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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1881)
mm tM' THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 28 , 1881 o JUNIATA JOTTINGS. The Central Nebraska Fair n Success. Attempt to Settle tlio Squabble Over tlio PostiimstorsMp. Correspondence of The Bee. JUNIATA , September 24. The Cen tral Nebraska fnir has just closed its annual display at Hastings , lloyoml all question it was the largest and best exposition ot the kind over hold "in this part of the stale. Much of the credit is duo to Mr. President Kent , of Mindcn , who was indefati gable in his ollbrta , and tu Air. L. 1) ) . Palmer , the elllcient and wide-awake secretary. Adams and nil the contiguous coun ties wcro well represented , not only by pcoplo but by products. Hoi- stein , shore-horn Durham and grade , cattle made p fniOidisplay. The swino1 .orftrieirwe're Inrgo omuuh ; for a state fair , and were mainly of a superior kind. For somereason iho sheep showing was sadly dclicicnt. The wheat.corn , barleyryp , oftts , . timothy thy seednnd'beatii-joxliibitS'wcr'e'a'll that could bo desired. Mcssts. Lefever , of r , cJuniata , and Gould , , of Hastings , shoired somo'l'me samples of sorghum syrup. Of agricultural machinery , windmills , etc. , them appeared to bo no ctid. ' Floral hall was a perfect wilderness of beauty and utility. Wo , 'havo si'onjfar inferior displays in the Bolder eastern stales. It was emphatic ally "wotnafi's Ucingdom , " and she reigned supreme with theicrcations of "lior genius. Wo were surprised to find so largo and so line a display of fruits , apples , peaches , grapes , plums , etc. , attlraotrd niUch attention , de servedly. Of course , wo had the usual races. Thursday was perhaps the day in this department. Tlio entries in the trotting were Dexter D. , a Kearney horse ; Brother Jim , of Sutton and Duster. Lextpr D. took first money , his time being 2:45,2:45) : , 2:43 : and 2:40. : Brother Jim took second money. The B. & M. base ballists , of Oma ha , played a lively game with the Hastings club , and got left. In the pigeon shooting match there were six entries : Messrs. Black , Hayden - den , Young und Gould , * of Hastings , and Messrs. Hill and Dutton , of Juniata. Mr. ' Young took first money , killing five straight birds. , Messrs. Black , Dutton , Hill , Hayden , and Gould , killed four each , and of course were obliged to "shoot off , " when Mr. Black pocketed second money. rOUTICALLY , the cauldron begins to simtner. > On an average , there are about ten can- 'didates tor the several offices to be filled this fall. At present , it looks as though the republicans would have a "walk-away , " as usual. Tlio Alliance men , had they clung together , could havn rendered the fight a close one. But a very considerable minjority hero opposed to independent political ac tion , and they have men and are making their power folt. You may , expect , ' tlioreforo , to see the old regime indefinitely continued. CONfillESHMAN VALENTINK came over hero the other day to pour oil upon tlio troubled waters of our postoftico imbroglio. A poorly bal- astcd interloper , who had been hero a little moro than a year , and who had managed to secure the control of the Herald , had gotten the inside track' with Vol. , from whom he had re ceived the appointment of postmaster. A storm of indignation at once arose , and delegation upon delegation waited upon Mr. V. , and entered their prot torts. A petition , bearing the namci of 250 of as good men ai wo had in the county , had previously been sent to Washington asking the appointment ot Lieut. Shir- Icy , a bravo and gallant soldier of the