Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1881, Page 6, Image 6
THE OMATJA DAILY BEE : WEDNFSDAY SEPTEMBER 28 , 1881. COUNCIL BLUFFS , Record of Events on the Eas Side of the Missouri , Spaulding's Arm Amputatod- Qreonbaok Speech by Weaver , Explosion Note * nnd Otlior Brio Itomi. Jolin X. Daldwin , of this city , oiv ot the rising young orators of westcn Town , in presenting tlio resolution ) adopted by our board of trade in tin public square touched , by his word of Hynipnlhy for the stricken familj who mourn the loss of BO noble n head the honrt.1 of hia hearers. Strong mot in thu iiudionco wore observed to BICC tears. In the course of his rctnarki Mr. Ihldtvin said : "Tliis cnn bo nc ordinary occasion. All thcso mani- fcslatioiiR of sorrow and grief do not occur Localise of the passing ntvay ol nn ordinary mortal man. NKVKll IN 1IUM4N ItlHTOHY has there been BO universal , no i > ro found nn cxprcpsion of the nation1 ! bereavement. No such sorrow , griol or services , when the self same people - plo wore called together by tlio hcadt of government to pay the last oatl tribute to thousands who had died fighting for their country's CIUIRO. It sooiimasif it was more for thoni k bear than tlio untoward or adverse ro' suit of n battle wherein for-5 time wore the issues of the life or lrath ol the nation. Tlioro in something ntnrl- ling and staggering in thcso thoughts ; when wo ponder tipon nil Hint has transpired within the past foiv dnya , and know that to-day lifty millions of a great and intelligent pcoplo are so IJOWKIt DOWN WITH IIU1EF and sorrow , wo nro forced to exclaim , oh , how great mid good must have been the man whoso death should bo so deeply mourned ! " Mr. Ikldwin paid a glowing tribute to the charac ter of our deceased president , while in this life. In spoaking'of his forti tude ho said : "When that accursed bullet wont crushing through his body , nnd all who stood over him expected death from the shock , ho calmly dic tates n message of love and tenderness to his absent wife. Then , again , after lying nine long hours with that bullet KKSTEHINO IN HIM FLKSH , his poor , uncontrolablo body writhing ia ( lain , by virtue of his force , pluck nnd nerve , ho meets hia frail nnd fainting wife with n nmilo , saying , 'Oh , cheer up ; cheer up , sweetheart , I'll pull through,1 and when all grows dark and it seems as if ho was about entering the valley of the shadow of death , wnen his sur geons crowd close to his nido , his wife and dearest friends , sobbing nnd cry ing , bond low o'er his prostrate form , nnd ho is told that death is nfc hand , with iv firm nnd abiding Christian faith ho responds , 'God's will bo done. ' " In spcaKing of his Christian character , ho Haid : "President Oar- 'field believed nnd taught that tlicro could bo no NATIONAL ( IIinATNKSa without true morality. That wo should rise to n nobler conception of our des tiny and fool that our work ns n na tion is to carry freedom nnd religion and : i noblu power of human nature over this continent. Ho believed that n nation's destiny lies in its character nnd the principles which govern itn policy , nnd that a nation renouncing or deifying this can not bo freu or grent. " In conclusion the speaker said : ' 'The nation arosent every ntiigu of liui coming. CITU'.H AND HTATKH were his pail bearers. That poor bruised body is now being lowered in to its luHt resting place. The great . heart of the nation could not keep the old eoldierulivo. Kutbleeding itjbcndn o'er his grave nnd listens for tlmt ran- sowed throng to chant as .in ono gloiious , glad nnthem. Lift high thu Urdus ! Lift high the gates for BO worthy is ho that outers. HIH AUSI AUl'UTATKn , Early yesterday