Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 04, 1881, Image 1

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Tuesday Evening , October 4th !
The famous Scout nnil Quldo
anil Ills Mammoth
DR. F. POWELL , . . . . Whlta Beaver.
HE-NU-KAW . The First Dorn.
The Most beauti fill Indian Olrl In the World.
A Noted Troupe of
Supported liy n
ProduclijrJohti | At Stevens' Great Harder
Urania ,
A grand street parade upon arrhnl of the com
pany. Slhcr Cornet Band ami Orcluntra.
Koencil scats , ? 1.0J ; for sale at IMholm t
Win. P. Cody , Proprietor and Manager.
Jack K. Ogdin , Hu-lncss Manager. ol-St
1 Notice h hereby uivcn that D. Itnrr , U. D.
Van C tirt ntnl 1) P. Burr hiUo Incorporated
themscUcs under the name of the "Omaha Im
plement Company. "
2. The principal plan of traimctlnjr the litul *
nces of said Incorporation is Omaht , XL ! ) .
3. Tho'nature of the bnslnc s of said Incorpor
ation Is the snlo of general f.irm Machinery , Bug
gies mid Wagons.
4. Thcamuiint of capital ttock nu'horlzed Is
$50.000 TO of uhlch 6,500 00 muet bo suhscrli td
and ono half ot salJ last mentioned sum hu paid
in before raid lompany shall commcni.cbusnes ! < ,
said stock tobodhldcd Into shares of $100 iiu.Ii.
C. The highest amount of Indebtedness that
can be Incurred by said Incorporation Is two thirds
ot the capital ftock p-iid In , and there slnll be no
IiulK IduM liability on the part of the stock hob-
crs thereof.
U. The affairs of said corporation ate to bo ton-
ducted by a president , secretary and treasurer ,
who shall constitute n board of directors.
7. Said corp'ration shall commonccontholSth
day of September , 1881 , and shall terminate on
the 1st day ol September , A. D. 1800.
. O. lit nit.
D. P. Ill RR
Omaha , Neb. , Oct. 3,1881. o3 cv mon 4t
On- ICE ot * vn DEPOT ,
0wiNeb. . , St-pt. 24 , 1S31.
Scaled i > roK > sals , In ilnplloatc , subject to the conditions , u 111 be rcoch ctl at tills nlliou Tin
til 12 clock noon , on October 14 , 1s81 ! , at vhtcl
time ami plate tbcy 111 bu opened In tlio prcs
cnco o/blddfrs , for tlio fur 'Isliin and dcli\trj
at the subsistence storehouse In this city , o
tttcntj-lUc thousand (25,000) ( ) pounds Hour , Ii
no , strong single cotton sacks ; to bo made fron
Xo. 1 Pi'ring wheat , half hnrdhn fsot'.orOdcssa
to be sweated bcfoic | ; rindini ; , and mixed In mill
in ; , ' to be high ground. Samp e of flour tab
sent In with proposal * , nrd all to be ilclUcreJ on
or before Xo\ ember 16 , 1SS1.
The pncnimcnt rescnes the rlglit tojrcjec
any or all propo ils.
lllanl : proposals can bo obtained at this olllcc
I'roposals must be enclosed In scaled c'nclope- *
marked "Pr po als for Tlour , " and addrctsid to
tbe undersigned. THOMAS WILSON , C. S. , U. S. A.
\S \ w. H LOOM is , J. s. NE\VILL ,
PRr < ? . Src. AND TKKAS
In car lots or In quantities to suit purchasers ,
Orders Solicited.
Yard , Foot Farnham and Doug
las Sts. , Omaha.
Oculist and Aurist.
References all Reputable Physicians of Omaha.
2rOiTce ) , ' Corner 15th and Farnham Sts. ,
Omaha , Neb iu2fimett
lamAircntfr COLUMBIA
and OTTO BK. I'CLUS. Send
three cent stamp for/Catalogue
and pnco list containing full
N , I , D , SOLOMON ,
PaintsOils and Glas
Douslai 16th Sts. Omaha Neb.
Reading and Elocution
Voice Training , Private Lessons and
SOU Cess Stiect , between 20th anj 21st.
Commission Merchants.
For the sale of Jorm Produce ; Potatoes Poultry ,
Butter , Eggs recei veil and sold on
Cosh alliances made on consignments.
Warehouse and Store , 1413 Dodge Street ,
Omaha , Neb. s'titon3U !
An clcifant lithograph cngraxlnj , ' of President
( larflcld , in Jilack and tint , for M tents ; alao a
llncly finished lltho rnili ] tngra\l x for VS Ltnta.
