Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1881, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , SEPTEMBER , 28 , 1881- THE DAILY BEE. MAMA PUDUSHINQ CO. , PROPRIETORS. 10 t-arnhmn , het. Oth and 10th BtreoU , TKKM3 OK SUUSCIlirxiON One copy Ijrar , tn ruhnncclpcwtmld ) , , , 6 months " . , . . " to S months n . . . . jo ( ! \ RAILWAY TIME TABLE. MR CARtl CIIICAUO , ST. PAfl , VIMiMrOti't AND 0'IAIIA RAILROAD , l > v Oimtii No. 2 through riunenjrcr , 11 . m. No. 4 , Oakland pasfcnt.'cr , SSOn. in , Arrhe Oimha Xo. 1 , thrauish iwucngcr , SEO : m. No , 8 , Oakland | > a. ingiT , 6:30 : j > . 11. LKAV1NO OM MIA IAIT OR BOOIU POUND. 0. , 11. 4. Q. 5 . . m. 3:40 : p. m. 0. & X.v. . , o n. m. 3:49 : . tn. C. , It. I , & i > o n. m. ! : : l5 p. m. K. C. , St. J. i C. H. , 8 .1 ni. 41:30 : p. m. Atrlvo St. UiUis ut 6:25 : .1 , in , Mid 7:45 : n , m , wmr on U. 4 : XI. In JC b. , Through Kxprc-'K , 8:36 : , jn. 1) . fc II. Lincoln freight. 7:00 : it. tn. U. P Kxj > rc , 12lfii. : m. O. 6 It. V. for Lincoln , 10ro : n. ID. O. A It. V. fqr Oaceola , 9:40 : n. in. U. 1' . ( tejlit ! No. 6 , 6:30 : n. in. U. P. IrcljSht No , B , S:1S : n. in. M. 1' . fright No. 7 , CilO ji. in , emigrant. U. 1 > . frci/ht No. 11 8:25 : p. in. ARKIV1NO MOH IA8T AXD < > OLTII. O. B. A ( J. , 6:00 : n. ir , . 7:25 p in. O. & N. W. , QMS n. n. . 7:25 | i. m. C. U. I.Al':45n ; : , m. ! ) :05p. m. K. C. , St. Joe &U a , 7:40 : n. in. 6:15 : p. m. W. , St. L. A 1' . , 10:15 : a. in. 4U5 : p. lu. ARKimO FROM Til II flTjf/Ka SdOTHWKST. " O. ft n. V. from Ln ! ln 12:12 : p. m. V. I' . Kxpr" * 3:25 : P- ' B & II. In NcK , Through Express I'lS p. m B. & It. Lincoln 1'rct-lit 8:35 a m. U. P. Freight No. 10-1:40 : p. m. No. ft1:25 : p. 1:1. Emigrant. No. 8 10DO : p. m. No 12-11:35 : n. m. 0. & It. V. mixed , or. 4:35 : p. m. NORTH. NcbrnekA Division ot tnu St. Paul & Sioux City Koad. No. 2 leaves Omnhi 8:30 : a , in. No. 4 Iciucn Onmhal.SO p. in So. 1 nrrlt v at Umara at 6:30 : p. m. No. 3 arrives at Omaha at 10:60 : n. m. DDUilT TRAINS nm RX OMAHA AND cause it. uLirrt. Leave Ora&hJk nt 8:00 : , 0.00 and 11:00 : A. m. ; 7:00 : 2:00 , 3X1 : ( , 4:00 : , 5:00 : nnil C:00 : p. m. Loa\o Council Ulutts at b:25 , 9:25 : , 11:25 : a. m. ; l.-Sfi , 2:25 , 8:26 : , 4:25 : t:25 : anil 0:23 : p. in. Sundays Tlio duirmy Icatcu Omaha at 11:00 nil 11:00 : a. m.J 2:00 , 4uO : nml 5:00 : p. m. Lca\ca Council Kliilh at 0:25 : anil 11:25 : ft. lu. ; 2:25 , 4:25 : * . - > and 5:2u : p. m. _ Ofjonlnn and Globing of Malli. BOUIK. orrx. CLOSE. a. m. p , m. a. m. p. m. Chicago & N. W . 11.00 0:30 : 4:30 : 2:40 CJiicajfo , K. I. & 1'acttlc 11:00 : 0.00 4:30 : 2:40 : Chlcmrp. 1) ) . & y . 11:00 : ! > :00 : 4:30 : 2:10 Wabash . 12M : 4:30 : 2:40 Bloux flty and P.iciflc. . 11UO : 4:80 : Union pjuine . 5:00 : 11:40 : Dinaha ft. K. V . 4.00 11:10 : D. & M. In ; Noli . 4:00 : 8:10 : 6:30 : Omaha & Northwi-stoni. 4:30 : 7:30 : Local mails for HUUo o ! Iowa leave but once a y , viz : 4:30 : a , m. A Lincoln SIM Is aUo cj > enud at 10:30 : a. m. OlHco open Sundays from 12 in. to 1 p , m , TI10S. V HAM. P. M. Business Directory. Abstract ar d Real tstnto. JOHN L. HcCAOUi : , opjioaito Post OQlco. W. n. 13AUTLE1T 317 South 13th Street. Architects. D0FRENE & MKNDELSSOHN , ARCIIITECTa , Koooi C'rclghton Block. A. T. LAUGH Jr. . Room 2. Cicishton Block. Boots and Shoes. JAMES BBVINB & co. , Flno Boots and Blioe ? . ABOOI ! assortment ol homo work on hand , corner 12th and Harney. THOS. EKltKSON , S E. cor. ICtli and Douglas. JOHN FOUTUNATUS , 805 10th street , manufactures to order good work it fair prices. Repairing done. Bed Springe. i. f. LARRHIKR Manufacturer. 1617 Douplust. Books , News and Stationery. J. I. FRUEHAUF 1016 Farnhnm Street. Butter and Eggs. KcSITANE & SCHROEOER , the oldest B. and E. bouse la Nelraska established 187D Omaha. CKNTKAIj HESrAURANT , J1113. A. RYAN , toathtvest corner ICthand UoUgc. Best Boanl for the Money. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Meals &t all Hours. Board by the Day , Week or Month. Good Terms lor Cash , v Furntuhnil'Hrinms S'H'pHeil. ' . UarrlaRes and Road Wacons. WM SNYDER , llth nml Harney Streets. Jewellers. JOHN BAUHEU 1SH Farnham Street. Junk. H. BEnTIlOM ) , Uses and Mstal. Lurnbjr , Lime and Cement. KOSTER & GK.iY corner Uth and Ste. Lamps and Classv/are. J. BONb'ER 1300 Uouulas St. Geol Variety. Merchant Tailors. O. A. LINDQUKST , Ono of our moat popular Merchant Tailors Is re ceiving the latest designs for Spring uml Snminor Goods for ecntleinon'a wear. Stylish , durable , wid prices low 03 over 216 13th bet. DOIHT. & Varn. Millinery. MRS. 0. A. IlINflEIt , Wholosnlo and Retail , Fancy - cy Goods in great taricty , Xcphyrs , Card Hoards , Hosiery , Gloits , Corxtts , &e. C'licapcjt Ilouso In tliuVcit. . Turthi'icni sa > o SO per ceut. Order by Mall. 115 niteentli Street. houndry. JOHN WKAHNE & 130HS , cor. 14th & JacLson sts Hour and Feed. OMAHA CITY MILLS , 8th and Farnham 8to. , WelsKina llron. , proprietors. Urocers. Z. STEVENS , 21st between Cumin ? and Irar T. A. McSHANK , Corn. 23d and Cumlng Htrceta. Hardwaie , Iron and Steel. . . . 3LAN & LANQWOimiYVholeoalc , 110 and J V , 112 16th strf < t at * A. HOLMES corner IBth and Cnllfornh. Harriett. Saddles , &c. B. WEIST 20 13th St. bet Farn. & Harnev. J. Hiteli. ANKIELD HOUSE , Goo. Canflcld,0th & Farnhanj DORAN HOUSE , P. H. Car ) ' , 012 Farnham St. SLAVEN'S HOTEL. P. Sla\cn , 10th St. . Southern Hotel , Gus. llamel Bth & Lea * enworth Iron Fencmu- The Western Cornlco WorX , Ajfonts for' the Champion Iron Fence Ac , , lia\o on hand all klniln of Fancy Iron Kcucci , Criitlngs , Flncals , lUllii ! | , " < , eto. 1310 Ocdiro etrte. ap2 Clothing Bought. 0 .SHAW will l > ay lilgliefct Cash price for second hand clothinc. Corner 10th and I Farnham , DentlstD. DR. PAUL , Wllltims1 Ploclf , Cor. 16th & Doilge. 8 Drugi , Palntiand Ullt. KVIIK & CO. . Pharmacists , Finn l'unc IJiwJs , Cor. Uth l.nd Jouel btrccts. W. J. WH JTEHOUf U , Wholesale & Retail , l th t. 0. C. FIELD , 2022 North Bide Cuuilnu Street. lii M.'I'AUH , Druitifl t , 10th and Howard Strccta. i.c. Dry Qoortt Notions , Etc. or JOHN JI. P. LKliMANN & CO. , New York Dry Good * Store , 1310 and 1812 Farn- ham struct , L. 0. Encwold nlao boot ! and thoci 7th j : Pacific. . Hurulture , A K. DROSS , New nd Second Hand Furniture nd Btotes. 1114 DougUa. Jllghut cash | > rlcu bid for souind haim irou-n. . BONNEll 1S03 Dou ? ! * 6t. Fine coo < l , 4c. Planing Mill. tain A. JIOVKK , manufacturer of w h , doorg , blind ) , molding , nowcili , baluster * , hand rails , furnishing 0. well wulnff , &v , cor Uoi'x ' d Otu itr ts. Pawnbroker ! . J HOSKXFKLt } , 3 10th St. , bet. PAI. A liar. Florltt. A. ItotiNRhne , plants , cut flowers , tecdl > oqu U otc. N , W. cor. inthanl Doui'loj dlicctn. Civil Engineers nnd Surveyorj. ANDUHW noSKWATOU , Crrlghton Wock , Tonn Sur\cyj , fl ratio an J Sc crtxtto Sj toii a licrnmltalon Merclmnts. JOHN o. win LIS.UH 0 II. VVnlcUllj fcolariro a cttlio inent In Iv.xllv and Wroklv. Clgart and Tobacco. WF.ST ft FniTSCDKIl. manufacturer * ot * nd Wliclcralo UmlcM lit Tohncccs. l.lOM W. 1' , LOllhXXCN inanufacturir C1410thstreet. Oornlco Works. . Western Cornlco tVorls , llanuhctitrcrs Iron Cornice , 11n , Iron and JMMo Uoofliti ! * , Orders from any locality promptly rvecutod In the l > ctI manner. Factory and Oll'c * 1310 Dcxl o Street. OaUanlred Iron Cornlicj , Wlndow > Cap , etc. , manufactured aiul put up In any part ot the cnunlry. T. SIN1IOI.U410 Thirteenth stiect Crod'ory. ) , RONNF.R 1309 Dcmews street. Good lino. Clothing and Kurnlshlng Ooodi. OHO. II. PKTKUSON. Also Hats. OIJM , Ikxl , Shoes , Notions and Culler801 S. 10th street. FencoWork . OMAHA FKXCK CO. QVfft , fMK3kCO. , 1213 llarncy St. , lrapro\c- d Ice DOM'S , Iron and Wood Fences , Oillvo Itnlllnirii , Counters of I'inoand Walnut Rctrlgeratori , Cantleld's Patent. C. F. COODSIAN llth SU liet. Farn. A llanioy. , * BhowCaie Manufactory. , O. J. W1LDF , Manutarturcr anil Dc-iler In all Kinds of bliow Cauea , Upright Ca cs. A . , 1317 C&u St. FltANK I. . OF.nllAlin. proprietor Omshi Show Case manufactory , S18 South 18th street , between\enworth and Marcy. All goad \\arraiitcd lint-class. Stoves * no Tinware. A. nUHMESTEK , Dealer In Stoves' nnd Tinnnro , and Manufacturer of Tin Uoofa arid all kliidn of liuil.llng Work , Odd Fellows' Block. J. BONNEU. 