TEE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , SEPTEMBER 27 , 1881 Omalin "Wlioloanlo MarJiot- OFFICE op THK OMAHA HKE , ) Monday Kvcninp , September 20. f Oa account of-nicmorinl semcc * yester day , business housci nil closed. MnrkcU remnin unchanged. Local drain I i.T. Cosh No. 2 , 114 ; cash No. 4,1 01t rejected 771c , _ v ' v J ' ' 80o. UYi : . Cash , Oljc. CORN' . Cash No. 2 , r.k- . OATS. Cosh. Sail- . Livestock. AT OMAHA HTOCK TAtttlS. Otttle (5no l shipping , 81 OOj fat cows nn'l heifer * . S- > © ' 00. Hojd Mixed p.icldir' , S" > 7" > © 0 00. < i . -op SI luuhturing In deimnd atJOO ; ! , ,1 7f per 100 Ibs gross. Provlitons. FLOUR Spring wheat , straight gradt1 , * 325350j ( latent , S3 7'1 f > Uj winter whe.it ittniiht | gr.ide , S3 7" @l 00 ; jiatent , W 00@l DUj graham rye , ? J uOj Wlic. t , KY'K FLOUll-63 25. MILLSTUWS Bran , per c\\t. 70c ; pcrccninjfs , per cwt. 70@SOo ; Hlinrt , ] > er cwt. 80o ! chopi > v < l food , per c t. 100 ; ineal bolted , yellow , 1 IS ; while. SL 2i. rOTATOKS-lKte ® ! 00. SWKBl' I'OTATUliS Very nctixo ah 5@0a per imund. rOULTUY Live chickens per dozen , 92 50 ® 2 < r > . PJlAIUIl ! CmCICKNS-f 2 2.-@S 00 per dozen. 1JOGS Very dull nt 10@18o. BUTTER Olu lcoiic.ircuat202rito ; < ) r , noinarlfot : creamery , 30c. APi'IYKS tiood , sound , very scarce at S4 00 ncr bbl. I1OXUV Califjrula wlilto clover in comb , 2-l@2."c. LE.NtONS-Steadvi per boeiOOO @ 10 50 Pinest Medina oranges S3 00 repacked. UTAH 1M3ACHKS § 2 50 per J bushel basket. DO.\riiST10 GUAWSS Gcttingscarco at 5fGo per Ib. OALlFOJtNIA rjAKS-l'erboxSr" : OAliTKORNIA I'LUMS $2 )0. OALIKOKNIA I'HAOJIKS S2 CO. CALIFORNIA GHAPKS-8200. VEGKTAULES All kinds briiiK pi ieet and scarce. DEKSWAX Yellow , 18@20c. ( ) NTNS-Siat ( ! 5u per bushel. C'A BBAG R SI 00 ® 150 per dozen. Grocers List. COFFEK. Hio , fair , i : c : Rio , good , He ; Rio,1 prime to choice , UJc ; Old gov't Java ; 2ii@2Slc ( , Aloclia , 'iSlc ; Arbucklu's , TJIA3. Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ; Choice , C > 0@7.jc ; Imperial , good , 40@J5c ; Choice , 00@7.jc ; Younij llytion , { rood , 3G@ 50c ; choice , G"ic@Sl 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf , a"cj Jupan , choice , fiO@75c ; Oolonjj'gojd , 35@10 ; Oolon ? , choice , 4055 ; Soiicnons , cood. 33 < Qt40c : choice. 35 ( 450. SUGARS. Cut loaf , UJc ; Crushed , Gianulatcd , lie ; I'owdered , ffi c cSYIIUPS. . Sugar house , bbN , 48e ; ha'f bis , 50c ; kegs \ gallon' ' ? , 32 SO ; choice table Hyrui ) . OOc ; half bl > It > , 5ic ! , keg , § 2 50. SPICKS. Pepper , 20 ; Allspice , 20c ; Cloves , 45o ; Xutuio , $1 00 : Casaia , 25CJ Mace 81 00. SODA. Dwight's Ib papers , S3 00 ; De- land do , $3 00 ; Church's , S3 00 ; Keg soda , STARCH. Pearl , -lc ; Sihcr Gloss 8j ffiSJc ; Corn Starch , Sf@9c ; Kxceluor GhiMS. G'fc ; Corn. 7c. SALT. Dray lo.\d * , ] > er bbl , 1 95 ; Ash- ton , in sacks , 3 oO ; bbls dairy GO , fis , S 45 ; bbh dairy , 100.3s. 3G5. DIII13U FRUITS Choice hnl\e , peaches , new crop , 9 c ; Evaporated Apple" , 5 IbLoxes , 13@llc ; ; Michigan. S'o ; Kew Yurie apple SJcjSt.Louis Nc.l,7c ; Prunes , old , 7Jc ; now , 8Jc ; Currants , 7@7jc ; Blackberries , new , He CIIKESE Full Cream , 15c ; Pait Skim , IHc. \VOODKNWARE-Two hoop piil 185 ; tin ee hoop pails , 2 10 ; No. I tubs , 9 00 ; No. 2 tubs , , 8 00 ; No. 3 tubs. 7 00 , pioneer washboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown ; 2 7o ; Globe Washbo.vrd. 250 : Wellbuckets chain , and o ply , 20121i ; Colored carpet chain , per Ib , 2U ; LEAD Bar , SI G5. MATCHES Per caddie , 83c ; round cases , S7.3. ) ; iniiare case ? , S1.90. PROVISrO.VS Breakfast bacon. 11- . ahoice lard , IS'.c " ' ; dried beef , 14c ; i-hnuld- ers , cajivu.s-.ed 9c ; hams , canvassed He ; bacon , sides 13\u NEW PICKLES-Mediutn , fn barrels , S9 00 ; do in half bbls , 5 00 emails , in bbN , 1100 ; do , in half bbls. 050 ; gherkins , in bbls , 12 00 ; do , itt half bbls , 7 00. VINEGAR Pure apple extra , IGc ; pure apple , 13c ; PrusMns P re apple , 15c. HOJIENY Xow , SI 80 per bbl. BEANS Medium , hand picked § 350 per bushel. * HOPE Sisal , 5 inch and larger , 0c ; jj inch. 02c ; J inch , lO c. SOAPS Kiik's Savon Imperial , 3 GO ; Kirk's satinet. 