' 1'hCKO pictures are from thu latest photograph
of the President , anil are the llncst plcturts to
lie had. Mailed on a roller to any audretii , post
free , on receipt of iirku. blzo of picture ll24
P. O , Box 200 , Milwaukee , WIs.
Postage sfamjis rccclcd. . tt'JSw 2t *
' , Amelia Burroughs
Tuesdays and Fridays ,
10 a. m' . to 5 p. m.
Geo. P. Bemis
I6th and Dodge Bts. , Omaha , Neb. ,
This agency does BTKiCTLTa brokerage business ,
DOCK not Bpeculate , anil therefore any bargains
on Its books arc Insured to Its patrons , Instead
of hclntr gobbled uu bv tha uvent
Jn the matter of thoUstatcofTIioniaiDlackmore ,
decea cd.
Notice Is licrcby given that the creditors of
ald deceased , ulll meet the aJmlnlotrU of said
Kstate , htforo me , County Jndgo of Uouglas
County , Nibraska , at the County Court lloom ,
In said County , on thu Ut day of No\ ember , 1881.
on the 1st da } of January , 18S2 , and on the lit
day of MuiUi , ISbJ , ut 10 o'clock a. in. each day ,
for tliu puriwfo of prutintlng thilr clalnn for ex
amination , adjustment and allowance. Bix
months are allortul for creditors to Prisent their
claim' , and ono liar for the administratrix to
Bcttlobald i' tate , from the lit duj of Sei'tember ,
18S1 , thUnotlco will bopublMic.1 InTiiti OMAIU
UBKKLT DKB for \\ixkmmccW9hcH , prior to
the l t day of November , 1881. '
" 14 ) t County Judge :
The Dofondauts in the Star-
Route Oases Endeavoring to
Have the Information
Set Aside.
But Will Have to Answer to
the Court Before the Mo
tion is Entertained.
The Grand Jury to Hear
"Witnesses m the Qui-
toau Case. f >
The Assassin Getting Nervous
as the Day of His Trial
Draws Near.
No Call Yet Issued for A Dem-
ocratio Caucus Republi
cans to Hold a Caucus
Saturday ,
Mtsoollanoonn News Notes From
the National Capital
National Associated I'rvsd. i
" \YASHiNoro.v , October 3. In the
matter of the star route coses Distric
Attorney Corkhill" appeared before
Judge Cox this moni'ng and asked i
it was not necessary for. those agains
whom the information has been filec
to answer to the court before i motion
could bo made to sot it aside. The
court replied in the aflirmntivo. Col
Corkhill then asked that" no motioi
may bo entertained on the part o
the defendants' counsel until the government
ornmont bo given two days' notice
Judge Cox agreed to this and duo notice
tico will bo given through Special Attorney
tornoy William 0. Cook.
Notwithstanding Judge C x's de
cision not to listen to any motion for
quashing the information against the
star-routers until the government has
had two days' notice , the defendants
have not given notice , though a mo
tion to quash is already prepared am
is in the hands of General Totter. I
will bo submitted to the court on
Wednesday or Thursday , if an oppor
tunity is otl'ercd. It will bo based 01
the ground that the recent tiling o
the information before presented to
the grand jury was unusual and tha
the facts alleged and set forth are in
sufficient to maintain the decision.
, jf 4 , t
WASHINGTON , October 3. At 11 a
m. the grand jury began to hear wit
nesses in the Guiteau case. The firs
called was Surgeon-General Barnes
and a half dozen others were disposct
of by noon , as follows : Dr. Lamb , Gee
Adams , Mrs. White , Officer Kearney
Detective McElfcst and MrJ Bailie
the stenographer who took dowi
Guitcau's statement. It is expectet
that a bill may bo returned some tinf
It now appears that the witnesse
heard by the grand jury in the casoo
Guiteau to-day wore not fully exam
inod. Surgeon General Barnes am
Dr. Lamb were requested to icturi
to-morrow , to which time the gram
jury adjourned. It is possible that a
presentment will bo made to-morrow
and perhaps an indictment will also bo
returned , as by to-morrow evening
Scoville , the counsel and brothor-in
law of Guitcau , will have arrived
It is not unlikely that a term may bo
fixed for the arraignment of the pris
This morning a money order was
received from Smith Jones , Nolson-
ville , Mich. , for the payment of ono
cent to Guiteau to bo used as counsel
The assassin is yery nervous as the
day for arraignment draws near.
