TILE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATUJRDAY , OOTOBRR L , 1881. THE DAILY BEE. MAHA PUBLI8HINQ CO. , PROPRIETona 010 r-arnhnm , bet. Oth nnd IQtli Street * . TEIUI8 Of SUnsCUlPTION Onecopj-1)ear , In odtanco ( 3stp.ild ) (1000 B month * " R.o 8 months " " . . . . SCO RAILWAY TIME TABLE. MR CARD CHICAGO , T. MUi , MttSXAPOMS A' ' OMAHA RULKOAD. tcaio Omaha Xo. S through pawcnf-cr , : m , No. 4 , Oakland | n8 cnKir , S30a ; , in. Arrive Oinalii No. 1 , throuich possciiKcr , 2 * ui , No , 3 , OaklandivvMciigur , 6:20 : ] > , ID , LXiVIXO OMAHA ItAST OR SOVTU BOUND. . C. , U. & Q. G a. m. 3:40 : p. m. * C. & N. W. , 0 a. m. 3:40 : p. in. C. , U , I. & 1' . . 0 a. m. 3:10 : p. m. K. 0. , St. J. K C. 11 , B a in. 0:30 : p. ra. Arrlv St. Ixul3 at 0:25 : a. ui. and 7:45 & . in. WEST OR SOUT1IWBSTS. B. f : M , In Neb. , Thrcmsh Kxprcw , 8:85 n. 11. I : SI. Lincoln Freight. 7:00 : p. m. M. P lixpttw , 12:16 : p. in. 0. ft H. V. for Lincoln , 10:20 : n. ra. O. & 11. V. for Oicooln. 0:40 : n. m. U. I' , freight No , S , BSO : n. in. U. 1' . freight No. 9 , 8:16 a. in. V. freight No. 7 , 0:10 : p. in. emigrant. U. I' , froic-ht No. 11 8:25 : p. m. ARRIVING FROM XA8T AND HODin. C. D. A O. , fi:00 : a. ID. 7:23 : p m. C. ft N.V. . , 0:46 : a. in. 7:23 : p. ra. C. U. I.&P.,0:1D : a. in. fl.05 p. in. K. C. , St. Joe & C It. , 7:40 : n. in. 0:4B : p. ra W. , &t.I. . & P. , 10 : W a. m. 4:25 : p. m. ARR1V1.VO PROM T1IR ftRSr AND EOUTIUVKST. O. & It. V. from Lincoln 12:12 : p. m. U. P. Kxprc s 3.23 p. in. B & M. In Nob. , Through Express 4:15 : p. ID D. & M. Lincoln Freight 5:35 : n ra. U. P. Frclfiht No. 10-1:40 : p. in. No. 6 4:25 : p. in. Emigrant. No. 8 10:60 : p. in. No 12 11:35 : a. in. O. ib ! It. V. mixed , nr. 4:35 : p. m. Kourii. Nebraska DlUsIon of tno tit. Paul & Sioux Cit No. 2 leaves Omiha 8:30 : n. ni. Vo. 4 ! ci\c3 Onmlia 1.30 p. in .S'o. 1 nrrhca nt Unnha at 5:30 : p. m. No. 3 arrhei nt Omaha nt 10:50 : a. in. ElltilY TRAINS KXnVREX OMAHA AXD COir.SClL BLUFFS. tcavo Omaha at 8:00 : , 0.00 nnd 11:00 : n. m. 1:00 : 2:00 : , 3:00 : , 4:00 , 6:00 : nnd 0:00 : p. m. Leaxo Council lllulfa at 8:25 : , 0:26 : , 11:26 : n.-m. 1:25 : , 2:25 : , 3:2fl , 4:25 : 1:25 : nnd 6:25 : p. m. Suntlajs The dummy cs Omaha nt BOC : nd 11:00 : n. in. : 2.00 , 4:00 : and 6:00 : p. m. I > cai os Council Blults at 9:25 : and 11:25 a. m. ; 2:26 : , 4:26 : nnd 6:25 : p. in. _ Opening and Closing of Malta. ROUTB. OHM ! . OLOSK. n. ra. p. m. a. ra. p. m. Chicago &N. W . 11.00 0:30 : 4:30 : 2:4 : Chicago , It. I. & Pncino.lllOO 9.00 4:30 2:4i : Chicago , B. & Q . 11:00 : 9.00 4:30 : 2:4i : WabnSh. . 12:30 : 4:30 : 2:41 : Sioux City and Pacific. . 11:00 : 4:30 : 'Union Pacific . 6.00 11:40 : Oranha&H. V . 4:00 : 11:40 : B.&JI. inNeb . 4:00 : 8:40 : B:3C : Omaha & Northwestern. 4:30 : 7:30 : Local mails for State of Iowa lc o but once a day , viz : 4:30 : a , in. A Lincoln Mail IK nfco opened at 10:30 : a. m. Office open Sundays from 12 in. to 1 p. m. TIIOS. K HALL P. M. Business BirectorY , Abstract arid Real tstate. JOHN Ii. McCAGUE , oppobito Post Office. W. R. BARTLETT 317 South 18th Street. Architects. DUFRENE & MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITECTS , Room 11. Crclghton Block. A. T. LARGE Jr. , Room 2 , Cieighton Block , Boots and Shoes. JAMES DEV1NE li CO. , Fine Boots nnd Shoes. A good assortment o home work on hand , corner lutli and Harney. THOS. ERICKSON S. E. cor. 10th nnd DouglaB JOHN FORTUNATUS , 605 10th street , manufactures to order good uorlt t fair prices. Repairing done. Bed Springs. J. F. LARR1MER Manufacturer. 