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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1881)
I ! THE OMAHA DAILY BKE : WEDNESDAY , SEPTEMBER 28 , 1881 FINANCE AND COMMERCE. FINANCIAL. Nnw Youir , September i ! " . VONl-.V ASl ) STOCKS , Money clrned nt 1-1(5 ( of 1 per cent l > \\\3 \ \ G per cunt per nnmini , Kxi-htitii.1 ! elmed nU'iwly nt ( 80J4 81 J. QoviTninpiiti clo cil II rail currency mxo < , 1 ; ! 0 liiil ; rot notUnluii. ( ] I'.iclHc ruilnintl bowls elmed w follow * : Union luti , 1 1H1 ( I" } ; laud Riant * , I IS liiil ; ntuklnt ; funds t 21 ; CiMitruls , 1 14L ( > ) 1 18. HTCyiKS. Tlio fltosk market to-il xy ojiciipd gently nt n fraction lower , uuttnon became linoy- nut mid toir.ird inldilny prlcix ndvnnccd .J l32j ? | per cent led l > y eoal shaic * , the Iriinlc liniM , "Noitlnvo'tern , St. I'.iul & Omaha , KuinUul it .St. .loa prcferi-cd. After 12 o'clock , however , tlinmnikei became - came we ik nmltlccllncd and liter on , when money lico.iinu stringent , tliciuwns n con. tiilcralilo pros < itro to t-cll , under which price J timi'iled ' down to Iho lowot pnint of the d.iy : ind olnsetl&l \ \ | ic cent In-low SatimUy a closing. Like Htioro nircstori met to-day nml declared quarterly divl- domh of i ; per e < ? ut. Michigan Central director * ! il.i < > iii"t rt-diycviil iv.lopted re < - olutiona deoliij \ \ tluit , owin to ilicM.iscil uxi'Cin.tltnrc-iof the inmil , it was not t'\- ' pedlcnt to decUru .1 dividend fo tor. tor.Tho The following are the clo ! uj , ' ld ! < WUTul . fi".2 , I ) LAW . 1231 Ailami Ksp . . .137 | 1 > jt U ( ! . R'ji Atnurlcan Jixp Hl EHu . ffi. . . . ? . . 1" > J U.S . ( iO il. * T5J. .r . 100 UG&lfJ i-l.J 1 , . O P. & Q Xnrthuti turn. N r 0 . 1I3f do pfd 111 CV-ntral _ r.Y'i I'-ieitloMnil. . ru Mich Can . . . , . 1)2 ) ll'je'c ' IiTandi , . Nordiern l\i. . . S.xu I'Yanclsen. lYufurrod . . . do preferred . Stl' . Central I'm-llio. ! > G } d < i > M A & T 11 Ml St I' * Omaha. profuYrcil. . . . , ! ) l I'm ferret I . . . Can Soufchorn . RM \ I.S&W. . . . O&O U ! ) \ rnbaih.IK o& Aflaaj di ) pioicrtod , . ! Uf CIIICAllO MU.NHT MAHKKr. P uir'A'Ji"1 , September 27. 15 i > ii.o i nt the l > : . ! i's ' t'i-diy opi-ued l > u-tly iiL-tho In all di p u tim-nt-i atnl tlio ni-irti woi-u UiXAl ! i-hvs ofbarrmvuiti were in search fit fiml . Tlia simply < > [ iillo cijitnl ; in ban I : xaulti i.s cnn-iderahly "in cxoiifj of nil le itlmVo requirement : , but rj.'crule I fiun ivt ( ! ' ' 7i per cjut per ami mi. Tr.i'l-cif the city is vrry'cooil iiii'l liiiro h very litUo eomtilalut about ciilli-ctiniH. OnV'iM f > u- currency \vero niJ. Tlio I'lo.iriii ) ? * "f the as oci.itvil banks were J.SJi OJU 1'a-itorn u\ ; liotweon cily b.inK-i WAS iiuihanded at SOo © I 00 dwconut par s.U.O'JO. Oin.Oi.iVholasnlo Mr.rlict. Ori'ici : or TUB OMAHA Bur , ) Tuosil.iy UvHiiiiirT , September 27. ) Very few changes in the inaiketsxroun. . ted to-djy. drain was firm and 5c lii.jlier. 33aile3" . aboul the mme as K.iturJ.iy. llyc , uncliangcd. Coin advanced "c. O.-vta ad- TAiiccd lie. I'rovi-sions , jjt-nerally firm and mi- cliangcd , Utdi peaches 2os higher. Other ' { uotatiutH remain the Mine as last repotted , Local Grain Ucalinjs. W1TKAT. ( Juh Xo. 2 , 1 10 ; cash Xo. < . 1 Ofiis rejected Sr.ic. "iUAIUjJjX' . C.i h XoS1.01.J \ No. 3 , 78c. ' HV1J. C.-vili , OJSc.i ( _ _ _ ' ' ' OATS. Cash. o3 V. Livestock. AT 01IAI1A STOCK VAltDS. Cattle Good shipping , 51 00 ; cotvs au.l . heifers. § 2 5@3-00. Ho-s Mixe 1 pa-jkitij ; , 8"i 7. > @G 00. Shojp SI uuhtcring in demand at S3 00 @ 3 7. > per 100 Ibs Kro-.s. Provisions. FIiOCTli Snrnijj wlieat , nlraight grade , S3'25@350 ; patent , , J:5 : 7.t .10 ; winter wheat Htraisjht grade , § 3 73 © 1 00 ; iiatent , $4 OD@150 ; graham rye , $2 50 ; , $2 7 : ll\'K Vr.OUlt S3 2.- . MILLSTUFFS liran , t > er cwt. 70o ; ficrceningpur cwt. 70SOe ; shorts , per cwt. SOc ; chopped ft-eil , per cwt. 100 ; meal bolted , yellow , 1 15 ; whito. SI 2."i. rOTATOKS lOe(3U ) ( 00. SWEET POTATOKS Very active at fi@Ca per pound. I'OULTlty Live chickens per dozen , $2 f.0@ 2 75. rilAIKlK CIIICKKNS-S2 2.5@3 00 tier dozen. \ KGGS Vcty dull at l18c. ( ! BaTi'Rlt Choice M.irceat20@25poor ; , no iiiiiv pt ; creamery , 30c. Al'lTiBS Ciood. fiouiul , very soiree nt St 005 1 J > 0 pur bbl. IlOJfKV Calif iruia white clover in comb , 21@25c. t LHMONS Steady ; uer box , S10 00 @ 10 fiO. Finest ilessina ciraugus S3 00 repacked. UTAH PKAOHK3 82 7. " ) psr i bushel basket. DOM KSTIC ailAPKS fiettlngscarco at fi@Gi : p r Hi. IXEAI'KAIIS PurbosS350 ( 400. CALI 1'OKXIA PLU.MS-S2J50. OALIKOIlXfA PKACIIKS-5.3 . 