Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1881, Page 8, Image 8

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Tuesday Morning , Sept. 27.
Ifor the ftccomodatlon of our tip-town
patrons nrrAngcnienUhnvo been mndtnull
JMholm & Erlcltson , jeweler * , oppoalle Ibc
post' office , wliero mlvcrtfocmcntfl nnd
onfe'rn for the city delivery of THK l
will bn rccohotl. Advertisements for the
evening mint be handed In before 1:30 | i.
m. , lor the morning edition before 8:30 :
p. m. t > el23-U |
I'nttowon nnll * coal ,
Uoixno , Hcllnblo H titter.
Frederick Lending 1 [ alter.
COO ImnlncM lots Call on liemls.
New oranges nt A. II. OladoloneV.
1000 roitutonco ioU Bcmis , agent.
LTiO hoiv < ei and I U Demls' ' agency.
Ucint ' real cfclnta boom. First
A. W. Ntwim , Dentist , Jacob' * block.
licit line of CignM , At Sixxo'a.
Smoke SUriton & Storm" , ( incut
Cigar , tvt Kuhn'a Unig Store only.
Soda Water , bolter than ever , at
rseuils' new map pf Oraahn , 25 conU.
, . WW fnrnix and 000,000 acroi of land
Th ° Linn continue * ' to roar for Mooro'a
Larne > n . .nd Snddlory.
For PINE Commercial Job Printing ,
nil at TUG DEE Job rooms.
Ulcyclo for solo or trade for a horse.
< 3 J. Canan.
Who pays thd Illicit price for Second
Hand Furniture ! Alirnhatrm & Lewis ,
1121 Douglas direct. feplO-iw
Most olegixnt now stylei of Huts , nt
the Omaha Furier. "Henry O. Ktclitor ,
15th utisct , op ] ) , ' postoifico. ' fieptlfi-tf
Nindlo & Krclle , 213 south 14th strjccl ,
are nolling hats nnd capn choapur than
. -Beautiful lot for Bnlo > ono block.from
lljghf school. ' Knqulro of K. Dvln , HKK
ii 'New gootta just received nt (1. Svanson
& Co. , Merchant Tailor , 309 south 11 Ih
street between Farnham and Harney.
* Ono atrect car on the city ifnes beara
iuurniiig ! emblems. The driver draped It
jntTila own expense , s
r-Conduulor TcnUin draped and trim-
metl tho'transfor train yesterday In ft very
hamUomo and appropriate manner.
TicJiyions BcrviueH'will be bold in the
Cliii'tiun church cverj' night thin week.
The public are cordially invited.
Uov. U. TJ. Tyler , of Louis\lllo , Ky. ,
onp of the moit , nblo ministers iu the
Cliristlfin denoinlnation , will [ ircach in thu
Chi 1st inn church iu this city on Friday
night of the present , week. Mr. Tyler
couiua to tiiil the pa-tor of thit church in n
meeting of day ? .
An nnsuccossful nttampt wan mndo
last night to enter Kchroter & Itecht'o
ffriig store by way of the cellar door.
A colored man named Green wan ar-
rcnteil last iilght nn complaint of n white
* mau wh'o charged him with improper re-
Jftfionj with the IatterJ 'wife. It IH n high
ly colored uffair.
A negro giving hit nanjo as William
.Joiieu was arrested yestorilay on , charge of
Htealing a bridle nnd several straps from
George Caufiold's barn. Ho Is nllcgcd to
have Hold the urticleu to another negro
' \rhp , not knowing' where they came from ,
2cuU.ivorcd iojicll them to Mr. Cnlificld.
BTho lattcr rooognixcd his property and the
If ulTeiidcr'wnn fouucj and arrested.
"Th'o llovoro Bousu Counoi Bluffa
' in thu boat second-class hotel in the
. 1'Vfvnk llonlon . .wontvcst 'Gr.\nd
Island frtefy. ) fep J
D. 1 * . llarknloiv sUrtod wcetu-nril for
Cheyenne yesterday.
.1. A. Uarr , f Nebraslco Clty.i'i jttop.
ping at the Metropolitan.
. _ Harry /Icllera / ondJ. G. Silvester , of the
tgBltfnll ( | 1H11 coniblnationj Arc in' town.
Mrs. Wm. F. Manning left for thu eant
yesterday for a short \ isit over tlio 0. , 11 ,
. & 9-
1) ) ' . W. 11. Palmer and wife and Mrs.
O. ft. Carrigan , of Blair , Nob. , are at the
Wlthnoll house.
Guy liarton , the extensive catllu man ,
tool ; the overland train yesterday noon for
North i'Jattc.
Itobert Liw , dlvkjou superintendent pf
tiio Cheyenne diyiiion uf the U. 1' . , loft
for his homo in Chcyonno yesterday ,
, .Tudgo Hull nnivcd from Lincoln yes
'tcrday. Ho will remain In the cityn
few daya hearinjf , several cases of equity ,
Dr. Amelia Hurroutdu ; of Council
] Huff , at the Bolicltation of her Onmlm
patrou > , will visit thU city every Tuesday
and Friday , and can bo con milted nt the
Withuel' ' house fioin 10 a. m. to 5 p. in. .
Bhe will make these visit * permanent
HIO mcot with sufficient encouraso
Trof. Lnngley , Jrom Washington ob-
nervatory , l'ltt < burff , und a party of aa-
Blat.ntB , paiiod through this city yester
day , on their return fiom thu top of Mt.
.jWJ.itncy , Col. , where they have boon maU
' ing some important exporhnunts.
i 1'rof. 11 , Pumpolly , former Hujierin
-f ; ' . i tendent of the coast surveys of the United
Platen , passed through Oui 1m yesterday
* | 'tiri\li.H wayea-it. "Ho will commence in
* * the sprint ? tho'survoy-of Ihe vntlro north.
west , in the Interests of thu Oregon Transcontinental -
continental company.
