THE OMAHA DAILY BEE MONDAY , OCTOBER 3 1881. THE DAILY BEE. .Monday Morning , Ootober 3. For tire nocomodaUon of our up-town putrona ftrmnBcmcntshftvo been made with Eaholm & Erlck on , Jewelers , opixntte the post ofBce , where mlverttscmentii nnd crdors for the city delivery of THE Br.r will be received. Adcrtlsements for the rmlng mutt bo handed In before 1:30 p. tt. , lor the rooming edition before 8:30 : p. m. neptSS-tf _ LOCAL BREVITIES. Patterson nells coal. Doane. KcHftblo Hatter. Frederick Leading Halter , Smoke SUriton & Stormn , finest Cigar , at Kuhn'a Dnig Store only. t Soda Wnter , better than c\cr , at BaxeV. . Th Lion continues to roar for Moore's Harncad Saddlery. For riNB Comnierclftl Job Printing , 11 at Tux BEE Job room * . Bicycle for sale or trade for a hone , C. J. Canan. Who pays the hiehcat price for Second Hand Furniture ? Abrahams & Lewis , 1121 DoHfilns street. Bepl9-2w One hundred and fifty-nine beautiful residence lots , locntcxl on Hamilton fitrect , Lalf way between the turn table of the Ted street cnr line nnd the wntcrworkii rcHcnoIrnnd nddition , nnd just west of the consent of the Sinters Poor Claire in Shinn's addition. Prices range from $75 to S1CO each , nnd will bo Bold on easy term * to those who will Improve. Bomls' real estate agency , Fifteenth and Douglas streets. The Traveler's Supply Box , a useful contrivance for excursions , fishing ex peditions aud travelers in general , consists of four pint bottles of "Con- rod's Budwoisor , n tumbler and cork screw. Ask for them at your hotel or grocer , oct3rruto PERSONAL. Col. Mole , U. S. A. , is in the city. Geo. W , Grey went to St. Loals yester day. Colonel J. J. Dickey left yesterday for Chicago * Hon. Wm. F. Cody , ( Buffalo Bill ) is in this city. Thos. McShanc went cast to Chicago yesterday. Mrs , Atkinson left yesterday afternoon for St. Louis , Major Chatnbcisleft for Davenport , In. , yesterday. Col. Iloyall went cast to Chicago yester day afternoon. Judge Dcady , of Oregon , arrived from the went yesterday. Miss Morse , daughter of J , W. Monte , went east yesterday. Franz Colton , formerly general ticket agent of the U. F. , went east yesterday. H. Meyer , of Olerich Bros. , cattle deal ers in Cheyenne , was in the city yesterday , J. J , Duff and wife , of Laramie , and K , Palmer , of Donlapj la. , are at the Metro politan , D. W. Hitchcock , general western pas- nenger agent of the U. P. , went eaut yes terday afternoon , Chris Hartmann left for St. Louis yesterday - terday , where he will attend the Veiled Trophctn' festival. Jossephy , the famous pianist , accompa nied by hia business manager and piano tuner , went westward yesterday , bound for Ban Francisco. Mr , A. Crulckshank IIOH returned after a four weeks' visit east. Ho is looking much improved in health , and says he feels much better. At the Canfield house : Charles Mayer and Sarnon D , Mayer , of Plattsmouth ; D , Anderson , of Columbus ; D. H. Garvey , of Kearney ; Julius llammorson , .of Co lumbus. A. L. llobiuson , who has been in the city for a few clays returned yesterday to _ the Utah northern extension of tli Union Pacific , where he la securing the right of way. David Anderson , of Columbun , is in the city , en route to Chicago with live stock. Mi. Anderson nays that Nebraska is ahead of any state in the Union In regard to utoclc and farm products. Tbe Crelghton house register shows : "WT.E. Jhelps , Sioux City ; I. G. llomine , South Bend ; W. H. Clare , Atlantic , la. ; Walter A. Miner , Pueblo ; Edward Pyle , Xincoln ; Theo. Van Alst , Elkhorn. Geo. W. McCoy , for several years the traveling agent of A. L. Strong , has moved with bin family to Council Bluffs. , The people of that city will find in Mr. JUcCo/ good citiren and an energetic business man. Tbe following are among those at the Withnell : JOB. A. Leyden , U. 8. A. ; .Wm. A. Mill * , Laramie ; J. M , Ives , Ogden - den ; If. J , Lee , Fremont ; F. P , Freeland and wife , N broska City ; Geo. R. Mann , St. Joe ; Aaron 8. Everest , Atchison. Mr. 5. If. Wilson , the general Agent for the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine company , is In the city , with a view of ap pointing the Omaha office as tbe distrib uting point for the west , preferring this place to Kansas City , after visiting both cities. The increased Bales of their ma chines in the west lias made it necessary to appoint Bonie place , and Omaha Is for tunate in Becurlnc It , as the company will probably build an elegant office here , . . XrfK k Oat for Sadden. f weather , and t'ualv < J against them by using Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure , octSoodlw You arc invited to the grand open ing at Burn's China Hall this orouitiK no goods Bold. * ' ' 'BROKE OUT AGAIN , The great * clearing solo n Hubcr- jimnn B. On account of an unusual U rush in his wholesale department , ho could not push ( ho announced clour- ing sale to the extent that was in tended , but it will now bo pushed vigorously until a clearing of the stock is effected , no matter at what flaori- ficca , . < "WINE OF OARDUr" cures Irrcgu- Tar , painful , or ditticuiriuenstru otlon. AtO. F. Goodman DISPENSERS OF PASSES. General Pnasonger and Ticket Agents of the Country On Their Plensnro Excursion Visit Onrahn * A largo excursion of the general passenger and ticket agents of the United States arrived in the city at noon Saturday from Denver. They are on a little jamborooaf tort heir con vention , which was hold in St. Lou is , The party nt once proceeded across the river to the transfer , where tlipy dined. They then returned to this city. The party consist of W , II. Dixon and wife , Chicago , Illinois ; II. G. Wood , St. Louis , Missouri ; W. R. Oobb , Chicago , Illinois ; M. D. Ettongor , Uochollo , Illinois ; W. II. Harrison , Columbus , Ohio ; 0. 