Within the past few days there have
been reports in circulation that parties
contemplate an attack upon the jail ,
and it was said that Now Yorkers ,
Jersoymen , Philadelphians and Balti-
morians were to make the attack. No
such attack was mado. Tlio probabil
ity is that the report had its ori in in
the fact that a few days ago a deter
mined looking man asked for admit
tance to the jail and was refused.
It was noticed that he was heavily
armed. When ho loft ho suddenly re
marked : "You may feed the wretch ,
but wo will got him on Sunday night. "
< ; ciJNnitnir : : NOTES.
The secret service division of the
treasury has receivfid reports to the
effect that two counterfeit notes
produced by a photographic process
iiavo just boon discovered in circula
tion , viz : A $5 note on the Leichestor
National bank , of Loichester , Mass.
Die number of the bank and the
roasury number are given also. A
35 note on the First National bank
of St. Johnsbury , Vt. , charter 489 ,
jank number ! J25 , treasury number
8120,300. The notes are said to bo
worly executed and should bo read-
ly detected.
The democrats have not yet issued
i call for a senate caucus. The re-
mblicans hold a senate caucus Satur-
Jay nt 10 a. m.
Secretary Kirk wood was on duty nt
ho interior department to-day. JIo
ms no immediate intention of going
o Iowa.
l.Iilit Woiglit Chiimpioiuuip.
National A&ocliUxl Pre . t
Niw : YOUK , October l\ \ , -A match
nr thp liu'ht wniuht ulininpionship of
America was arranged for $2,500 ft
side this morning between Frank
White , of Now York , and George
Holden , of Wnlsall , England. The
fight takes place within 100 miles of
Buffalo on the Kith inst. , between 10
o'clock in the morning and 2 o'clock
in the afternoon ,
CRIME- Associated Prcs *
AllRKST OP A niUVK HOUllEi : .
CnicAoo , October IJ. Ten days
ago a farmer at Poynotto , Vis. ,
shipped a barrel by troicht to his son ,
who is n student in the Rush medical
college , Chicago. The barrel was de
tained at Madison and a bad smell
emanating from it , was opened and
found to contain a corpse. The au
thorities wore notified and the farmer
was arrested for robbing a country
graveyard near Poynotto. His name
could not bo ascertained ,
Co nit News-
Nfttloiml Af at inted t'rc i.
SAN FISANCISCO , October fl. Sco-
villo , secretary of the Nevada and Or
egon railroad , who was wounded in a
broil nt thu director's mooting , died
The details of the tight with Chori-
cahua Indians say tluU the fight lasted
four hours. The troops drove the
Indians from the .hills across the Ari-
vipoi valley. The Indians began the
attack. The soldiers Test ono ser
geant killed and four men wounded.
Tlio Indian loss is not stated. Gen
eral Wilcox was with the party when
the attack began.
Cliso of Revival Mooting * .
National Associated JTcss ,
CHICAGO , October 3. The series of
revival services conducted hero by the
noted revivalist , Rev. Thos. Harrison
in the Park avenue church , wore
brought to a close yesterday , and Mr.-
Harrison left fojj San Francisco to-day.
Ho claims ono hundred souls as
trophies of his labors hero during the
past week.
Gold Ezoltoment in. Missouri.
National Associated I'rcaa.
LKAVENWORTH , Kas. , October &
There is much excitement about throe
miles from this city in Missouri by the
report that a gold mine has been dis
covered on the farm of Frank Oliver ,
who has several hands engaged in dig
ging down a bluff , where the indica
tions were first discovered. A quartz
rock has been discovered , and the im
pression is that a little further down
gold or sc mo other mineral will be
Iinlior Troubles-
National Associated 1'rcss
CINCINNATI , October 3. The iron
mills of this city are still unable to
start , any efl'ort to do so with non
union men having failed. The com
pany of men brought herb from east
ern cities are still out. They refuse
to work , saying'that it was represent
ed to them that the strike wou over
and.they refuse to Work till the trou
ble with the union is adjusted.
The Georgia Cotton Exposition.
National Associated Press
ATLANTA , Ga. , October 3. Every
thing is ready for the opening exer
cises of the cotton exposition indus
try. Many exhibits are not in place ,
but there will bo enough tot make a
fine show and it is thought that in a
week all will be in perfect order.
Indian News. - „
National Associated Press. ,
SAN FUANCISCO , October , ' ) . Now
have been received at Wilcox , Arizj
na , that the Choricahua Indians al
tacked a party of solders who wer
replacing the telegraph line botwec
Forts Grant and Thomas and killlet
two. A courior'from Cedar { Spring
says that several citizens wore killcc
at that place. The troops are said t
bo fighting the Chcricahuas about fif
teen miles from Fort Grant. Tlier
was great excitement in Tucson on receipt
coipt of the news.