1309 Douclas St. Qood and Cheap. Seeds , J. EVANS , Whole ! e and Retail Seed Drills and Cultivators , Odd IVllowa Hall. Physicians mi 1 Surgeons. W. S. nmil3 , II. D. , lUom No * , Crclghton Ulock , IGth Street. P. S. LKISENIUNO , A. D. Masonic Block. C. L. HART , M. 1) . , F.yc and Enr , opp. postottlco DR. U B ORADDY , Octillft and Aurlat. S. W 16th and Farnhara Stn PhotoKrapncrs. aiO. : HEYN. PliOP. Gnud Central Gallorr , 212 Sixteenth Street. near Masonic Hall. Firat class Work and Prompt Huso Ruamntoen Plumblnp , Gaa and Steam Fitting. P. W. TAUI'Y ii CO. . 21012th St. , het. r rnham anil Douglas. Worn promptly attended to. I ) . FITBPATIHCK. 1409 Doiwlis Street. Palntlnff nnd Paper Hanging. HENUY A. KOSfKllS. 1412Do > ! i'e Street. Shoo Stores. Phillip ; > , 1S20 Farnnam st. , bet. 13th & I4th. Second Hand Storo. PERKINS A LEAR. 1410 Douglas St. . New and Second Hand Furniture. House l-'iirnlehhif Goods , ic. , boutrht and sold on narrow margins. Saloons. HKNllY I'AUFilAN.V , In tile neiv brick block on Douglas Street , hax just opened a most elegant 1 ! > ej Ilr.ll. Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 et cry day. " Caleilonn " J FAI.CONEU. 070 16th Street. Undertakers. CHAS. RIEWE , 101S Farnham bet 10th & 1JM. P. PCMNER , S031 Tinth street , lietucun Farn- ham anil llarncy. Ioc3 irood and cheap work. 39 Oent Stores. P. C. BACKUS. 1205 Farnham St. . Fancy floods KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA C ILER & CO. . 3olo Manufacturers. OM 4.HA. tlT To Nervojs 3ulterers T THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. inal al Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific a It Is a posittiocure fcr Spermatoirhea , Sernlna eoknes ? , IinpoUncy , and all cllee.iFus resulting Irom Sclf-Alimo , an Mental Anxlcry , Ixtes Memory , 1'ftlna In the Hick or Slile. and diseases thr.t lead to Consumption fr Insanity and frP' Thicarh'K'a' e P' Thi e Specific tledlcliia It Ct nlth wolidfr- Oi lul mcccs. _ _ raniphlcU rew. ent free to all. Write for them and gut full par w. tlculan. w.dt 1'rlcB , SiK-dflc , $1.00 per | ack.\iro , or > Ix jwek' aceo for fo.OO , Addrrsn all onlcra to 01 V. HIMbON MEKICINE CO. of Nog. 104 and 100 Main Bt. Buffalo , N , Y. Sold In Omaha by C. F. Goodman , J. W. Bell , tilbi . K lull , and nil druiwfeUeverywherc. bi biCi Ci X.OT7XS tlim tliHi PAPEE WAREHOUSE. Hi m in GRAHAM PAPER GO. sli ina 217 anil 210 North Main . , Ht. Louis , sliWi WIIOLKDALK PSALBAS HI Wibl HOOK ' i nitncDQ IWRITIKOT bl NKWS' , f r Art no IWIIAWINO KNVKLOI'ES , CAUU 110AUD AND In Inhi Printers Stock. hiB ISTCash paid ( or lias * nnd Faj > cir Stock , Sera In Iron and Jkt/ilj. \Vi Paper Stock Warehouse * 122Q to 1237 , North to to Prof , W , J , Antler's ' Select Danc t-d ing Academy , A. Hospe , Jr. Hall , ICIO Dodge 8t. Class for Kcntlcmen commenclnif Tuesday even- , Oct. 1 , Class for lullc * roiiiinencinir Thiiin- darfnenliiL'.Oct.O. Tcnni liberal. The eau inclhodi I have ( or teaching Iho Waltz , Glldd . , I inn tftmranteo jivrfrrt fcatUfactlon o bcholar4. for terms , ic. , cell at A. Hosne , Ji. , address 1110 Capitol A\o. 8l7dlm MrashLand Agency DAVIS & SUYDER , ISOC Farnham St. , . . . Omaha , Mebratka in Core.ully eclectcal land In Kantcrn Nobratkafor ple , Great Ilar alnit In tuiprotci ) farms , anil OiuahnllypropiTty. . F , DAVIS.VIiJ13TKU SNVDKH. LateLauaConi'rU.P.Ii . . .Vfcutl KING OF HIGHWAYMEN , Burton , the San Junn Stage Conch Robber. How ho "Hold tip" Coaches Un aided and Alono. IntorostliiR Facts iu His Civrcor- Kcincr Trllmnr , Sept. 2B. II.V. . Iturtnn , the inoit daring stage robber of the ninotcontli century - tury , is now nn itnnnto of the county jail , Imvint ; arrived them Inst cvoning iiuilui' care of Deputy United States Marshal Sim AV. Cnntril. liiirtoti wns conviutocl in tl\o Unilctl States court at Pueblo for the robbery of the United Statoa mails between Del isVrto and Alamos.i lant .Juno , uiul is sentenced to a hfo's term n tlio poni- tentiary. A reporter for The Tribune , huurini ; that Uurton would arrive on Inst evening's Dcnvor & llio Gnmdu train , boarded the outgoinj ; train ut 7tOnnd. : ! met him and his escort at the car ahopj and was properly intro duced to liim by Deputy Cantril. They were sensed in the front pa-ssen- Her car anil Durton was heavily and aecnrely chained to the seats in order to prevent any attempt nt an escape. When the reporter appioachctl him and asked if there was anythins ho would like to have said in the in regard to hia past career , ho replied that there was nothing very important in liis life which was worthy of par ticulnr mention. The reporter then naked him if ho was a married man , to which ( mention ho replied that ho wns not and never liad been. Ilia father was killed bja man fifteen years ago and his mother now lives in Uastrop county , Tcxaa , and is in very easy circumstances. When young liurton was only thir teen years old his father was shot , and ho then took a solemn oath that as lie bccario of a o ho would kill the perportrator of the deed , which oath ho k'jpt and killed his man in the same county where his mother now resides. After killing him ho made his escape , and in order to raise money for the expense of defense in the suit for that murder a crime ho considers a just ono ho in 1877 rob bed a stage near Waco , Texas , which cent 'ncd uomo eight or uino men and from whom ho secured about § 200 , and did the robbing in the daytime , alone and with nothing to assist him but his trusty revolver. His. next successful robbery was nearEastrop , Texas , where ho secured about § 175 in money from three men who were in the coach. There was one lady among the passengers , but ho never robbed ladies or criuplus. The third and fourth robbeiies of his life were done during the month of April , 1877 , near Austin , Texas , and only a few days after the ono com mitted near Uastrop. Ho robbed two stagecoaches inonoday. On the first ono ho secured about § 3,000 from seven men , but on thosccond ono that " day ho was not so lucky , as from the six men in the coach ho secured only about § 300. After this robbery he was arrested and convicted , and sent for life to the West Virginia penitentiary , but pro per inilucnco was brought to bear on President Hayes , and ho was pardoned after serving three years and eight months. After being released from the pcntontiary ho returned to Texas , and was put under bonds for the mur der of the slayer of his father. Ho * then started out again robbing singes to secure money for his defense and made an unsuccessful attempt near Gonzales , Texas , and followed the stage for some distance with his revolver ver cocked and pointing at the driver , but the driver did not st8p , and not wishing to kill anyone ho let him go. His next cfl'ort was between George town and Lampasi , Texas , and was more successful , although ho secured only § 4D. On the ! id of last Juno ho stopped a coach which was tilled with passengers , near Gainsvillo , Texas , and robbed them of about § 050 , Ho says for this robbery two men have been ar rested and are now in jail at Dallas , Texas , serving out their sentence , but Burton declares they are innocent of the crime , as he did it alone. Prom Texas ho wont to Arkansas and com mitted a robbery , and then came to Colorado. In looks liurton is rather above thoao who are commonly classed as criminals , and looks moro like a well-cducated and well-raised gentle man. Ho is very jovial and fret ) to talk , and is quitoontcrtaining to those around him. * Just before the prisoner was taken From the Pueblo jail ho made a des- por.ito attempt to gain hia liberty. When the jailer lot liurton out of his cell ho walked