8. Stobbins , Omaha , Nebraska ; Miss Emily Curtis , Omaha , Nebraska ; Miss Mary B. Rood , Omaha , Nebraska'J. ; A. Kingsbiiry , Marietta , Ohio ; E. II. Talbott and wife , Chica go , Illinois ; A.B. Loot , Grand Rapids. Michigans ; J. P. Underwood , Grand Rapids , Michigan ; J. F. Bodino , Wil- liamstown , Now Jersey ; Miss Alice Bodino , "Williamstown , New Jersey ! Mrs , J. B. Ganvood , Williamstown , New Jersey ; D. M , Zimmerman and wife , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania ; A. V. H. Carpenter and wife , Milwau kee , Wisconsin ; W. S. Alexander and wife , St. Paul , Minnesota ; porters ters , M. Wilson and J. S. Lowis. R. T : Brydon and wife , Chicago , 111. ; Mrs. F. A. Rose , Chicago , 111. ; E. G. Lucas , St. Albans , VtV. ; . F. Smith and wife , St. Albans , Vt. ; 0. H. Briggs , I'rovidonco , R. I. ; William Call , jr. , New York city ; W. F. Allen , Now York city ; M. R. Moran , Now London. Conn.jE , W. Morse and wife , Montpolior. Vt. : Miss I. Stanley , Flint , Mich. ; Miss Chandler , Flint , Mich. ; George L , Connor , Now York city ; Miss A. G. Connor , Now York city ; E. A. Ray and wife , Now Hav en , Ct. ; F. E. Fowler , St. Louis , Mo ; D. J. Flanders , R. S , Gardner , Bus- ton , Mass. ; H. C. Townsend and wife , St. Louis , Mo. ; T. M. Deal and wife , St. Albans Vt. ; F. E. Harri son and wife , Now Haven , Ct. ; F. E. Boothby and wife , Portland , Mo. , S. K. Hooper and wif , Kansas City , Mo. Porters , M. A. AshtonW. Wilson. 0. E. Kingsbury and wife , Chester , 111. ; Z. T. Cole and wife , Chester , 111. , A. D. Smith and wifo.Pittsburg , Pa. ; B. Halo and wife , St. Louis , Mo. ; J. B. Slimson and wito , Greenville , Pa. ; A. 'E , Pugh and wio , Cincinnati , O , ; S. A. Shepherd and wife , Denver , Col. ; W. P. Northrup , Buffalo , N. Y. ; W. Vannermanand wife , EvansvilloInd. B. Blood and wife , Kookuk , la. ; C. A. Taylor , Richmond , Va. ; Porters , E. rden , M. Holten ; F. Chandler , St. Louis ; F. C. Nims , Denver , Col. ; A. W. Round tree , Now Orleans , La. ; M. R. Spellman , Now Orleans , La. ; G. E. Priest , Ithicu , N. Y. ; S. W. Snow , St. Louis , Mo. : R. W. Milburn , Havers- town , N. Y. ; J. D. Evans , Chicago , III. ; A. F. Merrill , Milwaukee , Wis. ; J. W. Cjuigg , Philadelphia , Ponn. ; B. Chandler , St. Louis , Mo. ; J. W. Morse and wife , Omaha , Nob. J. H. Smith , Now Orleans. Lo is ] iana ; D. B. Martin , St. Louis , Mis souri. W. L. Danloy , Nashville , Ten nessee ; B. W Wren and wife , Atlan ta , Georgia ; T. R. Ogden , Knoxville , Tennessee ; Mrs. Stocking , Atlanta , Georgia ; W. M. Davidson , wife and family , Jacksonville , Florida ; E. P. Wilson and wife , Cincinnati , Ohio ; Mrs. Van Hoan , Cincinnati , Ohio ; 0. S. Childress and wife , Now Orleans , Louisiana ; Mrs. 0. P. At- moro , Louisville , Kentucky ; Miss Carrie Atmoro , Louisville , Kentucky ; Thco. Lee. Now York City ; M. Slaughter , Alexandria , Virginia ; Oven Rico and wife , Wabash. Indiana ; Miss Rico , Wabosh , Indiana ; W. J. Houston , Atlanta , Georgia ; Miss Lulu Houston , Atlanta , Georgia ; W. S. Baldwin , Buffalo , New York. The officials were royally enter tained nt the holed. Speeches were made by Mayor Boyd , Gen. Man dor- son , and a response by A. V. H. Car penter , of Milwaukee , who is ono of the oldest passenger agents in the coun try , The party returned to this city at 2 o'clock and were mot at the depot by carriages. They re-crossed the Big Muddy at 4 o'clock and wont Chicago-ward by the 0. B. & Q. OFF FOB CHICAGO. The special train containing the general passenger and ticket agents of the country loft this city about 4 o'clock , and , proceeding to the other side , WUB increased by the 0. . B. & Q. dining car "San Francisco.1' En gine No. 311 , from the same road , soon coupled on and at 4:30 : o'clock the train pulled out Chicago-ward. The engine No. 311 is the fastest on the Chicago , Burlington and Quincy road , being capable of a speed of sixty miles an hour , and is the sumo ono which drew the Grant excursion. Many regretful farewells were said at the transfer depot to members of the party who were obliged to leave it there and proceed by other routes to their homos. But eighty odd of the hundred or more excursionists who started out were still on board , and several members of the press and in vited guests swelled the party , who comfortably arranged themselves in the convenient and spacious coaches , An invitation to inspect the dining car , which had been attached , was generally accepted and unanimous ex pressions of admiration and delight were elicited by a view of the idto- rior. The car was ti perfect little bower of beauty , Festoons of green interlaced with the choicest ( lowers hung on both sides and over the en trances. Over each table was a beau tiful horse shoo of roses and other flowers , in which were variously wo ven , in immortelles , the letters " 0. , B. < &QJ'"G. P. A ; " ( General Pas- Bengor-iiAfjonts ) , and"G. T A , " ( General Ticket Agents ) , Each table bpro ( a gorgeous bpquot with a smaller one at the plato of bnch guest. \ , This Aoral work * > & & done in Chicago by Chas. Roissig , at an expense of over two hundred dollars , The special train whirled along al thirty miles an hour , nnd at J'ucilic Junction was twunty niilos ahuad ol the regular. Hero the Quests' were again invited into the dining car , and this time for the serious business o ! the day the most elaborate dinner , probably , ever served on board a railroad train west of Chicago , Each guest was given an elaborately in * scribed envelope , containing three tablets on which were printed the bills of faro for each meal on the trip. On the outer ono was inscribed , "Complimentary to the National As sociation of general Passenger and Ticket Agents , Chicago , Burlington & Quincy Railroad. " To attempt to de scribe the "layout" would bo useless. It was well worthy of a king ; nnd the ingenuity of the caterer scorned to have been exhausted in providing rare dish es and delicacies. Of course but ono man could have boon chosen from the company's dining car con ductors to preside over the banquet , and that ono the prince of feasts on the rail , jolly Frank Drury. Frank , beaming all over with good humor , issued strict orders to "lot no man go away unfilled. " Ho was ably assisted by dining car Conductor Tabor , who has the run from Burlington to Chicago cage , and between them nothing was loft undone to render enjoyable the first meal of the trip. The excursionists generally conce ded that this entertainment was the finest accorded them on their entire trip , and were loud in their expres sions of admiration for the hospitality of the 0. B. & Q. General Agent Davenport was the especial object of congratulation , nnd it was not forgotten that ho had acquired on Saturday the added dignity of general agent for both the C. , B. & Q. and the K. C. , St. J. & C. It. road , which has been taken into the Burlington company's fold. To General Agent Davenport is duo the credit for inaugurating this re ception and entertainment of the general ngontN , and the generous man ner in which the company responded to his suggestions indicates the confi dence and ostcpm in which ho is hold by his superior officials. The invited guests from this city and Council Bluffs loft the excursion train at Malvorn , and returned on the evening mail. They parted with the Denial excursionists with regret , wish ing them a safe and pleasant journey to Chicago. THE COUNTY NOMINEES. List of the Candidates Pat Up by the Republicans. At the meeting of the republican county on Saturday , John Rush was chosen treasurer by acclamation. D. N. Miller and Henry Bolln were nom inated for sheriff. Millar was chosen by a vote of 40 to 28. John R. Man chester , John H. Klinkor and John Baumor were placed in the field for county clerk. Baumer got the prize. For commissioner B. P. Knight , pres ent incumbent , Joseph Rcdmpnaand J. U. Riddle were named. Knight got the nomination. A. M. Chadwick was nominated for county judge , J. J. Points for county superintendent of schools , Gee , Smith for county sur veyor and John Q. Jacobs for coroner , by acclamation. A series of memorial resolutions on the death of the president wore passed. The following were chosen as dele gates to the state convention : First ward , Paul Vandorvoort , E. Long ; second ward , M. C. Meanoy , I. S. Hascnll ; third ward , George Lindo , Ira Wilson ; fourth ward , o. S. Brooks , E. L. Bierbowor ; fifth ward , Joseph Redman , John Mc Donald , Jr ; Sixth ward , C. E. Yost , W. L Baker ; Chicago precinct , J. W. Stewart ; Douglas , P. B. Hoard ; Elkhorn - horn , David S. Parmaleo ; Florence , Samuel Forgey ; Millard , Henry Kelsey - soy ; Saratoga , D. P. Redman ; Union , William Uinphcrson ; McArdlo , Car son Rowhor ; Platte Valley , F. W. Corliss ; West Omaha , J. B. J. Ryan ; Jefferson , H. 0. Trimble. The county central committee con sists of the following , being ono Irom each precinct and ward. First ward , James MoMahon , Jno , Christophorson , L. H , Webster ; second end , J. J. Hascall , M. Lalioy. J. H. Butler , third , Capt. Kent , W. H. Riley , Charles Hanloy ; fourth , F. W. Gray , M. Goldsmith , T. Callan ; fifth , Henry Bolln , George Ben son , J. W. Campbell ; sixth , M. T. Barlow , W. I. Baker , H. Loavitt ; Chicago , A. Samson ; Elkhorn - horn , William R. Turner ; Douglas , J. J. Qualoy ; Jefferson , H. 0. Timrao ; Millard , H. Kelsey ; Saratoga , D. P. Redman ; Union , Louis Thomas ; Mc Ardlo , George H. Merman ; Platte Valley , V. H. Thomas ; West Omaha , John A. Gillespie. I. S. Hascall was afterward chosen chairman of the central committee and John H. Butler secretary , BalmiaOllead. There is a balm In GHead to heal each gapIng - Ing wound ; In TJIOMAH' ELKCTIUO OIL , the remedy is found , For internal and for outward use. you may freely apply It ; For all pain and Inflammation , you should not fail to try it. It only costs a trifle , 'tis worth Its weight in gold , And by every dealer in the land thg } rem edy ! i o'.d. ' CHARLES SHIVERICK. Furniture , Bedding , Mirrors and everything pertaining to the furni ture and upnolstory tradn. Has the best stock in Omaha and makes the lowest prices. SoptlStf , , The God * Help those who help themselves , " and na ture invariably helps those who take Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. 