T. A. Illokard and John Liuigdon , o
Hilton llogera & SonV hop , utarted yes
terday' for u trlj > eastward. They wore
-accompanied to tl.o tramfer depot by a
number of the thop men , who saw then
elf Unroyal btylo , Meaera 1lkanl \ uni
l.anxdon h'ave both brcu valued employe
. fbr'nome thno Y > yMr ! , 'llofjcraand thei
Ki | > ul rity omonjr their fellow workmen
wwi fuljy dwnonslratud by thobojMycu
' "
lay , _ _ _ _
LrxJicH , you cannot nmUo fuir shin
rosy chocks nnd sparkling oycs wit ]
nil thu cosiuotlcs of Franco , or boauti
liora oF the .world ) ' .while in pee
health , npd nothing will give you
Hiicli oed ' . ) j ftUh , etronjth , buoyun
epirita und beauty oa Hop TJittors. A
trial is certain proof. > Tolo raph.octl
A Dynamlta Oar Blows Up
With FoarfAxl Forco.
The Book Island Round House
and Freight House
Many Other Buildings are Totally -
tally Destroyed.
Glass Shattered from Windows
for Miles Around.
Two People Injured but Mlraonloim
Etcapo from X < oxiof Llfo-
A terrific explosion occurred about
5 o'clock yeatorday afternoon , near the
round house of the Chicago , Rock
[ slnnd nnd Pacific railroad , n half milo
cast of the trixnefur depot. A cnr of
clynamito , Btnnding two hundred fuct
east of the round house waa struck or
jarred , and Iho terrible contents at
once blow up.
caused by the explosion was porcopti
ilo to n disnstrous d yrco for miles
about. The car in which the dyna
mite Wns stored was blown into atoms
A hole was dug in the earth , honcath
it fifty feotduup , ami OMO liuinlrod and
ifty feet across Tlio lur o round
louse nearly demolished , and
[ our engines under its roof were cov-
orud and crushed by thu dubris.
At the immediate point of the ex
plosion were fitnr cars , two oil cars ,
the ether two loaded with stationary
ongintm. Thoie wora demolished and
sot on firo. Aiiothar oil car ignited
'rpm these and waa likewise destroyed.
Sillier way in all direciidns , where
lie c.xra ware standing on tlio tracks ,
lie most
vaa committod. Seven ' passenger
: oaoheo , sixty box-cars and. twelve
itock-cars wcro thrown from tlio
.racks , aides blown in and roofs taken
iff , and all rendered useless. Tlio
reiphfc house and ice housu of thu
lock Island company suffered a like
ate. Both were disroofed , sides
> lown in , and as effectually destroyed
is if an
indor thnir very foundnttons. In
'act , an earthquake could not have
created such terrifio and wholesale do-
itruction. The roof of thu round
louse was entirely gone and its whole
eastern wall and the foundations neat-
ercd to thu four winds. The earth
lug from the cavernous hole was
hrown over much of the debris
, nd formed liii''b mounds on all sides.
riio fragments of the exploded cars
vero thrown over a radius of n ( pur
er of n milo. Gar wheels and Irag-
nonts of axles went sailing through
ho air for hundrodn of yards , and
jrashpd through the roofsof houses and
juildingn surrounding. The roofs and
idea of thu passenger and box cars
voro found in nil directions. Ono
oat from a passcngercoach sailed into
ho air
indcamo down in a sluggish crook , at
cast H quarter of a mile from tlio ox-
> losion. 'Tho cabs , smoke stacks ,
jells and sand domes of engines in the
ound house were taken oil'as
: lcnn as if , cut by a huge knife , and
he boiloraicruho'infroin ] ] which the
if cam escaped with an angry hisa.
\Vlieu \ the
lireo of the the eait bound trains
vero till in the depot awaiting orders
o slatt. As the violent ahock came
t number of persons near the oiub of
: hu plalfonua wore thrown from thuir
'cut , nnd the earth perceptibly tretn-
jled. Nearly all ot the eastern win-
ioivs und so mo of the western , in the
Transfer hotel wcro shakeii out , the
irngmenla of the hm fulling among
the crowd on the platform , Womou
screamed , men turned pale , and for an
instant every ono was transfixed with
fright. Then in the oablern distance
leaned up ihinea and black smoke
which fairly darkened the
sky. Among the crowd who
was a reporter of Tar ] 5ii : : , and he
was soon on the spot. A few persons
only' were there , but soon hundreds
caiiin. running from all directions. For
nn hundred yards about Iho place it
was almost impossible to trawl ,
for the brick , timber , iron , pieces and
fragments , of cars. Four cars were
burning violently , and close by was
another loaded with coal oil , which
WUB momentarily cxpnctod to go up in
an explosion or Ihimca.
Till ! UI..iOK HMOKK
temporarily obsourod the roundhouse.
