Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 30, 1881, Image 1

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ff A
f 124
For Sale By
JCo. 1 , Kc home , ' ! rooms , nn Cumin ? ttrcct ,
iicar.Saundi.ip , SU'OO.
No. ' . ' . U story IIDIHC , 0 room , will , cistern and
barn , Winter , near Idtli htroct , SiBOO.
Ko. 3 , llouso nf 10 rooms , on llarnc } , near
Oth street , etonn faumlatlon , $4000.
No.J _ , Laqrohnuio of 11 rooms , on Webster
streetj near Otilxliton College , p5i)0. )
Ho. ( I , Hnuic of 7 roohH , on Cats , noxr 17th
stlcet , SlMJO. Q
No. 7 , Himsc of 8 rooms , Slots , on 17th strict ,
near Izanl , SJ 00.
Ko 8 , Houjoof fi room' , on Ca , ncir Hth ,
22xl't2 tec" lot , f fSOO.
No. 0 , House at ! ) rooms , kitchen , cc. ! , or
Ca , mar 1,1th it cct'S-uO.
No. 10 , llou-o of S rooms with lot 22U32 feet ,
on Cass , near Hth street , SiOO.
No. 11 , llotifo of a rooms , on 10th street , near
Douslv , 44\CO feet lot , S4000.
No. li , Hoi-soof 0 rooms , for ck foundation , on
Harnty , near -J7Jh fctroct , § 10CO
No 13 , 1 etory iii-\v house of 0 room' , hrlck
foundation , oil at. Marj's menuc , near cement ,
Sir.'X ) .
No. 14 , Houses of 5 room' and summer Klti hen ,
on 20th street , near clark , SJMM.
No. 1 % House of 8 rooms , on Hlicrman avenue
( ICtli street ) , ncur Nicholas , $2250
No. 10 , 1 J-atory house of 4 rooms , cellar ,
stable , etc. , on Darcnuort , near 22d street , $1600.
No. 17 , 2- tory brick house of 0 rooms , near
cnJ of rt J strict car turn table , $2350.
No. JS. llouso ami - lots , 4 nlocki u est of High
School , ii 03 ,
No. 1'J. ifousn and Slots on road to park , near
head St. JIary'H ft\cnue , S00.
No. 'JO , 1 louse und 11 J lots near Hascall's , South
Cmilia. S2.10J.
No. 21 , House and lot on Lacnport ) direct ,
ncjr lOth'etrci't , 6551W.
No. 22 , 2-story home nrd l"t 32x00 fctt , on
Da > cti ) > ort , near 12th street , 51300.
No. 2.1 , Houic of 4 rooms anil 2 lots on 17th
street , near Izard , Si 200 ,
No. 25 , House nnd i lot on 10th street , i car
Dodge , SO 0.
No. SO , llouso anil J lot 01 ! lOlh street , near
Uap tel avenue , il-IM
N . 27 , 2 houses and lot oa Jackson , near 13th
htrcct , ? 4300.
No. CD , 5 homes nnd 1 lot on California , near , 35000.
No. 3D , IJ-story brick house of 4 roomi with
IotCO\2COfcctonSlurman avenue (10th btreet ) ,
neat Izard , 3000. '
No. 31 , 1 J story house and 33N60 feet , oji Hth
strccct , near Howard street , 2300.
) * No 32 , 1-story house of 0 rooms and two lots
on Mason , near 16th ttrcct , 53000.
No. 34 , 2 atory house of 0 looms on Chicago
, street , nrar 0tb. SSOOO.
< -Kot.9f | Largo hoQau > Aad full lot.ou Capitol
avumic , near Uth ntruet , $4300.
No. 30 , 2 three-story brick housoj-fttth lot 44x
132 feet , on Chlcajo. near ISth Rtroet , WOOD each.
ho. 37 , Ilousoof 7roomax\ith IJlo' . ° " 1 > aul
street , near 16th strict , 32700.
No. : U , UOUDO and lot on 18th street , near
Slicnmn , 81850.
No. 39 , House of 6 rooms with 44vCG feet lot ,
011 18th street , ' , near California.2.rXX >
No. 42 , House of 8 rooms v.lth lot 150x150 feet ,
on Uoburn. near Colfax Btreet , 3500.
No. 4J , House and 2 lota on Chicago , near 20th
street , sfOSJJ.
No. 45 , l.arje ho iso of 7 rooms , closets pantry ,
well and cijtern , on 18th , near Clatkdireot , 84ROO.
No. 40 , o houto with full bloik , iiear new-
shot tower , § 2000.
No. 47 , House of 0 roims with J lot , on Pacific ,
near llth street & 900.
No. 49 , llrlik house of 11 rooms , well , ( -"stern ,
jraa ihrjujfhout the house , jood barn , etc. , on
l-'arnhani , near 17th street , 8UOOO.
No. to , House ol 0 rooms , icllar. well , etc. , on
10th , near Paul ctrcet , $3000.