0. CALtroUMA CJltA PKS-S200 , VKlSUTAIHjKS All kinds briiiK KOO < I pricm and hC.nce , BKJWWA'XYellow , 18@20c. OX1OXS SI 2"i@l fin per bushel , CABUAti B SI CO1 HO per dozen. Grocers List. COKKHi : . Kb , lair , We ; Kio , good , lie ; 1H" > , pi-hno to choice , ll..cjOld gov't Jiiv ; 2iilC < i2rfiu. Mochn'Sic ; ArbuckluV , 17ic. 17ic.1TAS. . ( Junpowder , goodl. . ' rMc ; Choice , C.0@7."c ; Imperial , good , -10@iric ; Choice , ( M ) ( j7rif ; Voting Hyson , tfood , 'M@ fiOc ; choice , ( ' ) © . * 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf , 3 > o ; Japan , choice , tiO@7"ic : Oolong , go.xl , 3Ti10 ; Oolong , choice , -IO@.V > ; Souciioiig , Kood. : iT 10ii ; choice. WfoJ'loc. . SUGAIIS. Cut lo.if , llje ; CruOiwl , "HAc ; Cranulatcilj , lie ; Powdered , SVP.UJ'S. Sugar house , bbl.i.-Bc ) ; haf ! bis , tabb Maeo 61 00 , SOOA. DwIsht'H m paper. ' , M 00 ; leland - land do , f 3 00 ; Church'Vi 00 ] Keg soda , STAUC'lf. ' Pearl , -lo ; Silver O.lo , S\ \ tfS'lc ' ; Corn .Starch , S 'Jo ) KxcelJor GIon. I'/c / ; Corn. 7.c. SALT. Dray lo.uU , | ier bbl , 1 flfi ; AKI- ! ton , In wiolsH , n , "iO ; bblsdaliy ( iO , 5 , JMS ; bbUilairy , 100 , 3s. : ! ( ) . . KHUITS Choice halves , lUacUberrios , nuulie. . CinSESH Full Crcaw , Skim , Hie , WOOD KNWAIU2 Two hoop pall 1 85 : threa hoop pails , 2 10 ; No. I tubs , U'OOj No. 2 tubs , , 8 00 ; No. 3 tubs , 7 00 , pioneer waahlioanU , 1 85 ; Double Crown ; 2 75 ; Globe Wnnhlioard.250 ; U'cllbncket * . chain , and fi ply , 20121i ; Colored carpet chain , per II ) , ' . ' 0 ; LKAD liar , 61 C5. JIATOH1W 1'er cidille , 85cj round cases , S7.3.'i ; Miuaro coer * , $1.00. PRO VISION'S 15rcakfa t bacon. M , , sholca kml , 13Je ; dried beef , 1 Ic ; * h uld- era , canvni > od "io ) ; hamn , canv.-v.sscd HBJ bacon , xldes 13Ko NKW riOKLKS-Medluro , In barrel , f , * 9 00 ; do in half bW , 8 00 : < mialls , in bbls , 1100 ; do , In half bbls. I ! SO ; fherkinin , 12 00 ; do.In half bbls. 7 OC. VINKtJAU Pure apple extro , llic ; pure apple. 13c ; Pruning iiuro apple , 15c. 110 .U IN Y-Nuw , $ 1 3o ] > er bbl. DKANS-Medium , liniul picked $ IUO per bushel. l.'OPK-Skil , J inch and larger , O.Jcj 'i Inch. Scl ) { : inch , lOJe. SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , a 00 ; Kirk' * Kxtjuet. 3 ( ! 0 ; Kirk's standnm , 3 50 ; Kii-k's white lus ! inti , 5 B'Ji Kirk's liiitocn , 325 : Kirk's 1'nilrio Ojieeu , (100 ( cakes ) , 3 10 ; Kirl.'i miiKimlln , 4 SO. OANDliHS Dox-es , 40 Ibs , 10 078s 15cbo\t-s ; 10 Ibs. , Ill oOs , 1 loj boxi * , 10 sets 14 o/ . , 8 < , 13Jc ; half boxes 20 f cts 14 07. , 8s 13c. IjYK American , 3 10 : Greenwich. 310 : Western , 2 75 : Noith Star , 2 r.O ) Lewh' lyt1 tiO ; Jewell lyp , 27. ' > , POTASH lVmt ylvaul.i cans , 4 do ; . , In case , 3 SI ; llahbitt' * Hall , 2 dnz. In civ-e , t ! > 0 ; Anchor Hall 2 doin c.xse , I W ) . FIKM ) SKKi ) Kt-d clovt-r , olvilca new , § 000 per builu-l ; mammoth cluU'i- , new , S7 CO ; white clover , now , $11 00 ill nl fa clovi-r , new , $12 f > 0 ; al-tlke , new , $1300. Timothy , good , now , ) 00 ; hluo grnoi , ( Mm clean , SI CO : blue gross , clean , SI 2. " > ; orchard grass , $2 50 ; ml lop , i-lioiiv , I 03 ; millet , common or Mhsoml , SOc ; millet , Ocnnan , SI 00 to SI 25 ; lliiUL'.ii-inii , SOc. HKDGnSljKD Osagc oranue , 1 to 5 bushels , 85 00' imjje oranj/o , 10 bushuls or over , Sfl 50- ; honey locust , pci1 lb. , 35o ; per 100 lid. . $25 00. FISH Fnmily white fish , 10 lb hf bbK , ? : i iiO : No. 1 white full , 00 lb hf bbl , U ISO ; No. 1 white fnh , In 10 lb kit * . 1 W ) ; family 10 lb kit * . 7l".c ; New Holland ht-vrintr , per keg , 1I'O ; llu-'oiaii sardines 75c ; t/olnc - lii.'i ilvir whuonpcr lOOIbs , 8 00 ; CSotiiitc's I'r.nk cndliOi , ( ! u ; Gen. boncli-MJ coilll h ; SJibonelesi ; full , 4IJo. M ACKI-iUr : : , ] falf bbli mosHnnpl-crcl , JOO llrv y 1250 ; hf bbl No. 1 ox ulnue il > > . 100 Ibs f. 00 ; bf bills , fnt family do , 100 Ibs , Rmo ninckoivl , 12 lb kits , 'J-J1 ; No. 1 ox ln > iu , 1lb ! do , I fiO ; No. 1 thoie , 12 lb rln. 1 00 ; fat family , 10 lb do. 75e. CAXNIJD (5 001)S Oyster ? , 2 lb ( Field's ) , per P.-WC , SI 20 ; do 1 Ih ( Field's ) , per case , 2 50 ; do 2 lb ( Standard ) , per c.isc , : t PO ; do 1 lb ( Htandaul ) , per , 2 10 ; do J lt > ( black ) , per care , 2 75 ; do 1 lb ( dark ) . fir case , 200. Onion" , .1 SO. Silnion , 1 lb , per doci , 1 05 : do 2 11 * , per do/.cu 2 50. t\-iixllnis : , Mimll full , imported , _ one ( punter boxeJ jicr bov , lljc : Amuticnn , icpi.u-tcr IHIXCS per box , lie ; do half bo\i- , porbos2lju. . Lobstere , 1 Hi per ito/.cn , 1 SO. Tonritoas , 2 30 ; do 3 To pnv c.vse , 310 ; Corn , 2 lb ( Mountain ) ) cr case , 3 70 ; soaked com , 210 ; do 2 llj ( Yarmouth ) , per c.i"e , 375 ; Miingbc.ius. per cn e , 200 ; Ijimn , beans nor case , 2 10. Succotash per case , 2 20. 1' , common , per oaie" , 2 00 ; peas , clioico , per case , -I 50. Itlackberricj , - ll > , ! ' ' oi f , 2 SO ; strawberries , 2 lt > , per O.XKO , 8 03 : riisjibeviie * , 2 1) ) > , per case , 2 " ' " ' 'ff'S ' 00. D.misoiH , 2 lb , per i.Me , 215. . Utirrlett peart par case , 30oi00.Vliortlobor | - vies per c.v > " , 2 SO. V.g'j plums , 2 1 ! ) per u ; c , 8 25 ; do , choice , 2 lb , pjrcie. : [ > < 0. ( ir-cn g.iges'J ll > pur ca'-e , 3 " * > . dui.