Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 29, 1881, Page 5, Image 5

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> EW YOHK , September 28.
Money closed at 2 per cent nfter tnttch-
tig 0.1 hifli na 0 ] > or cent plus 1-32 ot 1 ] > er
cent.Kxchnngo closed steady at 4 80)184.
Governments closed firmIV ; , COUIHUIS ,
117J bidli'n ; do , 113J ; 5's continued ,
1 OtJ ; currency GV , 1 M bid.
Pftcifio bondH closed as follows :
Union IsU , 11011 20 ; land rwits , ! 17
Wd ; Blnklng fuiuN , 1 li@l ! 231 ( Ocntrnls ,
1 16 ® ! It ! .
The Block tnnrkct HI'M iiioniln wnRWcn. ! :
and prices declined phnrply , the lovvost
! ) tiotr\tions beliitf cut rent fchoitly after
inlddny. The decline ranged from J to 2
per cent , nnd wna due cliiclly to the
ness of money , wh ch WAS loaning on cull
at 1-32 per cent per diem. During the
afternoon money became easier anil most
of the decline was recovered ; the closing
quotations , however , allowed n decline- for
the day of J to ' } per cimt.
The following itro the closing bids :
OIIICAQO , Seitember 28.
There was a brisk demand for money
and the rates were lit in at7 ( ! per cunt
per annum. The clearings of the asso
ciated banks were 57,800,000. Eastern ex
change between city banks was weak at
! J1 discount per $1,000. Orders for cur
rency were moderate.
Omulm Wholesale Market-
Omen OF Tun OMAHA HUE , 1
Wednesday Kvenitij * , September 28. f
The following telegram was received to
day by the Omaha Iron and Nail Works :
Prmnunc , Pa. , Septembnr 28.
At a full meeting of the Iron and Nail
Association to-day , the advance of 25c per
keg made on the 2l t was fully confirmed ,
and it was unanimously resolved to strictly
adhere to prices. The card now stands ,
S3 25 rate
Notwithstanding the above , our whole
sale dealers think the advance cannot be
sustained , and will make no advance in
prices at present.
The provision market to-day has been
very quiet. Potatoes slightly advanced.
Grain steady. Wheat c higher. Barley
declined Ic. Rye advanced lie. Oats ad
vanced Jc.
No other change ? are noted.
Local drain Dealings.
WHEAT. Cash No. 2 , 1 19J ; cash
n. S , 1 074 : rejected SOic.
BATILEY. UashNa'A S1.00.No. . ; . 3 ,
HYB. Cash , Ofic. -
CORN. Cash No. 2 , 5Ci.
OATS.-Cash , 34.- .
Cattle Good shipping , 'S4 00 ; fat cows
and heifers. § 2 J5@3 00.
Hogs Mixed packing , $3 75@0 00.
\ Sheep Slaughtering m demand at $3 00
@ 3 75 per 100 Ibs gross.
FLOUR Spring wheat , straight grade ,
$ J25@360 ; patent , 83 75@4 50 ; winter
wheat straight grade , S3 75@4 00 ; patent ,
$1 00@4 50 ; graham rye , 62 50 ; Wheat ,
$2 75.
HYi : FLOUR $3 25.
MILLSTUFFS Bran , per cwt. 70c ;
screenings , per cwt. 70@80c ; shorts , per
cwt. 80c : chopped feed , per cwt. 1 00 ; meal
bolted , yellow , 1 15 : white , 51 25.
POTATOES 100@1 10.
SWEET POTATOES Very active at
6@6c per pound.
POULTRY Live chickens per dozen ,
$2 50 ® 2 75.
per dozen.
EGGS Very dull at 10@18c.
BUTTER Choice scarceat20@23poor ; ,
no market : creamery , 30c.
APPLES Good , sound , very scarce
at S4 00@4 50 per bbl.
HONEY California white clover in
comb , 24@25o.
LEMONS Steady ; per box , eiOOO
@ 10 60. Finest Messina orangea $8 00
PEACHES SI 10@t 10 per basket.
at 5@(5c ( per Ib.
C ALIF6RNI A PE ARS-Per box , S3 50
( 400.
VEGETABLES All kinds bring Rood
prices and scarce ,
BEESWAX Yellow , 18@20c.
ONIONS SI 23@1 5il per bushel.
CABBAGE 31 00@1 50 per dozen.
Qrocers List.
COFFEE. Rio , fair , 134c : Rio , good ,
14c ; Rio , prime to choice , I4.Jc ; Old gov't
Java ; 20J@28Jc , Mocha , SSJc ; Arbuckle'u ,
TEAS. Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ;
Choice , C0@75c ; Imperial , good , 40@45cj
Choice , C0@75c ; Young Hyson , good , 3C@
60oj choice , Gjc@Sl 00 : Japan Nat Leaf ,
35c ; Japan , choice , 60@7" c : Oolong , poixl ,
85@40 ; Oolong , choice , 40@55 ; Souchong ,
good. 3340c ; choice. 3545c.
SUGARS. Cut loaf , llic ; Crushed ,
lljc ; Granulated , lie ; Powdered , lljc
Vine powdered , lljjo ; Standard Colfee A.
lOic ; New York Confectioner's Standard
A , lOJc ; Good A , lOgc ; Prairie Extra 0 ,
SYRUPS. Susur house , bbls , 48c : bail
bin , 50c ; keps , 4A gallons , 82 30 ; choice
table syrup , G0 ; half bbln , 53c ; kegs.82 fiO.
SPICKS. Pepper , 20 ; Allspice , OOoj
Cloves , 45oj Nutmetjs , ? 100 : Cassia , 2ocj
Mace 8100.
SODA. Dwlptht's lb papers , S3 00 ; De
land do , $3 00 ; Church's , $3 00 ; Keg tola ,
STAROir. Pearl , 4c ; Silver Gloss , 8\ \
@ 8Jcj Cora Starch , 8J@9c ; Kxcelsloi
Gloss. Cjc ; Corn. 7ic.
SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 OS ; Ash-
ton , In sackx , 3 50 ; bbls dairy CO , 5s , 3 45 ;
bblt ) dairy , 100 , 3t , 3 05 ,
DRI15D FIlUITS-ChoIce . halves ,
peaches , new croji
D lb boxes , 1" "
Yerk apples , . ,
old , 7Jc ; new , 8Jc ; Currants , 7@7i j
Blackberrlen , new , 14o ,
OIIEESK Full Cream , ICcj Part
Skim , 11c.
