Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1881, Page 8, Image 8
JHG ? OMAHA DAILY1 BMR WEDNESDAY , SEPTEMBER 1881. fILE DAILY BEE. Wodncaday Moraingi Sopt. 28 , For the nccomodatlon of our tip-town patrons nrfftngcim-ntfluato been madowlth Kdholm & % b on , Jewelers , opposite the post offlce , where dverltscments nnd ordpw for the city delivery of Tim HER will IMS received. Adverti omcnU for the evening nmt bo handed In before 1M p. to. , lor the luortiiiiff edition before 8:30 LOCAL HREVITIEB. .l'rtltcr jn wlln coal. > Diniio. Reliable ITalter. Frederick Ivcadintf Hatter. WO bii Iiiouj lots Call on Nomis , Now oraiigcfl at A. II. Gladstone' * . . 1000 rcHtjcnca ioU Bemis , agent , IoU Bomlii1 agency. ri il c Ute boom. Find p g A. W. Nwwn , Dentist , Jacob's block. - I ) < * t line of Cigar * , at Saxo'a. StiKiVo StiiriUin k Storms , finest , at ICulm'H Dnig Store only. Sod * 'VViAor , bolter than over , at Itay ytiur hftti of Frcdeilck , leading b.-vtter. bomit ) ' now inaji of Omaha , " ( i cents Ml ( arum und UOO.OOO ncrtM f html UomU , fi cut. Tli" Lion continues to roar for Mooro' * Virr riKit Commercial Job Printing , nil nt THK HKK Job rooms. lliuyclc for sale or trade for a borne. 0 3 , Ctnan. ' ' ho jiay Ibo lituboit price for Second Hand Furnllnro ? Abralmnis & I.cwlp , 1121 DongluH btroot. fcpTJ-2w Youn ( jen''H nobby cloth hati , now itylen , at Krudcricl-'tf. . Judge Ikiicko bad four eaten of intoxl- tlcin Wforo him yostcrdnv. Only DO psrt ) n wai able to pay bit fine. Most elegant now btyloi of Hat , nt the OiDivha Furicr , Henry G. Ilichtcr , lEtb nil set , opp , pottoulco. ncptlC-tf Chief Gnlllgan , Marubnl Angell , City Jailer McClure nnd n la ge nuiiiVcr of clli- oinw nt to Council IlluflHyostcrdaytolook ujion Iho ridim of last evening' * cxplcsion. Young ( font'i nobby Derby's nt Fred- . orlck'i ) . Cruiok&hanU tc Cn.'tf window was Lcautifully arranged yesterday. Ccn. Qarfield'H picture , elegantly framed , occu pied tlio centre , flower pots filled with beautiful floworx were placed in front and ft Chrlntiaii croau of white fctirrounded by ernK > formed the bock ground. 1 Jnci , T. Conta , of Detroit , who nowgcts * Jib O'liiti-jict ' for building the new court fcouie , it the owner ot quito extensive ma rfitno Rliopi in tlmt city which ho intends to rcn : > vo huru with his family. ' ! * > PJERSONAIb , ' Jtnlge J , W. Drown , one of Scbuylor's 'prominent lawyern , waa in the city ycstur- dlay on biulnosi , Tito Wlthnoll bnuao roc ! tor notes the twrival la tlio city of W. 1 ! . Andrews and vrjfo , of Do * Afolaed , and. J. P. Ilinchnmn. 'U * f Cl Ion wood , In. O , J. Pholpa , of Sohuvlor ; C. S , Stow. Urt , of Lincoln ; and 0. M , Wolty , of Fro- i L nt , ii * .t the Motropolitan. Win. A. Paxton tleft for North Tlatto ycitonlnyvhenco bo wllK' ! ' > tobU ranclien itud ruturn with a largo shipment of cattle. At. ; 1 Herman Jleainor , the popular Pullman emJuctoron tlio Union Pacific , nnkeH Ids lait trip thin weak on the overland line , bains trjuyforod to the Utah Northern bt&ncli. Hid many friends will regret II'K ieuarturo from Omaha. ' Gon. Cuwln loft for Clovul.ind last ig , whore ho will meet hU wlfo nnd family. Ho would havugoiie to Cleveland 46 attend Prcutilunt Gnrfiold'a funoiut but f r the fact that he wan engaged In trying tlio Hilly Hood murder Prof. Langley , from Washington ob- ' Rsrvatory , Ptt ! burg , nnd ft party of as- ls' ntrt , paHsod through this city ycster- Aivy , nu their return from the top of Mt. WLItnoy , Col. , where they bavo been mtik- t * oino Important exiwrluientH. .Oe . I' . Saner , of Now York , hni defi- Hel/ decided to locate In Omaha.Ho k aa aocoompllshed violiniHt , and will bo H great addition to tbo musical talent ot MJO city. Mr. Sauer studied with Martin u , of thli city , in the conservatory t the long.hnlrcd man of the laland Independent , U In town. tlim\y \ haa a trick which in worth two of a ordinary kind. He cornea to Omaha in ft night , arriving lioro in the morning , Vlieu he dpn't hurry hh bitalnccs ut all , hi Arder to catch the noon train westward , at waltn until a freight train pulls out V nlgli and comfortably uloop.i during the triffc mewimt , having t.ikon but one fl y from bis ofDoo. Creat it genius. ' .Ui-GoTsruor Tkaycr It In the city , Capft. John G. Uurke , U. 8. A. , in Uy ' iii , at'tlio Transfer hotel. Hon.Eera Mlllard , president of the Giaaha Katloni.1 bank , and family , went < at ( tills afternoon. ' * Itankln , M. P. , J. H. N. WaV Cird. Sr. , and J. H. I a-threo Kpgliub Caurlsts-nre at tbe Wlthnell. f , i. Jubnson , of Lincoln , Ceo. A. Wowler , of York ; A. J.Vt hner , of Dor- hwtcr , and Thoi. I ) . Jobnaon , of Kvaus- ijttt , arc At the Gi-elgbton bouse. Uev. Father Nugvnt , of Liverpool , and Bov. Father Morrl , of Homo , who bate fccou vlaiting Vicar General Itiordan , left Itr their retpcctlvo homes yotcrday. lion. Don. M. Dickinson , chairman of V > eMicbli ; n democratlo committue , ac > * aipaule < l by Gee , M. Trurcr * , A promt. ftnt buslncn lutthrom Detroit , were mong the piuaenueri froia tlio wont yea. Urday. _ FA11ME11S AND JIEOH ANICa. If you with to Avoid great dancer nd trouble , besides a no email bill ff ojKinno , ut this ocoson of the year , iu nhould take prompt utopa to kcup ncaw ) from your household. The jfctoni should bo cleansed , blood MoriH d , atomach and bowels ruyula- Jed , und prevent und euro diseaioa rising I rom prii ) | { malaria , Woktiow Of iiolhing that will so perfectly und f irely do tlTns as Eloctrio Bittern , and t Uio tiifliiif , ' cost of fifty conta a bot- Uu. [ Exchange. gold by Juh & MoSIuhon. (1) ( ) COLD LEAD. That is What Sam Kliao Shot Into a Companion. BotkBoyi ATO Fnptl * nt Street School. George Frank , cloven years old , was shot as ho was coming down the steps of Iho Dodge street ncliool Inat evening , by n schoolmate named Sam , Kline. The ball struck the boy to the fht of the nose , just below the eye. The afTiiir caused intense excitement , in the midst ot which the boy was carried to the homo of his father , Jacob Frank , at 418 nouth Tenth street. Dr. Parker , thu family physi cian , was at once called in , Ho naw that the caiu was a very nerious one , nnd sent for assistance. In a very short time Dro , Coflman , Peaboyand ( ] Dai row wore upon the scone. The wound wan proved to n depth of three inches , but the ball could not bo found. One of the physicians thinks thah thojiall might have lodged in the mouth nnd unotherthatit'i'i ht have paesed into the throat and fallen into th'o stomach. The boy hut night was lying in a precarious condition , although thu physicians have hope of his ultimate recovery. * Sam Kline , who did the shooting , is only about 14 years old and his reasons for so doing arc unknown. Immediately after the net ho ran away uml disappeared and at a late hour hmt night had not yet been found. As far us can bo learned a number of children trcre coming down tile's tups together just after school had been dismissed. Kline wa * somewhat in advance of Frank , and as he reached the bottom of the stops it is said ho suddenly wheeled nround and without warning drew n 32 calibre revolver from his bosom. This ho deliberately pointed at Frank and , milling the trigger , lirod. The report Imd not died away before ho had dis appeared around the corner. Kline lived on Twelfth street , und in said to bo a pretty hard caao for one of his yearn. Ho hai been in several other scrapes of the kind and was the terror of smaller boys. . Dwelling Homo Burned , Mrri. G'.ivino's house , at the corner of Third and Pine streets , was de stroyed by fire yesterday afternoon. The loss ia about$300. The house is not insured. Airs. Gavino cook ing a steak , and called from the kitch- od by the cries of her sick child , she left it on the stove. On her return she found that it had in some manner caught fire , and that the lire had spread to the kitchen walls. Mrs. Uavino had barely time to get her child put when the house was envoi- oped in Humes : RIGHT FROM ALASKA. Return of Naval Officers Prom the Northwestern Ter ritory. Ai noticed briefly in TUB BEE of yes'torday , on board tlio overland train on Monday were a party of naval officers direct from Alaska , where they have boon stationed for a year or iDoro in command of the United States squadron. At the head of the party was Lieutenant Commander C. H. Rockwell. The other oflicers were Lieut. E. P. McClellan , Ensigns J. 0. Nicolson , N. II. Usher , H. Minott ; Past AsMstnnt Surgeon N. M , Furbuo ; Past Assistant Paymaster J. A. Riney , lioatdwaiii P. H. Smith , and L. L. Martin. They had boon relieved by another United States shin nnd were on their return to the naval ship Jamestown , at Washington. Commander Hock well stated tlm < the future , of Alaska is certainly very promising. The weather nt"Sitkn during the past summer has been de lightful und crops have prospered abundantly. The recent development of rich gold and silver mines has called there thousands from the Cali fornia coast and other parts of the United States. This has stimulated Sitka's qrowthandliufi also established numerous settlements all along the const nnd in the interior. enterprise is commencing to show itself , in ninny ways , especially in the erection of hundioiuu buildings in the capital and the establishment of business houses. All are thriving , and thuir proprietors nro making money. Commander Hock well cays that thu generally accepted notion that Alaska is a frozen country is a mistake. The warm current from the Japan sea makes its climate much like that of /Scotland / or Ireland. All kinds of IMKnlu nnd tho" hardier frnits grow "Well in the lower lands. Tlio moun tains aio quito snowy in winter , but in tlio Buinmor they nro green nnd abound in aicli mineral stores , In his opinion , Alaska is destined to be come , a populous territory and , inde pendent of the fishery interests , a source of great revenue to the govern ment. "Tho Itovoro House Counci BlufTu is the best