Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 29, 1881, Page 6, Image 6

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Record of Events on the Baa
Side of tlio Missouri ,
To Bo a Oity of the Pirsb Clas
or Not to Bo.
Otlior News of Ooiiornl Intercut t
the People.
On the ' . ! d of October the voters o
this city will bo cnllcil upon to choos
between xovcrnmont'i. ' Which wil
we have , thu old charter or the no v
Tlits in no party issue , nnd a nmr
would be less than n man if
the intcicst of uithcr party to sworv
him from his duty. To stnrt with , w
! have the f.ict before us that all citie
ttr * of nny importance in Tu\va have in
corporntod tlicmsolvoi iindur the nu\
"rcgin'io. " Tlio change would nt once
certainly lift ua into Ilio rank of the
first cilios ot the state. Our cit ;
'j ; council would not work under a slmd
owj as they nro now often compollot
to do in deciding important questions
of law. The judiciary committee
would have the tables ofoll sot
tied l.nv to ( j'uido them , indocndunl ] )
of the advice of n , city attorney ,
who might bo mistaken , housocvci.
Rood a lawyer ho miirJit prove to bo.
The decisions touching la\v points
governing the operation * of ciiica of
the first class is so well settled , there
would bo with the ptopor construction
of 'thorn , no reason for going nstrny ,
Tlie city would not bo loaded down
with injunction suits. There would
be ifo' question what the powcra of
each branch of our government wore ,
and having the "lamp of experience
to Ruido thorn" an honest council ,
ouch an wo believe wo have to-day ,
would need the udvico neither of
iifiiyorinoro'utBidrr : They wo\lld know
their duty , and knowing would per-
foam. Seine claim tlint it places
more power in the h.inds of the mayor ,
and thcrp ia no question
yet ; bettor give our mayor power than
havu him usurp poworw not grnntod.
Again it uill stand th6 business of this
city in luuid 4to go to the polla nt our
iinmtal elections nnd select u man
n horn they know to bo both capable
nnd honost. The business men of this
city havrf the balance of power in their
hands nnd it would bo only when they
remained nway through indiU'ercnco
that an incnp.iblo nnd dishonest man
could buy himself into the oilico.
Others claim that the city would bo
crippled in its potvor of raising funds
for general improvements. This is in
n mcimuro true , no doubt. The thirty
mills'levy that was authorized Id help
Kcokuk out of hoc. financial embar
rassment will apply to this city until
. the no\t stuto census is taken in 1885 ,
nnd up to that data the city council
can levy n thirty mill tax
for general city purposes which
they could not do if wo nut our
city under u now charter. The city
of Kcokuk got heavily in debt , nnd
went into bankruptcy , Ilcr'rreditois
family got together vnd , us a compro
mise , ngrocd to take twenty cunts on
tjilj dollar in tho'KotUomohtof thuif
claiius , ] > rovded ! the cnih wes forth
coming , It was found that could the
city bo allowed to levy n tax of thirty
mills on the dollar , of their valuation ,
this .amount could bo paid -And the
city relieved from the financial cloud
that hung over it , They wont to the
guTiiural ussomhly for n way /Mtt of
their difliculty. That body uas dis
posed to grant the rcliuf
by f passing a law allowing
the authorities of Kcokuk to levy a
thirty mills tax , but no no special leg
islation could bo indulged in , they
made tlio law applicable to all uitits
of not more than 15,000 inhabitants
nt the time the last ccnsuu was tulcun ,
in 187 < " ) , This onnctmont , of courtio ,
hionsht our city under the "high"
tax law , nnd ( .u long na wo wcro less
than 15,000 , wo needed the tax. liut
as the city is growing very rapidly und
our valuation increasing materially , it
would scorn tli4 ; by next year , with a
just assessment , the amount wo would
bo allowed under the now charter
would bo ample for general city pur
[ Soon the citizens "of Council Bltill'd
will hear the hot nxttlo by the thon-
u.inda uf tons , nnd it will sound good
in thuir D.U-S. The excavation for the
foundation of our mammoth shot man
ufactory him 'boon ' completed nnd soon
Wjckhum Urothors will mnko the
brick and mortar Hy , and it won't bo
, n'rcnt u hilo 1 > oforo wq shall HOC Coun
cil mull.i "jlint" all over the country.
