Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 29, 1881, Image 1
II THE OMAHA DAILY BEE KLEVENTH YEAR. OMAHA , THURSDAY MORNTNG.SEPTEMBER29 , 1881 , NO. 84 BEAL ESTATE BARGAINS AT BEMIS' V- AGENCY , FIFTEENTH AND JUOUGLAS SIS , No 1 Lot on llarncy ttrcct , near nc\r court feouio , Si&W. No S Lot on Caw gtroct near 22d , fJSOO. No3-Loton California street near SSJ , fU. _ No 6 LotonMarcy street near U. I1 , depot No 0 } block In Shlnn'a 3d addition near Con out , ? 8 0. i No 8 Two lota on Dccatur near Campbell St 700. 700.NolOSlot NolO-Slot * on Colfax street near llanecom Park , at rcanonablo prices i 100 choice naldcncu lotIn Credit Ponelor an Grand * lownddltlous ft short distance southeast o U. P. mid B. & M. depot * , prices from 8100 up Mr art ) 4. 18 lots on 21 t. 22.1 . , 23d and founders street * , northo ( and adjoining E. V. Smith's addition tioo ; terras n y . , Ko O.i rull corner lot on DougUt street noa - lOih , KeflO. - * No 70 Corner ( WxllO ftetloton Douglas noa rear llth street$3100. No. 71 Thrao lotoln Ulsc's addition ncarSaun dew street , $1000 73 Iiot on Decatur street , near Irouo Shlnn * 2do.iditio.isur. . No. 75 82xC < J foot on Pacific street near U. P and B. & M. depot * , ? 300J. No. 70 Splendid waruhousc lot 77x132 feel Ot Street near Joneu , # 3500. No 78 3 lots on Itarnoy street near I9th2000 No 81 Lot In Olsc'a addition near Saundrra t'rect , $500. No. 82 Lot In UUcs * addition near Saundui rtrcet , (309. Ko 83-2 lots on 19th near Pacific and Nal wks , 81 GOO. NoSO--Lot on Cliarlca street near SjunJeJs SiOO.No No 87 Lot on Lcavcnworth near ICth , $1,109 - _ No Si Lot on Caldncll street near Saunders No 83 Lot on Chicago near 22d street , $1500. No DO Lot on Blonde near Campbell street 178. 31 lota InMillards & Caldwcll'a addition , Sher manavcnuo , ICth Btrcot , Spring , Saratoga an * Vloronco streets , 9700 and upwards. No 122 S lota on llith street , near Poppletou' u w residence , 81000. No 123 Lot 71x310 ( cci on Sherman avenue ICth street , 1100 No 124 8 lota on Bcllovue street , near she tower , 350 to 875"each No 125 Full block on Clinton street , t hat tower , $50 to < 75 each. No 128 Lot on 18th street , noJ white lead works , $52& No ' .27 2 Iota , 3 ] acre * near head of St. Mary' avenue , on road to Park , $2500. No 129 Lo on California near Crelghtoa Col ejre , * 375. No ISO t lots near new government corral , S2 < x 67 } acres each , { 300. No 101 Lot In Glee's addition on Cameron St ear ftaunders , inako an offer. No. 160-Lot In aiafi'a addition on Casslus St. Bear State , make an offer. No 102 Lot In Oi'e'a addition on Casaliu noai . Batmders , make an offer. No 1U 1 Mack In Bojd'a addition addition ear Omaha Barracks , make an offer. No 104 7 lots in Henry & Shclton'a addition ear high school , price from $1250 upward. 170 Lot on Pacific street , near 16th , make an offer. offer.No No 171 2 lota on Webster street , near 21st both jaikO or 2000 for corner und J1SOO for in rie. rie.Ko Ko 173 } lot on Cam near 14th street , 91000. No 175 Lot on Sherman atenuu ICth etrec ! near bard , 44x132 , 81400. No 177 3 lota In Grondi low. make an offer. No ISO Lot In Shlnn'a addition on Pier St. our end street car track , 8525. No 1S1 Two lota In Nelson's addition , 1 on "aaho street , 1 on Center street , near Cumlng 1300 each. No 1S3 Two jfllt edge lota on Cess street near Slat , on a corner , $0000. No 185 Lot on Howard street , near Batindcrs nake an offer. No 18 * 3 lots an Scward street , neir Irene nako an offer No ISO ) , lot'on Das enport near 26th , $500 , No 137V , lot on Division near Ginning xt. , 1200. No 188J , block In Boyd'a additlon ncar Oinalu tarrock , $400. NolSU ] , } lot on Pierre near Gth street. $550. No IflilV , I lot on llth near Farnliam , $2100 No 191 J , 2 beautiful lota In Shinn's addition 11200. No 192 } , 2 lota on 18th Btrcot near white leac works , 81050. No 193 } , lot on 20th street near Sherman , (400 , No 194) ) , 2 lota on 22d direct , near Clark , SjiKK ) . No 1WJ , 3 beautiful lots on Saundcra at. near Itreet car turn table , $1276. No 109 ] , lot on 16th near Pituco St. $ ,100. No 201 Lot In Olio'a addition on Cumeron st , near Saundcn , i > 500 , No 202 Lot on Cameron street near founders. $000. $000.No 203 T/ot In Shlnn'a addition on Saunder * Kroot , near street car turn table , $850. No 204 Beautiful lot in Nclxon'a addition , on Pirisian street near Cumin ; , t'850. No. 206 Two low on CoutoIUr street , near 10th tl50. tl50.No 200 Two lots on Sixteenth street , near the nail works , glGOO. No 20& One-half lot on CallforuU street near , * 700. No S99 Lot on 18th street near NIchoUs , $600. No"210 Lot on Capitol aiemio near 23dyl500. Na 212 Lot 148x500 