , Mo. , Chicago , 111. , Atlanta , O scSm&o d&wlra SIBBBTT & PULLER , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , IX * VtD CITY , NEB. Special attention pUnn to collections in Butler AGENTS WANTED EOB thi Vastest Belllnir Book ot the Age I Foundations or Success. BUSINESS AND SOCIAL FOIU13. The Uwt of lr d , lej ? l forms , how to tr n - ict bminess , valuable Ubles , tocUl etiquette , ) uUuncut , rr UMge , how to conduct public mMnets ; In l ct It Is coranlot * duldo to Sue- for all eUssei. A family otcessiiv. Addresi 'or ' droulan and special t rmg , AKOliOR PUB- O. . Bt Louis. Mo. BlackDiamondOoalGo. GRAND OPENING ! Professor Fisher , ( from St. Louis ) Danclnp Ac- idem } ' , Standard Hall , cor. Fifteenth and F ora- tarn , Tuesday evening , September 6th. Classes for Ladles and Gentlemen commencing Pucsday bvonlng Sejitcmbcr Cth ; classes : ) for Jlsscsand Masters , commencing Saturday after- loon at 4 o'clock. Clauses for Families , will bo irrangcd to suit the honorable patrons. Also mllet dancing can bo taught. Tcrmj liberal , and perfect satisfaction to schol- irs guaranteed. 1'rlvato Instructions wll 'loglr- ; n at the Dancing Academy or at the residence if the patrons. I'rhato orders may bo left at Mo * Meyer & 3ro's. fit you nre F man of lev en il by the strain of terntoUlnnoTeri. . . _ your tlutltl avoid nlKht work , to re - ( tliDuhnUand uie tore brain nerve and Hop Bitter * . Iwute , UM > Hop B. I suffering from any In- dUcrcUolnreor 1& 1 | > 1 Itlont li you are roar * riod or tingle , old or I vouciT * sufferlnjr from poorhe<U or languish I IK on a b d of lick- new , rely on Hop ) liner * . at * annually Whoever 7on are. Tbouunai whenever you feel nually from tome Hut your yrt u I form of Kidney needs eleawlnir. ton- ' pdlicaM tlmt nuElit Inff or stimulating , I uteoi without Intoxicating , k by a timely take HOP HopBlttera Bitter * . Have yon dv * ptiula , ktdntVI D. I. O. orumtaru o > nl I Is an nbsoluU. plaint , rt co > o | and Irretljia- HOP bio euro for 6f > irrlf , blood , drunkenness. lluje of opium , Tou will be tobacco.or cureillfyouuM | [ narcotics. Hop Bitter * SoldbydniR. IfTOitarorim- ( rl tn. SiaJfor lovf nlr weixU nlriteittry end NEVER llClrcular. ui It may I uar nrrrus nvo your FAIL BTQ CO. , lire. It tin * envcci hun wkt.Ur.N. T , droda. I iTorotilo.Ort. DRS. COFFMAN AND - - THOMPSON , Physicians and Surgeons , Orncr , Over Crulckshank , 16th St. , Bet. i'arnhatn and Douglas. a''Mm AQENT8 WANTED FOR PASTKDT SIU.INQ DOOM or TIII Aai I Foundations of Success BUSINESS AND SOCIAL FOUMB. The law sol trade , legal forms , how to tram * ct business , raluaulo tables , social etiquette nrllamcntary usage , how to conduct public bus ) . icss ; In ( act It Is a complete Quldo to Bucccu for 11 cases. A family necessity. Addrcis ( or clr- ulars and special terms ANCUOK I'UIJLISIIINO ! 0. . Kt.Loiiiii. Ua. _ TKO.V REKO. oIWISRHED 3YRON REED & CO. tOLDSKT ESUBL1SI1ED il Estate Agency IN NUUIUSICA3 Keep a coini > U'to abstract of tltlo to all lloal Intati ) In Onuha and loir/las county. mavtf W , d , CONNELL , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. Orrici Front Kooius ( un stairs ) In llantoom's icw trick builtlluf , N. w. corner Fltccnth ad atnham Streets , l - S. P. MORSE & CO 1319 Farnham Street. / 20 PIECES BEST QUALITY 48-INCH BLACK CASHMERE $1.00. & This quality usually sells everywhere at $1.50. k , No Samples Mailed ; order what you want , we guar antee Satisfaction. Kid Glove Sale ! , Best Quality Fisk , Clark and Flagg Gloves , 3-But- ton , 75 cents. Best Qual % Fisk , Clark and Flagg Gloves , 4-But- ton,1I.GO. BETTER COLORS ! WIDER GOODS I Satin and Gros Grain , all Nos. , 9 to 40 , 10 cents. s. IP. : MOIRSE : &D oo. , . 1319 Farnham Street. United States Depository NationalBank - OF OMAHA. Oor. 13th and Farnatn Sta. OLDEST BANKING ESTABLISHMENT II OMAHA. SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTZE BROTHERS. BTABLISUBD 1866. Organized as ft National Bank August SO , 1S6S CAPITAL AND PBOFITS OVER . 