Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1881, Page 2, Image 2

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Description of a Lively Michi
gan Fair.
- - * -
Notes Along1 the Route Frorj
'Correspondence ot Tlio Pec.
JACKSON , Mich. , Sop'.oniVr 211.
Your correspondent botmlcd th6
train nt Omaha Mandr.y nftofiioon ,
September B , with n lmd ly selected
"wardrobe , nud -wcll-flllcd lunch bas-
"kot , to sastniu the inns : mnn , while
Hjn route to the state ol Michigan ,
Mnny thanks to. ntf old employers
Stoolcj Johnson < & Co. , grocers of
yourcity who furnwhod mo with n
pass over the .WnbaVli line by the way
of St. Louis to OlsMago nnd return ,
Wo crossed tire company.'s monopoly
ely brMgo over llio Uig Muddy , ar
rived nt the transfer , where wo wcro
delayed until -o'clock p. in. for the
western U. I * , train. After much
anxiety on the part of passengcrn , wo
wcro nt lastimtlor way for St. Louis.
The road bed being in good condition ,
the cars ran at times nt n break-neck
pace. To iso the expression of n
Jad aboard'Uio train : "It's but n puff ,
then sho'll zip. " About forty miloi
.south of Council 13luffs nt or near a
place called Emogono , wo wcro attain
delayed , 'this time by n train jumping
Iho traoK'vlown an embankment some
twelve foot. Several cars went over ,
killing ono man nnd n waman , nnd
wounding othora.
Soomwo were underway again , al
though some three hours Into , caused
by tho'dclay accident. The rest ol
the night wns passed in quietude , as-
most-of the passengers wcro soon
sleeping. When ' -daylight ngnin nn-
pearcd wo woro' fast approaching St.
Missouri , like Nebraska nnd many
other states , shows signs of the severe
dry weather. In many localities
thevo were neither signs of grain , hay ,
or even straw stacks , and as for thd
com crop it scorned just as bad , nnd
wotnn say there is a big deficiency
Iwtwcen this nnd last year. Many
fluids planted to corn last spring still
"stands , stripped of it& > loaves by the
wind and not n visible sign pf corn ,
Although there are BOIMO fields of corn
.good , all cut and' shocked up in
order. Cattle nnd hogs nrp looking
poor.and I should remark ( hat thny
would make splendid corn cribs for n
heap of corn. Even the leaves on the
trues seemed scotched ns if a raging
iiro had swept over the land. All
small streams ami artificial reservoirs ,
or "hog wallows , " as I may call
them , were ab dry as a barn floor.
Wo crossed the Missouri river nt
A place called St. Charles , which
showed an important town of some
At 10:30 : a. m. , the Uthwo reached
St. Louis. There wo found wo wcro
to late to make connections with the
cast bound train for Chicago. There
fore wo BOOH landed , sought n placd
for a general wash up , ate a rather
* late broakfdst , or an , early dinner
\ where wo did ample justice to the
eatables prepared by mine host of the
Grand Central hotel. After which
wo , country style , took iu the eights
of this great city.
Teopfo seemed moving hither , nnd
thither , ns much as to say , my busi
ness loads mo this way or that. Fore-
paugh's great circus was in session
hero for four days , commencing the
/V day before. Mnny important build
ings nro in thu courao of erection. Wo
were pointed outsovoral. Among the
many wcro the novy Custom and Opura
House. The latter when completed
will bo quito an ornament to that big
bur ' . At eight o'clock p. m. ; the
conductor's shrill voice echoed "nil
aboard"and , wo were soon , under
ground , running under the buy city
towards the father of nil rivers ,
the Mississippi. There , ngain the
great monopoly power controls the
traveling pubii9. Although wo
hud a paas to Chicago and
return 25 conta was demanded for
bur mssago over the bridge , which wo
finally paid , after remarking that wo
thought the U , I * , bridge at Omaha
was tlio only "Gull Trap" to catch' ' the
traveling public , but wo have now
' come to the conclusion that it is
hereditary among railroad comanies ,
It was quite amusing to tlio pnssoiir
gors , as every ear WAS opo'iod , but
never a reply came from the conduc-
tor-r-who r.ikod in
- - the extra quarters
03 ho passed through the car.