3 GO ; Kirk's standarrt , 3 50 ; Kirk's white llussian , 5 50 : Kiik's Eutoca , 2 23 : Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes ) , 3 10 : Kirk'd magnolia , 4 80. CANDLES lioxcH , 40 Ibs , 1G oz , 8 < , 15eboxes4011)3. ; , 10 oz. , fis , 14u ; boxes , 10 Bets , 11 oz. , S.f , 13io ; half boxes , 20 sets , 11 oz. , 8 * , 13c. LYE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 340 : Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lewis' lye , 1 GO ; Jewell lye , 27- > . POTASH Pcnmylvauia cans , 4 do/ . , in case , 3 3 > ; Babbitt's 15al ) , 2 doz. in case , 1 90 ; Anchor 13all 2 doz in case , 1 50. FIELD SEED Red clover , choice new , &ii 00 per bushel ; mammoth clmer , new. 87HO ; White clo\er , new , SHOO ul-alfa clover , new , § 12 CO ; alsike , now , $1300. Timothy , good , new , 63 00 ; blue grass , extra clean , $1 CO ; blue grass , clean , SI " n orchard grass , § 2 50 ; red top , choice , 1 03 ; millet , common orJIissomi , J > 0c ; mIlet | , German , 81 00 to 81 25 ; Hnuxmmn. 80c. HKUGESEKD Qnage oranjfe , 1 to 5 bushels , ? ' 00 ; osage orange , 10 bushel * or over , $450 ; honey locust , per Ib. , 33c ; per 100 Ibs. . S25 00. FISH Family white fish , 90 Ib lif bl > ls , S3 CO ; No. 1 wliita fish , 00 Ib hf bbU , 0 30 ; No. 1 white fUh , in 10 Ib kits , 1 00 ; family 30 Hi kits , 75c ; New Holland herring , per keg , 1 20 ; Russian sardines , 75c ; Colum bia river salmon , per lOOlbs , 8 00 ; Gi'nr o'n Hank codfish , Oc ; Gen. boneless cixltuh ; 8Jc ; boueleHH fish , 4jc. MACKREI : Half hbUmessmackerel , lOOlbs , S1250 ; hfbbl No. lex shore do , 100 Ibi , GOO ; lif bbls , fat family do , 100 11) ,383 ; me mackeic ) , 12 Ib kits , 225 ; No. 1 ox shore , 12 Ib do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore , 12 Ib ilo. 1 00 ; fat fumilv , 10 Ib do. 75c. ' UAXNiU : GOODS Oysters , 2 Ib ( Field's ) , per case , SJ 20 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) , ) > er cate , 2 50 ; do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per case , 3 90 ; do 1 Ib ( standard ) , per case , 2 40 ; do 2 Ib ( slack ) , per case , 2 7' ; do 1 Ib ( slack ) , tier case , 200 , Onions , 380 , Salmon , 1 Ib , per dozen , 1 05 ; do 2 Ib , per dozcii * „ ' 50 , Sardines , small fsh , imported , _ one quarter boxes per box , HJe ; American , ipiarter boxc * per box , llo ; do half boxes , l > cr box , 21ic , Ijobsters , 1 Ib per cloven , 180. Tomutoe * . 2 IW ; do 3 Ib per case , 3 10 ; Corn , 2 Ib ( Mountain ) per case , 3 70 ; Koaked corn , 2 10 ; do 2 Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per ca e , 37. ) ; Hiring beans , per ca e , 2 00 ; Lima beans per case , 2 10. Succotash jier case , 2 20. 1'eas , common , per case , 2 OOjpcan , choice , per C.IHOI 50 , Jllackberries , 2lb , per case , 280 ; Btrawbenies , 2 Ib , per case , 3 00 : raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 275(5)300. ( ) DaiuaoiiH , 2 Ib , per case , 2 45. Bartlctt pearn per case , 3 Oo@4 00. YhortlBber ries per ca'e , 2 80. KM plums , 2 Ib per 1 00@5 75. reaches , 2 1I > per cane , a 10 : do 3 Ib , case , 0 00@0 50j do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , per oase,325 : do pie. 0 It , per dozen , 3 CO , ltioiJ-Carofi a , H@8o ! ; ' - - .oastwl , choice , red Ten- ; fancy white , lOo per Ib ; ' . nia , lOJc , Dry Qoodl , DROWN COTTONS. lluckeyo li f > 7c ; Contlnentftl U , do , 8 j Crescent LL OJc ; Ctesccnt O Tie ; Crescent 11 "ijc | Cresecnl A Sc ; Granitevllle LT GJej In dian Head 7io : l wrencoLL , G c ; Ports mouth P , do , 4o ( Utlca C r.Jcj Wlntlmni L , do , Tic ; W.ieh ett8 "Jc. nLliACillJD CO'ITONH-Altoona 3-1 Go ; Auburn A 1-4 8\c \ : llallanhalo 4-4 GJc ! Dairy Cloth flic ; Fairmont 4-J GJc ; Fruit 410J ; Hoiol,8Jcj l/sn-dalo 1-4 OJc ; Ntw York M ills 4-1 13c ; Pocassctt 0 4-1 8c. Wamsulta , M 13c. PUuN'TS. Allen's fancy , OJcj Am rl- can do , Gic ; Ainohl's do , 7cj Amcricxn del > c | llerlfn solid coloriUc.Concstosfadoliio Uochico robi1 , 7c ; Fiocman robe , ( ic ; Dunnell do , 7c ; Eildvstoi > o do Gc ; Manchester , Tc ; Pacific , 7c ; OJc ; Southbiidge,0jc ! Mynttc , Gjc : Meiri- mack shirting , Gc ; Washington oil colors , ! ) c. c.CAMmUCS Oanicr , Cc ; Hniiunny 1\ , Tic ; Hooksctt , 5c ; Keystone Glovu Finish , "ijc ; Wivhlugton , 5c. CORS13T .TIJAXS AtulroscigBln fat- teen , 8Jo : Ixck\voml do. t'c ' ; Naumkeag do. , KJc ; IJockport , Tie TlCKIXO-Amoskeag. A. 0. A. , me ; Albany S. A. X. . 17Jc ; 1'onlis A O. E. , 17Jc ! Ctmllx , 1J. 15. , iUc ; Concetogn , U.C. , RedSttipo.lGic ; Conesto v , C. C. A , fan cy , He , Conestocta. 5.0. C. A. , 14c ; Uonos- to.'n , I1 1 , Guld Medal , llc ? ; Cuiiestoga , 17c ; Huston , B. , ! Hc : Hamiltnn , D. , 11J ; Ilniiiltnii logular. 