1 85 ; three hoop pails , 2 10 } No. I t\ib ,
0 00 ; No. 'i tub * , . 8 00 ; No. 3 tuba. 7 00 ,
pioneer washboard * , 1 85 ; Double Crown ;
2 75 ; Globe " \Va hboard.260Wellbucket ; ,
chain , and 6 ply , 2021t Colored carpet
chain , per It ) , 2U ;
LEATJ-lJar , 81 65.
MATCHES Per caddie , 85oj round
cases , 87.35 : anuaro caxeu , 81,00.
PROVISIONS Breakfast bacon. 14 *
pholco lard , 131c ; dried beef , 14c ; shmild-
ten , canva.-ued Oc ; haina , canvassed 14c ;
jiaoou , sides 13Jo
. NEW PIOKLES-Medluin , fn barreln ,
{ 9 00 ; do In half bbls , 5 00 ; small * , In bbl ,
11 00 ; do , In half bblm G 50 : chorkiix , in
bbl12 00 ; do , in ImU bbls , 7 00.
VINEGAR Pure npplo extra , 16c ;
pure apple , 13c : Prui'dng ' pure apple , 15c.
HOMINY Now , 81 SO j > er bbl.
BEANS Medium , hand picked S3 50
per bushel.
ROPE Sisal , J inoli and larger , O c ; i
Inch , 9c ; 1 Inch , lOJc.
SO APS-KIik's Savon Imperial , 300 ;
Kirk's natinct. 3 ( X ) ; Kirk's utandani , 3 50 ;
Kirk'x white Russian , 5 50 : Khk'a Eutoco ,
2 25 : Kirk's Prairie ( Juecn , (100 ( cakes ) , 3
10 ; Kiik's magnolia , 4 80.
CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , 10 oz , Si ,
IRcfboxcs 40 Ibs. , 10 or. , ( K lie ; bores , 40
nets , 14 oz. , 8s , 13Jc ; half boxes , 20 nets ,
14 oz. , 8s , 13c.
LYK American , 3 40 : Greenwich , 310 :
Western , ! 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lewis'
lye , 4 CO ; Jewell lye , 2 75.
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 doz. ,
in case , 3 33 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in case ,
1 90 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz in case , 1 50.
FIELD SEED Red clover , choice
nc\v , SO 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover ,
new , $7 00 ; white clover , newi 811 00
uhnlfa clbver , now , $1250 ; nlsike , new ,
81300. Timothy , good , new , S3 00 ;
blue Brass extra clean , 81 oO ; blue grass ,
clean , SI 25 ; orchard grass , 82 50j red top ,
choice , 103 ; millet , common orMissouii ,
SOc ; millet , Gentian , 81 00 to 81 25 ;
Hungarian. SOc.
HEDGES EED Owigo orange , 1 to 5
bushels , 85 00 ; osage orange , 10 bushels or
over , § 4 50 ; honoj locust , per Ib. , 3oc ; per
100 fbs. . 825 00.
FISH Family white fish , 90 Ib hf bM-s
S3 CO ; No. 1 white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls. G 30 ;
No. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kits , 1 00 ; family
10 lb kits , 7 c ; New Holland herring , per
keg , 120 ; Russian sardines , 75c ; Colui"-
bhi river salmon , per 100 lb , 8 00 ; George's
Bank codfish , Oc ; Gen. bonulcsa codluh ;
S\c \ ; boneless fish , 4Jc.
MACKEREIHalfbhlsmcssmackercl ,
100 Ibs , 812 60 ; hf bbl No. 1 ex shore do ,
100 lb , 0 00 ; hf bbls , fat famtlv do , 100
Iba , 3 85 ; mess mackerel , 12 lb kits , 2 25 ;
No. 1 ex shore , 12 lb do , 1 50 : No. 1 shore ,
12 lb do. 1 00 : fat family , 10 lb do. 75c.
CANNED GOODS Oysters , 2 Hi
( Field's ) , per case , 84 20 ; do 1 lb ( Field's ) ,
per case , 2 50 : do 2 lb ( Standard ) , per case ,
3 90 ; do 1 lb ( standard ) , per case , 2 40 } do
2 lb ( nlack ) , per cose , 2 75 ; do 1 W > ( slack ) ,
per cose , 200. Onions , 380. Salmon , 1
lb , per dozen , 1 05 ; do 2 lb , per dozen
'J50. Sardines , small fsh , imported , ono
quarter boxes per box , 14Jo ; American ,
quarter boxes per bo.x. He ; do half boves ,
per box. 21JC. Lobsters , 1 lb per dozen ,
180. Tomatoes , 230 ; do 3 lb per
case , 3 10 ; Corn , 2 lb ( Mountain )
per case , 3 70 ; soaked corn , 2 10 ; do
2 lb ( Yarmouth ) , per case , 375 ;
string beans , per case , 2 OOL , Lima beans
per case , 2 10. Succotash per case , 2 20.
Pe.aa , common , per case , 2 00 ; peas , choice ,
per case , 4 50. Blackberries , 2lb , per case ,
280 } strawberries , 2 lb , per case , 3 00 :
lospberries , 2 lb , per case , 275@300.
Damsons , 2 lb , per case , 2 45. Bartlett
pears per case , 3 Oo@4 00. Whortleber
ries per case , 2 80. Egg plums , 2 lb per
cise , 3 25 ; do , choice , 2 Ib , per case. 4 50.
Given gages,2 lb per cose , 3 25 : do choice , "
lb per case , 4i > 0. Pine Apples , 2 lb , per cone ,
4 00@5 75. Peaches , 2 lb per case. 3 10 :
do 3 Ib , case , 6 00@0 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 lb , per
oase,325 ; do pie. G lb , per dozen , 3 50.
RICE Carolina , 8@8Jo ; Louiciana , 5
PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red Ten
nessee , 9c per lb ; fancy white , lOo per lb ;
raw white Virginia , lOic.
Dry Goods.
7c ; Continental C , do , 8c ; Crescent LL
Oic ; Ciebcent 0 7 c ; Crescent B 73c ;
Crescent A Sc ; Graniteville LL G.o } ; In
dian Head 7 c ; Lawrence LL , G c ; Ports
mouth P , do , 4Ac ; Utica C ojc ; Winthrop
L , do , 7Sc : Wachusetts 7jc.