late war , and , of course , the patrons of the ollico did not like this ignoring of their desires sacrificing Mr. Shir ley , a resident of some ton years' standing in order that a now man , of whom they know little , and that little not very favorable , might ride into the best ollico in the precinct , and also over the head of an infirm hut competent , old gentleman.a dea con of the church of which the carpetbagger pet-bagger is also a member. On listening to the arguments presented upon either side , Mr. Valentino ac knowledged that ho had made a mis take ; and wo now waiting to see what ho is cuing to do about it. JAUNTEH. A Muttorol'BusIiiosa. Brooklyn Eagle , ' "You were out last night , dear , " said Mrs. Breezy , taking 1'or scat be- nido the brcakfaut table and fumbling nervously with her fork. "Oh , no ? " said Mr. Breezy , "it wasn't lato. You see , darling , you wore asleep when I came in and " ' "No , Mr. Breezy , tl was not asleep , but as you say , it was not late for you. Nothing would Convince you that the . clock struck 3 as you closed the hall door , Of course business detained you , my dear. It is wonderful how much businoa a man will transact after midnight , but of course wo women know nothing about such things. Wo never can understand you men , can' ' wo , dear ! Wo are always imaginin ; all sorts of horrid things when you happen to atay away a day or two without sending us oven a lino. Women are so nervous , are they not , dear ? What silly creatures wo arc , to bo sure. If wo would only go to bed , and go to sloop , it would save us a world of trouble wouldn't * it , dear ? Wo might know that you strong men can take care of your- solves. If you are obliged to Bit up until 2 or J3 o'clock in the morning talking business with your customers , it is really ungrateful in us to com plain ; for , of course , you have the worst of it don't you , darling ? How ft must have bothered you and how tired you must got , and think is nil for our sakes. When you como tottering homo NO tired that you can hardly got upstairs , and throw your self on the bed without oven tlio strength to remove your boots , we should appreciate your devotion in thus laboring to support UB' Now , 1 last night , dear , when you stumbled 1 over the rocking-chair and foundyour- self obliged to cling to the hcadboan to support your weary form , you pro sentcd a really sad example of th overworked 'husband and father When your shattered nerves causei you to upset my fresh bottle < i cologne and scatter the con tents of my work basket eve the floor , you really looked tin typical mnrtyr of married lifo. O course yon do not remember it , dear Yon wcro too tired and worn out witl that horrid customer to remamber anything. What n dry , btupid time you must have talking business up ( o 3 o'clock in the morning , and you look so sleepy nnd used up this morning I would really imagine you had uxpcf ienccda severe illness if 1 didn't know il was these terrible racking business cares which pull you down so. I see you have cuito ] lost your appetite , dear. You haven't even touched your ateak , Now , dear , this will not do. You must not apply yourself so close ly to business. It is killing you , " am Mrs. Hrcezy's mouth curled into a de cided sneer ns she1 dug n tablespoon into the fried potatoes. "But , my clear , " said Mr , Breezy , making an heroic effort to swallow a little of the steak , "it was a most im portant engage " _ - "Of eour o it was , " said Mrs. Breezy , as she poured , out a cup ol codec with tiombling hand. "Ol course it was , love. Your engage ments are always important. Thoj will nuver keep over until morning - ing , never. What if these