13Jc ; Hamilton 11. , llic ; .Oinega > uperior extra , 2"c ; Omcgit medal , 2r > e ; Omegn A CA , fancy ptiipe , 18c ; Ome .i A 4-4 , Kic ; Omega A I , 13 ; Pearl Uiver , IGic ; Shetucket , S. , lOJc ; Shetuckct , S. S. , 12c ; OIL CfOTH 5-J wood , S3 00 ; fi-1 fancy marble , § 3 00 ; 5-1 white marble , S2 S , " > ; G I wood , § 3 GO ; 0-4 fancy marble , § 4 00 ; G-4 white marble , $ S 83 ; 5-1 mo saic , § 3 00 ; 6-1 mimic , SI 00. DKNIXS AmoskcaR blue and brown , IGc ; 15ea\pr Creek , A. A. , blue and brown , 14c ; Ueiuer Creek , 1) . H. blue onilbrown , 13jc ; Ucavcr Creek , C. C. , blue and brown , 12Je ; Kverett D. D. , blue ami brown , 15 J ; Haymakers blue and brown , ! ) jc ; Otis , A. X. A. , blue , Ific ; Otis ] J. 13. blue , 14 ; Otis C. C. , blue , 13c ; Pearl Itlvcr blue and brown , 15Jc. check 13Je ; IJoston O' HnVro. , lOjc ; Uorton XX | bro. , 12Jc ; BiKJiarck stride , 17jc ; Boston atiii > e13c \ ; Dundee Rtripcs , ISc ; Fall River , lljc ; Haniden O. O. , lOic ; Lion Blue , l > ic. STRIPES American , lOc ; Amosiceag , lljo ; Dexter A. , 14e ; Mechanics. 8c ; Omega , lie ; Otis IS. B. , lOc ; Pittsheld , 7c ; Uncasville , COTTOXADES Angora. D. i T. , 2 > c ; A. Y. A. , 2GcBell , lScBiidKewater , 19c ; Capitol , tSc ; Charter Oak , 18c ; Eerett , heavy , 20c : Everett , medium , 15c ; Farm er's 22\c \ ; Lewiston 10 oz. , 2"ie ; New York mills ufiecks 18 ; New- York mills proof , 221c ; WicklowvlSJc ; Union Pacific , 18c ; \Vliittcnd n , D. & T. , SOc ; York , light weight , 12\c \ SHE ET [ XG S Androscogttiii.O- 1 brown 23c ; do 10-4 do , 2Gc ; Pepperell' 9-4 brown , 25c ; do 10-1 do , 2"ic ; Alexandria , 1G inch , bleached , 13e ; Androsco/gin 9-4 , bleached , 2Gc ; do 10-4 , bleached , 29c ; Pepperell , 9-1 , bleached , 23c ; do 10-4 bleached , 27ic. Drup-3. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Acid Caibolic , SOc ; Acid , Tartaric , 5 , " > c : Bals.un Copabia , per Ib , 70c ; Bark , S.i ° safras , per Ib , 12o ; Calomel , per Ib , 70c ; Cinchonidia , per oz , SOc ; Chloroform , per Ib , OOc ; Dover's powders , per Ib , SI 40 ; Epsom salts , per Ib , 3\c ; Glycerine , pure , per Ib , 44c ; Lead , Acetate , per Ib , 22e ; Car bon oil , 110 = , per gallon , llic ; do 150 ° , per gal , 13 c ; Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per gal , 1 10 ; Oil , C.vstor , No.3per gal.Sl 00 ; Oil , Olive , per gal , SI 50 ; Oil , Origanum , 50c Opium , S4 50 ; Quinine , S2 10 ; P. it W. &K. &S.pcr z , S2 2 > ; Potassium , Iodide , per Ib : SJ , 50 ; Salacm , per oz , 3jc ; Sulphate of Morphine , per 07 , S3 C5 ; Sulphur flour , per Ib , 4c : Strvchnine. uer oSI 50c. Horses and Mules. The market is brisk and all grades are selling well at a slight advance in pi ices. The demand for peed horses exceeds the supply considerably. Prices range as fol lows : Fine single drivers , $150. to 300. ; Extra draft horses. S175. to 22'i. ; Common dra.'t hordes , S100. to 150. : Extra farm horses , $110. 10125. ; Common to good farm horses , SflO. to S100. ; Extra plugs , § 00. to 75. ; Common plugs , § 20. to § 40. MULES. 15 to 1BJ hands ( extra ) , S ' 1. . tol.'O. ; 14 i to 15 hands , 8100. to 140. ; 14 to 14J hands , § 7o. to 100. ; 13i to 14 hands. SGO. to 75 Clears and Tobaccos. CIGARS. Seeds , S15.00 : Connecticut , $25.00 ; Mixed , S35.00 ; Seed Hn.vmm$50.00 ; Clear Havana , S75.00. TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Rule , 24 lli. OOc ; Spotted Fawn , Glc ; Our Rope , ( ! 2o ; Star , pounds , 24 Ib , butts , GOc ; llor.-c Shoe , pounds , 21 Ib , butts , 58c ; Purity , 21 Ibj butts , 52c ; Queen Bee , 24 Ib , butts , 53ci GlEdge ( , pounds , 21 Ib , butts , 57 ; Army and Navy , pounds , file ; Bullion , pounds , r > Gc ; Ix > rillard'x Climax , pounds , ! 37c. FIXE CUT In palls. Hard to Beat , 75a ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , 78e ; F.xvorite , G5c ; Rouky Mountain , 55c ; Fancy , BOc ; Daisy , 4."c , In tin foil Catlins O. S. , 2 ot packages , 5 Ib boxei , per Ib COc : Ixirillard's ' Tiger , GOc. SMOKING All grades Common , 25 to 33c. Granulated Blackwells Durham , 1G oz4ic ( ; Dnkcs Durham , 1G 07 , 45c ; Seal of North Carolina , 10 o40 ; Seal of Nebr-w- ka , 1G o3Sc ; Lone Jack , 4 07 , linen bagH , per Ib , 81.35 ; Mnrburgs" Puck , 2 o/ , tin foil , 55c ; Dog Tail. G5c. Lumber. FENCING No. 1 , 12 to 20 ft , $23 00 ; No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , 20 00 ; sheeting dies.ed , No , 1 , 19 00 ; No. 2 , 18 00 ; common boards , dressed , 23 00. FRAMING 10 ft. and under , per M , 24 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 22 00 ; 22 ft. 22 00 ; 21ft. 2000. FINISHING No. 1. finish 14 , H and 2 inch , $55 00 No. 1 finish 1 inch S50 00 ; No. 2 , finish 1 } , H and 2 inch. 83000 : No. 2 finish , 1 Inch , 845 00 ; No , 3 finish , 1 tn.