6c ; Auburn A 4-4 8Jc : Ballardvale 4-4
Gic ; Dairy Cloth 5Jc ; Fairmont 4-4 Gc ;
Fruit 4-4 10H : Hoi e4-4,8\c ; Loindale 4-4
Me ; New York Mills 4-1 lit ; I'ncasaclt C
4-4 S.\c. Waiusutta , 4-4 13 .
PRINTS. Allen's fancy , $ * A ieri-
can do , GAc ; Arnold's do , 7c ; American
do,6cBerirn ; solid colorsCc.ConeBtogadoC.\c
Cochico robe , 7c ; Freeman robe , Cc ;
Dunnell do , 7c ; Eddvstono do Gc ;
Hannonv , 5\c ; Hartel.GJc ; Knickerbocker ,
6\c ; Gloucester do , Gic ; Hamilton , CJc ?
Hamilton do. 7c ; Marlboro do , 5rfc ; South-
bridge do. 5Jc ; Sprague do , . S c ; Simp
son's solid black , Ujc ; Simpson's mourning ,
7c. Southbridgo do , GJc ; Regatta do , 5Vc ;
Pacificdo 7c ; Spraffue do , Gjc ,
Manchester , 7c ; Pacific , 7c ; Sprague ;
Gjc ; SouthbridgeGic ; Myt > tc ! , Ojc ; Merri-
mack shirting , Gc ; Washington oil colors ,
9c.CAMBRICS Garner , 5c ; Hannony B ,
5c ; Hooksett , 5c ; Keystone Glove Finish ,
5Jc ; Washington , 5c.
CORSET JEANS Androscoggin Bat-
teen , 8Jo : Lockwood do. 9r ; Naumkeag
do. , ejc ; Rockport , 7Jo
TICKING Amoskeag. A. O. A. , 174c ;
Albany S. A. X. , 17ic ; Cordis A. C. E. ,
17ic ; CordiH , B , B. , 9Jc ; Conestoga , R.C. ,
Red Stripe , 1C Jc ; Conestoga. C. C. A. , fan
cy , 14c ; Conestoga , 1,0. C. A. , 14c ; Conestoga -
toga , 4-4 , Gold Medal , IGc ; Conestoga ,
17Jc ; Easton , B. , 9Jc ; Hamilton , I ) . , 1U ;
Hamilton regular , IS c ; Hamilton IL ,
lljc ; Omega superior extra , 27c ; Omega
medal , 25c ; Omega A OA , fancy stripe ,
ISc ; Omega A 4-4 , ICc ; Omega A J , 13 ;
Pearl Itiver , IGic ; Shetucket , S. , lOJc ;
Shetucket , S. S. , 12c ;
OIL CLOTH-B-4 wood , S3 00 ; fi-4
fancy marble , S3 00 ; C-4 white marble ,
82 83 ; G 4 wood , S3 GO ; 0-4 fancy marble ,
Si 00 ; C1 white marble , $3 85 ; 5-4 mosaic -
saic , S3 00 ; G-4 mosaic , 81 00.
DENINS Amoskeag blue and brown ,
IGc ; Beaver Creek , A. A. , blue and brown ,
14Jc ; Beaver Creek , B , B.bluo and brown.
ISJc ; Beaver Creek , C. O. , blue and
brown , 12ie ; Everett D. D , , blue and
brown , 15J ; Haymakers bhio and bro\vn ,
nicj Otis , A. X. A. , blue , 15cj OtisB. B.
blue , 14 ; Otis C. 0. , blue , 13c ; Pearl
River blue and brown , 15Jc.
DUCKS Arlington stripe , 18- ! ? Boston
checks. 13jc ; Boston XX drab , 12ic ; Bos.
ton XXX bro. , 13Jc ; Boston XXX drab ,
13Jc ; Bobton O. II , bro. , lOJc ; Boston XX ,
bro , , 12Jc ; Bibjnarck stripe , 17jo ; Boston
stripes , 13\c \ ; DuiWeo tripes , 18c ; Fall
River , lljc ; Hamden O. O. , lOJc ; Lion
Blue , 15Jc.
STRIPES American , 10c ; Amoskeag ,
llje : Dexter A. , 14c ; Mechanics , Be ;
Omega , lie ; Olli B. B. , lOoj Pittafield , 7c ;
COn'ONADES Angora. D. & T. , 23e ;
A. Y , A. , 20o ; Bell , 18c ; Bridge water , 19c ;
Capitol , 18e ; Charter Oak 18c ; E erett ,
heavy , 20e : Everett , medium , 15c ; Farm
er's 22ic ; Lewiston 10 oz. , 25c ; New York
mills checks 18 ; New York mills proof ,
224c ; Wicklow.lSJlc ; Union Pacific , 18c ;
Whittend n , D. & T. , SOc ; York , light
weight , 12Jo
SHEETINGS AndroscogKin.0-4 brown
23c ; do 10-4 do , 2Go ; PeppcreU'g'J-4 brown ,
25e ; do 10-4 do , 27io : Alexandria , 40
incli , bleached , 13o ; Androscoggin 0-4 ,
bleached , 2 < ie ; do 10-4 , bleached , 29c ;
Pepperell , it-l , bleached , 25c ; do 10-4
bleached , 27jc.
Carbolic , 50c ; Acid , Tart.iric , Boc : Balsam
Copabia , per Ib , 70c ; Bark , SasBafraa , t > cr
lb , 12o ; Calomel , per lb , 70c ; Cinchonldla ,
per oz , SOc ; Chloroform , per lb , OOc ;
Dover1 * i ) wdera , per lb , 81 40 ; Epsom
alU , per lb , 3Jo ; Glycerine , pure , per lb ,
44e ; Lead , Acetate , perlb , 22c ( Car
lion oil , 110' , per gallon , llje ; dol50 ,
pergal , 13jc ; Oil , Castor , No. 1 , tier gal ,
n 10 ; Oil , Castor , No.S.per gal.8100 ; Oil ,
Olive , i > er cal , 81 50 ; OH , Onganum , 50o
Opium , 8150 ; CJulnine , $210:1' . k W. fclf.
&ST > eroz,822.'J ; Potassium , Iodideper Ibj
82 , 50 ; Halacm , per oz , 33c ; Sulpiiata ol
Morphine , i > er oz , $3 Ii3j Sulphnr flour ,
per lb , 4u ; Strychnine , ner oz , 81 50o.
Horses and Mules.
Tlie market is brink and all grades are
gelling well at n slight advance in pi ices.