Nature again draped her mantle of
darkness over'and around us , save the
light of that glorious queen of night ,
aided by the many thousands httlp
twinkling eyes of. the hpavcns nbovo
us. While wo slept others came and
wont , nnd when daylight ngain dawned
wo were running at a rapid pace to
wards the great city of Chicago. At
' 7JOn. : ! in. wo arrived , nnd at nine wo
departed by the Michigan Central rail
road for Three Itivois , Micjiigan , or
the air lino. Hero wo commenced
our first'visit with relatives and friends
whom wo had not seen for seven years ,
'Throughout the counties of St.
-Joseph nnd Brand , wo have
many near and dear friends ,
Hero too , wo hnvb had many
n sporting day , with the rod and gun
in the years gone by. But like the
country wo have just passed througl
at this date , wo find fishing nnd hunt
ing very dry. Crops ia the uboyo
named counties are light and farmers
art ) fooling rather blue. Fruits of ul
kinds nro scarce , In orchards thu
liavo born its hundreds of bubhols o
uilca | and peaches heretofore , thi
yeara re fruitless.
At tiiis date finds mo at the above
named city of Jackson , whoso papula
tion figures up to nbout 17,000 inliabi
touts. It is n railroad center of som
note. Hero the Btato Prison in local
cd which covers an area of sonio 25
Acres of ground. At this prison ih
famous Jiick nn wiuon , which wo cat
uo most tiny day upon the streets o
Omaha and other parts of the wcsturo
made in great numbers , There are
seven hundred male prisoner occupy
it > % cells hero at thin prison , Yester
day at the prison they sold to visiton
1030 tickets at 25conta each , nnd 11X (
this morning in thrao hourx A squat
of 20 to 150 was conducted at one *
through the dopurtnieuta. Time am
pace prevents me given an vxplana
tion of the different apartments.
The Htuto ( air is in ( Miion huro thU
week , ho'.ico Iho rush nt Iho prison.
The streets nro ono continual jam of
pcopJ'o of nil grade , color , nationality
nnO size. From cnrly morn until late
at night , that name busy hum nnd
clatter of horses hoofa Bounding in
your car ns they are hurrying over the
Nicholson , or cobble stone pavement ;
nnd the cry of street pcddlora ,
together with that steady tramp ,
iramp , of pedestrians , all go to BJIOW
and make up that Jnckson to-day iain
tor glory.
Monday and Tuesday of this week
wcro days of sorrow , ns the news
were fresh in thu memory of the long
xpcclcd nnd recent death of Prc.iidont
"Jarfiold. AH public , private nnd busi
icsa plncM , are yet draped in mourn
ng. That over glorious emblem o
.ho frco is -suspended at half-mas
; hroughout the iliflcront parts of the
city. There were n largo display _ of
ovcrylhiiig uaunlly soon nt a stale fair ,
nnd 1 might say n little more. I wil
nention but ono nrticlo at the presold
: imc , where tlrey done the thing HI
argo. It was n cake of hard soap
la only wstght was 1.17" pounds.
Now , ladies , don't blush , but would
t not bo splendid to have such sea [
n Om&haJ '
! co >
HI/AIU , Nob. , September 2C. Today -
day hns been the addojtdny , perhaps ,
ever experienced by any one in Blair.
\t nbout 1 o'clock p. m. the bells
commenced to toll nnd the people
wscmblcd in the railroad park hero
'or the purpose of paying the lost
ributo of respect to our late president ,
Fames A. Gnrfiold. The John A. Dix
lost were in attendance. They
narchod from the post rooms to the
grounds. The drums were inufllod
ind everything had n sad appearance.
iVnrrcn Billings was chosen chairman
of the mooting. Prayer wns olFornd
> y Rev. John Patrick , of Herman.
"lev. G. W. Wninwright delivered n
ormOn whicjiwas very appropriate for
ho occasion.
Hon. Loronxo Crounso , of Ft. Cab
loun , delivered nn oration upon tin
mlitical lifo of'Oarfiold which woo ox-
client. Many were forced to shed
oars by the remarks of , Mr. Crounso.
lolin S. Bowen delivered nn oration
jpon the leas to the people. Jlov. .1.