-h , $4000 ; O. G. battens per 100 feet Hu. , SI 50 ; well curbing , § 35 00 ; rough J and 2 inch battens per 100 feet lip. , SOc. STOCK BOARDS-Ahlock , $45 00 ; U S40 00 ; O , S35 00 ; common stock , S25 50. FLOORING Xo. 1 , $12 50 ; Xo. 2 , 537 50 ; No , 3 , § 27 50 ; yellow pine , No. 1 , S4f > 00. SIDING No. 1 , S2750 ; Xo. 2 , $2500 ; No. 3 , S20 00 , SHIP LAP Plain , $25 00 ; O. G. Xo. 1 , S37 50 ; No. 2 , S25 00. OE1LIXG-S30 00S45 00. LATH AND SHINGLES A starrest ) hUntfe * , SI 00 , No. 2 , § 3 00 ; No. 3 , & 00. Lath. S-J 00. Dulldlng Material. LIME Per barrel , SI 35 ; bulk per 1m. , 35c. Cement , bbl , § 2 CO. Iowa plaster , bbl , S3 CO. Hair per liu. 'Vic. Tailed felt 100 HM , S3 50 , Straw board , $4 00 , PAPER Stiavv paper , 3jc ; rag paper , lc ; dry goods paper , lc ; nmnila paper , lOu ; news paper , 8c. COAL-Cumbeiland blacksmith , 512 ; Mori I * Run Blossburg , § 12 ; Whitcbreast lump , 60 ; Whitebreait nut , CO ; Iowa lump , $ G : Iowa nut $ < I : Rnck Springs , $3 ; Anthracite , all tl/oj. & 11 00. Hldet , hurt , Etc. HIDES-Green butcher'n hide , 7j ; green cured hides , 8Jc ; green tall , part cuted lildes , 8@8ig ; dry ilint , bound , ii@14c : ; dry cilf and kip , 12@lSc ; dry bait hidiwi , nouml. ll@12c ; gieen calf. wt. 8 to 15 II.i. , 10@llc ; green calf , wt , utiilor 8 Hu , per kn ! , 50c ; green pelts , 81 00@1 15 ; green lamb xlrln * , 81 10@1 25 ; damaged'hldea , Uvo-thitd ralf , ( cut scored and one grub , diluted two- tl irds rate , } brondud hidua 10 per cent. off. Coon skins , No. 1 , 45c ; No , 2 , SOc ; No. 3 , 20. ; No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No , 1. COo ; No , 2 , 30c ; No. 3 , 15c ; No. , Cc. 1'ox , No. 1 , We ; No. 225c. Skunk , No , 1 , black , ( > .V ; short trli > o , 40c ; narrow stripe 2.V ; l > rti d Rtri | * > , lOc. Tallow , 7. Wool. Merino unwashed , light , 14@lGct heavy , i ; ? < ai5c ; medium unwashed , light , 1820c ; tulMvashed , choice , S2ci fair , SOc ; dingy and w , , 2Sc ; buiry , black and coiled wools 2@Cc less Shot. SHOT.-Shot , 81.75 ; Buck ohot , $2.00 : Oriental P.twdiT , kcg , $ t,10 ! ; do. , half kpgs , $3.48loM rnmtterkegs , Sl.S" ) lll.if.l- \vy \ , ketcs , $3.3T > : Fuse , i er 100 feet COo. Heavy Mnrdwaro List , Iron , rales , $3 201 plow Me l , cait , 7io ; \va hers. per Ib. 818c ; wets , iierlb , lie ; poll chain , per Ib , GIi112c ( ! malleable , 80 ; iron wedges , Go ; ciowbarx , Gc ; harrow teeth , lc ( horscshoe.s , per keg , 500 ; spiing NAILS 10 to 20d , S M ) ; 8 to 10 , IM , 3 90Id. . 4 15 ; 3d , common , 4 SK > : 3d , line , G 40 ; clinch , all i7cs , 0 15 ; Gd , rasing , I GSd ; ca inp , 44 ; lOd oaMni ; , 1 IS ; 10 < l IhiWi , 1 G' ; Sd fiuloh , 4 00 ; Gd ImUh , 5 15 ; half kegs lOc extra. Paints Oils and Varnishes. PAINTS IX OIL White lead. Omaha P. P. , 7c ; whtlo lead , O. P. & C. Co.pure , ikt | Marheillos gicen , 1 to 5 Ib can , 20c ; French 7inc , gruon seal 12c ; Ficurh zinc , red se.xl , lie ; Frcnrli zinc , in varni-Ii asst , 20c ; French ziuce , Sn nil a * t , 15c ; Raw mid burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12c ; raw and burin Slpima , 13oamlyke ! untwii , 18. ; U'fined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , P'c ; i diy black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Pimsian blue , 30c ; ultramuilne blue , ISc ; chrome green , L , M , k D. , lie ; b'iud and shutter L'jvrn , L. M . k D. , 14c : Paris green. ISc ; 1-diui red , 15c ; Venetian red , tic ; IVc.iii i > u , 2'Jc ; American Vcrmlliod , I. X P. , ISc ; ; jellow , L. , M . , O. it D. 0. , 18c ; jcllow ocliru , Oc ; golden ochre , 10 ; palont ilrjer , Oc ; graining colors : light oak. dark 0.1 c , walnut , cbuhtnut and ash 12c. Dry Paints White lead , C\c \ ; French zinc , lOc ; Paritt whittling 2Jc ; whiting gildein , ljt , ; \\hitiug coml , 13e ; l.xmpblack Germantown - town , lie ; lampblack , ordinaly , So ; Prus sian blue , 45c ; ultramarine , ISc ; vnndjku , liroxvn , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , rnw , tc ; siouim , burnt , -lo ; Rienna , tn\v , 4o Paris green genuine , 35c ; Paris green toiu'l ; ! 5c ; cliromo green , N. Y. ' 20u ; chrom- green 1C. , 12c ; veiinillion , Eng. , 70c ; ver- inillinn , America , 18c ; Indian red , ] 0c , lose pink , lie ; Venetian read , Cookson's 'i/c / : Venetian red Am. , I'Jo ; red lead , 7Jc ; chronic yellow , genuine , 20c ; chroma yel low , Iv. , l'2e ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ; oi-lire , JVeneh , 2 c ; ochre , American , He ; "Winter's mineral. iJJc ; Ichlgli brown. 2fc | : sp.mi&h brown. 2\o ; Prince's mincr.d 3c ; VARNISHES Bariel-i per gallon. Fiuidtnre , extra , SI 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , SIfurniture ; , U , S5c ; coach , extia , SI ' 10 ; Coach , No. 1 , SI 01 ; Dainar , SI 50 ; .Tamil. 