feet on Colfax street , near Hatiocom Park , with lmpro\oiuents , 2700. No 213 Two acres on Cumin * street , { 1000. No 216 One-half acre OH California , near Ken cdy street , 350. No 21tt Beautiful lot on Hamilton street near SJroot car turn taole , 11000. No 217 Lot on 23d street , nearCUrk. liOO. A few acre lota only remain unsold in "Park tace" little wwt ot Crclghton Cello t , prices ngjnpr fiom | 276to fiOOeoch and on easy terms. LWsJn Ilorbavb's 1st and 2d additions ; alt > o eta In Parker'nShlnn's ; Nulson's , Terrace's , E. . Smith's. JUxllck'd , and all the other additions any price and at any tenna. Ten acres ! the city IlmlU on the road to the arracka at 837S per acre. Kaur beautiful residence lota In front of CreUrhton College ; will cut them up to eult. Nine resldonco lots north of Crelghton * College rounds , from $700 toSHXX ) each. Thirty resident lots In lUrkor'a addition , sit blocks north of the cnJ of thu Ntrcou car truck on Saundcn street , $300 each , 110 down , balance suit , at 8 per cunt interest. A lew lots left In Tcrrauo addition on tha road otho Park , near head of St. M.iry'd avfiiuc$7 > ! 0 each. To tbo-w who will build a 8TJOO rcsldenco , 7years time at 8 p r cent Intert Lotd In Uko'aaddition at giSOto $ S50 wch , 10 yearn time at 0 1 T cent intercut , to thono wbo build. 'llio old Tousley 40-acro tract with homo and all Improvements , adjoining race tourw and fair ground * ' Jor SOOO. Tracts of S.10,15 , 20 , 40 or 80 acre * , with bull- i\DS \ and other improvement ! and adjoining the ity , at oil prices. 8500 of the beat rcsldenco lota In the city of Omaha any location you dotlre north , t-aat , ooutli or west , and nt bud rock prices. jbOcholcebailncos lots In all the principal bus- otxM BtreeU in Omaha , rau > iiiff from (500 to 47000 cuch. Two bundled houu * and loU rangmg from (00 to $15,000 , and locaUxl In orery part of the Larso number of excellent arms In Douglas Barpy fijunJcrs , Dodge , Washington. liurt , and Other pol count ! ? * In eastern Nehrobka. 12,000 ai-rcs beet landi in Douglas , 7000 acre * best Undu In ftarpy county , and largo tracU In all the oattern tier of counties. Over OQO/XX ) acres of the bent laud in the Ne- raska for sala by thli agency. Ycrj largo amounta at suburban property in no to ten , twenty an i f jrty aero pleoea , located \rithln one to three , four or fhe miles oUho oatotllco wnio > cry cheap plecoa. . h'o.vlUpiof Ouuha , publUhcd b/.Georfo P B uik plain , unmounted map * DO cejiU each ; BiouukJ , coloiixl and with cloth back , 81.C.O Kh. llou f.ttorei , hotels , farmilot9l andi. ofllcoa rooms , etc. . to runt or lease. Taxes mid , rents collected , dccdj , mortgages , &Ddallklndaofrual estate documents uiadoout en short notlru. GEO. P. BEMIS1 Heal Estate Exchange 15th nud Douglno Street , OMAHA , - - NBB THE NATIONAL CAPITAL Multitudes of Rumors as to the Personnel of the Neit Cabinet Plying About the Capital , Bx-A-ttorney-QonoralTaft Now Talked of for Ono of the Portfolios. All the Cabinet Officers in Their Respective Departments Yesterday Morning. The President Will Not Fill the Supreme Court Va cancy Until the Beg- ular Session. The Quean Bends a Letter of SynJpa'hy'to the "Wife an'd Mother of the Late President. Accompanying it With a t for a Photograph of Gorfield- Associated Tret * KlUlif THE QUEEN. WASHINGTON , Ssptomber 28. Th following was received to-day : LONDON , September 28 , 1SS1. To nialno , Scciotary , Washington : Havoroceivou the following telegram gram from the queen : "Wouldyou express my sincere con dolonco" to the late president's mothc and inquire after her health as well as after Mrs. Garfield's. " Her majesty adds : "Should be thankful if you would procure mo a good photograpl : ofGpn. Garfiold. " ( Signed ) LOWKI.L , Minister. TUB AN8WEU. The following answer was sent : DEPAUT.MIINT OK STATE. \ WA.SUINOTON , Sept. 28,1861. ) 'to Lowell , Minister , tomlon : Your telegram expressing the com passion of the queen for the mother of the late president was duly for warded to Mrs. Garfield at Mentor , 0. I have just received the follow ing reply : "Pleaso request Minister Lowell to express to her majesty , the queen , the grateful acknowledgements of the mother of Gen. Gariiold and my ownfor the tender , womanly sym pathy she has boon pleased to send. Also that her majesty's wish will bo complied with at an early day. LUCHETIA R. GAUFIEtU , " CABINET HURMISINOfl. Later callers on the president to day were Secretary Windom and Postmaster-General James. Both of ; hem had some official business to transact and ono of thorn stated after the interview that no reference was nado with regard to their retention > r the giving up of their