' . Andrew upon the character of
Gnrliold and L. W. Osborn , upon his
ilitnry career. Following these was
a , short nddrcss from Goo. Uigelovof
Ohio. The services lasted until 4
' in the afternoon. , About 1500
icoplo were at the park , .nearly all
rom Blair. All business houses were
loscd from 1 p. in. until 4 p in.
The explosion in Council Blufft was
istinctly heard in Blair and many
" uildings shook : from its oH'ccta.
Jront Progrosi lu tlio Constrnotlou
of tlio Linos-Tlio Stock
Listed in Now York-
NKW yoitK , September 23. The
( ovorniuc committee of the Now York
Stock Exchange decided to-day that
.ho stock of the now Mutual Union
[ "oli'grjph Company , being in excess
of § 10,000 , shall bo placed on the reg
ular list , nnd included in each call on
and after a ditto to , ba fixed. Mr.
George W. BaUow , ono of the chief
> romoturs of the enterprise , this af-
crnoon said that the on tire line bo-
; wcon New York and Chicago , by
vny of Albany , Buffalo , Cleveland ,
Toledo , ana Detroit , wjll certainly bo
completed nud ready for business by
the 15th of next month , and that an
other line will soon connect Bos
on with Albany , by way of Spring-
leld. Mr. Ballow added : "A COH-
has boon made with the Chicago
& Milwaukee Telegraph company for
, ho use of their lines between Chica-
; o and Milwnukoo , and it is expected
, hat the now lines which nro boin"
milt between Milwaukee nnd St.
L'aul and Chicago and St.
Louis by the Mutual Union
Telegraph company will bo finished
simultaneously with the line from
NowrY6rk to Chicago. " The follow
ing statement of the present condition
of the enterprise wac sent to-day to
the , holders of the securities of the
company : "A southerly line has also
boon surveyed between Washington
and Chicago , by way of Cumberland
'Wheeling and Pitlshurg , including
Cincinnati , Xanosville , Columbus.
Indianapolis , Terra Haute and
Ynndalia , and is behm nip
idly pushed toward .complo'
tion. BO that it is confidently
expected that the company will have
two'indepondent ' routes to the west
ready for service within the next
thirty days , A contract has also been
made to extend the company's lines
from St. Louis to Kansas City , nnd it
is thought that they will be built before -
fore the approach of winter. A con
nection has also been miido from Bos
ton to Bango'r , via Portland , and that
line is to bo completed by the first of
November. The construction and
equipment of the line has been kept
up to an efficient otandurd. All tjio
wire which hns been used Ma of
the most substantial quality , and
known as extra B B galvanized.
In anticipation of mooting some ob
stacle iu sucuring adequate size , and
quality of poles , the company having
been obliged to avail itself of the
stock in market , last spring several
contracts were made with dcnlorn KO
ai tonccuro n continuous supply up to
the time of cutting poles next winter ,
which will insure the necessary quan
tity required for tliio season's work.
There have boon built 2,000 miles of
polo line , ono-half of which was
erected during thu months of Juno
and July , and the engineer of the com
pany reports that the construction is
progressing at nil nvcrago of over
COO miles a month , and ndds that up
on the poles already erected there
have boon _ strung more than 10,0K
miles of wire , A milllciont supply ol
instruments , batteries , and otlico
plant is now liold by the company to
equip 300 ofiicesVith n view to
opening for public business the tele
graph lines which have boon fully
equipped , the company is nowsnokim.
suitable locationa in the dilluronl
cities , nnd BOHIO very favorable sites
liavo boon secured in Now York , Bos
ton , Philadelphia , and Baltimore. "
, , TUo Godi Help
these who help themselves , " and mi
turo invariably helps those who tuko
Warncr'u Hafo Kidney und Li vorCuro.
Mattora of Moment From that
Part of the Stato.
The Coming MUM ConvontJou in
Boone County-
AMIION , Boone Co. , Neb , , Sept.-SO.
Albion is just beginning to reap the
, ; > enclHs of another bountiful hnrveil
t : hroughout our whole county , and
jusincss of every kind ha * improved
irondcrfully during the lust month.