directly into the ] ail oflica where Cantril was standing ready to put the tthncklcfl on him , and when within about two feet of him [ drew a toy pistol ( which ho had made out of Rome 'cather ' that he took out the Denver jail , and covered with tin foil , making it resemble a 45 cali- bro pistol ) and placed it over Deputy Cantril's heart and ordered him to throw up his hands , at the same time making a dash for Canhil'e pistol. In this instance Cantril's presence of [ mind stayed by him , and quicker than Hush he jumped back and raising the shackles which ho hud in his hands to was about to deal Burton a heavy blow on the head , when the latter sprung backward nnd probably savt'-d Ills life , fin Cantril no doubt would liave broken his skull with the blow. Burton's excuse for doinic so writ ) that had been sentenced for lifo and he was willing to run desperate chances secure his escape. Had his bold at tempt been a successful ono ho intend- locking his guards in jail , secure their arms and mount the first horse which came in night and inside of ton a minutes would have been beyond recapture - capture , as under no circumstances would ho have allowed the ollicora to take him alive. Burton last evening in talkinc to The Tiibune reporter about this' little escapade ' scorned to bo good naturcd in about it , 'but was sorry lie did not mnko it successful. Burton , without doubt , to ono of the most daring and dcsporalo stagu robbura in the nineteenth century , and less than ten years ) mn robbed nine stages , including about fifty pee , and securing something in the neighborhood of § 10,000. Further facts concerning this bold knight of the road , obtained from Colonel I' . on Cass Carpenter , will bo found upon nn inside page of this issue , "From Fayelteville , Arkansas , ho came direct to Colorado , where ho landed 1 nt Pueblo Juno 1 ! , 1881. From thcro ho went to South Arkan sas ( Salida ) , thencoto Alnino , Pilkin. Gunnison , Like City , Del Norto nnd Alrimosn I , nt which latter place he landed on the early morning of Juno liii , 1831. Durinir the day ho hired a horse from l\ \V. Johnson , livery stable proprietor , to lido a short dis tance into the counliy to look at ranches , proposing to return about 10 o'clock p. m. , or , if not then , ho would return some time the next day. The 1 ptopriotor refused to let himhavo 1a 1fi horse unless ho would deposit n for fcit in case ho did not return the horse , otc. This foifeit was fixed at § 80 , which ho deposited. Burton reached the place where ho proposed lo 'hold up' the coach about 4 o clock in the afternoon. When ho left the stable in Alamosa ho carried a small bundle under his arm. which consisted of the material from which ho made the hooda with which ho covered the eyes of the pas- sensors as they came ono by one from the conch. lie returned to Alamosa about lifteon minutes ahead of the coach which carried the passengers ( twelve in number ) that ho .had rob bed. Ho boarded the saino Irani with them , sat at the table with them at breakfast , and listened , with com posure , to tliu hair-litting stories told by them of their wonderful escapes the night bcforo , and how' they liad 'stood the robbers oil * by refusing to alight from the coach , but hiding themselves under the scats , etc. , etc. Burton says they all got out , oven the lady who was in the coach , and no ono interposed any objection. In his own language : 'They were the most do cile , tractable lot of passengers that I ever encountered , ' From the stage load Burton says ho got about § X > 0 , although the passengers swearto a much larger sum. At his trial ho wan calm and confident , but not 'defiant , ' nt has been alleged. Burton know that wo had sure proof against him in that sack of ore , and admitted nsmuch to mo , but ho hoped all the time that wo could not trace thu ore directly to him. him."This "This , however , wo did. Had wo failed in this case , I had warrant in my pocket to servo on him , which would have taken him to Arkansas for trial. 