Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 29, 1881, Page 2, Image 2

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Where the Remains of Our
Nation's Rulers Rest.
Description of iho Bnrlnl
Plncos-Tlio NoRloot of Onr
Grcrxt Bond.
It is not A very clifllcuU matter to
. * prove thnt the Unitcil Ktntcs Is nn un-
aralcful republic , if neglect of her
dead Presidents is to bo taken as complete -
ploto nvidcnco ol it , withtutt nny
count crbftlnncinp testimony. _ Not oven
the ntntcs in vlnch the presidents nru
buried are known to moat people. Tlio
graves of A number of them arc un
innrkcd with ninonuntcnt , ivliilu those
of others nro cared for with scarcely
' tlio attention duo to the lowest citizen.
Tlicro are n few noble exceptions , but
it is not the United Stales that Ims
boon grateful but the state of the
ono's nativity or his personal friends.
The grave pf the first president , the
father of his country , has been visited
by thousands of Americans and for
eigners , that it will bo of very little
interest to the majority of readers to
peruse n description of the place now.
The Mount Vernon association hatt
taken good care of the first president's
last resting place. Washington's remains -
mains were deposited in their present
receptacle in 1837. The vault was
built in accordance with the provis
ions of the presidents will. It is of
brick , with an arched roof , Over the
gateway in a marble tablet is the sim
ple inscription : "Within this enclos
ure rest trio remains of Gen. George
Washington. " Two collins Ho in the
vestibule of the vault , the first ia that
of Washington and the other that of
.Martha Washington.
Beneath the Unitarian church oj
Quincy , Mass. , may bo found the re
mains of two American presidents.
The church was completed in 1828 ,
nnd the body of John Adams was re
moved from the family vault in the
cemetery i'uat across the street into
the room beneath the church. John
Quincy Adams' body wasplaced in the
fiamo room in 1848. Their -wives are
Imriod with them. The bodies lie in
leaden caskets placed in cases. hewn
from solid blocks of stone. The
a tombs are seldom visited , and the
Apartment ia kept dingy and dirty. Jn
the cllurch room above may bo found
the following inscription : " .Beneath
these wills are deposited the mortal
.remains of John Adams , son of John
nnd Susanna ( Doylston ) Adams , second
end president of the United States.
OJorii 19-30 October , 1735. On the
1th of July , 1770 , lie pledged his life ,
fortune and sacred honor to the inde
pendence of liis country. On the 3d
of September , 1783 , ho aflixcd his
seal to the definitive treaty with
Great Britain , which acknowledged
that independence , and consummated
the redemption of his pledge. On the
4th of July , 1820 , lie was summoned
to the independence of immorality
and to the judgment of his God. This
houao will bear witness to his piety ,
this town , his * birthplace , to his mu
nificence , history to his patriotism ,
posterity to the depth and composure
'of ' his mind. "
On the other side of the pulpit is
the tablet containing the inscription
to the other Adams. It roads thus :
"Near this place reposes all that could
die of John Quincy Adams , son of
John and Abigoll ( Smith ) Adams ,
sixth president of the United States.
Born llth July , 1707 , amidst the
atorms of civil commotion , ho nursed
the vigor which inspires a Christian.
Tor more than half a century , whenever -
over his country called for his labors
in either hemisphere or in any capaci
ty , ho never snared them in her cause.
On the 21111 of December , KU4 , ho
signed the second treaty with Great
Britain , which restored peace within
her borders. On the 23d February ,
1848 , ho closed sixteen years of elo
quent defense of the lessons of his
youth by dying at his post in her
great national council. A son worthy
of his father , a citizen shedding glory
on his country , a scholar ambitious to
advance mankind , this Christian
sought to walk humbly in the sight of
his God. " The church itself is built
of Quincy granite and surrounded by
elms and horse-chestnuts ,
In a thick growth of woods , a few
hundred yards to the right of the road
loading from Charlottevillo , Vii. , to
Monticollo , may bo seen the grave of
JoH'orson , in a little inolosuro with
thirty others. An obelisk nine feet
high marks the spot. The base has
, all boon chipped away , and the monument
A ment looks like A rough , meaningless
# 1 * Htono. "Born April 2 , 0 , S. , 1743 ,
1V died July 4,1820 , " is put upon the
IV base. Another inscription has been
almost entirely obliterated ,
On a lly-leaf of an old account book
Jefferson wrote this ; "Choose some
unfrequented vale in the park , where
, is no sound to break the stillness , but
a brook that bubbling winds among
the woods no mark o ! human shape
that has boon there , unless the skele
ton of some poor wretch wlio sought
that place out to despair and die in.