The ilemnnd for ROW ] hotnen eKceeds the
supply considerably. 1'ricea range as fol.
Fine single drivers , 81fA ) . to 800.J Extra
draft hornet ) , $175. to 225 , ; Common draft
liorees , 8100. to 150. ; Extra farm lioraea ,
8110. to 123. s Common togoodfann horses ,
$90. to $100 , ; Extra plugj , $00 , to 75. ;
Common plugs , 820. to $10.
MULES.-15 to 15J I'mncU ( extra ) , $125.
to 150. ; 14i to 15 hands , 8100 , to 110. :
14 U 14J hands , ? 75. to 100. ) 13 to 14
hands , SGO. to 75.
Cl ( ? r * nd Tobaccos. 1
CIGARS. Sc K 815.00 : Connecticut ,
? 2.r.00) ) Mixed , 83.00 ; Seed Havana , SSO.OO ;
Clear Havana , 875.00.
TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Rule ,
24 lb , COc ; S | > ott l Fuwn. Gluj Our Hope ,
C2c ; Star , ixninds , 21 lb , butts , OOcj
Shoe , pounds , 21 lb , butts , ftSc ; Purity , VJI
lb. butts , 62cj Queen Bee , 2Ub , butt * . 53c !
Glt ! Edge , ixiunds , 21 lb , butts , 57 ; Army
and Navy , pounds , 51c ; Bullion , | xmnd-i ,
r > Gc ; Ijorillanrs Climax , pounds , 5"c.
FINE CUT In mlls.-llard to Beat ,
7i" > 3 ; Golden Threaif , 70c ( Fountain , 78c ;
Favorite , G3c ; 1'ocky Mountniu , 55c ;
Fancy , 50c ; Dalfsy , 45c. In tin foil
Catlins 0 , S. , 2 oz packages , o lb boxen ,
l r lb GOc ; Ixirillard'H Tiger , iWc.
SMOKING All grades Common , 25 to
33c. Granulated IJlnckwells Duiham , 111
oz4fic ; Dukes Durham , 1C oz , 45c : Seal of
North Carolina. 10 or , 40 ; Seal of Ncbras.
ka , 10 oz , 38c ; Ixmo Jnck , 4 DZ , linen bogs/
per lb , 81.35 ; JIarburgs' Puck , 2 oz , tiu
foil , 55cj DOR Tail , C5c.
Lumber. '
FENCING-NO , i , 12 to 20 ft , 525 oo ;
No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , 20 00 : ( .heeling dressed ,
No. 1 , 19 00 ; No. 2 , 18 00 ; common Tjoaul < ,
dressed , 23 00.
FRAMING 10 ft. nnd under , per M ,
24 00 } 10 ft. studding , 22 00 ; 22 ft. 22 00 ;
24ft. 2000.
FINISHING No. 1. finish 11 , U and
2 inch , 855 00 No. 1 finish 1 inch SoO 00 ;
No. 2. finish 1J , 1J and 2 Inch , 8T 000 : No.
2 finish , 1 inch , SI * 00 ; No , 3 finish , 1 iivh ,
81000 ; O. G. batlons per 100 feet lin. ,
81 TX ) ; well curbing , S35 00 ; rough 4 and 2
Inch battens per 100 feet Hi1. . 50c.
STOCK BOARDS-Astoclc , 845 00 ; S
840 00 ; C.'S3500 ; common stock , S25 50.
FLOORING No. 1 , 842 50 ; No. 2 ,
S37 50 ; No , 3 , 827 CO ; yellow fine , No. 1 ,
SIDING No. 1 , 82760 ; No. 2 , $2300 ;
No. 3 , 8'20 00.
SHIP LAP Plain , 825 00 ; O. G. No. 1 ,
S3" 50 ; No. 2 , 825 00.
CEILING 830 CO Siii 00.
LATH AND SHINGLES A starbest ( )
Single * , S4 00 , No. 2 , 83 00 ; No. 3 , 62 00.
Lath , $1 00.
Dulldlne Material.
LIME Per barrel , SI 35 ; bulk perbu. ,
35c , Cement , bbl , § 2 50. Iowa plaster ,
bbl , 82 50. Hair per bu. 35c. Tarred
felt 100 Ibs. S3 CO. Straw board , 84 00.
PAPER Stiaw paper , 3jc ; rag paper ,
4c ; dry goods paper , 7c ; tnanlla paper , lOc ;
news paper , 8c.
COAL ! Cumberland blacksmith , S12j
Morris 'Run Blosbburg , 812 ; Whitebreast
lump , $0 ; nut , 80 ; Iowa
lump , 80 : Iowa nut SO : Rock Springs , 88 ;
Anthracite , all size * . 811 00.
Hides , hurs , Etc.
HIDES Green butcher's hide , 73 ; green
cured hides , 8Jc ; green Halt , part , cured
hides , 8@sic ; dry ilint , sound , 13@14c ; dry
calf and trip , 12@13c ; dry salt hides , sound ,
ll@12c ; green calf , wt. 8 to 15 Ibs. . 10llc ;
green calf , wt , under 8 Ibs , per skin , 50c ;
green pelts , $100@115 ; green lamb xklns ,
8110@123 ; damaged hides , two-thhtl rate ,
( cut scored and ono grub , classed two-
tiinU rate , ) branded'hides ' 10 per cent. off.
Coon skins , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , SOc ; No. 3 ,
' _ > 0 , ; No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , GOc ; No. 2 ,
SOc ; No. 3 , loc ; No. 4 , 5c. Fox , No. 1 ,
GOc ; No. 2 , 2oc. Skunk , No. 1 , black ,
O."c ; short Btripe , 40c ; narrow utripo &e ;
bniad fctripe , lOo. Tallow , 7.
Wool. .
Merino unwashed , light , 14@lGc ; heavy ,
iy@15c ; medium unwashed , light , 18@20c ;
tub-washed , choice , 32c ; fair , 30c ; dingy
and w. , 2Sc ; burry , black and cotted wools
2@0c less
. SHOT. . . . . . Shot . , 81.75 . ; Buck _ . . . shot . , 82.00 :
Heavy Hardware List.
Iron , rates , S3 20 ; plow steel , cast , 7 c ;
cast tool do. 16(2CiO ( wagon Rpokes , pet ,
2 2j@3 00 ; hub" , per set , 1 23 ; felloes , sawed
dry , 140 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; axle1) ,
each , 73c ; square nnt , per lb , 7@llc ;
washers. i > er lb. 8@18c ; nveta , per lb , lie ;
coil chain , per lb , 0@12c ; malleable , Sc ;
iron wedges , Cc ; crowbars , ( ic ; harrow
teeth , 4c ; noraeshoes , per keg , 5 00 ; spring
steel. 7@8c.