70c ; asphaltum , 70c ; shellac , $3 50 ; hum oil lini-.li. SI 30 O1LS-110 * carbon pcrgallon , 11 Jos 150 * i.eadlight , per gallon , 12Jc ; 175' headlight * pergallon , IGc ; cry-toline , per gallon , 20e linceed , raw , pcrgallon , 02c ; Linseed , boil ed , per gallon , Goc ; flaul , winter sjtr'd , per uallon , 1 05 No. 1 , 75e , No. 2 , ( iOc ; cantor , -CXX. per gallon , 125c , No. 3 , 1 11 ; sweet. ] ier gallon , H5c ; sperm , W. I ) . , per gallon s' So ; fiish.W.U. , per gallon , OOcjiiPati-foot' estia , per gallon , 70c , No. 1 , G > ; liimbmi , eating , 7eio , per gallon , SOc , mnmer , IRc golden machine , No. 1 , pcrgallon , .T > c'No. 2 , 'JSc ; Bpenn , signal , per gallon , SOc ; tur pcntine , per gallon. G3e ; naptha , 71 deg , | er gallon 20o , 63 de ? . 20c. Liquor. ALCOHOL 187 proot , ? 2 Si per \\\ne \ gallon , extra California hpiutt , 187 pioof at 120 per proof gallon tiiplarefined spirits. 187 proof , SI 24 ; per proof gal re-distilled whihkies , $100l HO ; fine blended , SI 50C32 50 ; Kentucky bourbons bens , $2 00&7 00 ; Kentucky and Pennsyl vania r\es , S2 007 00. IJUANDIKS Imported , 50 00@1G 00 ; domestic 140@4 00. GINS Imported , 4 oO@0 00 ; domchtic , 1 403 00. HUMS Imported , 4 50G 00 ; New England. 2 00w4 00 ; domestic , 1 50G3 50 ; PEACH AKU APPLE LRANbY- 175 ( JO ( ) . CHAMPAGNES Imported per case , 20 00@31 00 ; A merican , per case , 12 00&t ( 1800 , CLARETS Per case , 4 50@1C 00. WINES Rbinewine , per ca e , C 00@0 Cd Catawba , per case 4 007 00. Ladies' Drcsn Choapor. Clilcr.RO Tribune. It's not poing to bo very cxponsivo to dre&s well this winter. Ladies can no longer put twonty-fivo or thirty yards of bilk into dresses ; they are to bo made voiy plainiiiostly ernbroideicd with chenille or beads , and must clear the ground ton or twelve inches , ac cording to the foot of the wearer. At present the great fad of the fe males is for lovely stockings and 'iob- by shoes. Black silk hose aio the fa vorites , into which are lot rows of Chiintilly or Maltese luce. At Loni ; Bruncb ladies do it themselves ; buy black sill ; stockings , and insert strips ol hnndsoino l.ico over the instep. In New York a delightful employ ment and beautiful articles of dicss ia accomplished by knitting whut aru termed railroad stocking. The moat stupid person can Knit round and round , and Unit is nil that is required. For the pleasure of my Chicago sis ters I append the recipe : There is a silk knitting tlnend sold hero ut twenty-nine cents n lull , four of which make : i big pair of stocking * ; but I find the yarn too bofr , a.id pin- feriv tightly-t'winted , fnnir thread , which I purchase of a fringe maker in largo skeins , weighing five ounces. Cast on twenty-eight htitches on the needles and knit away till you have n slender pipe ( entiiely nnnuKgestivo of u stocking ) and about one-half a jatd long neb that , it the Ktucking in not desired nn oxtr.i length. Then knit around once , dropping every fourth stitch ; theao dropped stitches will run to the top of the Ftucking , striping it in lovely open \soik , and making it instantaneously one-third longer , and wide enough for the lamest leg. After ihii , the Htouking tjcing us many stitches smaller us you have dropped , jou knit about three inches ut that M/.IJ , and then too nil. "What ! no heel ? " 1 hnarthonniuiliut- ed exclaim. No heel. ' 'It's n poor foot that non't Khapn it own stock- ini ; , " the old lady said ithen she knit \lhuin \ this Avay ; but the extu'ino elautiuity uf thu r.iihond hose inakeu u heel nnncecesHiiy They mo dura ble , they are handsome , and they are Hucli jolly thingi to have around for wnik that I anticip.Uo my Ohic.ign will tliank mo for the recipe. TRUE TO HER TIIUHT. Too much cannot be said of the ever faithful wife and mother , con stantly watching and curing for her dear ones , never neglecting iv single duty in their behalf. When they are assailed by disease , and the system should have a thorough cleansing , the stomach and bowels regulated , blood purified , malm hi poison exterminated , she must know that Electric ! Bitters nro thu only euro remedy. They nr thu beat and purest medicine in thu world , and only cost filty cents. Hold by Ish ft MoMahon. ( U ) Flannels , BlankotH and Bed Com * forts low , ut the "Boston Store , " OM and 010 Huuth Tenth si root Hcpt2l-2t THE ASSASSIN. District Attorney Oorkliill Has an Interview With Him Yes terday , His Cnso to Receive Considera tion by the Grand Jury Mjuday , CouugoltoTioA sigiiodHim Xnmcs of tlio "WUncftRca Wlio Hnvo Boon Summoned. GDITEATJ National Associated I'rcM. TO 111 : HIOimtTKll AT OXCI ! . WASHINGTON. September UO.