When the wind lifted , the demolished
[ > ilo of brick whioh etoocl in the placa
jf the apparently indcstriictiblo struo-
kuro noon ton minutes before could
liurdly bo roeogni/ed. Kiiginea , dis
mounted and generally destroyed , were
l > ing under the mass of 'crushed ttm-
bora mid iron supports of the roof nnd
buried in the brick and mortar
from the walls. Thu uflioialH ol
thu Hock Island road arrived with two
or three switch engines , but it was
impossible to approach near enough to
the wreck to do moro than draw oul
cars standing in the vicinity ,
and hundreds of willing hands liolpm
to push Biich of the wrecked coauhea
ii3 could bo moved out of the roach o ,
the lUmes , which now throw out i
btifling liuat. TJio warning cry was
hoard at thia nioiiiont ; "Look out foi
the walln ! " Men jumped , nomoainto
the ditchcB , uonm iiitu thu water , am too soon , for ap.irt , of the mirth
ornall of thu round liouao , whicl
wtta trembling und ahaking , came dowt
with a crash. The litat inquiry , uHc/
the first panic passed , was /
Itiortunately proved that no
been under the fulling wall , 'inuu it
was tisked , "Wus anyone hcd by
thooxplosi'in ? " Nnhody coiiM answer
that question , but pruaeinv n man
came running from /umolishcd
housu Homo throu hundrc/J'ftr'8 ] west
nnd said that u man uml/'Ulo girl had
been pulled from the ruins , Under n
portion of the ruined liouso the two
injured pcoplo were found lyinc on
improvised cot a. They proved to bo
Richard Van Louvmi , n leamntcr , nnd
his little daughter Nellie. Van Lou-
yon hiid n broken nrm nnd liii head WM
b.idly cut , with fours of n skull fr.ic-
turo. Ho nlao Buffered nitcriml inju
ries. The little girl wan cut about the
fncd nnd body , but no bones nrc
thought io bo broken. As thu crowd
were gathering nroutul the BtiirbrorB n
from n woman who ciunu hurriedly
through tlio tnll grnss nnd weeds , her
hair nil disheveled. "My babies nro
killed , " she cried ni she stopped nt the
ruins of n house rtill nearer the sccno
of the explosion. The hotiBOj which
was occupied by ,1. Wullis nnd
bis family , win completely flattened ,
not n stick remaining in its plnco , nnd
the furniture , bedding nnd domestic
utensil ? showing from beneath the
crushed timbers. Willing hands nt
once commenced to overhaul the
ruins when thn "babies"
, cntnc run
ning from the tnll gr.m near the
stream below. The little things , n
boy nnd girl , had been frightened BO
by the terrible shock that they had
run into the grass nnd hidden like
partridges , not dnrinc ; to show thorn-
nelves until they heard their mother's
voice. The scone which followed no
ono can depict , A little to the wcat
wns nnothor house , occupied by Henry
O'DolInnd family. They Imd just
moved in.and the grief of Airs. O'Dull
over Iho destruction of her household
goods wns great. The
na it were , the uprights being forced
out to nn obtuse nnglp with the roof ,
which hnd partly fnllon in. John
Montgomery1 ! ! house , across thotrack ,
was badly demoralized. The entire
side wns blown in nnd everything in
the interior mixed up nnd broken in n
lamentable wny. Mrs. Montgomery ,
nn invalid , was so shocked by the ex
plosion that it is not thought she will
on the utrcot loading to the transfer
depot , wns severely damaged. The
front windows , were entirely' shattered
out , the bar tipsct , nnd general destruction -
struction indicted within.
both dwellings , nearly a quarter of a
milo south of the explosion , wcro
shattered and wrecked nnd everything
insido-destroyed. All of the buildings
south of the round house , in the di
rection of the wind , had their roofs
loDsunod nnd windows Bhattcrod out.
Ai sdbn ns the nlarm could bo sent to
Ojuncil Bluffa proper the Kescuo Fire
company nnd n steamer came
A stream wns soon put on the
( lames , whioh partly aubduod them
und protected the surrounding car
trucka Irom burning. While they
were valiantly working , the coal oil
cnr next to\ho burning wreck caught
firo. The Ignition was ao quick
that nobody could civo nn
nlarm nnd nlmost in nn instant
high in the nir , with n'fierco hurst of
lliuno that seemed to 'touch the sky ,
nnd n black cloud of smoko. The tire
boys nnd hundreds of others nboia
the spot flattened themselves , with a
common impulse , and no ono was
burned , although a number wcro
aingod by the fierce firo. All crnwlod
away ns best they could , So intense
wns the heat that it was some time
before tlio steamer could again bo
brought into eli'ectivo scrvicu.
It was reported thnt nn engineer ,
firomnu nnd wiper were in the round
house when the blow-up took plnco ,
Their names could not bo ascertained
nt six o'clock in the evening , nor
could it b } definitely determined
whether nny one wns in the crushed
building. It may bo devoutly hoped
thcro waa'not.
While climbing ever the mounds of
dirb , nnd rubbish , which had been
jiiled up on either side of thoimmonso
liolo dug by the powerful explosion ,
THE 15i5i : reporter found the frag
ments of n Masonic ritual , in manu
script , which appeared to the uniniti
ated as belonging to the order of the
Knights Tomplara. How it came on
top of the fresh upheaved debris ,
whether the owner had thrown it
nuny , ns ho ran from the scene , or
whether it wns torn from his pocket
und ho buried beyond sight , tire
questions which only the excavation
of the ruins can dotormino.
No sooner had the rerviccs been
concluded at the par ) ; in Council
Jllull'i than the whole city was Hhaken
from center to circumference. Kvory-
body was shocked nnd astounded , In
deed did some exclaim that thu end of
all things had come on this saddest of
all sul : days. Men rushed out of their
plncea of businesQ bewildered mid
ninazod , It Boomed as if cvory build
ing on Itroadway nnd Main streets
was about to tumble to earth. Borne
believed that the city had exper
ienced a
a'JT.lUllDt.1 :
so great waa the shock.A city of
mourning wai turned inWono of con
sternation and filurm.Boon / huge
clouds of smoke were so/n / to arise in
tlio southwestern part of the town.
ly all the
on Main utreot und Broadway were
more or less damaged , llayoo waa
made of ghuu froi/a. At the atoro of
bemai ) iV ; Oo. y > o nholo side was
blown out. TjjO' partition wall in the
Baldwin blocU corner of Pearl nnd
llriadway , \ > s moved. Nearly every
building fo/n mile from the pnatoflico
was niore/r less injured.
E. L. Mugnrta had tovornl panes of
ulaub/Okun ; tilso Smith &Critt'onclon ,
KiolVliotol , J.V. . Smnrea , lliymuro
Cnmpbell , Motcall Uro ? . , Grono-
& Bchoiiptgon , Max Jlohns. Fif.