-iiuit.-c , ' . 11 > | iL-r t-aso , I 50. I'ins Applet , 2 ll > , pcrc.i-.i- , 1 01X813 75. Pcaclies , 2 tt > per case , : i 10 : do 3 It ) , c.i e. ( i OO&li i.O ; do , ( pic ) , 'I If ) , p--- case , ! ) 25\lopie ; , fi Ih , per down , 3 ! " > 0. liICJK Carolina , SfeSJo ; Louisiana , 5-f "I'KAXDTS Hoisted , choice , rod Ten- nosec , flc per 11 > ; fancv white- , lOu per lb ; BAT virile Vinrinia , 10'c. ' Dr , Goods. KUOWN COTTONS. Wnckoye JJ I. 7c ; Continental I' , do , be ; descent LL Cfc ; Crescent C 7'c ; Croeccnt l > 7 a ; Orescent A St. ; Gramtevillo IiL Gjc ; In- dian'lfead "Ac : J.a\\i-eiico Mi , O'c : Ports mouth I' , ilc 4'c ' ; Utica C 5'o ; Winthrop L , ( If. 7i'e ' : Wiiclm-'ctts 71c. BliUACllliD COTTONS-Altoniia 3-1 lie ; Auburn A11 S\e \ : BallauKalo i-4 ( Ho ; Dairy Cloth ! > \c \ : Fairmont 4-4 ( Uc ; I'lrtiit ' 4-4 IO.1. ; Ho e 1-1,80 ; Lunmlalo 1-1 ! Jc ; New York -Mills 4-1 13c ; Poca ett C t-t ti..c. ' Waaisntta.4-l.lSc. PRINTS. Aliens tiincy , ( He ; Anicii- can do , 0)c ) ; Arnold's do , 7c ; Americin ilOjGoiJjCi'Jin soliil colornGfl.Concsto 'adolilc Coehico tobo , 7c : Frueman robe , ( ! c ; Dmtncll do , 7c ; Kddvttorn ! do lie ; ITninionyr cJaitcltic ; [ ( ; Knickeibocfccr , ( i..c ; Gloucester do , ( > ic ; Jfainilton , lUc ? llamilton do , 7c ; Marllibro do , 5't'c ; Simtli- bt-id o do. fiY'c ; Sprague do , TiAc ; Simp- hou's solid black , O c ; Simp-on'a mourning , 7c. Southbriilje do , O'c ' ; } Cv iitta do , 5c ; I'aeific do 7c ; hprigiio do , O c , .Ntanclicstor , 7c ; Pacific , 7c ; Sptaguo ; flic ; Southbtid Clc ; Myhtic , UAo ; Mcrti- mack nhirtinB' , Oo ; Washington oil color. ) , Oe. Oe.OAMBUICS Oanier , 5c ; n.irmcmy 11 , 5c ; HiHikAett , i > c ; Kcjbtone Glove l'ini li , Tiic ; Washington , f.c. COn.SHT .TJiANS Aiultoscoggin sat- teen , SJo : Tjockwood do. Ou ; Naumkeag do. , t'lc ; Itockport , 7c TKJKING Anmskeag' A. C. A. , 17.\c ; Albany H. A. X. . 17ic ; Cordis A C. K. , 17ic ; Coi\lis , 1 ! . K.f UkConestnga ; , It.C. , Je"dStriielU [ o ; Conc-'to n , C. C. A , fan cy , 14c , Conesto a , \ , ( ' . C. A. , 14c ; Cones- Uiipi , > -l , Cold Medal , Ifio ; Conestoga , 17..c ' ; Kaston , 15. , tlc ) " ; llamilton , D. , 11-i ; Jlainiltoii regular , 13ic ; ir milton 11. , llic ; Omcgastipcrior , 27c ; Omega medal , 25c ; Ome n A CA , fancy istripe , ISc ; Omega A 1-1 , IOc ; Omegu A I , 13 ; Pearl Itiver , KHc ; Shetucket , S. , lOlc ; Shetuckt-t , S. S. , 12c ; OIL OLOTfl 5-1 wood. S3 00 ; 5-1 fancy marble , $3 00 ; " > 1 white marble , ? 2 85 ; li 1 wood , § 3 CO ; 0-4 fiuiey marble , $4 00 ; 0-1 white marble , S3 85 ; 5-1 mo- Kiic3 00 ; ( M immic , . l 00. DKXINS Anioiikenx blue nml brown , lic ( ; Ueavcr Creek , A. A. , lilua and brown , lUc ; Uoavcr Creek , I ! . Ji.bluo ami brown , l.'l.Jcj ; Itoaver Ciuek , C. C. , blue and brown , I2ic ; Kra-ctt 1) . I ) . , blue mid brown , 15 1 ; llavmakers blue and brown , ' ! ) lc0t ; ! , A. X.'A. , Imic , Ific ; ( Jth B. 15. blue , 14 ; Otis C. O. , blue , l..c ; Pearl Kiver blue and brown , * " ' - bro , , 12. ' . Htrlpeslajci Dundee s.tii | > s l c ; Fall lUver , llic ; Haniden O. O. , lOJc ; Lion " American , lOc ; Amoski-ag , 11 Je ; Dexter A. , lie ; VcclmnicH. Sc ; Omega , Jin ; Otii B. 15. , lOc ; Pittifieltl , 7c ; Uncasville ' ' . , 'Jtffl'JJc. COTl'DNADHH Angorft. D. ft T. , 25c ; A. V.A. , 2ic13ell ( ; , IScjBriik-ewater , lOo ; Caitol ISc Charter Oak , 18o ; Kxurctt . . , Wliittenil n , D. & T. , LOc ; York , light 12Jo , ' SI I K 1 rr'l XGS A ndroscogcin.O- J brown 2Ju ; do 10-1 do , 2flc ; Pupiierell'H'J-l brown , 25c ; do 10-1 do , 27.Je ; Alexandria , ! ! ! Inch , blcachod , 13c ; Amliosco-ojln ! ) , bleached , 2 < iu ; do 10-1. bleached , 2c ! ) ; Poppeiell , ! l-l , bloachvd , 25c ; do 10-1 Uua bed , 27io. Drop's. DRUGS AND C'HK.MIOALH. Acid Carboliu , 50o ; Acitl , Tartaric < 5.ric : Balsam Copabla , per lb , 70c ; Barlr , S.imiifras , iiur Hi , 12c ; Calomel , per lb , 70c ; Cinchonidia , per oSOc ; Chloiofornt , per lb , ! Kc ) ; Dover's powdtrx , | iqr lb , SI 40 ; Kp'-om "saltf , per Hi , 3c ; Glycerine , pure , per lb , Me ; Ltad , Acctato. peril ) , 22o ; Car lion oil , 110s , per : allnn , lljc ; do 150 , pergnl , KIJc ; Oil , ( , Vtor , No. 1 , per ( pi , PI 10 ; Oil , Castor , No.3p r iral.SI 00 ; Oil , Olive , jier gal , HI fiO ; Oil , Origanmn , fiOs Opium , S4 M ; Quinine , 82 10 ; P. & W. AIt. . per lb , 4c ; Htrvclmhie. ner m. , Horccs and Mutes , Tlie market is britik and all giade are uelliii ; ; well nt .it light advance In IIIICIM. Thu demand fur > ; oed horivus exceed * the KUpply foiifclilcrably. Pilcei range as fol io wus Fine KiiiRle driver * , 8150. to 300 , ; Hxtra draft hoi-hex. $175. to 225. ; Common dra.'S horscK. 