Let it bo among ancient and venera
ble oaks ; intersperse some gloomy
ovorgrouiii. Appropriate one-half to
the use of my family , the other to
Btrunyorn , servants , etc. Lot the exit
look upon a small and distant part of
the liluo mountains , " His wishes
Iiavo been well carried out. Tlio old
family house was in ruins throe years
4 ago , and tenanted by an old man who
4I luudo a living by demanding a fee from
I . visitors ,
l At Montpelier , four miles from
Ornngo , Ya. , Madison ia buried , The
LTUVO is in the center of A largo level
tield , in a lot about 100 feet square ,
aurroutided by a good brick wall. On
the gate is a sign , "Madison , 1820. "
Pour grayes are hero. Over one of
them rises a mound twenty foot high.
A gmnito obelisk boars the inscrip
tion , "Madison , born Mar. 10,1851. "
By its side is a smaller ( shaft of white
marble , inscribed "In memory of
Dolly Puyno , wife of James Madison ,
'born May L'O , 1708 ; died July 8 ,
1810. " Two nephews are buried with
her. The region round about is one
-of great natural beauty , andcomiimnds
a vleir of the Southwest mountains.
At tlio southeastern edge of thu adjoining -
joining woods is the homo which Mad
ison inherited when A child , It is
well kept at thu present date.
James Monroe is buried in Holly
wood cemetery , Richmond , Va , It ii
on a beautiful site. Five feet under
ground , in A vault of brick and gran
ite , the remains rent. On the sar
cophagus , on A brass ptato , is this
memento : "James Monroe , born in
Westmoreland county , 28th April ,
1758 ; died in the city ol Now York ,
4th ot July , 1831. By order of the
general assembly his remains wcio re
moved to this cemetery fith July ,
1858 , as an evidence of the affection
of Virginia for her good and honored
son. " Over this monument is a gothic
temple twelve feet l ng and nine feet
wide , resting upon four pillars on a
foundation of dressed Virginia gran-
ilo. A cast-iron screen almost pre
vents a view of the monument with
in. The temple h painted drab color
and sanded. Tlio iron is considerably
rusted. Around it are beds of llowcra
and tall oaks.
Andrew Jackson is buried at the
Hermitage , his famous home , on the
Lebanon pike , eleven miles from Nash
ville. A massive monument of Ten
nessee granite marks his grave and
that of his wife. It is placed inn
corner of the garden. The grave is
kept in good order. Three oteps lead
up to its foot. It , is composed of
eight fluted Doric columns , support
ing a plain entablature and dome ,
upon which stands an urn. Inside
the space is ornamented with white
stucco work. A pyramid resting on a
square is the monument proper , and
nearly beneath it rests the bones of
the president. A stone contains this
inscription. "Gen. Andrew Jackson.
Born March 15 , 1707 ; died Juno 8 ,
1815. " Jackson's wife is buried on
the right of the pramid.
Martin Van Buron sloops in the
liHlo village cemetery of Kindorhook ,
Columbia county , N. Y. The president's
grave is in the family lot. A granite
shaft fifteen feet high contains the
following :
iVlIth President nf the :
IlJorn December r , , 1782. :
I Died July 21 , 1802. : '
There is no carving of any kind up
on it. The inscription is in largo
black letters. The name of his wife
appears upon another face of the
shaft , while on the third is to bo scon
the name of A son. Tlio house is at
the southern end of the village , near
the creek , n frame building , which has
been entirely remodeled of late years.
His other residence , two miles south
of tlio town , is the property of farm
ers who live there.
HAltltlKON ,
The resting place of William Henry
Harrison was brought prominently
before the country three years ago by
the desperation of his son's gravo. It
is situated at North Bond , a few
yards from the track of the I. , 0. &
L. railroad , where it enters the tunnel.
The grave is a simple mound , nn-
fenced , on A little knoll , and is shaded
by beeches and other trees. There is
no monument , and no inscription any
where to toll the story of the lifo of
the departed hero. Since the dese
cration of Scott Harrison's ' grave , the
mound has boon improved somewhat.