1517 Dourlaast. Books , News and Otatloncry. a. I. FRULIIAUF 1016 "Farnham Street. t Cutter and Eggs. McSHANE & SCHROEDER , the oldest B. and E. bouse In Nebraska ostabllnhcd 1S75 Omaha. CENTRAL RESTAURANT , MRS. A. KYAN , southwest corner IGthand Dodge. Deft Board for the Money. Satisfaction Guaranteed Xlcals at all Hours. Board by the Day , Week or Month. Good Terms for Cash Furnished Hiyims Supplied. ( Jarrlagei and Road Wagons. SNYDER , 14th and Harncy Streets. Jewellers. JOHN BAUMEU 131d Farnham Street. Junk. H. BEP.TI10LD , Rags and Metal. Lumbar , Lime and Cement. FOSTER & GRAY comer tith and Douglas Sta. Lamps and Glassware. J. BONNER 1303 Uonilas St. Good Variety. Merchant Tailors. G. A. LINDQUEST , One of our most popular Merchant Tailors Is re- ccling the latest designs for Spring and Summer Goods.for gentlemen's wear. StjlMi , durable , and prices low as c\cr 21513th bet. Doug.&Farn. Millinery. MRS. C. A. niNGER , Wholesale nnd Retail , Fan cy Goods in great variety , Zephyrs , Card Boards , Hosiery , Gloves , Corsets , ic. Cheapest House In thoWut. Purchasers true 80 per cent. Order TJV Mall. 116 Fifteenth Street. foundry , JOHN WEARNE & SONS , cor. 14th & Jackson sts Hour and Feed. OMAHA CITY MILLS , 8th nnd Farnhoni Sts. , Welshanj Bros. , proprietors. Urocers. Z. STEVENS , 21st between Curalng and lur T. A. McSHANE , Corn. 23d and Curnlnff Btrects. Hardwaie , Iron and Steel. OLAN & L'ANGWORTHY , Wholesale , HO and 112 Uth street A. HOLMES corner 1Mb and California. Harness. Saddles , &c. B. WE1ST 20 18th St. bet Farn. & H rnev. Hotels.- ANFIELD HOUSE , Goo. CanOcld.Oth & Farnham * DORAN HOUSE , P. II. Cary913 FamhamSt. SLAVEN'S HOTEL , F. Slat en , 10th 6t. Southern Hotel , QMS , Ham el Dtb JkLcavenworth Iron Fencing. ' The Western Cornlco Works , AgenU for the Champion Iron Fence & . , hao on hand * U kinds of Fancy Iron Fences , Cresting ! . Plncal , ° Ballings , U' . 1310 Dodira stree. pi ? t Clothing Sought. O .SHAW will pay highest Cosh price for second bind clothlnir. I Cornet 10th and Farnham. t Dentist * . 9 OR. PAUL , Williams' ? lock , Cor. Uth & Dodge. Drug * , P | nts and Oils. KUHN & CO. Pharmacist * . Floe Vane Goods , Cor. IBth i.nd Douttoi ktrocta " W. J. WUITEHOUFE , Wholesale * ReUll , 16th it. C. 0. FIELD , 2022 ftortb Side Cumlng Street. U. PARR , Druggist , 10th ind Howard Btrectt. Dry Goods Notions , Etc. ) [ JOHN II , P. LEUUANN & CO. , New Toik Dry Goods Store , 1310 and 1312 Fani- biro street. L. C. Enewold also boots and shoes 7th A Pacific. . hurulture. A F. GROSS , Now and Second Hand Furniture nd States , 1114 Doucua. Highest cosh price aid for second hand ( tooos. . BONNER 1800 DoaKla it. Fine rood * , &c. Planing Mill. A. UOYER , manufacturer of usb , doora , bllods , moldings , newels , balusters , baud rails , furnUhlng } troll utrlDK , Ac , cor Dodge and 9tb Itriets. Pawnbrokers. J K09KNFKLD. 3 10th St. , bet. fftf. fc Ilir. Rorlit. A. Donijthtio , plant' , eut flowers , trcds , boquots etc. N. W. cor. inh MiJ DonM&s strocitA. Civil Englnrcrs and Surveyor * . ANDREW UOSKWATKH , Crcltrliton Block , foun Sunc ) ? , Grade nnd Sewerage Sjitems a Specialty. Commission Merchant * . JOHN 0. Wit * 1.13,1414 Dodge Slice t. D n IIRKMKR. Fonktalli ( .coUnro * Ucrtl - mint In Illv ixml Weekly. Olg.irs nnd Tobacco. WKST& FniTSCHKK. immifuturpwof , indVholpmIo Dealers In Tomccon , ISOSDouifUs. W. K. LOKKXZKN nwmifiictnrer BlUOthstrcU. Cornlco Work * . Western Cornlco Works , Manuftctnron Iron Cornice , Un , Iron and HUto Iloofllni ; , Orders from miy locality vroinptly executed In tlio licst manner. Factory nnd Otlico 1310 Dodge Street. Oahivntzcd Iron Cornices. Whitlow Guys , etc. , manufactured nml put up In any mrt of the countrv. T. BlNIIOfiU 410 TlilrtVoiith street Crockery , J. tlONNKR 1500 DouelM direct. Good lino. Clothing and Furnlthlng Qood * . DEO. H. rilTOHSOtf. Also Hats , G > | M , Boot * , Shoes , Notions and Cutlery , SOI S. 10th street. Fence Works. OMAHA KCNCK CO. OUST , FRIKS&CO. , 1213 Hartley St. , Impro\o. cj Ice Uoxc , Iron and Wood Fences , Office Kalllnes. Counters ol Vine nml Walnut. Rotrlgerators , Cantleld's Patent. C. F. GOODMAN llth SI. bet. Farn. & Harncy. Showcase Manufactory. ) 0. J. WILDE , Manufacturer ixml Dealer In all kinds of Show Cases. Upright Cases. A . , 1317 Cass St. FUANIC L. Gr.IUIAIlD , proprietor Onion * Slioiv Case inanutoctory , 81S South IBth street , between Iea\cn orth and Mnrcy. All goods warranted llrst-clois. Stove * RIIO Tinware. A. BUUJIESTElt , Dealer In Sto\cs nnd Tinware , and Manufafturcr of Tin Hoofs nnd nil klmls of Building Work , Oiliirellous'IUock. ' J. BONNEK. 