No. 5J , House of 8 r ems , Int 55x132 feet , on
Webster , near 20th strict , 8COOO. x
No. fi'l , House oft ) roomi and cellar , let 3.K132 ,
off fat. JIar > " 8a\cnue , near convent , SltTO.
No. .15 , Hour hoibcs and83U20 fut , on Iaen -
port , near Iflth street , JSOOO.
No. 50 , House of 9 or 10 rooms , on California ,
neir 21st street , SSfOO.i >
No. C7 , House of 0 rooms , summer kitchen ,
cellar , listen ) , well , good barn , etc. , near fit.
ilary'jf OMIIIIO and 21 t street , 83000.
No , BS , New housu of 7 rooms , good barn , on
Webster , near 22d strict , ? 2500.
No. 9 , Four houses wltli J lot , on 12th street ,
enCasi 82500.-
No , 01 , House of 3 rooms on Pa > cnport , near
2Jrd htrtot , fcaSO.
No. 01 , House of D or 10 room ; , on Hurt street ,
near 22nd ttrcct , if.COD.
No. C2 , House of 4 rooms , 1 story , porch , cel
lar , cistern nnd well , on Harncr , near 21st street ,
No. C.i , House of 4 rooms , clnsctn , basement
and cellar , near White Lead Works , S1COO.
No. 1 > I , llulldln on leased lot , en lodco street ,
near post oitlce , store below and r-onvi nboie ,
$ U > .
No. OS , SloU with barn and other improve
ments , near street uir turn table , ? 200Q.
No. 0 ; , New lioii'e o ( 0 rooms on 17th , near
Cumlng street , * 1000.
No. OS , Tuo houses , 7 rooms , 2-story , on 18th
xtrett , niar Lcavenw orth , $0500.
No. 0) , targe flno house of 12 I oonn , every
thing complete , o i 13th , near Chicago , t'JOOO.
No. 70 , llouso on 18th street , near uat cnport ,
store below an i rooms ulxnc , barn , etc. , $1500.
No 71 , HOUDB of 8 rooim , flno cellar , all com
plete , on California , near 21st , $7000.
No. 72 , Ilrlck house , 10 or 1 1 rooms , on Daven
port , near IDth. S50.0.
No. 73 , IJ-ttory house , 0 rooms , cellar , w < ll
and clrtcrn , on Jackson , near 12th , SI BOO ,
No , 74 , Ilrlck homo with 2 lots , fruit trees ,
etc , on 10th , near Capitol avenue , $15,000.
No. 70 , llouso of 4 roonn , basement , lot 17 jx
182 feet , on Matey , near 7th , fet76. !
No. 70 , U-story house , Sroom-t , on Cass streit ,
near 10th street , V-t 00.
No. 77 , 2-stor > homo , 11 roonw , closets , fur
nace , fruit trees , barn , c-tu. , on Farnham , near
18th itrect , ? 8000 ,
No. 78 , i ! lots with new bouse , well , cistern ,
etc. , aboutono mlluucjtof post ortice , gltOO.
No. 70 ] , llouso and lot near und of icd street
car turn table , on Saunders street , 000.
No , to , Hou oof4 rooms , hall , cellar , pantry ,
Kood well , etc. , & 1300 ,
No. 81 , 2 houses with 0 rooms , and other with
0 rooms , on Chlcajo , near 12th street , $3000.
No. Si , l.J-nlory house , 0 rooms , 4 closets , well
and 100-barrcl cittern ( 'ood barn , on 1'lcrio St. ,
near 20th ( near now Kinornmeiit corrall ) , $1800.
No. 8J , " story hotuu , 0 rooms , coaUhud , K ° ° A
well , oUtcrn , on J lot , on Capitol uvcnue , near
, .
No. 81 , 2-story house , 8 rooms , 4 below nnd 4
above , 3 clotois , letlar , wcjl and cUtern , with 5
acr * ground , on taunJcrsktrcet , near liarrackn ,
No 85 , 2 Btoro , liouio on leaned } lot , leaio
runs 2 yuarnIrom April l t , 1831 , on J'aulilc ilt. ,
near U. i' , depot , fcOO.
No. SO.Home , IB roonu , Hell , clitern , etc. ,
near Utli anil Hurney Btrcetd , ( WOO ,
No. 87 , 'i story liouso , 'J roonn , well with 40
( cct ot v ater , with 6 acrcB ol vrounil. on Eauudcirs
Htroct , near ( J H. Ilarrack * . (2000.
No. S3 , larsa homo of 10 rooms , Mel ) , cistern ,
liarn , etd. , otl Cant Hlri-tit. , near 211. , 47000.
No. i3 , Larnu liouso , 10 or 12 rooms , on Web-
Real Estate-Exchange
16th and Douglaa Street ,
Lyuolios Two Brothers for Mur-
fler and Then Burns Tliiifr
Bodies ,
Two Tdsas Cowboys Create a
Panic in Doming , N. M. , by
Firing Pistols.