cngiigomcntB these very im portant engagements * occur five or six nights out of the week ? It is a sign of your pvospeiity. SJlould 1 complain if you are obliged to meol your customers at the theatres am' concert halls , and at poker parlies in out-of-the-way hotels ? No , dear , you are obliged to adapt yourselves to your customers' ' mode of life. It is all in the way of business , and we short-siglio ; ! wives are very unreason able to suppose for a moment thai you frequent such places but of choice , when oven instinct would teach us that you would much prefer beinj , homo in the bosoms of your families , Yon dear , abused husbat.ds ! IIo * patient you are , to bo euro , with us fidgety , unreasoning creatures ! " am Mrs. Breezy pushed back her chair with a jerk and loft the room. CINCINNATI'S SCHOOLS They are Equal to Any and iu Many Respects Lend all Others. Something Aliout tlio MJuutia oi Their "Workings. Correspondence ot Tbe lice. CINCINNATI , September 24. Cin cinnati has for years been famed for icr unequaled , unsurpassed school system. Mr. llickoff , still , I believe , superintendent of the Cleveland schools , first elevated to excellence and prominence those of this city. The Forest city recognizing the worth and ability of that gentleman , bid lighor and captured for itself his invaluable - valuable services , and Ohio's two chief cities have 'over since been waging a rival , but honorable contest , the guerdon of superiority in the direction of public school achieve- ncnts. Inch by inch and stop by stop Cin cinnati's public school system has ad * vancod , and when , jn 1878 , in the world's exposition at Paris , she en : orod the list , challenging competitors 'rom every quarter of the globe , she received at the hands of Mr. Philbrick , ex-superintendent of Iho public schools of Boston , this compliment and testimonial : "No other exhibit of scholats' work equal to that of Cin cinnati was over made in the known world. " Two great educational feat- ires of this city had their origin in : he free common school. I have rof- ronco to the College of Music and to ; ho Art School or the school of do- sign. For many years the teaching of nusic , con fined to vocal and theoretic nusic , has been attended with highest wssiblo results. Nearly a score of 'ears ago to such n pinnacle had musi cal attainments reached , that Boston , irouc' and. exclusive Boston , traveled vest to the city on the Ohio , for a nus'cal ' director for her schools About thirteen years ago , drawing , as i branch of study in thapublic schools , was introduced. It encountered much opposition nt first , but this gradually cssonc'd until now it has virtually disappeared Ilcmarkablo and aston- shing has been the progress in this department , and the outgrowth of vhlch is thoArtSi'hool , where designi ng for wooJ carving , painting , nodeling , tculpturiiig , etc. , are aught , and which attracts scholars 'rom all parts of the country. In act , everything tends towuida making Cincinnati the Hciddolborg Loip- sic and Lusdon combined , of America. Advancement , improvement , pro gress , are the watchwords Hounding ilong tlio lines in the public schools of ' . Every year almost somo- hing now an\i beneficial is inaugura- ed , and special and particular p.iinu and labor devoted to.t'lo . development if the bait results in some one or norosubjects. At tlio present time very considerable attention is given to what is known and styled as "system atic forms. " By this is understood that the scholars are to do thuir work , of whatever kind , arid whetherslatoor paper is used , with the principles of system , order and regularity , clearly discernible through