BOcond-clnss hotel in Iho vest. " Board of Aerlonltnro Mcotlne- The state board of agriculture held a flnnl meeting ut the olllce of the BCC- rotary lust evening , in connection with business rolnti ig to thu state fair. Secretary MoIJrido , Vice Presi dent Walker , Treasurer Hurtman , Judge Kiiinoy , and Messrs. Gri > 'noll ' and Williams were nroiont. The mauling was long , and devoted en tirely to the consideration of accounts against the board. Many wuro ill- lowed , Boino cut down , and others re jected. The board adjourned , to meet at the call of the president. , Punishlnu n Thief. James Dailoy otolo a bridle , halter nnd blanket worth less than $10 from Goo , Canfleld , A abort time afterward - ward ho sold iho articles for § 1 25 tea a colored man who tried to dispose of them to Mr. Canliold , The property was ut once recognized by Air. Cunfleld , who traced out the thief undjuulliim arrested. Yesterday Dniluy was uont to jail for twenty days by Judge Uoneko. Barglnri nt Work. Fred Herzo's Elkhorn Valley liouso was burglarized some time Monday night. The thieves elu'ctednn entrance by cutting out n patio of glnss in one o : the windows and then cutting away the inside blinds , Tim money drawer in the wan broken and its contents , fortunately only a few nick els stolen. Nothing else was disturb ed , not even the cigars nnd' liquor which lined iho phclvcs. The house was similarly entered during Fair week. COUNCIL CAPERS. Referring the Slocumb Ordinance - nanco to Another Com mit' oo. Fifty Thoninml Dollars Worth ol Boiidi to Lo Sold. At the mooting of council last evening President Dailoy was absent , and Mr , Dunham was , on motion , called to the chair. The mayor reported having np- proved the ordinances for establishing x yrado of St. Mary's uvenuo to the Union Pacific railroad track , nnd n special ordinance appropriating money to John II. Green , for curbing nnd guttering Farnliani street between Fifteenth und Eighteenth. This was filed. James F. Chapman asked to be. dlowed to rop.ttr his cottage , burned liy the lire of September dth. Ho- 'erred to the committee on lire. John Rush , J. A. Willis and H. Hhrcnpfifrb asked that South Omaha > o supplied with fire hydrants , a hounc , 1,000 fent of hose and a hoio cart fern n now hose company in that part of .lip city. Iteferred to the fire com mittee. E. L. Falconer desired to lease the lite of the old pest house. .Referred .o . the committee on public improve- nunta. N. Shelton asked for a fire alarm in ho water works oflico. H-jfeired to ho committee on lire. N. Shelton presented n communica- ion in which ho stated that forty-one ire hydrants were now ready. Re- erred to the committee on water works. McCauley & O'Brien presented u = i Kindsmcn Lawrence Dnggan and 'saac S. Hiiscall ) > r the faithful com- ) Ietion of n brick sewer contract. Filed. The contract nnd bond ot H. W. Cremer & Co. , for furiiiihinj. vitrified clay pipe for sewer purposes were up- roved. Paxton & Gallagher and the U. P. ailroad uaked that the ull'iy from inth to Tenth , between Jones and Licavcnworth bo vacated and lhatthoy ) o permitted to extend n truck from ho present terminus of n track run- iL' across lot 8 , of block 192. Ile- erred to the comimttio on public mprovcm ents. The city engineer was instructed to nako tbo necessary surveys on Nino- : eonth street , from St. Mary's avenue iputhward , for the purpose of ostab- ishing the grade. The city elcrk waa , after some dis cussion , instructed to adveitiso for thirty ( lays in the usual form for the sale of $50,000 worth of sewer bonda. The committee on sidewalks was authorized to purchase 20,000 feet of line lumber for crossings. The mutter of locating abridge at ho intersection of Twentieth and Jlurk streets was referred to the com mittee on sidewalks and bridges , The council allowed political par ies the free use of the council cham- > ur for the purpoao of holding meet- ng3. The marshal wai instructed to remove the doalj in such c.ises. The street commissioner was nl- owed the use of a saddle horse , at a cost ol not more than one dollar a day during the laying of crosj-wnlks. A resolution that the city ckrk be r.ati uctcd to advertise for u wcok for iroposals to fill n wushout on Tenth itroet , near Hickory , was referred to ; bo committee on streets. The city engineer said it would bo icct'jsary to make provisions for the mruhuso of incidentals , the storage of > ipo and the employment of inspcu- : ors for the sewer work. Ho thought some authority outfit to be invested in the engineer , mayor or a commit tee , to sco to the transfer of the pipe. A skilled man should bo secured for inspector. One could be got for 8123 per month. Thu contract with Hugh Murphy & Co. for sewer work U not quito com pleted yet. Tlio cominilteo on public improve ment. ! recommended that the bid of John H. Murfhy , § 1,010 , for the sliip of ground m block 311 , be ac cepted. All bids for lot 5 in block "II , " were rejected. The report was adopted. The committee