X > n of the stained windows in the
onirregntionnl church were broken ,
overul of the '
in the ntlempt to auhduo the uiincs ,
Charley Bchncidor quite sovcreK-
about the head. Jacob Thomas had
hand mmrly cut off. Huns Ander
son was severely cut. A house Bland-
ing near by the explosion and owned
by Mrs. Peter Chrisliaiison , the
widow of the man who was recently
killed on the Rock Island , was shiv
ered to splinters nnd Mias Flora Ohrla-
tianson badly hurt by the falling of n
The cause of ( ho explosive is not ,
at present writing , clearly known.
One of tlio Union Pacific olliciala
afatcd that two c.irs of dynamite , la-
bled giant powder , were shipped to
their yard on the Omaha nido of the
river , for western transportation ;
that the U. P. company refused to re
ceive the cars and liatf rotransforrcd
one to the Rock Island j'ard , intend
ing to send the other over last night
It was reported at thu scone of the
wreck thai an oil car attached to
the dynamite cnr caught fire from a
passing uiiynin ; ( hat efforts were made
to detach it from the explosive car
about fifteen minutes before the explosion -
plosion took place. These efforts being -
ing unsuccessful , the employes in the
vicinity made themselves scarce , nnd
the outward bound trains which ran
near the threatening car were warned
to delay until it was scon what would
happen. It is mipposcd that the iron
part of the burning oil car full against
the dynamite car and Ihc explosion
then ensued.
Memorial Morvloo ,
In the absnnco of Hiahop O'Connor ,
Fnthur English held memorial service
in tlio cathedral at i ) o'clock thU morn
ing. Ho. said this is a fitting time
to express our common feeling oti the
sad calamity that has fallen upon us
in the death of our beloved president.
Ho pai4 n glowing tribute to his
worth us n man , us a eoldior ,
and as a ruler. IIo was regarded by
all GiUholics us the representative of
Almighty God in secular nfi'airs , nnd
all condemn the fatal biowthit : robbed
us'of him. Inclosing ho evoked the
blessing of God on Praiidont Arthur's
Pall session begins Oct. 10 , 3881
Address G. U. AVKES M. D. , Sec.
Assignment of Irw'n & Ellis.
Trwin it Ellia , hardware dealers ,
made nn assignment this morning .to
A. E. CogKshall , for the benefit of nil
creditors. Ueforc making said nssign-
niL-nUhuygavethofullowingmortgasfes :
One for 83,050 on stock , lixturea ,
safe nnd all book accounts to Jennie
Dickinson ; ono for 5-1,500 to Dr. Wm.
I/arson , of Cincinnati , 0. , on stock-
only ; iilflo another to J. P. GrifUth , of
Cincinnati , 0. , for § 5,000 , on stock
only , and u fourth mortgage on stock
, o Win. Eddy , n former clerk.
Tt is uiidonjtood the concern has
) eon embarrassed for some time , and
ilnulstreet withdrew their rating over
six months ngo.
Worthless Stuff-
.Not BO fast my friend ; if you could
see the strong , healthy , blooming
men , women and children that hare
been raised from beds of sickness ,
suffering nnd almost death , by the
use of Hop Bitters , you would say ,
"Glorious and invaluable remodv. "
Jjot Him Scronm-
Among the express matter for the
Dhicago it Rock Island road yester
day afternoon waa a golden caglcfrom
some point west. On the top of the
cage was nailed a curd saying : "His
mine is James A. Garfield. " The
lird waa to bo sent to the Iowa State
[ tcaistcr nt Dos Moinea , nnd under-
J' ' ° ntli the address waa written :
" "on 'Vhceler , candidate for gov-
crnor.and tin niiliro icpublican ticket
nre elected , theK Let him scream. "
It is protly sure th * ] 10 wm } , ave an
opportunity to scream.
Experientla Dooot.
We must toll eomo men a great cle { „
teach thi > m a little , but the knowledge f
the curative properties of BriiiNa lir.o.s-
BOM in coses of tick headache , liulifoiitiuii ,
mid bi i'liiimci'H ' ' 1 * tiuu ht by cx | > eriti\icH.
Price aO cent ) , trial bottlex 10 centi.
i. ' *
Catholic Iithrary.
A meeting of the Catholic Library
Association was hold yesterday aft ir-
iioon to talk up the increase of mem
bership. Quito n number of now
members joined. Addresses were
made by Vicar General Riordun and
John Rush. Hereafter mcotingu will
bo held at 4. o'clock on Sunday ufter-
For the speedy euro ot .Consump
tion and nil diseases that lead to il ,
such na stubborn coughs , neglected
Colds , Bronchitis , Hay Fever , Asth
ma , pain in the side and chest , dry
hacking cough , tickling in the throat
Hoarseness , Sore Throat , nnd all
chronic or lingering diseases of the
throat and lungs , Dr. King New Dis
covery hits no equal and haa established
or itself n world-wide reputation.
Many loading physicians recommend
and use itin their practice. The form
ula from which it IB prepared is high
ly recommended by all medical jour
nals. Tlrj clergy and the press have
complimented it in the most glowing
terms. Go to your druggist and got a
trial bottle free of cost , or n regular
ai o for § 1.00. For Sole by
d(5 ( ( IHH & MoMAiioy , Omaha.
No hyad-au'lia or back-nehe for Indira
who drink "WINE OF CARDUI. "
At P ( ) . n
Real Ettato Transfer *
The following transfers wore re
corded at the county clerk's office
yesterday , aa reported for this paper
by John L. McCaguo , real estate
agent and conveyancer :
John McOormick to Chag. E. Fisk ,
lot : > , block8vMoCormick's add. , w.
d. § 500.
Eliza P. Eans to 0. L. Hart , lot
21 , in block 2 , Park Place , w. d.
Gotliob Kurchner and wife to Jacob
Piling , lot 1 ! ) . in block D , ShuU's udd.
w. d.-500.
Mary A. . Elliolt , ot nl. , to Jacob
Piling , lot 18 , in block 0 , Shull'a add.
w. d. $500.
John Thompson nnd wife to Ja * .
Barker , lot (1 ( , block 103.1 , Omaha , w.
d. 8050.