all. The eye in thus cultivated to ho plcoRud with that which is tasteful and not incon- gruod and inharmonious Neatness , ciirofullnosfl and ihoughtfullnost , are likewise qualities that in 'his way and manner become fostered und encouraged. Somewhat of anew now dcnarturo has also boon taken in the matter of history teaching , Instruction in this branch of study is mrcro or lens confined to the biographical portion of the same. In asmuch as all even * * are , as a matter of course , directly and intimately , associated with the lives and doings of individuals , the knowledge of bio graphical history carries with it the knowledge of history as rotating pure ly to the hopponings or events of nations. The object gained by thU plan of history teaching is ( hat th dull , dry , barren statement of occur roiiccs , not in themselves intercstin to the ordinarj' school boy or gill mind , becomes clothed with dramati like lifo. Living , moving beings conv before the eye , every interest i awakened and every action and development volopment keenly anil closely watched Tlio study of history in Iho schoo room thus becomes a ploaanro and delight light when formerly it presented no attractions. Another feature of school work hero relates to the teaching of arithmetic ii the lower grades. It is done by whal is known as the "Ten's Method" nnd acknowledges John 11. Peaslco , super intendent of the public Behoofs of the city , as its discoverer nnd deviser. These pupils just entering school for the first time , have placed in front ol them on a wire stretched across the desk at which they are seated ten balls-live white and five blncki These represent the units of measure and number , and with their aid their earliest calculations are performed. Kach number is separated into all of its component parts or divisions , as for instance the number 5 is made ur of five ones , or two twos , iir three anil two , etc. When the result of the calculation , whether in addition or Riibtraction , is in excess of ten , the numbcr'ton forms the basis or modi- inn by which the mathematical opci.v tiun is earned on. To illustrate : example ample- 5 > 4 ? As-11111011 of the second number is taken and added to the fust as uill produce 10 ; and the remainder subsequently added ; same principle governing in the process of subtraction , as for instance , Uko the example , 12-l-i ! Last number is taken from the component part of 12 repivsunlcd by the number 10 , leaving which added to the other component part 2 , ijivca the true result , ! t. In behalf of thin method it is claimed that the ob noxious habit , mi common to children , of finger counting is avoided. If such is actually the case , then this system should bo universally adopted. Another most important innovationin the r.cliool curiculum and oporati > o in every grade is in inakinir the scholars acquainted and familiar with the writings and literary productions of the best authors , and for this purpose choice selections from various writers are , at regular stated intervals , road to and by the pupils , and from time to time committed to memory. By these exercises a taste for the very best class of literature is created , and at the same time ethical prcscepts are inculcated in the most easy and wholesome manner. These lessons likewise servo as most useful guides to the teachers themselves. Many of tlfem are thereby forced to drop'Mrs. South worth for George El liot or Walter Scott , cast aside Miss Bvitns for a Prescott , a Motley or a Macauloy , to forgot thatthoro existed v Mrs. Holmes , and to become fnmil- ar with the lives and writings of a Webster , a lioaconslield , a Madame lo Stael. Intimately connected