The vault has been cemented on the
top in imitation of stone slabs. Tlio
iron door on the loft is now securely
fastened , and some oflbrt is made to
keep the place in good order. The
spot is a lovely one , and could bo
made by proper improvement to do
honor to the remains of the hero ofi
The grave of John Tyler is practi
cally unmarked. A little mound ,
covered with bushes , just ten yards
from the grave of Monroe , in Holly
wood cemetery , llichmond , is pointed ,
out as the spot whore a president's
remains lio. At its head is A small
magnolia tree , on the south is another
magnolia , and on the north A youm ?
jumper tree. The grave is neither
inclosed nor curbed. Near by are the
raves ol Monroe , of Win. Allen ( one
of Jeff. Davis bondsmen ) , of Dr.
Lawrence Itoano Warren the philan
thropist , of James M. Mason the con
federate envoy to England , and of
"Littlo Jooj" son of Jeflbrson Davis ,
killed in llichmond during the war ,
Near by are buried lp,000 confederate
soldiers around a tall pyramid of
At the corner of Vine and Union
streets , Nashville , at the old family
liomostcad , may bo found the grave
of James K. Polk. The monument is
a square block , twelve feet by twelve
in height , It is appropriately orna
mented , and contains among other
other inscriptions , this ; ' 'James X.
Polk , Tenth President of the United
States. Born November 2 , 1705 ,
died Juno 10 , 1840. " Ho was buried
hero nearly thirty years ago. An
iron gate , surmounted by an eagle ,
opens from Vine street into a broad
avenue , bordered by mulberry trees
and silver-ieafed poplars. This road
leads to the Polk homestead , n largo
brick house throe stories high. The
tomb is surrounded [ by A grass' plat ,
which is encircled by a walk of white
shells. Shrubs and flowers beautify
the spot , and make it look quiet and
The remains of Xaclmry Taylor hnvo
been moved three times , They re
pose now in a public spot at Frank-
tort , Ky. The body was first placed
in a cometnry at Washington , then in
a lot on the Taylor homestead , live
miles back of Louisville , and then to
Cave Hill cemetery , Louisville. In
1878 the remains were placed in the
beautiful cemetery at Frankfort ,
whore they are in the company of
many illustrious dead , including vice
President Bichard Mentor Johnson.
Millard Fillmore lies buried at For
est Lawn cemetery , three miles from
Buffalo. The grave is well taken care
of , and is a beautiful spot. A tall
monument contains the inscription ,
"Millard Fillmore , Born January 7 ,
180fl. Died March 8 , 1874. " The
grave is at the eastern extremity of
the lot in the center of a grassy space.
At its head rises the monument. In
the southeastern corner is a Norway
spruce , which shadows the grave ,
l-illmoro'a daughter sloops near the
remains of her father , An iron urn
foi' flowers lica under au evergreen.
Near Fillmore's grave nro those of
Bunker Hill heroes , of Stephen Cham-
plin nnd Bidwcll , who foil nt Cedar
The remains of Franklin Pierce
rests nt Concotd , N. H. in the old
cemetery on Main street. Piorco'a
monument is of Italian marble , nnd
bears the following : "Franklin Pierce.
Born November 2.1 , 1801. Died
Octobers , 1809. " Tlio Pierce lot is
nt tlio northwestern corner of the
Minot inclosurc , nmlcontains nbout nn
aero of ground. K ia surrounded by
n neat iron fence , six feet high ,
traversed by concrete paths and neatly
soddud. Tlio monument displays a
spire , with cnp , dianndnlinth , resting
on a baio of granite three and ono-
quarter feet square. | ] It is surmounted
by a draped cio s , and its total height
is 11 foot 8 inches. In the old ocmo
tery the founders of Concord rest.