NAILS 10 to 20d , 3 50 ; 8 to 10. 305 ;
Oil , 3 90 ; 4d. 4 15 ; 3d , common , 4 UO : 3d ,
fine , G 40 ; clinch , all sizes , 5 15 ; ( id , casing.
4 C5 ; 8d casing , 4 4' ) ; lOd casing , 4 15 ; lOd
finish , 4 65 ; Sd finish , 4 90 ; Cd finish , 5 15 ;
half kegs , lOc extra.
Paints Oils and Varnishes.
PAINTS IN OIL White lend , Omaha
P. P. , 7c ; white lead , O. P. & C. Co.pure ,
Ocj Marseilles green , J. to 5 lb cans , 20c ;
French zinc , green seal 12c ; French zinc ,
red seal , lie ; French zinc , in varnish asst ,
20c ; French zince , in oil asst , loc ; Raw
and burnt umber , 1 lb cans 12c ; law and
burnt Sienna , 13o : vandyke brown , 13- ;
xeh'ned lampblack , 12c ; coach black , lpc ;
i"oi y black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian
blue , 30c ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome
green , L. M. & D. , 14c ; blind mid shutter
L'rcen , L. M. & D. , 14c : Paris creep. ISc ;
J"dian red , loc : Venetian red , 9c ; Tuscan
IYJ [ , 22c ; American Vermiliod , I. &P. , t8c ;
chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D. O. , 18o ;
yelow ! ochre , Oc ; golden ochre , 10 ; patent
Jryer , Cc ; graining colors : light oak , dark
oa c , walnut , chestnut and ash 12c.
Dry Paints
White lead , CJc ; French zinc. lOc ; Paris
whiteing 2Jc ; whiting gilders , lie ;
v biting conn , lie ; lampblack Germantown -
town , 14c ; lampblack , ordinary , So ; Prus
sian blue , 45c ; ultramarine , ISc ; vmidyku ,
brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4cj umber , raw ,
Ic ; sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c
Paris green genuine , 35c ; Paris green tom'l
l'5c ; cliromo ( jrcen , N. Y. ' 20c ; chrom-
green K. , 12c ; yeniiilllon , Eng. , 70c ; vermillion -
million , America , 18o ; Indian red , lOc ,
rose pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Cookson's
'tjot Venetian red Am. , 19c ; red lead , 7Jc ;
chrome yellow , genniuo , 20c : chromo yel
low , K , , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ; oohre ,
French , 2 c ; ochre , American , IJc ;
Winter's mineral. 2Jp ; lehigh bro\vn , 240 :
Hpanixh brown. 2Jo ; Prince's mineral So ;
VARNISHES Barrels per gallon.
Furniture , extra , SI 10 ; furniture , No. 1 ,
SI ; furniture , U , t > 5c ; conch , extra , 81 40 ;
Cumuli , No. 1 , $1 01 } Damar , & 1 50 ; Jap.xn.
70c : a-iiihaltum , 70c ; shellac , 83 f > 0 ; hiird
oil finish. 81 30.
OILS -110 * carbon pergallon , lljo ; 150 *
Leadllght , per gallon , 12 ; 176' headlight ?
pergallon , lOc ; cryntollne , ] ier gallon , 20c
llnceed , raw , pergallon , G2c ; Linseed , boll-
cd , i > er gallon , 05cj llaru , winter utr'd , per
gallon , 1 05 No. 1 , 75u , No. 2 , GOc : cantor ,
XXX. per gallon , 1 25c , No. 3 , 1 15) ) weet
pergallon , 85c ; sperm , W. B. , per gallon-
8' 33 ; filnhW.B. , per gallon , OOojiicatufoot'
extra , per gallon , 75o. No. 1,05 ; Iniubcrt
eating , zero , per gallon , 30c , summer , 15o
golden machine. Nu. 1 , pergallon , 35c , No.
2 , 28c ; BIHSHU , nigiml , per gallon , 80c ; Uir1 *
pentino , per Kanon. C5c ; naptha , 74 deg ,
I cr gallon 20o , 03 deu , 20c ,
Liquor ,
ALCOHOL 187 proof. P2 33 per
\\ino gallon , extra California splrttK ,
187 proof at 1 20 per proof gallon
triple refined spirits. 187 proof , 81 21 ; per
proof gal re-dlstllled whisklea , 8100@1 f > 0 ;
fine blendcil. 81 500J2 DO ; Kentucky bourbons
bens , 8200@7 00 ; Kentucky and Pennsyl
vania ryes , 82 00@7 00 ,
BRANDIES Imported. ? G 00@1000j
domestic 1 40@4 00.
GINS Imported , 4 50@C 00 ; domcuttu ,
1 40(33 ( 00.
RUMS Iimmrted , 4 50G 00 ; New
England. 2 00,4 00 ; domestic. 1 r.OfflU 50j
1 754 00.
CHAMPAGNES Imported per cjt e.
20 00 ( ,3I 00 ; A merlcan , per case , 12 00 ®
1800 ,
CLARETS Per case , 4 50@10 00. '
WINES-Rhinewlne , per case , 0 OW5-VI
( Hi Catawba. per cate 4 00 7 00.
Liverpool Produce.
LiVEitroor. , Scj > tenibcr 28.
Flour American , 10a CdftjlSs.
Wheat Winter , lOi 7il@llH 2d : whitp ,
lOa 9d@lls Id ; opring , 10i@10i Gd | club ,
lid 1M@11B Oil.
Lard 02 ,
Grand Junction Mnrltot.
GnAND.Tuxcrio.v , la. , September 28.
Butter ISc ,
Prodnco ,
( JutCAoo. September 28.
On "Change the grain markets opened
fan ably for the bulU.but later the bears
had the upper hand. The receipt ! of grain
were 40,8T > 0 bunhcln by canal and 331
car loads by rail , embracing 123 of wheat ,
189 of corn , 70 of oats , 4 of rye and SO of
Lake freights Steamboats were char
tered for corn at Ic per bu hcl to lluiraln.