1300 DoutUs St. Good nnd Cheap Seeds. J. EVANS , Wholesale nnd Retail Seed Drills nnd Cultivators , Odd Fcllowa Hall. Physicians an ! Surgeon * . W. S. GIBBS , SI. D. , Il om No 4 , Crclghton Block , 16th Street. P. S. LEISCXIUNO , I. D. Masonic Block. C. L. 1IAIVT , M. D. , Kyc nnd Ear , opp. postoUlwO DIl. I , . B. QUADDY. Oculist and Aurist , S.V Ifith nnd Fnrnham SU Photographer * . GEO. Iir.YN , PllOP. Grand Central Oillcrv , 212 Sixteenth Street. near Masonic Hall. Flrat-clasa Work and Prompt. nesaKiiarantccn Plumbing. Cos and Steam Fitting. P. W. TABPY & CO. . 21012th St. , bet. Fnrnhnm and Douglas. Wont promptly attended to. D. FITZPATKICK. 1409 Doughs Street. Painting nnd Paper Hanging. tENBY A. KOSTEUS. 1412 Dodge Street. Shoe Scores. Phillip Lanjr , 1320 Farnham st. , bet 13th & 14th. Second Hand Store. PERKINS & LEAH. 1410 Doujflas St. . Now and Second Hand Furniture , House Furnishing Goods , &c. , boutrht and sold on narrow niarrins. baloons. HENKY HAUFMANN , In the new brick block 0:1 Douglas Street , has just opened n most elegant Beat Hull. Hot Lunch from 10 to IS e\ cry day. " Caledonia " J FALCONER. 079 IGth Street. Undertakers. CHAS. IlIEWE , 101'J Farnham bet. 10th & lltd. P. FEMNER , 303 } Tenth street ! , between Farn ham and Uornor. locs ) < ; oed and cheap work. 09 Cent Stores. P. 0. BACKUS , 1205 Farnham St. , Faney Good * To Nervous Sufferers THE GREAT EUno"pEAN REMEDY. Dri J. B. Simpson's Specific It Is a po3iti\ocuro ( or Spcrmatoirhca , Scralnn \Veokne 3 , Iinpotancy , and all diseases resulting from Self -Abuse , an Mental Anxiety , Losai Memory , Pains in the Back or Side , and diseases ' - - that lead to Consumption Insanity and carlygrax c The fapccillc Mcdlciue is being used with wonder ful success. _ _ _ _ _ _ Pamphlets ecnt free to oil. Write for them and get full par ticulars. Price , Spcclflc , ? 1.00 per package , or six pack ages for 85.00. Address all ordcn to B. SIMSON MEDICINE CO. N09. 104 and 106 Main St Buffalo , N. Y. Sold in Omaha by C. F. Goodman , J. W. Bell , J. K leh , and all drugglateorerywhcrv. IB-dkwl i KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA l ! W ba " S m II * n BITTERS ILER & CO. , tc Sole Manufacturers , OMAHA. \ ca SV.3C.OTTXS a PAPER WAREHOUSE. c \ GRAHAM PAPER GO. tf tB 217 and 210 North Main St. , St. Louis , f WUOLKJJAUI DUblM IN- BOOK. I DADCDC NEWS , r rArtno n ENVELOPES , CARD BOARD AND ° Printers Stock. 2 O'Cash paid for Rags and Paper Stock , Sen Iron and Metals. p I'apor Stock .Warehouse * 1T28 to 1SJ7 , Nortli e Prof , W. J , Antler's ' Select Danc v n ing Academy , A. Hoipe , Jr. Hall , 1610 Dodge St. Iloss for gentlemen commencing Tuesday even * njj , Oct. 4. Clans for ladles conimcnctne Thurs- layotenln ; , Oct.O. Tenns liberal. The cos net hod l 1 ha > o for teaching the Waltz , Qllds , Sec. , I can guarantee perfect satisfaction o idiolars. For terms , &c. , call at A. Hospo , Jr. . t r address 1110 Capitol A\e. slTdlm Nebraska Land Ageiicy DAVIS & SNYDER , 505 Farnham St , . . . Omaha , Nebraska 01100,000 udL 3are.ully selected land In Eastern Nebraska for nlo. Great Itonralm la luipro\ed farms , and Jmalia city property. , F , DAVIS , WKI53TKU BNYDKH. UU LanJCom't U.P.H. . . THB ; POSTMAN. You have often _ scon him through the Holds with a liasly step , recognizable not only by his blouse nml regulation step , but nlso by the sustained activity of his movements , because for him tlte instants nro counted and ho has not the tight to slacken his pace. An indefatigable walker , ho accomplishes his task from the lirst lo the last day of the year without ever renting. No matter though a tropical turn iilvito all creat ures to become motionless , though the cold bo Siberian , though it blow and snow , ho must go to the last village on his route to carry thu lettcis , newspapers - papers and prospectuses which trade confides by millions to the care of the post.Tho The highway's are not made for him ; must he not cross the Country , passing through woods ami marshes , to seek the luit lost in the depth of the solitude , fhr removed from any public road/ / Ho travels from eight to ton leagues daily , making circuits , crossing brooks , scaling rocks , venturing into ravines and wounding himself among the hedges and briars. Loiterimj is forbidden to him , for tin ) ollieial hour of return is fixed ; the letters ho brings back must depart by the next mail. They nru waited for at the postoflico and the least variation of the program may have grave cense quences. Wo cannot without ingratitude for get the services of this incorruptible messenger , whoso probity and zeal are constantly put to the proof , who brings us at n certain hour our letters and our journals , the news , the ox- pcctation of which keeps us full of anxiety ; who contributes to soften tor us the bitterness of absence nnd dis tance. Imagine the void the disap pearance of these humble functiona ries would leave in our existence ! I know a man who for twenty years filled this position. A former soldier , thanks to irreproachable records of service strengthened by a little influ ence , ho had obtained the great favor of having placed to his credit fifty francs per month at the postollico of the district. Pore Martin was ndt very fond of this brilliant position , but ho per fectly understood his responsibility and duties ; ho never complained. Everybody in the district was ac quainted with this little gray-haired man with bronzed features , wheso limbs had the pliancy and strength of steel. Ho washighlyappreciated , for , wjiile.a scrupulous observer of the regulation , lie noyer refused to perform - form a service , provided it did not conflict with his duties. There was not a corner of his route which ho had not passed over , accompanied - panied by his wolf dog. Ho know to a meter the distance separating the smallest hamlet from the chief town town of the district , and was familiar with all the paths nnd byways. To spare himself half an hour's walk lie never would have thrown into a ditch some silly prospectus or some printed matter bearing a doubt ful address ; if ho returned anything to the postoflico it was bccauso its destination could not bo found. IIo was the slave of hi.s orders , as punctu al as the clock , and BO discreet-as to discourage the most curious. Every body greeted him kindly when ho ar rived at a village ; the children came to him , and oven , the dogs barked joyously at his approach. There was considerable rivalry as to who should odor him a glass of cider and a slice of bacon. But ho rarely accepted any thing. Time pressed and ho did not ] like to contract troublesome obliga- i tions. I Hence the notes concerning him wcro excellent , nnd his chiefs regret- I ted that the parsimony of the admin istration only permitted them to re ward his loyal services with contemptible - 1 tiblo .gifts. i One day in the middle of October i ho departed on his usual round. The i weather was frightful ; it had been raining incessantly for moro than a i week ; the roads had become bogs and ] brooks had been transformed into tor rents ; what foliage remained on the ] trees waa so impregnated with water i that it could not oiler a protecting 1 shelter. The postman , wet to the skin , walked with the impassability of E an old soldier who does not discuss his 1 orders. _ i Ho had distributed a portion of his mail , but his round was far from being finished , when ho passed