3100 , to ITiO. : Kxtrn funn horstv , . * > 110. to 125. ; ( Common togocxlfiinn horxex , SOO. to 45100. : Hxtra plug * , $00. to 7i5.J Common plug * , ? 20. to $10. > IUI,1-S-15 , : in 15J humid ( extra ) , 612.r. , tolf,3.t 14J to 15 lmnd , S100. lo 140. : II lo llj hand.s $ rr > . to 100. ; 13J to U hands § 00. to 75 Clears and Tobacco * CIOAHS. Seeds , 815.00 : Connecticut , $25.00 ; Mixed , $35.00 ; Seed Havana$50.00 ; Clear Havana , $75.00. TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Hide , 24 lb. OOc ! Spotted Fawn , file ; Our Hope , r.2o ; Star , pounds 2t lb , butts WK'j Iliirto Shoo , pounds 21 lb , butts iiJ-'c ; I'uiity , 21 lb , butts , 52c ; Queen Bee , 2.1 tb , l.ntts. . 53ot l"Ilt ! 1'Mge , poumU , 21 lb , butts 57 ! Antiy mid Navv , | nmds , file ; Bnlllnn , pounds fiGes Lorlllnnl'a Climax , pounds 7c. FIN'KCUT In pails-llmd to He.xt , " 5n ; Golden Thrt-nd , 70c ; fountain , 78c ; Favoiitt , UV ; Itocky Mountain , Fancy , fiOc ; l > niy , 45c.In tin foil- Catllits O. S. , 2m pai-kaKO. < , " lb per HI i'.0c : Lnrlllanl * Tiger , ( iOc. RMOK1 Nil All grades Common , IK to 33c. Humiliated lll.u-kwclls Dm ham. 1f o ? llc ! ; Dukes Durham , 10 o4.V ; Seal of North Carolina , 10 w , 4i ( ; Seat of Ncbras. ka , NioSsVj Lmioilnck. 4 n/ . linen bags per lb , $1.35 ; Mai-burgs' Puck , 2 uz , tin foil , fioc ; Dotf Tall , I'.Jc. Lumber. FI- : NCI NO-No , I , 12 to 20 ft , S25 00 ; No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft , . , 20 00 ; hct-Uii } , ' dies od , No. 1 , lil 00 ; No. 2 , 1800 ; common hoard- , droned , 23 00. Fit AM I NO.-Hi ft. ami uu-ler. per M , 21 Ci1j 10 ft. otwldlnjj , 2J 00 ; 2. ! ft. 22 00 ; 21 ft. DC. 00. KIN1S11TNG No. 1. finish 11 , U and 2 inch , S55 CO No. 1 finish I liic-li $ . ' .0 00 ; No. 2 , IJ , U mid 2 inch , S5000i No. ' _ ' liuMi , 1 inch , $15 00 ; Nci , 3 Hilsli , 1 iu.-h , SIOOO ; O. ( J. Inttons per 100 feet Hit. , 61 50 : well curblm , ' , 035 CO ; rough V ami 2 inch b.iUmn per ICO feel Hi' . , OOc. STOCK P.OAllI ) ! ? A- tock , ? 15 00 ; ' 3 S10 00 ; C , .TiOO ; common htnek , $25 SO. F.OOI1NJ ! No. I , S42 50 ; No. y , S-P7 IiO ; No , 3 , 27 GO ; yellow pine , No. 1 , S45 00. yiDtNfi No. 1 , SJ7f.O ; No. 2 , S'J500 ; No. 3. i-"JO 00. KFIIP r.AP Plain , S25 aD ; O. G. No. 1 , 37 SO : No. - ' , S25 00. CiiMNO : SoO OO/i 515 00. ' T.AT11 AND SI I rNf ! LKK A i = tai-best ( ) tl.itijles. SI 03 , No. 2 , $3 00 ; No. 3 , .52 00. I.uh,84.00. fj Dulldlon Material. IJMK-Per barrel. SI B5 ; bulk perbu. , 35c. Ciitunnt , bbl. $2 f.O. iowti plntler , bbl , f.2 50. llnir per bit , 35c. Tailed felt 100 Ibs S3 50. .Straw l-o.ird , , < 4 00. PAPUIl St.r.w paper , SJc ; rag paper , 4c ; dry ( , -oocls paper , 7c ; nianiln paper , IOc ; IIUWH pajier , Ko COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 512 ; Morris ] Uui lllo-slim-g , § 12 ; Whltobrcast lnmi ] , 56 ; Whitebtcast nut , SO ; Towa bin.M , SO ; Iowa nut Sd ; Uock Springs , S.S ; Anthiaeiti.- .sues 811 00. Hldc < , F-uis , Etc. IIIDKS Rreun lmt.-lii-r'n hide , 7 $ pern cured hiiicM , SJc : preen salt , ) ) 'ii-t cini-J hides , Sf5lc | ! ; ilrv tlint , Mimul , 13 ® ! Ic ; ilry calf nud'kip , 12i5"c ! ; dry salt hideshoium , Ili712o ( ; Kietu calf , wl. S to 15Ibs. , 10(51 ( Ic ; jjroen calf , wr , under S Jus , per skin , . ' -Oc ; Rrcen pelts 51 OOftf1 ! 15 ; fjrern lamb n' ' VI 10 © 125 ; damaijed hides tMo-thiiil ( cut ic-oicd nml ono uiub , clas-ed Wool. Alcrino unwashed , light , 14@103 ; heavy , I'ii I.'ic : medium unwashed , light , lPS ( < 20c ; tub-v.--sht-d , chuicc , S2c ; fair , SOc ! dingy and w. , 2Sc ; bmiy , bl.ick and cottul wools 2Jte less Shot. SHOT. Shot , 81.75 : Buck shot , S2.00 ; Oriental P.'wdor , kegs Sii.iO ; iln. , half keg * , $3.-J8"do. , ( ptaiterkeg.s 'jl.S" ; ! hv < , licirs. f.s.35 ! : Fine , ncr 100 feet 60c. Heavy Hardware List. Iron , rates $3 20 ; plow steel , cast , "Ac ; cast tool do , lriVO , v.-agon spokeKh 2 25ffi3 ( 00 ; hub" , pers-et , 1 25 ; fellow , sawed dry , 140 ; tongues each , 70 ( 85e ; axle * , each , 75c ; ninaixnntM , per lb , 7llc ; washers , peril ) , S@l8c ; tivets1 , ] > erlb , lie ; coil chain , tier lb , 0@12a ; malleable , .S'B ; iron weilgesic ( ; crowbars , lie ; harrow teolli , 4c ; hovhe-jhoes per keg , 0 00 ; sjn-ing Rtcul. 7 ( < § f- ( ! . NAILS 10 to 20d. 350 ; 8 to 10. 