Soil vowels were not offeiod , < mim * to the
rote which in ruinous. The cause ol the
low rates of freight is speculation , \vh ch
has placed prices beyond the reach of a
Flour Firm and in good demand ! move
ment light on account of meagre ottering * ;
quotations unchanged.
Wheat -No. 2 spring very unsettled ,
and fluctuations numerous and n\ptd. There
WON more or less excitement iu the market
during the entire BCOIIOII , but the gie.xtc t
excitement was from the opening until
noon. Yesterday afternoon on the call
board prices advanced very materially in
a few minute ? . This morning under full
oftcrin ; sharp reaction occurred , and
with frequent fluctuations a decline of 3J
@ 3'c { was establU bed for October , and 1 $
( Wljc for seller November. The market
finally closed 2o hiahcr for cash : ISc higher
for October ; and 140 for N emocr. On
the regular board , mid on r.ill board at
1281 for.Octobcr ; 1 40J for November ;
111 for December , and 137V for the.
CornActive b\i lno- i wan transacted in
the corn market , but the feeling was gen
erally uiKcttlod , and prices ruled with
considerablt ) irregularity within moderate
range , though averaging higher ; offerings
were free , but the demand was broken for
future delivery nnd and B ICH rend ly made.
The market finally closed about Ijjo higher
for cash ; ic higher for October , and flo
higher for November. On the regular
board , ami on the c.dl b > ard at 70o for
September ; 70Jo for October ; 71 2o for
November : "lie for December ; 70jo for
the year ; 74 Jo for Mny.
Oats Very steady nnd higher for fu-
tureu ; ca h lifeless , no offerings ; No. 2
closed at * 43Jc for October ; 44Jc for No
vember ; 45o for December ; 49go for
Rye Firmer and shade higher ; de
mand good : No. 2 , 1 10 for October ; 1 13 §
for November.
Barley Untettlcd and easy. No. 2. 1 13J
for October ; 1 14 for November ; 1 15 for
P rk Fairly active but weak and
lower ; mess closed at 19 22J for October ;
19 50 for November ; 20 02j lor January.
Lard Finn early but weakened later ,
and c'oaed at 12 20 for October ; 12 374 for
November ; 12 20 tfor Itho year ; 12 75
for January.
Bulk Meats Easy ; fihort ribs at 10 22i
for October ; 10 20 for November ; 10 25 for
Whisky-Steady at 1 17.
Receipts Flour , 23493 bbls. , wheat ,
74,035 bu ; corn , 05-1.112 bu ; onts , 75,408
bu : rye , 14,820 bu ; barley , 45,402 bu.
Shipment- Flour , 19.300 bbls. , wheat ,
92,131 bu ; corn , 310,302 bu. : oat * , 117,214
bu ; rye , 5,284 bu : barley , 22,171 bu.
Chicago JLiva Stock.
( JitiCAOo. September 28.
Cattle Receipts , 9,000 : shipments , 1-
800 ; befit cattle not plentmil nnd in good
demand , selling at C 20@G 874 ; f. < " > d to
choice shipping , 6 G0@0 00 ; common to
fair , 3 70@ * 00 ; grass cattle exceedingly
dirll ; native butchers' stock , 1 754 25 ;
mainly at 3 00@3 40 ; dockers and feeders ,
2 7D@J5 CO , nnd very slow talc ; rouge cattle -
tlo sloadv and wf.ik ; rasa TOX.-UU , 2 75@
3 8i ; half -hi teds and native. ' , 3 7f sVl CO.
Sheep Receipts , 2,000 ; hhipmrnt" , 200i
very weak but fair y active at D i7i@4 50
for common to good ; bulk , 3 40 © I 20)
quality \ery poor.
Hogs Receipts , 23,000 } shipments ,
3,400 ; firm and all sold ; mixed packing.
6 40 < ji,0 95 ; light hogs , 0 GO < SG 90 ; choice
heavy , 7 00@7 45 ; culls and grasiere , 4 00
© 025. _ _
" " Peoria Produce.
PKOUIA , September 28.
Wheat In good demand ; mixed , 1 32.
Com Finn , active and higher ; No. 2
white , 70e ; yellow low mixed , 74c ; high'
mixed , C9Jc ; November , 48c ; rejected ,
37c.Oats Active , a little irregular , but gen
erally higher ; No. 2 white , 4G.jc ( mixed ,
42o ; rejected , 45c.
Rye Firm , comparatively active and
higher ; No. 2.112J.
Barley Very little doing and prices
nominal at 80c@l 00.
High Wines Steady and unchanged at
Receipts Wheat , 2,700 bu ; corn , 50.-
600 bu ; oats. 42,450 bu ; rye , 7,800 bit ;
barley , 500 bu.
Shipments Wheat , none ; corn , 20-
500 bu ; out * . 28,000 bu ; rye , 5,000 bu ;
barley , 1,800. _
Cincinnati Produce.
, CINCINNATI , September 28.
Provisions Mess pork , jobbing at 20 fiO
© 2075.
Lard Easier ; current make , 12 05.
Bulk MeatH Easier ; bulk rlbn , 11 00.
Bacon Easier ; clear sides , 12 00@12 10.
Flour Firm ; family , 7 00@7 50.
Wheat Firm : No. 2 red. 1 50.
Corn Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 71Jc.
Oats Firm ; No. 2 white , 4Gc.
Rye-Steady ; No. 2 , 1 15.
Barley Firm ; western spring , 1 00@
WhlbLy Finn at 1 15.
Baltimore Prodnoo.
BAI.TIMOHK , September 28
Finn.Finn. .
Wheat No. 2 red winter , easier at
1 49 for cash.
Corn Mixed western eosi-r at 75 ( ; 75lc
for ctihh and September ,
Pbllndelpliia Produce.
PIIILADKLPIIIA , September 28 ,
Wheat Lower ) 1 47i@l 48 for cash und
Corn -72i@73jo for cosh and Septem
Oats Steady at 50ji7,51Jc ( for cash and
Ryo-QuietntllO ,
Et t Liberty Live Stoolr.
KAHTLIDKIITV , Pa. , Hcptember 28.
Cattle Blow ! best , C 75@0 2.1 ; fair to
good , 4 7C@f 25 ,
Hogs Active ; rccelnt , ? ,700 ; uhlti-
incuts , 3,100 ; Philadelphia , 7 00@740.
Sheep Slow ; price * range from 3 50 to
New YorJc Praclnao
NKwYoiiK , September 28 ,
Flou" Strong but quiet ; southern Hour
firm and fn fiilrdcmand ; common to choice
extra , 0 C5ffO ( 75.