James Buchanan is lumen at Wood
ward hill cemetery , a mile or no west
of Lancaster , Pn , , on the Marietta
turnpike. The grave lot is inclosed
by a neat iron fence. A line monument
ment of Italian marble contains the
following :
"Hero rests the remains of James
Buchamn , fifteenth president of the
United States. Born in Franklin
county , Pa. , April 23 , 1701. Died At
Wheatland , June 1 , 1808. "
The grave is down by the Conestoga
river The lot is 30 by la feet , with
white and black granite supporting
the fence. All around the fence is a
hedge of blooming roses , nnd rose
bushes nro in the inclosuro. The
spot is kept carefully , nnd is nl ways
Abraham Lincoln is buried nt Oak
Itidgo Cemetery , Springfield , 111. A
fine pile of marble , granite nnd bronze
marks the spot. It boars the single
word , "Lincoln. " This memorial is
probably ono of the most magnificent
in the United States. The building
of the monument wan begun by Mr.
Lincoln's friends in Springfield. It
was dedicated October 15 , 1874. It
stands in a tract of seven and a half
acres. Front north to south its length
is llOJect 0 inches. Its breadth is 72
feet 0 inches. The structuio is of
blocks of granite of Now Hampshire.
The main platform is nearly 10. foot
from the ground , approached by four
urand staircases with balustrades.
The main platform is 72 feet square.
From the center rises the shaft , 12
feet square at the base and 08 feet
from the ground. Shields of polished
granite , bearing the names of the
states , encircle tlio equare. It is n
fitting tribute to the martyred president
dent- .
The grave of Andrew Johnson , is at
Greenville , Tcim. , on n spot selected
by himself. A fine granite arch upon
a broad base marks tlio site. It-con
tains the insciiption : "Andrew
Johnson , Seventeenth President ,
U. S. A. Bom December
20 , 1808. Died July 31 ,
1875. His faith in the people never
wavered. " The monument is of marble
blo upon a base of granite nine A half
by seven feet. The tomb was erected
by the president's thico surviving
sons. Pilasters on either sicto of the
plinth support funereal urns. Thu
scroll of the constitution is carved on
the die , and also an open Bible , upon
which rests a hand. The shaft is .fes
tooned by the American flag nt the
top nnd surmounted by an eagle with
outstretched wings.
Secretary Blalno.
A correspondent of the N. Y. Sun
apeaks affectionately , ns it wore , as
follows of Mr. Blaino.
"Twice during General Garfiold's '
prostration ho sought relief for n few
days in the purer air of Now England ,
but both times ho was suddenly re
called to his post. On no member of
the cabinet has the assassination of
the president told so visibly ns on his
nearest friend , the Secretary of the
State. It is reported , how truly I do
not know , that ho wishes to retire
from public duties. If this bo so ,
President Arthur , it has been sug
gested may ask him to forgo the wish
90 far as to accept the post of minister
to England , where ho could serve his
country and regain his health at the
same time , This would bo n proper
recognition of Mr. Blaino's services , a
graceful tribute to General Garfield's
memory , and n fitting mark of respect
for his administration , of which Mr.
Blaine has boon so conspicuous a
member. Concerning Mr. Blaino's
views about going abroad very little is
said , though a gentleman known to bo
in his confidence believes that were
the appointment of minister to Eng
land offered to him he would not de
cline it , "
Kidnojr Complaint Cured.
1J. Turner , Rochester , N. Y. , write * !
"I have boon for over a year subject to so-
rlouu ilixordcr of thu kidney * , nnd often
mmble to attend to ImshiOhx ; I procured
your llUimocK Jlioo DniKiLS , mid was
relieved Ix-'forc half n Imttlo was used. I
Intend to continue , HH 1 feel confident that
they will entirely cute me. " 1'dco Sl.OO ,
trial blze 10 cents. SScodlw
Tlio Third Home-
Ill General Uarlield's rcmaiks on
the reception of the statues of John
Winthrop and Samuel Adams nt the
capital in Washington , ho said :
"As , from time to time , our vener
able and beautiful hall 1ms been peopled
pled with statues of the elect of thu
status , it line eecmed to mo that A
third house was being organized
within the walls of the capital a
house whoso members have' received
their high credentials at the hands of
history , and whose terms of ofllne
will outlast the nges. Year by year
wo see the circle of its immortal mem
bership enlarging ; year by year wo
see the elect of tapir country , in elo
quent silence , taking their places in
this American pantheon , bringing
within its sacred circle the wealth of
those memories which made their
lives illustrious ; and , year by year ,
that august assembly is teaching n
deeper and grander lesson to all Who
servo their brief hour in these more
ephcmoreal houses of congress.