25-lw SALESMEN WANTED. For our dress goods , men's furnish ing goods , and housekeeping depart ment , permanent situations at good salaries to men of experience with references. S. P. MORSE & CO. s30-2t SATURDAY , SEPTEMBER 30TII J , C. Enowold will open his now store on the corner of Cumming and Sander - dor utrootsitli a now and good stock of Dry Goods and Boots nnd Shoes. And most cordially invites his old cus tomers , as well as the publto iu gen eral , to give him a call , Square deal ing and lowest prices guaranteed , 30-3t ' BLAOK-DRAUGHT" cure * BU , jndigcetlon and hetirthurn. At C , F , ClooJmau. DEATH OF DR , MONELL. The Event Occurs at Detroit on Thursday. The remains of Dr. Gilbert 0. Mo- neil , who died in Detroit on Thursday , arrived in this city Saturday accom panied by his wife , his son , John J. Monoll , and Gilbert II. Hitchcock , his grandson. Dr. Monoll had boon seriously sick for some months with an abscess in the side. Finding no relief , ho was removed to Detroit and placed under skillful medical treatment. For n short time ho rallied somewhat , but lie soon sank again , and three weeks ago his grandson , Gilbert M. llitchcock was sent for. From that time onward it was merely a question of time until the dissolution occurred. On Thursday surrounded by his near est relations ho passed away quietly from earth. At the time of his death Dr. Monell was about sixty-five years of age. Ho came to Omaha from Orange county , N. Y. , in 1850 and with the comfortable fortune at his command engaged in the banking business. The fascination of his pro fession medicine proved irrestiblc and ho again began to practice though apparently with no idea of working up an extended practice. In early days Dr. Monell interested himself considerably in politics. Ho was a radical frco-soilor and was ono of the founders of the republican party in Nebraska. Ho was ono of the original incorporators of the Ne braska Deaf and Dumb institute , which subsequently was endowed by the state and made a state institution , as at present organized. For the past ten years ho had lived in retirement , and devoted himself to study and literary composition. He had accumulated ono of the finest pri vate libraries in the west. Dr. Monoll was ono of the best educated and most accomplished men in this city. Ho was regarded as ono of the best physicians in Omaha and with his accomplishments would have adorned any position in lifo. Mimlitorial AMOoUtioa. The clergymen of the city are invi ted to meet Monday morning at the First M. E. church at 10 o'clock. A. F. SIIBIUULL , Pres't. Association. A Hone Killed. A horse belonging to Sidney Smith , agent for the Wheeler & Wilson sew- ins ; machine , was tied near George Schmidt's store , on Thirteenth and Howard streets , ' Saturday. While standing there a runaway team , which does work for Steele , Johnson & Co. , passed by at a breakneck gait. Smith's horse was startled and plunging wild ly fell head foremost to the ground. The animal struck its head against a small stone in its descent .and was instantly killed. "The liovoro House Counci Bluffs is the best second-class hotel in the vest. " autr7-lm , Ckild' Death. A liitlo daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Brown diedycsterday afternoon , after a briet illness. The funeral oc curs to-morrow from the parents' residence on Sherman avonuo. TRUE TO HER TRUST. Too much cannot bo said of the ever faithful wife and mother , con stantly watching and caring for her dear ones , never neglecting a single duty in their behalf. When they are assailed by disease , and the system should have n.thorough cleansing , the stomach and bowels regulated , blood purified , malarial poison exterminated , she must know that Electric Bitters are the only sure remedy. They ar the best and purest medicine in tho. world , and only cost City cents. Sold by Ish & McMahon. , (2) ( ) I.O.VF. Members of State Lodge No. 10 , I. O. 0. F. , and all brothers in good standing in the city , are requested to moot with State Lodge on Monday evening , October 3 , 1881. Business of interest to all will como before the lodge. C. L. STRAIGHT , Secretary. FREE OF COST. DR. KINO'S NEW DISCOVERY for Consumption , Coughs and Colds Asthma , Bronchitis , etc. , is given away in trial bottles free of cost to the ofllicted. If you have a bad cough , cold , difficulty of