Scoville , Guiteau's Brothor-in-
law , Consents to Aot as
His Counsel.
Smallpox Becoming Epidemic
in Pittsburg Several Fatal
Cases Reported.
Unconditional Surrender of
FiftysixVpaches in Ari
Sriisoollnnoous Tologrnplilo No-urn.
Uwing to the rain nnd high wind
prevailing yesterday the telegraph
wires were prostrated in nil directions
and it was almost impossible to got
any pressdispatches at all. We have
endeavored , however , to present as
readable a page as possible and hope
our readers will excuse us this time.
National Associated 1'rcfu.
CHICAGO , September 29 A. special
from Menonionco , Mich. , says that
two brothers , Frank and John Mc
Donald , wore lynched at that place on
Tuesday night1 by the friends of a
man they had murdered. Ono of the
prisoners is said to have placed tlio
rope about his own neck , confessed to
the crime and exonerated his brother ,
while the other showed fight. They
\\cro quickly overpowered , knocked
down und mnltieated in n horrible
manner , ono being killed while in the
jail , and both declared dead before
the court yard was reached. What
followed was horrible. The crazy ,
yelling mob dragged their victims
along "tho road 'about half n mile ,
when the bodies were pulled up over
the aign at a railroad crossing. After
h.inging a while they were lowered
and dragged h short distance to tlio
house of prostitution where the orig
inal trouble bo an. Hero they were
lioisted over a trbo limb and fastened.
The house was ' fired and with the
flames llanng their light upon the
bruised and bl fj pg carcasses , the
mob'found tho" inoiwu'ra of their satis
faction full and.dispersed.
CHICAGO , September 20. John
Keenan has been sentenced to be
hanged hero November 18th , for
murder. This is the first death sen
tence passed in the criminal court of
this city for three years.
Mnrdorous Cowboys ,
National Associated 1'row
SAN FEAKCISCO , September 20.
Two Texas cowboys r do through the
crowd at'thodepot'at Doming , on the
Southern .Pacific railroadfiring pistols
at * ho people indiscriminately. A
leading merchant was shot. A dep
uty BliorifF killed the cowboys
while resisting arrcat.
Gnitoau'a Brotbor-In-Jjaw to Act
ns His Counsel.
National Associated 1'res.s.
CHICAGO , September 29. Mr. Coo.
Scovillo , brother-in-law of Charles
Guiteau , arrived in the city late last
night. Ho says ho has received a tel
egram from District Attorney Cork-
hill regarding the defense of Guiteau ,
and that ho lias decided to reply by
telegraph to day , saying that ho will
act os Guiteau's couneol. Scovillo
would prefer to'leave the matter with
the United States government to ap
point counsel , but as his wife is Guit-
oau's nearest relative , and about his
only friend on earth , ho will take the
case more on her account than Gui-
teuu's. Scovillo says he will bo in
Washington in time to plead. Ho
does not anticipate a speedy trial. He
sjys the defence will bo insanity.
> -i
A Now Kansas Railroad-
National Associated I'rcsa.
TOPKXA , Kan. , September 21) ) . The
Kansas Southern & Texas railroad
company has filed its charter with the
secretary of stuto. The road is to
run from McPherson , ' Kan. , through
Rice and Clark counties to the Cimer-
on river at' ' the state line , with a
branch from Piatt county to Medicine
Lodge in Barbarin county. The
length of the main line and branches
is 225 miles ; capital stock , § 2,25Q-
000 ; directors. S. It. Peters , of Newton -
ton ; S. H. Shoemaker , ot Philadelphia -
phia ; S. G. Clark , of Chicago ; J. W.
Giles , of Topeka ; J , II. Kichards , of
Tola , and local directors at prominent
points along the line ,
National Aiuoclateil
AKIION , 0. , September 2 ! ) . Last
night n fire broke out in the extensive
planoing mill of the Weary , Snydcr &
Wilcox manufacturing company , on
Main street , greatly damaging the
building , machinery and contents to
the amount of $10,000 ; insured. The
fire originated from the engine room.
h'atlontl A so.utoJ I'rcm ,
DUIIM.V , .September 29. Several
ambulance wagons , which left Athlono
barracks with police nud soldiers for
Shannon Uridgo , county Westmoath ,
to protect a process server , were
obliged to return on account of the
roads being broken up and obstruc
tions placed upon them.
Boycott , protected bv the police ,
was in Westport Tuesday. Ho was
followed by n mob during the whole
time , and his cfl'tgy afterwards burned.
Smnllpox Spreading In PiUnburg ,
National A . ocli\t l Press.
Pirrsiiuno , September 29. Small
pox is having a boom in this city nt
present , and the plnguu is fast assum
ing an epidemic form. Yesterday
twenty-four now cases were reported
in ono district in this city , ami thir
teen cases in Allegheny. The disease
has become peculiarly virulent and
fatal. It is spreading all through the
hill wards of the city and getting
down town in the direction of the
court house.