portfolios. While no definite information is ob- ainablo directly there are multitudes of rumors as to changes in the cabinet. The friends of Secretary Lincoln seem to think that his stalwart action will secure his roton- ion. Ex-Attorney General Taft s mentioned for ono of the portfolios. JudgoFolgerandGroonB. _ Raumcom- , nissioncr of internal revenue , are ) oth mentioned as the probable socro- ury of the treasury. Senator Jones , of Nevada , would get the treasury portfolio but for the fact that a dom- icrut would probably succeed him in he senate. President Arthur keeps ils own counsel. Ho is now ready to ranact business at his room on Capi- ol hill. There is n telephone in the IOUBO which can be connected with ill other departments. Thus far ho not boon oilico-seok- tas annoyed by - - ira. Those who ought to know say ho president will not appoint u judge of the supreme court until after con gress meats in regular session , Tlio ippointmont wiil probably go to the astern states. OUITKAU's CASK. Col. Corkhill , district attorney , said o-day that ho could see no insupor- blo objection to Guitoau'sindictment , rial , conviction and hanging hero at lie utmost within a few weeks , Had lie grand jury not been adjourned Juiteau might have by thia time been ndictod. Whether ho can bo tried nd convicted in the District can only > o definitely and finally determined > y pursuing the regular utopu required > y law and bringing the question to 10 attention of the court. This ques- on can only bo raised by a plea to the uriadictionof thocourtandif itshould > o decided that Guiteau cannot bo ried in thia district it will be time uough to consider whether ho can be amoved to Now Jersey and tried un- or the law there. Other lawyers imminent in jurisprudence hero say lore is no chance for the assassin to Cocapo by legal quibble , for if ho lould fail to bo convicted in the dis- rict there is no law to prevent his > oing tried again in Now Jersey , iuitoau would rather the case would ot bo called for trial until ho can wnlk up Pennsylvania avenue to the ourt house to bo tried without molest- tion , Ho scorns nomowhat disap- ' > ointod at not receiving a prompt ro ily from his brother-in-law , Scovillo , xnd regrets what lie said about Storrs. OAl'ITAL IIUIKFLKTS , ; WASIIINOTOX , September 28. Sec- ary Lincoln will to-morrow take hia amily to Ilyo Ueacli for a few dayu. Secretary Hunt will to-morrow start n a tour of inspection , Ho will lirat nspect the navy yards at Brooklyn , Newport and Charlestown , and nossi- ) ly Portsmouth , resting awhile at ach place , returning hero in time for . 10 opening of the special session of ; the sonata. Gen. McDowell officially telegraphs : 10 war department of the death at > kland , Cat. , September 27th , of Cati. Thomas Drury , Second infantry. President Arthur remained all morning at Senator Jones' residence. Kimr Kalakua "called on the presi dent at noon , accompanied by several members of hia suite. , CASUALTIES. TWELVE I'BllSONB DUOWNni ) . ATLANTA , Go. , September 28. A dispatch just received gives the terrible - riblo details of the sinking of a ferry boat that plies between the Isle of IIopo and the Skidaway islands. Twelve persons , ( colorodton of them women , were drowned. The people were taking market products to Sav annah. Collins were tnkon from Sav annah and all were buried yesterday. nitlU tNTINK SUNK. NKW YOHK , September 28. The steamer Anchoria which arrived to day from Glasgow reports that on the 20th inst. she came in collision with a small vessel supposed to bo a briqan- tine , and as far as can bo ascertained sunk her and all on board. Every thing was done by those on the steam ship to save the crow of the stranger but without avail. Reunion of x-Gnf leratM- NillolUl Anoctttod i'rcM. ' , Si.Louis , September 28. A special from Moborly , Mo. , says ; The city i crowded to ovcrilowing to witness th reunion of ex-confederates. Tnri thousand veterans formed in line an marched to the fair grounds , when ex. Governor Reynolds delivered a addrcai. At the nicotine ; apcnnatien organization was effected. Old Hundred. National AmoclatcJ 1'rru. BLOOMINOTON , Ind. , Sopterabor 28 , The celebration of Undo Jimm ; Park's celebration at Elliotsvillo wa' the occasion of the largest crowd eye : assembled in Monroe county , being variously estimated at from 8,00b t < 12,000 people. Iho Garfield Fond. National Associated Tress. NE\V Yoiu , September 28. Th sum of $2,200 was received to-day toward the Garfield fund , making th grand total 6323,457.80. THE STAR-ROUTE JOBS President Arthur to Vigorouslj Prosecute the Thiovee. No Moray to lie Shown the Men. who RoVbod the Government. Washington Speilal to The