A Bohemian named P piTnik , with hi
dauchtcr , were killed by the upsetting of a
load of wood on which thev were ndlnf
last week. They lived in valley count ;
near Sioux Creek.
There are rival stage lines between.
ble llock and Pawnee City. The Bl
have frequently made neck-and-neck races
for the distinction ot being first in Pinv
nee. The other day , w hen within a jnilu
of thu goal , both Rtnges , at it turn in tha
rpnd , were ( Herturned. Ono man and a
little boy wera hurt , but the }
were the only ones out of the fourteen passengers -
sengers in any wino injured.
A nel > andvery interesting fndu&tiy ,
namely , the rait-ing of Mlk wornm , WH ;
iresented at our fair liy Air. Abraluia
riiloBbcn , Mho resides near Fnlrlmry , Nob. ,
and who has , Hiiice his iinlval in this eouu-
tv , diiected his attention tn the culture ol
silk. Ho exhibit dhntnplcsof cocoons and
also a Kpinning hut , lepicsenting the man
ner of tha Huiimiiiv of the cocoon liy the
worm , llo abe had a largo amount ol
illk having been Hpun from the raw ma
terial , [ Deatrico Impress.
Highwaymen in Ncinaha county in munc
hing new and startlint , ' . Wu are Informed
hat on last Saturday evening about 8
o'clock while Mr. Samuel Chapman , who
Iven between Brownvillu and Peru , wan
returning homo from Peru , horseback , and
vhen he wax in a hollow , alojiL' the line of
valnut trees Houth of Dr. Neai'u , two men
topped into the reid ahead of him ,
vlth drawn pistols. They ordered
lini to dismount and then to hold up
lis Imnila. which he did ; and while one of
ho lobbera held the muzzle of a pistol In
close proximity to hix head , tlio other
carclied his pockets. He had only n dolor
or or two , and that they took and theii
. appeared in the darkness and brush. It
vas no dark that Mr. Chapman coulJ not
mvemuch idea legardinir the appearance
f the robbers.Urowinille Granger.
Through exposure in the war , Mr.
Jcorgo I. Graham , No. 820 Nino-
eonth street , Philadelphia , con-
rnctud a variety of ills , and ho says a
very troublesome case of rheumatism
n the right leg and foot was a war in-
loritanco that ho had tried in vain to
; et rid of , until ho was recommended
o try St. Jacob's Oil. t Ho states
hat ho felt u slight rolioi even un the
rst application of the oil. Hcfore
ho first bottle ho purchased had been
scd up ho had but few traces of his
heunmtism , and at this time ho says
lie disease has entirely left him ,
vhioh ho attributes entirely to the
KO of St. Jacob's Oil.
Colliding Decides to Attend- the
How York State Oonventik
_ . . _ -j ,
* .
A Loading Stalwart Admits
the Half-Breeds Will-cSn- .
trol the Convention. , ,
The Kansas Senatorial Oohtosl
Governor St John Not
a Candidate.
Democrats and Republicans
Talking of a Fuoion Ticket
in Wisconsin. * l
Discovery of the Writer of the
Threatening Iiottors to
Colliding. I
National Associated PrcM. A
IjKAVKNWOUTit , October 3. It 1ms
been rumored lor seine time pnsl tlm
n political nllinuco lind been poriuctot
between Governor St. John and Sena
tor Plumb. They liavo both , beet
looked upon as desiring to succcfrd to
thu lattor's scat in the United Status
Bonatobut all statemcnta of the kim
are now domed by Hon. Albert Grif
fin , who ia known to bo on intimate
terms with Qov. St. John. His ut
tcrnncca nro looked upon as scmi-of
ficiixl. Among other things hn' says
that Governor. St. John is not a en.i
torinl candidate.