Gea , P. Uamis and wife to L. Laiblo
w J lot 2 , iu block B , Lowes 2d add.
w. ( I. 8400.
John Rituhiu nnd wife to Fred.
Streotz , nundry lots in Grand view
add. , w. d.-$50.
. Furniture , Bedding , Mirrors and
everything purlaininK to the furni
ture and upholstery trado. Has the
best Block in Omaha and makes the
lowest prices. SeptllHf
How Tbingu in Australia Look
to an American.
Mr. D.V , Hitchcock , the popular
and widely known railroad Irnvolini ,
ngent , who nrrirncl in Omaha in 1858 ,
nnd for many yn.irs was n resident of
the Gateway City , returned on Satur
day from nn extended trip to Austra
lia. Mr. Hitchcock sailed in April
last from S.m Francisco und arrived
in Sidney May 7. The purpose -
pose of his trip was to advertise
the American route to Europe , es
pecially the Pacific Mail steamship
company , the Central , Southern and
Union Pacific , nnd the Atehisnn , To-
pekn it Santa Fo railroads. Thu eastern -
ern lines which are operated in oppo
sition to the American routes are two
running from Sidney and Melbourne ,
via tho'SuoK Canal nnd Red sea. Mr.
Hitchcock's business therefore took
him overn largo part of the continent
island. He made Sidney his head
Sidney ho found to bo a city of
about 250,000 inhabitants , alargo per
centage of whom nro Americans. All
are in business nnd seemingly prosper
ous. Melbourne is about the same
size ns Sidney , und is laid out more as
an American city. The streets nro
unusually wide and straightbeing ono
hundred feet from curb to curb.
The buildings in both cities
are vjry good and put up to stay. It
peoms almost ns if the people who
erected them expected an earthquake
to lake nwny the island and leave the
buildings standini ; . The government
buildings uru ns fine as nnywhoro in
the wprld Hotela there nro in abun
dance , nnd although not aa largo as
those in America , they nro scrupu
lously neat slid well kept.
As n people Mr. Hitchcock consid
ers the Australians the most hospit
able he over met. They have an espe
cial fondness for Americans , and ad
mire American enterprise. On many
of the railroads , all of which are
operated by the government , Ameri
can locomotives are being used and
coaches similar to the Pullmans have
been adopted. The telegraph lines ,
and street car lines in Uio cities , are
also owned nnd operated by the gov
ernment. In each the interests of
the public nro paramount to > every
ether consideration.
By the reverse pf seasons May is the
beginning of winter. On the naoun-
tains there is considerable snow , bub
in Sidney the weather" much rtsom-
iilca that of Los Angelas , Cal.
The news of the president's assassi
nation was received in Sidney , July
4th. All of the Americans
were horror-atricken , and for
the day , until further MOWS
of Gai field's itill being alive was re
ceived , the flags on American build
ings were at half-mast and mourninc. '
emblems profusely displayed.
Mr. Hitchcock heard of Mr. Dvwey ,
of this city , in Sidney , but was two
or three weeks behind hinu The
mission on which Mr. Hitchcock went
was very successful. The American
line is rapidly growing in popularity ,
and a largo influx of Australian tour
ists next season is looked for.
If you wish to avoid great danger
and trouble , besides n no small bill
of expense , at this season of the year ,
you should take prompt steps to keep
disease from your household. The
system should bn cleansed , blood
[ lurilied , stomach and bowels regula
ted , and prevent and euro diseases
arising Irom spring malaria. We know
of nothing that will so perfectly and
mrely do this as Electric Bitters , and
it thu trifling cost of fifty cents a bot-
f'e. ' [ Exchange.
bow iy iall & McMahon. (1) ( )
. , .
- .
| SI , at
Sa in. , Arthur William , n < m * , fTnmes
H. nnd Louisa A. Hunter , aired Bin'
Funeral Tuesday , at 2 p. m. , troni the
resilience of A. .T. Hannan , 811
stieet. friends of the family are
to attend the funeral.
Mr. H. Platts , Port Sanilac , Mich. ,
lately said : I have just sold to Mr.
John O'Keofo the fourth bottle of St.
Jacobs Oil. Ho Bays : I would not bo
without it for four timea its cost. My
wife has had the rheumalMin in her
limba for the past twenty-five years.
I have spout throe hundred dollars for
medicines for her , without doing the
lea t good whatever ; now her leg is
licalo'd up , as Bound apparently as
over ; the pain is all gene , and wo only
used three bottles.
Beauty , health , and hnppincai for Indies
At 0. F. Ooodmnn
English Literature Glassoi ,
Miss Popploton dcaircs to form
afternoon classes in .English Liter
ature , for ttork during the coining
' .rlntor. The method of teaching will
combine lectures and illustrative
readings with full opportunity for
general conversation nnd criticism.
The course will begin with Novem
ber nnd end with May. Tunas , $0.00.
Those who wish to study will please
send their names ns soon ns possible
in order that definite arrangements
may be made us to time and place of
meeting. Address
mon-wen&sat 15GO Sherman Avo.
Now stock ot Albuais at the 09
cents store.
Prof. W. J. Andro's dancing school
begins Ocl , 4 , see advertisement in
another column. s&m2-w
It pays to trade at the "Boston
Sloro"OUnnd OlOBoulh Tenth struct.
_ Bopt24.2t
Colonel Martin , of General Crook's
stiilT , wants to rent n house with eight
or ten rooms , with stable attached , in
nn eligible part of the city. Address
Withncll House. IHsoptL'G.
"WINE OF CARDUI" four times a
day mukt * a happy household.
At 0 , f , Goodmin
NOTICE Adtcrtlicmcnl To Loan , For Site
Unt. Pound. Wants , Boarcllnt , Ac. , will be In
serttxl In these columns on lor TEN CENT
ftt lln i each subsequent Insertion , 1'IVK CENTS
per lint. The first Insertion noicr low lha
' TO AN-Clark son & llunJ , ZI6 3.