i < Thodiirk almdow of death has en
tered uAo of our cjty echools ; kept by
lliss Flickcn or , and taken ono of its
bright and promising pupils , Miss
Jiilm A. Tiiplct. dauglitcr of Thomas
Triplet , of Hazel Doll , died i\\ \ \ this
city lost Sunday , ut the residence ol
B. K. Springer , of brain trouble ,
brought pn , no doubt , by over work
in the school room. She was a bright
child , and her death , which cumo very
suddenly , was u grout blow to her par
ents. lior teacher noticed that on the
Wednesday prior to her decease Bun-
day , she was unusually attentive to
her studios. The young Ivly , at the
tijno of her demise , wa Bevontcou
years of ago , The vacant scat she
has loft is to her school companions
an object of grief , as her memory
will bo of love ,
W. T , KXOX'rt yU.SEUAL.
The funeral of Comrade , T , Knox ,
whoso death at Parson's , Kansas , wo
announced some time a o , took place
from the residence of W. II. Camp *
bell , yesterday forenoon und was well
attended by the Grand Army in uni
form , and other friends. The proces
sion , headed by Wall McFudd 011,8
drum corps , marched to a solemn dirge
up Seventh street to Broadway , to
Main , thence up Washington avenue
to Oakland and thence to Fuirmonl
cemetery whore the remains were de
posited to re t until the final victory.
To the1 Editor of The lite ,
fjeptonibor 27
THE UEK as the loading
paper in this vicinity , I believe yo
will allow ono upaco to say n fo' '
words in regard to the coming olcc
lion. There is no use denying th
fact that I am n democrat , but as th
editor of iTho Glebe is a cnndidnto fo
representative on our ticket it woul
lurdly bo consiitont for mo to n k hiti
to publish nu article in his fnvoi
llcnco I ask you to publish my com
inunicnlion. It is in favor of th
whole ticket , but particular ! ;
for Mr. Morgan. Ho lias beoi
a life-long democrat , an enter
prisincr citizen , nnd has labored hard
for tlio success of tlio party for years
If elected to the position for which hi
has bcon nominated , there is no doub
but what it would prove n credit ti
Council BIulls nnd to Western Town
IJoing acquainted with all tin
lending men of the stntt
of both patties ho wouh
have every opportunity to secure legis
lation beneficial to the western par
of the state. Of our county ticket i
is useless for mo to speak , ns the moi
nominated on both tickets are selectee
from the best men in the county , nm
as I believe you are willing to do jui
tico to all , having the largest circula
tion , I believe you will publish this
.Respectfully , A DKMOCIIAT.
WtMVor's speech reminded us of tlu
colored girl who applied for work nt n
Now England cotton mill : "Well ,
Mnsin , ,1'se n little green , oll'el brack ]
but , Massa , 1'so fust class Weaver. "
The district court nt Glonwood convenes -
vones Tuesday. There will ho sovoJnl
important cases tried , including the
slate of Iowa vs. Christian Pittmnn ,
For the killing of Jacob Maison , ns ho
claims , in self defence.
As will be rcmcinbciod , Judge
'nigo , of Porilielian fame , found in
lis room , under Ins bed ) the evening
of ( lie explosion , two pieces of n car
vindow alitittcr. His residence is ccr-
ainly ono mile uway and so located
hat the piucca could not have reached
ho place in which it was found with
out turning n corner.
A citizen called nt Tin : IIE ! oflico
cstcrday all put of breath and said ho
otild not avoid taking the paper any
< > nger , us his wlfo infornicd him this
naming that if ho catno homo to din
ner without subscribing for the same
ho would npply for n divorce. The
nmily lives on Pearl street , not far
romDr. Pinnoy's residonco.