an inn , or rather a miserable drinking house , situated at the entrance of a wood ; this place was mainly patronized by sabot makers , who found there alco holic drinks and a few groceries. " Ho ! Monsier , the postman , stop hero for an instant- while you are giving mo the information I need , the violence of the storm will abate. " This invitation was addressed to liim by a man who , with a pipe in his mouth , was standing upon the thres hold of the drinking house. The postman was n little ahead of time , and the demands of the service do not go so far as to forbid the ac ceptance of a momentary shelter when it offers itself under such cir cumstances. Ho , therefore , wont into the house ind sat down bcsido the iire which cracked on the hearth. The man nrho had invited him to enter throw upon some dry branches which were > icon in ( lames ; a heavy vapor arose From Martin's soaked garments. ' The stranger interrogated the , post- nan as to the hours of the departure if the mails , and asked him a host of 'v jucstions about himself , his service ind everything concerning it. "You know mo , then ? " said the x > stman. "Parbliou ! Everybody loves and : istoems you here ; Pero Martin's aluo is well known. I hope you will lot refuse to drink with mo. Ho ! s kladame Hosier , glasses of your best jrondy. " A woman waited on them and re- urnoa to her occupation , "What a dog's trade you follow , 'ore Martin ! " said the man. postman'v take you much longer to finish your ound ? You doubtless have yet to go o the Landa Griso , toPlessin. I know omo ono who is impatiently waiting or you there. I am obliged to pans n the vicinity. If you wish it I will oliovo you of your letters. " "Thank you ; I will deliver them iiysolf. " "That's yourself out and out. Af- > or all you nro right. It is your duty o deliver thorn. " While talking with a loquacity did not encourage the postman ho took tip the sack the Intter hnc placed bcsido him , aoomcd to fcol il weight and turned it over nnd ever "Lot my sack alone , please , " sai Martin coldly. "You Imvo disar ranged all my leltors. 1 shall n longer know what to do. " The other humbly excused himcs for his awkwardness. "Tho evil is roparnblo , added ho "Seat yourself nt this table and yo will have no ( rouble to airango th lelteia according to the lotitu yo should take. The pnstman emntiod his sack before fore him and begun to arrange his let tors. His questioner all'ectod to kooj discreetly nt a distance , but found ai oppottunity to cast a furtive glnne Over his shoulder. While Martin was busy with hi work ho heard fin ious growls bohim him. him."Pore "Pore Martin , help mo to proven yotirdog from strangling mine , " stiitl ma new acquaintance. The postium arose and caught his dog by the skin of the back. The an imal's fury contrasted with its habitu al gentleness. This fact seemed strange to Martin Ho felt dislrust-of the communicative stranger grow upon him. Ho waa about to leplnce his papers in the sacl when the man , as if to see what was the state of the weather , opened the door At the same instant the umd swept impetuously into thu room , which it tilled with a thick smoke , and lifting the letters spread out upon the tubli scattered them in every dircctiog. The postman uttered an exclamation - tion of anger. "ItahHt is nothing , " said the per son who had caused the accident. " \Votwo will speedily gather them up. " And without heeding the refusal of Martn > , who wished to avoid his help nnd do the work alone , ho began to search for theletters. , When they had collected all they could find , the postman carefully ex amined them ; then ho seemed wor ried , as if ho had not the full number. "Are any missing ? " asked his com panion. "It appears to : : io that there was another letter.1' ' "IJah ! either j-oii are deceived or you forgot it at the postoflico. " "That is quite possible. " He said to himself that it must