Philadelphia Press. The death of the president has not put an end to the star-route prosecu tions. This fact has already boon announced nouncod , but there is more involved in it than appears upon the surface. Mr. George Bliss ia hard at work pre paring the evidence that the detect ives have arranged , getting it into form for presentation to the grand jury , and briefing it in order that the law questions as well as the questions cf fact sliall bo properly supported and brought out. Thcro is probably a great surprise in aero for Messrs. Brady , Dorsoy ot id onmo genus. President Arthur , accord ing to Mr. Bliss , is determined to pursue the investigation and the thieves as vigorously as Mr. Garfield ever did or ever would have done. There is no mercy to bo shown to the men who have robbed the govornmont. The evidence now in the possession of the poatoftico authorities and of the department of justice is of the most convincing character. Some of it amounta to absolute proof oftho guilt of some men who have hitherto held very high official positions , CUOWINO IMl'UUPENT JCJAIN. The star-route people have boon raising their crests of lato. Mr. Brady has again begun to make hia appearance on the public streets and in the hotels , and some of the gentle men of moat doubtful reputation have boon hoard to say that Mr. MacYovh and Mr. James will soon take their departure from the cabinet. They will probably wako up some mornincr to find themselves mistaken. They are counting on the friendship of a man who has bcon thoroughly con vinced of their guilt. To assort that the president will order the dis continuance of route investi gations , and that ho will accept the ' resignations of men who are familiar with every step that has thus far been taken in their developments , is to as sort that ho is prepared to bo an ac complice of Mr. Dorsoy and Mr. Brady. That might not acorn a very culpable thing to the who would bo benofittod , but it would un - doubtedly strike Mr. Arthur's mind somewhat differently. They and the public can rest assured that the new president has no tenderness for crimi nals. Certainly not so much is to risk for them the reputation of himself , and his idniinistnUion. It is somewhat in this way that Mr. Bliss talks oi the : asca in which ho is now engaged and , to assist him in which ho has some of the bout legal talent in the country , [ t is a mistake that Mr. Bliss was re tained ill the case because of his personal - sonal friendship with Mr. Arthur. It iu true that ho wis not retained until ii short time before tlio death of Pres ident Garfield , but ho was approached m the subject and coiiHultea with bo- 'ore the president was shot. HlflNlFIOANCB OF THE HTK1' , Tlio determination by Mr. Arthur , , ui I have said , has a deeper Bignift- anc : than appears on the surface. It iiieana that neither Mr. MaoVcagh nor Mr. James will loaro the cabinet , so > long , at least , us they can bo of Bor neo in this direction. The cases will bo pushed to trial utf speedily as pos- liblt ) , in order to make available all the testimony now in the hands of the jjliciula as well as to ivo Mr. James .ho opportunity to retire from office , IB ho deuiiea. Ho haa hold his posi tion merely to finbh hia work on those osea , and ijien that m over ho will iccept a bank prymtlencyinNowYork , which is now huld open for him. . POLITICAL Yarlons Oonvontions Holfl in Dif ferent Parts of the Ooimtry Tosterday , Wisconsin and Pennsylvania Democrats N6minnto Tickets. The Oldest Senator Will Prob ably Call the l xtra Ses sion to Order. Political No o § . POINTS. Katlonit Associated [ ress. . KEKATOK DAVIS 1NTBK VIEWED. BLOOMINOTON . 111. , September 28 Soimtor D.vvid Dd ui hiw just returned turned fro' * the oas j" In nu inte view this nftornoon Kiv'stntod Hiat'lh senator holding the olttodt coinnuBsio will probably call the sonnto to orde al the oxtm eoaaiou , October lOtli Ho hnd no idea which party yyoul control the organisation of the aennt BENATOU .TONES IN UT1CA. UTICA , N. Y. , September 28. Scr ator Jouea , of Nevada , readied Utici this nftornoon and proceeded to tl < restdonco of Senator Conkhng. J conference is being hold. 1 SAN FRANCISCO , September 28. A Virginia City dispatch says tha Senator Fair has paired with Senate Platt , of Oonuocticut , und will not cast. WISCONSIN DKMOCKATIO TICKET. MILWAUKEE , September 28. Th democratic atato convoutiou to-da made nominations as follows : Fo governor , N.D. . Frate , of llicine lieutenant governor , W. S. Anderson of La Crosse ; secretary of state MichaelJohnson ; , treasurer , W. II Jacobs , of Milwaukee ; attorney ijon oral , \V. J. Bripgs ; superintendent o instruction , Ilobt. Graham , of Wiuno bngo ; railroad commissioner , Ambrose broso Iloffnian ; inauranco cominis sionor , Louis Keillor , of Munitowoc St. PAUL , September 28. The republican publican siato convention to-day nom mated : For governor , Gen. L. Hub' ' bard ; for supreme court judges , Chas , Viindeburgh , D. A. Dickinson ; foi railroad commissioner , Gen. J. II , Baker. The lieutenant governor , secretary rotary of state , treasurer and audito ; wore ronominated. rUNNSVLVANIA DEStOORATS. WiLLiAMsvonT , Pa. , September 28 The state democratic ccmvontioi : met hero this morning for the purpose of nominating a candidate for state treasurer. At 12 o'clock the body was "called , to order in the academy of music by Chairman Dill. Prayer was offered by Rev. Caleb U. Wright. After the roll had boon completed , Mr. Hinzol woa elected temporary chairman and will probably bo con tinued permanently. Mr. Hinzol , on taking the chair , assured the con vention that ho would be fnir mid impartial , and made a fooling allusion to the national sorrow , and paid a high tribute to the late President G.trtleld and ailinnod that democrats ovary where lamented hia death. Ho de clared against monopolies and ar raigned the republican party for faitli- lessncss to its trust. Ho predicted that the day of deliverance of Penn sylvania was near at hand , through a diHcrent political creed from addition , division and silence. Honzcl's speech was greeted with applause. At 1:10 : the convention adjourned until 3 o'clock , after agreeing to take up nom inations atid platform , upon reassem bling , leaving the party rules for nub sequent action. The resolutions adopted declare igainst : Third terms ; against troops fit the polls ; against appropriation of public money for any purpose but the support of the ( jovornment , and igainat class legislation. They favor constitutional currency of gold and silver and of paper convertible into win ; repudiation and coalition with repudiators tire condemned. The re publican administration in denounced for wasting millions of dollars by re 'usiutf to redeem the rate of interest iemandod by the democrats ; the un- * taltering prosecution of thoBtur route thieves is demanded. The republican itatp administration is charged with laving encouraged and shielded the ipoilatlon of the state treasury and -ho use of the public fund. Death of a Council Bluffs Lady. Ipeclal dlioatdi to Till UKK ; COUNCIL BLUKFS , September 28. Mrs. Lanborsolmmor , aged 05 yearn , vas found dpad near her residence , on Upper Broadway , about half-nasfc 5 'clock lost o/omiitf. She is supposed o have fullou in a fit. Roman Cutliollo Boiiovolcat , tiooletjr , fatloiul AwocJi'etl 1'rowi , CiNciN.vAif , fjoptombor 28. The Central Upn.iui Catholic Benevolent locicty of the United States closed ' . heir tu'untJxth ! annual session in 3ovngU ! > n , Ky. , last night. The fol- ' owing ( jlliwi1w ) lo elected , for the iiisuing year1 K , G. Spohnhorst , of 3t. I/mis , pr < } bideut ; Peter Strack , of ow York , li 'Ht vice-prosidont ; rhom- is Beaten , ol C'ovington , Ky , , second fioo-preshltn' ; Alfred Stookol. of Hilwaukfn , rocoidtng secretary ; The- , dru Fulilij ; , of St. Louis , financial icacturyj exiviitivo commUtoo , J. H. lJ. it , jf Newport , Ky. , John ) Vi-m.-md , of St. houia , K. F. Brink- nan , of Ten v Himtu , Ind. ; treasurer , John LudgM , of Kyansvillo , Ind , I'lio next i M ) itiiuj will bo held in HilT\iilL'0. Then are thirty-two so- lol'wn in tl [ ( intud States , ropru- iontijij ; % fi < j momluTB , with n capi- ul of ? vlO'iai' , H7. A widow * und or- iliniii ) inhuraii'-o f'tn'l vroa created at .liu Howiou t duy , 3,487 persona wore relieved during the year to the amount of § 70,9O.GO ! ) , and 817,038 1)0 ) was paid to widows. There wore 320 deaths in the society during the year. A Ship * Crow Donortfl * NfttlonM AwocUlol I'rcs * . SAN FUANOIHCO , September 28. The Pacific MM Company's steamer , City of Hio Do Janeiro , which ar rived from Now York to-day , reports thaUho British ship Hivcr Gmigci is in Manzonillo waiting fora crew , eight men having deserted , stealing the ships boats to carry them turay. PALL SPORTS" THE TURF. National AmacUted t'reM. PARK. JKUOMK PARK , N. Y. , Soptom her 28. The second day of the preliminary liminary autumn meeting of th American jockey club waa hot with th attendance fair. The first race , three year-olds and upwards , mile and furlong , was won by Sly , Check mate auuond , Forida third. Time " 5lj. ! The second raca , maidonn of a itgus , thrco quarters of n mile , wa won by lU icido , Itoska second Clarcnco third. Time , i:18j. Tlio third race , all ngcs , mile and half , wjw won by Thora , Fair Coun second , Monitor third. Time , 