Gcorgo Smithson , solo ngont fortho
. 'ortcr iron roofing company , of Gin-
intiati , called nt Tin : 15ii : : oilico yes-
crday and subscribed. lip has ca-
ablished in this city his heatlquartcra
or transacting the business in the
orthwcst. lloiclaims to hnvo n roof-
ng that can bo put on nt n small otit-
ly mid will keep perfectly wuter-
roof for years.
Fjf. ] \ . Miles is putting on n now
rout to his rcsidcnco on lower Broad-
vny which will impiovo the looks of
i in premises vcty much , lames
Volsh hna the contract.
Seine time ago several of Wagner &
lollnnd'a livery horses woio taken
ick with what ia known or supposed
0 bo among horse men ns the pink-
< yo. It fust makes its appentnnco
about the oycs. They begin to swell
inil then run water. After this the
loisea show si ns of n very high fovcr ,
u'heir nerves become unstiung and
heir log < begin to swell , llorsea
hould not bo worked n moment after
ho lust symptoms appear , but should
) f > kop.1 in a stall nnd well cured for.
Vngner iV ; Holland have had about
line afllicled with this disease , nc.uly
11 of which have recovered. They
invo nt preoont only one or two unfit
or uso.
The funeral procession Inst Monday
vna over two and n half miles in
ongth. ,
Mrs. E. L. .Northrup , wlfo has bcon
ick for nome time with that maligiiRiit
isense typhoid fever , b lying dan-
orously ill at her residence , on ( Sixth
( root. Shu is under the cate of Dr.
Judge Eced opened the September
arm of the district court of Mills
otinty at Glonwood yesterday.
Alderman Churchill felt happy
nouyh Tuesdny , up Broadway aim in
nn with the chief of grcenbackets.
0. H. Shplcs , _ reporter fyr .hidt'o
Iced , has gone' to Glonwood , Mills
ounty to attend to his ollicinl duties.
James F. Watson addressed a huge
nd enthusiastic gathering in this city
cstctday on the political issues uf
10 day ,
Hon. James T. Lane , United States
istri6t attorney , is here in attund-
nco upon thu United States Couit.
W. T. llankin , assistant United
tntes distnct attorney , is in the city ,
guest nt the Oyden.
Tin : Bir. : is pleased to note tint thu
oman who lins bcon u laying nt thu
lotropolltan hotel Jus | miccocded in
roeuriiij- the Cornet children homos
1 this city. Ex-Alderman Andy
Irahain take * thu younger child , und
> . W Wnllors , the harness mao ! v'U
Jroadwny , the elder , The familiix
ute \\hich the childioti hnvo bion
doptcd mo highly respectable , nnd
ilr. Grnhnm is a man po sessod of
ousidurablu uf this uoild's goods ,
lo is a kind-hcnrtcd , itympatlietio
nan , un < l the iil \\ill ( Ind u good
lomo. Mr. Walters is n young man
the boars n good ropiitutipn , is steady
ml indualiious , and no doubt qapa-
> lo of looking out for the little father-
oss and mothciless ono ho has seen
it to adopt. Wo hope both of the
hildron will , as they advance in yonra ,
ppreciato theseB t rangers who have
> eon kind enough to give them
G , \V. Collins has sent hii liouso-
lold goods to Corning , tuul will ,
u a few days , remove his family
Soinotimo between now nnd spring ,
ho day to bo announced lieiu.iftcr , a
; rand running race will tnku place bo-
ween foijr-year-olds for SI ,000 at our
trotting park , Win. B , Cnnjiy , of
Avocn , and Ira Plainer , of this city ,
not hero yesterday and ariam.ed for
ho coming contest. Thu JKIIR-S bo-
OUR to thcso gentlemen , > \ho ilopoa-
ted 8100 each in the hands uf llobort
1'crcivnl , to bo increased to $1,000
joforo the day appointed for tlio rice.
A. J. Smith , of Dunlup , wni an
Ogden guast yesterday.