MON'liV Street. 24M
ONE ? TO LOAN Otlat Liw Dlllce of
M t. Thmni * Koomfc. Crelirhtnti Hlfwk.
To loan at Irom 8 to 10 per nt
on ( jooj fcul eHtatcsecurity , 1 > ;
Ml. ISAAC EDWARDS , 1109 Farnham ht.
iTO LOAN At 8 tier ccntln-
, . . J tcreit In tnm * of t3r > GO and
tipwardi , for 3 to 6 yean , on tlnt-chM city nnd
( arm property. Brnis KRAI , KHMTK and LOAN
AIIKNCT. 16th And Doubles Sta.
ANTKD A peed second' 'etrl. ln < | iilro Tnt
1S21 UhlcajroSt. 83-20
ANT EI-A flrnt clam Ukcr at tlic Oman *
nalicry , 51010th it. P8 r
) Atrood d.lrv IiMitl. Inquire nt
w n.artct , on IRlh St. pt-iS'
AXTKD Situation as faloVmly l > y n 'nly '
. . of eipciknce nmlgcod bn lnr i qmlific.--
tk > n , would III.O to cne po n < * unlc'lailv7lth a
first ctasi ilrjpooil , nttloni or millinery hotme
In n wtstcrn city AdtlrcM for tnowtck * .
"Eastern Salcilmly , " Sir Vine St. , Cincinnati ,
Ohio. 87-20'
Situation to tnko nro of horEvs
WANTKH und cxperlenceiH ) oun man.
Inquire 1DOU lUth nnd Chicago. H. J. COdl
Nhl.lUS. 08-27'
TTTANTKrv A nurbu girl nt S. l iornorU x' '
W ard Mtb. to 27
) -To rent nicely room *
WAMKITo ' , lonvcnicnt to Mreut.
cnrn. Addrcsn II. H. KiiBlnicrt , lieu olllce. 2S 2B
. Onohrgcor tno medium sited
WANTr.D suitable for olllce. Honin with north
lent preferred , AdJrcus U. ? . Entfincerp. llco
lllcc. 22.2J' (
VS7"ANTnil A nii < lllc-.iicit woman toaistiit In
> ' kitchen , nt N0..218 > . ith ! St. h2.2J *
\TTANTFD-A bnrbcr to take ( oroal chop , 6tli
YY ami 1'lerco t . 1H-2II'
Sl'uatlon an book-keeper Iby nn
WANTED lady. Good rtfcreiu cfl AJ-
dro aJ U. , lloBOlllcp. 77-211 *
WANTED A woman who can do Ifc
keeping Mid rare for n child. Address or
cull on MM. IU C. Pierce , No. 711 North IStli St.
" \TTANTED SltUAtlon by a yoiuiR man tn <
YY store. II. MANNWEir.KllllthSt. . bet.
'arnliam nnd ' "
Harney. 71-'JG"
A.first-chss douhlo entry bonk-
WANTED Address I1. O. Z.ox 23. 72-20
Boirdcrs nt 1403 Ca-B St. '
) A unmiu cool : . Inquire 1m-
mo-llattlj-at P20 Harney St. , bet Oth and
Oth. 7c-tl
Fiftran flr < t-class cnn > onterH.
Highest \\a--ej | iad. ! Apply at Oicrn
louse , corner Furahain and 15th. SIIAW-'t
FIKI.U. U7-28
\T7"ANTED A No. 1 Rood inn i for Bonodi
Yf work , wilt pay uowl wngcs. Chas. Kohl-
nvycr , l > oot nnd > Si < oo Dealer , 1J15 Dodge fct.
TTTANTr.O Button hole makers , at _ 1122
Two or three day boardera In
WANTED family. Innuira 1009 la\ import
trect. 40-27
- to build 25 cottage * o
WANThD-Caunentsri it HI I.L. 47-2
\ TTANTED Hannfacturlmr concern wants , a
YY buslnuM mau in Omaha and in cvi-ry city
not already takcaX A low hundred ilollan ne-
: cs < ary to pay for goods on ilelitcry after orders
lav u been eviired lor the sama ; SIM ) per month
jroflt sruarantaetl. Tno most senrchitij. ? iiu-isti-
ratlon solicited. A. ! ] . ARNOLD & CO. , 12)3 !
Ironilutxj , No * York. eo21Gt
TTTA.STED Good neoona clrl at 181S Chicago
W struati. 44-tf
\TtTANTED-A good girl about 15 , to assist In
VV netor * . Must come with good reference.
Address Mtrehniits. City. 30-tf
TTANTED Housckcojer , 110J Fnmham , St. ,
ANTK1) Woman cook at b u Knmet
W 23 tl
\TrANrEU-Glrlttt200l Dod(0 ( attodt.
VV 070-tf
Kcspcctablo cmplojnisnt hy hus-
WAKTED wife. Addron L' . I' . C , , lice of-
c . U77-II
"ITITAKTKII Hy it.f. . tlartlsan.proprietor of
YV tlio Jliwourl \ alley HoiUrVoik , Omaha ,
Neb. , lour Hrst-dnsr ! boilur-niikur , No o her
DecdBiiply. Bebt wages , old. M. \ \ ' . HA1U1-
UAN. 055-lf
WANTED To rent , bj-'a ntttly married
couiilo before Nov. 1st , n small cottaifo.
'ntrally located. Addros Uo iu4 , C'reL'hion
V V ANTKI > - jirl at lisa North 10th St. , 4tl
> V house north n iijso. u , u , miOOH.
_ - . b53-tf
WANTEO Two oaperienenj cuoK ,
i n and thir'y talilo wiUtora , duiinvcok
of itato fair. Luquho of D. T. MuUNT ,
842-tf 1412 Furnlmm bt.
-ITTANTED-Kundlnj , ' hrid 'i- and tuhool boud * .