NEW YOIIK , October 3. Conkling
to-day sent word to the state com
mittuu that ho would not attend the
state convention Wednesday. >
Governor Cornell will bo , in the
city during the session , with rooms a
the Fifth avcnuo hotel. Attorney
General Ward , a leading stalwart
admitted this morning ' that
the half-breeds would contro
the convention. The following seems
to bo the probable nominees tpf the
two factions before the convention
State Treasurer John A. Nichols
stalwart ; H. L. Dugand , half-bteod
Comptroller Geo. 33. Sloan , stalwart
Senator Davenport , halt-breed. At
tornoy-Genoral Leslie W. Rossoll
probably without opposition. The
permanent chairmanship of the convention
vontion lays between Theo Potm-roy
stalwart , and Chauncoy M. Depow
half-breed. Collector Robert soil say
ho has no doubts of the result um
adds : "Wo arc not fighting tin ) ad
ministration , but the machine in thi
state "
There was some oxpoctationnMirs
.pf having ptenorftl .Grain1 > > ' 'rXir5c
manent chairman of the convention
Ho was asked by Jacob Hess , pros
dent of the republican associatio
from the Twenty-first district to go a
delegate from that district to the con
vention , and , after hesitating for several
eral days as to whether he would a'
low his name to bo used , he dcclinoc
The Academy of Music , in whic
the convention is to bo hold , has bee
rented by the central committee
They pay $1,200 for the use of it fo
ono day , and are to lease it anotho
day if it is required. The eight hundred
drod delegates and alternates will .b
seated on the main floor. Th
galleries will bo for the public. Mr
Thomas C. Platt will call thu convention
tion to order as temporary chairmai
of the state committeo. The dclega
tion from this city will be almost entirely
tirely stalwart. The city stalwarts ar
charged with planning combination
with Tammany on the city and count
The nanu ! of Conkling is still talkcc
ot fora post in the cabinet , either as
secretary of the treasury or secretary
of stato. John P. Jones , the Novadi
senator , who has been mentioned fo
secretary of the interior , says that ho
would not accept a cabinet position i
it was tendered him.
MILWAUKEE , October 'J. Libora
democrats and dissatisfied republicans
are talking of calling a convention
and nominating a fusion ticket , to bu
headed by Flatt , democrat , nominee
for governor ; Fofiold , republican ,
nominee for lieutenant-governor , and
Col. Jacobs , for state treasurer. The
balance of the ticket to bo made up
i-qually of nominees of both parties.
Tlio movement is causing considerable
uneasiness among the straight repub
licans and democrats.
UTIUA , N. Y. , October a. The
writer of the letter said to contain
threats of assassination agninst
Conkling has been discovered
and interviewed. JIo is Hen
ry J. Rowley , of the Second
ward , Utica , who has been a republi
can speaker , and ollorod a strong Gar-
iold sympnthy resolution at a ward
caucus which received two votes only ,
i more moderate resolution , offered
) y a stalwart , being adopted instead.
Itowloy says lie has no particular oc
cupation , but formerly kept a hotel nt
2andstata , where ho employed II.
Johnson , not Jackson , now of No. 14
south street , Now York , to whom the
otjer was written. Itowloy admits
hat the letter contains the impression
of the hope that somebody would put
i bullet through Conkling if ho at-
emptcd to enter the republican stuto
: onvontioii. A dispatch his been
out to Police Commissioner Mason ,
in behalf of Rowley , authorizing him
o make the letter public
Tounugo Movement-
National Awoclatcd Prm.
Niw YOUK , October ! i. The ton-
ingo Movement for the month cloned
vith the clearance of the Aunonia ,
IK ! amounted to four votsels , rogis-
oring ( J,525 tons , against five vessels
f 0,101 tonin the corresponding
lonth last year. The total move-
nont for the past nine months
o -17 vessels registering 7-1,021 tons ,
gainst 42 vessels of GD US tons in
the corresponding period last year , an
increase of five voxelsor nearly u.OCK
tons , showing an increase of trade bj
this route in the fnco of a very largo
business done by the railroads.
Fatal ShootiUR.
Spcchl Dlipatch toTllK llKi.
NELIOH , NKHUVHKA , October ! J.
Charles Fuller , of Etving Station ,
Nob. , shot himself fatally on yesterday
day , n charge ot bird shot entering his
bowels , llecannot survive more than
a few hours.
Important Pntont Suit-
Nation * ! A-woclatcd Prc .
UIUCAOO , October 3. An impor
tant patent suit is now pending before
Judges Drumimmd and Hlodgctt be
ing tlio Wilson Packing compiui )
and the Libby McNeil Packing com
pany agninst the Host Uroi. Heof Can
ning company and thi < Chicago Pack
ing and Provision company. The
complainants claim that the put out ;
under which they claim the process ol
canning boiled me.its while hot is
solely theirs , while the defendants as
sort that the reissue is void because
the process is not therein describee
and because the process is old , it be
ing nothing but cured buef.
Work on the Panama Oanal Progressing -
grossing Rapidly ,
Efforts Made to Induce European
poan Stockholders to Ad
vance a Second In
The News of Garfleld'a Death
Received With Universal
Unfavorable Nonra Front Fern-
Matters Much Complicated.