Turned State's 'Evldouoo Tlio
National A' octatcJ 1'rcsa.
SAN FKAMJISCO , September 29.
John Mason , ono of the four men
arrested for an attempt to wreck and
rob the Central Pacific overland train ,
has turned state's evidence and given
the dctaits of the plot. The object
was the robbery of the express and
mail cars , but ono of the party got
scared after getting possession of the
train , and creating a panic , all ran
Telegrams from Arizona say that
fifty-six Apache bucks have surren
dered unconditionally. Chiefs George
and Bonito turned in only ten mus
kets of inferior quality. It is believed
they have held back their best weap
Sweeps Over the Towns of
Stnuton and Madison ,
Stiuiton Completely Destroyed
Sovornl Persons Fatally Injured
-1\vo Children Killed
in Mndlsou.
Special to Tint UFR. , September 20. This
morning at 1 o'clock Stanton , Neb. ,
was totally wrecked by a cyclone.
The business portion of the town ia
all gone , with the exception of ono or
two stores. The Central House was
strewn OA er several acres. Your cor
respondent was in the latter building ,
but was only slightly injured. Two
or three persons are expected to die ,
but the greatest wonder is expressed
by every one that no ono was killed
outright. Among the traveling men
at the hotel was Mr. Loiter , of Max
Moycri&Bro. , but \vasonly slightly
injured. Olio building , the agiraultu-
rnl implement store of Johnson &
Everson , wns carrisd entirely
away so thai not a board can bo found
Mis. Wm. Nye is now dying. Over
twenty buildings , exclusive- stores ,
are gone. The scene cannot bo de
scribed. It wai appalling beyond be
lief. Naked womonchildrcn and men
emerge from the ruins of their bonus
covered with cuts and bruises while
some are so b'adly crushed as to require -
quire aid to bo carried to some place
of shelter. The chr.rity of the public
is needed and contributions for the
homeless sufferers would bo gratefully
received. The Stanton county' olli-
ciala will net in this behalf.
Special Dispn eh to TlIK DPR.
MADISON , Neb. , September 29.
A terrific rain and wind storm pass
ed over this town about 1 o'clock this
morning in a northeasterly direction ,
doing great damage to property and
injuring several persons severely.
Ono child of Olen Frieno was killed
outright and one child of Mr. Cineoa
was killed and another badly injured.
About twenty-five or thirty buildings
wore totally destroyed nnd many oth
ers badly damaged. The Presbyte
rian church , Union Pacific depot ,
Gross Bros.'store and several others
were blown to pieces. Loss about § 25-
000 to property.
i *
Too much cannot bo said of the
ever faithful wife nnd mother , con
stantly watching nnd caring for her
dear ones , never neglecting a single i
duty in their behalf. When they are
assailed by disease , , and the system
should have n thorough cleansing , the
stomach and bowels regulated , blood
purified , mnhirial pmsonexterminated ,
she must know that Electric Bitters
are the only sure remedy. They ar
the best and purest medicine in the
world-HIid , only coit filty cents. Sold
by lull < Sr McMahon. (2) ( )
For the speedy cure of Consump
tion and all diseases that load to it ,
such as stubborn coughs , neglected
Colds , Bronchitis , Hay Fever , Asth
ma , pain in thu side and chest , dry
hacking cough , tickling in the throat
Iloarsencs Sore Throat , und all
chronic or lingering diseases of the
throat and lungs , Dr , King Now Dis
covery has no equal und has established
or itself a world-wide reputation.
Many loading physicians recommend
and use itinthoir practice. Tlio form
ula from which it is prepared is high
ly recommended by all medjcal jour
nals. Thu clergy and the press have
complimented it in the moat glowing
terms. Go to your druggist and got a
trial bottle free of cost , or a icgular
sivio for $1.00 , For Snj ] by
d(5 ( ( IHII & MoMAiioy , Omaha ,
Largo anil Valuable Frnit
Drops ,
Auspicious Opening of the
Wino-Making Bonson.
The Condition or the Phylloxera
Apathy of Mnny Vlnoynrdlit *
The IrofHs la Grapes.
Corrcppomtonco ol The Sin I mncfoco Clirontclu.
SANTA ROSA , September 22. The
whin-making season inSonomn county
luvs fairly not in , nud at the wineries
there nro daily rocoix'od wngonlonds of
tlio product of the vineyards. The
crapes most abundant BO far nro the
Sinfamlcl variety , from which the
principal red winoof California is pro
duced. Tt is u smaller grape ( him
most of the European vnriutioB , mid in
not so well adapted for t-.iblti use ,
bnl in the prolitatilu
purpose of wine-making it is perhapa
the boat yob produced in the Htutc.