breathing , hoarseness or any affection of the throat or lungs by all moans give this wonderful remedy a trial. As you value your existence you cannot afford to lot this opportunity pass. Wo could not aiford , and would not give this remedy away unless wo know it would accomplish what wo claim for it. Thousands of hopeless cases have already boon completely cured by it. . Thpro is no medicine in the world that will euro ono half the cases that DR. KJNO'H NKW DISCOVERY will cure. For sale by 0) ) ISH & MolUnoN , Omaha. Take "BLACK-DRAUGHT" and you will uever IMS bilious. At 0. F Goodman's. Ruth's oysters received to-day by express , at BUFFETTS POLAOK REMOVED to now store , 1310 Farnham street , throe doors below old stand , octl-3t A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. For the speedy cure of Consump tion and all diseases that lead to it , such * ns stubborn coughs , neglected Colds , Bronchitis , Hay Fever , Asth ma , pain in the eido and chest , dry hacking cough , tickling in the throat Hoarseness , Sere Throat , and all clironio or lingering discuses of the throht and lungs , Dr. King Now Dis covery has no equal and has established or itsulf a world-wide reputation. Many leading physicians recommend and use itintholr piactico. The form ula from which it is prepared is high ly recommended by all medical jour nals , The clergy and the press have complimented it in the most glowing 'terms. Go to your diuggist and got a trial bottle fiuo of cost , or a regular o for 81.00. For Sab by d(5 ( ( Lin & MoMAiioj. , Omaha , Salmon Egg * . Five hundred thousand salmon eggs , from the government hatchery at Beard , Cal. , arrived yesterday af ternoon in a refrigerator car attached to ho overland train. They were re ceived by representatives of the state fish commission , and will bo taken to South Bond , Nob. The hatching pro cess will take place at the hatchery of Rominc & Decker , in that place , and the fry will then bo distributed in the headwaters of the smaller streams leading into the Platte and Elkhorn. Those nro the salt water salmon , and their progress to the sea and than back again to the Nebraska rivers seems almost impossible. Still the planting of the eggs has proven a HUCCCSS in Iowa and should in this state. Through Messrs. Morgan ACo. . , druggists , ot Hyde Park , wo have re ceived the following .statement over the lady's ' own signature , Mrs. D. H. Wade : "I have been troubled With lutno back for the last ton or fifteen years , and during that time have tried all kinds of remedies I could think ot , but found no permanent relief until I used St. Jacob' Oil , which I am happy to state has completely cured mo. This unsolicited statement I make for the benefit of those who may bo sim ilarly troubled. " State Stenographer * The noxtmeotingof the State Sten ographic association will bo held at the law office of Homer Stull , Croigh- ton block , in this city , this ( Monday ) evening , October 3 , at 7:30 : o'clock. An exceedingly interesting meeting is anticipated as business of great impor tance is to bo considered and a good attendance is earnestly solicited. GKO. W. BOYUEN , Secretary. LIST OF UETTERS Remaining in the Omaha Postoflicefortho week ending Saturday , October let , 1881 : GENTLE MEN. Adams W J Adams D Adams D Allen Mr Addy T E Altaian B Anderson C A At matron ] ; A BurlinRano A Hothwell A Brogg A Briggs G S BraunFP Boyd J S Brass NS BooVJF Bell W Buckhaus H-2 Brandt B Burger & Son BidlackGW Banker I BlackleyAM Bell I'M Buctlet G W Cranar H Clark C Carleton B Crawford J M ChamberHn J 11 Carrigon .T Canon W Crane G E Crawl J C Dye , T C Dodge E R Davis J W Dctzel S Dick A Dumas SE Drowning R E Dorsey H De Suce O C Danis M T Eden A Ernst A Ferry S W Flynn J J'leighen W Forwood W Farrow T Furstine W Florence Mach. Co. Giert H GordenC . GroffF.T G Irley W Vf F He.irnes E Halynn W B Hanson K Hook E Hourse R E Hunter R Hilton W Heller J Hall J H Hitchcock F S Hansen S Jennings J C Johnson H Knowles H Kennedy J H Kaso G Kinsman W C Kane J Kennedy J KlingJV LouthstromW l.asbaugh F E Lane J S Lawrason S A Dr Lytle M Lovelace JK' " LangJW Mallon M Montgomery ? Morgan R Murray C S McUce J W Moore C H Metcalt J Murphy J H 2 Morris A F Malton F Moccarthy G E Nicholson R S Neigert it Newmnk W Ncdonald P Noonaugh N NicolsJ Nicola J Nolan FJ Nelson NF Olsson F R Pakieser O Pet rson S N Parry W A Pynchar J H Quinlan M Robinson J W Ritcher M S Richie C Real E Swisher J A Sutphen E N Sorensen J P Shean W E Street M P Spaulding T Short WB Spoon W Saunders G A Shultz C S Skiff W E Shephard A Stanton F J Signer C Svenningren P C Saiat O Tompklns J S Trome H Tcnnant W Thorp C P VhrJK A Vayha H W Vanderbury S Wilcox C H WillsonTJ Walsh M Wright V Wagstrom J Weome J Wood B F LADIES' LIHT. Anderson Mrs M Butler Mrs Delia Barrett Laura A Buck hold Mary E Carroll Mrs L Coburn MrsFV Clark Mm Mary E Duncan Jane C Elliott Mrs Lucy J Eastllng Mrs Emma Getry Mrs John Giistapnerson Miss A Hamilton Mrs 0 C HedgHng Miss C Henory Miss A Hoyt Mrs Maria L Hohn Miss Sophia Herdlicka Miss A JaiiHon Miss E C Johnson Mm Katie Kirkland Miss M Kaler Miss Nellie Kilk'allen MBH ! E Knox