morning TJIK HEP. reporter called nt thu humu of Joeuph Spaulding , the young miiii who was accidentally wounded while engaged in tiring thu ealuto. Mr. Spaulding is n young man about 35 years of nge. Early in the beginning of the war ho entered the army , enlisting in Co. I. 37th Indiana. Wo found him lying on the bed suffering uuvoro pain , the limb not having , up to that time , been amputated. Ills tight arm is shut- toii'd the entire length , nnd should have boon Amputated immediately. This morning it looked ns if mortifi cation had sot in. Doctors Pusey , Ly- man und Green hnvo the case in hiuid. Wo understand they entertained some hopes tlmt the nrmcould bo preserved , but yesterday morning thuy aban doned the idea anilamputated [ the limb. Mr. Spaulding thinks no blnma should attnch to the thumbor. Ho beliuves tlmt there is n defect on the inside of the cannon , that holds a largo quan tity of fire , Bomotimo after u dis charge. It would scorn that his views are correct , this beinu the second victim of a premature discharge from ' this name cannon. KXl'J-O.SIO.H NOTK8. Two men who wcro ridinir up in "Grand View" pnik report that just before the explosion took place they saw a man standing on top of the car trying to put out the fire , and give it an thuir opinion that ho was blown to pieces , A stone weighing COO pounds wai blown ono milu and landed in ono of our streets. The explosion yeulerday caused considerable damage to the pump - manufactory ot J. A. J. Churchill , Tlio glass is reported to lm-o boon blown out of the entire front of the transfer building. Fifteen panes of stained glass wcro Wown out of the Congregational church on Center street. A woman by the name of Nancy Stall , living two milcH from the scone of the explosion , was knocked down and made eonecloas. She ia now in bed suirbring from the shock nho rt ccivcd , G. W. Clink , engineer of cngin No. 221 , was knocked out of the oil nnd the headlight of his engine wn demolished. The train to winch th engine wns attached was nt n static : four miles nway. Quito /x serious accident occurrci yesterday afternoon in this city , opposite posito the Ogdcn house A wornni from Boomer township wat sitting in : rig while her husband wni makiiij some purchases in J , li. I'oroinan'a A man by the name of Stephen Dunn who had , it is supposed , imbibed toi freely , ran the team ho wns drivin ; into the rig , turning the B.imo com pletely over. The woinaii was mon or less injured nnd the rig consider nbly damaged. M'MK.VOMYS TIllllttTK. Ono of the most cloriuont tribute : paid to our departed chief magistral ! wns paid yesterday by Kov. 'Fnthoi McMcnomy. It would acorn thn Gnrfiold wns rcspcctrd by the Catlio lie i > coplo throughout the union mon than any other president has ovei been. Father McMcnomy became eloquent when nlhuling to the lifo o povoity from which Gnrfiold sprung ind this fact alone in his lifo scorns tc bo honored nbovc nil others by tin Irish people. JKWISIt OUfJANIZATI/W. Some few days ngo a few Israelite ! of this. city got together nnd con < eluded that tlioy would issua n c.ili k > all who wcro of the ennio Jaith k ncot nnd cflcct nn organization. About thirty of the fifty who reside lore responded , nnd a permanent or ganization wns perfected with the following ofllcere : President , Henry Eisoman ; vice president , L. II. Mossier ; cashier , Simon Eiscman. It was voted to hold their first divine services on last Saturday evening. A 'und of sixty elullara was raised to de- 'rny expenses nnd a committee np- win ted to procure n place of worship. Die committee secured the hall on L'earl street , known as the Knights of L'ythiai hall , and appointed Mr. Elrranan , a dry goods dealer on LJroadway , assisted by Mr. Mooslor , to officiate. The first meeting was n sue- : css. On the Sabbath following they lold moniorinl services. Mr. Hcrz- imn delivered quito an interesting discourso. He took the life of James Abram Gartield and compared it with Abraham , the pntiiarch of old , the niddlo name suggesting the theme , In lis native laiiguflge. Mr. Ilorzman is juito an interesting speaker. TUAVEMNO MKN. Some time ago quite n company of raveling men mot in the city of Clovc- nnd und a motion was made that they epaired in n body to the residence of Jnmes A. Garfiold. They did so. The late president received thorn very cordially and from the stops addressed hem brieily. In the course of his re- narks he said that the traveling fra- crnity of America had grown to luch gigantic proportions thnt they ind become ono of the most potent 'actors ' in the machinery of the com- ncrco of the country. The boys who voro stopping nt the Ogdenhoro Mon- lay , romombcrint ; his words on that iccnsion , determined in a public way o show their respect for the man wiiitojliving and their mourning forthe ) rcsieient dead. They provided them- iclves with badges of sorrow and noli- icd the marshal If permitted they would narcli in procession. The marshal mmcdintcly assigned them n position and placed them in charge of Assist- ink Marshal A. D. Fisher of insurance amo , Mr. Fisher repaired at once to lie Ogden hotel nnd formed thorn into inc. They looked finely and renlly uarchod liuo old soldiers. Wo give lioir names with great pleasure , us bllows : D. W. Andrews , Boston , Aliss.Gco. M. Fish , Joliet , 111. ; A. ej. B.uiks , Chicago : .7. 11. Patty , Chicago cage ; W. U. Wood , Ft. Wayne ; Thos. 1. lirayton , Chicago ; II. C. Phelps , 2cdar llapids , Town ; D. L. AlcDaniol , Jhica o ; L. II. Butcher , Ohicnyo ; A. N. Bliss , Chicago ; .T. 1 < \ Hamilton , U. Blullfl ; T. J. Timmons , Moline , 'own ; Arnold Banter , iNow York ; II. ? . McGregor , Ceelar' llaids ] ; ,1. A. toisu , Boston ; Ira L. Curtis , Bos on ; ( i. L , Buchanan , Cincinnati ; ) . T. Francis , Moline , 111. ; 0. H. tfilverstod , Ghica-'o ; II. C. Cook , Council Blulls ; 0. A. Webster , Bos on ; A. B. Taylor , Chicago ; Bob ? ortor , Keokuk ; G. Coolcy , Straw- ) orry Point ; J. G. W. Sylvester. iow York ; Hairy Sellers , Boston ; W A. Mcurcn , city ; D. li. Poe , Do- roit ; J. Chambers , Chicago : W. A. Tnekeon , 1'hiladelphia ; W. M. Shepard - ard , city ; Ed lle > wu , Chicago , A. Ovcrfclder , city ; Ralph Wolfe , Chi- ago ; Cluy Platnor , cily ; F. Ij. Dem- ng , Now Yoik ; F. H. Haddun , Now York ; W. W. lloid , Indiana. HAY so. James 11. Weaver apoko yesterday n the opera housu toulaigo audience , omposed mostly > f fanners. Wo can ay with truth that whether thoio ia nythiug in the position hu takes on ho cimoncy question eir not , ho ia u cry interesting speaker. 11 any man nu ( jot nnything out for the patty to ccupcrato upon ho can , Ho is ory pleasing in his manner. His pocch is delivered in apparent sin- ority. JIo stated that if thu CO.OOO omnortxts would cuuvl on the shelf nd remain there the 20,000 greon- jackow could overcome the 85,000 ro- ) ublicnn majority in Iowa , and some iresont really believed it : Ho hand ed the national banks without stint , hewing the way they originated nnd old how thcso. men sold their > roperty nnd shouldered their share of axittion on to the rest of the people nd wont elF to Washington , pur- ihasod n bond nnd otartod a bank , lu didn t toll them that the national miking was free and open to 'all , nnd hat n farmer , a hog driver , n lawyer , i doctor nnd n school teacher in this ity , or nnywhuro else , could go nnd lo likewise