Wheat In egulnr with mmlcrato do-
iimml ; No. 3 rod winter , 1 47if ; No. 2 do ,
I011@ir)2 ( | ! No. 2 white , i 40 ; No 2
Chicago and Milwaukee , 1 43@1 44) ) No.
2 red , September , I Bl l 63.
Corn Fnlrly active anil kteadv ; ungrad
ed mixed , C @ 7Bo | No. S , 73@74c ; No , 2
7r > @ 7Ci No , 8 white , fc8@89c ; No , 2. Sej > -
tember , 75e.
Oats Opened } @Ao higher and fairly
active , closing weak ; No , 1 white , 53o ;
No. 2 do , Bli@02o ; No. 8 mixed , -HJ ®
44 0 ; mixed wtsteni , 41 < S)4nc. )
Rye-Firm nt 1 051 ( Ot 4.
Barley Fairly active and Uroug ; No , 1
Canada , 1 20.
Pork Firm but itulut ; upot mess , 1'J 75
( a I'JW.
Lard Steady but quiet : 12 I2J for cash ;
12 32J@12 33 for October.
Beef Unchungtd ,
Out MeatH Unchanged ,
Whisky Nominal ,
Wilmington Mnrliot
WIUIIKOTO.V. September 28.
HplriU TureMtIne--FIrm | at DOojiioft ,
350 bld\lrjln ) , 280 bid.
St. I < onta Prodnoe.
Si. 1/ium. Scptcmlicr 28.
Flour Unchanged ! XXX , OfOf08 (
family , 0 8 , ' > ® 7 OOj choice to fancy , 7
Wheat Frmj ! N < > . 2 red , 1 4 3 foi
cai > h ; 1 4"i for October ; 1 51 for No-
vonibcr ) 1 51 J for December ) 1 57.J for Jan-
unry ,
Corn Opened higher , and declined to
fcjjjc for cash : Olic forOctobcr ; ( ISjJo for
November : ( Wjo for December ,
O.Us-lllKhei : 43 Jc for i h ; JIJc fet
October ; 4tii@IG2a for November ; -ISJc
for December.
Rye-Steady nt 1 < X > .
Bailey Unchanged ! choice to fnuey ,
Lead-Stendv nt fi t'JJ.
ButterUnchanged. .
Hugs 'Unchanged.
WhI ky Stcady at 1 lit.
Proisfons Quiet nnd crt < > ter ; not quotably -
bly change l ,
Receipts Flour , 2,000 hbK ; wheat.
21,000 bu ; coin , 52,000 bu ; o. l * , 2l > ,000
bu ; brirley , 1(1,000. (
Shipments Flour , 7.000 bblnhent. .
0,000 bu ; < wn , 8 ,000 bu ; oatx , O.OOU
bu ; batloy , 1,000.
StXionin Iiivo Stoolc *
ST. Loins , September 28.
Hogfl Better on lifiht gr-ulcs ; Yorkers ,
0 40gli li ; packing , 0 ISffifl 80 ; butch-
ers" to fancy heavy , 0 R" @ " 3. : umuli ,
575(3020 ( ; receipts , 7,300 head ; ship.
menus 2IKX > head.
Toledo Pro anon
TOLEDO , September 2S.
" \ \ .leat Dull ; No. 2 red , 1 40J foi
October ; 1 ' 'Ji for November } 1 52 } ioi
Com Dull ; No. 2 , C9jfc for October
71 Jo for Noember. .
Oats-Qulotj No. 2 , 45c.
Cleveland Market ,
CI.KVKI.A.S' ! ) , September 28.
Petroleum Steady ; standard white ,
110 test , 7c.
Buffalo Iiivo Stock.
EAST BurrAi o , September 28.
Hogs HeeeiptH 11 ; shipment * 22 ; Yorko ,
good to choie 0 ( iO&l ! 7o ; medium mixed ,
II 75@01 0.
Now York Dry Goods.
NKW YOIIK , September28.
The jobbing tiado han been unfavorably
iniluuiiccd byirm weather prevailing ( .f
late ami though lutallers on spot are open
ing with n ftiir dcgieo of ficcdom many
near by buyers uro doubtless deferring
their visit to market until the weather in
cooler. There was an irregular demand nt
first hand and businest was only moder
ate in nmnunt. but the movement , on ac
count of backordi'iH was of good aggre
gate proportions. ] Values nro ( irmly main
tained on neatly all kinds of goods nnd
stocks are exceedingly light OH a rule.
Dccnitfiiluess of AppcorouooK.
Detroit Free Press.
A Michigan temperance advocate
recently stated iu a speech that ho
watched tliu doors of it , Hiiloon in n
certain village fur an hour ono day
nnd saw thirty-one uum ( , ' 0 nnd come.
Ho thuroforu aasuinod tiuit thirty-ono
drinks had traded owners , and that
the town was full of. tipplers. Never
was man inoro grievously mistaken.
Nothing is nioro deceptive than the
saloon business. Of the thirty-one
men ho saw enter perhaps not over
fire took a drink.
When YOU see a fat man rolling into
a saloon on a hot day your first
thought its that ho will ttinf ; hia hat
ni the floor , full into a chair and call
For claret with ice in it , and you
wrung him. Ho simply outers the
saloon to BOO if coal will bo any higher
if ho waits another month before buy
ing. The saloon-keeper always knows
whether coal will bo up or down , and
is always willing to tell.
You see a couple of lawyers enter a
saloon and your impression is that
they are ( wing to shake dice for the
drinks. Nothing could bo more erro
neous. They are simply going in to
consult a state map to decide a bet
that Fishkill is in liuss county. Hav
ing secured their information they
walk right out without even stopping
to rolled on the awful suction nature
must liave given a man to pull a whole
glass of lemonade through a ntraw six
inches long.
An insurance agent is encountered
as ho cornea out of a saloon wiping his
mouth on the back of his hand. The
public at once jump to the conclusion
that ho lias been struggling with a
brandy mash. That's where the public
wrong him He holds a policy oi\ . ( lie
saloon , and lie accidentally dropped in
to see if tlio Block was being kept up
to given figures. A fly bit him on the
chin , and ho instinctively wiped hie
A young man in this city lost hit
situation in a bank because ho'waa
seen coming out of a saloon and wat
heard to Bay , "All ! that cools mo off ! '
Instendof dying of a broker
heart , as some bank c'erks would
this young man produced proof thai
ho went to the Haloon lo buy isorr.t
old boor tumblers for his wife to pui
up jelly in , and as lie came out tin
cool hruu/.o struck him and causoi
him to remark as above. Ho wus al
once reinstated , and now he can go t <
the saloon , ask the weight of a ton o
brick , ( lie name of the longest river ii
the world , or what the "George" in
George Washington's natno stood for ,
and no one suspects or maligns him.