with his feature of school instruction is the celebration of authors' birth days , two such celebrations taking place in the course of the school year. This gives ample time for preparation and for the study of the history of the author and lis works , whoso birthday is to bo bus honored and commommoratod. For1 the benefit of trustees , school nen and others interested in the Bub- | cct , wo would call their attention tea a paper read before Iho Ohio teachers' associationUield at Chautauqua , New York , July { ) , 1880 , entitled "Litora- iitro for school youth , " by J. B. Peaa- Ice , superintendent Cincinnati public schools. Doubtless , all desiring , can obtain the address by communicating vith said gentlemen. Having noticed the special branches of drawing and music , I must not omit ncntion of thn penmanship ' work. ? rofessor A. E. Burnett has had charge of this department for some en or twelve years , and 1ms raised the tandard to such a height that rival cities yield the palm without contest. Cincinnati still holds to the old- ashioiicd policy of main supervision each district , inteimudiato and high chool being in charge of a male prin cipal , none of whoso time is engaged n teaching excepting the high school ) rincials | ) , who must teach in addition o their work as director and BU- icrviBor. Tlio attendance in the dis- rict and intermediate schools range rom ( iOO to 1200 pupils. In some of ho outlying districts , where the Mipulation is moro scattered , wo or thrco small schools , ocated for the general convenience , and constitute one school listiict no fur as relates to the advan- iigu and benefit of principalship in oncerncd. Tlio board of education consist of one member from each of twenty-five vaidsand twelve elected at largo. Jiitil recently it consisted of two mom- t jcrs from each ward , which made it ather too cumbersome a body. Cjn- innati is deservedly proud of the mlendid success achieved by her pub ic uchools , and in the main , returns o the governing and iimnitging body , non of probity , of stainless character ind of honorable impulses. Thin' is nero especially true of these elected runi the city at largo. To some ex- out in the paat , political chicanery nd influences not calculated to foster nd udvunco the public school inter- sis have prevailed. Il is claimed hut under the now law , whereby a > ortion of the membership of the Kurd of education must ob- ain an indorsement from the entire ity , that a bettor .and moro disinter- istpd performance of duty character- the proceeding ? of that body. That she maycver continue in the van- uard of the educational forces of the ountry is the fervent wish of all tlio IOIIH and daughters who have imbibed cnowledgoat her educational foun- ainn. B , Experiontlo Dooct. Wo mimt toll Borne men a L-rent deal 'to each them a little , but the knowledge of lie curative properties of iSi'itwa IJr t ) . on In cases of tick headache , indigestion , nil bMoutmeta in bought by experience , 'rice Wl cento , trial botllea 10 cent * . H'nodlw Buoklin's Arnica Salvo. The host Halve in the world for outs , miises , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , over spros , totter , chapped hands , liillblaiiiH , corns and all kinds of kin eruptions. This salvo is guar- ntoed to give perfect satisfaction in very case or money refunded. Price , 5c per box. For nalo by Ixu & McMAiioN , Omaha. No 0110 who in tJiorouRbly In Ihobo d'N lull ai liable tu il ! < ( M ho tlmt ll Ifo mty bo bv con Uecom dlove , ami no may tlio Irrivulixr , hut IIOH not ncitly M subject to ouUldu InlUionccs. Tlio c of Tarrant's Soltsor Aporiout , occurrs roRiihrlty , ( xt\il consequent timnumlty