Messrs. Gnnthor Bros , have just
uoved into 'their now nhd elegant
otoro on the corner of Church nnd
Third streets , nnd nro carrying ono of
ho finest nnd most complete stocks
west of Omaha.
Flax hns almost become ono of the
staple productions of Boone county ,
d is bringing n good price in our
markets. There is some talk of largo
. il mills being erected on the Cedar ,
: o utilize the enormous quantities now
) uing raised in the county.
Diotrict court has been adjourned
intil after election , by Judco Barnes.
The I net thnt Clark has got his hands
'ull , without any temperance compli
cations arising , probably accounts for
his notion.
The corn crop throughout the whole
country is larger than over before
mown , nnd is bringing forty cents
ier bushel , with no limit to the do-
A new bank is the latest improve
ment talked of. A Mr. Ball , from
.he cast , with an abundance of capital ,
las decided to locate hero nnd will
juild n handsome bank building before
Peters & Clnrk , nftor twice vainly
rying to got n quorum of the central
committee together , carried out , on
Saturday last , the scheme of disfran *
chisemoiit. Only fiyo out of twelve
republican committeemen were pres
ent , though they canvassed the city
"or two hours , v inly trying to ii.duco
our others , who were in town , to join
, liom. They finally pressed into ser
vice a democrat anil they called thd
nccting to order. ,
Whereupon , Mr. Moore , of Plum
3rcok precinct , nroso nnd nftor ox-
ircssing in + < ho strongest ot terms his' '
lisapprobation of the course about to
> o pursued , moved that-tho selection
of the delegates bo left to the mass
convention , but neb ono of the five
would second his motii.ii. Thereupon
to promptly arose and loft the room ,
oaying that lie would have no part in
such a dissrncoful proceeding. The
remaining live , with a democrat from
Uonnnza precinct , then appointed the
allowing persons to represent Boone
county in tlio state convention : T. Ji.
lany , A. Brooks , II. F. Snider , .T.
I. Itobmson , Kittio Funroo. It in
exceedingly doubtful whether two or
hreo of the delegation will accept , as
tlioy have.repeatedly expressed thorn-
elves as strongly opposed to any such
action. _ >
Next Saturday is the day for the
unss-convcntion , when the republican
voters of Boonu will meet to exercise
, ho right of choosing their own rop-
rcsontativcok and at pifcsontvthcro is
svcry indication of this being ono of
tho- largest and most enthusiastic
ncotings over known in the county.
Doono county republicans will go be-
'oro the state convention this year dc-
nanding only justice nnd asking thnt
: ho voice of the people bo hoard , and
ihat'tlic'delegaeion chpaon by ropub-
leans in momi-convention bo admitted
ill preference to ono appointed , con-
irary to every precedent of the party ,
uy n ring of disreputable political
tricksters , who , not daring to como
before n convention of the people , ,
liavo resorted to the very lowest mcann
to accomplish their ends.
St. Paul ItcmH
jOrrespt mlence ot Tlio lco.
ST. PAUI , , Nob. , Sept. 22 , 1881.
A sad accident occurred last Sunday
while n party of young men were out
hunting. Fred Colin who has boon
in the employ of Wnsmet Bros , while
taking a gun from n bpat , accidentally
discharged it , shattering his arm in n
fiightful manner , from the clients of
which ho died the next morning.
The extension of the 0. & R. V
railway from St. Paul is being pushed
rapidly forwnrd uudor the direction of
James II. Kjner , contractor.
The fall term of St. Paul schools
have commenced under the management
mont of Mr. Scott , ns principal.
Three high Blocumb saloons in St.
'SVcathcr damp nnd cloudy with
sonio rain. Q. K.
Kidney Complaint Cared ,
n. Turner , Itochebter,1 N. Y. , writes :
" 1 have been for over a yuar subject to * e-
rioux disorder ot tlio kidney * , and nfteu
unable to attend to laitlnesa ; I procured
your BUIIDOCK Jli.oon HITTKIIH , nnd wax
rcllovco before half n bntt.u wad ustil. 1
intend to continue , as 1 fcol confident thnt
thny will entirely cure mo. " Pjlco 81,00 ,
trial elm 10 conU. li. * > codlw
Sndtlen Death of a Stranger *
To thu Editor ol TUB UKB.