Out of a hundred men who enter n
palooit only a very small per conl
qimll'tlio goblet of destruction. Tin
rest go to find out the exact shortage
on the wheat crop , the fluctuations ii
English bank stocks , the * news from
the Panama canal , and various othei
things ; and if they happen to wipi
their n urn Urn as they come out , it u
simply an involuntary movement foi
which they can no more be hold res
ponsible than a yearling babe.
Beds of Down Feel Hard.
All beds Kconi hard to the rheumatic
Then barken yo peovlnh HiiffererH. Applj
Dr. TlioinuH * Klortrio Oil to your nchinj
Joiuta and muclett. . Jtcly upon it thu
you will experience immediate relief
Such , at lonwt , in the testimony cf thrwi
who hc\o uneil It , The remedy U ) lkew ! <
resorted to for throat urn
lung dUaincs , uprainn , brutnep , etc ,
Btito of Nebraska , Doughm County DH ;
At a County ( fcurt , hold At the County t'ourl
Hooin , In and ( or utiU County , h < i > t. 23rd
A. 1 > . 1881. l'jc cnt , A , M , UlIAmVlUK
County Jiul o.
In thu untttr ol the adoption < ( Jcnnlo Ityiui ,
On ruatlinjf and I'.lliiH thu petition ot AiiKUUw
and Ucll Carey , prujiii ! , ' that they may buu'low
dl to adopt nail Jemilo Ityun , anil the | > etitbi
nnd ttati'inont ol Henry iiinl Mim Ulan , lartnt
ol mid child that inid AiiKUiituii anil Dull C'nruj
jn y | iu jicrinltu.l no to ii'1 und voluntarily rullii
'iiilnlilnu all ilalin to nald child
Ordcad.'lliat October 'Und , A. \ > . 1681 , nl
10 o'clack u , in , \ * AMljfiied ( orliunrliifmldixitl
tlon , when all | ier > ioai IntcruBlrd In luld matte !
may upptar at n County Omrl to do livid , In am !
for Mild County , and > how cuu.u why the prayvi
ol ixitltloner tnould not bo KranUd , find that no
tlrv of iKindoncyof aaldpullllun and the hearing
thereof , bo trh on to all pontons Intcronteil In kale
matter , b ) puklUhlnt ; a iopy of thu order In Tin
OMAHA WKKKLY linn , unewapainT jirlntol In bal.
County , ( or Ilirto nuuiwlto wv l < . prior to uiK
d < Y of Itwlntf A , II. CHAinVJCK ,
County JudK <
HOTELS. rnoriHKTons. TOWX8
8ANDCH8 HOUSE , CHA8. E. McNISH , Friend , Neb ,
PACIFIC HOTEL , 8.J , PORTER , FAlrmont , Neb
E8TC8 HOUSE , N. T tSTES , Qronil Ittand , Neb.
U. P. HOTEL , 8 , F. DERRY , Olbbon , Neb.
COMMERCIAL HOUSE , F. W. WILM8. Kenrncy , Neb.
COMMERCIAL HOUSE , T. M , STONE , Orleans , Neb.
HOLLAND HOUSE , GEO. 0. HOLLAND , Red Cloud , Neb.
PACIFIC HOTEL , W. P. REN8HAW , Beatrice , Nob.
SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & DECKER , Creilon , la.
PARK HOTEL , W , J. OARVIN , Corning , la.
DURKE'8 HOTEL , C , R. DURKE , Carroll , la.
CHENEY'S UNION HOTEL , CHENEY DROS. , Mo. Valley June. , la.
NEOLA HOTEL , F. 6IEVERTZ , Neola , la.
CENTRAL HOUSE , 8. P. ANDERSON , Malvern , la.
EMERSON HOUSE , A. L. SHELDON , Emerson , la.
Allen & Miixtiold Cienornl Merchandise.
W. R. Toolo Gonornl Merchandise.
Tlios. Jnrrott . Wholesale nml Retail Grocer.
MoMnium & liters. . . . . .Hardware , Stoves , Tinware and Implement * ,
John 0. Uerloos Timber , Coal , Lima , Glnss , &o.
Samuel G. Pnntor Druggist.
W. II. Sawilon Restaurant und Confectionery.
S. H. Hums Station Agent I ) . & M. fl. K.
Double Strength White Lime
* * mft * J M m , " | " JB. itfMy
Lumber , Lath , Shingles ,
Thirteenth and Oolifornm Streets , - OMAHA , - - - WEB.
Max MEYER & CO. ,
Tobacco from 25c. per pound upwards.
Pipes from 25c. per dozen upwards.
Cigars from $15,00 per 1,000 upwards.
In Convenience
Lang & Fotick.
the Oldest Wholesale and
Retail Jewelry House in
Omaha. Visitors can here
find allnovelties in Silver
Ware , Clocks , Rich and
Stylish Jewelry , ihe La
test , Most Artistic , and
Choicest Selections in
Precious Stones , and all
descriptions of Pine
Watches at as Low Pri
ces as is compatible with
honorable dealers. Call
and see our Elegant New
Store , Tower Building ,
corner llth and Fara-
ham Streets'
General Agents for the
Finest and Best Pianos and
Organs manufactured ,
Our prices are as Low as
any Eastern Manufacturer
and Dealer.
Pianos and Organs sold
for cash or installments at
Bottom Prices.
A SPLENDID stock of
Steinway Pianos , Knabe
Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi
anos , and other makes.
Also Clough & Warreu ,
Sterling , Imperial , Smith-
American Organs , &c. Do
not fail to see us before pur
Lath and Shingles ,
Yard and Office 15th and Cumings Street , two blocks
north of
Business College ,
QEO. R. RATH DUN , Principal ,
Creighton Block ,
< 3TBeud lor Clrcul i. uov.20d&\vtl
John G. Jacobs ,
( Formerly of auh&j&coto , )
No. HIT Parnhun St.Old Bland ol Jacob 0s.
CrOnler * liv Telegraph Solicits )
ucaa ai'd Siek-JlcadacUe