Quoting thofeo lines , The 'Boston
Transcript says :
"None in that company of immor
tals will bo sought out with more
loving admiration than the statue of
the broad-shouldered , deep-chested ,
open-browed and clear-eyed Garfiold. "
, , The Gods IIolp
those who help themselves , " and mt-
two invariably helps those who take
Werner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure.
Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago ,
Racbicho , Soreness of the Cheit ,
Gout , Quinsy , Sere Throat , Swo/l-
ings and Sprains , Burns and
+ + Scalds , General Bodily
Pains ,
Tooth , Ear and Hoa'dacho , Frosted
Feet anirEars , and all other
Pains and Aches.
f c Preparation on rarth equals 8r. J A cons Ou
u a tnfttirr , eimpl" Mid cheap External
Bsrnedy. A trial entails but the comparatively
irlJlnR outlny of 60 Centi , and erery on suffer-
! ( with pain can ban cLeip and poiltlr * creel
r Its claims. / , .
Directions In Eleren tangnsgM * r
, Tlinngh Shnlion in Ever / Jjint
And lluer with tever and i ' 'uo , or lillioui rciultt
tent , the sjttcm may jot bo freed from tne m.v
lUnantintsvvith Hostetter'f Stomach Bitters.
I'rotcct thusjstcm against It with this ben til-
cent anti-spasmodic , nhlch is furthermore a su
preme remedy for Hv er complaint , const ration ,
ihspcpsla , debility , rhetinntiini , kldnev trou
bles and other ailments
SSTfot sale by all Druggists and DeaUrs gen
DexterL.Tliomas&Bro ,
JFCFI I/5 * .
coxjircTED Timmtwrm.
Pay Taxoa , Rent Houses , Etc.
Call at Office , Room 8 , Crcihton | Block , Omaha.
1422 Douerlas St. , Near 15th.
Before removing to
their new
Will eell their stock of
At Greatly Reduced Prices :
Reading and Elocution
Voice Training , Private Lesson * and
SOU COM Street , between 20anil 21st.
Established 11 Years ,
AxsoU Itoiireionted
f 82 , OOO.OOO- .
, . - - . , , . . 0. T , TAYLOK & uo.
jK' , llth & Uou/la , St.
W5l\ * " * *
My housa nnd furniture ii insured with
v O. T. TAYLOll & CO. ,
Dor 11 th and Dom-los.
S. B. Corner Oth and Howard.
The iilan ot Studies ta Iho lame ai that tmrrutxl
tn all tlio Aaulcmlca of tl > Bacml lit art. Dlf-
( arena ) In rt-Hk'lon U no ol rlvto thu niUnU-
sloti of j oumr laillif. Tenui ; iniluJIni ; Hoard ,
\Yft9liluf , Tuition urn ! Instrumental Mu lc , i > r
vcatloii of m o inontln , ? 1W. Itvfercncci are ru <
uulrcd from all m r ou uiiLnoun to tlia Jiutltu-
tlon. 1'or furl lit r Information apply to Tbo
ItU'lit llcv , llUhop o Omaha , or to the lady
Superior. tcSSJlni
lUt iTiifif .if1
If j on juHir from Dyspcpnln , two
II you arc aflllctcd with llilioti ncs , tiso
If } ou arc ] > rostrntcd with tick Ilcmhche , take
II your Bowels are disordered , rciTilnto tlicmnltli
iiunuocK iii , ou nrrrais.
If your Wood Is Impure , purify It with
If } uii\c Indigestion ) } on nil ) find an nntliloto
in nuuuouK ci.oon DITTKIIS.
I ( you arc troubled with Spring Complaint' , er
adicate tlicm * lth HUIIDOCK 1)1.001) ) IllTTKUS.
If your Lhcrls torpid , rcstoro It to licalthy fiction
If your I.lvcr Is allcctcd , you will find a sure ro-
If you ha\o any f peeler of Humor or Plroplo , fall
not to take 11UUDOCK Ill.OOD I1ITTEK9.