CITY , Nob. , Sept. 25.
While Mr. E. W. Ormsby was hav
ing his sheep driven from Big Springs
to this city , the party was joined by a
young man who gnvo his naino ns
Crawford , nnd who said ho wis goim ;
to Omaha , wjicro hu had n brother
living ; that ho was formerly from Al
bany , N. Y. ; that ho had lately been
to California nnd Oregon , Ho was n
man of fine countenance , was of medium
dium si/.o , fair complcxionod , and up
pcarod to bo 38 or 40 years of ago.
On Friday morning , before daybreak ,
near Plum Crock , no djcd , not having
complained over twenty minutes. The
authorities at Plum Crook were imme
diately notified of hiu death. It may
bo admissablo to publish the substance
of the nbovo , as Mr. Ormsby was nol
with the party and there was none bul
n Swede to report at Plum Crcuk.
Respectfully , 0. A. OUIAH.
Worthies * Stuff'
Not DO fast my friend ; if you could
BOO the strong , healthy , blooming
men , women und children that have
been raised from beds of sickness ,
BiUlbriiiL' and almost death , by the
use of Hop Bitters , you would say ,
"Glorious nnd invaluable remedy. "
Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago ,
ttacricho { , Scranoss of ffia Chest ,
Gotrt , Quins/ , Sere Throat , Swoll-
f'njjs and Sprains , Burns and
< Z Scalds , General Bodily
Pains ,
'footh , Ear and ffeadacho , Frosted
Faet and Ears , and all other
Pains and Aches.
Wi PrepirnHon on urth tijuili ST. JACOM On
M taft , Htrri tttnjil * od theap Extrrtikl
JVnmljr. A trlnt ent ll but tbe ecrapnr tltlj
liUlnR outlor of iO Cent" , and ertrj on * iu&rr-
III vrlth pila can bT cbttp anil potlUr * uruol
of Itaelitmi. s' *
Dlrectloni In Klfren tangntf * * * f'
_ , _ , - - - , Shaken in Ever l > int
And liber with fever aim ague , or hllloui remit t
tent , the 8) stem may yet t o freed from tno ma-
lUnnnt irufiultli Uostottrc'a Htonmvli liittcre.
I'roteet tlio ystcm against It with this belief ] ,
cent aiitl-siasinoillc | , which 1st furthermore a su
preme remedy for Ih cr complaint , const pntlon ,
dyspepsia , debility , rlioumatl'iu , kidney trou
bles nnd other ailments.
Vf TKorsalo by all Druggists and Dealers gin-
State of Nchrcska , Doiujl.-w County ss :
At a County Court , held at the County Court
Room , lu nnJ fur mid County , Sept. 23rd ,
A. 118S1. . l'ic cnt , A. II. 01IADWICK ,
County Jndrt i '
In the mnttci'iOT rWn'loptloii i f Jennie Ilynn !
On reading nnd illin ' the pLtltlon of Aii uitua
nntl Hell Carey. pra > liiv that they may lie a low-
oiltondoptsald Jounlo H.VHII , and tlio petition
and ntattmci t of Henry and Mm lUnn. jurcnti
of Bald child that ( alii Augustus and De'.l Carey
miy bu permltteil HO to do ami voluntarily rclln-
nulsliln : , ' all claim to xald clillil
Ordered , That 0.toilerKnil , A. D. 1SS1 , nt
10 o'elack n , in , li a'srncd ! for hcnrlnf ; sild peti
tion , uhfiiall person * intirvntcd In ttald nutter
may Bpprar nt a County Court to be held , In and
for 8 > ld County , and liuw cau < u liy the prayur
of petitioner tnould not bo irrnntid , nrui that no
tice of pcmluncy of said petition and tlio hearing
thereof , bo K eu to all persons Interested In said
master , by publishing a copy of this order in THE
OMAHA WEKKLY HUE , a newspaper printed In raltl
County , for three successive \vcfl ; , prior to said
diy of hearing A. JI. CHAUWICK ,
e28w3t ' County Judge'
To Catharine Hcdilc , non-rcildont defendant :
Von are hereby notified that on thu 2d day ot
September , 1881 , John Ucddo. pltlntlff. filed hi *
petition In the District Court , ulthlnandtor
bought * County , Nebiasl-a , against \ou as do-
feiuUnt , thu objvct and nriyer of uhleh petition
la , to" obtain a dccrvo of divorce from the bonds
of inatilmony ltli jou for the folloulnj- causes ,
to-wlt : Ut , halltuul dninkenncas ; 2it , exttcmo
crue'ty , nnd for general relief.