from slcVnc" , SOLI ) 11V EVERY LADY There exists a mentis of so nriiiff a soft and brilliant Complexion , no mutter how poor it may naturally lie , Jlncnu's Magnolia Jlalni is a dclicuto mul harmless nrti A \/I MIIit\ JUA iiiriJiT/im | 111 * gar Flush ings , etc. , etc. So flolicato und natural are its elFccls that its nso is not suspected by anybody. No lady has the rijht io present u disflixured fuco in society ivhcn the Magnolia Halm is sold by till druggists for 75 cents. Vest for bctns tlio most direct , quickest , nnd palest line connecting the srreat Mbtro | > alls , CHI- CAOO , and the KAsrrnx , NORTII-KAITFRN , SOUTH nil SouTll.b'lsrr.nN LINKS , uliltli Urinlnato their , vith KANSAS CmI.KAThNrtoimi , ATCIIIDOS , : OU : > CIL IlM'Fr.i nnd OMAHA , the UOUUXRCIAI Jr.stKiia ( rom u hleh radiate EVERY LINE OF FtCAD hat penetrates the Continent ( rom the Ulsrourl llcr to the Paclllc Slope. Tiio OHIOAGO ROOK ISLAND & PA- OIFIO RAILWAY s the only line ( rom Chicago owning ( rack Into ; ansan , or which , by Ita own road , rcachos the lolnto above named. No TnAvsKKiis nv CAnniAonl O MISSINQ CONNKCTIO.VSl l.'f ) huddling III 111- entllatcd or unclean cars , us < ncrv pintcn cr Is carried In roomy , clean and \untlUlod coaches , pen Fast Express Trains. DAT CAHH ct unrlvalctl miK'nlflccnco , PULLMAN 'ALACK SLiixrixu CAK8. and ourown world- famous IIKINO CAIU , nnon wliich moa'.s ' are scnwl ol uii- urj > as6cd cxecllonce , at Iho low r te o ( 'rns CK.VTB RACU. with ample time ( or licalthlul njoymont. Through Cam between Chicago , Poorla , Mil waukco nnd Jll sonrl UKer Point * : and cloro con cctlona at all points ol lutcr > .ocllou"nlth other ends. Wo ticket ( do not forget this ) illrertly to o\ery ilaco ol Importance In Kaneait , Kcbm-ska , I'.laoK lille , Wyoming , Utah , Idaho , Keimla , OUIfornl.i , Oregon , Washington Territory , Colorado , Arizona nd No * ' . Moxlco. As liberal arranKcmcntH rp ardiui ; ny other Hue , and rates o ( ( are ah\nj H am ow ai ompotltora , who furnish but a tltbo ol the com art. art.DOJJB and tackle ol rportsmcn ( roe. TlrliCtfl. itrnpunnJ folilors nt all prlnclial | IIIcos In the United States and Ouiiada. K. H. CA11LC , E. ST. JOHN , 'lee Pren't&acn. flen. Tkt anilPftcs'rAjr tlnrmucr. Chiiwrn Cnliniio , i Sioux City J ; Pacific. ' St. Paul fis'sioux City BAILROADS. J1E OLO P.ELIAIILK KIOL'X CITV UOUT1 ! 3L < OSD > MILES SIIOUTEU UOUTE 3.C5O OOUNOIL BLUFFS O ST. PAUL , MINHUAPOLIH 0UI.U and all point * In Northern Iowa. Minnesota and Dakota. Thia line la equipped wjtli thu linjiioicd Wcitlnxhou5C Autoniatlu Alr-brako and JIllIoj I'latforui Couulcj nnd ilufTvr ; and ( or SI'KEl ) . HAFCTY AND fXUIKOHT Is uneuipaiscd , Klrjrant Drawing Kaoin n Skeplntf Cure , owned and controlled by Iho coin puny , run throiittli WIT"OUT CIIANUE lieU o-i Union I'aslllc Transfer ucpot nt Council BluHs , Mid St. 1'anl. 1 Mini leave Union Pacific Transfer depot a liiuiru nt f > HS p. m. , reaching Sioux Clt < at 10:2 : < i . . ni , anil St. Paul at 11:05 a. in. making TEN HOyilS IN ADVAHCK OK ANY OTI1KH I HOUTE. Kcliirnlnj ; , ksio St. I'uul at 8:30 : p. m. , arriving Sioux City 4:45 : a. in. , and Union I'aillloTrans uli pot , Council Jllnlfa , nt lM : > a. m. llo at jour ticket ? rrwl vh "S. 0. fi I' . I ! . It. ' I' , a II1IJ.S , hiii > urlntcndcnt , T. E. JlOIlINoON , JIlMourl Vultoy , l . A 8t. Cci Ib-n. Acnt. J. H. O'HI AN , I'ai"i'or | Agent. . ' 'innncll ' Illnfl * . Tnwo. A. G. TROUP , ATTORNEV AT-LAW DISEASES -OK THE EYEOK DR.L. B. GRADDY , Oculist and Aurist. LATE CLINICAL AeSISTANT IN ROYAL LONDON OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL. tefcrcucci all Ileputahla 1'hysk-lain of Ojnalia