bo so. Hownver ho resumed his hunt and searched beneath the furniture IIo found nothing and concluded that his ] memory had not served him faith fully I , for ho had watched his com panion's ] movements and it did not seem admissible to him that ho had stolen a lottor. Xovcrthclcss ho has tened to depart , regretting that ho had ] entered the drinking house. The man i who had chatted with him in spired i in him a veritable repulsion , and i it was his rule , bccauso of the habits ] of discretion which the post- oflice < impoEos upon all its agents to keep ! at a distance all who did not appear to him worthy of confidence. The storm had somoxyhatnbated its fury , and the rain soon ceased to fall , and bright sunshine lighted up the country when the postman reached the nearest village. A woman waa at the door of her house ] awaiting his passage. She was still young , and , without possessim/ remarkable beauty , had a neat and sympathetic countenance. "Monsier Martin , " said she to the postman , "havo you a letter for mo ? " "No , Madame Audio , I have not. " "That's strange ; my husband should have written to mo to-day ; yon can not imagine how much his silcnco troubles me. " She grew gale and seemed scarcely to have the strength to sustain her self. self.Tho The postman assisted her into the house and handed her a chair upon which she lot herself fall. Two charm ing children fixed on her sad and anx ious looks. "You will receive n letter tomorrow row , Madame Andre , " said Pore Martin ; "tho delay of a d y is easily explained ; your husband -was disap pointed , some unforeseen business suddenly demanded his attention and ho missed the mail. " "No ; I know him and cannot under stand his silence. You are nwnro that ho departed two months ago for the mouths ago for the city. Some work was to bo attended to which promised to bring him in a great deal of money ; a small inheri tance was also to bo received. But sill is concluded. Ho sent mo word thnt ho would return this evening ; ho had made his arrangements to that end. To-morrow the farm of La Mane is to bo sold ; ho 1ms decided to purchvso either all or part of it. It is iin opportunity which will never again present itseh , but I would prefer a thousand times that ho should miss it to having him return without notifying mo.1' ' \ "Why ? " "Because some ono has wicked de signs against him , and at night a ter rible blow is soon struck. You know there are two routes by which to re turn hero ; ono is longer than the itlior , but safer. I am afraid lost ho nay return by way of the Moulin- Brule , the moro so as there is some sue to BOO in that direction. I trom- Dlo at the moro thought of it. If I nly know " The postman strove to calm her 'ears , but she shook her head. "You cannot think , " resumed she , 'what certain men are capable of vhon they have a grudge against any- w > dy. " Kilo seemed to hesitate and then iddod : i'lf I tremble , it is not simply be- auso my husband will have to pass hrough u dangerous spot with money n his pocket , but also because there in the district a wretch whoso dear- iat wish is to put five feet of earth bo- ween them. "Tins hatred dates from long ago. . iVhon I was n young girl ho wanted to narry mo , but ho filled mo with lorror , Ho has never ipardonod me or having repulsed his oilers , and hus involoped in the same animosity the nan I preferred to him. Jfo hates loorges nnd myself for being in easy lircumstanceii while he vegetates in vant , OH if honest puoplo wore ra- ponsiblo for the mistaken of idlers ind drunkards. This is not all. A irimo was recently committed ; BUS- ! cions wcro aroused , but the proofs voro wanting. I possess them , and ho guilty man knows it. Ah ! it in a lungorous secret for u woman who has inly children around her ! Yesterday ho nccostcu mo to sount mo ; I did not hide from him my cot tempt , Ho MM * clearly thai ho wn unmasked In my eyes ; ho ovei whelmed mo with insults and threats 1 took tlio unfortunate notion to HIV to him that noon , when my husbnn had returned , when ho had a limn ho fore him , ho would bo less presumi ttious. Oh I if you know \vlin glances his eyes shot at mo , what m expression of hatred his feature woiol T know that often during th night he haunts tlio ruins of Urn Moil lin-lhulo. If this man should din cover that , my husband Js to pas through that place , I toll you , Monsieur siour Martin , ho is lostl" " What is tlio scoundiol's name ) " "Jean Uruno. It is not astonish ing ( hut you are unacquainted witi him , for since his return to tlio dis trict ho hna not publicly slain n him self. " The postman was silcit. Ho re mombonul having hoard tlio woman a thu dunking house call tlio man In had met there by that name. Hi asked himself in consternation if th letter had boon stolen Iroin him , lin ho recalled all the circumstances am banished this supposition. Ho fol certain that tlio epistle had not been in his sack ; ho reassured himself am sought to reassure tlio woman , yet lit resolved to await her husband's arriva at the chief town of the district t ( advise him to bo tmulent. Ho hastened away and when lie WH ixlono his fears regained possession of him. He again began to doubt , am little by hltlo ho was seized upon by a terror ho could not explain. Ho in creased his pace .ind h'apiul over the hedges and ditches with unusual iiiiu- lleness. Unfortunately , his round tlirt day was exceptionally long , anil the bad weather in addition had con siderably delayed him. Ho reached the postoflico a little later than was 1m custom. The wo- nan who distributed the mails , on joing consulted by him , allirincd that 10 had taken away a letter for Mad- une Andro. CVio iof her assistants confirmed this declaration. Tlio postman waa thunderstruck. IIo saw with fright the heavy respon sibility thrown upon him. His tor- rots augmented when ho remembered .hat time and again , at the moment ) f the opening the mail bags , a man irul presented himself , asking if there was anything for Madame Andre ! Ho flow rather than ran to the of- ice of the coach which carried pas sengers from the nearest station on ho lailway to the chief town. Georges Andre had airivod , but had sot out mmediatoly on foot for his village. This news gave Martin a violent hock. The prospect of a catastrophe or which ho would bo responsible arose before him. Ho saw this mail vho had returned with joy in his icart , encountering -death at the hrcshold of his homo through his atilt , and misfortune overtaking the vindow and the orphans. The dark est clouds troubled his imagination. Ho did not hesitate , and , without aking time to enter his " dwelling , started elF again. These who saw lim pass , absorbed in his thoughts and noticing no one around him , asked themselves what grave nftnir could have caused this breathless lasto on the part of ti man who must lave como back from his round broken vith fatigue. After having passed over a fourth of the distance , lie inquired concern- tig the traveler and asked if ho had > eon aeon. Ho had gone by some time beforo. Cho joy of return had given wings to lis feet , as the thought of a misfor- into to bo averted had increased the peed of the postman. There was no ongor oven the shadow of a doubt ; ho fated man had taken the path finch led straight to 'tho Moulin- hulo. Pero Martin calculated that ) y passing over another path , which , lowovor , was rough and dangerous , 10 could yet arrive before him. IIo hastened on and reached the atal spot when the night was already advanced. The place was well fitted or an ambuscade. There was n ipccios of cut through the rocks. On > oth sides bushes trees formed an im- xmctrnblo shade ; rapidly moving tlouds at each instant veiled the moon , ; ho wan raya of which added to the inistcr character of the landscape. IIo paused ; amid the