-Dis- ttict Attoinoy Corkhill yWtcd Guilcau uhdhad n long conversation witli him to-dny , Warden Crocker was there also. Guitunu was brought int * > the rotunda. Said Corkhill : "llosuumod to bo in good health , and I should think from his appearance that ho had gained ten pounds niuce hu was first imprisoned , llo wna not excited and did not show any iioivousness. I don't think ho over appimed cooler in his lifo Ho nceiued per fectly easy und talked in n manner to fthow that ho fully understood nil that wns being said. " "What was tlio object of your visit , Colonel ? " "It wns to sen him in connection with his caso. I said the grand jury would meet next Monday , and hia would bo the fust case presented , and I did not doubt but that an indictment would bo found , llo did not appear surprised , and said it wns nil right , and ho had anticipated it would como and could not expect anything else. Ho know I had iv duty to perform , and thanked mo for coining to see him and notifying him that his case was so soon to receive consideration. I told him that when nn indictment was found und the time arrived for arraignment there might bosomo pre liminary matters that his counsel would like to know about , and if ho intended to have counsel ho had bet ter secure them at ouco. I told him if there was any attorney whoso ser vices ho acsired to secure and would let me know I would notify him at onco. Ho asked mo to Bond for his brother-in-law , Geoigo Seoville , of Chie-igo , and I did tele graph for him to-night. Ho said he would like to have another eminent counsel , at ho termed them , and named Hon. Emoiy Storrs , of Chicago , whom ho thought would muke nn able defence for him. Noth ing will bo done until his brother-in- law nuivcB and then , I presume , the matter will bo settled. He said : ( > I hear the president is dead , " but 1 did not ausnor him and went on talk ing about something else. All of thu subpoenas on the n.irt of the govern ment for its witnesses were sent to night instructing them to bo hero next Monday at 10 a m. , when the case will be placed in tlio hands of the grand jury. They will work on it without interruption until they finish it. " "What witnesses have been sum moned ? " "All that I thought had the slight est knowledge. There uio fifteen in all I believe , among them Drs. Bliss , Agnew , Hamilton und all thu physi cians who attended the late presi dent. " ' 'How soon will the trial follow the indictment ? " "Very soon , 1 am inclined to think I don't sco where any good reason can bo offered for delay. Ho did not show his victim much of n chance to do anything except to suffer nnd die. " "Do you anticipate much excite ment at the court house at the time of the arraignment and trial ? " "Of course I expect a largo crowd , but bclievo the trial will proceed quietly and without intontiption. Urcat precaution will bo taken , how ever , to prevent any outburst that might tend to serious results , Ho will bo indicted for murder , of course , and wo will try him for murder. " "Then you admit that there is law sujliuitiiit to cover tlio ciimo und try tins man for murdoi ? " "I have never expiessod myself on tliis subject because I did not think it proper to do HO. Under the circum stances I can only suy that if this man is indicted for murder , and I urn sure ho will bo , he will undoubtedly bo prosecuted ftir minder , und Jaw uufM- ciont tiill bo found for it. " Spuro the Tree * . Wo are pleased to note that Judge MeF.irhmd , the now Commissioner of the Land Oilico , is signalizing his ud- miiifbtrutioii of that important bureau by an ellbrt to picvont timber depre dations , llo IIUH hud prup.ued u form of receipts to bo issued to Huttlura by local land olliceu , on the nmigin of which uio two notes , conspicuously printed one informing the settler how much timber he may out and in what manner , and the other directing the local land olllcois to read and ex plain the law to each settler gmuking application for lands. This \yill ell'iict- uuily dispose ot the plea of ignorance BO often urged by treu-destroyerB , and ought to liavoaHalutarygoneiul oiuict , It will not put a btop to the mischief , as it does not go far enough ; but it is u move in ( he tight direction , mid wo liopo it is but tint prtiludu to other and nioio radical and stringent ineas- m us. In nothing are wo so careless and short-sighted as in our treatment of the timber iUCHtion. | Tlio axu is an emblem in our hands of wholesale and wicked destruction. Wo take no moio thought of our trees than if they were BO many weedo , whim in fact they are of exceeding importance , and their preservation ia a matter that hut become a vital ( mention. Bo long its our forests seemed practicable * to attract an much attention to this sub ject as