You are rupilre1) ) to anucr cald petition on
the 21lh day of October , IhSl.
. .
.Attorneys for 1'lalntlff.
In the matter of the nstoto of renliD.iiul Tliinn ,
Notlco Is hereby gl cn that the creditors ol
B ld ilcceascil , ulll mint the executrix of fald
ltat' , bifoio me , County Judge of Douglas
County , Nelimskn , at n County Court Itoom , In
paid County , on the 12th day i f XenuiibcrIt > Sl ,
on the I'Jtlt day ot January.1S > 2 , and o i the
I'Jth day nf ilareli , ISSi , nt ID o'clock a. m. cauii
d ly , lor the purposu of prerontliitf thtlr claims
for uxiiinliKitloii , mljuktmrnt and ullo\\aiiee ,
Fix luontlis1 am allowed for creditors to present
Iliclrvlnlinsi , and ono year for the executrix to
mttlo n'.l.l INtatu , f i oin the 1-th diy of Septem
ber , l&il. this notice will bo published In Tint
OMAHA WELKIY IlKKfor four ueoks tuccculrcly ,
prior to the 12th day of Novenih. r , U81.
iicp2t'w3t County Jiulgo.
DexterLThoias&Bro ,
Ptiy Taxes , Rent Houses , Etc.
Call at Office , Ilooui 8 , Crcighton Illock , Orudha.
Geo. P. Bemis
1611) and Dodco iit . , Onmho , Neb. '
Thlsagcney doMHTKiCTLTabrokcragohuslnoits ,
Does not t | > et.ulat < > , and thtrefora any bargains
on Its l > ookB are Irmured to Its patrons , liiitoiul
of bclnif irobbhil unbv thea mit J
Heal1 Estate Agency
Keep n eompleto abstract of tltla to all Kcal
Estate lu Omaha and Vouvlas. countv , uuytl
Physicians and Surgeons.
Owen , Over CrulcUhank , 16th St. , Pet.
Kuriiham and IXa'jfU * . nil-ltu
Ota , W , 1HJ4KX.
Attorneys-at-Law ,
Jr ii'tt oMAUA ,
If 3 on uncr * from Ij sp pla , tun
11U11DOCK 1)1.000 )
If you nroadllcted lth IMIIotKuc-n , ti o
iiuitDocit iii.ooi )
If younrc prostrntcd nlth sick llcndachr , tnko
If your Uowuliaro disordered , reirulatn them wltli
mmuocK III..OD urrrEita.
If jour lllood h Imjmrc , purify It nlth
lfy iltaio Indigestion , jou nlll find an nntldoto
in nuKuocii IJI.OOD nirrius. :
If > nu are troubled with Spring Complaint' , cr-
adlcato them with 1IUKUOCK UI.OOD HITTURS.
If your Llvcrlj tori'M , restore It to healthy action
with lllWDOCK
If jour I.her Ij affected , you will find a sure re-
btomtholn UUltUUCK 111.001) DHTIIKS.
If you hacany ( pctlci of Humor or Pimple , fill
If you IIM o any ymptomi of Ulccn or Scrofulous
Sores , nmratl\o remedy w 111 be found In
IIUKDOUK 111,001) J1ITTE11S.
For Imparting strength and vitality tothc js-
tern , nothlli ; ! canvijtial .
IIUUDOCK nirnius.
For Xcrvous and General Debility , tone up the
pjetim with llbnDOCK I1LOOD IIITTKIIS.
Price , 91.00'pcr Bottle ; Trial Bottles 10 Cts
FOSTER , MILBUM , & Oo , , Props ,
BUTFA1.0 , N. Y-
Sahl at wholesale by Ish & ircMnhon and C. F.