3 0 > ; fid , 3 00 ; Id1 15 ; 3d , common , 4 .IO ; 3d , fine , 0 40 ; clinch , all frizes , 5 15 ; lid , casing. I G" : Sd casing , 4 4' ' ; lOd casino , 4 15 ; 30d finish , 4 05 ; Sd finish , -I 00 ; Ikl liniih , 5 15 ; half kegs , IOc extra. Palnls Oils and Varnishes. PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omahn 20c ; French zinco , in oil ivsst , loc ; lltvw and burnt nmbciv 1 lb cans 12c ; raw and bm in. Sii'inia , 13j : vandyke brown , 13. ; refined lampbl.ick , 12c ; coach black , l"ij ! i"ory black , lc ( ! ; diop black , llic ; Priissian blue , 30o ; nltrainarino bine , Ifc ; chromu gteeni. \ . M. & 1) . , 14c ; blind and hhuttor tjreen , L. M , . & IX , lie ; P.irSs green. ISc ; J"diun red , 15c ; Venetian led , lie ; Tuscan ; Ameiicaii Vi-niilliod , I. &P. , ISo ; uhiome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D. ( ) . , 18c ; yellow oclne , ! ) o ; golden ochiv , 1C ; patent Tlryor , Gc ; graining ucilor.s : light oak , ilaik 0.1 < , walnut , chestnut anil aih ] 2o Dry Pnlnls White lead , die ; French zinc , IOc ; Paris whitcing 2Jc ; whiting uiltleiv , Uo ; M lilting com I , lc | ; lamj .black . German- town. He ; lampblack , ordinary , tie ; JVii/- Hiaii blue , 4"c ; nltnvmaiinc , 18o ; vuudyku , brown , I'c ; umber , burnt , 4c ; mnbcr , raw , lu ; Mi-nun , burnt , Ic ; sienna , raw , Ic Paris Kieen genuine , 35e ; 1'arin giccn coin' ' 25i : ; chromu Kru'n > N. Y. ' 20cchrom - gu-en K. , l-'c ; veimillion , , , 70 < : ; v r- million , America , ] 8c ; Indian red , IOc , rose pink , lie ; vunetinn read , CookfonV " /o / ; Venetian led Am. , 1''c ' ; red lead , 7ic ; chromu yullow , genuine , ' -Oo ; chrome yel low , 1C , , 12u ; och i e , lochulle. 3c ; ochre , Frenchy oclno , Ameiican , Hi ) ; AVintcrV mineral , 2 0 ; lehlgh blown , 2Jc : hpnniih brown. ; Prince' * mineral 3u ; VAKNlfJUKSBnnvlH p > r K/illcm / , iMinillnio , exdn , 81 10 ; furniture , > o. 1 , ilfnrnitiiH- ; , K5c ; c-o.icli , c.\tra , 81 10 ; Coach , No. 1 , 51 01 ; Diimnr , SI CO ; .Imian. 70e ; a-iphaltnm , 70c ; tht-llac , 3 CO : hum oiHInU ) . * 13 ( ) OIK-J-110'carlion pn-almi [ ; ! , HJn ; 150' i uadllght , porgidlon , 12ji175' ; h.-adlljjhl . * pel-gallon , llic ; cryitloliiiu , per gallon , 20u llnc-i.'c il , law , jiergnllon , C2c ; Linked , bc.ll- . eil , per gallon. 03c ; Ilurd , winter str'd , per gallon , 1 05 N < i. 1 , 75c , No. 2 , ( > 0oi castor , XXX. per gallon , 1 25c , No. 3 , 1 10 ; nwci-t purirallon , K5c ; sjicnn , \\r. B. , per gallon s' .Tii fiiMi.W.B , , pi-r gallon , tiOc ; m-atsfoot' extra , pt-r gallon , 75c , No. 1,05 ; btmbi'ii , eating , /.uro , per gallon , . ' > 0c , Miinnn-T , l.'c golden machliK' , Z\o. 1 , pergallon , 3.r r > , No. ' - ' , 2f-V ; liponn , signal , pur gallon , 80o ; tnr' pent ioc , per gallon , ( J5c ; luiptliii , 74 dcg , ; ur gallon 2Cr > , G3 dec ; , 20o. Lltiuor. ALCOHOL 1ST prool. f-2 35 . uitiu galfon , uxtra Cahfornlii cplriU , 187 [ imof at 1 20 per pioof gallon tilplo refined Nphits. 187 proof , 81 21 ; per proof ( . 'ill n.-di\tllleil whUkies , SI OO&'l 50 ; fine blended , 81 T.O ( j2f.O ; Kuntncky bourbon bon62001(7 00 ; Kentucky and v.mla ryiv. M C05/7 00. JlKANDII-IH-Imtiortcil. § IJ domci-tlo 1 40 ( & l 00. O I N8 Imported , 4.r.0 ( 000 ; domestic , 110 ( & 3 00. HUMS ImporU-'l , 4 mfiCi 00 ; New Knaltxiid. 2 00r 4 00 ; domestic , 1 WJ(5 ( . " , r.Oj J'JJACJII AND AIM'LK BltANlJY- 1 7 4 Of ) . CHAMPAGNES Imported per cace , M ( Ha3l ) ( 00 ; A uiL-iican , per ta t12 OOfe 18 00 , . OLA Hl'/ra Per case , 4 r.OtS'lfi 00. WINKS Jlhinuwlne , iicr case , J fC Cat.twh.-i , per uat-e 4 OQa,7 00. Produce. LiVKitroot. , September 27. Flnnr American , 10s MfflSa Wheat Winter , 10 < OdMllH Id : white , 10i 8d@ll8 ; prlng , 1010d ; club , IH © 11s Tut , Corn OiHd , Pork-60) . Laid-Wo. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH Grniul Junction Mnrcot < GiUNHiTu.Ncriox , Septembers ? . Kgjfs 13c , Butter 13c. Prodnoo. . September cmhtftdng 2,400 of wheat , Io37 of corn , Il40"t o.its3l'Oof rye mid 1MI of b.uK.y. Flour Huled sti-ong and It mer. De mand nooil , but mca ra olferings Inter fcrcd with trade , Wheat In No. 2 spring large specula tive bm-incfs was tlaiuactcil , thotmlt hhoitly fter noon the mm kit for n whllo rule n'ulet nnd stc uly. ( iciu-r.illy , feeling was very Mil ctt'.i-d nnd decidedly BtroiiRrr , with PIICCH showing an ndvnnco of 3 1 3J pur cent , , compared with Sattmlity clos. ing liguro-s liriuncM IK ing most maikcil for cflph mid Ot-U4.or. . Delivoiy Bt r .iuj. f all Iccling duM-loped laie . , buyingoidew were lectlvod from ontsldo points , Marktt Im.dly clo.-ed njohigln rfor cash3Jc ; hlghi-r for ielli-r mid October , and 2 ' higher for November. On the board , and on call board at 1 3i > ] | for September ; 1 4'g ( for October ; 1 40 j for November ; 1Hg for IKccnuH-r , and 1 3'JJ for the year , Coin Actlvu httiiiK'ns w. H tran.iiieled in No. 2 , but f cell in ; was i-omewh-it nn- i-uillod , and plicei thtctuated con idvia1ily , \\ithlnii mi.itl inline : feeling a- lit in. Karly mni tt openwl about .Jo higher , and furtlnr ndvnnced flt'iic ' hnt ufeiliiwcro ( ! ineivfttedhen out ! < ldo lixiircM weiu reached and pticw giadually settled b.xi-k again dining tinlrtt % r pint of tha i-o.