if they thought hey could make more monuy. IU speech was roliovcd considerably vilh quito pointed anecdotes. On the vholo it was the best greenback ar- tumont ( list mosi of the audience over iatuned to , we undorstnnd that Woa- 'cr 'volunteers his eorvices , but nro lot sure. Tin : iiLurrn IN IIUIEP , W , P. Hepburn was nt the Ogdcn 'ostordny. ' Came over , wo presume' , o hoar Weaver. Bon. Clayton , the fanner states- nut , from Macedonia , was in the city ostorday. Ho took in Weaver. Judge Love , of the U , S. supreme court , is in the city. Ho will ope court hero to-day , Jl. B , Wil lams , Glonwood , nn ludgo Loofbourow were nt the Ogde yesterday. The following representatives of tli Hock Island railroad are at the Ogdct A. U. Swift , H. F. Itoiw , H. Cave J , F. Phelps , W , Hudson. A. B. Taylor loft for Chicago yes tcrdny. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J3cnutlilorft' Indies , you cannot mnko fair skir rosy checks nnd sparkling eyes wit nil the cosmetics of France , or boauti licrs of the world , while in pou health , and nothing will give yo such good h'oatth , strength , buoynn spirits and beauty ns Hop Bitteis. j trial is certain proof. Tolegriph.octl octl INDIANS OF THE SOUTHWES3 What rorcns They Can Mn tor i ] Their Stroneholdd. The northwestern portion of the re public of Mexico , the vast nnd a present inacccsftiblo hive from whonc warm thcso pests of the plains nni mountains. In the ravines nni liiddcn valleys of the Sion ; Mndro , nnd in the innumcrabl caves that honoy-comb the sides o the giant mountains , the hill Apaches Lho moat cruel nnd brutal of all tin American nborigincs , mnko thoi : liomcs. In the valleys tlmt lie nmon ; the foot-hills , which on either pidi lank the Sierra Madrc rnuuo , tin M'jsculero Indians , from the Hit [ ' 'uerte , on thu southern limit , to the toundnry line between Snnora nni AnV.ona , range free und unrestrained , ho masters ot n vast region of coun- ry. ry.Tho Commanchcs , who belong tc ho same fann'ly as that tribe whicli vaa once so powerful in Texas , have ovoral villages near the northern rontier of Sonora , nnd often join the Vlcscalcros , the hill Apaches and their irothors of the plains on their san guinary nnd destructive raids against ho villages and haciendas of northern Jewcico. With the exception of these ilics , towns and villages sufficiently jopulous to keep ordinary bands of lavagcs ab n distance , almost the en- Jru states of Cliiliunhtta , Durangonnd joahuila nro subject to thcao onstnntly recurring raids. Until vitliin the last five yoara heso incursions were peri odical , nnd took plnco ntuiu ally. Li Sonora the hill Aiaclics ] al ways raided into the plains whoirtho far vest s wcroripo. They forced their unwilling captives to cut the corn nnd arry it to their strongholds in the uountaimt , nnd then butchered them n cold blood , reserving only the oungor women , the girls and boys indor twelve yoara of ago. The mis- ruble female prisoners became Irudgos of theirbrutnl captors and the not hern of future Apache warriors ; vhilo the boys wcro at once incorpor- ted among the Indian youth , and in ime became the bravest nnd most erocious of the tribe. The Mcscaleros , in 18G3 , could > ring 2,500 warriors in the Held ; the } omanchcs , when united , could col- ectabout 1,500 , while the hill Apaches f Chiliuahun.nud Lenora could gather O ( othorat least 4,000 warriors nt any mint desired. The plain Apaches , a kindred tribe , when concentrated lumbered about GOO fighting men. The Moscnleroa nnd Coinanchcs are omnrknbly'bravo nnd gallant. They vill fight the Mexicans when the lut- er outnumber them three to one , nero o thoy. regard the American soldiers as