on fire recommended the adoption of Chief GnUigan's re quest to purchase three four-wheeled hoao carts und a four circuit tire alarm , und it was so decided. W. S. Street wua given Hie contract to furnish the city with hard coal nt the rate of $12 par ton. The mayor was authorized to make the necessary arrangement for the purchase and torago uf incidental ma terial in sewerage work , for labor con nected with hauling tlio eamu and the employment of an assistant to the city engineer. The committee on sewers reported in favor of giving the contract for. the completion of thu SouthOmaha sewer , from Tenth to Thirteenth streets , to O'Uiien & MoCauloy on their provid ing n proper bond. The same committee reported that they hud found n certain ppacifiod hy drant ready hir use , and rnkod fer u short extension of time in which to mnko further investigations. The report > port wns adopted , Mr , Ilornburger was excused for four weeks. The Dtinhnm-Slocumb ordinance , which oncu failed to earry by u ainglo vote , came up attain upon lint read * Int ; . The ordinance was rend n BOO- end time by its title , and referred to the committee on police. Mr. O'Keufo was excused on no- count of sickness. The ordinance establishing a tower district in Onmhn win put upon its passage. All the members present voted in favor of it. Council then adjourned , LET AGAIN. Coots , of Detroit , Will Proba bly Build the Court House. Tito Coiumtftitionors Gnvo Him tlio Contract tli'n Afternoon- The commissioners nt n meeting hold nt ! J o'clock p. in. yesterday do- cidul lo let thu contract for buildin . the new court house to John F. Coots , of Detroit , Mich. Lut Saturday Dellono & Mulaney to whom the con tract had been originally let , claimed that they had the necessary bond in S50,000 ready. Mr. Mulmiuy is a retiJent of Diibuquc. When ho came hero it was understood that he was worth $80,000 , _ According to the commercial agencies his wealth ia not near that amounr , and Mr. Dcllone hesitated about furiii hini ; the whole bond himself uithout any security. The comenucnco Was n ruptnn1 , and us the contract uaj invcii to Diillono Mulr.iu-y , neither ono ol the par'ks ' could undertake the woik himself. This hitch having aiiaon the commissioners extended the lime for giving thu bond until Saturday. Tlio two bi blurs had come to i ) < > to rim nnd yesterday the commissium-rrj sought the ndvicoof Gen , Cowin , the county attorney. The result of the confutenco wus the meet ing in the afternoon. The follow ing nsolution wliich v.'its passed iinan- inously , embrace * everything. Whuii'iu , the bidders , Dollono und Mulaney , have failed nnd Hull fail and neglect to enter into contract to build , a court house on i heir proposition ( , and fail and neglect to iurnbli bond as ic- quired , therefore llesulvt'd , That the award mndo to thorn is evoked andiiio longer of furcu und eifuer. It ia further directed that suit be instituteU on their bondjor iluuriges for their fa 1- uro to enter ihto 'Contract ' and furnish bond. lie it further resolved that John F. Coots , the next lowest bidder , be iwanled thu loutmct fur thu constitution of said conit uyo upon , his entering into 3oiitrict und giving bond and furnish ing a fair und complete schedule as required in the premises. Tiio public generally will uphold the 3oinmii > sionorti in their attempt to Imvo the work done as rapidly as possible. Mr. Coots ban liecn communicated with und expressed a willingness to begin work it onco. Ho will remove his family and business to Omaha , so as to yivi.- Tlio work IUH constant peisonal Hupor- ion. Dollone & lilnlanov bid § 187,000 ; Coota' bid was $1)8,000. ! ) OMAHA MEDIOALCOLLEGli ; . Fill session begins Oct. 10 , 1S81 Address G. B. AYUES M. IX , Sec. VIEWING THE RUINS. Scenes at the Point of the Dynamite Explosion. The ruins fiom the tt-rriOc explo sion in Council Bluffi on Monday were ; he object of curiosity'and interest to housands of the citizens of that city nnd Omaha yesterday. The spot pre sented a deplorable sight. The description of the explosion nnd its effects , given in TICK BEK yes- orday , wns in all particulars correct , nnd enumerated nearly comjlotely the ndividunls whoso property w.ts dam aged. Nearly a hundred men were ) ut to work early this niornini > by the lock Island company , who did I'flect- vo service in clearing away the debris. The tlucks were cleared ns far as ) ossihlo , BO .11 lo allow the Uock Island ind Kansas City trains to pias. : Ex- ) lcratipn und examination of the vrcck inside the round house showed all of the engines to bo very b-ully , > ut uot irreparably , damaged. Noth- ng can bo done uith the round house , n < ight depot or ice house. Six -cats rero burned nnd can bo hhoveled rom the tiucks. Most of the trucks of the otiiera , with the exception dr : , ho pas cnger coaches , can bo repaired und used. The crater , us it might be called , of the explosion , was partly Hied in yesterday. Water rose in the lottoni to the height of four