Miss Edalia 2 Kcitman Miss L Larson Miss L C Locke Miss M Lewia Miss Annie Long Miss Hattie Marae Mrs H C Morgan Mrs H. Moseley Mrs J C Morrow Mrs M 0 . McNeil Mrs C McDonncl Mrs McKenna Mrs Mary McMude Miss F Nilson Miss Johanna Norman Mr * A Ohlnon Mrs A Printlce Mrs G L Shlikan Mrs H Smith Mrs Amanda Sperling Maria Smith Mrs Ada Thurston Mrs David Uhrig Mrs Maudie Woods Mrs M Worthy ot Prune. As a rule wo do not recommend pa tent medicines , but when we know of ono that really is a public benefactor , and does positively euro , than wo con sider it our duty to impart that information mation to all. Electric bitters are truly a most valuable medicine , and will surely cure Biliousness , Fever and Ague , Stomach , Liver and Lidnoy complaints , even where all other rem edies fail. Wo know whereof wo speak , and can freely recommend to all. [ Ex. Sold at 50 cents a bottle Ish & McMahon. (4) ( ) SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE AdvertUemenc To Loan , For Bale , Lo4t , Found , Want * . Boarding , tc. , will be in- Mtrted In the * * column * once for TEN CENTS per line ; each rabaequent Insertion , F1VECENTS per line. The flnt Insertion neyer lea * than TWENTY-FIVE CENTS TO LOAN-MONEY. PONEY TO LOAN Call at Law Ollice of D. M L. Thorna * Room 8. Crclghton Block. f * " 0 loanatfromS to lOpericnt. . on good rial estatcMcurity , by DR. ISAAC EDWAUD3,1100 Faruharn bt. " LOAN At S per centln- terut In * unuof J2.600 and upnard * , f or 3 to 6 ) aart , on ilnt-claro city and fanu proiwrty , Bmim Rut EHIATII and LOAM Aanvcr , 16th and Douirle * St * . HELP WANTED. " \"I7"ANTED A Joung inun about IK yearn of YY age to do general ktora nork. F11ANKJ , RAMGE. 189 tf SPECIAL NOflOES-Ooncmned WANTED-Situntlon In a prh l family M cook or house keeper , by * yldow lady of cotiiltlcreMc experience. AddroM , M. E , C. , JJco office. 140-S * \TrANTKU-A Irclhble m n to attend to VV hori-en , etc. Applj to Oco. A. lo ! glaml foot of Douglas * Hired , or at northwest corner of Sixteenth and St. lUry'a atenue. 115-1 * WANTED-A No. 1 cooVi place In a hotel or rcttiuirant No objection to olnj ; In the country. Cell ot 100 South Dodge street. 147-1 * ITtTANTED To rent two or tire * rooms , roll- YY * ble for light houM-keeplng. Address 1020 Tarnhara 8t 1I3-1 ANTED A dlth-KMhcr at the Emmet House. 140-3 * WANTED By a lady writing to do either In office or at home. Have had cenriderable experience and can make mytclf generally uneful. Address M. B. 8. , Bee office. 144-1 'ANTED. Three etperlcnccU men In a . . dry peed * and clothing * tore. 0ood "al ary paid and permanent employment. Mutt pcak EnglUh and German. Apply by letter and photograph , RUtlng age , whether married or single , also where last employed and how long , \\olbnch Bros. , Grand Island , Neb , Sept. 1327 \\t ANTED Gentlemen and ladle * tocuon V > dollnrby biulnchlgh ant\e \ f Boot/land / Shoe * of W. L. Kldd , Jacob ! ' block , ISth St. Don't jou forget It. 123-I TTTANTED One experienced dry goods alc - V V man , and one experienced clothing sales- nun. Acldrcsi Dry Good * , Ha.itlngiirNcb. 131-1 W 'ANTED A trmty jounpr man ; state waffts required. Address " 34 , " llcoolilcc. 12C-tf ANTED A thoroughly erlcnccil | girl to . . do general housework. To mich good wages will bo paid. Apply between 2 and 4 o'clock p. m. , 2400 Dodge t. 121-tf - , ono flrt-cla cent and WANTED-Tailors one small Job maker ; work plenty. Stcnih cmplojmint for good men. Waien high and cost of 11\Ing moderate. Denver bill of prices paid. AJdrcm Immediately , John Balrd , Mer chant Tailor , Lnramlc City , W > omlng Ter. 126-4 "ITTANTED Bj a competent dress maker to y V work In families b > day or week ; can fur- nleha Qrst-cliss machine. Call or address on Monday , Oct. 2nd , at 1724 Webster street , bo- tw een 17th and 18th. 129-t * Every ono In the city to buy WANTED Shoes of W. L. Kldd , Jacobs' block , 16th street. I lest grade of goods made by best manufacturers In United States. Prices low cr than ev cr seen In Oman * before. 122-4 \TirANTED A boy of good habits of the Yy age of about 14 years , to lean the barber burlness. Apply at Ed. Kaufman. 807 South 10th St. , City. 118-1 WANTED Experienced servant girl for gen eral houscw ork ; small family. 1813 Web ster St. 103-1 TTTANTED Situation by a young man of fam- YV lly , M clerk or book-keeper. Has hod lev- era ! yean aa clerk in hotel. Can giro first-class reference. Address S. B , , The Bee office. 98-tf WANTED A couple good cylinder press feeders. Can find stead } cmplo } mcnt at this office. 27-U \T7 ANTED A first class baker at the Omaha YY Bakery , 610 10th St. 06-1 WANTED Carpcntsrs to build 25 cottaires o contract. BOQOS A HILL. 47-2 TTTANTED Manufacturing concern wants a YV business man In Omaha and In every city ( not already taken ) . A few hundred dollars ne- ccsiary to pay for gnods on delh cry after orders hav o been secured tor the same ; 9160 per month profit guaranteed. The most searching Inv estl- gatlon solicited. A. S. ARNOLD & CO. , 1293 liroadw aj , New Tork. sc210t WANTEDGood second girl at 1818 Chicago street. 44-M VS" " " ANTED Housekeeper , 1100 Farn'mm St. , YY upstairs. SOtf WANTED Ctrl at 2001 Dodge street. 