PANAMA , September 20 , via Nr\
YOUK , October 3. Owing to th
American agitation there has been
Rtirrim ; up in the work on the canal
moro having bci'ii done the past fort
night than in two months before. Th
people are getting interested , and everything
erything is boint ; done to induce th
European stockholders to advance
second installment subscription. ! M
Rochons and secretary leave to-da
via the United States for Franco , * it i
supposed for good , although it is sai
on a leave of absence.
The United States steamers Pensa
cola and Adams sailod'for ' Peru on th
20KH and.22d.
Captain Joseph H. Pratt , of"th
Now York police , has organized
police force for the capital of Guito
mala , with great success.
The elections in Bogala and ncigl
boring provinces were quiet and favor
able to the national platform , wine
was headed by U'Francisco Qoldoau
The Grand Central hotel , which wai
burned three years ago , is to bo _ magnificently
nificontly rebuilt and bought by th
canal company.
The news of Garfiold's death wa
received yesterday. It caused un
versal sorrow. The people regardo (
him as a good man , and sincere !
mourn his death ,
The news from Peru ia ominous
The provisions which the governmon
anO. Chilli are trying to arrange ar
prevented by the turbulence of the
Peruvian outlaws. The Picrola gov
eminent and the Muntonroso are in
sympathy and Chilli dare not oyac
uato. Caldoron has asked Chilli to
withdraw her troops , hoping his gov
eminent would bo uphold but the bos
informed Jpooplo besought delay ii
evacuation , fearing the assassination
of Caldoron and cabinet , and a roigi
of murder in the event of the with
drawal of foreign protection. I'ho
terms of peace between the provin
cial government and Chilli have boon
nil arranged , Caldoron acting on ono
side and Senor Gody on the other.
The Piorola faction have doomed it
[ > rudont to conceal the terms for the
present , although Gody has gone
back to Santiago. Commandcr-in-Chiof
General Lynch , of the Chillioii force ,
remains with alargoarmy in Pom , as
irotector and is in constant commun-
cation by cable with the homo gov
ernment. Matters nro much compli
cated by a strong feeling of the ma-
oiity party in Chili to have peace do-
: larcd with one or the other factions ,
mvo the troops biought homo and
lave Peru left to take care of herself
, ho best way she can. The president
jf Chili , however , and Commander
jynch and their adviseis know too
veil that if Peru is evacuated no terms
of peace would bo observed , and
lonco armed protection continues ,
L'ho Peruvians still hope that the
United States will assure her protect-
irate , gather up the revenues , pledge
heir payment to creditors and some-
low attend to their affairs and got
hem out of their difficulties. They
lover dream that they will have to
: edo any territory inpayment of the
oss of the war began by themselves ,
'lie provisional government now has
10 armud forco. Tlio largo force of
rmed police deserted with their arms
ml iiiuiiitiona of war. Commander
.lynch discovered the desertion of
hose troops composing the garrison
f Chorrill. Ho puisued them , cap-
.urud them and returned them to the
ovcrnmont. Also the war material
liey had tinned over to Piorola.
Jenor GiilneC.ilderon , ininihtor of
oioign affairs , disliking this Chilian-
ciforonco OB likely to provoke the
upposition among tlio Peruvian that
lei o really hai been no terms of
caco made , asked an oxphmtion.
jynch then thawed Galon/ that the
oBurtion was a part of u conspiracy
o renew the war ; that while since
piling the terms of the treaty on
larch llth , General Scavolta had
eclaicd Madaleiu u neutral port ,
ot the Mugdiloiui government hud
imdo a secret compact with Colono ]
uaconts by which both expected to
tain nome concessions previously re
fused from Chili , by acting in concert ;
that in addition to the arms which
Chili had furnished Mngdalotm for its
protection , Piorolas sympnthuors wore
furnishing moro , both combined to be
mod to intimidate Chili , and that the
desertion was a part of the treacher
ous program. This discovery has incensed -
censed tlio Chilian soldiery.
S'ullonM ABsocUtftl 1'ross.
INlcGiiKOou , la. , October ! ! . The
almost continuous rains of the past
two weeks have played havoc with nil
dndt of cropi. Corn hns boon almost
all blown down and is rotting on the
snturutud ground.
noon IIAIXS.
TOI-KK * , KM. , October : | . Tholato
raino hnvo put the ground in oxcellenl
condition , and wheat Rowins * U going
uipidly and extensively. The outlook
'or early SOAVII corn and wheat is verj
'mo ,
IXDIANAVOI.H , Ind. , October 3 , Anew
now impetus has boon given to vegeta
tion of all kinds in this vicinity by
copious rains rtf the past week. The
[ msturngo , which was almost entirely
ruined has boon greatly benefited.