Hon , James P. Wilson was at the
Ogden yesterday.
The case of the State of Jowi MI.
Wilson , that was continued or > tf uutil
yoateiday , wascallodin Judge B-n-ki - n
court and in now on trial. It u-11 l > c
remembered that n woman by th
name of Hoffman had her pocko
picked while on n train nt the transfer
Suspicion nt otico rested upon Wilson
who was immcdiatelynrrcsted , chnrgoi
with thu oflenso , and taken to tlv
police I'cndqnartcrp , whcro ho "av- -
bonds for his nppcar.ancc. Jacob bim
appears for the state , nnd Col. D. 1 :
Unilny for Wilson.
Wallace Walker , of Crescent City
cnmo to the Jjluds to see the wrcc
nnd stayed nt the Pacific.
0. II. Brown , of Walnut , caincove
to view the remains and registered n
the I'ncific ,
Mnck Harris , of Missouri Ynllcy
cumo down yesterday to tnko n loot
at the big hole before it wns fillet
with dirt , nnd stayed nt the Pacific ,
B. F. Smith , of Lincoln , Nub. , was
in Council Bhills yesterday ,
Honntlilor *
Ladies , you cannot make fair skin
rosy checks nnd sparkling eyes will
all the cosmetics of Franco , or boauti
Hers of the world , while in pooi
health , nnd nothing will give you
such good health , strength , buoyair
spirits and beauty ns Hop Bitters. A
trial is certain proof. Telegraph.octl
Tlio Bos * Bulldog ,
New Vorli Sim.
At the quaint old 'public liouso ii
West Thhticth ntreet kept by Charles
Lloyd , n veteran sporting man , the
ighting dog Pilot in the training
for S' OOO. Pilot is owned by Lloyd ,
who has personal charge of his traili
ng. When thoicpoiter called at the
nn yesterday Lloyd and his dog were
ust returning from a "sweat ing tramp"
n Central park. Pilot was covered
\itli heavy flannels , his neck nuifllcd
vith a thick flannel hood. '
Lloyd , better known as "Cockney
Chnrloi' , " is , perhaps , the most expo-
icnccd dog fancier in the world. Ho
s a natiyo of England , and is well in-
ormcd in the brooding ol fighting
16gs. Ho took Pilot into n room nnd
tripped off the heavy flannels. Ho
.hen went to work rubbing the dog
[ own with rough towels and sponges.
After half an hour's vigorous rubbing-
hcj dog waa bathed with hot wnternnd
inimont. Lloyd then Inid n rough
loth over his body and covered him
up for fifteen minutes. The dog
ecmcd to enjoy it , showing no signs
of uneasiness. Lloyd then called
'Hot up. As ho rose his muscles
nilgod out like bunches of whip-cord.
"What do you think of that for
ondition ? ' ' Ldoyd asked. "Ho
vc'ighs only twenty-six pounds. You
an see that 1 hnvo made him work ,
xiok nt him ! Ain't ho in line condi-
ion ? "
In answer to questions as to the
onditioim of the match , Lloyd &aid :
'The iiifht has boon arranged to come
IT in the third week of October.
Pilot's opponent is Kreiger's white
log Crib , of Louisville , Ky , It is to
> o n sqitaro scratch in turn light nt
wcnty-cight pounds , according to
Tow Yorlc rules , for $1,000 n side.
Each nido has posted ? oOO with llich-
xrd K. Fox , of The Police Gazette ,
vluMvanoolucted final stakeholder , and
> oth patties have decided that he shall
appoint the icferco. The dogs nvo
he best twu in the t\oild , nnd the
mttlo pipmtaen to bo nn exciting one ,
ipon which thousands of doll.uaul !
jo wogeied. The second nnd final
loposit of $ ! ) QO ia to bo posted on the
lay of the light. The owner of Crib
\agers $1,000 to my § 000 , the bal-
ince , S100 , being allowed mo for ex-
muses to go to PiUsburg , near which
loint the light is to bo decided. The
rticles of agreement sent on to
AHiisvillo already have been signed. "
"How did the match como to bo
nadu. ' "
"I saw not long ago a challenge in
ho 1'olico Gi/.ettt ! from n Louisville
port , in which ho olieicd to match'
} nb against any dog in the woild for
! . " > ,000 a hide , at twenty-eight pounds
i eight , ami I accepted the challengo.