979 tf Respectable emplojment by hus band and wife. Address P. P. C. , Bee Of fice. 077-tf WANTED To rent , by a newly married couple before Nor. 1st , a small cottage , centrally located. Address Room 14 , Crclghton Block. ' 828-tf Funding bridge and school bonds. WANTED Clark , BeQcvue. SW-tf FOR RENT HOUSES AND LAND. FOR RENT Hoose 3 rooms , closet and pan try , two blorks south of St. Mary's av enue on Tnentj-tnird street ; 810 per month. Van Dom. 163 3 RENT To gentlemen : A finely furnished FOR wttn board at 1720 Cass street. En quire at tha house or Y. M. C. A. rooms. 145-3 * > O RENT Furnished /corns at No. B62 T Eighteenth street , near 0od0-o. 140-1 * T710R RENT One lame furnished room suita- JL blc for ( our men or to- two , close to the khops. Also ono suitable fora man and wife , or two gentlemen. Apply at this office. 148-4 * " 17(011 ( RENT Nicely furnished front alcove Jj room ; also a smaller room , low prices ; brick house. Cass St.,6 doors west of 20th St. 164 U FOR RENT Furnished room , with or without board. Call with reference , G071 N. 17th street. } 142 S * FOR RENT A pleasant furnished room on Farnham street , between Sixteenth and Seventeenth , at No. 300. 160-3' T7IOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms , sit- JJ tlntr and bedroom. 41714th St. . bet. Chicago cage and Cass. 141-3 * T7IOR RENT New 4-room fconse , South 17th JJ itrcct. J. L. WELSUANS , at Union Eleva tor. 116-tf pOR RENT Two nicely furnished room * , 120 Parkwlldaveoue , South Omaha. 11T- TTlOIt RENT A house of 8 room * and barn , In JJ good locality , at g36 per month. The house 1 * elegantly furnished. Furniture can be bought , 'cheap. Inquire of M. Elgutter , S. W. Cor. 10th and Farnham Ste. 103 6 * ' T710K KENT Two room * , fumiihed or unfur- Jj nlshed , cheap ; 611 S. 16th m. , bet. Howard and Jackson. 138-30 * T7IOR RENT A etore In good locality , used for _ JJ grocery store for elglit yean ; suitable for an } kind of business. Inquire N , E. corner 13th and Dodge. MKS. HILLEKE , 95 tf TJIOR RENT A new cottage with three rooms , 1 } juit finished. Inquire on premised. SOth 8t , btt. Farnham and Douglas , 20 tf TTIOR RKNT Jmt flnlihed two flnt-clau two- X1 utory brick houses , Sand 0 room * , stable and cemented collars ; $40 monthy In advance. W.M. BUSHMAN , S. E. corner 16th and Doug , laa Sts. 02J-M _ _ _ _ _ RENT ! furnished rooms over Mej- FOR ' Exkhange.N. E. cor. 16th and Dodg * itrceta. 289-tf F I OR RENT-One room with board , 1808 Call- fornla street. 736-tf FOH BALE. T7IOR BALE Dwelling house and five acre * of JJ land , with orchard and vlnevard , within 1) ) mlleu of city llmlU , In a favorite and riling local. It ) ' . AlbO flto acre * adjoining the above , TiiMe iandJ are bounded by public road , are in excellent condition , and well elultered by grown timber. Will beiold In one lot If wish ed. Price moderate. JNO. L. UcCAGUE , Real EsteteAgent , opposite poetoBice , Omaha. 161-4 * T710R BALK Stock and fixture * of millinery , JL' notion and hair ttore , doing a good buineu , location central ; store and dwelling together , rent cheap. I w Uh to retire from business. Ad. dress A. B. , Post Office , Omaha. 137-13 TTieRHALE A six-hone po cr engine with JJ elght-lioroe bollir , almost new. Enquire at Dolan * Langworthy'g , Not ) . 110 and J12 14th street , Omaha. 127-6 > EMIS has rattling long lists of house * ; ! ot , ) land * aiid farmaifor sale Cell anU get T710H BALK-Chiap , A No. 1 rldluf iwiiy In X' good condition. J. H. LINAHAN , 705 S , 12th bt. U3 U" EOH SALE A beautiful eiidence property of M acres with commodious house. Eight aeres of on. hard and v liej ard. Location tightly. Only two and n hilf mlks from ixut oillce. Bar. gunl JOHN L. McOAHUE , 0 | > p. P. O. 79 tf "T7IOH SALE Man * of Dougla * and Barpy coun * 1 } tie * . A. KObkWATKH , 16 OFamham street 320-tf L7 011 SALE 1 tint clas cablntt organ , very 1 chiap ; nearly new. Inmilro Jlllton Jon-eis { A , Con , ] 4lh dii-l K - -n.v e , T10R SALE Four acrr of land near vra < r ) I' work ! reservoir , alw two cottages on Caplto Ijill. Add. ANDHEWlBKVINSi300 DouRU 8t o4s tf HICK It BALK. B 203-tl BALK.ESTArWOOK k COB. SAt.E-A m ! l engine , B. W. Paynei FOU ' * . In perfect osdcr. Inquire of H. (1. Clark It Co. 80-tf TTIOU SALE kc * eand furniture of aflnt-clam JD hotel In a town of 1800 Inhabitants , In * Ut ot Nebraska ; ha * 24 bedt ; the traveling men' * ro sort. Inqulr * at BEE office. 118-tl T7\0n \ BALE Flne itock farm of 400 JD good IIOUM , cattle tried , orchard ft * . , with In cur reach of railroad. Price , $4500 , par time at 6 . JOHN L. lIcCAQUE , Chin , I'osl Office. AND LAND llemii rente hoiuei , HOUSES , hotel * , fanr oU , Undi , office * room * , etc , Seolrt psgt T OUSALK Oood houao with four room * and JU half lot , No. 013 Dodge between SOUl and 27th rtreet. Good well and ( hade tree * ; house In ( rood condition. ' Inquire on premises. 221-U TTMBnELLAS And 1-aragoH rcpMred by 11 , U SCKUTT llth and Famara tts. 7SOU FJJIS1 NEW CITY MAP8.25c.