This season's growth is prolific , al
though hnrdly up to the uncommon
yield of last year , Imtthu diliorenco in
( quantity is fully made up in the matter -
tor of excellence of quality , and inoro
than compeiiBntod for in the advanced
price , grapes now readily Helling at
from $2 to $5 per ton above the rate
then paid. The total product of So
noma will not exceed that of 1880 ,
nor will the wino yield hardly equal
tint of laafc year , altogether there is
now a larger aggregate acreage than
ever before , lint u considerable , pro
portion of this increase is in now vine-
vards , which is not expected to yield
until next year or the year following ,
when the aggregate will bo much in
excess of any so far given from this
branch of lucrative tillage. The
added acreage of tho. present year
in vines in Sonoma cannot yet
bo oven approximately stated , not
withstanding the active ellbrts of Mr.
De Turk , the member of the atato board for this district , for
the reason tliat his inquiries , in pre
pared circular letter 'form , have not
received that prompt attention ho had
a right to expect , and because so many
adopt the unwise policy of withhold
ing , rather , than of supplying , the in
formation Bonu'ht , through mistaken
ideas of its elfcct upon themselves ,
and form a very erroneous opinion of
the intention and utility of the viti-
cultural board.
In the old Sonoma district , com
monly known as Sonoma valley , the
product of this year will be very sat
isfactory , otid the largo vineyards of
such extensive grower. ! as Hill and
Drassell and ethdrs ill yield vintages
of superior worth. The ravages of
the phylloxera in that district , have
been inat'erially'ovorcomo during the
season , and noxtyxlc the vines will
. -
live insects. 'In
labors and usefulness of
tural commission have been of great
appreciable value , inasmuch ns the
otloct has been not only to instruct
vineyardisln in the means to eradicate
the pest , and thus restore their vines
to fruitful viijor , but also to relieve
their lands of the blight and curse and
restore them again to good market
able values wherein sales are contem
plated. It has , besides , stimulated
vineyards to greater .exertions and
more eflicacious expedients in the way
of overcoming the evil , which , if al
lowed to run neglected , spreads with
the most damaging tapidity , and ,
while it impairs or destroys the prod
uct of the vine , at the same time af
fects the price of land throughout the
In this more northern portion of
the county the phylloxera is rarely
encountered , and the vineyards have
enjoyed exemption from its destruct-
ivenoes. Hence it has become the fa
vorite district of grape planting , and
during the year hundreds of acres
have bi'on freshly put in vines , which
will come into market in a year or
two. The typographical advantages
of thit region unite with thp superior
adaptability of the boil and the favor
able climate in attracting owners to
the culture of the grape. From the
early vine-grower of ancient Rome ,
who brought wine-making to the per
fection which extorted Irom Horace
the lavish praises of his classic verse
and the encomiums of the choice Fa-
lornium and Muesicum with which ha
was wont to regale his honored friends
and guests , the world long ago learned
that hilly locations are the best foi
the purpose , and in this prime essen
tial the country which extends from
below Santa Rosa to above Oloyordalo
ib peculiarly favored , as it is likewise
in the nature of the soil itself. And
these favorable lands are now becom
ing moro and inoro utilized every
year. To meet and promote this ad
ditional grape cultivation the moans
to supply a ready market and. to afford
larger wine-making facilities keep
npaco. Sonoma valley still , however.
maintains the load , and it will
for years to come , very likely , yet _ the
product will much increase in the
northern district , in Bonnet valley ,
Santa Rosa , Windsor , Knight valley ,
liealdsburg , Alexander valley , Gey-
sorville , Olovordalo , Sobastapol , and
also about Potaluma , Pago's and
Dean's ' grove.
Last year of a total vintage of the
whole county of 2,180,000 gallons of
wine , the proportion of Sonoma val
ley was 1,400,000. Santa Rosa came
next , with a product of 200,000 , and
Healdsburg equalled Guillacas , with
its 150,000 gallons. This year the ap
parent product of Santa Rosa will ho
less , but the actual vintace will bo
nearly as much , inasmuch as thu full
ing off in figures will bo fully made
up if not exceeded by the product ac
credited to Olovordalo and Qoyaor-
villo. The Santa Jinan winery of Mr.
Do Turk has heretofore been thu mar
ket for the grape crop of this northern
district from J'otulu-
ern , extending -
ma to beyond Clovordato , at the head
of the valley , At this winery and the
other winery at his own vineyard ,
six miles from town , near
Dennett Valley , Mr. Do Turk
has made all the wine from the vineyards -
yards in this whole region. Hut this
year , to accommodate the vinoyardists
in the upper portion of the valley , ho
boa in connection with a resident of
Cloverdalo , put up a winery in that
town , and to this will bo taken the
crop of the surrounding country. The
Simla Rosa winery of Mr. Do Turk
and tho'smnllor similar establishment
on his farm will work upon the crop
of this broad section , and thu now
winery at Clovorduln will accommodate
the growers in the upper valley. The
aggregate may nut much exceed the
total of last year for this portion of
the district , but the wino will bo of
good and tine qualities and the money
value probably larger than that of last
year's crop.