or ivo feet , and ns an evidence hat ' 'it ii an ill-wind that blows no- jody good , " The company may util ize the lluid by dimply bricking up a wall. So huge u the pile of brick , broken timbers iuid dirt within the circumterenco of the round house , that it was doomed inadvisable to ut- tempt its removal yesterday. It will require n week's work to clear it away , with the rest of the round liouao. The turn-table was badly do- moralized. Ioig so ponderous a piece of machinery its repair will bo < " .iito difficult. Of all the crowd wo men , nfl well as men , probably cigiity present wore relic seekers. Some of Iho property in cars on the side tracks from the explosion , was taken out comparatively uninjured. Guards were iilaced over it , but , do their best , the earthen crockery ware of which thcro wns a car-load , tin utensils nnd other varieties of merchantable goods gradually dis. appeared , while in nil dirt'ctions pe destrians could bo met , counting ties toward home , with plates , cups , jugs nnd miscellaneous nrticleu , carefully lield out of range of the scone of the explosion. To the credit of the crowd , however , it should be said that no person was EUOII ih ( more than ono articles and that nref- orenco was always given to those broken , battered or mutilated , us showing the work of the blow-up. Souvenirs they were uftor awl sou venirs they would havo. Some wager or unthinking follow , during the morning , stood up n huuo board sign in front of one of thu inott dilapidated pieces of the wreckwhich read : "Chj- ca o , llock Island * I'ncitia railroad tjckot oflbo. Heat und surest route to nil points east. " Van Couven , who was injured , nnd his little daughter , nro doing us well is can bo expected. It in thought both will rooovor. Many of tlio per sona shocked by the explosion nrontiU 'fluttering from its effects , but no fatal results ro reported , The dtimngo to the property of the Hock laland railroad cannot yet bo estimated nccnrntt1 ] } ' , The npproxi- iimtu lo s in iy bo 3200,000. Private lo flft ! am c.ilcul.itutl nr , 550,000 more , und in this lliu car > f tlyiinmlto lins not licuu fiyurod. Tliu company will not lie fcriuiiilv rolurdcd in it.i bimi- .HLS3 , MS nuw rolling Mock ii now on tliu wiiy from Chicngo. Coming. King tvulukuna , of tlio H.iwniin Ifiliimla , who win in Omitlm a few jours 1450 , will nrrivu hero ngsiin in thucMursu of a fuw days. Ho anil his party urn in Rillinmro to-day , and will visit Iltnnpdcn , Va. , Wushiii'.r.t' > ii , Ky , to examine blooded ntucli , mid will then probably coino din-oily 1o Otnalm. The royal party will roach Sun Fnuiciicu and Icavo for Huvraii by October 27. Accidentally Shot. A young tii.iu named Thomas wns injured la t ni ht by the ncciilonUl of a revolver in his pocket. Ho was Rciifiling in Kncor.i's numniur ij.irclcii with HOIIIU companions , when iho ruvolvur wnt olF. JIu was taken tr > hij hunic and Dr. IValxidy was called. Tlionm , who was dninl : , ro fii od to allow him to fcto lh leg and ( ho doctor left. How ludly Thomas is injured It not Inionn , TO HEATHEN LANDS. A. Band of Missionaries Bound fov Oh rm and Japan. G.ithnred in thu wait ing room of llio U. P. dupot ytwturtby were found parly of Indicia and p-Milkmen who uu on their way to China and Japan missionaries. The jwrty consisted of Iluv. J. 1J. Lnujjhliw aid wito , Dr. [ I. Jv. tJmitli and \rite , who go to lAingo Chow , China ; Rev. J , U. Por- : r and ALUi M. E lluud , who go to Tukio , J iip-iii , and Miss lit a TiU'.iny , who is bound for Che I'oo , China. All of thc-so are boiiig sunt out uy the Prpabytui i.m Board > f Foreign Missions from New York. Kuv. J.V. . Ilarsha and a : > arty of ladies , members of the Pres- > j tori in church of this city , saw the nissionaries olT. The party will ar rive in San Francisco Saturday und s , il in the steamer Oceanic on Octo- r 0. At Yokohama , Japan , llev. Mr. Porter und Miss Reed will .wivo the | iarty. Thu others will con tinue their journey until they arrive it Shanghai , which they will do about ; he middle of October. Their mission s located about 200 miles from L'ekin. Dr. Smith opens there a free tospital and dispensary next month llev. llobcit Mateer and wife will jtiss through the city next week and .vill meet Iho party bound for China t Tungo Chow , wlicro they will be titationed. Real Estate Trantfon- The following transfers wore re corded at the county clerk'a office Saturday and Monday , as reported for ; his paper by John L. McC'aguo , real estate agent and conveyancer : > Ezra Milluru and wife to Nellie Kelsey - soy , lots 0 , 10 , 11 and 12 in block 14 , town of Millard § 175. Leonard Liable to Joseph H. Dennis - nis , part of lot 11 in Round's 2J add. , w. d.-il2. James G. Chnpman to Isaac M. Smithpartof lot 4. block 102 , Omaha , > r. d. 53,000. Win. llad/waat and wife to Win. Feat , lot 12 , block 444 , Grandviewadd. c. d.