-Seo 1st page. B MISCELLANEOUS. On the llth day of A jni t. 1881 , NOTICE , KvnGrecii. left my btd and board , and I n ,111 not he re pomlble for debts of her ion- traction. LOUIS B. OHEKN. 162-4" N8TnUCTION-Mrs.Chas Brurollns Diamntlc Header and Tcachi r of Elocution pupils reed - \ed at residence , No. B52 18th St. , near Dodge. 160-7 * CANVASS For books , jou know , AOENT3 sell "Life of President Garfleld , " "Heroes of the I'lolns , " "Border Outlaws , " "Low sol Business. " lit A WALDHON & CO. , St. Louis , Mo. se2Gdawlm' lloan pony , 3 white legs , bald face. STUAYED the hood stall of a bridle nnd a rope around her neck. Liberal reward will DC paid for her return to C. Knutson , Chicago , between 24th and 25th SU. 1SS-3- On Sunday night , September 25th , STOLEN wagon and harncst from Jacob Smart tour miles south of D rchcstcr , Neb , Descrip tion : one light dun marc , one dark dun mate with Mack nuneand tall , medium height , heavy built , In goal flesh. Harness nearly new , wagon nearly new Whitewater make new axle In hind wheel. A liberal reward will be paid for prop erty , and reward Increased for capture of thief. Address JAKE SMAHT , In care Star office , Dorchester , Neb. 119-3 Bunch of keys with tag on bearing the LOST ' name. A liberal reward will be paid for their return to northeast corner 16th and Dodge B. D. MEL1U. 106-1 KM 18' KKALK&TAT * . BOOH. J ee lit page. B INSTRUCTIONS In Frcnch.tUer PRIVATE Greek and Latin. Prof. Henry W Meek , 1207 Jackton 8t 900-QC8 ALED HAY At A. H. Sander's Feed Store , 1013 Harncy St. sl9-tf ROOMS Reasonable rates at FURNISHED , bet 17th and Ibth streets. , 094 U /1ALL AT MRS. B. E. CLARKE'S No. 1 Boaid \J Ing UOKM , cor. 13th and Dodge BM. Best Inth-cltv 610-tf EMIS' REAL ESTATE EXCHANQK-a B 1st page. ' TJORTUNE TELLER AND MEDIUM Mrs JJ Eliza tells post , present and future In lov a and all affairs. She rev cols the deepest secretes the heart. She possesses the magnetic powcrti fulfill all 3 our w Fshes Call at No. 323 corner 16th and Chicago street. mAKEN UP A red cow. Owner can hve the JL same by proving property and paying charges. FRANCIS BOBBINS , Saunders and Grave Sts. au24-av wed" ) ! COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. "ITtrANTED Everybody In Council Bluffs lo YV to take THE BKE , 20 cents per week , de lh cred by carriers. Office corner Uroadwny and Main , up stairs , Council Bluff , ) . CUMf To buy 100 tons ( broom corn. WANTED address Council Bluffs Broom Factor } ' , Council Bluff * , Iowa. C68-20U A good carpenter at once. Ap ply Mynstcr & Adanu , Council Bluffs , Iowa. 059-20 * A first-class broom tier. Mayno WANTED Council Bluff * , Iowa. 660 30 > 'ANTED A boy to do chores at Mynstera W fishery , Council Bluffs. C61-2S * Good girl for general housework. WANTED ) nstcr , Council Bluffs. 662-tf \T/"ANTED A situation by a first-class miller. YV Had 20 years experience. Understands old and new processes. Speaks English and German and acquainted with steam and water powers. Can git o the best of reference. Will come on trial at anytime. Address H. 8. , Box 1611 , Council Bluffs , la. 89-28 WANTED B > > a gentleman of experience and business habits , a position with a firm , either as clerk or to travel. Reference given. I. L. WATKINS , Council Bluffs. 012-20 / ALL on or address Potter & Palmer , 40 South \J 6th street Council Bluffs , Iowa , for rail road tickets cost , west , north and south. Chicago $1000 Round trip 819.00 Every ticket guar anteed , and tickets bought , sold and exchanged aug7-lm FOP. SALE Old papers 40c per hundred , at The Bee ollice , Council Bluffs. sc27-tf Two experienced , book solicitors WANTED and Utah. Address f. O. box 1214. Council Bluff * . Iowa. P99-21 * To Contractor * , Bnildem and Property Owner * . The undersigned having been appointed agent for the extensive Iron and wire manufacturing houses of E. T. Barnum , of Detroit , and the Russol Iron Foundry and Work * at Toledo , Ohio , capacity of 60 tons dally , is prepared t o furnish estimates and prlcoe for Iron columns , Ac. , &c. , for store fronts , window capa and sills , threshold plate * , wrought iron beam * and gird- en , hydraulic elevator * , staple fitting * , ! pulley * , ( hatting , &c. ; also Iron fences , cresting , win- dtw guards , shutter * , stain , balconies , settee * , chain , vases , acquariumi , fountains , summer houses , lawn , garden and cemetery ornament * , flower stands , grave guard * , &c. , &c. . In endlcw variety. Catalogue * supplied on application. HbNRV H. BARRY. * Manufacturers' Agent , 22 Pearl street auglO-lm me Council HluiTs , Iow < EDWAED KUEHL , MAGISTER OF PALMV6TERY AND CONDI ! TIONALIST , 408 Tenth Streetbetween Farnham andllainey. Will , with tbe aid of guardian spirit * , obtain for any one a glance at tha patt and present , and on certain conditions In the fu ture. Boot * and Shoes made to order. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. au26-lm POWDER Absolutely Pure. Made from Grape Crefktt Tartar. No other arpatlon make * such light , flaky hot bread * , uxurious ixutry. Can be eaten by Dispeptle. will-out fear of the Ills resulting from humInd' gestlbie food. Sold only In cam , In all Oroccrr ROYAL BAKINC1'OWDER CO New YoJi.