The late favorable weather has ma
terially bonelittod the entire harvest
in grapes , but in no variety moro than
the old Mission , which is now mainly
used for brandy and heavy wines.
It continues the favoiito table grape ,
but as there are other varieties which
ii adapted almost exclusively for
table use the Flame Tokay , for in-
Htanco while it is better utilized in
thu wineries , the bulk of
the crop will bo put into
brandy. The Wells brothers main-
thin the leading place among
vinoyardistn in this portion of
Sonoma county , and their extensive -
tensive farm in Rincon valley is one
of the finest in the state. The Harris
vineyard and that of Mr. Qvvin , a re
tired mining stock operator in Alex
ander valley , alike promise to become
conspicuous in two or throe years , but ,
for that matter , there nro several
others who are abandoning the less
lucrative practice of wheat farming to
pufc their lands in vines , and a larger
number , possessed f smaller tracts ,
will punme grape vulture and fruit
growing entirely.
The fact that the farmers of Sonoma
county generally are becoming con
vinced that their lands are better
adapted to grapes and orchard * than
for wheat and other cereals , and this
is the c.isu especially in the hilly dis-
tiicts and rolling-land region , and it is
appaient , too , that the soil has been
moro or lees we.ikunod in the produc
tion of these exhausting crop.i , as the
diminution of the gluten in the flour
made from the wheat , as vToll as the
reduced product per acre , very plainly
demonstrate. Hut this falling oft' in
the cereals will'bo moro than made up
in the value of the grape and fruit
crops , in which there are neither the
maiket fluctuations , thu uncertainty
nor dependency of price upon the
markets of the east or of Europe.
Wine in always n commodity of ready ,
sale , and besides the ready homo mar
ket for fruit , the rapidly growing de
mand from Arizona and other arid and
less favored regions of the coast , or
pontjtfiious thjcrpto.will , kccp. abreast
of elid' utino&.t that the cultivators can
supply. In this traffic SonoiriVcounty
must continue to hold a favorable
place on account of the excellence and
quantity of her products , and because
of-her good transportation facilities
by rail and water. In another year or
two theao facilities will bo further
augmented by direct connection with
the overland trunk line of railway ,
and probably also with speedier com
munication with San Francisco.
The Chalk Olub Have a Stormy
The Chalk club mot last evening at
the call of the president , to consider
the question of turning out us a liody ,
in uniform , and olllcially receiving
Kiny Knlukau when ho arrives hero.
President Ilanlon occupied the chair ,
nnd remarked as ho assumed that ditf-
niflud position , that ho was feeling as
well ns usual and was glad to soowhat
thriving progress the club was making
in numbers. A count of noses indi
cated that fourteen well-fed survivors
of the war of ' (54 ( with the Pawnees
and other memorable campaigns wore
Upon the bean bag being passed
around , it nearly reached thu end of
the line before the lucky man who
was to set up the buor got the black
bean. Upon investigation ho found
only twenty cents in his pockets , and
as ho had an instinctive delicacy
nbtmt asking for credit , the club con
cluded to go on with business as well
as the wet night without and dry ono
within would allow. This was done
at the suggestion of Secretary , Tohon.
Some of the members thought this un
fair on the part of the Secretary , as
ho never participated , and therefore
lost nothing. The little incident
spread an unro.itful feeling through
out thu mooting und doubtless pro *
cipituteil the hot diauuBsion which
In presenting the object of.'thomeot-
ing the president said that King Kul
ak au was sjrely coining to Omaha ,
and that ho should have a proper ro-
caption. lie was the ruler of a great
nation in the missionary books ho
had been almost everywhere in the
United States except Omaha , and af
ter going down to pick out a yearling
colt or two to enter for the Ascot
stakes and grand prix du Paris next
year , ho was coming here. Of a
necessity thu boat nooplo in the city
would open their doors to him , but
there was as yet no ono to meet him
and formally tender him the fro 3Join
of everything -including St. Elmo's
within the corporation limits. That
privilege must bo usurped by some ono
or gome society. Should the club now
seize this opportunity to nrnku itself
famous , and talked about oven in
lOOO'-wlion and not
' - wo may may
have 100,000 inhabitants or should
it allow some other society or individ
ual , AS Col. Cluiflo S. Champion , for
instance , to carry oil' this distingniah-
od guest from the depot in triumph
and open carriage ) That was the
question that
The secretary interrupted to ask if
tlio president , in the ardor of his re
marks , had not become slightly con
fused ns to iifiinoa ,
The president said that ho might
have done so , and requested the sec
retary to make the ncoded correction
on the minutes. Ha then concluded
by urging the club not to miss this
golden chance.