bettor than their Mexican comrades. For many years they have hold un disputed Bway over the region they livim as their own , nor is there ncaso m record of their having been de- oated by an cemal number of Mexi can soldiers. The plain Apaces are nlso brave , nit deal n'oro in wiles and stratagem lian in open warfare ; .yot they arc bos by no means to bo despised when ightiiigin their own territories. The hill Apaches are the most ter rible of nil the savages along the fron- ier. They nro wily nnd ustute , nnd icver fight in the open field. Should t pany of well armed white men , not inmbeiing more than thirty , pass hrouuht the heart of their country , hey will not attack them if they be- ioved they were liable of eising of their own force n lumber equal to their enemies. It is uttoily impossible to surprise them in heir villages and caves , for they pos- ess a vast number of half-stfirycd cur pas w he > roam nightly far from the illages , and on the approach etf strati- ; ers uwako their mnsturaby their loud wrkiug yelps.mi mi : UULY UTIH. : Col. Moore and n part of the Sixth nfniitrv hnvo arrived from thq c : > mp on White liver , in Colorado , ami loft n special train for Salt Lake Cily. 'hoy report that the White llivor Jles have all returned fromthongoncy t the junction of the White nnd .ircon rivers , Utah , where they v.-ro paid by the Ute comiuisiiion , o their old haunts on the Vhilo river , near the military camp. 'ho Indians say that they will on no ondition whatever stay on the now csorvation. They are all supplied ith arms nnd ammunition , and if in1 forcible attempt to compel theme o remain on the now reservation is lade it will lead to n largo Indian utbreak , in the .opinion uf military uthoritios. This tribe of Indians lerpetratoel the Meeker and Thorn- mrg massacre that occurred two years go. A carrier who arrived to-elay om the military camp on the White vor reports that present indications > ortond an outbreak and massacre. 'ho ' settlers along the river on the In- inn reservation' have boon driven way by Indians and have tied to the iiilitiuy camp for protection , report- ng their wagons and ranches burned nd signal fires on all the mountains. Escaped From tlio Toils , Tohn Bacon , Lajwte.'Ind. , wrltos : Hurrah fur Hprlug lilauom ; it is all you commend it to bo. liy dyspepsia 1ms I vanUhed. Why don't you ailvertlso itj Vhat lOlowaucD will you make If I take dozuii buttlcu , HO ttiat I could olilljjo my rlend oocaslonallyj 1'rloa CO centa : trial ottlca 10 cents. SScoellw Dr , Amelia Burroughs AT THE WITHHBLL HOUSE , Tuesdays and Fridays , 1O n. m , to 5 p. m. ( AfE The leading Oclcntlits of to-day nyreo thivl most illscnc * are earned \ > y illwrdcrtil Milncjs or liver. If , therefore , the kldnc > < nnd llur arc kept In perfect enl r , i > cit t lunltli ullP'Otlic result. 'UiMnittilmiMity licotiVnown n fliort llmu ami for } cnri people suffered crcnt anti ; ) without biilnjr. able to nnO rcllof. The ilNunvry of Warner's info Kidney am ! I.lier Ciiromarkin a now cm 1 1 the treatment ot these troubles. Made from ft simple tropical lull of rare inlue. It conUlm just the elements ncccswry to nourtali atitllrnljforatc liothnf theco K t onjnns , ami nafily rcftoro ami keep them In order. It Ian Potltlvo Remedy f'tr all the discuses that ctm < pal n In tholower pirt of the body f > r Torpid Liter Ittvtachc + Jaumllco Dlrrinow-Oraiel KccrARIIC I.Ucraiiil Urinary Organ * . Itlancxtc'tcntnnd < nfo rimedlor fctmtcg : liirlnn 1'rcjnar.ey. It will control Mcnitruatlon mil IH ln > aUullofor Icncorrliti\ ( r'nll ng of : lie Womb. As a l.looil Purifier It li uncnutlcJ , for It cures .1.1' orxalit tint inAo the Mood. Thil remedy , uhlih hm dono'iioh wonder , Is put lip In tho'lAHOiSTSI/.ii : : ) 1JOTI t.K of any muilkliio upon the nnrkct , and Ij noM l > y Driu- Rl-tsiiulafl itc/ilcr * at $1.23 per Imtt'e. ' For hbetcstnniilri for WAKXHH'd SAr'K DIA- 1KTUS CUlli : . It Is iv 1'OSI 1VC Remedy. H. \VAnNER C < CO. , Kocliottcr , N. Y. United States Depository. - OK OMAHA. - Cor. 13th and Farnara Sts. OLDB3T BANKING KSTARUBIIMEKT IN OMAHA. 