fyotnce. Corner 15th and Tarnham 8ti. , Omaha , Neb luifinittf u are n mi 'Jf ' younro * r " ' ual UUMVIH1 man of ] r * - nnrdli/thoktrnln. . . tcrntellinKuYrrimu- your dutlo avoid nlk'Ut wink , to rr > hllnmlaiitand uuu lei c brain neivr and Hop Ditters. astc , UM > Hop B. KyouaroyounirBndl iSiifferlnKfronicny In- dlimtlon or ilhiliial I lion i If you aru mar rlud or ilnglo , old or1 Toune.tulferluif ' poorbcAltli tr * Uiiuutnh. .Inu un M boil " ' uuu , rilou Hop ) I Blttora Whoeror Ton arc. - wlicBcrcr you licl ; I nuail/froiu uomo tliat your n tit in I ' form of Kidney nccdi clcantiniTi ton ' --twi that inlfl't - - ln or fthnuiatl-- t tlmulr uwiuf tulco Hop HopBlttore Bittern. / * - IlaTBycjirfl/- o. i. o. $ , 'luooMi U * n abaoluto laM ' nd Irrenlnlo- fcoirf.'i. . "iloatl" drunktnneil blo e u r o ( or ute of Oilum | , Y JU win ue lolj oooor cured If fou UK cu-cotlo. Hop Bittcra weak . ow rliiwd Clrcultr. tt It mny uorurmn avoyour Ufa. It hat uro co , , saved hun dreds A Toronto , Oik tlj 3'T \.tFf J _ 'TL m f rsu TS * . * " . No Changing Cars Wlicro Mtr * ct connections nro wmlo Hh Thrnual CAR I.INK3 ( or NKW YGttK , ItOSTON , i'IULAUimUA : , iiAi/rui WASHINGTON AND ALL EASTIIHN ITIU8. Tlio Short Line via , Peoria IVir INDIANAPOLIS , CINCINNATI , LOUIS- VILt.K , mid All point ) In tlio Til It I < Mt LINK For ST. LOUIS , Vhuroilhoct connection * urn luailo In the Union Dciwt with the Throncli iilix'iiliii ; Uar , I.liiMfor ALI. POINTS S O XT a ? 3E3C . 'JEW ' LIHE DESMOINES Till : FAVOII1TK ItOUTH FOR Rock Island. Tlio unrqMiliHl ImliicrmciitJ offered by till ) line o trvolnntnnd totirlnUnro < i follow a : The celebrated PULLMAN ( lU-whco ! ) VALACT5 fiLKKH.Xl ) CAIS ! run only on thin lino. ' 0. . 11. & ( } . PA LACK .iKAWINl ) UOOM CAIISylth lorton'a Iti-dlnlng Clmlra , No extra iharff o ( or < uts In KeclinlnK Chair * . The famou * 0 , , D. & Palnco Dining Car * . Oorjreous BmaUit ; Cars tied with elegant lilL-h-luckol rattan rcnotvlnp lain , ( or the exclusive UMJ ol llrst-clMH HOSHOM- er . R toil Track and superior equipment combined \tth their Kiut thraiih | r.xr nvrniRcnifnt , makoe Ills. no \ u all otlicrj , thn ( avorlto route to the it , South and SouthcAHt. Try It , and j mi will II ml trnvulln ; a luxury In- t aii o ( a < ll.icoinort. TliroiiKh tickets \lo thU eccbratuil ! line lor eatc t all oMiccs in the United HUtc-fl and Canada. All Infonnntlon aliont nites of ( arc , Slronln ; Car accciiiinoilatloiiH , Time Tables , etc. , will be noorlully i ; ! * en by aj < | ) l ) Inir to fUKCKVAL LOWELL , General'or Aircnt , Chicago. T. J. I'OTTKU , Onnnral Mnniu'or 880. SHORTJJNE. 1880. ' 'KANSAS CITY. St. Joe ft Council Blnffii u THU ONLY Direct Line to ST. LOUIS ANDTIIKKASr From Omaha and the West. [ o changa ct cars bctnei n Onaha and on. and but cno hctwovn O5IAIIA and NKW VOIIK. DailyPassengerTrains KIUCIIWO ALtl EASTEUN AND WESTEUN" UITIK3 with LESS OHARUHS and IX ADVANCE o ( ALI,1 OT1IKU LINhd. Thb ! ontlro line la equipix'd with Pullman'i 'alaeo Hltvplii ) ; Cam , Paloru IJay Coarlios , Mlllor'e > alcty Plattonn and Coupler , and tlio clcbratoJ ' L'houso Alr-brako. that your ticket raids VIA KANSAS City , HT. JOSEPH & COUNCIL ILUKF3 ) Hall- road , ua St. Joseph and St. Ixiulii. Tlfkcte ( or tale at ull coiiimn stations In the AVott. J. K. IIAltNAUI ) , A C. DAWKS , Oon. Snpt. . St. Joseph , Mo Ocn. raeb , and Tlclii't A't. ( , St. Joseph , Mo. ' AXUV JImiurN , Ticket Ah'cnt , 1020 I'arnhani striut. A. II. IlAiiN/nn. ( luicral Avcnt , OMAHA. NK WAR IN PASSENGER RATES I HOIIIlin I1I10S. Broker * in alt Ilallroad Tickets ) , Onialm , Neb. , offer TlcUcIn to tlio East , until further , at the fol'owlm ; unheard o ( law Kates : Clilcairo , CM ; Itound Trip. $21.00 , 'ihcfo are limited Firut-ClaHvTklicta nnd I-OCH ! for rctmn through the jcar'nnd < la the Old Ilellabla Chi- caK'o. llurlliiK'ton Jt Qulne > Itailroail. * AUo , onu way lo NKWYOIUC. Ittclw , SIS 00. liOSTON , ilo tO 00. PIIILADKLPIIIA , ' ! ) 18 CO. WASIIINoTON , do 1800. 