300OOC , omczsa jam P CTOM : HIUIAH KOUBTZB , President. ACOUSTDB KorarzK.VIco President. H. W. YATKS , Cashier. A. J. PorrLiTOK , Attorney. , . -UouNA. CRBIOUIOS. F. H. DAVIS , Asat Guhler Thl bank receives deposits without regard tc amounts. Issues time certificates bearing Interest. Draws drafts on San Francisco and principal cities of the United States , also London , Dublin. Edinburgh and the principal cities of tbo contl nent of Europe. Sells passenger tickets for emigrants by the ID man Hue _ mavldtf The Oldest Established BANKING HOUSE IN NEBRASKA. Caldwell , Hamilton & Co. , Bustnea transacted same aa that ot an Incor porated oank. Account ! kept In currency or gold subject to slfht check without notice. Certificates of deposit asued payable In three , six and twelve months , jearlog Interest , or on demand without interest. Advances made to customers on approved Secu rities at market rates of interest. Duy and nell gold , bills ot exchange , govern ment , state , county and city bonds. Draw sight unfts on England , Ireland , Scot land , and all parts of Europe. Sell European paHKage tickets. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADK. Mil-hit PilOBATE NOTICE. State of Nebraska , Douglas County , s ; At a County Court , held at the County Court Itoom , in and for bald County , August let , A. 1) . Ibfll. Present , HOWAUD a SMITH , County Judgo. In the matter ol the estate of Joseph II. Nel son , deceased ; On reading and filing the petition of Martha S. Nelson , praying tiiat the Instrument , pur porting to bo a duly authenticated copy of the ast Mill and tcbtament of tald deceased , and of the probate thereof , by the Circuit Court of Fountain County , State of Indiana , and this day filed In this Court , may bo allowed and recorded , as the last will and testament of Bald Joseph II , Kelfcon , deceased , In and for the SUto of Ne braska , Ordered , That August 27th , A , D. 1631 , at 10 o'clock a , in. , Is assigned for hearing sold petition , when all persons Interested In eatd matter may appear at a County Court to be held , In and for said County , and thow cause why the prajcr of pctitionershould not be granted ; and that notice of the pendency of Raid petition and the hearing thereof , bo ghcn to all persons Interested In naid matter , bv publishing a copy of thU oiderlnTim OMAIU WKKKLY UKK , a e\\ai > apcr printed in cald County , fortlirco succciulru ccLs , prior to told day ot hearing , ( A true copy , ] HOWARD D. SMITH , aug0-u3t County Judc , PROBATE NOTICE. In the matter of tha Estate ol I'crdlnand Ilium , deceased Xotlco is hereby gl\cn that the creditors of stld dcieahcd , IH mctt the executrix of eald Estate , before me , County Judge of Douglas County , Nebraska , at a County Court Room , In laid County , on thu 12th day of Not ember , 1BS1 , on thu l.lh day of January , ISS'J , and on the 12th day of March , 1SJ2. at lu o'clock a , in. each day , for the pursue of presenting their claims for uxumlnatlou , adjustment and ullownnce. Six months arc allotted for creditor ! to present thtlr claims , and ono year for the uxccutrix to settle said lUtntc , from the 12th day of 8cptcm- Iwr , IbJl , thU notice will bo published in Tim OMAHA WEEKLY HER for four necks uccci iu ! y , prior to thu 12th day of Not ember , 1681. , A. M. CIIAIWIOK. cepSl-wSt County Jucl.-c. MARBLE HEAD LIME .CO.'S Double Strength White Lime ST. PAULLUMBER YARD -tfjL.tr Lumber , Lath , Shingles , Thirteenth and California Streets , OMAHA , - - - NEB. eeSlmelm Omaha , Collins A. Cheyenne , . Colorado Fall and Winter CLOTHINGII LATE AND NOBBY STYLES * FOR MEN , BOYS AND CHILDREN. Hats , Gaps , Trunks , Valises. C33C.O ZOTOOXC.3DX1XC. . IN THELATESTSTYLES. : Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices to Suit al 1322 FARNHAM STREET , NEAR FOURTEENTH , Special Attention Is Once More Called to the Fact that Rank foremost in the West in Asso rtment and Prices of CLOTHING , FOR MEN'S , BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR. ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF Furnishing Goods Hats and Caps. Wo nro prepared to meet the demands of the trade in regard to Latest Styles and Patterns. .Fine Merchant Tailoring in Connection , RESPECTFULLY , M. HELLMAN & CO , , v 300 to 312 13th St. , Corner Farnham ,