'Tho case was regarded by the authorities as a very important ono , and wo have worked incessantly upon it in order to weave the chain of evidence donco BO closely that no legal or other technicality could bo pleaded in his behalf. behalf.Vo " \Vo have persistently fought against taking Burton to Del Norto for trial , for this reason : that wo know we had a good case against him one that would send him up for life ; and also because wo believe in law rind order It is better for Burton to HIVO been tried , convicted and sen tenced to the penitentiary for life hail it would have been to take him to Del Norto to bo hanged by vigi- "antes. "The summary execution of Billy Lolloy and brother did not servo to iletoa Burton from committing a like Dlfenso within a very few miles from where they met their fate. I regard Burton as the most daring , skillful , accomplished highwayman of whom history gives an account. Ho is neither brutal or uneducated , but rather the reverse. If limits can bo anything manly in robbing a stage coach , probably Burton manifested that trait , but had it been necessary to shoot and kill the voiy persons to ward whom ho acted so gentlemanly , ho would not have hesitated one mo- ncnt. In his interview i\ith mo after his conviction ho said that some of the witnessed greatly exaggerated the natter ; that ho did not get any such sum of money as they alleged , and that tluiy were the most thoroughly frightened set of men that lie over saw. saw."When the verdict was rendered ho betrayed no emotion whatever , and it was not until after ho was remanded to jail that ho showed any signs of weakening. "Burton says ho never yet robbed a woman or a cripple , nor a poor man if ho know it , Ho realizes his situation and regrets , or says ho does , that ho was not sent to Del Norlo and han.g- ed instead of being sent to the peni tentiary for lifo. This maken four mail robbers that wo have 'taken in' sincu January last. Billy Lo Hey aiul brother were captured in May lust , taken from the ollicials and hanged a few days after. Dingman was captur ed , tried and convicted last week and sentenced lo the penitentiary for ten yi'ni.s , and next comes Burton , aliai Ham \Vhito \ , just sentenced for life. Four , in eight months. " Burton is now in the county pail waiting transportation to LaramioCity , Wyoming , whoio ho will bo taken , with Dingman , at an early day. The instofllco ollicials feel relieved. Morning Nowspnpor Printer * . The Now York Herald lately pub lished article "Close " an on Study , and how work aducts inon engaged in the difluront trades , In it is the fol lowing allusion to the composing room , "There are not many aged inntcrs. Now and then wo find a compositor : who set typo on the first editioi ) of The Herald , but ho is apt bo n somber millionaire to whom tlio pleasures of existence are vngue ncbuho of ropoit , rarely the the thinga appreciated. Printerii worl < at night. That necessitate * * gas and frequent ad journment to the nearest hoiiao of re freshment. Printers are generally thin , pale and fowl of tobacco. Their nervous energy i given to the ser vice of their employer , and Ihoy rely lee often upon stimulants ranging from cold tea to gin nnd milk , from rum and gum to whisky straight , far lictitioua atrenglh which waslca as often as il m renewed. The foremen complain of pains in llio chest they bond over BO much , I'roof-rcadera loao their eyes 'and have busings in i their curs. CompoBitorHgol floro ling ; ors anduricks the back. "Strange as it may ap pear , although they go lo bed very late they are not always Into risen ) . \ But when they gel up their faculties are Blcopy. They are liable to head- ach ? , dyspepsia nnd weak backs. Their physical fibre fails to keep paeo with their activity. AH ycara go on they degenerate from experts to mullii , and then Ihoy have lo leave thfir nitn on the daily press and seek employment the loss exacting weeklies or trades papers. There are ninny women type setters , but