rustling of the oliitL'o agitated by the wind ho bought ho heard the sound of ap- iroaching footsteps ; it was , doubtless Jcorgcs Andre , whom ho had preceded nly by a few instants ; ho was about oing to meet him when the repot t of gun rang out and a ball struck him ull in the breast. Tlio assassin emerged from a neigh- Hiring thicket ; but on approaching lis victim to finish and rob him ho bund himself in the presence of a now ctor and vented his disappointment n a horrible oath ; ho had recognized Jeorgos Andro. The blade of u knife ashed in his hand , but ho was not llowcd time to use it u club , do- condod vigorously upon his head and ollod him to the ground. A woman distracted with terror , at lis moment threw herself on the jostman's body. "Oh ! how wretched I am ! " cried 10. "I foresaw it ; ho has boon killed ! " Madamb Andre had not boon able o subdue her uneasiness , and at the lour she supposed her husband ought o urrivo , alio had como to wait for' lim ; at the report of the gun she had un forward precipitately. "Joanne , " said her husband to her , reassure yourself ; 1 am unhurt. " "It was not you ? Who , than , has 10 assassinated ? " They bent over Martin's body , and ecpgnizod him in the moonlight vliich at that install t illuminated his ace atid uniform. The husband and wif o carried him o their homo , where lib lived only .wetity-four hours. Ho related how 10 had allowed to bo stolen from him 10 letter in which Qoorgos Andre tad announced his return , and how 10 had dooidod to pro vent at any trice the consequences of his ncgli- cnco , oven if ho should bo compelled o odor his lifo in exchange for that f the father of a family whom ho had nvoluntarily helped to place in poril. Obscure victim of duty , ho had ddod another to the list of those un- nown sacrifices which are made ally , without being encouraged by 10 hope of any recompense , without von having for indemnification the oinoinbrance they nhould leave bo und him. INVITATION TO ALL WHO HAVE WATCHES AND CLOCKS TO JH3 KEPAIIIED , " IE 1ST QIB _ A. V I ICT G- TO BE DONE Oil- While our Work is better , our Prices are Lower than all others. S T T IE IF _ A _ I IR I received all of the SIX FIRST PREMIUMS offered for Competition in our line Over All Competitors. For the Best Watch Work , For the Best Jewelry , ( own make , ) For the Best Engraving , For the Best Diamonds ( own importation ) FOR THE BEST DISPLAYED , ETC. Having lately enlarged my workshops niul putting in now t.nd improved machinery chinory , T hope to still more improve tlio quality nud finish of our ork mid fill orders with moro promptness than is usual. O-A TTTIOIISr I My Motto has always been and always will bo : "First to gain superior fncili tied and then advertise the fact not before no wild advertisements. Sonio unprincipled dealora being in tlio Imbit of copying my announcements , 1 would beg you , tlio render of tins , to , draw a .lino between such copied advertisements and those of Yours , very truly , A. B. HUBERMANN , The Reliable Jeweler , Omaha , Neb. , Sign of the Striking Town Clock. Fall 614-616 So. TENTH STREET. I NEW MILLINERY , I i f i , V * NEW DOLMANS .it NEW BLACK GOODS , . i f 'Midi NEW UNDERWEAR , NEW FLANNELS , &C. , 1 ! I. J..4 , i f f ' . At Lower Prices Than Up-Town Stores. P. G. IMLAH , Manager , , 't „ Leader of Popular Prices. Max MEYER & CO , TOBACCONISTS. j Tobacco from 25c. per pound upwards. Pipes from 25c. per dozen upwards. [ Cigars from $15.00 per 1,000 upwards. Buy the PATENT PROCESS MINNESOTA FLOUR. ' 4 It always gives satisfaction , because it makes ; a superidr article of Bread , and is the Cheap est Flour in the market. Every sack warranted to run alike or money refunded. w W. M. YATES , Cash Grocetv O. H. BALLOU , in 0 DEALER IN nl Lath and Shingles , Yard and Office 16th and Cumingu Street , two blocks * if north of L ST. PAUL AND OMAHA DEPOT. M ' jyl-ood-3in. ] s # 1 If <