-ision Mnrkot llnally closed about JJo higher for cash ; ftc higher fur seller Oetobor , and Ji highir for n-llcr Noveml'ci. On the u'"tt Itir , anil on the u-tllb tard at tMIJc fo fop October ; "O'.o ' for Novcmbi-r ; 7'Ju ( ' , for Drrcmbvi ; U'lo loi- the year ; 7-li''i ' 7 lie for OaU Firmrr ami higher ; No. 2 closed atlife fo" October ; -ISjiC'i1 lUfo for No vember j 45Jo for Dtceiubei ; Sll o for May. Ifyu Finn ami slightly hlghci ; No. 2 , 1 10'foiOctober ; 1 13.J for Novi-mber , lliuley Dull nml inactive ; No. 2 , 114 for cash and futuns. P. rlt Fniilv active and firmer : mess cloM-il ixt 111 25 forHeptnmboi ; 111 Id for October : IttfiO for Ni > > ember ; ID C5 tor .January ; 20 S2J fof Februi.ry. liaril In tr ' .l inquhy at 12 22. } for Oc tober ; 1237.for'November } 1250 for Dei-emliBt : l'J20 for the year ; 12 77i lor .Iniiuaiy ; 12 87i for lYuiuary Ui'i.K Mr.viH VuchaiiKtMl ; short ribs at 10 : i"i fi ir.ifl. . : 10 :10 : < ? 10 ! 5 for Octo ber : 10 iW' 10 25 for November. Whi Icy-QuVtut ] 17. , 15,070 bu ; com , GO- ; ) 122 I in ; oats. cr,285 bu ; rye , 12,4131m ; lint-ley , 21),853 IIM. Shipment- wheat.11,113l-u ; corn , 455- 0211m. : oat ? , 12J,7C. > 4 bu ; ru1,201 Lu ; bar- lev 12-17'.i 1'u. The nl nve ( iyi T.-S include the movement xinco last alun ! y. Xiix'o Stoolr. cAdo , C7. Cnltlc Keci'i/itsto-dny / , 0,000 ; total tor two dayn , 10,41,0 ; quality very poor nml umikot Mow ; cxpoils fnm at 0 HO JO 'JO ; ( .001 ! to chu.cti n'u' ' | , 540(1' ( ( ! 10 ; com mon tc if air , .TJOg1 Wi ; pour cattle , ve-y dull ; Imtchciii' itoi-k flow and weak nt 2 CO (34 ( 00 , mainly at 3 0053 40 ; hlookew m d feed M , 2GOiJ100 ; mnjie caltlo , weak- Texan s JSCOi'ir. 00 , mainly 3 204 00 ; half-b.ceds'nativcK , 3 70@1 CO. Shocp Kcceiptt to-day , 1 , 00 ; for t\vo day * , 3,800 ; mnrktt very dull and 30j lower ; WyomitiQg'U \ ' 1X < ! commo . In choice imt'lvcH , ,310 © 140 ; inftilor , 253(3 ( son. llogts llcceipt'i to-day , 1 1,000 ; now on ti 00 ; light , (5 ( CO@G ! )0 ) ; chnice hea/y , 7 00 ( IT 40j culU and gr.i ei-H , 3 yOC jG 20. Tfoxr Yoi-Ij ; Proilitoo- Nuw YIIIIK , St-iitMnbcr 2C. Flour 10 to ICc highei ; > - . 2 , 4 M ) © fi 35 ; city mill e.xtia , 1 (107 ( i'O ; common to ohoico extra , C T.OffiS r.5. Wheat Modetatuly active and higher ; No , 3 red winter , 147@lI7i ; No. 1 . ilo , 1 Mi ; No. I whitis 1 4U.1 [ 4)1 ! ) No 2 Chicago anil Milwaukee , J 45 )1 ) 41 ; No. red , Siptimljer , 1 Mi jil 51 . Corn Opened J ( > vo higher , .but closed w < ? alc with the dvaneo lo-t ; r.nsr.idi-d mixed. OllS7So ! ; No. 3,731K74c ( ; No. 2 , 75(3i7f ( > ic ; No. 2 , September , 74j > chid.T Oats Fairly active and higlicr ; No. I white. r.3c . ; No. 2 doSO' Glc : No. 1 mixcil , 41JcmixeiJ ; wcAtrrn , I26i4lic. Hyu Quiet but linn ; 1 01@110 for car llltH. ISni-h-V Very htiopg nnd octivo ; No. 1 liiiuht Canada , to ani\o October , 1 23 © 1 25. I'm k StiniircrbutiHleli'pot | ; new most , 1 ! ( 87 > , ( gil ! ) 20 ; do Oclobrr nml November , Liiil Finn and fairly actUf ; 1240 for cash ; 12 374 for .September and October. Beef Unulinmjol. Cut Meats Unchiinged. Whisky Vnminal. Ciuciii fttl Produco. CINCINNATI , rieptcmbcr 27. Piovf ions Jlu-u imrk , jobbin ; ; at 20 TO @ 21 00 Lard-Quiet ; current make , ISOngHSlO. Bulk. Meat-i Dull ; cliai-ribt-k'osill 0 < > . Bacon .lolibin clear rib Bido.s , puckcd , 12 25i.12 . 37J. Flour Finnci ; family , 7 00u,7 ( 25. Rtrontr ; No. 2 i l , 1 50. Corn Firm ; No. i ! mixed , 71c. Oats Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 40c. Jtj-c Firm ; N. . 2 , 1 MJ. ' B.irliv-Rrron ) ! 1 lUfilJO. . WliUky Finn utUfi. _ inr ; Oil Murlfot. Pn-Triiiuiid , fi ? ptcmbiT 27. rols PhtMburg bale i .Saturday fid',1,000 l rcls. _ I'coi-Ja Produce. I'KOttiA , .Sci.lcmbi'r 27. Corn -Finn ; high miMji , filiJC'tfiOtf. Oats Hifh { rNo ; , 2 whito. ifiW'MCc. Jlye-Kirm ; Iln. 2 nt 1 Ili < ari2. IH0'h WincH-Highcratllii. ] lci-Ipt , 7,221 bn ; corn. 103. R2 > bu ; oats ,450 buj rye , 11,125 bn ; bailey , 3 100 bn. Shipment * Wlnnfc , f,00 , bit ; corn , CO , /.CObn ; oar. , CO.OC'O bn ; iyi > , l.COU bu ; barley , 3,200. WILMINGTON , 'jeiiUmbcr 27. Mpiriti Tiiipciilnu--Uuli ! ; Mitt , 3 (15 ( , vlrjin. 2 'J5. Toledo I T < IMDII : , September 27. A.icat Easy ; No. 2 red , 1ICtf for and O.tobrr ; IlO'l I for November ; 1 02J lor December. Coin Kay ; No. 2 , 70u for October ) 7J'.o ' for November ; O'Jo fur thn year , O.iU Dull ; No , 2 , 45o for .Si-pUmber ; 4 1 Jo for Octolcr. ' 030 ; medium 700716 , Ui VInii. Wlifiit No. 1 ! red winter , firm at 48.1(81 ( J83 cnsli liinl .SciiUinlicr. Corn MixeuVL ttTii ( iua nt " 5i ( j7f'c. ( Bfc Itoult Llvo Stock. ST , LOUIH , B | iU-mbi-r 27. rit ; Yorkcn * , 010(50 ( 05 $ imcVinrr , tl aSffiO SOi butclieiH' to fauoy. 0 W@7 W ; fi M&fl ) ipj rcccljit1) ) , 0,000 licnilj , , ' ( ,600 hcuil. S < . Lonlo Protlnon- ST. T/oitis , Sciitcnilicr 27. 1'loiir-Hlcher ! XXX , C ttyif.n PO ) fami ly , il 8 , ' @ 7 ( X ) ; choice to funcy , 7 1D& 7 W ) . \Vhenit UlRhcr nd in cUl l ! closril low rj Js'o. 'J reil , 140 © I 4(18 ( for cn li ( 1 - irj@l17 for October : 1 TK/ ) for No- clllllcr ! 