-85. TOUCHING SERVICES At the Presbyterian Church Last Evening. At th Presbyterian church Monday evening quite a large audience gath ered to assist in the service commem orative of th death of President Gar- lold. By special request "of the pas tor , Judge- Savage delivered an elo quent address , taking as a theme ionic of the cheerful lessons taught > y the terrible tragedy. Dr. Denise followed in a few but well timed re marks. The Omaha Glee club were present and sang "Remember ' Thy Creator , " "Nearer My God to'Thee , " "Integer Vitro , " and "Beyond the Smiling and the Weeping. " All af these were rendered in truly excel lent style and were highly appreciated. At the conclusion of the last named piece , the pastor , llev. W. J. Harshn , turned to the Glee club and eaid , ' 'Gentlemen , you have BUHL'your last piece for Garfield. Ho referred to their services during the last presidential campaign , when the amo of finrfield was often on their lips , and referred with much feeling to the draped flag of the club as coih- pared with how it was unfurled to the breeze then. A Bnptivt Minister' * Experience. I am a ttaptlst minister anil before I even thought of lioinff a clergyman 1 graduated in medicine , but left a lucrative practice for my present profetislon , ten yearn ago. I was for inuny yearn n tmlTcr- cr from quinsy. "TilOMAH * KUI.KCTKIO.OII. cured me. " I was nUo troubled with honrsenff * , and Tlioiiiim' Hclectrio Oil al ways relieved me. My wife and child hrl tllplitheiiii , unit "Thomas' Kclectric Oil cured them. " and if taken in time it will cure nine timm out of ten. I am confi dent it ia a euro for the most obxtitiate colder or cough , and if any one will take a email teaspoon and half tdl It with the Oil , and theu place the end of tin BJIOOII in one 1104. tril and draw the Oil out of the spoon by Biiiflhii ; as hard na they can , until the Oil ftilbnv rinto the , and practice that twice a week. I don't rare how often * elva their head may bo , it will clenn it out and euro their citarrli. Fur deafnem nnd earaclio it has done wonders to my certain knowledge It ia the only medlclno dubbed patent medlclno thot I hivvo over felt lilco reroinmrndlnjf , nnd I am very xiujiit tn'ntio it in utcry place , for I tell vou fifH I would not bo without it in my IHMSU fur any consideration. I am now buffering with ft pain like rhoHinatliiii In my riuht limb , and nothing reliovea mo lik * Thomob1 Kcleotrio Oil. Uu. K. 1" . CBASB , Curry , Pa. Take "BLACK-DRAUGHT" and you will ucvur | x ! biliouB , At f P. no < Mlmin' . FALLSTVlY&niATSAND CAPS NOW RKADY AT FIIEDEKIOIC'- EMPORIUM 01- ' FASHION , OPPOSITE - POSITE GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL. No BJoixl > plJloil. A man was arrettd yesterday near tin1 depot , on complaint ot Mrs. O'Brien ; who keeps a riBtaurant. Her clnruo Man ( hat ho pulled a revolver on bur. 'Iho diflicnliy arose ox-er do- l.-iy in a meal which the man ordered. II ( i went out of the restaurant , not cfitiiii ; or p lying for the meal. Ho allied bhu threatened to ( hoot him , when ho diow his revolver , in fear that alio would carry out her alleged Ho was examined before Judiro Benckc , who dismissed the ease. ' Forty yearn * trial tajprou-o. " RLACK- ) RAUGHT" the Ixat liver medicine in ho world. At C. K. Ooodman SPECIAL NOTICES. -Aittf-rtlmmrnt lo loin , For Sale , dVanta , UoardliiK. A.C. , v.111 be In- iittcd In these coliimim once for TEN CUNTS ; catli nulwcipjont Inwrtlon , KIVECKNTS i > sr llnj. The flr t Inwrtlon nocr lo-w than TWKSTV-KIVK flKNTH TO LOAN MONEY. ON'IJV TO LOAMClurlison i Hunt , 215 B. iM 14th Street. IM-tf. I O.NBY TO 1.0 AN-1'nil at U\r Ollli-e of P I I. . Tlirmu lie .in * , . rrHvhtnn C'WMIMA'0 ' 'oan ' n' 'r0' ' ' " * < ? JI''MM/ ' / ( food rinl fiilntcHHiiirity , l It HAC iiWAlll : ) > , 1109 Knrnl.inn . V'0 ' I.OAA At S per ccntln * / tcr tiln .Him\-.o ( e-J.TOO and np\mril , fin't to < " y.nrt. on IIr t-i'li > B rlty iuid Mriu propcrtv. Hun * IK. ! I. KSTAIK and I.OAV < iitvr.Uith mill tii lm ! Bt . , HELP WANTEO. Ten nifii In work on biltUnrcl. WASTKD I'lTNllt lll'.O.s. 101-29 * "VVTANT'- ' A mile ol mifurn'Mifd ronm , \ \ sulti li > for ll lit tiouscUotjiini' , lthln en Ritnutis ualk of | K t olllcv. Aildrcsi II. , th.a olllcc. M tf "T'lTANTKD A Brl $ to da ccncral houscwor ! ; , \ \ tnoln ftinillv ; lie w c.invrn't-rit. Nonu hiittholitnicdni.l > ty. KUANK J. BAMlin , lb231 > .ucnportSt. 10-J-2 ! ) ANTKD A rrllablo ( ; lrl for gcrcral house work , 1L21 C ss St. 101-2-J 'ANTKD-Situation by n young man of fAin- w lljr , as ilerk or liojk-licencr. Hai sev eral Jinn i' : m clerk in lioti t. Can .l\o flrst-claas rutcnucc Addreis S. II. , The Ueo olllcc. Oi-tl WANTED A couple peed r > llnibr prtH focJtrj. CanQndiUady einploj ii.cnt at hU olllco. 27-tt \TrASTKD A coed second girl. Inquire at \ V li > 21 Uilcayo St. 88-20 7AKIKD Aflrnt class b at tl.o Omaha D1U 10th &t. * liaUry , & 00-1 ANTKD Aeoodd lr.v hand. Inquire at I'.ihra mar et , on 15th St. 04-28' TTrANTKD Situation lo taVo care of horses VV by a steady and experienced young man. nquiro l&'JO lUh and Clilcn'-o. S. .1. COK- NtLIUS. O'J-27 * 'ANTKD A imrou tlrl at S. K. cornerPtx'go W and 20th. 00-27 * A rnlddlc-ascj woman to aabtat in Mfchcn , at No. 218 N. 9th fct. S2-2I * ANTEl ) Situation ns 'book-keeper by nn > V oxper'cnccd ladv. " Good references Ad- 11. , Uet-ollico. 