ns they concrftlly marry young , it is impossible to say what effect the trade has on thorn. Ono of the worst fontures of typo setting is what is known as the wrist drop. A man may bo driving away nt n great rate , when , without warning , his wrist will give way and his hand fall helpless. In other words , ho'a 'lead ed. All workers in metal are liable to this curao , especially when they are careless in their personal habits. Frui quont , careful washing is absolutely necessary , nnd when followed up is n sure preventive. " A ROMANCE IN REAL LIFE. How \Vifo nnd Hunlirunl Were Xtouuitol < Uillvtln Fifteen years ago Thomas L. Patter son , a'young ' man , was married to nn estimable young lady of Wilmington , Del , , and removing to Baltimore , ho W.IH employed in a mercantile estab lishment. After n year or two of hap- > y wedded life , Patterson fell into mbitsof dissipation , nnd wns accused of dishonesty by a follow clerk tocover up his own misdeeds. Ilia protesta tions ot honesty bcingdisboliovcd , Pat terson II d , and his abandoned \\ifu returnnd to her Wilmington homo with her infant. Years rolled on and nothing was heard of Pat terson until a newspaper ropoited that a man of thu same namu had been found dead in n hotel of an in terior Pennsylvania town. The re mains were exhumed , and mistakenly identiticd as Puttcrpon , wore interred in Wilmington. Hia grave was marked \\ith a tombstone , nnd thu widow frequently ntiewcd tlowera up on it in memory of tlio lover of her youth. Recent disclosures provo that the body recognised as his was that of an enliro stranger. It appears that Pnttcmm on Jeavim. Baltimore went lo Texas nnd engaged in caltlo raising , in which he was quite suc cessful. Ho Bold out and engaged in teaming across Nov.- Mexico , until he had rccupoiatod in health nnd fortune sutliciently to enable him once more to claim hi : ) wife and child. With ( hi/ , idea , ho wrote to his wife and entrusted ( ho letter to n messenger In carry to the nearest postollico , which watt at no small dis tance. For some reason the letter was never mailed , or at least was noyer received. Soon nfler ho was captured in the Indhn raid , lost all that ho possessed , and woi himself taken prisioner. Making hia escape , ho returned to civilization penniless , broken in health and spirits , and felt unwilling to again write to his wifo. Finally , ho worked his way to the homo of some old friends in Wiscon sin , and was warmly nnd tenderly cared for until , with renewed health , ho made another attempt to re cover his wife and child , Ho lirst wrote to an intimate friend living in NVilmington , making inquiries about his wife and child , Greatly surprised at receiving a { otter from one supposed to bo mouldering in the grave , the friend answered the letter , giving the information asked for and asking him to write more fully. This Mr. Pat terson promptly did , enclosing n long letler lo hin exile. The friend then communicated the startling news to Mrs. Patterson and delivered the letter from her husband. The cor respondence resulted in preparing Iho way for the reunion of the long sop- orated family , and Mr. .Patterson's circumstances now being such as to justify the slop , ho will come on hero in October to claim once more the wife whoso joy that ho is nlivo equals her gticf when she mourned him us dead. Mr. T. L. Patterson is a broth er of John 0. Pntlerfion , Unilcd Stales dislrict attorney for Delaware The Now Railroad At the Grant locomotive-works at 1'atcrson , N. .1. , has just boon com pleted another the hccond of the Fontaine locomotive engines , They are peculiarly constructed and can at tain a great degree of speed , the lirst having made ninety miles an hour. The second machine ia lo bo tested on Iho Now York , Lake Krio it Western railroad for two weeks before it is shipped to its destination. The pecu liarity of Iho engine is that it has two sots of driving wheels , one on top of the other. The main driving wheels in the Fontaine engines are to- cuied