1 51j | for December ! 1 f > 7 for .Inn- Mfttj-j 1IflJ for llio ycnr. Hnlei rmii-ed 3 Mi to I MJ ) for Nnvcmb-rj I.V.G21 61 for Decent' ' cr ! N > 3 , 'lo , 1 X > & 1 3C' | No1 , lo. I2i , . ( Vrn-lllslirr : fit'.lo for c.vh : OBJo for October ; ( i'.ij@0jc ! ) for Nn\cmbcr ; 703 ® i'Ojo ' for Di-cciiibcr : "SiJ/'Trio / ' for Mixy. ( ) .it UlRlier ; laiWiajc for i-cib-ll ; ® lllo for October ; llwo for December. I ! yo- Higher at I OSlGfllO ! ) . Unrley jjtcaily } choice to fmicyi I 005 ? 1 1.1. 1.1.WbWtv . ' nt 1 HI. 1'iovUloin-Voi'k-gilict nt 111 7fl. Dr\- Suit Meats Film nnd slow nt . Itncoti- Slow ntut firm nt OW ® ! ! C'i ® 11 "OCnil'J 12.J. lanl-l'irm nt IS 15. ] { cci-h > t * Vlour , 8,000 bbls. : wlicnt , H7IKH ) luu com , U'.OOO bu ! eMs , 42,000 1m : r > c , 8,0 Oj li.alny. .T-,000. Shipments Flour , 111,000 bbls.hcnl. : . 0,000 1m ; corn , W.OOO bu : "a , U',000 1m ; ne , none ; but lay , none , PhilnTolihiProtxucp. . run.Mii.i'itiA ) : , Si'iitembi'r 117. Whcflt Viiinei- . > , 1I Jlfol 48J- for Keiitcmb.-r , 1 JS rcilISH l'ini1'irm nt 7 @ 7Hjc for cnsb nnd So ] > l ember. O.xts l-'irm nt fiOii)7Jc ( ) : for enih ; . ' .OJo for September. l\ye Xoiiiinnlnt I 10. _ BILLY REED. His Trial nnd Acqiultnl. OAKHAM : , l > Tul ) . , Si' | > li'inhcp 21 ! . Tlio Hilly lU'i-il oiiHO.Tliucounsol for thoslutu , Mel.onyhlin , ofVst Point , opiMicil HID a-iiso , with 'I'liiijiHw ' O'Duy for tltii dofcukiCion. . ilohn Cowin closcil tliani-yvuneiil for Iho dufan&o in n mnnti''Ht ! ttinl injiRti'i-ly tnnnnor and Moljon hlinuloauil on thu part of thuHtctto Oivat inlorcsl imnnnifiKlcd in the e.\s < _ > . A lar o nninbiu- Jartiod listun- to Iho iiv iinioii ! . of couiKul. Dur ing Uon. C'uw ' iii's ni-i'ttiirlv itjincul to the jiny lii.iuy ] i-iRoiiH ahuil tcir in llio liu-c ) i iiuootlii-'i o { Iwtviiurp. Hilly -Uuiil npi > t' . rn tot.iko r.iatlors us i ! oas- autlyaiany of ( liu ujioctiitora. It in gum-rsilly Bujiposod that ho will t ot oil with a fchorb tinu ! in tlio in.-nilijtitir.ry. oJl'oi-ta have boon undo to man- ufiictitro pilblio opinion in this c.iso. - ,1. R NJVITV. : Later - Since tlu nbavo in typo it in lo.irned Uuit the dufi-ndnnt has buun SPEAKS. Mr. Herako Wants Fro lection Prom the Thiovea. To tlio I'tlUcr < > ( THn Hoc. OMAHA , Septuubor i7. J _ vi&itud by partiea tvftor midnight dnriiiu thu fair \ \ culcvhon all iloora woru locliL-d its well IIH the window a. Tlioro iiion clioctod an entrance by uniting a jvino of tlass ; out of my front door. Nothing wiw found nii-6in but the small cbnngo. I inforniud onr city maralial and sonio of hh aub- ordinate ollicors , that , they shoulil employ thunmclvcs around my corucra aa it ia the worst hottluinenl in Omaha to live in. As I boliuvo , and all good citiuons in Omaha , that theru ia u ct > r- tuiu roaolution on record that all hoimes of prostitution bu abolished ished within two bluchn of the Iliird ward school liouno. 1 and all of my ni-ij-hbois and good citi/.uiiH have looked for the cnfoi-ccinont of that rciiolntiun. Now it in my ahicuro bolii'f that tin-so autual tluno and houses harbor the lowest and dirtiest , Hiivakin litllo and bi { ; thiovca that aver viuitud onr city. Now , Mr. Edi tor , I have been still so fur ; but I can stand it no longer ; of midnight dis turbances , of bellowing and hurrah ing all night , nnd all 1 ask of onr city adminintiatiun i.i to unforca and rid ua from this ovil. They broke an other JKIHO of glass on tlio other lido of my house lint _ niL'ht. and ; : n luck happened thin time did not get many nicki-ln. Now all 1 bi'g of you and pi'.rticularly our city ad- iniuibti-aliiiii who have the power in their hando , as layed before them by onr Council , in to abuliuli all of these evils which they have failed tdo ip to now. Hoping ntriet attention bo paid to this evil and imrliculiirly to ils removal from the neighborhood of tlie Third waid nehoul bouse , I am , KllKIJ IJI'.llXKU. Hods of DOTVJI Feel All l-etUfcem haul to Iho iliQim.atlc. Then barken vo V "vi''h ftilTen- . A | i ] > Iy DI'J'homuH1 Kluttric Oil to ytiirachiiiK juint.i aid miuck-K. Ki-ly upon U that you will ixiM-iiuiicu luuiieiliato lulitf. tiiicli. nt li' , It tiu ! ttftimmi i'f tli"be who lirvo tifetl it. Thu it-uittly vfully reiiorlud to nml duoaMK , HjJiuini' ' , Linl'-i.i' , cto. ' 'i'lic Cuiumli'iionoiN. At Uiu lint meeting of the cuinmis- $ ' 51. J ! ! were devoted to the Uixci of CSeo. D.'j for \vork on thu roads. Jacob Wnnur ; ot $21 and Hani Gunderson 815 for \unk oil road ; Jacob \Vu inur , oak post , iJ DO ; I > . P. Hedmati , CUDO / ; OHO. D. Ho- pass , woik on ioada , S-'f.H ? , Win , Ilugcdorn , meat for poor , § 13 , U2 ; J. II. ilanclu.'slL-i- , ai-count of 18-S1 tax lint , S'liGO ; , F. A. Walfoflpld , IninbiT , C12 ; JXIIICB MoLuu hlin , JJ10 Id ; Uhi- c.ig < i liiinbur company , Slf)5 } ) ; Harry Uolf , work on road , ? JLJj John 1'etor- don , account Karnham clreut tcmdo , WOO ; Tetcr O.utiidy , work on roud , ? llj Qco. II. Guy , taking in- punopurBon to asylum , C < : )2.t0 ) ! ; ( Jib- ROD , Alillcr it Hidianlfion , bookn , -'JL'- 30 ; John 0. Jacobs , coroner feeo , Sll.iiOj Henry ABtnmn , witnusa foca , 80 ; G'eo. II. Peterson , haino , ? 