1'or i artlciilari. , rltobrro ( direct to IIOIIIIIK 1IKOH. , J ) < nlcra In Ho.luted . Unto lUllrnoil and HtrainslilpTiactn. 601)Truth Bt , , Omaha , Nub. Itcmunhcr Ihu plate Thrco Door * North ol Un on Paullle Itallroad Depot , lJx t Bldu ol Tenth Street. Omaha , Augutt 1,1&81 : Axle Grease HEVHR GUMS ! Unoil on Wiionn | , niiKiiw , Itea ] > or , Thruhcn and JIII1J Machinery. It Ii INVALUARI.K TO KAIIU KIIH AND TKAUUTMIH. It curt * Scratches nnd ivll klndi of sorco on Uocscu anj tltoik , on well M on uiun. uiun.CLAM & WISE , Manuf s , 305 Illinois Street , Chlcajjo.1 WTSKNI1 FOIl PIUCKS. ( o J.H FLIEGLE Succcxbor to J , If Thlclo , ' MERGHANT TAILOR Nn. VSO Bnsmess College. THE GREAT WESTERN OEO. R. RATHDUN , Principal. Crcighton Block , OMAHA , . ' NGBKA8KA. tZTSent ( or Clrcul r , nov.iftllwtf BlaokDiamondCoalCo. W.U LOOUIH , J. S. NKWKLL , J'UKS. HKC , ANU TltKAS. 1.1. . MILMCIt , Aor.NT. HARD OR SOFT COAL In car lota or In miantltlei to suit purchaser ) . Ordcra bollcltwl. Yard , Foot Farnham and Doug las Sto. , Omuha. gc | > 3 t ( John JlcKaddcn wH | taku notlro that on the I0thof Autfiut , IBSl , CUarloi Ilrandc * , Juallceof the Ptacu , o ( Ut precinct , Douglas Co , Neb. , ! iuod an order of uttatlnnvnt for thanumof tiO.tb In an action pending before him , wherein Arne it rait In plaintiff and John Mur'iuMen ( Iifundaiit , that proinrty con l tlii | ; o ( hounchold lurnlturo and linplcmonU lv\i been attai'hed under mid order , bald came WM continued to 2Ut of Huptcmhir , 16jl. 10O'clock p.m. AIWU KUATZ , I'lolntlff , .THIS JKTHW AND CJORRKCT MAP 'U ' Vrotvj jcymul nny tc.vonnb'10 qncstlon thntthii &O & NORTH-WESTERN BY J * oy nil c-ddi the CS4. for you to take when ltnrllnj hi plthcf direction Ictueen f Chicago anti all of the Principal Points In IhoV' \ . I , North and Northwest , t.nrofirtljrojamlnothKWnri. ThnJllnclnM CltlMof on tu i rond. Ui . t'ltousli ' ttnlns nmko close councctloua whU tlio trains of ull railroads a $ Jiiiicllon folnu. . . r. i. THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , ' ' - - - - .rimi picli way dnlly frnm two to gotiinlusiMllio The Imperial Palace Dining Cars. J.ilolVbcr ? ! ! to nsk f(1T Tlc ct < * ' " 'Is swra tlioy rcml over U , nml taUo none othen. ' Km UUOnaT.Ucu'lMniiaBcrOUIcaKo. , W. 11. 8TESSEIT , Qea'l Pass. Apcnt , HARRY P. ntlEL. Ticket AucntlO. ii N. W. Itixllwuy , 14th tind Fiunham Btrcoti. 1) . IX KIUIIALL , AmlntnntTicket Affcnt 0. It N.V. . ibIUvay , Htli and Farnham otroctl J , IIKLI. , Ticket Asont 0. & N. W. U&tlway , U. P. IU n. Dcct. | SAMKST. CLAUK Gentral Atrcnt. Omaha , A Collins heyenne , fi-a" Colorado Fall and Winter INCH LATE AND NOBBY STYLES FOR MEN , BOYS At ID CHILDREN. Hats , Oaps ? Trunks , Valises. IN THELATESTSTYLES. ; , .x % ' "x Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices to Suit * i 1322. FARM HAM STREET , NEAR FOURTEENTH. EDH ERIGKSON , aiVKTIIE I1AUOAIN3 IN ALL JEWELRY , WATCHES , CLOCKS , SILVERWARE SOLID AND PLATED WARE AND DIAMONDS. At Prices that Suit Any Customer Who Beally Wishes a.Firat- Olass Artiolo. STAR TINTED SPECTACLES Art alaopold by us. cxclushiljr COCO H tfc tffc fc fcra ra raB ! fe EHM 3 I CO EDHOLM & ERIOKSON , THE JEWELERS , Opposite the Post Office. O. H. BALLOU , DEALEE IN Lath and Shingles , Yard and Office 15th and Cumings Street , two blocki north of ST. PAUL AND OMAHA DEPOT. jyl-oort'Sm , ]