Notional Assoclfctotl I'rcM.
Cni.ii.Mnus , 0. , October 9. A spa-
olnl to The Daily Times from
villo , 0. , says : During tlio heavy
Freshet last niifht Mrs. lUiphaol Dur
bin and her daughter , aged 18 , am
lior sister , Miss Martha Duck , ngc <
iiG , wore drowned while fording n
stream n mile west of this place
Four others of the family wove savec
by Frank Shontonbargor.
Adam * County Allinnoo Tlolcot
The Now Departure-
Corrcspcmlcnco of The lice .
JUNIATA , October 1. The Adams
County Farmers' Alliance held its
regular mooting hero to-day , W. 0
Weaver in the chair , and E. C. Han
chott , secretary. Fifteen alliance
wore represented by about fifty dele
gates , and the proceedings wore char
adorned throughout by harmony am
great unanimity. Resolutions wor
adopted , lamenting the death of Presi
dent Garlield , pledging support to th
new president , demanding a change ii
the administration of the ull'iirs of th
country , and approving the dcclaratio
of princi pies prepared by a co inmittco fo
Unit purpose. They opposed all clause
and forms of monopolies ; domandcc
that capital boar its just proportion o
taxation ; pledging unllickoring loyal
ty to the government ; demanded tha
all canals , lakes and navigable river
bo declared public highways ; tia (
there b'o integrity and economy in th
civil service , etc. , etc.
The following ticket was then until
imously placed in nomination :
W. S. Crowe , of Denver , for count
Geo. T. Hutchinson , of Cottoi
wood , for slid ill' . ,
Geo. F. Work , of Hastings , fo
county judge.
L. W. Swincford , of Juniata , fo
county clerk.
G. H. Edgorton , of Little Blue , fo
county commissioner.
Miss Lucy A. McFaddon , of Juni
ata , for county superintendent.
J. A. Williams , of Iveiiesaw , fo
T. 'E. ' Farrell , of Hastings , fo
county surveyor.
Mr. Edgorton and Miss McFaddci
are on the ticket nominated by the
republican convention yesterday.
Mr. Hutchison isastalwait demo
crat , as well as alliancer , and if , m
now reported , Mr. Martin , the pros
out incumbent , runs us an indonond
out candidate for sheriff , thus dividing
Lho republican vote with Mr. Wilson
the republican nominee , Mr. H. may
be elected.
Judge Work , if ho enters the can
vass actively , will make warm work
'or Judge Smith.
Mr. Crone is comparatively a non
nan and will hardly pluck the per
simmons from Air. Sicilian.
Mr. Swineford is a capital follow
and would make a good clerk , but
\lr. \ Tussoy evidently has the inside
National Associated 1'rcns.
THI'C/AU : Axauv ,
Sr , PKTIIUSIIIUUI , October . ' { , M.
Yalloniou" , president of the council
or Alexander II , failed to appear bo-
ere the committee ) of inquiry into the
buses of the late reign and the eni-
> oror is very angry. Thu nihilist
rials , to bo begun October 10th , lira
) \pectcd to lead to seventeen convic-
ion and executions.
THE rmcNumuN WINK.
PAKIH , October. { . Alex Loin ycs-
orday beat Graves , of thu London
Lowing club , over the Pont do No-
oillo course on the Seine for the Sir
Vallace championship cup , which
join has held since 1870. There is
luch French enthusiasm.
LONDON , October a. The Oldlmm
otton mills have resumed work. The
otton corner in Liverpool is being
All arrangcuipntH for the forthcom-
ig meeting at Warsaw uio going rap-
liy forward. Ft is now understood
tat Francis Joseph will arrive in
Varsaw next week and that the c/ur
ml Count Ignatius will meet him
lore. _
A Heavy Swnlli
Jncob 11. lllucmier , of VinjilU' , N , V- ,
rlU-m "Ymir Tliuiii.w' Jfrlcatria Oil
u ud a badly swelled neck ami wro tnx ! > nt
i my BOH in f oily-eight houn. Oiiu up-
luatlon iilw rumovuil thu jutn from n
( iiyKora too. My wlfe'w foot wan also
inch inflamed K much no that nho unuli )
it walk ulxmt the lioust.'j ulia iippMcd llio
I , mid in twenty-four huuu WM outla-ly
uicd , " eo-llw
The Center of an Important. ' ;
Mining District in fto
Blaok Hills ,
Its Mineral Resources and the " -
Character of Its Ore ,
Votox Front im Ocohlontnl Corres
Correspondence of The Bee.