it deserved ; but now that the annual timber drain is beginning to bo felt in scarcity and incicasing val ue , there is no oxeuse for our unco/i- corn. The situation is otio which calls loudly for itromptQ.iud serious treatment , Without Homes sharp and sutliuiunt preventive , we shall in the next ten or fifteen years llnd our selves pinched and hindered in our commonest industrial concerns by lack of timber if , indeed , wu ahall not actually bo forced to import it from foreign count ries. It has been estimated that wo have at Ic.ut a million men engaged in em ployments where wood is an essential element. The cjiolialion of forests by the lumbeimen fa incalculable , Our railroads use ixnmmlly for ties o iuian tity of timber equal to 08,000 ams of the best natural woodlands ; and 1150,000 trees are required every year for repairs nn the vmioiis telegraph lines. In the mining rogioni of the Weal a rockier waste is constantly coing on , which must soon leave the face of the country ns bare as a de sert. Wood is still laigoly used for fuel and the driving of machinery , notwithstanding our immense and j\ell-distiibutcd wealth of coal. And in addition to all wo use and naslo for domestic and industrial purposes , it is computed that fully an much more is destoyed by the tcriiblo lires which accident and thoughtlosssness cause to sweep through our heaviest timber districts jcnr after year--ao witness that of 1871 , in Wisconsin , which de vastated thousands of snuaro mile ? of the llnesl forests on the continent , and that so recently raging in Michi gan n hero the losi ia incalculable. These are things not to bo lightly estimated. They have to do diiectly with our national pi asperity. Wo j are pursuing iv policy which , unless 'chocked ' and changed , will inevitably I provo disastrous. Tlio oxpeiienco uf other countries in this icgard ia full of warning to us. Italy and the fair est portions of Scotland , lower Spain and Hungary , were ruined by disbos cation. Austria and Germany were sorely iujuiud in the same way , and would have been permanently blight ed if they had not taken stopl in time to arrest the evil. Tlio statistics show that in almost nil parts of Kuropo the wood supply comes far short of the demand ; the list of prices during the last ten yearn discloses the singificant fact that everything li.ii declined ex cept timber , and has steadily advanc ed. Visiting foicigners , eonversant with tliceo facts and knowing their tendency , aiu amaxeil at our blind and foolish course ; and yet it is well-nigh impossible to get our statesmen and our people to consider the matter. A few individual capitalists are begin ning to think about it , however , and buying largo tracts of w oodland fcfor speculative purposes. There is sulliciont limber on the public lands to pay oil' the national debt , and our forests might bo made a course of easy and considerable income - como , if wo would only pr tccl them. 1'ruBnia icalizes an annual profit of' ' 820,000,000 on her exports of timber. Wo might do still bettor with very little trouble. liut wu can never hope to do it ns wo are now actinu. On the contiary , wo are much more likely to be buyers than sellers , and that before long. Thcro is no ono thing in whfoh the Government could more certainly benefit itself , and at the same time , promote the intorosln of the people , t'nin in arrebting the de struction of the trees , and pioviding means - as has been done in other countries for fostering their cultiva tion. Wo speak of the matter in its merely economic aspect. There are other considerations of moment which should also bo taken into the account , but wo have not space hero to treat them : and , then , the inducement of profit should bo enough in itself to satisfy the piactieal American mind. This process of waste and improvi dence can not go on many yean moio without grave results. Wo should have good sense enough , while it is yet time , to avert such consequences by adopting precautions that are ob viously the only safcgitiida. DexterLThoinas&Bro , WILL BUY AND SELL AND ALL THANSAOTIOH CONNKCTKD TIIKHIW ITU. Pay Taxes , Bout Houses , Etc. IT TOD WANT TO HUT OH BRLL Call at Office , Uoom 8 , Crclghton lllock , Omaha. np6-d Geo. P. Bern is REAL ESTATE AGENCY , 16th find Dodge bti. , Omaha , Neb. Thin aKtngy JOCK gTRicrtra tirokurago InmIncut , OOCH not ] < cciilutc , and tlicrc.foin any Iin.ralii9 ( on Itn Ixioka nrr inxuri-d to Its ) iittun , Ineteail ol hi > li > L' rnlililml mi liv Ilinnt'oiit tTKOV I1KKU , I.CWIHHKIID BYRON REED & CO. Real Estate Agency IN N1JI1UASKA3 Keep n coimikto nlutract of tltln to all Itcal ( 'Btntu In Omann anil Doutliu