Vico-1'resident Oalligan arose and
said that ho had listened attentively
to the president's remarks , and was
sorry that he could nut endorse the
sentiment. In thu first place Kala-
kan was a heathen nnd uoro a ring in
his iioao. PA member mailo a depre
cating fiignj. Secondly , ho hadn't
sprung fromn. high family at all ( and
bore his mother's imte.ul of Ins fa
ther's name , and thu speaker didn't
propose to have anything to do with
a limn urn ! a yellow one at that
who was so aslianicd of his dad that
he would nottaku his name.
A member explained that it was the
custom in the Sandwich Islands to
muno thu children after the mother ,
and then he added that this might be
a good iilou , in certain instances , in
thin country , to insure accuracy. For
this plain breach of deconim the mem
ber was unanimously declared out. of
order and lined.
The vice president acknowledged
the explanation and said that this
throw new light on the matter , and
removed one of his objections against
Ktilunkau personally. "But , " said
ho , "there is another objection , and
that ia the cflcot- upon many of the
fa'shioiublo people of this community.
They have a long and severe winter
campaign before them , iuul it will
never dp to have them exhaust them
selves right now. A big reception to
Kaluakau will do it , sure. Why , just
see what n precedent wo have botoro
ns. When Alexis wai hero the ladies
became so thoroughly excited that ho
received several beautiful composi
tions of poetry from them , and they
spent a great of money to got nn
opportunity to lick thu plato ho ate
from at the dinner given him. The
money was given to thu waiters and
thu waiters got drunk oil' it , got in
jail , and the city had to pay their
board for live days. Such things are
demoralizing , very bad and I don't
believe in it. "
AB the vice-president concluded his
remarks n newly elected member
one of the nrominent business men of
the city , who moves with his family
in the best circles , jumped to his
foot and demanded an explanation
from the olliciul who had just spoken
an to thu meaning of his words. Did
lie menu "lick" or "kiss" when ho
was speaking of the Indies and the
plato. If ho said ' 'lick" and meant
"lick , " ho told a .
"Hold on ! " shouted the president ,
partially rising , "tho word you are
about to utter is not known to the vo
cabulary ot the Qhnlk Olub. "
What the word was the reporter
was unablu to hoar in the noise made
by the coal scuttle , which fell down
at that moment from its summer nail.
Tife "y'xcitod now member , however ,
sh65k ofTi.Bomopnq * 'who ' wns holding
his coat tails , and addedp ' "And when
ho gets out of this room and is no
longer in nn oflieial chair , I'll show
him the difference between lick and
kiss. "
' . 'You will , ohJ" said the vice-presi
dent , Dotting down from the platform.
At this moment the reporter rushed
out of doors'to find an cflicor to pre
vent bloodshed , and the door was
closed oii him with a bang. Some
body yelled "Want thpso proofs ! "
and the tired faber-pushor awoke to
find that the table was n hard place
to lay his head , and to rolled which
of. the things he had dreamed wore
true nnd which Toro not.
Wo clip the following particulars of
the late Indian , massacre from the
Globe Silver -Bolt of a late date :
"Cherry Creek is situated about forty-
five miles from Globe , and a little east
o north. Middleman's wore the only
people living on it , and their nearest
neighbors wore Messrs. Towksbury ,
Church and'Rose , who lived in Pleas
ant Valley , eight miles distant. At 2
p in. on the 2d instant , seven Indians ,
all armed , came up to the house and
commenced to talk in their Usual
friendly manner. George Turner , Jr ,
had just arrived n short time before ,
witb Henry Moody , who lived about
twenty miles distant , bringing the news
of tlio Apaelio outbreak , nnd the re
port then in circulation of the massa
cre of Oarr and hist command. The
Indians were asked if it was true , but
contradicted it. The Indians had re
ceived some" food from Mrs. Middle-
ton , and the family , consisting of the
father and mother , a grown son and
daughter , four little children , and'
Turner nnd Moody wore standing
within a few feet of them , Presently
ono of the Indians said "now , " and
the shooting commenced. All of the
Indiana had carbine needle guns , Huch
as the cavalry UHO , except ono , who
had only a pistol. At the first fire
Moody nnd Turner fell dead. Henry
Middloton shot at and killed nn In
dian , and then rnnthrough the house
to tlio back door to get another shot
tit them ns they were seeking
cover. Ho was shot himself in the
shoulder wljilo making u splendid and
daring fight against Iho red devils.
They then barricaded the house. The
Indians kept up their firing , from
cover , for about three hours , and then
left. At midnight the family started
for Pleasant Valley , and after travel
ing some distance stopped , while thu
older Middloton wont on to notify
the men there , Ho found them , and
on their \vny back they were jumped
by the Indiunri , and did not reach the
family till ttt least three hours Inter
than if they had not been do-
tninod. People in the east
and California would not , in n life
time , have BO much anxiety as this
family , with only n young follow
( and ho allot-through ( ho shoulder ) to
protect them , had crowded in the
space of ono night. '
Plenty of Minnesota nnd Shawnee
Funcy Mow ut JJullott's , 820-dt
The Ooiitost Between the Two
Wings of the Republican.