STUIUIIH CITV , D. T4 , September
25. Your correspondent having
hoard much of the Itlnck Hills conn- t
try , determined to lake it in and decide -
cido in his own mind whether it was
a country abounding in mineral or
not fooling that if the country was
once subjected to his own orucivo in
vestigation , there could bo no longer
any question of its merits or demer
"outfitted" fora
its. He accordingly
trip across the plains and after many
pleasant little incidents of travel
reached Sturgis City in good mental
and normal condition. If the writer
had but the making of his own weath
er , he could not have tempered it
moro nearly to his wishes than ho
found it in its nomadic and normal
The loii } ? mule and bull-trains are
found at Pierre , either loading or
drawing their seven lengths along over
the undulating prairie liillwards. A
few are in camp in the vicinity wait
ing for opportunity to load and rest
ing their teams for awlnlo after their
The shipments are heavy , including
all tlio commodities of commerce , with
the exception of oats , potatoes and
vegetables generally. The rich agri
cultural lands with which the hills are
invested have this and last year moro
than supplied the demand. In addition
to the annual heavy shipment of ma
chinery , there is this year that of rail
road iron for the Homostako company.
Thu great demand for lumber and
wood by this company has made the
facilities of a railroad necessary in
supplying the demands of their great
mills. At present they have eight
miles graded , on four miles of which
the iron and tics are already laid. The
object of this road is to supply the
company with fuel.
The mineral and agricultural wool th '
of the lllack Hills never stood out
moro protuberating than they do to
day. It has a combination of all the
elements of wealth , singularly blended
within a radius less than a hun
dred miles. There is , in the first
place , an abundance of- timber
for all the local wants of the
country , Ihulding most of the finest ' - >
varieties. Limestone and , gyp umv.
enough to supply the world. Gold
bearing rock is nc t found much in
loads or crevcesoi but in solid moun
tains , sufficiently rich to pay for mill
ing and mining. ROCK has , been
found in the Hozpl. Tigen and other
mines that will yield from $50OdO to
$80,000 to the ton. On the oilier
hand , much of the rock milled by the
Homestnko will not , or docs not , yield
over Sl.oO per ton Thesq extremes
open uj > a vista of intervening , possibili
ties that must look very seductive and
tempting to idle capital 'in the east.
But as a general thing the mineral
body of the country is not sensational
iu its developments , Capital is moro
easily captivated by ( a thrco-inch
crevice of § 20,000 rock than by a
mountain of < [ iuirt/ yielding only 85
to the ton , while the latter would
prove much the richer investment.
Then wo have silver mines in vari
ous parts of the Hills in which metal
io found native and in Galena and iu
all the varied salts with which it is
known to form a base , such as chlor
ides , carbonates and sulpherets. Some
of them , just partially developed , are
enough to bear shipment to the
smelting works at your city ami
give largo profits in return to the ship
per and owner.
The silver in tor tints of the country
are moro neglected than the gold ,
while the machinery employed in
smelting and lixivatmg is moro costly
aud complicated than used in the
production of gold bullion.
There are many millions of dollars
ia the placers that will within the
next Ion years bo added to the gold
productions of the United States.
Much of this will bo obtained by
hydr.iulicing ai soon as the small ,
wandering streams can bo "rounded
ill ; " and subdued to the service of the
miners. Tlio introduction of artesian
\\olls , now on the eve of being experi
mented with , will convert many pieces
of placer ground into lobust pro
In addition to the sources of under
ground wealth already mentioned ,
there in valuable mines of mica , al
ready a source of revenue to their
owngrs ; also , soft petroleum and coal.
When wo add to this a remarkable
climate , tempered by the isthoaed of
' 01 , which gives our soft , balmy scho-
roots , in mid-winter , and tem
pers the wind to many of us
shorn lambs ; and a rich and
nnd remarkably productive neil , wo
have encompassed about everything
the neart of man can wish for his
creative comforts and the acquirement
of wealth.
Sturgis City in a thriving and busi-
iiiess place of twoyeaiu standing. It
is in the gateway to thu hills in the '
Hoar Uutto Valley. It is within 12 ,
miles of Deadwood and of Golend ami
one-half of Fort A rondo. It is sur
rounded by a rich stock and agricul
tural country , nnd a beautiful loc.i
tion for a city. f ,
The silver ere from Golond is ship- v
pud from this point on trains to the
i wl. It is tied up in small 100-pound
jacks and in this manner it is easily
liandled. Other Golond mines will
piobnbly follow suit , nnd in loss'tlian
i year may bo soon having shipments
from this point east ,