'ilot is said by excellent judges in old
Dnyland to bo the best fighting billi
ng in the world. His disposition is
eiy bad nt times , so that I can't even
ppronch him , Init ho is a grunt pot of
ty wife , ns she feeds and takes caio
f him. When 1m is in his tantrum
o will allow no ono but her to attend
o him. "
"Isn't ho rather blocky nnd shoit-
egged ? "
"Oh , there's where the rent secret
t his btiongth comes in. Don't you
co it's hard to keep such a dog on his
Kick , He'll ' bo up and ut it , His
eoth are ovuu , and sharp us a nuor "
Pilot is brindle nnd white , and was
ued , Lloyd saj.s , by John lloldon of
he Bed Lion' inn , Park street , Wai-
mil , England , nml it ) now two and u
ialf years old , llo was yet by U ,
sinill's dog Billy of Sedgley out of
Tom Uurby'n Kit , mid Billy's father
\.is from Lnuo Billy out of Tom Par-
on'a Beauty. Benuty wns out of
'tod lleovo's I'et , and Pet was got by
Mod Hcevo'sdo''Jooy. Joes was got
> y Joseph Inseloy's bear dog , and thu
> eur dog wns bred by Sam Cooper of
Vcdvcrlmmpton out of Sam Cooper's
vady. Ludy was bred by Frank
DVUIIH of WillenhAll. and was got by
5am Coopoi's dog Captain He was
red by Fred Evans of Willenhall.
Japtnin beat Philip Snutorn's dpg of
udgloy for i'25 n aidoj John Hooloy's
og of Manchester nt thirty-threo nnd
half Douiuls , for 00 a side ; George
lowloy's ' dog Toby of Wodncsbury at
hirty-six jwunds weight , for 23 a
Idoj George llowloy's Ourley'a of
Vodncsbury , at.thirty-two and n half
touiuls weight , for i'L' & n side ; John
Vooloy's dog of M anohostor , nt thirty-
vo pounds weight , for 50 n side ;
James Hulford's dog Gallus of Hall
Green , near Bilston , at thirty-four
rounds weight , for 80 to 20 in
takes , nnd 110 to 50 in a bet
Captain took first pii/o twice in the
OK show at Biiminghain.
E oapod From the Toll * ,
John IJacon , Lajiotto , Ind. . wrltos :
'Ihirifth for Spring lilrnboui ; it u all you
recommend it to be. ity dynpoiwla 1ms
nil viuiUlied. Why don't you adertlso It !
What nllowaiiM will you make If I tnko
n dozen bottle * , KJ thnt I could oblk-o my
riend * occasIoaallyT Pries 50 cents ; trUl
Kittles 10 cents , 'JScodlw
Men of aWllty , to '
C1IAUI1EKS' Utctlonir ) < 'l I ,1
creal Hnonlwl.-e. Complete Culoiuxlh nf
t erv Day Want * .
Thli In the Mott Vttl ul anil Compact Literary
Achiev cnient o | tlio go. It hat ua competltori.
Wcuaut competent Solicitor ! . . Ko peiMlm
tirotl applr Cirtulam , luur full danrlptloo.
tnt on ppllcatlou , J , fl. UUAIIIIiau ) ,
bt , Loul , Mo. , Chlctgo , 111. , Atlanta. 0
> f/fr////iN fH N E K _ to * yf , - ' " - ' -
The leading Scientist ! of to-d.ty r > ; rcr tha
moit illiwcn nro cAtisci ! by kldno\
orlhcr. If , therefore , thakldnotvnml ll er nr
Kept In perfect onli r , jrcrfeU health uill'vtli
rciult. This truth li-nonly liccn known n Miui
time and forj ears people sttffmtl vrrtt njron
without l > cliit { able to tlmlrcllcl. Th i illsootcr
ol Wnrncr's hate Kidney ami f.her Cure iiuik.