uountv. niaytf DRS. COFFMAN AND THOMPSON , Physicians and Surgeons. , Otrrt'ruliJifilituil , initi St. , Hit. Puriilimn anil DoudaH. a'JMm BOG&S & HILL , REAL ESTATE BROKERS. No. 15UH Faruliam Street. gz.TXT : r Kor li liln mm nritnd Ontral flntnl , DP , Amelia Burroughs AT THE WITHNELL HOUSE , Tuesdays and Fridays , 1O a. m. to 6 p , m. ] ) ' . ' ( tl UKU , " . UUAMi , A , 0. CAMI-UPI , ! ! DOANE & CAMPBELL , Attorneys -at-Law , 8 W COIt.HTH IvSl'tf OMAHA. E. D. MCLAUGHLIN , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW And Notary Public , Frenzler'i Block , Opposite Pott Office , D. S. BENTON , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW AlillACH Cor. DnuiU Hill 8tK. Oinalu Nob. VOI. K. CMUKUO.t. 1 , U. IIUHT Clarkson & . Hunt , ( JuccmT * tn ItkliarJa & Hunt , ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW , B tUlBtrvut Out In Nub ' DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS , HOTELS. AFMPAHOE MOUSE , L. OLUTE , Arapahoc , DENVER HOUSE CAIRNS A WILLIAMS , Hastings , Neb. SANDERS HOUSE , CHAS , E. McNISH , Frloml , Neb. if WOODWARD HOUSE , WAREN WOODWARD , Exeter , Neb. PACIFIC HOTEL , 8. J. PORTER , Fairmont , Ntb ESTE3 HOUOE , N. T tSTE8 , Or A nil Uland , Nth. U. P. HOTEL , 8 , F. DERRY , Gibbon , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , F. W. WILM8 , Kcnrncy , Nc ! > . COMMERCIAL HOUSE , T. M. STONE , Orlonns , Neb. HOLLAND HOUSE , GEO. D. HOLLAND , Red Cloud , Neb. WILDER HOURE1 THOMPSON REED Wither , Neb DLUE VALLEY HOUSE , R. DAVIS , De Witt , Neb , REYNOLDS HOUSE , Z , C. ROCKHOLD , Wymorc , Neb. j COMMERCIAL HOUSE , A. 0. CAARPER , Hnrdy , Neb. WESTERN HOUSE , E. FUNKHOU3CR , Chctter , Neb. PACIFIC HOTEL , W. P. REHSHAW , OcMrlcc , Neb. SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & DECKER , Crctton , la , OUDKINS HOUSE , JUDKIN8&DRO. , Rrri Onk , In. + COMMERCIAL HOTEL , WM. LUTTON , . Vlllltcn , In. PARK HOTEL , W , d , OARVIN , Cornlnc , In. DURKE'S HOTEL , E. R. DURKE , Carroll , In. CHENEY'S UNION HOTEL , CHENEY DR03. , Mo. Valley dune. , la. ' NEOLA HOTEL , F. SIEVERTZ , Neoln , la. CENTRAL HOUSE , 3. P. ANDERSON , Malvorn , la. EMERSON HOUSE , A. L , SHELDON , Emerson , la. CROMWELL HOUSE , MRS. R. COCHfUN , Cromwell , I . [ OENTUAL NEBRASKA 11. , t M. H. 11. ] DORCHESTER. Alli-n & Mii\lield General Merchandise. AV. H. Toolo. General Merchandise. Thoi. ilnrrott. Wholesale and Uolnil Grocer. McMiinus VHiims Hardware , Stoves , Tinwnic and IinplomontB. John 0. Bel-lees Timber , Coal , Limo , Glass , Ac. Samuel G. ranter Druggist. AV. H. Sawdon Restaurant and Confectionery. S. H. Burns Station Agent B. As M. Jl. It. STAR STOVE POLISH AND BEAUBRUMMELBOOT BLACKING MANUFAC'rUIUM ) BY MARBLE HEAD LIME CO.'S f k ifl * n tf 3 * fl PWfl * * & * Bonble Strength White Lime Lumber , Lath , Shingles , Thirteenth and California Streets , , OMAHA , - - - NEB. Bi > 2hm > lm TO ALL' OTHERS In Convenience , DURABILITY , ECONOMY GENERAL CONSTRUCTION. THE SOLD BY Lang & Fotick. OHAELES MCDONALD NOW OFFERING FOR ONE MONTH ONLY DECIDED BARGAINS - XKT - Ladies' ' Suits , Cloak Ulsters , Circulars. Etc. ! 300 Handsome Suits , at $5 00 ; 300 Stylish .Suits , $1O,00 , 75 Black Silk Suits , $17.00. Wo have several lots of staple goods which will bo offered at SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. All ladies should avail themselves of this great sale of | OORSEIS AID UNDERWEAR , 'LINEN AND MOHAIR ULSTERS , SILK AND LTNEN HANDKERCHIEFS , LAWN SUITS AND SACQUES. CHARLES MCDONALD. MAX MEYER & BRO. , the Oldest Wholesale and Retail Jewelry House in Omaha. Visitors can here find allnovelties in Silver Ware , Clocks , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , Ihe La test , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in Precious Stones , and all descriptions of Fine Watches at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers , Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Farn- ham Streets MAX MEYER . & BRO. IAXIETER & BED. , O 3MC THU LEADING [ I IN Till : WIST I General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low as any Ea'stern Manufacturer and Dealer. Pianos and Organs sold for cash or installments a * Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID stock of Steinway Pianos , Knabe Pianos , vose & Son's Pi anos , and other make * . Also Clough & "Vita-ran. Sterling , Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us before pur chasing. Buy the PATENT PROCESS MINNESOTA FLOUB , It always gives satisfaction , because it makes a superior article of Bread , and is the Cheap est Flour in the market , Every sack warranted to run alike or money refunded. W. M. YATES , Cash Grocer.