8UCOESCORO TO KOUNT7E BROTHERS. ) 1S5U. Organized us a National Bank August 20 , 1SC3. CAPITAL AND PROFITS OVER . SOO,000 OFTICETIS AND DIRRCTORB : litKUA * KOUNTZR , PrCBIllCIlt. Aerowrus KopMzr , VietPresident. . II. W. YATKS , t'anhlrr. A. J. 1'orpl.ETO1 * , Attorney. 4-Jl Joux A. CRKIIIIITO.S. F. n. DAVIS , Asst. Curiler. Thl bank receiver deposits without regard to amounts. Ibuc8tlreo certificate ) hearing Interest. Draws clr.ifU on San Fnnciico and principal cities of the Unitnd States , also London , Iiublin Edinburgh and tlio principal citlej of thocoutl ncrit of Europe. Sells passenger tickets for emigrants by the ( n min line. _ nmvl dtf The Oldest HJstabUshed BANKING HOUSE IN NEBRASKA. Caldwell , Hamilton & Co. . 33 St.B > ar33a 13c&33. , BnMneas transected same A3 that of an Incor porated oanl : . Acconnti kept In currency or gold subject to alfht chccl : without notice Certificates of deposit isucd payable In three , six and twelve rnontha , jcarlng Interest , or on demand without Interest. Ad\ancos inado to customers on appro * cd BOCU- rltlcs at market rates of Interest. Buy- and sell gold , bills of exchange , govern' mcnt , state , county and city bonds. Draw sight drafts on England , Ireland , Scot land , and nil parts of Europe. Sell European passage tickets. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADK. tufldt Western Horse and Cattle In surance Company , 3KT3E333. Capital , - - - 310OOOOOO Insures Horacfl , Mules and Cntllo against loss liy acaldent , decease or tbctt. Accnclci In all conn- tlu4 of the State , bend for clicwlars. e20 lj AUEVTSWANTKD EOtt tha Fnatcst fcolllnjr Cook of the Ai3l Found ; ) ( ions oS' Success , INESS AND SOCIAL rORMS. The laws of trade , legal formp , how to Mt tir lncaK , valui'jlt ) tables , eoJil ctlquolto , ajrlUmcntary lis-ife , hnw to co'idiut puidlc biulmitu ; In I .it H H comrlat.o ( JU'dn to Uiir- 00 3 for nil clavrn A family nocottil y. AdrirM lorclrt'ilirnAtid special ternw , INUIlOll PUn M.SIMNO Oi ) . At Louis. Mi AOENTa WANTED KOR OCR NEW BOOKj BIBLE FOR THE YOUNG , " being the Htory of the Scriptures , by Rev. George Alexander Crook , I ) . I ) . , In simple and attnctlic anguago for old and young. Profusely illustrn- tcil , inaLIng a most Interesting ami Impressive > outli Instructor. Et cry parent will secure this uork. Preathers , j on should circulate It. Price J3.00. Bend for ciiinilara ulth extra terms. J II. OHAMUEIlSiCO. St. Louis Mo. ACADEMY OP THhJ SACRED HEART OMAHA , NEB. S. B. Corner Ofch nnd Howard. The phn of Studies Is tlio siino as that purMird In all thu AcadrtnlrJ of tliu Huicd Hiarc. 1'if- fjicnco In religion Is no obstacle to the ndiuU- nlonnf joung ladles. Terms : Including Ikianl , \Ya < hlng , 'lultlon ami I btruinuntal Alutlc , per cession < jf fltu monthv , flW. Ilcterencts uru re- mil red fion all poiKon * unknown to the Instltu- tlon. For further Ii.foiinatlrii npi > ly to Thu ill.iht I'ev , Illshoji o Oniaba , or to the Lady Superior. nu22dlin Tin MOBT I'on-URl llii BIST SIILISO ! THE OVALGHURN TlIK BEST . - * . - : ' OHUKNH AMU , . ' " jjj QOICKKH MOST CONiffifr J TIIAN A1 ° VENIBNT 'V tll ifl "TUEIl OlIUttN 'AUWoPiUJjPf OllUKK MANUPAO' I/caalxnMpM N TUB TUEKI ) . Manufactured In flto tlxn , 4.0 , B , 10 and 1 EMIoni. It ha * no i.e < rin.UCIKO DO no1 o Joe * Its work easily and quickly , and teU tuo laraust ainuiift of lutUr fruuilho milk or croamli 0144 Jrou ,1 lie eat uh luldal lowtrprl < Jot\l'Ui ny "thcr flral-ilun i hum. Soa'l for dla.rtiJVhfl circular and price IW to th " OVAL CHURN CUMPACY. ' . - COSHtN. IND 1 am Aircnt ( r COI.UMI1IA anduriullll t'CUU. Scud thrco cent itaorp forCataloifuo and prlco lUl conUJulnjc full Information. N , I , D , SOLOMON , F iut , OU * and Olaa OMAHA , NEJ ) C. F. Manderson , ATTORNEY-AT- , P MOR I n , I IJ I 1 1319 Farnhain Street. aream Having decided in future to adhere strictly to the manufacture of Men's Gloves , the well known house of Fisk , Clark and Flagg have closed to us their entire stock of claimed by all who know them to be superior in some respects to the 9 * We offer this morning I860 Pairs Best Quality'3- Button Kids at 75c , 700 Pairs Best Quality 4-But- ton Kids at $1.00 , 150 Pairs Best'Quality 6-Button Kids at $1.25. The Retail Prices for these goods East are 3- Button , $2.00 ; 4-Button , $2.25 ; 6-Button , $2.50. I KIBBO3STS ! The sale of Ribbons inaugurated by us in summer met with such success that we have secured BETTER BARGAINS for Fall , and open to-day. 500 Pieces Gros Grain Ribbon , all widths , 5c. a yard ; 3500 Pieces Satin and Gros Grain from No. 7 to No. 40 at 10c. ; 75 Pieces Sash Ribbons at 25c , a yard. I I In .fact our "vvhole , fall stock is now being opened , and we invite attention ; o the largest , cheapest and best stock we have ever shown. s. oo _ , 1319 Farnham Street. BASUTZ & WELLS , 1422 Douglas Sb. , Near 15th. removing to their new OPERA HOUSE STOEE Will sell their stock of BOOTS a SHOES At Greatly Reduced Prices. leading and Elocution TAUGHT BY JULIA B HABDBNBUBO-H. Voice Training , Private Lessons and Classes. SOU Cess Strict , between 20 iind 21et. AND STILL THE LM CONTINUED TO Roar for Moore ( s ) Harness AND Saddlery , 5I I h ve adopted the Lion as a Trade Jlaik , and 11 my pocxlit will bo BTAMl'KU with the LION nd my NAME on the tamo. NO OOOIJ3 AUK KNUINK WITHOUT TIIK AUOVK SrAMl'd holiest imxtcrlil It used and the ire l tklllw orkiucn are imnlojcd , aud at the lovu-st ciisl rice. Anyone wWilfltf a priio-llit ol good Mill onfcra t > or by evndlni ; ( or ono , DAVID SMITH MOORE. AGENTS WANTED FOR KAKTMT BKLUNO HOOKS or Tin AQB I Foundations of Success BUSINESS AND SOCIAL FOIIM3 , TheUwnof tnule. ICKO ) ( onus , 'how to tram- ct bualni'89 , taluaulo lullci , nodal etiquette laillaidcnlury u > ae , how to conduct puMiu busl. ic < ; In ( ait ft I * a complete CuiJo to Bucccai ( or 11 auvi. A f.imly ! laciaulty. Aililre ( orclr uliM tvn J nmrlal t ltu8 ANCIIOU rUIILISlll.VU O. , pi. Louis , .Mo. llon ° ' aMllty , to roproent iJllASJllKUS'liktloniry of Unl- crval Knowledge. Compktu C'yclojmxlli ol 'very DavVanU. . TliU U the Moil Uncdil and Compact Literary clilettiiuiit o ( tha Ago. Itliu nu cou pvtltorn. Wu want competent Solicitors , ho pcildltrt C4xla ) > plv ClrcuUrn , ghmg full deurlptlou. eat OQ appllrat'on. ' J. It. ClIAilllKllS. bt. Loulo , Mo , Chicago , III. , Atlanta. 0 kodmio il&vrlta DEWEY & STONE , I 5fe . . g . qF . _ Sgj3 = ? .J-.V ? I"JK.TV. 2 - -V-j-L-- : ORCHARD & BEAN , J.B. FRENCH & CO. , C A R P ETSI G R O O E R S1 ! Special Attention Is Once More Called to the Fact that Rank foremost in the- West in Asso rtment and Prices of CLOTHING , FOR MEN'S , BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR. ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF Furnishing Goods Hats and Oaps. \Vo are proparcel to moot the domanels of the trade in regard to Latoat Stylea nnd Patterns. Fine Morcl'unt Tailoring in Connection. RESPECTFULLY , M. HELLMAN & CO , , 300 to 312 13th St. , Corner Farnham ,