n new en li the treatment of tdcc trouble
Mailc from a Minplo tro ] leal leaf cf nroaluc. . I
conUIni Jimt thu clcnuiiU ncic ary to noum !
amllmKroratc both ot then ) Krvat orpiiu , nn
jfcly restore nml keep them Inordir. It li
Positive Remedy for nil the dlsc-ncs tint can *
iwliu In the lower part of the bodj for Totpli
Liter llc.tdacliei Jniiidlcc | Izznci ! ! ! ( lrau
- FeverAiriio I.hcr and Urinary Ordain.
It Nan excellent umlMifu remeil } lor fttnalc
Utirlnir I'reitiancy. It will control Moiutniatloi
and IN In 'aluablo for I.cucorrluca or Fall Jiir o
the Womb.
Ai n UIooil t'lirlfler It Is nncnmlcil , for It cure
the nrKtini that mike the Mood.
ThU remedy , hl < .Ii lias done such noiulor , I
lint , up In the L-AKUtCTHlKKI ) JKiriLKof nnj
medlelno upon the tmrktit. nml U heM hv Urn * '
ami all dealers at SI. 20 r r bottfu. To
nimiri \VAHSRi-y 8\KK DIA
IICTKS ( JUltl : . ItUnl'Oal IVK Itemed/ .
H. H. V/AHNER & CO. , Rochottar , H. Y.
fclfl-tu-tli-tat-lv _
icing the Story of the Scriptures , by Ocorji
Alexander Crook , I ) . U. , In aiinplo and attractlu
anguax for old and younsr. Frofuselj lllustn
cil , maklnz a mojt Intcrestlntr and Imprcesht
outh s Instructor. n % cry mrcnt will secure thli
lork. 1'rc.achers , > on should circulate it. I'llct
3 00. Send for cln ulars with extra tcnus.
J 11. GIIAUilUKS k CO. St. Louis Mo.
Western Horse and Oattle In-
surauoe Oompany ,
Capitnl , . . . 3100,00000
nuirui Horses , Mule ? and Cattle ngainst lees bj
RCAtdent , dicon o or theft. Atrcnciej In all 60x111-
ici of the State. Scud for clualars.
the Futctt felllne Book of tin Are !
Foil mi ; I ions ol' Success.
Tholiwsof tra-lo , loirixl l > im , how to 'rann-
bt nntlnoj3 , vilutuie talilcK , BOI Ui ctlqtictta ,
itrlinir.oiittry nst o , how to conduct public
aslneta ; t'l f < ut it U % comr.loto O'l do to $ t\-
ess for all ola ia A fauilly noco'el y. AJ'Ireia
or and clal terruj.NcllOU I'UIl
I-lllNnM.hi ( .mils. M < > .
Geo. P. Bern is
10th and Oodge Bit. , Omaha , Neb.
This nffcncy docs BTBICILT a brokcra o bu Incsa.
) ocj not npCLUlalc , nml therefore any bargains
11 its book * ari < Insured to Its patrons , iiibtcnJ
f liclnir polililod nn hv 'hiIUT nt w
01 1)3 KT KJTABLIflllf.D
Real Estate Agency
Ki'C ) > a coni | > li.ta ahitr.ict of title to all Ucil
Estate In OniAu-inil Ilouirlu c/iunty. maytf
- -
Physicians and Surgeons.
OFFICK , OverC'rulcKshanlc , ISth bt. , Bit.
Fnrnhaiii nnd lei ) ) lai aiMm
I'rofi or 1'Uher , ( from St. 1 onii ) I ) mclng Ac-
dcin ) , Standard Hill , tor 1'ifti'cnth and Farn-
lain , Tiatdav ct iiln , ! , frcptcnilicr tih.