77-29' A woman who can do lighthouse- WANTED and cate fur a child. Aildrcsn or call on Mr . U. U. Pierce , No. 714 North Ihth St. C8-tf ANTED A flrit-clMs dounle entry book- W keeper. Addrcsj I1. O. Box 23. 72-29 A orn.m cook. Inquire Im mediately nt 920 liarney tit. , bet Dili nnd 10th. 7o-tf WANTKI ) Fifteen Hr-it-clasj carpcnt rii. Highestwagvi } uiid. Apply at 0 | era House , corner Farnham and IBth. SHAW& FIELD. B7-2S \TTANTED-Two or thrco day boarders in VV iirUate lauiily. Inqulro 1009 Ua\ei > t > ort efnet. 40-27 Carpentsra to build 25 cottaecs o WANTED . BOGC13 & 1III.L. 47-2 Manufacturing concern wants a WANTED man in Omaha and In cv.-ry city ; notalruady taken ) . A fuw hundred dollnn no- : eaary to pay for K"od on I'clhcry after ordcri ) tovo beenc-ured tor thv sime ; S160 per mouth [ irollt miarantced. T/.o most Hcnrcliiny Invi eti- ration olidted. A. 8. A1USOLD CO. , 1203 Uroadnn } , NOAT 1 ork. ec21it ( W ANTED Clued Becona girl nt 1818 Chicago street. 44-tf [ -ANTED Housekeeper , 1103 Fnrn'iani St. , V up ktairs. BO-tt ANTh'D Woman cook nt t u Knmct w House. 83 tf WANfED-OIrl nt 2COI Dodsc street. 079-tf WANTED Kunpectttblo cnilojment | hy hus band and wifo. Addrciu 1' . 1' . C. , lice US- fleo. U77-H ITSTANTKH-llv M.V. . llnrtljfan , proprietor of VV the Mlmourl \ alley Holler Works , Omaha , S'tb. , four llrst-clasrt buller-makcrii. No o'her need apply. IJoat wages i aid. 11.V , HAU'll- OAN. 055-tf WANTED To rent , by a nuwly married ( niilti btforo Nov , l t , a small cottage , centrally located. Address Uo tn 14 , Crel hion Ulocli. . l)2s-tf ) WANTED Two experienced cooks , fix livlp- maud thir'y table waltcra , during week of ftntu fair. huquiiu of D. T. MOUNT , 812-tf 1412 Fainham St. ' -FniiUlnir brldyo arid nhuol bouJ WAN'i T. Clark , Mluvuo. iO-lf FOR RENT HOUSES AND LAND. HBVT AhouseofB rooma nnd barn , In good oca'ity ' , at { 115 per month , The liume elegantly furuhlicd. Kurnl lire can bu bought , cheat ) . Inquire of M. El.-utter , H. W. Cor. 10th nnd ( ' SH. lli [ > FOR HK.VT A store In ( rood locality , ns'd for L'roiury utort ) for cl ht > t-i > ' . ; Hiiltatilo for any kind of bumiun. Inqulio N. K. corner 13ih andDod.-e , 1IUS. IIILLKKK , OAtf 17IOH ItKNT Furn'iihed room for 2 or Sgcnttv- Jj men , 1421 Howard ft. , corner IMh , tU-30 * 170U UKNT-Iirick cottaBe , 5 rooms , 1211 JL1 JacUsjnat. 1'OBsi-esIon Istof Oct. Alxobirn vn next lot , b7-27 ItKNT A now cottage with three rooms , FOK flnUhcd. Inquire onprcuiUcn , 30th St. , bet. Kurntiam and Uounliw , 20 tf "I7\HU \ llt.NT Ju.t flnlnhcdtuo llMt-class two. X tory brl-k tiouaet , B and U rooms , liable and cemented cellars ; $10 mouthy In advancu. W.II. UUSHMAN , H. E. forncrlWh nud Doug Ua t . O'y. . 171011 KENT 2 furnlslifJ roonu over MUJ. JL1 chants' ExcliaiieN | , K. ccr. Itllh and Doil strccta. 2S9-tf I'IOH KENT One room with board , fornla street. 735-tf UBNT KU-Kantfurnlshrd rooms. Kea on 171011 prii-f . brlc-k hou e. 2QI3C.untU. POfl SALE. .K A new ( HOitoiy frouio liouti of J < nktcn rooms , Jutt flnliliid tlili M rint ; ; Urea lot , t i h lariu tUldc , at a Larvaln. Apply on the I'rcmlMs ' between U a. m. ana 12 m riltualod onkoulli kldc \Vcbbtcr tit. , let. 22nd and 2Jrd ; icioi.d house Iroui con cr ol 23rd. Al > o c-arpttn aud furnltuni for tale , too 2j * "I7IOH SALE A beautiful roildcnco property of J ? 21 nirui with mmniodlou homo. Kl lit acrosof on-harj and vineyard. Ift ntlon olzhtly. Only two and a half miles from itoU otticu. liar- JOHN U McUAU L K , Opi > . f. O. 7D tf IftOU HALF -1 flr t elm cabinet organ , very 1 cheap : marly new. Inquliti Milton Honors & on , llth and Farnham Hi , ao-ti , ITIOU HAI.K-About 300 cubic jards ol dirt , J ? wjuthea t corner 20tli and Cum rig. Inqu reef of FIU.NK dAB-ilUOU , 1U uoitli ICta itrctt. Wi tf SPBOIAL ' NOTIGES-GonClPtigtt " 1,10ft SAI.R Four ncrcs cJ land near w Ur | L wor' s mcrrolr , nNotwo rottw * on Capita illll. Add , ANPllhWinM'lNS lSOJ DouclM St w5 tf - larye , commodious , new , tyro- . 171011SAMJ-A with well ! iwwl Incn'lon , nnvr 4 hcrce cnr , f till lot with tree' , n ll. iWerncUJ _ Term * rcasonaVo. Enquire o' IV. . Itoo , Mn { S . , bet. Charlennnd Scward Sta. H27-2 * nicK It SAbh. B 20"-If ESTAHIIOriK * COP. SA'.K A in ll onzlnu , I ) . W. I'njJio k FOR ' mako. In perfect OsJrr. Inrnilro of U. II , flnrh ft Co. M-tf 'I71OH SALE-'Lradi ) anil furniture of ! nt-clw - JL' hotel In a Uunol 1200Inhabitant * , In Mat * of NebrMU : hr.a 2i bodd ; Iho traveling men's n tort. Inqtilront I1KK office.18tl ion SAt.ll-itap of DouRlasaiiil S n' > ' I 1 tlM. A. llOSKWATEU.U.OFarnh mtrtet SCO-tf 171011 AI.K XcAt house nrxl full lot , 12 block * L1 from 1' . O. nt $1)00. JOHN I. . SUCAurx , 712-tf Opp , 1'oitolllee. HAUrino stock fnrm of 4PO ncnt peed house , cattle Mud , orchant fcc. , wltii In c "y reach of railroad. Price , ? ISOO , par tlmo atV. ( \ . JOHN L. McUAUUK , Opp. POD * Olllre. HXH-tf SAI.K-Ncat cottn onnd KOOI ! lot at EOlt ) . < rJOIlN L. aicCAOUU P O. AS1I LAND Uouw reiiti HOUHKS , hotels , fartr Ot , laniin , oHlpo * rooms , etc , Sec let pa c - hoiiTO lth four rooiin and FOUSALB-Oood l > mto lii-twic-i iiltli and ZTth strccl. Good well iml shade treon ; hio In ( rood condition. Inquire on premises. 