Party ,
Conkling Straining Every
Nerve toGoi. . Possession of
the State Convention.
Preparation * for the Reception of
the French Delegates to the
Yorktown Colotirntlou-
Now York .Special to tlio ClilcasJ Trltmnc.
The selection of delegates to the re
publican state convention , which
incuts in this city October 5 , is just
now absorbing the attention of the
politician of the atato. There is a.
very pretty contest being waged be
tween the two wings of thu party ,
representing the Colliding and the
anti-Conkling dements , which latter
was known under the ( iiuliehl roijiiiio
ai the administration branch. There
can be nodiguising the fact , as much
as seine papers hero attempt to insist
that Mr. Colliding asks no olllco of
the people- the state of New York ,
and therefore docs.not intend to en
ter as a factor in the coming campaign ,
that the ox-aoimtor is laying Ilia plaim
very persistently and carefully to
enter the convention with a backing-
that shall throw
Tin : IIAI.ANOI : OK i-owint IN ins FAVOU. '
With this accomplished , and the state
ticket so made up as to bring promised ,
rewards to the hands of that wing oE
the party , in the event of a republican - '
can victory the ex-senator sees , in thu
most distant future , a return to his
old plaea of power , and a consequent
restoration to the dignities which ho
not long since so unceremoniously
cast aside. Hut Roscoe does not find
the pathway to that point in the re
turn in his ambitious career ao devoid
of thorns as ho might have boon led to.
expect. It is pretty freely talked
that ho had more than fondly hoped
that the ascension to the presidency of
tlio man who had BO long been identi
fied with the Colliding struggle in this
state would give his .waning fortunes
a fresh impetus , but if the result of
election of delegates in the assembly
districts is to bo taken as a criterion ,
There were ton mon of those con
ventions hold to-day in all parts of the
interior of the state , ranging from
Fulton to Hamilton counties in the
center to Ontario in the northwest. In.
no instance in these ton districts was.
there a 'Conkling delegation elected.
In the second district of Oncida coun
ty a contesting delegation was elected ,
and also in tlio first Oswogo. Tuna
far in thu contest it is shown that in
all the counties of the state where the
republican majorities ore the largest
the delegations are strongly anti-
Conkling. When the man on come
down to Now York on Octob-ir Oth to
lay out the plans for the
paign it will unquestionably bo a dif- "
licult matter for the former imperious -
dictator of Now York politics to im
press his seal upon the actions of tlio.
A mooting of the committee ap
pointed by the governor of the state
of Now York to receive the French
delegates to the Yprktown celebration
will bo hold within n few days to de
cide upon a program for the reception
and entertainment of the distinguished
visitors. Among the gentlemen who
are taking an especially active part in
the preparations for the entertainment
is ( Jon. Lloyd Aspinwall , who was a
mcmborof the committee of reception
on the occasion of the visit of the
Grand Duke Alexis , of Russia , to this
country eight years ago. Uon. Aspin
wall said to-day that nothing would ba
left undone to make
in America a pleasant one for aO con-
corned. Mr. Cornelius Yandurbilt , u.
son of Mr. William H. Vanderbilt ,
and General Francis G. Barlow are
taking an active part in the prepara
tions. It was stated at the Fifth Av
enue hotel to-day that arrangements
had been made with the proprietors
of thu hotel for the best suites of
rooms in the building to bo placed at
the disposal of the visitors during-
their stay in this city. A subcommittee
mittee , comprising General A. 8-
Barnes , John A. Stevens , and R. E.
Livingston , will charter a steamboat
to go down to the bay to moot the
vessels on board of which the dele
gates are expected to arrive. Mr.
William H. VUnderbilt has promised
to furnish
to take the visitors on a trip up the
Hudson River Railroad to Albany , ,
and through on the Now York Cen
tral road to Niagara Falls. It is ex
pected that the delegation will return
troin Niagara Falls to this city via the
Now York , Erie & Western railway ,
but thus fur no special train for their
use lnvt been formerly tendered by thu
managers of that line. The French
olllcora will return to Now York in
time to embark an board .the , joint
squadron of French and American
men-of-war which \\ill sail from this
port for Yorktown on or about the
10th of October.
Very ottou wo BOO a person sutler-
ing fr m Dome form of kidney com
plaint and is gradually dying by
inches. This no longer need to be so ,
for Electric Bittern will positively
cure Brjght's disease , or airy disease of
the kidneys oruriniury organs. They
aie especially adapted to this class off
diseases , acting directly on thu
Stomach and Liver at the same time ,
and will speedily euro wlioro every
other lemedy has failed. Sold ut
fifty cents u bottle , by Ish & Me-
JMuhon. (3 (
"WINEOFCAnDUl" for Ladies only. .