If j ou ) iao any } niptoms of Ulcers or Scrofulous
Sores , a curative remedy will bo found In
For Imparting strength and iltalitj' to the sys
tem , nothing cancitial |
uuiinocK IJLOOD nirrnns.
For Nanous and General Debility , tone up the
8stem with IlUKDOCK 111.001) IIITTKUS.
Price , 91.00 per Bottle ; Trial Dottles 10 Cta
FOSTER , MILBUEN. . & Co , .Props . ,
Sold at wholesale by Ish & JkMixhon and C. F.
Oooiimar. ju 27 eod-nio
In the nnttcr of the Estate of Ferdinand Thum ,
Notice li licrehv gl\cn that the creditors of
siid ticcciKcd , wlU incit the executrix of paid
Estate , bcfoiu me , County Jud e of Douglas
County , XcbrnsKa , nt n County court Room. In
paid County , on the 12th day cf Xo\ ember , 1SS1 ,
on the l-ili day of January , 1852 , and o > the
12th day of March , 1SS.2 , nt ID o'clock n in. cnch
day , for the purpose of presenting their claims
for rumination , adjustment and allowance
Hl\ months are allowed for creditors to present
their claim * , and one j car for the executrix to
M.ttle t-aid Estate , fiom the 12th day of Scptem-
! > er , 1S31 , tllU notkei ibo \ \ published In TtIK
OMAIII WFLKLY DtKfor four ueeka succcsslely ,
prior to thu 1'Jth daj of Xoiemb-r , Ifcsi.
A. 11. CIIAUWI K ,
8cp21'\\St County Jiidire.
In the matter of the Ettate of Thomas Elacl.more ,
decca < ril , .
Notice Is hcruiiy Riven the creditors nf
fold deceased , will meet the administrlx ot f.ald
( Mate , bcforo me , County Jndgu of Douglas
bounty , Nebraska , nt the Countv Court liooin ,
In wild County , on the 1st daj of No\cmbpr,18Sl ,
on thu 1st day of January , 1SS2. and on the 1st
day of March , 18S2 , at 10 o'clock a. in. each day ,
for the purpose of presenting their claims for ex-
indiiatiin , adjustment and allowance. Six
montbb arc allowed for cicditors to present their
claim- , and olio \car for the administratrix to
vcttlcsaid estate , from the 1st dvy of September ,
IhSl , this notice n ill bo published InTiiK OMAHA
WKKKLY BEK for four ceks miccessh cly , prior to
the 1st day of No\ember , IbSl.
scl4w4t County (
Roar for Moore { & )
AN I >
ISaddlery. .
jUhAYo adopted the Uoii M a Trade Uaik , and
all my Kooda UI to STAMPED with the UON
and wy NAME on theramo. NO C1OOUS Alii :
Tlio best material U used and the icoit iktllci *
worlmun are cmplovcd , and at the lowvet cut
irlcv. Anjone wuhliiff a price-list of good will
ion/or / a [ a > or by ecudlni ; lor oue.
C. F , Manderson ,
' 2 FuiDhuu Bt , Omaha , K
We desire to call the special attention ot the trade to out'
elegant lines ( at BOTTOM PKIOES ) of Underwear , Cardigan
Jackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Ovevshirts , Overalls
Hosiery , &c. , now open. Wholesale only.
Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts ,
The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska
Conimissson Merchants ,
1121 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb.
Consk-nmcnts . made us will receive prompt attention. Inferences : State Bank , Omaha ; 1'latt
& Co. , Baltimore ; I'eck & Bonshcr , Chicago ; Jl. Werk t Co. , Cincinnati.
1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET.
The only exclusive wholesale house in this line in the west.
HP. O.
1213 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb.
Guns.Ammunition.Sporting Goods
MAX MEYER & CO. , Omaha , Ne
The I argest Stock and Com
plete Assortment in
The West.
We Keep Everything in the Line of Carpets , Oifc
cloths , Matting , Window-shades , Fixtures
and Lace Curtains.
1313 Farnham.St. . . , Omaha.
Dealer in Hardware ,
Cooking Stoves
Stove Repairer , Job Worker and Manufacturer
Tenth and Jackson Ptp - - - Omaha , Neb