8 ; coroner's jury , $ ( ! ; two witncKsi-H , Goo , A. lloa land , Inmlmr , fcUl'J.i Andrevr Hmden , agent , ticket forpr.u- per , § 1.11 came , ; , 0 ; V. 11. 'flionma , work on road , Lure ( Doolcot. 'J'lio docket for the October term ( if ( ho district court ia about completed nud uliowa fiDIi cnfiea for trial , thu lar oat number of caaca ever on docket in Doujjlaa county. Thia very largo docket 1.1 due , lo n great extent , to Judyo Savage's prolonged illncHii Bunnnor , when very few cases vroro tried at thu June term. DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS . HOT KM. 1 ItOrKTKTOltS. TOWXS APAPAMOE HOU8C , L , OLUTE , Arapalioo , DtNVER HOUSE CAIRNSA WILLIAMS , Hasting ! , Kcl ) . 8ANDERB HOUSE. CHAD. E. McNISH , Friend , Neb. WOODWARD HOUSE , WAREN WOODWARD , Exrtcr , Nth. PACIFIC HOTEL , 0. J. PORTER , Fairmont , Nell ESTES HOUSE , N. T 1.8TE8 , Grnncl Island , Nelx U. P. HOTEL , 0. F. OERflY , Gibbon , Nub , COMMCfJOIAU HOUSE , F. W. WILMS , Kearney , Ucli , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , T. M. STONE , Orlennt , Neb , HOLLAND HOUSE , GEO. D. HOLLAND , Red Clout ) , Neb. WILDER HOURS' THOMPSON RECD Wllbcr , Neb DLUC VALLEY HOUSE , R. DAVIS , Do Wilt , Neb. HEYNOLD3 HOUSE , Z.-O. ROCKHOLD , Wymore , Nob. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , A. 0. OAARPER , Hardy , Neb. WCQTCRN HOUSE , E. FUNKHOUSER , Chester , Neb , PACIFIC HOTEL , W. P. REHSHAW , Uoatrlcc , Neb. SUMMIT HOUSE , GWAtl & liECKHR , Crct'.on , In. JUDKIN3 HOUSE , JUDKIN3 ft. URO. , Dctt Oak , la. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , WM. LUTTON , Vllllicn , la. PARK HOTEL , W. J. OARVIN. Cornlnir. In. nURKE'8 HOTEL , E. R. CURKE , Carroll , la. ' dHENEY'S UNION HOTEL , CHENEY UnO3. , Mo , Valley dime. , IA. NCOLA HOTEL , K , SIEVERT7 , Ncol.i , In. CENTRAL HOUSE , 0. P. ANDERSON , Matveni , la , UMEKSON HOUSE , A. L. OHEI.DON , Cmcrxoti , U. , V t CKOMVVr.LL HOUSt , MRS. R. COCHRAfi , Cromuutl , I , , "JKHUASKA " 15. 31. It. II. | DORCHESTER. Allen it Ma.xliclil Oenorul U"rcliandi.-e. W. 15 , Toolo Oniiornl Mm chnndino , Thou. Jim-nit Wlmh-tulo nnd Uottiil Grocer. JloMinnirt t Hlirya llin-dwutc , Stoves , Tin was c and Ttnptcnieiitrt. . ) ohn 0. llorlcua -Tiinbor.Cial i , Liuio , CSlnm , i&o. * riannu'l ( > . rmili'l- Jnn5int. [ W. IT. Sawdun. . . i ' Hcfttuur.uil. nnd OonfccLionoy. S. II. lluniH Station A ont U. A M. TC. IS. n STAR STOVE POLISH SSSn AND BEAUBRUBE&SELBOOTBLAOKraa 0- MARBLE HEAD LIME GO/8 Se Mine t-r i'7 i7l 'Vf < A "wrki-l" > nJ ! 1"'jJ"3'S.2ItVl ; ! > 5i'7R'tir'iT" * * ( ft ' * a WSi. BT. iiAu idsUMKill , f ABB Lumber , Lath , Shingles , Thirtconth and Cnlitbrnia Stvoott' , OMAHA , - - - N33B. stSlmtllm Tobacco irom 25c. per pound upwai'ds , ' > - ? Piper , from 25c. per dosen upwards. ' ' Cigars from . $15.00 per 1,000 upward ? . i NOW OFKlilUNO VOK ONE MONTJ1 ONLY 3T.X TCJ A TS 1 A TTfflTCI' Ifc -OEKT- Ladies' ' Suits , Cloaks , Ulsters , Circulars. Etc , 200 Haudsomo Snita , at $5 00 ; 300 Stylish .Suita , 75 Black Silk Suits , { J517.00. \Vo luwo euvoral lots of atuplo notln which will bu oflbral t SEVEHTY-FIVE CEMT8 OH THE DOLLAR. All IniJica Kh-iuld avail thomculvt.-n of thi.t grout nulu of OOHSBTS AND UNDERWEAR , 'WHEN AND MOHAIR ULSTERS , SILK AND UN'K.N IlANDICEllOJiraFS , LAWN SUITS AND SACQUIJS. ISS MCDONALD. MAX MEYER & BRO , , iho Oldest Wholeaalc and Retail Jewelry House in. Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in Silver Ware , Clocks , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , Ihe La test , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in Precious Stones , aad all descriptions of F i n o Watches at as Low Pri ces an is compatible , with honorable dealers , Call and oeo our Elegant How Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Farn- ham Streets MAX MEYER & BllO. Milo o awe j . ss J pffl ] P R 6 IN 'IUK WCVtl General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured , Our prices rre as Low as an3' Eas em Mauufactui'er and Dealer. Pianos wl Organs sold for cash or in-i almionts a * Bottom Prices. A SPLETOID stock of Stoiiroay Pianos , Knabe Pianos , Vose Sc Son's ? i- r aiioo , and other makes. Also Olough & V/arr < 3.n. , Sterling , Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c , Do not fail to see us before pur chasing. & 12T J JSS Buy the PATENT PROCESS I It always gives satisfaction , because it makes a superior article of Bread , and is the Cheap est Flour in the market , Every sack warranted to run alike or money refunded , W. M. YATES , Cash Grocer.