221-tf MIlKEI.l.AS : And il uv M. u SUIil'W llth and I'urnnin * , t * . 7SOtf MISCELLANEOUa. I' liedcmv with llttth hlto OB Lclly nnd flit in cv h inr. Al'u rut and , hlu'mllnirliclfcrinlf ! with c w ) I Int liouw so ith of Sh t Tower , on lk.1 evuo lend. M. IIAUTJIAN. m 01-23 * IIAKhN Ul1 A red-ro , > ii cow , n1 out 4 joirn o'd. Ovriicrinn luua bv pro > Intr \ ropcrtj and pnyirpr ehai-ycs. Kl-.UIIkN BUCK , Shlimr Alnilditl.n. tfl 27 * TJUIVATn IN.STIlUliTIONd In French , Uor JL man , Dnek and Lutln. 1'rol llunty W Miek , 1207 JauUon St 000-ocs ! AI.Kl ) HAY At A. H. SimJcr's Feed Store. 1013 H-uncy St. HlO-tf ITi HOOMS-ltc.isonabc ! rates at JL1 1717 fund IK" , bit. ttth slrcu'F. _ _ 091 tf AM. AI Mils. H. K. OLAUMC'h .No. 1 lk id ins llcvis , cor. 13th aad Uoilgo Sts. lient n tli SlO-tt TEU.Kll AND JtKDII'M Mrn. EOKTUXK pant , I rc cnt ar.d future In love andall nUaim. She rcMals the tlecj'cst Becrctsof Iho I'cart. She jwsstascM the magrictlu poucr t fuinil all your Wies Call nt No. 322 corner nnd Chicago street. _ has rattlliiK IOUK lists ol. lioti o- * , lot , BKM1S and farrun for sale Call and roi them Ik KJII8' UKALEbTAlK 1IOOA1 fccc 1st TH EMIS' NKW CITY HAPS.Sr.c. . Sec 1st paje. Ul' A. red cow. Oner can h ? e th same by provln * property anil i vylng charge ? . FRAKbIB UOU1H.NS , Saunidera and Qrace St i. au24-vv u etlSc EMIS * KEAL ESTATE KXCHANOE. S B In pajje. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. \TirANTnD Kxerj body in Council liluffu i * YV to take THE HBE. 2ii ccnta percek , de livered by carriers. Olrice corner liromiw-iy and lltiin , pp etalra , Council lilufTd. tilW-tf ANTKD To buy 100 tons ; broom conic W I'or particular * address Council Bluff * liroom Factory , Council IlluffH , loua. C5S-29tf WANTED A uood carpenter nt onco. Ap ply Mynsttr & Adam , Council Rlufti , Iowa. OS9-2D * ANTED A Iin.t-clas8 tiroont tier. Mnyn * W & Co. , Council Uluffa , Iowa. MO SO * ANTED A boy to do chorea at Myneter W thhery , Council KluffJ. C01-28" Coed girl for ( 'cmral hounework. WANTBD Mynster , Council Dlulls. 602-tf tT ANTED A eltuatlon by n first-class trlller. > | Had 20oirs . experience. TJndurstamU old and new processes. Spialii Knifiioh nnd Girman nnd acquainted with tenin nnd water imurs. Cangitotho bc t of reference. Will come on trial nt nny time. Address II. S.Itoz 1511 , Council Ulufftf , In. . &D-28 WANTED II' n cri-nlleman of experience nnd bu li.css habits , n position with n f rm. either n" tlcrk or t trave1. ic : > rrence ( 'i\in. 1. L. WA'l KINS , Council DlutfJ. 12-29 on or address Potter I'lilmer , 40 South. CALL uticct Council DiulTs , Iowa , for nil- road tickets east , west , northand toutli. Chicago S10.00 Hound trip 810.00 E\erv t.cktt tniar- antued , nnd tlckuU bouuht , sold and cxcbmiKud au ' 17-lm 17011 SALE Old pnpcrs 4'o per hunJred.'ul J ; The Bee office , Council Illutls. uc-27 tf THO experience I book solicitor * WANTED and Utah. Addwm 1' . O. box 1214 , Council DluffJ. Iowa. MW-21' To Contractors , Buililera and Property Owner * . The undersigned haIng been appointed.agent tor the extensive iron anduiro maniifaclurin ; Iiou3f < of II. T. Itanium , of Dutrult , and the Ittiv-fl Iron Foundry and Woilis at Toledo , Ohio , capacity of 60 tona dally , I * psepared to furnlxh estimates nnd price * for Iron columne , &c. , &c. , forctoru front * , window cnp nnd tills , threshold plaUx. wrought Iron buamn and k'ird- era , h > droulc ! ciovatorH , staple littliik's , tiulleyi , shafting , tec. ; nine Iron funeeii , cretln , win dow guards , shutterx , Htalrx , butc nlcs , cttcc , chalis , tasca , ni-quariums , fonntalim , summer IIOUSCH , Uwn , garden niidcemut ry ornaments , flower stands , cr.u e xuanls , & < > . , & . . in endh > \ arlety. CaUkloiruea supplied on application. HfcNKi" U. IIARIIY , Manufacturers' Aj'ent , 22 I'uarl street auelO-lm me Council muffs. lonr ED WARD MAGIS1RR OF PALJIVUTEIIV AND CONDI TlONALIST , 403 Tenth Htreut.tictweoi Fanibau and Hmrioy. Will , with the iiiil of puardian cplrltB , obtain for any oneailanco ( at the post lid prittvnt , and on certain eond'tions In the fu ture. IJooU and blioca'made to Older. I'rrfvck. gatUhctlon guarateed. u20-lm POWDE ! Absolutely Pure. Mtxlti from Orapo Cream Tartxi , No other trpatlon rnikoa such IlKht , flaky hot breads , uxurlous | tutry. Can I * ratcn by ( Jytp ptlc 111 out fcor of the Ills retulting from heavy mil - > " " ' - ' vl. Sold . , In can * , bv all tlroccn UOYAL DAKlNOil'OtfliEK CO New Vcik , C. V , Coodu.m >