Classes for Lidlmaiul ( Jintknun commencing
'ucsdiy cveiilnif Sipttmlur Oth ; ilasMss lor
HS-CK and Mastirv , coiiinicniln SAtiinUy alter-
eon at I o'clock , ( 'laatcs for Fainlllox ill ho
rmni'i'd to mlt tl a honorablu patrons. Also
lallet daialn , ' inn he taM ht. , anil inrluo witlnitlon | to schol >
nt Kiiirintecil. I'rluitu Instructions ull > e ( , ' ! '
n atthe Dam In , ; Attuluiiy or at the ' Itlu'ice
f the patron * .
1'rhutu urdcrH 'may ho lift atMn > Mc.xcr.t
IIO'H. 3 ijfflo tf
Scaled proposals for the Construction of
grilled propoMli will bo rrcchnl by the undersigned -
signed until biptcmbfr 21) , IbSl , at li o'tloUc
noon , for tliu romtntitlon of sMewulLs In froit )
at and aiijolnlir | the following described pro-
mini * , to-nlt !
Lot. ll'ock. Addition. IteiimrKi.
I-23 4 4 Kountzu&ltuth'j
1011It IS
K SJ ! ft I K kldo 13 iii
N'28ftl S bide Jackson
ill. I aoi Unl , rciwilrcd
I 200 w i Idu 1J t
W J of 7 74 ni-HeCap.Ai.
Sn(4 llnrlach'H oiHherman A ,
S' : tu ft s Kouti iu' 'jil o kiilo 10 t
SfiO/LU ' '
iWftn " "
1(1 ( ' " K H
IV J8 | 3 | ' M ldo llarncy
! Capitol lulilur'arnlmni
AIM all tltatp.\Ttof thoiiutiiiaetjfjo'li direct ,
intwcriithono th lde of Ciutollir and south
Ino of block ono (1) ) In South Otuahi addition ,
Mao all that | vtttoii tlieuait klde of lOtli meet ,
_ itt oen thuHoiitli Iliui of Clutrlc * ktncct and
r.orth line of blo.konol ) In South Omaha ad-
lltlon. J , J , L. C. JKWCTT ,
.220t City Clerk.
of lev
rncil t > 7 Ilia tmln uf cU-Ulnirou-
nlulit work , to r
> < > ur dutlui avoid m
tlniulintiand U I tore bmlnnerrr and
Hop Bitten. l ao e'UHi Hop
If jrou ro jrounij and I Ituffeiin fromanT In . *
discretion or dltM < ipAl It Ion i If ruuareinar.
ilcxl or.nlnitlc. uld orl I vouiur , aaUck In it from
noorbtaltu or la irul > b I lnit on t l ol alck
O M. nljr on Hop ]
. , Thouwndi n-
Whoercr on r
wbeturtr Tou fit ) I nually front tome
tout jour i/ftciu I form of tlul Kidney uAalit
clwiulnr , tou * dli w
n d < \
ieiil it
Ina or ttlmuutlnir , 1 fcT tjrcnpr
wllttout lnloxtentl g , I 1 tl a timely UD D |
S- . .h-OP HopBlttora
Hart you ufw - .
rpta , IHt O. I. O.
orHHiurvea li an aUoluttt
plaint , dltc ind lrn.l > lat -
ot Ilia ilomof A.l ROP t > l > e a r for
fcnuvlt , Ho drunkenncti
{ ( ivrorn < n uw of opium ,
You will bel tobaooo , or
nircdltTouuj [ narcotlu.
Hop Bitter * !
Ifrcnarolml , . .
il.u. ikadtur
ff ] weaU audk NEVER LlrcuUr. (
iti may aor Btrnu
nvo your IFAIL M7' CO.
life , ( thai ,
Biivod hun-l KBtttr | & T
drod i. | A Tow t . Oil ,
No. IftOH Fariiliaxu Street ,
mm t-or b ndu oiip Orund Central Hotel
Edward W. Simeral ,
1319 Farnham Street.
Having decided infutureto adhere strictly to the
manufacture of Men's Gloves , the well known house
of Fisk , Clark and Fiagg have closed to us their
entire stock of
claimed by all who know them to be superior in
some respects to the
Alexander , Trefonsse or Perinot Gloves.