YY H.T. Clark , Uclleiue. 20-tl
KENT A store In good locality , ui-J for
itioccry store for Unlit } ear > ; suitable tor
any kind ot bu > int ; s. Innul'u N. K. corner lUth
and Ucrii'O. illta. IIILLbivE , US tl
171 OH IIKNT Good nlzo furnUhcd room to ninn
I' and l'e. Board 11 desired. 15th nnd
\Vcl-eter Sts. , No. 1501. Sl-20'
1JIOK RKNT Furn'khcit room lor 2 or 3ciitle- |
J. ' men , 1121IIottardht. , corner 16th. tKU ( > '
170IC UENT-llriclc cr.ttnifo , 6 roonn , 12i
J ; Jackson At. Vossotolcii UtctOi-t. AlKoluiiu
or. next l t. 87-27
KNT FurnUhcd roouu with or nlih-
out board , 1417 Howard Ht. 0 > tl
. KENT A new cottage with thrro rooms ,
FOP. HnUIicd. InqiiiriujnprcmUcK.aOth Ht. ,
bit. Farnham and Dou lai. 29 tf
HKNT Jtut flnUhedtwo tint-class two-
story brhk homes , Sand D rooms , Htabtu
nnd cemented collara ; 1(10 mouthy In advance.
W.M. liUSIlilAN , . a tomer Ifith
aafcts. _ _ _
KENT 2 furnished rooms otcr Mel.
FH ' ExchanccN. E. ccr. Ittth r.nJ Dodgt
1,1011 ItE.NT one room Hltli board ,
L1 fornla trcet. 73VII
fTIOIt lltiNT KleiniiitfuriittluU rooms. Kciwn
I' alilB prlc . hrl < k home. 20iaCiii" < SI.
TTIOIt SALE A bmutlfiil rosldenco prnperty of
JJ 2) airei ulth conunoJloui houtu. Ei''lit
mresof on-harj und vlncjard. I.o 'atlon el < ; litly ,
) nly two and n hall miles from | xMt olllco. Bar-
JOHN1 , . JIcOAat/E.Opp. I'.O. 7U-H
171011 SAtK-A good milch cow , No. 1C5 irth
Jj 86. , bet. Dou 'la and Uatlgv1 7l'W )
IT\Ort \ HAI.E-Hiian lar ooii g homes hy I )
: IThomas. . ( JU-20
SALE 1 first class nblnct organ , lery
1 cheap ; nearly new. Inquire Milton Jto cu
K Bon , lUli anil rarnham t. 0 tf
HAIi-About 300 cubic Jardt ot dirt ,
FUIl t corner 20th nnd Cum ny. Inqu ru
ot ntANIi SASilltOlI , C1& north Wtn street
_ , _ OUi tf
| ,101t HALE Four ncies of land near water
J irorki riacrvolr. alsotwo cottacu on Capita
till. Add. ANMlhWlllhVlNS , tl300 Doiiflaj St
T7IOH BALII A large , cominodloui , new , twj.
Jj Ktory houko with ell ; Rood locA'lon , near
icrto car * , full lot with trees , nil , ci.tcrn , t to
Terms ruasonaVlo. Enquire o' ' I1.v. . lloo , Kin/
H , . , bet. Charlee und tiisu aril fjtj. O.T-2
U SALh ,
203-tf ESTAnitOOK t COE.
T1 SALE A gmull enfflnc , H. W. 1'ayii * %
FOR _ ' iimko. In perfect osdcr , Inquire qf U ,
O , Clirk ft Co. SO-tf
SALE lca e and furniture of 1 rat-etna
Foil In a town of 1309inhablt.inU'lnstato
of Nebraska ! IIM S ( hciljj the tra ( cling men's 10-
sort Inquire at BKG office. 218-tf
3AI.E JUjw ol DouiU Kin ) Sarpr ivun.
Eon * . A. IIOSKWATKK , IGKOFarnhani rirpel
AI.E Neat homa aid ( nil lot , 12 Marks
JPOB P. 0. nt $000. JOII ! I. , MtOAOUK ,
1Z-U < ) > > p. 1'ostoinco.
SAT.n l'ln rtock farm ot 400 acrt < r
FOR house , ciltlo Miecl , orchard Ac. , with
In cany nath of railroad. I'rli * . fllXX ) , par
tlmo t 0 . JOHN U JIcCAOUE , Opn. I'twt
Olllte. -2"'i !
TTIOIt HALU Neat cottage unit good lot nt
JJ 911(0. JOHN I * McCAOUB Oppv ' . O.
AMI ) LAND Uemu ronM l > ou cfl ,
HOUSKH , httujli , tanr ots , laiirl.t ,
rreni.i , cto , Fcu-1'xt pajrj
"fiWKSAI.H Owil houwwtlh lour roon-jt and
I1 hall lot , No. MIS Doilje botwron 2BUV and
27th irtrct't. Good well ntid nh.-wlo tirou ; ho"o In
troot ? rendition. Inquire on premised. 2Jl-lr"
MWIVEU.Afl And fnnaom ri-puirixl by U.
U SCHITT 11th anil 7801T
OUNTO CANVAS * For liocfci , jou know ,
wl.l e"Life \ \ ol I'r Mtilt l rfleldv *
Heroes 08 the I'lftK"tinnier : Outlaws , "
'Unsof ' Ii * lnc33. " IIIA.VAFJION ! ft Co. ,
St. Louis , JTo. pc2GIawlin'
I' OST A Mack Nu-vrour.itlnnif j > np with a
J brotd Imtlicr collarA liberal row aid if
returnvil to 1011 1'arnluiii . BJ 20'
| 1AKRNUr licilcow IMvlHttt whlto on
.1 liclly andi nllt In cich cnr. Ale red nnd
\lito jcarllnirliv'lfcrinlt i-jw ) First lioimo
south ol Slut Tci > cr , on UJIovui- d. WJ1.