Goodnmn. jo 27 eod-rao
Established 11 Years ,
Assets rtoprcfcntcd
Actho FIre and Llfo agent *
wanted. C. T. TAYLOR & CO.
nth & Douglas &t
My hoiiso and fnniituro is insured with
0. T. TAYLOR k CO. ,
Dor Hth and Douplas.
rt'ffl °
* n bu - , y
n di - w v
< f- *
% *
UJ jd
8 CL. Q :
r O
enm o
Stnto ol Kcbrasl > a , Dauulaj County , HI
At A County Court , livid At the County Court
Doom , In and for naU County , nil tho'JUt d.iv
of September , A. 1) 1'rescnt. A. M ,
OUAUWIUK. CoifntvJudKo.
In the matter of tlio adoption of Jcntito Kj
Cohcr , a minor.
On icadliiK and filing the petition of Am on
and Mary Colycr , proIIIK that ttur | salJ child
limy bo adopte d by Kdwiir , nnd M ry K. htoward
and that they voluntarily und freely who up the
ciutojy u > u care tf Mid child , an al > a the pell
tion of Kdwaid and Mary K. htouard kho lnit
that they uUh to adopt the paid child ,
OitDKiiKi ) , That October Utli , A. ) ) , 1SS1 , lit
0 o'clock a. m. Uosnlsntd for licarln mid petl *
tion , uhen all pcrtoiu Intcrontcd In ml.I nutter
may appear at a County Court to bo hi Id , In and
for Mid County , nnd thow cuiuo why the prayer
of petltlotif rshoulJ not bo trmnted ; and that no-
tlcoof pendent y of thetaldpotltioiiandthchearintf
thertot , bo gli en to all pcr on Interested In > ali |
matter , by jiiiljllahlny ; a copy of thin order In Till
OUAIIA DilLYlIrK , anoH8iixir printed In Bald
County , forthrou succcs Uc WOCKD , prior ( o ualJ
ilaof hearing' . A. M. CIIA1)WICK ,
[ Atruocopy ] County Judjo.
In the natter of the Estate olThom . Elacvmorf ! ,
dccconvd ,
Notice li hereby given that the creditors nf
raid deceased , will meet the admlnUtrlx of said
1-J.tate , before me , County Judge of Douglas
County , Xcbratka , nt the County Court llooni ,
In Bald County , on the lit dayof Xo\emberIbil ,
on the lit day of January , It > ti2 , and on thu Iht
day of Jlanh , US. , nt 10 o'clock n. ui. each day ,
for the purpo o of presenting tliclr ihlnu ( or ex
amination , adjustment and allonancu. HU
months are allowed for creditors to present their
claim * , nd ono icar for , the oJiulnl.trotrlx to
cltlotald enlutf , from thu Utdvy of September ,
lSdltUI notice Hill l > opulll.he l In TUB UtiAllt
UIMUY tor four ecl. urec * > l > cly. prior to
thoMdai of Xuu-uiler , IbSl.
llOWAItl ) II. SMITH ,
County Jndu ;
Wo desire to call the special attention of the trade to out'
olojmnfc lines ( at BOTTOM PitlOES ) of Underwear , Cardigan
Jackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Overshirts , Ovorolla
Hosiery , &c. , now open. Wholesale only.
Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts.
TO .
The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska
jy 18.1UO ' > < * , fc < < f
Commissson Merchants ,
1121 Farnhatn St. , Omaha , Neb. *
CorulirnmcnU . made us will rccoU o prompt r.ttcntlnn. References : State Bank , Omalia ; T
& Co. , lialtlmore ; I'cck 4' Uanslior , Chicago : JI. Work It Co. , Cincinnati.
. C. . < * ,
1213 Farnham St. , OmahaNeb.
1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET.
The only oxclnsivc wholesale liouso in this line in Iho west.
GunsAmmuniiionSporting Goods
MAX MEYER & CO. , Omaha , Ne
The Largest Stock and Most Com
plete Assortment in
The West
Wo Keep ( EverytliiJig in the Line of Carpets , . Oii
cloths , Matting , V/indow-shades , Fixtures
. and lotce Curtains.
1313 Farnham St. , Omalia.
Dealer in Hardware ,
Cooking Stoves
Steve Eepairor , Joli forker and Manufacturer
Tenth and Jackson 9 pw - - - Omaha * Neb