We offer this morning I860 Pairs Best Quality 3-
Button Kids at 75c , 700 Pairs Best Quality 4-But-
ton Kids at $1.00150 Pairs Best Quality 6-Button
Kids at $1.25.
The Retail Prices for these goods East are 3-
Button , $2.00 ; 4-Button , $2.25 ; 6-Button , $2,50.
The sale of Ribbpns inaugurated by us in summer met with such
success that we have secured BETTER BARGAINS for Fall , and open
to-day. 500 Pieces Gros Grain Ribbon , all widths , 5c. a yard ; 3500
Pieces Satin and Gros Grain from No. 7 to No. 40 at 10c. ; 75 Pieces
Sash Ribbons at 25c , a yard.
In .fact our whole iall stock is now being opened , and we invite attention
to the largest , cheapest and best stock we have ever shown. . , - .
S. IP. DVCOIRSE ! & CO. , . . . , " ! . ' 1
1319 Farnham Street.
Jnited States Depository.
Cor. 13th and Farnam Bts.
Organized IMI a National Bank August 20,16C3.
orncrrs AJ > D mnncioRs ;
AioiHttra Koi'ATZK , Vice President.
II.V. . VATia , Cashier.
A. J. I'oriLETOv , Attorney ,
,4'JllJOllN A. ClUlallTON.
F. 11. DAVIS , Aret. Catlilcr.
Tht bank receive ] depoetts ulthout regard to
Jiftiicatlino certificates bcarlni ; Interest.
Draws ilr.ids on ban 1'randjco and principal
rltlcn of the United States , also Lonilon , Dubliii
l llnburuh and the principal titles of the contl
nont of Uuropo ,
Solli pauinger tickets for emltrrantj by the ( n
man linn. tnavidtf
Tim MOHT PoruLin ! llii BUT HuU ol
TUB BEST . < - . { * . * , OUUIINH
ANH , vJ'J'j ' QCICKEH *
MANUKAOtaaiioSiia5 IN T K
TOKEi ) . , 'kr j ; j'irM MAUKEI
taflvoelm , 4,6 , 8 , 10 and 1
aliens. It liai no Ketriiu. tlenio no uolsi
UN Hi work easily and quUlrly. &nd Rtla tba
irKoat amount ol luttir frumiho milk or
n mli ; tnaao frniuihe teat uli lumber. It
> Id at lover price than any llur flr < v Uii
turn. Hand lor dU.rlpUto circular and price
lUt to the
The Oldest UlstabUsbed
3aldwell , Hamilton & Co , ,
trantvctcd aama a * that ol an Incor-
> orated uauk.
Account * kept In currency or gold lubject to
cht check without uotlcti.
CcrtiHcatea ol dgpoilt taued p ) able In three ,
x and tHth monUu , j arlng Intercut , or on
emand without Interest.
Advance ) nuule to customer * on approrel i cu <
tiu at market nte ot Interest.
Buy anil ncll ( fold , bill * of exchange , go\ em
inent , lUte , county and city boudi.
Draw "ig'nt ilnlti on Gnlind | , Ireland , Scot-
and , and all parUol Europe.
Soil European nusijo ticket * .
OS. . CL1RUOK , i. O.'UHMT
Clarkson & Hunt ,
Sucewn ( o UlchirJi & Hunt ,
S Iltk9tr t OmhaKeb
Dr , Amelia Burroughs
Tuesdays and Fridays ,
10 a. m , to 5 p. m ,
IT <
Steam Pumps , Engine.Trimmings ,
H I O luouiRiniy , , P.P. ,
A. L. STRANG , 205 Farnam St. , Omaha.
It always gives satisfaction , because it makes a
superior article of Bread , and is the Cheap
est Flour in the market. Every sack
warranted to run alike or
money refunded.
W. M. YATES , Cash Grocer.