to an elevated axle , above the boiler , and running in boxca snppor-t od l > y a suitably braced frame , the cylinder and slides being net obliquely and in a diagonal line to the axis of the driving wheel. The driving wheels are of the ucual construction , but do not touch the raila.Resting on the rails arj other driving wheels of llni same size as the upper oneii , with which there i.i a frictional contact. There being no resistance , when mo tion is communicated to Iho upper wheels the same molionia transmitted to tlioloweronusby friction. Tlio lower wheels arj constructed with two trends , the poiiphury rc-sling on r.iild , and Iho other supporting the upper wheels. The upper wheels are 7 inches and and the lower 70 inches in diameter. To prevent slijipiM an air pump is employed , which is operated with the cab , and which acts on a system of lovers , by means of which the friction- tioiul contact between the upper and lower drivers ia diminished or in creased , ii.i occasion may require , with out disturbing the bearing of the lower wheels on the rails , The en gine iaalno provided with an equal- mug liuol : , HO us alwayu to preserve the hcaiing on ( ho rail. "UOUCH ON JtATS. " Tlio IhliiK desired found at Inst. Ask diilXgUt for "j'.ouyli on JtnlH. " It clear * out rutH , inter , ruauliuH , ( lien , b < l but ; * ; ITia boxt'i ) , ( J ) FRJS Oi'rCOST. ' * Bit. KiNfi'n Ni'.w DISUOVKHY for Consumption , Coughs and Colds Asthma , Bronchitis , otc. , in given away in trial bottles free of cost to the allliclud , If you have a bad cough , cold , difficulty of breathing , hoarseness or any allection of llio throat or lungs by all menus giro this wonderful remedy a trial , AH yon vuluo your existence you cannot allbrd to let this opportunity pasts. \Vo could not alibfcl , and wonh ! not give this remedy away unless we know it would accomplish what we claim for it. Thousands of hopeless cases have already been completely cured by it. There is no medicine in Iho world that will cure ono half the canon that Dit , JCiNi'HNiwJiHcovinv : : will cure , For sale by 0) ) IHII ifc JIuJlAiio.v , Omaha. INVITATION TO ALL WHO HAVE TO HE 1112 PAIRED/ TO HE DONE OR While our Work is better , our Prices are Lower than all others. S T - AT IE ! IF-A. X IR I received all of the SIX FIRST PREMIUMS offered for Competition in our line Over All etitors. v l For the Best Watch Work , For the Best Jewelry , ( own make. ) For the Best Engraving , For the Best Diamonds ( own1 importation ) FOR THE BEST BESToooaas o-ooaas DISPLAYED , ETC. Having lately enlarged my workshops and putting in now . .ltd improved machinery chinory , I hope to still inorp improve the quality and' ' finish of our ork and fill ordurs with more promptness than i * uouul. I My Motto has always boon and always will bo : "Firat to gain superior facill , tics and then advertise the fact not before no wild advertisements. Some unprincipled tlcnlors being in the liabit of copying niy iinnouncoiuunta , I would bog you , the render of this , to ' draw n line between such copied advert iaementa ' mid tltoao of Yours , very truly , The Reliable Jeweler , Omaha , Neb , , Sign of the Striking Town Clock. , r 614-616 So. TENTH STREET. FLANNELS , &C. , At Lower Prices Than Up-Town Stores. . n' ) P. G. IMLAH , Manager , ; Leader of Popular Prices , t * i m\ \ Goods Suitable for the -JUST IlEOEIVKD AT- And will bo sold at our usual extremely , ' i ia ' Blankets and Comforters , Flan rt nels and Shirtings , Cotton Flan nels and Sheetings , Muslin and Calicoes , Dress Goods , Silks and Satins , Black Goods and Cash meres , Hosiery and Underwear , Corsets and Gloves , Ribbons and Ladies' Neckwear , Cloaks and Dolmans mans , Table Linens and Napkins , Gent's White and Colored Shirts , Waterproofs [ and Flannel suitings , Denims and 'Jeans , Our ( Blue Checked Shirting at 16 2-3c , Sold Everywhere else nt 20c. You will SAVE MONEY by Buying Your Goods of * GUILD & McINNIS , j 603 N , 16th St. , 2nd door N , of Gal , , E , Side , !