2IJ9J : Tlie fourth race , u handicap sweej stakes , all aijus , three-quarters of liulo , WHH won by Spark , Pilgrimng second , Sir \Vnlter third. Time , 1:20 : The fifth race , n selling handicap all aqua , ono mile , was won by Mara then , Clarence second , Duke of Mont rose third. Time , 1:15J. : The sixth race , a handicap hurdle all ages , milo and three-quarters , eve icvon hurdles , was won by Day Star Ingomar fiocond. Time , ; i:29. : LOUISVlLtl ! JOCKEY CLUIJ. LOUISVILLE , September 28. The : hird day of tho'Jockoy club runniii | races opened to-day with a fair track A slight flurry of rain made the at ondiuico light. The first race was for two-year-old colts , throe-quarters of a mile. It was won by Lost Cause Jaunter second , Minstrel third. Time 1:21. : 1:21.Tho The second race , n handicap for al ages , mile and n half dash , was won by Annie 0. , Edison second , Guy third. Time 2:47. : The third race , a purse dash , ono mile , was won by Hello of the High lands , Pope Lee second , Eloxor third. . Time 1:41) : . The fourth race , a Rolling purse , nil ages , ono and a quarter mile dubh was won by Juniata , Mata orda second end , Fatinitai third. Time 2:16. : THE DIAMONDS fJAMBiJ FLAYED YBittBUUAY. PROVIDENCE , September- . Providence idenco , 3 ; Buffalos , 7. TROY , September 28. Troya , 8 4 ; DotroiU , 2. BOSTON , September 28. Bostons 10 ; Clevolands , 3. WORCP.BTER , September 28. Wor- ccstors , C ; Chicagos , 7. Neligli Notts. porri-spondcnco ol Tim live. NELKJII , September 20. T'je citi zens of Noligh responded to the call of Governor Nanco and Presi dent Chester A. Arthur , to moot for the purpose of holding religious exer cises in regard to our great uflliction , mot to-day at 10 a. in. The Hon. F. H. Trowbridgo was elected chairman , and J. F. Morrilt , secretary. The Hov. S. Barrows , of Oscoohi , made a yory impressive prayer , after which the choir rendered some very excel lent and appropriate music. The following persons made very appro priate remarks. The Hov. S. Barrows , the Ilov. Woodruff , of New York , the Ilov. Carton , of Noligh , the Kov. Griflin , of Cedar , F. H. Trowbridgo , F. F. Mor ritt , Charles Fisher and Wilgock , of Noligh. The committee on rocolu- ttons consisted of G. G. Holmes , H. 0. Eldndo and Win. Lambert. The following resolutions were adopted , viz : Resolved , That in the death of James A. Gurilcld , wo as n people , liavo loat ono of the noblest men , whom it has pleased Divine Provi dence to place at the huad of this na tion. Itasolvcd , That wo extend to the bereaved widow , children and mother pur profound aympa thy in this , their darkest hour of uflliction. Resolved , That wo offer to his ex cellency , Chester A. Arthur , our cor dial support in his office , which ho on- torcd under such trying circumstances. "Lo roi cat mori ; Vivo lo roy. " The president is dead ; the nation liven. ( Resolved , That wo appreciate the honorable and patriotic Hplrit of i'rca- idiint 'Arthur in retaining the mem bers of thu cabinet in the uorvicus to which they have been culled , and that we feel it our duty to HUhlain him in lim o/fbrtn to Kovorn ihia nation in wisdom. After fiomo other services thy moot ing adjourned.T. T. F. MKHUITT , Hoc'y. A Short Kofid to Health. To all who ore nuffi-riii ; ' , from lioils , til- .erf , BcroCuJa , c.ulmuclui , of oilier ul > nti- mto dldoaiiuK of tliu liloud and ulilii , a puruo of Durtlock'a JIIouil Itltturfi will be 'omul to ho u nhort routl to heulth. 1'rlcu M , triul the 10 ccuH , 25codlw CHALLENGE , Wo will match thu stallion "Socurir iy" to trot tlio stallion "Alarm" or ha stallion "B\iiini" : for $260 a sidu , joat threa in hvo lo harneas , iu Beat- ice , and should oithur of the owners f the ubnvo liurnes ocetipt thiu dial- ongo wt v ill ho ready to accept tlio lame , DAVIS A LAUD. BHATIIK t , Hi-pt. 2H , ' 81. All coimnumcitioiiK addro so'l ( > o no will he piomutly aiiHwercd , E. F , JIYM. WINEOFOARDUI" four tlww a by a Jmppy household. At n , V. ' FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. Fatal Attack on a Process Server in Ireland , Evictions Still Going on in That Country , The O. B , & Q. to Extend the O. & B. V , Railroad in Nebraska. Sale of Canadian Paoiflo Rail road Lauds Yesterday. A. Now Horeo Disease Appears in Chicago. AMl.iganriTrnin Robber Sontonood to Twonty-Hvo Yearn in tlio Penitentiary. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. Nivtloiul AMociatnl I'rcm. I'lUK IN MOSCOW. LONIKUT , Sept. 28. A destructive tire is now raging in Moscow , It be gun hist uight in the merchant'R bazar and has already destroyed twenty warehouses. VIOLKNT KA11TIIOUAKK. HOME , Sept. 28. The destruction caused by the earthquake on Abruzzo fur exceeds anything indicated by the first reports. The archbishop of Chieti appeals piteously for help. Ho s.iys the disaster is only comparable to that of Casamacciola. Over 1,000 houses are uninhabitable and the re mainder are more or loss fissured. Four-liftha of tlio population are shelterless. TUB COKFEDK11ATK LOAN. LONIWN , September 28. The Standard this morning says in its ii- imnciul article : "Tho revived interest in the confederate sterling loan was a novel feature yesterday. Largo amounts were taken for Amsterdam at ten shillings. CONTRACT KOH RTEBI. 1UII.H. BnuuK , September 28. Herr Krupp , of Essen , has accepted a con tract for the exportation of 2COO tons of steel rails to the United States , I'ATAI. ATTACK ON A FllOUESH BHHVKlt. LO.VDON , September 28. Another case of what in feared is a fatal attack upon a process server has occurred at Bajly Bonnon , County Krig. .Simi lar violent attacks on evicting parties of police are continually reported. Boycotting , according to the letters publiahcd ill tllQ papers , has increased. ILtKEBS OP TWO OAUDINALH. KOMK , Septombor28' Cardinal Kdward Borromo , who was raised tea a cardinalato in March , I8G8 , Iff re ported to bo dying. Cardinal Vin cent Morottia , who was created cardi- nalJunoSSd , 1877 , in also seriously UKH10NI3D TIIH VIHKKA MIH8ION. LONDON , September 28. William Walter Chclps , according to telegraph dispatches , ha * asked to bo relieved of the yionna mission and to Imvo his succession appointed without delay. RAILROAD RUMBLINGS. National Aiworiated I'rcm. RAIMIOAII EXTKNKION CO.STKMI'IiATRI ) . CHICAGO , Septombor28. Thostock- holders of the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy railroad mot to-day in this city. The company is under agreement with the Republican Valley railroad company to aid the latter iu building a certain extension of its road in eastern Nebraska , the construction of seventy milts of which is now wefl ndvancod. It is also under an Aft/cement , subject to the ap proval of tlio stockholders , to furnish part of the means to enable the Republican Valley railroad com pany to ox toad its line to Denver , as it is thought to bo desirable ultimately to consolidate the Chicago , Burling ton ifc-Quincyand the Republican Vat ley properties. It is proposed to hold the securities of the latter in trust and to issue the securities of the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy Company to rep resent them. The proposal outlined above ia to bo acted upon by the stock holders. At the meeting to-day thu proxies already submitted insure the satisfaction of the proposal. HALl ! 0V KAILKOAI ) LANDS. WINNEPKO , September 28. The Canadian Pacific railway company be- ; ; 'nn the BO. o of lands on the linn of , the road yesterday. Upward of 20- , 300 acres were sold and there are drcady file applications for 1)00,000 more. MKETIN'fl OF C. II. it ( J. I1IIIKCTOUH. Oimuoo , September 28. A special noeling of Chicago , Burlington & 3 < rinoy stockholders was hold to-day. \ good attendance was present. Hon. Talin Van Nortwlck occupied the jliuir. Tlio meeting was culled for the purpose of acting upon the circular ( recently issued by thu company in re lation Iho Republican Y.illoy railroad xmipany ot Nebraska. Tlio proposal , is set forth in the circular , is that the Hurlinglon road issue 97,8)5,000 ! ) of 4 icr cent , bonds to aid the Republican Vnlluy road in constructing its lines : Jiroitgh to Denver , the Chicago , Bur- ingtoti it Quincy to hold the socuri- lies of the Ropuolican Valley road in rust. The propositions were all rati- led by a thruo-fourths vote. MOTION TO AITOIKT A KKCICIVHII. GmuAno , September 28. The hoar- ng of n motion to appoint a receiver or the Ohio & Mississippi railroad lompany wan hiiforo Juogo Drum' nond , of the United States district iourt , to-day. Aruumonta were pro- ontod favoring tlio appointment of tfr. Pfobody , rlio prcaunt Kuperin- endont in lluintuioatof the Haiti- nero it Oliin railroad company , and ilso in favor of BJp , AroLam , of the Cincinnati Kiiqniror , in tlui iiitorcatof ; Fay Gould. Continued until to-mor- 'OW. CRIME. BBHTKNOUU TO JIB IIUNO. , Tonn. , Snptcmbqr 28- The Atkins , father and son , Ktivo been- Bontonccd lo bo liaugcd for the mur der of the wife and child of the latter. , TTIAIN IlOnilKlt FOUND GUILTY , KA.NSAH Cirr , Soptombor28. Ww. Ryan was convicted at Independences to-day of complicity in the Glondato- train robbery , on Iho Chicago & Al ton road , in October , 1870. Thojury assessed the penalty at twonty-nya- vcara in the pomiontiary. Threats have boon made that his friends wilt release him , but thus fur there has bcon no trouble. The officers an > fully prepared for any outbreak. . Ryan was brought to this city to night for safe keeping. ' A Now Hone Dlnon * - Nutlon&l AwocUtod 1'rctw , CIIICAOO , September 28. "Pink- pyo"thonowhorsodiseaso , issprcading- in this city. Nearly every largo stabio in the city is sulforiiig from its raviv- gcs. Eight horses iu the fire depart ment are down with it. The oxprosa companies and the street car lines n11 report animals suffering from thocom- < pltxint. The disease tirst makes 'it * appearance in a running at the eyes , the horses feel dumpish and the logo , swell. In many instances the discaso has proved fatal. It is something now to the veterinary surgeons. Sovonty-Fivo Hour Walk- Nation * ! AiaocUted Vita. Nr.w YOUK , September 28. At A o'clock to night ilarrimati und Kroliik commenced n sovonty-fiva hour walk for a purse 7f $2,000. The first mile- was made in nine minutos'nnd twenty- Ire seconds , and the Grat five milca n forty-nine minutes. At thu end of the first hour Harriraau had covereit six miles and was leading by about 200 yards. Indications' tatloiul Araoclatol 1'rcM WABHIN TON , September 28. . Indications for thu upper lake region : [ ncroasuig cloudiness audmin ; oaster- y winds , low barometer and higher temperature. For the upper MiB m- sippi and lower Missouri valleys : Warmer , cloudy or partly cloudy weather , with ram ; southerly winds and lower barometer. The Georgia Exposition. National AnocUtcd 1'rcua , ATWNTA , Ga. , September 28. Tlio'/ [ ) rogramforthocoromonicsat the open ing of the exposition on Wednesday . ; ho Dth of next month , has bcon coin- Dieted. The ceremonies will bo exceed ingly impressive. A' largo number of representative citizens' from every part ? of the United States "havo accopteil invitations to participate. Full par ticulars will bo'given to the prcsii 'jui a day or so. Most ot the buildjnjja. are limshod , and "tliif exhibitors are rapidly getting Uiolr displays in shape. Atlanta ia fast filling up with visitors. Thursday , October 27th , boon decided npoii for govornor'a day. Cinolnaatl'i Memorial Day. ifttlonalAwoclatod PrcM. CINCINNATI , Sop'tombcr 28. Fri day , September SO , will bo celebrated n the public schools of thii city as jarfield memorial day. A movement las boon started to erect a Garflolii ind Lincoln monument on the square ? n this city adjoining that ornamented > y the Davidson fountain. JohtL Hatch contributes $500 to start it on condition that the work bo done by av. Cincinnati artist. GENERAL AGENTS' ' EXCURSION ; They Will Oomo Prom the West and Visit Omaha , On Saturday of thin week an un precedented number of railroad offi cials from all over the country will visit Omaha. There is a whole train load of them. The general passen ger agents' convention in St. Louis , was n very interesting meeting andE was largely attendud. After its ad journment nearly all of the agents ac cepted an invitation extended then * by the western railroad , and a special train was put at their scrvico , They wont to Kansas City , tlienco to Den ver , and have boon spending several days in Colorado. On Friday morn ing next they leave Denver for Oma ha and are expected to arrive about Saturday noon. Preparations of a somewhat el aba- . rate nature uro being made for thuif rccoption. They will first dine at the Union Pacific- hotel and then return hh Omaha to view the city. Carriage * will bo provided to convey them to- the principal points of interest , and u . number of citizens are arranging to ' e' uxtond them still further courtesies. e'a The locomotive of the special train , will be left here , and the coaches at tached to the C. B. & Q. train bound for Chicago. The "Q. " otliciols IWVOL "thrown" themselves to prepare ui * . specially elaborate bill of tare for the meals to bo served up between Coun cil Bluffs and Chicago. Davenport , the ubiquitous and genial , will per sonally look after the guests'interest * , ind tlio cuisine will bo under the diargo of that star among dining car onduotors , Frank Drury. From tha time the officials who represent road * jast , west , north and south-striko Dmaha until they reach Chicago , they nay bo assured of an enjoyable timo. TRUE TO HER TRUST. Too much cannot bo aii of the ivor faithful wife and mother , con- itantly watching and caring for hoe- lour ones , novov neglecting a singlo- luty in their behalf. When they urn umailed by diioaso , and the systam ihould have a thorough cleansing , the- itomaoh und bowel * roguhjtod , blood ; luritlod , maluritil ponton exterminated , the must know that Eleotrio Bittora tro the only sure remedy. TJwy or < ( ho best and purest medicine iu tha vorld , und only cot Ulty ccutn. Sold jy Ish * McMahon. (2) ( ) .