IAIITMAN. 01-28'
I1AKKN III' \ red-roan to\n ahout 4 yo. r
JL old. Onncrian liaby proving tropcrty
nnd rayhiff chain * HKUllkA CfK , SMnnfa
> 4 addition. to 2T *
i 1'liOI'OHALS Will be rtuoiffMl until
O Ott. 6th , l SIutihurltlcuof Mnsn. It. U.
htccll & John-.toii . ( No. 1SI" Housjlhs Btre , Oma
ha , forcoiistiuetliu a In Id ; t-toiu build In g on thu
corner ot Nlmh anj Jones Sti. ; 3 ntorles high
above thv basement ) . Plain and pprcHleationH
n y bo Eicenatthoofllco of Ii. A. Fowler , archi
tect , 31713th St. M ) 20
INSTHUOriONS In Kronch , Ocr
PU1VATE Oni'k nnd Lntln. Prof. Henry Vf
Jlcek , 1207 Jackson St. POO-ocS
ALK1) HAY At'A. H. Sander's IVod. 9toro ,
1013 Hartley Ht. 10-M
irtUIlNISlIKI ) UOOMS-ltcnsonnbla rates at
JL' 1717 Cumlngs , be * , mhnnd'lbth ' * lreo < r.
. , AT .MRS. 13. K. CLAKKU'S No. 1 < toald
CAI.r Hcuts , cor. 13th and Uojgo Sta. licse
in thu city 610-tl
Eliza tells pant , | resent and luturo In'tova
nil'all affaire. She reveals thu ilcc ) > 0ht eecrete of
10 heart. She JXJHSCSSCS the magnetic power to
ninii nil j our w isln'8 Call at No. 'JZZ comer 16tn
lid' Chicago street. _
has rattllui ; lon Iisto of hotiau.i , lei ,
BKMIS and farms for snlo Call and KM
. 1-liHS- UUUAl. auu 1st
B RMI81 NEW CITY MAPd,25c. Scolst pato.
UP A red cow. Owner can hf\o tha
TIAiiKM by proving property nnd paying
hargc-s. FUANOIS UOB1)I.\S , Snundors nnd
raio St < . au24-ov wodjt
[ 17"ANTE1) [ E\eryhodv In Council Bluffs lo
YV to take TUB HUB , 211 conta per weak , do-
icrcd by carrier * . Ollkc corner Mroadwayond
Iain , upfctalrs , Council Illulls. eO'J-tf
[ TrANTED To buy 100 tons ( broom com.
YY I' ° r particulars addrcsx Council LIiiI *
IJroom Factory , Council lllufffl , Iowa. OOS-20tf
A good carpenter at onco. Apply -
ply il.Mistcr Hi Adams , Council Rluln ,
own. 059-29 *
I ANTED A liret-clais broom tier. Jlayne
w & Co. , Council ItlutTa , Iowa. 5CO SO"
"ANTED A boy to dn horcs at JI.nstcr . B
W llihcry , Council llluff * . CUl-28 *
Oood girl fo ( fenfral housowork.
WANTKD Mynater , Council Cluffj. CC2 tJ
VX/-ANTED A ft Hrat-clasi tDlller.
V ) Had SOCU3 cxpeiiencc. UncloitUuidH
Did and new processes. SpcakH hmrllsli Mid
Utmian and acquainted vlth ttcani and water /
| Owcr9. Can 'lvo ! ho licst of rcfercncu. Will j
come nn trial nt any tlmo. Addrc&a H.
1E11 , C'ouncil IlluIN , Ja. bli8 /
It ! > a eciiilcman ot experience at *
bu Inv < hablU , n position \\Ith n flr/J >
tUhcr as clcil ; or t' trcuc' . lie crencu given' ' .
U W.VlKINS. Counill Bluffj. 8J2y9
on or Mldresa I'ottcr * I'ulmer , 10uth
CALL ttrect Council lIlulTs , Iowa , i > r , . ' "
road tickets east , vxst , north and south , t"
? 10.00 Hound trp. ! $ > ! ) .CO liu-ry tickcf
antcod , and tickets bought , eoltl and cp
1T\ko cxpcrlBtico I bnokollcltor
WANTED and Utah. AdJv ( < 1B. O.
box 1214 , Council llluffs. Iowa. / fiOO-21 *
? o Contractors , Buildjira and
Property Owaori.
The undei signed having been npf ) > intod agent
or the estciiaho iron and wire iinuufacturinK
louses of K. T. Barnum , of Detroit , and the
aisfcl Iron Foundry and WoiiiB at Toledo ,
) hlo , capacity of M tous dally , is prepared to
uriilxh estimates and prices foi Iron ccluninn ,
: c. , &e. . for store fronti , ulndoweapi and Bills ,
iresliold platcB. wrought iron beam * and Rlrd-
rs , hjdraulle elovatoiu , utapla tittlnga , pulleys ,
halting , &c. ; alee Iron fences , creating , v.ln-
ow ( 'UanlH. sliuttcr ? , stairs , bale , nlie , settees ,
lulls , i ones , iwquariums , fountains , Bummer
lousei , lawn , garden nnd cemeterj-ornamentii ,
ewer stands , grave jfuarfls , Ac. , & ' . , In endless
arlcty. Catalogues aupnlled on atipllcatloji.
IluNltV il. BAUUV ,
I'anur.icturcrs' Agent , 22 1'earl street.
Council Bluffs , JOWB'
TiONALIsT , 10S Tenth Street , uttweo-i Farnhnm
onj Iliiney. Will , with tno aid of guardian
tpiillti , obtain for any onunnlanco at tha pass
and present , and on certain condition * in the fu
ture , llooti ami Shoes made to order , Perfect ,
kallif.icton ! guarantied. au20-lm
Absolutely Pure.
Made from Orapa Cream Tartar. No other
kes uch light , ftaky hot brc l > .
uxurloiu j wtry. Can ! rauin hy Dynpuptlo
ltl out ( ear of the 111 * rr > ultlnj tnm homy InJI
gutlbla ( ood. Hold In c.i.s , liv all Urotcn
New Vcrk.
C. V. OoodiiaD.a.